T H E U N I V E R S I T Y O F K I N G ’ S CO L L E G E A LU M N I M AG A Z I N E | summer 2 0 1 0
Weirdos & Wanderers
King’s grad Evany Rosen leaps from the Pit and hits comedy gold
* * * * INCLU D ES
TH E 2 01 0 STEWARD S H I P REPO RT * * * *
TIDINGS Summer 2010 Edito r
Alison Lang (BJ ’07) Editoria l Co m m i t t ee
Tim Currie (BJ ’92) Paul McLeod (BJH ’07) Kyle Shaw (BSc ’91, BJ ’92) Design
Co. & Co. www.coandco.ca P ostal Add r e ss
Tidings c/o Alumni Association University of King’s College 6350 Coburg Road Halifax, NS, B3H 2A1 (902) 422-1271 King’s we bsi t e
www.ukings.ca Ema il
tidings@ukings.ns.ca * * * * Stories in this issue of Tidings were written by students and alumni of the School of Journalism. Submissions were also provided by faculty members. Tidings is produced on behalf of the University of King’s College Alumni Association. We welcome and encourage your feedback on each issue. Letters to the Editor should be signed. We reserve the right to edit all submissions. The views expressed in Tidings are those of the individual contributors or sources. Mailed under Publications Mail Sales Agreement # 40062749
on the cov e r
Photo by Julé Malet-Veale
Table of contents Letters from the Alumni Association President & Editor
King’s News
Alumni Profile Evany Rosen/Picnic
Off The Beaten Path
Alumni Profile Hugo Kitching
Photo Gallery Pie Your Prof
Alumni on the Move Bumps Along the Way
King’s Alumni at the Olympics
From the Athletic Director’s Desk 2009/2010 Athletics Round-Up
Photo Gallery Athletics Awards
FYP Texts Column Dead Certainty
Photo Gallery Last FYP Paper
Art & Culture Music I’m listening to, Bookmarks
Photo Gallery Big Night 2010
Food & Drink Two Alumni Pay Tribute to Food Experiments
King’s Lore Save the Last Dance for King’s
Classic King’s Photos
Lives Lived Roy Willwerth
Photo Gallery Choir US Tour
Lives Lived Margaret Vickery
Encaenia 2009
Honorary Degrees
Encaenia 2010
Miriam Toews’ Encaenia Address
Alumni Association 2009/2010
Branch Briefs
Photo Gallery Alumni Annual Dinner
Photo Gallery The Margaret Burns Martin Planter Memorial
2009/2010 Stewardship Report
L E T T ER F R O M T H E a l u m n i P RESIDEN T
David Jones meets up with King’s friends in Ottawa. Left to right: Mark DeWolf (BaH ’68), David Jones (BA ’68), “Honorary Kingsman for a Day” Tom Curran, Don Reid (’72) and Steve Knowles (’63)
It’s summer 2010. Encaenia is over for another year, and I’m getting my notes in order for the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the King’s Alumni Association (KAA). Encaenia is a nostalgic time for me. I’m reminded of my graduating class of fewer than 70 people. Now the grad class is three times as large, and these graduates have, for the most part, taken courses at King’s. What changes! What achievements! When I agreed to take a seat on the executive, the group had already decided that King’s was changing—and the Alumni Association had to shift with these new times. The exec developed a strategic plan to guide deliberation and action. That plan now needs to be renewed. It will be the principal item on the agenda for the new executive. Looking back over the past six years, I am most impressed by the strong relationship that has developed between the Association and the King’s Student Union. When I was an undergraduate I didn’t know there was an alumni association. What an excellent shift we have seen here. I was equally unaware of the Board of Governors and its many operational committees. I, like many others, thought that things got paid for and fixed magically. I now know that everything takes time, effort and money. I’m proud that our association
holds four seats on the Board of Governors, helping with university governance as best we can. When the Alumni Association declared itself a global organization, it represented a dramatic shift. King’s had become far more than a Maritime college. We now have alumni branches in many parts in Canada with a European Branch based in London. These groups bring tremendous vitality to the Association. While our image and operations have changed with the times, we continue to make a significant contribution to student scholarships, bursaries and awards. This is not something we talk about very much. And we should. It’s important work. Our relations with students and the student’s union, administration, faculty and the Board are exceptional. These are achievements we can be proud of and build on. College years are formative years—a hundred times more influential than high school, in my opinion. It is not easy to leave that environment, striking out for what never quite approaches the context and connections of college life.If you want to re-visit that space that meant so much to you, there is a way. Come back to King’s! Yes, you can continue your King’s experience. The community can use all sorts of strengths and interests. Just ask. You will be inspired by students who willingly share their energy and drive. They are an amazing bunch. Whether you’re a member of the alumni community or current student, we’d love to hear from you. Send us a note. Join us on Facebook. Say hello when you meet us—perhaps in the Wardroom or at the Bookstore. Ask us for alumni branch contacts in your city. Or perhaps you might come to the Annual General Meeting. It will be held on Thursday, September 23 at 6PM. Come and meet our new president Greg Guy (BJH ’89) and the incoming executive. You’ll be glad you did.
Best wishes, David G. Jones (BA ’68, HF ’98) Alumni Association President
L E T T ER F R O M T H E e d i to r The King’s community is a hard one to pin down. How does one accurately and succinctly describe a campus that brims with as many misfits and wandering souls as it does intellectuals? During my one year at King’s as a BJ student, I was surrounded by characters whose life stories were as patchy and colourful as their resumes. We all shared only two common traits: a seemingly bottomless thirst for beer, and an attraction to the small King’s School of Journalism where, for a year, we were encouraged to take risks and pursue our passions—no matter how outré—through the mediums of radio, print, TV and the internet. That’s the thing that I always liked about King’s; yes, people were very smart, but they could also be quirky—and that was okay. As someone who often struggled to mesh with the culture of my school where I did my undergrad, King’s appeared to be a mecca of sorts—the ideal environment where a student’s inherent quirks could not only develop, but flourish.
Few people have their lives figured out by the end of undergrad and as all too many of us know, graduation marks only the beginning of that big question: “What the hell am I going to do when I grow up?” In this issue of Tidings, we’ve focused on King’s alumni who, armed with that thrumming streak of individualism, followed their passions like a beacon and ended up in places no one thought they would. Through their stories, we can seek comfort and inspiration in the fact that a good life is constantly in flux, and we are all subject to its ups and downs. In the Socratic tradition, it is a thing to be examined, challenged and seized—and we must drain the marrow from every moment of it.
Alison Lang, BJ ’07 alison.lang@ukings.ns.ca Tidings | summer 2010
Alison Lang
king’s news
Over 100 students from Halifax schools gathered in Alumni Hall for the 2010 Armbrae Dialogue.
F o u r t h Annua l A r m b r a e Di alogue The fourth annual Armbrae Dialogue was held at King’s on February 24 and 25, 2010. The keynote address, “Might, Right and the Rule of Law,” was presented by post-conflict reconstruction specialist Graham Day in Alumni Hall on the evening of February 24. Mr. Day drew from his background in peacekeeping, conflict resolution and reconstruction in Bosnia and East Timor, arguing that in a conflict zone, justice is essential to restoring order. His talk was followed by presentations, arguments and discussion from the CBC’s Stephen Puddicombe and peace activist Tamara Lorincz. A question-andanswer session with students was moderated by the CBC’s Don Connolly. Over 100 students from the Halifax region attended the two-day symposium, representing 11 high schools around the city. Organizer and headmaster of Armbrae Academy John Stone (BAH ’65) said this was the largest group of attendees since the Dialogue’s inception four years ago. “Although the growth in numbers is a good omen for Dialogue, I feel a far better one was the performance of the students who attended this year’s event,” says Stone. “They were truly impressive! Hand-picked by their 2
Tidings | summer 2010
teachers because of the interest they expressed in the theme, the questions they put to the resource people were articulate and sophisticated. As Graham Day himself quipped, ‘Wow! These kids are scary!’”
France’s consulate general to the Atlantic Provinces awarded the 21-year-old Boos a trip to the Cannes Film Festival as a winner of the Cannes Film Festival Youth Competition. Along with eleven other young filmmakers from around the world, Boos stayed in the College International de Cannes at the edge of the Mediterranean Sea. He hobnobbed with esteemed directors at various Q & A sessions, including Michael Rowe, who later went on to win the festival’s Camera D’Or prize for his film Año Bisiet,and 21-year-old Quebecois wunderkind Xavier Dolan. Boos was no shrinking violet during his visit; he knew he had to make the most of this oncein-a-lifetime experience. “I really felt like this opportunity was too rare and miraculous to be wasted,” says Boos. “I took on a confidence I didn’t really know I had before. I made every effort I could to network with other filmmakers and marketing professionals, and ensure I didn’t come home emptyhanded.” In September, Boos will finish his final year studying Contemporary Studies and English at King’s, and is currently working on a music video. “Though I look forward to school, I can’t wait until I graduate so that I will have more time to focus on my passion for filmmaking,” he says.
Halifa x Huma nit i es 1 0 1 grads re lish t he K i ng ’s Connect ion
King’s Stu dent Honore d Wit h Trip to Cannes This past May, King’s student Daniel Boos was awarded an opportunity that most aspiring young filmmakers would kill for; a trip to the Cannes Film Festival. After viewing three of his short films,
The fifth annual Halifax Humanities 101 class graduated on Saturday, June 12, and at least one of the 11 graduates is sad to see the year come to an end. “You can read a book and it’s just a book,” says 65-year-old Lillian Kai. “But when you discuss it and role play it, it becomes so much more understandable.” Kai was an enthusiastic student in the free non-credit programme taught by volunteer professors from Halifax and surrounding communities. One King’s professor— Contemporary Studies professor Laura Penny (BAH ’96)—had a particularly strong impact on Kai. “I waited an entire summer and half a winter just to get to her,” Kai says. “I like her because she’s outspoken.” In addition to her studies, Kai spends her spare time dancing, doing aquatics and en-
king’s news joying retirement—”My job now is to have fun,” she says. She says she may enroll in the course again next year and is encouraging friends to do the same. “It’s important to take care of your mind and your body, keep it stimulated,” she says. “101 did that for me.” —Alison Lang
K i n g ’s P resi dent A n n o u n c es Departure
For the S econd Y ear i n a R ow, King’s Stu d e n ts Ra nke d t he Ha pp i est in Canada
Photo by Ian Gibb (’07)
University of King’s College President and Vice-Chancellor Dr. William Barker has announced that he will be ending his term as President on June 30, 2011. Dr. Barker was installed as President in September of 2003 and had originally agreed to serve a seven and a half year term, which would have concluded December 2010.With the lifting of mandatory retirement, he has chosen to remain until June of next year and will have served eight years in total. After this he plans to return to a regular teaching position in the English Department at Dalhousie University as part of the joint King’s-Dalhousie faculty.
“I have thoroughly enjoyed my time as President and look forward to my final year,” says Dr. Barker. “As in any position of senior university administration, there are ups and downs, surprises, disappointments, successes and inspiring moments. What has made it so happy a time for me and my family has been the opportunity for us to live on campus, in such an exceptional and energetic academic community.” Dr. John Hamm (BSc ’58) has worked closely with the President as acting Chair of the Board of Governors. “Under Dr. Barker’s stewardship, the university has grown and prospered while maintaining its reputation for academic excellence—causing some to refer to it as the ‘Harvard of the North’,” says Dr. Hamm. “The King’s community is very much indebted to the president’s leadership.” The President’s announcement follows other campus transitions: Professor Kim Kierans (BA ’82) (formerly Director of the School of Journalism) has begun her term as Vice President for 2010 to 2015 (effective June 30, 2010).
With the release of the Maclean’s 2010 university student survey issue, the students of the University of King’s College have been ranked, once again, the happiest in Canada with their first-year educational experience. The National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE), a survey of hundreds of US and Canadian institutions, provides benchmark comparisons for universities through ranking the level of academic challenge, student-faculty interaction, supportive campus environment, active and collaborative learning, and enriching educational experiences. Kings’ results were teased out from Dalhousie’s and have a separate spot in Maclean’s. King’s placed exceptionally high in most categories, usually top 10, and ranked first in Canada in the category of students’ happiness with their entire educational experience among first-year students, and second in the results for students’ desire to begin again at the same institution, findings published in the 2010 Maclean’s university student survey issue, dated February 15, 2010. “We know we offer exceptional programs here at King’s,” says Dr. William Barker. “This is a deserved recognition for all members of our community.” This wonderful news for King’s is a real vote of confidence in the College’s success from its students. —King’s Registrar’s Office
Dr. William Barker
Tidings | summer 2010
a l u m n i p r of i l e
Evany Rosen/Picnicface
From the Pit and Beyond By Vincenzo Ravina (BJH ’10)
Tidings | summer 2010
Scott Lilwall
vany Rosen (BA ’10) was originally drawn to King’s for the “wizard summer camp” experience. “Someone told me [King’s] was like Hogwarts,” Rosen says. “I was like, ‘Sign me up. I’m there. Give me a robe. I’m in.’” She took an extra year to graduate with her BA in the Early Modern Studies Programme because she was juggling her comedy career at the same time—and for a member of Picnicface, this is no easy feat. Picnicface is a sketch comedy/improv group based in Halifax. The group’s popularity spiked amongst students and 20-somethings after their 2008 video “Powerthirst” racked up over 19 million views on YouTube. Now, they boast accolades from Will Ferrell, well-attended live shows, a forthcoming book from Harper Collins and a TV show in development with the Comedy Network. Rosen says all the success in such a short span of time has been surreal—especially since Picnicface began humbly back in 2005; three students putting on cheap improv shows in the King’s Pit. From the beginning, Rosen says she found inspiration in the inherent absurdity of King’s student life. “I remember in my first week, looking out the window, and there was like 30 of my peers in frosh sitting in a circle with like four or five hookahs, passing around [the] hookahs and then just quietly reading the Bible to themselves and each other,” she recalls. “And I was like, ‘Where am I? This is so bizarre.’” Having had some improv training at Second City in Toronto, Rosen became involved with the King’s Theatrical Society during her first year. Meanwhile, Kyle Dooley and Mark Little, both Dalhousie students, had formed an improv duo called Picnicface and had done one or two shows at King’s. Rosen was brought into the troupe after she and Dooley were opposite each other in a scene in the 2005 KTS production of a partially improvised play called Too Much
Rosen winds down after a Picnicface show
“that’s what’s wonderful about the kts. You can be three kids who like to do improv and want a monthly show and they’ll say, ‘ok’” Light Makes The Baby Go Blind. Rosen says she and Dooley acknowledged each other’s improv chops and Dooley immediately felt she’d be a good fit with Little. “I was like, ‘Wow, she’s super funny,’” says Dooley. “So, I said, ‘Why don’t you come—we called it ‘jamming’ back then—why don’t you
come jam out with us for a while?’” The three got along well. Shortly thereafter, Picnicface became a trio and got a monthly show in the Pit. “That’s what’s wonderful about the KTS,” says Rosen. “You can be three kids who like to do improv and want a monthly show and they’ll say, ‘OK.’” Early Picnicface sets were generally comprised of 45 minutes of pure improvisation. They would ask for suggestions from the audience, or just run their fingers down a page in a book and get the audience to call out ‘stop!’ “We would dive head-first into nonsense sometimes,” says Little. During one show, the group somehow ended up on the word “earthquake.” So, Little and Dooley began stomping on the floor shouting “Earthquake Brothers!” over and over. Little says the trio found their style over the course of their early King’s shows, getting comfortable with each other and with their audience. And gradually, the trio managed to balance the absurdity with a deft sense of pacing and timing. Meanwhile, Rosen—despite not having a lot of spare time—managed to get involved in other capacities at King’s beyond comedy. She wrote and directed a play called The Blacks, The Gays and The Jews in her first year and later on served as editor-in-chief of the Watch. Picnicface moved on to weekly sketch comedy shows at the now-defunct Ginger’s Pub, although Rosen still isn’t sure how. “So, I did our last show with Mark and Kyle in the Pit, said ‘See you guys in a couple months.’ I went home to Toronto for two months,” she remembers. “I came back and they said, ‘Now we have a weekly sketch show at Ginger’s, and there’s eleven other people in the troupe.’ And I was like, ‘Whatever.’” Picnicface eventually settled on an eightperson permanent cast and started putting videos online. Their fan base grew quickly.
