Chapel card - michaelmas 2013

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Detail of the Chapel’s banner of St. George, the Crouse Memorial

MICHAELMAS TERM 2013 w w w . k i n g s c h a p e l . c a

Lectio Divina: Learning to Read Divinity in the Created Order

THE TERM AT A GLANCE Sept. 1 Frosh Concert with Thom Swift, 8pm Sept. 6 Student Meditation led by Jolanta Lorenc, 5pm Sept. 13 Student Meditation led by Evan King, 5pm Sept. 20 Student Meditation led by Thomas McCallum, 5pm Sept. 21 Cape Split Hike, depart at 7:45am Sept. 22 Dal Anglican Society Film Series: “Samsara”, Dal Multi-Faith Centre, 7:30pm Sept. 26 Potluck Fellowship after Solemn Eucharist at 6338 Jubilee Rd. All welcome! Sept. 27 Student Meditation led by Verity Thompson, 5pm Sept. 28 STAS Cleaning Day, 1:30pm Sept. 29 Chapel Concert Series featuring Al Tuck, 8pm Oct. 4 Student Meditation led by Colin Nicolle, 5pm Oct. 6 Chapel Concert Series featuring Amy Campbell, 8pm Oct. 10 Decorating the Chapel for Harvest Thanksgiving after Solemn Eucharist Oct. 11 Student Meditation led by Karis Tees, 5pm Oct. 12-14 Thanksgiving Weekend Retreat at St. Anne’s Camp Oct. 16 Evenspeak with Dr. Bill Barker, 5pm Oct. 18 Student Meditation led by Jordan Draper, 5pm Oct. 19 STAS Cleaning Day, 1:30pm Oct. 20 Dalhousie Anglican Society Film Series: TBA, 7:30pm Oct. 23 Evenspeak with Mayor Mike Savage, 5pm Oct. 25-27 Fall Chapel Retreat at Mersey River Chalets Nov. 1 Student Meditation led by Evey Hornbeck, 5pm Nov. 2 All Souls’ Day Solemn Eucharist with Faure’s Requiem, 5pm Nov. 3 At All Saints’ Cathedral, For All the Saints Concert sung by the Chapel Choir, 4pm Nov. 6 Evenspeak with Paul Halley, 5pm Nov. 8 Student Meditation led by James Mosher, 5pm Nov. 9 Work-Party at the Hermitage of the Annunciation Nov. 10 Study Group with Fr. Thorne at 6144 Lawrence St. Session 1, 7pm Nov. 11 Remembrance Day Service, 5pm Nov. 15 Student Meditation led by Sarah Hamilton, 5pm Nov. 16 Quiet Day in the Chapel, 9am Nov. 17 Study Group with Fr. Thorne at 6144 Lawrence St. Session 2, 7pm Nov. 22 A Concert of Music & Readings on the Feast of St. Cecilia, 7pm Nov. 24 Study Group with Fr. Thorne at 6144 Lawrence St. Session 3, 7pm Nov. 27 Evenspeak with Dr. Henry Roper, 5pm Nov. 29 Christmas Tree Hunt Nov. 30 Wardens’ Decorating Party, 10am-2pm Dec. 1 Nine Lessons and Carols Service, 4pm Dec. 5 Last Solemn Choral Eucharist of Term, 5pm Dec. 6 Last Student Meditation of Term with Will Pearson, 5pm Dec. 10 Last Choral Evensong of Terms with the Chapel Choir & Capella Regalis, 5pm

“WINE BEFORE BREAKFAST” Holy Communion held each week on Wednesdays at 7:45 a.m. in the Dalhousie Multi-faith Centre (1321 Edward Street). This event is sponsored by the Dalhousie Anglican Society and consists of a simple said Communion service celebrated by the Chaplain, followed by breakfast and a time for fellowship. WEEKLY BIBLE STUDY – LECTIO DIVINA Join us in the Middle Bay Don Suite on Wednesdays from 9.00-10.00 p.m. where we will be working our way through “The Gospel according to Matthew” in the style of Lectio Divina. We are hoping that this bible study will help deepen our understanding of the bible and of sacred reading itself.

