learn more university of king’s college
King’s is a place for big thinkers.
This is a place to challenge and be challenged. We believe in engaging with primary texts and with each other. We believe in the strength of interdisciplinary thinking. We value strong communication skills and critical thought. We are part of a tradition that spans more than two centuries. Will you join us?
Welcome to King’s.
Halifax The largest city in Canada east of Quebec, Halifax has a population of nearly 300,000 and seven institutions of higher education. Rich in culture and spirit, this city is home to one of the country’s oldest farmers’ markets (halifaxfarmersmarket.com), Atlantic Canada’s largest regional professional theatre (neptunetheatre.com) and a professional basketball team (rainmenbasketball.ca). All of these attractions and activities are within walking distance of King’s, as are breathtaking vistas of the Atlantic Ocean. These are just a few of the many reasons why Halifax is a vibrant place to live and study. ukings.ca/halifax
The story of King’s began in New York City, where the university was founded in 1756. It remained there until the American Revolution, which sowed division among faculty members. Those who supported the revolution stayed and founded Columbia University. The Loyalists settled in Nova Scotia and started the University of King’s College in 1789. This was the first English-speaking Commonwealth university under royal charter outside of the United Kingdom.
foundation year programme More than 90 per cent of King’s students enroll in our FoundationYear Programme (FYP) as the first year of their degree. Introduced in 1972, it has become a model for many Canadian universities, offering a remarkable alternative to a traditional first year. In FYP we trace the history of ideas by way of an interdisciplinary exploration of seminal works that have shaped the character of Western civilization.Whereas a typical first year compartmentalizes the various disciplines of the humanities, we approach the philosophy, literature, and art of each historical period as integrated reflections of their time and culture.The highly co-ordinated curriculum and well-paced assignments combine in such a way that you can focus your full attention on the great works at the heart of the programme. FYP is taught as a single intensive and interdisciplinary course, integrating lectures and tutorials of around 15 students.The energy of the lectures, during which engaged, passionate teachers share their favourite subjects with all 300 students, is exciting and unparalleled. In the tutorials, you will have an opportunity to discuss and debate the texts of the day with fellow students in an intimate and comfortable setting that fosters careful reading and collaborative thinking.This means that you will be part of a supportive community as you make your journey through the great texts of Western civilization. FYP places considerable emphasis on reading and writing. Essays, which are assigned every two weeks, are analytical papers requiring careful reflection on one or two texts.The tutorials are designed to increase your confidence in expressing your thoughts, while the tutors (who are faculty members) will help you hone your writing skills. Dalhousie and King’s recognize FYP as preparation for English, history, philosophy, sociology, and many other degree programmes. Arts students can take one elective course to complete their first-year course loads. Journalism students take foundations of journalism as their additional course. Music students take an applied skills course and science students choose two science courses.
Selections from FYP reading list the ancient world
The Epic of Gilgamesh The Bible (Genesis, Exodus, Job) Homer, The Odyssey Plato, The Republic Virgil, The Aeneid the Middle Ages
Augustine, Confessions Dante, The Divine Comedy The Song of Roland The Renaissance & Reformation
More, Utopia Machiavelli, The Prince Montaigne, Essays Shakespeare, The Tempest Marlowe, Dr. Faustus
here is what students who recently finished fyp have to say:
“When I got to King’s and started FYP I was totally awestruck by the program. … FYP and people here have really changed my life in a way I’ll always be incredibly grateful for.”