Scott Lilwall
a l u m n i p r of i l e
Picnicface demonstrate the art of mugging for the camera. From left: Scott Vrooman, Cheryl Hann, Brian MacQuarrie, Rosen, Mark Little, and Kyle Dooley (in front)
But they never forgot King’s. They continued to perform regular shows in the Pit and still do so to this day, even as the groups’ various members balance multiple shows at Joker’s and Yuk Yuk’s, travels to international comedy festivals and their own stand-up and acting work. Dooley says, “The Pit is still, in my mind, the best venue for improv in the city. Nothing even really comes close to it. “The space is just an improv nerd’s dream: just a big, black box. There’s seating wherever you want it to be, good acoustics, very simple lighting and everything. It’s really perfect.” Rosen says she couldn’t have had the success she’s had in another university environment. “It was really hard to have a career and school at the same time, and sometimes I couldn’t do it as well as one might have
hoped, and they’ve been great about giving me second chances, and a little leeway and making it possible for me to do what I did and graduate with an honours degree.” With Picnicface and school, she says, “King’s has never asked me to choose.” And now, poised on the edge of graduation, she says she’ll always miss the “magical nest of smartness” that is King’s. “You can strike up a conversation with someone in the quad in a way you can’t anywhere else in the world without being considered a weirdo talking to a stranger,” she says. “King’s is the best place to go and be a weirdo.” ∂
CA LLING ALL KTS MEMBERS, PAST AND PRESENT The 2010-2011 academic year marks the 80th anniversary of the King’s Theatrical Society. We are currently on the hunt for KTS alumni willing to contribute stories, memories, photos, old playbills, video and any other treasures from your KTS days. There are also many festivities on the horizon and we want to keep you in the loop. Please get in touch by emailing alison.lang@ukings.ns.ca or give us a call at (902) 422-1271 ext. 136.
Tidings | summer 2010
Off the I
n his small room in Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire, Marco Oved (BA ’05) waited impatiently for the man who had promised to come and install the Internet connection integral to his work as an Associated Press reporter. At midnight, after seven days of waiting, the technician finally arrived. Twelve hours later, Cote d’Ivoire’s government dissolved. Oved grabbed his gear and headed out into the large West African city, unaware of what he would encounter next. That night, Oved dove into an unfamiliar, unstable city, probing strangers for information, but he got the story. Years later, he says he attributes his abilities to deal with the unexpected to his unique undergraduate education. “If you can handle Derrida and Heidegger, you can definitely handle any political maneuvering or backroom dealing in any country in Africa,” he says over Skype from his African home. “It involves trying to understand what is really going on.” Still, Oved’s foray into the world of journalism didn’t come easy. In fact, it was more of a happy accident. Oved felt adrift after he finished at King’s in 2005, and sought the guidance of Vice President Chris Elson to determine his next move. “He sat me down after graduation and asked me what I was doing with myself and I told him I had no idea,” he says. “I’m a cook in a restaurant and it’s not exactly fulfilling my intellectual needs.” Elson told him to go to France and teach English in public high schools. So he did. In another moment of serendipity, he arrived in France’s capital a mere two weeks before the riots of the Parisian suburbs would begin. After an hour-long bus ride to the school
Tidings | summer 2010
Not every King’s grad emerges from the quad with an ironclad plan for the future. We spoke with three alumni who used their wits, followed their passions and landed on their feet, seizing unexpected and exciting career opportunities.. By Kristy Hutter (BJ ’10) Photos courtesy of Andrew Soren, Kristen Lipscombe and Marco Oved Illustration by Kate Sinclair-Sowerby
Beaten Path at which he taught, he was astonished to find the building was no longer standing. “One day one of the schools I was teaching in, literally, got torched,” he recalled. “So I wrote about it. I wrote a couple of little articles about how people felt about it, pretty instinctive type journalism.” Oved’s articles soon appeared in The Dominion, an independent newspaper that was just taking off in Montreal. Two years later, he was done with teaching, and submitted his two articles, along with his resume, to the Associated Press’ office in Paris. His work impressed the editors enough that he was hired, and he soon found himself doing additional work for a French magazine called Courier International, and the highly esteemed Radio France International. “You just do whatever feels right to you at the time.,” he says. “Journalism didn’t feel right to me when I was 20, but it feels right to me now.” Although Oved loved the work, he longed for a change of scenery. Earlier this year, he moved to the Cote d’Ivoire and has been there writing for AP since January. As Oved sat on the plane surrounded by Ivorians, on his way to an unfamiliar corner of the world, his King’s education continued to follow him—this time, as a source of comfort on his new journey. “I brought 5 or 6 books with me and one of them is a Derrida,” he says. Overall, Oved says the lessons in critical thinking, analysis and debate gave him the confidence needed to report news in a foreign country with no prior training in journalism. The mental gymnastics helped him become the type of person needed to work for a wire news service.
“People who work for wires are stressed,” he says. “It’s such crazy stress, you live in a crazy part of the world, you don’t get paid very well, so it definitely takes a particular type of person.” Even now, he still feels proud to be part of the “exclusive club” that is King’s. “I think it’s like a secret handshake,” he says. “If you meet someone who went there, it’s almost as if there is this instant connection and before you know it, you’re talking about FYP or Dante or something. And that’s what King’s is all about.” Oved says he is still exploring Abidjan and will be there for at least a year. “Continue being a roving journalist or come back to Canada to put down roots?” he says. “It’ll be whatever feels right to me at the time.”
risten Lipscombe (BJ ’04) is another King’s grad who has dealt with career flux and emerged on top. Lipscombe also pursued a career in journalism after she graduated from King’s in 2004. Unlike Oved, she began her career as a reporter, but after facing the realities of the economic downturn, she moved into a field that merged two of her passions: hockey and writing. An avid writer with natural talent, Lipscombe was hired by the Chronicle Herald immediately after earning a Bachelor of Journalism. She covered murders and city hall meetings, and garnered a reputation as one of Halifax’s better young journalists. In January of 2009, along with a swath of colleagues, she was let go when the Herald was forced to downsize due to the recession. During a brief stint at Metro, Lipscombe began ruminating on her next move. She
decided to apply for the highly sought-after position of Media Coordinator with Hockey Canada. To her delight, she was hired and soon began working with the national women’s hockey team. For Lipscombe, the job represents her career coming full circle; her interest in journalism was initially sparked when she began covering women’s hockey for the student newspaper at Wilfrid Laurier University. “I grew up playing hockey and started interviewing and writing about my teammates, eventually deciding to pursue journalism as a career,” she says. “I have followed a path that has come naturally to me.” Lipscombe also borrows from her King’s education in order to effectively represent and manage the team’s image in the media. “Reporters are working on deadline, they are going to be looking for certain things at certain times,” she said. “I can offer up that sense of understanding and still explain to them the situation we’re in and try to find a happy medium where everybody agrees.” She says it was ultimately King’s that got her her dream job. “The King’s Journalism Programme is the reason I am where I am,” she says. “They really backed me up and believed in me. They almost believed in me more than I believed in myself.” The biggest highlight in Lipscombe’s new career came earlier this year just before Vancouver 2010. After the team’s last pre-Olympic game, the coach invited her into the dressing room and the team presented her with her own Team Canada jersey, adorned with her name on the back. When the women’s team captured the gold at the Games, it was an equally emotional moment for Lipscombe as she watched at home in Calgary. Tidings | summer 2010
Kristen Lipscombe (at left) with “the Wayne Gretzky of women’s hockey,” Hayley Wickenheiser.
“In a way, King’s has helped me reach my childhood dreams,” she said. “I was a part of the team that won the gold.”
hile Oved and Lipscombe rose to the challenge and embraced new careers in journalism and communications, other King’s alumni have explored the many possibilities of a career in the arts. Andrew Soren (BAH ’02) delved deep into the arts community while at King’s, and after he graduated with a degree in the Contemporary Studies Programme, he continued to pursue a viable—if unexpected—career path by using his creativity to motivate others. Soren was raised with a theatre background and was naturally drawn to the King’s Theatrical Society. Throughout his four years as an undergraduate, Soren wore many hats, including producer, secretary and KTS president. After being involved in nearly every facet of King’s theatre culture, Soren found the business side of the arts soon began to pique his interest. Upon graduating, he helped various Canadian theatrical companies raise funds, and was then recruited by the Bank of Montreal to organize one of North America’s largest arts prizes, which eventually led to his induction into the bank’s sponsorship department. “There were enormous amounts of theory I learned at King’s and at some sort of intuitive, tacit level, I was able to translate it into this work that I was doing, marketing a bank’s brand,” he says. Now, Soren works as a program manager in the Faculty of Leadership, for BMO Financial Institute for Learning where he is part of
Tidings | summer 2010
Marco Oved
a team that examines management training through the lens of cultural change – a sort of “corporate university.” He helps managers and executives become better leaders by teaching them different modes of storytelling using new technologies, like webcasts. After new ideas have been implemented, Soren then works to convey these messages to the rest of the bank’s community. “Basically, the office of strategic management comes up with strategies—how do we become the best bank, improve customer service, and other ideas,” Soren explains. “The question becomes: how do you make that strategy come to life for any individual in the organization?” It’s his job to make corporate messages relatable and meaningful for everyone at BMO, from top-tier executives to tellers who interact directly with the public. Currently, Soren and a team will lead a panel of executives to discuss a specific topic. He then broadcasts the webcast around the organization. “Anyone can watch these webcasts and figure out what the discussion means in their world,” he says. Soren’s job is one of the first of its kind at any bank—created specifically for him, it utilizes his abilities to communicate, think creatively and employ strategies and managerial savvy. In short, it is a combination of all his strongest attributes—and he is still building on them. “The opportunity to learn is the thing I love most about this job,” he says. It might seem incongruous that Soren leapt from the world of theatre to corporate strategy. But he says that the analytical approach he learned through King’s theatre and his studies is directly linked to his job with BMO’s corporate university.
