Tidings Winter 2005/2006

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T H E U N I V E R S I T Y O F K I N G ’ S CO L L E G E A LU M N I M AG A Z I N E | W I N T E R 2 0 0 5/2 0 0 6


GOING GLOBAL Also Inside: KTS 75th Anniversary | Alumni Profiles: Amber MacArthur and Laura Penny





8 2 9 6 7


14 16 11


Ladies Full Zip Hooded $50 and Pullover Hooded $45 1 . Available in Navy, Grey, Light Blue & Red (Zip only). 1/4 Zip 2 $53, Crew Neck $42 and Men’s Hooded $50. Available in Navy and Grey.

embossed in gold at bottom: BA & BSc from 1995 and BJ & BJ Hons. from 1996, 15 ≈ 18 ($110). Italian wood frame, 4 triple blue matte with King’s crest embossed in gold at bottom: BA & BSc from 1995 and BJ & BJ Hons. from 1996, 15 ≈ 18 ($155).



Gold metal frame, blue matte and King’s crest embossed in gold at the bottom: BJ, BJ Hons., BA, & BSc prior to 1994, 18 ≈ 24 ($75); BA & BSc from 1995 and BJ and BJH from 1996, 15 ≈ 18 ($65). Dark wood frame, blue and gold double matte and King’s crest embossed in gold at bottom: BA & BSc from 1995 and BJ & BJ Hons. from 1996, 15 ≈ 18 ($85). Cherry wood frame, 3 triple blue matte with King’s crest

$40 5 Navy only.




Navy or Grey with “KING’S” screened on the back (as shown) $42 11 .

Toques $15. Navy with White lettering only. Baseball Caps $15 Beige with Navy lettering or Navy with White Lettering 15 .


Grey with the logo screened on the front left leg (as shown) $23

12 .


Screened University Logo full front $17.50. Ladies 9 and mens 10 available in a variety of colours.




Navy with gold crest. $12 13 .


Pewter with University Logo $12


Stainless Steel Travel Mug $18 6 Ceramic Coffee Mug $10 7 Ceramic Beer Stein $23 8 .



Ladies Scarf bearing the King’s crown and St. Andrew’s cross $19.50, silk/polyester tie with the same design $23 (not shown) & 100% Silk tie striped with King’s crest $43 14 .

Plus…lots of new items!


University Crest $6 or Alumni $9 CAR DECALS

Clear with White writing $2.50 LIMITED EDITION PRINT

Peter Bresnen’s watercolour of the A&A Building $80.50. Also available as a Notecard $1.15 17

FOR MORE INFORMATION or to order any of the above items, contact Paula Johnson in the Alumni Office at 422-1271 ext. 128. Cheque, VISA or MasterCard accepted. Cheques should be made payable to the Alumni Association, University of King’s College, Halifax, NS, B3H 2A1. Prices include HST. Shipping is extra.



Winter 2005/2006 Letter from President, Alumni Association


Letter from Director, Development, Alumni & Public Relations


Alumni Planning Session


2005 Matriculation


Alumni Profile: Amber MacArthur Mastering Online ‘Tech’niques


Books I’m Reading This issue: Dr. Kathryn Morris (BAH ’93)


FYP Texts Column The Sacred Poetry of the Book of Job


PR isn’t About Manipulation, it’s About Communication Three King’s Journalism Grads Explain


Congratulations! Alumni accomplishments


King’s Student Named League MVP



Katie Rock (BAH ’99) EDITORIA L COM M I T T EE

Sherri Aikenhead (BJH ’85) Tim Currie (BJ ’92) Kyle Shaw (BSc ’91, BJ ’92) Kara Holm DESI G N

Morgan Rogers Kate Sinclair www.coandco.ca POSTAL ADDRESS

Tidings c/o Alumni Association University of King’s College 6350 Coburg Road Halifax, NS B3H 2A1 (902) 422-1271 KING’S WEBSI T ES

www.ukings.ns.ca and www.ukcalumni.com

Classic King’s Photos


Alumni Profile: Laura Penny From Cranky Rant to 60 Minutes


Cover Story: Going Global Why So Many King’s Grads Go Overseas


Making Ends Meet How Scholarships and Bursaries Help Students


Alumni and Students Sharing the Vimy Legacy


12th Annual Golf Tournament


2005/2006 KTS Season at King’s


King’s Theatrical Society 75 Years of ‘Magic’ On Stage


Call for Honorary Degrees


On Campus Ideas and Discussions


Events: Fall 2005


AlumNotes/In Memoriam


Athletics Schedule 2006



katie.rock@ukings.ns.ca * * * * Stories in this issue of Tidings were written by students and a recent alumna of the School of Journalism. Submissions were also provided by faculty members. Tidings is produced on behalf of the University of King’s College Alumni Association. We welcome and encourage your feedback on each issue. Letters to the Editor should be signed and typed. We reserve the right to edit all submissions. The views expressed in Tidings are those of the individual contributors or sources. Mailed under Publications Mail Sales Agreement # 40062749

Unless otherwise noted, all photo credits to the University of King’s College.


Dear Fellow Alumni and Friends of King’s: Walking onto campus this morning to have breakfast in Prince Hall to discuss Alumni Association business, I had a feeling of déjà vu. Entering the Quad always has a familiar feeling, but the sense of purpose and focus I took with me on this morning was something I associated with my time as a student. I was meeting with Alumni Association Vice-President, Steven Wilson (BA ’87), as well as Kara and Katie from the Office. There is so much happening now that frequent meetings are required to keep everything on track. This has been a tremendously successful fall for the King’s Alumni Association. In September, members of the Alumni Association Executive and some Chapter Leaders (in person and through written feedback) participated in a Planning Session. Following the workshop we have struck a committee to look at future directions of the Alumni Association and the creation of an action plan to guide the Executive. This is an ongoing discussion, the results of which we hope to share with you in the next issue of Tidings. Why have we been doing this? King’s has low participation among its alumni and that’s something we need to change. We also need to have clearly defined goals and structure our activities to serve these objectives. We can only make changes if we first understand who our alumni are and what they are interested in. Things cannot stand still while we sort through this. Recently, in Toronto, Dr. Angus Johnston (Foundation Year Programme Director) gave a lecture on The Odyssey. In September, we had a lovely brunch outside of Fredericton for New Brunswick-area alumni. There was a small luncheon for alumni in Toronto that has put into motion the development of a Toronto Chapter. In London, our alumni participated in a network Canada event. The first “Life After King’s” discussion group in October was attended by over 50 students and had the participation of four alumni. A second session will take place in November by the time this issue of Tidings is delivered. King’s alumni have also heeded the call and have been helping the University recruit students. More is on the way with Christmas parties planned in several locations. In this issue of Tidings we explore, among other things, the outward focus of our alumni. Whether living in Canada or abroad, whether recent or more seasoned graduates, our alumni have a global perspective. You’ll also get a look into the Quad and learn about the 75th Anniversary celebrations planned for the KTS including a look back into the history of what has become the University’s largest student Society. Working with the members of the alumni community continues to be a rewarding and interesting experience. The New Year promises to be an exciting time for our community and I hope you will find some way to get involved. Please contact me if you have any comments or suggestions at president@ukcalumni.com. Please accept my best wishes for a Merry Christmas (or however you choose to celebrate) and prosperity and happiness in the New Year. All the best,

Doug Hadley (BA ’92)


TIDINGS | WINTER 2005/2006


Seasons Greetings! The end of the calendar year is mid-point in our academic year. The students are now preparing for their exams and the atmosphere on campus is greater in intensity. This mood is mirrored in the Development, Alumni & Public Relations Office. Working with the Alumni Executive and other leaders this fall has been exhilarating. It has become clear to me that many King’s alumni feel that their lives have been profoundly changed by their experience at King’s. Helping people reconnect with the College and one another is exciting and gratifying work. We are also enjoying the process of engaging alumni with students. I have been here one year. In that time we have been building the Office to reflect the greater size of the alumni population and enhanced needs of the University in the areas of development and alumni relations. Some key achievements of the last year: • Hiring an Alumni Officer; • Alumni Executive planning workshop; • Events in geographic areas with high numbers of alumni as well as some targeted events; • Improved communications (launch of broadcast email tool and President’s Newsletter, as well as Tidings redesign); • Database enhancement, standardization and clean-up; • Launch of “Life After King’s” and “Alumni Ambassador” programs; • Contacting donors of named awards or their representatives with updates on scholarship recipients; • Development of a new approach to the Annual Fund; • Creating policies for processing and stewarding gifts. This is only the beginning. The work of the ‘Alumni Future Planning Committee’ for the Association will move us forward with new opportunities and tasks. We are eager to continue to build the alumni community with your help. Wishing you the best of the season,

Kara Holm

TIDINGS | WINTER 2005/2006


ALUMNI PLANNING SESSION N SEPTEMBER 23, members of the Alumni Association participated in a planning workshop. Fran Greenbaum, a Toronto-based researcher and moderator, facilitated the session. The purpose of the discussion was to identify ways the Alumni Association and its leadership could more effectively engage and serve the members of its community. Session participants pondered some hard questions about the future direction of the Association. Almost all members of the Executive were able to attend—including David Jones (BA ’68) and Dan Logan (BAH ’88), who arrived from Ottawa and Toronto respectively—as well as Chris MacNeil (BA ’94), the European Chapter Leader, who came from London, England. Executive members who were unable to attend provided input prior to the session that was reflected in the moderator’s report. British Columbia Alumna Barbara Stegemann (BA ’91) also sent in comments. Association President Doug Hadley

(BA ’92) is pleased with the experience. “In addition to the strategic thinking done in the session we really came together as a team. There is a sense of renewed energy and focus among the Executive.” The Moderator’s Report recommended the following: The primary recommendation is that the Executive needs to shift its focus to become a strategic governing body representing the entirety of the alumni population. Its purpose is to inspire others to become involved and active by supporting the development of various points of contact between alumni and the University. How is this achieved? 1. Strike a committee of the Executive to review activities of the Executive and the Association and relating those to back the strategic goals defined in the Constitution. This committee should make recommendation to the Executive on how effective the activities it has been undertaking are and assess their value. The

Committee should next map out a plan to fine tune activities of the Association and determine how they will be actualized structurally within the Executive and through the Association. 2. The Committee should review and make recommendations for the Annual General Meeting which might include amendments to the Constitution. 3. Identify those who will actualize the plan and steward the plan. This should include input from non-executive members to begin cultivating the next group of leaders. Based on this advice, a committee has been pulled together from the Executive. Members include: David Jones (BA ’68), Chair, Elizabeth Ryan (BA ’69), Harry Thurlow (BA ’95), Steven Wilson (BA ’87), and Katie Rock and Doug Hadley (Ex-Officio). It will be meeting and consulting further with other members of the alumni community. If you have comments for the Committee please contact Katie at katie.rock@ukings.ns.ca. ∂


On October 27th, 2005 the freshman class of the University of King’s College participated in Matriculation ceremonies.

