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Science Workshops
Science Workshops
INTERSPILL 2022 will once again feature science workshops jointly organised by Cedre and ITOPF. These will cover topical issues relating to future challenges in spill response. These workshops take the form of four 1-hour sessions, each comprising three presentations by specialists followed by 30 minutes of discussions with the audience.
This year, the four chosen topics are as follows:
Session n°1, led by Cedre, will focus on new propulsion trends. This workshop is expected to include a presentation on low-sulphur fuel oils, a second presentation on bio-based fuels (vegetable oil, cooking oil…) and will finally focus on ammonia and LNG as propulsion fuels.
Session n°2, led by Cedre, will address the issue of atmospheric pollution from chemical slicks. IMT Mines Alès will present the latest trials aimed at characterising evaporation phenomena from a drifting chemical slick and the associated risks in terms of intoxication and explosiveness. The French Aerospace Lab ONERA will address the latest developments in terms of gas cloud detection. Finally, RBINS will cover recent advances in gas cloud modelling.
Session n°3, led by ITOPF, will tackle the issue of plastic pollution. This workshop will provide an overview of the main issues faced with spills of plastics and some of the most pressing questions. In addition to a general introduction to plastics, the impact to wildlife in terms of consumption will be discussed, as well as the issues surrounding their potential ecotoxicity. Finally, there will be a session on the latest detection, modelling and analysis techniques.
Session n°4, led by ITOPF, will look at sensitive tropical environments, addressing issues related to mangroves, coral reefs and seagrass beds. Key sensitive resources will be discussed including their context within a tropical coastal environment and how these may be affected by an oil spill.
The speakers will be from both academia and industry in order to offer as broad a perspective as possible and an international viewpoint.
The discussion sessions will be an opportunity for you to express your point of view and contribute to the debates, gain insight into the latest advances on topics presented by experts and potentially expand your network.
These workshops are open to anyone who wishes to attend with a Day Delegate Pass.
They are held in the seminar theatre in Hall 10 – co-located with the exhibition.