Sights & Hotels in Ukraine

Page 1

Kononov Sergey

Contents Map of Ukraine .....................5


Why Ukraine?........................6




8 UNESCO in Ukraine ........... 14

Lviv...................................60 Nikolaiv..............................66 Odessa..............................69 Poltava..............................74

Regions of Ukraine

Rivno.................................77 Sumy.................................80


















The distance between the host cities of Euro 2012



























Kiev Kharkiv













385 385




























299 436


Airport Kiev




City host Euro 2012 in Ukraine Excursions in Ukraine Tours in Ukraine 4


Why Ukraine? The name “Ukraine” is rooted in the word “oukraina” (outskirts). In Ancient Rus’ it was the name for the part of contemporary Ukraine. This term denotes the unit similar to the ancient Germanic geographical unit “marcha” (border). Geography

In XIX century the European specialists stated that Ukraine is the center of Europe, which can be proven with the inscription written by the geographers of Austro-Hungarian Empire on the monument near Rakhiv. “A permanent, exact, eternal place, defined very precisely by means of a special apparatus, which was made in Austria and Hungary, with the scale of meridians and parallels. Year 1887”. The inscription on the monument in Dilove, near Rakhiv. With an area of 603,628 km² Ukraine is the second largest country of the European continent after Russia. Ukraine borders the Russian Federation to the east and northeast, Belarus to the northwest, Poland, Slovakia and Hungary to the west, Romania and Moldova to the southwest, and the Black Sea and Sea of Azov to the south and southeast, respectively. Climate Ukraine has mostly continental climate. Summers are hot and not rainy, winters - cold and snowy. Summer temperatures vary from +22 to +28 °C (71.6- 82.4 °F). Rains are moderate and last no longer than 2 or 3 days. Winter temperatures can range from -7 to -12 °C (19.4 -10.4 °F). Cold temperatures can usually be observed in January till the middle of February. Crimea is considered to be the warmest place in Ukraine. Winter temperatures there are 5-7 degrees (41-44.6 °F) higher than in the rest of the country and average temperatures of the Black Sea vary from +17 to +22 °C (62.6 -71.6 °F) in summer and from +2 to +5 °C (35.6-41 °F) in winter. Language The official language of the country is Ukrainian. Russian is widely spoken in the south and in the east of Ukraine. Religion The dominant religion in the country is Orthodox Christianity. Additionally there are such religious groups as Judaism (about 300 registered organizations), Islam among Crimean Tatars (about 1200 organizations), Hinduism (about 48 organizations), Buddhism (about 58 organizations), as well as rastafari and pagan organizations. Time Eastern European Time (UTC +2) Currency and banks The national currency of Ukraine is hryvnia (UAH). You must show your passport while changing foreign currency at the currency exchange outlets and banks. You can find currency exchange outlets at the airports, bus stations, railway stations, banks and at the supermarkets. The banks are open from 9.00 till 16.00 or till 17.00, the break is from 13.00 till 14.00.


Transport The public transport in Ukraine include trams, trolleybuses and buses, the cost of travel is about 1 gryvnya in one direction. There are also minibuses, the cost is from 2 to 4 gryvnyas. There are also underground lines in Kiev, Kharkov und Dnepropetrovsk. Holidays On the first of January Ukrainians celebrate New Year, on the eighth of March – the International Women’s Day, on the first of May – the International Worker’s Day, on the ninth of May – the Day of Victory, on the twenty-eighth of June – the Day of Constitution of Ukraine, on the twenty-fourth of August – the Independence Day of Ukraine. Cuisine Ukrainian cuisine is one of the richest national cuisines. Its dishes are very popular beyond the borders of Ukraine. Who does not know Ukrainian borshch? Or Chicken Kiev? Ukrainian cuisine is characterized by the variety of ingredients. Thus, for example, Ukrainian borshch consists of 20 different ingredients. We propose the most interesting recipes of Ukrainian dishes. Traditions The most popular holiday in Ukraine is New Year. On the 31st of December at 23.00pm people begin to see off the Old Year – the whole family and relatives gather together during this family holiday and taste holiday dishes. The main symbols of the holiday are Ded Moroz (Ukrainian Santa Claus) and his granddaughter Snegurochka (Snow Maiden) as well as New Year Tree, salad Olivye and the film “Ironiya sudby ili s legkim parom!” (The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy your Bath!). In the western Ukraine during popular Christmas celebrations people put on national clothes and visit each other, singing national popular Ukrainian songs. Such holidays are celebrated almost in every village of Carpathian region. East Ukraine The eastern part of Ukraine. Donbass is the industrial centre of Ukraine. Besides business trips to the eastern Ukraine connected with exhibitions, trade and industry, this part of Ukraine is very popular because of sport events, held at Donbass Arena. Football club “Shakhter” is the football pride of the country. West Ukraine The most popular attractions in the western part of Ukraine is a ski resort, mountain walking, mountain hiking, and also historical places with castles and fortresses, churches and cathedrals. Crimea Crimea is a peninsula in Ukraine, located on the northern coast of the Black sea. The mild climate and warm sea, the variety of excursions to caves, mountains, different Palaces and fortresses invite tourists from all over the world. The strength of salt in the water is considerably less than in the Mediterranean Sea that is why Crimea becomes more attractive for tourists from the whole Europe. After swimming in the Black Sea tourists feel surge of energy and vivacity.


Cuisine of Ukraine Recipes of national Ukrainian dishes

Ukrainian borsh

Ingredients: 2 carrots, 1 onion, 1 beet, 2 liters of broth, 300 grams of pork, 3-4 potatoes, 3 tablespoons of sour cabbage, greens, sunflower oil for frying, salt to taste.

Method of preparation: Grate 1 carrot, chop onion. Fry onions in preheated pan until it turns golden brown. Add some carrots. Stew them until they soften. Add a mix of fried carrots and onions into 2 liters of the ready broth. Add some salt. In 5 minutes add diced pork. Skim continuously. Boil until the meat is cooked. Dice potatoes and add into borshch. Add sour cabbage. Grant carrots and beets and fry in a little amount of oil. Add into borshch after potatoes have been cooked. Bring to a boil and take from the heat. Sprinkle with shredded greens.

Cutlet “po-kievski” Ingredients: 2 chicken drumsticks, 100 grams of butter, 1 egg, 100 grams flour, 100 grams of bread crumbs, 200 milliliter vegetable oil, dill, pepper, salt

crumbs. Fry in boiling oil.

Method of preparation: Separate thigh bone from meat. Tenderize, salt and pepper meat. Divide butter into 2 parts. Form the ‘cone’ and sprinkle it with shredded dill. Put into a freezer for 10-15 minutes. Put the ‘cone’ of butter in the centre of the meat. Make a roll. Stuff skin with the roll. Coat with flour, egg mixture and then with bread

Dumplings with potatoes Ingredients: 2 cups flour, 4 tablespoons milk, 1 egg, 200g of potatoes, 1 onion, salt. Method of preparation: Blend egg with milk. Sift flour. Pour milk into flour and knead dough. Form a ball of dough, cover it with food wrap and leave like that for 20 minutes. Thinly roll out the dough. Make small circles of dough . Cook jacket potatoes, peel and mash them. Chop onions and fry until golden brown. Add them into mashed potatoes. Put the made filling in the centre of dough circles and stick the edges together. Put vareniki into salted boiling water. When vareniki come up, boil for another 5 minutes.


t! i t e p p a Bon 9

Stuffed cabbage with boiled meat

Cream soup “gribochek”

Ingredients: 500 grams of cabbage, 300 grams of meat (chicken leg), 100 grams of rice, pepper, salt Method of preparation: Take a big cabbage and remove its leaves. Put them into boiling water for 3-4 minutes. Take leaves out, let water trickle down and then cool the leaves. Place leaves on the table and salt. Boil rice half ready. Boil chicken legs, separate meat from bones and mince it. Mix rice and meat, salt and pepper. Make stuffed rolls of the cabbage leaves. Place rolls into a deep stewing pan, pour in broth (the one you got after boiling chicken) and cook in oven.