THE TERM IN DEPTH FRIDAY EVENSONG STUDENT MEDITATION Each Friday at 5 p.m. a student from King’s or Dal gives a brief meditation on the Lessons of the Day, or on a spiritual theme. This is an important moment for the building of spiritual community as students gather to honour their peers by listening attentively and expectedly to their fellows. The brief Evensong concludes with a postlude gospel song of Sacred Harp Music sung by a small and enthusiastic choir, which is always looking for new members to introduce to this extraordinary North American gospel tradition. EVENSONG AND SPEAK SERIES The Chapel is proud to present the continuation of the series entitled “Evensong & Speak” to be held four times each term. A short 17 minute talk/reflection will be given directly following Wednesday Choral Evensong on these days. The theme presented will follow the Chapel’s question for 2013-14, “What is wrong with the world?” Oct. 16 Oct. 23 Nov. 6 Nov. 27

Dr. Bill Barker, Former King’s President Mike Savage, Mayor of HRM Paul Halley, King’s Music Director Dr. Henry Roper, Inglis Professor at King’s

SUNDAY EVENING CONCERT SERIES An opportunity for established and up-and-coming maritime singer-songwriters to perform in Halifax’s best listening room. Admission is free with a free-will offering to a charity of the performer’s choice. Sept. 1 Sept. 29 Oct. 6

Frosh Concert with Thom Swift, 8pm Chapel Concert Series featuring Al Tuck, 8pm Chapel Concert Series featuring Amy Campbell, 8pm

CHAPLAIN’S STUDY GROUP Sunday Evenings at 7:00 p.m., November 10, 17 & 24 at the home of the Chaplain, 6144 Lawrence Street. An informal and friendly study conducted by the Chaplain for all students. Tea and cookies provided. For any student desiring baptism or confirmation, these three study sessions will form the core teaching to be continued next term. VISIT TO THE HERMITAGE OF THE ANNUNCIATION On November 9, students will visit the monks at the Hermitage for a work-party day. Join us as we spend the day praying, falling trees, clearing brush, and digging down to the boulders in preparation for the building next summer of the Fr. Crouse Memorial Prayer Hut. THANKSGIVING WEEKEND RETREAT Participants enjoy a weekend in the Annapolis Valley at a St. Anne’s Camp. It’s a relaxing weekend with opportunity to hike and canoe on Gibson’s Lake on October 12-14. On Monday we cook and enjoy our extraordinary Thanksgiving Meal and then head back to the Quad with various varieties of homemade pie. Not a ‘religious’ heavy weekend but lots of opportunity for quiet reflection, walks, and study (if necessary). Open to all, especially those not able to get home for Thanksgiving. FALL RETREAT A contemplative retreat October 25-27 held in the beauty of the Nova Scotian backcountry outside Kejimkujik National Park, ordered by the daily singing of the monastic offices. This weekend retreat, led by Chapel Theologian The Rev’d Dr. Lisa Wang, will explore the practice of Lectio Divina, reading the Created Order through Scripture. Retreatants will have time to enjoy the outdoors, to canoe, hike, read, study, walk, or simply relax in nature. This retreat is for all types of persons, of any faith or none.

CHRISTMAS TREE HUNT & WARDEN DECORATING PARTY On Friday, November 29 we head to the South Shore to hunt down and bring home a Christmas Tree that is decorated the next day during the Wardens’ Chapel Decorating Party, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Garlands, decorations, mulled wine, festive music – a great way to get in the holiday spirit with our College friends before exams and departure for home.

FEAST DAYS & SPECIAL SERVICES Unless otherwise noted, all services are held in the King’s Chapel. The Feast of St. Michael and All Angels (transferred) will be celebrated by our community on Thursday, September 26 after the 5:00pm Solemn Eucharist with the first Chapel Potluck Fellowship at the home of one of our Wardens. Bring what you can but a happy heart—even with empty hands—are welcome at 6338 Jubilee Rd. A 5:00 p.m. Choral Solemn Eucharist will be held on Thursday, October 24, for the Eve of the Feast of St. Crispinian with guest preacher The Rev’d Dr. Lisa Wang, this year’s Chapel Theologian. This will be the last Eucharist we celebrate before our community departs for the Fall Retreat. In reality, this Eucharist will be the beginning of our weekend retreat. Come and meet The Rev’d Lisa, associate priest and catechist at St. James’, Toronto. A Choral Solemn Eucharist will be held for All Souls’ Day at 5:00 p.m. on Saturday, November 2, featuring Faure’s Requiem. A special service of Choral Evensong will be held for Remembrance Day on Monday, November 11, at 5:00 p.m. A Concert of Music & Readings on the Feast of St Cecilia will be held in honour of the patron saint of musicians on Friday, November 22, at 7:00 p.m. Music performed by the Chapel Choir, featuring the Hymn to St Cecilia by Benjamin Britten. The Eve of St. Andrew the Apostle will be celebrated with a Choral Solemn Eucharist at 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, November 28. The Saint Andrew’s Mission Society (SAMS) will honour this is their Patronal Feast with the Second Chapel Potluck Fellowship of Term. Advent Lessons & Carols will be held at 4:00 p.m. on Sunday, December 1. The Last Choral Solemn Eucharist of Term will be held at 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, December 5 for the Eve of S. Nicholas. GUEST PREACHERS FOR THURSDAY SOLEMN EUCHARIST Oct. 3 Oct. 24 Nov. 7 Nov. 14 Nov. 28

