Tidings Summer 2008

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T H E U N I V E R S I T Y O F K I N G ’ S CO L L E G E A LU M N I M AG A Z I N E | summer 2 0 0 8


The Philosophical Physician Does FYP make for a better doctor?

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TIDINGS Summer 2008

guest E d i tor

Paul McLeod (BJH ’07) Copy E d i tor

Nadine LaRoche (BJH ’06) Editoria l Com m i t t ee

Sherri Aikenhead (BJH ’85) Tim Currie (BJ ’92) Greg Guy (BJH ’87) Kyle Shaw (BSc ’91, BJ ’92) Kara Holm Desi g n

Co. & Co. www.coandco.ca Postal A d d r ess

Tidings c/o Alumni Association University of King’s College 6350 Coburg Road Halifax, NS B3H 2A1 (902) 422-1271 King’s websi t e

www.ukings.ca Em a i l

tidings@ukings.ns.ca *  *  *  * Stories in this issue of Tidings were written by students and alumni of the School of Journalism. Submissions were also provided by faculty members. Tidings is produced on behalf of the University of King’s College Alumni Association. We welcome and encourage your feedback on each issue. Letters to the Editor should be signed. We reserve the right to edit all submissions. The views expressed in Tidings are those of the individual contributors or sources. Mailed under Publications Mail Sales Agreement # 40062749 on the cov er

Illustration by Tom Froese

Table of contents Letters from the Alumni Association President & Editor


In the Next Issue


Classic King’s Photos


A Summer Barbecue Your tastebuds will thank you


Mentorship Makes its Debut Giving King’s students a head start


FYP Texts Column “His usylessly unreadable Blue Book of Eccles”


Environmental Action at King’s How the school is going green


King’s community celebrates excellence at Atlantic Journalism Awards


Postcard from Fontinalis King’s students telling the stories of a fictional land


Book Review Off Book by Mark Sampson


NB/PEI alumni branch in the planning stages


King’s of Surprises Forgotten programs and endeavours from years gone by


King’s athletes recognized at 8th Annual Athletic Award Banquet


Situating Science Across Canada Bringing the research and public spheres together


Author offers King’s bursary based on her own history


Dalrymple captivates crowd at 2008 Brian Flemming Lecture


Cover Story The Philosophical Physician


Photo Gallery


University of King’s College Alumni Association 2008–2009


What I’m reading Stephen D. Snobelen


The Last Leg of the Three-Legged Race A part of King’s culture or a lawsuit waiting to happen?


News from the European Alumni Chapter


2008 Alumni Award Winners Announced


2007/2008 Stewardship Report


Honorary Degrees


Branch Briefs


Alumni Annual Dinner


Alumnotes, In Memoriam & Lost Sheep


LETTER FROM THE PRESIDENT Dear alumni and friends of King’s: It’s hard to believe, but my twoyear tenure as the Alumni Association President will come to a close this September. At our Annual General Meeting on September 6, 2008, David Jones (BA ’68, Honorary Fellow ’98) will be taking the reins. David, with invaluable experience and a deep affection for the College, will be an asset to the King’s community in this role. We can all expect big things. The last two years have been an exciting time to lead this Association. Your dynamic Executive has grown to be both national and international in its membership—more accurately reflecting the geographic dispersion of our alumni. Branches have been developing across Canada, in the United States, and around the world. Our mentorship program, “Life After King’s,” was launched this year to help you, as alumni, remain in contact with each other and engage with current students. As an alumnus/a, your involvement can grow in a number of ways. Your participation in our community—mentoring, organizing events in your area, and helping with recruiting—is beneficial for the Alumni Association, the College, and you. I have met a variety of interesting people as a result of my in-

volvement with the Association, and I hope many of you will have the opportunity to do the same. The students at King’s never cease to amaze me. What these eager young adults have been able to make happen is incredible, and I realize this has been an ongoing theme at King’s. In particular, I have been very involved with the King’s Bookstore (www.kingsbookstore.ca), which students founded and is now celebrating a notably successful second year in business. One of the characteristics of this school that makes it so special is the type of influence the students have on this institution, and we can continue to provide leadership as alumni. Thank you so much for this opportunity to serve the College as president of the Alumni Association. I’m especially grateful to my colleagues on the Executive and in the Branches for their hard work and leadership. It’s important for me to remember that we’re part of a small school with a big history; we owe a great debt to those that came before us, and I’m happy to be part of a community interested in ensuring future alumni can make a similar contribution.

Steven Wilson, BA ’87 Alumni Association President

L E T T E R F R O M T H E e d itor The (Potential) Greening of the Quad Over the last few years, a group of King’s students began a “Sod the Quad” campaign. The idea was to get rid of the parking spots in the King’s Quad and turn it into a big, grassy field. The movement had its supporters, but it didn’t catch on with a lot of students because it seemed too far-fetched. It’d be expensive, inconvenient to staff and logistically tricky. A lot of us figured the school would be reluctant to take on such a big project, even if it would make the Quad more attractive. So I was pretty shocked to discover the school administration was all for the plan. King’s President Dr. William Barker says the school is actively looking at how to give the Quad a green makeover. But there are obstacles. Oddly enough, Barker says tearing up the concrete and planting grass over it would be the easy part. So what’s the problem? The 20 parking spots currently sitting in the Quad. The vision is to have a single throughway lane that loops around—there needs to be some access to the buildings in case of emergencies—but no parking spots. But the school can’t just get rid of the spots altogether and there isn’t anywhere to put them. “We’re not allowed to move cars off campus once we have a certain number of designated parking spots,” says Barker. “As

far as the city is concerned, we have to maintain those.” New parking spots are estimated to cost $20,000 each. At 20 parking spots, that’s close to half a million dollars. Sodding the Quad is competing for funds against other plans like expanding the library, creating more student space, more residence rooms, and new television facilities for the journalism school. To solve the parking problem will most likely involve working something out with Dalhousie. They’re also working on a long-term campus plan, so when both are complete, the schools could meet and discuss creating new parking space. Barker says the new Quad could “absolutely” be a reality within 10 years. Right now, the school is undergoing a long-term campus renewal plan (see page 8) and the greening of the Quad will definitely be part of it. This issue of Tidings shows all kinds of changes taking place at King’s. From old traditions like the Three-Legged Race fading away to new and exciting programs being introduced, the school is evolving now as much as it ever has. –Paul McLeod is the guest editor for this issue of Tidings. He graduated from King’s in 2007 with a Bachelor of Journalism degree with combined honours in Contemporary Studies. T i d ings | summer 2 0 0 8


w E LC O M E King’s welcomes new Communications Coordinator On May 5, 2008, the University of King’s College welcomed Nadine LaRoche as its new Communications Coordinator. A Halifax native and King’s graduate, Nadine is passionate about her new position here at the university. After completing the Bachelor of Journalism Honours program in 2006 at King’s, and receiving the Dr. Jim MacNeill Memorial Award and Governor General’s medal for academic and journalist excellence upon graduation, Nadine began her professional path as editorial assistant at a budding online magazine during its infancy. Letting her entrepreneurial side shine, Nadine then spearheaded a professional writing company, Interrobang Inc., which provides publicity, marketing, and writing work to various local talent, from dance

companies to university professors. Nadine has also assumed the roles of Project Manager at Transcontinental Specialty Publications and Holiday Media, and of Style Editor for Lifestyle Maritimes Magazine, and has freelanced for various local and national publications. Along with continuing her company on the side, she currently sits on the Board of Directors for local contemporary dance company Mocean Dance. After devoting her professional life thus far to a career that embraces the power of communication, Nadine is eager to bring an energetic, creative and fresh approach to the position of King’s Communications Coordinator. Get in touch with Nadine via email at nadine.laroche@ukings.ns.ca, or by phone at (902) 422-1271 ext 136.

Nadine LaRoche

in the next issue

King’s 219th Encaenia Keep your eye on your mailbox for a Winter 2008/2009 Tidings issue packed with all the updates on Encaenia 2008. The University of King’s College proudly graduated 231 students on May 15, 2008, with 23 students graduating in October 2007, welcoming a total of 254 King’s men and women into the alumni community. Look forward to pictorial highlights from the Encaenia week events, from the gorgeous grad gift unveiling to a sleepy President’s brunch after a packed graduation party at Tribeca.

King’s alumni to hit the green The Annual Alumni Golf Tournament will reach its 15th year this August, and Tidings will keep you up-to-date with all the pics and putts from the course. And for all you golfers out there, come join your fellow King’s alumni on the green for a day of camaraderie and friendly competition on Thursday, August 14, 2008, at the Ken-Wo Golf and Country Club in Wolfville, N.S.

Corrections In our Winter 2007 issue’s Books I’m Reading column (page 11), we incorrectly stated that José Saramago hailed from Turkey. The Nobel Prize-winning author was actually born in Portugal.


T i d ings | summer 2 0 0 8

You ’ ve I d entifie d Yourselves … The Gentlemen of The Roost, ’80 –’81 Left to right: Back Row: James Roger, Edward Cantle (BA ’81), Brian Fisher (BSc ’79, BA ’81, BScH ’85), James MacDonald (BScH ’81), Stephen Brooke (BAH ’82), John Paul Westin (BAH ’82), and Ivo Winter (BA ’81). Front Row: Trevor Hughes (BAH ’82), Kevin Borthwick (BA ’82), Dale Petley (BA ’79), Greg Dymond (BAH ’82), and David Garrett (BA ’80). Thanks to Elizabeth Chandler (BA ’80), Rev. David Garrett (BA ’80), Elizabeth Hanton (BJ ’81), Jennifer (Bassett) MacLeod (BA ’78), Dawn (Nelson) Skene (BSc ’81) and Dr. Wayne Hankey (BAH ’65) for their assistance.

Flip to page 36 for some of our “Lost Sheep” from this era.

…C an You I d entify T hese A lumni ?

If you know who these alumni are, please contact us at alumni@ukcalumni.com.

Do you have photographs from your time at King’s that you would like us to have? Please send them to the Advancement Office at King’s, 6350 Coburg Road, Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3H 2A1. We’ll appreciate your contribution.

T i d ings | summer 2 0 0 8


A Summer Barbecue Your taste buds will thank you By Lindsay Cameron Wilson (BJ ’99) and Mark DeWolf (BSc ’93)


here was a time when pairing food with drink, for us, meant a jug of Wardroom beer and a bag of greasy chips. Well, times have changed. Mark has traded in draft for a life of wine. I still eat chips, but prefer the root vegetable, roasted kind. He’s a sommelier and wine writer; I’ve authored cookbooks and write stories about food. In life, one needs lows to appreciate the highs. What would a sip of rosé and a Provençal ratatouille be without the memory of Kraft Dinner and Kelley’s? A peppery arugula salad with a crisp New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc tastes much better when you’ve eaten cafeteria salads with bottomless chocolate milk. King’s, you see, isn’t just about academic excellence. It also prepares you for the world, and all the unique tastes it has to offer. Dining alfresco this summer is the best way to begin the search for culinary equilibrium. The air is warm, the barbecue beckons and a few bottles of wine are ripe for the drinking. Let’s start with a glass of bubbles such as the frivolously festive Peller Estates Signature Series Ice Cuvée, paired with grilled peaches wrapped in prosciutto. Or opt for the hedonistic pleasure of great sparkling wine such as Bouvet Ladubay Sparkling Saumur from the Loire Valley in France matched with the pearl of seafresh oysters on the half-shell. Then pull a few slices of halloumi cheese from its spicy marinade and grill along with plump lemon wedges. Serve the cheese with baby greens, a touch of olive oil and a squeeze of grilled lemon. Sour, salty, spicy and fresh, all tossed together on one, simple plate— strangely similar to Alex Hall frosh. We recommend opening a bottle or two of the beguilingly fresh floral and honeyed fruit aromas and flavours of Boutari Moschofilero. We promise drinking great Greek is just as stimulating as reading about it. And what would a King’s inspired meal be without seafood, fresh from the Atlantic? Grilled halibut, rubbed with thyme, oregano, cayenne, hot paprika and fennel seed adds a unique delicacy to the meal.


T i d ings | summer 2 0 0 8

In life, one needs lows to appreciate highs. What would a Provencal ratatouille be without the memory of Kraft Dinner?

Have a bottle of zesty New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc such as Villa Maria from Marlborough on hand, or if you’re feeling flush, think pink and think bubbles—the tiny fine ones you only get from authentic Rosé Champagne. If you can’t make it through an entire meal without a glass of red, try a Pinot Noir from New Zealand or a Loire Cabernet Franc. The tannic natures

of young Cabernet Sauvignon or Syrah simply don’t mix with fish. Finish the meal with a glass of the sweet flavours of Moscato D’Asti—if you can find La Spinetta Bricco Quaglia, it is simply yumminess in a glass. So go forth, fellow alumni, and cook with wild abandon. But remember, no ice cubes in the glass. ∂

PEAC HES WRAPPED IN PROSCIUTTO Makes 16 individual skewers 2 peaches • 8 pieces thinly sliced prosciutto • 16 small, cocktail sized skewers, soaked for 30 minutes in water (if wooden) • olive oil for brushing •

Preheat a clean BBQ to medium heat. Cut peaches in half, remove stones, then cut each half into fours. Place prosciutto on a chopping board and slice each piece in half lengthwise. Wrap the peach wedges with prosciutto and place one on the end of each skewer. Brush each wrapped peach with oil and grill for 2–3 minutes per side, until the prosciutto is crispy and the peaches are slightly charred. Serve immediately.

Mentorship Makes its Debut Giving King’s students a head start by Amy Smithers


t was his background in economics that gave Daniel de Munnik (BScH ’02) the inspiration for a new mentorship program at King’s. “I sort of think of these things as supply and demand,” says the Bank of Canada economist. “What we have is a whole group of wonderful alumni that are spread all across the world... and they have a wealth of experience. That’s the supply. The demand side is that we have all these students that are graduating from an undergraduate degree program that need direction.” De Munnik and fellow alumna Sarah Hubbard (BA ’86, BJ ’91), a recruitment consultant, are the brains behind the King’s Mentorship Program, which matches current students up with a mentor to guide them in their career and life choices. Any King’s student or alumnus/a can fill out a short form and sign up to be paired with an alumni mentor. The mentoring relationship can be as small as an email or two, as big as a lifelong friendship, or anywhere in between. It is up to the mentor and mentoree to decide what works for them, once they are matched. The program has been in the making for a few years, but this is the first graduating class that will benefit from a formal matching process. “We’ve had a very informal mentoring program since I’ve been here, for the past year and a half,” says Rachel Pink, Alumni Officer in the King’s Advancement Office. “The way it worked was people would just email me and ask me if we had any alumni in certain areas, and I would go and find people. I don’t think I ever had anyone say they didn’t have enough time for it.” But de Munnik and Hubbard wanted more than just a handful of graduating students to be able to take advantage of King’s vast alumni network. They began developing the program in September 2007, and launched the mentorship website at the end of February. Within a month of the program’s launch, more than 50 mentors

