Section 2: Academic Regulations to Keep in Mind A common misconception is if you pass all of your courses, you are in good academic standing. This isn’t quite true. Here are some important things to know about academic standing: What does GPA Mean?
Grade Point Value
GPA stands for Grade Point Average. It is the numeric representation of the letter grades you earn in your courses. Your Term GPA is an average of the courses you have taken in a single term’s courses. Your Cumulative GPA is an average of all the courses you’ve taken in your level of study.
4.30 4.00 3.70 3.30 3.00 2.70 2.30 2.00 1.70 1.00
INC (Incomplete)
W (withdrawal)
ILL (did not complete due to illness)
Good Academic Standing Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science students need to maintain a 2.00 GPA (C) average to be in good academic standing. Bachelor of Journalism (Honours) students must maintain a 2.70 (B-) average. This requirement is higher because it is an honours degree. Standing is assessed after you have completed 24 credit hours.
Academic Probation for Arts and Science Students Students with a cumulative GPA lower than 2.00 GPA (C), but greater than or equal to 1.70 GPA (C-), who have completed at least 24 credit hours will be placed on academic probation. Students on probation may continue to register for courses as long as their term GPA is at least 2.00 (C). A student on probation who does not achieve a term GPA of at least 2.00 will be academically dismissed. A student on probation must achieve a cumulative GPA of 2.00 to return to “good standing.” 15