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Section on Pediatrics American Physical Therapy Association

Innovations in School-based Physical Therapy Practice formerly “Providing School-based Physical Therapy Under IDEA”

July 13 & 14, 2013 Drexel University Center City Campus New College Building, 245 North 15th Street, Philadelphia, PA (13.25 Contact hours) Program Description The APTA Section on Pediatrics’ eighth school-based conference has been expanded and renamed Innovations in School-based Physical Therapy Practice. It will include advanced school-based practice issues, in addition to the foundational information provided in previous years. Participants will find new information and expansion of topics that previous attendees requested. All sessions will provide information on the delivery of physical therapy services and decision-making necessary to support a free and appropriate public education for all children with disabilities. Nationally recognized speakers will address federal laws, school-based service delivery issues, and innovations in practice. Audience This 2-day course is intended for physical therapists who currently provide, or intend to provide, related services in schools. Course Objectives Participants will be able to: • Understand the primary federal laws, regulations, and case law pertaining to the education of children with disabilities in public schools and the provision of related services. • Discuss the relationship between the state Physical Therapist Practice Act and requirements for provision of PT in schools under IDEA. • Make appropriate decisions regarding assessment, intervention, assistive technology, transition services, and advocacy. • Make decisions regarding eligibility for services, frequency and intensity of services, and service delivery methods. Accommodations Hampton Inn Philadelphia Center City (0.2 mile from Drexel), 1301 Race Street; Philadelphia, PA 19107 Call 215/665-9100 to make a reservation under “Drexel University, Section on Pediatrics Conference.” Rooms are $114 per night, including full buffet breakfast; free Wi-Fi; indoor pool; 24-hour fitness center. Course Schedule The planning committee reserves the right to change the presenters and/or order of presentations based on speaker needs and travel arrangements. 8:00 - 8:30 Registration: Center City Campus of Drexel University, 245 N 15th S, Philadelphia 8:30 - 8:45 Welcome: Susan Effgen, PT, PhD, FAPTA, and Margo Orlin, PT, PhD

Saturday* Track 1: Foundational Topics 8:45-10:15 am Providing School-based PT: Related Services Under IDEA & Section 504 Mary Jane Rapport, PT, DPT, PhD

Saturday* Track 2: Contemporary Issues 8:45-10:15 am Ecological Assessment for Educational Strengths & Needs Sue Cecere, PT, MHS

10:15-10:30 am Break

10:30-11:00 am Evidence for Learning: Strategies, 10:15-10:30 am Break Differentiating, Embedding Larry Rechlin, PT, DPT 10:30-Noon Making Frequency & Intensity Decisions: Using Clinical Reasoning 11:00-Noon Considerations for Frequency & & Precedent Cases Intensity Sue Cecere, PT, MHS; Mary Jane Sue Cecere, PT, MHS; Larry Rapport, PT, DPT, PhD Rechlin, PT, DPT; Laurie Ray, PT, PhD Noon-1:00 pm Lunch

10:30 am-Noon Making Decisions About Physical Therapy Services Irene McEwen, PT, DPT, PhD, FAPTA Noon-1:15 pm Lunch on own

1:15-2:15 pm Examination, Evaluation & Assessment Toby Long, PT, PhD, FAPTA

10:15-10:30 am Break

Noon-1:15 pm Lunch on own 1:15- 1:45 pm Supplementary Aids and Services: Therapists’ Intervention? Sue Cecere, PT, MHS

Sunday Single Track 8:30-10:15 am Moving Secondary Students to Postsecondary Roles: Evidence-based Physical Therapy Evaluation & Intervention During Transition Toni Doty, PT, PhD, PCS

1:00-2:30 pm Assistive Technology Implementation & Evaluation of Effectiveness Maria Jones, PT, PhD

2:15-2:30 pm Break 2:30-3:30 pm Assistive Technology DecisionMaking Maria Jones, PT, PhD 3:30-4:30 pm Preparing Adolescents & Young Adults for Transition from School to Adulthood Toni Doty, PT, PhD, PCS

1:45-2:45 pm Service Determination Tools (CERT, DRTT) Sue Cecere, PT, MHS & Larry Rechlin, PT, DPT 2:45-3:00 pm Break 3:00-4:30 pm Documentation, Data-based Decision Making & Monitoring Student Progress: Comprehensive, not Complex! Laurie Ray, PT, PhD

4:45-5:30 pm: Joint Session Panel on Frequently Asked Questions Moderator: Maria Jones, PT, PhD and all faculty 5:30-6:30 pm Social Hour *Select one track to attend on Saturday.

