Antiques & Collectables Saturday 14 January 2012 09:00
A. E. Dowse & Son Cornwall Galleries Scotland Street Sheffield S3 7DE
A. E. Dowse & Son (Antiques & Collectables) Catalogue - Downloaded from
Lot: 1
Lot: 7
A VICTORIAN RUBY PAINTED PICKLE JAR with a domed lid, 16cm., a cranberry glass ornamental table bell, a moulded glass vase and a paperweight. (4)
A SUITE OF THOMAS WEBB CRYSTAL GLASSWARE, comprising twelve wines, 14cm., twelve further wines, 12.5cm. and twelve sherry glasses. (36)
Lot: 2
Lot: 8
AN EDWARDIAN CUT GLASS SHERRY DECANTER, gourd shape bowl, with a stopper, 26cm., and four sherry glasses. (5)
A PAIR OF CUT GLASS MALLET SHAPE DECANTERS, 19th century, one with a mushroom shape stopper, 20cm. and two other crystal decanters. (4)
Lot: 3
Lot: 9
A LANGHAM AMBER TINTED GLASS PAPERWEIGHT, 9cm., a ruby glass paperweight and a presentation glass bottle. (3)
Lot: 4
Lot: 10
A NOVELTY GLASS WALKING STICK with bead inclusions, length 105cm.
A VICTORIAN ENGRAVED GLASS SCENT BOTTLE, initialled A, 15cm. and two other scent bottles. (3)
Lot: 5
Lot: 11
A SCANDINAVIAN GLASS FLATBACK PAPERWEIGHT, designed as the head of a seal, indistinct engraved mark, 10cm.
A CAITHNESS MOONFLOWER PAPERWEIGHT, 8cm. and two cut glass decanters. (3)
Lot: 6
Lot: 12
A SET OF SWAROVSKI WEDDING BELLS, boxed, and six other Swarovski glass ornaments. (7)
A VENETIAN BLUE TINTED GLASS ORNAMENTAL BASKET, silver painted decoration, width 13cm. and a coloured glass model of a clown, 20cm. (2)
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Lot: 13
Lot: 21
A CRANBERRY GLASS VASE, lightly fluted, flared rim, 23cm.
A VICTORIAN WALKING STICK, horn handle, engraved silver ferrule, 87cm.
Lot: 14
Lot: 22
A SWAROVSKI FACETED GLASS MODEL OF A SWAN, 5cm. and three other models. (4)
AN A.R.P. WARDEN'S WHISTLE by J Hudson & Co., an ivorine fan and other items. (a collection)
Lot: 15
Lot: 23
AN EDWARDIAN INLAID MAHOGANY MANTEL CLOCK, white enamelled dial, cylinder movement defective, 26cm.
Lot: 16
Lot: 24
A WATERFORD CRYSTAL BREAD KNIFE with a stainless steel blade, 23cm., boxed.
A VINTAGE ROBERTS TRANSISTOR RADIO and two sets of playing cards.
Lot: 17
Lot: 25
A WHITEFRIARS RUBY TINTED PEAR SHAPED JUG, 13cm., a Whitefriars style beaker vase and a cut glass scent bottle. (3)
A UKULELE labelled John Grey & Son, London, cased.
Lot: 20
Lot: 26
A COMMANDER CONCERTINA, hexagonal shape, 20cm.
A COLT REVOLVER, 15cm. barrel, brass mounted walnut butt, no. 246369.
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Lot: 27
Lot: 33
A LEICA CAMERA No. 277957, in a leather ever-ready case, with two lenses and a Leica Guide Book.
A PAIR OF VINTAGE FIELD GLASSES and three pairs of binoculars. (4)
Lot: 28
Lot: 34
A PAIR OF 7x50 BINOCULARS, the case stamped Timbers 1940.
A DECKEL COMPUR FOLDING PLATE CAMERA, leather case, including eight slides.
Lot: 29
Lot: 35
A MICROCORD REFLEX CAMERA in a leather ever-ready case, and a Rolleflex reflex camera in a leather case. (2)
A BELL & HOWELL DOUBLE RUN EIGHT MODEL 134-8 CINE CAMERA in a leather case, a Polaroid 103 land camera, photographic accessories, booklets, etc.
Lot: 30
Lot: 36
A VOIGTLANDER VITORET L CAMERA in a leather ever-ready case, an Ensign Selfix 820 Special camera and a Kodak Retinette 1A camera. (3)
Lot: 31
Lot: 37
A ZEISS-IKON COMPUR CAMERA in a folding leather case.
LACE BLOUSES, embroidered shifts and other vintage clothing.
Lot: 32
Lot: 38
AN ENSIGN REFLEX BOX CAMERA and four pocket cameras. (5)
A LADY'S SIMULATED PIGSKIN COAT, other coats and clothing.
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Lot: 39
Lot: 45
A MODERN SILVER FACED DRESSING TABLE CLOCK, embossed with swags and ribbon ties, dial signed R Carr.
Lot: 40
Lot: 46
A VICTORIAN MAHOGANY WRITING BOX, oblong form, baize lined writing slope with a drawer under, width 46cm.
A BRIDGE MARKER, wooden base, 8cm., an ivory figure of a north African and an ivory model of a gazelle. (3)
Lot: 41
Lot: 47
MANCHESTER UNITED: A signed shirt.
AN EDWARDIAN INLAID MAHOGANY MANTEL CLOCK, with a fan marquetry oval and stringing, white enamelled dial, 19cm.
Lot: 42
Lot: 48
TWO BRITISH RAILWAYS ENAMEL BADGES, a Denby stoneware jug, REFRESHMENTS DEPARTMENT, G.N.R. and another stoneware jug, Midland Railway Hotels. (4)
Lot: 43
Lot: 49
A NAVAL CAP, a felt cap, braids and badges.
A BLONDE WOOD AND HARD PLASTIC DRESSING TABLE SET, cased, a Dubarry perfume and soap set, a similar Dubarry set, together with a manicure set, a set of playing cards and postcards, etc.
Lot: 44
Lot: 50
A TURNED WOOD BOWL, diameter 28cm. and a pair of small plaster votive figures. (3)
A JAPANESE EBONISED AND PARQUETRY-WORK TABLE CABINET, fitted with a configuration of nine drawers, 34cm.
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Lot: 51
Lot: 57
AN EDWARDIAN OAK CASED MANTEL CLOCK, domed top, ivorine dial, movement striking on a gong, 29cm.
A RILEY BEECHWOOD AND MAHOGANY SNOOKER CUE, a two section cue and three cased cues. (6)
Lot: 52
Lot: 57A
A FERRANTI ELECTRIC ALARM CLOCK, Bakelite case and an ivory stand. (2)
A ONE PIECE POOL CUE, length 144cm, ina plastic tubular case.
Lot: 53
Lot: 58
TAXIDERMY: A Moorhen and Starling in a glazed case, width 43cm.
Lot: 54
Lot: 59
TAXIDERMY: Two fish in a glazed case, width 61cm.
Lot: 55
Lot: 60
TAXIDERMY: A maskhead trophy of a hare, on a wooden shield plaque, 33cm. overall, and a taxidermist's model of a pheasant. (2)
Lot: 56
Lot: 61
A PAIR OF SUPER ZENITH MKII 10x50 FIELD GLASSES, leatherette case, another pair of binoculars, horse racing programmes, race tickets, etc. (a collection)
TAXIDERMY: A model of a sparrow hawk, oval mahogany base, 31cm. and an owl. (2)
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Lot: 62
Lot: 68
A GEAR 4 MUSIC SIX STRING ELECTRIC GUITAR and a Gear 4 Music 15 watt amplifier.
A MAHOGANY CASED MANTEL CLOCK, domed form, silvered dial, the movement striking on four gongs, 30cm.
Lot: 63
Lot: 69
A VICTORIAN WALNUT AND TUNBRIDGEWARE CASKET SHAPED TEA CADDY, with a domed lid, two section interior, width 22cm., and an Indian carved teakwood cigarette box. (2)
A SHADOWMASTER STEROLIST SLIDE PROJECTOR with a small collection of slides in a cloth case.
Lot: 64
Lot: 70
A JAPANESE WRITING SET, in a fitted brocade covered box, width 18cm.
Lot: 65
Lot: 71
A MOGUL STYLE OVAL IVORY PANEL, painted with a figure, half length, holding a flower, 4.5cm., unmounted, boxed.
AN ELLIOTT ONYX CASED MANTEL CLOCK, gilt dial signed Fattorini, 20cm.
Lot: 66
Lot: 72
A SILKWORK SOUVENIR BOOKMARK, Yorkshire Fine Art and Industrial Exhibition, York, 1879, and a small collection of stevengraph-type silk bookmarks.
Lot: 67
Lot: 73
A PARKER VICTORY FOUNTAIN PEN, an Easterbrook fountain pen and a collection of pens.
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Lot: 74
Lot: 80
Lot: 75
Lot: 81
Lot: 76
Lot: 82
Lot: 77
Lot: 83
Lot: 78
Lot: 84
A CORPUS CRISTI CRUCIFIX with a bronzed Christ figure, 41cm.
Lot: 79
Lot: 85
A HORN MOUNTED MALACCA RIDING CROP, with a silver ferrule, 50cm.
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Lot: 86
Lot: 92
A MOTHER-OF-PEARL THREE PIECE MANICURE SET, boxed, a Crown Derby porcelain brooch, two matching clip earrings, a novelty cyclist brooch and a silver backed hand mirror.
A METAL CASED MARCHING COMPASS, diameter 8cm. and a pair of opera glasses.
