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Delivering expert environmental claims, tank and site services throughout the UK since 2006, CTSL Group is an industry leader in the innovative management of safe fuel and liquid clean-up, fuel storage and distribution.
Last year CTSL carried out some restructuring across the group to better align our products and services with our trading companies. As a result of that all of our mainland UK remediation operations are being delivered under the banner of CTSL Spill Specialists Ltd. This gives us one galvanised brand and we’ve opened up a 4th depot in Cambridge along with our existing bases in Preston, Bathgate and Barnsley so we now have greater geographic coverage than ever before as well.
Complete Tank Solutions Ltd., which was renamed CTSL (England) Ltd. a couple of years ago, now operates as a specialist engineering contractor and no longer provides remediation services.
CTSL has had a busy start to the year undertaking fuel and remediation work and has been involved in fuel tank decommissioning in Halifax, two tank installations to provide 130,000 litre capacity for stand by generator plant at a hospital as well as the usual run of spill response work across the UK.
‘The restructure has helped the group to focus it teams on providing more focussed product delivery and better client management whatever the project. This becomes more important as the projects get larger in scope and value but also ensures that our clients get the best support whatever the job!’ Eve Muirhead, Managing Director.
CTSL Spill Specialists Ltd.’s 4 operating depots instead:
Head Office – Preston, Lancashire
Yorkshire – Barnsley; Cambridgeshire – Waterbeach; Scotland – Bathgate.
More details at: www.ctslgroup.uk
Environmental risk reduction specialist, Adler and Allan, announced in March changes to its Senior Leadership Team effective 1 March 2021. This supports its ambitious growth plans as the UK’s leading provider of environmental risk reduction services, covering both emergency response and scheduled maintenance across a wide range of critical asset infrastructure and contaminants.
Henrik Pedersen will become Group Managing Director, having previously held the role of Group Commercial Director. He will provide a clear focus on commercial growth based upon the depth of the Group’s technical expertise and track record of exceptional service to its customers.

Henrik Pedersen
Mike Willink will become Group Development Director having previously held the role of Group Managing Director. He will manage the integration and success of acquisitions, together with retaining responsibility for group supporting functions.
The Group also welcomes a new Group Commercial Director, Mark Bannister. Mark is an experienced Commercial Director having worked at a number of successful companies including RS Electrocomponents and Travis Perkins.

Mark Bannister
The changes follow the recent announcement that Adler and Allan has a new financial partner, Sun European Partners, and is the continuation of a period of growth for the company, which had a strong performance in 2020 despite the global pandemic.
More details at: www.adlarandallan.co.uk
In February Ambipar Response Limited strengthened its integrated environmental response and waste management capabilities with their latest acquisition of Enviroclear Site Service Ltd.

Ambipar Response has earned a worldwide reputation for quality in environmental services and consultancy, with 70 years of experience responding to incidents. Our services include pollution response, accredited training, consultancy and project management, effective solutions, and experienced personnel. Our call centre is open 24/7 which forms a part of our global network for incidents.
Ambipar entered the UK market with the acquisition of Braemar response in 2018 and now they have strengthened their representation in this market by this acquisition which adds a strong industrial servces business to its UK business and its large tanker fleet. These are both resources Ambipar have lacked in the UK.

Said Zäl Rustom, Ambipar Response CEO.
Enviroclear Site Services offer a total waste management service for all waste streams. Other services include waste recycling, tank cleaning, spill & pollution control, skip hire, effluent recycling, drain cleansing services and CCTV surveys.
As an addition to their licensed waste transfer station, Enviroclear provides environmental solutions 24 hours a day 7 days a week. With ongoing investment in the latest Vacuum Technology, they operate a large fleet of vehicles Bulk Tankers for both hazardous and non-Hazardous materials, Disabs, Super-Sucker’s for powders and heavy sludges and many other specialised vehicles to provide a total waste management solution.
said David Short Enviroclear Site Services Ltd Managing Director.