“It’s the act of having to take an idea and to somehow see how different people will perceive that idea, react to that idea, what different input there might be to that idea, what different outcomes there may be to that idea, and then finding the best way to translate it to a more accessible medium,” he says. “That very notion is what King’s is all about. And it has everything to do with what I am doing now.” Whether backroom dealing in West Africa, roaming the country on a tour bus with Team Canada or inspiring top bank executives to be better leaders, these graduates have taken the path less travelled. They’ve faced career twists and turns with creativity, sharp wits and open minds, and most of all, they have managed to apply their education towards their life’s grand pursuits with ingenuity and grace. ∂
Andrew Soren
a l u m n i p r of i l e
Hugo Kitching
Into the Wild By Jon Charlton (BJH ’10)
Terry John Myers
ap-scaat chipscoonjen shiship mijuaap.” It’s a phrase most of us don’t hear every day. But King’s alumnus Hugo Kitching (BaH ’09) knows it off by heart. The Cree words mean “Last night I plucked ducks in the teepee.” It’s one of the phrases the 27 year-old Kitching learned when he lived in Wemindji, a Cree community in northern Quebec. He’s a King’s grad who literally veered off the beaten path to study his passions: nature and history. Originally from Ottawa, Kitching first pursued his interests by spending two summer and winter breaks from King’s in Wemindji from 2006-2008. He lived in a teepee —even in minus 30 degree winters—in the Asquabaneskum family’s backyard. He came to know them intimately and helped them out as much as he could by hunting, canoeing and plucking ducks. Kitching says the community is its own country. “Because they live on the land full time, they have an amazing knowledge of natural history. I think this continues to be overlooked by scientists down south,” he says. After taking some time off from studies, Kitching graduated in 2009. He wasn’t sure what he was going to do, so he decided to continue studying nature before—as he puts it—“settling down into an orthodox life.” He wanted to develop a burgeoning interest in filmmaking, and last year spent eight months in northern Ontario living in an Algonquin Park research station putting together two nature documentaries. The idea for the experience came from his experiences at Wemindji and also his background with Algonquin—for seven of the past eight years, Kitching has worked seasonally in the park, leading hikes and giving talks. He’s now equipped with a thorough understanding of wildlife and the park’s history. For one of the documentaries, Kitching linked up with researchers from Trent University and Ontario’s Ministry of Natural Resources, who are in-
Hugo Kitching
vestigating coyote-wolf hybridization. He’s currently following their progress. The other film is aligned with the studies of Trent University PhD candidate Douglas Tozer. It’s part of an educational introduction to the birds of Algonquin. Kitching has filmed the yellow-bellied sap sucker as well as warblers and thrushes. Both films have given Kitching the chance to get up close and personal with the park’s animal life. The wolf documentary required that Kitching watch wolves and wolf pups up close; a rare and breathtaking experience. He says the wolves, while large, are surprisingly lean because of the long distances they run. For the second documentary, Kitching helped confirm Tozer’s theory that black bears are the major predators of woodpecker nests. Using a motion-triggered camera, Kitching managed to get shots of black bears climbing up trees, chewing through the trunks and eating young woodpeckers. “Basically, it had never been documented before,” he says. Nature photography and filming is a demanding profession. On an average day, Kitching awakens at 3:30 a.m. in order to catch the park’s birds at their most active. He observes and films until 6 p.m. Punishing hours, isolation and freezing temperatures— these are taxing conditions to say the least. But Kitching says he keeps motivated by thinking back upon his experiences with the Cree of James Bay. “You have to have patience out there,” he says. “You have to learn how to deal with things like being cold, or bugs, which there are a lot of in both places. And you need a respect for the natural world.” Unlike most first-time filmmakers, Kitch-
ing doesn’t name any particular films as inspirations. Rather, he finds inspiration in the Canadian wilderness itself, and sees it through a lens he gained at King’s. “I think Canada has a lot to offer in terms of interesting natural history,” he says. “I don’t mean it’s been completely overlooked, but I think there are some pretty amazing research stories going on right in our own back yard. I love it, I find it very interesting.” The diversity of Kitching’s interests isn’t surprising to EMSP Director Simon Kow, who taught Kitching at various points during his King’s career. “He develops passions for things, a kind of strong passion for certain subjects as well as a real sort of depth,” says Kow. “And curiosity—he’s an intensely curious person.” In conversation, Kitching betrays his King’s background a number of times, particularly when he laments what he calls “the unfortunate division between nature and science.” “As the early modern period shows, there wasn’t always that division,” he says. “It shows how specialized one has to be these days. But at the same time I really do think that nature’s everywhere.” And he aims to see as much of it as possible. Kitching is planning a canoe trip in 2011 that will see him and other King’s grads canoe from Jasper, Alberta to Montreal. They’ve set up a website, mountains2montreal.ca, and Kitching is tossing around the idea of filming the trek. For now, he’s still at work. By the time you read this, Kitching will have returned to Algonquin, buried deep in the wilderness, out of range from the civilized world. ∂ Tidings | summer 2010
p i e yo u r p r of
In April, the Dalhousie/King’s Free the Children Society held an event called “Pie Your Prof.” The proceeds of the event went towards the building of a school in Sierra Leone. King’s participants/victims included the School of Journalism’s Kelly Toughill and Fred Vallance-Jones as well as EMSP Director Simon Kow. All photos by Alex Estey (BAH ’12)
Tidings | summer 2010
a l u m n i o n th e m ov e
Bumps Along the Way Globetrotting journalist Arwen Kidd (BJH ’07) shares the perils and pleasures of an unusual road trip during her travels in Liberia last year. rier, and the fact that I’d suddenly found myself being rapidly approached by a screaming man with a gun—the chained-up STOP sign still dragging behind us. Now, at times like these, I find there are very few good approaches. You can apologize profusely (not always ideal, however, as this often results in the exchange of hard-earned cash, which in this case, after being robbed, I didn’t actually have). You could get ready to argue. Or, my personal favourite, you can smile like an idiot. Which is exactly what I did. In a manoeuvre once described by a friend as “Kidd’s Kill It With Kindness” routine, I hopped off the bike grinning. And I suppose that’s the final rule: When you think that all the odds are stacking up against you, and it seems that everything possible is “A Problem”—suddenly, there is no more problem. In under two minutes, the men with the guns were laughing right along with me, my co-biker cobbled together some repairs on our brakes (or at least made it look that way for the time being) and we were back on the road. No more problem. At least until the tire blew, ten minutes later… ∂
Arwen Kidd
got up off their chairs. I readied my UN Press Pass (a useful deterrent against unnecessary police holdups and bribery attempts) and prepared to flash them my best “I’m innocent” look. And then it happened. We skidded, we wobbled, I likely squealed, and with a bang, we crashed through the barrier. Now, there are a few things about African road trips one must understand. 1) There’s nothing straightforward about them. You plan for what you can, but even the most scrupulous planning can be mitigated by the following factors: 2)No matter what type of ‘safety nets’ you imagine up, at the end of the day, you are still in a place where there are no 24-hour service centres, no mobile phone coverage between most villages, and certainly no On-Star ‘save me’ buttons to do you any good. 3) Creativity is a miracle. Bless the old man who sawed off my seatbelt to tie back up our engine after it fell off the belly of our Land Rover in the middle of the night. And bless the kindness of strangers who stop to give others a lift—even when the people in the back of the van are already seated five to a row. 4) Sometimes, you have to think quick. Which of course brings me back to the bar-
An abandoned Liberian gas station.
Arwen Kidd
he plan was simple. Two girls, two motorbikes, two days. Add one phone call ahead to the village chief and the trip would culminate in a night spent camping out on yet another beautifully deserted Liberian white-sand beach. Simple, yes—in theory. By three o’clock the second afternoon, my motorbike had already blown two tires, lost brakes three times—in a mishap involving both the rear and front tires—and I had run over a black mamba. My back throbbed with pain from the combination of bad roads and sleeping on hard sand, and in a (very accidental) incident the day before, I had somehow managed to moon an entire village. Add onto the list the fact that our third proposed travel companion had fallen ill at the very last minute to some typically unidentifiable stomach parasite, plus the always-lovely experience of being robbed, and the whole weekend was racking up to be yet another random, eventful West African road trip. As we approached the first police checkpoint on our way back through the Firestone rubber plantation (and yes, Liberia is indeed where that particular brand of tires originates), the sun beat down mercilessly on my already scorched back. Here I was, in tropical paradise, surrounded by the burnt-out relics and bullet-scarred testimonies of recent civil conflict, and all I could think about was my undeniable urge for a cold shower and a soft bed. Rolling our way toward the roped-off blockade, I watched as two armed men lazily
By Arwen Kidd (BJH ’07)
A downtown street in Monrovia. Tidings | summer 2010
king’s Alumni at the Olympics Three King’s alumni share their favourite moments of the 2010 Olympics by Laura MacKenzie (BJH ’10)
Greg Guy
Mike Fleury
G r eg Guy
St e phe n Forest
M ike Fleury
Greg Guy (BJH ’87) grew up in Cape Breton. He has worked for the Chronicle Herald, and was the Canadian editor for International Figure Skating magazine. He is a former figure skater himself. He worked for the Vancouver Organizing Committee at the Vancouver Olympics, covering figure skating for the Olympic News Service and helping to organize the press section at a figure skating training facility.
Stephen Forest (BJH ’87) is an editor at the Chronicle Herald. His wife won tickets to the Olympics, and they enjoyed five events as spectators (and not as journalists) including the men’s gold medal hockey game.
Mike Fleury (BJH ’05) has worked as news editor for The Coast, and for CBC Radio, where he produced for ‘Q’ and did morning sports broadcasts. As part of the CTV editorial research team at the Games, he spent 20 months researching Olympic sports and athletes before arriving in Vancouver to produce, write scripts and provide support on the sets for CTV and Rogers Sportsnet.
Joannie Rochette was skating brilliantly, and I said to her, after an interview, I said you’re looking very good to medal here. She seemed very happy. The next morning I got a call from the team saying that her mother had died. She took a heart attack. But Joannie went to practice the next morning. She decided to compete. And when she came, she didn’t want to do any interviews, of course, until after the competition was done. She broke down after the short program. It was quite a moment. And usually, the unbiased journalists that we’re supposed to be, we sat in the press tribune that night, and after she skated, usually we’re not supposed to clap or stand or anything. But—and this was the first time I’d ever seen this—many veteran writers for skating got up and gave her a standing ovation for skating under those circumstances. 12
Tidings | summer 2010
We probably left for the game three hours beforehand…so there was nothing really to do beforehand except get on the train and join the mass of humanity heading downtown. … The trains were full after one or two stops, and it was just a wonderful experience. There were people singing the national anthem at ten in the morning. …Somebody at the back of the train would start to sing ‘O Canada’, and everyone else would join in. It was really electric. First thing in the morning, people walking around with flags, screaming out … ‘Go Canada Go!’. It was really something special to see Canadians sort of jump out of their reserved skin, and be sort of brash and bold. Proud of their country, and their country’s accomplishments…We had our Team Canada jackets on. We were trying to look as much the part of proud Canadians as everybody else.
My boss said “Do you want to go see a hockey game?” CTV had a private box set up to watch the game and then about halfway through the first period, Michael J. Fox just sort of wandered into the box. We produced a little feature as a tease for the hockey tournament, and we shot him playing hockey in Lake Placid in a Canadian hockey jersey. So it was sort of an ice-breaker, because he had spent the entire day working with this friend of mine. I went into my conversational bag of tricks, and I was like, what on earth do I have as an ice-breaker for Michael J. Fox? As it turns out, he was curious to know the sorts of things I’d been doing for my job. He was as much interested in that as I was in him, and it was a really great conversation.
F r o m th e Athl e t i c s D i r e c to r ’ s D e s k 2009–2010 Athletics Round-Up by Neil Hooper, Athletics Director
he 2009-2010 academic year was a time for rebuilding and waiting to see how a group of Freshman and Second year students could handle the competitive atmosphere in the ACAA. A record number of King’s student athletes were recognized as conference all-stars. There were 24 students who achieved this honor. 13 students were recognized for achieving grade-point averages of 3.7 or better. We did have three teams that made it to conference championship finals and came away with silver medals. Our conference win was a mixed doubles championship in badminton. Our fall season was highlighted by some great rugby and soccer performances, leading to three out of four teams making it to conference finals. Men’s and women’s soccer traveled to Holland College and played in two exciting finals but came up just short in two great soccer games. Men’s rugby lost a heartbreaking game to Mount Allison in overtime for the second straight year. They represented us with pride and deserve a great deal of praise for their efforts. Women’s rugby fell just short of making it to the final in a semi-final loss to a very determined Nova Scotia Agricultural College Team.
It was definitely a tough winter for our men’s and women’s basketball and men’s volleyball teams as they had the greatest number of freshman and second year students. However our young teams gained valuable experiences and will carry these into next season. Women’s basketball and men’s volleyball were fortunate enough to get into playoffs but men’s basketball fell just short of their goal and missed by one spot. The highlight of the winter was the performance of our mixed doubles team in badminton who won the ACAA Championship and attended the CCAA Nationals in Edmonton, Alberta. They did not win a medal but gained some valuable exposure to the best badminton college players in Canada. Overall, we will bring a very experienced core in each sport back to play in the fall. Another year wiser, it is certain that we will be prepared and ready to make an impact. In the sport of rugby we say good-bye to numerous 4th and 5th year players who will be very difficult to replace. At our Annual Athletic Awards Night we honored our King’s students and their accomplishments and celebrated a great year.
The UKC vs. STU Basketball Game. All photos: Ian Gibb (’07)
Tidings | summer 2010
athl e t i c s awa r d s
Top left: Micah Anshan receives the Special Recognition Award from Athletics Director Neil Hooper. Top Right: Stephanie Head, MVP for Women’s Basketball. Middle left: Lucas Adecola and KSU President Kiki Wood. Bottom left: Stephanie Head receives a hug from Women’s Basketball Coach Jenn Bennett. Bottom right: Dalia Lourenco and Ian Manning, MVPs, co-ed badminton
Tidings | summer 2010
athl e t i c s awa r d s
Top: The Atlantic All-Star athletes. Bottom left: King’s athletes are a rowdy and supportive bunch. Bottom right: Athletics Director Neil Hooper brushes off some awards. All photos by Ian Gibb (’07)
Tidings | summer 2010
F Y P T e x t s Col u m n
Dead Certainty
By Dr. Thomas Curran, Assistant Professor, Foundation Year Programme
Tidings | summer 2010
dis Zeus now takes the credit for divesting humans of the exact knowledge of the timing of their last day and hour: “I have instructed Prometheus to put a stop to this.” Wherever credit is due, either with Zeus or Prometheus, or even with both, we owe them our capacity for looking forward to an endless series of tomorrows. Being liberated from the “dead certainties” of the divine foreknowledge, we can now enjoy the freedom of continuing to act as if we are going to live forever. In our journey together on “a streetcar named Desire”, we have, it seems, an inexhaustible capacity to forget that “Desire” is not a description of a source of energy—the electric current that keeps us happily on our pilgrim tracks—but is, in fact, the name of the terminal, the final stop at the end of the line. Of course, human beings remain richly complex, and while enjoying our “bottomless cup” we simultaneously make provision for the eventuality that the coffee will run out. There is a delightful paradox in our assiduous purchase of life insurance. Think about the strange dynamic involved in “speculating”
on your own longevity: if you win, you lose, and if you lose, you win. The last thing any of us wants is the actual redemption of the policy. Some of us remain dissatisfied with the wayward odds established here, and so we consult the acknowledged experts in this field. Palmistry is famously engaged with the interpretation of “the life line”, and Ouija boards provide a kind of vanguard into the beyond. But I, for my part, will rigorously avoid all readings of the Tarot cards, because as long as the “Hanged Man” is not turned over, I can continue living forever, just as before. There are moments when I chance to forget my disciplined optimism, and then I can easily turn eastwards, and, looking further than the Indian sub-continent, call to mind the words of the great Matsuo Bashō, a 17th-century Japanese poet. Bashō reminds us that the days and months are fellow travellers on the road towards eternity, and “so are the years that pass by”. ∂
Gustave Moreau’s Prometheus
Dr. Thomas Curran
Alison Lang
rom the overwhelming richness of the great Sanskrit epic the Mahabharata, there is one divine reflection that manages to address all of mankind. In the epic, the gods are incredulous at the inexplicable behaviour of humankind. But what distinguishes this paradoxical species, the thing that defines us and separates us from the rest of creation, is the fact that every human being knows that he or she will die. It is a certainty, a knowledge woven into the fabric of our lives; it is the station at the end of the line. The location of this terminal is, as it were, already fixed on the route map of our lives. Our arrival at the last stop can neither be obscured nor evaded. And for this reason, the Mahabharata reports—incredulously— that all of us know that we are going to die, but all of us behave as if we were going to live forever. It will come as no surprise to anyone who has even a passing acquaintance with our curriculum here at King’s that these same reflections were also present to our great Mediterranean ancestors, the ancient Greeks. Of all the examples that could be adduced from Greek tragedy, the Prometheus Bound can reasonably maintain a certain pre-eminence. The Titan Prometheus rehearses the transgressions—the sins against Zeus—which have been the occasion for the grievous, appalling torture and punishment to which this former ally of Zeus is now subjected without relief. Commonly, we suppose that the chief transgression was also Prometheus’ greatest gift to us—his theft of the “technology” of fire for our benefit. But amazingly Prometheus puts this symbol of our human liberation second in the catalogue of his crimes. First, in a couple of arcane lines (248 & 250) Prometheus informs his Athenian audience that his chief benefaction was to implant in us “blind hopefulness”. How did Prometheus (whose name means “forethought”) manage that act of grace? By stripping human beings of a knowledge they used to possess: namely, the exact day and hour appointed for their deaths. This cryptic exchange in the tragedy by Aeschylus gets another airing in Plato’s dialogue Gorgias (523d), where mutatis mutan-
l a s t f y p pa p e r
FYP students celebrate handing in their last essay of the year.
From left to right: Ross Chiasson, Paige Delaney, Lindsay Logie, Adam Fiske (in bottom right photo) and Tyler Duffy. All photos by brand-new FYP graduate Paige Delaney.