Lot: 87
Lot: 93
A DIANA .2 AIR RIFLE, stained beechwood stock.
Lot: 88
Lot: 94
AN H.M.V. PORTABLE GRAMOPHONE, cloth case, depth 42cm.
A WESTLAKE AIR RIFLE, stained wood stock, overall length 107cm.
Lot: 89
Lot: 95
A MACHINE MADE TAPESTRY PANEL, figures amongst trees, 105x85cm., and another machine made tapestry, 105x65cm., together with a small quilted wall hanging. (3)
A BRASS TROMBONE, indistinctly marked, cased.
Lot: 90
Lot: 96
A NEPALESE DAGGER, 17cm. engraved blade, brass mounted wooden handle, in a decorated sheath.
Lot: 91
Lot: 97
A PLASTER PLAQUE, The Cottar's Saturday Night and a companion, Halloween, a pair of rectangular relief plaques, mounted and framed, 32x40cm.
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Lot: 98
Lot: 104
A HERALD SIX STRING ACOUSTIC GUITAR, Model HL44, labelled John Hornby Skews & Co. Ltd.
A PARKER LAQUE 75 TWO PIECE PEN SET, other pens and propelling pencils. (a collection)
Lot: 99
Lot: 105
A LARGE COLLECTION OF PENKNIVES and other folding knives.
Lot: 100
Lot: 106
A ROSEWOOD WALKING STICK, cast white metal handle designed as a female nude.
A STUDIO STONEWARE INDOOR FOUNTAIN, rounded bowl, width 36cm., with accessories, including pump.
Lot: 101
Lot: 107
A BOTTLE OF LATE BOTTLED VINTAGE COGNAC, labelled T Hine & Co., landed 1936, bottled 1964.
A SET OF LABORATORY BEAM BALANCE SCALES, by Griffin & George Ltd., light wood case, width 45cm.
Lot: 102
Lot: 108
A BOTTLE OF SILVER JUBILEE GERMAN WINE, Niersteiner Spieglberg, 1975, and a bottle Renishaw table wine, 1979. (2)
A PRECISION LABORATORY COMPASS, labelled J Preston, Sheffield, mahogany frame with an open hoop, height 28cm.
Lot: 103
Lot: 109
A BRASS MOUNTED MAHOGANY BOOK STAND, the slope supported on a ratchet, shaped platform base, width 26cm.
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Lot: 110
Lot: 116
CAPT. FIELD'S IMPROVED PARALLEL RULE, marked Aston & Mander, with the Air Ministry mark, 1942, and a pair of brass compasses.
A CARVED IVORY CHAIN OF ELEPHANTS, ebonised plinth, 27cm., a carved ivory cheroot holder, a clay pipe, a metal scroll case, a jadite figure and a small white metal model of a camel set on an amethyst crystal base.
Lot: 111
Lot: 117
A BURNHAM B48 PEN AND PENCIL SET, a card game, match boxes, photographs, bridge player's ashtray and other items.
AN INDIAN CARVED TEAKWOOD OVAL TRAY, pierced decoration, twin handles, length 66cm.
Lot: 112
Lot: 118
A FLUORESCENT SIGN, Levis, in an orange metal casing, 45x72cm.
Lot: 113
Lot: 119
A VICTORIAN BLACK MARBLE MANTEL CLOCK, architectural case with four fluted columns, ivorine chapter ring, visible escapement, French cylinder movement, 23cm.
A METAL CASED BAROGRAPH, by Negretti & Zambra, with a collection of paper charts.
Lot: 114
Lot: 120
RMS TITANIC DECK PLAN OF FIRST CLASS ACCOMMODATION - digitally watermarked, limited edition print, no.247/650, including certificate.
A ROSETTI RAMBLER ACCORDION, 26cm., in a card box.
Lot: 115
Lot: 121
A PAIR OF BOOT'S FLEET 715X35 BINOCULARS, cased, and a collection of cameras.
A MINIATURE FOLDING PENKNIFE and a collection of penknives.
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Lot: 122
Lot: 128
A CLARECRAFT COMPOSITION WALL MIRROR, Henge Time, 61x25cm., and another, Foliate Head. (2)
A COLLECTION OF SMALL CARVED IVORY MODELS OF ELEPHANTS, a train of elephants brooch, other brooches and novelty. (a collection)
Lot: 123
Lot: 129
A CANON AE1 CAMERA, zoom lens, other lenses and accessories in a hard case.
A SMALL COLLECTION OF CORKSCREWS, a vintage folding camera, a small collection of gold leaf, beadwork panel, etc.
Lot: 124
Lot: 130
TWO POLICE TRUNCHEONS, a Derbyshire Constabulary badge, a framed photograph and ephemera.
A COLLECTION OF PENKNIVES and other folding knives.
Lot: 125
Lot: 131
AN AFRICAN INLAID HARDWOOD BUST OF AN AFRICAN GIRL, 51cm. and an African mask, 64cm. (2)
AN AFRICAN TRIBAL SHORT SWORD, with a bound handle and butt-end blade, in a sheath, and a similar knife. (2)
Lot: 126
Lot: 132
A COLLECTION OF MASONIC REGALIA, including a silk sash, in a leather case.
A PAIR OF AFRICAN CARVED EBONY BUSTS, 20cm and 18cm., an African wooden hoe and an Indian brass cobra candlestick. (4)
Lot: 127
Lot: 133
A CHINESE BRONZED FINIAL FIGURE, the figure standing, wearing a cloak, 12cm.
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Lot: 134
Lot: 140
AN OAK CASED MANTEL CLOCK, white enamelled dial with visible escapement, eight day movement striking on a bell, 30cm.
A REPRODUCTION WALNUT CASED BRACKET CLOCK, arched dial signed Kleninger, silvered chapter ring striking on three gongs.
Lot: 135
Lot: 141
A NICKEL PLATED MOUNTED HORN HORN, 28cm. and a swordfish bill. (2)
Lot: 136
Lot: 142
A FRENCH BRASS CASED CARRIAGE CLOCK, white enamelled dial, platform escapement, 13cm.
Lot: 137
Lot: 143
AN OAK CASED CLOCKING-IN CLOCK, silvered dial marked Time Recorders Leeds Ltd., width 33cm.
A VICTORIAN SATINWOOD BARREL SHAPED STRING DISPENSER, width 9cm., a stained beechwood beaker and a papier-mache box. (3)
Lot: 138
Lot: 144
A CONTINENTAL STAINED WALNUT MANTEL CLOCK, brass dial with silvered chapter ring, 28cm.
AN H.M.V. MAHOGANY CASED CABINET GRAMOPHONE, two doors enclosing a speaker, width 46cm., depth 52cm.
Lot: 139
Lot: 145
A MINIATURE VIOLIN, 14cm. one piece back, with a bow, cased.
A MACHETE, 46cm. blade and a Label type bayonet. (2)
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Lot: 146
Lot: 152
A STAINED WOOD TRIBAL MASK and a laminated ply-frame tennis racket with press.
A VIOLIN, light coloured striped one piece 37cm. back, labelled Nicola Amati, with a bow, cased.
Lot: 147
Lot: 153
A PAIR OF TURNED ELM CANDLESTICKS, baluster form, octagonal bases, 30cm.
A SMALL DIARAMA PICTURE OF A MAN O' WAR, the case 20x24cm., an enamel sign, 'If You Have a Complaint About Rail Travel' and an engraving, Wesley preaching. (3)
Lot: 148
Lot: 154
A CHAD VALLEY DOWNTON PATTERN CHESS SET, in a folding wooden games box.
A VICTORIAN WALNUT AND TUNBRIDGEWARE CASKET SHAPED TEA CADDY with a domed lid, part fitted interior, width 23cm.
Lot: 149
Lot: 155
A WORLD WAR II PERIOD RESCUE KITE, in a cylindrical metal case.
AN EDWARDIAN CARVED WALNUT SARCOPHAGUS SHAPED TEA CADDY, with a two section interior, width 23cm.
Lot: 150
Lot: 156
TAXIDERMY: A pair of African horns, pine shield plaque, labelled J R Ivy, Pretoria, 62cm. overall, and two other pairs. (3)
Lot: 151
Lot: 157
A FUR STOLE and three fur collars, in a Cole Brothers, Sheffield box.
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Lot: 158
Lot: 164
A STAINLESS STEEL GEOMETRY SET in a plastic case, two other geometry sets and a small collection of microscope slides. (4)
A SIGMA ZOOM LENS and other lenses.
Lot: 159
Lot: 165
A MODEL OF OZZIE OWL, The Fisherman, 46cm.
AN ALABASTER THREE TIER TABLE CENTREPIECE, carved decoration with a central flute, circular base, 86cm.
Lot: 160
Lot: 166
A VINTAGE IVORY COLOURED PLASTIC HAIRDRYER, in a fitted case (sold as a collector's item) and a part fitted suitcase. (2)
A VICTORIAN BLACK AND COLOURED MARBLE MANTEL CLOCK, with a campana urn finial, ivorine dial, French cylinder movement striking on a bell, 45cm.
Lot: 161
Lot: 167
A TENAX PLATE CAMERA, C P Goerz, Berlin, another plate camera, pocket cameras, plates and other accessories.
AN R.A.F. GREY COAT with hat and bag.
Lot: 162
Lot: 168
A ZEISS ICON CAMERA, folding leather ever-ready case, an Ilford camera, a Minolta camera and accessories.
ASTOR 33 PROJECTOR (collector's item only), together with five 9.5mm films including "Oh That Mule" and "Loveslick Pluto" - all boxed.
