2 minute read
Sophie Lawall
After three years in the EMSS, and two years of copresidency, I am graduating, a few weeks after Babel will launch. The Early Modern Studies Program has broadened my perspectives immensely, and I would not be where I am today without being part of such an inspiring community of students, and without the support of the program’s wonderful teaching staff. Like many, I began this school year hopeful for many differences from a completely remote 2020-21 school year: especially for an in-person conference, complete with a dinner and reception, and the chance to connect with more first and second year students new to King’s or to EMSP. In late December, we had to make the call to put the conference online, but it was nevertheless a success. Writing this now, in early March, we are again hopeful for an in-person Babel launch this year, but it is by no means certain. Despite these challenges and disappointments, the Early Modern Studies Society has adapted and persevered for a wonderful year. There is a long list of people who made this year’s Babel a success, and I would be remiss to omit any of them. Firstly, I need to thank our authors: without your phenomenal papers, there could be no Babel, and it is a pleasure to be able to publish them for you. Secondly, the EMSP faculty: your courses and FYP lectures inspired many of the papers published in this volume, and your enthusiasm for this program is the reason that it produces students willing to put countless hours into creating and promoting Babel. Thirdly, I must thank Dr. Kathryn Morris, the EMSP program director, individually, for all of her help this year, both with Babel and our conference. Fourthly, none of this would have happened without the rest of the EMSS exec: our tirelessly enthusiastic and dedicated core class representatives, Emma Martel, Caroline Belbin, and Lara Van de Venter, our meticulous
communications and social media officer, Elsy Rytter, and our treasurer, Neyve Egger, who again stepped up, in the spirit of friendship and inter-program solidarity, to ensure that the EMSS could run this year. Finally, last but the farthest possible from least, my thanks go to my co-president, Bronwyn Turnquist: this society survived a global pandemic intact and thriving thanks to your dedication, and I survived two years as its co-president thanks to your support and friendship. You are incredibly hardworking, intelligent, and creative, and it has been my absolute pleasure to work with you for the last two years. I also need to thank the readers of this journal, whether you pick it up at its launch or at some point in the future. Thank you for supporting our work, and I hope you have found something in this volume to interest or inspire you.
Sophie Lawall Early Modern Studies Society Co-President, 2021-22