Registrar Elizabeth Yeo with student Kate Siemiatycki 4

TIDINGS | WINTER 2005/2006

atriculation is a symbolic moment at King’s when new students formally become part of the academic community by signing a register book. At King’s, this ceremony takes place in the campus Chapel. The Service was followed by a reception in the President’s Lodge. A luncheon earlier in the day provided students unable to attend the Service with an opportunity to sign the book. The University worked this year to produce a new register book—similar to the historic one that is in the Library Archives—for students to sign. Matriculation began in medieval universities and it still is followed at many institutions of higher learning. This tradition began at King’s in the 1980s and has quickly become one of the University’s most valued traditions. ∂


Amber MacArthur:

Mastering Online ‘Tech’niques by Meredith Dault

“The online journalism course was key for me” t was while writing articles for the School of Journalism’s web-based daily newspaper in 1998 that Amber MacArthur (BJ ’99), a native of Prince Edward Island, says she found her inspiration. “I realized that you could do anything on the web,” she says. It was a significant discovery. A couple of lucky breaks in the months after graduation saw MacArthur in San Francisco just as the world of dot-com was reaching its peak. It was her solid training in writing online news that got MacArthur her first job as a website content developer. From there she spent two years managing Microsoft Home Magazine.

“I REALIZED THAT I CAN’T STAND WAITING AROUND FOR OTHER PEOPLE TO MAKE NEWS.” “The online journalism course was key for me,” says Amber, thinking back on her days at J-school. “I learned how to lay out

content and pictures. I hadn’t even used a Mac computer until I got to King’s!” At 30 years old, MacArthur has managed to find her niche, combining her love of new technology with her solid journalism training. As well as working as a web-designer and content developer, MacArthur recently made her television debut co-hosting Call for Help, a daily how-to show about innovations in computers and new technologies which is seen in three countries. The show airs on G4 Tech TV, a 24-hour digital cable channel specializing in technology news, information and entertainment. But MacArthur, who has quite the online following, is quick to point out that she doesn’t want to be just another pretty face flogging techie-toys on camera. “It’s important for me to keep one foot based in the real world of technology. I always make sure I really know what I’m talking about.” Fueled by her own passion, MacArthur started CommandN (www.commandn. tv), a weekly online television program (or

‘vidcast’) showcasing technology trends, which she both produces and co-hosts in her spare time. The program can also be downloaded as a ‘podcast,’ through Apple’s iTunes. She also manages her own website (www.ambermac.com). MacArthur knows that she’s got a lot on her plate, but confesses that she has trouble sitting still. Her job sees her on the road quite a bit, and she often has speaking engagements at conferences as a web usability specialist. Based in Toronto since 2003, MacArthur says she always knew she wanted to be a journalist. “I always thought I wanted to work for the CBC,” she says, “but I realized that I can’t stand waiting around for other people to make news.” The world of technology, by contrast, is fast paced, exciting and interesting, says MacArthur. “I love reporting and technology … I just love this industry!” ∂

BOOKS I’M READING Dr. Kathryn Morris (BAH ’93), Director, Early Modern Studies Programme The Complete New Yorker “Eighty years of The New Yorker (including covers, ads, and cartoons) on DVD. Not exactly a book, but I can finally get rid of my stacks of back issues, so it may well save me from a fiery death.”

Anne Carson, Decreation ecreation “Aristotle and Simone Weil, opera and film, poetry and philosophy—Anne Carson should be the Poet Laureate of King’s.” Jonathan Lethem, The Fortress of Solitude “A wonderful novel about growing up in Brooklyn in the 1970s. For someone living in Halifax, this is also a great big city fix (without the smog, traffic, and other inconveniences).” ∂

TIDINGS | WINTER 2005/2006



The Sacred Poetry of the Book of Job by Tom Curran, Ph.D., Senior Fellow, Foundation Year Programme

HAT DISTINGUISHES the Hebrew sacred texts from those of both the ancient Sumerians and Egyptians is that they have never ceased to be read, since they were first engraved onto stone, then transcribed onto papyrus, copied onto parchment and printed upon paper. Even though the Sumerians and Egyptians had built up awesome urban civilizations long before the children of Israel were even “a glimmer in God’s eye,” our appreciation of their sacred writings is really only as a result of dedicated 19th-century archaeology and cryptography. By way of contrast, the Hebrew canonical writings have never ceased to be read, promulgated, published or revered since Moses first received his epoch-making commandments from the Lord God of Israel at Mt. Sinai. Obviously a short column cannot do justice to this collection of sacred writings, but perhaps a latecomer to the canon (the so-called Book of Job) might provide a snapshot of the continuing power and authority of these ancient texts, which have been honoured with the generic designation “Bible.” This Greek derivation—meaning simply “book”—is itself a reference to the ancient port of Byblos in the Levant, from where papyrus was exported throughout the Mediterranean. Scripture was then understood as the “book of all books.” In short, it set the standard for every other form of written literature. The Book of Job, a microcosm of the Bible itself, is an accumulation and aggregation from quite different historical periods and interests. The same issues are taken up again and again by the passing generations, each time deepening, clarifying and fine-tuning the same inspired insights. Biblical scholars inform us that a parable of the “divine wager” was placed around the original painting as a frame of Job’s misfortunes before it could be hung on the “wailing wall.” The essence of the book of Job conforms to the sacred poetry of the Hebrews, whose distinctive feature has been called “parallelism,” which is to say a poetry in which every verse contains a repetition, an elaboration, an ornamentation or even a 6

TIDINGS | WINTER 2005/2006

correction of the succinct initial statement. Listen to the repetition of Job’s despair in Chapter 3: “Why did I not die at birth, / come forth from the womb and expire? … For my sighing comes as my bread, / and my groanings are poured out like water.” As poetry, the authority of this Biblical book can never be exhausted. With poetry, it isn’t just a matter of flipping through the text to extract the essential arguments and then stacking them up against the usual philosophical objections in a high-powered seminar. Here, the Scriptures expect the reader to allow them to work their magic by the constant reiteration of Job’s laments, complaints and demands for justice. Perhaps the hardest lesson any of us have to learn, when confronted with the infinite sorrows of our human existence, is that you can’t (you mustn’t!) hurry the pace of grief. The heart has its reasons, and grief demands its own timetable. The days, weeks and years of mourning refuse to be hurried along with easy expressions of sympathy: the time has simply to be endured. Often one hears that the book is too repetitive, too monotonous, in its rehearsal of Job’s lamentations. But the truth is that through the repetition, through the parallelism, attentive readers find themselves suddenly

sitting on an arid plain right next to Job, also robed in sackcloth and ashes. Of course, there are arguments in the Book of Job, and perhaps we shall have occasion in future to look at them more closely. But in the meantime, let me refer you to the profound analysis which a Canadian scholar has offered with respect to Job’s trials. Northrop Frye, who would have wholeheartedly supported our rummaging around in these ancient texts, makes two invaluable points. The first is quite simple: when reading the Book of Job, always remember that what Job suffers is not a punishment, but a test. The fabulous frame of the Book reports a wager between God and Satan (the adversary) about the integrity of God’s servant, Job. Of course, there are also answers (of a sort) in the Book of Job. But Frye has something more profound to offer than any glib responses which might be tendered by Job’s comforters. Frye says somewhat enigmatically: “Real questions are stages in formulating better questions…” Everyone involved in King’s Foundation Year Programme always hopes that each graduating class has been presented with these real questions, which only lead to better ones. ∂


PR ISN’T ABOUT MANIPULATION, IT’S ABOUT COMMUNICATION: Three King’s Journalism Grads explain by Lydia Bogert

ACKS’ OR ‘FLACKS’? These slang terms—referring to journalists and PR personnel respectively—are often used here at the King’s School of Journalism; the meaning of both and how they work with (or against) each other are often discussed. Three King’s Journalism School graduates, spanning

“I DON’T FEEL LIKE I’M ANYBODY’S LACKEY. I’M NOT TRYING TO PAINT ROSES ANYMORE. IF ANYTHING, I’M A LACKEY TO HUMAN RIGHTS AND THAT’S FINE WITH ME.” —Steve Smith two decades and several Canadian cities, speak about their post-King’s experiences working as journalists, why they made the switch to public relations and how their new profession has gained them respect from society. It is the common societal bias, where public relations professionals are viewed as propagandists, which can create negative attitudes towards those in the profession. As Edward Bernays (the ‘father of public relations’) put it in his famous book Propaganda (1928), public relations personnel are the invisible government in a democratic society. This invisible government (according to Bernays) manipulates the mass mind. Steve Smith (BJ ’97) couldn’t disagree more. “Journalists use the term ‘flack’ to describe public relations people. Journalists see PR personnel as people to get around in order to find the truth. I like to think that we [public relations people] help journalists,” says Smith. After graduation Smith worked as a journalist for newspapers such as The Ottawa Citizen and The National Post.

Only in 2003 did he make the switch to PR work. He admits that he is still in a sort of ‘journalistic’ denial that he works in PR. But he says these feelings of denial are lingering from the negative stereotypes floating around about what those in public relations really do. Smith clarifies that PR work involves packaging and spinning information, but he believes it is done in a way that makes information more accessible and straightforward so that journalists can do their job better. Smith never felt comfortable working in the mainstream media. He currently works in Montréal for a human rights advocacy company, funded by the government, called Rights and Democracy. “My company has no ulterior motive. Everything is very straightforward now,” he says. “I don’t feel like I’m anybody’s lackey.

