C12 SUNDAY, JANUARY 31, 2010
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Keep athletes safe, take concussions seriously ALL HEAD INJURIES REQUIRE EXPERT CARE By Scott Livingston Special to the Herald-Leader
It was national news last fall when Heisman Trophy winner Tim Tebow suffered a concussion during the University of Floridaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s game at the University of Kentucky. But even among high school athletes and children, concussions are a serious problem. Every year, young athletes across the country suffer debilitating and sometimes fatal head injuries. Despite significant research efforts addressing concussions in sports over the past several decades, myths and misconceptions persist among athletes, coaches, parents and even health care
professionals. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s important to realize that a concussion is a mild traumatic brain injury. All head injuries, including concussions, should be taken seriously. When there is any suspicion that an athlete has had a concussion, the athlete should be removed from practice and play until evaluated by a physician or other health care professional experienced in the treatment of concussion. Knowledgeable health care personnel can determine the severity of the injury, make appropriate recommendations for further treatment and monitor recovery. Unfortunately, most con-
Check out more health columns from University of Kentucky experts at www.bluegrassmoms.com
symptoms of a concussion include: headache, dizziness or light-headedness, blurred vision, ringing in the ears, balance problems, sleep disturbance, sensitivity to sound cussions go unrecognized and or light, confusion, irritability or anxiety, disorientation and unreported. Athletes want memory problems. to continue to play and may Some symptoms may not recognize the seriousness appear immediately after the of their injury. Too many injury. players (and coaches and Others may not appear unparents) still refer to concustil hours or days later. The onsions as being â&#x20AC;&#x153;dingedâ&#x20AC;? or set and severity of early and â&#x20AC;&#x153;getting your bell rungâ&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x201D; terminology that undermines delayed symptoms are unique to each athlete and do not the symptoms and potential follow a standard course. Any consequences of the injury. post-concussion symptoms Most concussions do not should be taken seriously and involve a loss of consciousness, and an athlete does not immediately reported to a have to lose consciousness to health care professional. Efforts are under way at have suffered a concussion. The most common signs and the University of Kentucky
Scott Livingston, an athletic trainer and sports physical therapist who specializes in sports concussion evaluation and management, is an assistant professor in the Division of Physical Therapy, Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, in the College of Health Sciences at the University of Kentucky.
to develop a comprehensive Sports Concussion Program, a collaboration between the College of Health Sciences, the Spinal Cord and Brain Injury Research Center, the Kentucky Neuroscience Institute and Cardinal Hill
Rehabilitation Hospital. We are working closely with the Brain Injury Alliance of Kentucky, the state chapter of the Brain Injury Association of America. Further efforts involve organizing a town hall meeting with the Blue Grass chapter of the Society for Neuroscience, coming up this April. Our goal is to increase awareness, provide coordinated care and decrease the potential negative effects of concussions in sports. Yes, a concussion is more than just a â&#x20AC;&#x153;bump on the headâ&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x201D; it is a mild traumatic brain injury that must be reported among coaches, parents and health-care providers for a comprehensive strategy to ensure a bright future for young athletes.
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