2:30-2:45 pm Break 2:45 -3:45 pm Developing a Collegial Relationship Between Therapists & Transportation Personnel Jean Zimmerman, PT 3:45-4:45 pm Medicaid Cost Recovery in Schools Laurie Ray, PT, PhD

Concurrent Afternoon Session Update on the Reauthorization of ESEA & IDEA Monica Herr

About the Speakers Sue Cecere, PT, MHS Sue Cecere is a graduate of the University of Delaware physical therapy program and has a Masters degree in Health Science from Towson University. She has worked in school practice both as a service provider and as a program administrator. She is currently the Physical Therapy Instructional Specialist for Prince Georges County Public Schools, Maryland. She is the co-chair of the Maryland State Steering Committee for Occupational and Physical School based programs, a Maryland State Department of Education sub-committee and is a co-author of Occupational and Physical Therapy Early Intervention and School-based Services in Maryland: A Guide to Practice . She has presented at APTA and AOTA conferences on workload and school-based practices. She is currently the Vice President of the Section on Pediatrics and active in the School-based Special Interest Group. Toni Doty, PT, PhD, PCS Dr. Doty is a Pediatric Certified Specialist who has worked in the schools for more than 21 years. She received her BS in Physical Therapy from Ohio State University, her post-professional MS in physical therapy from the University of Oklahoma, and her PhD in Special Education - Transition Leadership from Kent State University. Dr. Doty is adjunct faculty for pediatrics in the DPT program at Walsh University. She has been both a clinical instructor and adjunct faculty throughout her career and the pediatric chair for the Task Force on Lifelong Disabilities for APTA. Monica Herr Monica Herr is the Senior Congressional Affairs Specialist within the Federal Government Affairs Department at APTA. Prior to joining the staff at APTA, Ms Herr received her Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science from the University of Pittsburgh. While in school, Miss Herr was a legislative intern for former Pennsylvania Senator Arlen Specter’s regional office. She is currently pursuing her Master's Degree in Public Policy at George Mason University. Miss Herr’s responsibilities at APTA involve lobbying and advocating for physical therapy, with focus areas in education, workforce, small business, and rural health including issues pertaining to school-based physical therapy services. Maria A. Jones, PT, PhD Dr. Jones is a clinical assistant professor in the Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, College of Allied Health, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center. Dr. Jones teaches developmental disabilities in the occupational therapy and physical therapy programs and teaches assistive technology in the post-professional program in rehabilitation sciences. She is currently the principal investigator for a research project examining the effects of power mobility on young children with severe motor impairments. She consults with the Oklahoma State Department of Education, the Oklahoma Developmental Disabilities Services Division, and the Oklahoma Health Care Authority in the area of assistive technology and service provision for people with developmental disabilities. Toby Long, PT, PhD, FAPTA Dr. Long is the Director of Training and the Division of Physical Therapy at the Center for Child and Human Development, Georgetown University, Washington, DC, and an Associate Professor in the Department of Pediatrics. She is the Coordinator for the DC Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities Division, Comprehensive System of Personnel Development program. She has provided training to pre- and post-professional students for the last 25 years. She is on the faculty at the University of Indianapolis, Rocky Mountain University, and University of Maryland. She is a past President of APTA’s Section on Pediatrics. She was the Training Director of a National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research and Training Center and is currently the Training Director for the Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental Disabilities (LEND) program. Dr. Long is an internationally known speaker on service delivery to children with disabilities and special health care needs and author of The Handbook of Pediatric Physical Therapy.