I’m not trying to paint roses anymore. If anything, I’m a lackey to human rights and that’s fine with me.” Although Smith says he doesn’t feel like anybody’s lackey anymore, there are people who believe PR personnel are there primarily to promote the marketing of a product, image or idea. Bruce Wark is an Associate Professor of Journalism, Research and History at King’s. He sees a big difference between what PR personnel and journalists do. “Good journalism, the kind we try to teach in the Journalism School, involves the pursuit of truth. It is different from other forms of communication because it tells the truth for its own sake,” says Wark. “Public relations, on the other hand, often tries to manage how people perceive big organizations. It attempts to humanize big organizations

Steve Warburton (BJ ’85), Scott Innis (BJ ’90), Steve Smith (BJ ’97). TIDINGS | WINTER 2005/2006


“AT THE END OF THE DAY IT COMES DOWN TO, CAN YOU WRITE WELL? CAN YOU THINK WELL?” —Steve Warburton so people will think that corporations and governments care about them, even when they don’t. This is not the pursuit of truth for its own sake as good journalism is.” Scott Innis (BJ ’90) disagrees with Wark’s perception of PR work. In fact, Innis feels that he is working for the good of the public—not to deceive them and create false sentiments. He worked for years as a print journalist after graduating from King’s School of Journalism. Like Smith, he also found more personal fulfillment working in PR. “The money is better and you are respected more in society than if you tell people you are a journalist.” In 1997 he began to think there was something else he could do with his career. On Oct. 4th, 1998, he started his own PR firm, autoroute communications. “I find that there aren’t many differences between journalism and public relations,” says Innis. “My work now is less idealistic, but more reliable. Public relations may not be for everybody, but it should be presented to journalism students as a viable option.” Innis finds that he can apply his strong communication skills that he learned as a journalist in his PR work and he does not feel any embarrassment about the change in his career path. These communication skills that Innis speaks to are inherent in most good journalists. Steve Warburton (BJ ’85) agrees with Innis. Warburton worked at The Edmonton Journal and the CBC before graduating from King’s School of Journalism in 1985. He still thinks of himself as a communicator. “At the end of the day it comes down to, can you write well? Can you think well?” says Warburton. Warburton sees a very close connection between journalism and PR. “For either profession you must be self-started, determined and goal-oriented on a daily basis,” he says. He believes that writing well, listening to people, interviewing and encapsulating thoughts are important to both journalism and public relations. “Really both journalism and public relations are about putting your best foot forward and being mentally stimulating with issues.” 8

TIDINGS | WINTER 2005/2006

Warburton moved back to Halifax from Alberta 11 years ago. “I decided I was up for a new challenge and started looking around Nova Scotia for a new job.” He was hired by the Nova Scotia government, working in Economic Development. “I began working in PR, but I never had any formal public relations training. I learned it on the job as a journalist.” Just this year Warburton started his own public relations firm in Halifax, Warburton Communications Co., which also offers media training as part of its services. These three King’s alumni have found personal and professional fulfillment in public relations and all plan to help promote objectivity in the media. Lack of objectivity in journalism is one factor

that disillusioned Smith and pushed him towards public relations. But, Professor Bruce Wark says, “I think that journalists who defect to the ‘dark side,’ as public relations is often called, are able to play on the weaknesses of journalists.” He believes that lack of objectivity really lies in PR work—not true, good journalism. One thing is for sure—similarities do exist between the skills needed for journalism (good or bad) and PR work. Smith, Innis and Warburton have no formal training in PR—they have strong communication skills, instilled in them from their Journalism School education and their days working in the field. They firmly believe that PR work can serve good purposes not only for their clients, but for the public too—and not in a manipulating way. ∂


PRIZE DONORS Avery’s Farm Market Bruce MacKinnon, The Chronicle Herald CTV Casino Nova Scotia Charm Diamond Centres Ltd. The Chronicle Herald Cleve’s Sporting Goods Ltd. Corporate Express Canada Cox Hanson O’Reilly Matheson Dartmouth Sportsplex Digby Pines Resort and Spa

EastLink The Fairmont Algonquin Golf Central Hamachi House Japanese Cuisine Highland Links The Inverary Resort Keltic Lodge Resort and Spa KPMG LLP Ken-Wo Golf and Country Club Kool 96.5 FM The Lord Nelson Hotels & Suites

Maritime Travel Meloche Monnex Inc. Pierceys Building Supplies Rant Promotions Inc. Residence Inn by Marriott Rodd Mill River Resort Scotsburn Dairy Group Tim Hortons University of King’s College Alumni Association 15047727



Congratulations! The University of King’s College and the Alumni Association would like to express its sincere congratulations to the following alumni who have been recognized for their achievements:

Mary Barker, APR (BA ’67, HF ’97) (above) was honoured by the Canadian Public Relations Society when she was named the 2005 recipient of the Lamp of Service Award. Given in recognition for her “distinguished leadership, service and dedication to CPRS which resulted in a striking illustration of its principles and a notable contribution to its prestige,” the award was presented to her at the Society’s national conference held in Calgary. Mary is an accredited public relations practitioner who practices in Halifax, specializing in communications for professionals. The Nova Scotia Chapter of CPRS recently made her a Life Member of the organization, one of only four granted in its history and the first female to be so designated.

Dr. G. Hamilton Southam, O.C. (DCL ’81, Chancellor 1988–1996) was selected as the recipient of the Vimy Award for 2005. Dr. Southam is a distinguished Canadian who has exhibited the highest standards of leadership throughout his career of service to Canada. Born in Ottawa, Dr. Southam received his BA from the University of Toronto in 1939. A veteran of the Second World War, Dr. Southam served in the Royal Artillery, and then the Royal Canadian Artillery in the UK, Italy and NW Europe. He was mentioned in Despatches. Following the War, Dr. Southam was a reporter with The Times of London, and Editorial Writer with The Ottawa Citizen, before joining the Department of External Affairs in 1948. During his diplomatic career he served as Third Secretary in Stockholm, Chargé d’Affaires in Warsaw, Ambassador to Poland, and as Head, Information Division, Department of External Affairs in 1962. Since then, Dr. Southam has been

We wish you all the best!

Did we miss you? Make sure you let us know of your achievements. Write alumni@ukcalumni.com with your personal and professional accomplishments. Or add an AlumNote at www.ukcalumni. com. ∂

King’s Student Named League MVP

David Luchuk (BA ’96) is about to publish his first book, about how the historic rivalry between Montréal and Toronto contributed to the demise of Expos baseball. Warning-track Power tells a story that is as much about urban history as it is about baseball. It argues that the same factors that have shaped and driven the TorontoMontréal rivalry since before Confederation were at play during the pivotal summer of 2002 when everything fell to pieces for the Expos. It is expected to be released in late 2006 or early 2007. Reverend Christopher Snook (BAH ’00) was ordained to the Sacred Order of Deacons by the Bishop of Nova Scotia and PEI on September 28, 2005. The ceremony took place at St. George’s (Round) Church in Halifax and was well attended by alumni and faculty of King’s.

the Coordinator and Director General of the National Arts Centre and Chairman of the Canadian Mediterranean Institute. Dr. Southam’s contributions to military affairs as founding member of the military museum task force, leading to the present War Museum, his personal founding of the Battle of Normandy Foundation for the 50th anniversary of D-Day and his continuing support of its evolution, his persistent and inspired efforts in seeing through the Valiants Project are legendary and worthy of recognition.

N OCTOBER 30, 2005 the University of King’s College hosted the Atlantic Colleges Athletic Association (ACAA) awards ceremony to mark the end of this year’s soccer season. Many King’s students won awards, however a special mention was made of student Alexandra Akers, who received the ACAA Most Valuable Player Award. This award makes Alexandra an All-Canadian with the Canadian Colleges Athletic Association (CCAA) and also grants her a nomination for the CCAA Player of the Year. Congratulations Allie!

Student Alexandra Akers

TIDINGS | WINTER 2005/2006


YO U ’ V E I D E N T I F I E D YO U R S E LV E S …

Thank you for your comments! Seated, left to right are: Stephen Leavitt (BSc ’85); Thomas Lorimer (’84); Geoffrey Gorham (BAH ’86); Peter Dawson (BAH ’85). Standing, left to right are: James Phillips (BAH ’86); Alan McLeod (BA ’85); Stephen Gruchy (BA ’85); Graeme Stanley (BA ’85); Jonathon Archibald (BSc ’86).

…C A N YO U I D E N T I F Y T H E S E A L U M N I ?

Haliburton Room, 1948 If you can identify these alumni, please contact us at alumni@ukcalumni.com.

Do you have photographs from your time at King’s that you would like us to have? Please send them to the Development, Alumni & Public Relations Office at 6350 Coburg Road, Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3H 2A1. Thank you, we appreciate your contribution!

Stay up to date using our website: www.ukcalumni.com 10

TIDINGS | WINTER 2005/2006


Laura Penny:

From Cranky Rant to 60 Minutes by Sara Loftson (BJ ’05)

“I basically worked on the assumption that I was going straight into the bargain bin,” AURA PENNY (BAH ’96) stands at the bottom of the steps outside the A&A Building at King’s, chatting with a group of students and puffing away on her cigarette. Penny barely has time for a smoke break these days. Ever since the release of her first book, Your Call is Important to Us: The Truth about Bullshit (McClelland & Stewart, 2005), she’s been bombarded with media attention. “I’m not a get-my-hopes-up kind of person. I basically worked on the assumption that I was going straight into the bargain bin,” says Penny, 30, a native of Sydney, Cape Breton.

