Undergrad Int'l Advising 16-17

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International Student Advising Information Academic Year 2016-2017 Online Edition Revised: 9/16/2016

Prepared by The Office of the Dean of Student Success 16 Chapel Building Ph. 805-5813

WELCOME Dear International Cardinals: On behalf of the Student Success Department, welcome to the University of the Incarnate Word. If you are working towards a degree at UIW or are here as an exchange student, the Student Success Department will endeavor to provide you with a rewarding experience. Advising is key to your success--so please read this handbook carefully. You will find important guidelines to assist you with as well as information on resources and offices that are dedicated to your success. Again, we are so excited you have selected UIW and we want you to know that whether you will spend one or two semesters with us as an exchange student, or will be working towards a Bachelor’s Degree, your success is extremely important to us. Have a wonderful year and do not hesitate to let us know, if you have questions or need additional assistance. Sincerely, Sandy McMakin, Dean of Student Success Moisés Torrescano, Director of Special Services

GENERAL UNDERGRADUATE INSTITUTIONAL POLICIES & PROCEDURES Academic Calendar: International students are strongly encouraged to become familiar with the University’s Academic Calendar and important deadlines. The calendar can be accessed at: http://www.uiw.edu/registrar/deadlines.html Advising Period and Registration Day: Twice per year, the University holds the Advising Period and Registration Day. During this time students meet with their academic advisors to discuss their programs, review progress towards graduation and prepare class schedules for the following semester. The Advising Period and Registration Day are normally held in April (for the summer and fall semesters) and November (for the spring semester). Appointments: Meetings with faculty and other University administrators require an appointment. Appointments must be kept at the appointed time. If students have to change or cannot keep their appointments, they must notify faculty and administrators in a timely manner. Attendance and Religious Observance Policies: Unless otherwise stated in the course syllabus/outline, or unless an absence is excused in accordance with this policy, students are expected to attend and participate in all scheduled class meetings. Students taking on-line courses are expected to show active participation in the course as defined in the course syllabus/outline. Faculty are expected to communicate class attendance and participation requirements in the course syllabus/outline. Students are responsible for meeting the attendance and participation requirements in each course. If there are any questions or concerns over the requirements, students should speak directly to the faculty at the beginning of the semester. Notification of Faculty:

Planned Absences. Students must notify instructors in writing at least two weeks prior to planned absences such as participation in an official university function, observance of a religious holy day or active military service. If the absence is for the observance of a religious holy day see Class Absences for Religious Holy Days policy. If the absence is for military service the student should provide to each instructor a copy of the military orders (see #2.b. below regarding extended absences due to military service).  Illness or other extenuating circumstances. Students should notify the instructor directly of absence due to illness or other extenuating circumstance. Making up missed coursework:  With instructor permission, make-up exams and assignments will be scheduled by the instructor within a reasonable time. Make-up exams and assignments will be equivalent to and no more difficult than the original assignments.  A student who misses multiple class periods should seek advice from the instructor about the practicality of continuing in the course or requesting an Incomplete grade (if the student is otherwise eligible for an Incomplete grade). Withdrawing from a course:  Students who are not able to attend a course are responsible for dropping the course by the appropriate deadline. Instructors may not automatically drop a student from a course.  Students who do not attend and who do not officially drop the course will receive a failing grade for the course. Disputes and Appeals:  If there are disagreements about absences that cannot be resolved between the student and the instructor the student should contact the Office of the Dean of the College or School who has oversight for the respective course. The Student Complaint Policy is found in the Student Handbook & Code of Conduct. Classes Absences for Religious Observances:  The University of the Incarnate Word welcomes persons of diverse backgrounds and is therefore committed to providing reasonable accommodations for students wanting to attend religious observances and who will miss class. Students must inform instructors at least two weeks prior to attending a religious observance. Students use the form found in the UIW Student Handbook & Student Code of Conduct to request accommodations from the instructor. Bachelor’s Degree Requirements:         

120 credit hours with a minimum of 2.00 GPA. Some degree programs may require more than 120 hours. 40 – 43 hours of the Core Curriculum. A minimum grade of C is required in ENGL 1311L and ENGL 1312. 36 credit hours of upper level courses (3000 and 4000). 45 credit hours of residency work at UIW; 12 hours must be in upper level major courses. 36 of the last 45 credit hours must be completed at UIW. Completion of all major requirements. A minimum C grade must be earned in all courses related to the major, concentration, specialization and minor. Completion of sufficient elective courses to fulfill the total number of hours required for graduation. Some degree programs do not require electives. 45 clock hours of Community Service. Payment of all outstanding bills and return of University equipment and library books.