Ingredients: 1 onion, 250 grams mushrooms, 3 tablespoons olive oil 4 garlic cloves, 1.5 liters of milk, 100 grams of butter, 2 sprigs parsley, salt and pepper. Method of preparation: Cut onions into thin strips. Fry onions in preheated pan for 3 minutes, then add chopped mushrooms, salt, pepper, stir and cook for another 20 minutes. Add butter. Put ‘mushroom sauce’ into a pot, pour milk in, bring to boiling and add chopped garlic. Boil on small heat for 15 minutes. Pot should be covered. Salt. Blend the soup. Sprinkle with parsley.

Pancakes with red caviar

Salmon with leek

Ingredients: For the pancakes: 350 ml milk 100 g flour 50 g butter, 2 eggs, salt. For the filling: 50g butter, 50g of red caviar.

Ingredients: 250 grams of fresh-frozen salmon, a stalk of leek, 1 onion, 1 tablespoon sour cream, vegetable oil - for frying, salt and pepper. Method of preparation: Wash a salmon and remove its skin. Cut the fillet into 2 pieces (for 2 servings). Rub it with salt and pepper on the both sides. Heat the pan and fry the salmon in hot oil for 10 minutes. Remove unnecessary fat (use a paper towel) and put each piece into a foil bowl. Spread sour cream over the salmon and put fried onions and leeks on the top. Cook in preheated to 180 °C (356 °F) oven for 15 minutes.

Carp with cream-tomato refills Ingredients: 250g fillet of carp, 1 onion, 1 tomato, 3 cloves of garlic, 100 g cream cheese, 20g of natural yoghurt, ½ lemon, oil, basil, salt, pepper, bay leaf. Method of preparation: Sauce: cut tomatoes into halves, cut peeled onion into 4 pieces. Put vegetables and 2 unpeeled cloves of garlic onto baking tray. Sprinkle with oil, then salt, pepper and sprinkle with basil. Cook vegetables in preheated to 180 °C (356 °F) oven for 45 minutes. Cool vegetables. Peel garlic and tomatoes. Blend into paste. Add cream cheese, yoghurt and blend once more. Season with salt and pepper. Prepare fillet of carp. Sprinkle it with lemon juice. Put squeezed garlic and bay leaf on top. Steam cook (in steam cooker or cook in oven) for 25 minutes. Serve carp with sauce.


t! i t e p p a Bon

Method of preparation: Add egg mixture, milk and melted butter into flour and knead dough. Bake thin pancakes in well preheated pan. Smear cooked pancakes with butter. Cool. Shape ‘nests’ of pancakes and put red caviar on top. Serve right away.

Salad with pike Ingredients: 200g fillet of pike, 1 small onion, 1 tomato, 2 eggs, a bunch of salad, “Iceberg”, a processed cheese For the filling: 10g mustard 50ml olive oil, juice of ½ lemon, cream 30ml Method of preparation: Put cut lettuce leaves, cut tomatoes and cut onions onto a plate. Dice processed cheese. Cut hard boiled eggs. Place eggs and cheese over vegetables. Steam cook (or cook in oven) pike (or any other fish), slice it and add into salad. Well mix olive oil and lemon juice, add mustard and cream. Blend the dressing to make sure all ingredients are well mixed. Dress the salad and serve.

! t i t e p p Bon a 11

Appetizer with processed cheese and bacon Ingredients: 100 grams of processed cheese, 50 grams butter, 100 grams of bacon, 1 sheet lavash, salt, sunflower oil. Method of preparation: Rubbed on a piece of pita bread butter. Sprinkle with grated on a coarse grater melted cheese. Cut the bacon strips. And put in the center of lavash. Twist in the roll, cut into pieces of 5-6cm in length.

Crispy Chicken Salad Ingredients: 200g chicken breast, 2 slices of bread, a bunch of salad, “Iceberg”, a tomato, 50 g of hard cheese, salt and pepper. For the sauce: 10g mustard 50ml olive oil, 1 egg yolk, 30ml cream.

Ukraine travel guide

Method of preparation: Tear lettuce and put on a plate. Place cut tomatoes over lettuce. Tenderize chicken fillet, salt and pepper it. Cook fillet in preheated to 180 °C (356 °F) oven for 25 minutes. Cool and cut cooked fillet into strips. Dice bread and roast it in preheated oven. Cool bread. Sprinkle with grated cheese and strew with dried bread. Cook sauce. Whisk mustard and olive oil. Add egg yolk. Mix well. Add cream. Blend well. Dress the salad with sauce and serve.

Cake “Potato” Ingredients: 700-900 g of cookies (you can of nuts), 1 can of condensed milk, 200 g butter 5 teaspoons cocoa stuff a couple of almonds (or any other nuts for decoration) Method of preparation: Crush cookies in blender, make sure they do not become powder. Mix butter and condensed milk. Add cocoa. Add crushed cookies into mix of butter and condensed milk. Shape cakes as if potato. Roll cakes in cocoa. It is possible to add nuts (e.g. almonds). Put cakes into fridge for 5-6 hours.


t! i t e p p a Bon

Kononov Sergey 13

Ukraine is abundant of areas of outstanding natural beauty, landmarks, castles, historic spots and monuments. 5 establishments from Ukraine got into UNESCO’s world heritage.

Saint Sophia Cathedral St. Sophia’s Cathedral was founded by decree of Prince Yaroslav in the center of Kyiv in XI century. In XVII-XVIII it was restored in Ukrainian baroque style. The Cathedral interior has saved a great amount of frescos and mosaics, which were made by the best Byzantine masters. Mosaic pallet has 177 tints. The most famous mosaic of the Cathedral is images of the Virgin Mary “Unbreakable Wall”. The Bell Tower was built by order of Hetman Mazepa. The bell, which was named “Mazepa” is remained hitherto. In 1934 the architectural complex, including The Bell Tower, the Metropolitan’s residence, the refectory, seminary, Southern gates, Westen gates, Fraternal colledge, cells and consistory, was declared the state institution responsible for the preservation and officially admitted as a masterpiece of human genius.

Kiev-Pechersk Lavra Kiev-Pechersk Monastery (since the end of XVI c. – Lavra) is situated in the Southen part of the city on the right high bank of Dnipro river. The monastery was established in the second midXI by reverends Antony and Feodosiy. The Cell was supported by Kyiv’s princes. Yaroslav the Wise’s son Svyatoslav presented monastery with 100 griven and another son Isyaslav, a great ground, which after was called Upper Lavra. During all Middle Age Kiev-Pechersk Monastery was a religious center of Rus. It became a center of Slavic written language’s expansion. The Monastery played a great role in the development of Russian culture, icon – painting, temple architecture and chronicle.


The Historical Center of Lviv “Little Paris” – Ukrainians are called so the old part of Lviv. The historical part of the city consists of old Russian and medieval parts. The area of only about 120 hectares. During lots of centuries the city was one of the most important strategic center of trade and cultural life. According to one of the most common version, Lviv was named by prince Daniil Galicky after his son Lev. «The Day of the City» is a celebration of the anniversary of Lviv’s foundation. It’s the most interesting holiday of the city. In 2006 the 750 anniversary was greatly celebrated.