“I always knew I would pursue a liberal arts education and as soon as I heard about FYP I knew I’d call King’s home… it feels now like we’ve been on this great Odyssey kind of journey through all of Western culture. Not many people have gone to all the places we’ve visited, and come out knowing the thoughts of philosophers past as if they were our pop culture” – Laura Thorne, 3rd year student from North Vancouver, BC
“The one thing I’d want any future FYPsters to know is that… lectures are remarkable, readings can be intense but that is what tutorials are for… Fifteen people talking about their thoughts from a lecture was a dream come true for me because I love to hear others’ perspectives. Variety is the spice of life and FYP is a spice rack.” – Virginia Joy Rolfe, 3rd year student from Dracut, MA, USA
the age of reason
Descartes, Meditations Rousseau, Discourse on the Origin of Inequality Locke, The Second Treatise of Government Kant, Grounding for the Metaphysics of Morals The Era of Revolutions
Hegel, Introduction to the Philosophy of History Darwin, On the Origin of Species Robespierre, Virtue and Terror Mill, On Liberty Nietzsche, Ecce Homo The Contemporary World
Eliot, TheWaste Land Dubois, Souls of Black Folk de Beauvoir, The Second Sex Lewontin, Biology as Ideology
– Claris Figueira, 3rd year student from Vancouver, BC
king’s and Dalhousie
King’s is a neighbour and partner of Dalhousie University, which offers the most academic programme choices of any university in Atlantic Canada. As a King’s student, you enjoy the best of both worlds: you are part of King’s intimate, specialized community and, through Dalhousie, a larger research-intensive university that is unrivaled in this region for profile and scope. King’s students have full access to all Dalhousie libraries, student services, exchange programmes, and courses of study within the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences and the Faculty of Sciences. They also have access to 2,500 courses through both universities, including King’s flagship programmes. Arts, science, and music degrees are conferred by Dalhousie in association, or jointly, with the University of King’s College, while journalism degrees are conferred solely by King’s. Some mistakenly think King’s focuses on the arts to the exclusion of the sciences. Yet the unique relationship between King’s and Dalhousie gives our students access to academic departments on the cutting edge of both the arts and sciences. For example, students can take our Foundation Year Programme as the first year of a science degree. In fact, the programme includes lectures on science and how it has contributed to the development of Western ideas and traditions. Additionally, students can combine any King’s programme with any science discipline (the History of Science and Technology Programme is particularly popular with the scientifically inclined). In all, King’s students can work toward a degree in any of 55 departments in the King’s - Dalhousie Joint Faculties of Arts and Sciences. Add to that the fact that many students earn degrees by combining two or more subjects, and the possibilities really seem endless. You can read about some of the combined degrees that King’s students earn, and what they lead to on pages 9 through 13.
Arts and Social Science
Canadian Studies Classics* Contemporary Studies* Creative Writing (as combined honours or double major)* Early Modern Studies* English* Environment, Sustainability and Society (as combined honours or double major)* European Studies (single major or concentrated honours)* French* Gender and Women’s Studies (as combined honours or double major) German* History* History of Science and Technology* International Development Studies* Italian Studies (as combined honours or double major)* Music* Philosophy* Political Science* Religious Studies* Russian Studies* Sociology and Social Anthropology* Spanish* Theatre*
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology*† Biology*† Chemistry*† Computer Science*† Earth Sciences*† Economics*† Environment, Sustainability and Society (as combined honours or double major)* Environmental Science*† History of Science and Technology* Marine Biology*† Mathematics*† Microbiology & Immunology*† Neuroscience* Oceanography (as combined honours or double major)* Physics and Atmospheric Science*† Psychology* Statistics*†
Journalism Bachelor of Journalism (honours)* Bachelor of Journalism (combined honours with an arts/science subject)* Bachelor of Journalism (combined honours in Interdisciplinary Studies)* Bachelor of Journalism (combined honours in Music History)* Bachelor of Journalism (one year post baccalaureate degree) Master of Journalism Master of Fine Arts in Creative Nonfiction
Minors Business Canadian Studies Community Design Computer Science (with science degree only) Contemporary Studies Early Modern Studies Environmental Studies Film Studies Food Science (with science degree only) Geography Health Studies (with arts degree only) History of Science and Technology Journalism Studies Law and Society Management * Minors are also available in most arts and science programs listed above. Please check the online calendar for the most current information.