“LOTS OF THE PEOPLE I WORK WITH HAVE READ [THE BOOK] AND THAT MAKES ME FEEL LIKE THIS IS A MAGICAL LITTLE PLACE.” But this has hardly been the case. Since the Canadian release of her book in May, she’s appeared on 60 Minutes, CBC Newsworld and Global News. She had a write-up in the New Yorker and the book graced The Globe and Mail bestseller list. It’s currently in bookstores across Canada, the United States and Australia. From a King’s perspective, her page at www.ukings.ns.ca has received more hits this academic year than any other page on the site, including ‘Academic Programs,’ which is usually the most popular. The book is a work of non-fiction about the general societal acceptance of dishonesty in public life, political systems and powerful institutions. McClelland & Stewart published the book, although publishing company Macfarlane Walter & Ross initially approached Penny to write

the book after reading her book reviews in The Globe and Mail and The National Post. “It is a rant. It is essentially me being a huge crank … like I think [U.S. President George W. Bush] is a terrible president; I think those companies are bad. But one of the great satisfactions of writing the book was discovering I was not merely a crank …” says Penny. Penny sprinkles the book with her Cape Breton wit. “I think by making fun of something you cut it down to size and you can make people think about it in a slightly different way,” says Penny, attributing her sense of humour to her family. “Everyone in my family is pretty loud and pretty sarcastic; I think all three of my siblings are actually much funnier than me,” says Penny. “I guess part of it is black-humour-as-coping-mechanism and the other part is afflicting the comfortable and comforting the afflicted.” Aside from her recent success as a writer, Penny is a Senior Fellow in the Foundation Year Programme at King’s and expects to complete her PhD in Comparative Literature at the State University of New York at Buffalo this summer so she can pursue her primary passion: teaching. “One of the reasons I wrote the book… [is] I’m really concerned about the way people use language. It’s criminal that there are children, and by children I mean 18-year-olds, that don’t know how to own and operate their one and only language,” says Penny. Penny appreciates all the support and enthusiasm she’s received from her colleagues. “I feel that if I was at another university people would be more envious,

spiteful, dismissive—just nasty about it. Lots of the people I work with have read [the book] and that makes me feel like this is a magical little place.” Dr. Angus Johnston, Associate Professor of Humanities and Social Sciences and Director of the Foundation Year Programme at King’s, bought copies of Laura’s book to give away as Christmas gifts. “There are many valid points. I can tell her theoretical base is deeper than some of the comments [in her book] would suggest. I think she really wants to encourage people to think about aspects of the Will and the presence of Nietzsche in the contemporary, especially in the U.S. and Canada,” says Dr. Johnston. He taught Penny while she was an undergraduate student at King’s. “She was a great student, terribly inquisitive with a lively Cape Breton spirit,” says Dr. Johnston, explaining that they’ve since become good friends. “She’s a joy to work with—her laugh is ever present.” Penny shares a few words of wisdom before running off to another appointment. “Write a lot because most of it is crap. This is why being a writer is hard because you have to produce so much bad writing to get to any writing that’s remotely good. Don’t do quality control when you are starting out. Write terrible plays, publish terrible poems. And the best thing you can do as a writer is read.” ∂ TIDINGS | WINTER 2005/2006



Going Global: Why So Many King’s Grads Go Overseas

Alex Forbes

by Falice Chin

Sri Lanka

When Avard Bishop (BA ’75) was an undergraduate student at the University of King’s College he felt somewhat foreign to life in Canada. Having spent most of his childhood abroad in the Bahamas and Scotland, he wanted to know what it meant to be a global citizen. 12

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Alex Forbes

Avard Bishop, BA ‘75

Alex Forbes, BAH ‘86 and others

S IT TURNS OUT, the unique combination of his life experience and education prepared Bishop for the kind of diplomatic humanitarian work the United Nations promotes. “I guess I was always interested in some sort of international aspect,” the 52year-old alumnus says. “But I had no clue I would end up so long in Geneva.” “You could imagine 150 countries each with their own interests, each with their own lobby groups back home,” Bishop says. “To get everyone to agree on an approach is fascinating.” Bishop completed his masters and law degrees from Dalhousie University. In 1993, he became part of the Permanent Mission of Canada to the UN in Geneva, Switzerland. There, he negotiated and drafted international laws that would allow organizations like the Red Cross to investigate the treatment of prisoners of war in the Balkans and Rwanda. He also participated in the early phases of the nuclear test-ban treaty. Three years later he became an independent legal advisor to the environmental secretariat in various UN conventions.

Bishop traveled frequently across the globe to promote the concept of reforestation in desert-heavy locations. He particularly remembers the impact of desertification in Kazakhstan and Yemen. “We would see in the horizon villages that for the past 10 years had just been totally covered with sand,” he says. Whether working with large government organizations or small lobby groups, it’s important to have patience and a willingness to understand other points of view, Bishop says. He adds that his liberal arts background from King’s has certainly guided him through the years. “It’s nice to have a home base,” he says. “If I did have a question of conscience about something, for instance, I think my background and experience at King’s would help me through that as a common sense compass.” According to the President of the University, Bishop’s contribution to the UN is one example of how citizens of King’s are strongly tied to the global community. “If you are here, it is because of the kind of programs that we offer,” Dr. William Barker says. “Some people criticize our Foundation Year Programme as being

too Western-oriented, but it is an amazing entry into exactly where the student is in relation to the world.” Fellow alumnus Alex Forbes (BA ’83, BAH ‘86), from Fredericton, also says that his education from King’s helped him find his role as a global citizen. Just this past September, the 46-year-old spent two weeks in Sri Lanka helping the Federation of Canadian Municipalities assess damages in three tsunami-ravaged communities. “[King’s] prepared me to look at a situation with an open mind, to be innovative when applying a North American solution to a third world situation,” he says. “And to always understand, or least be conscious, of the underlying political environment where you are working.” Walking through dirt paths that have survived a civil war, poor economy and the brutality of tsunami waves, Forbes felt shocked by the scale of the impact. “I was really surprised that there were still people living in really small temporary huts,” he says. “The camps had water provisions but their own housing is still very limited. It’s hard to imagine if in Canada, the tables were turned and we had to live in their circumstance for 10 months.” TIDINGS | WINTER 2005/2006


Alex Forbes

Sri Lanka

Forbes says his first humanitarian trip was rewarding even though the size of the existing problems seemed overwhelming at times. “Despite the complexities, people there are pretty upbeat and nobody is hugely complaining. The best part was getting to know these people.” Although he didn’t know he would be entering a humanitarian workforce when he studied Foundation Year and his first two degrees at King’s, the University has influenced him to think in global terms. “It’s being able to think for yourself with the knowledge you’ve gained,” Forbes says. Dr. Susan Dodd, Associate Director of the Foundation Year Programme, says there is an overall spirit of creativity that springs out of King’s. “Foundation Year encourages creativity and discipline. It pushes us to reflect on our privilege at the same time as it gives us great tools for critique—curiosity, 14

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writing, reading and an appetite for debate. It’s not so surprising, then, that many of our students are attracted to humanitarian work.” President Barker says there are so many ways students can get involved with the outside world. “If you look at the Contemporary Studies Programme, the Early Modern Studies Programme, History of Science and Technology, and Journalism, all of them open you out to something much bigger than just an immediate disciplinary area.” Kathryn Marie Harris, a third year King’s student studying international development and microbiology, applied to the University because it offers a variety of international exchange programs. Last year, she volunteered with Canada World Youth for three months doing administrative work for Doctors without Borders in Mali. “The things you learn from King’s can be very helpful if you’re going to en-

“[KING’S] PREPARED ME TO LOOK AT A SITUATION WITH AN OPEN MIND, TO BE INNOVATIVE WHEN APPLYING A NORTH AMERICAN SOLUTION TO A THIRD WORLD SITUATION,” —Alex Forbes counter all sorts of cultures and people in your work,” says Harris. “I’m hoping that I’ll carry some of that with me in the future.” As the world gets smaller and smaller, large visions no longer seem impossible. And so each year, a good number of King’s College graduates go exploring their own possibilities in different corners of the world. ∂

MAKING ENDS MEET: How Scholarships and Bursaries Help Students by Cindy Locke

ITTING AT A TABLE in her Halifax apartment, Terra-Lee Duncan seems relaxed and easygoing. Her neat braids and glasses make her look more like an 18-year-old high school student than a young woman preparing to graduate from university. With a list of graduate schools spread out in front of her she is following a plan for her education that she mapped out in her head in eighth grade. Three years ago though, Duncan was wondering if she would have to abandon her courses at King’s because she was finding it hard to meet the financial requirements. She says a gap between the student loans she received from the government and her own financial needs left her scrambling to find the money to pay her bills. A visit to Registrar Elizabeth Yeo provided the financial relief Duncan needed. “I was lost, so I went in and I saw Elizabeth and I explained the situation,” says Duncan, who is in her fourth year of a combined Journalism and Early Modern Studies honours degree. “I asked her ‘Am I going to have to leave King’s?’” Yeo told Duncan that she would qualify for the University’s bursary program, which was designed with

students like her in mind. King’s offers a variety of bursaries, which are based solely on financial need. There are also entrance and in-course scholarships which are awarded for academic achievement. The current cost of one year of a Bachelor of Arts degree at King’s, including tuition and other fees and residence/living expenses, is nearly $17,000. Yeo says in Nova Scotia the maximum amount the government will allow for a student loan for a BA is $12,240, which leaves a shortfall of close to $5,000. Yeo is afraid that may mean potential students will decide that they can’t afford to attend King’s, leading to a lack of cultural and economic diversity at the University. “Everybody suffers when our community does not represent the larger population,” says Yeo. Yeo says a plan for the future concerning need and merit based awards for students is in the works. She says the University has struck a committee which will identify the priorities in terms of the academic scholarships offered to students. “There is more that we need to do to encourage students from lower income

First lecture, New Academic Building, January 2001.

families,” she says. Of the $500,000 set aside by King’s each year for scholarships and bursaries, only half is secured by endowments; the other half is budgeted through the University’s operating plan. As such, that half is at risk every year as the University’s needs and priorities change. Last year King’s awarded 86 bursaries. Applying for a bursary includes filling out an application form which asks for details such as the amount the student received from the student loan program and pro-

“I THINK IT’S REALLY GOOD THAT KING’S THINKS OF US AND TRIES TO KEEP US HERE.” —Terra-Lee Duncan jected expenses for the year. In order to qualify for a bursary, a student must show that they have exhausted other funding options. “It’s not for everybody,” says Duncan. “It’s for people who are struggling to do it by themselves and could use a bit of help.” Over the last three years Duncan benefited from the bursary program, but she also received scholarships which recognized her academic achievements. She hopes to get through her fourth and final year at King’s without having to apply for a bursary. “They were such a big help in past years,” she says. “I think it’s really good that King’s thinks of us and tries to keep us here.” Yeo says that for now her office will continue to encourage students to apply for bursaries and scholarships which will help ease their financial burdens. By the time she graduates in the spring, Duncan will have accumulated roughly $22,000 in student loans. Going to graduate school to study communications will add to that total before she’s done. But the assistance she received from King’s has allowed her to secure herself financially so she can continue to pursue the plan she set out for herself so long ago. ∂