Lot: 163
Lot: 169
A BROWNIE NO. 2 BOX CAMERA, other cameras and accessories.
A GUN METAL FIRE BELL, 27cm., diameter 24cm., with a hook-on clapper on a leather strap.
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Lot: 170
Lot: 176
A CAST IRON STAMP labelled Shaw & Sons Ltd., London, 25cm. and two other stamps. (3)
A VICTORIAN COPPER KETTLE, swan neck spout, 29cm., a copper haystack measure and a copper pan. (3)
Lot: 171
Lot: 177
A SOUTH EAST ASIAN GILT METAL FIGURE OF BUDDHA, blessing, on a lotus throne, 31cm.
Lot: 172
Lot: 178
A BRASS HAND BELL with wooden handle, 18cm.
A CAST BRASS EAGLE AND SWASTIKA FINIAL, mounted on a square base, 21cm.
Lot: 173
Lot: 179
A PAINTED CAST IRON DOORSTOP designed as Mr. Punch, 34cm.
A VICTORIAN COPPER KETTLE, swan neck spout, acorn finial, 28cm.
Lot: 174
Lot: 180
A BRASS AND STEEL SAFETY LAMP, labelled The Protector Lamp and Lighting Co. Ltd., 26cm.
A VICTORIAN COPPER TEA URN, spherical bowl, brass tap, ebonised handles, 36cm.
Lot: 175
Lot: 181
A REPRODUCTION BRASS LANTERN CLOCK, Smith cylinder movement, 19cm.
A BRASS HAND BELL with an elm handle, 16cm., an oxidised metal teapot stand and two lighters. (4)
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Lot: 182
Lot: 190
A COPPER OIL LAMP, plain reservoir and chimney, wrought iron bracket, height overall 42cm., and another oil lamp. (2)
THE LAND UNION JOURNAL two binders, 1914 and 1916, a small collection of Punch Magazine and The Geographical Journal. (a collection)
Lot: 183
Lot: 191
A LARGE BRASS JAM PAN with a steel strap handle, diameter 45cm., a brass saucepan, shell case, perpetual calendar, chamberstick and an Art Nouveau style stand. (6)
POP MUSIC: A collection of mounted lobby cards with artist's signatures, including Status Quo, Westlife, Jason Donovan, The Who, JLS, UB40, Peter Andre, Girls Aloud and others of sporting interest. (a collection)
Lot: 184
Lot: 192
A COLLECTION OF THEATRE PROGRAMMES, some of local interest. (2 boxes)
Lot: 185
Lot: 193
A VINTAGE METAL CASED RAILWAY LAMP, marked L.N.E.R., ring handle, 25cm.
CHARLES DICKENS - The Pickwick Papers, Chapman & Hall, London 1837, with illustrations by R Seymour & Phiz,
Lot: 188
Lot: 194
POSTCARDS - a ring-binder with a collection of postcards.
RUGBY LEAGUE: A small collection of programmes, together with a rugby ball signed by the Australian players from the Tri Nations Tournament, 2005.
Lot: 189
Lot: 195
CASSIUS CLAY v ERNIE TERRELL - Publicity pack for the World Heavyweight Championship Fight, February 6th, 1967, including photographs.
PENTHOUSE, The Magazine For Men, Vol. 1, No. 1, 1960s.
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Lot: 196
Lot: 202
AN AUTOGRAPH BOOK - mixed autographs including Laurel and Hardy, Anthony Eden and the 1952 England Cricket Team.
Lot: 197
Lot: 203
TOPICAL TIMES ALBUM OF MINIATURE PANEL PORTRAITS OF FOOTBALL STARS, together with larger Topical Times loose cards and Radio Review cards.
GREETINGS CARDS - An album of Victorian birthday, Easter and Christmas cards, and two other albums. (3)
Lot: 198
Lot: 204
POSTCARDS - Views of The Sheffield Flood at Brightside, Hoyland, Silkstone Colliery, Edwinstowe, World War I embroidered cards and other views and comics.
CYRIL ROLLINS AND R JOHN WITTS - The D'oyly Carte Opera Company, Record of Productions, Second Impression, 1962, two publications concerning Gilbert and Sullivan Operas and other books.
Lot: 199
Lot: 205
LAWRENCE HOUSEMAN Stories From The Arabian Nights, illustrated by Edmund Dulac, cl., Hans Andersen's Fairy Tales, illustrated by W Heath Robinson and R D Blackmore's Lorna Doone, illustrated by C E Brittan and C E Brock. (3)
FERNAND A MARTEAU - My Method, 1926.
Lot: 200
Lot: 206
A VICTORIAN SCRAPBOOK including prints and some photographs, and another scrapbook. (2)
M A FAIRCLOUGH - The Ideal Cookery Book, early 20th century, cl., Warne's Everyday Cookery, Revised Edition, Mrs. Beeton's All About Cookery, New Edition and three other books. (6)
Lot: 201
Lot: 207
POSTCARDS - a small collection of postcards, photographs including a Victorian military portrait photograph and other ephemera, in a Thorne's toffee tin.
REV. JAMES BARCLAY - The Universal English Dictionary, a mid 19th century Holy Bible, 1881, cf., Lord Byron's Childe Harold's Pilgrimage and Other Poems, 3rd Edition, 1812. cf. and Selina Bunbury, Coombe Abbey, 1843, hf. cf. (4)
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Lot: 208
Lot: 214
A COLLECTION OF POSTCARDS in a Bluebird toffee tin.
CRICKET: A Century of Cricket, Bramall Lane, 1955, souvenir programme.
Lot: 209
Lot: 215
H THORNHILL TIMMINS - Nooks and Corners of Shropshire, London 1899, and other books.
CIGARETTE CARDS - a Wills cigarette card album, Garden Flowers, other albums, loose cards and an album of tea cards.
Lot: 210
Lot: 216
WILLIAM CAMDEN - The History of The Most Renowned and Victorious Princess Elizabeth, 3rd Edition, London 1875, rebound hf. cf. defective.
ELVIS PRESLEY: A collection of Elvis Monthly Magazines for Elvis Fanzines, books and ephemera.
Lot: 211
Lot: 217
KING CHARLES I - A large declaration ... London 1639, cf. defective.
FOOTBALL: A collection of programmes, including The European Champion Clubs Cup Final, Benefica v Manchester United, May 1968, and a poster of the European Cup team.
Lot: 212
Lot: 218
THE LEISURE HOUR 1896, original cloth, The Rosebud Annual 1905 and The War Illustrated, vol. 1 only. (3)
FIFTY AMAZING STORIES OF THE GREAT WAR, 1936, cl. and The Children's Golden Treasure Book for 1938. (2)
Lot: 213
Lot: 219
WALTER SCOTT - The Life of Napolean Bonaparte, vol. 6 of 9 only, 1827.
STAMPS AND COINS - two albums containing a collection of Great Britain, Commonwealth and World stamps, first day covers, collector packs, kiloware, five pound coin, 1951 crown, modern crowns, First Decimal Set and 1936 German five mark coin.
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Lot: 220
Lot: 226
STAMPS - five albums containing schoolboy collection of world stamps, together with sets of used 1978, 1979 and 1980 First Day of Issue P.H.Q. cards.
STAMPS - Empire Stamp Album containing a selection of Great Britain, Commonwealth and Foreign stamps, including a three margin penny black, together with a small quantity of first day covers and philatelic oddments.
Lot: 221
Lot: 227
FIRST DAY COVERS - three albums of covers from 1993 to 2006, together with other first day covers, unused P.H.Q. cards, kiloware and philatelic oddments.
MEDALLIC FIRST DAY COVERS - album containing thirty five postmasters related sterling silver covers, together with five other various commemoratives.
Lot: 222
Lot: 228
STAMPS - two albums containing schoolboy collections.
STAMPS - two stock albums containing a selection of commonwealth and world stamps, Victoria - George VI.
Lot: 223
Lot: 229
STAMPS - two albums containing schoolboy collections.
STAMPS - An album of commonwealth stamps.
Lot: 224
Lot: 232
STAMPS - The Popular Ring Bind Album containing a schoolboy collection of world stamps.
COINS - George V sixpence 1928, 1936, shillings 1929, 1934, halfcrowns 1928, 1929 in uncirculated condition. (6)
Lot: 225
Lot: 233
STAMPS - two albums containing British, Commonwealth and Foreign stamps.
COINS - Collection of British coins including small quantity with silver content, Churchill crown, modern crowns and set of Britain's First Decimal Coins, together with set of cigarette cards, The Reign of King George V Silver Jubilee 1910-1935.
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Lot: 234
Lot: 239
COINS - 1866 1/3 farthing, 1845 farthing, 1740, 1916 threepences, 1836, 1848, 1849 fourpences (groats), 1887, 1908 sixpences, 1887 shilling, 1817, 1826 halfcrowns, 1887 sixpence enamelled in five colours.
COINS - British, Commonwealth and Foreign coins with silver content.
Lot: 235
Lot: 240
COINS - two albums containing a selection of pre decimal copper coins and pre decimal silver coins, including pre 1920 and pre 1947 silver content coins, foreign coins, together with loose pre decimal coins, modern crowns, old style 50 pence coins and Railway Dining Car Centenary Medallion.
COINS - British and Commonwealth coins, including worn cartwheel pennies, 1844 half penny and a selection of uncirculated George VI copper coins.
Lot: 241 COINS - Foreign coins including Nazi Third Reich silver coins, two mark 1939, five mark 1938.
Lot: 236 COINS - 1898 halfcrown, 1888 double florin, modern crowns, two pound coins, tokens.
