2 minute read
Bronwyn Turnquist
This is the third volume of Babel to be published during the COVID-19 pandemic; this journal continues to be a testament to the perseverance and intelligence of Kings students. Babel this year, as in many years, has papers from across the student body, from FYP papers to graduating students. As I read the submissions for Babel each year I am amazed at the wide breadth of topics that interest my peers. No two publications are ever the same, which always makes working on Babel so fun for all of us in the Early Modern Studies Society. As you peruse this journal I hope you take the time to engage with and enjoy these papers. Each of these works had a lot of time and effort put into them and it shows. I know it is a bit atypical to have thank yous in the foreword, but I have never been one to not gush about those around me so I will do it anyways. Reading the submissions this year I was blown away, each of the papers we selected and could not select was fantastic and thought-provoking. I would like to thank everyone who submitted for the courage it takes to share your work. I would also like to thank our authors. Without you, there is no journal - and if we don’t publish a journal the presidents get a pie in the face, and I really don't like getting pied - so thank you for trusting us with your work. A thank you must also be extended to the faculty and staff of the EMSP who inspire us both in our academic and non-academic pursuits. I would also like to thank the other members of the EMSS executive who selected, edited and did other behind-the-scenes work to make this journal happen. I would also like to thank my Co-President Sophie. So-
Babel Volume XXI 7 phie graduates shortly after the publication of this journal, and while I am sad to see her go, I could not be more proud of her. Sophie’s creativity, perseverance, intelligence and heart have kept this society - and me - running during a global pandemic. I couldn’t be more thankful. Finally, I would like to thank you, the reader for picking up this journal. I hope you enjoy this year’s Babel. I also hope you consider submitting, or even picking up, next year’s volume too.
Bronwyn Turnquist, Co-President of the Early Modern Students’ Society, 2021-2022