U N I V E R SI T Y OF K I NG ’ S C OL L E GE A LU M N I M AG A Z I N E | W I N T E R 2 018/1 9
Students & alumni visit northern Saskatchewan Bringing back the Prince Scholarship Kim Kierans’s year at Massey College
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TH E 20 1 7- 1 8 STEWARD S H I P REPO RT * * * *
DEAR FELLOW ALUMNI, I’m thrilled to say the King’s Worldwide Alumni Celebration on Oct. 18 was a rousing good time, with 27 different events transpiring around the globe. In Halifax, Truro, Moncton, Ottawa, Toronto, Thunder Bay, Yellowknife, Whitehorse, California, Qatar, London and beyond, alumni got together for things like tea, trivia, talks about philosophers, meals and merriment. A special thanks to everyone who hosted
or attended an event, who tweeted or took an Instagram photo. It’s great to see our community come together in real life and online. For the first time we live streamed part of WAC—King’ trivia in The Pit (thanks President Lahey for joining us)—so people from all over the world could join us online if they couldn’t make an event in person. It was all of you who made it a truly global way to connect with our fellow alumni. And guess what? On Oct. 17, 2019 we’re going to do this all over again so now is the time you can start your pre-planning. For more information about how to get involved, email Kathy Miller in the Advancement Office: kathy.miller@ukings.ca. In the meantime, you can relive this year’s fun by looking at the links and photos shared with you in the newsletter, on the
website and in King’s social media channels. And don’t forget that any time you get together with fellow alumni throughout the year we’d love to see a group picture. Please continue to connect with each other and pass on introductions to prospective students who might thrive, as we did, in King’s tight-knit community. Let’s continue to show the world what a welcoming and supportive place King’s is! Oh, and one last word of thanks to the King’s team who works tirelessly to keep the alumni spirit alive and to tell more future students about the school—thanks Kathy, Alison, Rory, Matt, Paula, Aly and Adriane for everything. Stephanie McGrath, BJ(Hons)’99 Chair, 2018 Worldwide Alumni Celebration
TIDINGS Winter 2018
Editor Alison DeLory Design Co. & Co. www.coandco.ca Postal Address Tidings c/o Advancement Office University of King’s College 6350 Coburg Road Halifax, NS, B3H 2A1 (902) 422-1271 King’s website www.ukings.ca Email kathy.miller@ukings.ca
TABLE OF CONTENTS Letter from Jen Laurette, Alumni Association President
Message from William Lahey, President and Vice-Chancellor
Campus News Douglas Ruck, QC, chair of King’s Board of Governors King’s new chaplain seeks to understand King’s data journalism schools celebrate 10-year milestone King’s welcomes Katie Merwin as the new dean of students Migration discussed at Humanities for Young People symposium King’s offering study abroad course in Florence this spring Students present papers at German studies conference King’s and slavery: An update on the scholarly inquiry A new prize, mentor apprentice and scholarship for King’s MFA program University of Calgary provisionally admits King’s FYP students into its law school Dr. Saul Green Lecture: Dr. Sageev Oore on The Electric Composer Alex Fountain Lecture: Tanya Tagaq sings and speaks about Climate, Culture and Collaboration Duncan McCue speaks to high school students at King’s about the nature of truth ‘Arts & Dialogue in Action’ forms creative collaborations Tutoring program at King’s matches students with youth King’s re-establishes Prince Scholarship for African-Nova Scotian students
4 4 6 7 8 10 12 13 14 16 19 20 22 24 26 28 30
Stories for this issue were written by staff, faculty and alumni of the University of King’s College. Tidings is produced on behalf of the University of King’s College Alumni Association. We welcome and encourage your feedback on each issue. Letters to the editor should be signed. We reserve the right to edit all submissions. The views expressed in Tidings are expressly those of the individual contributors or sources.
Cassie Hayward tackling food security and gender inequality worldwide FYP’s top student Ata Zargarpour finds meaning in texts read communally
32 33
Dr. Carrie Best’s legacy lives on through scholarship recipients
President Lahey’s forestry review emphasizes weighing and balancing values
A summer spent visiting Indigenous communities in Saskatchewan
Stewardship Report 2017/18
J-school grads launch independent media company
Encaenia 2018
The Homeric vocabulary offers Dr. Thomas Curran a word to express his gratitude
Mailed under Publications Mail Sales Agreement # 40062749
Kim Kierans Angel Moore Sofia Ortega Michael da Silva Rev. Canon Russell Elliott Stephanie Dick
58 60 61 62 63 64
Alumni Dinner 2018
Golf 2018
In Memoriam
Jamie Cochran
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Jen Laurette and her husband Allen McAvoy, BJ’02, enjoyed looking through old yearbooks when visiting King’s this year.
HEADING HOME TO NOVA SCOTIA and the Amherst Shore each summer is always a highlight and this year was no exception; in fact, it was even better! This year, my husband Allen McAvoy, BJ’02, and I added a second trip back home, home to King’s campus, to the place that shaped us and where so many great friendships were formed. While on campus, we had the pleasure of reminiscing with faculty and staff, engaging with alumni from various regions and decades at the Annual Dinner and in the Wardroom—still in awe of the amazing renovations—and perhaps more importantly,
we were on hand to congratulate and welcome the Class of 2018 to our Alumni Association. What an inspiring group! Members of the Alumni Association Executive came together to discuss how we—the alumni of the university—could further engage with and assist the university. It was a robust discussion resulting in several recommendations. Through ongoing conversations, we are in the process of turning these recommendations into actions and I will share more with you soon. For now, though, I encourage you to follow us on social media (see links below), ensure King’s is listed as your alma mater on
LinkedIn, and, whenever you hear of someone considering university who would be a good fit for King’s, share your experience and connect them with the university. Together, we can help attract the next generation of inspiring students and work to ensure their experience is every bit as magical as ours was. Sincerely,
Jen Laurette, CFRE (BA’01) President of the Alumni Association
Facebook: @universityofkingscollege Instagram: @ukchalifax Twitter: @ukings
KING’S IS MY HOME. I live here with my family, and together with King’s students in community. Colleges such as King’s are based on an ancient model which sees the College around the quadrangle as a place to live together as well as a place to learn—a refuge from a fractured, chaotic world where students have the time and quiet needed for deep study and for real fellowship. ‘Quad life’ is part of our long history and one of our many proud traditions, but like everything, it evolves. We live in community differently today than we did in the past and how we will in the future. This summer, recent graduates and two King’s students who are part of the King’s Chapel community learned a Cree word: mamuwe, which loosely translates as “walking together.” Mamuwe underpinned a trip to Saskatchewan they took this summer. Hearing about their time in Indigenous communities (p. 38-42), walking together with their hosts, reminded me how much stronger we are at King’s when we all walk together in a welcoming community that learns from other communities. Today, we can strengthen our community further still by more intentionally walking together, and this includes with more racially and socio-economically diverse students. Increasing diversity is a fundamental priority in the mandate I have been given by
the King’s Board of Governors. We have also heard loud and clear from our racialized students that we must do more to welcome and support them if we want to achieve greater diversity. This explains why King’s has pursued initiatives you’ll read about in this issue. Last February, I initiated a scholarly inquiry to look at King’s historic linkages to slavery (p. 14-15). We’re posing difficult questions and will listen with open ears, minds and hearts to the answers we will be given. It is necessary to examine all the College’s history, so we can move forward knowingly and with intent to improve. A university that supports truth-seeking, critical thinking and debate must live by these tenets, too. This year, King’s welcomed three new Dr. Carrie Best scholars (p. 34-35) and after a long hiatus, re-established the Prince Scholarship (see p. 30-31) for African-Nova Scotian students, the first university scholarship for African-Nova Scotians when it was first offered in the 1960s. We welcomed guest lecturers to campus this year that included Inuit throat singer, visual artist and activist Tanya Tagaq (p. 22-23), and mathematician and electric composer Dr. Sageev Oore (p. 20-21). Journalist Dr. Duncan McCue, BA’92, DCL’18, received an honorary doctorate at Encaenia (p. 52), and last month spoke at King’s about Truth as Perception (p. 24-25). King’s also forged im-
portant partnerships this year, including one with the University of Calgary’s Law School, under which admission to King’s Foundation Year Program will be provisional pre-admission to UCalgary Law (p. 19). And our daily inspiration for all that we do comes from our students, including Cassie Hayward (p. 32) and Ata Zargarpour (p. 33). Then of course there are you, our alumni, of whom we are understandably proud. So many of you make important contributions to our world that it’s near impossible to profile just a few of you, though we’ve tried on p. 58-65. Through the Alumni Association, a series of events throughout the year, plus our annual Worldwide Alumni Celebration, our website and social media channels, our work continues as we share and celebrate your achievements—thereby telling prospective students and their parents what can happen with a King’s and Dalhousie education. Please continue walking together with us in 2019 and beyond. Sincerely,
William Lahey President and Vice-Chancellor
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DOUGLAS RUCK, QC, CHAIR OF KING’S BOARD OF GOVERNORS THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS welcomed Douglas Ruck, BA’72, QC, as its new chair on July 1, 2018. “It’s a marvellous opportunity to work with individuals who willingly offer their skills, knowledge and experience to establish and promote a clear vision and strategic direction for King’s,” Ruck says. He calls King’s, “a place of academic rigour, independent thinking and rich collegial life.” After graduating from King’s, Ruck earned
his law degree from Dalhousie University. Over the course of his legal career, Ruck specialized in labour relations and employment, human rights, occupational health and safety, civil litigation and administrative law. While in private practice as senior managing partner with Ruck & Mitchell, he chaired the Nova Scotia Labour Standards Tribunal, the Civil Service Employee Relations Board and the Public Sector Compensation Restraint Board. He also served as Chairperson Board
of Inquiry for the Human Rights Commission and first full-time chair of the Nova Scotia Labour Board. In 1995, Ruck was appointed Ombudsman for Nova Scotia, serving until 2000. During this time, he promoted the development and implementation of alternative dispute resolutions systems throughout the government and chaired the Premier’s Task Force on Employment Equity in Nova Scotia. Ruck was instrumental in the creation and implementation of the Children’s Ombudsman for the province of Nova Scotia and was a founding director of the Canadian Ombudsman Association and served as one of the North American representatives on the International Ombudsman Association. In 2001, Ruck was appointed Vice-Chair of the Canada Industrial Relations Board. In 2009, he became Special Advisor to the Chair, a role he held until 2011. During his time with the Board, Ruck travelled throughout Canada conducting and directing adjudicative and mediation processes to resolve industrial relation disputes. He also contributed to and promoted effective industrial relations in works, undertakings and businesses that fall within the authority of the Parliament of Canada by interpreting and applying the Canada Labour Code. A long-time community leader, Ruck has shared his time and expertise with a range of volunteer organizations, including the Black Cultural Centre of Nova Scotia, East Preston Day Care, Rotary Club of Halifax, Change Canada Foundation, Duke of Edinburgh
Awards and the Nova Scotia Law Foundation. “It’s our great fortune that Doug has joined our board as chair,” says President William Lahey. “He brings immeasurable experience in community leadership and a deep understanding of King’s. He has an uncanny ability to see all sides of an issue and forge a fair path forward that balances the needs of all. He’s also one of the wisest and clearest thinkers and most compelling communicators I know.” Ruck’s connection to King’s dates to his student days when he served as president of the King’s Students’ Union and was elected valedictorian of his graduating class of 1972. Ruck later served the King’s Alumni Association as vice-president and sat on the King’s Board of Governors as alumni representative from 1997-2001. The King’s Alumni Association honoured Ruck in 2017 with the Judge J. Elliott Hudson Distinguished Alumnus/a Award for significant contribution to both his profession and his community. Ruck is currently also a member of the King’s review panel for the scholarly inquiry examining the possible connections, direct and indirect, of the university with slavery in the late 18th and early 19th centuries.
“I had thought that as Chair of the Board my team was guaranteed to win the annual alumni golf tournament but, as evident from this year’s results, someone neglected to send the memo to the organizers,” Ruck joked
DALE GODSOE, CM, RETIRES AS BOARD CHAIR DALE GODSOE RETIRED as Chair of King’s Board of Governors on June 30, 2018. Godsoe made an indelible imprint on King’s after joining the Board of Governors as a co-opted member in 2007. In 2011 she was appointed to the executive, and Chair of the Fund Development Committee. She assumed the role of Board Chair in 2013. “Dale is one of Nova Scotia’s most accomplished people—ever—and especially in the charitable and public sectors,” said journalism professor Kim Kierans at a reception in Godsoe’s honour in the President’s Lodge. Godsoe has been a member of, and also chaired, dozens of local and national boards. She’s also been a school teacher, chair of the Halifax School Board, Chair of Mount Saint Vincent University’s Board, and Vice-President External at Dalhousie University. Referred to as a feminist, loyal subscriber, generous donor and tireless community leader, she provided wise, patient and steady leadership that made King’s more stable and more transparent, the community more cohesive and the Board more diverse. Godsoe was awarded the Order of the Ancient Commoner from King’s in June 2018, at which time her sincere desire to understand and accommodate differing perspectives was acknowledged. King’s President William Lahey, described Godsoe as a long-time, committed friends of King’s. “We are deeply grateful to Dale for her generous guidance and counsel over the years.”
FROM LEFT: Doug Ruck, Andy Sherwood, Gary Thompson and Andy Hare
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KING’S NEW CHAPLAIN SEEKS TO UNDERSTAND HE’S BEEN KING’S CHAPLAIN since Aug. 1, 2018, but the Rev. Dr. Ranall Ingalls, who prefers to be addressed as Ranall or Fr. Ingalls, has been a friend and guest preacher here for much longer. “King’s has been in my life for more than 30 years in an incredibly transformative way,” Fr. Ingalls says. Born in New Brunswick and raised in northern British Columbia, Fr. Ingalls studied and worked in Winnipeg, went to seminary in Wisconsin, and returned to New Brunswick to serve several rural parishes and one in Saint John. He holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees in philosophy, a master of divinity and a PhD in Theology from the University of Wales, Lampeter. In his first parish, Fr. Ingalls served with King’s alumnus Fr. Barry Craig, BA(Hons)’83, now Principal of Huron College, and a few years later the two taught together in the Philosophy Department at St. Thomas University in Fredericton. Fr. Craig also encouraged Fr. Ingalls, early in his career, to respond to a paper written by King’s alumnus Rev. Dr. Robert Darwin Crouse, BA’51, MTH’57, at a conference. Fr. Crouse’s influence on Fr. Ingalls continues to this day, as one of Father Crouse’s many
quotables is “Recollection is the fundamental task of education.” Fr. Ingalls echoed this sentiment in explaining his understanding of the chapel’s place at King’s, a secular university: “Memory and attentiveness. FYP and the other programs—Early Modern Studies, Classics, etc.—all of these are about remembering. Being attentive to people different than us, who sometimes humiliate and enrage us. At the same time, in the chapel particularly, there’s a long history of being attentive to what puzzles, enrages and contradicts us, to seek to engage and cultivate friendships.” King’s, Fr. Ingalls says, is open and responsive to the world and its history. “The reality, as the last few decades have shown, is that religion isn’t going away. People coming from all parts of the world are bringing their religions with them—humans with reasons for believing and acting as they do. We need to try to understand them.” King’s College Chapel is open to people of all faiths or none and has a scope of activities beyond ministry. For example, it holds off-site wilderness retreats and organizes volunteerism such as tutoring opportunities through an affiliation with St. George’s YouthNet (p. 28-29).
Fr. Ingalls stresses non-religious community members are welcomed in the chapel community, and he encourages them to, “Get in my face. My mind and heart will die if I’m left in my own silo.” His office is just off the A&A lobby, or you can also stop him if you see him cycling or walking Finnegan, his Corgi, around campus. Fr. Ingalls has been a priest since 1990. He says what he loves most about serving is the opportunity to be with people as new horizons open for them, sometimes in the face of suffering and even death. “A priest gets to be with people at really important moments in their life. That’s a great privilege.” He moved to Halifax this summer with his wife Sheryl, who’s a speech language pathologist, and he has three sons—one of whom is a King’s student. Fr. Ingalls says his conversations with King’s students thus far have been encouraging. “Students are thoughtful and compassionate and bright. They’re very much alive. It is a privilege to plan and work with them.” As he sees it, his first job is to listen. “Whatever grows needs to start from that place of attentive, humble listening.”
KING’S DATA JOURNALISM SCHOOLS CELEBRATE 10-YEAR MILESTONE HAPPY 10TH BIRTHDAY to King’s data journalism schools! A decade ago, King’s launched a summer school on computer-assisted reporting (CAR). It was 2008, and 14 intrepid journalists came to King’s to learn how to use data to tell meaningful stories. “We had no idea then that a decade later we’d have established a new tradition at Canada’s oldest chartered university,” says Fred Vallance-Jones, King’s associate professor of journalism and a pioneer in data journalism in Canada. The basic data school still covers CAR, and now there’s also a week-long advanced school covering mapping and GIS. In the past decade, almost 150 people have enrolled in what are now the King’s Summer Schools in Data Journalism. They’ve come
from across Canada—from the northern tip of Newfoundland to Calgary—and from newsrooms small and large, including the Toronto Star, Globe and Mail, Canadian Press and the CBC. The intensive, one-week boot camp approach provides students—many of them professional journalists—with the necessary skills to master data journalism techniques. This year, Vallance-Jones ran a satellite school in Toronto at Ryerson University, too. Alex Boutilier, BA(Hons)’09, a journalist with the Toronto Star in Ottawa and a National Newspaper Award nominee for political reporting, is a data schools alumnus. He was covering the Federal Conservative Party’s leadership race last year, after which the Party released detailed data on how the vote broke down.
“I was able to get a basic grasp of what the data was and how it could be used,” Boutilier says. “In the end, we got a detailed map of Conservative supporters across the country—who voted for whom, and what priorities and values that could signal in the party’s base.” Boutilier says he enrolled in the data school to learn to work with more complex data sets than he could previously handle with basic knowledge of Excel. “The course provided me with literacy, and I like to think that literacy makes me a favoured colleague with our data folks at the Star.” Congratulations to Vallance-Jones for leading King’s to this milestone. King’s 2019 data journalism schools happen in June.
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KING’S WELCOMES KATIE MERWIN AS THE NEW DEAN OF STUDENTS KATIE MERWIN, BA(Hons)’11, remembers arriving at King’s on move-in day in 2007. She’d come from Sudbury, Ont. and was about to start the Foundation Year Program. She knew no one and was nervous. The weight of expectations—her own and others—were bearing down on her as she walked toward campus with her mom. “I had this feeling my life was about to change because it was. I turned the corner and saw the entrance to the King’s Quad with the King’s sign and there were about a dozen upper-year students cheering, clapping and welcoming me,” Merwin says. “There was a real sense of welcome, a real sense of belonging.” She moved into Alexandra Hall residence, went on to complete a Bachelor of Arts in history at King’s and Dalhousie, and was involved in many co-curricular activities including the Chapel Choir and re-starting SAMS (the St. Andrew’s Mission Society), which connected students to opportunities with non-profit organizations. After graduating, she moved to Europe to complete two masters degrees in Global Studies: an MA at the University of Vienna, and an MSc at the London School of Economics. But King’s lured her back to Halifax to become a residence don and chapel administrator in 2013, and the next year she also served as Acting Dean of Students.
“I see my role as a community builder on campus. Being that model. Setting that tone for the collegial environment we know and love here. That intangible aspect that makes King’s, King’s.” 8
“It was a bit of a surprise to be back on campus. I thought the move to Europe would be a long-term change for me. But sometimes you don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone,” Merwin says. She mentions living in community, the smallness, getting to know her professors one on one and having that truly integrated learning experience as things she loves about King’s—but she says it’s the relationships she’s formed here that have been most special. In 2014 Merwin took a position as Program Coordinator with the Canadian Centre of Ethics in Public Affairs, and in 2016 she moved into a new role in Research Services with Dalhousie University. “The professional experience at Dalhousie, which is an important relationship, has really informed my understanding of King’s place in the world in an academic environment,” Merwin says, adding that it all just seemed to come together when the Dean’s job opened up. The timing indeed seemed right. Merwin was married this past summer in King’s Chapel by Fr. Gary Thorne, and her Dean of Students predecessor, Fr. Nick Hatt, was at the wedding. She’s also back living in Alexandra Hall (now with her husband, Scott), where she first lived as a student in 2007/08. “I’m where I’m meant to be, but absolutely with a sense of lots to learn, opportunity for growth, and big shoes to fill,” Merwin says. King’s President William Lahey shared his support, saying, “Welcome back, Katie. I know you will do an extraordinary job for our students and the King’s community.” As Dean of Students, Merwin is most excited about getting to know and working with students. She is helping to create a network of support for their needs, be they mental health, safety or other. “Listening and learning,” she says, is her top priority. And she glances at that photo of herself on move-in day occasionally to remind herself that she was once an anxious first-year student unsure of what to expect. “As Dean I really carry that experience with me. What can I do to give not only residence students, but all students on campus that experience of such welcome and a sense of belonging?” Merwin asks. “I see my role as a community builder on campus. Being that model. Setting that tone for the collegial environment we know and love here. That intangible aspect that makes King’s, King’s.”
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Lawrence Hill and Doug Sanders, at the 2018 HYP symposium.
WRITERS LAWRENCE HILL AND DOUG SAUNDERS DISCUSS MIGRATION AT HUMANITIES FOR YOUNG PEOPLE SYMPOSIUM HUMANITIES FOR YOUNG PEOPLE (HYP) focused on migration this year and featured acclaimed Book of Negroes author Lawrence Hill and Globe and Mail columnist and author Doug Sanders as its guest speakers. HYP is a week-long live-in summer program at King’s for students 15- to 17-yearsold that gives them a taste of university life. “It encourages their interests in literature, philosophy, history, politics and art,” explains Dr. Laura Penny, HYP co-director. “This year, students grappled with: What does it mean to leave home—and to belong? How can we help newcomers preserve aspects of their cultures of origin? What do we do when these cultural claims clash? How does one become ‘Canadian’?”
Participants read texts ranging from ancient tragedy to contemporary Canadian philosophy, and literature about migration and multiculturalism. They also participated in workshops with local experts on topics ranging from Canada’s immigration and refugee laws, to the challenges of resettlement, to immigrant food cultures. “The young people who come to King’s for HYP never fail to impress us with their curiosity, imagination and desire for social change,” says King’s President William Lahey. “HYP encourages them to think creatively and collaboratively, to engage with perspectives other than their own and to apply these perspectives to a pressing political problem.” HYP 2018 culminated in a public sym-
posium on migration at Halifax’s Central Library on July 14, where Hill discussed his latest novel, The Illegal, which won Canada Reads in 2016. Saunders discussed his latest book, Maximum Canada: Why 35 Million Canadians are Not Enough.
HYP gratefully acknowledges the financial support of alumni, friends, Canada’s Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, and the Province of Nova Scotia’s Office of Immigration.
HYP 2019
“The young people who come to King’s for HYP never fail to impress us with their curiosity, imagination and desire for social change.”