* Available as honours degrees † Available as co-op degrees (completion takes 4 – 4.5 years)
programmes available
“Never have I loved learning new things like I did this year.” – Liam Hannah, 3rd year student
In the first year, you will take on the challenges of the interdisciplinary Foundation Year Programme and begin to consider the power and responsibility of journalism in a democratic society. In the second year, you will develop multimedia skills as you begin reporting on news in the city of Halifax.You are encouraged to do a combined honours degree that allows you to specialize in a second discipline, such as contemporary studies, international development or French. In your final year, you will spend the majority of your time working as a full-time journalist in a series of concentrated workshops and complete a four-week internship with the media outlet of your choice before graduating. The School of Journalism has an expert faculty comprised of professional journalists. It was the first in Canada to offer classes in digital journalism and continues to be a leader in this field of study. Recent Journalism graduates Chelcie Soroka – Bachelor of Journalism (honours) (2012). Chelcie is currently a medical student at Dalhousie University. Arwen Kidd – Bachelor of Journalism (combined honours) with international development studies (2007). Arwen is a documentary filmmaker based in Liberia. She runs a successful independent business working for international media outlets and nonprofit organizations. John MacLean – Bachelor of Journalism (combined honours) with history (2003). John is legal counsel for the constitutional law division of the Nunavut Department of Justice. John worked for two years in print and radio before attending the University of New Brunswick school of law. Stephanie Nolen – Bachelor of Journalism (honours) (1993). Stephanie is a foreign correspondent for the Globe and Mail, and is currently based in Africa. She is one of the most celebrated print journalists in Canada, the winner of seven National Newspaper Awards and three Amnesty International Awards. Publications King’s journalism students are regularly nominated for regional, national and even international journalism awards. Students may work on a television news show, a radio current affairs show, and several online publications and magazines. Most student work can be viewed at www.kingsjournalism.com. Interim Journalism director: Stephen Kimber (stephen.kimber@ukings.ca)
King’s School of Journalism offers a superior academic education as well as the skills essential to success in this profession, and many others. Our students learn to conduct independent research, think critically about current affairs, tell stories to a range of audiences, and work with people from all walks of life. In short, we instill in you an exceptional ability to navigate the world.
combined honours Many King’s students complete the Foundation Year Programme with a desire to continue their studies in an engaged, interdisciplinary environment. Our three combined honours programmes offer an opportunity for continued deep, creative thinking in small classes and give students with transfer credits access to a similarly intense and engaged academic experience, even if they haven’t taken FYP.
Through these programmes, you can explore connections between traditionally isolated subjects as you immerse yourself in a second, more traditional area of study such as philosophy, physics, or anything in between.You will find all King’s degree options listed on page 7.
Early Modern Studies Where did the modern world come from? The Early Modern Studies Programme (EMSP) looks at the birth of modernity in the period from the 16th to the 19th centuries from philosophical, scientific, moral, social, institutional, and aesthetic points of view. The early modern period saw dramatic upheavals to the Western way of life, including the French Revolution, Enlightenment, and Romanticism. We are all inescapably implicated in modernity, and EMSP is an opportunity to come to grips with deeper sources of this fact. Recent Early Modern Studies graduates include: Monica Hutchings – Bachelor of Arts (honours) in early modern studies and French (2010). Monica is currently working on a master’s in translation at the Université de Provence in Aix-en-Provence, France. Max Ma – Bachelor of Arts (honours) in early modern studies and classics (2012). Max is currently studying towards a juris doctor degree at Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario. Emily Claydon – Bachelor of Science (honours) in microbiology & immunology and early modern studies (2006). Emily is currently a medical resident in radiology at the University of Toronto. The former premier of China, Zhou En-Lai, was asked by President Richard Nixon in 1972 what he thought the significance of the French revolution was. His response? “It’s too early to tell.” Early Modern Studies Programme director: Dr. Neil Robertson (neil.robertson@ukings.ca) BA (King’s), MA (Dalhousie), PhD (Cambridge) * In 2014, for the first time, students have the option of a minor in EMSP
history of Science and Technology The History of Science and Technology Programme (HOST) examines the historical, philosophical and sociological context of our centuries-long attempts to understand nature — including human nature. We look back as far as the ancient world, but we also wrestle with contemporary concerns, such as the political dimensions of science, the challenges of new technologies, and the interactions of science and religion. Students who are good at either the arts or the sciences (or both) will find themselves at home in our programme, for it is a good place where the “two cultures” of the humanities and the sciences genuinely meet. Recent HOST graduates include:
Dave Jerome – Bachelor of Science (honours) in biology and history of science and technology (2009). Dave is currently a medical student at Memorial University in Newfoundland.