Tidings | summer 2010
a r t s a n d c u lt u r e Joel Plaskett—He’s the poster child for indie pop from Nova Scotia and deservedly so. He gave me one of my first breaks in the music industry, using my photos for his Truthfully Truthfully album. He’s sincere and talented and his rock shows are legendary.
Musician and King’s alumnus Rich Aucoin.
m u si c I ’ m l i sten i n g to
Laura Simpson BJ ’04
Laura Simpson (BJ ’04) currently works as Communications and Membership Coordinator at Music Nova Scotia. Part of her occupation involves hosting Music Nova Scotia open mics at Halifax’s Seahorse Tavern and interacting with Maritime musicians on a regular basis. With this in mind, we at Tidings wanted to ask Laura a few questions about her favorite local acts, the challenges of being a musician in the Maritimes and how King’s has helped shaped her love of music. Who are your favorite local musicians? Making me choose musicians is like making me choose one of my children! I admire those who have stuck it out and have made a name for themselves, despite the odds and we work with a lot of these folks on a regular basis at Music Nova Scotia. All of these people are the nicest people you can imagine: Jenn Grant—She’s one of the sweetest artists around and has babysat for my son a few times. She has an incredible voice and is very dynamic.
Rich Aucoin (BAH ’06)—Rich is a new favourite of mine and definitely on the way to the top, especially in the UK. When he was still small potatoes, he sang me happy birthday during one of his sets, which was awesome. His live show is an infectious party. You have worked with a lot of up-andcoming artists. Have you gained an insider’s perspective on what it’s like being a musician? It’s tough, but they’re living the dream. We are saturated with musicians in the east coast and sometimes audiences take that for granted. It makes it tough on the artists when they can’t get anyone to their gig because there are three other great artists playing that night. It’s also hard to tour from this region; long trips can often yield nothing but big debts. Lots of East Coast musicians have to tour abroad to make money. However, you have huge peer support here as a musician. Musi-
cians are always at each other’s gigs and helping each other out in recording their albums. Pick up any album and read the liner notes, and you’ll likely find credit given to someone from another band for playing, singing or producing. Nova Scotia also has some of the best funding programs in the region and our music industry association (not to toot our own horns) is one of the biggest and most active in the country. In your view, what’s the defining sound for East Coast musicians? Down to earth, raw, unique. How did King ’s prepare you for your work with Music Nova Scotia? Journalism gave me legitimacy, even if I was just a big groupie. It got me into the East Coast Music Awards and the Junos and it helped me be able to talk to anyone and understand a variety of different lifestyles. I also had a show at CKDU called Soundtrack of Our Lives that featured local musicians and used the radio journalism skills I learned —interviewing, producing, etc. I use my writing skills and my experience as a journalist every day as communications coordinator for Music Nova Scotia.
Bookm arks
Kate Ross
Webmaster and J-School Lab Assistant As webmaster, I’m practically never offline, and so I broke down my list of favourites into five categories: 1. I read design blogs: mocoloco.com, notcot.com, designyoutrust.com, netdiver.net and smashingmagazine.com.
David Myles—I saw him for the first time at a small CBC Studio H session. As soon as he opened his mouth, I knew he would be someone to watch. He also had lyrics written down to pass out to the audience.
2. I look at pretty pictures at places like: welovetypography.com, FFFFound.com and typeish.com.
Old Man Luedecke—I met Chris Luedecke at the open mics at Ginger’s Tavern when I worked as a bartender there. He always was engaging, unique and remarkably friendly. He is the genuine article.
4. To stay in the loop about the freshest stuff online, and who I should be following, I trust: inspiredm.com, designiskinky.com, k10k.net and behancemag.com.
Tidings | summer 2010
3. When I want to check out other peoples’ living rooms, I go to: apartmenttherapy. com and designspongeonline.com.
5. I like to make stuff and see what other people make, so, I check out places like: etsy.com, craftster.org, instructibles.com, indiepublic.com and stencilrevolution.com.
b i g n i g ht 2 0 1 0
Top left: Hosts Noah White and Leah Collins-Lipsett Top right: David Lewis, Owen Edwards and Ben Harrison Middle right: Zona Roberts Middle: Greta Landis Middle left: Ron Haflidson (BAH ‘04) Centre: Bollywood dancer Evey Hornbeck Bottom left: Thomas McCallum Bottom middle: Stephanie Boudreau Bottom right: Will Barton. All photos by Scott Lilwall (BJ ’10)
Tidings | summer 2010
Two Alumni Pay Tribute to Food Experiments the donair By Scott Andrew Christensen (BA’90) An alumnus in Turkey looks at the local incarnation of the hallowed Halifax street food I’ve almost burnt the broth for the scalloped potatoes. They’ve been a hit amongst many on both Burgazada and the inner bastions of Ankara. But that wouldn’t be very local, would it, going on about a Maritime rendition of some French recipe sitting here overlooking the Sea of Marmara? Back in the days when mother made the meals, turkey was a mainstay of JudeoChristian celebrations. Here, when the moon delivers Kurban Bayram livestock to tables in honor of Işmael’s ascent in the offering arms of İbrahim, poultry takes a backseat— trunk, even—to the cross-border appeal of that father of fast-food, the incomparable döner. How can one not mention this delicious dinner in the same breath as their alma-mater? Who can forget classmates slung along the road during a Spring Garden dawn praising the New World delivery of our favorite sandwich? Here in Turkey, the dönerci draws his sabre, initiating the ages-old assembly: he mauls a half-loaf of split-top, almondshaped pita, slicing an opening; tongs the slips of plummeted meat in tandem with any
Tidings | summer 2010
adorning combination of tomatoes, onions, torşu (akin to pickles), and a lining of patates tave, aka French fries, all the while yelling with the requisite hospitality. Face it, food-o-philes—don’t let anyone tell you baklava and yogurt comes from anywhere else other than the inventive Ottoman! Here, the sweet sauce is absent—that sticky gruel of condensed milk and sugar and who-knows-what penetrating your panicking cuffs. Some spits—the vertical variety patented by a patron from Bursa named İskendar—are emblazoned with spicy green peppers (sivri biber) and/or tomatoes sizzling from the turn of the mechanical skewer. Honored for his ingenuity, İskendar is still represented to this day through a dish commending his name: döner meat bedded on cubes of pide bread, topped with tomato sauce, a side of yogurt, a roast pepper or two, and emblazoned with rivulets of melted butter. The small fortune of meat I salted away below the shadow of the Halifax Regional Library, is, in retrospect, well-worth the imbibing. Perhaps it planted a rootless seed of unmapped migration, some penchant to follow these Roman roads rife with the philosophers that frustrated so many of my fellow freshmen. It’s a kernel sowed in the murmuring echoes of the Mediterranean, our minds inked with the indelible art of Foundation Year mornings.
Z a mpo ne Lindsay Cameron-Wilson (BA ’95, BJ ’99) Take a walk on the wild side of pork The five-course meal starts out strong. Fragrant, amber-coloured stock fills a shallow white porcelain bowl. Fresh pillows of gnocchi and slivers of garlic scrapes swirl within. Next comes a warm plate featuring what looks like a thick slice of sausage nestled within a spoonful of soft, puréed lentils and a touch of zucchini pickle. The sausage, made from pork, cinnamon, nutmeg and Parmesan cheese is encased in a thick, cream-coloured casing. I scoop out the filling with my fork, and top it with helpings of lentils and pickle. The combination of flavours and textures – tart, sweet, salty but fresh, creamy, with a little pickle crunch—are incredible. As the filling is devoured, its casing falls limp like a thick ring of bacon fat onto the plate. The chef is my friend Larry, who grows his own vegetables, makes his own cheese and raises turkeys, ducks and chickens. When the course is finished, he looks at my plate, crestfallen. As a fellow food professional, I have broken a tie that had bound us together. I am no longer brave in his eyes, no longer authentic, no longer a practical eater. I’m just a squeamish city girl who eats high on the hog. The dish is called zampone, a speciality of Modena, Italy. To make zampone, Larry shaves the pig’s trotters of excess hair with a Bic disposable razor. He then bones and washes them, then fills them with a rough sausage called cotechino. The whole thing is then oven braised for 4 hours, sliced into thick rounds, and served with a lentil purée. The word zampa means paw; a large trotter is called a zampone; a small one is a zampino. Zampa, zampone or zampino; I just… can’t do it. There I’ve said it. In fact, if I had a postcard handy, I’d post a secret: I can’t handle a little pig’s foot with a few short hairs still attached. While I’m at it, I may as well add: Really red blood sausage grosses me out. Sweetmeats? No thanks. I could never knowingly eat horse or dog. And don’t even
get me started on durian. I am a grateful eater. Food, prepared for another, is the sweetest gift. Especially Larry’s food, which is lovely prepared from start to finish. He knows where every bit of his food comes from; in fact, the pigs that offered up their trotters for this meal are his neighbours. I believe in ‘nose to tail eating’ in practice, but have trouble with the execution. It’s hypocritical of me, but I’m learning that personal taste and food politics collide in my mouth. These culinary confessions have made me vulnerable. Hopefully Larry will have me back.
k i n g ’ s lo r e Save the Last Dance for King’s by Mark DeWolf (BAH ’68)
n 1965-66, a newly-formed Social Committee led by Nicky Sorge (’67) suggested holding weekly dances in the university’s gymnasium. They would be open to the public and feature some of the best bands in the region. To its everlasting credit, the King’s administration gave the “thumbs up” to this audacious plan, and one of the city’s most swinging entertainment venues was born.
Every Saturday night, hundreds of teenagers from the Halifax area descended on the King’s campus, eager to hear groups like The Axemen and Pepper Tree pound out the hits of James Brown, Otis Redding and other pop favourites of the late Sixties. With King’s students staffing the door, coat check and canteen, as many as 700 customers flowed into the gym each week. If patrons weren’t dancing, they could enjoy watching King’s very own go-go dancers, gyrating in the most minimal of mini-skirts on large platforms placed on either side of the stage. Students wearing campus police armbands patrolled the sawdust-covered dance floor, occasionally ejecting those who were drunk or disorderly. For three years, the money flowing into the Council’s coffers each week made the King’s Student Body, per capita, the wealthiest in Canada. But what to do with it? Some went to student activities, and some to equipment for the publication of the new student newspaper, The Ancient Commoner. Some went to improvements to the “rec room” in Alex Hall and to the area now known as The Wardroom. Some went to the creation
of a studio theatre (the “Cultural Complex”) beneath the Chapel, now called The Pit. In 1967-68, one of the most significant uses for the money was helping to fund the Student Council’s recently-formed King’s Promotion and Public Relations Committee (KPPR), tasked with increasing student enrolment, which had dipped to fewer than 200 students. Talk of a total amalgamation with Dalhousie circulated, but King’s had no Advancement Office as it has today, and no organized program of student recruitment. Aided by the dance money, the KPPR’s activities included visits to high schools and the printing of promotional flyers. King’s enrolment began to rise, and there are some who today credit the King’s dances and the KPPR for the university’s salvation. Sadly, all good things come to an end, and when damage to the gym floor became a concern, the King’s Dances ground to a halt. Just like that, it was over, and after three amazing years, the King’s Dances became just another part of King’s lore.
Tidings | summer 2010
Yo u ’ v e I d e n t i f i e d Yo u r s e lv e s …
From left to right: Jamie Jardine (’69), Monica (Punke) George (BA ’71), Ron Coll (BSc ’71), Carolyn Campbell (BSc ’73), Janie Butts, Harvey Heaton (’70), Martha Elliot (BA ’74) Thanks to Andy Hare (BA ’70), Mary Barker (BA ’67), Kathleen Soares (BA ’74), Susan Whiting (’71), Ron Coll and Sheila Hockin (’71) for their assistance.
…C a n Yo u I d e n t i f y T h e s e Al u m n i ?
If you know who these alumni are, please contact us at alison.lang@ukings.ns.ca
Do you have photographs from your time at King’s that you would like us to have? Please send them to the Advancement Office at King’s, 6350 Coburg Rd., Halifax, NS, B3H 2A1. We’ll appreciate your contribution.
Tidings | summer 2010
Roy Willwerth Circumspice: A happy remembrance of Roy Willwerth by Wayne Hankey (BaH ’65) Carnegie Professor of Classics and Chairman of Dalhousie University’s Department of Classics Originally read at Roy’s memorial service on Tuesday, August 4, 2009
marble plaque above the simple tomb of Christopher Wren in the crypt of St Paul’s Cathedral, London, tells the seeker that buried here is the “builder of this church and city.” He was a man, it says, who devoted his life “not to himself but to the public good.” For those looking for more, it admonishes: Lector: Si requiris monumentum, circumspice: “Reader, if you are seeking his monument, Look around you.” The old-fashioned courtesy, tact, and fidelity which characterized Roy make Latin at his memorial requisite. These words came immediately to mind, though, just as with Wren, so with Roy, we must decline monument in the plural. His monuments are many. In these parts, if you come upon an edifice constructed in the last twenty-five years which stands out because it matches and exploits its site perfectly, because it serves its purpose exactly and makes those who use it happier, and because it edifies the souls of those looking upon it or passing their lives in it, probably Roy Willwerth built it. Remark how the Dartmouth Library ploughs like a ship towards the harbour mouth whose waters light it, alternately delighting and terrifying the readers, and contemplate the King’s Library set as the jewel in the crown. Before I worked with Roy, I had defined an architect as someone using your money for his dream. While all of his buildings show his character, they are the results of his discerning and respectful listening to user and patron. Talk of Soul requires a shift from Latin to
Greek, for, though he was an engineer and had mastered the technicalities, Roy was the Archetype of the Architect, the master of the other arts, directing them and the whole to the good. He had the principles, the archai, as his methodical habits. He understood deeply that design and building were above all psychological processes serving psychic and communal ends and that architecture was first and foremost a political and psychological activity. That will come out in the two stories (of the many many stories I could tell!) with which I shall close.
Wine and the Rococo.
We decided that the King’s Library, in an altogether contemporary way, using the latest techniques, some developed here just for this building, and adapted to the site, would recall the 18th-century origins of the College and our Province. We borrowed ideas and techniques from everywhere between Province House (on which Dr Marie Elwood was indispensible), Harvard Yard, Quebec, the Residenz of the Prince Bishop of Wurzburg and beyond. Nonetheless, nothing was copied. We tried to learn from the happiest of architectural spirits, the 18th-century Rococo, which I had been studying for twenty years, so that those who worked in the Library would enjoy its lightness, harmony, and ease. Our idea seemed best expressed in the passage in Haydn’s Creation where Adam and Eve awake and walk hand in hand in joyful wonder through the Garden of Eden. So Roy, Richard, and I met in two quite different places: their offices at Cobourg and Robie whenever required, and every Tuesday at five in my rooms in the King’s Quad. There we surrounded ourselves with reproductions of 18th-century art (of which I had a copious supply), listened to the music of the period, and shared a bottle of wine. Roy was always conscious that when builders change their minds, costs rise out of control. Thus we adopted the rule of the Medes and the Persians, whose laws, the Scriptures remind us, “do not
change but standeth fast forever”: to be final every decision had to have been made both in the sober prose of the architect’s office and over wine and music. This certainty proved decisive at a crucial moment.