The theme for HYP 2019 will be Thinking through Fear. “Taking our cue from such luminaries as Bob Woodward and Martha Nussbaum, both of whom have written books this year on fear, we will spend the week of July 6-14, 2019 examining fear from many angles: fear-mongering and/or ‘othering,’ the aesthetics of fear (the genre of tragedy), the effects of over-vigilance and PTSD (we are partnering with the Romeo Dallaire Child Soldier Initiative at Dalhousie on this), the political use and abuse of fear, and the responsibilities of the journalist,” explains HYP co-director Dr. Sarah Clift. The two keynote speakers for the 2019 public symposium are Elisabeth di Mariaffi, author of the acclaimed feminist thriller Hysteria, and Desmond Cole, Toronto-based writer, journalist, and anti-black violence activist. If you know of a young person for whom HYP would be a good fit, please direct them to http://hyp.ukings.ca for more details.
— King’s President William Lahey
TIDINGS | WINTER 2018/19 11
KING’S OFFERING STUDY ABROAD COURSE IN FLORENCE THIS SPRING AN EARLY MODERN STUDIES course being offered this spring gives students the opportunity to study on site in Florence, where they’ll immerse themselves in early modern art, literature and politics. “I want students to live their education, to encounter works of art in person rather than on slides,” explains course instructor Dr. Jannette Vusich. “It changes the way they think about how art interacted in peoples’ lives in that period [1280-1580]. What would that encounter have been like for an early modern person? How integrated was art in peoples’ lives? Students are literally walking in Dante’s footsteps.” The full-credit course runs May 4 to 31, 2019 and is taught in Florence’s churches, palaces and museums rather than in a classroom. Students stay in the Casa Santo Nome di Gesù, a renovated pensione that was built in 1427. Bronwen McKie, BJ(Hons)’17, was one of Dr. Vusich’s students in a previous offering of the course. “I love art for its aesthetic and philosophical value, but I also love art because it endures through time, shapes culture and enriches life,” McKie says. Now graduated from King’s, she’s pursuing a dual
Master of Library and Information Studies and Master of Archival Studies at the University of British Columbia. “[Florence] was a big reason why I decided to get info the field of libraries and archives and why I’m interested in preservation and conservation.” Students study the Renaissance where it all began, reading texts by Boccaccio, Dante, Machiavelli and Galileo. “I hope students come to realize how important material culture is to our understanding of ourselves and our history; that they learn to value it as much, in the same way, as they do texts,” Dr. Vusich says. They will visit such places as Brunelleschi’s Dome and the Medici Palace. “Students are always amazed not only by the scale of the city and its art, but also by the relationship between spaces and objects.” Katie Buckley, BA’18, took the course and was so affected by it she continued taking art history courses at King’s and Dalhousie for the duration of her undergraduate degree, and now is pursuing a Master of Art History degree in Florence. “I wouldn’t be where I am today without the EMSP program. And where I am today is pretty cool—everything in Florence is infused with history.”
Early Modern Art, Literature and Politics, taught in Florence, is one of two study abroad options through King’s and is offered every other year. In alternating years, students can study Memory, Politics and Place in Berlin. These King’s courses complement the 90+ exchange options available to King’s students through Dalhousie.
FOUR KING’S STUDENTS PRESENT PAPERS AT GERMAN STUDIES CONFERENCE AT THE UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO FOUR KING’S STUDENTS presented papers at the Sixth Annual Undergraduate Colloquium in German Studies at the University of Toronto in November, representing half the total number of presenters at the conference. These fourth-year students, all of whom major or minor in King’s honours Contemporary Studies Program, studied Memory, Politics and Place: Berlin’s 20th Century in Germany’s capital last summer through one of King’ study abroad options. Impressed by the quality of their course work, when the call for papers went out their professor, Dr. Sarah Clift, nudged them to turn their course work into submissions to the U of T conference. “I was delighted. I couldn’t stop smiling,” Dr. Clift says, of learning the four had been accepted to the conference with their travel and accommodation expenses paid. “But I wasn’t surprised…I firmly believe we have outstanding students.” The four students—Sean Galway, Clare Sully Stendhal, Ethan Speigel and Rachel Colquhoun—presented their papers on topics related to German literature, art and gender studies. “Our papers were different but informed by Sarah’s view on the philosophy of memory,” Speigal says. Sully Stendhal said being in Toronto with her peers made her nostalgic for their intense study abroad experience together. “It was kind of like an extended version of a conversation we might have had in Berlin.” The students acknowledged the experience they gained presenting at smaller conferences at King’s in preparation for the national stage, and the support they’ve also received from the German Studies Department at Dalhousie University. “Our students are punching well above their weight. They’re doing graduate-level work already,” says Dr. Clift, mentioning how impressed the German scholars there were with the King’s students’ conference presentations.
From left: Rachel Colquhoun, Ethan Speigel, Dr. Sarah Clift, Clare Sully Stendhal and Sean Galway
TIDINGS | WINTER 2018/19 13
Rev. Rhonda Britton of the New Horizons Baptist Church hosted President Lahey, members of the review panel and leaders of the African Nova Scotia community to discuss plans for the scholarly inquiry into King’s possible colonial links to slavery. L to R: Supt. Donald MacLean, Rev. Rhonda Britton, Dr. Sylvia Hamilton, President Lahey, Oluronke Taiwo, Dr. Dorota Glowacka, Douglas Ruck, Sgt. Craig Smith, Connie Glasgow, George Gray, Dr. Isaac Saney.
KING’S AND SLAVERY: AN UPDATE ON THE SCHOLARLY INQUIRY IN FEBRUARY 2018, President Lahey, acting on a recommendation from the Board of Governors’ Equity Committee, initiated a scholarly inquiry to examine the possible connections between the university and slavery in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. Considering that King’s is the oldest chartered university in Nova Scotia (and Canada), with its own distinct history, the president and the Equity Committee decided that this inquiry should be independent from the Lord Dalhousie panel, which is an inquiry into statements and actions concerning slavery and race by Lord Dalhousie, conducted at Dalhousie University. The initial announcement took place at the New Horizons Baptist Church, in the presence of members of the African-Nova Scotian community. Four teams of scholars
were appointed and tasked with conducting independent research to establish the connections, direct and indirect, that may have existed between King’s and slavery and the slave economy of the North Atlantic world in late 18th and early 19th centuries. Shortly after, King’s was invited to join the Consortium of North American Universities Studying Slavery, which was convened in 2017 on the initiative of the University of Virginia. Currently, the Consortium comprises over 40 participants, who convene for conferences and exchange ideas about how to deal with the difficult past, to offer restitution for the communities that have been affected by slavery and its aftermath, and to envisage the best ways of moving forward. King’s inquiry has been proceeding in a timely fashion. In late August, two papers, a
“The long-term goal of the inquiry is to confront the past in a way that contributes to making King’s a place that is truly diverse and welcoming to all.”
Whitefield, and Dr. Karolyn Smardz Frost and David States’ archival research on direct connections to slavery on the part of King’s governors, funders, staff and students, were scheduled to be completed by the end of 2018. The completed papers will be posted on the King’s website, with the view to future publication.
comprehensive literature review by Dr. Jerry Barrister and Hanna Barrie, and Dr. Henry Roper’s report on the connections between King’s, New York (later Columbia University) and King’s, Nova Scotia, were submitted for comments to a nine-person review panel, chaired by Dr. Dorota Glowacka. The review panel includes independent researchers from other academic institutions, King’s students and faculty, members of the King’s Board of Governors, and members of the African-Nova Scotian community. Following an extensive review, Dr. Roper revised and resubmitted his paper, and Dr. Barrister’s revisions are expected soon. The other two papers, Dr. Shirley Tillotson’s study of the indirect connections between King’s and the slave-based economy in Nova Scotia, written in consultation with Dr. Harvey Amani
In the meantime, on October 29, 2018, President Lahey hosted an information session, with the aim to disseminate the knowledge about the inquiry among King’s students, faculty, staff, and the members of the Board of Governors, and to provide a forum for questions and the exchange of views about the purpose and progress of the inquiry. Representatives of the African-Nova Scotian community were invited to participate in the session. The session opened with President Lahey’s welcome and introduction, followed by remarks from Douglas Ruck, Chair of King’s Board of Governors, Donald McLean, a member of the Board, and Dr. Sylvia Hamilton, all of whom are members of the review panel. Next, Dr. Henry Roper presented a preview of the results of his research and invited the audience to read his paper and find out what conclusions he had reached regarding the existence, nature and extent of connections between King’s, Nova Scotia, and King’s in New York. Dr. Shirley Tillotson, who is also a member of the Lord Dalhousie panel, shared the initial findings of her research, and Dr. Dorota Glowacka, Chair of the Review Panel and Chair of King’s
Equity Committee, spoke about the goals and future directions of the inquiry within the context of similar efforts at other North American universities. The main purpose of the forum, however, was to receive direct feedback from the King’s community. Members of the Racialized Student Collective asked many important, difficult questions, mainly focusing on race relations at King’s today and on what they perceive as the lack of sufficient support and efforts to make the environment at King’s more open and accessible to marginalised groups. Throughout the discussion, the members of the research team and the review panel underscored the necessity of uncovering the difficult past, coming to terms with its after-effects, and revising the narratives about King’s history based on the findings of the research. They also ascertained that the long-term goal of the inquiry is to confront the past in a way that contributes to making King’s a place that is truly diverse and welcoming to all. These goals can only be achieved in dialogue with the members of the groups who have been affected by the legacies of racism, and the information forum was the first small step to provide a forum for these necessary conversations. In conjunction with the inquiry, Dr. Harvey Amani Whitfield has been invited to deliver a lecture about slavery in Nova Scotia and its aftermath, entitled “Slave Lives Matter,” on January 10, 2019. King’s expresses gratitude to the Nuyten Dime family for their 2017/18 gift to the King’s Annual Giving Fund, which is making this lecture possible. Following the publication of the research papers, the Equity Committee is planning other events, including a scholarly panel and a larger public information session.
TIDINGS | WINTER 2018/19 15
KING’S PARTNERS WITH PENGUIN RANDOM HOUSE CANADA TO OFFER A $2,500 PUBLISHING PRIZE THIS FALL, KING’S ANNOUNCED creation of the Penguin Random House Canada MFA Prize for the “best nonfiction work written by a student in their graduating year or by an alumnus of the King’s Master of Fine Arts in Creative Nonfiction program.” Established by Penguin Random House Canada in partnership with Westwood Creative Artists literary agency, the prize—$2,500 plus an offer by Westwood to represent the author—celebrates excellence in creative nonfiction. “We are delighted to have the support of Penguin Random House Canada in funding this prize, and Penguin Random House and Westwood Creative Artists for providing such a significant career-boosting opportunity for King’s MFA students and alumni,” said Kim Pittaway, executive director of the King’s MFA Program. Diane Turbide, the publishing director at Penguin Canada, said, “The King’s MFA program in Creative Nonfiction program has been a remarkable success. It offers great mentorship for writers, sound advice on the publishing landscape, and a place to explore and complete a writing project. We have bought and published several books from its graduates, as have other publishers. We’re delighted to sponsor this prize as a measure
of our confidence in the program and our belief in the power of nonfiction. We hope it will encourage students and prospective students.” Hilary McMahon, executive vice president of Westwood Creative Artists, concurred. “Nonfiction is essential in sharing ideas and perspectives, provoking debate and change, and providing diversion and entertainment. The King’s MFA program provides unrivalled support in developing compelling nonfiction projects and guiding writers as they find their voice. Westwood Creative Artists is always looking for new talent and fresh ideas, and is proud to have secured publishing contracts for numerous King’s students and graduates.” A jury, consisting of a Penguin Random House Canada nonfiction editor, a representative from the King’s School of Journalism or a published MFA graduate, and an agent from Westwood Creative Artists, will select the winner. The prize will be awarded in May each year. Penguin Random House Canada is the Canadian division of Penguin Random House, the largest trade book publisher in the world. Westwood Creative Artists, based in Toronto, is one Canada’s most respected literary agencies, handling international literary, film, television and stage adaptation rights for its literary clients. “King’s MFA in creative non-fiction is a one-of-a-kind program in Canada and we’re so proud it’s a place where people come to be mentored, supported and taught how to bring their aspirations of writing a book to fruition,” said King’s President William Lahey. “The fact that we can offer this scholarship with such esteemed publishing partners as Penguin Random House and Westwood Creative Artists is a credit to the MFA faculty and students. I’m excited to read the books that will result.” Applications for the 2019-20 academic year are now open. FROM LEFT: Diane Turbide, publishing director at Penguin Canada, Kim Pittaway, executive director, King’s Master of Fine Arts in Creative Nonfiction, and Hilary McMahon, executive vice president of Westwood Creative Artists.
Stacey McLeod (photo by Dave Abreau)
STACEY MCLEOD NAMED FIRST RECIPIENT OF KING’S MFA SCHOLARSHIP KING’S MFA IN CREATIVE Nonfiction student Stacey McLeod, an interactive journalist and editor in Toronto who has worked for Global News, The Toronto Star and Travel & Escape Magazine, has been named as the first recipient of King’s new Master of Fine Arts Scholarship. McLeod is working on a new book titled For the Record: The Race to Live Forever in a Virtual Afterlife. Inspired by the impending arrival of her new daughter, it’s a book about memorializing legacies in the digital era, the people driving viral stories and innovations, and the changing ways we think about life, death, grief and time. The Master of Fine Arts Scholarship is a $1,200 annual award that was established by Mary Janigan, an award-winning journalist and nonfiction writer, and her husband, respected business leader Thomas Kierans, OC. It’s open to a King’s student entering the second year of the Master of Fine Arts in Creative Nonfiction program. Janigan has been supporting the program since its inception in 2013. To research her book, McLeod needs
to travel to New York City and Houston, Texas. In New York, she has a series of interviews planned and she’ll explore the question, ‘Are modern storytelling formats erasing stories from the historic record?’ Amongst her activities in Houston, she’ll visit a Rice University special collections librarian around when and why people start thinking about legacy then take actions, like donating to archives. “The scholarship will help me pay for flights and accommodations as I deal with the pressure of having to self-fund a maternity leave from my full-time freelance work next semester to focus solely on school and a newborn,” she says. McLeod is working toward a 2019 manuscript deadline with her agent. Kim Pittaway, director of the MFA program, says she’s delighted that the Master of Fine Arts Scholarship now exists to support creative nonfiction writers in the program. “This kind of support makes a real, tangible difference in the ability of students to execute their projects. Mary and Tom’s generosity is most appreciated.”
TIDINGS | WINTER 2018/19 17
NEW MFA MENTOR APPRENTICE WANDA TAYLOR READY FOR A ‘THRILLING RIDE’ WANDA TAYLOR, BJ’08, has been hired as the first mentor apprentice in King’s Master of Fine Arts (MFA) in Creative Nonfiction program. King’s is grateful for a two-year funding commitment to this apprenticeship made possible as part of a larger gift from the John and Judy Bragg Family Foundation. “Wanda brings a range of experience as a writer and acquisitions editor who is deeply engaged in creating space for stories from Nova Scotia’s marginalized communities,” says Kim Pittaway, executive director, King’s MFA in Creative Nonfiction. “As an author, she has explored both historic and current issues related to Nova Scotia’s Black communities. As an editor, she is commissioning works on a range of subjects and has a demonstrated commitment to amplifying voices from a range of backgrounds.” In addition to her King’s journalism degree, Taylor also has degrees in social work and early childhood education, and a master of education. She is acquisitions editor for Formac Publishing and the former executive director of Stepping Stone Association in Halifax. Her nonfiction books include Adult Talk (Fierce Ink Press), Birchtown and the Black Loyalists (Nimbus Publishing), Nova Scotia Home for Colored Children: The Hurt, the Hope, and the Healing (Nimbus Press) and the forthcoming It’s Our Time (Nimbus Publishing). She has also published a play, a novel and a young adult novel. Because of past inequities and systemic bias, King’s wanted to expand opportunities for early-career writers and editors from marginalized communities to develop their teaching and mentoring skills through the mentor apprenticeship. The nine-month 2018/19 position was open to applicants from traditionally marginalized communities including writers/editors of Indigenous, African-Nova Scotian, POC, LGBTQ2+, disability or low-income backgrounds. It’s an effort to redress an imbalance, Pittaway says. “But the interaction isn’t oneway: we know that writers and editors from marginalized communities bring insights— about writing, about issues related to their specific communities, and about their own specific writing and editing interests—that will enrich the conversations we as a group will have through our residencies and the
rest of the year.” Taylor says she hopes to add to students’ ways of looking at their writing and expanding their perspectives, and to help them think about how the people in their stories are affected by the places and spaces they occupy. “I also hope to share my insights around diversity and inclusivity in creative writing,” she says. King’s President William Lahey says Taylor’s appointment is a step forward in recognizing the value that those with diverse experiences and backgrounds bring to King’s MFA program. “The range of Wanda’s experience, as well as her enthusiasm and commitment to further develop her skills as a nonfiction editor, teacher and mentor will make an important contribution to King’s,” Lahey says. She’ll be shadowing mentors as they work with students, and will be involved in all faculty conversations and meetings. She’ll also work with cohort directors Dean Jobb and Stephen Kimber, develop a lecture, attend the New York residency in January, and write a paper about mentoring/writing
which she will share with MFA team when her term ends in April 2019. Taylor says her time in the journalism program at King’s, combined with past experience in leadership roles and teaching adults, her work as an author, and her 20plus years working on the ground— particularly around social issues and the human condition—have prepared her to assume this new role. “I anticipate it will be a thrilling ride,” Taylor says.
“I hope to share my insights around diversity and inclusivity in creative writing”
UNIVERSITY OF CALGARY PROVISIONALLY PRE-ADMITS KING’S FOUNDATION YEAR PROGRAM STUDENTS INTO ITS LAW SCHOOL IN A NEW PARTNERSHIP formed between the University of King’s College and the Faculty of Law at the University of Calgary, students admitted to the King’s Foundation Year Program will be provisionally pre-admitted to Calgary’s Faculty of Law. “It speaks to the strengths of our Foundation Year Program that our students are considered to have the intellectual breadth, ability to discern, understand and articulate, and qualities of character and motivation to provisionally qualify them for law school at the University of Calgary even before they have completed their undergraduate degrees,” said King’s President William Lahey, who’s also a lawyer and legal scholar. Students at King’s complete the Foundation Year Program in their first year, studying fundamental texts from the ancient to contemporary world. All students read the same books at the same time. Lectures, tutorials and regular essay assignments equip
students with crucial abilities to analyze, debate and express themselves. Provisional admittance to UCalgary Law means students will have an advantage in the applicant pool but will still have to maintain scholarship standing throughout the remainder of their degree at King’s and Dalhousie, plus meet all other admissions criteria including LSAT scores, work experience and community involvement. “We’re thrilled to be launching an expedited admissions program for King’s students. Notwithstanding differences in geography and age, we share a commitment to excellence,” says Dr. Ian Holloway, dean and professor at UCalgary Law. Sander Duncanson took the Foundation Year Program at King’s in 2002/03, later enrolling at UCalgary Law. “The Foundation Year Program at King’s equipped me with many of the skills that I now rely on as a lawyer: reading large
volumes of material and distilling the key concepts and hidden meanings, analyzing and debating complex ideas with peers, and considering and thinking critically about diverse theories and types of writing,” Duncanson says. Today, he’s a partner with Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP Calgary. He says the unique approach to learning at King’s provides an excellent foundation for any student aspiring to a career in law. Calling it a great east-west partnership in the making, Lahey says, “We look forward to strengthening the connection between our two great academic programs.”
King’s Journalism School Director Tim Currie, King’s Foundation Year Program Director Dr. Neil Robertson, Director – Recruiting and Admissions at the University of Calgary, Catherine Valestuk, Dean, Faculty of Law, University of Calgary, Dr. Ian Holloway, and King’s Registrar, Julie Green, during the King’s Lecture Tour stop in Calgary in November 2018.
TIDINGS | WINTER 2018/19 19
DR. SAGEEV OORE ON THE ELECTRIC COMPOSER: MUSIC, AI, AND BEING HUMAN Computers may be able to create music now, but humans can still judge it by Chelo Gonzalez-Ferrer, Contemporary Studies Program student
MATH AND MUSICAL THEORY have proven themselves to be intricately linked, but artificial intelligence (AI) technology and musical theory? Can music really be composed electronically? These are questions Dr. Sageev Oore ambitiously explored in this year’s Dr. Saul Green Memorial Lecture, The Electric Composer: Music, AI and Being Human, which challenged the notion that the ineffable quality of music is at odds with words like ‘computation’ and ‘machine learning.’ Dr. Oore’s academic career, rooted in mathematics, together with his experience as a professional musician, merged on stage in King’s Alumni Hall on Oct. 10, providing the audience with a thought-provoking and often entertaining evening that combined lecture with short, dynamic classical piano pieces.
Dr. Oore is an associate professor in the Faculty of Computer Science at Dalhousie University, a research faculty member at the Vector Institute for Artificial Intelligence in Toronto, and he works as a professional musician and past member of Halifax jazz band Gyposphilia. His combined expertise eventually brought him to the Google Brain (California) Magenta team research project where he spent 18 months applying machines to the processes of creating art and music. He said he was initially hesitant to take a purely analytical stance towards something so intrinsically emotive as music—but was converted. “My attraction got even stronger than my repulsion, and the fascination became too much to resist,” Dr. Oore says. The Magenta project was a success and resulted in an AI with the ability to analyze
classical piano pieces, identify patterns, and generate a sequence of notes that amounts to a similar-sounding, but by all accounts, original song. It seemed unlikely, but Dr. Oore proved it’s possible. “What we are really working with, is a little thing that does simple computations,” says Dr. Oore, referring to a basic computational unit called a neuron. At the basic level, the neuron “takes one or more inputs, combines them in a sort of weighted sum, and provides a total output.” In Magenta’s project, computer scientists input ‘music’ translated into code that the computer can read. The neural network then generates a new pattern drawn from trends in the inputted data, effectively creating a new song. Though computer scientists use terms like ‘neurons’ and ‘synapses,’ Dr. Oore makes a point: “It’s not the same as a neuron in our
brains.” Artificial neurons exist only as concepts applied to mathematical code. “There’s nowhere in this process I can point to and say, ‘here’s the intelligent part’…When we add neurons in a neural network, the capacity of the problems it can solve becomes more complex, but still there’s no magic, we’ve just added these simple computational units.” Despite creating a model that resembles something of a creative process, this project requires the involvement of computer scientists to input the data as well as guide and correct unwanted predictions the AI makes. Crucially, AI misses any structural themes in music. “There’s a lot of public discussion about AI, and there’s a lot of problems with the discussion that actually get fueled by the way words are used,” says Dr. Oore. Using predominantly mathematical language
destigmatizes some of the negative connotations of AI research. The idea of using AI as another tool, rather than as an alternate source of creating music, is what grounds Dr. Oore’s explorations into the topic. By observing both the powers and limitations of this tool, this project challenges our strong notions of where music come from, urging us to examine what music means to us and what it is about it that eludes analysis and is simply lost when transferred into code. Perhaps computers can create music now, but only we can judge this music, and whether this music is human. Examples of Dr. Oore’s contributions to music generated by a neural network can be listened to on the Google Magenta website under the title Performance RNN.