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HEN THE ISSUE of Remembrance Day came up in one of Mary-Pat Schlosser’s classes, she was troubled by the indifference of one of her classmates who suggested they should “just have class anyways” instead of taking the day off. “I believe that Remembrance Day should be spent attending the local ceremony or speaking to veterans,” says Schlosser, a King’s student in her fifth year of study. That’s what she told her classmate. “She was just like, ‘Oh, yeah right, lest we forget and all that.’ It made me really scared,” says Schlosser, “because what if it didn’t matter to her and it didn’t register to her what the significance of that day is to a lot of people, and what, I think, it should be for everyone? And what if people do begin to forget?” Schlosser worked for two summers

who was Chancellor of the College between 1988 and 1996, is a veteran of the Second World War and has had a long career as both a diplomat and journalist. He was a founding member of the military museum task force, leading to the present War Museum. He has also helped found a number of organizations promoting awareness and education of Canada’s 20th-century military history, including the Canadian Battle of Normandy Foundation for the 50th anniversary of D-Day and the Valiants Monument Project. For his work honouring Canada’s war history, the Conference of Defence Associations Institute granted him the 2005 Vimy Award this

as a student guide at The Canadian National Vimy Memorial in France. She studies immunology and microbiology in Halifax, but with a background as an army cadet and her time spent at Vimy, she has spent a lot of time studying the history of the First World War. Especially in comparison to Europeans, she says, Canadians don’t know and aren’t as aware of the significance of their military history. “It’s not the same as over there, where they still have shells unearthed every spring and farmers pick grenades out of the grounds,” she says. “There’s still a consciousness of the events of the First and Second World Wars. And it’s not taught as well in some of our history classes.” Former King’s Chancellor Dr. G. Hamilton Southam, O.C. (DCL ’81) shares Schlosser’s concern. Dr. Southam,


Al Puxley

—Al Puxley

Canadian National Vimy Memorial 16

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year. The annual award for outstanding contributions to the defence and security of Canada and the preservation of its democratic values was presented to Dr. Southam on November 18th in Quebec. His work is appreciated by many people including a university student, whose letter he reads from, who thanks him for a trip to Europe to study the battlefields that Canadians fought upon. One foundation started by Dr. Southam provides bursaries and guided battlefield tours for students who wish to study Canada’s military history in Europe. That’s a subject that a lot of Canadians don’t know enough about, says Dr.

Al Puxley

Shannon Robinson; Sheryl McLaughlin; Katie Woodside (BAH ‘03)

Southam, particulary with 2005 being the Year of the Veteran. And it’s a subject, he says, that many schools and universities in Canada fail to include in their curricula. “Many Canadians do not know their own history,” he says, “a history that includes many wars fought, and countless lives lost, for wars entered on the right side, every time.” He says the Memorial located on the site of the 1917 Battle of Vimy Ridge illustrates “what Canada is all about,” honouring those who died to protect freedom. Out of 10,602 Canadian casualties, 3,598 Canadians died during the successful battle at Vimy Ridge, an important victory for allied forces during the First World War. In 1922, France gave the site of the battlefield to the people of Canada for all time. The large limestone sculpture on the site, built by Canadian sculptor and architect Walter Seymour Allward, was officially unveiled in 1936. Inscribed on the sculpture are the names of over 11,000 Canadian soldiers who were posted “missing, presumed dead,” in France during the First World War. The Canadian government is currently in the process of refurbishing the Memorial. Veterans Affairs Canada now runs the site, and employs Canadian post-secondary students as interpretive guides. The

guides give tours of the site grounds, preserved since the battle and still marked by trench lines and craters, including about 250 metres of underground tunnels, chambers and dugouts that have survived since the First World War. Katie Woodside (BAH ’03), who spent a summer working at Vimy, says the educational experience students receive at King’s is an asset for student guides. “We’re taught to look at the overall picture,” says Woodside, who graduated with an Honours Bachelor of Arts degree in History of Science and Technology and Math in 2003 and is now Head of Circulation at the King’s Library (pro tem). “You’re really taught [at King’s] to think and conceptualize and analyze what you’re doing. I think that’s incredibly useful when you’re looking at history and trying to bring out what’s important … In this case, it’s easier to bring across the salient points to visitors.” Schlosser says good communication skills, which she sees in a lot of King’s students, are also valuable for working at the Vimy site. “You can be the smartest person in the world, and know every single fact about such and such a regiment,” she says, “but if you can’t make that fit into the story of the site then it doesn’t matter. So being a fairly good storyteller is important.”

Canadian National Vimy Memorial

Schlosser decided to apply to the student guide program after visiting the Vimy Memorial while training with Scottish army cadets. Woodside says she applied because she heard about how good the program was from other King’s students who had gone to Vimy. Al Puxley, European Director with Veterans Affairs Canada, says that the word-of-mouth phenomenon is not unusual among King’s students who become guides at the memorial. “We have had a number of [students] from King’s work as guides at the sites,” says Puxley, “and perhaps the one interesting outcome is that we consistently have had applicants who have had contacts of former guides through members of the King’s Alumni Association. The program really attracts people who tend to hear about the experience through others.” Everyone who comes back from Vimy, says Woodside, encourages all the other students they know to apply to the program (herself and Schlosser included). “They come back, and they’re like, ‘You have to go, it’s amazing, you get to learn about Canada and tell people how cool you are,’” she says. “It’s weird that you have to go away to really learn [that] but in a way you do.” ∂

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Above left: Andrew Firth, Jeff Mitchell, Doug Hadley (BA ’92), Geoff Axel. Above right: Dr. William Barker, Paulette Lambert, Roger Larocque, Mark DeWolf (BAH ’68). Below left: Allan Thomson (BA ’70), Andy Hare (BA ’70), Gary Hunter, Richard Wenaus (BA ’69). Below left: Below right: Sarah Stevenson (’94), George MacLennan, John Leefe (BA ’66), Kim Kierans (BAH ’83).

N A BEAUTIFUL CLEAR DAY in Wolfville, Nova Scotia—perfect for a round of golf—84 alumni and friends of King’s gathered for the University of King’s College Alumni Association Annual Golf Tournament. Held for the second time at the pristine Ken-Wo Golf and Country Club, this year’s Tournament began at 11:30 am with Registration and ample time for meeting new people and catching up with old friends. At 1:00 pm sharp the air horn sounded and the best ball Tournament was underway! By 6:30 pm about 100 golfers and guests had gathered at the Clubhouse for a well-deserved steak dinner. The dinner portion of the Tournament was emceed in a most 18

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entertaining fashion by Harry Thurlow (BA ’95). Lively music was provided by an ensemble led by alumnus Mark DeWolf (BAH ’68). The day drew to a close with the announcement of Tournament prizes. First prize (lowest score) went to a team led by Alumni Association President Doug Hadley (BA ’92). Congratulations Doug! Many of the golfers in attendance also left with some fabulous prizes, kindly donated for the King’s Golf Tournament by area businesses. We are so appreciative of their support. By all accounts everyone who attended this 12th Annual King’s Golf Tournament thoroughly enjoyed themselves. Accord-

ing to Larry Holman (’69), Chair, Golf Committee: “I was happy to see so many alumni and their friends come out to support this important scholarship fundraising event.” This year’s Tournament was the most financially successful ever! Thank you to all who participated, we couldn’t have done it without you. All funds raised from the Tournament support the Alumni Journalism Scholarship as well as other activities of the Alumni Association. Next year’s Tournament is already scheduled for Thursday, August 17, 2006 at the Ken-Wo Golf and Country Club. If you weren’t able to attend this year, we hope to see you at this fun marquee fundraising event in 2006! ∂

2005/2006 KTS Season at King’s It’s the 75th anniversary of the KTS, and we’re celebrating! HIS ACADEMIC YEAR marks the 75th Anniversary of the King’s Theatrical Society (KTS). The University of King’s College is delighted to celebrate this important anniversary throughout the year. Keep checking our websites at www.ukings.ns.ca or www. ukcalumni.com for important KTS 75th Anniversary announcements!

November 3–5, 2005 November 10–12, 2005 November 17–19, 2005 November 24–26, 2005 January 19–21, 2006 January 26–28, 2006 March 3–5, 2006

Cabaret Too Much Light Makes the Baby Go Blind Love of the Nightingale 12 Angry Men The Pillowman Much Ado About Nothing Copenhagen

How can you celebrate the KTS’ 75th Anniversary with King’s? There will be workshops, “Tales from the Pit” (a story exchange between students and alumni), Theatrical “Life After King’s,” and more throughout the academic year. Mark DeWolf (BAH ’68) has proposed a KTS alumni per

formance in Spring 2006. We are also looking at a KTS reunion on campus in May or June of 2006. If you are interested in participating in either an alumni performance or any other Anniversary activity, please contact Katie Rock at katie.rock@ukings.ns.ca or +1-902-4221271 x136 for more details. ∂

UNIVERSITY OF KING’S COLLEGE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION 2005—2006 EXECUTIVE MEMBERS Position President Vice-President Treasurer Past-President Secretary Member at Large Member at Large Member at Large Member at Large Member at Large Member at Large Board of Gov. Board of Gov. Board of Gov. University President (Ex-Officio) Director, Development, Alumni and PR (Ex-Officio) Alumni Officer (Ex-Officio) Student Union President (Ex-Officio)

Name Doug Hadley (BA ’92) Steve Wilson (BA ’87) Andy Hare (BA ’70) Tim Rissesco (BA ’93) Harry Thurlow (BA ’95) Lara Morrison (BAH ’95) Elizabeth Ryan (BA ’69) Kyle Shaw (BSc ’91, BJ ’92) Des Writer (BJ ’02) Sherri Aikenhead (BJH ’85) David Jones (BA ’68) John Stone (BAH ’65) Daniel de Munnik (BScH ’02) Daniel Logan (BA ’88) William Barker Kara Holm Katie Rock Will English

Term 2004–2006 2004–2006 2004–2006 2004–2006 2005–2007 2005–2007 2005–2007 2005–2007 2004–2006 2004–2006 2005–2007 2005–2007 2004–2006 2005–2007

CHAPTER LEADERS Location New Brunswick Ottawa Montreal Toronto Winnipeg Edmonton Calgary Vancouver Europe