History of Science and Technology outside the classroom Situating Science – With King’s as its centre, Situating Science is a nationwide project that brings together leading Canadian and international scholars who study science and technology and their broader social and cultural significance: www.situsci.ca Newton Project Canada – King’s houses the Canadian arm of the United Kingdom-based
Newton Project and supports its international counterpart by providing a centre of operations for Canadian-based transcription work on Isaac Newton’s unpublished manuscripts: www.isaacnewton.ca History of Science and Technology Programme director: Dr. Ian Stewart (ian.stewart@ukings.ca) BSc (Trent), MA (Toronto), PhD (Cambridge) * In 2014, for the first time, students have the option of a minor in HOST
Contemporary Studies The world has radically changed during the last two centuries. Wars and revolutions have transformed our political and ethical beliefs. Scientific and technological innovations have changed the way we live. Art and literature have undermined our conventions and assumptions. The Contemporary Studies Programme (CSP) investigates these and other aspects of contemporary society and culture through an interdisciplinary lens. Contemporary Studies graduates include: Heather Blom – Bachelor of Arts (honours) in Russian studies and contemporary studies (2010). Heather is currently development coordinator at the National Ballet of Canada. Victor Bomers – Bachelor of Science (honours) in statistics and contemporary studies (2009). Victor recently earned a master of statistics degree at the London School of Economics. Eli Diamond – Bachelor of Arts (honours) in classics and contemporary studies (1999). Eli is an assistant professor in the Classics Department at Dalhousie University, where he teaches ancient Greek and ancient philosophy. Contemporary Studies Programme director: Dr. Stephen Boos (stephen.boos@ukings.ca) BA (Queen’s), MA, PhD (York) * In 2014, for the first time, students have the option of a minor in CMSP
Amy Teitel – Bachelor of Arts (honours) in history of science and technology and classics (2008). Amy is now a science blogger and writer with Discovery News, AmericaSpace, and Motherboard.tv. Stephanie Dick – Bachelor of Arts (honours) in history of science and technology and philosophy (2007). Stephanie is currently a PhD candidate in the Department of History of Science at Harvard University.
other degree options
Some King’s students choose a programme offered by a Dalhousie department for their upper year study. These students remain King’s students and consider our university home, a testament to the tight bonds they form here. Even students who take most of their upper-year courses on the Dalhousie campus continue to take elective courses in the King’s departments, and many spend their free time on the King’s quad. The relationship between King’s and Dalhousie expands both communities in beneficial ways. For example, King’s professors teach in Dalhousie departments such as classics, philosophy, English, theatre and French. You will also find Dalhousie students enthusiastically engaged in classes offered on the King’s campus. There are also students who are interested in gaining an understanding of traditions beyond those of the Western hemisphere. This is another area where our partnership with Dalhousie offers benefits for King’s students. For example, you may pair contemporary studies with history and select courses such as “History of the Modern Middle East in the 20th Century” and “Orientalism and Occidentalism.” Students who have recently earned degrees from Dalhousie departments include: Rosanna Nicol – Bachelor of Arts (honours) in history and economics (2010). Rosanna was awarded a Rhodes Scholarship and has completed an MPhil in development studies at the University of Oxford. She is now starting a city farm project in Ottawa. Stu Campana – Bachelor of Arts in political science (2009). Stu earned a master’s degree in environment and resource management at the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam and is currently an environmental consultant in Hamilton, Ontario. Karen Javorski – Bachelor of Arts (honours) in international development studies and Spanish (2009). Karen earned an MA in human rights at University College, London, and is currently part of the international human rights education team with Amnesty International in London, England.
Business at Ivey Students who want a well-rounded humanities education yet also want to earn a degree in business can apply for advanced entry option (AEO) status at the Richard Ivey School of Business at Western University in Ontario. Students in this stream will spend the first two years of their degree at King’s – starting with the Foundation Year Programme – and their final two years at Western, where they will earn an honours in business administration.