The Dr. Saul Green Memorial Lectures Series is an annual event at King’s. Dr. Saul Green was a remarkable physician and graduate of Dalhousie University Medical School. His humanism and scholarly dedication are commemorated in these platforms for thought-provoking discourse on a range of global subjects relevant to the community. The lecture’s presentation is made possible by a partnership between King’s and Shaar Shalom Synagogue.
TIDINGS | WINTER 2018/19 21
TANYA TAGAQ COMES TO KING’S TO SING AND SPEAK ABOUT CLIMATE, CULTURE AND COLLABORATION The artist and activist prompted the audience to think about the seal-hunt as a sustainable ecological practice by Caleb Sher, Contemporary Studies Program student
KING’S AND THE FOUNTAIN FAMILY welcomed Tanya Tagaq as the Alex Fountain Memorial lecturer in November 2017. Tagaq’s accomplishments are numerous and wide-ranging. Not only is she a renowned experimental musician and throat-singer—her 2014 album Animism won the Polaris Prize—she is also an accomplished visual artist and dedicated activist. She comes from Iqaluktuutiaq (Cambridge Bay), Nunavut, and it is clear that her Inuk background greatly influences her work. She opened the night by saying she was nervous, but seemed to relax after giving a seven-minute improvised throat singing performance. Tagaq was keen to remind the audience that the solo throat-singing style—a style she developed while studying in Halifax at the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design—is by no means the traditional art form, which typically takes place between two women as a friendly yet competitive back and forth exchange. The performance was like nothing else out there and is genuinely difficult to put into words. Her style breaks any and all conventions of what is typically considered music yet succeeds in being one of most singularly musical performances one could
ever witness. Tagaq put her whole being into the performance, her whole body moving to the music she produced, and she seemed to take great joy in her performance. It managed to be simultaneously haunting and uplifting, and it buried deep into the fabric of your being. The manner in which she was able to meld both the high notes of her voice, and the deep powerful rumble of her throat seamlessly was incomparable. Tagaq’s solo throat-singing is clearly deeply personal yet engages the audience on a fundamental level. Tagaq titled her lecture “Climate, Culture, and Collaboration,” and focused her thoughts for the evening on the hot-button issue of the seal trade, especially after the controversy surrounding Indigenous chef Joseph Shawana’s decision to serve seal meat and his Toronto restaurant, Ku-kum Kitchen. She quickly dispelled the common myth of ‘seal-clubbing’ as unfounded: Inuk seal hunters aim to make the seal’s death as quick and painless as possible. Her main goal, however, was to put a more human face on the practice of seal hunting, and to root it in its cultural and economic context in the north. Seal meat and skin is not only an important traditional material, the seal-
trade continues to be a significant aspect of economic life in many northern communities. Tagaq emphasised that it is not only an immoral colonial practice but that it is also hypocritical for the Canadian government and prominent white celebrities such as Ellen DeGeneres to attempt to control, limit or outright ban the seal-hunt. The hunt is
“[Tagaq’s] main goal, however, was to put a more human face on the practice of seal hunting, and to root it in its cultural and economic context in the north.”
Tanya Tagaq, photo by Kelly Clark
an important economic activity, the practice and regulation of which should, Tagaq said, be left to the self-determination of the Inuk. Furthermore, she reminded the audience, it is immensely hypocritical for southerners to decry the seal hunt as a barbaric, unethical practice when we continue to operate factory farms and similar operations which treat animals with far, far less respect than the Inuk treat the seals they hunt. In an effort to drive her point home and humanize the seal hunt, and to demonstrate a more direct form of relating to the animals we consume, Tagaq showed the audience a photo of her infant daughter next to a dead seal, which she took as part of the ‘sealfie’ campaign to reclaim the discussion surrounding the seal hunt; a photo for which, when she posted it on social media, she received horrific backlash and personal threats. She knew that her audience would probably be shocked by the image at first, but she implored us to rethink our reaction, and to see the image as representing a harmonious and respectful relationship to the natural world and the resources it provides for our use. When asked during the question period
how allies to the seal-hunt can help support the movement, Tagaq told the audience to make an effort to normalize the seal hunt in the mainstream by, for example, buying sealskin products from Indigenous artisans. She prompted the audience to move past the initial reaction of distaste or disgust at what we consider gory and think about the bigger picture: the seal-hunt as an example of a sustainable ecological practice from which we can all learn. Ultimately, this was Tagaq’s take home message for the night: that Canadian settlers on Indigenous land ought to do a better job of relating to Indigenous peoples. They can certainly collaborate to learn from the more respectful way Indigenous cultures relate to the climate. First, however, they must collaborate in a more respectful manner with Indigenous peoples and respect their rights to self-determination. In both her musical performance and her activism, Tagaq was both eminently friendly and inviting, but also deadly serious. She is angry and she does not intend to hide it, yet she also left the audience with a hopeful message of a future with greater respect in terms of climate, culture and collaboration.
ANNE CARSON TO DELIVER NEXT ALEX FOUNTAIN MEMORIAL LECTURE Poet and classics professor Anne Carson, together with her partner and collaborator Currie, will deliver the eighth Alex Fountain Memorial Lecture. Carson’s lecture, entitled “Lecture on the History of Skywriting,” will take place in Alumni Hall at the University of King’s College on January 23. All are welcome.
ABOUT THE ALEX FOUNTAIN MEMORIAL LECTURE Fred and Elizabeth Fountain, along with their daughter Katharine, established the Alex Fountain Memorial Lecture in 2011 to honour Alex, their son who died by suicide in August 2009. This exceptional gift to the college enables the King’s student body to invite a speaker of their choosing to the university each year. In addition to this lecture, King’s is grateful to the Fountains for their support of the College’s peer support mental health initiative, part of the Stay Connected Mental Health Project, established through the QEII Health Sciences Centre Foundation by the Fountains in 2013. It funds on-campus peer support workers who provide free, non-judgemental, confidential and safe mental health support to students.
TIDINGS | WINTER 2018/19 23
DUNCAN MCCUE SPEAKS TO HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS AT KING’S ABOUT THE NATURE OF TRUTH by Gabrielle Sorenson, senior high school student at Armbrae Academy “TRUTH IS UNDER ATTACK. Not just in North America, but around the world.” Those were among the first words I heard from Duncan McCue, BA’92, DCL’18, CBC journalist and keynote speaker at Armbrae Academy’s annual event at the University of King’s College. The Armbrae Dialogue poses an important question to attendees each year. Then, it answers this question through a series of remarkable speakers. I have attended this event twice as a senior Armbrae student, and both times left as a changed person. What is the nature of truth? That was the question this year. McCue spoke about truth as perception, answering with a series of Indigenous myths and first-hand anecdotes. While it might seem counterintuitive, he effectively used these stories to outline his truth. Relating the personal with the cultural, McCue shared a message that anyone could learn from. Central to the talk was debwewin, an Anishinaabe conception of truth. Though, as was emphasized, the word ‘truth’ is “a crude
Armbrae Academy student Gabrielle Sorenson
translation of what debwewin is.” Emotion and intuition define this concept. ‘Debwewin’ itself translates as the “sound of the heart,” representing the idea that “the heart should be our compass in life,” as McCue put it. Borrowing the idea from his culture, McCue applied the ancient knowledge to his modern life. The accounts from his memoir The Shoe Boy were meant to highlight the author’s personal debwewin. The book focused on McCue’s experiences living in the bush. He shared with the audience how, as a 17-yearold man, he chose to live on a trap line to become more in touch with his indigeneity. Inside a one-room cabin near James Bay, Ont., a young McCue lived with a Cree family. Despite rediscovering his heritage as planned, the book deals with themes of isolation. Feelings of inadequacy set in as McCue found himself ill-equipped to compete with his cabin-mates. All the household members proved more capable in the wild; McCue’s “urban” childhood betrayed him. In hindsight, McCue appears to have reverence for this experience
and he emphasized his emotional turmoil. This was clear when he spoke of his suicidal ideation. Attempting to prove himself as a capable member, McCue went off alone to
“McCue took his personal, perceived truth and applied it to the real world. His talk transformed his subjective truth into an analysis of the objective.”
hunt beaver, and failed in his attempt. This failure lead to suicidal thoughts as he sulked back to the cabin. He admitted repressing the memory until writing his memoir Shoe Boy many years later, confronting his own truth through memory and perception gleaned through the act of writing. He connected his personal truth with that of the James Bay Cree. In the 1970s, the Quebec government approved the James Bay Project, a plan to build multiple hydroelectric dams in the area. While the government met swift resistance, it was ultimately successful. The lasting social impact reduced the viability of living in bush. For the Indigenous population, it was another challenge to their way of life. McCue’s adolescent experience was disappearing even as he experienced it, political and corporate policies slowly eroding the traditional lifestyle—eroding the truths of people who are rarely listened to. Truth as perception is hard to articulate. McCue took his personal, perceived truth and applied it to the real world. His talk transformed his subjective truth into an analysis of the objective. Personal truths are numerous, but they aren’t often heard. McCue’s truth was an important one, and hopefully first in a long line of testimony. Due to high winds in Halifax that day, Duncan McCue’s plane was unable to land. He delivered his keynote via Skype from the Toronto airport. Thank you, Duncan, for your flexibility.
ARMBRAE DIALOGUE AT KING’S A two-day symposium called Armbrae Dialogue at King’s is an annual event that that happens in November. King’s President William Lahey says Armbrae Dialogue “approaches learning as we do at King’s, by both challenging and supporting students to be guided by their intellectual curiosity and their desire to understand the world in which they live and will make a difference.” In addition to Duncan McCue, this year’s speakers also included King’s journalism professor Pauline Dakin, MFA’15, who spoke about her memoir Run, Hide, Repeat, political cartoonist and author Michael de Adder, communications and marketing strategist Jim Vibert, and BBC journalist Aliaume Leroy.
SPRING OPEN HOUSE KING’S SPRING OPEN HOUSE happens March 22, 2019. Prospective students can learn about programs, tour campus, hear from students and discover what life at King’s could be like. Please tell those you know who would be a good fit for King’s that they can reserve a spot by emailing: admissions@ukings.ca. Lunch is on us!
TIDINGS | WINTER 2018/19 25
KING’S AND YOUTH ART Connection (YAC)—a Nova Scotia-based not-for-profit working with youth, professional artists and community members to make positive change—have partnered in a new initiative that has young community artists collaborating with King’s students on creative projects. It’s designed to bring creative ideas to fruition as learning opportunities and, potentially, businesses. On Thursday nights this fall 2018 semester in the Wilson Common Room, student artists met and learned from each other and artists working in the community at ‘King’s Art and Action Hubs.’ “The goal is to build connections and confidence,” explains YAC co-founder Ryan Veltmeyer. Conversations revolved around what it’s like to be an artist at King’s and in life after King’s. “Art is an important part of the creative
economy,” Veltmeyer says, and entrepreneurial projects and hubs support young creative people who want to build businesses and careers based on their passions. King’s President William Lahey was a driving force behind the King’s-YAC partnership. “King’s has a long history of nurturing and celebrating students’ artistic interests,” he says. “This partnership validates the exploration of those talents as essential components of student learning and development. It may also allow King’s students to explore opportunities for careers in the visual and performing arts.” Brielle Leblanc, a second-year Contemporary Studies Program and English student at King’s, was the YAC student liaison who organized and hosted the Thursday evening hubs. “King’s drew me in. It’s a beautiful, artsy community,” says Leblanc, who also orga-
nized a two-day pop-up art gallery in the Cochran Bay Laundry Room that explored how art connects individuals in a community. The collaboration between YAC and King’s was made possible through the Nova Scotia Sandbox Project. With financial support from the Department of Labour and Advanced Education, the Nova Scotia Sandbox Project is a joint initiative hosted by the province’s universities and NSCC that brings students, mentors and advisers together to take business and social concepts from idea to execution. Within the family of Sandbox projects, King’s Art and Action Hubs joins The Spark Zone. The Spark Zone was recently recognized as the world’s best in enterprise and entrepreneurship skill-building. The award was presented in Houston, Texas by International Education Business Partnership Network.
“King’s drew me in. It’s a beautiful, artsy community.” — Brielle Leblanc
TOP LEFT: Musician Rich Aucoin (far left), BA(Hons)’06, speaks at a YAC event in the President’s Lodge. TOP CENTRE: Brielle Leblanc, a second-
year Contemporary Studies Program and English student at King’s, was the YAC student liaison who organized and hosted the Thursday evening hubs and the Laundry Room Art Gallery. She’s standing beside her piece: “Mary the Prom Queen.”
TIDINGS | WINTER 2018/19 27
TUTORING PROGRAM AT KING’S MATCHES STUDENTS WITH YOUTH EVERY TUESDAY LAST WINTER, Foundation Year Program (FYP) student Jenny Lapp tutored grade four student Keanna (Kiki) Kirshhofer at King’s. “I’ve had to learn how to teach things. Kiki and I teach each other. We’ve become much better friends,” Lapp said about Keanna. Keanna, who’s nine, beamed as she sat next to Lapp in the KTS Lecture Hall. “Jenny teaches me stuff and then I can do it. If I get stuck I think about what Jenny taught me,” she says, pointing to an addition problem on her math sheet the two pals solved together. Lapp and Keanna met through a partnership between King’s and Saint George’s YouthNet. YouthNet provides free programs to children and youth living in or near Uniacke Square, a public housing neighbourhood in Halifax’s North End. King’s students
have been volunteering at YouthNet for several years, but the idea of bringing YouthNet’s participants to King’s for tutoring was hatched last year by King’s Classics student Sarah Griffin. It began in January 2018, took a summer hiatus, then restarted this fall on Mondays. “We paired them one-on-one because we want them both (tutor and youth) to have someone they look forward to seeing…One of the main visions we had is that it would be about friendship. We were hoping a barrier could be broken between ‘ivory tower’ academics and North End kids and I think that’s happened,” Griffin says. In addition to the 20 King’s students who volunteer every week, there’s an additional pool of about 20 King’s students on a standby list. Many of the regulars, Griffin said, now want to get more involved in volunteerism through YouthNet and have been dis-
appointed when bad weather has cancelled their weekly tutoring sessions.
COMMUNITY PARTNERS Alumna Rozzi Curran, BA(Hons)’16, is the executive director at YouthNet. She was sold on the tutoring idea when Griffin proposed it with (former King’s) Chaplain Father Dr. Gary Thorne, DD’04. King’s President William Lahey was an early supporter and made the room available to the group. “Having them (the youth) at King’s is really special. It makes them excited about being here. It’s more about mentorship and less about work—though that’s important, too,” Curran says. She works with the teachers and principal at the children’s school, Joseph Howe Elementary, to determine what work the children bring with them. “Honestly, it’s exceeded expectation. I thought the students would be tired after school but they
look forward to it every week. They really like, and have gotten to know, their tutors. And it’s really special for me to bring them to King’s because it’s where I went to school.” Now in year two, Griffin and Curran hope the tutoring program continues to be offered at King’s. “I’m hoping the program surpasses the length of time any one student spends at King’s,” Griffin says. “Perhaps, down the road, with the continued success of this partnership, some of these same children might show an interest in coming to a place like King’s for university.”
TOP LEFT: Jenny Lapp and Kiki Kirshhofer TOP CENTRE: Rozzi Curran, BA(Hons)’16 TOP RIGHT: Shannon Faires tutors Keelan
Carvery RIGHT: Sarah Griffin (left, navy jacket)
and children from YouthNet at King’s.
TIDINGS | WINTER 2018/19 29
KING’S HAS RE-ESTABLISHED the Prince Scholarship, and this time as an endowed award. In 1959, thanks to a benefactor who requested anonymity, King’s established the first Prince Scholarship, then a renewable $1,000 scholarship for an African-Nova Scotian student—the first of its kind in the 1960s. It was available for 10 years but when its benefactor died, the funding ceased. Now endowed for perpetuity, the scholarship is currently valued at $6,000 and will be renewable for four years, bringing the total value of the scholarship to $24,000 over four years. It will again be awarded to African Nova Scotian students entering the Foundation Year Program and pursuing a degree in arts, science, journalism (honours) or music. King’s President William Lahey made the announcement at October’s Formal Meal. Previous Prince Scholarship winners Gordon Sinclair Earle, BA’63 (awarded 1959) and Mureena Hebert, BA’72 (awarded 1969) were in attendance when the re-established scholarship was announced. Recipient David Jones, BA(Hons)’64, (awarded 1960) now
OPPOSITE PAGE: from left — Gordon Sinclair Earle (Prince Scholarship recipient, 1959), Mureena Hebert (Prince Scholarship recipient, 1969), Chair of King’s Board of Governors Doug Ruck, University of King’s College President William Lahey. MIDDLE: David Jones (Prince Scholarship recipient, 1960) RIGHT: Samuel Prince
lives in British Columbia, and sent comments by email, saying: “King’s was the first place where I felt really comfortable and truly accepted.” The scholarship is named for Dr. Samuel Prince (1886-1960), a King’s professor, a pioneering sociologist, Anglican priest and builder of the social welfare state in Nova Scotia and Canada, who played a leading role in founding the Maritime School of Social Work at Dalhousie University. Saying he was “delighted” to announce the Prince Scholarship’s reestablishment, Lahey acknowledged the generosity of gifts from private donors who made re-estab-
lishment of the scholarship with endowed funding possible. “Our goal is to keep growing this fund so we can increase the value of the scholarship and ultimately offer more than one scholarship at a time,” Lahey said. “We look forward to meeting Prince scholars of the future who will carry on the great legacies of past recipients like Gordon and Mureena.” Chair of King’s Board of Governors Doug Ruck, who graduated from King’s in 1972, spoke at the announcement, citing his own experience as an African-Nova Scotian coming to King’s in the late 1960s. As an applicant, he recalled reading the King’s cal-
“Doors are opened by others. Doors are opened by those who go ahead of us…Time will go by and you’ll be able to improve upon what others put in place.”
endar and learning there was a scholarship for black students. At the time, King’s was the only university in Nova Scotia with such a scholarship. “It was like putting a welcome mat at the top of the stairs of the university’s Arts and Administration Building,” Ruck said. “This little university at the corner of Coburg Road had a scholarship named for Samuel Prince; a scholarship that recognized the need for diversity.” Ruck credited King’s with inspiring him to pursue a career in law and public service that has included serving as the province’s ombudsman and as Chair of the Nova Scotia Labour Board as well as volunteering with many community organizations. “Doors are opened by others. Doors are opened by those who go ahead of us,” Ruck said to the crowd of faculty, staff and over 100 students present for the announcement. “Time will go by and you’ll be able to improve upon what others put in place.” Applications for the Prince Scholarship, due January 15, are now available on the King’s website.
TIDINGS | WINTER 2018/19 31
STUDENT ADVOCATE TACKLING FOOD SECURITY AND GENDER INEQUALITY WORLDWIDE Speaking recently in Rome, Cassie Hayward describes herself as a ‘passionate watchdog’ by Georgia Atkin, BA’17
CASSIE HAYWARD’S PASSION for food security and advocacy is taking her far— quite literally. In October, the 21-year-old King’s student flew to Rome to attend an international conference of the Committee on World Food Security, where she was asked to give a speech on behalf of youth. “I was so nervous. I got up there and I was shaking so badly,” says Hayward. Despite nerves, however, her speech struck a chord with the audience. “Afterwards, I had people come up to me in tears and say, ‘This is what we needed to hear.’ So, for me, to make myself vulnerable, to tell my own personal story, for that to influence and hopefully inspire people to actually make change…that’s pretty huge.” Hayward is part of an international group of youth tackling food insecurity and gender inequality. After developing a concept that won the top prize at a youth summit in 2017, Hayward and her colleagues have been working hard to bring that concept to life. Their project is a digital platform designed to support young women considering agricultural careers. Currently preparing to pilot the platform in Kenya, the team have named their organization Agrikua—“kua” meaning “grow” in Swahili. Their prototype website has a planned launch date of March 2019. The digital plat-
form will host educational materials, mentoring and networking opportunities, and information about financial resources. While the initial website will be in English (widely spoken in Kenya), it may be translated into Swahili as well. When it comes to her personal role in the project, Hayward describes herself as “a passionate watchdog.” “My role in the organization is that I hype everybody up, but I also keep everybody in line,” says Hayward, laughing. “When you’re working internationally, you really have to stick to those deadlines, you really have to make sure that everybody is engaging in that project.” Hayward says her experience at King’s has been invaluable to her work with Agrikua. As a full-time student who also works three jobs and is a member of the King’s women’s rugby team, developing strong organizational and time management skills has been vital. These skills will only become more important. Three major parties have expressed interest in funding Agrikua’s future development, and the team is making plans to expand internationally. “It’s a hard transition, and we need to gauge everyone’s commitment to it,” says Hayward. “I think that’ll be our biggest challenge going forward: figuring out what
workload works for people.” This transition is factoring into Hayward’s personal plans. As she completes her final year of studies at King’s, majoring in political science and sustainability, Hayward is considering a master’s degree in international policy or global governance—a personal interest which could become a powerful contribution to Agrikua. “I think it’s really important for at least one of us to have that background knowledge in how to engage with governments, because—especially in developing countries—you get support from local communities, which is the most important, but you also need governmental support.” Whatever happens next, Hayward is excited about the future. “People said a year ago that it wouldn’t last this long, so we’re doing pretty well. We’ve all kind of come to the consensus that we’re going to do our absolute best, and if that’s not enough, at least we’ve gained so much from each other and from this experience.”
TOP: Hayward and the Agrikua team in Rome. BOTTOM: Hayward being
interviewed by Portia Clark of CBC’s Information Morning.
WHEN 21-YEAR-OLD King’s student Ata Zargarpour read Descartes over the winter break last year while a Foundation Year Program (FYP) student, he knew he was in for a challenge. “It was actually insane,” says Zargarpour, laughing. “I think I read it three times, and retained, like, 16 per cent. But I was reading it alone. When I came and encountered it with other people, it wasn’t just me on my own, despairing at how incomprehensible it was, it was all of us together despairing at how incomprehensible it was, which somehow made it less incomprehensible.” His efforts paid off, because Zargarpour has received the Dr. Kathleen Margaret (Peggy) Heller Memorial Foundation Year Prize for achieving the highest marks in FYP. The $1,000 prize was established in memory of Professor Heller who died in 2011. Zargarpour also had the opportunity to meet Michael Heller, Dr. Heller’s widower, at a formal meal. “It was a really beautiful experience, to sit with him and ask him about his story,” says Zargarpour. “I really appreciated that part of it.” Originally from Vancouver, Zargarpour has strong roots in the Bahá’í religion. His parents were Bahá’í refugees from Iran who fled persecution in 1979 and came to Canada.