Claire Guyer, Sarah Hubbard, and Daniel de Munnik

and 30 students had already signed up to be matched. For Carol Malko (BAH ’08), who graduated with a political science degree this spring, the program was immediately of interest when she learned about it through email. “I didn’t really know how to jump the gap from having all of this knowledge and getting into the work force with it,” she says. “I know that it’s really hard to get into the government even just with an undergrad degree, so I’d [love to have] someone who’s in the field tell me ‘These are the steps I took to get into the Privy Council Office.’” Malko has already decided on a Masters program at Carleton for this fall, but she’s still excited to be matched with a mentor who will be able to give her advice on the world beyond education. “I find that a lot of degrees in university don’t give you any practical skills,” she adds. “They just give you theory, which doesn’t really help you in the world.” Peter Cheney (BJH ’84) is a King’s alumnus who found that a combination of great theoretical knowledge and the right mentor gave him the perfect leg up for a successful career. He is currently a features writer for the Globe and Mail in Toronto. “My abiding memory of King’s is that I got a really wonderful general education from the FYP year, which I’ve used over

and over in my writing,” he says. “That was coupled with very specific education in journalism, and very specific advice and direction from George Bain and my other profs.” Bain, director of the School of Journalism at the time, came up with a strategic plan for Cheney because he saw great promise in him as a journalist. Cheney says he might not have his job today if it weren’t for Bain’s mentorship. It’s a major part of the reason he wants to give back to graduating King’s students. “It was kind of like being with a great NHL coach or something,” he explains. “If Scotty Bowman says you should do this play, you should try it and see how it works.” De Munnik and Hubbard say the idea of mentorship isn’t really a new one, but it’s special because of the reputation King’s students carry with them. “[A student] was going to London for the summer, and one of the alumni said ‘Feel free to give them my name,’” Hubbard says. “They said that for any King’s student that comes to London, my couch is available,” de Munnik adds. “It’s just an open offer. And you think it’s crazy, you don’t know these people, but it’s just sufficient to know that they went to King’s to open your door to them.” As the King’s Mentorship Program gets off its feet and begins to expand, the two visionaries hope that more and more King’s graduates can become involved in the process of helping each other. “I think, down the road, it wouldn’t just be new graduates who are the mentorees, it might be people 10 years out who recognize that they want a shift in their life in some way,” says Hubbard. “It’s all about bringing people into a community and making better connections in that community.”∂ The King’s Mentorship program is open to everyone: to be a mentor or a mentoree, visit www.ukings.ca/kings_4290.html or contact Rachel Pink (rachel.pink@ukings.ns.ca). T i d ings | summer 2 0 0 8


F Y P T e x ts C olumn

“His usylessly unreadable Blue Book of Eccles” By Dr. Thomas Curran, Senior Fellow, Foundation Year Programme


“ T h i s i s u n d e rta k e n to p r ov i d e t h e g r i p o f t h e n ov e l i n to t h e d ee p e st r e c e s s e s o f t h e h u m a n p sy c h e .”

ames Joyce’s Ulysses, first published in Paris in 1922, would be a very difficult novel to add to the Foundation Year Programme curriculum because of its enormous length: in that first edition, it ran to well past 700 pages. However, it does have a tangential relation to FYP through “The Clemente Seminar.” This is a “spin-off,” a continuing education opportunity for veterans of the Halifax Humanities 101 (Clemente) Programme, which in 2007 turned out its second graduating class. “The Clemente Seminar” is very much a labour of love of FYP’s current Director, Dr Angus Johnston, who also serves as Clemente’s curriculum co-ordinator. This year the Clemente graduates have read Homer’s Odyssey, and will conclude their year reading Joyce’s epic novel, Ulysses­—in its entirety: an achievement which will set off the Clemente students pretty radically from most of the rest of the citizens of Halifax! This reading of “the greatest novel of the century” (Anthony Burgess)— in all its complexity—requires enormous commitment, not only from the students, but also from the outstanding volunteer tutors that Dr Johnston has enlisted in order to lead the discussion: Brian Flemming, previous King’s College Chair, and now Chair of the Clemente Programme itself; Joseph Rosenberg (BAH ’01), FYP tutor and learned expert in literary Modernism—a movement of which Joyce’s Ulysses must be the supreme example— and Bill Barker, our own King’s College President. This coupling of the reading of Homer’s Odyssey with Joyce’s Ulysses is a stroke of genius, since it reproduces in such a tangible way the “summary–key–skeleton– schema” which Joyce offered his readers even before the novel was published in its entirety. Up to February 1921, when its editors were convicted with publishing obscenity, episodes of the novel had been appearing in an avant-garde American literary journal. In 1920 and 1921, Joyce produced at least two tables of “correspondences” which purported to show 6

T i d ings | summer 2 0 0 8

the close connection of the hours of the day (June 16th, 1904, in Dublin) with the eventful journeys of “brave Ulysses”, or Odysseus, as Homer would have known him. The title offered above is Joyce’s own description of this rowdy novel of Odysseus, as it appears in his notorious “last will and testament” of 1939: Finnegans Wake. Scholars have pretty much worked out what all the parts of this strange description mean, which reads in full: ...making believe to read his usylessly unreadable Blue Book of Eccles, édition de ténèbres... The first thing to note is that Joyce can never resist a dig or a joke or a wordplay (however sophisticated or primitive) when the opportunity presents itself. So, no doubt Joyce is sending up the vast majority of his readers, not only those engaged in plowing through Ulysses, but even more those who dare to tackle Finnegans Wake. I am sure Joyce is right: the difficulty of his loquacious style probably means that his novels have engendered more “make believe” than actual reading. Then notice Joyce’s immediate resort to the low art of punning, with his “usyless” description —an anagram—of his novel named after Ulysses. The claim that the 1922 novel is “unreadable” however is a bit thick appearing as it does in Finnegans Wake, which certainly trumps anything in Ulysses for “unreadability”—including even Molly Bloom’s concluding 43-page monologue intérieur (Joyce’s phrase). Eccles is also relatively clear, since #7 Eccles Street is the Blooms’ home address, and a real Dublin residence. In common parlance, “blue” entertainment has about it the whiff of something indecent, and there was certainly a lingering, unpleasant odour attached to this novel. However, the “blue” is also a suitably obscure reference to this first 1922 Paris appearance of his novel: at Joyce’s request, the book’s paper cover was blue with white lettering, blue and white being the colours of the Greek flag, another affirmation of Odysseus. Is it possible that Joyce also had in mind the Blue

Guides or Guides Bleus, city travel guides published simultaneously in English and French from 1918 onwards? The novel is, after all, a journey, an Odyssey, through a real Dublin. Edition de ténèbres is more tricky. It is, first, a pretty clear indication of the Modernist juggling of all possible languages (Joyce’s university career in Dublin confirmed his proficiency in Latin, Italian, French, German, and even Norwegian!). Also, the scholarly annotators regard this last epithet as a relatively uncomplicated (!) reference to “the northwest territory of Odysseus’s wanderings”. However, for this reader, this also seems to be a strange allusion—tenebrous in English suggests both dark and gloomy—to the onsetting darkness, and the successive extinguishing of candles as we reach far into the night. This could be a reference to a solemn liturgy at the approach of Good Friday, with which Joyce may very well have been familiar. Joyce, in publishing Ulysses, understood that he was not only required actually to complete the manuscript of the novel, but also to educate a readership who would be capable of reading his epic, and thus appreciating its genius. Joyce referred to his novel in a number of ways: encyclopedia, a telephone directory and a farrago (i.e., hotch-potch, medley). I have no doubt that many readers (inside and outside of “The Clemente Seminar”) will have had ample opportunities to consider whether their reading of this novel was really a great “odyssey” and not rather entry into a dark and gloomy, and apparently endless labyrinth (without the benefit of that all important thread which means this epic journey will actually lead us back home). Certainly, there are glaring, flagrant aspects of the novel which require us to fall into Joyce’s literary quagmire armed with a new way of reading: my colleague, Joseph Rosenberg, informed me that the only way a novice can really come to terms with this modernist saga is by reading it out loud. Its readers must be willing to steep

Dublin in the 1930s.

themselves in every known form of wordplay and be prepared for any neologism, however outrageous or obscure. As Joyce also acknowledges, readers must further be prepared to confront topics not usually considered either edifying or desirable in the high art of our literary canon. Partly, this is undertaken to extend the grip of the novel into the deepest recesses of the human psyche, to provide psychological verisimilitude, so to speak; but equally, the novel chooses to explore what Joyce calls “the subterranean complexities,” which make up our intimate, private selves, and which can only truly be grasped in fiction by monologue intérieur. Ulysses was not, however, without any precursors: before the novel was even published, its sweep and encyclopedic quality were compared to that of Rabelais… and I would strongly suggest an obvious affinity to Laurence Sterne (both of whom were clerics, it is important to add). Equally, Joyce created his own literary successors, chief among whom we should number Samuel Beckett, a frequent visitor to Joyce’s home in Paris. Perhaps Beckett provided the briefest and most powerful summary of the extraordinary achievement of Joyce’s art, which might indeed end up funnelling all his adherents and devotees into a dark tunnel without the benefit of torchlight. Joyce’s work is then truly an edition de ténèbres, since it is Joyce himself who tells that “modern literature is concerned with the twilight.” Beckett captures this moment with an

unparalleled precision when, in 1929, he characterised Joyce’s world this way: “In the absolute absence of the Absolute.” This germane reference by Beckett to the “Absolute” puts us in mind of Hegel’s assertion—made exactly 100 years earlier—that “art, considered in its highest

and criticism because of its many enigmas and obscenities. Surely the most extreme was that of the diplomat at the British Embassy in Paris in 1921, whose wife had agreed to act as typist for the manuscript of the 15th episode (“Circe”). Happening upon the manuscript one day in early April, the diplomat was so incensed by its “inappropriate” content that the manuscript was immediately consigned to the flames. In the strange and unanticipated piety that is a blessing to so many of our lives, the typist had already had the presence of mind to hide most of the manuscript (see Richard Ellmann’s biography), but, even so, the missing pages of the episode could only be reconstructed with the very greatest difficulty. What will our Clemente readers make of this 20th-century colossus? Perhaps, by the device of Joyce’s extraordinary parallelism, that between the 10-year saga of the fearless Odysseus and Dublin in June, 1904—between the timeless adventures of Greek antiquity, and the all too quotidian

There are glaring, flagrant aspects of the novel which require us to fall into Joyce’s literary quagmire armed with a new way of reading. vocation, is and remains for us a thing of the past” (tr by TM Knox). Perhaps today’s readers are not so troubled by the enormous ambiguities, riddles and obscurities that seem to leap out from the novel on every page. But in Hegel’s judgment (and during his age), art had a profession and vocation to lead the reader, the viewer, or the hearer to the highest reaches of the aspirations of the human spirit. “In the absolute absence of the Absolute,” this Modernist literature, and this novel, in particular, will have a wholly different authority. To this extent, Hegel may indeed fulfil the office of modern literary critic and commentator. Perhaps, at first, this “absolute absence” will not be made central to the discussions of Ulysses in “The Clemente Seminar”—at least until the participants have been encouraged to voyage as far as they are able into the novel itself. This book has always provoked violent reaction

“telephone directory” trawling of Leopold Bloom—perhaps by means of this parallelism a tiny peephole will be opened for these readers into the extraordinary but otherwise unremarked heroism of everyday life. The insistence on the “correspondences” would seem to require such a conclusion. And even if the tiniest intuition of the simultaneous strangeness and magnificence of ordinary existence is communicated to these devoted students, then, surely, the whole enterprise will have proved worthwhile. ∂ Dr. Tom Curran has been assigned the task of introducing episodes 4 through 6 of Ulysses to the “Clemente Seminar.” He very much hopes that Clemente students will not become so outraged by his remarks, as to be moved to dispose of their copies of the novel in the nearest fireplace. In July, Curran, a Senior Fellow, will be taking up a professorial position at King’s. T i d ings | summer 2 0 0 8


Environmental Action at King’s How the school is going green by Janet Shulist


niversities play an important role in raising awareness about climate change and energy conservation. At the University of King’s College, the faculty, administration, and students are working together to help increase and encourage an active approach to environmentalism on campus and in the community. New this year to the King’s Students’ Union is the Environmental Sustainability Officer, a student position that will be filled this coming fall. David Etherington, the external vice president of the KSU and first-year student, says the new position will help encourage an active approach to sustainability. “The main goal of the Environmental Sustainability Officer will be to go through societies and actually make our societies more environmentally-friendly,” he said, adding that the position will help address changes in others areas, such as “helping our office be more sustainable, cutting down on our paper use, and looking at ways to double-pane the windows to keep more of the heat in.” Etherington said students will be able to discuss environmental issues with the new officer, who can help them start their own planet-friendly societies. The decision to form the new position illustrates students’ desires to increase environmental consciousness on campus, he said. “KSU really does care about the environment and we don’t really want to fall behind, we want to push forward and be a leader.” He added that the university as a whole


T i d ings | summer 2 0 0 8

The King’s Quad could look very different within the next decade.

“I think in some areas, the quest for real environmental improvements goes beyond our building. This is an interesting feature of academic life… I think people will wake up to this at some point and everyone will suddenly be changing the way they do business.” has been making small—but important— changes to the campus. “A great example would be the Wardroom—the use of plastic cups has been cut back greatly.” King’s President Dr. William Barker agreed, citing changes like instituting proper paper collections and sorting refuse to avoid sending undifferentiated garbage out and using environmentally-friendly cleaning products on campus. “In terms of any new installations— things like windows—whenever anything goes in, these are all really good quality things we’re trying to put in place,” he said. “We’re really trying to work to the highest level of any building code for any new project.” Recently, Bursar Gerry Smith did an

audit of King’s facilities to identify problems and projects for restoration. The University’s Property Grounds and Safety Committee is analyzing Smith’s reports as part of its ongoing campus renewal plan. This plan is a series of reports that identify many maintenance deficiencies, major issues and potential improvements including possibilities for energy-efficient upgrades. Barker said a greener campus is a certain possibility—he’d personally like to see parking spaces in the Quad changed into green space. “There is definitely going to be a lot of thought put to sustainability and greening of the campus…given the general state of mind of students, faculty, and alumni— there will be a lot of interest in that.”

The university’s Property, Grounds and Safety Committee is reviewing the reports and will determine a plan for the renewal process, he said. Barker said another important consideration for active environmentalism at universities is to minimize travelling done by professors for conferences and academic research. “I think in some areas, the quest for real environmental improvements goes beyond our building. This is an interesting feature of academic life,” he said, adding that it’s a potential for change often overlooked. “I think people will wake up to this at some point and everyone will suddenly be changing the way they do business.” An affiliate of King’s, Dalhousie University recently created a University Office of Sustainability. The Director of Sustainability, Ro-

chelle Owen, took her position this past January.

“I think people will wake up to this at some point and everyone will suddenly be changing the way they do business.” Owen said she’s currently working on a university sustainability policy and hopes to increase biodiversity, and reduce water, energy and product consumption on campus. As well, Owen said she’s looking into incorporating renewable energy methods—like the possibility of using solar water heat. Owen said she is open to working with students and faculty from King’s and added

that the new Office of Sustainability is an important step for Dalhousie. “I think it is an important issue from a curriculum point of view, but also from walking the talk,” she said. As far as “walking the talk” at King’s, Barker said that the university’s older buildings and piped steam-heat system posed the biggest challenges in improving sustainability because retrofitting older buildings can be a difficult and expensive process. “The way other campuses are doing it is very interesting,” he said, explaining that new buildings are often incredibly environmentally-friendly. “The real question is, ‘What are they doing with their old buildings?’ And I believe that in our attention to the matter and in all of our way of looking at all the details, we’re trying to deal with a huge challenge.” ∂

King’s community celebrates excellence at Atlantic Journalism Awards

King’s College alumni, faculty and students took home a total of eight wins at the 27th Atlantic Journalism Awards, held at the Halifax Marriott Harbourfront Hotel on May 3, 2008. Among the awards presented in 25 print, radio and television categories, King’s alumni and faculty made up 19 of the finalists, with six Gold winners, and two King’s students received other awards. In the Spot News — Print category, King’s alumni Richard Dooley (BJ ’98) and Beverley Ware (BJH ’97) were finalists, and in the Spot News — Radio category, Donna Allen (BJH ’85) was the Gold Award winner. King’s alumnus Rob Antle (BJH ’94) won the Gold Award in the Enterprise Reporting — Print category, and alumna Joan Weeks (BJH ’82) received the Gold Award for Enterprise Reporting — Radio,

with Donna Allen as a finalist. For the Enterprise Reporting — Television category, alumni Joan Weeks and Sally Pitt (BJH ’84) were finalists. Alumnus Rob Linke (BJ ’89) took home the Gold Award in the Continuing Coverage — Print category, and Paul Pigott (BJ ’97) was a finalist for Continuing Coverage — Radio. Part-time faculty member and King’s alumna Lezlie Lowe (BAH ’96) won the Gold Award for Feature Writing — Print, with King’s Rogers Communications Chair in Journalism Stephen Kimber assuming a finalist position in this category. King’s alumna and Professor of Journalism Kim Kierans (BA ’82, HC ’83) was a finalist in the Feature Writing — Radio category, and Sally Pitt was a finalist for Feature Writing — Television.