The Bulge of Struve The range of 265 points are represented by stone cubes which are in the ground. The length of edge is 2 meters, the length is more than 2820 kilometers. It was created with the aim to determine the characteristic of the Earth, its shape and size. Geodetic bulge was measured by Vasiliy Yakovlevich Struve and Derptskaya and Pulkovsaya observatory’s employees during 40 years since 1816 to 1855. Points of The Bulge of Struve are situated in Norway, Sweden, Finland, Russia, Estonia, Latvia, Litva, Belorussia, Moldova. 4 points are included in the Bulge in Ukraine: 1. Katerinovka, 49°33′57″ N 26°45′22″ E 2. Felshtin, 49°19′48″ N 26°40′55″ E 3. «Baranovka», 49°08′55″ N 26°59′30″ E 4. «Staro - Nekrasovka», 45°19′54″ N 28°55′41″ E

The Virgin beech forests of Carpathians From Rahovsk mountains and Montenegrin massive right up to Beech Verhi and Vigorlat to Solovki 10 separate preserves of virgin forests stretch (185 km). They are compound ecosystems of temperate climatic zone. This beech forests are invaluable genetic depository of beech and other animate nature, which are in the neighborhood and depend on ecosystems. These forests are testifies of a reducing process and a development of ecosystems and settlements, which began after the second Ace age and have been carrying on till now. 28 June 2011 it was enlarged by force of including ancient beech forests of Germany. In January 1940 the residence was given to Chernovickiy museum, which was founded in 1875, and in 1956 several faculties of Chernovickiy National University of U. Fedkovich were placed in the buildings. Nowadays future divines, philosophes and lawyers are studying here.


Regions of Ukraine Cherkassy region

Chernigov region

Donetsk region

Chernovtsy region

Vinnitsa region

Crimea region

Dnipropetrivsk region

Ivano-Frankivsk Kharkov region region

Kherson region

Khmelnitskiy region

Kiev region

Kirovograd region

Lnugansk region

Lviv region

Nikolaiv region

Odessa region

Poltava region

Rivno region

Summy region

Ternopil region

A pearl of Podolia (a historical region in the west-central and south-west portions of present-day Ukraine). A beautiful, picturesque park city Vinnitsia lies on steep banks of the Southern Bug river. History of the city comes back to 1363 when a wooden fortress with six towers was built on a high hill of the left bank of the river for the purpose of protection against the Tatars raids. The military garrison was accommodated here and small settlements sprang up around. One of the oldest architectural monuments of Vinnitsia is considered to be “The Mury” – a complex of defensive installations erected in XVII. Buildings were enclosed with a big wall (in Russian «mur») with towers and loopholes. On the territory of the Jesuit Closter (being a part of “Mury”) is located the Local History Museum. Its arts department could be served as the basis for an independent Arts Gallery. At the left bank of the Southern Bug river stands an unremarkable one-storey building. The name of the person

Vinnitsa region


Volyn region

Zakarpatye region

Zaporizhye region

born here in 1864 is worldfamous. The yard in front of the house is buried in flowers. In the middle there is a big agave “blooming to die and dieing to bloom” – these words said M.M.Kotsybynskiy – a famous Ukrainian author who has been living here for 33 years. The writer’s house is a museum now. At the picturesque bank of the river there is a big stone called “The rock of Kotsybynsky”. As legends say, the great Ukrainian author wrote his early works at this place. During the sightseeing tour visit the Park of Sculpture in the open air called “Historical Busha”. It was founded at place of an ancient walled town. The park is being replenished with new works of sculptors who came to the village in search of inspiration. The city is growing, expanding, but its few memorials of the past make up the main kernel of its landmarks. Everybody who has visited “The pearl of Podolia” at least once will certainly remember quite and cozy Vinnitsia for a long time.

Zhitomir region




Our Versal club and hotel brought a small part of France with a taste of French style, elegance and royal interior to our picturesque land. Our Hotel became a prize-winner of the contest of the best architectural buildings of Ukraine that were constructed in 2001. The hotel complex will be very interesting for non-residents and foreign guests of Vinnitsa who can be accommodated in the most comfortable hotel creating ideal conditions for a good rest and fun. HOTEL Service Parking


Luggage delivery

Booking ticket


Wake-up service



Tourist service

WERWOLF In a small pine grove in the eight km from Vinnitsa in the years of World War II was built Hitler rate under the code name «WERWOLF». The rate was intended to command military operations on the Eastern Front. «WERWOLF» - not only the rate of Hitler, but perhaps one of the most famous, because it is assumed that the Fuhrer held here during the Second World War, the most time. When retreating Germans powerful bombs blew up outside the building, and the entrances to the underground part zamurovali. In March 1944 a special commission on the personal orders of Stalin to study dungeons rates and found that the retreating removed from the bid all valuables and documents. Later, other studies were conducted and the facility «WERWOLF», but for more than 60 years, the rate keeps its secrets, provoking the emergence of new hypotheses and guesses. GPS 49,30403 28,5045


Castle Cherlenkovsky

latitude: 49,20540 longitude:28,49731

Cherlenkov appeared calm on the Bug River in the far ctoletii XIII.Later, the settlement received city status, and called Cherlengradom. Therefore, strengthening this was a long time.Another Kamenetsky Kiryatovichi strengthened Cherlengradwooden fortress after 1362, together with Bakota, Rock, andMedzhibozh Breslov. Magdeburg Cherlenkov received in 1448. And in 1624 was ruthlessly destroyed Krymchaks. Instead Cherlenkovanext conflagration arises from the trivial name of the settlementSelische.Seychas this place creates a romantic mood dozens offishermen sitting on a pond near the castle. View is to the following:floodplain with meadows, centuries-old forest on the distant hills.Meanders of the river nearby. If you climb to the plateau with the ruins can be seen the remains of the foundations of the other tower.

Contact information: 23234, Vinnitsa, Tyvrovskoe highway, 2

tel: 00 38 0432 27 37 13

f. 00 38 0432 27 09 60



Hotel complex «Podillya» is situated in a picturesque public garden in the city centre. There is municipal and regional administration, chanber of commerce and industry, cinema theatres, musical drama theatre, city sciense library and shoppings centers there. Convinient junction let easily get to the hotel from railway station and air-port. This greatly saves time of the clients as the majority of them are business men HOTEL Service Conference service

Business center


Booking ticket


Gift shop



GPS latitude: 49,23198 longitude: 28,46719 Contact information: 21050, Vinnitsa, Pushkina, 4


tel: 00 38 0432 59 22 33

f. 00 38 0432 59 22 39

GPS 49,1442 28,3830

Museum Pirogov The National museum – estate of Pirogov is located in the south – western part of the city of Vinnitsa, in the picturesque manor called Cherry where an outstanding scientist, a genius surgeon, anatomist, military field surgeon, founder of the Red Cross society, a wonderful teacher and public figure Nickolay Ivanovich Pirogov lived and worked over the past twenty years (1861-1881). The purpose of the National museum – estate of Pirogov is to preserve the specific cultural environment which existed during the lifetime of a scientist. This defines the meaning of the museum presented a coherent system of the object of cultural heritage and monuments and landscape art which include the house where Pirogov lived and where there is the exhibition of his life and work. The museum drugstore with the interior of Pirogov reception and operating rooms in his Cherry manor. There is a church – necropolis where the embalmed body of scientist is. There is a memorial park which preserved trees had planted by Pirogov. GPS 49,21390 28,40916