After the plans were complete, the Provincial Government required us to submit them to the Librarian of a large technocratic university in Upper Canada. This lady was up-todate in respect to libraries designed for the new technologies of information retrieval. Her preliminary report faulted our design because, in her view, the ratios between the spaces did not conform to the latest norms for their various uses. We had, however, made up our minds. Roy, with a skill I never ceased to admire, changed almost nothing; he simply reworked the values assigned to the spaces. The moment of reckoning came when the lady arrived at King’s to view the reworked plans and discovered that they were the same as the ones she had been sent earlier. She was furious, and the King’s President of the time was in a panic. Roy, Richard, and I, with the adamantine certainty of the Medes and the Persians, insisted that the expert allow Richard to walk her through the plan explaining its reasons. Whether our reasoning or Richard’s charm did the trick we shall never know, but this lady was for turning, and she not only approved the plan but persuaded both the then President and the current Librarian of Dalhousie to do the same! Thus we learned the virtue of the old Latin precept: Stare super antiquas vias.
Ingenuity, Fun, Lightness of Spirit, Determination, Courage, Loyalty.
I have never known a better man or a better architect, and I do not expect to see Roy’s like again. I, and we all, have suffered a great loss but we are consoled because all around us we see and rejoice in his monuments. Circumspice! ∂
Tidings | summer 2010
c ho i r u s to u r
or two weeks this past May, the King’s Chapel Choir embarked on a tour entitled “King’s Goes Home” that took them from the old King’s campus in Windsor to stops in New England and finally to New York City, where they performed at the largest Gothic cathedral in the world, the Cathedral Church of St. John the Divine.
Top left: The choir performs at St. John’s Chapel in Groton, Massachusetts. Top Right: St. Paul’s Cathedral, Concord, New Hampshire. Middle left: Cathedral Church of St. John the Divine, New York City. Bottom right: The charming sanctuary of All Saints Anglican Church in St. Andrews, New Brunswick. Bottom left: The choir files in for evensong at All Saints Anglican Church. Photos by Shannon Patterson
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c ho i r u s to u r
Top: The Choir perform Compline and Evensong in the stunning Chapel of St. Peter and St. Paul in Concord, New Hampshire. Bottom left: Rehearsal in Massachusetts. Bottom right: Choir members relax during a rare day off at beautiful Barnum Hill farm in Massachusetts. Photos by Shannon Patterson For more photos and written accounts of the trip, please visit http://ukingscollege.blogspot.com.
Tidings | summer 2010
Margaret Vickery
Photo provided by Kate Grant
by Laura Mackenzie (BJH ’10)
Margaret Vickery
riends, family and former colleagues remember Margaret Catherine Vickery as an outgoing, nurturing woman, and a central character at the University of King’s College. Vickery worked at King’s from 1979 to 1996 as a switchboard operator and secretary for the Bursar, Donald Fry. Angus Johnston, who taught at King’s from 1977 to 2009, describes Vickery’s small office as a crowded hub where faculty would gather for coffee and conversation in the mornings. “She was Grand Central Station,” he says. “It was like overseeing a family, more than simply doing a secretarial or administrative job.” Vickery died on January 16, 2010. She was 78 years old. Henry Roper, the Director of the Foundation Year Program from 1992 to 1994, says he remembers Vickery’s kindness. “Students who might have difficulties fitting in or whatnot tended to gravitate to her office,” he remembers. “She was that sort of person.” Johnston says Vickery’s gentle nature
Tidings | summer 2010
sometimes helped ease relations between King’s faculty and her math-minded boss, Donald Fry. “Some people are not great with numbers, and I think this is where Margaret was truly encouraging,” Johnston says. “Don Fry was a very nice man. She would help him deal with others and show a softer side.” Kim Kierans is Vice President of King’s. She remembers Vickery’s stories about her grandchildren.“I knew that there was more to her life than just King’s. Her family was everything,” she says. Meghan Grant (BJ ’07) is one of Vickery’s four grandchildren. A new mother herself, the Halifax ex-pat (she now lives in Calgary) says Vickery’s status as loving matriarch held firm within their family. “We never really had that relationship where my mom would round us up once a month and say, ‘OK, we have to go visit your grandma,’ you know?” she says. “We were always at Nan’s, or she was always at our place.” Margaret was a stay-at-home mother when her husband, John Vickery, passed away in 1976.
“I don’t know, if he hadn’t died, whether she would have gone to work,” says Grant. “But she just did what she had to do for her family. I’m really glad that she found that job at King’s. I think she really loved her job there, and loved interacting with young people.” At home, Grant says her grandmother was a true example of unconditional love. “Some of the values in today’s culture really didn’t sit well with her, but she was so unjudgmental to her family,” Grant recalls. “She never made us feel that she disapproved. She just loved her family so much.” Grant says Vickery always liked to look her best, and had an impressive collection of shoes. Grant’s mother and sister found seventy pairs in Vickery’s apartment after she passed away. “They gave them to one of the hotels that were collecting shoes for Haiti. Of all the things that came out of her death, I think that makes me the happiest, says Grant. “I just imagine all these little Haitian women wearing Nan’s shoes.” ∂
encaenia 2009
e missed an issue of Tidings last year, and as a result Encaenia 2009 wasn’t covered. We wanted to share some of the photos from that day with you.
2009 marked the first sunny Encaenia of recent memory. Students basked in the day’s watm glow and enjoyed candid and emotional presentations, including speeches from Honorary Degree recipients Stephanie Nolen (BJH ’93) (top right) and Captain Trevor Greene (BJH ’88) (bottom right). All photos by Kerry DeLorey.
Tidings | summer 2010
K i n g ’ s n a m e s 2 0 1 0 ho n o r a ry d e g r e e r e c i p i e n t s
he University of King’s College presented four individuals with honorary degrees, the highest award conferred by the College, at its Encaenia ceremonies on Thursday, May 20, 2010 at the Cathedral Church of All Saints in Halifax. Ms. Miriam Toews (BJ ’91) is one of Canada’s best-known writers. Her career has been defined by critical acclaim as well as a wide and devoted fanbase. Her most recent novel The Flying Troutmans won the 2008 Roger’s Writer’s Trust Fiction Prize, and her 2004 debut novel A Complicated Kindness won the Governor General’s Literary Award for Fiction and was a finalist for the Giller Prize. Toews has also written a memoir, Swing Low: A Life and she has also written for the CBC, NPR’s This American Life, Saturday Night, Geist, Canadian Geographic and the New York Times Magazine. For her magazine work, she was awarded a National Magazine Award Gold Medal for Humour. Toews was born in Steinbach, Manitoba and has lived in Montreal, London and Halifax, where she attended King’s and graduated with a bachelor’s degree in journalism. Toews credits King’s—and specifically, Professor Ian Wiseman—for supporting her in her desire to explore creative fiction. She received an Honorary Doctor of Civil Law. The Honourable Justice Peter M.S. Bryson (BA ’76, HC ’77) was sworn is as a judge of the Supreme Court of Nova Scotia in October 2009 after a distinguished 25year career as a leading member of the legal profession. Prior to his appointment, Justice Bryson litigated corporate, commercial and
Tidings | summer 2010
professional liability, securities, and estate matters with a specialty in matters involving the Court’s jurisdiction to grant injunctive relief. He has been listed within the “Best Lawyers of Canada 2009” among the best “Bet-the-Company” Litigation, Corporate, Commercial and Legal Malpractice lawyers in the country. Justice Bryson was a member of the second FYP class of at King’s and received his Master of Arts from the Dalhousie Classics Department. He studied jurisprudence at the University of Oxford and Dalhousie University and went on to teach Equity at the Law School there for 10 years. Justice Bryson has served on both King’s and Dalhousie’s Board of Governors and was also instrumental in raising funds for the King’s Library as President of the King’s Heritage Society. He received an Honorary Doctor of Canon Law. Mr. Kim Cameron (BSc ’68) is Chief Architect of Identity in the Identity and Security division at Microsoft and is widely considered a leader on identity issues. He has won numerous awards for his work including Digital Identity World’s Innovation Award and was named as one of Network World’s 50 Most Powerful People in Networking, both in 2005. Cameron graduated from King’s with a bachelor’s degree in physics and math at age 19. He developed his hacking skills while working on a master’s degree of physics at King’s and Dalhousie and moved on to study philosophy in Paris. In 1970 he started a doctoral thesis in computing and social phenomena at the Université de Montréal but was lured away by an equally fervent passion for music. By the mid-70s, he had joined
the band Limbo Springs as lead guitarist, and the band eventually became the house act at Toronto’s legendary Cheetah Club. While in Toronto, Cameron developed an interest in the microcomputer and was soon running the academic computing centre at George Brown. Along with a colleague he pioneered a meta-directory called Zoomit that they sold to Microsoft in 1999. In 2003 he went public with a technology he developed called InfoCard, which lets users control their identity information and is now a cornerstone of Microsoft’s identity strategy. Cameron received an Honorary Doctor of Civil Law. Mr. Paul Bent is a chartered accountant and senior assurance partner of Grant Thornton LLP. He has over 30 years of experience in providing assurance and business advice to a wide range of public and private sector clients. Bent received his Bachelor of Commerce degree from Saint Mary’s University in 1978 and received his designation as Chartered Accountant in 1982. In addition to his partner role at Grant Thornton, Bent is currently the National Director of International Financial Reporting Standards, Regional Quality Partner for Grant Thornton (Atlantic Canada) and a member of the Grant Thornton Policy Board. He is also the Chair of Church Council of Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church, served on Scouts Canada Dartmouth Region for over 10 years and served as a Big Brother for five years. Bent has chaired the King’s College Foundation and served as the Treasurer and Chair of the Finance Committee at King’s for 18 years. Bent was given the title of Honorary Fellow at Encaenia. ∂
encaenia 2010
Top right: Clifford Wilson Lee flashes a little kilt as he receives his degree. Top left: Fred Fountain gives a moving speech in memory of his son Alex. Middle right: One half of the Dance-Casey Valedictory team, Adam Casey, stands with his friend Ben Manson. Middle left: President Barker is tickled by the valedictory address. Bottom right: The perennial “adjusting” of the hood. Bottom left: The Encaenia ceremony team with this year’s Honorary Degree recipients. All photos by Kerry DeLorey. For more images, please go to http://ukings.ca/encaenia-2010
Tidings | summer 2010
Kerry DeLorey
Miriam Toews’ Encaenia Address
Miriam Toews receives her honorary degree at Encaenia 2010.
We don’t usually re-print the messages our Honorary Degree recipients share with new grads at Encaenia. However, award-winning writer Miriam Toews (The Flying Troutmans, Swing Low: A Life) shared an honest, witty and moving account of her life as a King’s journalism student, and it embodies the theme of exploration and adaptation that this issue has sought to convey. We hope you enjoy Ms. Toews’ words as much as we did. 30
Tidings | summer 2010
I’m a novelist. I write fiction. And so I’d like to tell you a story of my time here at King’s, which was way back in 1990/91. I’ll tell you this story because there were two very important things that I learned during my time here and I’d like to share them with you. I was twenty five years old and had moved here from Winnipeg with my partner and our kids who were three years old and three months old. The plan was that I’d do a one year degree program in journalism, which I did, but not without a struggle. I was so nervous in the first term. Just to convey to you exactly how nervous I was: There was a banner over the entrance to J-school that read A DEADLINE IS NOT A SUGGESTION and it literally scared the crap out of me. Every morning I’d say goodbye to my family and make the long walk from North Halifax to King’s. As I walked my stomach would twist itself into knots and I’d have to run into this little grocery store on the other side of the commons and ask to use the bathroom. The woman who ran the store didn’t speak much english and I spoke none of her language but over time we developed
an unspoken arrangement. She seemed to understand my anxiety and my need to use her washroom, which wasn’t technically available for customers, every morning on my way to school. At one point in the school year we were so broke we couldn’t pay our electricity bill. I had casually mentioned this to a classmate of mine and he told me that there was a fund at King’s that existed to help poor students out. It wasn’t a lot of money but it was there. I couldn’t believe it. I went to the secretary and explained my dilemma and she said okay, how much is the bill? I told her what it was, about a hundred bucks, and the next day she had a cheque, or maybe cash, I can’t remember, and we paid our bill. I learned that not all institutions are created equal. That it is possible to get help when you need it, when you ask for it, no strings attached. Thank you, King’s, for your trust and compassion. The second vitally important thing I learned at King’s I learned from a professor of mine named Ian Wiseman. Tall, thin, bald, passionate about the truth, laid back, and often laughing. He was a poet and he brought
that sensibility of economy and precision to the task of journalism. He was my radio and television professor and he taught me more about the art of narrative than anyone has since. I had a habit of embellishing my non-fiction stories, my assignments here at King’s, of adding details that weren’t necessarily “factual” but that enhanced the story, that made it better and, at least in my opinion, more interesting. Ian Wiseman was the first person (besides my parents, but they were my parents...) to tell me that I was a good writer. He liked my stories! He appreciated them and they made him laugh. He did try to encourage me to keep things as factual as I could, this was journalism after all, but he really knew I couldn’t help embellishing and tweaking. He understood me. I should mention, too, that he never minded when I occasionally brought my kids to class if I couldn’t find a sitter, or even on assignment with me. I did a number of interviews with a microphone in one hand a baby in the other and a three year old running around me in circles. It worked out. You do
what you have to do. As the year progressed it became pretty obvious that I lacked the hustle and drive required to be a journalist. I wasn’t that hungry for the facts. I didn’t have a burning desire for the straight goods. I just wanted to create better dialogue for the people I interviewed and give their stories some narrative arc, maybe throw in some metaphors, develop one central character, toss in a goofy tic, or a tragedy. I wanted to make up shit, which is the technical term for what we novelists do. The year went on and so did my struggles. One day, towards the end of the term, Ian Wiseman stopped me in the hall. You know, Miriam, he said, if you want to be a journalist then that’s what you should be. I thanked him. And then he said, but you know what you should really do? And then he gave me the best, the most insightful, the most valuable advice I have ever received in my life: Miriam, he said, when you finish your year here, and you’ve done well, you really have, you should go home to your ramshackle house in Winnipeg,
hang out with your kids, and write fiction. Ian Wiseman had, in that moment, saved my life. He had understood what I needed to do with my life before I had really known myself. I followed his advice to the letter. I went home to Winnipeg and for the next twenty years I hung out with my kids and wrote fiction. I wish Ian Wiseman was here to see me get this today because he’d laugh his head off and he’d also be proud. Sadly, Ian died from the effects of Multiple Sclerosis several years after saving my life with his sage advice. Thanks, King’s, for your help when I was down and out and thanks to the grocer who let me use her employees only washroom every morning on my way to King’s, and thanks, Ian Wiseman, for your wisdom and insight and for getting me started on my career, that has led me back to King’s today. Congratulations again to all of you graduates. I hope that your time here at King’s has been as important to you as mine was to me. Have fun celebrating today and my very best to all of you in the days and years to come. Thanks. ∂
University of King’s College Alumni Association 2009–10 E x ec u ti v e M embers President: David Jones (BA ’68) Vice-President: Greg Guy (BJH ’89) Treasurer: Graham McGillivray (BSc ’07) Secretary: Laurelle LeVert (BAH ’89) Past President: Steven Wilson (BA ’87) Board of Governor Members: Bob Mann (BA ’01), Andrew Laing (BAH ’86), Daniel de Munnik (BScH ’02) Committee Members: Elizabeth Ryan (BA ’69), Chris MacNeil (BA ’84), Matt Aronson (BAH ’02), Allen McAvoy (BJ ’02), Terra Bruhm (BJH ’06), Stuart Wood (BAH ’93), Andrea Nemetz (BJ ’88), Sheryl Grant (BJH ’80) Student Union President (Ex-Officio): Kiki Wood
Bran ch Le ade rs for m a l branch le ade rs
Halifax: Peter Dawson (BAH ’85) Moncton: Brian Cormier (BJH ’86) Toronto: Gordon Cameron (BA ’99) Ottawa: Wendy Hepburn (BA ’05) Montreal: Matt Aronson (BAH ’01) Vancouver: Alexis Paton (BSc ’07) Boston: Will English (BAH ’07) Calgary: Nick Twyman (BA ’88) Europe: Chris MacNeil (BA ’94) Australia: Johanna MacMinn (BA ’89)
Regio nal Co ntacts
New Brunswick: Brian Cormier (BJH ’86) Ottawa: Wendy Hepburn (BA ’05) Vancouver: Alexis Paton (BScH ’07) Boston: Will English (BAH ’07) Australia: Johanna MacMinn (BA ’89)
For contact information and to find out which branch leader represents your area, please go to ukings.ca/branches. Interested in starting up a branch in your area? We’d love to hear from you—please contact the Advancement Office at kingsalumni@ukings.ns.ca. You can also sign up for our e-newsletter by emailing the same address.