The Rev’d Nicole Uzans The Rev’d Dr. Lisa Wang The Rev’d George Sumner Fr. Ranall Ingalls Visiting Chaplain Bob Tees

CHAPEL MAILING LIST Details of all Chapel services and events are sent in a weekly Sunday email to all who join the Chapel Mailing List. Contact our Chaplain, Fr. Gary Thorne, to be added to the list:

PEOPLE IN THE CHAPEL Chaplain & Priest-in-Charge The Rev’d Canon Dr. Gary Thorne (902) 717-0950 Faculty in Holy Orders The Rev’d Dr. Thomas Curran Chapel Theologian The Rev’d Dr. Lisa Wang Chapel Administrator Katie Merwin King’s Chapel Warden Karis Tees Dalhousie Chapel Warden Jordan Draper Warden of the Chapel Henk Fisher Treasurer Sarah Hamilton Saint Andrew’s Mission Society James Mosher Artist-in-Residence Madison Bernard Photographer-in-Residence Evan McIntyre

Director of Chapel Music Paul Halley Assistant Music Director Nick Halley Chapel Choir Manager Vanessa Halley Saint Thomas Aquinas Society Nicholas Hatt Benjamin Lee Sacristan Colin Nicolle Assistant Sacristan Will Barton Altar Guild Veronica Curran Postulant Andrew Killawee Sr. Organ Scholar Nicholas Veltmeyer Jr. Organ Scholar Eva Troje Student Website Karis Tees Evey Hornbeck


Tuesday 8:00 a.m. Morning Prayer 12:00 p.m. Noonday Prayers 12:15 p.m. Holy Communion, said 5:00 p.m. Choral Evensong, sung by Capella Regalis 9:30 p.m. Compline, sung by the Men’s Compline Choir Wednesday 8:00 a.m. Morning Prayer 12:00 p.m. Noonday Prayers 5:00 p.m. Choral Evensong, sung by the Chapel Choir Thursday 8:00 a.m. Morning Prayer 12:00 p.m. Noonday Prayers 4:45 p.m. Evening Prayer, shortened 5:00 p.m. Choral Solemn Eucharist, sung by the Chapel Choir Friday 8:00 a.m. Morning Prayer and Litany 12:00 p.m. Noonday Prayers 12:15 p.m. Holy Communion, said 5:00 p.m. Evening Prayer, Student Meditation & Sacred Harp Saturday The Chapel is open for private prayer Sunday 10:45 a.m. Morning Prayer, shortened 11:00 a.m. Holy Communion, sung by Sunday Morning Choir Preacher: The Rev’d Dr. Thomas Curran

The Chapel at the University of King’s College, 6350 Coburg Rd, Halifax, NS B3H 2A1 Canada (902) 422-1271 ext. 140 | w w w . k i n g s c h a p e l . c a

Monday 8:00 a.m. Morning Prayer 12:00 p.m. Noonday Prayers 5:00 p.m. Evening Prayer, shortened 5:15 p.m. Holy Communion, said 10:00 p.m. Compline, sung by the Women’s Compline Choir

SILENCE IN THE CHAPEL The Chapel at the University of King’s College is a Sacred Space for prayer, contemplation and worship, available to all students, staff and faculty at King’s and Dalhousie. The Chapel is located just inside the King’s Quad, 6350 Coburg Road, Halifax, Nova Scotia. Strict silence is kept in the Chapel each day from 7:00 – 8:00 a.m. and again from 10:00 – 11:00 p.m. Please join us in one of our many forms of worship, or come and find a quiet space for private reflection and solitude. DONATIONS Chapel Programming (non-music) is made possible by the generous contributions of students, parents, staff, faculty, and friends of the Chapel. Envelopes for regular giving are available at the back of the Chapel. Please help us continue our ministry to university students by making an offering today. Contact Katie Merwin for more details at

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