DnIpropetrivsk region Welcome to the unforgettable Dnepropetrovsk land, the Cossacks’ territory rich in historical events and good hospitable people. Dnepropetrovsk was founded in 1787 by Knjaz (Prince) Potemkin at place of a Zaporozhian village called Polovytsia. The town called Katerinoslav was later renamed in Novorossiysk. In 1924 the city was given its present name. One of the most romantic and mysterious places of Dnepropetrovsk is considered to be the Monastyrskiy island first mentioned in the hagiography of Saint Feodosiy as a place what one of the Christ’s followers Andrei Pervozdanny set his foot on. The island is regarded as the northernmost point of the apostle’s journey. It has got its name after a Byzantine monastery which was erected here in the IX century. Not long ago an Orthodox church was built on the island; there is an ancient cross nearby. As legends say, it was placed by apostle Andrei in the 1 century. The city began to develop intensively in 70-th of the XIX century after the railway has been built here. At that time the oldest bridge of Dnepropetrovsk (one of three) – Amurskiy (or the Old) - was constructed here. As a result, crossing the river by a ferry on the way from Baturin to Perekop

was not more necessary. In 1917-20 the anarchists of Nestor Makhno held the city at times. In 1919 the collection of the History Museum named after D.I.Yavornitskiy was saved from Makhno’s fighters thanks to a bottle of Cossaks’ gorilka (a national strong alcohol drink). Two bottles of gorilka aged 200 years were found by an archeological expedition. An archaeologist and historian Dmitriy Yavornitskiy changed one of two exhibits-bottles in a Writ of Protection for the museum. There is no sense to look for the second one: it was drunk up by the archeologists who have found it. Between the exhibits of Dnepropetrovsk’s History Museum: heraldic and archeological materials, weapons, paintings, icons – there is a unique monument to a heroic soviet soldier – the Diorama “The Battle for Dniepr”. During the excursion you will have the possibility to visit the mansion-museum of Dmitriy Ivanovich Yavornitskiy “the Father of Cossacks”, as contemporaries called him. The atmosphere of real Cossack’s hospitability reigns in this house. Famous authors – Lev Tolstoy, Lesya Ukainka, Ostap Vishnja, artists and musicians visited this cultural and creative centre. The excursion through friendly Dnepropetrovsk will leave pleasant memories and a wish to feel the atmosphere of the city once more.



Hotel Complex Creative Club Bartolomeo offers to guests delicious rest on the bank of river Dnepr in luxurious bungalows of European class, equipped according to 4-stars hotel demands. Elite, wooden 2-storeyed bungalows situated in city region on the cape in park zone with fine view on the beautiful and magnificent river Dnepr. Guest can enjoy fine design of hotel rooms, which joined elements of exquisite and African style. HOTEL Service Conference service



Park view


Travel service

GPS latitude: 48,45750 longitude: 35,07967 CONTACT INFORMATION: 49123, Dnepropetrovsk, Naberezhnaya Pobedy, 9b tel: 00 38 056 2337332



Grand Hotel Ukraine is situated in downtown Dniepropetrovsk within a walking distance from goverment offices and office buildings, museums and theatres, all main stores and markets, restaurants. Upon entering the Hotel, you’ll find yourself in the atmosphere of hospitality and cordiality. The hotel staff is always happy to assist you in solving all your problems. HOTEL Service Conference room

Turkish Bath

Неalth club

Meeting room

Transfer service

GPS latitude: 48,45750 longitude: 35,07967 CONTACT INFORMATION 49000, Dnepropetrovsk, Korolenko, 2 tel: 00 38 056 7901441


f. 00 38 056 7901431


KADATSKAYA FORTESS After the suppression of the next national – liberation uprising led by hetman Taras Tryasil in 1631 Pech Pospolitaya tried to take control over Zaporozhye. In February 1635 King Vladislav IV and the Polish Seim decided to build a fortress near the first threshold of the Dnieper called Kadatskiy to cut the way from Samara to Zaporozhskiy fleet. The military leader, hetman Stanislav monitored the construction of the castle, French engineer de Boplan built it. Later the very plan of the Castle was a model of a fortification to Gogol when he wrote the novel «Taras Bulba». The Kodak fortress was built in record time from spring to august of 1635. Along the perimeter a rectangle bastion equaled to 1800 meters. In the west the fortress rose above the Dnieper and the steppe part was surrounded by a moat. In the south iron thorns (against cavalry) were scattered. The garrison was up to 1000 people. A catholic monastery and a trade settlement – Sloboda were built. The first commander was “a French officer – Jean Marion – an “old Warrior” as he was called by the great Lithuanian Chancellor Albrecht Radzivil. GPS 48,38353 35,1426

Prospect of Karl MarX The avenue of Karl Marx – is the central street of Dnepropetrovsk, in the administrative, cultural and commercial sense. The former name – Catherine Avenue. The avenue of Karl Marx is one of the oldest streets of the city. Most of the streets lined by cobblestones. Down the avenue there are many old buildings including the historical museum, the building of the University of Mining, Geological and economic faculties and the faculty of Applied Mathematics of the Dnepropetrovsk National University, the City Council. The street begins form the monument to Fame and ends by Dnepropetrovsky main railway station. The central avenue of Yekaterinoslav can rival the beauty of the best streets of world capitals. Memories of local people give an idea of the avenue of the beginning of the XIX century. GPS 48,4644 35,0465

Light-musical fountain The most important decoration of Dnipropetrovsk Quay Lenin is a light and musik fountain “White Swan”. Fountain “White Swan” is set in the water in the Dnieper River, opposite the hotel “Kiev”. Opening of the fountain, “White Swan” was held in September year 2005.

Donetsk region This active, well groomed and blooming city welcomes tourists hospitably. Donetsk is considered to be the greenest of all industrial cities of the world. The history of the city goes back to 1869, when the construction of a steel plant started here. The manager of the plant was technician metallurgist John Hughes, that’s why a settlement springing up around the plant was called Hughesovka (Yuzovka). From the Hughes’ plant (today the Donetsk Metallurgical Plant named after Lenin) started metallurgical industry of the Southern industrial region. In 1924 Yuzovka with population of more then 50 thousand inhabitants was renamed in Stalino. Since 1961 it is called Donetsk like now days. In 1978 the population of Donetsk totaled one million people. The cultural centre of Donetsk and all the Donetsk region is one of the greatest arts museums of Ukraine, the holder of Award “Zolotoy Skif-1999”, Donetsk Regional Arts Museum. Its collection numbers 11500 works of painting, graphic, sculpture and other arts and crafts. Presentations of re-

gional prizes named after painter A.Cuingy, composer S.Prokofjev, poet V.Sosjura, writer V.Shutov take place in museum halls. The symbol of Donetsk region represented on the Donetsk Region Coat of Arms is the Palm of Mertsalov, which embodies prosperity and pride of its inhabitants. A copy of the famous work made by Ukrainian smith-master Aleksej Mertsalov, a worker of Hughes’ plant, is located near the building of Local History Museum. The original Palm with the weight 315 kg is kept in Saint Petersburg in the Mining Institute’s Museum. The unique in Europe Park of Forged Figures is recommended to visit in Donetsk. As Donetsk is the first of the former Sovjet Union’s cities officially admitted to “The Ring of Cities-Smithes” involving the best blacksmith cities of the world. Fairy-tale characters, signs of the zodiac and many other works of blacksmith’s art involve into the world of fantasy and elegance. The blacksmith’s work festival takes place in the Park of Forged Figures every year.