For the Atlantic Magazine — Best Profile Article category, alumna Eleanor Beaton (BJ ’03) took home the Gold Award, with King’s alumnus and parttime journalism instructor David Swick (BJ ’93) as one of the finalists. For sports reporting, alumnus Mike Fleury (BJH ’05) was of the finalists, and alumna Andrea Nemetz (BJ ’88) was of the finalists in the Arts & Entertainment Reporting category. Alumnus Stephane Massinon (BJ ’05) was also a finalist for the Jim MacNeill New Journalist Award. King’s students took home two of seven AJA Student Awards, with the Atlantic Lottery Corporation Prize for Journalistic Excellence going to graduate Lyndsie Bourgon (BJH ’08), and graduate Wanda Taylor (BJ ’08) receiving the Communications Nova Scotia Journalism Scholarship.

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Postcard from Fontinalis King’s students telling the stories of a fictional land by Mark Burgess


he salvelinus fontinalis is a brook trout prominent in eastern Canada. The salmo trutta is a brown trout, native to Europe and Asia. Fontinalis and Trutta are also hostile nations in the fictitious region of Salmo, the Pearson Peacekeeping Centre’s creation and the site of a journalism internship for eight graduating King’s students last November. Operation Eurasian Star—a NATO Rapid Deployable Corps training exercise for the Turkish military—operated in the secure confines of Istanbul’s Ataturk Wargaming Centre, where we worked 12 to 13 hour days. But for the most part our compasses were dialed to the fictional coordinates. And so the eight of us—Lyndsie Bourgon, Colleen Cosgrove, Jenny McCarthy, Connor MacEachern, Richard Norman, Sandi Rankaduwa, Sarah-Jane Steele and I—were the media corps, covering the cruel fictions of balkanized Fontinalis. Pearson staff Dr. Kenneth Eyre and Peter Dawson (BAH ’85) masterminded the make-believe country and the scenarios that came with it. Their creation borrows Nova Scotia’s geography, the former Yugoslavia’s tragedy and employs Latin fish names for the area’s doppelgängers. Eastern Canada is Salmo, a region of seven countries. Mainland Nova Scotia becomes Fontinalis and eastern New Brunswick is the rival People’s Republic of Trutta. The conflict began when old tensions between Ethnic Truttan enclaves within Fontinalis and the majority Fontinalians boiled over. Salmo is a thorough creation. The scenario’s background documents included detailed topography, elaborate histories, invented religions, complex ethnic loyalties and colourful embellishments. For example: the endangered Great Northern Panther (3.5 metres, 230 kilograms) haunts the forests of the Libris prefecture with an innate taste for human flesh; the national


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King’s student Mark Burgess analyzes a map of Nova Scotia/Fontinalis.

"The responses weren’t always what we expected; sometimes there was no response at all. The Turkish military wasn’t accustomed to the scrutiny we presumed was our right, which made it difficult for both of us." drink, Vyskejak, is a grain liquor sold at a potency ranging from 35 to 65 per cent alcohol, and is pronounced with the hard ‘V’ that distinguishes the Vontinali language. The plot lines used in the simulation were varied and unrelenting. Each day featured a heavy dose of “injects,” events designed to test the Turkish forces’ ability to respond to the unexpected. These ranged from the assassination of a Supreme Court judge, to Greenpeace accusations that a NATO boat had injured a whale, to more serious indiscretions leveled against the forces. The military’s response to these trials—practically, diplomatically, and, in part, with the press—determined the battle rhythm, or the pace and content of future injects. The responses weren’t always what

we expected; sometimes there was no response at all. The Turkish military wasn’t accustomed to the scrutiny we presumed was our right, which made it difficult for both of us. An example of this was the first of two press conferences. As we registered for press passes we were issued bright yellow bibs—like “pinnies” to demarcate teams in gym class—that we were instructed to wear. In case there was any doubt, these press uniforms defined us in the military’s terms: an obstructive group of flashing yellow lights, best avoided but handled with extreme caution when necessary. A few of us were allowed to ask scripted questions. But we also learned the role of the wrathful journalist, when we were eventually given carte blanche to take the communications branch to task for their

obstinacy. The eight of us rotated among newspaper, online and television crews each day. Newspapers offered varying slants from all sides of the conflict. This meant advocating on behalf of hard-line Fontinalian nationalists one day and slipping back into the mainstream Ethnic Truttan paper of record the next. Fortunately Fontinalis’ creators also provided a list of the “70 Commonest Names” amongst Fontinalians

and Ethnic Truttans. Which is how I became Markus Burgz for Fontinalis Today and the more provocative Marco Burgis when writing for the Truttan Coronicali Libris. So we were all occupying at least a few conflicting personalities while living in Fontinalis by day, Turkey by night. Eurasian Star was the first Pearson exercise with a full press corps, made up of King’s students earning internship credits. Even if our efforts to hold the military

accountable seemed at times more foreign to them than the Fontinalians, we all learned something from the simulation and left Fontinalis a bit more capable in our respective spheres. For some of us, the departure wasn’t permanent. There’s a return trip in May, this time in Germany, training the European Union military on promoting democratic elections. It will be interesting to see how much Fontinalis has changed.∂

book revie w Off Book by Mark Sampson (Norwood Publishing) Reviewed by Michelle Kay Ah, yes. We’ve all been there—standing at the crossroads and trying to decide whether to take a job that is well-paying yet soul-sucking, or going for the “starving artist” gig and following our passions. Off Book, the first novel by Mark Sampson (BJH ’97), is the story about a young man who yearns to be a playwright but ends up as an Internet code-writing drone for “The Company” instead. The novel is divided into various sections of Cameron Hardy’s young adult life. It begins with his teenage years in the ’80s when he is first introduced to computers, then follows him to his first year of university (at King’s) and a disastrous production of his first play, and finally moves in with him when he lands a well-paying computer job in a soulless city. Throughout it all, Cameron struggles with the writer tendencies that keep bubbling to the surface. A number of complex and developed characters enter Cam-

eron’s life during his university years; their influences lingering even after he has graduated and entered the dreary workforce. Sampson does a wonderful job of describing each city Cameron lives in, and the novel is as much of homage to Halifax and King’s as it is to playwriting and the roller coaster that is the literary world. Sampson’s writing is thorough and rich with detail, although his descriptions tend to drag on at times. The ending is also a tad clichéd, but we need happy endings every so often. Overall, Off Book is an enjoyable read, examining themes that we all ponder such as happiness and satisfaction in what we do and pursuing our dreams despite our insecurities or fears.

NB/PEI alumni branch in the planning stages

The first get-together to plan the development of a joint Alumni Association branch for New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island took place on February 7, 2008, at the Moncton Press Club. In addition to alumni attending from the Moncton area, we were very pleased to welcome future alumnus Andrew Wight, currently a student at Caledonia Regional High School in Hillborough, N.B.

Andrew will be attending King’s beginning in September 2008. He will be studying in the Foundation Year Programme and plans to study medicine after completing his initial science degree. Advancement Director Kara Holm gave an overview of the recent happenings at King’s and encouraged those present to continue organizing a new

branch. Those present showed a great amount of interest and will be getting together again in order to formalize an official new chapter of the Alumni Association. An invitation will be sent to all alumni in New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island before that meeting is held. –Brian Cormier, B.J. Hons. ’86 T i d ings | summer 2 0 0 8


King’s of surprises Forgotten programs and endeavours from years gone by by Richard Woodbury


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Photo courtesy of J. Philip Dumaresq.


he history of King’s is much like that of a person’s life; it is filled with both successes and failures. And much like a person’s life, in order to be successful, King’s has taken many risks. Long before there was a Foundation Year Programme or a School of Journalism, King’s dabbled with different degree programs in some surprising areas, such as a School of Mining and Civil Engineering. Other ideas that never came into existence included a school of pharmacology and an institute of parapsychology. The School of Mining and Civil Engineering owes its origins to an unlikely thing—Confederation. When British Columbia entered into Confederation in 1871, it joined in part on a promise made by Prime Minister Sir John A. MacDonald to have a national rail network built within ten years. That same year, King’s began offering a two-year “Civil Engineering” program at its Windsor campus. “The profession of Civil Engineering is every day asserting its increasing importance, and hence arises a demand for an efficient corps of practical scientific engineers,” says the 1874–1875 calendar. “The increase of commercial enterprise throughout the Dominion, and the necessity of opening up the country for agricultural purposes, renders the construction of important engineering works, and many miles of railway, an absolute necessity.” The construction of the Canadian Pacific Railway and the growth of Canada were dependant on having qualified engineers. In 1905, King’s expanded its program from two to four years. That same year, it opened a school of engineering in Sydney and a school of mining in Glace Bay. In a report written by faculty member Dr. Ian C. Hannah, the schools would be

A very different University of King’s College seen from above in 1962, with the gym and Alexandra Hall just being built.

“The institute of parapsychology was his passion, no question about it.” very successful, describing the communities as having “very hearty support” for the programs. “Hundreds of working engineers inthis mining centre are only too anxious to study the theoretical part of their profession to qualify for better positions than they hold,” he wrote. Hannah estimated about 70 students would enrol in the engineering program in Sydney, but his estimate was overly optimistic. Only nine enrolled. “I cannot help feeling there is a lack of public confidence in our Arts course and the very small number speaks for itself,” he wrote. One year later, the provincial government established a “School of Mines,” and the Board of Governors decided it was not

in King’s interest to “carry on in conflict with the government’s work.” By 1907, King’s no longer had a School of Mining and Civil Engineering. One program that never came to be was a school of pharmacology. The idea was first raised in a letter dated Aug. 12, 1900, by W.B. McVey, a chemistry professor at the College of Physicians and Surgeons in Boston, Mass. A committee was established to determine whether it was feasible and reported its findings at the Feb. 14, 1901, Board of Governors meeting. With an enrolment of 25 students, equipment would cost $400 and the cost of lectures from “competent teachers” would be $800 a year, which would leave enough for a “handsome surplus,” the Board heard. But the committee also stated, “There is no prospect of sufficient students to make an institution of the kind pay its way into a city the size of Saint John…” The idea of a school of pharmacology had a short lifespan, unlike that of the parapsychology institute.

Parapsychology is the scientific study of paranormal psychological phenomena, such as telepathy and clairvoyance. It does not cover all things considered paranormal, such as UFOs or Bigfoot. One of the pioneers of parapsychology

for an experimental laboratory. It was to be the first of its kind in Canada. The $15,000 a year cost was to be borne by Rhine, so there wasn’t supposed to be any financial risk on the part of King’s.

Professor Dr. F. Hilton Page voiced concern whether the lab would attract notoriety or negative publicity to the university. Members of the Executive later voiced concern, wondering if the research had more to do with the occult than science. was Dr. J.B. Rhine, an American who was acquainted with former King’s President Rev. Dr. H.L. Puxley. “The institute of parapsychology was his passion, no question about it.” says Jack Wilcox (DipJ ’49). Wilcox knew Puxley from alumni functions which happened in Toronto when Puxley was president from 1954–1963. Research done by the University’s Assistant Archivist, Janet Hathaway (BJ ’86), shows the idea of a parapsychology institute at King’s dates back to 1961 when Puxley offered the use of King’s to Rhine

At the Oct.12, 1961, Board of Governors meeting, Professor Dr. F. Hilton Page voiced concern whether the lab would attract notoriety or negative publicity to the university. Members of the Executive later voiced concern, wondering if the research had more to do with the occult than science. President Puxley announced on March 27, 1962, that King’s was to have a branch of the parapsychology department of Duke University on campus. By May 1962, King’s had received the first grant for the program, but less than

a year later, the first sign of trouble appeared. President Puxley reported Rhine might withdraw from the negotiations. In his place, Eileen J. Garrett, the co-founder of the Parapsychology Foundation in Palm Beach, Florida, expressed interest in financing the three-year experiment. The Parapsychology Foundation still exists and its goal is to encourage and support scientific research into parapsychology. An ongoing search for a “competent director” was “fruitless,” new president, Dr. H.D. Smith said at the Sept. 12, 1963, Board of Governors meeting. Another problem was the lack of free space that could be used for the parapsychology institute. Rhine had also requested the $5,000 advance be returned. Smith recommended negotiations with Rhine and Garrett end. At the Nov. 12, 1963, Board of Governors meeting, Smith said the topic of the parapsychology institute would not appear on the agenda again. The advance had already been returned. So the question becomes, what is King’s next great idea? ∂

King’s athletes recognized at 8th Annual Athletic Award Banquet

At the 8th Annual Athletic Award Banquet, held on Friday April 4th, 2008, close to 80 students were recognized for recreational and competitive contributions to the Athletic program at King’s. The Canadian College Athletic Association (CCAA), the national association to which King’s belongs, recognizes students who achieve a 3.7 GPA or higher in two ways. The National Scholar Award is available to any student who attains this average and plays a varsity sport. In this category, 16 King’s men and women were recognized, the highest number of any school in the conference. The Academic All-Canadian Award recognizes student who achieve a 3.7 and are also voted as an All-Star in their respective sport by the Atlantic Conference (ACAA). King’s

had six students recognized in this category, again the most awarded to a school in our conference. On the athletic side, 28 King’s students were recognized as All-Stars in the nine sports run at this institution—the most won by King’s students in the history of ACAA competition. Two of our students were All-Canadians and two coaches were selected as Coaches of the Year in their respective sports. Arguably the highlight of the night was a video/slide presentation made by King’s grad Kellie McMullin (BA ’98) who was a former three-time Female Athlete of the Year and former assistant women’s soccer coach. The evening’s top winner was Kyle Murphy, the Atlantic All-Star in men’s soccer and volleyball, who took

Kyle Murphy

home the Coaches Award in men’s soccer, the Academic Excellence award, and the E.E. Bisset Award as Male Athlete of the Year. The event was held in Prince Hall and was attended by roughly 160 people from the King’s community, including alumni, students, and coaches. T i d ings | summer 2 0 0 8


Situating Science Across Canada Bringing the research and public spheres together by Michelle Kay


rom public lectures to summer school at a Cape Breton lighthouse, there’s a flurry of potential for new events as King’s sets out to bring scientific knowledge to the public sphere. Last March, the University of King’s College received a $2.1 million grant from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC). Named “Situating Science,” the eventual goal is to bring science to the public and set up a self-sustaining organization to study science from different viewpoints with an emphasis on the humanities side of science. Unlike most grants that are for research, the SSHRC grant is focused on setting up nodes or clusters to facilitate knowledge sharing and collaboration. While several universities are taking part, King’s is the lead organization that will administrate the clusters. “A knowledge cluster brings people together and their public into a concert of activity and exchange not necessarily towards research, although that could be part of it,” explains Dr. Gordon McOuat, the director of the grant and Associate Professor of Humanities and Social Sciences and the History of Science and Technology Programme at King’s College. The grant is a seven-year initiative, housed at King’s. Since receiving the grant last year, the managing committee has been drafting up a business plan and communicating with the other clusters located at McGill and the University of Quebec, York University, the University of Toronto, the University of Saskatchewan, the University of Alberta and the University of British Columbia. King’s has already hosted the Trust in Science Lecture series, five public sessions with speakers from areas such as the government, academia, scientific research and


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Situating Science grant manager Greta Regan in her office at King’s.