After graduating from high school, Zargarpour took two years off. He spent those two years volunteering with different initiatives, first in South Africa and then back in his hometown of Vancouver, and while the experience was valuable, Zargarpour still struggled with the question of what to do next. “There was such a contrast between what I wanted to do—who I wanted to be—and the reality, and I didn’t know how to bridge that gap.” A suggestion from a school counsellor and a visit to King’s College convinced Zargarpour that FYP was right for him. Zargarpour says he was gratified but surprised to hear he had received the award for highest marks in FYP, primarily because his studies were interrupted during second semester, when he flew home to deal with a family emergency. His favourite FYP text was Dostoevsky’s Crime and Punishment, which he read on the plane. He says the text helped him cope with the loss of his grandmother during that time. Now in his second year at King’s, Zargarpour is pursuing contemporary studies and religious studies. He writes poetry and non-fiction in his spare time, as well as volunteering with local organizations Northwood, YouthNet and the Halifax branch
of the Junior Spiritual Empowerment Program. Recently, he has also started up a weekly informal discussion group called Open Soul, which meets every Saturday at the Central Library in Halifax. The group is open to participants of all backgrounds and beliefs, and meets to explore questions of spirituality and ethics. Zargarpour says his vision for Open Soul is influenced by his Bahá’í faith, which emphasizes “the freedom to interrogate reality for oneself.” He was also inspired by his FYP experience. “When that kind of investigation goes on in a communal context, I think the level of consciousness is enhanced in a way,” says Zargarpour. “You’re able to benefit from other peoples’ perspectives, especially those that differ from your own, and they—whether wittingly or not—reframe things in such a way that you come to realizations that you never would have otherwise, and I don’t think I really understood that until I came here and did FYP.”
TIDINGS | WINTER 2018/19 33
CARRIE BEST’S LEGACY LIVES ON THROUGH SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENTS Three honorees this year draw strength from the past as they plan their futures
THE THREE FIRST-YEAR STUDENTS at King’s who received Dr. Carrie Best Memorial Scholarships this year are all drawing inspiration from the human rights activist’s legacy as they settle into their studies and contemplate their futures. “People like her [Dr. Best] inspire me to…fight for actual justice and not worry about your vulnerability in it,” says Foundation Year Program student and Carrie Best scholar Marlee Sansom, who grew up in a Toronto household where names like Carrie Best and Viola Desmond were regularly discussed. Sansom’s mother, Maureen Murray, was the first full-time female black journalist at the Toronto Star, and made sure her daughter had worthy role models. She told Sansom about activist, author, journalist, publisher and broadcaster Dr. Carrie Best who, in 1943, confronted racial segregation at the Roseland Theatre in New Glasgow. Dr. Best had purchased two tickets for downstairs seats to watch a movie with her son. Both of them were arrested and fought the charges to challenge segregation.
Their case was unsuccessful, and they were ordered to pay damages to the Roseland’s owners. The experience motivated Dr. Best in 1946 to found The Clarion, a newspaper that exposed racism and explored the lives of Black Nova Scotians. Among her first big stories at The Clarion was writing about the case against Viola Desmond, the Halifax beautician similarly arrested, charged and fined for sitting in the whites-only seats at the Roseland Theatre. “Carrie Best was a black female publisher in Nova Scotia when no one else [like her] was,” says Sansom. “She already knew she was a target, period, for any story she told, but she decided to tell a super-controversial story at the time to give justice to a person who needed justice.” Sansom is interested in studying law and advocating for change that would make the legal system more diverse. “It really is so important to take those risks, especially in academia,” Sansom says, to challenge not only what you learn but also point out the need for diversity and accessibility.
A RENEWABLE, $5,000/YEAR SCHOLARSHIP The Carrie Best Scholarship is a renewable King’s scholarship of $5,000/year for African-Canadian and Indigenous Students. Mairi Spencer of Halifax says she was excited to learn she had received the scholarship, and explained its significance: “It symbolizes to me how far my family has come for me to be in this position to just apply. For so long Red River Métis have been invisible or misunderstood. I feel very positive and happy with the recognition and open discussions that are starting to happen. People are starting to listen, learn and try,” Spencer says. “I feel this recognition brings value to those who struggled before me and led me to be where I am today.” Spencer’s studying sciences and eyeing a career as a health professional that will enable her to make health care more accessible for all Canadians. She chose King’s, in part, because of its unique relationship with Dalhousie University. “I like being able to have both experiences. Dal is a larger school and King’s is smaller, close-knit, and there’s
so much history to King’s as well. There so much to get involved with.” A third scholarship recipient, Kiera Doyle, came to King’s from Margaree, Cape Breton. She describes her community there as rural and mostly white, and says receiving the Carrie Best Scholarship allowed her to connect to her Métis culture. “Every time I speak about the Carrie Best Scholarship it [indigeneity] becomes more a part of me,” Doyle says. It’s made her more curious and in touch with her Indigenous heritage says Doyle, and made her family very proud. The scholarship has also given Doyle the freedom to focus all her time this year on her studies at King’s, a place, she says, that feels like her second home. She’s considering studying international development in her upper years.
MAKING THE MOST OF THEIR TIME AT KING’S During her long career, Dr. Carrie Best also had a CBC radio show called The Quiet Corner and a column in the Pictou Advocate, and she wrote her autobiography titled The
Lonesome Road. She received an honorary doctorate from King’s in 1992, and many other accolades in her life including the Order of Canada. Dr. Best’s son and King’s alumnus Dr. James Calbert Best, BA’48, DCL’95, was co-founder of The Clarion with his mother and he later became a Canadian diplomat. Sansom, Spencer and Doyle all say they’re honoured to have a scholarship that keeps Dr. Best’s important contributions alive in our collective consciousness today. “People will react differently because of who you are and what race you are and what your background is, but look at the fact that [Carrie Best] gone and we still have a scholarship and a legacy for her because her work is so important,” says Sansom. “A lot of the reason that I’m here is because of her.” Doyle says, “I’m proud that I share a scholarship with girls like me in the name of this incredible woman.” ABOVE LEFT: Mairi Spencer
(left) and Marlee Sansom ABOVE RIGHT: Kiera Doyle
TIDINGS | WINTER 2018/19 35
FORESTRY REVIEW EMPHASIZES WEIGHING AND BALANCING VALUES After writing an independent review of Nova Scotia’s forestry practices, King’s President William Lahey reflects on how a liberal arts education equips one to consider public policy by Eva Thorpe, Sustainability, French and Journalism student
IF YOU ASKED BILL LAHEY to write a forestry report two years ago, it would not be what it is today. Lahey says his two years as president at the University of King’s College reinforced and expanded his ability to think about public policy issues, like those integral to forestry and its industry. In August 2017, Stephen McNeil, premier of Nova Scotia, appointed him to conduct an independent review of the province’s forestry practices, a fulfilment of one of the McNeil’s election campaign promises. The review tasked Lahey with tackling a challenging public policy issue, and he did so by emphasizing the protection of ecosystems and biodiversity. Lahey enjoyed a career as a legal scholar and senior public servant before coming to King’s. As deputy minister of the Department of Environment and Labour from 2004 to 2007, Lahey spearheaded the development of the Environmental Goals and Sustainable Prosperity Act, legislation designed to improve environmental law and policy, and to make Nova Scotia a leader in integrating economic growth and environmental protection objectives. He later co-authored a review of the province’s aquaculture industry, recommending significant changes to its regulatory framework in accordance with the principles and concepts of sustainable prosperity. And he played a leading role as Board Chair in the founding of Efficiency Nova Scotia, which operates today as EfficiencyOne, Canada’s only regulated energy efficiency utility. Lahey originally had six months to write
his forestry report, then a two-month extension, after which he had another extension to receive legal advice, before the report was published on August 22, 2018. During that time, Lahey says he began to think about forestry systemically. “I learned that there’s a way to protect ecosystems and biodiversity, and at the same time have a forestry industry that’s really important to our economy and especially to the economy of rural communities,” he says. Forestry issues in Nova Scotia, according to Lahey, such as excess clearcutting, including of old-growth forests and the gradual loss of Nova Scotia’s Acadian Forest (one of the main reasons for the review), must be looked at environmentally, economically and sociologically to be solved. It’s why the executive summary of Lahey’s report states, “ecosystems and biodiversity are the foundation on which [environmental, and social] values, including the economic ones, ultimately depend.” He attributes that statement to a capacity and comfort in identifying an issue’s intertwined values. Lahey says for him that capacity and comfort “depend as much on [his] education in the liberal arts as they do on [his] education on law.”
SEEING VALUE CHOICES Like he did, students at King’s develop a capacity “to see the value choices” when solving issues, Lahey says. They become comfortable in understanding and having discussions about those values and how they should guide decision making.
“Those skills, those attributes, it’s not only people in the liberal arts that have developed those,” says Lahey. “But studying the liberal arts gives you a wonderful opportunity to develop those kinds of confidences.” He mentions that Nova Scotians’ have an emotional attachment to forests, giving the example of a mill’s importance to a community versus how people from cities may visit the woods expecting them to be in pristine condition. A plan needs to incorporate multiple values: economic, sociological and environmental values, he says, but, “The reality is the ecological and the biodiversity [values underpin] each of those categories.” The ecological and biodiversity values, says Lahey, need to be a top priority. “All the other values depend on whether or not we are or are not in alignment with nature,” he says.
TRIAD MODEL OF ECOLOGICAL FORESTRY The mindset this shift of values demands, in the context of forestry, is called ecological forestry. This approach, says Lahey, prioritizes protecting and maintaining ecosystems and biodiversity. Doing so requires “maintaining and restoring mixed growth forests wherever it’s practical,” which must be the context for the forestry industry’s operation, he says. “Currently […] the needs of the forestry industry come first, and then to the extent that we can, we protect ecosystems and biodiversity,” he says. The key recommendation in Lahey’s
forestry report, which can be read in its entirety at https://novascotia.ca/natr/forestry/ Forest_Review/, is a suggestion the province should adopt a “triad model” of ecological forestry. On Crown land, that would continue a total ban on harvesting in parks, nature reserves and other designated wilderness areas. The model also envisions some forests dedicated to high-production forestry, while the remainder (the majority) would be managed using approaches ranging from ecological conservation to outright commercial forestry. Lahey says he hopes his independent review on forestry creates a different paradigm for thinking about forestry: one that incorporates all values. Especially ecological values.
TOP: President Lahey (far left) hosted the President’s Hike for students, staff and faculty in Halifax’s Blue Mountain-Birch Cove Lakes Wilderness Area, one of 40 designated wilderness areas in the province, in November 2018. MIDDLE: (from left) Dalhousie student Manaf Mansour, President Lahey, King’s students Bayleigh Marelj and Brooklyn Connolly. BOTTOM: Eva Thorpe (right) and her
friend Erin Applebe, both King’s students who study sustainability, on the President’s Hike.
TIDINGS | WINTER 2018/19 37
A SUMMER SPENT VISITING INDIGENOUS COMMUNITIES IN SASKATCHEWAN Learning ‘mamuwe,’ walking together, seen as a step toward reconciliation by the Rt. Rev. Michael Hawkins, BA’84, Bishop of the Diocese of Saskatchewan
THE CONNECTION BETWEEN King’s and Northern Saskatchewan runs deep and wide. King’s has had several associations with the Diocese of Saskatchewan: Dr. Robert Crouse served as our canon theologian for many years, several alumni have served here as priests and summer students, and my predecessor, Bishop Anthony Burton (1983), was at one time don of Middle Bay. But the deeper connection is in the colonial and missionary history which King’s and this diocese share. Most of us are inheritors and beneficiaries of that complicated and fraught past. As a graduate of two colonial foundations and the bishop of a missionary diocese that operated two residential schools, I cannot avoid or deny that past and its effects. In March of 2017 I was honoured to be invited to King’s, together with Rev. Wilfred and Mrs. Theresa Sanderson from Fort a la Corne, by the King’s College Chaplain. During our visit, Wilfred and Theresa spoke to a Contemporary Studies class, addressed a group of Foundation Year Program stu-
dents, faculty and tutors, and met with President Lahey. Wilfred and Theresa’s honesty and openness, grace and kindness moved many as they shared something of their own story and the story of their people. Their visit helped make the experience of residential schools, and the entire missionary and colonial endeavour which it symbolizes for many, something more than an abstraction but a concrete particular. Wilfred and Theresa invited everyone they met to come and visit them on their land. In the fall of 2017, I was delighted to hear from King’s President and King’s Chaplain that there was interest and support for such a visit. This past summer, we were glad to be able to host fourth-year Bachelor of Arts student Samuel Landry, graduating student Hannah Fisher and Andrew Griffin, BA(Hons)’16, for three months, and Chapel Administrator Karis Tees, BA(Hons)’16, for one month. They got a small taste of rural and Indigenous life in northern Saskatchewan. They worked with Indigenous and non-Indigenous youth in summer day camps,
led worship, visited with elders and were generously treated as guests across the diocese. A generation of Canadians defined this country in terms of two solitudes and much government funding and material works still within that deceitful framework of two founding peoples and languages. Such thinking ignores the fundamental divide between Indigenous peoples and settlers with the associated crimes, tragedies and injustices. The visit of this past summer was a step across a dividing wall of hostility and isolation. Reconciliation needs to take place directly, between people. Reconciliation is a matter of the heart. I am grateful for the small step King’s made this summer to that end. Here is their story (p. 40–42) as told by Hannah Fisher.
LEFT: Rev. Wilfred and Theresa Sanderson speak to FYP students in the Wilson Common Room. RIGHT: Sam Landry and Andrew Griffin
arrive at Holy Trinity Anglican Church for the burial of an elder.
TIDINGS | WINTER 2018/19 39
EXPERIENCING RADICAL HOSPITALITY IN NORTHERN SASKATCHEWAN by Hannah Fisher BY THE END OF OUR FIRST encounter with Edna Mirasty, member of the Lac La Ronge Indian Band and Lay Reader of the Anglican Church, she was already introducing us as her nosimak (grandchildren). The people to whom Edna was showing us off— other members of the Lac La Ronge Indian Band, the band chief, Tammy Cook-Searson, congregants of All Saints Church, her biological grandchildren—would look at our white skin and blond hair, throw a quizzical glance at Edna and then begin to laugh heartily. They were used to Edna’s humour, but they didn’t take her for a complete jester, knowing that her heart was big enough to immediately accept us as her own kin. The story of our summer in Northern Saskatchewan must begin with the radical hospitality, exemplified by Edna, with which we were welcomed into the communities, homes and hearts of people in the many and various places to which the two bishops, Michael Hawkins and Adam Halkett, sent us. The story must also recognize the tragedy that prompted the chaplain to invite Wilfred
and Theresa Sanderson and Bishop Hawkins to the College in 2017: the six suicides of girls aged 10 to 14 that occurred in 2016 in and near communities we visited. Entering these communities with some knowledge of the deep and open wounds that remain, we came face to face with the seeming impossibility of sharing another’s grief. For three months we would not be able to simply go through the motions of listening, laughing and grieving. For the trip to be in any way worthwhile, reconciliation would have to become a matter of the heart. Prior to our departure, we had no notions of what we would be doing, only confidence in the people who suggested we go. The four of us gladly, if blindly, accepted the invitation, expecting nothing but a summer of unexpected encounters.
THE JOB BEFORE US Upon arrival, Bishop Hawkins provided us with a job description. We were to have coffee with anyone who invited us; go fishing, camping or swimming with anyone who might offer to take us; attend the funeral if someone died; sit with anyone who gave us the opportunity; and plan and run four weeks of children’s day camps in four different communities that had requested our help. This open-ended approach made us entirely dependent on others not only to guide us in unfamiliar places, but also to invite us there in the first place. We wondered whether we would find willing hosts and whether we would know how to be gracious guests.
Amid these doubts and misgivings, we discovered ourselves to be among immeasurably hospitable people, and through various invitations the summer began to take shape. After spending May in Prince Albert, we drove two hours through boreal forest to the northern town of La Ronge, a trip that used to take many days before the road was expanded in 1947 and later paved in the 1970s. Upon arrival, Tom Sanderson, Edna Mirasty’s fellow lay reader, recounted how at age 19, his father made the two-week journey on foot, sleeping in the woods at night, to voluntarily enlist in the Canadian Armed Forces during the Second World War. After being examined and rejected on account of his imperfect vision, he trekked the 250 kms home. We were to stay in La Ronge for the month of June. We arrived on a Saturday and moved into the vacant rectory on the edge of Lac la Ronge, which for 20 years had been the home of Bishop Charles Arthurson, the first Indigenous bishop in Canada. (We had a weekly coffee date with the retired Bishop during our time in Prince Albert, during which he would invariably urge Andrew and Sam to shave their scruffy facial hair. We would laugh. He wouldn’t.) The rectory stands adjacent to All Saints Church, which was built in 1905 and associated with the All Saints mission day school, built in 1906 and rebuilt in 1922 as the All Saints Residential School. The following day we met Edna for the first time. Because La Ronge has not had a priest for two years, Edna and Tom lead Sunday worship and tirelessly sustain the
life of the parish. Because it was the first Sunday of the month, Bishop Halkett had travelled from Prince Albert to perform the monthly baptism. On this day, 12 babies were presented for baptism. Even before meeting Edna, we knew her voice from a recording online. Fr. Sam Halkett, a Cree priest in Little Red Reserve, had recommended we listen to her recitation of the Lord’s Prayer in Cree. During our time in Prince Albert, Fr. Sam had generously extended his weekly Cree classes in the basement of the cathedral so that we could
Edna was our host for the duration of our time in La Ronge. Born in La Ronge, Edna has lived there whenever she was not on her family’s trap line. For the past 38 years, she has been the librarian in charge of eight schools of the Lac La Ronge Indian Band and it seems that she knows almost every place and person. One day Edna took us to a cultural fair at her school where community artisans taught children their trade. Participating with the children, we scaled whitefish, scraped moose hide, plucked ducks, sets traps, sewed ribbon skirts, and ate neck
“Participating with the children, we scaled whitefish, scraped moose hide, plucked ducks, sets traps, sewed ribbon skirts, and ate neck bones and fried bannock.” participate. We learned how to say tānisi (hello), ikwa k tha (how are you), t niki (thank you). Fr. Sam would bring his guitar and sing songs to help us remember our vocabulary. But we always had Edna’s voice too: “Nohtāw nān kihcik sikohk āyāyin…” She spoke slowly but not exactly patiently, in a tone that we later came to know as a wry expression of her bafflement at our slowness in learning the lengthy prayer in Cree. (Despite her two plastic knees, Edna was always a couple of steps ahead of us).
bones and fried bannock. One morning, we received a call from Stanley Mission Reserve inviting us to the funeral of an elder. That night, after a dark and rainy two-hour drive, we arrived with a deep uncertainty about whether we could be anything except an imposition on a community in mourning. We did not know the deceased, nor had we met anyone from the reserve. We entered the narrow church to discover that the many, many rows were filled to the brim with what seemed to be the
entire population of Stanley, from newborns to the oldest person on the reserve, a 98-year-old woman named Helen. The grief in the room was as palpable as the cigarette smoke. Together we sang long, drawn-out, and powerful hymns in Cree that gave voice to the collective grief. After the three-hour service, family and friends kept vigil with the body throughout the night. The next morning, after we each lined up for the second time to pay our respects to the body and offer our condolences to the family, we travelled with the coffin to the other side of the lake in a convoy of motorboats. The burial service was conducted in the oldest building in Saskatchewan: Holy Trinity Anglican Church, which was built in 1854 entirely from imported wood from England in the revived gothic style. The able-bodied lowered the coffin into the earth, each person threw in a handful of dirt, and then six shovels were passed around until the hole was completely filled. We soon discovered that the anxiety about whether we were welcome was unwarranted. At the funeral, we met Eugene Merasty, who generously invited us back the following week. As well as being a lay
FAR LEFT: Eugene Mirasty and part of his fire-crew, plus Hannah, Sam and Andrew going to Nistowiak Falls. CENTRE: Children on the last day of summer camp run by the summer students. RIGHT: Kids of Cumberland House and
Anglican Church Women (ACW) members watching the fun.
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“What endures is the friendship which was extended to us in deep kindness and without agenda.” reader of the church, Eugene is the foreman of the local fire-crew. When we returned a week later, he put his crew to work boating us to some famous cave paintings and to Nistowiak Falls. A month later, we returned again to Stanley for the Amachewespimawin community gathering and gospel jamboree. The day before we left La Ronge, Tammy Cook-Searson, chief of the 10,000-person Lac La Ronge Indian Band, carved out time in her full schedule to spend the entire day hosting us. With her we travelled a further 150 kms north to her hometown of Brabant Lake, a community of 100 people. She showed us around her favourite hangouts including the creek, where we went for a swim. Karis arrived in July and we embarked on our four-week tour of running children’s summer camps, one of which was held at James Smith Cree Nation (Fort a la Corne), where Wilfred and Theresa Sanderson live. Throughout the week the kids became increasingly excited about the upcoming powwow in their community that weekend.
Our days at camp were full of excited chatter about what each kid would be wearing and dancing. We were invited to the powwow on Friday, and the same kids with whom we spent the week eagerly and proudly showed off their dresses and dances to us. As the circle of drummers and singers played on, the procession of dancers, young and old, went around and around the pole of the great tent. Rev. Wilfred told us to listen to the beat of the drum and the dancers’ feet, to hear the heartbeat that we all share as we walk together. For the last week of summer day camp, the four of us moved into a teacherage in the remote community of Cumberland House, 300 kms northeast of Prince Albert. Here we received a driving tour of the town and nearby reserve from the Anglican priest, Rev. Park Buck, and spent an afternoon kayaking down the river where the kids go swimming daily. We received a warm welcome from the women of the church, who organized a great potluck feast on the day of our arrival, cooked lunch for us and 30+ kids every day, delivered hamburgers to the teacherage when Sam was not feeling well, and did all the heavy lifting to clean up the church at the end of the week.
that the fruit of such an endeavour cannot be measured according to contemporary Western standards and systems. As we went on our journey to Saskatchewan, we carried in mind the recollection of National Indigenous Anglican Bishop Mark Macdonald, who in his presentation in the King’s President’s Lodge in March 2018 greeted us as brothers and sisters, and left us with the challenge to spend time in Indigenous communities, and allow their ways of being in the world to shape our own ways. Only through actions like this, he said, can the work of reconciliation truly take place in accordance with the cultural ways of Indigenous peoples. What endures is the friendship which was extended to us in deep kindness and without agenda. Our gratitude is for this offer of friendship, and for the gift of being welcomed again and again as guests in a strange land. We have much to learn. This trip was made possible with generous funding from the King’s Collegiate Initiative Fund and the Wesley M Nicol Foundation.
AN INTENTIONAL LACK OF AGENDA There was no distinct political, social or economic agenda governing our visits to different Cree communities and reserves this summer. We produced no quantifiable results to satisfy the contemporary, outcome-driven, Western mind. But this does not mean that the visit was unfruitful—only
TOP LEFT: Children in the back of Rev. Wilfred’s pick up, going home from the summer camp in James Smith Cree Nation. TOP RIGHT: Two summer camp children proudly wear their handmade traditional dresses.