GPS 48,46922 35,05586





Hotel center «Victoria» - one of the most prestigious centers for work and leisure in Ukraine. In our complex you waiting for the present atmosphere of hospitality and kindness, attentive and caring service. HOTEL Service Conference service

Business center

Booking air&rw ticket Bowling Squash

Night club SPA



DONBASS ARENA The idea of building the stadium in Donetsk, the European level there was still 1999. To do so, were involved in the world’s best contractors. The design was developed by «ArupSport», the general contractor was the company ENKA. The building has three restaurants, four bars for holders of season tickets, a lounge bar, dozens of fast-food outlets, a fitness center. For football fans, there are cafes, a museum of FC «Shakhtar» with a multimedia exhibition and gift shop with club logo. Visiting a tour of the «Donbass Arena», which are held here regularly, you can see the stadium bowl, the media area, conference room, zone players (locker rooms and training rooms), play tunnel, coach seats, bench, chain store FC «Shakhtar» . Donbass Arena is classified as «Elite» (five stars), it features an oval shape and a fully glazed facade. In form it resembles a flying saucer, because the effect of «floating roof».

GPS 48,02067 37,8111

latitude: 48,01828 longitude: 37,81509

Park forged shapes

CONTACT INFORMATION 83015,Donetsk, Mira, 14a

tel: 00 38 062 3814700

f. 00 38 062 3814777



Ramada Donetsk Hotel is situated on a beautiful Kalmius river bank right in the heart of the city on the business routes cross, in only minutes from malls, Donbass-Arena stadium and traffic interchange. Such a good hotel location singles out Ramada Donetsk from other hotels, as there is no better place both for resting and business appointments. Our hotel offers you comfortable accommodation in 165 nicely decorated rooms. HOTEL Service Conference service

Travel service

Salon of beauty


Conference room

Lobby bar


Wi-Fi Zone

GPS latitude: 48,00943 longitude: 37,81767 CONTACT INFORMATION 83100, Donetsk, Shevshenko, 20 tel: 00 38 062 3817979


f. 00 38 062 3887989

In 2001, the city park behind the building of the City Council, have been installed 10 pieces, forged out of metal. Since then, every year, the park hosts an international festival of blacksmithing skill, where the best smiths are the works that remain in the park as a gift to the city. The park is represented by “Alley Arches” consisting of 11 pieces, “Alley beloved city”, which was opened in 2009, “Alley masters”, dedicated to the football championship “Euro 2012”. And also you can see the gazebo for lovers, signs of the zodiac. Forged Figures Park is recognized as unique in Europe, and Donetsk accepted as a full member of the “Ring of European Cities-smiths.” At the festival, blacksmithing skill anyone can try their hand as a blacksmith’s shop, and get a master class.

GPS 48,01594 37,80005

Pushkin Boulevard One of the favorite places for walking and recreation in Donetsk - Pushkin Boulevard, which in recent years has become a real cultural center of the city. From a walk on the boulevard, landscaped avenues, we can see how going to the artists and craftsmen souvenir handicrafts. Here, every weekend you can get a picture of Donetsk artists and a lot of souvenirs. Continuing to walk in the park “Ukrainian Steppe” You can see the 11 sculptures on the theme of Slavic mythology. The authors of works from the Ukraine and Germany were part of the first international symposium on sculpture in Donetsk and stone. Approaching the monument to Pushkin, you can see a small amphitheater, where poets gather and creative people. At the intersection with the street Gurov, there are restaurants that offer cuisine from different countries. And the final walk along the boulevard will Mertsalova tree, which stands at the intersection of the boulevard Pushkin and Shevchenko boulevard, which is a symbol of the intersection of Russian and Ukrainian cultures.

GPS 48,00788 37,80125


Zhitomir region

In the centre of Ukraine on the boarder of foreststeppe and Polesie (“woodland”), on the banks of Teterev and Kamyenka rivers over 11 centuries lies an ancient Ukrainian city whose name consists of the most important for Ukrainians words “zhyto” (rye) and “myr” (peace). Zhytomyr is one of the oldest cities of Ukraine with a rich cultural and historical heritage. It is located in a unique natural setting; all sides of the city are surrounded by ancient forests through which flow rivers with cool clear water. “Green lungs” of the city - its parks and squares – make the air really fresh. At the western bank of the Teterev storage pond lies a wonderful aqua-park – the most popular recreation area of the inhabitants of the city. “Old Zhytomyr” lies on three cliffy


heels at the Kamenka river: Ochrimova, Zamkova and Petrovskaya hills, surrounded by new districts named after former suburb villages (Vydumka, Smolyanka, Dovzhyk etc.). But the old part of the city with its spirit of ages attracts numerous tourists. Architectural memorials attract the attention of the city guests: the oldest constructions of the city – cells of the former Jesuit cloister (1724); Roman-Catholic Cathedral built in the later Renaissance and Baroque style and the Belfry (1736); buildings of the Post Office XIX; the Transfiguration Cathedral (the beginning of XIX); Lutheran church (the end of XIX); the Protection church (the beginning of XIX). It is really worth visiting Zhytomyr – a picturesque place of Polesie.


The hotel comprises 250 comfortable rooms with all modern conveniences. Autonomous heating, hot and cold water 24h a day will make your rest more comfortable. Air-conditioned cosy bedrooms are a good addition to your rest. Experienced staff is always ready to help to make your stay in our hotel pleasant and convenient. All nectssities for business meetings, negotiations and fruitful work are at your disposal. HOTEL Service Parking

Tourist agency

Beauty Salon

Summer ground


GPS latitude: 50,25571 longitude: 28,65861 CONTACT INFORMATION 10014, Zhitomir, Peremogy, 6 tel: 00 38 0412 228693

f. 00 38 0412 226772



At any time you can, come to our hotel - as a family vacation or on business visit to our city. Comfortable rooms and luxury suites are equipped with semi on modern standards, reasonable prices and hospitality staff. The hotel you’ll find everything you need for a good rest after a long journey or tiring day. HOTEL Service Conference room






GPS latitude: 50,27593 longitude: 28,64964 CONTACT INFORMATION 11601, Zhitomir region, Malin, Grushevskogo, 12

tel: 00 38 0412 422442



Carmelite Monastery At this place over the Gnilopyat river there was a castle of Kievsky voivode Tishkevish. The monastery was founded in 1627. Tishkevich gave the monks an old icon of Mother of God and in 1630 he presented his own castle. Because of frequent attacks by Tatars and Cossacks the monastery had been strengthened: thick walls, embankments, moat, cannons on the walls were made. In the monastery there was a library that includes hundreds of rare manuscripts. During 1760-1840 there was the printing house in the cloister which was called «Printing Fortress of the Blessed Mary». It printed more than 650 works.

GPS 49,89150 28,59803

Museum of Space The museum of Space named after Sergey Pavlovich Korolev in Zhytomyr is a place where you can find something interesting for adult and kids. Children come here to drive into the world of fairy tales of space, don’t forget the way to the museum also their parents and people of older generations. The citizens of the city who are proud of their museum see space regularity that is in their city. At the beginning of the century in 1907 was born the future practical astronautics founder Sergey Korolev. In Zhitomir in 1970 the memorial house – museum of academician Sergey Pavlovich Korolev was opened. In a single impulse the whole world has created it. The museum that has become the favorite child of the citizens adornments and the pride of the city and region.

GPS 50,25361 28,67806

The Manor of Tereschenko At twenty kilometers from Zhitomir on the bank of the picturesque Teretev river stretches the ancient village Denishi. It is famous because there was one of the estates of industrialist Tereschenko. He had several estates. But only one of them, the estate in Denishi, named as «the castle of Terschenko». The estate was built in the XIX century by architect P. Gollandsky. In spite of the fact that estate was destroyed its walls had kept the tracks of rich decorations and luxury.