“From the beginning of that Foundation Year, King’s always thought of the relation between science and nature and technologies were integral to an undergrad education.” the industry examining exactly what our trust in science is. The lectures discussed and debated about the role of science in our lives. One of the key goals of the grant is to come up with activities in which the public can participate. Greta Regan, manager of the grant, says the managing committee is in the midst of setting up a sort of summer school, which would bring students and academics together for a week or so to discuss selected themes each year. “The summer school will be associated with King’s but we are also looking at having it at a lighthouse in Cape Breton,” says Regan. This year, the managing committee is planning a conference to bring scientists, the public, journalists and policy makers together to share their views. Three other workshops are in the works to look at topics like astronomy before Copernicus, evidence-based medicine

and the idea of change in clinical practice, and the concept of empathy in science. As well, with 2009 being the 200th birthday of Charles Darwin, a number of Darwin activities will be happening all over Canada and Halifax. McOuat stresses that King’s, as a liberal arts school, has always been aware of the complex relationship between humanities studies and science. “We’ve always been advocating the importance of the study of science in a humanities and social sciences education as well as exploring the conceptual and cultural grounding of science,” says McOuat. “From the beginning of that Foundation Year, King’s always thought of the relation between science and nature and technologies were integral to an undergrad education.” The vice president of the University of King’s College, Dr. Christopher Elson

“We’ve always been advocating the importance of the study of science in a humanities and social sciences education.” (BA ’86), agrees. Because King’s is one of the rare places in the country to have a program that studies the history of science and technology, receiving the cluster grant means a lot to the school. “[The grant] is recognition [for King’s], support and encouragement,” says Elson, “It’s recognition that we have people here

who are not only carrying out research of a national and international caliber but can take leadership roles in these kinds of complex grants, which are all about association and communication and opening the university life to the wider public.” Elson says receiving this grant will open new doors for King’s, allowing

the university to further garner support from the community and apply for other grants. McOuat wants the public to understand the human side of science and to get into the workings and developments of science and technology. “We want to bring in all kinds of intellectual tools that are often developed by humanities and social sciences to bear on something that is often thought of to be a straight-forward, algorithm process of discovery about the world.”∂

Author offers King’s bursary based on her own history

Barbara Stegemann (BA ’91, BAH ’99) published her first book in 2008 —The Seven Virtues of the Philosopher Queen. In recognition of her time at King’s and the transformative experience she had inside and outside the classroom, Barb generously decided to donate a portion of the book’s sales to the University of King’s College to establish a scholarship. The book was launched at an event at King’s in March. The 7 Virtues of the Philosopher Queen Award is an entrance bursary that aims to help women coming to the Foundation Year Programme from rural Nova Scotia who have financial

need as well as the academic credentials to gain entrance to King’s. Stegemann recently returned to Nova Scotia after living in British Columbia for several years. She has thrown herself into the community as a professional, volunteer and parent. Originally from Antigonish, Barb grew up in a lower-income home with an empowering mother who taught her she could achieve anything. This award is designed to provide another young woman from a similar background with the same opportunities to achieve and invent herself.

Dalrymple captivates crowd at 2008 Brian Flemming Lecture From March 27 to 29, 2008, noted historian and author William Dalrymple visited Halifax at the invitation of King’s and Dalhousie. On March 28, a large crowd braved the snow to pack Alumni Hall to hear Dalrymple’s lecture on his newest book, The Last Mughal: The Fall of a Dynasty, Delhi 1857. The lecture, the most recent in the Brian Flemming Lecture Series, explored the events that led to the fall of the Mughal Dynasty during the Indian Mutiny

of 1957. This discussion considered the effect of the British in the 18th and 19th century on Indian society as the British attitude transformed from celebrating Indian culture to imposing British culture between the reigns of King George III and Queen Victoria. Dalrymple also discussed the incredibly vibrant and artistic Mughal culture, which was undergoing a renaissance under the last Mughal, himself a poet. The lecture was enhanced by an

exotic slide show of photos and illustrations, some hundreds of years old, which impressed the audience. Balancing extensive scholarly research with witty insights, including some personal family history, Dalrymple is an excellent raconteur. Previous Brian Flemming lecturers include author John Ralsten Saul, poet Anne Carson, and author Robert Adams.

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cover story

The Philosophical Physician Andrea Klassen | illustrations Tom Froese


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Does a year with Dante make for a better doctor?

There was something missing,

Nick Matheson (FYP ’00) thought. A hole in his education, a gap he needed to fill. Sure, he had gone to university and graduated with a degree in physiotherapy, just like he had planned. But there was still so much he didn’t understand, that hadn’t been covered in his classes. “[Physiotherapy] was very technical, in the sense of being a professional program,” he remembers. “I didn’t feel that I had a very broad base or understanding of some of the philosophical issues—even just the context.” It was time to go back. In 1999, four years after getting his physiotherapy degree, Matheson enrolled in the Foundation Year Programme and started looking for ways to fill the gap. “It was a life-altering experience for me,” he says. “Doing Foundation Year was partly a way to step back and look at what I want to get out of my life and my learning. And I felt it was really important for me to have that kind of basic understanding from the program.” Six units and one year later, Matheson was seeing the world in a new way. The context was there, the gaps weren’t so apparent. And, somewhere along the way, the program had changed his approach to medicine as well. “Physio can be a very ‘do this, do that, find out what’s wrong with them’ kind of treatment,” Matheson explains. “But you’re dealing with people, and you’re dealing with people’s world views. And you have to be able to understand and connect with those people and find a way of reaching them that’s therapeutic for them.” Understanding. For Matheson that’s the key, both personally and professionally. “You have to understand people, and to understand people you have to understand their culture,” he says. “And to understand

that you have to look at the things that culture has produced. “More and more attention in medicine and health professions is being placed on humanities and the ability for people to be in touch with that aspect of a patient’s life, and what that may mean for their condition. So that context, of what’s behind the thinking of our whole culture, is really important.”

According to health care professionals who’ve studied at King’s, the link between the art of medicine and the liberal arts is stronger than you might expect—and more obvious than it might seem.

Does a year with Dante and Descartes make a better healthcare provider? Matheson thinks so, and he’s not alone. According to medical professionals who’ve studied at King’s, the link between the art of medicine and the liberal arts is stronger than you might expect—and more obvious than it might seem. Or, as Lauren Brodie (BAH ’01, BSc ’04), a third-year med student at Dalhousie puts it, “Think about it, right? Humanities.” When Brodie came to King’s in 1996, she knew she wanted to be a doctor. She had enjoyed science in high school, and the puzzle-solving aspects of medicine appealed to her. There was just one problem: her second-year science courses were making her miserable. “I got really disillusioned,” she says. “I think it’s tough to go from FYP to second-year science classes at Dal, which are still pretty big and pretty unimaginative.

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“I said [to my wife], ‘this is what I would have wanted to do if this was available when I started university.’” I remember thinking about six months into the year that I hadn’t had an original thought in a very long time.” After taking a year off to travel, Brodie came back and switched majors—moving from a degree in math and chemistry to one in Spanish and international development studies. She started thinking about a career in health policy or social work. But, when she graduated in 2001, she still wasn’t sure what she wanted to do. Then, while living in Toronto, Brodie landed a temp job at the Regent Park Community Health Centre, and everything started to click. “It was a health centre in a poorer neighborhood in Toronto,” she explains. “There were a lot of refugees, so they had a lot of interpreters on site. And they were short a Spanish interpreter, so my Spanish degree actually came in very handy.” Eventually, Brodie became a full staff member, working on a stay-in-school program run by the centre. And the more time she spent at Regent Park, the clearer her next career move became. 18

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“There were these really great family doctors there who did interesting work, and a lot of advocacy work,” she remembers. “It was working in medicine, but it was really social justice work.” In 2004, Brodie packed up her life and came back to King’s to finish her abandoned science degree and start medical school. Like Matheson, she sees her liberal arts education as a tool that will help her become a better doctor. “At King’s you learn how to think. And once you’ve figured that out, and learned how to find out about things you don’t know, you can apply that to anything,” she says. “It can be kind of disarming to have to find something out, or come up with a question for yourself. I feel like King’s really did that for me.” And, she says, the philosophical concepts she studied in first year are just as important in medicine. “I’m not going to say that I pull out my J.S. Mill every day, because I don’t,” Brodie laughs. “But the idea of thinking about ‘what is the good’ or the right thing

to do... the training I got in laying things out and thinking about them in those ways, that started at King’s. “I also think the people who make good physicians are the people who understand broader concepts,” she adds. “And people at King’s think broadly.” “The thing always to remember is there’s more to medicine—there’s more to people—than just data,” explains Dr. Dory Abosh (BA, BSc ’94), an oncologist at St. Michael’s Hospital in Toronto. “People are similar to ideas, they’re very complex and there’s multiple levels to different things. If you take the time and the patience to look into things there’s often more than meets the eye.” Like Matheson, Abosh says her time at King’s gave her a broader understanding of western culture, which helps her relate to her patients at critical moments. It also taught her some useful practical skills. “One of the biggest things that comes in medicine when you’re reading journal articles, is that you have to be able to sift through crap, so to speak, and sort out

what is legitimate academic work, and what is just grandstanding,” she says. It’s a task she feels better equipped to handle with an English degree. And being able to write effectively —another skill she says she learned at King’s—always helps. “You’d be surprised at the number of physicians that have terrible grammar,” Abosh jokes. Dr. Susan Sharma (BSc ’91), a family physician in Kingston also credits King’s with developing her communication skills. For Sharma, it was the campus culture of the school that had the greatest impact. Because she was a science student, she took all of her classes at Dalhousie. But, she lived at King’s for all three years of her undergraduate degree. “I never really saw myself as purely science,” she explains. “Most of my friends were doing FYP, or doing journalism, or taking some courses at King’s… I remember discussing some of the things they were doing in the Foundation Year Programme and integrating some of the novels they were reading into both my science and more basic arts experience at Dalhousie.” Her residence experience made her more open to new ideas, she says, and better at listening to what other people have to say—two things that make a better doctor. And for the last two years, her time at King’s has also helped her communicate on an international scale. In addition to her family practice, Sharma runs a news website— insidermedicine.ca—with her husband. The site offers short videos on the latest medical developments and advice, aimed at patients and other physicians. Sharma says she and her husband, who is also a doctor, came up with the concept after they noticed their patients were bringing in information from the Internet that was often incorrect or misapplied. “We decided if we had a disorder we would want to know the newest information in an understandable digestible fashion as quickly as possible,” she explains. “I guess that journalism bug somehow caught me and I didn’t even recognize it.” Ted Robinson had been practising medicine for more than 30 years when he visited Halifax for a medical convention. At the time, he had never heard of King’s,

or the Foundation Year Programme. But, when a friend told him about the survey course his daughter was taking, he decided to bring some information on the small liberal arts school home to his son Matthew (BAH ’00), who was getting ready to pick a university. “I had a look at the curriculum and it sounded really exciting,” he remembers. “I said [to my wife], ‘This is what I would have wanted to do if this was available when I started university.’” Originally, Matthew only planned on spending a year at King’s. Instead, he graduated with a degree in Classics and went on to work as a FYP tutor. When Matthew’s thesis supervisor told Robinson about a program he was developing for alumni and parents of King’s students who wanted to get involved in Foundation Year, Robinson was ready to sign up. In 2007, Robinson became one of the first participants in the King’s Seminar, an online lecture course with in person tutorials that mirrors the Foundation Year Programme one section at a time, beginning with the ancient world. “It’s been fascinating, because I’ve never had an opportunity to read most of the things that we’re reading and studying and learning about,” he says. “As an undergrad I did an honours science degree and had one arts course, a two-hour English course in first year. That was it, the rest was all science and math, and then medicine.” Robinson, who specializes in pain management, also sees an overlap between his work and his online studies. “Even in people like Augustine,” he says. “If you remember back to the Confessions, he talks about his inner life and his thoughts and how that affects how he feels and how that limits him… Well, that’s very much the kind of approach we use in medicine.” Like many others, Robinson says it all comes down to understanding. “The kind of medicine I practise isn’t very typical anyway,” he says. “It involves really, ‘What’s life all about, and how am I going to cope with this, and what does it mean to have a chronic condition?’ And that dovetails pretty well with a fuller understanding of what life is all about. “Had I done this earlier it would have been even better.”∂ T i d ings | summer 2 0 0 8


photo gallery

Top Left: Neil Robertson (BAH ’85) after delivering a public lecture on Popular Aesthetics: Harry Potter at Alumni Hall in January. Top Right: During the King’s Chapel Good Friday service on March 21, 2008, Nicholas Hatt (BAH ’03) and Benjamin Lee (pictured centre) bring forward a crucifix for the Veneration of the Cross, and looking on is Andrew Thorne, the son of the current chaplain. Middle Left: Chloe, Arlene, Robert, Anthony and Mitchell Cushman at Robert’s lecture on Popular Aesthetics: The Sopranos in January. Bottom Left: Dr. John Baxter (Professor of English, Dalhousie University, and King’s parent) and Dr. William Barker. Bottom Right: The King’s chapel community celebrates Palm Sunday.


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Top: Kathryn Morris, Troy Jollimore (BAH ’93), Laura Penny (BAH ’96), Stephen Marche (BAH ’97), Dr. William Barker. Middle Left: Canadian painter John Hartman visits King’s for FYP’s 35th anniversary. Middle Right: John Dickinson (’68), David G. Jones (BA ’68), Mike Nichol (’68), and Ena Gwen Jones (former Dean of Women) walk on Quinpool Road, Halifax, in 1970. Bottom Left: Adrian Molder (BAH ’08), Pamela Dean and Erica Rayment (BAH ’08). Bottom Right: John Dickinson (’68), David G. Jones (BA ’68), Mike Nichol (’68), and Ena Gwen Jones (former Dean of Women) come together again nearly 40 years later on Elgin Street, Ottawa, in May 2008.

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Top Left: Off-duty campus patrol members Adam Casey and Bryan Heystee have some snowy fun in the Quad. Top Right: President Dr. William Barker giving a speech in the President’s lodge. Middle Right: Paula Dyke (BJH ’94), Sheila Cameron (BSC ’86), Brian Cormier (BJH ’86), Cathy Krawchuk-Donaldson (BA ’87, BJ ’88), Melissa Friedman (BJ ’00), and Andrew Wight in Moncton. Bottom Left: Back row: Taunya Dawson (BA ’84), Rebecca Brown (BA ’01), Liz Rigney (BJ ’94), Nicholas Graham (BA ’90) Barbara Stegemann (BA ’91, BJ ’99), and John MacDonell. Front: Peter Dawson (BA ’85), Greg Guy (BJH ’87), Stephen Cooke (BJH ’89), Brian MacGillivray (’90), and Dr. William Barker. (Photo by Tammy Fancy) Bottom Right: William Dalrymple delivering the Flemming Lecture at Alumni Hall.


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U niversity of K ing ’ s C ollege A lumni A ssociation 2 0 0 8 – 2 0 0 9

Executive Members President Steven Wilson (BA ’87) Vice-President David Jones (BA ’68)

2006–2008 2006–2008

Treasurer Secretary

Kim Manchester (BA ’94) Laurelle LeVert (BAH ’89)

2007–2009 2007–2009

Past President Doug Hadley (BA ’92) Board of Governor Representative Daniel Logan (BA ’88)

2006–2008 2007–2009

Board of Governor Representative David Jones (BA ’68) Board of Governor Representative Daniel de Munnik (BScH ’02)

2007–2009 2006–2008

Committee Member Committee Member

Lara Schweiger (BAH ’95) Elizabeth Ryan (BA ’69)

2007–2009 2007–2009

Committee Member Committee Member

Chris MacNeil (BA ’84) Matt Aronson (BAH ’02)

2007–2009 2007–2009

Committee Member Committee Member

Gregory Guy (BJH ’87) Sarah Hubbard (BA ‘86, BJ ’91)

2006–2008 2006–2008

Committee Member Committee Member

Robert Mann (BA ’01) Harry Thurlow (BA ’95)

2006–2008 2007–2009

Committee Member Andy Hare (BA ’70) University President (Ex-Officio) William Barker Advancement Director (Ex-Officio) Alumni Officer (Ex-Officio)

Kara Holm Rachel Pink

Student Union President (Ex-Officio)

Kaley Kennedy

Branch Leaders formal branch leaders Halifax Montréal

Mark DeWolf (BAH ’68) Matt Aronson (BAH ’01)

mark@jmdewolf.com mattaronson@gmail.com

Toronto Kim Manchester (BA ’94) Calgary Dorothy Wong (BAH ’02)

toronto@ukcalumni.com dkwong@ukcalumni.com


Chris MacNeil (BA ’94)


Brian Cormier (BJH ’86) Kelly Foss (BJH ’98)

bcormier@couleurnb.ca kfoss@nl.rogers.com

Regional Contacts New Brunswick Newfoundland

Ottawa Wendy Hepburn (BA ’05) Vancouver Alexis Paton (BScH ’07)

hepburn.wendy@tbs-sct.gc.ca alexispaton@aol.com

Boston Williams English (BAH ’07) New York Emanuella Grinberg (BJH ’04)

williamsenglish@gmail.com e_grinberg@hotmail.com



Johanna MacMinn (BA ’89)

Interested in starting up a branch in your area? We’d love to hear from you—please contact Alumni Officer Rachel Pink at rachel.pink@ukings.ns.ca. You can also sign up for our e-newsletter by e-mailing us at alumni@ukcalumni.com.

