Jewish News - November 8, 2021

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Naftali Bennett at COP26: Israeli start-ups should focus their energies on climate change

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Following the incident, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson invited Elharrar (JTA)—At the closely-watched COP26 to join his meeting with Bennett the next conference on climate change in Glasgow, day. Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett said “I gather there was some confusion Israel’s famed start-up sector could add a with the arrangements yesterday. I am “mighty” contribution towards mitigating very, very sorry about that,” Johnson the climate crisis— told Elharrar at that if its entrepreneurs meeting, The Times focus on it. of Israel reported. “As the country Also, on Monday, with the most startthe Archbishop of ups per capita in Canterbury, the the world, we must leader of the Church channel our efforts of England, apolto saving our world,” ogized for making is the target scientists say Bennett said in a a statement during speech on Monday, his speech at the is needed to avoid November 1, the opening ceremony climate catastrophe first day of the that critics said United Nations conconstitutes an inapference with dozens propriate Holocaust of world leaders analogy. scheduled to run until Nov. 12. The archbishop, Justin Welby, said “This is why I say to our entrepreneurs that politicians who fail to tackle enviand innovators: You can be the game ronmental issues would be spoken of by changers. You can help save our planet.” future generations “in far stronger terms The conference has been hailed by than we speak today of the politicians of some international leaders as the “last, the [19]30s, of the politicians who ignored best hope” to produce policy needed to what was happening in Nazi Germany.” keep global warming within 1.5 degrees Celsius during this century—a target scientists say is needed to avoid climate catastrophe. If we’re going to move “Our carbon footprint may be small, the needle, we need but our impact on climate change can be to contribute Israel’s mighty,” Bennett added. “If we’re going to move the needle, we need to contribute most valuable source of Israel’s most valuable source of energy: energy: the energy and the energy and brainpower of our people.” Bennett’s delegation included more brainpower of our people. than 100 people from Israel—including Energy Minister Karine Elharrar, who was prevented from attending part of the opening ceremony because of accessibility Hours later, Welby wrote on Twitter: issues surrounding her wheelchair. The “I unequivocally apologize for the words I incident exposed the organizers to critused when trying to emphasise the gravicism in social and international media. ity of the situation facing us at COP26. It’s “It’s sad that the U.N., which promotes never right to make comparisons with the accessibility for people with disabilities, atrocities brought by the Nazis, and I’m does not make sure its events are accessorry for the offence caused to Jews by sible in 2021,” Elharrar wrote on Twitter. these words.” Cnaan Liphshiz

1.5 degrees celsius

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