Class Schedule Access: Students can access the University’s semester class schedule and course descriptions at: https://bannerweb.uiwtx.edu/prod/twbkwbis.P_GenMenu?name=homepage Class Schedule Changes: Requests for changes of schedule have to be approved by the student’s Academic Advisor (see Resources and Student Services section). Class Overrides: Class overrides are considered on an individual basis as well as the student’s extenuating circumstances. In addition the department’s class limit and fulfillment of course prerequisites are also considered. Class overrides are not negotiable. Deans and Academic Department must approve overrides. If you feel you have an extenuating circumstance for requesting an override, you should first discuss the request with your advisor and the Dean of the appropriate school. Classification of Students: Students are classified according to the number of credit hours completed: Freshman 1 – 29 hours. Sophomore 30 – 59 hours. Junior 60 – 89 hours. Senior 90 – or more hours. Course Substitutions: Students who want to receive credit for coursework taken at another college or university, are required to submit a course description and a Course Substitution Form (CSF) which has to be approved by their advisor. CSFs can be obtained at the Registrar’s Office (129 Administration Building) or at: http://www.uiw.edu/registrar/forms.html. Dean’s List: Students, who at the end of each semester, receive a 3.50 or higher GPA are eligible for admission into the Dean’s List and receive a special letter of recognition, via e-mail, and instructions on how to request a certificate. Dean’s list information is also posted online at http://www.uiw.edu/deanslist/. Eligible students must have at least 12 hours of graded college level coursework and no IP grades. Students who achieve the Dean’s List will be notified, via email, after grades are posted and GPAs verified. The approximate date for each term is June 15 for spring semester and February 17 for fall semester. If you are participating in a sponsored program that requires an earlier notification, please let your international sponsor know that you will receive this notification. Degree Sequencing: Students are required to have an understanding of their degree plan. Part of that understanding includes “course sequencing”.  Course sequencing means the order in which certain courses, specifically in the major, have to be taken as to facilitate progression to graduation.  Students who want to drop or withdraw from a course should discuss how it may affect their course sequencing.  Failing grades will affect course sequencing and as a result graduation timeline. Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA): In the United States students are considered adults after being accepted into a college or university. FERPA is a federal law that protects students’ privacy. This means that the University cannot and will not release any information about the student’s file without his or her written approval. All new students are required to sign a FERPA form which can be downloaded from the Registrar’s Office web page: http://www.uiw.edu/registrar/forms.html

Grade Point Average (GPA) and Grades: The minimum GPA required for an undergraduate degree is 2.00. Students working towards a degree at UIW, must complete ENGL 1311L English Composition I and ENGL 1312 English Composition II with a grade of C or higher. Students also have to earn a minimum grade of C or higher in all the course work related to their major and minor. Mathematics Literacy Requirements:  If students’ school or college transcript evaluations indicate that they are not prepared to take a college level mathematics class, they will be required to take an Accuplacer Mathematics Placement Test. .  The minimum passing score is 63. Students who score below 63, will be required to take MATH 0320 Intermediate Algebra. This course will prepare students to take the appropriate college mathematics course according to their major.  MATH 0320 does not count towards the student’s total credit hours for graduation, but counts towards the student’s semester GPA.  All students should speak to their advisors concerning the appropriate mathematics course for their major. Permission to Study at Another Institution: International students who want to take courses at another college or university during the summer session must obtain permission from their advisors and complete a Request to Study at Another Institution Form. This form is available at the Registrar’s Office. Courses taken at another institution will be accepted if students receive a C grade or higher. It is the student’s responsibility to provide the Registrar’s Office with an official transcript of all the coursework completed at another institution. Probation and Suspension:  Probation: Full time students who earn a cumulative GPA of less than 2.00 at the end of the semester will be placed on Scholastic Probation. Students of Scholastic Probation will have to meet with their Academic Advisor and may be required to sign a Learning Contract. Students placed on Scholastic Probation will be notified through their Cardinal E-Mail Account.  Suspension: Students who earn less than a 2.00 GPA in two consecutive semesters and have a cumulative GPA of less than 2.00, may be placed on Enforced Withdrawal and asked to leave the University. Students placed on Enforced Withdrawal may appeal their suspension to the Office of the Dean of Student Success. If their appeal is accepted, the student will be required to meet with an Academic Advisor and sign a Learning Contract. Students placed on Enforced Withdrawal will be notified through their Cardinal E-Mail Account.

