Ultimate Chord Progressions For Ukulele- Uke Like The Pros

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Ultimate Chord Progressions For Ukulele- Uke Like The Pros

#O1 Are you interested in learning ukulele? We are providing different courses for ukulele learners. Our 23 ultimate chord progressions course is the best stuff to start with.

#O2 In this course, you will not only learn the chord progression but also a new strum pattern in each and every lesson. We will make you practice using the index finger and thumb on 1/8 note and 1/6 note strum pattern.

#O3 Through multiple up and down strumming, we will include techniques like the staccato, ties, mute, and accent.

#O4 In each lesson, we will examine the progression and discuss which scales the chords come from, and why several chords are major or minor.

#O5 This theory breakdown information prepares your mind musically and leaves you with more knowledge of how chords are related and function towards one another.

Contact Us: To know more info about our musician courses, visit our official website: https://www.ukelikethepros.com/ Follow Us On:

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