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What I’m reading

Stephen D. Snobelen Greetings from Victoria! In an allusion to Homer’s Odyssey, southwestern B.C. is sometimes referred to as Lotus Land. In Homer’s story, Odysseus’ men land in north Africa amongst a tribe of lotus-eaters who, through this food, enter a state of blissful forgetfulness. When some of Odysseus’ men partake of the lotuses, they, too, fall into this state, forget their homeward way and wish to remain in the new land. In tears, they are forcibly dragged back to their ships and tied fast. In my efforts to ensure that I don’t fall victim to this curse of paradise while on sabbatical, I’ve been dipping into some light reading. I fear I really must be a pedant, however, as I can’t seem to avoid my research field of science and religion, even in my spare time. One of the big issues in the field of science and religion is the so-called “new atheism.” So, I picked up copies of The God Delusion (2006) by Richard Dawkins, the well-known Oxford biologist who is probably more famous now for his unrelenting attack on religion and whose title is certainly not an example of British understatement; God is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything (2007), by Christopher Hitchens, who doesn’t mind mixing negative and positive superlatives in his title; and the French writer Michel Onfray’s In Defence of Atheism: The Case Against Christianity, Judaism and Islam (2007), whose title is no less clear about its author’s position. Whatever one’s position vis-à-vis religion, there is much in these books with which everyone can agree. The new atheists are at their best when exposing religious excess, fanaticism and bad doctrines. Much of this material is even entertaining, especially that from the pen of Hitchens—who is, after all, a journalist. But a religious person would want to point out that these things are bad precisely because they are abuses of religion. A tolerant, moderate, and thoughtful believer would no more want to be defined by unsophisticated religious fundamentalists than an atheist would want to be tarred with the same brush as Stalin, Chairman Mao or, God forbid, Madalyn Murray O’Hair. The new atheists 24

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Durer’s Last Supper

A tolerant, moderate and thoughtful believer would no more want to be defined by unsophisticated religious fundamentalists than an atheist would want to be tarred with the same brush as Stalin, Chairman Mao or, God forbid, Madalyn Murray O’Hair. seem to have trouble making the distinction between ideals and abuse when they deal with religion, even while they are quick to distance themselves from the nastiness of atheist despots. But I’m getting ahead of myself, because I have more praise for the new atheists. Personally, I find the unembarrassed rejection of philosophical relativism refreshing. Like them or not, at least these gentlemen stand for something! They are nothing if not passionate about their beliefs—or unbeliefs. In fact, it’s easy to see why some might find their core arguments compelling, unless one actually has something other than a caricatured view of religion or if one comes to read the criticisms of their detracters. And so, arrayed on the other side, is another selection of my sabbatical reading: The Dawkins Delusion? Atheistic Fundamentalism and the Denial of the Divine (2007), by Dawkins’ fellow Oxonians Alister McGrath and Joanna Collicutt McGrath; John Cornwell’s Darwin’s Angel:

a Seraphic Response to The God Delusion (2007), a cosy little tome written in sotto voce that neverthless packs a punch; and fresh off the press, John F. Haught’s God and the New Atheism: A Critical Response to Dawkins, Harris, and Hitchens (2008), which I take to be the most theologically sophisticated of the six titles mentioned. Now, I must confess that there is an asymmetry in the two sets of books I’ve been reading: the first set is written by angry, self-righteous fundamentalists who oppose pluralism and couldn’t care less about reading sophisticated treatments of theology or credible studies of the relationship between science and religion. The second set has been composed by moderates (some might say fuddyduddies) who share with their opponents an anxiety about the dangers of religious fundamentalism but who also remain committed to pluralism and reveal wide reading in theology and the humanities. Slender as these volumes are, they raise a host of criticisms against their

targets. One is the scandalously-selective use of data about religion. Dawkins, the scientist, seems to lose all sense of fairminded empiricism when he ventures into religion. One cornerstone of the attack of the new atheists is the argument from the worst possible case for religion and the

cides who’s right? And is it even possible to be absolutely sure? This isn’t the only abuse. Anyone with a passing knowledge of the philosophy of science will immediately recognise that the stilted scientific epistemology of new atheism is hopelessly ensnared in

For his own good, would somebody please enroll Richard Dawkins in a HOST course! best possible case for atheism. While science is ignored on the one hand, it is abused on the other. Thus, something else the anti-atheists set their sights on is the imperialistic attempt to hijack science for a form of metaphysics, namely, atheist materialism. How is this any different than the attempt of religious fundamentalists to brand science after a particular kind of religion? The Dawkins camp would say: “It’s different because we’re right.” But this is exactly what the religious fundamentalists say. Who de-

the 19th century and doesn’t even seem to want out. I have a recurring nightmare about reading bad undergraduate essays with similarly appalling and triumphalistic views of the putative omnicompetence and omnibenevolence of science. But Professor Dawkins is the worst offender. The scientism that historians and philosophers of science—not to mention many thoughtful scientists—have successfully exposed for the poverty and superficiality of its world view is alive and well in North Oxford. For his own good, would some-

body please enroll that man in a HOST course! Here’s something atheists and believers can agree on: scientism is bad for science and bad for culture too. John Haught makes one of the most astute observations: the new atheists are philosophically weak and have nothing on the “muscular atheism” of Nietzsche, Camus and Sartre (not that Haught is supporting absurdism or nihilism). These “old atheists” at least believed atheism should be “thought out to its final logical conclusion.” Don’t turn to Dawkins, Hitchens and Onfray if you’re looking for conceptual sophistication or, if I may add, you want an informed and balanced treatment of religion. Of course we all know what the real test for the quality of these works by the “new atheists” would be. Can we imagine them being assigned in FYP when the great-grandchildren of the current firstyear students eagerly peruse the reading list for Section Six? In a word: No. ∂

Recap: The Armbrae Dialogue at King’s February 27 to 28, 2008, the University of King’s College and Armbrae Academy co-hosted the second annual Armbrae Dialogue at King’s—a symposium for local high school students encompassing the theme of the truth in word and image. The mandate of the session was to engage upper-level high school

students and to provide them with the opportunity to informatively participate with peers and guests in thoughtful, animated and purposeful discussion. This year’s keynote address was delivered by award-winning Canadian journalist, author, and historian Gwynne Dyer, and the students heard from and discussed their

thoughts with representatives from the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS), CBC Radio, The Chronicle Herald, Dalhousie University and the Ecology Action Centre. For more information on The Armbrae Dialogue at King’s, please visit www.armbrae.ns.ca. Thanks to John Stone (BAH ’65) for all of his hard work.

Recap: Series On Popular Aesthetics

The third season of the King’s Series on Popular Aesthetics was held in January 2008 and featured a pair of excellent academic lectures on popular culture topics. On January 14, Dr. Neil Robertson (BAH ’85) presented a sequel to his April 2006 talk on the secular and the sacred in J.K. Rowling’s bestselling Harry Potter series. A week later, The National Post’s television and theatre critic Robert Cushman (a parent of 2008 King’s graduates Anthony, Chloe, and Mitchell Cushman) questioned the tragic hero status of Tony Soprano from the HBO saga The Sopranos. Ideas are already flowing for our 2008/2009 season of the Series on Popular Aesthetics. Stay tuned to the King’s Events Page (www.ukings.ca/kings_3438.html) for more information.

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the last leg of the three-legged race A part of King’s culture or a lawsuit waiting to happen?


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Photo contributed by Ran Fleisher-Peled.


t’s one of the strangest traditions at the University of King’s College, but it’s also one of the most beloved. The three-legged race involves students strapping their legs to a partner and racing around the Quad, occasionally stopping at stations to chug a beer. It’s unclear when the race started, but it’s been around for several decades. But now the tradition has come to an end—sort of. King’s, finding itself in the awkward position of being potentially open to a lawsuit if students hurt themselves during the race, put a stop to the event. But a group of students have fought to keep the race alive. Now the future of the event—if any exists—is up in the air. When King’s President Dr. William Barker arrived in 2003, the Dean of Residence at the time, Kelly Castle, expressed some concerns about the school being liable if a student got injured during the race. But students were still passionate about the race and it was allowed to continue for the time being. “My first year, we treated it as a spontaneous event,” says Barker. “We didn’t want to know about it, we didn’t want to hear about it. Students do lots of crazy things, so if there’s no advertising, we’re willing to turn a blind eye.” But concerns continued over the following years. Barker began consulting with King’s alumni who were lawyers. He says the feedback he got was unanimous—the school could be sued if something went wrong with the race. “The liabilities for this are obvious. There’s a speed-drinking element to the whole thing. All someone has to do is fall down and crack their head on a piece of pavement and we’re in trouble,” he says. Meanwhile, the students tried to keep the race going. The race once placed the drinking stations at the top of each Bay and Alex Hall, leading to drunken students running up and down narrow stairways. It had by now been scaled down to just running around the Quad. Every partici-

by Paul McLeod (BJH ’07)

A group of students compete in the “crab walk” leg of the three-legged race in 2006.

“The liabilities for this are obvious. There’s a speeddrinking element to the whole thing. All someone has to do is fall down and crack their head on a piece of pavement and we’re in trouble.” pant also had to be of legal age and sign a waiver before taking part. But according to the lawyers, the contract wasn’t enough to protect the school from liability—as Barker says, “You just can’t sign away certain things, even if you wanted to.” The school imposed more restrictions on the race—such as not allowing it to be advertised on campus—which led to fewer new students learning about the race and taking part. By the 2006/2007 school year, the administration insisted on a stop to the race. By this time, the King’s Student Union had already backed away from the race for liability reasons as well. They had been funding the race indirectly through an events fund, but did not directly promote or endorse it. The race was considered to be over. Then King’s student Ben Caplan heard

about the race’s termination, and took matters into his own hands. Caplan organized an underground three-legged race through emails and Facebook. He even brought back the three-legged races of old, with the drinking stations placed at the top of each Bay—though not Alex Hall—in students’ residence rooms. “I was outraged that legal pressure and newfangled garbage was killing what I saw to be a beautiful tradition,” says Caplan. “So I decided to run it Guerrilla style.” The race appeared to materialize spontaneously, with a few rugged teams of participants and dozens of students crowding into the Quad to cheer them on. By the time Dean Leigh Gillis found Caplan to tell him the race was too dangerous and would have to be stopped, it was already half over. Caplan complied and went from station to station telling

“I want this to be something people can get excited about, not just a clique of 30 friends who can take over the quad one afternoon.” them to shut things down—starting with the first station. By the time he got to the end, the race was over. This most recent year, Caplan tried the same plan, only with the stations in the Quad. But this time, Gillis came out within minutes and told the volunteers to pour out the beer. Caplan says the participants continued to race around the Quad without beer regardless, “to commemorate the spirit of the event.” While Caplan says he’ll continue to fight for the three-legged

race, he says he understands the school’s point of view. “I sympathize with them. I think the university is in a very difficult position. I think they’ve taken the only stance they reasonably can take,” he says. “That being said, I don’t think the student body should just roll over and die and accept defeat. One of the things we learn at King’s is to think outside the box and be creative. “ For this upcoming year, Caplan hopes to meet with the school to work out some

creative solutions that can keep the race going without leaving King’s neck on the line for costly lawsuits. Some of his ideas include making it a Wardroom event where the drinking is done inside and the race takes place outside, or even taking the beer out of the race completely and having contestants drink Kool-Aid. Caplan says the feeling of a community coming together has always been a more important element to the race than the drinking. “I want this to be something people can get excited about, not just a clique of 30 friends who can take over the Quad one afternoon,” Caplan says. “If the school gets involved, if it’s part of King’s legacy, then it’s worth carrying on.∂

News from the European Alumni Chapter Since the last Tidings the European Chapter has been about welcoming new faces! Two ravishing recent graduates, Rachel MacLeod (BA ’07) and Stephanie Lawrance (BA ’08), have recently arrived in London. We were delighted that Dr Dorota Glowacka was on this side of the pond to promote her recent works. The 2nd Annual Haliburton Literary Evening was another terrific success, welcoming King’s Alumnus John Stiles (BA ’89) reading from his latest work, as well as several Canadian authors in town for the London Book Fair. Incoming Alumni Associa-

tion President David Jones (BA ’68) and the lovely Ena Gwen (former Dean of Women) launched the European Tuesday Toot evening gatherings (with thanks to the Home Branch for allowing us to use that name). We even welcomed great Canadian snow to the UK—a rare treat, especially for London! The rest of the year holds events that celebrate the exciting relations we have across Europe. Interest is growing in our Paris event (details TBC) in the Fall and the 5th Annual Atlantic Universities Canada Christmas Dinner in late November.

Left to right: Kristine Kozicki (BAH ’06), Beth Eayrs (BA ’82), Chris MacNeil (BA ’94), David Jones (BA ’68), Ena Gwen Jones, Rebecca Pate (BAH ’06), Stephanie Lawrance (BAH ’08), and Andrew Choptiany (Class of 2009) at a Tuesday Toot in London on May 6, 2008.

2008 Alumni Award Winners Announced

Alex Neuman and Christopher Parsons were this year’s winners of the Michael Elliott Memorial Awards, Michael Blackwood received the Beaver Club Award, and the Sandra MacLeod Memorial Awards went to Victoria O’Neill and Adria Young. The New Brunswick Award was given to David Etherington this year, and Lisa Janine Todd received the Michael Saunders Award. Finally, the John F. Godfrey Journalism Book Award went to graduate Lyndsie Bourgon (BJH ’08). Students were invited to apply for these awards in April, and the winners were selected based on merit by a committee comprised of alumni and staff. These students represent the best of King’s spirit and the university is proud to have these superb individuals as members of its community. Christopher Parsons

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S te war d ship R eport April 1 2007–March 31, 2008


e have momentum. Thanks to you, the news for 2007/2008 is positive: the College received just over $800,000 in donations during this period. This is our best year outside of a campaign period and we are looking forward to building on this success by working with our donors to enable them to support the College and the things that matter most to them in the coming year. The gifts we receive from the community do so much for

the College. Our donors provide crucial support for our students through scholarships and bursaries and help fund interesting projects around the College. Donors buy books for the Library and provide funding to our academic programs. You provide us with funds to augment the annual budget in an immediate sense and look to the future by building the endowment. King’s is grateful for your support and your belief in the experience we offer our students.

The Big Picture

How the money arrived

Donations for 2007/2008 total $804,974.52. Here’s how it breaks down.

Although we still receive more cash than any other type of currency, this year many of our donors decided to donate stocks to take advantage of new federal tax incentives that allow them to receive a tax receipt for the market value of the shares without paying capital gains— that’s two tax savings on a single gift.

Bequests Annual Fund Major Gifts Other (includes Alumni Association) Chapel In-Kind Building a Strong Foundation

$ 443,333.33 $ 126,263.59 $ 118,379.26 $ 90,872.10 $ 12,741.24 $ 7,385.00 $ 6,000.00

Where Your Money Went General Endowment Scholarships & Bursaries Unrestricted Library Journalism FYP 35th Anniversary Facilities Alumni Association Other Humanities Programs Athletics

$ 433,613.33 $ 154,203.84 $ 80,292.97 $ 35,204.30 $ 34,185.00 $ 29,799.25 $ 9,120.00 $ 4,750.00 $ 1,770.00 $ 797.00 $ 400.00

Cash Stock Pledge Payment In-Kind

$683,210.26 $65,879.26 $48,500.00 $7,385.00

Present and Future 31% of funds received in 2007/2008 will be spent immediately, 69% have been added to the College’s endowment. The College’s endowment provides security for the future. At present we spend 5% of the market value (three year average) of the endowment on the stated purpose. As of March 31, 2008, the College’s endowment was valued at $31.8 million.

