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Terri Denison
“We were not ready for this.”
With those sobering words, Dr. David Elcott opened his presentations during his visit to Tidewater earlier this month as part of the Konikoff Center for Learning. He spoke to students, faculty, and community at Virginia Wesleyan, members of United Jewish Federation of Tidewater’s Holocaust Commission and Jewish Community Relations Council, and other groups.
The author of Faith, Nationalism, and the Future of Liberal Democracy, Elcott is the Taub Professor of Practice in Public Service and Leadership at the Wagner School of Public Service at New York University and director of the Advocacy and Political Action specialization. He is trained in political psychology and Middle East affairs and Judaic studies.
“We were not ready,” Elcott said, for “the world in which we are being asked in a variety of ways to take leadership roles – both in defending the Jewish people and standing up for the principles and values which have animated the Jewish community in America for many, many decades.”
Elcott took his audiences through a crash course of the difference between Liberal Democracy versus Populist Democracy. The word, “liberal” in Liberal Democracy does not reflect political leaning.
Liberal democracy emphasizes the separation of powers – a system of checks and balances between branches of government, recognizing the rights of the minority.
Populism promises democracy of, by and for the majority.
With the United States and other countries leaning toward Populist Democracy, it is important to understand the ramifications – as American citizens, and particularly as Jewish citizens, he urged.
Saying he does not ask rhetorical questions, Elcott asked one group their feelings on the detention and green card revocation of Mahmoud Khalil, a Columbia graduate who had been a student leader of the anti-Israel movement.
The responses, from various perspectives, including from some who hold legal expertise, were both in favor and opposed to Khalil’s deportation – a clear example of the division of thought in today’s America, and within the Jewish community.
Elcott said he prefers to “wrap his presentations up, like with a ribbon,” but at this time, he can’t. His message: “Talk about issues, engage in conversations, reach out to others.
“We need citizens,” he said, “who take their civic role seriously.”
Betty Ann Levin
As I mentioned in the December 2024 edition of Jewish News, one of the three top priorities of Jewish Federations throughout North America is building Jewish life in our communities. For some communities, the surge in activity that took place postOctober 7, 2023, has now diminished. In Tidewater, that is certainly not the case!
Purim has concluded and Passover is quickly approaching. We are seeing the first signs of spring and one look at our Community Calendar (www.JewishVA.org/calendar) demonstrates the breadth and variety of opportunities to partake in Jewish life in Tidewater – not only at the Sandler Family Campus, but also throughout our community at our synagogues in Virginia Beach and Norfolk, the Jewish Museum and Cultural Center in Portsmouth, and many other locales.
When looking at the statistics over the last few years, engagement in Jewish learning and programming, both on the Sandler Family Campus and through partnerships in our Jewish community, is steadily growing. Day school enrollment is consistently increasing. The recent Virginia Festival of Jewish Film again saw ticket sales exceeding the prior year and Camp JCC continues to exceed the prior year’s registration. Jewish teen participation in BBYO is growing again, as evidenced by our recent delegation to the International Convention and planning for the Eastern Region Spring Cultural Convention. There’s a lot to do in Jewish Tidewater – truly something for everyone! As I look at the community calendar for April, I see congregational Passover seders, new learning opportunities and programs through the Konikoff Center of Learning, young adult activities, “schools day out” programming over spring break and kids’ night out at the Simon Family JCC, our community’s Yom Hashoah commemoration, soon to be followed by the 2nd annual “Israel Chef’s Table” in the Marty Einhorn Pavilion on Campus, as well as our community Yom Ha’Atzmaut celebration a few days later. And so much more (don’t forget to submit events to the community calendar)!
I hope to see you this spring! As we all prepare for our Passover seders with friends and family, let’s continue to be grateful not only for our freedom, but also for this community.
Chag Pesach Sameach!
Published 18 times a year by United Jewish Federation of Tidewater.
Reba and Sam Sandler Family Campus of the Tidewater Jewish Community
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disparages Chuck Schumer as ‘not Jewish anymore’
President Donald Trump falsely said that Sen. Chuck Schumer is no longer Jewish and called him a “Palestinian” while speaking to reporters Wednesday, March 12.
The remarks were the latest instance in which Trump has used “Palestinian” as an epithet to refer to Schumer, whom he once also falsely called “a proud member of Hamas.” Generally, Trump has opted for such language to disparage Democrats whom he sees as inadequately supportive of Israel.
In this case, by contrast, Trump made the comments alongside Irish leader Micheál Martin while talking about corporate tax rates. After saying that the American public would blame Democrats for high taxes, Trump launched into an aside on the New York senator, his top adversary in Congress who was opposing a Republican-drafted funding bill. (The setting was ironic for the comments as the Irish government is staunchly pro-Palestinian.)
“And Schumer is a Palestinian as far as I’m concerned,” Trump said. “You know, he’s become a Palestinian. He used to be Jewish. He’s not Jewish anymore. He’s a Palestinian.”
Schumer, the New York Democrat and Senate minority leader, has spoken frequently about his Jewish identity throughout his political career. He is releasing a book about fighting antisemitism.
A spokesperson for Schumer did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Both Trump’s supporters and opponents have shared clips of the remark online, and it has drawn criticism from some liberal Jewish organizations.
“Trump’s attack on Schumer is antisemitic and racist,” said Jonathan Jacoby, who leads the Nexus Project, an antisemitism watchdog. “He’s policing Jewish identity, invoking the dual loyalty trope, and implying Palestinians are evil. This is dangerous incitement. Jewish groups must say it clearly: the President is spreading hate and weaponizing antisemitism.”
The Anti-Defamation League also condemned the comments, saying in a statement, “A President has many powers, but none of them include deciding who is and isn’t Jewish. Doing so, and using “Palestinian” as a slur, are both beneath any @POTUS. Instead of weaponizing people’s identity, use the power of the bully pulpit to bring the American people together.”
But Trump’s comments also drew some praise. David Friedman, Trump’s former ambassador to Israel, tweeted the remark and wrote, “Metaphorically speaking, I couldn’t have said it better.” (JTA)
Poll: Fewer than half of Americans sympathize with Israelis over Palestinians
Fewer than half of Americans sympathize more with Israelis than with Palestinians, according to a new Gallup poll, the lowest figure for Israelis since at least 2001. The poll, published Thursday, March 6, found that 46% of respondents sympathize more with Israelis while 33%
sympathize more with Palestinians.
The 13-point gap is also the smallest since at least 2001. That year, 51% of respondents sympathized more with Israelis, but only 16% sympathized more with Palestinians.
Sympathy for Israelis has dropped in the past few years, as Israel has been led by a hardline right-wing government and, since the Hamas attack on Oct. 7, 2023, fought a war against the terror group in Gaza with high numbers of casualties.
The poll was taken in February, spanning the time when Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu visited Washington, D.C. and President Donald Trump proposed a U.S. takeover of the Gaza Strip, which Netanyahu endorsed.
A decade ago, 62% of respondents sympathized more with Israelis, compared to 16% with the Palestinians. In 2022, the gap was 55% to 26%.
Among Democrats, the drop this year was even starker, with the Palestinians receiving more sympathy by a wide margin: Just 21% say they sympathize more with Israelis, while 59% sympathize more with Palestinians.
That’s a considerable shift from 2022, when Democrats’ sympathies were about even at 40% for Israelis vs. 38% for Palestinians. Last year, it was 43% for Palestinians vs. 38% for Israelis. Polls taken more than a decade ago show Democratic sympathies lying more with Israelis by wide margins.
The recent poll found that Republican sympathies with Israelis have remained relatively steady, at 75% vs. 10% for Palestinians. Among independents, the Israeli-Palestinian split was 42% to 34%.
The poll also found that 55% of Americans, and majorities of Democrats and independents, support the establishment of a Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Among Republicans, support for a Palestinian state was at 41%.
The poll also found that just 40% of respondents approve of the way President Donald Trump is handling the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. (JTA)
Justice Department announces ‘JTF 10-7,’ a task force dedicated to prosecuting Oct. 7 terrorists
AU.S. Justice Department task force will seek redress for victims of Hamas’ Oct. 7, 2023 attack on Israel, in the latest Trump administration move aimed at demonstrating support for Jews and Israelis.
The task force, announced Monday, March 17 by Attorney General Pam Bondi, will bring together federal attorneys and FBI agents and intelligence analysts to prosecute people who participated in the attack as well as Hamas leaders who orchestrated it. Many of those people have been killed in the subsequent war in Gaza.
The group will also “investigate acts of terrorism and civil rights violations by individuals and entities providing support and financing to Hamas, related Iran proxies, and their affiliates, as well as acts of antisemitism by these groups,” according to the department’s press release. The Trump administration has accused campus pro-Palestinian protesters of being “aligned to Hamas.”
The announcement reflects the latest way in which the
Trump administration is devoting considerable energy to showing support for U.S. Jews alarmed by the Oct. 7 attack and its aftermath in the United States. Trump has vowed to deport non-citizen pro-Palestinian campus protesters and begun that process; has issued an executive order on antisemitism; and has opened new investigations into alleged antisemitism at colleges and medical schools.
“The victims of Hamas’s decades-long violent campaign of terrorism against Israel will always have the support of the U.S. government, and the Department will no longer permit illegal support of Hamas on our campuses and elsewhere in the homeland,” Deputy Attorney General Todd Blanche said in a statement. “Antisemitic acts of terrorism – whether here or abroad – will never go unpunished. This task force represents our unyielding commitment to those who have suffered at the hands of these brutal terrorists.” (JTA)
Asecond former Columbia University student was arrested by the Department of Homeland Security. According to DHS, Leqaa Kordia’s visa expired in 2022, and the department also said that she had been previously arrested after her involvement in “pro-Hamas protests” at Columbia. This comes after the detention and green card revocation of Mahmoud Khalil, a Columbia graduate who had been a student leader of the anti-Israel movement.
In commenting on the Khalil arrest, ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt noted Khalil’s role in the Columbia anti-Israel activity — which destroyed campus property, disrupted students’ education and broke laws — and also asserted everyone’s right to have their case heard, evidence examined and be treated fairly, which is fundamental to America’s system of justice.
In addition, Columbia’s judicial board announced this month “multi-year suspensions, temporary degree revocations, and expulsions” of an unspecified number of Columbia students connected to the 2024 occupation of Hamilton Hall.
Also at Columbia, two janitors allege under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act that they faced retaliatory harassment for “reporting antisemitic and racist conduct” in the workplace after coping with anti-Israel demonstrators. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has opened a probe into this case. (ADL)
Harvard Law School students voted in favor of a referendum calling on Harvard University to divest from companies involved in “weapons, surveillance technology” and other fields that are connected to what the vote called Israel’s ‘genocide’ in Gaza. The vote, which the university rejected and termed “needlessly divisive,” was aimed at the school’s $53 billion endowment.
The law school student vote was participated in by less than half of the students. The HLS Alliance for Israel student group chided the referendum wording as antisemitic and including false accusations. (ADL)
Sarah Bunin Benor, Ph.D. (JTA)
— As a scholar who studies Jewish languages, I have collected countless examples of Jews around the world using variants of the Hebrew word “shalom” to mean peace – and, by extension, to offer peaceful greeting and parting words.
Yiddish speakers greet each other with “sholem aleichem” and Juhuri speakers (from Azerbaijan) with “sholumi.” American Jewish organizations often greet callers and guests, “Shalom, welcome to [organization].”
Shalom and its feminine equivalent Shlomit are personal names, and many Jewish organizations are named Shalom, such as an Australian collective, a Turkish newspaper and hundreds of synagogues: Beth Shalom (house of peace), Rodef Shalom (pursuer of peace), Ohef Sholom (lover of peace).
We wish each other “Shabbat shalom” on Friday and Saturday, strive for shalom bayit within families, and remember a loved one with alav hashalom. These uses of shalom stem from our liturgy, which is filled with prayers for peace (Sim Shalom, Oseh Shalom).
In fact, until this month, I would have been hard pressed to think of prominent instances when “shalom” was used to signal an act of dominance or violence.
Enter Donald Trump. Wielding the Jewish word meaning hello, goodbye, and peace as a weapon, he has deployed it on social media to put his targets on notice: “Shalom Hamas,” when he warned the Palestinian terror group that it needed to release Israeli hostages or face consequences. “Shalom Columbia,” in announcing a $400 million federal funding cut over the university’s handling of antisemitism. “Shalom, Mahmoud,” about the detention of a Palestinian protest leader by immigration authorities.
Linguists know well that words often change meaning as they diffuse from one group to another. People with limited connection to the group where the word originated may not fully understand what
the word means, how it is pronounced, or how it is used.
But we also know that language can be changed on purpose, too. And in Trump’s case, I believe he is intentionally appropriating a Jewish word and warping its meaning and usage — running risks for both our communal conversations and those that we have with others in our shared country.
Trump could have said, “Take that,” “See you later,” or, even his catchphrase, “You’re fired.” By using a Hebrew word familiar to people of diverse backgrounds, he appealed to the common understanding that Hebrew is the primary language of Israel and a special language for Jews around the world. While expressing his intended semantic meaning, Trump also implicated Jews in his administration’s authoritarian and potentially illegal actions – defunding Columbia and detaining Mahmoud Khalil.
