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Ujwala Prabhu

Colombo, Sri Lanka

People, their moods, expressions, interactions and emotions are an ongoing source of curiosity and interest to me. What I’m searching for is their inner personalities, their thoughts and there are stories I build around them as I work. I like portraying feelings of people when they are alone, lost in their thoughts, caught unawares. Those are the special moments that appeal to me most. I love to experiment and use a variety of medium ranging from oil, charcoal, printmaking, clay to the digital medium. Regardless, my focus remains fixed on the human figure. The journey of understanding and making art is a continuous learning process: Improving existing skills, learning new ones and most of all growing with the practice, experiments and experience. Drawing and painting are an integral part of my life, something I am passionate about. This blog, Maya, documents the road traveled thus far.