Irene McEwen, PT, DPT, PhD, FAPTA Dr. McEwen is George Lynn Cross Research Professor Emeritus of Rehabilitation Sciences at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, where she taught pediatrics, evidence-based practice, and research. She is project director of a training grant from the US Department of Education that provides a web-based doctor of science degree program in early intervention, school-based practice, and assistive technology for physical therapists and occupational therapists. She has published and conducted research related to school-based practice and assistive technology for children with severe disabilities. Mary Jane Rapport, PT, DPT, PhD Dr. Rapport is a professor in the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and the Department of Pediatrics in the School of Medicine at the University of Colorado, where she is the Assistant Director of the Physical Therapy Program. She is the Director of the Pediatric Physical Therapy Residency Program, and provides administrative support in both Maternal Child Health LEND program through JFK Partners and the Teaching Scholars Program. She teaches in the graduate programs at Rocky Mountain University. Dr. Rapport has extensive experience as an educator and a pediatric physical therapist with a productive record of presentations and publications. Much of Dr. Rapport’s research, writing, and teaching during her career have focused on legislative action, policy and procedures guiding special education and related services, early intervention services, and access for individuals with disabilities under federal law. Laurie Ray, PT, PhD Dr. Ray has 13 years of experience in school-based practice in North Carolina (NC). She worked as the only physical therapist serving a small, underserved, rural school district and as a contracted therapist serving a larger, more urban school district. She is an Assistant Professor through UNC-Chapel Hill, Division of Physical Therapy to provide the NC Department of Public Instruction with consultative services in the areas of physical therapy, Medicaid cost recovery, and adapted physical education. She was appointed to the NC State Rehabilitation Council and the NC Office of Disability and Health Advisory Committee. Dr. Ray is the regional representative for Region V to APTA’s Section on Pediatrics (SoP), serves on the Payment, Policy and Advocacy Committee and is a board member of the School-based Special Interest Group. Dr. Ray is a reviewer for Pediatric Physical Therapy. Dr. Ray was recently elected as the Education-at-Large Board Representative for the National Alliance for Medicaid in Education. Larry Rechlin, PT, DPT Dr. Rechlin has 35 yrs. experience in PT practice; of which 20 yrs. are in school based practice. He is a RESNA credentialed Assistive Technology Professional (ATP). Dr. Rechlin has been an active board member of the School-based Special Interest Group since its inception. He is currently the Florida representative of the Pediatric Section of the APTA. He is chair of the RESNA PT Professional Specialty Group. Jean M. Zimmerman, PT Jean Zimmerman is the Supervisor of Occupational and Physical Therapy in the School District of Palm Beach County, West Palm Beach, Florida. Jean has worked in school systems as a direct therapy provider and supervisor. For the past 27 years, Jean has been involved in school bus transportation and is a national expert on school bus transportation and the involvement of physical therapists. She is a Certified Passenger Safety Technician and was a member of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s committee to develop a School Bus Specific Child Passenger Safety Curriculum. She is a tenured faculty member of the Transporting Students with Disabilities and Preschoolers National Conference. She has presented throughout the US on many therapy/transportation related topics and has authored a resource manual and training curriculum on evacuation of students with special needs. Session Descriptions Providing School-based PT: Related Services under IDEA and Accommodations Under Section 504

This session will provide an overview of key federal laws that influence the provision of physical therapy to children with disabilities in schools. The primary requirements for educating all children, regardless of the nature or severity of their disability, under IDEA will be covered, as well as highlighting the similarities and differences between IDEA and Section 504 related to eligibility, service delivery, and the delivery of a free, appropriate public education (FAPE). The relationship between scope of practice under your own state’s Physical Therapist Practice Act and the requirements of providing physical therapy as a related service provider in schools under IDEA will also be addressed.

Making Decisions about Physical Therapy Services This session will cover a variety of factors therapists should consider when making decisions about school-based physical therapy services, including “eligibility” for services, “medical vs. educational” therapy, a student’s need for therapy, goals, prognosis, interventions, models of service delivery, and the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health (ICF).

Examination, Evaluation & Assessment Collecting appropriate information to establish developmental and functional status of a student is a critical component to the program planning and progress monitoring process under IDEA. This presentation will describe best practice examination and assessment strategies in school-based settings for children with disabilities. The advantages and disadvantages of various assessment tools will be discussed as they relate to educational programming.

Assistive Technology Decision-Making This will be a presentation of the legal mandates for assistive technology (AT) as well as the role of the PT in exploring AT options through a decision-making framework. Basic funding opportunities for securing AT will be explored.

Preparing Adolescents & Young Adults for Transition from School to Adulthood Discussion of how the transition mandates of IDEA 2004 apply to school-based physical therapists. Participants will learn how to use available evidence to become integral team members and improve postsecondary outcomes of students with disabilities by exploring issues of student-centered transition planning, interagency collaboration, role of the physical therapist, evaluation procedures, and community-based intervention within the IEP process.

Ecological Assessment for Educational Strengths & Needs The emphasis of this session will be on the application of ecological assessments in establishing educational relevancy of physical therapy services. Participants will be introduced to ecological assessment concepts and their value in assessing student strengths and needs. Evidence for Learning: Strategies, Differentiating, Embedding We will review literature investigating learning strategies, emerging information regarding differentiating instruction in response to individual student strengths and needs, and evidence regarding embedding interventions into classroom routines. We will discuss how to apply this evidence into daily practice and elicit strategies from participants that have proven effective. Considerations for Frequency & Intensity Participants will discuss factors to be considered when making service decisions for students. A review of literature on dosing applicable to school practice will be included. Supplementary Aids and Services: Therapists’ Interventions? Supplementary aids and services are often overlooked by school-based therapists as important components of service delivery and the IEP process. During this session, participants will discuss the role of school-based PTs in the determination and implementation of supplementary aids and services and their impact on LRE and service decision making. Service Determination Tools (CERT & DRTT) Participants will have the opportunity to review, discuss, and utilize two different clinical-reasoning models when making service decisions for students.