More details at: www.ambipar-response. com and www.enviroclear.co.uk
Adler and Allan, has announced theacquisition of three companies intothe group: electrical specialists AMGSElectrical, hazardous material specialistFlotech Performance Systems Limited(Flotech) and industrial sewagespecialist and underground infrastructurespecialist Oneline Surveys.
The acquisition announcement followsthe recent changes to Adler and Allan’ssenior leadership team and supports itsambitious growth plans to solve morecustomer challenges in a broader rangeof sectors with a joined-up approach toits services.
AMGS Electrical undertake a widerange of electrical services nationwideand specialise in design, installation,commissioning, and maintenanceparticularly in the evolving forecourtsector. With an expert team of highlyaccredited electrical engineers, it willprovide outstanding technical support toAdler and Allan’s customers particularlyin retail forecourts. This acquisitioncomplements its existing electricalservices offering.
Andrew Clarke, Energy Infrastructure Director, Adler and Allan, said:
Flotech provides design, fabrication,consultancy, project management,planned and reactive maintenance forthe storage, transfer and distributionof industrial liquids, gases and waste.Its highly specialised services cover;additive and blending, fluid transfer,access solutions, storage tankequipment, and vapour recovery.
Mike Willink, Group Development Director, Adler and Allan, said:
Oneline Surveys provides highly specialisedsurveys of underground infrastructure aswell as cleaning, handling and uplift ofhazardous liquid waste from industrialtanks and sewers.
Oneline has over 30 years combinedexperience in planning, mobilising andsuccessfully completing large scalesurveying and cleaning projects, includingtank and siphon cleaning and confinedspace entries.
Robert Evans, Environmental Services Director, Adler and Allan, said: “This acquisition will allow us to offer a more extensive environmental risk audit of our customers’ underground infrastructure so they can better manage and mitigate risk. It will also position us as the go-to leader in emergency response to sewerage pollution incidents. Combined with our other environmental services, we are now a more strategic environmental partnership to our customers.”
Adler and Allan is the UK’s leading providerof environmental risk reduction services,covering both emergency response andscheduled maintenance across a widerange of critical asset infrastructure andcontaminants.
More details at www.adlerandallan.co.uk
OSRL has recently supported the Gabonese Navy in a fantastic collaboration between multiple agencies to save lives at sea.
On Sunday 24th January, a maydaymessage was sent by the ‘Marie Alexandra’,a French fishing trawler in distressapproximately 200 nautical miles southof Libreville. Shortly after the initial alert,communication with the vessel was lost.With one of WASP aircraft now based inLibreville, OSRL was in an ideal positionto help. The Gabonese Navy quicklyrequested deployment of the WASPaircraft by OSRL partner, Action AirEnvironment, the WASP operator.
OSRL and the Gabonese Navy had recentlycompleted an exercise to demonstrate theaircraft’s surveillance capability, so it wasevident how the plane could help rescueefforts.
Primary mission - complete a search andrescue mission on behalf of the GaboneseNavy.
Action Air Environment quickly contacted the OSRL Duty Manager to request approval for deployment. Permission was swiftly granted and the aircraft soon airborne, racing to the last known coordinates searching for the vessel in distress.
The aircraft located the vessel shortlyafter take-off and made radio contact viathe marine band Very High Frequency(VHF) radio. Thankfully the crew were allsafe, but the ship had lost power and wasfloating adrift. The aircrew could relayinformation from the scene to the NavalIncident Command who organised a vesselto rescue the stricken crew. Crisis avertedand lives saved. A fantastic team effort,congratulations to all involved.
Capitaine De Corvette IGOUWE AbdoulayePrince (Operations Commander ofthe Gabonese Navy) said “Action Air’sCessna aircraft was indispensable in ourintelligence gathering during the assistancemission to the trawler Marie Alexandra onJanuary 24, 2021.
After a 2h30 flight, the Action Air plane allowed us to enter in visual and radio contact with the vessel in distress, and thus to know more precisely what the situation of the boat was (engine damage, drift). Its contribution guided the command’s decisions in order to carry out this SAR mission successfully.

Capitaine De Corvette IGOUWE Abdoulaye Prince
Its effectiveness was pronounced in:
- Its availability in real time;
- its projection capacity (fast);
- Its multitude of means of communication(HF/VHF/ chat software specific to theaircraft)”
Its effectiveness was pronounced in:
- Its availability in real time;
- its projection capacity (fast);
- Its multitude of means of communication(HF/VHF/ chat software specific to theaircraft)”
Robert Limb CEO of OSRL said
More details at: https://www.oilspillresponse.com/news--media/news/