Name Kathryn Collet (BSc ’87)—kathryn.collet@gnb.ca Wayne MacKinnon (BA ’69)—maciw@sympatico.ca Matthew Aronson (BAH ’01)—mattaronson@gmail.com We are starting up a Toronto Chapter! Watch the website at www.ukcalumni.com for more information. George MacLean (BAH ’90)—maclean@cc.umanitboa.ca Jack Wenaus (BSc ’70)—jack.wenaus@clarica.com We are looking for a Chapter Leader in this city. Are you interested? Please contact Katie Rock in the Alumni Office. Trevor Greene (BJH ’88)—greene@stockhouse.com Barbara Stegemann (BA ’91)—bstegemann@shaw.ca Chris MacNeil (BA ’94)—chris@ebooster.co.uk

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T’S BEEN A SOCIETY at King’s for as long as most people can remember. For decades it has filled the King’s community with pride. If you are on campus, it is impossible to ignore. This year marks the 75th anniversary of the Kings Theatrical Society (KTS) and there is plenty to celebrate. The KTS is “a student community that seeks out new forms of theatrical expression and risk,” as stated in its constitution. These values have been upheld since the society’s beginning in 1930 and continues today. KTS is the reason why Jodey Reeves, current president of the society, is still at King’s. She is not alone. “Everyone wants in on the KTS bus, it’s awesome,” she says. The completely student-run KTS continues to be the biggest Society at King’s and per capita is one of the largest in the coun-

2004–2005 and 2005–2006 KTS Executive 20

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try. Last year membership was well over 300 and there are no signs of it slowing down. The epicentre of the KTS, affectionately known as “The Pit,” is located in the underbelly of the King’s College Chapel. In 1968, the University of King’s College Alumni Association and the Drama Society (as the KTS was known then), converted what is now the Pit from an old gymnasium into a studio theatre. Its first incarnation had stained wooden slats all around the walls, with a blue curtain above them. A few years later, the curtains came down and everything was painted black. “It’s run down, smelly and it’s magic,” says Reeves. “It is where people create something from nothing.” Alan Hall (BAH ’99), a former KTS member and now a Teaching Fellow in the Foundation Year Programme at King’s, shakes his head in disbelief remembering

“IT’S RUN DOWN, SMELLY AND IT’S MAGIC,” —Jodey Reeves the long hours working and sleeping in the Pit. But, he says, “I got to be in plays written and acted by really talented people. I mean really talented.” The theatrical climate at King’s has changed throughout the years. Mark DeWolf (BAH ’68) was part of the KTS in the 1960s. He says the 1950s theatre scene was more about fun and playing with amateur theatre. “They did stuff like The Importance of Being Earnest and wore funny hats,” he says. In the 1960s, things changed. Theatre was taken more seriously. “Students were considered young intellectual workers. A lot of what students did was taken seriously.” They performed plays like Murder in the Cathedral and Inherit the Wind. In the 1990s the KTS performed more long, intense plays such as Hamlet. “We had no sense of what we could and couldn’t do,” says Hall, a KTS member in the early 1990s. “There were no limits to our ambition.” Today there is more emphasis on a varied program and student-written plays. Reeves says that the KTS wants to present interesting plays that set it apart from other theatres. The KTS is about more than memories or The Pit. It has changed lives. Many former KTS members have gone on to pursue careers in or related to professional theatre (see some examples on the next page). It has also had an impact on members who did not necessarily enter professional theatre after graduation. DeWolf says his experience helped him to better teach drama as an English teacher. “It helped me to stand on my feet and entertain. It really paid off

Murder in the Cathedral, 1951

in terms of teaching.” The KTS is also about friendships. It happens to be where DeWolf met his wife. For Reeves and many other students, the KTS is their friendship centre. Reeves says the executive works so well because they present a united front. “The executive is tight. We solve problems together and make decisions as a group. Of course we fight. But at the end we always get things done. We are such a stable group.” Today the KTS is stronger than ever. Last year over 112 students auditioned for plays — not to mention all the talented directors, writers and technicians that were also involved. With such concentrated talent there is no danger that membership will suffer. Students and the wider Halifax community can continue to look forward to KTS traditions such as Classics in the Quad and the Fringe Festival. Classics in the Quad featured Oedipus this year, which was performed outside the King’s Library. The King’s Fringe Festival has been running for the last few years. It encourages student work and allows creativity on a low budget.


Classics in the Quad (Oedipus), 2005

A FEW RECENT ALUMNI WHO GOT THEIR START IN THE KTS: • Kate Cayley (BAH ’01) — Co-founder, Director, Stranger Theatre • Graeme Gillis (BJH ’95) — Playwright • Alex McLean (BAH ’96) — Director, Zuppa Circus Theatre Company • Michael Melski (BA ’91) — Playwright, Director * * * * Want everyone to know what you’ve been up to? Post your profile or add an AlumNote at www.ukcalumni.com.

When Reeves talks about the KTS, her passion is palpable. But, as in every decade, being a part of the KTS means time and dedication. As president of the KTS, Reeves works 20 to 30 hours a week on the Society alone. The work is unpaid, but to her it is both fun and necessary. “We have a responsibility to show students and the community what they want to see.” Reeves wants the KTS to inspire as many people as possbile. “Theatre is the most freeing thing you can do,” she says. Reeves looks up from her dayplanner and smiles, “It just sucks you in—you never just do one show.” Festivities for the 75th Anniversary of the KTS will take place in Spring 2006. Please contact Katie Rock in the Development, Alumni & Public Relations Office (902-4221271 x136 or katie.rock@ukings.ns.ca) if you are interested in participating. ∂ TIDINGS | WINTER 2005/2006


C A L L F O R H O N O R A RY D E G R E E S LL FACULTY and Alumni, all members of the Board of Governors, excepting undergraduate members of the University, all Bachelors of Divinity and Masters and Doctors of the University, all Fellows and all Inglis Professors of the University of King’s College are invited to submit nominations for honorary degrees and honorary fellowships (the honour of Fellow of the University may

be conferred by the vote of Convocation upon any friend of the University for noteworthy services rendered in its behalf). Nominations should be submitted to the Clerk of Convocation, in care of the President’s Office, by noon on Monday, January 23, 2006. Convocation meets at 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, January 25, 2006 in the Board Room, Arts and Administration Building. Alumni of five years’ standing

are eligible to attend Convocation and vote. All members of Convocation shall have a vote.* You are invited to use this form to submit your nominations. Please add additional sheets if necessary. Please supply as much information as possible as often this is the only source of information available to the Clerk of Convocation and the Public Orator. Nominations are kept strictly confidential.

Biographical Data for Candidate Full name: Home address: Business address:

Nomination for: (honorary degree or honorary fellowship) Reason for nomination:

Outstanding Achievements:

Supporting Materials: (Occupation/Educational/Publications/Honours)

Nominated By Name: Address: Home Phone: Signature

Business Phone: Date

*PART VI from The Blue Book as amended by the Board of Governors March 25, 1998; and May 27, 1999 Convocation Composition 35. (1) Convocation shall consist of: (a) the Chancellor and Vice-Chancellor of the University; (b) all Bachelors of Divinity and Masters and Doctors of the University; (c) all Masters of Arts graduating under the Agreement of Association between the University of King’s College and the Governors of Dalhousie College, dated the first day of September, 1923, or the fifth day of November, 1954, who may have been enrolled in King’s College or who may hold the Bachelor’s Degree therefrom;


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all members of the Board of Governors of the University, excepting undergraduate members of the University; (e) all current members of the King’s Faculty and Inglis Professors; (f) all other Bachelors of the University of five years standing; (g) Fellows of the University. (2)

All members of Convocation shall have a vote.

ON CAMPUS—IDEAS AND DISCUSSIONS Stephen Lewis, 2005 Massey Lecturer by Dr. Susan Dodd (BAH ’88), Associate Director, Foundation Year Programme ING’S WELCOMED Stephen Lewis as he delivered his fourth Massey lecture which you can read as “Women: Half the World, Barely Represented” in Mr. Lewis’ book, Race Against Time (Toronto: Anansi 2005) or you may have heard the lecture on CBC Radio’s Ideas. Mr. Lewis’ renown as a public speaker meant that King’s needed to receive him and his attentive audience in the Rebecca Cohn Auditorium at Dalhousie University. I expected that most of the crowd was there to hear Mr. Lewis’ famously moving testimony about the AIDS epidemic in Africa. Fewer, perhaps, were expecting his passionate ambivalence towards the

Contemporary Studies Programme Lecture Series “Jacques Derrida: Legatee and Legacy” by Dr. Dorota Glowacka, Associate Professor, Humanities and Social Sciences HAT DO I LIKE best about my job as a professor in the Contemporary Studies Programme (CSP)? Small classes (well, not all so small any more), amazing students who happen to read my favorite books … This year, however, it is the Lecture Series on the work of Jacques Derrida, the idea I began to nourish when I met the handsome French philosopher at a colloquium in 1999. My invitation to Derrida to give a lecture on deconstruction at King’s was too late: he passed away in October 2004. The Lecture Series, which I am coordinating with Dr. Elizabeth Edwards, is a tribute to the man who, in 1992, caused Cambridge intellectuals to demonstrate in protest

United Nations. To this Special Envoy to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the UN is an old friend: trusted, depended on, yet stuck in a deadening rut, betraying its own promise. In this, as in all of his Massey Lectures, Mr. Lewis laments even as he calls for action: gender inequality in Africa, at the UN and in governments around the world conspire to pronounce a death sentence for millions of African women. Death is dealt to women by cultural resistance to condoms, lack of primary education and women’s economic coercion into the sex trade as they provide for their children. Death is also dealt by bureaucratic stagnation, failure of imagination and indifference. A generation of children with dead or dying mothers will inherit an Africa ravaged by AIDS and its broad social, economic and political effects. Mr. Lewis exhorts us, “to shame, blame, and propose solutions, all the while yelling from the rooftops that inequality is obscene.” He reminds us that resources

we take for granted are held just out of reach of Africans: drugs to minimize the transition of HIV to newborns, to prolong adult lives, to help people die with dignity —not to mention basic nutrition. Resisting the luxury of the awe that can paralyze us in the face of unfathomable suffering, Mr. Lewis recounts lost opportunities with a view to reminding us that things could have been, should have been and can be otherwise. Mr. Lewis shames, blames and, in this, he bears witness to the potential of the United Nations. He dedicates Race Against Time: “To the women living with AIDS in Africa: Indomitable, Resilient, Courageous.” At once bearing witness to their struggle and to the opportunities of multilateralism, Mr. Lewis completes his dedication with a challenge to us, as teachers, writers, taxpayers, voters—as global citizens: “One day the world will come to its senses.” ∂

against awarding him the honorary degree yet about whom President Jacques Chirac said, “With him, France has given the world one of the major intellectual figures of our time.” With his passion for reading the great books of the Western tradition (by his own admission, Plato and St. Augustine were his favourite thinkers), Jacques Derrida could have been a quintessential King’s student. The (many) books he published and well developed papers he wrote could have been for his FYP and CSP classes. For Derrida, the task, indeed the duty, of intellectuals as legatees of the tradition is to be responsible readers who pay attention to the multiple threads out of which the vast fabric of the tradition has been woven; who welcome its texts instead of merely trying to master or decode them. The Tradition is a responsibility to read, to select thoughtfully among many competing interpretations. “At this moment, in this text, here I am,” says Derrida; in every singular act of reading, we open the texts to infinitely new meanings that are yet to come (à venir).