Tidings | summer 2010
branch briefs Janine Fraser and Senior Policy Analyst at the Nova Scotia Department of Finance Shirley Hazen (BAH ’85) spoke to students about why they love the many facts of their work and the paths that led them to these fulfilling careers.
King’s alumni gather at a London tavern prior to their own Annual Alumni Dinner, held at the same time as the Halifax event. Left to right: Ena Gwen Jones, John Stiles (BA ’89), David Jones (BA ’68, HF ’98), Katherine Stanley (BA ’85), Paula Jardine (BJ ’94), Rob Richard (BAH ’06), Dana Keane, Chris MacNeil (BA ’94)
To r on to
The Ottawa and Toronto Branches welcomed Dr. Elizabeth Edwards, Professor in the Contemporary Studies, Early Modern Studies and Foundation Year Programmes on a Faculty Lecture Tour from January 25-27. Dr. Edwards gave two lectures on the theme of home and homelessness at the Minto Suite Hotel in Ottawa and the Sutton Place Hotel in Toronto. The lectures were well-received and served as an ideal opportunity for interested high school students to get a taste of King’s and make connections with the Ontario alumni community.
Ca lg ary
On April 30, 2009, Dr. William Barker, Dean of Residence Nick Hatt and Admissions and Recruitment Coordinator Jill MacBeath came to the Calgary Marriott hotel to host a meet-and-greet session with future and current King’s students, as well as alumni. Thank you to all who attended and the faculty and staff for taking time out of your busy schedules. The Alberta Branch of the Alumni Association, President Nick Twyman (BA ’88) continues to work at connecting the active alumni base. Please contact Nick (nick_twyman@ hsbc.ca) or the Advancement Office (alison. lang@ukings.ns.ca) if you would like to get 32
Tidings | summer 2010
Mont re al
The Montréal Branch of the King’s Alumni Association is preparing for a period of renewal and reevaluation. If you’d like further information, or are interested in taking a leadership role, please email mattaronson@gmail. com or visit the branch’s Facebook page.
Ha lifax
The Halifax Branch’s “Tuesday Toots” have evolved into “Friday Happy Hours” and the location has moved from the Henry House to the more familiar terrain of the Wardroom. The last two meetings went so well that one attendee commented that it was “off the chain.” We can presume this means things went well. Halifax alumni have also participated in two more successful “Life After King’s” events. Two King’s journalism grads who now work as practicing lawyers, Michael Deturbide (BJ ’86) and Alanna Robinson, (BJ Hons ’99) came and spoke to students in the School of Journalism about the potential of law as a career option on March 8, 2010. On March 25, the Registrar’s Office held a session called “Policy, Politics and Public Service.” Dartmouth East MLA Andrew Younger (BJ ’99), Executive Director for the Atlantic Gateway Secretariat and ACOA
It wouldn’t be much of an exaggeration to say that since our last round-up, European Alumni have been more active than the Eyjafjallajokull volcano—and we’ve probably released more energy too! We drew 2009 to a close with Elizabeth Fraser (BAH ’09) hosting a Christmas Market tour in southern Holland. A fortnight later, alumni in London hosted the 6th annual Atlantic Canadian University Christmas Dinner (starting with a pint of Rockin’ Rudolph at The Harp in Covent Garden and moving on to traditional Christmas pizza at Fire & Stone). As the New Year began, alumni became busy with their studies, work and travels. April 24th saw the first joint gathering of UKC and Dal Alumni in London at the Caledonian Club in Belgravia. Despite volcanic ash foiling some travel plans, the spirit of the gathering and conviviality shared across the Atlantic was in force! A week later we joined Michael Power (BJ ’02), temporarily in Europe on a mix of study and holiday, to exchange College memories at the Market Porter in Borough Market. Shortly thereafter, we celebrated the first ever trans-Atlantic simultaneous event and what better occasion than the Annual Alumni Dinner, with UKC Alumni President David Jones (BA ’68, HF ’98) (and wife Ena Gwen) present to celebrate with a toast and some yummy Italian food at Vapiano. Thanks to the miracle of modern technology we were connected real time to Prince Hall, exchanging live photos, tweets and more. The next six months holds even more promise—volcanoes notwithstanding. If you’re travelling through Europe and are on Facebook, just click on the UKC Advert to join our group. Otherwise stay tuned to the Alumni’s e-newsletters or simply email us directly to participate in person. An behalf of the whole team in Europe and further afield, have a terrific summer.
Alumni Annual Dinner
t this year’s Alumni Annual Dinner, familiar faces mingled with new ones as guests sipped sherry, dined on roast beef and celebrated those who have made an imprint both within and outside the King’s community. The night kicked off with drinks in the President’s Lodge, bathed with a dreamy late-afternoon glow and vibrant with colourful spring dresses (and bowties.) Guest filed into the candlelit Prince Hall where emcee Grey Guy (BJH ’87) kicked off the evening with warm welcomes. In a fitting pairing, former Premier and King’s Board of Governors Chair Dr. John Hamm (BSc ’58) presented Premier Darrell Dexter(BJ ’83) with this year’s Judge J. Elliot Hudson Distinguished Alumnus/a Award. Dexter gave a charming acceptance speech sprinkled with anecdotes, including one about former schoolmate Dr. Thom Curran (’81) stomping across the quad in a bathrobe. This year’s Dinner also marked the inaugural induction of four King’s alumni to the Order of the Ancient Commoner. Joy Smith (BA ’42), Larry Holman (’69), James Cochran (’63) and Andrew Hare (BA ’70) were each recognized for the selfless contributions they have made to King’s and the alumni community at large. Following the awards, new graduates and alumni gathered in the Wardroom, and the night wound down with storytelling, laughter and a few quiet pints.
Top left: Alumni Association Treasurer Graham MacGillivray (BSc ’07) and John Adams (BAH ’10) compare bowties. Bottom left: Order of the Ancient Commoner inductees Joy Smith (BA ’42), Larry Holman (’69) James Cochran (’63) and Andrew Hare (BA ’70) Top Right: Dr. John Hamm (BSc ‘58) presents Premier Darrell Dexter (BJ ‘83) with this year’s Judge J. Elliot Hudson Award. Top Middle: Cynthia Pilichos (BA ’68, HF ’01) her husband and her mother Joy Smith (BA ’42) pose in the President’s Lodge. Bottom right: Graduating student Kaley Kennedy (BAH ’10, in purple) joins the head table.
Tidings | summer 2010
a l u m n ot e s T h e ’50s Alexander Farrell (’52, ’58) says he’s enjoying retirement. He continues his position as president of the Montreal press club and also writes for church publications.
T h e ’70s Harvey Heaton (’70) is proud to announce that his daughter Jessica graduates from Dalhousie’s Nursing School this year. Peter Bernier (BSc ’74) was confirmed as President of the Canadian Association of Professional Immigration Consultants (CAPIC) in April 2010.
T h e ’8 0s
The ’90s Scott Inniss (BJ ’90) recently celebrated the 10-year anniversary of his business, autoroute communications. (www.autoroutecomm.ca) Scott spent eight years in print journalism, working at newspapers across Canada before launching his business at the end of the ’90s, building upon his journalism experience. In May 2010 Scott married Orelana Lupsa, and the couple live in Montréal. Susan Hickey (BJ ’90) recently worked as Amnesty International’s National Coordinator for North/South Korea and Japan. She is currently director of central Newfoundland’s multicultural society.
Glenna T. Hanley (BJH ’80) moved back to Maritimes in 2007 and says she’s very happy to be back. She is now a proud grandmother
Darren Watts (FYP ’91-’92, BA ’97) married Joelle Allen in 2008. They have a daughter, Annabelle, born in 2009. They can be reached at darrenandjoelle@ns.sympatico.ca
Larry Burke (King’s Social Director, ’81’82) is celebrating the 25th anniversary of his company, Burke and Burke Design. Currently they are doing work across Canada, the United States and Bermuda. You can get in touch at burkedesign.ca.
Dana Schmidt (BA ’92, HC ’92) is working with AMEC, a supplier of high-value consultancy, engineering and project management services to the world’s natural resources. She was appointed Operations Vice-President for the company’s China division and has been living in Shanghai since June of 2009. Fellow alumni can contact her at dana.schmidt@ amec.com
Anne Gregory (BA ’84, BJ ’85) would like to announce that her husband Tom Jokinen has written his first book, Curtains: Adventures of an Undertaker-in-Training, published by Random House Canada. Mike Davie (BA ’88) has recently been appointed Captain of HMCS ATHABASKAN and will be in Command of the ship for two years, and then taking French language training in the HRM on completion. He has returned to Halifax from the UK to assume this position, along with his wife Nichola Davie nee Jackson (BSc ’87) and their daughter Emma, who will be a student in the King’s Bachelor of Journalism Programme beginning this fall. Colin Kennific (BA ’86) has just released a new album with his band, c.kenn, which features musicians from Ron Sexsmith’s band. The album, entitled Sycamore, can be downloaded for free at ckenn.bandcamp.com.
Cathy Watters (BJ ’92) freelanced for several years, writing for the Halifax-Herald Ltd., the Daily News, and Small Business Opportunities Magazine. She moved to Thompson, MB, and worked as a reporter/photographer for three years, then moved to Toronto and founded Write Word Communications. When the wanderlust hit again, she hopped a plane to Vancouver and was surprised to find cherry trees blooming in March. An avid gardener, she decided to stay. Cathy and her business partner recently started Entrepreneurial Woman Publishing and launched an online magazine, www.entrepreneurialwoman.ca, to serve the needs of women entrepreneurs in Canada. This growing publication has gained a loyal following of over 3000 Facebook Fans in just under six months and is averaging 150 page views per day. Mark G. DeWolf (BsC ’93) and his wife Adele Lyon celebrated the birth of their son Liam this year.
Tidings | summer 2010
John Burchall (BJ ’93) graduated with a Masters of Divinity degree at Howard University in Washington DC in May 2009 and is now an Associate Minister for Christian Education at Covenant Baptist Church in Southeast Washington DC. Kelly Bourque (BA ’93) and John Tsiptsis (BA ’92) are pleased to announce the birth of Alexandra Ann, born November 17, 2009. Alex joins big brothers Owen, age 7 and Drew, age 5. Alison Creech (BSc ’94) had a daughter, Catriona Creech, on October 14, 2008. Sam Ladner (BJ ’97) received her PhD in sociology from York University in 2008. She founded and runs her own company, Copernicus Consulting, which researches the social aspects of technology. She helps firms and design agencies improve digital product design, manage organizational change, and understand the social aspects of technological innovation. She lives in Toronto with her husband and can be reached at sladner@ copernicusconsulting.net Ariel Gordon (BJ ’97) has written her first book, Hump—which she describes as “a mash-up of pregnancy-and-mothering poems and urban/nature/love poems that functions as an anti-sentiment manifesto”— and it will be published this spring by Kingsville, Ontario’s Palimpsest Press. Three King’s grads are working together at a small newspaper in Whistler, B.C., and covered the Winter Olympics together this year—Andrew Mitchell (BJ ’97), Alison Taynor (nee Robb) and Holly Fraughton (BJH ’06). It was a grueling, yet fun, few weeks (and years, leading up to the Games.) Elizabeth A. McCormack (BJ ’97) is currently coordinator of Dalhousie Women’s Centre. She received the Rosemary Gill Award in 2008. Zachary Wells (BAH ’99) recently published a second collection of poems, Track & Trace (Biblioasis, 2009) and it was shortlisted for the Atlantic Poetry Prize. The book sold out its first printing within six months of publication and has gone into reprint. Zachary also published The Essential Kenneth Leslie (Porcupine’s Quill) this spring; it is the first collection of the Pictou-born 1938 Governor General Award winner’s poetry to be published since 1972.
a l u m n ot e s T h e ’00s Holly J. Gilkie (Bsc Hons ’02) is currently enrolled in the Medical Laboratory Technology Program at Nova Scotia Community College’s waterfront campus. Along with 18 other Canadian journalists, the CBC’s Daemon Fairless (BJ ’03) received a Canadian Institute of Health Research Award in March 2010. The award is a $10,000 grant that will allow him to conduct in-depth investigation and reporting of health research issues of interest to Canadians. Alanna MacPherson (BAH ’03) lives in Egypt and has a PGDE (Primary) (2006) from the University of Scotland. She is teaching grade two at Misr American College and taking her masters of Special and Inclusive Education from the University of London (in Cairo). Would love to hear from any Kings grads travelling through the region or living there. Anne Larrass (BJ’ 03) is currently in Haïti working as CARE Canada’s information manager. Jon Bruhm (BJ ’04) and Terra-Lee Duncan (BJH ’06) were married on April 27, 2010 aboard the Emerald Princess. Fellow alumni Ella Henderson (BAH ’07), Myra Hyland (BJH ’03) , Jill MacBeath (BJH ’03) and Angus Ross (BsC ’07) were among the crew who joined them on their Caribbean Cruise. Lindsay O’Reilly (BJH ’04) was recently accepted into Dalhousie Law School. Mr. Colin Burn (BAH ’05) is currently working at Davies, Wood, Phillips and Vineberg in Montreal. Mark Dance (’06) has been accepted to the Parliamentary Internship Programme in Ottawa. HOST TA Deirdre Moore (BaH ’06) has been accepted to Harvard’s History of Science program on a full scholarship. Matthew Kelly (BAH ’06) has graduated from Dalhousie Law School and will be moving to Hamilton, where he will be articling with a law firm. Sara Forsyth (BJH ’07) will begin a Masters in Writing, Literature, and Publishing at Emerson College in Boston starting in September. She was also awarded a $15,000 merit scholarship.