Studying in Dalhousie Departments
“King’s provides a really exciting, electric academic environment, but also a really wonderful, welcoming social environment.” – Justis Danto-Clancy, 2011 graduate
residence The university experience is more than the time you spend in class. It’s also the connections you make with other students while you’re here, particularly living on campus. The majority of King’s students in residence are in the Foundation Year Programme. This gives our campus a unique, adventuring spirit because nearly everyone is exploring the same great ideas at the same time in a common, shared academic experience that extends beyond the walls of the classroom. There is also an eclectic mix of upper-year students in residence, many of them passing along King’s traditions to our newer students. It’s a vibrant, highly creative, and close-knit community that reflects the remarkable students who pass through our doors.
Residence Options King’s offers both single and double rooms in co-ed, all male, and all female arrangements. There are four meal plan options available to students, ranging from 14 to 21 all-you-can-eat meals per week (with some even offering free guest passes). First year students in residence must enrol in a meal plan. Meal plans are also available to students living off campus. Details about our meal plans can be found on the King’s webpage.
Day Students We know it is important for King’s students who are not living in residence to be part of campus life as much as possible. To this end, there are many events and societies that offer opportunities for off-campus students to be part of the King’s community. For example, there is a Day Student Society, which is dedicated to providing on-campus activities and transportation to special events for our day students. Day students will also find a warm welcome at the Wardroom Lounge, which is a great place to get together and study, snack, or just hang out with friends.
“… A close community that’s always moving, always buzzing, always finding new traditions and renewing the old ones.” – Laura Thorne, 3rd year student
traditions The Roman god of transitions, Janus, is usually depicted with two faces – one looking forward and one looking back. In this way, he is symbolic of King’s. As Canada’s oldest chartered university, we are steeped in a rich and proud history. Yet we are also known as a bastion of critical thinking – an important foundation for change, progress, and growth. The many traditions passed down from one generation of students to the next have taken on new meaning and character over the years as we keep one eye on our legacy and the other on our future. Here are a few of the traditions that have endured, and evolved, at King’s: Formal Meal Once a month, students, faculty, and staff don their academic
gowns and gather in Prince Hall for a communal meal. The tables are elegantly arrayed with linen and candles, grace is delivered in Latin, someone with a longstanding connection to King’s is invited to give a speech, and there is often live music to give the event a festive air.
Study Snacks The true community spirit of King’s shines through in this informal yet regular gathering. Upper-year students, nostalgic for the time they spent in the Foundation Year Programme, congregate in the Wardroom on Sundays with coffee, tea, and snacks for FYP students working on their biweekly Monday essay assignments. For FYP students, it’s an opportunity to gain invaluable insights and assistance with their essays from the initial idea to the final edit. Classics in the Quad Inspired by the tragedies and comedies that FYP students read, the King’s Theatrical Society stages a Greek play on the steps of the library every fall. April First at Midnight Some traditions you just have to experience for
yourself. This is one of them.
exchange and study abroad King’s students have full access to more than 70 exchange opportunities. Many exchanges are already established and publicized, but King’s students often decide to create their own programmes for studying abroad as well. All this is made possible by Dalhousie Student Exchange Services, which facilitates these opportunities for both King’s and Dalhousie students.
ukings.ca/student-exchange-opportunities ises.dal.ca
King’s students are famously active outside of classroom learning. Here are just a few of the many popular societies that have existed at King’s in recent years. Remember that King’s students also have access to all 250 student clubs and organizations at Dalhousie, and that you can always create your own society based on your interests.