I worry that Trump’s use of “Shalom” will fan the flames of antisemitism. On social media, it already has, as we see in posts and comments like “Jew[s] be like ‘we don’t control the American government’ then write ‘Shalom’ on the official White House Account” and “He says America First but practices Israel First. Trump is a Shabbos Goy and a big disappointment.”
Some right-wing Jews have embraced Trump’s use of “shalom.” “Thanks to Trump, ‘Shalom’ is now code for “You f—ed up and are about to find out,” the influencer Nioh Berg tweeted. Shabbos Kestenbaum has used the word to call for additional ICE activity at his alma mater, which he says is a hotbed of antisemitism: “Countdown to Shalom Harvard.”
Let’s continue to say “shalom” to wish each other well and not let a few social media posts by a divisive leader change how we use our sacred Jewish language.
The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of JTA or its parent company, 70 Faces Media or of Jewish News.
Asaf Elia-Shalev (JTA) — Voting is now open in an election that gives American Jews a rare chance to directly shape Israel’s future.
The U.S. election for seats in the 39th World Zionist Congress will help determine the balance of power in the legislative authority of a Zionist organization founded by Theodore Herzl 128 years ago.
Influence over $5 billion in funding for Jewish causes is at stake, as is authority over quasi-governmental institutions such as the Jewish Agency, which plays a central role in immigration to Israel, and the Jewish National Fund, which owns 13% of Israeli land. The election is seen as a referendum on the future of the country.
than the soul of the State of Israel and the Jewish people,” says Rabbi Josh Weinberg, who heads the campaign for the Reform movement’s liberal slate of candidates.
“There are multiple competing visions over what it means to have a Jewish state and essentially to be Jewish. We can help decide some of those things through a democratic process.”
Jews in the
Any Jewish adult living in the United States can vote between now and May 4 as long as they accept a set of Zionist principles and pay a $5 registration fee.
At the heart of this year’s election is a fierce ideological battle between liberal and right-wing Orthodox factions, each seeking to shape the future of Zionist institutions and their financial priorities at a pivotal time in Israel’s history. The results will impact key issues such as religious pluralism, funding for Jewish education, settlement expansion, and Israel-Diaspora relations.
“This election is about nothing less
that threatens the pluralism that Zionism was founded on. He’s hoping he can raise awareness about the election over the next few months by speaking to congregations and other types of gatherings.
“If the congress is called ‘the parliament of the Jewish people’ it should reflect the makeup of world Jewry,” he says.
“That’s why I am investing many hours every day in order to convince the Jews of the diaspora to
United States lean left as a whole, but that’s no guarantee of representation in the congress because only a small fraction of them vote. Of nearly 6 million American Jewish adults, only 125,000 voted in the 2020 election, which was a massive increase over the 56,000 votes cast in 2015. The highest rate of participation ever came in 1987, when about 211,000 voters cast their ballots.
Yizhar Hess, vice chairman of the World Zionist Organization, casts the issue of low turnout as a “shande,” or shame,
make their voice heard.”
Here are the slates on the ballot for U.S. voters and what they stand for.
their homeland.” Achdut is a Hebrew word that means “unity.”
• AID Coalition (America-Israel Democracy) — One of two slates of Israeli immigrants to the United States, AID Coalition is aligned with the mass protest movement that’s been challenging Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government for the past several years and portraying his plan to overhaul the country’s judiciary as a power grab. The platform talks about supporting the recovery of communities attacked on Oct. 7 and safeguarding Israeli democracy.
• Achdut Israel — Founded in response to the Hamas attack of Oct. 7, 2023, Achdut Israel is focused on supporting Israeli troops and land settlement, and “empowering Jewish communities worldwide through selfdefense training and connection to
Aish Ha’am — The Aish Ha’am slate is an initiative of Aish HaTorah, an outreach movement dedicated to promoting Orthodox Judaism. The slate’s platform focuses on pro-Israel advocacy, fostering Jewish unity, and promoting “timeless Jewish wisdom.”
The list of candidates includes Shabbos Kestenbaum, a Harvard grad who sued his alma mater for its handling of antisemitism on campus and went on to endorse Donald Trump.
• American Forum for Israel — A prosettlement slate “guided by the enduring principles of the Torah,” American Forum for Israel is affiliated with Israel Beiteinu, the Israeli right-wing party that caters to Jews from the former Soviet Union led by Avigdor Liberman. Ideologically aligned with Netanyahu’s
Likud in the past, Liberman broke with the prime minister years ago over conscription for Haredi Jews and the role of religion in public life.
• Am Yisrael Chai — Aiming to represent Jewish college students and young professionals, Am Yisrael Chai is a new slate that focuses on pro-Israel advocacy, spreading Jewish pride, and promoting the “love of Torah and Judaism.”
• ANU: A New Union — Primarily comprised of millennial and Gen Z Jews, ANU, which means “We” in Hebrew, is a new left-wing slate. It supports the two-state solution; the independence of the Israeli judiciary amid a proposed overhaul of the system by the government of Benjamin Netanyahu; and a “pluralistic vision” for Israel and the Jewish community.
• Beyachad — Hoping to amplify the voice of Russian-speaking Jews who live in the United States, Beyachad, or “together,” is a new slate led by Orthodox Jews. It emphasizes Jewish unity and traditional Jewish values and seeks to “inspire the next generation to deepen their connection to Israel and Jewish heritage.
• Dorshei Torah V’Tzion — A slate representing liberal Orthodox Jews and billing itself as “proven bridgebuilders,” Dorshei Torah V’Tzion supports a wide array of policies in areas like religious pluralism, female religious leadership, and LGBTQ inclusion. It’s headed by Rabbi Avi Weiss and Rabba Sara Hurwitz, the founders of liberal Orthodox seminaries in New York City.
• Eretz Hakodesh — This Orthodox slate debuted in the last election and stunned everyone with its strong showing by winning about 16% of the vote, enough for third place. Focused on “traditional religious values and Jewish rights in the entire Land of Israel,” the slate ran a negative campaign against Reform Judaism. The slate’s success helped the religious and right-wing bloc secure a majority of seats in the World Zionist Congress for the first time. Eretz Hakodesh means “the Holy Land.”
• Hatikvah: The Progressive Slate — Endorsed by the umbrella organizations for Renewal and Reconstructionist
Judaism, the National Council of Jewish Women, and the liberal Israel lobby J Street, Hatikvah, or “the Hope” focuses on religious pluralism, protecting Israeli democratic norms, promoting human rights, and opposition to Israeli settlements.
• Herut North America — Promising “unapologetic Zionism,” Herut is the historic voice of Ze’ev Jabotinsky and revisionist Zionism at the World Zionist Congress, the same political movement that produced Netanyahu’s right-wing Likud Party in Israel. Herut’s platform promises support for Jewish indigenous rights to the Land of Israel.
• Israel365 Action — Affiliated with Israeli365, an advocacy group that aims to foster support for Israel among Christians and recently honored the far-right U.S. activist Steve Bannon, Israel365 Action is a new slate supporting exclusive Israeli control “throughout greater Israel” and opposing Palestinian statehood. Originally known as “One Jewish State,” the slate changed its name to clarify that former U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Friedman, who recently published a book called One Jewish State, is not part of the slate, though he has endorsed its platform.
• Israeli American Council — One of the two new slates for Israeli immigrants to the United States, the Israeli American Council is affiliated with the eponymous right-wing advocacy group.
• The Jewish Future — Advocating “centrist liberal Zionism,” the Jewish Future’s list includes Rabbi David Gedzelman, who is the president and CEO of the Steinhardt Foundation for Jewish Life, and therefore close to billionaire philanthropist and Birthright co-founder Michael Steinhardt.
• Kol Israel — Affiliated with the proIsrael advocacy group StandWithUs and the Zionist youth movement Young Judea, Kol Israel, or “Voice of Israel,” is focused on Israel-Diaspora relations, combating antisemitism, and advancing moonshot ideas like bringing the Olympic games to Israel in 2048, Israel’s centennial. The slate includes several Jews who have risen to prominence as pro-Israel advocates since Oct. 7, including Columbia
University lecturer Shai Davidai.
• Mercaz USA — The Zionist arm of Conservative Judaism, known internationally as Masorti Judaism, Mercaz, or “center” was the fourth largest vote-getter in the last election. It believes in an Israel that “celebrates democratic principles, embraces diverse Jewish traditions, and safeguards the rights, dignity and inclusion of all its citizens.”
• Orthodox Israel Coalition –Mizrachi — Backed by the institutions of Modern Orthodox Judaism including Yeshiva University and the Orthodox Union, Mizrachi bills itself as a religious Zionist slate, which suggests rightwing politics. It promises to promote “timeless values of the Torah and the centrality of the Land and State of Israel in Jewish life.” It came in second place in the last election with almost 18% of the total vote.
• Shas Olami — Affiliated with Israel’s Shas party, Shas Olami, or “Global Shas,” seeks to represent Sephardic Orthodox Jews in support of “traditional Jewish education and identity.”
• Vision — Billing itself as a voice for young Jews, Vision is a right-wing slate that’s opposed to the two-state solution and is focused on “Jewish liberation, identity, and Israel’s legitimacy on campus.”
• Vote Reform — The slate that won the largest share of votes in the last election, gaining 25% of available seats, Vote Reform represents the largest denomination of American Judaism. The slate seeks “a democratic, pluralistic, and vibrant Israeli society.”
• ZOA Coalition — This staunchly right-wing slate is led by the Zionist Organization of America, which has been part of the World Zionist Congress since the beginning, 128 years ago. Standing in opposition to Palestinian statehood, the list is dedicated to “defending Jews, Jewish students, and the Jewish people’s rights to Israel-Judea-Samaria.”
Samuel J. Abrams
Of the many Jewish holidays that dot the calendar, one of my son’s favorites is Purim. For children, Purim is celebrated with costumes, festival foods like hamantaschen, donations to those in need, and a community reading of the Book of Esther, which joyously celebrates the bravery of Esther and Mordechai and the deliverance of the Jewish people from Haman’s decree of death.
With our children, the Jewish community’s celebrations around Purim have generally glossed over the deep dangers and threats represented in the Book of Esther and have favored levity and celebration of community. This year, however, I spoke with my son about a deeper meaning of Purim. As he has become aware of the omnipresent antisemitism around us, the Purim holiday
has lessons for both him and the Jewish community to learn.
A major lesson of Purim involves Jews experiencing antisemitism, standing up to hate, and fighting off existential threats. Rabbi Robert Goodman notes that Esther 3:8 may be the first such written record of antisemitism. This verse presents the antagonist advisor, Haman, asserting to the regent Persian, King Ahasuerus:
“There is a certain people, scattered and dispersed among the other peoples in all the provinces of your realm, whose laws are different from those of any other people and who do not obey the king’s laws; and it is not in Your Majesty’s interest to tolerate them.” Haman argues that because the Jews are different, they must be suspect although they followed the law of the land.
Haman’s influence directly led to the persecution of the Jews and the call
for those in Persia to kill their Jewish neighbors. The King’s wife, Esther, reveals that she is Jewish, and the plot of Haman ends with his death.
What is important to note, however, is that the call to kill Jews in the kingdom was never actually rescinded; the impending genocide remains.
What is not often shared in Chapter 9 with children is that while Haman’s plot is foiled and he is killed, the Persian Jews are still in danger as the King’s decree to kill the Jews has gone out and cannot be repealed for some unexplained reason. In response, the Jewish community was armed and sanctioned by the King to deal with this existential threat. The story goes that the Jewish community then defended itself, fighting those who tried to destroy it, resulting in the death of 75,000 Persians across the empire.
few have stood up in the government and privately to stop this madness? While the Trump Administration’s aggressive position on antisemitism is welcomed by many Jews, the Jewish community has been far too passive since the October 7 massacre in Israel and in the current era of so much hate and antisemitic violence.
I shared this lesson of self-defense with my son this Purim. The lesson is not to murder or seek revenge against your enemies. Purim celebrates and recounts the miracle of Jewish survival despite the efforts of our enemies to wipe us off the Earth. Chapter 9 of the Book of Esther is salient this year given the hate-filled chants promoting the same hate of centuries before; mobs and terrorist groups actively seek the death and destruction of Israel and Zionist Jews around the world through acts of violence against the Jewish community from Los Angeles to Pittsburgh to New York.
The question to ask is what should the Jewish community do about it; will the Jewish community fight back appropriately and stand up by holding the line on American values of freedom, faith, and association? Or will the Jewish community remain fairly quiet, inactive, and throw up its hands and ask what’s the point, as
Dr. Michael Berenbaum of the American Jewish University observes that the Purim holiday is about human action and not waiting for others, outsiders, or G-d, to intervene and help the community, for “the fate of the Jews is dependent on human initiative and action.” Berenbaum notes that “Esther risks her life to plead with the powerful King to confront his Prime Minister [Haman] and overturn the evil decree.” Even with Haman gone, the Book of Esther shows that “the Jews cannot depend upon the King and the powers that be to protect them” for “Jewish history is in Jewish hands” such that action—force in the case of Purim— must be used against enemies if the Jewish community is to survive.