ZaporizhYE region Zaporozhye – the capital of the Cossack republic. Welcome to the city on Dniepr river with rich history. Lots of shady alleys along the banks of the wide and strong Dniepr river, buildings in Stalin Empire style with eclectic modeling and columns – these are characteristic features of Zaporozhye. In 1770 a fortress named Aleksandrovsk was built on the biggest Khortytsia Island at the Dnieper River with the aim to be an outpost in the Russian-Turkish War. The history of the city goes back to a settlement which sprang up later and was named after the commander of the first Russian Army Alexander Golitsyn – Aleksandrovsk. In 1921 it was renamed in Zaporozhye. Some scientists suggest to consider the year 1552 when Baida Vishnevetskiy built a fortress on the island as the date of birth of the city. It is worth talking about Khortytsia – a National Preserve, a Museum in the open air, a place where a lot of historic events and heroic battles took place, the capital of the Cossack republic – location of the historiccultural complex “Zaporozhian Sich”. During many centuries Khortitsia was used for living, as a cult burial place and as a field of action. Khortitsia was first mentioned in the chronicles of the X century. The Slavs sailed

“from Varangians to Greeks” and used the island to stop, to repair their boats after getting over the severe rapids of the Dniepr river and to have a rest before a long journey. The Slavs made sacrifices to the god Khors asking for help and protection on the journey. So the name of a pagan deity has been reflected in the name of the island. They say the Prince of Kiev Svjatoslav fell here in an unequal battle with nomads in 972. The land behind the rapids of Dniepr river belonged to free Cossacks for a long time. In XVI the Zaporozhian Sich was founded here. The amazing past of Khortitsia is connected with such famous people as Bogdan Khmelnitskiy, Ivan Sirko, BaidaVishnevetskiy. Make a trip to Khortitsia and visit Skifs’ site of ancient settlement “Sovutina skala” dated V-III centuries B.C.; defensive installations of the XVI century, fortresses of the XVIII century on the Baida island, cult complexes of the Bronze Age, burial mounds, burial grounds and many other exponents – the keeper of centuries-old history. Unforgettable nature and the spirit of the Cossack state will involve you to the world of heroic-romantic adventures and historical events.

GPS 50,2054 28,4088



Family hotel

Hotel Jazz

Our hotel is situated in Komunarov district of Zaporozhie only 15 minutes drive from the Bus Station and the Railroad Station, as well as from the central highway that makes our hotel slightly removed from the town but at the same time unbelievably accessible both for city dwellers and for city guests. HOTEL Service Restaurant


Сonference hall


Museum of History of weapons Musem of history of weapons was established in 2004 and is based on a private collection of General Director of NPK “Diana 92”, Vitaly G. Shlayfera. The collection of weapons includes the entire spectrum of weapons and firearms: weapons of the Stone Age to World War II machine. The museum has such kinds of historical weapons: rifles, knives, pistols, rifles, antiques (antique weapons), air guns, all kinds of cold steel and firearms, swords, bayonets, swords, armor, rifles, swords, hatchets, Dirk, check, attack Spit, bludgeon, stilettos, axes, swords, maces, spears, rifles, crossbows.

GPS 47,84552 35,12754

latitude: 47,83877 longitude: 35,1394 CONTACT INFORMATION

Dnieper hydro-electric station

69600, Zaporozhiye, Chubanova Str, 2a

tel: 00 38 0612 138358

fax.: 00 38 061 2221677

Hotel Dion

The project of the station was designed by Aleksandrov. The Dnieper hydro electric station was one of the main objects of the plan of the country electrification. The commission of the construction headed by Trotsky and he stood at the beginning of the project. The construction of the station began in 1927 and first unit was launched in 1932. In 1939 the design capacity equaled to 560 mega watt. At that time it was the largest hydro electric station of the USSR. On the basis of energy the Dnieper hydroelectric station an the industrial complex of Zaporozhie was built including power – consuming industries as the smelting of aluminum.


Welcome to Dion Hotel Complex in Zaporizhia! Dion hotel is an ideal place for comfortable rest. We can offer you an unforgettable level of luxury and service. Dion Hotel is located on picturesque right banks of the Dniepr river, near by the Island of Hortitsa. Island of Hortitsa is the biggest island of the river Dniepr, a cradle of the Zaporizhia Cossacks HOTEL Service Russian billiards

Khortytsya Island Sauna



GPS latitude: 47,86580 longitude: 35,05424 CONTACT INFORMATION 69015, Zaporizhia city, Minskaya st, 9


GPS 47,8676 35,0890


tel: 00 38 061 2170542

fax.: 00 38 0612 526400

Khortitsa island is a unique union of flora and fauna. It is rightly considered to b the Green Pearl of the Dnieper. At Khortitsa there is a miniature representation of all types of landscape specific to the Ukraine: steppe, forest, forest – steppe, meadows and in the north – rocky mountains. The flora of the island is very diverse. The southern Khortitsa is a strictly protected zone. The city is connected with the island by the bridges of Preobrazhensky, ones of the most beautiful bridges in Europe.

GPS 47,8326 35,0828


Ivano-Frankivsk region A cozy beautiful city is situated in the foothills of the picturesque Carpathians between two rivers Nadvirnjanskoy and Solotvinskoj Bistrits. Ivano-Frankovsk is one of a few home cities where the past has remained in less changed form. A striking illustration is the 49,5 m high Town Hall (Ratusha) with a gilded cupola dated 1695 and the neighboring Marketplace located in the city centre. The city named Stanisławiw (or Stanislaw) sprang up in 1662 and was granted the Magdeburg right from a Polish king Jan Kazimir next year. The city was renamed in Ivano-Frankovsk in 1962 after 300 years of its existence. The oldest building of Ivano-Frankovsk is the Parafiyalny Kostel of Virgin Mary (Roman-Catholic church) (1672-1703) which was built in Baroque style with Renaissance features as burial-vault of the Pototsky family. The building constructed by engineersfortifiers F.Korassini and K.Benoye was many times restored. Since 1979 this amazing architectural monument has

been used as a gallery which numbers more than 10 000 artworks today. A unique example of industrial architecture of the second part of XVIII century is Ivano-Frankovsk’s Brewhouse constructed in 1767. You will have a possibility not only to take a closer look at the brewing workshops, but to taste a heady drink, as the plant has been used according to its primary plan. You really have to take a look at the amazing 20 m high Manyavskiy waterfall located near the museum-monastery “Manyavskiy Skit” in a mountain gorge. You can bath in a shallow lake at the bottom of waterfall. During the trip you’ll have the possibility to visit the museum of Ukrainian graffiti and to admire the Board of Jesuits. “Pisanka” museum in the town Kolomija of Ivano-Frankovskaya oblast (province) makes an unforgettable impression on the visitors – it is made in a form of 14 meters high egg. A walk along cozy streets of IvanoFrankovsk is a good chance to learn about wonderful culture and traditions of hospitable Guzulshtshina and to get unforgettable impressions.