King’s Theatrical Society King’s Dance Collective King’s College Orchestra King’s College Chapel Choir King’s League of Athletes King’s Memoir Project King’s Hockey Society King’s Foreign Films Society King’s Music Society King’s Outdoor Society PRIDE King’s Zine King’s Scottish Society King’s Arts and Crafts Collective Dal/King’s Filmmakers Collective Dal/King’s Swing Dance Society Haliburton Society (Literary) KAFKA (King’s Alternative Food Cooperative Association)
Journalists for Human Rights The King’s Chorus Social Justice Zine Dal/King’s Fencing Club Artisanal Breadmakers Collective The Philistine Creative Publication King’s Scrabble Society KICASS (Improv Comedy) WUSC King’s (World University Service of Canada) Beauty vs. Industry Quintilian Society (Debate) King’s Anime and Manga Palooza King’s Cribbage Society King’s Organization for Zealots King’s Rowing Team Squash Society King’s Yoga Society
Student-Run Organizations and Co-operatives The intimate environment at King’s gives rise to a startling number of student owned and run organizations and co-operatives. These include the King’s Galley (which is a student-owned coffee shop), the King’s Co-op Bookstore, the Wardroom campus pub, and our renowned student-run frosh week. For more information on societies and co-ops, see the King’s Students’ Union website:
“The people here want to be here and care about being here.” – Sarah Toye, 3rd year student
King’s soccer (M/F), rugby (M/F), basketball (M/F), volleyball (M), badminton (co-ed) teams participate in the Canadian Collegiate Athletic Association. This year King’s is introducing competitive women’s volleyball and squash. Our university has been represented in national tournaments 30 times in the last 22 years, and is proud to boast 21 Academic All-Canadians over the past six. If you are interested in playing varsity sports at King’s, contact our athletic director, Neil Hooper at neil.hooper@ukings.ca, or our athletic coordinator, Trish Miles, at trish.miles@ukings.ca.
Club and Intramurals King’s students are welcome to participate in any recreational or competitive club sport or intramural league at King’s or Dalhousie. There are many options, which range from the informal pickup games of the King’s Amateur Athletics Association (CUBE) and formal intramural leagues at Dalhousie that include King’s teams, to competitive clubs that take on other universities’ teams. For a list of all the clubs and intramurals available at Dalhousie, see athletics.dal.ca/intramurals_clubs.html
Facilities The King’s gym includes a hardwood floating floor for varsity practices and games, intramurals, and free-time use. It also houses a fitness centre with cardio equipment, a newly renovated and furnished weight room, and an aerobics room that is used for dance, yoga, and martial arts. Additionally, King’s students have access to the Dalplex, which includes an Olympic-sized swimming pool, two weight rooms, a 1/6 mile indoor running track, two hardwood playing courts, badminton, squash, racquetball and table tennis courts, beach volleyball and tennis courts, rock-climbing wall and dry heat sauna. King’s students also enjoy free admission to all King’s and Dalhousie varsity games.
admissions Admissions Timeline Oct 15 - Dec 31 apply by March 1 apply by April 1 apply by June 1
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Early fall admission (based on Grade 11 finals) Scholarship consideration International students (except USA) Regular admissions from Canada or USA
Note: All programmes admit students on a rolling basis beginning on October 15. We recommend that you apply as early as possible.
General admission requirements by geography (Please see additional requirements for specific programmes as outlined below) Canada (except British Columbia, Quebec and Ontario)
• Five courses, including English, at the grade 12 academic level • Minimum average of 70% • No grades below 60% on courses used for admission
• Five courses at grade 12 level with a B standing, including English • SAT 1 score of 1650 (combined critical reading, math, and writing) • ACT results are also acceptable with a composite score of at least 23 and no individual score less than 20 Other international
British Columbia
• Consult Registrar’s Office • TOEFL of 90 on iBT (or 237 on the computer-based test, 580 on the paper-based test), MELAB (81), or IELTS (6.5)
International Baccalaureate (IB) and Advanced Placement (AP)
• English 12 • Four other provincially examinable courses. (Note: students are not required to write the Mature students • 21 or older and out of full-time study for at exams) least two years • Minimum average of 70% • Contact the Registrar’s Office for more • No grades below 60% can be used for information admission • English (ENG4U) • 4 other 4U or 4M level classes • Minimum average of 70% • No grades below 60% on courses used for admission Quebec
Students may be eligible for transfer credit with the following scores • AP International Exam – 4 or 5 • IB Higher Level courses with 5, 6 or 7
• CEGEP: one year of D.E.C. • Minimum average of 70% • Students with two years of D.E.C. with average of 70% will be considered for admission with transfer credit • Students attending high schools offering Grade 12 must meet requirements as outlined for students from the rest of Canada
Bachelor of ARTS
BA applicants must achieve a minimum of 70% in English, and must take four other acceptable courses. Final BA application deadline is June 1.