This is the lesson I taught my son this Purim—the Jewish community must confront threats, dangers, and bullies. We collectively have been far too passive to our detriment, and we will not thrive in a world with so much antisemitism unless we are actively pushing back and demanding the right to exist as part of the global community.
This originally appeared on AEI.org. The American Enterprise Institute is a public policy think tank, where Samuel J. Abrams is a Nonresident Senior Fellow. Abrams is a professor at Sarah Lawrence College.
The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of Jewish News.
Amy Zelenka
Whenever a mission participant returns from Israel, their first and often fondest memories are of their tour guide. And for the past 10 plus years, Tidewater’s exclusive Israel tour guide has been the amazing Zalman Spivak, a unique combination of many fine skills and qualities. An outstanding educator and scholar, Spivak also brings a love for the land and the People of Israel that is absolutely contagious. His energy and enthusiasm make it impossible not to engage!
After October 7, Spivak was recalled to his reserve unit, where he served for the better part of a year. Because so many of us know and love him, his experiences post-October 7 have become a lens through which we have processed the
events unfolding in Israel. We worried for his safety as well as that of his young children and parents. We thought about him constantly and hoped he was doing okay. We wondered how he was able to make a living with tourism (just beginning to come back to Israel after COVID) once again, completely shut down. And we sat in frustration, because all we could really do was send him the occasional Whatssap or Facebook message telling him he was in our thoughts.
It’s hard to believe that in March of 2023, a group of us were touring and celebrating Purim with him in Israel. What a difference seven months makes.
In September of 2024, fresh from reserve duty, Spivak had the opportunity (continued on page 10)
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to come to the United States to visit family (he is originally from Baltimore) and some of the communities he loves best, including our own. To a standingroom-only crowd at the home of Ashley and Greg Zittrain, we listened to him talk about what the last year had been like for him and for Israelis in general; how the political situation in Israel was playing out in a post-October 7 nation; and how we can help support Israel.
Fast forward to February 2025. Spivak again found himself in the US, creating a travel itinerary which put him in his favorite communities. And once again, we were thrilled to welcome him. This time, he brought a multi-media, Tu B’Shevat Seder program he created especially for our Young Leadership Division, which brilliantly illustrated the relationship between the people, the land, and the modern politics of Israel.
Adult Division participated in the seder with the opportunity to learn from Spivak – as so many of us have done on Israel Missions. The dinner gave a nod to Tu B’Shevat – the Jewish “New Year for Trees,” with olives and dates playing a starring role, as well as vegetable soup!
We began to understand the cycle of agriculture
Quoting the early Zionist hero, Joseph Trumpledor, Spivak built his program with the following quote in mind: “Wherever the Jewish plow plows its last furrow, that is where the border will run.” Every child in Israel knows this quote, and it speaks not only to the land and the people, but also to the political decisions made on the borders of Israel, including the Gaza envelop and the Golan Heights, where farms are plentiful, and food is produced to feed the nation.
Spivak created a Tu B’Shevat Haggadah which included the order of the seder (including four cups of wine and the seven species of Israel), as well as modern quotes from contemporary thinkers, scholars, and poets and videos of songs sung by a nation at war, which speak directly to the value of the land and the willingness of Israelis to fight for it.
About 25 members of UJFT’s Young
Moving through the seder, we drank our four cups, starting with white wine –representing the pure white, stillness, and dormancy of winter and the snowcapped Mount Hermon. Next, we drank pale pink –(white with a drop of red wine), representing the earth’s awakening in early spring; the gradual and orderly turning of the seasons, which are the background against which we lead our lives. Moving further through the seder, we drank our third cup, which was a darker pink – symbolizing the blossoming of late spring, as it overtakes the dormancy of winter with its rush of new colors in the landscape. The fourth cup – near the end of the seder was almost totally red (with only a drop of white), symbolizing the full arrival of spring and the vibrant life of a new season. Through this progression, we began to understand the cycle of agriculture in various parts of Israel, how it fits with other holidays and celebrations, and its importance to the people.
It’s hard to believe two years have passed since our community was last in Israel on a Federation mission. Being with Spivak was a reminder of how meaningful it is for each of us to connect with the land and the people.
I hope that the coming year will bring a full return of the hostages and “peace enough” that we can once again travel together. And while it may not be traditional to recite at the close of a Tu B’Shevat seder… I will add: “L’Shanah Haba’ah B’Yerushalayim.” Next year, may we find ourselves and our community together (on a mission with Zalman!) in
TJF Staff
Members of Tidewater’s Jewish community annually support programs and initiatives that strengthen Jewish life locally, in Israel, and around the world through programs and initiatives not only funded, but, in some cases, are led by United Jewish Federation of Tidewater. What if that impact could extend beyond the present, ensuring a thriving Jewish future for generations?
UJFT programs are traditionally funded through annual campaign gifts from donor contributions, sponsorships, and grants outside of the annual campaign, along with Tidewater Jewish Foundation Donor Advised Fund grants. These funds provide essential resources for Jewish education, community engagement, security, and advocacy. Creating endowments for these programs ensures their long-term sustainability and reduces reliance on yearly fundraising efforts. Endowed funds allow donors to secure the future of the causes they care about most while providing financial stability to the organizations that serve the Jewish community.
“TJF is a resource for UJFT as we build and grow our endowment and legacy funds,” says Betty Ann Levin, UJFT’s executive vice president and CEO. “This partnership helps ensure that the programs, initiatives, and agencies our community depends on will continue to be funded, not just for today, but for tomorrow and beyond.”
Through the partnership between Tidewater Jewish Foundation and UJFT, donors may make a lasting difference by establishing endowments and Area of Interest funds that provide perpetual support for the causes they cherish most.
“TJF is dedicated to securing permanent financial resources for our Jewish community, both now and for the future,” says Naomi Limor Sedek, TJF president and CEO. “We actively educate individuals, families, and organizations like UJFT about the rewards of philanthropy and simplify the giving process through planned giving and endowments.”
One such program in need of endowment is PJ Library, a Jewish family engagement initiative that provides free, high-quality Jewish children’s books and music to families. Funded by yearly donations and grants, PJ Library serves to strengthen Jewish identity from an early age. Without a dedicated endowment, however, the program remains dependent on annual fundraising efforts, putting its future at risk.
“PJ Library is one of the most impactful engagement tools we have for young families,” says Levin. “Through books and music, it introduces Jewish values and traditions in an accessible and meaningful way. The program’s reach has expanded in our community in the last several years through the PJ Our Way, providing more opportunities and interaction with older children. Ensuring its longevity through endowment would guarantee that future generations can benefit from this incredible resource.”
TJF continues to steward Perpetual Annual Campaign Endowments (PACE) and Lion of Judah Endowments (LOJE). PACE funds allow donors to establish a permanent endowment that provides ongoing support to UJFT’s annual campaign, ensuring that their contributions continue making an impact year after year. LOJE funds allow women who are part of the Lion of Judah giving society to endow their annual
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campaign gifts, ensuring their support for Jewish causes continues in perpetuity.
“We meet donors wherever they are on their philanthropic journey,” says Limor Sedek. “Legacy giving is not just about the future— it’s about making thoughtful decisions today that will shape vibrant Jewish tomorrows. Every individual can create a lasting impact through a named fund, an estate gift, or an endowment.”
In FY 2024 alone, $5.6 million was distributed to UJFT, Simon Family JCC, and
the Sandler Family Campus from LOJE/ PACE funds, Donor-Advised funds, and other foundations. Of that, $2.8 million was allocated to the Israel Emergency Campaign, underscoring the essential role of permanent funding sources in responding to urgent needs.
By planning now, donors can ensure that their support continues far beyond their lifetimes. Contact Naomi Limor Sedek at 757-965-6109 or nsedek@tjfva.org to start a conversation about creating a legacy that aligns with personal values and passions.
Annie Sandler
My most recent visit to Israel started with Havdalah services in Hostage Square. The weight of October 7 – the loss, the trauma, the sadness – hangs in the air and seeps into your pores. The realization of the challenges Israelis deal with all day, every day, is profound. You also realize that the entire country suffers from lasting trauma.
I was in Israel as part of the MyersJDC-Brookdale Institute’s (MJB) 50th anniversary celebration and mission. The trip was designed to feature MJB’s work in applied social research in partnership with JDC in Israel. Both the south and north of Israel have suffered greatly since the beginning of the war. The country’s population of vulnerable people has grown dramatically since October 7 as people lost loved ones, jobs, homes, and communities. JDC has aided more than 550,000 of the hardest-hit Israelis since the war began and many more people still need our help.
An early childhood day care center in Sderot was our first stop and illustrated the dire needs we saw. Sixteen months of war has taken a toll on children and youth, whether they were evacuated to hotels for displaced families or remained on the frontlines.
Dr. Yair Tzadka, MJB’s chief innovation officer, is leading research on Trauma-Informed Care – training kindergarten teachers and early childhood professionals to better support children in crisis. We dropped into a classroom with two- and three-year-olds. Reading a book to the children, the teacher, Osher, was animated, funny, and loving in her delivery. Later, we came together as a group from a few different classrooms to ask the teachers and administrators questions. Osher was shy, but with prompting spoke about her personal challenges. As she mentioned her own children serving in the IDF, her husband being away, sirens and rockets non-stop, and many of her students being evacuated, her worry was palpable. Osher broke down at the end and had to be comforted, demonstrating the important lesson that caregivers require support to
endure both the personal and professional toll that such a crisis can take.
We then had lunch with some of Israel’s older adults from the Judith Morton Guidance Centers, JDC’s network of rehab centers for Israel’s elderly. JDC is the only organization dedicated to ensuring elderly Israelis are NOT left alone and forgotten, especially during wartime when their needs only increased and there were not enough services or professionals to meet them. In response, JDC’s ESHEL partnership, which
numerous emergency alerts on October 7. Adir left her children and drove to the station to be confronted by an intense gun battle with Hamas terrorists who had infiltrated the police station. A few of her colleagues and friends lay dead or injured. Adir said she had never seen so many sophisticated weapons while she stood armed with her service revolver. The gun fight continued, more citizens were lost, leaving the officers with only one choice. They called in air support
promotes independent living and wellness for Israel’s seniors, instituted an emergency program that moves a mid-age (50’s to 60’s) couple into a community for one year to aid local elderly. The couple is there for moral support, monitoring of seniors who may be at severe risks, and around the clock stability. One hundred people serve in five communities in the south. The couple we met with was based in Kfar Azza and were excited to be helping community members.
Our next stop was Memorial and Heroes Park in Sderot where the former police station had stood. We paid our respects to residents and defenders who fell in the war. Adir Shai, a 34-year-old police officer and mother of two, spoke about returning to the station after receiving
which bombed the police station bringing it down on top of the terrorists.
The community is gradually attempting to recover, although the mental health crisis is part of daily life—solving this challenge is one of JDC’s top priorities with many programs already at work to reduce trauma and stress among tens of thousands of Israelis. MJB’s research is being conducted in this community to uncover key predictors of mental health symptoms to ensure first responders and others get the care they need.
We then headed to Israel’s northern region, which is comprised of smaller municipalities that are spread out and very difficult to reach. Shlomi, for example, lies right on the border of Lebanon. As
we stood looking at the border – which was only a few hundred yards away – the guard described how Hezbollah snipers had been able to pick off people in their homes. Approximately 60,000 people were forced from their homes, critical infrastructure was destroyed, and social services were stretched to the breaking point. JDC stepped in immediately to ensure those who stayed behind, including the most vulnerable, had the basic supplies, emergency services, and medical equipment they needed. Residents of Shlomi were to return this month to their homes and schools. Safeguarding residents during their homecoming, rehabilitation, and development are top priorities for JDC’s ELKA partnership, which maximizes the ability of public systems to provide social services to residents efficiently and effectively.
The Emergency Medical Unit we saw in the Druze town of Hurfeish was remarkable. JDC drew from its disaster relief experience to ensure medical preparedness and training of first responders and worked to create a talented, medically equipped cohort of residents who have become a crucial resource in emergency care. It was hard to imagine that this community had no ambulances before October 7 and how they learned to transport injured people in their personal cars without further injuring them. The pride these volunteers exhibit in their ability to contribute and care for their fellow neighbors was deeply touching.
Nahariya was the next stop on the northern border with Lebanon. Not evacuated, Nahariya’s residents struggled with the daily trauma of navigating the significant damage to their town’s infrastructure and never-ending tension. Nahariya is one of the frontline cities JDC is working tirelessly to rehabilitate. Before October 7, the community struggled with poverty, strained systems, and disaffected youth. JDC then deployed its Mashiv Haruach (“Reviving the Spirit”) initiative in the city, focusing on building community resilience, healing, and
sustainable recovery. This work will help as JDC engages in its wider efforts to help rebuild Northern Israel, making sure that infrastructure such as homes, schools, roads, and sewage systems, as well as health, welfare, and education services are up and running and meeting a new reality.