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STEWARDSHIP REPORT April 1, 2017 – March 31, 2018 THE LONGER I AM the live-in president of King’s, the more acquainted I am with two important things. The first is the vibrancy of life inside the Quad, for students, faculty, staff and our many and diverse visitors and guests. The second is the lasting friendships and commitment of those who reside well beyond the Quad, be they alumni, parents or friends of King’s. The philanthropy of this second group, combined with that of faculty and staff, inspires and sustains much of what happens in and around the Quad. To those recognized in this donor report (fiscal 2017-18), I thank you for providing the necessary funds for so many of the experiences of this year and last, which would not happen otherwise. Because of your gifts, students and the broader community enjoy numerous special lectures. You provided for scholarships, bursaries, new library books and sports uniforms. You contributed to concerts and plays and our peer support program. By adding to endowments and contributing unrestricted funding, you supported an educational experience that is both joyful and of enduring importance. Together, we make the King’s community stronger. On behalf of all of us, near and far, thank you for belonging and for investing in our present and our future.
William Lahey President and Vice-Chancellor
DONOR ROLL CHANCELLOR’S CIRCLE ($10,000 and over) Heather & Philip Barnes Diana Belevsky & Al Meghji The John and Judy Bragg Family Foundation George & Tia Cooper ∂ Fred & Elizabeth Fountain ∂ The Peter and Shelagh Godsoe Family Foundation Harrison McCain Foundation ∂ Oriel MacLennan Daniel O’Halloran Anja Pearre John Risley UKC Alumni Association ∂ Wilson Fuel Company Limited ∂ GOVERNOR’S CIRCLE ($5,000 to $9,999) anonymous (1) Adriane Abbott ∂ Acadia Broadcasting Limited Owen Averill & Heidi Laing Patricia Chalmers ∂ Compass Group Canada Susan Hunter ∂ Mary Janigan & Tom Kierans ∂ Peter Jelley ∂ William Lahey & Kathryn Lassaline Newcap Radio Beverly (Zannotti) Postl ∂ INGLIS CIRCLE ($2,000 to $4,999) 3 4 anonymous (2) 5 David & Robin Archibald ∂ 6 William Barker & Elizabeth Church ∂ 7 8 Richard Buggeln 9 Gordon Cameron ∂ Hope Clement ∂ Coca-Cola Refreshments Canada Cormex Research Thomas Curran ∂ Glenn & Petra Davidson David Dime & Elisa Nuyten Edmonds Landscape and Construction Services Ltd. Elizabeth Edwards ∂ Tom Eisenhauer ∂ Christopher Elson ∂ Foyston, Gordon & Payne Inc. Arthur Frank & Catherine Foote ∂ Bruce Geddes 1 2
1 2 3 4
TOTAL FUNDS RAISED Bequests Annual Fund Gifts In-Kind
$107,330 $288,996 $584,134 $1,600
TOTAL $982,060
ibraries & Academic L Programmes $115,000 Athletics Chapel Chapel Chior Student Support Student Life
$2,020 $26,472 $62,928 $412,800 $96,903
Campus Renewal
TOTAL $982,060
DONOR ROLL Kevin & Carolyn Gibson ∂ William & Anne Hepburn Ronald Huebert ∂ Kathleen Jaeger Kim Kierans ∂ Andrew Laing ∂ Laurelle LeVert ∂ Roland & Marian (Huggard) Lines Rowland Marshall ∂ Gillian McCain ∂ Kim McCallum ∂ Michael & Kelly Meighen Sandra Oxner Neil & Patricia Robertson ∂ Stephen Snobelen ∂ Donald Stevenson ∂ Sarah E. Stevenson ∂ R. Howard Webster Foundation PRESIDENT’S CIRCLE ($1,000 to $1,999) anonymous (2) Mary Ellen Aronoff Katrina Beach ∂ The Hornbeck Family ∂ Willa Black Peter & Patricia Bryson Colin Burn Christine Clinton-Catlin Chère Chapman & Gord Cooper ∂ Paul Charlebois ∂ Peter Conrod ∂ Richard & Marilyn (McNutt) Cregan ∂ Robert Dawson ∂ Daniel de Munnik & Tasya Tymczyszyn ∂ Expedition Inc. Dale Godsoe ∂ Catherine & David Hamilton ∂ John & Brenda Hartley ∂ Laurie Hay Kara Holm ∂ Larry Holman ∂ Ann Leamon Cameron Little Mark MacKenzie Kenzie MacKinnon ∂ Jaqueline Matheson Elizabeth Miles ∂ Lois Miller & Iain Macdonald ∂ Jan Nicholls & Paul Sobanski ∂ Bruce Nicol Wesley M Nicol Foundation John Nowlan Laura Penny
Ronald Stevenson ∂ Dorian Stuber Llewellyn Turnquist & Jennifer Inglis University of King’s College Day Students’ Society Chris & Meredith Watson Suzanne Wheeler Romeo ∂ David K. Wilson ∂ Peter & Maida Woodwark ∂ Hugh Wright BENEFACTOR’S CIRCLE ($100 to $999) anonymous (23) Janet & Kenneth Adams Jennifer Adams Joan Aitken ∂ Eric Aldous ∂ Bob Allison Terri Lynn Almeda ∂ *Dennis Andrews ∂ Mark Andrews John Apostolides Rachel Ariss & Gary Genosko Nathalie Atkinson Atlantic Lottery Corporation Margot Aucoin Jane Baldwin Paul Baldwin ∂ Jennifer Balfour ∂ Mary Barker & Ron Gilkie ∂ Roberta Barker ∂ Keith Barrett ∂ Donald Beanlands ∂ Leslie (Donald) Behnia ∂ Matthew Bernstein & Risa Prenick Gilbert Berringer ∂ Peggy & Peter Bethune ∂ Andrew Black ∂ Anne Blakeney Myra Bloom Victor Bomers David Boston Elizabeth Boudreau Michelle Boutilier Stephen Bowman Anne Brace Daniel Brandes & Dawn Tracey Brandes ∂ Jonna Brewer Rhea (Skerrett) & Patrick Bright Lauren Brodie ∂ Rebecca (Moore) Brown ∂ Sharon Brown Brian Brownlee ∂ Fredrik Bruun ∂
James & Kristi (Assaly) Bryson Mordy Bubis & Nina Stipich Steven Burns & Janet Ross Melissa & Jeff Burroughs David Cadogan George & Sandra (Jones) Caines ∂ Sheila Cameron Judy & Mark Caplan Howard Cappell John Carling Donald & Jean (Kryszek) Chard Carolyn (Tanner) Chenhall ∂ Greg & Karen Chiykowski ∂ Fred Christie ∂ M. Joan Christie Ian Chunn & Susan Reaney Donald Clancy ∂ Burdette Coates Wayne Cochrane Peter Coffin Borden Conrad Thomas Coonan Gail & Richard Cooper Barbara Corbin John Cordes Armand Couture Brian & Lindsay Cuthbertson ∂ Ronald Cutler Audrey Danaher & Richard Heystee Sally Danto Ken Dauphinee Gwendolyn Davies ∂ Susan Davies ∂ Marlene Davis Wendy Davis ∂ Joan Dawson ∂ Paul Cassel & Diane de Camps Meschino Alexandre De Saint-Sardos Kenneth Dekker ∂ Kerry DeLorey Alison DeLory Kenneth & Marged Dewar J. Mark & Rachel (Swetnam) DeWolf Andrew Dick ∂ Sarah Dingle & Carl Lem Susan Dodd ∂ James Dodds Alex Doyle Bethany Draper Stephanie Duchon ∂ Robert Dunsmore ∂ Lynda Earle Diocesan Synod of Fredericton Bala & Satya Elango
C. Russell Elliott ∂ Howard Epstein Richard Evans Eyton Family Sean Farmer Monica Farrell ∂ Jim Feir William Finn Wilson Fitt & Thelma Costello Mark Fleming & Rachel Renton Brian Flemming David Fletcher Phillip Fleury ∂ Ian Folkins ∂ Susan Folkins Gisele (LeBlanc) Forsey Brenda & Robert Franklin ∂ J. Roderick Fraser Linda & Gregor Fraser Marion Fry ∂ Jim & Sally Garner James Gibson Peter Giddens Dorota Glowacka ∂ Dr. John F. Godfrey Victoria Goldring Nestor Gomez Bruce Gordon John Gorrill ∂ Graduating Class of 2017 Andrew Graham ∂ Nicholas Graham Nita H. Graham Marie Jannette Grainger Harry Grant David Gray Jennifer Gray Steven Gray Julie Green Roselle Green ∂ Emanuella Grinberg Joanna Grossman ∂ Gregory Guy ∂ Brenton Haliburton Bev Greenlaw & Sylvia Hamilton Geraldine Hamm ∂ Andrew Han Wayne J. Hankey Elizabeth Hanton ∂ Hugh & Gaye Harden Andrew & Anne (Dorey) Hare Carla & Steve Harle ∂ Peter Harris Susan Harris ∂ William Harris Sarah & Michael Harrison E.Kitchener Hayman ∂
TIDINGS | WINTER 2018/19 45
DONOR ROLL C. William Hayward ∂ Douglas Hazen ∂ Harold Hazen ∂ Mark & Shirley (Wall) Hazen ∂ Alan Hebb Ross & Linda Hebb Michael Heller Paul & Penelope Henry Wendy Hepburn ∂ David Herbert Tammy Hermant Peter Herrndorf & Eva Czigler Jai & Lynn Kenison-Higgins Angela Hill John Hobday Barbara Hodkin Annemieke Holthuis Neil Hooper ∂ Dennis & Doris House ∂ Jamie Howison Michaela Huard Caroline (Bennet) Hubbard Robert Hulse Nancy Hyland Robert Hyslop ∂ Erin Iles ∂ Sian Iles Ranall & Sherry Ingalls Alan Levine & Iris Jacobson ∂ Rhonda Jansen & Brad Faught Ian Johnson ∂ Paula Johnson ∂ Benjamin Kates Janet Kawchuk Doreen Kays ∂ Rachel (Haliburton) Kazakidis Danford & Mary (Burchill) Kelley ∂ Glen & Glenda (Cummings) Kent ∂ Stephen Kimber ∂ Jennifer Kinsley Alison Kitt Stephen Knowles ∂ Martina Kolbe & Stefan Pieper-Kolbe Phil Kretzmar & Kaarina Baker Jacob Langer & Ferne Sherkin-Langer Jennifer Laurette ∂ Caleb Lawrence ∂ Sean Lawrence Amanda Le Rougetel Dennice & Stephen Leahey Joanne Leatch Thomas Ledwell John & Nancy Leefe ∂ Sara Leslie
T.C. Leung ∂ Catherine Lipa Ruth Loomer ∂ Bill & Stella Lord Susan & Tim Lorimer Richard Sean Lorway Iain R.M. Luke ∂ David MacDonald ∂ Elmer MacDonald Kevin MacDonell Sara Macfarlane Samantha Machado Ken & Mary MacInnis ∂ Glenn MacIntosh David Mackay ∂ Kathleen MacKeigan & Chris Gibson John MacKenzie ∂ Norman MacKenzie ∂ Lina (McLean) MacKinnon Anne MacLaren Jill MacLean John MacLean ∂ Russell MacLellan ∂ Rod & Robin MacLennan Jennifer (Bassett) MacLeod ∂ Michael & Cynthia (Edwards) MacMillan Marli MacNeil ∂ Adrienne Malloy ∂ James Mann ∂ Robert Mann ∂ Mary Martin ∂ Heather May ∂ Allen McAvoy ∂ Alexandra McCann Molly McCarron Kathryn & Leo McCluskey Frances (Smith) McConnell Paul & Lucy McDonald Graham McGillivray ∂ McInnes Cooper Molly McKay Ronald McKenna *Cal McMillan ∂ Larry Meikle David Mercer Beverley Millar ∂ Gary Miller ∂ Kathy & Dick Miller ∂ Kelly Laurence Catherine (Rhymes) Misener Janet Mitchell Roderick Mitchell Andrew Morrison & Jennifer Morawiecki ∂ David Morris ∂ Kathryn Morris
Brendan Morrison ∂ Joan Morrison Sarah Moses Penny Moxon Stephen Murray Diane Murray Barker ∂ David & Margaret (Harris) Myles Peter Nathanson ∂ Jane Neish Ardis Nelson Caroline Newton Kerry Nielsen Peter O’Brien Valerie O’Brien Anne O’Neil ∂ Douglas Oram Fran Ornstein ∂ Jessica & William Osborne Doug Oxner John Page Stephen Palmer Owen & Elizabeth (MacDonald) Parkhouse Kevin Pask Kelly Patterson & Peter Buckley Charlotte (MacLean) Peach ∂ LeRoy Peach ∂ Gary Pekeles & Jane McDonald ∂ Sandra Penney Andrew Pepper & Victoria Gall Arthur & Elizabeth (Baert) Peters ∂ Robert Petite ∂ George Phills Simone Pink & Doug Mitchell Ann Pituley ∂ Rob Platts & Rachel Syme Frances A. Plaunt Helen & John Poletes Steve Polston Elizabeth Murray & Gary Powell ∂ Helen Powell ∂ Peter Power Morton Prager ∂ Kathleen Pritchard Margo Pullen Sly ∂ James Purchase Christina Quelch ∂ Irene Randall ∂ F. Alan Reesor ∂ Ryan Rempel & Joanne Epp Iris (Martell) Richards Susan (McCulloch) Richardson Patrick Rivest ∂ Amy Rizner
Elizabeth Rochon & Eric Dreyfuss Anna Ruth (Harris) Rogers ∂ Henry & Phoebe Roper ∂ Bala Jaison & Marc Rosen ∂ Stephen Ross & Mary O’Riordan Michael Rudderham ∂ Elizabeth Ryan ∂ Helen Anne Ryding ∂ Stanley & Anne Salsman Mike Sampson Bonnie Sands Nicholas Scheib Douglas Scott Aden Seaton & Howard Krongold Karen Servage & John McGugan ∂ Shelley Shea ∂ David Sheppard John Sherren Bill Sigsworth & Catherine Richard Carrie & Peter Simon Patricia Simpson & Kim Read Lynda Singer Katharine Sircom William Skinner Barbara Smith ∂ Ben Smith ∂ L. Douglas & Ruth Smith Peter & Elizabeth (Bayne) Sodero ∂ Andrew Sowerby ∂ St. Basil of Ostrog Serbian St. John’s-Kilmarnock School Detlev Steffen Catherine Stein Gail Stevens Stewart McKelvey Thomas Stinson ∂ Kevin & Janice Stockall ∂ Carmon Stone John Stone John Swain ∂ David Swick ∂ T4G Limited Lisa Taggart ∂ Dusty & Charles Tarbell Elizabeth & Simon Taylor R. Brian & Sheila Taylor ∂ D. Lionel Teed ∂ Jerome Teitel ∂ Geraldine Thomas Deborah Thompson Wise Chelsea Thorne ∂ Sarah Thornton ∂ Shirley Tillotson ∂
DONOR ROLL Mike Timani Robyn Tingley Keith Townley ∂ Nicholas Townley Edward Trevors Juliette Valcke & Jerome Blais Fred Vallance-Jones ∂ Matthew Van Dusen Pauline Verstraten Elizabeth Vibert Thomas & *Nora (Arnold) Vincent ∂ Nancy (Clark) Violi ∂ Anne von Maltzahn ∂ Jannette Vusich Isabel Wainwright Mordecai Walfish ∂ Richard Walsh ∂ Karl Walters Karolyn Waterson & Carl Boyd Ariel Weiner William Wells ∂ Dorothy Jill Westerman Alvin Westgate & Cathy Ramey-Westgate Christopher J. White ∂ Tara Wigglesworth-Hines Tom Wiley Peter & Irene Wilkinson William Williams ∂ Susu & Craig Wilson Jan Winton James Wood Kathryn Wood Stuart Wood Wendee Wood ∂ *Judy Wright Li Zhou & Hai Xiao CUPOLA CLUB (up to $99) anonymous (4) James Allard Armour Transportation Systems Marcia & Stephen Aronson Kenneth Askew ∂ Lorraine Atherton Carla & Robert Baillie Kathleen Bain Richard Bartram Dennis Bates Joshua Bates Cindy & Spencer Belyea Nancy Blake Timothy Borlase Mike Bowman James & Marion (Ware) Boyer Margaret & Maurice Breslow
Myrna Brown & Nathan Gilbert ∂ Lorna (Surpless) Bryant Ronald Buckley ∂ Matt Buckman Chris Butler David Butorac Jackson Byrne Katrina Byrne Anne Cameron ∂ Nancy Campbell ∂ John Chance Clare Christie ∂ Lyssa Clack Dolda Clarke ∂ *Janet Cochran ∂ John Cook ∂ Robert Craig ∂ John Creelman ∂ Veronica Curran Tim Currie & Christina Harnett Cliodna Cussen Arthur Cuzner ∂ Caroline (Lightfoot) Dacosta Guenevere Danson Christine Davies Douglas Davis ∂ Carol (Coles) Dicks ∂ Donna DiCostanzo Jennifer Duchesne Michael Dunn Corinne Earle Gordon Earle ∂ Catherine (Sutherland) Emmerson Alexander & Stacey (MacDonald) Forbes Rosalie Fox William Fyfe Cynthia Gatto & Kevin MacDonald Edward Gesner ∂ Holly Gilkie Alfred Spurr Gilman Carol Gold Barb Granek Gutstein Kathy Grant & John Grant-McLoughlin Charlotte (Graven) Cochran ∂ Vanessa Green Keith Hatfield Nicholas Hatt Lillie Haworth Pamela Hazel Pearl Hazen David Henry H. Douglas Hergett ∂ Jessica Herschman
Michael Hoare ∂ Bruce Howe James Hunter Jim & Nancy (Hyndman) Ibbott Kieran Innocenzi Debbie James ∂ Randall & Rachael (Earle) Jewers Claudette (Callbeck) Johnston David A. Jones Michael Kaczorowski ∂ Gladys (Nickerson) Keddy ∂ D. Ross Kerr Mary Beth Knight ∂ Simon Kow ∂ Diane Kuipers ∂ David Kumagai Patricia Langmaid Adrian Lee Henry Lipsett & Marisa Collins Christina Macdonald ∂ Elizabeth MacDonald Ronald A. MacDonald Eric MacKay ∂ Alyssa MacKenzie Linda MacLean ∂ Stephen & Julianne (Doucet) MacLean ∂ Rory MacLellan & Genny (Whelan) MacLellan Ronald Marks M. Garth Maxwell ∂ Barbara (Neish) McArthur Susan McCann Caitlin McKeever Natalie McLeod & Nikolas Capobianco Elizabeth McNeil Mr. & Mrs. Loren Mendelsohn Eleanor Methven Gary & Bethany Miles ∂ Adrian Molder Elizabeth Montgomery ∂ Susan Newhook Helen Oldershaw Andrew O’Neill ∂ Kathryn & Richard Ortner Stewart Payne Diane Pickard & Russell Bamford ∂ C.B. (Chuck) Piercey ∂ Cynthia (Smith) Pilichos ∂ Brian Pitcairn Mark & Carolyn Power Natalie Rekai Mark Rendell Sheila (Fenton) Robinson Carol (Fairn) Rogers
Emma Romano Gillian (Bidwell) Rose ∂ Richard Rowberry Jonathan & Emily (Hunter) Rowe Celia Russell Mary Salenieks Myra (Crowe) Scott Jennifer Seamone Paul Simpson Carol & Alasdair Sinclair Antonia Sly Nichols & Cluny Nichols Sean Smith Michael Steeves Heather (Christian) Stevenson Margaret Stewart Erin Stewart-Reid Theresa (Nowlan) Suart Dylan Tate-Howarth Karis Tees Edward Thompson ∂ Kelly Toughill ∂ Randy & Deborah Townsend Colin Trethewey Angela Walker John Weeren ∂ Gavin Will Janet Williams Amichai Wise The Rev. Dr. Kenneth J. Wissler ∂ Sam Zucchi Shelley Zucchi *deceased LEGACY Estate of Sarah Dubé Estate of Shirley Hambrick Estate of F.C. Manning ∂ Estate of Phyllis (Scott) Wood
TIDINGS | WINTER 2018/ 19 47
DONOR ROLL IN MEMORY OF Robin Calder Innis Christie Michael Cobden Dylan Crichton Jane Veronica Curran Francois Regis Doucet Sarah Dubé George Earles Chris Feunekes C. Gouldson Donald Hambrick Peggy Heller Angus Johnston Colin MacLean Burns Martin David Morrison Antigone Nichols Daniel O’Brien Janice Smith Helen Starnes Beverley Strople Leslie (Cutler) Walsh Jae Won Yang IN HONOUR OF Aidan Aronoff Sinclair Bean John Bradford Jackson Byrne & Rebecca Best Jackie Cappell Chapel Community Nicholas Hatt Michael Kaczorowski & Daisy Keddy, 5th Wedding Anniversary Kim Kierans Stephen Kimber Gabrielle Rekai Brenna Sobanski Michal Stein SPONSORSHIPS ACCEL Physiotherapy and Sport Performance Centre Ambassatours Gray Line Canmar Services Ltd. CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) CFFI Ventures Inc. Chartwells Coca-Cola Refreshments Canada Dean & Carnegy Group, ScotiaMcLeod Duffus Romans Kundzins Rounsefell Architects Ltd. Eastern Building Cleaners Inc.