«Park Hotel» - The four-star hotel the city of Ivano-Frankivsk. The combination of atmospheric city in the Carpathian foothills and the European service will make your stay truly memorable and enjoyable. Safety, comfort and European level of service «Park Hotel» attract tourists, businessmen and visitors. The good location is another advantage «Park Hotel», it is located near the city lake and park - one of the best recreation of the city, which adds a sense of comfort and enhances the atmosphere of coziness. HOTEL Service Restaurant

Vip hall

Conference service




GPS latitude: 48,90945 longitude: 24,68846 CONTACT INFORMATION 76000, Ivano-Frankivsk, Mazepi, 146

tel: 00 38 0342 595595

fax.: 00 38 067 3431582



Complex «Petros» is located in the heart of middle climatic resort Tatars in the area of the narrow valley of the river Prut, at an altitude of 750m above sea level, at the foot of Mount Chomiak (1540m), on the territory of the Ukrainian Carpathians. His name was set from the fourth highest peaks of the Carpathians - the mountains Petros (2020m). Village Tatariv located in the protected zone in the territory of the Carpathian National Nature Park. For its location the village is the natural protection of the mountains, which rise up from the north and west to a height of more than 1000m, 25km, and stretched to the valley of the river Prut. HOTEL Service Restaurant & bar





Conference hall



GPS latitude: 47,86580 longitude: 35,05424 CONTACT INFORMATION 78596, Ivano-Frankivsk region, Tatariv, Nezalegnosti, 16


tel: 00 38 050 981 77 46

fax.: 00 38 062 294 88 55




“Kosiv” Hotel is located in the center of the town Kosiv. It’s newly built with all modern technologies 3-floors building. Trere is a cafe for 30 persons on the 1 floor, and the real ginger of old Kosiv - a cellar built in XVII century. Additional service may include transportation to ski lifts with platter pull: Kosiv, Mikhalkova mountain - ski down-hill 1400 meters length - height changes for 250 meters, type of complexity: middle-high. Sheshory - picturesque place for skiing located in 15km from Kosiv. 1 platter pull, the hill is comfortable either for start-ups, or for middle level. HOTEL Service Hutsulska kolyba



Horses riding


Swimming pool



Delyatin church Driving along the rood from Ivano – Frankovsk in the Carpathian mountains it is impossible to pass a small village called Delyatin. It is situated at the altitude of 460 meters in the mountains and forests in the valley protecting it from cold winds. Like most settlement in the western Ukraine Delyatin has an ancient history. The first mention of it relates to 1578. Its fame Delyatin has acquired owing to its salt- works. Rich deposits of salt served as the ground to the beginning of the war. It began in 1642 and lasted for five years. In the XIX century during the industrial revolution the Delyatin salt – mines evaporate 155 centners, of salt daily. The development of the salt – works has led to increasing of local population.

GPS 48,5414 24,6259

GPS latitude: 47,86580 longitude: 35,05424

Manyavsky monastery

The Manyavsky monastery is mostly famous for its iconostas. Created in late of the XVII century this magnificent structure of the size 11-13 meters consists of six rows in which there are about 100 icons of various size. This significance of the iconostasis is close to the same outstanding monuments like the Kozeletsiconostasis in the Chernigov region and the Sorochinskiy iconostasis in Poltava. In 1970-1980 a considerable restoration work of the monastery was fulfilled. After this the Manyavsky small secluded monastery was declared a historical and architectural reserve. Nowadays the Cross monastery of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Kievsky Patriarchy is located on the territory of the small secluded monastery.

Include: • breakfast • vat. 78600, Ivano-Frankivsk region, Kosiv, Nezalegnosti, 65

tel.: 00 38 034 7821557

fax.: 00 38 034 7824673



The hotel is ideally situated in the very heart of the town, opposite the “Pysanka” museum near the central square. If you are looking for cosy and well lit rooms with a pleasant view, then Hotel Kolomiya is just for you. Comfortably furnished rooms are at your disposal. Each room has a spacious and modern bathroom. We provide our guests with multilingual service (Ukrainian, English, German, French, Polish and Russian) and a national cuisine restaurant.

GPS 48,6338 24,3763

HOTEL Service * Restaurant

* Parking

* Cable TV

* Downtown

* Transfer

* Excursion service

GPS latitude: 47,86580 longitude: 35,05424 CONTAKT INFORMATION 78200, Ivano-Frankivsk region, Colomiya, Chornovola, 26


tel.: 00 38 050 981 77 46

fax.: 00 38 03433 25733

The Dovbush rocks The main group of rocks of the area of 100 hectares, up to 30 meters, semi – covers from the north and the east the inner space bounded on the west side by a moat and obviously by the defense barrage. In addition to a main group of rocks which surrounded an ancient house there are a lot of separate rock – towers. Among them it should be noted on the west the highest rock «Tulip», to the south – west of it «Doll» as well as in the north – «Windmill».These caves with benches, stairs, moats, ramparts and wells have not been learned to our days. Most scientists believe that these are most likely remains of rock monastery.

GPS 49,0442 23,7064


Kiev region Kiev is magnificent! It is possible to talk about this beautiful city with breath-taking history and magnificent architecture for hours. Kiev is considered to be one of the Christianity centers of the world like Jerusalem and Rom. In the old days Kiev was the capital of the largest and the most powerful country in Europe – Kievan Rus. There is a lot of legends about the foundation of Kiev. The most known legend says that Kiev was founded in the V - VI centuries by brothers Kyi, Shchek, Khoryv and named after the oldest brother. During the government of Jaroslav Mudry the first library in Rus and St. Sophia’s Cathedral (Sophiyskiy Sobor) were erected. 260 m2 mosaic and 3000 m2 wall paintings have been preserved. It is hardly possible to find so many mosaics and wall paintings of the XI-th century somewhere in Europe as in one Kiev’s church - St. Sophia’s Cathedral. Kiev was one of the leading trade- and handicraft centres of Europe. Its population was two times more then population of London and Hamburg. One of the oldest and the most beautiful landmarks is Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra raising on

SEVEN DAYS high hills of the right bank of river Dnepr – the cradle of monkhood and stronghold of Orthodoxy in Rus. Architectural complex of Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra constructed in 1051 makes a great impression on the visitors today, the sheen of many cupolas and bells dazzles eyes on a sunny day. The great bell tower was the tallest building of Kiev till the middle of the XX century. 1754 St. Andrew’s Church designed by V.V.Rastrelli in beautiful Baroque style was erected on Andrew’s Hill. It is only one architectural monument in Ukraine preserved in its original form. Here starts Andreevsky Spusk – the street with a lot of picturegalleries, art exhibitions, handicraft-works. Atmosphere of the XIX century reigns here. Pay special attention to the house number 13 – a famous Ukrainian writer M.Bulgakov lived here. Apart from a lot of churches you can admire an exposition of windmills in the Museum of Folk Architecture and Rural Life, Mariynsky Palace used for presidential official functions, collection of cheese-, wood, straw-toys and ethnographic dolls in the National Toys Museum and the unique in Ukraine Sewerage Museum.


Welcome to the business hotel “7 Days” Kiev - the perfect place for business people who value their time, safety and comfort of home. The hotel is just 4 km from the Exhibition Centre “KievExpoPlaza”, 10 km from the city center, 9 km from central railway station and 40 km from the international airport “Borispol” HOTEL SERVICE Conference room




Park zone


GPS latitude: 50,43582 longitude: 30,39001 CONTACT INFORMATION 03148, Kiev, Space Heroes, 4

tel.: 00 38 044 4072797

fax.: 00 38 044 4072443



Hotel «Senatorz Park» located 10 min. drive from Kiev. We can not just come by car, but priletet by helicopter and landed directly on the roof of the hotel on a specially equipped helipad and a panoramic elevator down to the rack placement for processing the required documents. HOTEL Service Restaurant





Conference hall

GPS latitude: 50,2342 longitude: 30,5446 CONTACT INFORMATION 01001, Kiev region, Novoobuhovskaya highway, 26 km


tel.: 00 38 098 339 99 79

tel.: 00 38 067 656 12 20




13-storey hotel complex «Bratislava», one of the largest hotel in Kyiv, offers its guests a wide range of issues varying degrees of comfort: from ekonomklassa decorated in contemporary style and create a cozy atmosphere to relax and excellent opportunities for work, and to the class room Suite with exclusive interior design and furniture of highest quality. HOTEL Service Conference room

Business Center


Medical Clinic

Park zone



Gift shop

Travel service

GPS latitude: 50,45735 longitude: 30,60948 CONTACT INFORMATION 02192, Kiev, Malyshka, 1.