Lot: 242 COINS - two pre decimal coin sets, other coins and banknotes.
Lot: 237 COINS - 1910 half sovereign.
Lot: 243 COINS - commemorative crowns and other coins including foreign.
Lot: 238 COINS - 1820 crown, 1907 halfcrown, 1910 florin, 1883 shilling, 1903 sixpence.
Lot: 244 COINS AND BANKNOTES worn Roman coin, 1898 Victorian crown, ten shilling banknote Fforde Chief Cashier, one pound in silver charm and foreign banknotes.
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Lot: 245
Lot: 250
A CATTERN TEN SHILLING NOTE, a Beale one pound note and a Peppiatt one pound note, all framed as one, together with an American silver dollar and present day dollar bill, framed, and a framed set of Great Britain pre decimal currency. (3)
MEDALS - World War II group of eight, awarded to Polish soldier Stanislaw Stowikowski who fought with the British and Polish armies, 1939-1945 Star, Italy Star, Defence Medal, 1939-1945 War Medal and four Polish medals, together with metal and cloth badges, his British/Polish driving licence, Polish Army Identification documents and receipt for his grave headstone.
Lot: 246 COINS - proof sets, Bahama Islands, Barbados, British Virgin Islands, Panama 20 Balboas.
Lot: 247 COINS - Isle of Man gold proof coins for 1973, five pound, two pound, sovereign and Italy sovereign and six coin silver proof set for 1977, both in cases of issue.
Lot: 251 MEDALS - Family group, World War I 1914-1915 Star, British War Medal, Victory Medal, awarded to 1148 PTE. R. J. THYER N.SOM.YEO and Rifle Shooting Medal awarded to L. CPL. THYER 6th DGS., together with embroidered North Somerset Crest framed under glass and Word War II War Medal 1939-1945 awarded to A.W. PIPER, with letter enclosing Defence Medal ribbon and informing him that the Defence Medal arrangements will be announced later (it would appear he was issued with the wrong medal).
Lot: 248 COINS AND BANKNOTES modern, including sets for 1953, 1965, 1967, 1972, 1970 proof set, First Decimal Sets, 1986 two pound coin, modern crowns and a selection of pre decimal coins, ten shilling and one pound bank notes and four pence pre decimal stamp.
Lot: 249 MEDALS - World War II group of four, 1939-1945 Star, Burma Star, Defence Medal, 1939-1945 War Medal, awarded to 635096 LAC Thompson A, together with his Burma Star Association Badge, Royal Air Force Service and Release Book, copy of his 1939 Enlistment dated 20th February, post war credit details, school report, newspaper cuttings, correspondence, photographs and obituary.
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Lot: 252 MEDALS - family group, five medals, World War I Victory Medal awarded to 5-2161 PTE. A THOMPSON RIF.BRIG, World War II 1939-1946 Star, France and Germany Star, Defence Medal, 1939-1945 War Medal, in original box of issue together with award leaflet and ribbons awarded to H Thompson.
Lot: 253 MEDALS - World War I British War Medal 1914-1918, awarded to 1619 PTE. F CONEY Y. & L.R., World War II Defence Medal.
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Lot: 254
Lot: 260
MEDALLIONS - Sporting Football, Swimming, Water Polo, Life Saving, Motor Cycling, Weight Lifting, British Olympic, Rifle Shooting. (15)
MEDALS - complete set of twenty four gold plated silver medals commemorating The Life of Sir Winston Churchill, in display album.
Lot: 255
Lot: 261
MEDALLIONS - French Visitors medallions.
MEDALS - selection of cased silver medals including 1972 Silver Wedding, Christopher Wren, Sir Walter Scott, Van Gogh, National Opera, United Nations Peace, white metal Duke and Duchess of Portland.
Lot: 256
Lot: 262
PLAQUE - Nazi Third Reich 6177mm brass and enamelled in two colours to commemorate the swimming competition between Germany and France in Munchen 12-13th August 1939.
MEDALS - set of seven cased 22ct. gold medals depicting Henry VIII and his six wives.
Lot: 257
Lot: 265
MEDALS - A Nazi medal, silver fob, folding fruit knife, etc.
A JAPANESE IMARI JAR, floral decoration, matched plated lid, 15cm.
Lot: 258
Lot: 266
MEDALS - A collection of miniature replicas from a Waterloo medal onwards, mounted on two framed boards.
A SMALL COLLECTION OF COALPORT AND OTHER MINIATURE CHINA, a printware toy dinner service and a toy tea set. (a collection)
Lot: 259
Lot: 267
MEDALS - complete set of thirty eight 24ct. gold plated sterling silver proof Shakespeare medals in display album, together with empty album.
A PART PORCELAIN PIN CUSHION and a pin cushion crinoline lady. (2)
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Lot: 268
Lot: 274
A FAIENCE BREAKFAST CUP AND SAUCER, 20th century, floral decoration in shades of blue.
A PAIR OF CONTINENTAL PORCELAIN FIGURAL CANDLESTICKS, German late 19th century, modelled with a boy and girl, each with baskets, 25cm.
Lot: 269
Lot: 275
A CARLTONWARE MUSICAL MUG, designed with a lady in a crinoline dress, 16cm., and a Lancaster & Sandland musical character jug, Widecombe Fair, 14cm. (2)
A PAIR OF GERMAN PORCELAIN FIGURES, gardeners, circa 1900, in 18th century costume, the lady with an apron of flowers holding a watering can, the gentleman with a flower basket, rococo style bases, painted in colours, 23cm.
Lot: 270
Lot: 276
A CROWN STAFFORDSHIRE MODEL of two Bullfinches on a branch, designed by J T Jones, encrusted decoration, 15cm. and a similar model of a Bullfinch on a branch with apple blossom, 12cm. (2)
A MAUCHELINE PIPE, claw bowl, amber handle, 14cm.
Lot: 271
Lot: 277
A ROYAL DUX CENTREPIECE designed with a boy by a pool, decorated in colours, 13cm.
A WADE ADVERTISING ASHTRAY, Bass, a chestnut model of a horse and four small treacle glazed models of horses. (6)
Lot: 272
Lot: 278
A PAIR OF KUTANI BOTTLE VASES, floral decoration in colours, 18cm.
A SMALL SUNDERLAND TYPE PINK LUSTRE JUG, Be Wise Then Christian While You May, 10cm., an Imari fluted oval dish and a glass jug with enamel decoration. (3)
Lot: 273
Lot: 279
A PAIR OF FRENCH PORCELAIN TWO HANDLED VASES, mid 19th century, decorated with flowers and scrolls in coloured enamels and gilt, 23cm.
A WEDGWOOD DINNER SERVICE, Red Chinese Tigers pattern, including tureen, 26cm., meat plate, serving dish, sauce boat on stand, plates, dessert plates, soup plates and side plates.
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Lot: 280
Lot: 286
A NAO FIGURE OF A RESTING BALLERINA, 17cm., a Nao figure of a girl with a puppy and a Nao figure of a girl with a bouquet. (3)
A ROYAL DOULTON FIGURE, Victoria, HN2471, 19cm.
Lot: 281
Lot: 287
A ROYAL DOULTON FIGURE, Carol, HN2961, 21cm.
A ROYAL DOULTON FIGURE, Laurianne, HN2719, 19cm.
Lot: 282
Lot: 288
A PAIR OF CONTINENTAL FAIRING FIGURES of a boy and girl in 18th century costume, 13cm., a Continental figure of an Indian elephant and a Japanese Imari bowl. (4)
Lot: 283
Lot: 289
A ROYAL DOULTON FIGURE, Megan, HN3308, 21cm.
A FRENCH FAIENCE CANDLESTICK, early 20th century, shaped moulded form, painted floral decoration, 25cm.
Lot: 284
Lot: 290
A SYLVAC CHEESE DISH with a mouse finial, diameter 17cm., a Royal Doulton Historic England dish, Kenilworth Castle and a Royal Doulton Brambly Hedge savings book, Autumn. (3)
A ROYAL BRAMBLY HEDGE WALL CLOCK, The Harvest Mice, diameter 21cm. and eight Brambly Hedge plates. (9)
Lot: 285
Lot: 291
A BESWICK EQUESTRIAN FIGURE OF A HUNTSMAN, 22cm., a figure of a huntswoman, a Beswick fox and three hounds. (6)
A COLLECTION OF WADE WHIMSIES and other Wade models.
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Lot: 292
Lot: 298
A CHINESE PORCELAIN GINGER JAR, polychrome decoration with a figurative scene, cork stopper, 18cm. and two Chinese dishes. (3)
A MIDWINTER POTTERY TEA PLATE decorated with a Chinese pavilion in a landscape, 20cm. and a pottery dish moulded with two birds, width 18cm. (2)
Lot: 293
Lot: 299
A SET OF TEN FONDEVILLE TEA PLATES, scenes of Olde English customs, diameter 16cm.
A WADE MODEL OF BAMBI, 13cm. and four other Wade Disney models. (5)
Lot: 294
Lot: 300
A SET OF FIVE GRADUATING ROYAL CROWN DERBY PLATES, Imari pattern, No. 1128, 27cm. and smaller.
Lot: 295
Lot: 301
A PAIR OF SATSUMA BALUSTER SHAPED VASES, painted with figurative scenes in coloured enamels, 19cm.
A ROYAL DOULTON FIGURE, Loretta, HN2337, 21cm.
Lot: 296
Lot: 302
A GUSTAVBURG PARIAN FIGURE, Susannah Bathing after The Antique, 23cm.
A ROYAL WORCESTER FIGURE, A Hostess of Williamsburg, HN2209, 20cm.