Second Language Requirement: The second language requirement will be waived for international students who successfully complete ENGL 1311L English Composition I, ENGL 1312 English Composition II and ENGL 2310 World Literature Studies. This rule does not apply to students from English speaking countries.

Transcripts: New international transfer students’ official transcripts must be received by the Registrar’s Office no later than September 16, 2016 for the fall semester and February 17, 2017 for the spring semester. Travel Arrangements: If students are planning to travel outside of San Antonio during the semester, they should make their plans so as not miss any class periods. Students must Inform their instructors and advisors at least a week in advance if they are planning travel that will require missing classes. Please be sure and review the attendance policies for the university and the individual class.

Transcript Evaluation: International students with transfer coursework from a foreign institution are required to submit a course by course evaluation, as well as course descriptions and official transcripts in English, from their former institution in order for the course work to be reviewed. The University Advising Center and/or Registrar’s Office will then contact the respective departments to determine course equivalency. RESOURCES AND STUDENT SERVICES Academic Advisors: Three (3) weeks after school begins, the University Advising Center (105 Adm. Bldg.) will notify students of their academic advisor assignments by e-mail. This notice will be sent to their UIW Cardinal E-Mail Account (yourname@student.uiwtx.edu). Most students are assigned to a faculty advisor in their major. We highly recommend that students meet with their advisors at least twice during the semester. Academic Advisor Finder: (1) Log onto My Word. (2) Click the Student Information tab. (3) Click the View General/Advisor Record. (4) Enter term: Fall 2016. (5) Your advisor’ name can be found under the Primary Advisor. (6) To find your advisor’s office, phone and e-mail address information, follow this link to the UIW online directory: http://www.uiw.edu/directory/. Academic Advisors by Major: Depending on your major, any of these academic advisors can also assist you:  HEB School of Business & Administration: Haley Ayres, Advising Specialist, 107 Gorman Business & Education Center, ph. 930-8014; ayers@uiwtx.edu.  School of Mathematics, Science and Engineering: Mara Young, Biology Advisor, 120 AT&T Center, ph. 829-3863; myoung@uiwtx.edu.  Illa Faye Miller School of Nursing & Health Professions: Dr. Lisa Valenzuela, Advising Specialist, 112 Nursing Bldg., ph. 283-6322; lshaver@uiwtx.edu.  Advisor for Exchange Students (all majors): Moisés Torrescano, Director of Special Services: phone: 829-3928; moisest@uiwtx.edu; office: 105 Administration Building. Change of Major or Concentration:  A change in a student’s academic program may affect the planned graduation date.  SACM and other sponsored students wishing to change their major, minor, or concentration must receive approval from their sponsor prior to making any changes.

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Students should request an Unofficial Progression to Graduation Report (UPGR) from the advisor for their program. Once a UPGR has been processed, it is the student’s responsibility to send the UPGR along with their request for the Academic Change to their sponsor. When a student receives approval from their sponsor, the Sponsored & Exchange Student Coordinator (201-A International Conference Center, phone: 210.805.3051) will approve the Academic Change form and the program advisor will process the change.