EastLink Business eyecandy SIGNS INC. Floors Plus Commercial Foyston, Gordon & Payne Inc. G&R Chartered Professional Accountants Grant Thornton LLP Grinner’s Food Systems Limited HarperCollins Publishers MacGregor Brown Plumbing & Heating Limited Otis Canada Inc. Penguin Random House Canada RBC Royal Bank REgroup SoccerStop Surrette Battery Company Ltd. TD Insurance Wilson Fuel Company Limited
DONOR ROLL BY DECADE 1937 C. Russell Elliott ∂ 1938 Robert Dunsmore ∂ 1942 Iris (Martell) Richards 1944 John Carling 1947 Edward Thompson ∂ 1948 Anne Blakeney Anne Cameron ∂ Danford Kelley ∂ David K. Wilson ∂ 1950 J. Roderick Fraser Mary (Burchill) Kelley ∂ 1951 anonymous (1) Hope Clement ∂ Gillian (Bidwell) Rose ∂ 1952 Donald Clancy ∂ Arthur Cuzner ∂ E.Kitchener Hayman ∂ Elmer MacDonald
Frances (Smith) McConnell Anna Ruth (Harris) Rogers ∂ William Skinner 1953 Donald Beanlands ∂ Carol (Coles) Dicks ∂ Corinne Earle Marion Fry ∂ Ruth Loomer ∂ Barbara (Neish) McArthur Joan Morrison Peter Power 1954 Keith Barrett ∂ John Gorrill ∂ Pearl Hazen Alan Hebb Jim Ibbott David MacDonald ∂ 1955 anonymous (1) John Cook ∂ Nancy (Hyndman) Ibbott 1956 Gilbert Berringer ∂ Harold Hazen ∂ George Phills Ann Pituley ∂ 1957 Dolda Clarke ∂ Caroline (Bennet) Hubbard John MacKenzie ∂ C.B. (Chuck) Piercey ∂ Ben Smith ∂ Isabel Wainwright 1958 Joan Aitken ∂ George Caines ∂ Fred Christie ∂ C. William Hayward ∂ Michael Rudderham ∂ 1959 *Janet Cochran ∂ Norman MacKenzie ∂ LeRoy Peach ∂ Elizabeth (Baert) Peters ∂ 1960 Sandra (Jones) Caines ∂ Harry Grant Arthur Peters ∂
1961 James Boyer Roland Lines David Myles Sandra Oxner Richard Walsh ∂ 1962 John Cordes Geraldine Hamm ∂ Caleb Lawrence ∂ Russell MacLellan ∂ Donald Stevenson ∂ Nancy (Clark) Violi ∂ 1963 Marion (Ware) Boyer Gwendolyn Davies ∂ Gordon Earle ∂ Linda Fraser Edward Gesner ∂ Charlotte (Graven) Cochran ∂ Doreen Kays ∂ Stephen Knowles ∂ Marian (Huggard) Lines David Morris ∂ James Purchase John Sherren Elizabeth (Bayne) Sodero ∂ D. Lionel Teed ∂ *Nora (Arnold) Vincent ∂ 1964 Donald Chard Burdette Coates Lillie Haworth H. Douglas Hergett ∂ David A. Jones T.C. Leung ∂ Helen Oldershaw Anja Pearre Barbara Smith ∂ William Wells ∂ *Judy Wright 1965 Roselle Green ∂ Wayne J. Hankey Michael Hoare ∂ Nancy Leefe ∂ *Cal McMillan ∂ Lois Miller ∂ Margaret (Harris) Myles Douglas Oram Carmon Stone John Stone Thomas Vincent ∂ William Williams ∂
DONOR ROLL 1966 Margaret (Burstall) Brown Ronald Buckley ∂ Carolyn (Tanner) Chenhall ∂ Glen Kent ∂ John Leefe ∂ Eric MacKay ∂ James Mann ∂ M. Garth Maxwell ∂ John Risley 1967 Mary Barker ∂ David Boston Clare Christie ∂ John Creelman ∂ Douglas Hazen ∂ Bruce Howe Glenda (Cummings) Kent ∂ Charlotte (MacLean) Peach ∂ Sheila (Fenton) Robinson 1968 anonymous (2) Lorna (Surpless) Bryant Jean (Kryszek) Chard Peter Coffin Armand Couture J. Mark DeWolf Brenton Haliburton Peter Harris Keith Hatfield Claudette (Callbeck) Johnston Ronald A. MacDonald Cynthia (Smith) Pilichos ∂ Beverly (Zannotti) Postl ∂ Susan (McCulloch) Richardson 1969 Wayne Cochrane Borden Conrad Marilyn (McNutt) Cregan ∂ Richard Cregan ∂ Larry Holman ∂ Robert Hyslop ∂ Lina (McLean) MacKinnon Ronald Marks David Mercer Janet Mitchell John Page Robert Petite ∂ Helen Powell ∂ Elizabeth Ryan ∂ Lynda Singer
1970 anonymous (2) Andrew Hare Anne (Dorey) Hare David Mackay ∂ Heather (Christian) Stevenson 1971 Sara Macfarlane Ken MacInnis ∂ Irene Randall ∂ Sheila Taylor ∂ The Rev. Dr. Kenneth J. Wissler ∂ 1972 anonymous (1) M. Joan Christie Rachel (Swetnam) DeWolf Ian Johnson ∂ Gladys (Nickerson) Keddy ∂ Linda MacLean ∂ John Nowlan Carol (Fairn) Rogers 1973 Timothy Borlase Glenn Davidson Phillip Fleury ∂ Roderick Mitchell Brian Pitcairn Cathy Ramey-Westgate R. Brian Taylor ∂ Alvin Westgate 1974 Wilson Fitt Susan Harris ∂ Kim McCallum ∂ John Swain ∂ 1976 anonymous (1) Peter Bryson Catherine (Sutherland) Emmerson Adrienne Malloy ∂ Myra (Crowe) Scott 1977 Patrick Bright Wendy Davis ∂ Michaela Huard Gail Stevens
1978 Robert Craig ∂ Gisele (LeBlanc) Forsey Jennifer (Bassett) MacLeod ∂ Patrick Rivest ∂ 1979 anonymous (1) Andrew Graham ∂ 1980 Leslie (Donald) Behnia ∂ Rhea (Skerrett) Bright Patricia Chalmers ∂ Kerry DeLorey Richard Sean Lorway Shelley Shea ∂ 1981 anonymous (1) Thomas Curran ∂ Elizabeth Hanton ∂ Ross Hebb Catherine (Rhymes) Misener 1982 anonymous (1) Robert Dawson ∂ Susan Folkins Stacey (MacDonald) Forbes Annemieke Holthuis Rachael (Earle) Jewers Kim Kierans ∂ Marli MacNeil ∂ Celia Russell 1983 Kathleen Bain Christine Davies Tom Eisenhauer ∂ Alexander Forbes Ann Leamon 1984 Bruce Gordon Randall Jewers Kelly Laurence Kevin Stockall ∂ 1985 Mark Hazen ∂ Shirley (Wall) Hazen ∂ Iain R.M. Luke ∂ Mark MacKenzie Stephen Murray Neil Robertson ∂ John Weeren ∂
1986 anonymous (2) Sheila Cameron Christopher Elson ∂ Ian Folkins ∂ Andrew Laing ∂ Peter Nathanson ∂ Angela Walker 1987 anonymous (2) Mark Andrews Jonna Brewer Susan Dodd ∂ Victoria Goldring Gregory Guy ∂ Jennifer Inglis Rachel (Haliburton) Kazakidis Julianne (Doucet) MacLean ∂ Stephen MacLean ∂ Gillian McCain ∂ Katharine Sircom James Wood 1988 Terri Lynn Almeda ∂ Jennifer Balfour ∂ Michael Dunn Amanda Le Rougetel 1989 Caroline (Lightfoot) Dacosta Laurelle LeVert ∂ Glenn MacIntosh Owen Parkhouse Gavin Will 1990 Daniel Brandes ∂ Nicholas Graham Jennifer Gray William Harris Peter O’Brien Elizabeth (MacDonald) Parkhouse Jennifer Seamone Sean Smith Theresa (Nowlan) Suart Llewellyn Turnquist 1991 anonymous (1) Rebecca (Moore) Brown ∂ Paul Charlebois ∂ Lyssa Clack Kevin MacDonell Colin Trethewey Kathryn Wood
TIDINGS | WINTER 2018/19 49
DONOR ROLL 1992 Tim Currie Kenneth Dekker ∂ Bruce Geddes Kevin Gibson ∂ Andrew Han Cluny Nichols Sandra Penney 1993 Andrew Dick ∂ Sean Lawrence Molly McCarron Kathryn Morris Amy Rizner Suzanne Wheeler Romeo ∂ Stuart Wood 1994 Chère Chapman ∂ Gord Cooper ∂ Mark Fleming Peter Giddens Peter Jelley ∂ Cynthia (Edwards) MacMillan Michael MacMillan Jennifer Morawiecki ∂ Rachel Renton Sarah E. Stevenson ∂ Lisa Taggart ∂ Christopher J. White ∂ 1995 Jennifer Adams James Dodds Carolyn Gibson ∂ D. Ross Kerr Andrew Morrison ∂ Christina Quelch ∂ Nicholas Scheib 1996 Eric Aldous ∂ Nathalie Atkinson Roberta Barker ∂ Christina Harnett Laura Penny 1997 Lynda Earle Angela Hill Mary Beth Knight ∂ Dorian Stuber Robyn Tingley
1998 Fredrik Bruun ∂ Andrew O’Neill ∂ Emily (Hunter) Rowe Aden Seaton 1999 anonymous (1) David Butorac Gordon Cameron ∂ Jonathan Rowe Antonia Sly Nichols 2000 Alexandre De Saint-Sardos Sarah Dingle Carl Lem Sarah Moses Matthew Van Dusen Dorothy Jill Westerman Amichai Wise 2001 Lauren Brodie ∂ Howard Krongold Jennifer Laurette ∂ Thomas Ledwell Catherine Lipa Robert Mann ∂ Jane Neish Mike Sampson Paul Simpson Sarah Thornton ∂ 2002 Joshua Bates Daniel de Munnik ∂ Holly Gilkie Allen McAvoy ∂ Michael Steeves 2003 Nicholas Hatt John MacLean ∂ Andrew Sowerby ∂ 2004 Owen Averill William Fyfe Emanuella Grinberg David Herbert Jessica Herschman Benjamin Kates Heidi Laing Caitlin McKeever Erin Stewart-Reid
2005 James Bryson Colin Burn Joanna Grossman ∂ David Henry Wendy Hepburn ∂ Chelsea Thorne ∂ Nicholas Townley Dawn Tracey Brandes ∂ Tasya Tymczyszyn ∂ 2006 Jane Baldwin Brendan Morrison ∂ 2007 Myra Bloom Cliodna Cussen Sean Farmer Vanessa Green Graham McGillivray ∂ Mordecai Walfish ∂
2013 anonymous (2) Jackson Byrne Stephanie Duchon ∂ Kieran Innocenzi Sara Leslie Elizabeth McNeil Emma Romano 2014 anonymous (1) Matt Buckman Dylan Tate-Howarth 2015 James Hunter Molly McKay Larry Meikle Ariel Weiner 2016 Karis Tees
2008 anonymous (1) Guenevere Danson Adrian Molder
2021 Alison Kitt Samantha Machado
2009 Victor Bomers Kristi (Assaly) Bryson Chris Gibson Christina Macdonald ∂ Kathleen MacKeigan Alyssa MacKenzie David Sheppard
∂ represents 5 + years
2010 anonymous (1) Genny (Whelan) MacLellan Rory MacLellan 2011 David Kumagai Adrian Lee Sam Zucchi 2012 Richard Bartram Mike Bowman Veronica Curran Bethany Draper Elizabeth Montgomery ∂ Mark Rendell
of consecutive giving ∂ represents 10 + years
of consecutive giving. They are awarded a “King’s Crown”
NEW JOURNALISM GRADUATES LAUNCH INDEPENDENT MEDIA COMPANY ‘Objective News Agency’ to investigate issues facing African-Nova Scotians from the bottom up by Josh Hoffman, Journalism student
BEFORE TUNDÈ BALOGUN, BJ’18, even had his journalism degree in his hands, he knew what he was going to do after graduating from King’s. He was determined to create an independent media company that investigated issues facing African-Nova Scotians. In October, Balogun officially launched “The Objective News Agency.” “Our community has been neglected [in the media],” Balogun asserts. “Which is fine because I don’t think it’s other people’s role to tell our story.” Balogun had been sitting on this idea for several years. When pursuing it earlier this year, however, he quickly realized he couldn’t do it by himself. “If I was going to do it with someone else, I needed the best. I could only work with the best.” Enter classmate Sandra Hannebohm, BJ’18. She says she was lucky that Balogun reached out to her to and asked her to be the lead investigative journalist. “I was just lost after graduating, [and] looking for somewhere to go. [I wanted] to find a media outlet I would be proud to work for.” The two are holding themselves to a high standard. “It’s our job to let the Black community know these are the issues happening,” says Balogun. He explains it’s a fluid process as they aren’t just informing the
community, but the community is informing them. “All we’re doing is just highlighting issues that are important to the community and the community has been telling us for years.” “That’s actually a really important part to what makes us different,” explains Hannebohm. She suggests typical investigative journalism starts from the top with a report or government decision and works its way down to whatever demographic or people in society it affects. “Objective News Agency” begins at the bottom and works its way up. “So, you start with news you hear from people who are living it, then you form a hypothesis and you prove or disprove that hypothesis, ending with the people who are accountable, right? I feel like that’s kind of what [journalism] is meant to be.” The first project Balogun and Hannebohm are investigating is why a disproportionate number of Black students in Nova Scotia are put into Individual Program Plans, and if this is creating a “school-to-prison pipeline” through mini online documentaries. The two are excited to take advantage of the opportunities that come with a direct-to-consumer platform by sharing their work on the internet and social media.
One of the reason Balogun enrolled in the journalism program at King’s was because he knew if he was going to uncover these difficult stories some people might be skeptical and defensive. “Now, I have a journalism degree and I went to one of the best journalism schools on earth, so you can’t tell me that I don’t know what I am doing.” “Walking out of the program, you realize you do have invaluable tools that no one can take away from you now,” Hannebohm contends. Just like the Black community is being neglected in mainstream media however, these alumni feel King’s can work to be more welcoming to racialized students. “Spend extra time and attention on those students of colour and empower them in doing what they want to do,” she says. You can follow the “The Objective News Agency” on Facebook and Twitter. They have released a preview for their first documentary and are expecting to premier the full project in early 2019. You can also support the independent journalists through their Indiegogo campaign by searching “The Objective News Agency” at Indigogo.com.
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ENCAENIA 2018 52
On Thursday, May 31, King’s held its 229th Encaenia ceremony, which for the first time took place at Dalhousie’s Rebecca Cohn Auditorium. In his remarks, King’s President William Lahey told graduates they had become educated in self-education: “These attainments in experience enable a fulfilling, ongoing life of the mind. At the same time, they are among the leading determinants of long-term vocational success in just about any field of endeavour.” Read all the addresses: ukings.ca/alumni/events/encaenia/2018-encaenia/ View the full photo album: www.flickr.com/photos/ukings/albums/72157695922825891
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TOP: The graduating class elected Vicky Coo, BA(Hons)’18, as their valedictorian. At Encaenia, Coo referenced King’s myths, including the elusive Tabatha the Donkey who’s said to appear in the Quad on Palm Sunday, and life in a magical kingdom.
LOWER LEFT: King’s Former Dean of Students Rev. Nick Hatt, BA(Hons)’03, was made an honorary fellow of King’s at Encaenia. In awarding him the honour, College Orator, Vice President Dr. Peter O’Brien, BA(Hons)’90, quoted from Harry Potter. He referred to Hatt as King’s own sorting hat for his uncanny ability to match roommates yet unseen into partnerships that often far outlasted the residence year.
LOWER RIGHT: “Share your dreams and gifts with the world,” journalist, author, radio host and alumnus Dr. Duncan McCue, BA’92, DCL’18 told graduates. “The world badly needs them.” Dr. McCue received a Doctor of Civil Law, honoris causa, at Encaenia.
OPPOSITE: King’s also awarded honorary Doctors of Civil Law, honoris causa, to evolutionary biologist Dr. Ford Doolittle, DCL’18 (second from left), and historian and philosopher of biology Dr. Evelyn Fox Keller, DCL’18 (third from left), at Encaenia. The two scholars discussed ways to bridge science and the humanities and the role King’s and Dalhousie play in tackling contemporary issues holistically through interdisciplinarity at a grad week roundtable event.
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ZÔAGRIA: THANKS FOR A LIFE The Homeric vocabulary offers the perfect word to help Dr. Tom Curran properly express his gratitude by Dr. Thomas Curran
I ARRIVED AT UNION STATION in Toronto on a gorgeous September day—truly one of the most beautiful days imaginable. I was extremely disoriented because Toronto has changed so much from the city in which I grew up, and where I was educated. Walking along Front Street and wondering which way to turn—amongst the crowds emerging from offices at lunchtime—I ran smack into a figure very well known here at King’s, who amongst other things was reconnecting with family, while engaged in a research project. After the usual exchanges (“what are you doing here?”), I had to use the occasion to thank this magnanimous individual for saving me. To which he replied: “you always say that”. I was a bit taken aback, because I wasn’t really conscious that I had already made myself so very clear…and, of course, I couldn’t determine how to make an appropriate response. Only afterwards did the apposite rejoinder finally come to me: “I’ll stop saying it, when it ceases to be true.” As some readers may know, it is my privilege to tutor in the Foundation Year Program. And one of the wonders of this position is that we read and re-read our
assigned texts annually, and they just never get stale. Just days after this encounter in September, I discovered the Homeric vocabulary I needed properly to express my gratitude. In FYP, we had just been reading and discussing that greatest epic of homecoming, the Odyssey, and there I decisively learned of the exact word I had been searching for: the Homeric Greek noun: Zôagria. According to the famous and monumental Liddell & Scott Greek-English Lexicon—a work I claim actually ruined my eyesight!—the various meanings of the word encompass: the notion of a “ransom paid for a prisoner”, offerings “for recovery from illness”, and most significantly “thanks for a life” preserved. Since I suggested that the massive Liddel & Scott made me near-sighted, I am not claiming that I spend hours poring over my Homeric vocabulary; but this word—and this concept—is special. What I know about this word Zôagria comes from the introduction that the late Bernard Knox wrote for the celebrated Robert Fagles translation of Homer’s Odyssey. (Here I am able to add another note of profound gratitude to King’s
FYP: in order to be a better tutor I stumbled upon this scholar’s magisterial writings, of which the Odyssey introduction is a supreme example.) Knox explains how salient the word Zôagria is when it is employed by the ingénue Nausicaa—for many readers one of the most appealing figures in the entire Odyssey, if not in Greek inheritance as a whole. Odysseus is a castaway once again, naked and lost, and this daughter of the King of the Phaeacians is the one who finds him both nourishment and refreshment, and then the clothes Odysseus needs to cover himself. Her courage and munificence (in Book VI) are in response to his anguished pleas even for some “rags”, so that his nakedness is relieved. She responds by invoking the charity that Zeus requires for all wanderers, strangers and beggars. As Bernard Knox points out, in Book VIII of the Odyssey, Nausicaa makes an approach that it would be almost impossible to spurn. Nausicaa, Knox says, suggests that Odysseus owes her “the price of a life”, since she saved him when he was both naked and lost—which Odysseus acknowledges, but
cannot compensate. Her instinct is to detain him from his destined homecoming, and this is a price Odysseus is unable to pay. As part of this ultimately unsuccessful exchange, Nausicaa, at least, manages that Odysseus acknowledge and agree to one of her requests: when Odysseus finally returns home, to his own country, then his duty will be to remember her, “since it is chiefly” to Nausicaa that he “owes his life”—the famous Zôagria. Odysseus agrees to remember Nausicaa “all the rest” of his days, for it is Nausicaa herself who gave him back “his life”. This is already saying enough, but there is one more gift from Nausicaa that we must insist upon: apart from hospitality with food and drink and clothing—Nausicaa also gives the despairing Odysseus the one thing that actually has the ability to restore a life and to make it possible to press on. Nausicaa tells the ragged Odysseus that these trials that he has faced, and will face, must be under some kind of divine sanction; and in order to finish his journey home the only thing he can do is to “endure” [Revised Penguin translation by Rieu]. And this is quite simply also the only message that, centuries later, the new (Roman) Odysseus, in his own epic poem The Aeneid, is able to offer his long-suffering Trojan refugees. Is it possible to say this any more simply, any more directly or any more appropriately than in this exhortation by Aeneas: “My friends…Your task is to endure and save yourselves for better days” [Penguin translation by David West]. Whatever you think the Homeric Zôagria means, this is how we can begin to recompense “the price of a life”.
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KIM KIERANS Kim Kierans spending year at Massey College researching public service journalism
ASHLEY SMITH WAS AN incarcerated and troubled 19-year-old in 2007 when she took her own life. Smith’s death made national headlines in part, because of the lengthy periods she spent in solitary confinement while imprisoned. In 2010, through exclusive access to prison videos, CBC’s the fifth estate broadcast a documentary showing how Smith was treated in prison. (The story went on to win a Michener Award—often referred to as Canada’s Pulitzer Prize for journalism.) There was a coroner’s inquest in 2013 and calls for systemic reforms which resulted in the number of segregated Canadian inmates being reduced by more than half. Subsequently, in October 2018, Canada’s Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale advanced a new bill promising to put an end to solitary confinement in federal prisons. “That [investigative report] exposed the wrongdoings and problems within the prison system,” says Kim Kierans, BA(Hons)’83. Kierans is a King’s professor of journalism who’s currently on sabbatical and spending the year in Toronto at Massey College as a resident Kierans-Janigan visiting scholar (the naming of the scholarship matching her own is coincidence). She’s looking into
public service journalism—broadly defined as journalism that contributes to and frames debate over public issues, exposes corruption at all levels, spurs reform and establishes trust with readers—and its effects on society. “This sort of journalism does make a difference over time,” Kierans says. Kierans is looking specifically at the Michener Award, which, for almost five decades, has been honouring, promoting and celebrating public service journalism. “The Michener Award was designed to be the premier award for journalism in Canada. We’re coming up to its fiftieth year in 2020/2021. Not much has been written about the award—about the journalism it’s recognized, the impact it’s made on policy, exposing various wrongdoings, on the lives of Canadians. I’d like to take a look back,” Kierans says. As another example of public service journalism, Kierans mentions the Globe and Mail’s 2015 Michener Award-winning articles on the 1950s drug thalidomide which exposed years of government neglect and hardships endured by survivors and their families. Those stories resulted in survivors getting proper acknowledgement and com-
pensation from the government. “That’s the sort of thing I want to bring out. It’s talking to journalists. Talking to media managers. Talking to those people whose lives have changed or who have made a difference. Also giving a bit of the history of the awards and perhaps looking forward to the next 50 years,” says Kierans.
LIFE AT MASSEY COLLEGE Her research is heavily self-directed. She’s active in the Massey College community, living there and sharing meals with the other Massey College residents; they have formal meal together every evening (Kim always wears her academic gown from King’s rather than the special Massey gown). Her research will take her to Montreal and Ottawa to research at the National Library and Archives and conduct face-to-face interviews. “For me, it’s a really nice way to withdraw, regroup and refocus,” says Kierans. After a career at the CBC, then as King’s journalism professor including director of King’s journalism school, and most recently as King’s vice president, she’s now enjoying the different pace and serenity of Massey College’s beautiful downtown Toronto campus.
“It’s a really nice, quiet life,” Kierans says. “I recommend it to anyone who’s had a heavy administrative load to renew yourself and be exposed to different ideas, new people.” Kierans speaks with admiration about the Massey junior fellows with whom she lives and socializes: early career scholars studying everything from astrophysics, history, law and counter insurgency in the Philippines plus one who’s completing Canada’s first PhD in jazz vocal improv; and she often gives advice about plain language. “All these bright and talkative people together…Every time I’m discouraged about the state of the world all I have to do is go to meal time because I listen to them and think these junior fellows are going to make a difference.” The year at Massey College came about fortuitously after Kierans met Massey College Dean Amela Marin in Whitehorse last September. Martin encouraged Kierans this past June to apply to Massey College and by September, Kierans was already on-site, enjoying the vigorous social life, and gathering materials for her project. “In this day and age, with the [journalism] industry so under stress, and not just the business part of the industry but those in
authority undermining the value of what we do as journalists, I think that it’s really important for us to be reminded that this kind of [public service] journalism is important. It does make a difference in Canadian lives.”