Annual Fund Thank you. The Annual Fund raised $126,263.59. Support went to many different areas of the College, reflecting the interests of our alumni and friends:

• • • • • • • • •


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FYP 35th Anniversary Unrestricted Funds Scholarship and Bursaries Library President’s Fund Campus Renewal/Facilities Academic Programs Chapel Athletics

We would like to welcome our 157 new donors and thank you for your support of the Annual Fund. Of course we would also like to thank our donors who have given in the past for continuing to provide King’s with support for its mission. Alumni support has held fast in the 10% range.

Alumni Participation by Year Thank you to our alumni who are maintaining the notion of King’s for current and future students. We are appreciative of all your support. This chart includes all alumni giving. Class Total Giving 1930 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970

$0.00 $100.00 $0.00 $50.00 $0.00 $0.00 $350.00 $300.00 $0.00 $600.00 $400.00 $285.00 $150.00 $5,000.00 $35.00 $60.00 $35,660.90 $320.00 $10,360.00 $596.98 $487.50 $1,010.00 $1,150.00 $950.00 $1,150.00 $1,185.00 $2,940.00 $647.50 $625.00 $1,497.50 $12,524.00 $2,925.00 $685.00 $2,640.00 $532.50 $1,701.50 $2,604.77 $3,279.00 $1,050.00

Donors 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 3 0 2 3 3 2 1 1 1 9 5 5 6 7 8 8 7 7 10 11 8 3 7 10 15 7 12 8 10 11 15 13

Participation 0.0% 33.3% 0.0% 50.0% 0.0% 0.0% 33.3% 60.0% 0.0% 40.0% 37.5% 75.0% 50.0% 25.0% 10.0% 12.5% 47.4% 22.7% 18.5% 33.3% 25.9% 33.3% 53.3% 33.3% 26.9% 47.6% 28.9% 30.8% 14.3% 25.0% 37.0% 32.6% 17.9% 33.3% 19.5% 21.3% 19.0% 28.8% 31.0%

Class Total Giving 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Residents TOTAL

$353.00 $607.00 $500.00 $200.00 $236.00 $135.00 $1,000.00 $718.00 $2,060.00 $3,270.00 $1,400.00 $1,032.50 $644.04 $298.58 $2,097.51 $2,824.23 $10,624.74 $3,040.00 $245.00 $300.00 $2,442.84 $1,325.50 $2,455.00 $3,137.50 $1,160.00 $1,105.00 $280.00 $495.00 $1,202.50 $600.00 $255.00 $2,186.50 $338.00 $2,955.00 $726.50 $195.00 $1,381.00 $513.00 $148,191.09

Donors 5 8 7 2 4 4 6 6 4 12 7 10 6 6 14 17 14 14 5 4 12 11 13 18 11 8 6 8 6 8 12 18 14 11 10 5 14 6 564

Participation 10.6% 16.3% 18.9% 6.9% 9.1% 11.4% 11.1% 9.2% 12.5% 15.6% 12.1% 21.7% 7.6% 7.0% 14.0% 22.1% 12.8% 15.4% 5.1% 3.2% 10.1% 8.3% 8.3% 11.4% 7.9% 5.4% 3.1% 4.1% 2.7% 3.4% 5.1% 7.5% 5.9% 4.4% 2.9% 2.1% 5.8% 12.2% 10.0%

Alumni Regional Involvement Not surprisingly, 34% of alumni support comes from Nova Scotia, where the majority of our alumni are located. Large individual donations from New Brunswick and Quebec brought the total support received from these provinces to 15% and 17%, respectively. Ontario alumni contributed 25% of the total. We also have donors from a number of countries across the globe; we expect to see this increase as our alumni population continues to become more international and our more recent graduates continue the involvement trend we see now. Australia Germany Singapore Bermuda Ireland USA Belgium United Kingdom France Luxembourg

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Major Gifts

Planned Gifts

In 2006/2007, we began taking some first steps towards developing a major giving program at King’s. We asked organizations to fund some specific needs. The commitments they made then, continued to have an impact this year, as they fulfilled their pledge commitments. This year, we turned to individuals and worked with them to meet their philanthropic goals. The result: some significant support for scholarship, bursaries and the library in the form of endowed gifts that will benefit the College and its students in perpetuity.

King’s was the beneficiary of a very generous donation from Margaret Martin, whose will directed that her bequest be placed in the College’s endowment for its general use. We are extremely grateful for this support. As well, we received endowed gifts from the estates of two alumni. We are pleased to report that we also have secured new planned giving commitments. We do not know the precise future value of these gifts to the College, since they will be based on the total value of the estates. The alumni and parents who have made these commitments have chosen to show their appreciation for the College with these very generous gifts. While their gifts will not come to King’s immediately, the support and commitment is extremely valuable to the College’s future. If you have remembered King’s in your will, please let us know. If you would like more information on planned giving, please call the Advancement Office at (902) 422-1271 ext. 128.

Received 2007/2008: $118,379.26 Pledged Commitments for future years: $139,000 2008/2009 will see us move forward in our major gifts program with very significant asks to corporations and individuals. The College is working now on establishing funding priorities, in particular our campus renewal outlook.

recognition 1932 Margaret (Fairweather) Bourne 1934 Winifred Scott 1937 C. Russell Elliott 1938 Walter Harris Mary (Hunt) Lane Robert Dunsmore 1940 W.Ralph Lewis Philip Walker 1941 Kathleen Cox Ian & Helen (Grant) MacKenzie 1942 Margaret (Campbell) Barnard Iris (Martell) Richards Joy (Morrison) Smith 1943 Julian Cyril Bloomer Bruce Gorrie 1945 Estate of Constance Finck 1946 Doris Roe 1947 Harold Nutter 1948 Anne Blakeney Alberta & Graeme Boswall Anne Cameron John Hibbitts John Kinley Aleah Lomas Anderson Brian Sherwell 30

David K. Wilson Estate of Rowland Frazee 1949 Cyril Bugden Ian Henderson Douglas Sherren M.Muriel Smyth John Wilcox 1950 Lewis Billard Joan Clayton Lorraine (Williams) Coleman Pamela (Veatham) Collins Nancy (Jones) Howard 1951 Audrey (Smyth) & George Akerley Hope Clement Keith Mason Donald Neish Gillian Rose Gloria (Teed) & Donald Trivett 1952 Arthur Cuzner E.Kitchener Hayman Anna Ruth (Harris) Rogers Donald Clancy D. Thane Cody, MD, PhD Heather (Martin) Inglis John Phillips 1953 Carol (Coles) Dicks Corinne Earle Marion Fry Ruth Loomer Joan Morrison Elizabeth (Robertson) Page Donald Beanlands Mary (Rettie) Henderson 1954

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Mary Beth Harris Pearl Hazen Keith Barrett Robert Ford John Gorrill David & Margaret (Currie) MacDonald Anonymous Donor 1955 John Alward John Cook Jim & Nancy (Hyndman) Ibbott Hilroy Nathanson Kathleen (Gosnell) Chidley Gwynneth & Ronald Harris 1956 Anne (Hill) Hart Ronald Lister William Marshall F.David Millar George Phills Gilbert Berringer Ann (Creighton) Day Carol Whatley & James Whatley 1957 Caroline Hubbard Charles Piercey Ann Pituley Elizabeth Strong Reagh Mary (Marwood) Sargeant Ben Smith Isabel Wainwright Malcolm Bradshaw Dolda Clarke 1958 Joan Aitken Lawrence Buffett Fred Christie Joan Gilroy John & Genesta Hamm C.William Hayward

Michael Rudderham Walter Cook Alexander Farrell Murdock Smith 1959 Charles Jones Neil & Jean (Bird) MacLean LeRoy Peach Elizabeth (Baert) & Arthur Peters Mary Pheeney Janet Cochran Norman MacKenzie Gordon Pyke 1960 John MacKenzie Harry Grant 1961 James Carfra Robert Jackson Alexander MacDonald David & Margaret (Harris) Myles Sandra Oxner Frances (Gomery) Allen 1962 Carol (Chase) Anningson John Cordes Geraldine Hamm Caleb Lawrence Robert & Mary (Holm) Smith Donald Stevenson Nancy Violi Fernald Wentzell Clifford Shirley 1963 Elaine Burke Charlotte (Graven) Cochran Gwendolyn Davies Gordon Earle Linda & Gregor Fraser Edward Gesner

David & Janet (Marshall) Knickle James Purchase John Sherren D.Lionel Teed Nora (Arnold) & Thomas Vincent Stephen Knowles David Morris 1964 Donald & Jean (Kryszek) Chard H. Douglas Hergett David A. Jones Anja Pearre Barbara Smith William Wells Frank Winters 1965 Roselle Green Wayne J. Hankey Michael Hoare Roy McColman David Morrison William Parsons Carmon Stone William Williams Anonymous Donor 1966 Ganesh & Urmilla Bahadoorsingh Ronald Buckley D. Barry Carruthers Blair Dixon John & Nancy Leefe Eric MacKay M. Garth Maxwell Carolyn (Tanner) Chenhall 1967 Mary Barker & Ron Gilkie David Boston Clare Christie John Creelman Bruce Howe Cal McMillan

Charlotte (MacLean) Peach Sheila (Fenton) Robinson 1968 Ginny (Lewis) Clark J. Mark & Rachel (Swetnam) DeWolf Lillian (Taylor) Fowler Peter Harris G.Keith Hatfield David & Ena Gwen Jones Edward Kelly Anne (Wainwright) McGaughey Lorna (Surpless) Bryant G. Brenton Haliburton 1969 Robin Calder John & Faith (Brooks) Hatcher Robert Hyslop Lina (McLean) MacKinnon Stuart McPhee John Mills Janet Mitchell Helen Powell Elizabeth Ryan Bob Aishford Richard & Marilyn Cregan Larry Holman Ronald Marks David Mercer 1970 Victoria Andrew Bruce Archibald Robert & Elizabeth (Parsons) Colavecchia Ian Deakin Peter Ellis Prentiss Glazier Andrew & Anne (Dorey) Hare John MacFarlane Nancy (Brimicombe) Ring Terrance Smith

Allan Thomson 1971 Ken MacInnis Nancy Oldershaw Irene Randall Barry Sawyer Harry Davis 1972 John Carr Sharon (Jackson) & Karl Christiansen Ian Johnson Gladys (Nickerson) Keddy Linda MacLean Judith McPhee Frederick Musial George Sheppard 1973 Glenn Davidson Phillip Fleury Ronald MacDonald* Brian Pitcairn Charles Wainwright Alvin Westgate & Cathy Ramey-Westgate 1974 Kathleen Soares John Swain Kim McCallum 1975 Martin Adelaar Avard Bishop David Secord 1976 W. J. Tory & Margaret (von Maltzahn) Kirby Myra (Crowe) Scott Ruth Smith Geoffrey Strople & Margaret Dechman 1977 Peter & Patricia Bryson Wendy Davis

Richard Fiander Anne Musgrave Peter Baltzer 1978 Robert Craig Jennifer (Bassett) MacLeod Christopher McNeely James Morris Kevin Reinhardt Patrick Rivest 1979 Cleta Brown Claire LeBlanc Emmitt Kelly Anonymous Donor 1980 Patricia Chalmers David Garrett Emily Gratton Bev Greenlaw & Sylvia Hamilton Bernard Hibbitts Darlene Killen Richard Sean Lorway Mary MacDonell Adrienne Malloy Gretchen Pohlkamp Timothy Vondette Anonymous Donor 1981 Eleanor Austin Thomas & Jane Curran Elizabeth Hanton Ross Hebb Stewart Payne Charles Reagh Catherine (Rhymes) Misener 1982 Stephen Brooke Robert Dawson Randall & Rachael (Earle) Jewers Marli MacNeil

Kunyi Mangalam John Martin Ian Mitchell Douglas Simpson John Westin G. Beth (Tuck) Eayrs 1983 Kathleen Bain Darrell Dexter & Kelly Wilson Bruce Fisher Kim Kierans Catherine MacLeod Anonymous Donor 1984 Debra O’Neil Sally Pitt Kevin Stockall 1985 Peter & Taunya (Padley) Dawson Mark & Shirley (Wall) Hazen Iain R.M. Luke Elaine & Ian MacInnis Mark MacKenzie Commodore Bruce S. Oland David Olie Neil & Patricia Robertson Erin Steuter D.Bradley Sweet Kelley Teahen John Weeren 1986 Eric Bourque Sheila Cameron Scott Clish Brian Cormier & 1985–1989 Reunion Christopher Elson Mark Feldbauer Ian Folkins Janice Fralic-Brown Jane MacDonald Spiteri Andrew Laing Joyce (Blanford) Millman Robert Mills & Kelly Laurence Peter Nathanson Deborah (Glaser) Shoctor Angela Walker Zhimei Zhang Anonymous Donor 1987 Jonna Brewer-Charron Colette Budge Kathryn (Galey) Collet Allan Conrod Gregory Guy James Houston Catherine (Krawchuk) Donaldson G.Wallace McCain Gillian McCain Ronald Stevenson Elaine Taylor Nicholas Twyman Steven Wilson James Wood 1988 Dennis Andrews Jennifer Balfour Mr. and Mrs. Peter R. Classen Susan Dodd C. William Eliot

Heather Jeffery Joshua Judah Amanda Le Rougetel F. Daniel Logan Christopher Mills Terrance Wasson David White Lorn Curry & Joanne Wall 1989 Caroline (Lightfoot) Dacosta Craig Dodge Trudy Fong Laurelle LeVert Daniel MacKay 1990 T. D’Arcy Finn George Lemmon George MacLean Heather MacQuarrie 1991 Jennifer Bell Mark Brown Rebecca (Moore) Brown Paul Charlebois Lyssa Clack Laura (Auchincloss) Gatensby Marnie Hay Oliver Herbst Sarah Hubbard Kevin MacDonell Barb (Robbins) Stegemann Kathryn Wood 1992 Otto Chung Tim Currie & Christina Harnett Kenneth Dekker Maria Franks Douglas Hadley Duncan McCue Sandra Penney Tracey Reeves Suzanne White Roy Willwerth Sarah Ackerman 1993 Jonathan Bays Andrew Dick Ian Digby Elsa Freyssenet Kevin & Carolyn Gibson Ashley Hennessy Lesa MacDonald Leslie MacLeod Kathryn Morris Tim Rissesco Suzanne Romeo Callie Stewart Blair Wilson 1994 Derek Lemire & Susan Ayles Gordon Cooper & Chère Chapman Alison Creech Lisa Dennis Paula Dyke Peter Jelley Frances (Kuret) Krusekopf Michael & Cynthia (Edwards) MacMillan Chris MacNeil Kim Manchester

Karyn McLean Jillian Millar Drysdale Andrea Pilichos Jennifer Roberts-Smith Sarah Stevenson 1995 Allison Cooper J. Fraser Gartside Frederick Hiltz Andrew Morrison & Jennifer Morawiecki Christina Quelch Nicholas Scheib Lara (Morrison) Schweiger Harry Thurlow Ian & Christina Wissler Anonymous Donor 1996 Nathalie Atkinson Richard Dunlop Heather Opseth Tudor (Caldwell) Robins Christopher J. White Cynthia Eldridge 1997 Gillian Charlton Fullilove Susan Ladner Stephen Marche & Sarah Fulford Steven Sutherland & Holly Conners Ian Epstein 1998 Fredrik Bruun Jennifer (Hiscock) Cormier Margaret (Astington) & Gethin Thomas Edward Jennifer Nicholls Megan O’Brien Harrison Andrew O’Neill Jennifer Oussoren James Ross 1999 Eric Bednarski Gordon Cameron Catherine Melvin Elizabeth Scarratt Antonia Sly Nichols & Cluny Nichols Anne West 2000 Alexandre De Saint-Sardos Shannon Rafferty Laura Marie Sandilands Martell Thompson Sarah (Richardson) Trend Janet Wells Dorothy Jill Westerman Lynn Bessoudo 2001 Matthew Aronson Erin Boudreau Rachel Herschman Michael House Catherine Lipa Amanda Liste Robert Mann Amanda Margison Jane Neish Mike Peter Paul Simpson Emily Wayland