Changes of Advisor: Students can make this request by completing an Undergraduate Academic Change Form. This form is available at the University Advising Center, 105 Administration Building. Counseling Services: For international students the challenges of studying in a foreign culture and in a different language are stressful and may require an adjustment of attitudes and coping skills. Counseling is available to all UIW students by appointment. All consultations are confidential. Location: 438 Administration Building, Ph. 832-5656. Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Mathematics Tutoring Center: Students who need assistance with their mathematics assignments can get help at the Mathematics Tutoring Center. The Center is open Monday to Thursday 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Location: 236 Bonilla Science Hall, ph. 841-7254. No appointments are required. The Center’s coordinator is Mr. Fillmore Spangler. Progression to Graduation Reports (PGR) & Degree Plan Updates (DPU):  Students needing to submit a Progression to Graduation Report (PGR) and degree plan update (DPU) to their sponsors may request both at the end of each semester. Students must submit their requests to their academic advisors no later than the last week of classes.  PGRs & DPUs will only be processed once a semester, after final grades have posted. Students’ requests will be entered into a waiting list and will be attended to on a firstcome-first-serve basis.  If a student has special circumstances and requires a PGR, a DPU or both, earlier in the semester, the student must first speak with the Sponsored Student Coordinator in the International Student Services Office ((201-A International Conference Center, phone: 210.805.5705). If the Coordinator approves the request, the PGR will be completed as soon as possible.  After the PGR & DPU are completed, the advisor will notify the student through Cardinal E-mail. Thereafter, the student may pick up the hard copies of the PGR and DPU. Electronic copies will not be provided and documents will not be mailed to the student’s sponsor by UIW advisors. It is the responsibility of the student to send these documents to his or her sponsor. Request for External Tutoring Services:  Sometimes, international students need to obtain external tutoring services. Contracting a private tutor represents an additional expense. Depending on the subject, private tutors can charge between $35.00 and $50.00 per hour. If students want to hire a private tutor,

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they must first meet with their designated Academic Advisor to explain the reason for their request. Students are always encouraged to utilize the UIW Tutoring Services but if the student does not wish to utilize UIW Tutoring Services, he or she will be asked to complete a Request for External Tutoring Services (RETS). The student will submit the completed RETS to their designated Academic Advisor for approval. When the RETS is approved, the advisor will provide the student with a Confirmation of Tutoring Services (CTS) to be completed by the external tutor upon completion of services. The CTS must be certified by a notary public. Completed CTS forms will be returned to their designated Academic Advisor for confirmation. The advisor will then provide the student with a copy of the CTS which can be sent to the appropriate SACM advisor or sponsoring agency. This process ensures that the student will be reimbursed by the sponsor. It is the responsibility of the student to send the CTS to SACM or other sponsor. No requests will be accepted after the tutoring services have been provided (e.g. at end of the semester). These arrangements must be completed before private tutoring services are obtained.

Request for Reduce Course Load:  International students are required to be enrolled in a full course load during fall and spring semesters as follows: 12 hours for undergraduates, 9 hours for graduate students, and 6 hours for doctoral students.  A student may request a Reduced Course Load (RCL) if he or she meets certain criteria outlined by immigration regulations.  Students should discuss with their Academic Advisor if a Request for a Reduced Course Load is appropriate.  If the request is appropriate, the Academic Advisor submits a request to the Director of the Office of International Student & Scholar Services (OISSS) for review and approval. Students are not authorized to drop any courses until they received notification from the OISSS regarding the approval of their RCL request.  International students should make an appointment with the OISSS if they have specific questions. 

Student Disability Services: The University of the Incarnate Word is dedicated to providing a caring, inspiring, diverse and integrated learning environment to students with special needs. International students who have a physical or learning disability can request special accommodations (or adjustments) that will help them manage their condition in the classroom. Students who may need these services should contact the Student Disability Services Office. Location: 105 Administration Building, phone: 8293997 (http://www.uiw.edu/sds/). All consultations are confidential.

Taking Online Courses at UIW:  Online enrollment for international students is limited to only 3 credit hours per semester counting toward full-time immigration requirement for the fall and spring semesters.