Photos by Dhoui Chang Photographer
Kierans was nervous at her first Massey College formal meal: “I just took a deep breath and went and sat in the middle of a table with all these people I didn’t know. It was the most wonderful experience as to how curious and welcoming they were, and how willing they were to share their research, and I thought ok, this is going to be fine.” TIDINGS | WINTER 2018/19 59
ANGEL MOORE The Atlantic Correspondent for the Aboriginal People’s Television Network applied for an internship . . . and was instead offered a full-time job
IT WAS THE DAY BEFORE ENCAENIA 2018 and Angel Moore, BJ’18, had a job interview. Moore had applied to the Aboriginal People’s Television Network (APTN) for a summer internship. But after meeting with management at the network she was advised to apply for a full-time reporter position as APTN’s Atlantic correspondent. Moore worried she might be in over her head, so she was brutally frank during the interview. “I said, ‘Just so you know, I have just graduated from journalism school. I am older than the other students. I haven’t been the editor of my school newspaper. I’m Indigenous but I don’t look it; I’m blonde!’ ” Twenty-four hours later, Moore had her degree in hand and a job in journalism. “I tried to be cool,” she says when they called with the offer. “But then I just cried.” Moore grew up in Winnipeg. Her mom wanted more for Moore—a better education, a better life. The rest of the family lived in Peguis First Nation, where Moore loved spending summers with her grandmother, aunties and cousins. “My grandmother and I were very close. That’s where my drive comes from.” It is a powerful drive. Moore worked as a server and bartender before going back to school. She studied chemistry and psychology at the University of Manitoba. She began to think about social issues affecting Indigenous people. “I have family members who have suffered poverty and homelessness and the other tragedies,” Moore says. She then went to Dalhousie to study international development and sustainability because, as she explains, international
development issues could apply to issues on Indigenous communities. “It’s the same thing. There are issues such as exploitation, racism, environmental racism.” After graduating from Dalhousie, Moore studied journalism at King’s. She knew she was a good writer and a good communicator. “I tried to have my experience at King’s as diverse as possible,” Moore says. “That’s the way I live—to have diverse experiences and learn as much as I can from each one. I wanted to learn as much about journalism as I could.” She took courses in radio and TV, magazine and digital media. A professor suggested she apply for the summer internship with APTN, but instead, she ended up getting hired full time. APTN is unique. It airs news programs and other shows for, by and about Indigenous people in Canada and the United States. It launched in 1992 and has had a national broadcast license since 1999. APTN hires Indigenous reporters and staff, even
blonde ones such as Moore. “APTN is telling Indigenous stories for Indigenous people. It is empowerment,” Moore explains. But she says ending up at that network was more fate than planning. “My mission isn’t to empower other Indigenous people. That’s just happening. My mission is to tell their stories as truthfully and honestly as possible from their perspective.” Moore continues: “I am trying to change perception through story telling. And I want to give people, who haven’t had a voice before, the chance to speak.”
“I am trying to change perception through story telling.”
SOFIA ORTEGA Reporting from the migrants’ caravan as it crosses Mexico has allowed Sofia Ortega to give vulnerable people a voice
IT TOOK A MOTORCYCLE ACCIDENT in Mexico, six weeks of recovery and some soul searching, but Sofia Ortega, BJ’17, MJ’18, finally figured it out. “I was having a very nice life making money, but I wasn’t happy,” she says. “I wasn’t doing what I was meant to do. I felt that journalism was inside of me.” Ortega had a degree in marketing from the University of Guadalajara and was marketing manager for an American company. She was based in Mexico. While earning her degree she had spent a semester on an exchange program in Vancouver. That started her love affair with Canada. When Ortega recovered from her accident, she set her sights on earning a journalism degree. She chose King’s.
“King’s offered the smallest classes and closer interaction with the professors,” Ortega explains. “I quit my job and left everything behind to pursue my dream.” Ortega earned her Bachelor then Master of Journalism. “At King’s I learned how to behave ethically as a journalist. I learned that for me journalism is not a craft, it is a profession.” She also developed the muscle and technique it takes to be a video journalist. “We had to do everything by ourselves. I had to carry my own gear all the time. That helped me at Associated Press (AP).” AP has a global competition for interns every year. Ortega applied and out of the hundreds of applicants she landed a 12week position in her home country, Mexico. She learned from the senior reporters and worked hard on big stories including AP’s coverage of Mexico’s national election. When the internship was over, Ortega kept getting freelance assignments from AP. One of those gave her worldwide exposure. She was assigned to cover the migrants’ caravan moving through Central America to Mexico and then on to America in the fall of 2018. She was at the border between Guatemala and Mexico when the hundreds of migrants arrived. “We got to the border just in time. I snuck into a very old house and carried my gear up to the roof to get shots of the barricades at the border. We were the only international news agency broadcasting live in that very moment when the migrants broke through the fence.” The video Ortega shot—of the moment the border was breeched—was picked up
“I snuck into a very old house and carried my gear up to the roof to get shots of the barricades at the border.” by newsrooms around the world. But it was her conversations with migrants that had a greater impact on her. “I was able to see all the families—women with babies in their arms—all under the punishing sun. They were screaming that they just wanted to work. They weren’t murderers. They just wanted the opportunity to work, to get something better for their families. I felt real shock seeing this and talking with some of the migrants. I realized they are just people like the rest of us.” The people, their stories—they are the journalism that lives inside Ortega. “Covering the Mexican election was a dream, but this was so much more. Politics are the same all over the world. But here, we are talking about people. Journalism exists for this—for the vulnerable people who don’t have a voice.”
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MICHAEL DA SILVA Lawyer, philosopher and public policy aficionado asks tough question such as whether health care is a fundamental right
“I don’t want my work to be purely esoteric…I try to do fun stuff.”
ASK MICHAEL DA SILVA, BA(Hons)’09, what he does, and he will say, “I’m a teacher and a writer.” Ask him about what and you get a snapshot of a man who has embraced academia. “I am a lawyer by training, but I have done graduate work in philosophy and I continue to work in philosophy. I am interested in basic legal and philosophical questions in a variety of areas mostly in public law and ethics and political philosophy.” He may be the Banting Postdoctoral Fellow in the Faculty of Law/Institute for Health and Social Policy at McGill University, but Da Silva hasn’t barricaded himself inside the ivory towers. “I want to be able to contribute to public policy discussions…I try to do work that has practical consequence.” Da Silva’s doctoral thesis, defended in the spring of 2018, is a good example of doing work that has “practical consequence.” He took on the thorny question of health care as a right. He notes that many countries have
enshrined a constitutional right to health care. But a constitutional right may differ from a moral right. He says, “I’ve come to think that a constitutional right to health care isn’t the best method of achieving what we would want of a moral right to health care.” It is both a legal and philosophical puzzle that has profound implications for people and their health. “It’s hard to make a right to health care fit the traditional model of rights. If you have a right, you should be able to clearly specify someone who has a duty to provide it and clearly specify what they need to do to fulfill that duty. It’s very hard to do that in the case of a right to health care.” It’s as if Da Silva were born to tackle such complex issues. But he had help along the way. “I always thought I’d be in academia. I just always loved reading and King’s confirmed that I can do it…King’s provides an ethic of understanding and an ethic of good
faith argumentation, trying to understand others’ positions.” King’s was the first of four degrees Da Silva has earned. He has been the recipient of prestigious scholarships such as the Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship and most recently the Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship. But Da Silva is clear that academia is only one part of him. He says, “I don’t want my work to be purely esoteric…I try to do fun stuff.” That he does. Da Silva and a colleague wrote a chapter for a book tackling the philosophical question—should we treat the dead with respect? Now that doesn’t sound like “fun”, but the book is titled, The Walking Dead and Philosophy. “We used zombies as an introduction to this question,” says Da Silva “and we used plots in The Walking Dead as an introduction to this problem and gave some of the classical solutions to it.” The undead are a long way from the ivory towers.
REV. CANON RUSSELL ELLIOTT At 101 years old, this King’s alumnus just wrote a new book of stories about New Ross, N.S. and its pioneer values by Josh Hoffmann, Journalism student
THE FURTHER REMOVED Rev. Canon Russell Elliott, BA’37, Div’52, DD’79, becomes from his time as a student at King’s, the more he cherishes it. Now 101, King’s holds a special place in his heart. “It’s meant more to me as the years went by than when I was actually there,” he admits. “I enjoyed life at [King’s] very much, [I] took part in things while they were going on, and missed it very much when I left. At the same time, the whole point of going to college is to get out of college!” It was 1937 when Rev. Elliott got out of college. Some of his classmates were shipping off to fight in the Second World War. King’s was different, too. “More like a high school,” the reverend says. King’s is a tight-knit community now, but Elliott says it seemed even closer back then—and he recalls the past as if it were yesterday. He revisits the night he first registered to study at King’s more than eight decades ago: “This young fellow came over to me and asked, ‘Are you Russell Elliott?’ I said yes, and he said, ‘I’m Mel French. I’m your roommate.’ ” The two became friends for life. “That was the way King’s was.” Elliott returned to study at King’s in the 1950s, and says the school and its professors made a lasting impression on him. “As time goes on, I’m beginning to see the values that existed there. I tried to develop them in my own life.” Proper values are something the reverend
has spent a long lifetime seeking out. He’s from New Ross, N.S., a small pioneer village founded in 1816 by disbanded soldiers who fought in Canada’s War of 1812. Born a year after New Ross marked its 100th anniversary, he was a central character in its 200th anniversary celebrations. For Elliott, his hometown remains a symbol of a proper way of life, something he says is harder to find today. Glimpses into Old New Ross is a collection of short stories Elliott just finished writing. “You can get as modern as you like, but you can’t replace pioneer values,” he insists. “How neighbours looked after each other, how neighbours argued among themselves, but at the [same] time they were always like one big family.” Elliott says if someone in the neighbourhood fell ill, everyone else stepped up to help the family out. “They emphasize a particular value, or a particular way of treating one another,” explains Elliott of the stories in his book. “In our modern society, we’ve lost a lot. We’ve gained a great deal, but we have also lost a lot. That’s why those stories mean a great deal to me.” Elliott has watched the world evolve in ways he couldn’t have imagined. After World War II, he witnessed a civil rights revolution, a sexual rights revolution, and then a technological revolution. He’s optimistic the world can change because he’s seen it can happen.
At 101 years old, Elliott feels he still has things to do and is happy he can still do them. He jokes that at his age, though, everyone wants to take care of him. “I was 98, 99, and they went ‘oh, that’s interesting,’ ” laughs Elliott, who still lives on his own. “But once I was 100, they all just wanted to take care of me.” What has always motivated him is being useful. He rejects the idea of retirement and believes there are too many bored people walking around. “Everybody should be creative. Everybody should be producing something,” Elliott asserts. “If you’re going to have a happy and healthy life, have purpose.”
“Everybody should be creative. Everybody should be producing something. If you’re going to have a happy and healthy life, have purpose.” TIDINGS | WINTER 2018/19 63
STEPHANIE DICK IN MATH AND SCIENCE, THE OUTCOME IS OFTEN LESS IMPORTANT THAN THE PROCESS During a return to King’s, Dr. Stephanie Dick reflected on the importance of uncertainty
DR. STEPHANIE DICK, BA(Hons)’07, thought she’d be at King’s for a year. She came from Calgary for the Foundation Year Program (FYP) in 2002 with plans to finish her undergraduate degree elsewhere. It didn’t exactly go as planned. “I became captivated by the institution. I couldn’t imagine leaving,” Dr. Dick says. A course with Dr. Gordon McOuat introduced her to Einstein’s theory of relativity. “[It] brought in physics and philosophy and we read about it as an interdisciplinary group. It was my first look at rigorous scientific work and trying to figure out what it means and why it matters. I was really
drawn to the interdisciplinary nature.” Her love of interdisciplinary learning led her to enrol in one of King’s three honours programs, the History of Science and Technology (HOST): “Questions about how we think we know the world are most answerable through HOST.” Now an assistant professor in the Department of History and Sociology of Science at the University of Pennsylvania, and a junior fellow with the Society of Fellows at Harvard University (where she obtained her Ph.D.), Dr. Dick was back at King’s last spring to present a lecture called Making Up Minds: Thinking With, About, and For
“Messiness is productive. Messiness makes science possible.” 64
Humans. While here, she visited with her former professor and friend Dr. Gordon McOuat, along with professors-turned-colleagues Dr. Ian Stewart and Dr. Stephen Snobelen. Dr. Dick also reflected on how her time at King’s helped shape her future. “In a class with [Dr.] Angus Johnson we did a close reading of Plato’s Timaeus [one of Plato’s dialogues written in 360 B.C.]. I learned how to sit and struggle with a text. Angus knew it well but did the job of sitting with us, letting us sit with the ideas.” Dr. Dick says the experience of working through Timaeus allowed her to understand that the process is often more important than the outcome, and that learning happens even when answers aren’t easily—or ever—obtained. She rejects the notion that science offers absolute answers, saying instead that making knowledge includes making mistakes. “You can’t just look at what comes out at the end. You’d miss the
uncertainty,” says Dr. Dick. “Messiness is productive. Messiness makes science possible.” Dr. Dick’s scholarship is in the history of computing, with specialization in Cold War (post 1940s) computing, but she says her work requires looking back much further. “The history of logic from the 19th century matters to my work. I must pull from all of this.” Dr. Dick also insists that while her work looks at machines, what fascinates her is people and how they think in new ways when they’re developing software. She also studies the breadth of uses to which computers are put—to do things that people do, and to do things that humans cannot do, and what implications both approaches have for our knowledge and our lives. “Artificial intelligence began as the pursuit of ‘Can we get computers to think like us (humans),’ ” says Dr. Dick. “Today, it’s ceased to be about us in that way. Computers
do things otherwise.” She says accepting the differences between humans and computers allows people to use computers more productively to do things they cannot, such as analyzing big data and building deep neural networks.
AUTOMATONS LECTURE SERIES Dr. Dick’s April lecture at King’s was part of the Automatons! From Ovid to AI lecture series that examined the history, issues and relationships between humans, robots and artificial intelligence. The series featured leading scholars, performers and critics from Canada, the U.S. and Britain. She also hosted a question-and-answer session with students while back on campus. One of the students who attended was thenFYP Science student Megan Krempa. “I wanted to learn about the why, and about how things fit together in the history of the world. And I went to see this wonder-
ful speaker, [Dr.] Stephanie Dick, talk on how she became a historian of science, and specifically a history of math and technology professor at the University of Pennsylvania, and she really, really, influenced me,” says Krempa, who soon after the Q&A enrolled in HOST. “I can actually learn about the history of science and the history of math and how everything fits together into today’s world.” Dr. Dick continues to inspire young learners back at the University of Pennsylvania. She seeks to make mathematical knowledge interesting and accessible, emphasizing that this kind of intelligence shouldn’t be held overly high. “We privilege that intelligence above all others—there’s incredible deference to mathematicians. We need to demystify it.” And she’s doing just that, one equation at a time.
TIDINGS | WINTER 2018/19 65
ALUMNI HONOURED AT 2018 ANNUAL DINNER TOP LEFT: King’s alumni gathered on June 2 in Prince Hall for an evening of merriment, celebration and honours. Alumni from the class of ‘08 received their 10-year anniversary pins, classmates who graduated in ‘93 were presented with 25-year anniversary pins and five fellow classmates from the class of ‘68 were honoured with 50-year commemorative pins.
TOP RIGHT: As outgoing Chair of King’s
BOTTOM RIGHT: Kathleen Pratt LeGrow,
Board of Governors, Dale Godsoe has given the University of King’s College a legacy of immeasurable worth. As Chair, Dale, quiet and unassuming, helped the Board handle challenging times through her sincere desire to understand and accommodate differing perspectives which have helped the university grow and develop.
BA’70, received the Judge J. Elliott Hudson Award. Pratt LeGrow’s long career of outreach work includes work with George Street United Church in St. John’s, N.L., and serving as chair of the Jimmy Pratt Foundation, a research initiative for at-risk youth. For her commitment to making her community richer and more accessible to all, she was awarded the Order of Canada and holds an Honorary Doctor of Laws degree from Memorial.
This year Elizabeth Parkhouse, BA’90, and Owen Parkhouse, BA(Hons)’90, and Dale Godsoe were inducted into the Order of the Ancient Commoner for their longstanding commitment to King’s. BOTTOM LEFT: For three decades,
King’s has been gifted with the generosity and energy of Elizabeth and Owen Parkhouse. From serving on the alumni association executive to hosting the 150th anniversary of the Alumni Association, to signing on to host the first-ever Worldwide Alumni Celebration (WAC) event, Elizabeth and Owen are King’s alumni who have made a difference and theirs is a lifetime commitment that has made the university stronger.
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25TH ANNUAL GOLF TOURNAMENT RAISES FUNDS FOR KING’S ATHLETES SINCE THE INAUGURAL tournament 25 years ago, the Alumni Association Annual Golf Tournament has brought alumni and friends together to raise thousands of dollars to enhance student life. This year, thanks to the generous support of our sponsors, golfers and friends, the Alumni Association will present King’s Athletics with $20,000 to support student scholarships and programs. Thank you. We couldn’t have done it without you!
CHAMPION LEVEL SPONSORS ACCEL Physiotherapy and Sport Performance Centre Ambassatours Gray Line Canmar Services Ltd. CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) CFFI Ventures Inc. Chartwells Duffus Romans Kundzins Rounsefell Architects Eastern Building Cleaners Inc. EastLink Business eyecandy SIGNS INC. Floors Plus Commercial G&R Chartered Professional Accountants Grant Thornton LLP Grinner’s Food Systems Limited MacGregor Brown Plumbing & Heating Ltd. OTIS Canada Inc. Surrette Battery Company Ltd.
The Rev. Canon Russell Elliott, BA’37, BDiv’52, DD’79, has recently written a book, Glimpses Into Old New Ross. For an electronic copy, email Kathy Miller at kathy. miller@ukings.ca.
40s In 2015, The Rev. Edward P. Thompson, BA’47, wrote An Expanded Identity: An Account of A Thompson-Duncan Genealogy in Scotland, Ireland, and Nova Scotia. Ted investigated his forebears in Scotland and Ireland and discovered the Highlanders in Sutherlandshire and the ‘Scots in Ireland,’ and the ‘Ulster Scots of Collon, Ireland.’
50s At 84, LeRoy Peach, BA’59, recently published Rhymes of a Grateful Caper, which he claims will be his last book of poetry, but not his last book. In fact, the former high school English teacher is now working on his memoir. When not writing, LeRoy runs his own small press, The Peachtree Press, which publishes and distributes his work. LeRoy retired to Port Morien in Cape Breton from Ontario 30 years ago.
Dr. Ivan Blake, 1968, also graduated from Dalhousie and the University of Chicago and worked in academia and the public service for many years before accepting consulting assignments on governance and accountability with the United Nations and governments worldwide. Ivan and his wife, Heather, retired in 2009 to complete sommelier diplomas and travel the globe for pleasure and wine. When not abroad, they delight in their two sons, their family and gardens. Ivan has also written three thrillers: Dead Scared, Dead Silent, and Dead Reckoning. David Jones, BA’68, HF’98, recently returned from a Canadian Executive Service Organization volunteer assignment to Mongolia where he assisted two Mongolian government organizations with their development of knowledge management strategies and plans. He’s proud to announce the arrival of his and Ena Gwen’s second grandson, joining their new great grand-daughter.
Kathleen Pratt LeGrow, BA’70, was named one of eight recipients of the Order of Newfoundland & Labrador by Lieutenant Governor Frank Fagan. A successful business leader, Kathleen founded the Jimmy Pratt Foundation, devoted to finding ways to discover and support areas of resiliency in vulnerable children and their families. But it was Kathleen’s commitment to education, where she was instrumental in reforming the denominational education system, that brought her provincial and national recognition.
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Bretton Loney, BJ’84, recently published his first novel, The Last Hockey Player. Set in Nova Scotia in a dystopian future, the novel explores what is fundamental to Canadian culture after society crumbles and what remains. Bretton is a novelist and short story writer whose work has appeared in anthologies and literary journals across Canada. He is a former journalist with the Halifax Chronicle Herald, The Telegram and the Daily News. The Greater Moncton Chamber of Commerce (GMCC) named John Wishart, BJ(Hons)’82, as its new CEO. The GMCC represents 750 businesses and 30,000 employees.
Dr. George M. Burden, 1974, Baron of Seabegs, was recently appointed to the Standing Council of Scottish Chiefs as the personal representative of Chief Peter Noel Lamont, Chief of Clan Lamont. The Council comprises the chiefs or appointed representatives of the Scottish Highland Clans and it is the authoritative body for the Scottish clan system.
80s Kim Charleswort, BA’80, has been working on local food security issues, including starting the Kootenay and Boundary Food Producers Co-op, an organization dedicated to helping local farmers make a living. Frustrated with B.C.’s poor performance on several fronts, Kim ran as the B.C. Greens candidate for her area in the 2017 provincial election. Though not elected, the party increased voter turnout and captured a larger share of the popular vote than in previous elections. In early 2018, Kim was awarded Nelson’s “Citizen of the Year” for contributions to the community. Nancy Alford, BJ’82, retired recently after teaching high school English for 30 years with the Halifax Regional School Board. She is enjoying her new-found freedom and is also working part-time with the education department at Mount Saint Vincent University.
In 2014, Geoff D’Eon, BJ’83, wrote and directed the award-winning CBC documentary Bounty — Into the Hurricane. Formac Publishing then asked Geoff to write a book about the original 18th century British Navy ship and its infamous mutiny, as well as the story of the replica built in Lunenburg for the 1962 Hollywood blockbuster movie. The result is now in print: Bounty — The Greatest Sea Story Of Them All. Geoff previously worked for 25 years at CBC television in news, current affairs, comedy, variety and documentary. He is now an independent television producer and director in Halifax. “I’ve been lucky, and have enjoyed a great run,” says Geoff. “And it all started with professors Bain, Meese, Kimber, Andrew and Wiseman. I couldn’t be more grateful for the foundational knowledge those instructors gave me.”
Soulmates on Ice: From Hometown Glory to the Top of the Podium was released in October 2018. Soulmates is the second book of award-winning journalist Laura Young, BJ(Hons)’85. Laura’s first book Solo Yet Never Alone Swimming the Great Lakes (2014) won the Louise de Kiriline Lawrence Award for creative nonfiction. Laura resides in Sudbury with her family and many canoes. In her newest book, The Halifax Explosion: The Apocalypse of Samuel H. Prince, Dr. Susan Dodd, BA(Hons)’88, examines the disaster’s profound personal and intellectual impact on the young curate, who would eventually leave his mark—as both a sociologist and social gospel activist—on King’s College and Canada. Prince’s later doctoral dissertation at Columbia focused on the Explosion,
Greg Guy, BJ(Hons)’87, Sheila Cameron, BSc’86 and Jonna Brewer, BJ(Hons)’87 were together in the CBC/Radio Canada booth in Moncton on Oct. 20 at Legs for Literacy, an annual marathon event benefiting literacy programs in South East New Brunswick.
which he described as “blowing Halifax into the 20th century.” Later published as Catastrophe and Social Change, the work is considered the first systematic, in-depth study of a large-scale disaster. Prince later taught sociology at King’s and lived at the College. Prince Hall is named in his honour and this fall, King’s re-established the Prince Scholarship for African-Nova Scotia students. In this book, Sue, herself a sociologist of disaster studies, considers “what both the explosion and the witnessing can teach us one hundred years on.” Author and journalist Janice Landry, BJ(Hons)’87, won a national award for her latest book, The Legacy Letters. It was presented by the Tema Conter Memorial Trust at a gala in Toronto. The Ontario-based non-profit is the largest supporter of first responders, emergency personnel, members of the military and their loved ones in Canada. Janice dedicated the national award to her late father, Capt. Basil (Baz) Landry, M.B., of the former Halifax Fire Department, his peers and the current members of Halifax Regional Fire & Emergency (HRFE). Janice works with HRFE as the editor of, and chief writer for, its Feedline magazine.