The mayor of Nahariya spoke to us at length about the development of local resilience programs. He also strongly underscored that he never left the community during all the shelling. We then engaged with community members who have been trained to identify and help those who may be in crisis. Anna Nemsic spoke about her son, Yuli, who is on the autism spectrum as low functioning. Nemsic struggled with getting Yuli to a shelter during numerous rocket attacks, as running and hiding in a small room was too traumatizing for him. After learning that many mothers were struggling with similar issues, Nemsic started support groups for the moms. As the need grew, she trained other mothers to be facilitators and on-call support heroines.
Our last day on the mission showcased the combined work of JDC and MJB in supporting Israel’s efforts to integrate the Haredi or ultra-Orthodox Jewish population into the labor market. JDC’s Tevet partnership, which creates programs to secure employment for Israelis from all walks of life, has a trusted relationship with the Haredi community. When the war created a labor shortage in the construction industry, JDC created a program that provides entry-level courses in construction careers for Haredi men, who often experience high rates of unemployment. This means they can begin earning wages after completion of a 20-hour course and continue learning through on-the-job training. We showed up in our hard hats in an alley behind a school to watch trainees building foundation molds with structural wall components. It was really something to meet these young men and hear about their thoughts and dreams as they learned to build a future for their families.
Before heading off to the 50th anniversary dinner celebration of MJB, we made a visit to President Herzog and his wife, Michal, at their residence. President Herzog has known the excellent work of MJB and JDC for many years. He has also worked closely with Dr. Michal GrinsteinWeiss, the new director of MJB, at
Washington University in St. Louis, where she previously worked.
One of the highlights from that meeting was when I delivered a thank you gift to President Herzog. Was it a tzedakah box? A photo from the JDC Archives? No, it was something from home, with a special meaning. It was a Proclamation from the City Council of Virginia Beach and Mayor Bobby Dyer stating that the City of Virginia Beach stands in solidarity with the State of Israel, AND the key to the City of Virginia Beach.The President was very touched. We can thank Virginia Beach City Councilman Joash Schulman and United Jewish Federation of Tidewater for making that happen.
The bonds we share with our extended family in Israel are strong. As we work to heal and rebuild a country beset by war and uncertainty, we strengthen those ties every day, ensuring Israelis have a strong, bright future ahead of them.
Annie Sandler is president of JDC.
Stephanie Peck
The Konikoff Center for Learning supports Jewish education in a variety of ways in Tidewater. With a goal of nurturing inter-denominational relationships between individuals and synagogues, David Konikoff drives the direction of the Center by sponsoring programming and brainstorming new initiatives to bring people together to learn.
In 2020, KCL was created as Tidewater’s hub for experiential Jewish education and engagement, with plans for high-impact learning experiences including programs, classes, workshops, and symposiums that span generations and interests.
“My thoughts are to help have a facility to enhance Jewish learning and bring more awareness to who we are and how important it is for all of us to be proud – as well as to participate, contribute, and step forward together as Jews. We also hope to educate and expose other faiths to the Jewish experience,” says Konikoff.
Through Jewish Innovation of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater, KCL promotes roughly 10 course series each year. Current multi-week classes include Rabbi Sachs Community Book Club – a year-long study aimed at deepening an understanding of Jewish values through the teachings of Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks – and The Undiscovered Country: Jewish Views of the Afterlife taught by Rabbi Michael Panitz.
In addition, the Konikoff Center for Learning partners with religious schools and area synagogues in support
of opportunities open to the public. Examples include B’nai Israel Congregation’s Shabbos Project, an initiative to bring in Shabbat along with Jews around the globe, and Community Impact Day, an event combining a camp fair and mitzvah mall – a partnership with Ohef Sholom Temple, UJFT, Tidewater Jewish Foundation, and Congregation Beth El.
National speakers also visit Tidewater each year as part of KCL’s outreach. This month, Abigail Pogrebin and Rabbi Dov Linzer, authors of It Takes Two to Torah, led an exploration of the Five Books of Moses from the perspective of Reform and Orthodox Judaism. Along with their presentation, members of the Great Jewish Book Shelf (another effort supported by KCL) who chose this book as their selection, had a private gathering with the authors prior to the public event.
Sierra Lautman, senior director of Jewish Innovation, says David Konikoff envisions “building bridges across denominations,” wanting people to leave an event having created a new relationship with someone with a different Jewish perspective.
“The ultimate goal of KCL is to inspire people and give them practical tools to advance their Jewish learning.”
In May, Konikoff Center for Learning will sponsor Celebration of Lifelong Learning, a special program acknowledging the contributions of teachers and students engaged in meaningful Jewish learning throughout Tidewater. The event will recognize the dedication of learners of all ages and celebrate the pursuit of knowledge.
Do you cherish our Tidewater Jewish heritage?
Do you want to help secure the future of Jewish life in Tidewater?
Would you like to see our traditions thrive for future generations?
Are you ready to create a lasting legacy for our community?
If you answered YES to any of the above, consider becoming a Legacy donor with the Tidewater Jewish Foundation. We will work with you and your family to develop a philanthropic plan that maximizes your impact. Learn more by contacting us at foundation@tjfva.org or 757-965-6111, or by visiting foundation.jewishva.org
Like almost everything today, when Passover is mentioned, middle ground doesn’t seem to exist – people either love or disdain the holiday.
I fall into the category of loving it. The disdainers mostly just don’t like matzah or gefilte fish or the seder’s length. I’m all in on everything.
The food, the family and friends’ gatherings, the beautiful table settings, the traditions, the knowledge that seders are taking place in homes across the globe with Jews
reading variations of what I’m reading and eating variations of what I’m eating– all combine to make Passover one of my favorite holidays. Maybe that explains why I make matzah brei all year. . .
Of course, I’m not alone. Starting on the adjacent page, nine locals share their favorite part of the springtime holiday. Their stories show the multiple aspects people appreciate and look forward to when Passover arrives each year. The most often-mentioned favorite part of the holiday, however, is the seder – despite its length, bitter herbs, and drama.
The seriousness of the central part of the seder, the retelling of the story of Exodus – the Israelites’ struggle for freedom, the plagues, and more unpleasantness – could bring us down, as it certainly doesn’t take much to relate some of these horrors to the world we’re living in.
My preference, though, is to make some comparisons to maintain the relevance of that old story, e focus on traditions, create some new ones, and rejoice in the fact that we are free to observe and celebrate the most celebrated of Jewish holidays.
Here’s a question to ponder: When we read about the miracles, will we decide to wait for one or be inspired to make our own?
Chag Pesach Sameach,
Terri Denison Editor
Stephanie Peck
The eight-day holiday of Passover begins this year with First Night Seder on Saturday, April 12 and continues through sundown on April 20. Many people observe the holiday by including favorite family recipes and traditions into their Seders. Others introduce current events or historical significance to embellish the evening.
For generations young and old, Passover offers an opportunity to revisit Jewish history, build a Hillel sandwich, and create memories with those around the Seder table.
Here, nine locals share what they enjoy most about Passover.
I really love Passover because all my family comes together to celebrate a very fun holiday. At our Seder we have the tradition of acting out a Passover play. While the adults tell us the story of Passover, my cousins and I get to act out the parts.
I remember this year vividly as the kosher butcher forgot to make my Passover delivery and we had no turkey. Thank goodness I was well stocked with chicken breasts, and we were able to get by with individual foil wrapped chicken with mint and parsley gremolata.
Robert was studying for his bar mitzvah that year and sang the entire hallel flawlessly. Collin sang a perfect kiddush. My breast swelled with pride as I saw my sons help take the lead at the Seder next to my father!
Every Passover, my father finds a new Jewish historical fact to discuss, breaking the monotony and emphasizing the important message of Passover and revolution. That year, my father chose to review ancient maps the Jews traveled during the exodus.
My favorite part of Passover is the Seder, a time to warmly celebrate with family and friends our becoming a free people with a divine mission.
My favorite part of Passover is bringing our families together to carry on traditions in our home and sharing memories. Each family has a favorite Haggadah or a collection of them. Although I like to add commentary that relates to current times, I still have a fondness for my old stained and ragged Union Haggadahs (published in 1923) that my grandfather and father used to lead the Seder when I was a child – with its black and white decorative illustrations and my father’s handwritten notes in the margins.
When I set the table using my mother-in-law’s Seder plate, matzah cover, and kiddush cup, I am reminded of my in-laws and the wonderful, engaging family Seders shared at their house years ago. Our sons enjoy watching their father and uncles attempt to sing their favorite Passover songs in Hebrew and listen to them recount funny childhood stories from their grandfather’s Seders.
Of course, it makes me happy when my family tells me that their favorite part of Passover is the festive meal, which always features my holiday brisket (my mother-in-law’s recipe which I have mastered and claim as my own) and my homemade chicken matzah ball soup with light and fluffy matzah balls.
Like most Jewish holidays, Passover is meaningful to me because of the food and traditions that define it. The first night Seder, shared with friends and family, is always a special occasion. I have numerous fond memories of Seders throughout my life – first as a child and later as a parent watching my own children grow up and celebrate alongside me.
One of the most enjoyable aspects of Passover is experiencing it with different friends, with each gathering bringing new traditions. One especially memorable Passover was spent with friends who, coincidentally, were also vacationing in Disney World for spring break. Learning new tunes for Seder songs and discovering creative hiding spots for the afikomen are memories that will be shared in my family for decades.
As with all Jewish holidays, food is central to the celebration. I always look forward to my wife’s specialties – matzah brei, matzah balls and chicken soup, and matzah farfel stuffing. While eight days of matzah can become a bit much, I do love peanut butter and jelly on matzah for lunch, especially at the beginning of Passover.
I like that Passover takes place in the intimate setting of our home at our dinner table surrounded by family. Since no ordained member of the clergy is personally present to lead or supervise us, and since we find ourselves away from the synagogue, it all comes down to “just us.” So that means there is a responsibility that falls on all of us, a certain self-sufficiency (that might also come in handy in other situations), and a degree of freedom to pick and choose how we want to present the story.
These are all great ingredients for a tradition that has continued for thousands of years. And not to mention – there’s also lots of food!
Family time – a favorite film, a creative seder plate, sharing the cooking
One of our favorite parts of Passover is our family tradition of watching the classic Charleton Heston film, The Ten Commandments, and quoting favorite lines. When Isaac and Louisa were little, we would put out toys to represent the plagues. We still have a plastic frog that does back flips! Louisa cuts out a paper bone to put on the Seder plate each year.
When Ari and I first got married, I bought Joan Nathan’s Jewish Holiday Kitchen cookbook and learned how to make matzo ball soup, a favorite for all of us. Ari’s favorite bite of the Passover meal is the Hillel sandwich. He normally makes the charoset. It’s one of our favorite family holidays!
My favorite part of Passover is the familiarity and nostalgia of the traditions, as well as the time spent with family and friends I don’t get to see too often.
A family tradition: singing Chad Gadya
My favorite part of Passover is when the whole family gathers around the table to sing Chad Gadya. My Nana has collected art that my cousins and I have drawn over the years to represent a different part of the song. It is a favorite family Passover tradition of mine because each year, we all reprise the same role, even if we usually end up laughing because no one can remember their part – except for my uncle with his fabulous goat impression.
With Passover just around the corner, I can’t wait to see who remembers their part and bond with my family over our favorite Passover song.
Simon Family JCC Seniors Club
Model Passover Seder
Led by Rabbi David Bockman
Wednesday, April 9, 12 – 2 pm
Simon Family JCC
Information: Mia Klein, program department/seniors program coordinator, 757-452-3184 or MKlein@UJFT.org
Beth Chaverim
Passover Community Seder with Temple
Sunday, April 13, 6 pm
Main entrée choice of salmon or vegetarian option.
Cost: $45 ages 13+ years (nonmembers $55), $30 ages 5-12, (nonmembers $40), free under 5 years old.
RSVP by April 2: www.tevb.org.
Temple Emanuel
Chabad of Tidewater
Community Seder
Saturday, April 12, 8:30 pm
RSVP: www.ChabadOfTidewater.com
Community Seder
Sunday, April 13, 8:30 pm
RSVP: www.ChabadOfTidewater.com
Kabbalat Shabbat/Mariv and Shabbat dinner
Friday, April 18, 8 pm
RSVP: 757-616-0770
Special Moshiach Meal
Sunday, April 20, 7 pm
RSVP: 757-616-0770
Congregation Beth El
Fast of the First Born - In-person Minyan and Siyyum, followed by light breakfast Thursday, April 10, 7:15 am
Congregation Beth El RSVP: 757-625-7821
Burning of the Chametz Friday, April 11, 9 - 11 am
Congregation Beth El’s kitchen parking lot
Pesach Dinner
Friday, April 18, 7:30 pm
Congregation Beth El RSVP: 757-625-7821
Ohef Sholom Temple
Congregational Second Night Seder
Led by Rabbi Roz and Cantor Jen. Guests are welcome to bring their own drinks.
Sunday, April 13, 6 – 8 pm.
Arrive no later than 5:45 pm, as the Seder will begin promptly at 6 pm.