Bachelor of Science BSc applicants must achieve a minimum of 70% in English, and 70% in math as follows:
Bachelor of Journalism (Honours) BJH applicants must meet the same academic requirements as for the BA. In addition, BJH students are required to submit a 1,000-word autobiographical sketch. This submission should give the admission committee a sense of your writing ability and interest in journalism as well as help us get to know you. BJH applicants may submit any additional documentation which they feel speaks to their potential as a journalism student.
NS: Pre-Calculus 12 or Calculus 12 PE: Math 621B or 611 B NB: Advanced Math with Intro to Calculus 120 or Calculus 120 ON: MHF4U or MCV4U NL: Math 3207 MB: Pre-Calculus 40S SK: Math C30 or Calculus 30 AB, NT, NU: Pure Math 30 or Math 31 BC, YT: Calculus 12 or Principles of Math 12
Transfer Applicants
BSc applicants must also take three other acceptable courses including at least one, but preferably two sciences. Some universitylevel science classes have specific high school prerequisites. Final BSc application deadline is June 1.
IB Applicants
Bachelor of Music BMus applicants must meet the same academic requirements as for the BA. In addition, BMus applicants are required to submit a supplementary application directly to the department of music and complete an audition (music.dal.ca).You may major in music as a BA student without the supplementary application and audition.
Courses in which you received a C or higher at a previous college or university may be eligible for transfer credit.
IB students who score a 5, 6, or 7 on any Higher Level courses receive first year transfer credits. Students also receive a second year philosophy credit for the successful completion of the Theory of Knowledge. IB diploma students who receive a minimum predicted score of 30 will be considered for IB scholarships.
AP Applicants AP applicants who score a 4 or 5 on any AP exam receive first year transfer credits.
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programme-specific requirements
scholarship & tuition
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We want to make sure we help make King’s as affordable as possible for all students who want to attend. To do that, King’s offers three types of financial aid: scholarships, bursaries and awards. Scholarships are based on academic merit, bursaries are based on financial need, and awards are based on a blend of academic performance and financial need, as well as other factors. For more information about scholarships and how to apply, please see the URL below. Entrance Scholarships Students who have never attended college or university are eligible for entrance scholarships, which range from $1,000 to $9,000. Entrance scholarship applications are available online. Entrance and Residence Bursaries All students are asked as part of their
university application whether or not they will be applying for federal student loans. All students who apply for loans will be considered for entrance and residence bursaries. Entrance Awards Entrance awards have specific criteria and require a separate
application. Please see a description of each below.
Dr. Carrie Best Award Open to applicants of African Canadian or Canadian Aboriginal descent. At least one awarded every year, valued at $5,000 renewable. Harrison McCain Award Open to applicants who graduate from high schools in Canada. One awarded each year, valued at $4,000 renewable. Weldon Awards and Mather Byles Awards Open to applicants with US citizenship with no permanent immigration status in Canada. Many awarded annually valued at $2,250 renewable. Campus Community Dining Award Open to students living off campus who are applying for a student loan. Many awarded every year valued at $765 (or 100 lunches). Colin Starnes Award Open to applicants who graduate from high schools in Nova Scotia and are entering the Foundation Year Programme. Valued at full tuition plus auxiliary fees for first year of study at King’s.
In-course scholarships, bursaries and loans In addition to the entrance scholarships listed on the previous page, King’s students are automatically considered for in-course scholarships between each year of study. Returning students may also apply independently for Alumni Association and society-funded scholarships (ukings.ca/student-assistance). Additionally, King’s awards bursaries ranging from $200 to $2,200 or more on an ongoing basis each year to current students. King’s students who have sought financial assistance elsewhere and can demonstrate financial need are eligible to apply.
Cost Estimates (as of 2013-2014) Tuition and Fee estimates* BA BSc BJH
$7,914 $8,802 $8,447
Residence (in Alex Hall with GOLD meal plan)** Single Double
$10,555 $9,773
International Fees Differential Health plan
$8,202 $ 491
*For the academic year (2012-13) the provincial government has committed to providing ongoing assistance for Nova Scotia students through a University Student Bursary Trust, with a $1,283 reduction for a full course load, pro-rated according to the actual number of credit courses taken. Out of province students receive a $261 reduction. If you have any questions about your eligibility for this bursary, please contact the student accounts office at accounts@ukings.ca or 902.422.1271 ext. 116. *Room costs vary with room type & location
ukings.ca/fee-estimates ukings.ca/tuition-breakdown
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scholarship & tuition
international students
brass tacks
Will I be limiting my future options if I attend a Canadian university?