This year, we are lucky to have the most prominent Derrida scholars read his books with us. In November, Professor John Caputo from Syracuse University spoke about Derrida’s “Jewish” St. Augustine, and in the lectures by local speakers we considered Derrida’s textual sparring with Husserl, Heidegger, contemporary poetry and Vincent Van Gogh’s shoes … In the winter term, we will talk about deconstruction’s relevance for politics, ethics, and feminist theory, with the help of internationally renowned speakers such as Hans Rheinberger (Max Planck Institute in Berlin), Hugh Silverman (SUNY at Stonybrook), Ewa Ziarek (SUNY at Buffalo), Geoffrey Bennington (Emory), and Simon Jarvis (Cambridge). Yes (oui is Derrida’s favourite word), after 23 years in the classroom, it is good to say that I am incredibly excited, and I am still reading … For more information on the continuing Derrida Lecture Series, please check out our websites at www.ukings.ns.ca or www.ukcalumni.com. ∂

TIDINGS | WINTER 2005/2006



Top: Odyssey of Trees lecture, Hart House, Toronto. Bottom: Hart House reception, Toronto.

T’S BEEN A BUSY FALL for the University of King’s College, both on campus as well as across Canada and overseas. In September, some members of the New Brunswick Chapter of the Alumni Association met in New Maryland for brunch. On September 28, a few members of the European Chapter of the King’s Alumni Association attended a networking event where they were able to meet European alumni from other Atlantic Canadian universities. Also in September, alumni and friends of King’s joined the Opening Night Gala of the Atlantic Film Festival as VIPs. A 24

TIDINGS | WINTER 2005/2006

great time was had by all at the outdoor party that shut down Argyle Street! In October, King’s was proud to host Stephen Lewis as the 2005 Massey Lecturer. President William Barker introduced Mr. Lewis at the lecture, entitled: Women: Half the World Barely Represented, at the Rebecca Cohn Auditorium at Dalhousie University on October 26. Dr. Angus Johnston arrived in Toronto in early November to present his lecture, An Odyssey of Trees, for alumni and friends of King’s. Dr. Johnston regaled the audience with his own personal stories and reflections on the Foundation Year Pro-

gramme. On November 25, King’s hosted John Ralston Saul as the CIIA|BMO Distinguished Lecturer. Dr. Saul spoke on globalization to an audience of over 300 people from the community and College. We hope that you enjoy the photos from a few of our most recent events. Events at King’s and with King’s elsewhere will certainly continue into and throughout the New Year, so please check your mailboxes, inboxes and our websites (www. ukings.ns.ca and www.ukcalumi.com) for your invitation. We look forward to seeing you in 2006! ∂

Top: Stephen Lewis with students, Massey Lecture Reception, Halifax. Middle: Judy MacLean (BA ‘84), Ronald Stevenson (DCnL ’87), Garth Christie (BSc ’61), New Brunswick. Above left: John Stiles (BA ’89); Dianne Bell (BAH ’85); Chris MacNeil (BA ’94), Network Canada event, London, England. Above right: KSU President Will English, Chairman, Board of Governors, George Cooper, C.M., Q.C., and Ron Gilkie, Massey Reception, Halifax. TIDINGS | WINTER 2005/2006


A L U M N OT E S THE ‘40S John Bishop Ballem, Q.C., LL.D (BA ’46) has just returned from a voyage to the North Pole on a Russian nuclear icebreaker. He describes the trip as “exhilarating and thought provoking.” The Oilpatch Quartet, an omnibus volume of four of his previously published novels, was reissued by Cormorant Books in fall 2005.

THE ‘50S John W. Alward, Q.C. (BSL ’55), was named Honorary President of the Nova Scotia Barristers’ Society for the 2004 – 05 year at the Society’s meeting held at the Digby Pines Hotel in June 2004. He is also Honorary Colonel of the 1st (Halifax –Dartmouth) Field Artillery Regiment RCA(M). He continues to practice law as counsel to the Halifax office of Patterson Palmer and is living in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Gail (MacDonald) Crawford (BA ’55) has authored a new book: Studio Ceramics in Canada, published by Goose Lane Editions, Fredericton, NB. A historical narrative, it also has more than 100 coloured images of ceramic pieces from every province and the far North, as well as some 200 black-and-white photographs that accompany the text.

THE ‘60S John S. Burns, Q.C. (LLB ’66, Don, Middle Bay, 1964–1966), has joined the Calgary office of Gowling Lafleur Henderson LLP, as of May 1, 2004. He has been recognized for years as one of Calgary’s leading corporate lawyers. While at Bennett Jones LLP he handled major energy-sector transactions and his decision to move to Gowlings is seen as a coup for the firm. He was named by a national survey as one of the top 30 dealmakers among corporate lawyers in Canada, and is acknowledged as an expert in capital markets in Euromoney’s 2003 “Guide to the World’s Leading International Business Law Firms.” Clare W. Christie (BAH ’67) has sold her law practice to Joseph Cuffari and it is now called Christie Cuffari Law Office. Clare has moved to Amherst and can be contacted by email at clare_christie@auracom.com. Canon James Irvine (BA ’69, BST ’71, 26

TIDINGS | WINTER 2005/2006

Life President Class of 1971) is retired and living in Fredericton. He assists at CFB Gagetown celebrating Mass for Anglicans at St. Luke’s Chapel on the Base twice each month. www.msgr.ca will link you to The Highland Shepherd … Fellow alumni can contact James at msgr@msgr.ca.

Thomas Ozere (BA ’82) is one of 25 new partners at Borden Ladner Gervais LLP; he practices civil litigation, with particular emphasis on insurance law, disability law, commercial litigation, mediation and alternative dispute resolution, and personal injury.

David G. Jones (BA ’68) has been appointed to the CPA editorial board by the executive of the Institute of Public Administration of Canada. CPA is IPACs professional journal. The appointment is effective June 2005.

THE ‘90S David Allaby (BA ’96) and Amanda (Eagles) Allaby (FYP ’90) and little sister Julia are pleased to announce the birth of Matthew David Allaby on September 29, 2005.

THE ‘80S Allan Fownes (BA ’81) joined the busy Halifax firm of Crowe Dillon Robinson as an associate, in the fall of 2003. Allan has practiced since 1985 in Liverpool, NS and in New York City as a Foreign Legal Consultant since 1993, and continues his Liverpool property, estates and litigation practice on a part-time basis. He is delighted to be living and working in Halifax and honing his skills in the litigation field. Henry Howard (BA ’89) graduated with a Master of Architecture degree from Dalhousie University in May 2005. He was the recipient of the Adjeleian Award in the Aesthetics of Structures. Henry and Kimberley (Veinot) Howard (BAH ’91) moved to Edmonton in July 2005, where Henry is employed with Burgess Bredo Architect Ltd. James LeBlanc (BSc ’86) recently accepted a faculty position in the Pathology department of the UCLA Medical School in Los Angeles. He had been working as a research scientist with Ciphergen Biosystems after a postdoctoral fellowship at the Scripps Research Institute in San Diego. Kevin Little (BA ’84) recently accepted a call to Eastminster United Church in Toronto specifically to coordinate their “Out of the Cold Program” which invites homeless people into the church for overnight sleeping, meals, medical attention and new relationships. Kevin and Kim Little are proud parents of Lucy, a daughter they first met in Guandong China in the fall of 2002.

Deborah Irvine Anderson (BJH ’98) left her job as producer of CBC Radio’s morning show in Prince George, BC after 3 years in the north of the province. She has headed back home to take on the position of Executive Producer for CBC Radio in Saint John, New Brunswick. Jason Brannen (BA ’94) recently accepted the position of Counsel, Class Actions Coordination with the Department of Justice Canada in Ottawa. Prior to accepting his current position, Jason was Counsel for the Office of Indian Residential School Resolution Canada, also in Ottawa. Claire Campbell (BAH ’95) is returning “home”—starting with Dal’s History Department in the fall teaching everything from landscape history to post-Confederation Nova Scotia (!). Drop Claire a line at claire.campbell@dal.ca. Sarah Eberts (BA ’96) married Matt Cooper August 14 in Cuckfield, West Sussex, England. They live near Brighton and can be reached via their web site at www. mrvisitor.com. Katinka English (BA ’92) received her Masters in Library and Information Science in 2003. Since then she has been working as a Children’s Librarian in Florida. Fellow alumni can contact Katinka at englishk@pbclibrary.org. Megan (O’Brien) Harrison (BJH ’98) has recently accepted the position of Town Clerk/Development Officer for the Town of Hampton. She and her husband David Harrison have two daughters, Meredith and Ella. Megan can be reached at davemeg@nbnet.nb.ca.

