Tidings — Winter 2021

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ALUMNI PUBLISH King’s is pleased to share announcements of books alumni have published that we learned about this year. You will also find announcements of previously published books that have been nominated for awards in ALUMNOTES.

Gail (MacDonald) Crawford, BA’55, DipJ’55, has written three books, A Fine Line Studio Crafts in Ontario from 1930 to the Present (Dundurn Press), Studio Ceramics in Canada (Goose Lane) and Hearts of Oak: A Gaelic Legacy, published in 2015 (Boularderie Island Press).



Together with Lynn J. Salmon, author John M. MacFarlane, BSc’70, has chronicled the journey of Captain John Voss, a Canadian sailor who in 1901 circumnavigated the globe in a dugout red cedar canoe called the Tilikum. For Around the World in a Dugout Canoe: The Untold Story of Captain John Voss and the Tilikum, the North American

Society for Oceanic History has awarded them the John Lyman Book Award. Though some personal accounts exist from Voss and original mate N.K. Luxton, this book draws on research from libraries, archives, museums and primary sources around the world to provide a full and fair account of the remarkable voyage. Alan McHughen’s, 1972, latest book, DNA Demystified, brings the reader up to speed on what we know, what we don’t and where genetic technologies are taking us. From laying the basic groundwork and a brief history of DNA and genetics, to newsworthy topics like DNA fingerprinting, using DNA in forensic analyses and identifying cold-case criminals, DNA Demystified offers an informal yet authoritative guide to the genetic marvel of DNA. Martine Jacquot, BJ’84, author of over 30 books, has a new trilogy of historical fiction novels that is being published in Europe and Africa: Les Terres Douces is set in the ’40s to the ’50s; Les Glycines is set in the ’50s to the ’60s; and Les Colombes is set in the ’70s. The publisher, Prince Kum’a Ndumbe III, salutes the essential role of women throughout history as painted in Jacquot’s writing. Alan Doerksen, BJ’88, has published the novel The Lost Princess of Loulan—a historical fiction story about a young woman

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