Documentation, Data-based Decision Making & Monitoring Student Progress: Comprehensive, Not Complex! Data collection and documentation are key aspects of physical therapy practice. In the educational setting, IEP team decisions are based on data, and we are well equipped by our training to tailor data collection for each circumstance. However, school-based data and documentation have to be meaningful and convey needed information to audiences with varied in backgrounds. Time will be reserved to explore and discuss options for data collection and improving efficiency for documentation. Moving Secondary Students to Postsecondary Roles: Evidence-based Physical Therapy Evaluations and Intervention during Transition Evaluation methods for high-school students must be explored for school-based physical therapists to provide comprehensive evaluations that promote movement to postsecondary education, adult living, and employment. Using the ICF model as a framework and the Guide to Physical Therapy Practice, this presentation is designed to review the evidence supporting our involvement on the transition team. A detailed look at critical components of an evaluation, published tools available to PTs, and practical methods to structure data gathering will be discussed.

Making Frequency and Intensity Decisions: Using Clinical Reasoning and Precedent Case This session will focus on how decisions around frequency and intensity of service delivery in schools are made, including factors from the literature and judicial system defined as important funder IDEA. Through case examples, judicial decisions, and discussion, the session will highlight the “clinical” PT perspective while taking other factors of school-based practice into account to show how situations often play out.

Assistive Technology Implementation & Evaluation of Effectiveness This session will address the implementation and documentation of assistive technology and ongoing evaluation of effectiveness of the technology. Case examples will be discussed.

Developing a Collegial Relationship Between Therapists & Transportation Personnel School-based therapists need to understand the need for their involvement in school bus transportation. This session will introduce the participants to the features of a school bus. They will also learn that what they already know as therapists can be translated to the school bus (i.e. wheelchair positioning, postural supports, student’s disabilities, etc.). The therapists will understand that they must perform some of the training in the bus itself, as some procedures will need to be modified in view of the physical design of the bus.

Medicaid Cost Recovery in Schools This session will discuss current cost recovery issues with ample time for questions and answers. Recovering costs from Medicaid for medically necessary services provided by schools is complicated with competing bureaucracies. It is difficult to have national discussions regarding Medicaid cost recovery, as Medicaid plans vary widely among the states. However, it is very helpful to hear how colleagues are negotiating cost recovery and advocating for Medicaid to understand educational requirements. We will discuss medical necessity, extrapolation, post-payment reviews, and sequestration.

Update on the Reauthorization of ESEA & IDEA The upcoming re-authorization of ESEA and IDEA will be discussed, as will the role of the APTA as a professional organization and advocate for PTs in federal and state legislation. Tips for becoming a better advocate will be highlighted.


Innovations in School-based Physical Therapy Practice July 13-14, 2013 * Philadelphia, PA Registration Deadline: June 28 APTA Membership Number: ___________________ Name: ______________________________________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________________ Daytime Phone: __________________ E-mail:_______________________________________ Agency Name (if applicable): ________________________________ Member Type *Section on Pediatrics Members Non-Section APTA Members Non-APTA Members Group Rate (3 or more from same facility)

Early Bird (Ends June 1) $250

Advance Onsite (Ends June 28) $300 $375

$325 $375 $250

$375 $425 $300

$420 $475 Not available onsite

*To join the Section on Pediatrics, visit and click on “Join” at the top of the page. Member registration rate applies, with transaction record. (If you are not eligible for Section membership, but would like to become a Section Partner, visit and click on “About the Section,” then Section Partners Program.)

Payment: You can register online at under Quick Links/Professional Development, or you can mail your check (made payable to APTA Section on Pediatrics) with this registration form to: Component Registrar Section on Pediatrics, APTA PO Box 327 Alexandria, VA 22313 For credit card payment, charge my: ___ MasterCard ___ Visa ___ American Express Card Number: _____________________________ Expiration Date: _____________ Signature: ____________________________________________________________ *Those paying by credit card may also fax this registration form to the Section on Pediatrics at 703/ 706-8575 or call the Component Registrar at 800/999-2782, ext 3155.

Refund Policy: The Section reserves the right to cancel this event, in which case all monies paid will be reimbursed. If you need to cancel your registration, please send a request in writing to the above address by June 30, and allow 4 weeks for reimbursement (minus a $50 processing fee). No refunds will be allowed after this date. NOTE: Attendance for this course is limited and will be handled on a first-come, first-served basis.

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