Cost: $42.50 (ages 13+), $22.50 (ages 6-12), $10 (ages 2-5), Free (under 2).
Ohef Sholom Temple RSVP: 757-625-4295.
Temple Emanuel
Passover Community Seder with Beth Chaverim Sunday, April 13, 6 pm
Main entrée choice of salmon or vegetarian option.
Cost: $45 ages 13+ years (nonmembers $55), $30 ages 5-12, (nonmembers $40), free under 5 years old.
Temple Emanuel RSVP by April 2: www.tevb.org
Penny Schwartz (JTA) — An endless Passover seder takes center stage in One Little Goat: A Passover Catastrophe, by writer Dara Horn and illustrator Theo Ellsworth, award-winners who teamed up for a humor-filled, timetravel graphic novel for young people. The tale of an epic seder — it drags on for six months — joins a new crop of children’s books with Passover themes, from
2809 S. Lynnhaven Rd., Suite 100 Virginia Beach, VA 23452 (757) 490-1193 www.coheninvestmentgrp.com
JBI Library offers free Passover Haggadot and programming to individuals who are blind or experience low vision or other print disabilities
Deadline to order Haggadot: March 28, 2025
101” program: Tuesday, April 1, Zoom
A Jewish organization that supports people who are blind, have low vision, or have print disabilities, JBI Library offers several free Passover offerings, including complimentary accessible large print, braille, and audio Haggadot (17 different editions) and inclusive virtual and in-person “Passover 101” programming.
“During Passover, we sit together with family and friends and read the story of the Jews’ Exodus from Egypt from the Haggadah,” says Livia Thompson, JBI’s executive director. “The act of reading this ancient story in parallel with Jews sitting at other tables around the world creates a sense of warmth and connection. For those with blindness, low vision, or other print disabilities, however, not being able to partake in this communal experience can instead feel very isolating. Whether leading a seder or asking the Four Questions for the first time, everyone deserves the opportunity to engage in the Passover story and feel a true sense of belonging—our accessible editions help make that possible.”
Accessible Haggadot (Large print, braille, and audio)
Seventeen different versions, including Haggadot in several languages, denominations, as well as a Haggadah “digest” for communal seders, perfect for use in settings such as nursing homes are available. Included are Mishkan HaSeder from the CCAR Press, PJ Library’s Family Haggadah (plus audio version for families who want to study the text and songs in advance of the holiday) and The Chabad Haggadah.
Judaism 101: Passover Programming
To learn more or to request a free large print, braille, or audio Haggadah, visit JBI’s website at www.jbilibrary.org, call 800999-6476, or email haggadah@jbilibrary. org. In order to receive a free Haggadah in time for this year’s Passover Seder, orders must be placed no later than March 28, 2025.
Haggadot are free for individuals. Organizations and businesses located outside of New York City may request materials for a modest fee used to cover production costs.
As part of its ongoing Judaism 101 Learning Series, JBI will offer free, accessible in-person and virtual programming entitled Passover 101, which will discuss the themes and customs of Passover. Register at jbilibrary. org/catalog/ judaism-101.
“Passover 101” (virtual Zoom) Tuesday, April 1, 4:30 pm, led by Rabbi Gabrielle Cohn.
Founded in 1931, JBI Library is a nonprofit organization that supports people of all ages and backgrounds who are blind, have low vision, or have print disabilities to fully participate and feel connected to all aspects of Jewish life, from culture, education, and community to religious practice. To learn more, visit www.jbilibrary.org or contact JBI’s librarians at 212-545-8025 or 1-800-433-1531.
This easy take on a Passover classic is sure to become a family favorite.
Sonya Sanford
This story originally appeared on The Nosher. Once you’re halfway into Passover, and the leftovers from seder are long gone, do you find yourself craving something that
will scratch the itch for doughy bread and silky pasta? That’s when it’s time to whip up a matzah lasagna, or “matzagna” as it’s more lovingly called. While the dish’s exact origins are unknown (although it’s likely an Italian Jewish creation), matzah lasagna strongly resembles Sephardic mina, a popular Passover matzah pie made with layers of cooked spinach and melty cheese.
Every family has their distinct way of preparing matzah lasagna; some insist on including cottage cheese in lieu of ricotta, others rely on torn fresh mozzarella instead of shredded, and some swear that it’s essential to soak your matzah before you assemble the lasagna. So, what makes this matzah lasagna different from all the other matzagnas?
This recipe simplifies as many steps as possible by utilizing prepared ingredients, while leaving room to customize and personalize your matzah lasagna. While the ingredient list is short and simple, there are a few musts to maximize flavor. Basil and thyme added to the ricotta mixture offer a fresh, punchy, herbaceous note, and the sharp cheddar combined with mozzarella heightens the savoriness and depth. And it may seem like you’re adding a huge amount of ricotta, but trust the process because matzah is more drying than a noodle and
requires a heftier amount of filling. If you’re feeling ambitious, you can even go the extra mile and make your ricotta and marinara from scratch. Sometimes, I also like to add in a layer of sauteed spinach or mushroom for a dose of fiber and nutrition.
Layered together and baked until browned and bubbly, matzagna is impossible to resist. Serving it to my family, my niece took one bite and enthusiastically exclaimed: “This tastes just like pizza!” followed by a request for seconds. Matzah lasagna is guaranteed to satisfy the kid in all of us.
• Total Time: 1 hour
• Yield: Serves 6-8
• 6–7 sheets matzah
• 3 ½ cups (1 jar/25 oz) marinara or your favorite tomato sauce
• 2 (16 oz) containers whole-milk ricotta
• 1 cup chopped basil + more for garnish
• 4–5 sprigs thyme, leaves removed from stems, about 2 tsp
• 1 large egg
• 1 tsp kosher salt
• ½ tsp black pepper, or to taste
• 5 cups (16 oz) shredded low-moisture mozzarella
• 1 ½ cups (5 oz) shredded cheddar cheese
• ¼ cup grated parmesan (optional)
1. Preheat the oven to 375°F.
2. Add the ricotta, chopped basil, thyme, egg, salt and pepper to a bowl, and mix until just combined.
Top the matzah with 2 cups of the ricotta mixture (half of the mixture), and smooth it into an even layer with an offset spatula or the back of a spoon. Evenly top the ricotta with 2 cups of shredded mozzarella and ½ a cup of shredded cheddar.
4. Repeat the process by dolloping 1 cup of sauce over the shredded cheese. Top the sauce with two sheets of matzah, the remaining 2 cups of the ricotta mixture, followed by 2 cups of shredded mozzarella, and ½ a cup of shredded cheddar.
cup of cheddar. Finally, sprinkle the parmesan over the top.
6. Cover the lasagna with foil, and bake for 30 minutes covered.
7. Uncover the lasagna and bake for an additional 15-20 minutes or until browned and bubbly on top. Allow to cool for 15 minutes before serving so that the lasagna can set and hold its shape.
• This recipe requires one full jar of marinara, but if you like a saucier lasagna, add an additional cup (or a small 8 oz jar) of tomato sauce to the top of the lasagna.
3. Assemble the lasagna in a 9”x13” casserole dish that is at least 2.5”-3” deep. Start by adding 1 cup of the marinara to the bottom of the dish. Layer two sheets of matzah on the bottom, break as needed to fit them into a single layer.
5. For the last layer, top the cheese layer with two sheets of matzah, then finish it off with the remaining tomato sauce (if you enjoy a saucier lasagna, you can add an additional cup of tomato sauce over the top before you finish it off with the shredded cheeses). Add the remaining 1 cup of mozzarella and ½
• To make the lasagna ahead, bake for 30 minutes covered, remove from the oven and allow to fully cool. Refrigerate or freeze the lasagna. If refrigerated, reheat at 375°F for 15 minutes covered, and 15 uncovered; and if it’s frozen, reheat for 20 minutes covered, and 20-25 minutes uncovered.
Rachel Ringler (JTA) — This year, Rachel Levine is glad her family is heading to a Passover program in Arizona, departing from their tradition of hosting dozens for seders at their Manhattan home.
It’s not the cooking, the cleanup, or the wear and tear on her home that Levine is most relieved to sidestep. It’s the eggs.
In a typical year, she would buy at least 12 dozen eggs just for the first two days of the holiday — a minimum of 144 in total. This year, with avian flu decimating the egg supply, that feels like an impossible task.
“Making Pesach is always daunting, but the thought of having to do it with this egg shortage seems terrifying,” says Levine, a psychologist, mother of four and the wife of the rabbi at the Jewish Center, a Modern
Orthodox synagogue on the Upper West Side. “I usually buy at least 18 to 24 dozen eggs just for baking!”
Eggs are essential to Passover, as a symbolic food on the seder plate and an essential ingredient in cuisine limited by the holiday’s strict restrictions on leavened food. Many sponge cake recipes, for example, are made with potato starch and require a dozen or more eggs to create fluffiness.
But this year, eggs are in short supply because of the spread of avian flu, which has required producers to slaughter 150 million birds in the last two years, including 30 million since the start of 2025. As the supply of eggs has fallen, their price has skyrocketed to record levels, and many stores have set limits on how many customers can buy — if any are available at
all. Across the country, shoppers routinely find empty shelves where eggs once sat.
That poses a pressing concern for Jews preparing for Passover, which this year begins the night of April 12.
“Aside from the symbolism, just the pragmatics – you are so limited by all the other restrictions on the holiday,” says Levine’s husband, Rabbi Yosie Levine. “To be limited by eggs, too? I don’t know what people are going to do. It’s a little crazy.”
Advance planners are already starting to come up with strategies.
Some are planning to stock up, buying eggs a dozen at a time in the leadup to the holiday. (The USDA says eggs can typically last three to five weeks after purchase if refrigerated properly.) For them, having to hunt down costly eggs — the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics says they cost $5 a dozen on average, up from $2.45 a year ago — doesn’t change the Passover calculus all that much.
“So far we can still get eggs so that’s what we’ll use,” Sue Fishbain of Illinois says in an email. “Let’s face it, Pesach is SOOOO expensive anyway. If one keeps kosher, will we actually know the difference? Finding eggs in our area changes from day to day. I’ve seen empty shelves, and I’ve seen them full, with high prices, but I have always found some.”
Others are rejiggering their menus to hedge against egg availability. Katja Goldman, a chef and cookbook author in New York City, is considering taking her sponge cake off the menu and serving an egg-free dessert — perhaps something springy like rhubarb compote, strawberry sorbet and chocolate-and-nuts-covered matzo brittle.
She’s also hedging her bets by keeping a small flock of chickens at her family’s farm, Stone’s Throw Farm, in Sagaponack, Long Island — which provides a stable supply of eggs as long the birds remain healthy.
Others are turning to the array of egg-free recipes for traditional Jewish foods created in recent years amid an explosion in vegan and plant-based eating. There are “1001 ways to use egg replacements,” says Micah Siva, a dietitian and cookbook author who specializes in vegetarian Jewish food.
“When baking, I often rely on chia seeds as well as things like applesauce or if you feel comfortable, a silken tofu or even mashed potatoes if you need to bind
something,” says Siva, whose book, Nosh, includes a recipe for a vegan matzah ball that has aquafaba — the liquid byproduct of canned beans, as an ingredient. (Traditional Ashkenazi Passover rules prohibit the use of beans, but Siva’s husband is a Sephardic Jew who grew up eating such foods, known in Hebrew as kitniyot, on Passover and she has adopted his traditions.)
“There’s a nice way to meet in the middle so that instead of buying four dozen eggs, you can get by with two dozen,” she says about using more plant-based recipes. “It’s a great way to tackle this year’s cost of eggs.”
Others are just planning to make concessions to reality. Chanie Apfelbaum, a cookbook author and food influencer under the handle “Busy in Brooklyn,” says she anticipates nixing the hard-boiled eggs she typically makes in bulk and throws in her bag for outings during the holiday with her five children. This year, she says, matzah with nut butter will have to suffice.
Apfelbaum is also scouring her archives for recipes that are less egg-reliant, such as a Nutella tart with a macaroon crust. But she knows she’ll have at least one egg on the seder table.
“If there’s a shortage, there’s a shortage,” she says. “If it’s a cost thing, people will have to cut back on other things because eggs are an important part of the holiday. You need it for your seder plate. How do you get around that? Can we cut back on eggs? Yes. Can we say we are not going to use them? No.”
Indeed, it’s hard to evade eggs entirely if one wants to carry out Passover traditions. An egg is set on the seder plate, representing both the ancient Temple sacrifice and — with its roundness — the cycle of the year. Beyond that, it is customary to place bowls of hard-boiled eggs on the seder table so each participant can dip one in salted water, to remind them of the tears and suffering of the Israelites in Egypt while retelling the story of their liberation.
Rabbi Levine says it is acceptable according to Jewish law to substitute any cooked meat for the egg on the plate, since it joins the shankbone as representations of the two sacrifices that would be given during Passover in ancient Jerusalem. (Siva uses a beet and avocado pit.)