2002 Gillian Archibald Joshua Bates Stephanie Belmer Daniel de Munnik & Tasya Tymczyszyn Eyton Family Nicole (Nicky) Fraser Holly Gilkie Jacob Kennedy Thomas Ledwell Gillian Nycum Andrew Rose Giancarlo Salvo Jennifer Stephen Brendan Taylor Dorothy Wong Des Writer Jacqueline Wylde Alison McCabe 2003 Margot Atkinson Angela Chang Karen Cordes Frances Dibblee Matthew Furlong Laura Griffiths Nicholas Hatt Jone Mitchell Aaron Richmond Sarah Simmons Andrew Sowerby Nancy White Glenn Woods Sarah Hines 2004 Heidi Laing and Owen Averill Jesse Blackwood Jonathan Bruhm Ingrid D’eon Emanuella Grinberg & Patricia SliwakGrinberg Ronald Haflidson Caitlin McKeever Amy Schlein Erica Simpson Gary Thorne Bronwyn Bragg 2005 Kathryn Dingle Joanna Grossman Heather (Ogilvie) Latter Constantinos Lavranos Susan Moxley Daniel Sax Fiona Tingley Matthew Wright 2006 Falice Chin Terra-Lee Duncan John Hobday Courtenay Kyle Kerrilyn Strothard 2007 Graduating Class of 2007 Sarah Abman Myra Bloom Brent Butcher Kim-Eden English Williams English Kathrin Furniss Yannick Larose Paul McLeod Margo Pullen Sly Mordecai Walfish Patricia Booth

Jim & Sally Garner Janet Morris Ted & Isabelle Robinson 2008 Brenda & David Barry * Deceased in memory of J.E. Calbert Best Mary Lou Clarke Jack Delmar Anna Maria de Souza Tom Dryden Anne Dubin Milt Dunnell Rowland Frazee Philip Gilbert Ann Heisey Joan (Sellick) Holman T.H. Hunt Beryl Ivey Alexander MacIntosh Shirley Miles Donald Mills Shane Pelley Rev. Andrew B. Pitcairn Sam Pollock Ian Wiseman Nathaniel Woolaver Waldemar Zimmerman Parents & Friends Harry Ainsworth Robert Allison George Anderson & Charlotte Gray Ken Anderson Rita Anderson AURA (Anglican United Refugee Alliance) David & Robin Archibald Stan & Barbara Armstrong Kenneth Askew Robert & Nancy Assaly Jonah Augustine Patty Austin Laura Ballem Diane Barker William Barker & Elizabeth Church Philip & Heather Barnes Virginia Barton William & Cynthia Battison David, Monica and Laura Berger Val Biskupski Robert & Linda Blanchard Nancy Boland Hani & Anne Boulos Paul & Vicki Bowinkel Margaret & Maurice Breslow Brian Brownlee Daniel Brownlow Mordy Bubis & Nina Stipich Cindy Buim Mary Bull Annette Burgess Debra Burleson Brian Burnell Evelyn Burnett Steven Burns Gregor & Beth Caldwell Frank & Mary Callahan Driffield Cameron Judy Caplan Alfred & Elizabeth

Chanadi Gayle Chiasson Steve Chipman Church of St. George the Martyr Deirdre Churchill-Smith Sarah Clift Maxine Cochran Jean Coléno Brian Forbes Colgate and daughters, Mhairi and Martha George & Tia Cooper Mark Lawlor & Joanne Corbette Mary Cosletto Jeff & Jane Cowan & in honor of Megan Cowan’s graduation Brian & Lindsay Cuthbertson Guenevere Danson Laurel Darnell Graham & Susan Davies Cynthia Davis Douglas Davis Joan Dawson Ramsay Derry & Trisha Jackson Douglas Deruchie Kenneth & Marged Dewar Diocesan Synod of Nova Scotia Lillianne Dubé Ken Easterbrook & Robi Matthews Roger & Lynn Edmonds Elizabeth Edwards Edward & Karen English Howard Epstein Estate of Margaret Elizabeth Burns Martin Jay Baltz & Rachel Eugster Jeff Farquhar Monica Farrell Daniel & Brenda Fay Michael Feldman & Nanette Rosen Cynthia Floyd Fred & Elizabeth Fountain Brenda & Robert Franklin Richard Gallagher Jack Gibbons & Mary Lovett Marie Gibson Ed Gigg Dorota Glowacka Dale Godsoe Brian Gold Peter & Sheila Gorman Barbara & Gene Gunter Barb Gutstein Neal Guyer Mike Hadley Susan Haig Rashida Haq Jim Harbell & Pat McQuaid Nancy Harve Mike Hasiuk Brian Hawrylak Peggy Heller William & Anne Hepburn Peter Herrndorf & Eva Czigler Forbes Hirsch Barbara Hodkin Lois Hoegg

Miriam Hoffer & Guy Ewing, Adam Ewing, Megan Ewing Kara Holm Elizabeth Horlock David & Jane Horrocks Dennis House John & Heather Houston E. Ian Howard Ian & Catherine Hugill Jean Humphreys Diane & Paul Hurwitz Erin Iles Leslie Jaeger Elizabeth Jenkins David Jerome Dean Jobb Alison Johnson Paula Johnson Angus Johnston & Sandra Haycock Gordon & Colleen Joice Stephen Kimber Karen Klar Simon Kow Diane Kuipers Robert & Carolyn Kunz Marguerite & Peter Kussmaul Jeannette Laba Catherine Lace Jack & Ferne Langer Patricia Langmaid Robert & Lois LaRoche Benjamin & Andrea Lee Dave & Rose Leslie Susan Lewin Jonathan Linklater Bill & Stella Lord Alex MacDonald David MacKay Harvey & Helen MacKenzie Heather MacKenzie Tim & Darby MacNab Michael Manion Estate of F.C. Manning Rowland Marshall Mary Martin Rene & Carmen Martin Heather May John McCamus Iris McKay Todd Meaker Michael & Kelly Meighen Elizabeth & Freeman Miles Peggy Miles B.J. Millar Claude Miller Jim Miller Eric Mills James Mosher Sarah Neale Jim Nelson Terry Norman Jeannette Pauptit Gary Pekeles and Jane MacDonald Robert & Darlene Perry The Pepsi Bottling Group Drake Petersen Irene Phinney Judy Pinaud Rachel Pink Frances A. Plaunt Elizabeth Murray & Gary Powell Morton Prager Hilary Radley Kim & Mary Jane Rector

Adrian & Pauline Reid Adele Reinhartz & Barry Walfish Ron & Sheila Robertson Rogers Communications Inc. Henry Roper Bala Jaison & Marc Rosen Julie Ross Royal St. George’s College Stanley & Anne Salsman Bill & Shirley Saunders Chris & Lori Saunders Judy Savoy Peter Sears Bill Shead Suzanne Le-May Sheffield Joel Shupac Jack Siemiatycki & Lesley Richardson Gerald Smith Peter & Elizabeth (Bayne) Sodero Andrew Southcott St. John’s Anglican Church, Lunenburg St. John’s Anglican Church, Port Williams Colin Starnes Barb Steele Janice & Michael Stein Ian Stewart Thomas Stinson Crystal Taber Maureen & Bernie Tanz Jerome Teitel Ann Thaw Brenda Tithecott Kelly Toughill Keith Townley Randy & Deborah Townsend Catherine Tuck Sarah Turbitt University Settlement Fred Vallance-Jones Pauline Verstraten Ive Viksne Shannon Warren Lori Wedge Jana Wieder Anne Woods Elizabeth Yeo Corporations & Foundations Bank of Montreal Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce Harrison McCain Foundation Ketchum Canada Inc. Pearson Peacekeeping Centre Phillips, Hager & North Investment Management Ltd. Reader’s Digest Foundation of Canada Rogers Communications Inc. The Chronicle Herald The Pepsi Bottling Group and those donors who wish to remain anonymous

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All photos by Kerry DeLorey (BA ’76, BJ ’80)

K ing ’ s names 2 0 0 8 honorary d egree recipients

Above, left to right: The Right Reverend Dr. Laish Boyd (BAH ’83), Dr. George Cooper, CM, CD, QC, LL.D (Hon.), and Dr. Suzie LeBlanc.


he University of King’s College presented three individuals with honorary degrees, the highest award conferred by the College, at its Encaenia Ceremonies on May 15, 2008, at the Cathedral Church of All Saints in Halifax. The Right Reverend Dr. Laish Boyd was consecrated as Coadjutor Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of Nassau, The Bahamas and the Turks and Caicos Islands in June 2006. He will succeed the present Bishop, Drexel Gomez, and become the 18th Bishop following Archbishop Gomez’s retirement in 2008. As a student at both the University of King’s College in Halifax and the University of the West Indies, he demonstrated a level of diplomacy and conscientiousness that exemplified his great promise for future leadership in the church. He was ordained a Deacon in 1986 and a Priest a year later. From 1986 until 1989, he was the curator of the Church of Christ The King in Nassau before moving on to serve as the Rector of the Parish of Our Lady and St. Stephen in Bimini, the westernmost island of The Bahamas. From 1992 until 1997, he served as Priest Vicar at Christ Church Cathedral in Nassau and was appointed Rector of Holy Cross Parish in 1997, where he will continue to serve until Gomez’s retirement. Dr. George Cooper, CM, CD, QC,


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LL.D (Hon.) is a senior partner in the Atlantic Canada law firm of McInnes Cooper. A former Member of Parliament, he is a Member of the Order of Canada, holds the Canadian Forces Decoration and was awarded the Queen’s Jubilee Medal in 2002. In June 2006, Mr. Cooper was made Officer First Class of the Royal Order of the Polar Star by His Majesty King Carl XVI Gustaf, King of Sweden, and serves as Honorary Consul for Sweden in Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island. A Rhodes Scholar, Dr. Cooper received his B.Sc. and LL.B. degrees from Dalhousie University, his B.C.L. degree from Oxford University (University College), and Honorary Doctor of Laws degrees from Dalhousie and the University of Alberta. He is Managing Trustee of the Killam Trusts which comprises some $400 million in educational and scholarship endowments at several Canadian universities and the Canada Council for the Arts. As chair of a fundraising drive and as immediate past chair of the Board of Governors, Mr. Cooper gave his time generously to King’s. Dr. Suzie LeBlanc is an Acadianborn soprano and early music specialist who has appeared in concert and opera venues around the world. Her fruitful partnerships with countertenor Daniel Taylor, conductor Yannick Nézet-Seguin,

the Tafelmusik Baroque Orchestra, and her own l’Académie Baroque de Montréal, are widely celebrated. In 2004, Ms LeBlanc made a distinguished contribution to Maritime culture on the 400th anniversary of the arrival of the first French Settlers—her album La Mer Jolie: Chants d’Acadie featured a compilation of Acadian songs presented in an unusual but highly affecting blend of baroque technique and the French and Celtic folk traditions of the region. The interest generated by La Mer Jolie led Ms. LeBlanc to delve deeper, undertaking a tour of Acadie from the coast of Newfoundland through the Maritime Provinces—much of it on foot—to personally retrieve musical remnants of her ancestors in the living present. This musicological pilgrimage produced the inspiration for a second album, Chants d’Acadie: Tout Passe, as well as a television documentary, Song Quest. Dr. William Barker, President and Vice-Chancellor of the University of King’s College, says this year’s degree recipients have had exceptional careers acting for the public good. “Laish Boyd in the church, George Cooper in public affairs, and Suzie LeBlanc in the arts,” says Barker. “We are honoured that they can join us for this year’s graduation.”

B ranch B riefs Boston The New England Branch of King’s Alumni Association continues to be very active. In November, several alumni got together to watch the annual Christmas Tree Lighting at Boston’s Prudential Center. Every year, the people of Nova Scotia give a tree to the people of Boston in thanks for their assistance in the wake of the Halifax Explosion. In March, the King’s New England hosted a cocktail hour at Cambridge Bar, where King’s alumni were joined by a few Queen’s alumni.

Ottawa The Ottawa Branch of the Alumni Association has had another amazing year! Early in the New Year, Dr. Thomas Curran came to Ottawa as part of the Faculty Lecture Tour, where he lectured on “Tyranny in Theban Tragedy” at the National Arts Centre. Several alumni also attended in the “Celebrate Nova Scotia” lunch with the Honourable Rodney MacDonald, Premier of Nova Scotia, where he provided a fresh perspective on what is happening in the province. For the second year in a row, a group of East Coast graduates brought together university graduates from across the Atlantic Provinces residing in Ottawa together for a night of good ol’ East Coast fun at the 2nd Annual Atlantic University Pub Night. The event took place on Thursday, June 5, 2008, at Hooley’s Pub (292 Elgin Street). If you would like to help out with the Ottawa Branch of the Alumni Association, please contact Wendy Hepburn (BA ’05) at wendy.hepburn@tbs-sct.gc.ca, Anne-Marie McElroy (BAH ’05) at annemariemcelroy@yahoo.ca, or David Jones (BA ’68, HF ’98) at commadore@ sympatico.ca.

Toronto The Toronto Branch will be hosting a summer patio event at the end of June for alumni and new students by the Toronto Lakeshore. We hope to have two faculty lectures from UKC professors, one in September and one in November.

Vancouver The Life After King’s Event will be held during the last week of August, where alumni will answer three critical questions: (1) What I studied at King’s, (2) How I started my career after King’s and (3) The lessons I learned at King’s that influenced my career. Venues, dates and times will be announced via email and posted to the alumni website. The Toronto Alumni Association looks forward to seeing all UKC alumni from Southern Ontario at these events.

Halifax The Alumni Association’s Home Branch continues its quest for the combination of events most attractive to the wide variety of King’s alumni in the Halifax area. The Tuesday Toots (drinks and munchies at the Henry House pub on the second Tuesday of every month, beginning at 5:00 p.m.) are a regular offering, and while numbers vary, the mix of alumni at these relaxing evenings is very welcome. The recent Annual Dinner also brought together more than 100 current and former graduates from an impressive range of years for an evening of terrific food and many opportunities to catch up with friends from days at King’s. As Tidings goes to press, a book launch evening is being held in the Wardroom, featuring King’s grad, novelist and poet John Stiles (BA ’89), who will be reading from his latest novel, Taking the Stairs. Also coming up is the annual golf tournament in August, an event that sees both high handicap players and duffers, raising a goodly sum for King’s scholarships while enjoying the companionship of old and new friends. We hope for another great turnout this year—and what has become traditional great weather for the event. Looking forward to the fall, the Home Branch plans to repeat its highly successful “Welcome to King’s” barbecue in the Quad, and to introduce a movie night for students and alumni in September.

Things in Vancouver have been going along steadily. We had a great turn out of alumni for Dr. Simon Kow’s lecture on the Social Contract this winter. In addition, some prospective students showed up for the lecture to get a taste of what FYP was like and listen to stories from us old timer FYPers after the lecture was over. I think that we definitely made some converts that night! Also, this June, Kim Kierans (BA ’82, HC ’83) popped by to meet with alumni and chat about experiences and ways to stay involved with King’s while all the way on the West Coast. All in all, the Vancouver alumni have been enjoying getting together and catching up with old friends, while making new ones throughout these past few months. We look forward to gaining a whole new set of West Coast alumni from the King’s class of 2008! If you have recently graduated and are from Vancouver, or are moving out here for the first time, please get in touch at alexispaton@aol.com so that we can add you to our email list.

New York In December, Ben Harris (BSc ’98) and his wife Laura, hosted a Christmas gathering of Alumni and friends of the College at their home in New York City. Dr. Christopher Elson (BAH ’86), Vice President of the College, as well as Kara Holm, Advancement Director, were in attendance. Looking ahead to the summer, we hope to hold another Pub Night. If you are interested in becoming involved in the New York Branch of the Alumni Association, please contact rachel.pink@ukings.ns.ca.