Lot: 297
Lot: 303
A STAFFORDSHIRE ART POTTERY VASE by E Radford, Burslem, floral decoration to the shoulder, 19cm.
A LATE CHINESE BALUSTER SHAPED VASE, floral decoration on a blue ground, 54cm.
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Lot: 304
Lot: 310
A ROCKINGHAM STYLE BONE CHINA TRIO, gilt decoration, pattern no. 8791, a further Rockingham style cup and saucer and another Rockingham style saucer. (6)
A CHINESE BLUE AND WHITE BALUSTER SHAPED VASE, flowering blossom, 24cm., with a wooden lid.
Lot: 305
Lot: 311
A MOORCROFT TRIANGULAR ASHTRAY, Clematis pattern on a green ground, 13cm.
A WEDGWOOD BEAKER SHAPED VASE, Willow pattern, painted in colours, 18cm. and an art pottery jug. (2)
Lot: 306
Lot: 312
A ROYAL COPENHAGEN MODEL OF A COCKEREL, no. 1025, 20cm. and a similar model of a hen, no. 1024, 16cm. (2)
A MACINTYRE MOUSTACHE CUP AND SAUCER, The Absent Minded Beggar, with a text by Rudyard Kipling.
Lot: 307
Lot: 313
A PAIR OF WEDGWOOD CREAMWARE TEA PLATES, 19th century, decorated with flowers and foliage, diameter 18cm., an Adams jug, Bellingrath Gardens Mobile Alabama and a Staffordshire printware basin. (4)
A MALING OVAL BASKET SHAPED DISH, chintz pattern decoration, width 25cm.
Lot: 308
Lot: 314
A JAPANESE BLUE AND WHITE ROSE BOWL, stencil decoration of flowers and figures, lobed rim, diameter 25cm., a late Chinese square shape dish and Delft blue and white vase. (3)
A ROYAL VENTON WARE TWO TIER CAKESTAND, Art Deco style decoration, height 24cm.
Lot: 309
Lot: 315
A ROYAL WORCESTER BLACKBIRD FINIAL, a Spanish model of The Madonna, a Portmeirion Britannic Gardens jardiniere, a matching pie dish and a German vase. (5)
A BLUE JASPERWARE AND ELECTROPLATED BISCUIT BARREL, cylindrical form, applied moulded decoration, swing handle, 20cm.
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Lot: 316
Lot: 322
A CARLTONWARE SUGAR CASTER AND A MATCHING CREAM JUG, on an electroplated cruet frame, 16cm.
A CANTONESE PLATE, 20th century, painted decoration of mandarin figures, diameter 20cm., a Chinese polychrome saucer dish, a Chinese green glazed ginger jar on stand and other items of Chinese porcelain. (7)
Lot: 317
Lot: 323
A VICTORIAN STONEWARE PRESERVE BARREL, floral decoration, painted mounts and swing handle, 14cm. and a Dudson stoneware vase with applied moulded decoration. (2)
A VICTORIAN IRONSTONE DESSERT DISH, floral decoration within scrolled compartments, 27cm. and two matching dishes. (3)
Lot: 318
Lot: 324
A PAIR OF POTTERY NOVELTY OIL AND VINEGAR BOTTLES, Hong Kong, made in 20th century, stoppers designed as heads, 16cm.
Lot: 319
Lot: 325
A VICTORIAN BLACK GLAZED EARTHENWARE TEAPOT of cylindrical form, painted floral decoration, 16cm., another similar, 15cm. and a Border Fine Arts collector's plate, Tete a tete from the James Herriott Series, boxed. (3)
A CAPO-DI-MONTE STYLE GOBLET SHAPED COVERED BOWL, the lid with a cherub finial, embossed decoration of frolicking cherubs, painted in colours, 19cm.
Lot: 320
Lot: 326
A MOORCROFT OVOID VASE, decorated with mixed flowers on a dark ground, dated '93, 11cm. and a similar circular dish, diameter 12cm. (2)
A MODERN JAPANESE PORCELAIN PLATE, dished form, decorated with a landscape reserve, painted in colours and gilt, diameter 32cm. and a similar Japanese porcelain plate. (2)
Lot: 321
Lot: 327
A ROYAL DOULTON FIGURE, A Soiree, HN2312, 21cm. and a Capo-di-Monte figure of a girl. (2)
AN OLEVE POTTERY MODEL OF A RHINOCEROS, matt black glaze, 12cm. and a German model of an elephant. (2)
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Lot: 328
Lot: 334
A VILLEROY & BOSCH STONEWARE FOOT BATH of oval form, Dresden pattern in blue, twin handles, width 48cm.
A ROYAL DOULTON FIGURE, Marguerite, HN1928, 23cm.
Lot: 329
Lot: 335
A WILLOW CRESTED CHINA MODEL OF A GOLDFINCH, The Arms of Norwich, 10cm., a small Fairing figurine and four models of dogs. (6)
SIX WEDGWOOD PETER RABBIT BIRTHDAY PLATES, diameter 20cm. and two similar calendar plates. (8)
Lot: 330
Lot: 336
A SITZENDORF FIGURE OF A SHEPHERDESS, 20th century, painted in floral decoration and encrusted with flowers, 16cm. and a similar figure of a shepherd boy, 18cm. (2)
A STAFFORDSHIRE FROG MUG, 19th century, moulded and painted with tavern figures, 14cm.
Lot: 331
Lot: 337
A MACINTYRE OVOID CRESTED JUG, decorated with the Sheffield arms, pattern no. B1342, 19cm.
A STAFFORDSHIRE JUG, circa 1900, Art Nouveau style floral decoration in blue, 24cm. and another Staffordshire jug, 18cm. (2)
Lot: 332
Lot: 338
A ROYAL DOULTON FIGURE, The Balloon Man, HN1954, 19cm.
A ROYAL WORCESTER FIGURE, Queen Elizabeth II, in celebration of The Queen's 80th Birthday, 2006, 24cm.
Lot: 333
Lot: 339
A ROYAL DOULTON FIGURE, The Old Balloon Seller, HN1315, 21cm.
A SMALL ROYAL DOULTON FIGURE, Sara, HN2219, 7cm. and two Coalport figures, Geraldine and Giselle. (3)
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Lot: 340
Lot: 346
A ROYAL WORCESTER FIGURE, The Last Waltz, 23cm., two Francesca Art China figures, The Squire and Clara, and a Nao figure. (4)
A PRATTWARE POT LID, The Best Card, diameter 10cm., in an ebonised frame, and another similar, figures in a cottage. (2)
Lot: 341
Lot: 347
A PAIR OF CARLTONWARE SHAPED SQUARE DESSERT DISHES, lightly fluted and decorated with flowers and foliage, width 19cm.
A ROYAL DOULTON BONE CHINA TEA SET, floral decoration, including milk jug, sugar bowl, cups, saucers, tea plates and cake plates.
Lot: 342
Lot: 348
A CLARICE CLIFF HONEY GLAZED SHAPED OVAL DISH, moulded and lobed, painted with flowers and trees, 22cm., two circular porcelain boxes, a Devonware dish and a Victorian mug. (5)
A WEDGWOOD & CO. POTTERY COFFEE SET, Hazel pattern, comprising a coffee pot, 15cm., milk jug, sugar bowl, six cups and saucers. (15)
Lot: 343
Lot: 349
THE DEATH OF PRINCESS CHARLOTTE, a Staffordshire pottery jug, silver shaped with pink lustre decoration and with a portrait memorial, 11cm., together with two similar bowls. (3)
A WEDGWOOD ORANGE LUSTRINE CIRCULAR BOWL, decorated in gilt with Chinese temple dog and Chinese characters, pattern no. Z4825, diameter 8cm.
Lot: 344
Lot: 350
A GRAINGER & CO. WORCESTER CIRCULAR POSY BOWL, circa 1900, lightly wrythen moulded, painted with a named view of Conway Castle, 7cm. and another, Llandudno Lighthouse. (2)
A CROWN DUCAL CIRCULAR PEDESTAL BOWL, decorated with flowering blossom on a black ground, diameter 23cm., a commemorative mug, Diamond Jubilee of Queen Victoria, a small Japanese dish and a Wedgwood earthenware plate. (4)
Lot: 345
Lot: 351
A PRATTWARE POT LID, Albert Memorial, diameter 9.5cm., in an ebonised frame.
A NORITAKE TEA AND BREAKFAST SERVICE decorated in cream and gilt, including cups, saucers, tea plates, side plates, condiments, preserve pot, jugs, bowl and colander.
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Lot: 352
Lot: 360
A DAVID LEACH STUDIO STONEWARE JUG, Foxglove, 13cm. and a David Leach Studio Pottery mug. (2)
AN OLD SHEFFIELD PLATE TWO HANDLED LOVING CUP, 19th century, 12cm., an Edwardian electroplated shaped circular salver, an Edwardian crumb tidy, a small collection of plated cutlery and an antimony model of a horse.
Lot: 355
Lot: 361
A SILVER BACKED HAIRBRUSH, Birmingham 1929, engine turned decoration of engraved initial and a silver backed hand mirror, Birmingham 1918. (2)
AN ELECTROPLATED FOUR BOTTLE CRUET, shaped platform, scrolled handle, 22cm., an electroplated preserve stand/toast rack, a Victorian Britannia metal teapot, a Britannia metal spherical teapot and a hot water jug, on a rectangular gallery tray. (6)
Lot: 356
Lot: 362
A SET OF SIX EASTERN SILVER LONG HANDLED SPOONS, 800 standard, engraved leaf shape bowls, twisted handles.