Lindsey Hunnewell (BJ ’07) is beginning the Masters in Publishing Program at Simon Fraser University starting in September. Peter Sheldon (BJ ’07) is currently working as a reporter/editor at CBC Nunavut in Iqaluit. Meghan Grant (BJ ’07) has a one-yearold son named Jasper Kusick. She has been working for CBC Radio in Calgary as an associate producer/reporter.
South Africa in July 2010 and has a ticket for a quarter final game in the 2010 World Cup. The Asian College of Journalism has invited him back to teach for three months at the start of next year. Eric Mills (Inglis Professor, HOST) has been shortlisted for the Canadian Historical Association’s Wallace K. Ferguson Prize for his book, The Fluid Envelope of Our Planet.
in m e m oriam
Shaina Luck (BJH ’07) has launched a community news website at www.outsidethecircle.ca. You can also follow her work at twitter.com/shainaluck.
Lewis Gabriel Billard (BSc ’50) passed away on April 19, 2010 in Dartmouth.
Harris MacLeod (BAH ’08) has accepted at Goldsmith College in London for his MA in Political Communications starting in the fall.
Michael Joseph Dinn (BJ ’85) passed away June 30, 2009 in St. John’s.
Dana Kayes (BA ’08) and Rob Richard (BAH ‘06) got engaged in March. They first met at King’s. Lisa Weighton (BJH ’09) was selected as one of two media interns for the Aga Khan foundation’s Young Professionals in Media fellowship. She working with the Nation Media Group in Nairobi, Kenya for eight months, with a one-month training period in Ottawa starting in May. Jake MacDonald (BJ ’09) is a part-time lecturer at the Korea Maritime University in Busan, South Korea, teaching conversational classes as well as a British/American culture class. Michael Ganley (BJ’02) and Katherine Sandiford (BJ ’04) have both been nominated for National Magazine Awards. Sandiford’s piece “The Wild Quest” for Up Here magazine was nominated for Best Sports and Recreation Writing and Best Feature Article, while Up Here editor Ganley was also nominated for Best Feature Article as well as Best Regularly Featured Column or Department. The awards winner will be announced at a ceremony on June 4.
Fac ult y, Staff and Frie nds Michael Cobden (King’s Inglis Professor, School of Journalism) taught an intensive seven-week course in English for Academic Purposes to a group of 24 Iraqi graduate students visiting Dalhousie in 2010. He has been invited to speak at the World Journalism Education Conference at Rhodes University,
Gordon Campbell (’49) passed away November 5, 2009.
Alexander Fountain (’10) passed away August 22, 2009. G. Stuart Humphreys (BSc ’56) passed away in New Glasgow on September 17, 2009. William “Reg” King (BSc ’75) passed away April 13, 2009. RW Lyons (BA’ 39) passed away on December 8, 2009. Peter Stanley (’42) passed away October 9, 2009.
lost she e p We’ve lost touch with some of our alumni. Here’s a look at some of our alumni from 1970 – 1974 with whom we have lost contact. If you have any information regarding these, or any of the “Lost Sheep” listed on http://www.ukings. ca/kings_4345.html, please send us an email at alison.lang@ukings.ns.ca. *note: Brackets indicate maiden names. D. Maura (Vitagliano) Adelstein (BA ’75) Robert Anthony (’71) Peter Banks (BA ’72) Lawren Barrett (BAH ’74) John Bernier (BA ’71) Eleanor Bond (BA ’72) Timothy Borlase (BA ’73) Susan (Ross) Burke (BA ’71) Michael Callighen (’73) Barbara Cameron (BA ’75) Carolyn Campbell (BSc ’73) Janet Chapman (’73) Laura Chapman (BA ’73) Margaret (Rowan) Crouse (BA ’70) Sharon Driscoll (BA ’72) Carol (Blake) Edwards (BA ’70) Margaret (MacDonald) Ellis (’70)
Morgan Enwood (BA ’74) R. David Findley-Price (MDiv ’71) John Fitt (BSc ’74) Adah Fralick (BA ’73) Matthew Graham (BDiv ’71) Donald Gregory (’71) George Harding (BA ’72) Patricia Harrigan-Turner (BSc ’75) Anne Harris (BA ’73) Bill Hayter (BA ’70) Patricia (Teasdale) Hayward R.Keith Howlett (’72) Ranulph Hudston (BSc ’70) Alexis Inkpen (BAH ’75) Donald Irving (BSc ’73) John Jamieson (BA ’72) Brenda (LaBreche) Keeping (’72) Gerald Keeping (BA ’73)
Tidings | summer 2010
The Margaret Burns Martin memorial planter October 2009
argaret Burns Martin, benefactor of the University, served as a librarian at the Halifax Regional Library. Her favoured mode of transportation was her bicycle. Her planeter is situated beside the bicycle racks on the south side of the King’s Library.
Photos by: Jill Mader (BJH ’08) and Alyssa Feir (BJH ’09). 36
Tidings | summer 2010
Stewardship Report April 2009–March 2010
ing’s is a small school that would not exist without its benefactors who built our endowment and continue to provide funds for student scholarships and support for our faculty. The gifts we have received and continue to receive help to protect us from the constant external pressures that affect small institutions. Because of our unique mission and focus on undergraduate education in arts and journalism, we are a fragile institution in today’s university world. Yet we have done remarkably well as a small institution, and this is in large part because of the continuing support of you, our donors, who grasp the significance of what we are doing. So, on behalf of our students, faculty, volunteers and administration, I thank you for your generosity. Last year was marked by financial challenges for everyone. Even so, overall giving to the College’s Annual Fund increased by 47%. The total gift was $161,778, the best
result in the history of our Annual Fund. When you include other gifts (separate bequests and foundation gifts outside the Fund) we received $419,505 overall. These funds are essential to the current and future operation of the College. Your gifts to the College really do make a difference, as I see every day I am here, in so many different ways. Whether it’s financial support for a student who is down on her luck or small funds to allow a play to be put on, a speaker to come, or a team to travel make such an unexpectedly large difference to the recipients. The King’s experience is both inside and outside the classroom. Thank you for your continuing care and support.
William Barker, President and Vice Chancellor
This year, you directed your gifts in the following ways: Unrestricted Academic Programmes Athletics Chapel Choir Library Scholarships/Bursaries Wardroom (renovation fund) Other
$ 79,875 $ 3,592 $ 3,710 $ 27,343 $ 61,677 $ 34,275 $ 195,135 $ 10,054 $ 3,845
don ors to king’s 2 009 -2 010 To the supporters whose names are gratefully acknowledged in this report, we thank you for providing the resources that help to maintain the quality that has taken King’s to its third century as a beacon of outstanding liberal arts education in Canada. 1 937 C. Russell Elliott 1 938 Robert Dunsmore Walter Harris Mary (Hunt) Lane 1 940 Philip Walker 1 941 Ian & Helen (Grant) MacKenzie Phil Cole
1942 Margaret (Campbell) Barnard Joy (Morrison) Smith 1943 Bruce Gorrie 1944 John Carling Harold Nutter 1946 Doris Roe 1947 William Bishop Edward Thompson
1948 Anne Blakeney John Hibbitts Danford & Mary (Burchill) Kelley Aleah Lomas Anderson Brian Sherwell David K. Wilson 1949 C. Denne Burchell Ian Henderson M.Muriel Smyth Jack Wilcox
1950 Danford & Mary (Burchill) Kelley Gloria (Teed) & Donald Trivett 1951 Hope Clement Robert Crouse Dr. Lloyd Gesner W. Eric Ingraham Keith Mason Donald Neish Kenneth Nickerson Gillian Rose Gloria (Teed) & Donald Trivett
1952 E.Kitchener Hayman Frances (Smith) McConnell Robert Murphy John Phillips Anna Ruth (Harris) Rogers Donald Clancy D. Thane Cody, MD, PhD 1953 Carol (Coles) Dicks Corinne Earle Marion Fry Ruth Loomer Barbara (Neish) McArthur Elizabeth (Robertson) Page Peter Power Jane Burchill Tidings | summer 2010
don ors to king’s 2 009 -2 010 1 954 Keith Barrett Robert Ford Mary Beth Harris Jim & Nancy (Hyndman) Ibbott David & Margaret (Currie) MacDonald John Gorrill 1 955 John Alward John Cook Gwynneth & Ronald Harris Jim & Nancy (Hyndman) Ibbott David & Margaret (Currie) MacDonald 1 956 Kenneth Abbott Gilbert Berringer Thomas Crowther Ann (Creighton) Day F.David Millar George Phills Carol Whatley & James Whatley 1 957 Malcolm Bradshaw Dolda Clarke John Hatfield Caroline Hubbard Lois (MacKinley) Hurst John MacKenzie Charles Piercey Ann Pituley Gordon Pyke Elizabeth (Strong) Reagh Mary (Marwood) Sargeant Ben Smith Isabel Wainwright; 1 958 Joan Aitken Richard Bird Lawrence Buffett; George & Sandra (Jones) Caines Fred Christie Joan Gilroy John & Genesta Hamm C.William Hayward Avery & Vivian McCordick Michael Rudderham Molly (Puxley) Titus 1 959 Norman MacKenzie Neil & Jean (Bird) MacLean G.Warren Murley LeRoy Peach Arthur & Elizabeth (Baert) Peters
Tidings | summer 2010
196 0 Gerry Bishop George & Sandra (Jones) Caines Arthur & Elizabeth (Baert) Peters Fernald Wentzell 196 1 James Carfra Robert Jackson Roland & Marian (Huggard) Lines Neil & Jean (Bird) MacLean David & Margaret (Harris) Myles Sandra Oxner Richard Walsh James & Marion (Ware) Boyer 196 2 Geraldine Hamm Caleb Lawrence Russell MacLellan; Clifford Shirley Donald Stevenson Nancy Violi 196 3 T. Fred Baxter James & Marion (Ware) Boyer James & Charlotte (Graven) Cochran Gwendolyn Davies Gordon Earle Linda & Gregor Fraser Edward Gesner Genevieve Keen Roland & Marian (Huggard) Lines David Morris James Purchase Elizabeth Sodero D.Lionel Teed Thomas & Nora (Arnold) Vincent 196 4 Michael Burslem David A. Jones Anja Pearre Barbara Smith 196 5 Roselle Green Michael Hoare John & Nancy Leefe Cal McMillan David & Margaret (Harris) Myles William Williams Wayne J. Hankey Thomas & Nora (Arnold) Vincent
1966 Derek & Margaret (Burstall) Brown Ronald Buckley Glen & Glenda (Cummings) Kent John & Nancy Leefe Eric MacKay M. Garth Maxwell Carolyn (Tanner) Chenhall
1 9 70 Donald & Joan (French) Buck Robert & Elizabeth (Parsons) Colavecchia Andrew & Anne (Dorey) Hare David MacKay Brian Matchett Heather (Christian) Stevenson Allan Thomson
1 9 67 Mary Barker & Ron Gilkie Pauline (Blakeney) Bissett David Boston Clare Christie Hugh Crosthwait Glen & Glenda (Cummings) Kent Charlotte (MacLean) Peach Sheila (Fenton) Robinson
1 9 71 Donald & Joan (French) Buck James & Heather Eisenhauer John & Faith (Brooks) Hatcher Sara MacFarlane Ken MacInnis Irene Randall Barry Sawyer
1968 Ginny (Lewis) Clark Peter Coffin Lillian (Taylor) Fowler G.Keith Hatfield Claudette (Callbeck) Johnston Edward Kelly Ronald A. MacDonald Anne (Wainwright) McGaughey David & Ena Gwen Jones 1969 Robin Calder Borden Conrad Richard & Marilyn Cregan John & Faith (Brooks) Hatcher Larry Holman Robert Hyslop James Irvine Lina (McLean) MacKinnon Ronald Marks Stuart McPhee Robert Petite Elizabeth Ryan
1 9 72 Esther (Wainwright) Amiro Sharon (Jackson) & Karl Christiansen Irwin Ellis David Ingram Gladys (Nickerson) Keddy Mary Grace (MacDonald) McCaffrey Carol (Fairn) Rogers George Sheppard 1 9 73 Phillip Fleury Brian Pitcairn Jocelyn (Peake) Clarke 1 9 74 Kim McCallum John Swain 1 9 75 Martin Adelaar Avard Bishop Luana (Rowlings) Royal David Secord
1 9 76 Peter & Patricia Bryson Adrienne Malloy Deborah (Northover) Ramey Myra (Crowe) Scott Ruth Elizabeth Smith 1 9 77 Peter Baltzer Rhea (Skerrett) & Patrick Bright David & Marilyn (Blunt) Curry Wendy Davis Richard Fiander Gary Thompson 1 9 78 Robert Craig Jennifer (Bassett) MacLeod James Morris Patrick Rivest 1 9 79 Harley Hutchinson Emmitt Kelly Judith White and Winston Roberts 1980 Rhea (Skerrett) & Patrick Bright Patricia Chalmers Anne Cornwall David Garrett Bev Greenlaw & Sylvia Hamilton David Hazen Darlene Killen Richard Sean Lorway 1981 Charles Butts Thomas & Jane Curran Elizabeth Hanton Catherine (Rhymes) Misener Charles Reagh
don ors to king’s 2 009 -2 010 1 98 2 Robert Dawson Alexander & Stacey (MacDonald) Forbes Randall & Rachael (Earle) Jewers Kim Kierans Marli MacNeil Celia Russell Douglas Simpson 1 98 3 Kathleen Bain David & Marilyn (Blunt) Curry Christine Davies Alexander & Stacey (MacDonald) Forbes Ann Leamon Catherine MacLeod Carol Reardon Judith White and Winston Roberts Lawrence & Jane (Reagh) BruceRobertson 1 98 4 Peter & Taunya (Padley) Dawson Anne Gregory Michael Hawkins Randall & Rachael (Earle) Jewers Judy MacLean Robert Mills & Kelly Laurence Kevin Stockall 1 98 5 S B. Wallace Archibald Peter & Taunya (Padley) Dawson Mark & Shirley (Wall) Hazen Iain R.M. Luke Elaine & Ian MacInnis Mark MacKenzie Neil & Patricia Robertson Kelley Teahen John Weeren Lawrence & Jane (Reagh) BruceRobertson 1 98 6 Brian Cormier Christopher Elson Mark Feldbauer Ian Folkins Simon Jackson Andrew Laing Elaine & Ian MacInnis Peter Nathanson Cheryl O’Shea