“The eggs also symbolize a mourning component that we also factor
Save on what you need for a joyous holiday.
into the seder,” Levine says. “Eggs are the food of mourning. After someone comes back from the cemetery, that first meal that we offer them are round foods like lentils or bagels or eggs. All speak to the same symbolic value which is the circle of life. There is an end and a beginning or there is no end and no beginning. We highlight that piece also.”
(Bagels are prohibited on Passover. Lentils are kitniyot, only eaten by some.)
For low-income Jews, the egg crisis is even more pressing. “I call them the poor person’s protein,” says Alexander Rappaport, executive director of the Masbia soup kitchen network in haredi Orthodox
neighborhoods of New York City. Eggs, he says, were “cheaper than any canned fish or frozen chicken.”
Surging prices have changed that calculus, he says, at least for most of the year.
“Eggs are a universal item,” he says. “In the past, it was used as filler in a recipe. You could make tuna salad with cooked eggs for filler because the eggs were cheaper than the tuna. That doesn’t make sense [now] so people will adjust. Now you can adjust your recipe, so you don’t use as much.”
But he’s not expecting any of his customers to go without eggs during Passover, when Masbia typically brings in two to three trailers of eggs — each holding
18,000 dozen — to use and distribute to its customers over Passover. “We give anywhere from 15 to 30 dozen eggs per family for Passover,” Rapaport says. “Very large families of more than eight members might get more.”
This year, despite the rise in price, Masbia will still be buying and distributing eggs in bulk. “Any given haredi family goes through suitcases of eggs, not a few dozen” during the holiday, Rapaport says, adding, “In the observant world, eggs are synonymous with Passover, just like matzah.”
It’s clear that Americans will find little relief before the holiday. President Donald Trump campaigned on a vow to reduce egg prices, blaming their rise on his predecessor, but with avian flu continuing to spread — and some producers accused of taking advantage of the crisis to gouge customers — the USDA predicts that prices will rise at least another 20% this year.
“While we can’t predict the future, what we know right now is that our system is strained — and HPAI remains a clear and present risk to poultry flocks,” Emily Metz,
president and CEO of the American Egg Board wrote last month, using an acronym for highly pathogenic avian influenza. “It’s going to take a sustained period with no additional HPAI detections on egg farms to stabilize supply.”
Passover programs like the one the Levine family is joining for the eight-day holiday have the advantage of scale. Entities buying in bulk — such as restaurants, grocery stores, and hospital systems — can make use of egg brokers, longstanding middlemen in the industry who scour farms for available eggs on their clients’ behalf.
Even though Rachel Levine is sidestepping her own family’s Passover egg pressure, her anxiety about the crisis has her expecting to turn into something of an amateur egg broker herself.
“It’s not a joke!” she says about the crisis. “I told my sister-in-law that right after Purim I would start collecting eggs for her for Pesach. She has 11 kids and is hosting some family. I honestly don’t know how she’ll possibly have enough eggs.”
Nofar Trem
Community members gathered on Thursday, Feb. 25 for a poignant ceremony led by Tidewater’s Shinshinim, Danielle Hartman and Emily Patyuk, to commemorate more than 500 days of war in Israel and to honor the countless lives lost since October 7, 2023. The ceremony also paid tribute to the hostages whose lives were stolen by Hamas.
The event reflected the community’s shared heartbreak, struggles, resilience, and unity throughout this prolonged conflict. There was not a dry eye in the room as the names of the 59 hostages who remain in Hamas captivity were read. The morning
also included prayers for the hostages’ safe return, as well as for the IDF soldiers fighting to protect Israel. Patyuk sang Shir La’Maalot (A Song of Ascents).
As the war continues, the call for solidarity with Israel and support for one another must be amplified. Through unity, the present is strengthened and a brighter future for Tidewater’s Jewish community, the Jewish people, and the State of Israel will be built.
For more information and resources on the Israel-Hamas War, go to JewishVA.org/ IsraelResources or contact Nofar Trem at NTrem@UJFT.org.
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Sam Molofsky
Nadiv, the young professional men’s fundraising group for United Jewish Federation of Tidewater, held a social event on Monday, Feb. 17 at Q-Masters Billiards in Virginia Beach.
More than 25 men in their 20s, 30s, and 40s attended – some were Nadiv ‘regulars,’ while others were new to the group or the Jewish community. Nadiv members give at least $365 to the UJFT annual campaign.
The night at the pool hall was a short break from the group’s hard work planning two signature events this spring. The first is Nadiv’s annual March Madness Bracket
Challenge for the NCAA Tournament. The winner will receive a $500 Amazon gift card. Visit jewishva.org/Madness to purchase brackets.
On Tuesday, May 13, from 6 until 10 pm, the men will host the inaugural Nadiv Poker Night. The goal is to field 100 poker players inside the Fleder Multipurpose Room at the Sandler Family Campus. Register now and tell poker-playing friends to join, too. Top prizes include free entry at a Rivers Casino poker tournament, a $500 Amazon gift card, and more. For more information, visit jewishva.org/nadivpoker.
Sam Molofsky is chair of Nadiv.
Julie Kievit
Purim is often celebrated by telling the story of Esther, wearing costumes, and enjoying a variety of festivities. It’s also a time for giving. One of Purim’s four mitzvot is the tradition of delivering mishloach manot to friends, family, and neighbors. Doing so is an opportunity to make connections – especially with those who may be isolated or in need.
Volunteers from Jewish Family Service take this mitzvah to heart each year. For this year’s holiday, JFS volunteers delivered 167 mishloach manot bags to Jewish residents at 19 local nursing homes and to 10 “home delivered meal” recipients. These simple gifts, containing hamantaschen, are much more than just food. They symbolize connection and the importance of community.
“The Jewish month of Adar brings merriment because you have both Purim and Passover,” says Ron Kaufman, a JFS volunteer. “It’s a great way to start the month and it’s a great feeling and satisfaction when you hand over a gift that is unexpected and you can share the reason for it. It just makes you feel good.”
While celebrating and delivering gifts during Purim is a warm gesture, JFS reminds that the spirit of giving should extend beyond the holiday. Many in the community face isolation throughout the year, and JFS works to ensure they feel remembered – not just on Purim but every day.
“Community isn’t just for one day; it’s a continuous thread that ties everyone together,” says Kelly Burroughs, CEO, Jewish Family Service.
Anyone who is interested in helping JFS continue this work could consider a gift or endowment to help assure that all Jews in Tidewater are remembered. Volunteers are also always appreciated.
For more information, go to jfshamptonroads.org, or call Kelly Burroughs at 757-321-2244.
The Sandler Family Campus was unrecognizable on Saturday, March 1, as partygoers stepped into Mordechai’s Time Machine for an unforgettable Purim celebration. Immersive décor transported guests across time and space — from a 1920s speakeasy to a garden of Eden. Every corner held a new surprise.
The night began with a spirited Havdalah led by Rabbi Ari of Temple Emanuel, bringing everyone together in a meaningful moment as the party kicked off. From there, the energy kept building. The dance floor was packed all night with guests dancing to the DJ’s spin of decades of hits spanning generations.
Costumes were as creative as the theme. Guests came dressed as everything from Moses to Jackie Kennedy, with plenty of imaginative ensembles in between. The League of Their Own, a group decked out as the iconic 1940s women’s baseball team, won the costume contest, with Freida Kahlo as a close runner up.
Between dancing, guests enjoyed an open bar, great food, and plenty of photo opportunities. Everywhere one turned, people were laughing, catching up with friends, and celebrating Purim in true holiday spirit.
Hunter Thomas
The 32nd Annual Virginia Festival of Jewish Film overcame a chilly beginning to deliver a week of outstanding films and vibrant community spirit across Virginia Beach and Norfolk.
After a strong start on Sunday, Feb.16 with the Israeli film, Running on Sand, the festival was forced to pivot following the announcement of Winter Storm Kingston, which dumped more than a foot of snow in parts of Tidewater. The festival rescheduled its screening of Yaniv, a quirky comedy by director Amnon Carmi, to Thursday, Feb. 27.
One of the festival’s highlights was the Big Saturday Night Celebration at the Virginia Museum of Contemporary Art, which went on as planned, after the storm. Keeping with the theme of Midas Man, which chronicled the life of Beatles manager Brian Epstein, guests joined John Lennon Tribute Star Tim Beasley for a lively evening of Beatles karaoke, desserts, and drinks.
The festival also remembered two great men who
made it what it is today: William Laderberg and Dr. Barry Einhorn, who both passed away before the 32nd festival. As Einhorn’s daughter, Wendy Brodsky, shared before Running on Sand, Einhorn and his wife, Lois, who attended the festival this year, were the first chairpersons of the Virginia Festival of Jewish Film. Laderberg, who was a longtime chair of the festival’s screening committee, was recognized on Saturday night as his siblings and their spouses, Harry Laderberg, Linda (Laderberg) and Leigh Baltuch, and Mallory (Stark) and Romney Laderberg, sponsored the event.
The Sunday, Feb. 23 screening of October H8te sparked an engaging panel discussion following director Wendy Sachs’ powerful documentary on rising antisemitism following the invasion of Israel by Hamas on October 7, 2023. Panelists included Jonathan Zur, president and CEO of the Virginia Center for Inclusive Communities; Amy Milligan, PhD, director of the Institute for Jewish Studies and Interfaith Understanding at Old
Dominion University and director of ODU Hillel; Ben Rosenthal, student president of ODU Hillel; Virginia Beach City Councilman Joash Schulman; and Craig Wansink, PhD, director of the Robert Nusbaum Center at Virginia Wesleyan University.
The festival’s largest turnout was at Naro Expanded Cinema for Bad Shabbos. More than 300 attendees could be heard laughing at the off-beat comedy, which was preceded by the short film, We Should Eat. Both films had star-studded casts and were a welcomed reprieve by a Jewish community that has gone through so much in recent months. “Bad Shabbos reminded me that we can and must still laugh in difficult times,” says Abbey Pachter.
Presented by Alma & Howard Laderberg and supported by community partners, the festival proved once again that storytelling through film unites and inspires.
For more information on upcoming events and how to get involved, go to www.JewishVA.org.
The United Jewish Federation of Tidewater and Simon Family JCC extend their sincere appreciation to the festival’s corporate sponsors for supporting the arts in the Jewish community: Harbor Group International, Gentry Locke Attorneys, Jody’s
Gourmet Popcorn, Law Offices of Daniel J.
MercedesBenz of Virginia, Palms Associates, LLC, S.L. Nusbaum Realty Co., Wall Einhorn & Chernitzer CPAs and Advisors, and Wegmans.
Sierra Lautman
Deep learning and spirited conversation took place when Abigail Pogrebin and Rabbi Dov Linzer led a thoughtprovoking discussion at It Takes Two to Torah. Hosted by the Konikoff Center for Learning of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater, the event earlier this month brought together diverse perspectives on Jewish text study, emphasizing the power of dialogue.
Moderated by Alene Jo Kaufman, the discussion highlighted the intellectual tension between Dov Linzer, an Orthodox rabbi, and Abigail Pogrebin, a Reform journalist. The two scholars, turned friends through years of Torah Study, explored contrasting interpretations of Torah, particularly around challenging texts such as the Sotah ritual and the binding of Isaac. Rabbi Linzer underscored how engaging in study with Pogrebin pushed him to return again and again to his belief that Torah inherently leads to moral good as a divinely authored text. Pogrebin, who does not feel constrained by such a belief, questioned whether all passages uphold that standard, and was challenged by the ways that Rabbi Linzer was able to contort interpretation and refer to midrashic commentary to get back to a moral message. Their engaging back-and-forth demonstrated how respectful disagreement can fuel deeper understanding rather than division.
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Prior to the main community event, a group comprised of members of the Rabbi Sacks Tidewater Community Book Club and subscribers to the Great Jewish Bookshelf who preordered the speakers’ book, It Takes Two To Torah, attended an exclusive dinner with Pogrebin and Linzer. During the meal, attendees engaged in a study session guided by Craig Schranz, who leads the Rabbi Sacks Book Club, and inspired by It Takes Two to Torah. Groups explored low-barrier Torah texts from the week’s parsha, emphasizing the idea that Jewish tradition thrives when examined through multiple perspectives.
Many of the energized attendees expressed excitement to continue their Jewish Learning.
To learn more about Konikoff Center for Learning offerings, visit JewishVA.org/KCL or contact Sierra Lautman at SLautman@ ujft.org.
The Be A Reader (BeAR) Literacy Project has always been about resilience, adaptability, and community. The program even managed to create a space during the COVID-19 pandemic. As BeAR celebrates 25 years of fostering literacy among young students, it is navigating yet another challenge: the loss of several dedicated Coast Guard mentors.
With the recent dissolution of the federal Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion program, the Coast Guard’s Partners in Education Initiative – previously housed under DEI – was discontinued. As a result, both uniformed Coast Guard members and civilian employees who once served as BeAR mentors are no longer able to participate. Their absence is deeply felt as they played an important role in encouraging young readers in Norfolk and Virginia Beach.
Still, BeAR is not slowing down. Now more than ever, new volunteers are needed to help fill this gap. Anyone who has ever considered becoming a mentor, this is the time. Just one hour a week can change a child’s life by improving their reading skills, boosting their confidence, and fostering a love of books.