New York Branch Christmas Gathering

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Alumni Annual Dinner King’s alumni and friends of the College gathered on Saturday, May 10, 2008, for the Alumni Annual Dinner, an evening, emceed by Greg Guy (BJH ’87), of fellowship, fine food, and friendly chatter. The dinner, which was attended by King’s alumni, 2008 graduates, and special friends, began with a cocktail party in the President’s Lodge, and soon filtered into Prince Hall for a delicious buffet. The night came to a humorous, nostalgic, and inspiring climax, when David Kerr Wilson (’48), accepting the Judge J. Elliott Hudson Distinguished Alumnus Award, spoke of King’s folklore and his life on the Quad. Wilson was awarded for his unique and robust contribution to the King’s community and the province of Nova Scotia.

Top Left: Dawn Tracey (BAH ’05), Terra-Lee Duncan (BJH ’06), Myra Hyland (BJH ’03), and Jill MacBeath (BJH ’03), of the Registrar’s Office, joined the party. Middle Left: Guests included Halifax Branch President Mark DeWolf (BAH ’68), Alumni Executive member Greg Guy (BJH ’87) , Alumnas John Dickinson (’68), Journalism School Director Kim Kierans (BA ’82), Alumna Barbara Stegemann (BA ’81), Halifax Branch Vice President Peter Dawson (BAH ’85), and Alumna Taunya Dawson (BA ’84), and Alumni Officer Rachel Pink. Bottom Left: Members of the 2008 Graduating Class, such as Ruby StocklinWeinberg (BAH), Katherine Roy (BAH), Erica Rayment (BAH), and Alyssa MacKenzie, were welcomed into the alumni community. Top Right: Along with Alumni Association President Steve Wilson (not pictured), Alumni Executive member Elizabeth Ryan (BA ’69) presented the Judge J. Elliott Hudson Distinguished Alumnus Award to David Kerr Wilson (’48). Bottom Right: Linda Fraser (BA ’63), John Hamm (BSc ’58), Jessica Adach (BAH ’08), Elizabeth (BA ’63) and Peter Sodero, Evan Corey (BAH ’08), and Gregor Fraser were among the guests. 34

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alumnotes / in memoriam THE ’50s David Millar (BA ’56) has retired from paid teaching, but is still volunteering for several non-government organizations, including Ile sans Fil (Montreal wifi), Musée de la Personne (oral history), Edupax (peace & non-violence in schools), Vents Croisés magazine, InnovativeCommunities.org (Victoria, BC homeless housing, and various projects abroad), and the Quaker Institute for the Future’s global eco-ecology network. He invites past, present, and future King’s alumni to visit his webpage at http://pages.videotron.com/ fdmillar/fdmillar.htm

THE ’60s Margaret Ann (Burstall) Brown (BA ’66) has joined the Board of the Atlantic Salmon Federation. Annette Hayward (BAH ’66) won the Governor General’s award for non-fiction in French. Her award-winning volume is entitled La querelle du régionalisme au Québec (1904–1931). Vers l’autonomisation de la littérature québécoise, published in 2 006 by Le Nordir.

THE ’70s George Burden (’74) received prizes in three categories in the 2007 North American Travel Journalism Association awards for his work with The Medical Post, including first prize in the International Destination (Newspaper) category and runner-up in the Resort and Family categories. Andrew Graham (BAH ’79) was appointed a Master of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice in June of 2006, after practicing law for 21 years. Andrew and his wife Béa Gonzalez live in Toronto with their two sons Will, age 9, and Andre, age 7. John Roby (BA ’73) wrote an a cappella requiem in four movements for his late sister, Helen, who passed away in 1988. “For Helen” was premiered by the Ardesco Vocal Ensemble at Christ Church Cathedral in Montreal on September 15, 2007. Catherine Rhymes-Misener (’74–’77) completed a diploma in Nurse Pracitioner Studies at Dalhousie University in October, 2007. She is currently working as a Primary Health care Nurse Practitioner

at Northwood Inc., a long-term care facility, Halifax.

and Karen works for Mic Mac Fire and Safety.

Judy White (BA ’79) was appointed Director of Communications for the Florida Center for Advising and Academic Support, Florida Department of Education in August 2007. Fellow alumni can contact Judy at judwhite@yahoo.com.

Eden (BA ’99) and Michael Fenrick (BA ’03) would like to announce the birth of their daughter, Isadora Nico Kaill Fenrick. She was born in Halifax, NS, on April 11, 2008, at 7 lbs 6 oz.

THE ’80s Gregory Glazov (BAH ’86) is an Assistant Professor of Scripture Studies and Planning Coordinator of the Great Spiritual Books Program at Seton Hall University in South Orange, New Jersey. He earned an M.Phil and a D.Phil in Jewish Studies in the Graeco-Roman World from Oxford University, and his doctoral dissertation, titled: “The ‘Bridling of the Tongue’ and the ‘Opening of the Mouth’ in Biblical Prophecy” was published by Sheffield Academic Press in 2001. Janice Landry, (BJH ’87) owner of Groundhog Productions, produced, wrote and directed, Britney’s Story, a video showcased at Halifax’s prestigious David Foster and Friends March gala, Crescendo, which raised a record-breaking $1.6 million, in one day, for non-medical expenses for Maritime children requiring out-of-province organ transplants. Artists performing at the sold-out show included Lionel Ritchie, Natalie Cole, David Foster, and Lennie Gallant. Steven Wilson (BA ’87) and Johanna Verhagen are pleased to announce the birth of their son, Nathaniel Kerr Wilson, who was born on February 10, 2008.

THE ’90s Sherry Banfield (BJ ’96) is the producer of CBC Radio One’s The St. John’s Morning Show. She is married and has a five year-old daughter named Grace. Scott Broady (BJ ’96) has been running his own consulting firm, Keystone Marketing, since 2004. He lives in the Montreal area and has two daughters, aged 2 and 4. David Brown (BA ’93) and Karen Weatherston (BA ’89) are pleased to announce the birth of their son, William David Brown, on November 4, 2006. David is the owner of Dabco Safety Consulting

Julie (Hasen) Forbes (BA ’93) is living in Western Australia with her husband Jim, who is from England. She is busy being an at-home mother to their daughter Shay, age 4, and son Rowan, age 1. Michal Kapral (BJH ’95) is the editorin-chief of Canadian Running Magazine, a new national magazine for Canadian runners. His wife, Dianne (Shiels) Kapral (BJH ’95) is doing PR for the magazine. Visit them online at runningmagazine.ca. Carl Laudan (BA ’97) has directed a film that has been submitted to both the Atlantic and Cannes Film Festivals. Sheltered Life, written by Katherine Schlemmer, tells the story of a daughter who loves her mother enough to destroy the world and explores themes of morality, vengeance, and justice. Carl founded the original King’s Independent Filmmakers’ Society, and was nominated for a Genie Award for Best Live Action Short Film in 2006 for his short film The Big Thing, which can be seen on CBC Television’s Canadian Reflections. Michael Melski (BA ’91) is currently in post-production on his first feature film as writer-director, Growing Op. The film, which stars Rosanna Arquette (Pulp Fiction), Rachel Blanchard (Flight of the Conchords), and Wallace Langham (Little Miss Sunshine), was shot in New Brunswick last summer. Michael’s long-running play Hockey Mom, Hockey Dad is currently touring the Lower Mainland of British Columbia, and his play The Fly Fisher’s Companion will be published this spring by Playwrights Canada Press. Jacqueline Roberts-Amos (BJH ’96) and her husband Robert are pleased to announce the birth of their son, Konner Patrick Amos, who was born on November 23, 2007. Konner is Jacqueline’s second son and brother to Liam. Elspeth Sullivan (BA ’99) and Blake Gibson (BA ’00) were married in the T i d ings | summer 2 0 0 8


Dominican Republic on January 2, 2008. KC Trommer (’93) graduated with her MFA in Poetry from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor in April 2007. Her poems have recently appeared in AGNI and The Antioch Review, and are forthcoming from MARGIE, Bateau, The Concher, and Octopus. She works as a writer and editor at Pace University and lives in New York with novelist Justin Courter. Joanna (Shepherd) Zuk (BJH ’95) is now the Senior Communications Officer with the Association of Ontario Midwives, leaving ad agency Field Day after seven years. Get in touch with Joanna at joanna. nicole@rogers.com—especially if your family is expecting!

THE ’00s Japji (Marcok-Pal) Bas (BAH ’02) is expecting a child in June with her husband, Raidel. Anne Calder (BJ ’06) is practicing all types of law as well as some freelance journalism. Her highlight of 2007 was when Blue Rodeo performed in a friend’s livingroom in the fall. Emma Cardarelli (BA ’00) learned to speak French and is now a Chef de Cuisine at Liverpool House Restaurant in Montreal. Josh Herbin (’05) is producing hops for local microbreweries and home brewers at his property in Gaspereau, Nova Scotia. He will be in organic transition this year, and certified in 2009 through Maritime Certified Organic Growers. Home brewers and green-thumbs alike can find him online at www.lazyacres.ca or jherbin@ gmail.com. John MacLean (BJH ’03) graduated from the University of New Brunswick Faculty of Law with an LL.B. in May, 2008. He will be articling with the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario in 2008-2009. Kelsey Jane Nearing (BA ’04) is studying in Dresden, Germany and Freiburg, Germany. She has been offered an Erasmus Mundus scholarship to University College London and a second year in Poland and also a University of Toronto Fellowship and a MacPherson Admission Fellowship at the Munk Centre at University of Toronto to pursue a MA in European, Rus36

T i d ings | summer 2 0 0 8

sian and Eurasian studies and has chosen the later.

Deirdre Bridget Porter (BA ‘04) passed away on May 30, 2008, in Halifax.

Heather Ogilvie (BJH ’05) was married to Gregory Latter on September 1, 2007, in Fort Frances, Ontario.

David Reid (BST ’69) passed away on October 11, 2007.

Benjamin Stewart (BScH ’06) is living in Ottawa and working for ESRI (GIS and Mapping Software) as a Software Consultant.

Mary Constance “Connie” Wenaus (’46) passed away April 8, 2008.

Fac ulty, Staff & Special Friends Sylvia Hamilton (Journalism), a noted filmmaker, writer and President of Maroon Films Inc, was recently named a Trudeau Mentor by The Trudeau Foundation. She has been paired with an outstanding university student who has been awarded a prestigious Trudeau Scholarship, and will collaborate on ideas, research and initiatives in the areas of citizenship, Canada’s role internationally, human rights and social justice, and the environment. Tami Kendell (Bursar’s Office), her husband Byron and big sister Dakota are pleased to announce the birth of their second child, Grayson John, who was born on March 18, 2008, in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Billy Pashkoski (Maintenance) and his wife Tressa are pleased to announce the birth of their first child, Brett Alan Michael, who was born on July 19, 2007, in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Did we miss you? Please send your AlumNotes to alumni@ukcalumni.com!

IN MEMORIAM Mary Louise (MacLeod) Clarke (BA ’48) passed away on December 4, 2007, in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Fr. Royden Ferris (LTH ’64) passed away on January 25, 2008. Dawn Isenor passed away on February 29, 2008, in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Ronald C. MacDonald (BA ’73) passed away on February 24, 2008, in Bedford, Nova Scotia. Cameron MacInnis (’46) passed away on July 11, 2007, in Toronto, Ontario. Stephanie North (FYP ’01) passed away on October 10, 2007, in Halifax, Nova Scotia.

lost sheep We’ve lost touch with some of our alumni. Here’s a look at some of our alumni from 1980–1982 with whom we have lost contact. If you have any information regarding these, or any of the “Lost Sheep” listed on http://ukcalumni.com/ lostsheep.php, please send us an e-mail at alumni@ukcalumni.com Elaine Bateman (BJ ’82)

James MacDonald (BScH ’81)

Susan Beaton (’82)

John Mason (BJ ’81)

Michael Bryson (’82)

Terry Murphy (BSc ’81)

C. Drake Clarke (’82)

Frederick Reesor (’81)

Nora Clarke (’82)

Jennifer Robb (’81)

Steve Clayton (BA ’82)

Larry Rubenstein (BA ’81)

Nick Cromwell (’82)

M. Estelle Small (BJH ’81)

Kevin Drolet (BA ’82)

H. M. Peter Westin (’81)

Elizabeth Etter (BSc ’82)

Thomas Wheelhouse (BA ’81)

Christine Haley (’82)

Jacqueline Ansell (BSc ’80)

David Kelly (’82)

David Auld (BSc ’80)

David Match (BJ ’82)

J. Douglas Burgess (BJ ’80)

Thomas Ozere (BA ’82)

Denise Charlesworth (BA ’80)

Pauline Pelletier (’82)

Kim Charlesworth (BA ’80)

Randal Reeves (’82)

Wanda Davis (BA ’80)

Darcey Rhyno (BA ’82)

Daisy Dressler (’80)

Philip Rogers (’82)

Deborah Gough (’80)

Meryl Round (BSc ’82)

Thomas Kilgour (BA ’80)

Helene Siegel (’82)

P. Edward Lahey (BJ ’80)

Glen Smith (’82)

Peter MacNab (BA ’80)

Mike Taylor (BA ’82)

Kim Martin (BSc ’80)

Loretta Westin (’82)

Jeffrey Morris (’80)

Glenn Wheeler (BJH ’82)

Claudia Pinsent (BJ ’80)

Laura William (’82)

Steven Porter (BA ’80)

Doug Anthony (’81)

Mary Pyche (BA ’80)

Wendy Anthony (’81)

Maria Rey (’80)

Catherine Boudreau (BA ’81)

Karen Rogers (BA ’80)

Frank Boyd (BJ ’81)

Alexander Smith (’80)

Sonja Brander (BA ’81)

Wally Stephen (BA ’80)

Linda Brunet (BJH ’81)

Amita Sud (’80)

Ella Coffill (BA ’81)

Richard Weldon (BA ’80)

Amy Dewhirst (BA ’81)

Jane Wilkins (’80)

Glenn Gill (BSc ’81)

Tracy Williams (BA ’80)

Ann Hayward (’81)

Gerald Woodill (BA ’80)

James Johnston (BA ’81)

Susan Yabsley (’80)

Linda Laffin (BJ ’81)

Gail Young (’80)

Margaret Little (BJH ’81)

The dynamic and challenging Foundation Year Programme, which has become a model for universities across Canada, has generated interest beyond the undergraduate realm. Parents, friends and alumni of the King’s community are asking for a taste of what FYP has to offer. And The King’s Seminar does just that. Without the daily requirements of being on campus or the need to write papers, the Seminar provides a unique take on the academic offerings at King’s with online lectures by top faculty, followed by discussions in small tutorials in locations across Canada. Led by former King’s President and FYP Director Dr. Colin Starnes, the fourmonth, not-for-credit adult education seminar holds

fast to the school’s distinct emphasis on primary texts and discussions. Last year’s course offerings included “The Ancient World,” which dove into such texts as The Iliad, The Republic, and The Aeneid, and “The Medieval World,” which focused on readings such as The Song of Roland, The Rule of St. Benedict, and The Divine Comedy. With three successful semesters in its wake, The King’s Seminar has engaged enthusiastic participants in Halifax, Toronto, and Ottawa. The fall will bring the Ancient World back to the Seminar series, along with the introduction of a course on the Modern World in the New Year. If you, your parents, or your friends would be interested in taking part, please visit www.kingsseminar.ca for more information.

The King’s Seminar Foundation Year isn’t just for firstyears anymore.

King’s Mentoring Program Whether you want to be on the air as a journalist, growing your own company, studying at Harvard or teaching in Japan, King’s Alumni can help you get there!

Talk to someone who was where you are

The King’s Mentoring Program matches an interested King’s student or recent alumnus (the mentoree) with another King’s alumnus (the mentor) who can provide guidance by sharing their “life after King’s” experience.

and is where you want to be

We are currently seeking Mentors and Mentorees. If you are interested please contact Rachel.Pink@ ukings.ns.ca for more information.


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