As public institutions, Canadian universities are accredited by regional councils to ensure high educational standards. A degree from King’s is recognized everywhere, so there is no need to be concerned about limiting your options. In fact, having international experience during your undergraduate years can be advantageous after graduating. Furthermore, many King’s graduates go on to study and work around the world. I am an American applicant. Can I still receive Stafford and Parent Plus loans?
Yes.You can still fill out the FAFSA. Our US federal school code is G09501.You will be able to use Stafford and Parent Plus loans at King’s, although Pell Grants cannot cross the border at this time. ukings.ca/student-loans What types of support will be available to me as an international student?
As part of our partnership with Dalhousie University, King’s students have access to the International Student and Exchange Services office. This office advises students in the areas of immigration, medical insurance, work permits, and other concerns. For more information, visit isd.dal.ca How can I get a study permit to enter Canada?
For a study permit to be approved, the following is required: • a letter of acceptance from King’s • a passport • proof of sufficient funds (normally satisfied with a letter from your bank or student loan documents; the expenses for the year will be listed on your letter of acceptance) • if you are a student under the age of 19, a custodianship agreement with the university Note for US applicants: Students applying to King’s from the US can have their study permit issued from the Canadian embassy or consulate or at a Canadian port of entry. Note for applicants from international locations other than the US: Students applying from outside Canada and the US must apply for their study permit before leaving their home country. This process can often take several months, so it is wise to apply well in advance. Some countries will require a medical certificate for the visa application. Please consult the nearest Canadian Consulate or High Commission.
Important: Immigration laws sometimes change. For the most up-to-date information, visit www.cic.gc.ca
international students
International Admission Requirements
United States A strong standing in senior year (B average) and a minimum SAT score of 1650 or ACT score of 23 composite with no individual score below 20.You can report your SAT scores to us with the code 0990, and your ACT scores with the code 5511. Bermuda Students may apply with the following credentials: USA grade 12, General Certificate of Education (GCE), Bermuda Secondary School Certificate (BSSC) or the new Bermuda School Certificate (BSC), first year of Bermuda College, the Saltus Post-Graduate year, or an International Baccalaureate certificate or diploma. United Kingdom, West Indies, West Africa Students may apply with
the following credentials: General Certificate of Education (GCE), or West African Examinations Council Senior Secondary School Leaving Certificate with “C” standing in at least five subjects, of which one must be English and at least two must be at the advanced level (two Advanced Supplementary (A/S) levels are equivalent to one advanced level subject). India Students may apply with the following credentials: All India Senior School
Certificate (CBSE), Indian School Certificate, Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC)/ Higher Secondary School Certificate (HSSC), or Senior Secondary Certificate/ Pre-University Certificate/Intermediate Certificate
English Proficiency If your native language is not English and you have not completed at least three consecutive years of study during which English was the language of instruction, please submit proof of proficiency. Acceptable forms of proof include: TOEFL internet-based test: TOEFL computer-based test: TOEFL paper-based test: MELAB: IELTS: CAEL: CanTEST:
90 237 580 81 6.5 70 4.5
brass tacks
(If you are applying from a country that is not listed, please contact the Registrar’s Office for more details)
visit King’s isn’t for everyone, but one of the best ways to find out is for you to visit campus. Sit in on a class, eat lunch, see campus and ask questions — lots of them (we love questions here). open houses Friday, October 25 2013 Friday, February 14, 2014 Friday and Saturday, August 8-9, 2014 RSVP for any open house at www.ukings.ca/open-house Campus Tours Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 9:45 AM Learn more about campus tours at www.ukings.ca/campus-tours-faq 902.422.1271 campus.tours@ukings.ca
contact facebook.com/universityofkingscollege Chat live with a member of the King’s Registrar’s Office team by adding Reggie T. Registrar as a friend on facebook (facebook.com/reggie.registrar)
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