BeAR has always thrived because of the commitment of those who believe in the power of literacy. With new mentors joining, the program will continue to ensure that every child who desires a reading mentor has one.
Able to help? If so, join the BeAR family to assist in the work of building a community of readers – one book, one child, and one mentor at a time.
To get involved, contact Robin Ford, BeAR coordinator, at 757-321-2304 or at rford@ujft.org.
Rabbi Boruch Danziger
The Norfolk Kollel and Konikoff Center for Learning of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater present an evening of family-friendly musical inspiration and entertainment featuring the Jewish music sensation Joey Newcomb.
The last year and a half have been challenging for world Jewry – grappling with the tragedy of the October 7 attacks, mourning the plight of the hostages, and facing increasing antisemitism at every turn. In the spirit of Jewish resilience, new meaning and strength through the darkness have been found. Jews worldwide have discovered a renewed sense of pride, unity, and connection to the Jewish people. Many have also found meaning and inspiration in Jewish tradition and thought.
One powerful force bringing Jews together and spreading the Jewish message of hope, positivity, and gratitude for blessings is the music of Joey Newcomb.
Yosef “Joey” Newcomb is perhaps one of the fastst rising Orthodox artists, propelled in part by his campaign “Thank You, Hashem.” An exuberant movement to promote gratitude, positive thinking, spiritual connection, and simchah (joy), TYH, as it’s known, has become an international phenomenon, inspiring people to appreciate everything they have when it’s good and when it’s great.
Newcomb was always the guy to lead a kumzitz with his guitar but never planned or expected to have a full-time career in the music industry. Starting a few years after he was married, Newcomb has performed at concerts and events across the country and world. His singing is always accompanied by a few lines of Torah and a Hasidic Thought.
Newcomb’s positive energy and love of Judaism suffuse his music as a soulful musician.
The concert is an opportunity to come together and celebrate unity as a people and the beautiful positivity of shared traditions.
Contact Rabbi Danziger of the Norfolk Kollel at bmdanziger@norfolkkollel.com for more information.
Thursday, April 3, 7:30 pm
United Jewish Federation of Tidewater’s Konikoff Center for Learning will welcome Liel Leibovitz, author and journalist, as he discusses his latest book, How the Talmud Can Change Your Life: Surprisingly Modern Advice from a Very Old Book.
Leibovitz, a senior writer at Tablet Magazine, has a gift for making ancient Jewish texts feel remarkably relevant to today’s world. In his book, he explores the Talmud’s timeless wisdom, uncovering how its debates, stories, and ethical dilemmas offer guidance on everything from relationships to resilience. His work has been widely praised for bridging the gap between tradition and modernity, showing how a centuries-old book can still shape contemporary life.
Leibovitz is known for his dynamic storytelling and thought-provoking discussions, making the Talmud accessible even to those with no prior knowledge of Jewish texts. In conversation with Tidewater Talmud enthusiast, Craig Schranz, Leibovitz will dive into some of the book’s key themes, such as the importance of questioning, the value of community, and the power of embracing uncertainty—all of which are deeply embedded in Jewish tradition and essential for navigating the complexities of modern life.
Writing for Commentary Magazine, Rabbi David Wolpe describes the book as “a joyous reminder that Jewish learning is not just about answers but about the beauty of the questions themselves.”
For more information or to register, visit JewishVA.org/KCL or contact Sierra Lautman, senior director of Jewish Innovation at United Jewish Federation of Tidewater, at SLautman@ujft.org.
The Holocaust Commission of United Jewish Federation of Tidewater’s annual Holocaust Day Remembrance, Yom Hashoah, will take place next month. The event is open to the community.
The commemoration will feature survivor and scholar Dr. Irving Berkowitz, along with a candle-lighting ceremony and prayers led by community leaders.
The student winners of the Elie Wiesel Competition will be recognized for their accomplishments. In addition, recipients of the Holocaust Commission’s Excellence in Education awards will be honored for their exemplary work with students throughout the year.
For more information about Yom Hashoah, go to www.HolocaustCommission.org or email info@holocaustcommission.org.
Nofar Trem
An extraordinary culinary journey is planned with the second annual Israeli Chef’s Table Experience – part of the community’s Yom Ha’Atzmaut (Israel Independence Day) celebration, presented by United Jewish Federation of Tidewater.
Chef Moshe Basson, founder of Jerusalem’s acclaimed Eucalyptus restaurant, is recognized worldwide for his innovative approach to authentic Israeli cuisine. Guests will be treated to a carefully curated, three-course kosher meat dinner paired with exquisite Israeli wines. Drawing inspiration from centuries-old regional flavors and biblical ingredients, Chef Basson masterfully blends history, culture, and gastronomy into every dish.
As an Israeli food historian, Basson’s expertise in agricultural traditions and ancient texts allows him to craft meals that tell a story—one that spans generations and cultures.
Attendees will experience recipes from his latest cookbook, The Eucalyptus Cookbook, bringing the rich
culinary heritage of Israel to life, and to hear him speak about his journey.
This one-of-a-kind dining experience is a must for food enthusiasts and/or lovers of Israeli culture. With limited seating available, make reservations soon for a night of exquisite flavors, rich history, and culinary storytelling.
To learn more and purchase tickets, go to JewishVA.org/YH or contact Nofar Trem at NTrem@UJFT.org.
Tuesday, April 8, 7:30 pm,
In today's fast-paced digital world, social media is a powerful tool for shaping narratives, spreading information, and influencing public opinion. In the wake of October 7, however, it has also become a battleground for misinformation, divisive rhetoric, anti-Israel sentiment, and rising antisemitism.
To help learn how to navigate today’s digital world, the Jewish Community Relations Council of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater, Simon Family JCC, and community partners, will present a discussion with Amy Albertson, a social media coach and Jewish activist, as part of the 14th annual Israel Today series.
For many, social media can be overwhelming,
creating uncertainty on how to engage or respond. With content spreading rapidly through algorithms, echo chambers, and viral posts, it is essential to understand how to critically assess all information.
Albertson will guide the audience on how to have meaningful conversations, stand up against misinformation, and ensure that digital activism does not come at the cost of mental health. Whether a social media user looking for guidance, an advocate for digital responsibility, or simply interested in understanding today’s complex online landscape, this event offers valuable perspectives for all.
For more information and to register, visit JewishVA.org/ IsraelToday or contact Nofar Trem at NTrem@UJFT.org.
The Nosh: Taking a Bite Out of Hard Conversations. Dr. Amy K. Milligan from ODU’s Institute for Jewish Studies and Interfaith Understanding, explores Dara Horn’s piece, October 7 Created a Permission Structure for Anti-Semitism. Discussion co-facilitated by Dr. Keith Darden of American University. Presented by JCRC and Konikoff Center for Learning of UJFT. 6:45 pm. Online. Free. Session details and registration: visit www.JewishVA.org/Nosh.
61st VCIC Humanitarian Awards Celebration. Tidewater celebrates Steven E. Kocen as a recipient of this year’s Humanitarian Award of the Virginia Center for Inclusive Communities. 6:30 – 8 pm. The Westin Virginia Beach Town Center. Contact LaTina at lpitts@inclusiveVA.org or 804-515-7950. To purchase tickets through UJFT, contact Bobbie Wilcox at bwilcox@ujft.org.
Temple Israel Fundraiser. Chuckles, Chopsticks & Kudos featuring the comedy of Robin Fox. 12 – 2:30 pm. Temple Israel. $50. Sponsorships available. Information and registration: Nancy Tucker at 757-489-4550 or templeisraelva1954@gmail.com.
The Undiscovered Country: Jewish Views of the Afterlife, an 8-week Konikoff Center for Learning course. Taught by Rabbi Michael Panitz, the course will examine Biblical roots, Hellenistic-era transformations, Rabbinic syntheses, new speculations in medieval Jewish mysticism, philosophical reinterpretations, and several different modern-era reappraisals of this endlessly compelling question: “What lies beyond?” 12:30 – 2 pm. Sandler Family Campus. Members $60, nonmembers $72. Information and registration: JewishVA.org/KCL or contact Sierra Lautman at SLautman@UJFT.org.
RoundTable Conversation: What’s Your Take? Agree to Disagree. Discuss, Don’t Dismiss. 1 pm. Sandler Family Campus. Free. Information or to RSVP: www.Jewishva.org/ RoundTable or contact Mia Klein at MKlein@UJFT.org.
Active Adult Birthday Celebration. and have some cake. 1 – 3 pm. Simon Family JCC.
Brith Sholom General Meeting. Tikvah, will lead in commemorating Yom Hashoah. Followed by deluxe dairy brunch. 11 am. Aviva Pembroke. $5 per member if paid in advance, $10 at the door. Reservation deadline is March 26 at noon. RSVP: 757-461-1150 or brith.sholom1@gmail.com.
Navigating Social Media Post October 7. Join social media coach and Jewish activist Amy Albertson to discuss responsible digital engagement, the rise of online antisemitism, and strategies for maintaining mental well-being while advocating effectively. 14th annual Israel Today series. 7:30 pm. Sandler Family Campus. Free. Information: www.JewishVA.org/ IsraelToday.
Camp JCC: Spring Break Camp. For campers (K-5th grade). Join for any single day, combination of days, or the entire week. Space is limited. Sandler Family Campus. Information and registration: www.campjcc.org or contact Dave Flagler at dflagler@ujft.org or 757-452-3182.
John Louis Bachman
NORFOLK - John Louis Bachman, aged 45, of the 200 block of E. 41st Street, passed away on March 11, 2025. After a brief and courageous battle with kidney cancer, he died peacefully surrounded by his family.
Born in Norfolk, he was the beloved son of Gail Wasserman Bachman and the late Thomas Charles Bachman.
He was predeceased by his father, Tom; his grandparents, Bernard L. Wasserman and Ruth C. Wasserman; and his grandmother, Annie Bachman.
He is survived by his mother, Gail; his siblings, David (Laura) and Brian (Sara). He also leaves behind heartbroken dogs – nephew, Dinger, and niece, Penny.
John was a wise and witty man with a heart full of kindness. He leaves behind a legacy of love and devotion to his family, whom he cherished above all else. His enthusiasm for sports was a close second. John was an avid fan of the Redskins/Commanders, the Mets, and the Celtics. He was known for his wisdom and character. He will be
remembered by many for years of service to the Ohef Sholom Temple community and the local youth baseball community.
Funeral services were private. H.D. Oliver Funeral Apts.
ROCKVILLE, MD - Stuart Alan Berman passed away at the age of 78 on February 25, 2025.
Beloved husband of Beverly Berman; devoted father of Scott (Hillary) Berman and Rachel (Chris) Newman; loving brother of Judi Klass and Howard (Barbara) Berman; cherished Pop Pop of Sammy Berman, Jack Berman, Isaac Berman, and Neville Newman.
Stuart was born and raised in Allentown, Pa. He and Beverly wed in 1973 and together lived in numerous locations during his service in the US Navy as a Submarine Officer. The two raised their children in Virginia Beach, Va., where he continued his service in various contractor roles as a computer engineer, a career he
continued in the Washington, DC area when they moved to Maryland.
Stuart had a high moral compass, always believing in the way things should be and frustrated by the absurdity of today’s politics. He found great joy in Donald Duck, Star Wars, Legos, and watching baseball.
Stuart was an active member of his communities and in high demand for blowing shofar on the High Holidays. His family was his greatest source of joy.
Funeral services were held at B’nai Jacob Cemetery in Mont Clare, Pa. Memorial contributions may be made to the United States Submarine Veterans Charitable Foundation (www.ussvcf.org/) or Congregation Beth El of Bethesda, Maryland (www.bethelmc.org/).
Services entrusted to Sagel Bloomfield Danzansky Goldberg Funeral Care.
NORFOLK - With profound sadness, we announce that Charles Neilson Cooper, age 89, died on Tuesday, February 25, 2025.
Charles was born on July 13, 1935, in Norfolk, Va. to Dudley Cooper and Mary Miller Cooper. He was raised in Norfolk alongside his older brother, Joel Cooper, developing deep roots in the community that would become his lifelong home. He attended Taylor Elementary School and graduated from Norfolk Academy in 1953, where he exhibited an early talent as an essayist, serving as editor of the yearbook, and excelled on both the football and tennis teams.
Charles continued his education at the University of Virginia, earning a BA in history in 1957 and distinguishing himself as an honor society member. His leadership qualities were recognized through his participation in the ROTC program as a Distinguished Military Graduate. He earned his law degree at Columbia University in 1962, joining the Phi Delta Phi honor society.
Charles proudly served in the Army on active duty and reserve, 1957-1965. He was stationed at Ft. Sill, Okla. and later Ft. Knox, Ky., eventually achieving promotion to 1st Lieutenant.
to detail and foresight that characterized all aspects of his life, earning him the respect of clients and colleagues alike.
In 1997, at the age of 64, Charles began a “second career,” taking over management of family real estate corporation Cooper Realty and was soon joined in leadership by his sons, Erik and Jeff. Charles’ legal expertise and seasoned ability to interact with investors and local authorities proved instrumental in the firm’s growth throughout Virginia. His dedication to the company remained steadfast as he continued to come to work every day into his late 80s.