A VICTORIAN ELECTROPLATED PRESENTATION PEDESTAL FRUIT BASKET, dated 1900, cast foliate and scrolled outlines with swing handle, width 29cm., another electroplated pedestal bowl and a modern electroplated oval gallery tray. (3)
Lot: 357 A SET OF EIGHT EDWARDIAN SILVER COFFEE SPOONS, Sheffield 1908, cast foliate handles, a set of six Edwardian teaspoons, Birmingham 1902, with sphere terminals. (14)
Lot: 363 A SILVER MOUNTED GLASS SPILL VASE, Sheffield 2000, of hexagonal form, 21cm., a small collection of commemorative crowns and enamel badges.
Lot: 358 A SET OF SIX VICTORIAN SILVER FISH KNIVES AND FORKS, of small size, Sheffield 1896, silver blades and ivory handles. (12)
Lot: 364 AN AMERICAN STERLING SILVER SOUVENIR SPOON, St. Louis 1904 and a silver teaspoon. (2)
Lot: 359 AN ELECTROPLATED OVAL DESSERT DISH, embossed decoration of fruit and foliage, 15cm., an electroplated sugar basket, lacking liner, a caddy spoon and a Chinese cloisonne cylindrical vase.
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Lot: 365 AN ELECTROPLATED FIDDLE PATTERN SOUP LADLE, a set of Onslow pattern dessert knives and forks and other plated cutlery. (a collection)
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Lot: 366
Lot: 372
A SET OF SIX STERLING SILVER EGG SPOONS, terminals designed as koala bears, kangaroos and wallabies.
A PAIR OF GEORGE III SILVER SUGAR TONGS, London 1803, bright cut decoration, a pair of William IV Fiddle and Thread pattern salts, Birmingham 1832, and another Georgian salt spoon. (4)
Lot: 367
Lot: 373
A SILVER AND PINK ENAMELLED HAND MIRROR, Sheffield 1951, 27cm., a matching hairbrush, three small electroplated spoons and a bread knife. (6)
A SILVER CIGARETTE CASE, Birmingham 1938, engine turned decoration, 9cm.
Lot: 368
Lot: 374
AN ANTIMONY CYLINDRICAL BOTTLE SLEEVE, decorated with blossom and foliage.
A VICTORIAN SILVER, GILT AND MOTHER-OF-PEARL FOLDING PENKNIFE, Sheffield 1888, an Edwardian electroplated bread fork with an ivory handle, three other knives and a commando knife. (6)
Lot: 369
Lot: 375
AN ELECTROPLATED THREE LIGHT CANDELABRA, twin reeded branches and navette shaped base, 30cm.
A SILVER NURSE'S BOTTLE, Sheffield 1911, scroll decoration, a small Victorian silver circular bowl, Birmingham 1899, a silver sovereign case, a cylindrical box and a propelling pencil.
Lot: 370
Lot: 376
A MATCHED SET OF SIX IRISH SILVER TEASPOONS, five circa 1800, bright cut decoration.
A CUT GLASS LIQUEUR DECANTER with a silver collar, Sheffield 1928, 21cm., a cake slice with a stainless steel blade and silver handle and two plated bread knives. (4)
Lot: 371
Lot: 377
AN ELECTROPLATED 'H' FRAME CANDELABRA by L Kirby, navette shape mahogany base, numbered 2001, 30cm.
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Lot: 378
Lot: 384
AN EDWARDIAN ELECTROPLATED THREE BOTTLE TANTALUS, slender cut glass decanters, open frame, scrolled and beaded feet, 46cm.
TWO SIMILAR ELECTROPLATED CANDLESTICKS, gadroon bands, circular bases, 27cm.
Lot: 379
Lot: 385
A SET OF TWELVE ELECTROPLATED DESSERT KNIVES AND FORKS, engraved blades, filled handles, in morocco finish case.
A THREE PIECE SILVER BACKED DRESSING TABLE SET, Birmingham 1934, engine turned decoration, including a hand mirror, 29cm., clothesbrush and hairbrush, together with another hand mirror. (4)
Lot: 380
Lot: 386
A SET OF SIX DESSERT KNIVES AND FORKS, fused blades, plated ferrules and ivory handles, in a mahogany case, width 30cm.
A SILVER MOUNTED SHIP'S DECANTER, Sheffield modern, broad silver collar, spherical stopper, 29cm.
Lot: 381
Lot: 387
A THREE PIECE MINIATURE SILVER TEA SET, Birmingham 1911, on a matching oval gallery tray, and a pair of silver sugar tongs. (5)
A SILVER MOUNTED GLASS CLARET JUG by Carrs of Sheffield, modern, broad collar, hinged lid and shaped handle, 31cm.
Lot: 382
Lot: 388
AN EDWARDIAN SILVER PHOTOGRAPH FRAME, Birmingham 1907, rectangular with an arched top, embossed with swags and ribbon ties, 18x13cm.
A SILVER MOUNTED SPIRAL MOULDED GLASS SHIP'S DECANTER and a matching pear shaped sherry decanter, by Carrs of Sheffield, modern, each with a spherical stopper, 30cm. and 33cm. (2)
Lot: 383
Lot: 389
A PAIR OF GEORGE III SILVER SUGAR TONGS, London 1806, bright cut decoration, a silver napkin ring and an Edwardian cut glass jar with a silver lid. (3)
A SIX PLACE ELECTROPLATED KING'S PATTERN CANTEEN, in a fitted wooden case, together with two matching individual sets. (3 boxes)
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Lot: 390
Lot: 396
A HANOVERIAN PATTERN SILVER SPOON, mid 18th century, marks rubbed, and a Fiddle and Thread pattern electroplated soup ladle. (2)
A THREE PIECE SILVER TEA SET, London 1934, circular pedestal form, comprising a teapot with composition handle and finial, 17cm., milk jug and sugar bowl, 22ozs. gross.
Lot: 391
Lot: 397
A SILVER CIGARETTE CASE, Sheffield 1941, engine turned decoration with engraved initial, 13cm.
A SILVER TWO HANDLED SUGAR BOWL and matching cream jug, Sheffield 1911, each of oval lightly fluted form, sugar bowl diameter 14cm., 5ozs.
Lot: 392
Lot: 398
AN ELECTROPLATED PHOTOGRAPH FRAME, shaped rectangular form with scrolled outlines, velvet backed, 25cm.
A STERLING SILVER LIGHTER, probably American, early 20th century, bright cut engraved scroll decoration, 6cm. and a Victorian silver vesta, Birmingham 1896. (2)
Lot: 393
Lot: 399
AN ELECTROPLATED OVAL ENTREE DISH with beaded outlines, a circular electroplated vegetable dish and two plated jugs. (4)
A GERMAN SILVER SPOON, 800 standard, spiral twist handle, an Edwardian silver Dickens spoon with a portrait and a scene of Gadshill to the bowl and a Scandinavian silver spoon. (3)
Lot: 394
Lot: 400
A SET OF SIX SILVER TEASPOONS, Sheffield 1941, shaped handles, cased.
A BRITANNIA METAL THREE PIECE TEA SET, engraved decoration, compressed circular teapot with a cane bound handle, wooden finial, 13cm., a pair of electroplated condiments, a plated feeding spoon and a cased set of beakers.
Lot: 395
Lot: 401
A SILVER SPOON AND PUSHER, Sheffield 1937, engraved monograms, cased, and a Victorian electroplated three piece cutlery set, cased. (2 boxes)
A SILVER GILT COMMEMORATIVE "ROYAL PLATE" to commemorate the Silver Jubilee of Elizabeth II, 1977, centred with a medal, diameter 13cm, cased.
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Lot: 402
Lot: 410
A COMMEMORATIVE SILVER PLATE, 10th Anniversary of the Consecration of the New Cathedral at Coventry, London 1972, diameter 20cm., cased.
A COLLECTION OF STUDS in boxes, badges and sundry costume jewellery.
Lot: 403
Lot: 411
A SILVER AND PARCEL GILT COMMEMORATIVE PLATE, a Church Centenary Trust Plate, 1974, diameter 20cm., in a fitted wooden stand and cased.
NECKLACES, cufflinks and other costume jewellery.
Lot: 404
Lot: 412
A SILVER COMMEMORATIVE PLATE, The Wedding of H.R.H. The Princess Anne and Capt. Mark Phillips, 1973, diameter 25cm., cased, and a similar plate commemorating the Silver Wedding Anniversary of H.M. Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, 1972, cased. (2)
A VICTORIAN SILVER POCKET WATCH, white enamelled dial, subsidiary second dial, keywind movement, two other pocket watches and a fob watch. (4)
Lot: 413
Lot: 405 A PAIR OF SILVER PEDESTAL SALTS, Sheffield 1911, of octagonal form, 4.5cm., and a George III circular silver salt, probably London 1767. (3)
WRISTWATCHES, pocket watches, necklaces and other costume jewellery.
Lot: 414
Lot: 406
STONES AND CAMEOS, a collective lot, mostly unmounted.
Lot: 415
Lot: 407
NECKLACES, brooches and other costume jewellery.
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Lot: 416
Lot: 422
BUTTONS, jewellery and other items. (a lot)
BANGLES, necklaces and other costume jewellery.
Lot: 417
Lot: 423
ESCUTCHEONS, cane handle, magnifying glass, bijouterie and other items.
EARRINGS, pendants and other jewellery.
Lot: 418
Lot: 424
A LADY'S WRISTWATCH, case marked 14k, and two other wristwatches. (3)
NECKLACES, bracelets, bangles and other jewellery, mostly gilt and white metal.