1987 Cynthia Andrews C. Louanne Chiasson-Sams Allan Conrod Susan Dodd Gregory Guy James Houston Kara (Laing) Keith G.Wallace McCain G. Kirk Williams Steven Wilson Nina Winham 1988 Terri Lynn Almeda Dennis Andrews Jennifer Balfour Amanda Le Rougetel Nicholas Twyman Lorn Curry & Joanne Wall Terrance Wasson 1989 David & Karen (Weatherston) Brown David Carter Laurelle LeVert Donald MacVicar 1990 Laura Boast William Harris Stephen Haverstock Jean Humphreys George MacLean Geoff Muttart Peter O’Brien Nicholas Pullen Jennifer Seamone 1991 Jennifer Bell Rebecca (Moore) Brown Paul Charlebois Lyssa Clack Laura (Auchincloss) Gatensby Marnie Hay Oliver Herbst Kevin MacDonell Kathryn Wood 1992 Kenneth Dekker Kevin & Carolyn Gibson Douglas Hadley Sandra Penney
1993 Daniel Berman David & Karen (Weatherston) Brown Mark DeWolf Paul Friedland Eric Kushner Lesa MacDonald Tim Rissesco Stuart Wood 1994 Lisa Dennis Paula Dyke Peter Jelley Frances (Kuret) Krusekopf Andrew Morrison & Jennifer Morawiecki Sarah Stevenson Christopher J. White 1995 Sarah Arnett Margaret (Astington) & Gethin Edward J. Fraser Gartside Kevin & Carolyn Gibson Donald Harrison Andrew Morrison & Jennifer Morawiecki Jennifer Partridge Christina Quelch Nicholas Scheib 1996 Eric Aldous Roberta Barker Mitchell Brown Cynthia Eldridge Ken Lima-Coelho Tudor (Caldwell) Robins 1997 Heather (Hamilton) Doepner Lynda Mavis Earle Stuart Greer Angela Hill Sam Ladner Dorian Stuber Steven Sutherland & Holly Conners Meredith Woodwark 1998 Margaret (Astington) & Gethin Edward Kelly (Goodyear) Foss Megan MacAlpine Andrew O’Neill 1999 Lindsay Broadhead Eric Bednarski Megan Holsapple Elizabeth Scarratt
20 0 0 Carl Lem & Sarah Dingle Charlotte (Murray) Rydlund Sarah (Richardson) Trend Dorothy Jill Westerman 20 0 1 Lauren Brodie Kirk Feindel Hannah Harper-Merrett Rachel Herschman Catherine Lipa Jane Neish Paul Simpson Valerie Vuillemot 20 0 2 David Cadogan Eyton Family Michael Steeves Jennifer Stephen Dorothy Wong Des Writer Daniel de Munnik & Tasya Tymczyszyn 20 0 3 Andrew Broadhead Angela Chang Karen Cordes Graham Dennis Frances E. Dibblee Nicholas Hatt Gregory MacKinnon Jone Mitchell Andrew Sowerby Glenn Woods 20 0 4 Heidi Laing and Owen Averill Lachlan Barber Emanuella Grinberg Caitlin McKeever Gary Thorne 20 0 5 Frances Black Wendy Hepburn David Henry Susan Hunter Katherine King Susan Moxley Duncan Neish Daniel Sax Daniel de Munnik & Tasya Tymczyszyn 20 0 6 Terra-Lee Duncan Dr. John Godfrey Brendan Morrison
20 0 7 Adrienne Batke Natalie Zemon Davis Jennifer Dobie Williams English Lisa Garrett Graham McGillivray Margo Pullen Sly Mordecai Walfish 20 0 8 George & Tia Cooper Ashley Fitzpatrick Isabelle Gallant Adrian Molder Ruth Spencer 20 0 9 Michael Blackwood Victor Bomers Gwyneth Campbell Michael Da Silva Graduating Class of 2009 Mary Farley Shepley Jared Hochman Benjamin Langer Henry Roper Philip Taber A n o n y m o us King’s has received six anonymous donations. Pa r e n ts & Fri e nd s Adriane Abbott Christine Abbott and Jean Dumas Robert Allison Ken Anderson Rita Anderson David & Robin Archibald Stan & Barbara Armstrong Kenneth Askew Bob Attenborough Martha & Nicholas Bala Diane Barker William Barker & Elizabeth Church Anne Barry Virginia Barton William & Cynthia Battison Scott Beard Paul Bent Peggy Bethune Yesna Bhesanie Andrew Black Robert & Linda Blanchard Leonard & Lynn Bloom Patricia Booth Cheryl Borthwick Hani & Anne Boulos Tom Brennan Scott, Andrew & Lindsay Broadhead Brian Brownlee Daniel Brownlow Tidings | summer 2010
don ors to king’s 2 009 -2 010 The Rev. Debra Burleson Brian Burnell Evelyn Burnett Gregor & Beth Caldwell Frank & Mary Callahan Judy & Mark Caplan Mr. Rick Charney and Dr. Sara Charney Greg & Karen Chiykowski Miles & Ana Chua Lorne Clarke Vicki & Robert Clarke Blayne Collins Jonathan & Judith Cooperman Mark Lawlor & Joanne Corbette Hugh Creighton Brian & Lindsay Cuthbertson Audrey Danaher & Richard Heystee Susan & Graham Davies Joan Dawson Kenneth & Marged Dewar Karen Dodge Terry Doran Alain Doucet and Christine Allison Stan Dragland Ken Easterbrook Roger & Lynn Edmonds Elizabeth Edwards Howard Epstein Ann Evans Jeff Farquhar Michael Feldman & Nanette Rosen Mohammad Fida Peter Fillmore Cynthia Floyd Ilze Folkins Brenda & Robert Franklin Jim & Sally Garner Susan Gesner Jack Gibbons & Mary Lovett Ed Gigg Alfred Spurr Gilman Dorota Glowacka Constance Glube Peter & Sheila Gorman Douglas Gorveatt John Green Gerard & Elizabeth Greenan Felly & Tom Grieve Barb Gutstein Judy & Larry Haiven George Hallett Muriel Halley Bev Greenlaw & Sylvia Hamilton Vivien Hannon Jim Harbell & Pat McQuaid Anthony Harding Jacqueline Harmer Barbara Harsanyi John & Brenda Hartley Nancy Harve Mike Hasiuk
Tidings | summer 2010
Peggy Heller William & Anne Hepburn Peter Herrndorf & Eva Czigler Barbara Hodkin John Honderich Ronald Huebert Geoff & Catherine Hudson Diane & Paul Hurwitz Monique Isaacson Alan Levine and Iris Jacobson Kathleen Jaeger Leslie Jaeger Laurence & Kathleen Jerome Dean Jobb Matthew Jobb Paula Johnson Susan Johnston Janet Kawchuk Stephen Kimber Douglas Kirkaldy Gail Klug Claude Blouin & Elizabeth Kosmidis Simon Kow Robert & Carolyn Kunz Patricia Langmaid Joanne Leatch Jeanne & Ian Leslie George Linn Bill & Stella Lord Gregory Lypny John MacInnis Harvey & Helen MacKenzie Heather MacKenzie Peter MacLellan Tim & Darby MacNab Nancy Maklan Jay Marshall Rowland Marshall Mary Martin Rene & Carmen Martin Lori Maxwell Heather May John McCamus Kim McFarlane Richard McGuire Iris McKay Eric McKee Michael & Kelly Meighen Mr. & Mrs. Loren Mendelsohn Robert Meyer Elizabeth & Freeman Miles Beverley Millar Claude Miller Roxanne Millington Ronald & Susan Mitton Linda & George Molyneux Lillian Montgomery Dr. & Mrs. Michael Moran Brice Morash Barry & Genny Nathanson Fannie Nathanson Helen Nathanson Larry Nathanson
Dara Nathanson-Ronen Sarah Neale Susan Newhook Bruce Nicol Ruth Oland Anne O’Neil Josephine & Edward Osowski Howard Ovens Eva Pedersen Gary Pekeles and Jane MacDonald Dawn Pentelechuk Dane Percy Henry Drake Petersen Rundi Phelan Simone Pink Frances A. Plaunt Thomas Poulsen Elizabeth Murray & Gary Powell Morton Prager Hilary Radley Kim & Mary Jane Rector Dave & Mary Jean Reich Hugh Richard Philip & Dorothy Riteman Susan Roberts Ron & Sheila Robertson Ted & Isabelle Robinson Simon Romano Mercedes Rose Bala Jaison & Marc Rosen Rhonwyn Rossi Helen Anne Ryding Stanley & Anne Salsman Sadie Sassine & Michael Butler Heather Scales Alexander Sellers Joel & Bella Shupac Stephen Shupe Jack Siemiatycki Catherine Sloan Gerald Smith Douglas & Ruth Smith Clyde Snobelen Elaine Stephens Ian Stewart David Stewart Janet Still Thomas Stinson Mary Stone Thom Swift Ken Taylor Jerome Teitel Geraldine Thomas Marianne Thornton Kelly Toughill Keith Townley Edward Trevors Catherine Tuck UKC Society of the Students’ Union Efty & Gordon Uswak Fred Vallance-Jones Pauline Verstraten Linda Visser
Alan & Janet Walker Ken Warren Jana Wieder Anne Woods Gerry Woodworth Karen Woolhouse & David Lewis John Bontje and Nancy Wren Patricia Wren Tim Wynne-Jones Elizabeth Yeo T r usts , F o un datio n s a n d C o r p o r atio n s Atlantic School of Theology Adacus Financial Services Inc. BMO Financial Group CIBC The CIBC World Markets Children’s Foundation Cadogan Foundation Inc. Cundill Foundation Edmonds Landscape and Construction Services Ltd. F.C. Manning Charitable Trust Harrison McCain Foundation McInnes Cooper Musique Royale Nova Scotia Power ONE Consulting Services Parish of Three Harbours Pepsi Bottling Group Power Corporation of Canada Reader’s Digest Foundation of Canada Rogers Communications Inc. University of King’s College Alumni Association University of King’s College Day Students’ Society G iv e r s in K in d Daniel de Munnik (2002) Wayne J. Hankey (1965) David & Ena Gwen Jones (1968) Estate of Samuel Sprott L egac ies Estate of Rachel Morton (1932) Estate of Elizabeth Stewart Ritchie
G if ts r ec e iv e d i n memory of Bertha (Woolaver) Baird (1943) Margaret Beard Michael Elliott Linda (Cruickshank) Fowler (1959) John F. Graham Shirley Miles (1998) Hilroy Nathanson (1955) F. Hilton Page Andrew Pitcairn (1957) J. Michael G. Scott Leslie (Cutter) Walsh (1958) and in recognition of: Dave Jerome (2009) and the students who founded the King’s Bookstore Co-op. E v e n t Sp o n sors All Points Courier & Medic Delivery Services Ltd. Ambassatours Gray Line Budgetcar Inc. CBC Clearwater Fine Foods Inc. Duffus Romans Kundzins Rounsefell EastLink Foyston, Gordon & Payne Inc. Grant Thornton Greco Pizza and Capt. Sub Green Waste Systems Gryphon Halifax Glass & Mirror Ltd. Home Depot KOOL 96.5 FM “We Play Anything” Life Safety Systems Maritimes & Northeast Pipeline McGregor Brown Plumbing & Heating McInnes Cooper Pepsi RBC Dexia Investor Services RBC Royal Bank Rector Colavecchia Roche Scotiabank The Hopgood Dean Group at ScotiaMcLeod Sodexo Canada Ltd. Surrette Battery Co. Ltd. TD Insurance Meloche Monnex Transcontinental Printing Wilson Fuel
T i d i n g s Co n t r i b u to r B i o g r a ph i e s
Jonathan Charlton (BJ ’10) has just finished a whirlwind nine months at King’s studying journalism, spending much of his time playing basketball and videogames with the other BJs. He likes guitar solos, space and guitar solos about space. Jonathan hails from the village of Springfield, Ont. and received his Bachelor of Arts in History from the University of Toronto. He now works as a reporter for the Eastern Graphic in Montague, P.E.I.
Alex Estey (BAH ’12) is entering her third year of a combined Honours Degree in Journalism and Political Science through King’s and Dalhousie. She loves the social aspect of photography and is particularly interested in photojournalism. In another life she would have either been a chef, or a professional dog walker.
Throughout her four years at King’s, Kristy Hutter (BAH ’10) studied international development, politics and religion, but remained dedicated to her journalism studies. During her last year, she interned at The Globe and Mail where her story on aboriginal schools made the front page. Upon graduating, Kristy plans to travel for a year and then attend City University in London, England for a Masters Degree in International Journalism. Her interests include reading, painting, dance and culture.
Vincenzo Ravina (BAH ’10) is a writer, journalist and giraffe-enthusiast. His work has appeared in The Coast and The Chronicle Herald. He encourages good dental hygiene. His favourite punctuation mark is the semicolon and his favorite dictionary is the Oxford English Dictionary. He puts things on the internet at www.VincenzoRavina.com.
Ian Gibb (’07) is a pleasant young man from Truro, Nova Scotia. After completing FYP at King’s, he suspended his studies to pursue a career in photography. He currently attends the Centre for Art and Technology, and can be seen on the streets of Halifax, usually with a camera in hand.
Hey King’s Alumni! Do you have a story idea, experience or life update that you want to share with Tidings? We would love to hear from you. Please email alison.lang@ukings. ns.ca or call (902) 422-1271 ext. 136 to reach editor Alison Lang. The Editorial Committee will take all contributions into consideration.
Laura MacKenzie (BAH ’10) is passionate about feminism, Thai food and Harry Potter. She also likes magazines. Her immediate plans include traveling in Europe and learning to use a curling iron.
Julé Malet-Veale has shot everyone from Jonathan Torrens to Olympic rower Karen Furneaux. She captured cover star Evany Rosen on a balmy summer day in June on the King’s campus. You can see more of her work at http://krop.com/julemaletveale. Tidings | summer 2010
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