Best-selling author Miriam Toews’, BJ’91, DCL’10, new novel Women Talking was nominated for a 2018 Governor General’s Literary Award. Miriam was at King’s in October for a Q&A session with Assistant Professor of Journalism Pauline Dakin, MFA’15. “There’s a subversiveness to storytelling and a usefulness,” Miriam told the audience in Alumni Hall.
Brian MacDonald, 1990, finished two terms as a Member of the Legislative Assembly (MLA) in Fredericton and has decided not to reoffer in the next provincial election. Brian has recently taken a job as Director of Crisis Management with Scotiabank in Toronto.
Rick Conrad, BJ(Hons)’92, has written a book called White Point, Then and Now: Ninety Years of Making Memories. It captures the magic and the memories of White Point Beach Lodge, which opened as a seasonal destination in 1928 and has survived storms, both real and financial.
Ian Fairclough, BJ(Hons)’89, was recently appointed to the rank of Captain in the Kentville, N.S. Volunteer Fire Department. He has been a member of the department for 25 years, following in the footsteps of his father, grandfather, great-grandfather, uncle and great-uncle. Ian lives in Kentville, where he is the Valley-Southwest bureau reporter for The Chronicle Herald.
90s Nova Scotian Mona Parsons was the only known female Canadian civilian imprisoned in Nazi Germany. She successfully negotiated her way out of a death sentence to survive the war while giving hope to many others who suffered alongside her in prison. Playwrights Sarah Blenkhorn, 1990, and Andria Hill-Lehr partnered to bring Mona’s war-time story to life in The Bitterest Time, which toured in Nova Scotia and showed at the Scotiabank Stage of Neptune Theatre in September.
Roger Thompson, BA(Hons)’91, has received endorsements from actor Sean Kenney, who played Fleet Captain Pike in Star Trek (The Original Series) and Gates McFadden, who played Dr. Crusher in Star Trek The Next Generation, for his Ethics of Star Trek class. Roger was recently elected as a Fellow of The Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. He also received a letter from the Chief of the Defence Staff thanking him for his service in the militia when he was 19 and his work as an internationally acclaimed researcher at National Defence Headquarters back in 1991.
Mark Davidson, BA’91, and David Jerome, BSc(Hons)’09, attended the Banting (Training) Company Mess Dinner at the Canadian Forces Health Services Training Centre at Canadian Forces Base (CFB) Borden. Both were attending the Basic Medical Officer Course. David is a Regular Force (full time) Medical Officer at 1 Field Ambulance at CFB Edmonton. Mark is a Reserve Force (part time) Medical Officer at 1 Canadian Field Hospital and, as a civilian GP, works in northern Manitoba at the Gillam Hospital.
Bruce Geddes’, BA’92, debut novel, The Higher the Monkey Climbs, is an examination of our relationship to our own pasts and how we adjust to the world as it shifts around us. Bruce lives and works in Toronto. He earned an MA in Latin American Literature and is a graduate of the Humber School for Writers. His fiction has appeared in various magazines. Bruce also wrote two books for Lonely Planet and worked as a producer for CBC.
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Calgary-based career and employment consultant Paul Atanya, BA’93, has written a second book, DESTINATION CANADA: Tools for Success for anyone preparing to or contemplating a move to Canada. Paul’s book shares proven strategies for a successful resettlement, adaptation and integration into our country and culture.
Jane Doucet’s, BJ(Hons)’93, debut novel, The Pregnant Pause, was shortlisted for a 2018 Whistler Independent Book Award which recognizes excellence in Canadian independent publishing. The Pregnant Pause, which Jane self-published in June of 2017, is about a married woman who is turning 37 and trying to decide whether or not to have a baby.
Kevin Gibson, BA(Hons)’93, partner at McInnes Cooper, was appointed to the Queen’s Counsel. The Q.C. designation is an honorific title awarded annually by the province recognizing exceptional merit and outstanding contributions in the field of law.
Catherine Elgie Novis, BA(Hons)’93, has retrained as a nurse, graduating with PGDip with distinction in September 2016 and is currently working in district nursing. The family moved to Marlborough, Wiltshire (England) in the summer of 2017, where her husband Tim was appointed chaplain at Marlborough College. Her two sons, Corlett and Kenneth, are attending university at UCL and Edinburgh, respectively. Catherine and her mother accompanied her daughter, Vivian, to the 2018 World Down Syndrome Swimming Championships in Truro, N.S. last summer, where Vivian represented team Great Britain. There, she won bronze with her partner in synchronized swimming duet. Catherine would love to hear from old friends and welcomes visitors. Lezlie Lowe, BA(Hons)’96, MFA’16, has written a new book, No Place to Go, about the politics of public bathroom access. In it, she addresses the compromised access faced by certain groups including women, the elderly, and people with a range of chronic conditions and disabilities.
Patricia Brooks Arenburg, BJ(Hons)’97, and husband Alan welcomed Alexander Oscar Brooks Arenburg into the family on July 21, 2017. A little brother for Hayden, Alex was born less than a month before the strike ended at The Chronicle Herald in Halifax, where Patricia had worked as a reporter and editor since 1997.
The Women’s Executive Network named Robyn Tingley, BJ’97, as one of 100 women on its 2017 “Canada’s Most Powerful Women” list. Founder and president of Saint John, N.B.-based consulting firm GlassSKY, Robyn works with women to cultivate their leadership potential. GlassSKY helps women worldwide by providing coaching services and helping them access scholarships for education and microloans to start businesses.
The Coast recently celebrated its 25th anniversary. Founders Christine Oreskovich, BA’95, and Kyle Shaw, BSc’91, BJ’92, wrote: “When we started The Coast, in pre-internet June 1993, we were six friends from the University of King’s College…fresh out of school and up for a summer lark.”
Will Beckett, BJ(Hons)’96, has made a series of videos on “Prehistoric P.E.I.” to share the little-known history of P.E.I. palaeontology and fossil finds. In an article in the Journal Pioneer, he says in the four years he took to research and make “Prehistoric P.E.I.,” he applied every skill he had learned in his training as a journalist at King’s. The four episodes are available now on Will’s Prehistoric P.E.I. YouTube channel.
Amber MacArthur, BA’98, BJ’99, was named to the Ryerson Review’s list of Toronto’s top 30 women in tech. Known in the industry as Amber Mac, she is an author, TV and radio host and has been described by Canadian Business as Canada’s top social media expert. “Every company these days is a tech company (in one way or another),” she writes. “I would encourage all women to develop skills in this space.” Jennika Ingram, BJ’98, MJ’13, has written Mom’s Turn: A journal for the first year of motherhood and stories to stay empowered. Jennika interviewed mothers between the ages of 21 to 47 across North America about what they wished they knew before becoming a parent. She balances the journal out with humour, checklists and a place to colour.
2000s Andrea Miller, BJ’02, recently had her first two picture books published. The Day the Buddha Woke Up was published in June 2018 by Wisdom Publications. Meant for small children, it’s the heart of the Buddha’s story in a handful of words. My First Book of Canadian Birds was published in September 2018 by Nimbus Publishing. The simple, gentle text introduces children and parents to fun facts about everything from bird sounds to egg sizes.
Sarah Trend, BSc(Hons)’00, recently moved to Melbourne, Australia, to work as the Asia-Pacific Exploration Manager for ExxonMobil. She, her husband and two children are looking forward to some adventures down under.
Temma Frecker, BA(Hons)’01, received the 2018 Governor General’s History ‘Excellence in Teaching’ Award for a project she did with her students at The Booker School in Port Williams, N.S., around the commemoration of controversial historic figures such as Edward Cornwallis. Established in 1996, the award honours six teachers for innovative approaches to teaching Canadian history. Teachers receive a cash prize of $2,500, an additional $1,000 for their school, and an all-expenses-paid trip for two to Ottawa. There, they receive their award from the Right Honourable Julie Payette, Governor General of Canada at Rideau Hall. Shauntay Grant, BJ’03, has written a new children’s book about Africville, a once-vibrant Black community in Halifax that was demolished, about a young girl’s visit to the community and the images it provokes in her mind. Africville was nominated for a Governor General’s Literary Award.
J. Ben Greisman, 2004, U of T PoliSci ’08, is a father of three-year-old Leona, and three-month-old Serena, and is living with his sweetheart in North York. Ben is active in Freemasonry and a senior advisor in market research and big data at Trillium Health Partners. He loves to garden, photographs for Getty Images and EyeEm, and continues professional development. Ben has certificates from MIT, Cornell, Babson College, Berkeley, and U of T in public relations, big data, analytics, engagement, project management, public policy and communications. He has served public and private sector clients including Loblaw Companies Limited, Ipsos and Vision Critical/Angus Reid Public Opinion. He has fond memories of King’s and wants to know when he can DJ again at the next Chapel Bay “Bay Party.” Meredith Davis, BA(Hons)’05, launched a new consulting firm called Good Roots Consulting dedicated to supporting non-profits, governments and other social purpose organizations to strengthen their impact with minimal organizational resources. Meredith has dedicated her career to promoting community well-being in Canada and abroad. Her academic and professional work has focused on areas including poverty reduction, food security, rural planning, community economic development, sports and recreation, engagement through storytelling and the performing arts.
Victoria Foley, BJ(Hons)’05, was elected in November to the Maine State Legislature. Victoria will represent House District 12, which includes the area of Biddeford where she and her partner Kevin share a home with their two rescue dogs, Parker and Beignet. In addition to her political work, Victoria will continue as the Director of Marketing at Maine’s largest oncology practice. Photo by Justine Johnson Photography
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The Public Policy Forum (PPF) recognized former King’s president Dr. George Cooper, DCL’08, with the 2018 Frank McKenna Award. “These honourees have dedicated themselves to the economic and social growth of their communities and the Atlantic region,” says Edward Greenspon, PPF’s President and CEO.
Eli Burnstein, BA(Hons)’09, is entering his third year as the founder and host of Spelling Bae, a traditional spelling competition for adults based in Toronto. Eli has been running Spelling Bae as both a monthly bar night and private/corporate/fundraising event. It has been featured on CBC Metro Morning, Breakfast Television, The Toronto Star and The National Post.
Tasya Tymczyszyn, BA’05, and Daniel de Munnik, BSc(Hons)’02, are happy to announce the birth of their second child, Emmett Parker de Munnik, born on July 17, 2017. They write that his big sister Elizabeth, who’s three, is so excited to help care for her younger brother. “We hope he will be starting at the University of King’s College in 2035!” In his new book, Dr. Michael Bennett, BA(Hons)’07, uses the works of Aristotle, Plato, Chrysippus and Epicurus to analyse the evolution of 20th-century French philosopher Gilles Delueze’s concepts of event, difference and problem. Deleuze and Ancient Greek Physics: The Image of Nature was published recently by Bloomsbury Press. Bloomsbury calls the book “a valuable resource for anyone interested in ancient Greek philosophy, Deleuze’s philosophical project or his unique methodology in the history of philosophy.” Lyndsie Bourgon, BJ(Hons)’08, recently graduated from the University of St Andrews with an MLitt in Environmental History. She was named a 2018 National Geographic Explorer, and conducted reporting, oral history research and fieldwork in the Peruvian Amazon surrounding the Indigenous experience of timber poaching in the spring. She is now working on a book about illegal logging.
Laurel Collins, BA’09, is an instructor at the University of Victoria, teaching social justice studies and political sociology. A dedicated social and environmental activist, she was recently elected to Victoria City Council and received the most votes of any non-incumbent. Laurel also hosts a show on ShawTV about the BC referendum entitled, Are You Voting for Change.
Toronto’s Outside the March theatre company was the big winner at the Dora awards last June, receiving six awards including Best Production for Jerusalem. Mitchell Cushman, BA(Hons)’08, took home best director for the play’s Canadian premiere. Outside the March is the brainchild of founding Artistic Directors Mitchell and Simon Bloom, BA(Hons)’10, and many King’s alumni have contributed to its success since its founding in 2009. The core artistic team includes Griffin McInnes, BA (Hons)’11, Sebastien Heins,’07, and Ishai Buchbinder, BA(Hons)’10.
Richmond Hill-based writer, Harriet Alida Lye’s, BA(Hons)’09, first novel, The Honey Farm hit the shelves in April 2018. Set in a seemingly idyllic rural setting, it is described by fellow author Carol Bruneau as “(A) mesmerizing, suspenseful novel…a thrilling, chills-inducing debut.” Toronto-based production company Hawkeye Pictures has acquired the feature film and television rights to The Honey Farm.
Jill Mader, BJ(Hons)’08, and her husband welcomed daughter Siena in July 2017. Jill says, “My future King’s student looks perfect in it [the onesie]. Like she’s about to attend a lecture in the Quad.” Mari Suyama, BJ(Hons)’09, started a company called Craft & Quality where she makes luxury leather aprons and custom cotton aprons. You can check out the website at www.craftandquality.com.
The play, Old Stock: A Refugee Love Story, created by Ben Caplan, BA’10, Christian Barry and Hannah Moscovitch was awarded the $25,000 Lieutenant Governor of Nova Scotia masterworks arts award. The celebrated 2b Theatre play is the musical story of Romanian Jewish immigrants Chaim and Chaya, based on playwright Hannah Moscovitch’s great-grandparents. Not long after its premiere, it became an off-Broadway hit and had six Drama Desk Award nominations as well as winning seven 2018 Robert Merritt awards. Lia Milito, BA(Hons)’10, was named to the Ryerson Review’s list of Toronto’s top 30 women in tech. Lia spent years working in education and public policy. Today as Fellowship Manager, Code for Canada, Lia is helping modernize government services by drawing on Canada’s most talented developers and designers. Her advice for women considering a career in tech? “Seek out amazing women. They’re everywhere. Talk to them.”
Molly Segal, BA(Hons)’10, BJ’11, has been named a Science Communicator in Residence at York University for 2018-19. She is immersed with researchers, students and staff at York’s Faculty of Science, where she has the opportunity to dig for rich, undiscovered science stories and pursue creative projects.
Queen Sugar, a drama now in its third season on the Oprah Winfrey Network, has added Chloé Hung, BA(Hons)’12, to its writing staff. The show, executive produced by Oprah Winfrey and Ava Duvernay, tells the story of three siblings who move to Louisiana to claim inheritance of a sugar farm. Chloé was the lead writer on an episode entitled “A Little Lower Than Angels,” which aired June 20. Chloé is also an accomplished playwright who completed an MFA in dramatic writing from NYU in 2016. Photo by Janis Yue
In January 2018, Douglas Gelevan, BJ’10, and Gloria Henriquez, BJ’10, were married in Roatan, in Gloria’s home country of Honduras. Douglas is a sports journalist with CBC and Gloria is reporter at Global in Montreal.
Tyler LeBlanc’s, BJ’14, MFA’18, book Acadian Driftwood, about the Acadian expulsion in Nova Scotia and his own Acadian heritage, will be published by Fredericton’s Goose Lane Editions. He knew the book he wanted to write in the MFA program would be about his own Acadian heritage and says, “I really needed the discipline of deadlines, and the structure of a program to get the project off the ground. The King’s MFA in Creative Nonfiction was exactly what I needed to turn the book idea into reality. It worked!” Assistant Professor of Journalism Pauline Dakin, MFA ’15, has won the 2018 Edna Staebler Award for Creative Non-Fiction for her memoir, Run, Hide, Repeat: A Memoir of a Fugitive Childhood. The $10,000 Edna Staebler Award for Creative Non-Fiction recognizes Canadian writers for a first or second work of creative non-fiction that includes a Canadian locale and/or significance.
Journalism instructor Angela Mombourquette, MJ’15, has won the Dave Greber Freelance Writers Magazine Award, which recognizes writing that “delves into issues associated with social justice.” Angela wrote the winning article, Why P.E.I. didn’t provide abortions for 35 years, for UC Observer magazine.
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A new web magazine co-founded by two King’s alumni is challenging fashion and feminist norms. Marielle Nicol, BA(Hons)’18, and Dina Lobo, BJ(Hons)’16, launched GirlCove.ca on April 30 with their friend Hanna Nicholls. “We are committed to creating a safe community to discuss, learn and unlearn ways of thinking in our society,” Marielle and Dina wrote in an e-mail to King’s.
Lesley Buxton, MFA’16, took first place in the inaugural Pottersfield Prize for Creative Non-Fiction for her memoir, One Strong Girl, a mother’s account of losing her daughter to a rare disease. Suzanne Stewart, MFA’16, placed second with her manuscript, The Tides of Time: A Nova Scotia Book of Seasons, which features portraits of labourers whose harvests mark the rhythm of the seasonal year.
Women in Trade–Los Angeles (WIT-LA) recently honoured Janice McDonald, MFA’16, as “Global Trade Ambassador, Canada” at the 2017 Global Trade Awards, held last November in Long Beach, California.
Surfer and cyclist Ryan Shaw, MFA’17, recorded his adventures through Nova Scotia in his book, Louisbourg or Bust: A Surfer’s Wild Ride Down Nova Scotia’s Drowned Coast. With his yellow, six-foot twin keel surfboard, he set off on a summer-long biking tour traveling down the Eastern Shore and all the way to Fortress Louisbourg in Cape Breton.
IN MEMORIAM Amanda (Eagles) Allaby, 1990, September 8, 2017 Dennis Andrews, DD’88, February 5, 2018 Weldon Boone, BA’81, April 12, 2018 Judith Campbell, Friend of the College, December 3, 2017 Michael Cobden, Inglis Professor, former Director, School of Journalism, December 24, 2017 James Cochran, 1963, October 13, 2018 Janet Cochran, 1959, September 27, 2018 Michael Covert, Friend of the College, October 24, 2017 Kathleen (Spurr) Cox, 1941, May 9, 2018 Jacqueline (Leinster Denham) Dale, BSc’52, October 8, 2018 William Emery, July 20, 2018
Anne (Thexton) Esslinger, 1949, July 24, 2018 John Farmer, LTh’55, February 4, 2018 Stanley Fitzner, 1948, February 17, 2018 Richard Gallagher, Friend of the College, November 25, 2018 Robert Hamilton, 2000, April 28, 2018 W. Eric Ingraham, BA’51, LTh’52, BDiv’64, December 7, 2017 Harold Kay, LTh’52 April 2, 2017 Meech Kean, BJ’16, August 18, 2018 Roy Kimball, BA’59, January 30, 2018 Margaret (Bailey) Laidlaw, BA’68, April 29, 2018 Helen (Grant) MacKenzie, 1941, February 12, 2018 Elizabeth MacQuade, BJ’88, November 6, 2018
William Matheson, BA’53, October 12, 2017 Caldwell McMillan, BA’65, BST’67, MDiv’75, August 4, 2018 Shirley Moir, Friend of the College, October 17, 2017 Robert Morris, 1954, February 25, 2018 Deirdre Murphy, 1995, May 23, 2018 William Naftel, BA’61, April 29, 2018 Audrey Parker, 1986, November 1, 2018 Gordon Read, BA’50, December 2, 2017 Heinz Rieger, Friend of the College, April 7, 2018 Earle Ripley, BSc’53, September 1, 2018 Terrance Smith, BA ’70, December 26, 2017 Lloyd Tucker, 1958, June 14, 2018 Nora (Arnold) Vincent, BA’63, April 18, 2018 Susan Wood, 1972, February 26, 2018 Judith Wright, BA’64, December 7, 2017
For almost 30 years, honorary King’s alumnus Jamie Cochran gave his time selflessly to King’s by John Cochran, BA’92
IN OCTOBER OF THIS YEAR, my father, James “Jamie” Edward Cochran, died without warning of a cardiac arrest. During the visitation and after the service I spoke to people of their memories and connections to Dad; many were from the King’s community. Remarkably my father never attended King’s and so was not an alumnus—at least not officially—yet was deeply connected to King’s. My father was born in 1939. His father, the Very Rev. Edward Cochran, attended King’s in the 1930s. His Uncle Bruce was a member of the Beaver Club (a group of students who served in the Second World War and in whose name an award is still presented annually) from 1945-48, as evidenced by a plaque in Prince Hall; later Uncle Bruce was president of the Alumni Association from 1961-63. Dad chose to go to Dalhousie, earning a commerce degree in 1963 and an education degree in 1965, but socializing all the while with King’s students who went on to be among his closest friends. The best man at his wedding, my godparents and my brother’s godparents all studied at King’s. My mother, Charlotte, BA’63, was part of this friends’ group and is also of King’s lineage. Her family connections can be traced to her Great Uncle Sid Jones who graduated in the early 1920s, and then her father, Canon Harold Graven, in the 1930s. My Aunt Frances (Cochran) Crocker and Crocker cousins, Candace, Stephen and
Susan, also came to King’s. It seems predestined that I, too, would come to King’s and I did, enrolling in the Foundation Year Program (FYP) in 1988. My brother, Robert, found his way to King’s, graduating in 1994 with a science degree and we were all proud when this year, my son, Angus, also started at King’s in FYP— representing five generations who’ve matriculated at King’s. Education was Dad’s passion. After graduating, he had a 30-year career as an educator and administrator with the Halifax District School Board. A former teacher from Halifax West High School told me that he became an economics teacher as a direct result of having Dad as an economics teacher at Queen Elizabeth High School. Dad was also active during his career volunteering with many organizations, including Cathedral Church of All Saints, the Diocese of Nova Scotia and P.E.I, Atlantic School of Theology and of course, King’s. Despite not being an official alumnus, Dad was considered one by King’s and involved with many committees, spending 29 years on the Property Committee from 1977-2007 and chairing it from 1993-2007. He was a member of the Board of Governors on and off for 30 years from 1977 to 2007. Along with our mother, Dad volunteered his support for fundraising projects that resulted in construction of the New Academic Building and the new library. It was not all
work though, as he regularly played in the annual King’s golf tournament and attended other alumni events. King’s awarded him the Order of the Ancient Commoner in 2010 which recognizes an alumnus/a or friend of the college who has given significant support to the College or to the Alumni Association above and beyond their position or affiliation. (The original Ancient Commoner, in the world of King’s lore, was an undergraduate student who retreated to the cupola overlooking King’s Quad, growing old there as he looked favourably only on those he considered to have made a significant contribution without regard for personal gain.) As dedicated to King’s as Dad was, his true joy was his family, and despite his busy career he found time to attend my soccer, baseball and volleyball games, and my brother’s hockey and soccer games—especially during the years Rob played as a Blue Devil on King’s soccer team. In retirement his joy turned to his four grandchildren and watching as many of their sports and activities as possible in Halifax and St. John’s. Beyond Angus, it remains to be seen who may be the next Cochran to matriculate, though none of us will be surprised if there are more to come. Jamie Cochran is and will be missed greatly by his family, as I know he will be by his King’s family.
TIDINGS | WINTER 2018/19 77
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