Lot: 419
Lot: 425
NECKLACES and other costume jewellery.
AN EDWARDIAN WHITE METAL HINGED LOCKET, yellow metal inlay, boxed, a cut glass bottle with a white metal lid and a collection of commemorative crowns.
Lot: 420
Lot: 426
A VICTORIAN SILVER CASED POCKET WATCH, keywind movement, Roman numerals, London 1845, and another silver cased pocket watch, Graves, Sheffield, both with Alberts. (2)
A GENTLEMAN'S SILVER CASED POCKET WATCH, white enamelled dial, Roman numerals, subsidiary second hand dial, Chester 1916.
Lot: 421
Lot: 427
TWO GENTLEMAN'S POCKET WATCHES, silver cased with keywind movements.
WRISTWATCHES, necklaces and other costume jewellery.
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Lot: 428
Lot: 434
NECKLACES, brooches, pendants and other jewellery.
A GENTLEMAN'S SILVER IDENTITY BRACELET, engraved Steve, a pair of cufflinks, a trace link chain and a penknife, together with a tie pin and a collection of cufflinks.
Lot: 429
Lot: 435
A HALF HUNTER POCKET WATCH, in rolled gold case, with enamelled dial and Roman numerals.
Lot: 430
Lot: 436
FOUR MINIATURE LIMOGES PLAQUES, brooches, wristwatches, penknife and other jewellery. (a lot)
A FOB WATCH, an Albert, two electroplated fobs, a St. Christopher pendant, Prefect and House Captain badges, a cross marked 9ct., a tie pin and various tie clips. (a lot)
Lot: 431
Lot: 437
BANGLES, wristwatches, necklace and other jewellery, in a modern jewellery box.
NECKLACES and other costume jewellery in a Laura Ashley Exotic Amber box.
Lot: 432
Lot: 438
A WHITE METAL AND ENAMEL PHOTOGRAPH FRAME in the Art Nouveau style, formed for two images.
Lot: 433
Lot: 439
FIVE COSTUME BROOCHES and an oval china portrait plaque. (6)
A HINGED BRACELET, flat chased with leafy scrolls, marked 9.
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Lot: 440
Lot: 446
A THREE STONE CROSSOVER RING, marked 9ct. and plat., together with four other dress rings. (5)
A SIMULATED TORTOISESHELL MANICURE SET, lady's evening bag, atomiser, compact, costume jewellery, etc.
Lot: 441
Lot: 447
Lot: 442
Lot: 448
AN ELECTROPLATED IDENTITY BRACELET, PTE. G H OWEN 31106, BORDERS RGT., silver and enamelled badges and fobs, collar studs and cufflinks.
A CONWAY STEWART PEN AND PENCIL SET, cased, Owzthat cigar cutter, brooches and other items. (a lot)
Lot: 443
Lot: 449
BROOCHES, buckles, Albert and other items. (a lot)
A NICKEL PLATED GOLIATH POCKET WATCH, white enamelled dial signed J C Vickery, eight day movement, in a leather travelling case, 15cm. overall.
Lot: 444
Lot: 450
AN 18CT. GOLD SINGLE STONE RING, with heart shaped mount.
AN ANTIMONY SERPENTINE SHAPED CIGARETTE BOX, a large collection of costume jewellery and a commemorative crown.
Lot: 445
Lot: 451
NECKLACES, boxes, magnifying glasses and other items. (a lot)
A YELLOW METAL FOB WATCH, marked 18k, the case with bright cut decoration, silvered dial, keywind movement.
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Lot: 452
Lot: 458
A WHITE METAL CABLE LINK BRACELET with a silver padlock clasp and a collection of silver and white metal charms.
Lot: 453
Lot: 459
A 9CT. GOLD DRESS RING, blue and white stones, together with six other dress rings. (7)
Lot: 454
Lot: 460
AN 18CT. WHITE GOLD AND PLATINUM DIAMOND CLUSTER RING, rose set with seven small stones.
TWO WRISTWATCHES, brooches and other jewellery. (a lot)
Lot: 455
Lot: 461
A SILVER ARTICULATED FISH PENDANT and another articulated fish pendant on a belcher link chain.
Lot: 456
Lot: 464
AN EDWARDIAN 15CT. PENDANT set with coloured stones and pearls, marked 15ct., on a trace link chain, and a pair of similar earrings.
AFTER JOHN CONNOP - View of Norton-Hammer, coloured aquatint, late impression, 38x49cm.
Lot: 457
Lot: 465
A FILIGREE WHITE METAL POSY BROOCH and two souvenir spoons. (3)
T COLYER - Autumn Shoji, signed limited edition colour lithograph, 77/200, 27x77cm.
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Lot: 466
Lot: 472
VICTORIAN SCHOOL - boy with a cat, oil on panel, indistinctly signed and dated 1865, 26x20cm.
AFTER ROBERT MOORE boats nearing a harbour, oil possibly over giclee print foundation, 51x76cm.
Lot: 467
Lot: 473
AFTER GEORGE CRUICKSHANK - Tom Echo Receiving Sentence ..., hand coloured engraving, four Victorian book plate engravings, together with another sheet of prints after George Cruickshank. (6)
AFTER JOE SCARBOROUGH On The Glossop Road, signed, limited edition colour print, 118/250, 37x43cm.
Lot: 468
Lot: 474
A LE BLONDE TYPE COLOUR PRINT by Bradshaw and Blacklock, The Pretty Tale, 10x8cm., and another print, Jumping in Sacks after W H Pyne.
ENGLISH SCHOOL - boats at sea, oil on board, 17x26cm.
Lot: 469
Lot: 475
AFTER THOMAS ROWLANDSON - Dr. Syntax and Bookseller, hand coloured print, 9x14cm. and three others, Dr. Syntax At The Card Party, Dr. Syntax At An Auction and The Harvest Home, together with another Rowlandson print. (5)
A DUPONT - a continental town scene, signed academy proof colour print, and a reproduction John Speed map of Northumberland. (2)
Lot: 470
Lot: 476
ENGLISH SCHOOL - beached fishing boats, oil on board, 55x76cm.
BYRON W WARMBY - Carlton Lindrick, a village scene, signed, oil on board, 51x61cm.
Lot: 471
Lot: 477
*KAISER (CONTEMPORARY) a pair of Dutch winter landscapes, signed, oil on board, 20x25cm.
A HUMOROUS PRINT, A La Queue, signed, 16x44cm.
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Lot: 478
Lot: 484
THOMAS FAIRLAND FIDELE hand coloured lithograph, 27x34cm. and a photographic print. (2)
D E BUCKLEY - The Butter Market, Mountsorrel, watercolour, 22x29cm.
Lot: 479
Lot: 485
*EVANS - portrait of a gentleman, head and shoulders length, signed and dated '62, oil on canvas, 61x51cm.
AFTER ANN BLOCKLEY - cattle by a wall, signed, limited edition colour print, 19/500, 24x46cm., and a print of a church by Trevor Boult. (2)
Lot: 480
Lot: 486
ATTRIBUTED TO JEGO STONE - Market Place, oil sketch on canvas, 61x85cm.
A SKETCH BOOK WITH CARICATURES relating to the A.F.S., various prints and a book, Tunis Naguere et Aujourd-hui. (a small collection)
Lot: 481
Lot: 487
AFTER MARGARET TARRANT Oh Come Let Us Sing Unto The Lord, a Medici print, 46x72cm., a watercolour by Margaret Hurd, coastal scene and a print, Concert at the Crystal Palace. (3)
C RICHARDSON - Flamborough Head, signed and dated 1904, watercolour, 25x36cm.
Lot: 482
Lot: 488
AFTER ARTHUR DELANEY Wicker Arches, signed proof limited edition colour print, 120/150, 37x46cm.
JOSHUA BREVIO - Composition, a still life, signed and dated 1960, oil on canvas, 80x50cm., unframed.
Lot: 483
Lot: 489
A CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN PRINT, girl three quarter length, indistinctly signed, limited edition colour print, 8/95, 67x46cm.
JOSHUA BREVIO - landscape, coastal scene, signed and dated 1961, oil on canvas, 60x80cm., unframed.
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Lot: 490
Lot: 498
A MOGUL STYLE PICTURE OF PROCESSIONAL FIGURES, gouache, 27x21cm., two others and an Indian picture of a girl on a terrace. (4)
AN INLAID MAHOGANY BUREAU BOOKCASE, with satinwood banding and stringing, the upper section with two astragal glazed doors enclosing adjustable shelves, the fall front with a shell marquetry panel enclosing a part fitted interior, four drawers below, width 90cm., height 198cm.
Lot: 491 AFTER CANALETTO - View of the Monument, titled in English and French, hand coloured engraving, trimmed, 25x39cm., and another London view. (2)
Lot: 499 A CARVED OAK CABINET, in part 19th century, with a panelled door over drawers, bobbin moulded uprights, length 80cm., height 109cm.
Lot: 492 J BRINT - cottage interior, signed, enamel on tile panel, 17x20cm.
Lot: 500 A SHERATON STYLE ELM AND FRUITWOOD ELBOW CHAIR, with vertical rails, open arms, armorial woolwork seat, width 58cm.
Lot: 493 H H JENNINGS-BROWN fishing by a riverside, signed and dated 1882, watercolour, 35x51cm.
Lot: 501 A TRADITIONAL SETTEE upholstered in green dralon, carved gadrooned apron piece, ball and claw feet, length 183cm. and a matching chair. (2)
Lot: 496 A WALNUT CASED VIENNA WALL CLOCK, with segmentary cresting, glazed door flanked by fluted half columns, white enamelled dial, cable weight driven movement, 126cm.