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Summer online enrollment is not limited unless the summer term is a student’s first or last semester at UIW. Student’s interested in taking online courses at UIW must get approval from the Office of International Student and Scholar Services (OISSS) for each semester enrolled in an online course. For sponsored students, it is the student’s responsibility to get approval from his/her sponsor and confirm if their sponsor will pay for the course. Online course requests are reviewed and approved based on the necessity of the course to fulfill degree requirements. Enrollment in an online course must be verified by the Academic Advisor and approved by the OISSS before authorized to enroll. During the semester, students may take online courses through UIW Main Campus but not through UIW ADCaP or UIW Virtual University. International students who want to take an online course at UIW should first make an appointment with the OISSS (200 International Conference Center, ph. 210.805.5705).

Taking Online Courses Outside of UIW:  International students interested in an online course outside of UIW should review their situation with their Academic Advisor.  Students will submit requests with the Office of International Student and Scholar Services before submitting such requests to the Registrar’s Office. For sponsored students, it is the student’s responsibility to get approval from his/her sponsor and confirm if their sponsor will pay for the course.  Students should not register for any coursework until approved by the Office of International Student & Scholar Services and the Registrar’s Office.  A Concurrent Enrollment form should be submitted to the International Student Office along with the completed Request to Study at Another Institution form from the Registrar authorizing transfer of credits.  The Concurrent Enrollment form confirms that the student is currently enrolled at the UIW and intends to remain an international student at the UIW. UIW will continue to manage and maintain the student’s SEVIS record. Tutoring Services: Students can request one-to-one and group tutoring in subjects including English, social science, humanities, business and science. Study skills and time management sessions are also available. Tutoring sessions are by appointment. Location: 206 Administration Bldg., Ph. 829-3870. Webpage: http://www.uiw.edu/tutoringservices/ University Testing Services: This office administers University faculty make-up exams, accommodated tests and national tests. Students can take make-up exams or national tests such as College Level Examination Program Placement Test, by appointment. Location: 216 Administration Building, Ph. 829-3876. Webpage: http://www.uiw.edu/testingservices/. University Advising Center: The goal of the University Advising Center is to help students get the most from their University education. Academic counselors can help students change their class schedule, major and/or advisor. They can also answer questions about students’ academic program, help them create a path to graduation and make their higher education experience more successful. Location: 105 Administration Building, ph. 805-5814; http://www.uiw.edu/advising/.

Writing & Learning Center: Students experiencing academic difficulties can receive assistance with their writing assignments and or tutoring in specific subjects. Tutoring sessions are by appointment. Location: 206 Administration Bldg., Ph. 283-2363. Online assistance is also available: http://www.uiw.edu/wlc/. TIPS FOR A SUCCESSFUL EXPERIENCE AT UIW The opportunity to study at a university in another country is exhilarating, intimidating, and promising, all at the same time. Sometimes, how demanding and difficult it can be is not immediately apparent. Below are some tips from the Director of Tutoring Services and international students who have had a successful experience at UIW. 

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Be patient with yourself and others. It takes time to get used to the inflexion and rhythm of the English language and individuals. Most people want to help and to understand. Give them time. Make American friends, it will help you to adapt better to the new environment. Suspend judgment; be open minded and you will always learn something. Students at UIW are curious about you, your country, and your culture but may feel that it is too much intrusion to begin asking all kinds of questions. Take the initiative and start conversations. Dedicate at least 90% of your day to speaking, reading, listening and writing in English. Make the effort. People will want to help you if they see your dedication, persistence and a desire to learn. In the American classroom you are expected to participate. Contribute your ideas, make comments, ask questions based on the assigned readings, do the homework or at least attempt to do your homework on your own. It is acceptable to disagree with your professor, as long as you present your point of view with respect and valid arguments. Active participation in group work is expected. As an international student you have a unique perspective to contribute. Participate in as many activities as possible. Enjoy every second! Ask questions and make sure that you understand the answer. UIW professors are very accessible and helpful. Visit with your professors during their office hours.

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