In December 1956, Charles met Bettie Minette Switzer on a blind date set up by Charles’ brother in New York City, and he quickly fell in love. They married on June 22, 1958, in Vicksburg, Miss., beginning a loving partnership that spanned 66 years.
They started married life in New York and later settled in Norfolk in 1962, where they established their permanent home. They were blessed with three children: Brooke (Babette) Cooper, Erik (Betsy) Cooper, and Jeff (Allison) Cooper. Charles took immense pride in his role as father and cherished his time spent with them and later with his seven grandchildren: Hannah, Tanhen, Kacey, Rena, Rachel, Nathan and Ryan. He was also a constant presence in the lives of his brother’s children: Wendy Cooper (deceased), John (Monica) Cooper, Kate (Barry) Augus, and their children, and it brought him great joy to share in their everyday moments and milestones.
Charles and Minette created a home filled with tradition, purpose, and unwavering commitment to one another. Charles often served as the family correspondent, keeping strong connections with his many cousins and their families across generations. Their home naturally became the epicenter of family gatherings and celebrations.
Cedar Road Chesapeake 548-2200 www.hdoliver.com
Following his education, Charles built a 50-plus-year career as an attorney, specializing in estate and tax law and commercial real estate. Charles approached his legal practice with the same meticulous attention
Throughout his life, Charles pursued various interests and hobbies with passion, particularly enjoying sharing them with family and friends. He was an avid fisherman and boater, owning a succession of vessels both small and large throughout his life, and passed along his nautical skills to his children.
Charles was a prodigious reader with
a particular interest in history, especially military and war history. He spent countless hours immersed in historical accounts and shared his knowledge generously with others.
Charles and Minette shared a love of travel, exploring the world together and with their children. They believed in the importance of broadening horizons through travel experiences and sought to introduce their family to different cultures and perspectives.
Known for his hospitality, Charles delighted in hosting dinner parties featuring delicious wine selections. Guests could always count on him to enliven gatherings with entertaining stories and his repertoire of “shaggy dog” jokes.
Charles was deeply involved in his community, dedicating time and energy to numerous organizations throughout Hampton Roads. Over the years, he offered his expertise in corporate, tax, and fundraising counsel to various causes that aligned with his values. He and Minette were recognized for their generous contributions to educational, cultural, and charitable organizations across the region.
Of particular importance to Charles was his role as a founding director of the Tidewater Legal Aid Society. He chaired the Norfolk Junior Chamber of Commerce’s 1964 and 1968 voter registration campaigns, which successfully doubled Norfolk’s electorate. Charles was president of Community Concerts in the 1960s and also served as a longtime trustee of Norfolk Academy and played a key role in establishing the Old Dominion University Institute for Jewish Studies & Interfaith Understanding.
As a longtime director of the Greater Norfolk Corporation and a member of the Norfolk Mayor’s Downtown Advisory Committee, Charles demonstrated his unwavering commitment to the growth and development of the region he called home.
A memorial service was held at Ohef Sholom Temple. The family requests memorial contributions to causes dear to Charles’s heart: Ohef Sholom Temple, Norfolk Academy, and ODU, The Institute for Jewish Studies & Interfaith Understanding.
Online condolences may be offered to
the family at hdoliver.com.
NORFOLK – Marilyn Miller passed away peacefully on February 18, 2025, at the age of 97.
She is survived by two sons and her daughter-in-law.
Marilyn Miller was born January 29, 1928, in Brooklyn, N.Y. She was the only surviving child of Helen and Louis Epstein. Her mother had emigrated from Poland as a child, while her father emigrated as a child from Lithuania. After high school, she worked as a bookkeeper for a company that supplied buttons to garment makers.
On April 20, 1958, she married George Miller. They had two sons. In 1966 they moved from Brooklyn to Queens. After her youngest son entered elementary school, she went to Queens College and earned a bachelor’s degree. After college, she worked full time as an actuary for a small company that managed retirement plans for professionals.
After they both retired, they moved to Florida, settling in Delray Beach. Her husband died in 2004.
In 2019, she moved to Norfolk, Va., to be closer to her son Steven and his wife Beth. She lived at the Talbot on Granby. In 2023 she moved to Lee Hall assisted living.
She enjoyed reading and creative writing. She also went to the gym regularly and liked to play cards with her friends.
Donations can be made to Congregation Beth El.
H.D Oliver Funeral Apts.
NORFOLK - Ronnie Hermelin Moscovitz passed away peacefully in her sleep at home, family by her side, on February 28, 2025.
Born to Al and Bea Hermelin, of blessed memory, in Norfolk, Va., on May 7, 1940, she was the eldest of four children. Being diagnosed with Juvenile Arthritis as a very young child, having her leg surgically broken in multiple locations and reset in a full leg plaster cast, was not enough of an impediment to obstruct young Ronnie from doing what was expected of her. She stepped up and into
• Family owned and operated since 1917
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life’s treasured memories.
the role of the older sister by babysitting, helping with homework, and preparing family meals; often becoming the de facto “Mom on Duty” to her younger siblings while her parents worked long hours, day and night in the family business.
Despite her physical challenges, Ronnie never allowed these problems to keep her from living her best life. Ronnie persevered and went on to graduate with honors from Granby High School and the Norfolk Division of the College of William and Mary, ultimately earning her master’s for Gifted and Talented Education from
Norfolk State University.
Her work as a teacher was dedicated to improving the lives and education of both children and adults from all walks of life. She volunteered for numerous charitable organizations as she believed in helping those less fortunate than herself. Ronnie treasured her family, her travel adventures with Jack, and her dear lifelong friends. She possessed an innate ability to judge character and skillfully wielded a terrific sense of humor with great effect.
Left to cherish her memory are her
May the Source of Peace send peace to all who mourn, and comfort to all who are bereaved. f
devoted husband of 62 years, Jack Sanford Moscovitz; brothers, Harvey Hermelin (Jenny) and Mark Hermelin (Sharon, of blessed memory); her three children, Scott Moscovitz (Ruth Ann), Lori Alperin, DDS (Scott), and David Moscovitz (Natalie); grandchildren she adored: Noah and Zoey Alperin, Sam Ludwig, and Lauren Moscovitz; honorary family member, Lucille Evans; along with her loyal toy Shih Tzu, Ginger. Ronnie was predeceased by her sister, Rebecca Hermelin.
A graveside funeral service was officiated by Rabbi Michael Panitz at Gomley Chesed Cemetery in Portsmouth, Va. Donations may be made in Ronnie’s memory to Children’s Hospital of The Kings Daughters, St. Mary’s Home for Disabled Children, or a local SPCA or pet shelter.
Online condolences may be made to the family at hdoliver.com. –
Robert Oasis
PALM BEACH GARDENS, FLORIDARobert (Bob) Oasis passed peacefully at home on March 6, 2025. He was surrounded by both family and friends.
Bob grew up in West Hartford, Conn., attended Hall High School and earned a BA from Curry College in Milton, Mass. His career spanned executive positions at General Motors, Saab, and as an automotive advisor at The Ad Team advertising agency in Miami, Fla.
Bob leaves behind two loving children, Heather and Allison (Oasis) Kahn, three grandchildren, Madeline, Olivia, and Benjamin, two brothers, Donald and Russell, and his sister, Betsy (Oasis) Karotkin.
Bob was a gentle soul and a good man, who always had a positive outlook on life.
Memorial gifts can be sent to: Temple Beth Am / Rabbi Alon’s Discretionary
Fund 2250 Central Blvd. Jupiter, FL 33458 or to Congregation Beth El, 422 Shirley Ave., Norfolk, VA 23517.
Dr. Louis O. Tonelson
VIRGINIA BEACH - Dr. Louis O. Tonelson passed away on March 15, 2025.
Dr. Tonelson was born to A. Rufus and Sara Tonelson on May 1, 1947, in Norfolk, Va.
Dr. Tonelson is survived by his best friend and confidant of 54 years, his wife Anita. He is also survived by his children, Erin, Matthew, and Melanie Tonelson. Also surviving are his two grandchildren, Madelyn and Reid, who he treasured every day. Additionally, Dr. Tonelson is survived by his brother, Dr. Steve Tonelson, his wife, Ilona, and two nieces, Claire and Rachel Tonelson, and brother-in-law, Joel Shapiro.
Dr. Tonelson earned his A.B. and master’s degree from the College of William and Mary, his Certificate of Advanced Study in Educational Administration from Old Dominion University, and his Ed.D. from Virginia Tech. His life’s work was in education where he held many roles throughout 40 years of service. Most notably, he was a beloved principal at Kempsville High School for 22 years and was honored as the Virginia State Principal of the Year in 2001. The difference and positive impact he made in the lives of his family, colleagues, and students is immeasurable.
There was a private burial followed by a service at Beth El in Norfolk.
Consider donating to Old Dominion University’s A. Rufus and Sara Tonelson Scholarship in Education, the William and Mary Athletics Impact Fund, the American Cancer Society, or a charity of your choice. Online condolences may be offered to the family at hdoliver.com.
8-week course begins: Tuesday, April 1 12:30 – 2 pm, Sandler Family Campus
Sierra Lautman
What happens after death? It’s a question as old as humanity. For Jews, the answer has never been a singular, fixed doctrine. Instead, Jewish thought has evolved over millennia, offering a fascinating tapestry of perspectives on what lies beyond this life.
Rabbi Michael Panitz will lead an eight-week course, Undiscovered Country: Jewish Views on the Afterlife, hosted by Konikoff Center for Learning of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater. This series will guide participants through the many interpretations of the afterlife found in Jewish tradition.
Jewish views on the afterlife have never been monolithic. Beginning with biblical texts that are often ambiguous about what comes after death, the conversation expanded during the Hellenistic period as Jewish thinkers engaged with Greek philosophy. Rabbinic literature further developed these ideas, introducing concepts like the resurrection of the dead and the World to Come. The medieval era saw new mystical interpretations, particularly through Kabbalah, which introduced ideas such as reincarnation and spiritual ascent. In modern times, philosophical and scientific developments have led to further reinterpretations, making the question of the afterlife as compelling as ever.
Rabbi Panitz’s course will explore all these perspectives. With a background in both Jewish history and rabbinic studies, Rabbi Panitz will guide this exploration, weaving together scriptural analysis, theological debate, and historical context.
Cost: $60 for Simon Family JCC members; $72 for non-members. Scholarships available.
For more information about this course or other opportunities to learn with the Konikoff Center for Learning, visit JewishVA.org/KCL or contact Sierra Lautman, senior director of UJFT’s Jewish Innovation, at SLautman@UJFT.org.
Sunday, March 30, 12:30 – 2:30 pm, Torggler Center at Christopher Newport University
In Judaism’s mystical traditions, the myth of the ‘breaking of the vessels’ imagines vessels of divine essence shattered at creation, left for humans to find and repair the world.
Christopher Newport University’s Jewish Studies program presents Joanna Homrighausen, Ph. D exploring Jewish mysticism and the art inspired by it. The lecture will begin with Jewish art from past centuries that engages mystical themes – from ritual implements to calligraphed manuscripts – then turn to more recent Jewish artists who have played with Jewish mystical texts, themes, and symbols.
Dr. Homrighausen teaches in Judaic Studies at William & Mary and writes and teaches on sacred words, sacred texts, and how individuals and communities reproduce, ritualize, and revere them through lettering arts and scribal crafts. Presented in collaboration with CNU’s Department of Philosophy and Religion and sponsored by the Bertram and Gladys Aaron Endowed Professorship in Jewish Studies, this event is free and open to the public.
For more information, visit https://thetorggler.org/latest/events.html.
Sunday, May 4, 12 - 3 pm, Sandler
Jewish Tidewater is making plans to celebrate Yom Ha’Atzmaut, Israel’s 77th Independence Day, with another vibrant and family-friendly afternoon filled with fun, culture, and community spirit.
Attendees will have the opportunity to explore Israeli heritage through interactive activities, music, art, food, and history. Children and families will be able to engage in experiences led by Camp JCC, Tidewater ShinShinim, PJ Library, and local synagogues, as well as get their faces painted, bounce on inflatables, and play carnival games.
In addition, this year’s celebration will emphasize rebuilding and supporting Israel by featuring art and products by Israeli artists. Guests will have the chance to purchase works that showcase Israel’s resilience, creativity, and
culture. Support for these artists contributes to sustaining and uplifting Israeli craftsmanship and entrepreneurship.
From the sounds of Israeli music to the flavors of traditional cuisine, guests will be immersed in the sights, tastes, and traditions of the Jewish state. Whether looking to deepen one’s connection to Israeli culture or simply enjoy a festive afternoon with family and friends, Yom Ha’Atmaut is the perfect place to celebrate.
Admission is free and open to the entire community. Tickets for food and select activities may be pre-purchased online or at the event.
For more information and to register, visit JewishVA. org/YH or contact Nofar Trem at NTrem@UJFT.org.
APRIL 25 - 27, 2025