Lot: 497 AN OAK AND MAHOGANY LONGCASE CLOCK, early 19th century, the arched painted dial signed Sam Smith, Sheffield, the lunette painted with Arcadian shepherds, rose filled spandrels, 30 hour movement striking on a bell, the case with a broken swan neck pediment, short door, plinth base, height 214cm.
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Lot: 502 A BEECHWOOD AND STAINED WOOD EASY CHAIR, carved cresting, cane panelled back, the seat upholstered in green dralon, width 64cm.
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Lot: 503
Lot: 509
A STAINED BEECHWOOD COMB BACK OCCASIONAL CHAIR, the back rail and seat upholstered in green dralon, turned legs, height 76cm.
AN OAK OPEN BOOKCASE, carved frieze and apron piece, turned legs, width 124cm., height 108cm.
Lot: 504
Lot: 510
A NEST OF THREE MAHOGANY OCCASIONAL TABLES, rectangular top, slender turned uprights, width 46cm. and smaller.
A PAINTED WOOD CUPBOARD, with two panelled doors, plinth base, width 108cm.
Lot: 505
Lot: 511
A VICTORIAN MAHOGANY CHIFFONIER BASE, with a frieze drawer over two shaped panelled doors and with a matched bookcase top with leaded glass doors, width 93cm., height overall 178cm.
A LATE GEORGIAN MAHOGANY PEMBROKE TABLE, rectangular leaves with rounded corners and stringing, fitted with an end drawer matched by a dummy drawer, square tapering legs, 105x112cm.
Lot: 506
Lot: 512
AN OAK DRAW LEAF REFECTORY TABLE on baluster legs and moulded rails, 228x93cm.
A VICTORIAN MAHOGANY CHEST OF DRAWERS, fitted with two short and three long drawers, bracket feet, width 111cm.
Lot: 507
Lot: 513
A SET OF SIX OAK DINING CHAIRS with studded leather backs and seats, 91cm.
A BOARDED OAK REFECTORY DINING TABLE, 20th century, knurled frieze, carved baluster legs, plain moulded stretchers, 83x82cm.
Lot: 508
Lot: 514
AN OAK SIDEBOARD with two carved panel doors, on bulbous cup and cover supports, length 142cm., height 102cm.
A VICTORIAN MAHOGANY PEMBROKE TABLE, with D shaped leaves, the top with stringing, fitted with an end drawer matched by a further drawer, square tapering legs, brass toes and castors, 105x112cm.
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Lot: 515
Lot: 521
AN EARLY VICTORIAN MAHOGANY LINEN PRESS, moulded cavetto cornice, two arched panelled doors enclosing slides with two short and two long drawers under, lacking the door panels to the lower section, plinth base, height 119cm., width 140cm.
A FIGURED WALNUT PEDESTAL, stained wood top, fitted with a single drawer over a panelled door, width 45cm., depth 55cm.
Lot: 522
Lot: 516 A MAHOGANY PEDESTAL TABLE, square tilt top, ringed column, tripod legs, width 46cm.
A SET OF FOUR OAK AND ASH WAVY LADDER BACK DINING CHAIRS, with rush seats, turned rails, including an elbow chair, width 61cm. and three side chairs. (4)
Lot: 523
Lot: 517 A STAINED BEECHWOOD SCHOOLROOM TABLE, width 91cm. and two beechwood and elm stick back chairs. (3)
AN OAK GATE LEG TABLE, oval top, barley twist legs, 125x90cm.
Lot: 524
Lot: 518 A VICTORIAN STAINED WOOD SPOON BACK NURSING CHAIR upholstered in buttoned blue cotton, French cabriole legs, height 88cm.
A REPRODUCTION GOLDEN OAK DRESSER BASE, fitted with two drawers flanked by panelled cupboards, carved arcading, carved apron piece, length 167cm.
Lot: 525
Lot: 519 A GEORGE III OAK CHEST OF DRAWERS, with mahogany frieze and stringing, fitted with two short and three long drawers, bracket feet, height 108cm., width 98cm.
A REGENCY STYLE MAHOGANY ELBOW CHAIR, plain cresting, scrolled horizontal rail, scrolled arms, drop in seat upholstered in old gold dralon, on sabre legs, width 56cm.
Lot: 526
Lot: 520 A GEORGE IV MAHOGANY PEDESTAL PEMBROKE TABLE, with D shape leaves, fitted with an end drawer, reeded outlines, ringed column on splayed and moulded legs, brass lion paw toes and castors, 106x116cm.
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AN OAK WORK BOX of square form, part fitted interior, on barley twist legs, X stretchers, width 42cm.
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Lot: 527
Lot: 533
A MAHOGANY FINISH FILING CABINET, fitted with three drawers, six drawer fascias, tooled leather inset top, width 50cm., height 108cm.
Lot: 528
Lot: 534
A PAIR OF EASY CHAIRS upholstered in buttoned green dralon, stained walnut scroll end arms, on cabriole legs, width 69cm.
A REPRODUCTION MAHOGANY CHEST ON CHEST of small proportions, the top with crossbanding, fitted with three drawers to the upper section, three further drawers below, splayed bracket feet, width 50cm., height 118cm.
Lot: 529
Lot: 535
A REPRODUCTION YEW WOOD TWIN PEDESTAL DESK, rectangular top with tooled leather inset, fitted with three frieze drawers and three drawers to each pedestal, width 122cm., depth 61cm.
A TURKEY CARPET SQUARE, red ground with borders, 365x290cm.
Lot: 530
Lot: 536
A BLEACHED WALNUT STOOL, with a cane seat, carved foliate rails, width 59cm.
A CAUCASIAN RUG, central medallion on a red and blue field, narrow borders, 165x102cm.
Lot: 531
Lot: 537
A LONG FOOT STOOL, gros point floral pattern upholstery, on cabriole legs, length 87cm.
A PERSIAN PATTERN RUNNER, with three joined lozenge medallions on a patterned ivory ground, border within guards, 350x93cm. and another runner with boteh motifs on a blue field, multi bordered. (2)
Lot: 532
Lot: 538
A REPRODUCTION YEW WOOD CHEST OF DRAWERS, the top with crossbanding, fitted with two short and three long drawers, bracket feet, width 76cm.
AN ELM AND STAINED WOOD CHILD'S WINDSOR CHAIR, narrow arms, solid seat, width 42cm.
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Lot: 539
Lot: 545
A STAINED WOOD PEDESTAL TABLE, circular top, ringed column on tripod legs, diameter 39cm.
A VICTORIAN WALNUT FRAMED FOOT STOOL, beadwork upholstery, diameter 28cm. and a square shaped foot stool upholstered in pink dralon. (2)
Lot: 540
Lot: 546
A WALNUT PEDESTAL TABLE, circular top with a wavy moulded outline, baluster column on tripod legs, diameter 45cm.
AN EDWARDIAN MAHOGANY SUTHERLAND TABLE, rectangular leaves with canted corners, splayed legs, vertical rails, 67x82cm.
Lot: 541
Lot: 547
A GLOBE-WERNICKE THREE HEIGHTS SECTIONAL BOOKCASE, with leaded glazed panelled flaps, single drawer under, width 87cm., height 120cm.
A WALNUT STAND, octagonal top, width 42cm.
Lot: 542
Lot: 548
AN OAK AND STAINED WOOD SNOOKER SCOREBOARD, labelled Thurston & Co., London, 47x112cm.
AN OAK ANEROID WHEEL BAROMETER, carved decoration, silvered dial with a thermometer over, height 81cm.
Lot: 543
Lot: 549
A VICTORIAN ROSEWOOD PIANO by Laurinat & Co., Berlin, iron framed and overstrung, numbered 48928, retailed by Paterson, Sons & Co. Ltd., Glasgow, length 147cm.
AN EDWARDIAN WALNUT PURDONIUM, with a raised and carved back, fielded panel flap front, width 36cm.
Lot: 544
Lot: 550
AN EDWARDIAN WALNUT SUTHERLAND TABLE, rectangular leaves with canted corners, slightly splayed legs, width 60cm.
A STAINED BEECHWOOD WALL CLOCK, silvered dial, movement striking on a gong, 90cm.
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Lot: 551
Lot: 557
A MAHOGANY ANEROID WHEEL BAROMETER, enamelled dial signed Fortnum & Mason, London, carved decoration, labelled Mahogany from H.M.S. Dreadnought.
AN EARLY 20TH CENTURY TELESCOPIC OAK DINING TABLE, on square tapered legs and castors, complete with additional leaf, width 99x152cm. fully extended.
Lot: 552
Lot: 558
A STAINED WOOD WALL CLOCK, Art Deco style, rectangular silvered dial signed JBR, glazed panel under, height 54cm.
A SET OF FOUR EARLY 20TH CENTURY OAK DINING CHAIRS, barley twist stretchered legs, comb backs and drop in seats.
Lot: 553 A MAHOGANY FRAMED FIRE SCREEN, embroidered needlework panel, splayed standard ends, width 42cm., height 76cm.
Lot: 554 A WOOL RUG, Persian pattern medallion on a blue field, narrow borders, 140x91cm.
Lot: 555 AN EDWARDIAN INLAID MAHOGANY DISPLAY CABINET, on square tapered kick-toe legs, with single frieze drawer above glazed door enclosing interior shelving, all under mirrored back, width 62cm.
Lot: 556 A SET OF FOUR EARLY 20TH CENTURY DINING CHAIRS, with spoon backs, serpentine fronted seats and cabriole legs, width 47cm.
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