Troy Jollimore (BAH ’93)’s poetry manuscript, Tom Thomson in Purgatory, was selected by former U.S. Poet Laureate Billy Collins as the winner of the 2005 Robert E. Lee and Ruth I. Wilson Poetry Book Award. The book will be published in Summer 2006. Fellow alumni can contact Troy at tjollimore@csuchico.edu. Robin A. Joudrey (BAH ’99) has joined the firm of Sealy Cornish as an associate, as of March 1, 2004. Her practice will focus in the area of family law. Heather (Carmichael) Kearney (BJH ’92) and her husband, Sandy, had another baby boy on July 14. Benjamin Norman is a brother to 2 ⁄₂ year old MacKenzie. Heather can be contacted at heather. sandy@ns.sympatico.ca. Erin (Dwyer) King (BJH ’91) and Tim King greeted Ethan Timothy into the world a month early. Excited brothers were Jacob, 10, and Sam, 7. The Kings now have their forward hockey line! Heather (Norman) Opseth (BJH ’96) and husband Lyle are the proud parents of Eric Robert Opseth, born November 27, 2004. Heather is a communication consultant with Mercer Human Resources Consulting in Calgary. Lyle has left his computer programming career to be a stayat-home dad. Fellow alumni can contact Heather at hopseth@telus.net. Paul Pigott (BJ ’97) now has a film airing on Discovery Channel, Wolves of Labrador. He traveled several thousand kilometers on snowmobile in northern Labrador as the sound recordist recording birds, bears and wolves. Rachel Renton (BAH ’94) and Mark Fleming (BAH ’94) are delighted to announce the birth of the newest member of the class of 2026, Catherine Elena (Cate) Fleming, on July 27, 2005. Rachel, Mark and Cate live in Boston, Massachusetts. Suzanne (Wheeler) Romeo (BA ’93) and her husband David are happy to announce the birth of their son, Peter Joseph Romeo, on March 24, 2005. The Romeo family is living in Boston. Matthew Sherrard (BAH ’99) is entering his third year of Law at Dalhousie, and is presently working for Patterson Palmer Law in Halifax. After graduation he will be clerking with Madam Justice TremblayLamer at the Federal Court in Ottawa.

Dorian Stuber (BAH ’97) successfully defended his PhD dissertation in the Department of Comparative Literature at Cornell University. He is currently Visiting Assistant Professor of English at Haverford College. Jennifer Walker (BAH ’92) and Rohan Nicholls (FYP ’97) are pleased to announce the birth of their first child, Tiegan Elizabeth Rohaise Nicholls. Tiegan was born on July 21, 2005 in Hilversum, The Netherlands. Fellow alumni can contact them at jenandroh@hotmail.com. Stuart Wood (BAH ’93) and Dr. Colleen O’Brien-Wood are pleased to announce the birth of their daughter, Cailey Etta Sarah Wood. She was born on April 18, 2005 in Toronto. Cheryl (Way) Young (BJ ’94) has made another career switch and is now selling BMWs and MINIs in Halifax! A long stretch from her journalism roots, but it’s a job where she meets new people each and every day just as she did when reporting. Andrew Younger (BJ ’99) was elected to Halifax Regional Council in late 2004 and represents the district of East Dartmouth —The Lakes. He is the youngest person to be elected in Halifax/Dartmouth history and currently serves on many boards and committees including as Vice Chair of the Program and Service Review Committee.

THE ‘00S Susan Aitken (BJ ’03) is CBC Radio’s correspondent in northern New Brunswick. Jonathon Driscoll (BAH ’03) is now an armour officer at the rank of 2nd Lieutenant in the Canadian Forces, currently posted in St.-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec, on language training. He would be more than happy to hear from any of his fellow King’s alumni at jrdrisco@hotmail.com. Jennifer Evans (BJ ’02) has recently taken a position as deputy editor in the books division of Motivate Publishing in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. If anyone is thinking of heading to this part of the world, there are a lot of opportunities for journalists with 3 + years experience so don’t be shy to get in touch if you’d like to know more about opportunities here in Dubai or about the Young Pro-

fessionals International Program that sends young and ambitious journalists. Fellow alumni can contact Jennifer at writetojenevans@hotmail.com. Cheri Haley (BAH ’00) has recently launched her second company, TraderZoo.com, an easy to use eBay alternative that is quickly gaining popularity in the U.S. Interested alumni can check out the phenomenon at www.traderzoo.com or email cheri@primalmedia.com to get the skinny. Jennifer Hourihan (BJH ’01) was a finalist for the 2005 Jack Webster Award for excellence in legal journalism. Jennifer is currently studying Law at the University of Calgary. Martin McCallum (BAH ’03) and Rebekah Sheppard (BMus ’03) were married August 7, 2005 in Halifax. They are currently living in London, Ontario. Fellow alumni can contact Rebekah at rebekahjs@canada.com. Amy Morris (BA ’02) is currently completing a second BA, this time in Translation, at University of Ottawa. She is the VP Finance of the Student Federation of the University of Ottawa. Fellow alumni can contact Amy at amydawnmorris@hotmail. com. Lisa Mullins (BAH ’04) received her M.Phil in early modern history from the University of Cambridge in July 2005. She is now working on her PhD at Cambridge in History and Philosophy of Science. Fellow alumni can reach Lisa at ldm31@cam. ac.uk. Trevor Stewart (BJH ’05) has landed a fulltime gig with the Sudbury Star, the city’s only daily, working as a reporterdeskperson in the sports department. *




Did we miss you? Please add your AlumNote by sending it to alumni@ukcalumni. com or do it yourself on our website!

IN MEMORIAM Craig MacDonald (BAH ’95) passed away early in 2005. Chuck Rathgeb passed away on June 24, 2005.

TIDINGS | WINTER 2005/2006



Date January 2–4, 2006 January 7, 2006 January 8, 2006 January 14, 2006 January 15, 2006 January 18, 2006 January 21, 2006 January 22, 2006 January 25, 2006 January 29, 2006 February 3, 2006 February 5, 2006 February 8, 2006 February 12, 2006 February 15, 2006 February 17, 2006 February 25, 2006 March 3–5, 2006 March 16–18, 2006

Teams Atlantic Coast Classic — King’s vs. Mount Saint Vincent University Mount Allison University vs. King’s King’s vs. Atlantic Baptist University King’s vs. Mount Allison University King’s vs. Université de Montréal Nova Scotia Agricultural College vs. King’s University of New Brunswick at Saint John vs. King’s St. Thomas University vs. King’s King’s vs. Mount Saint Vincent University King’s vs. St. Thomas University Atlantic Baptist University vs. King’s St. Thomas University vs. King’s Dalhousie University vs. King’s Nova Scotia Agricultural College vs. King’s King’s vs. Dalhousie University Université de Montréal vs. King’s King’s vs. Mount Saint Vincent University ACAA Championships CCAA Championships


Location Mount Saint Vincent University

2:00pm (Women’s), 4:00pm (Men’s) 2:00pm (Women’s), 4:00pm (Men’s) 6:00pm (Women’s), 8:00pm (Men’s) 1:00pm (Women’s), 3:00pm (Men’s) 6:00pm (Women’s), 8:00pm (Men’s) 6:00pm (Women’s), 8:00pm (Men’s) 1:00pm (Women’s), 3:00pm (Men’s) 6:00pm (Women’s), 8:00pm (Men’s) 10:00am (Women’s), 12:00pm (Men’s) 6:00pm (Women’s), 8:00pm (Men’s) 1:00pm (Women’s), 3:00pm (Men’s) 6:00pm (Women’s), 8:00pm (Men’s) 2:00pm (Women’s), 4:00pm (Men’s) 6:00pm (Women’s), 8:00pm (Men’s) 6:00pm (Women’s), 8:00pm (Men’s) 2:00pm (Women’s), 4:00pm (Men’s)

Mount Allison University Atlantic Baptist University Mount Allison University Université de Montréal University of King’s College University of King’s College University of King’s College Mount Saint Vincent University St. Thomas University University of King’s College University of King’s College University of King’s College University of King’s College Dalhousie University University of King’s College Mount Saint Vincent University Mount Saint Vincent University Lethbridge Community College, Alberta (Women’s), Sheridan College, Ontario (Men’s)

Times 1:00pm (Women’s) 6:00pm (Women’s), 8:00pm (Men’s) 6:00pm (Women’s), 8:00pm (Men’s) 11:00am (Women’s), 1:00pm (Men’s) 7:00pm (Women’s) 10:00am (Women’s) 6:00pm (Women’s), 8:00pm (Men’s) 5:00pm (Women’s), 7:00pm (Men’s) 2:00pm (Women’s), 4:00pm (Men’s) 7:00pm (Women’s) 4:00pm (Women’s), 6:00pm (Men’s) 10:00am (Men’s) 6:00pm (Women’s), 8:00pm (Men’s)

Location University of King’s College Nova Scotia Agricultural College University of King’s College University of King’s College Mount Saint Vincent University University of King’s College University of King’s College St. Thomas University St. Thomas University University of King’s College University of King’s College University of King’s College Nova Scotia Agricultural College University of New Brunswick at Saint John Nova Scotia Agricultural College (Women’s), Cegep Limoilou, Quebec (Men’s)

Times 11:00am 11:00am 11:00am 12:00pm, 9:00am

Location University of New Brunswick at Saint John Université de Montréal Nova Scotia Agricultural College Université de Montréal Mount Royal College, Alberta


Date January 8, 2006 January 11, 2006 January 14, 2006 January 15, 2006 January 18, 2006 January 22, 2006 January 25, 2006 January 28, 2006 January 29, 2006 February 1, 2006 February 4, 2006 February 5, 2006 February 15, 2006 February 25–26, 2006

Teams Mount Allison University vs. King’s King’s vs. Nova Scotia Agricultural College Université Sainte-Anne vs. King’s Université Sainte-Anne vs. King’s King’s vs. Mount Saint Vincent University University of New Brunswick at Saint John vs. King’s Nova Scotia Agricultural College vs. King’s King’s vs. St. Thomas University King’s vs. St. Thomas University Mount Saint Vincent University vs. King’s St. Thomas University vs. King’s St. Thomas University vs. King’s King’s vs. Nova Scotia Agricultural College ACAA Championships

March 9–11, 2006

CCAA Nationals


Date January 14, 2006 January 28, 2006 February 4, 2006 February 18–19, 2006 March 2–4, 2006

Teams King’s vs. University of New Brunswick at Saint John King’s vs. Université de Montréal King’s vs. Nova Scotia Agricultural College Championships Nationals

For details on these and other events, please check our websites at www.ukings.ns.ca or www.ukcalumni.com.


TIDINGS | WINTER 2005/2006

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