tel.: 00 38 044 5373999

fax.: 00 38 044 5373981



Dnipro Hotel - one of the best four star hotels in Ukraine, built in 1964. One of its architects was VD Yelizarov, who together with colleagues in the years 1947-1954 to create a new architectural ensemble Kreschatika. Today Dnipro Hotel - this is more than 40 years of experience in the hotel industry. HOTEL Service Conference Room

Business center

Photo club


Fitness Center




GPS latitude: 50,45147 longitude: 30,52734 CONTACT INFORMATION 01001, Kiev, Khreschatik, 1/2


tel.: 00 38 044 2546777

fax.: 00 38 044 2546765


THE ANDRIIVSKIY SLOPE The name of the Andriivskiy slope the street has received in connection with the name of St. Andrei Pervozvaniy. According to the legend there was sea at the place where the Dniepr flows. When St.Andrey came in Kiev and raised on the hill where the Andreevskaya church stands now he put the cross there and after that all the sea went down the hill. But some part of the sea remained and was hidden under the St.Andrey mountain. Later the church was built here and under the throne the well was opened. There are no bells in the church as according to the legend if somebody strikes the water will wake up and flood not only Kiev but all the left bank of the river. In 1920 the Andriivskiy slope received the name of Liver street. In 1944 a historical name of the street was returned and in 1957 there was a second decision to rename the street as the Andriivskiy slope. The main building of the street was constructed in the XIX century and in the beginning of the XX century. Now the street is the place where the expositions of art and hand made goods take place under open air. The Andreevskiy slope is called the Kievskiy Monmart. In any day and in any weather you will see here a lot of painters who demonstrate their works. There are a lot of bars and cafes where you can rest. There is an atmosphere of the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century.

GPS 50,45951 30,51732

GPS 50,44837 30,53761

Golden gates

Under The Supervision Of Student Rastrelli Russian Architect Ivan Michurin Construction Of The Palace Was Finally Completed In 1752. Together With I. Michurin For The Construction Of The Palace Architects Worked An Vasiliev, M. Salnikov, P. Neelov, I. Trubnikov, T. Nevskiy And Others, As Well As Invited Foreign Masters «Brick And Tiled Affairs» A. Demark, K. Palley , I.-A. Chamberlain.

house with Chimeras

The Golden gates are the symbol of Kiev. It is an outstanding monument to the epoch of the formation of the first Slav state – the Kievskaya Rus and it is one of the ancient models of architecture. The Golden gates of Kiev were built in 1164 when the famous Kiev prince Yaroslav Mudry lived. At first gate was called the Southern gates and there were the part of the city defensive constructions and they practically didn’t differ from other watch gates of the city. When the St. Sophia church was built «the Great» gates became the main entrance to Kiev from the south – western side. Realizing its greatness Yaroslav Mudriy ordered to build a small church of annunciation over the gate in order to give the tribute to the leading rle of the Christian religion in the city and in Rus. From the time chronicle springs began to call the Golden gates of Kiev instead of the Southern Gate. The width of the gate is 7,5 meters, the height of the passage is 12 meters, the length is 25 meters. Many enemies of Kiev tried to take the city from the southern side but they failed. The Golden Gates served to the city for 500 years. In the XVII century they were destroyed. The ruins of the gate were covered with earth in order to keep them in safety for the future generation. Only in two centuries during the excavations which were organized in 1832 by architect Lohvitskiy they were discovered.

GPS 50,44876 30,51330


Mariinskiy Palace Mariinsky Palace - The Ceremonial Residence Of The President Of Ukraine. Located Next To The Verkhovna Rada Of Ukraine. The Palace Was Built In 1744 By Order Of Empress Elizabeth By The Architect Bartolomeo Rastrelli. Mariinsky Palace - A Striking Example Of Baroque Style: Expressive Volumes, Rich In Plastic Facades.

Once ambitious Pole Vladislav Gorodetsky serious passion for architecture and hunting. It is this in the center of Kiev and appeared “House with Chimeras. This famous building, built in the years 19021903, can be safely described as the most unusual Ukraine alone. His chimera can not help but impress. In addition, the style of the interior of the house, executed in the modern era, never repeated. The architect wanted to make home «to come», built on their money. But why is an experienced specialist has decided to erect a mansion on the dumping site? Many considered madness to begin construction on breakage - the former Bank goat drained swamps, prohibited construction of the Kiev House. This house has always been coated legends, though was just a kind of advertising opportunities for new construction materials - cement. The facade lavishly decorated with images of exotic animals and hunting motifs. Again, the purpose of advertising was used by cement. “House with Chimeras” is unique not only in Kyiv, but also the entire CIS.

GPS 50,44499 30,52858


The museum of Michael Bulgakov The museum of writer Michael Bilgakov the author of the famous novel «The master and Margarita» is located in the house where the writer’s family lived. Later he rented a room with his first wife Tatiana and then practiced as a doctor in the room with the odious sign «Venereal diseases and syphilis». The museum of Bulgakov devoted to Kiev period of the great writer’s life was opened in 1993. Bulgakov was born in Kiev. Here he was brought up, studied, firstly married and worked as a doctor. Kiev has played a significant role in forming his identity. There is a proof – repeated references to the city in the works of the writer. The museum exhibition «The House of the Turbin’s» is located on the second floor of the building, the apartment of seven rooms. It combines a real family life and the life of the heroes of his novel «The White guard». The things that belonged to the family are presented in the exposition in its natural forms, the things of the Turbines’ which are described in the novel the things unreal and they are presented in white. In the museum collection there are 2500 objects of which about 500 objects are Bulgakov’s memories.

GPS 50,46066 30,51492

Khreschatik Khreschatik is the main street of Kiev. Its length is 1,2 km, the direction from the north to the south. It starts from European square, passes through the Maydan Nezalegnosti and ands in Bessarabian square. The name comes from the streets Kreschaty Yar. In the papers of the XVIIcentury the whole area was called Kreschataya Valey. The street was created at the beginning of the XIX century. Prior to that time the location was known as Khreschatik, the area along the Dnieper where Vladimir the Great baptized his family. In 1869 the name Khreschatik was attached. In 1867 the building of the city Council was constructed in the street. In 1892 the first in the Russian Empire electric tram line was laid which connected Khreschatik with Podol. In 1936 the street was laid with asphalt, trams were replaced by trolleybuses.

Kirovograd region Kirovograd is situated in the centre of Ukraine, but its natives are famous outside the country. Ivan KarpenkoKary, Marko Kropivnitskiy, Vladimir Vinnitshenko were born here. The history of the city located on the Inhul river comes back to the middle of the XVIII century, when the Fort of St.Elizabeth was built to protect southern boarders of Russian Empire. The fortress was considered to be a masterpiece of fortification art at that time. The remains of earthen fortress have good preserved until now. At the end of XVIII century the boarder of Empire was removed to South and the fortress lost its strategic importance. The town existed under the name Elisavetgrad. It was many times renamed: Elisavet, Zinovjev, Kirovo and since 1939 - Kirovograd. There are many places of interest worthy tourists’ attention: ruinous fortifications of the ancient settlement Tshornolesskoe (VII century B.C.), Holy Protection Church 1849, Gretshesko-Vladimirskaja Church (Cathedral) XIX century, state museum-reserve I.Tobilevitsha “Khutor nadezhdy”. There are some stone buildings of the

early classicism (end XVIIIbeginning XIX) remaining in Kirovograd. Generally these were landowners’ houses, among them are so-called “Putevoy dvorets” (Road Palace) and private residence of the Sokolovy-Borodkiny. The most remarkable mastership of architecture of the early classicism was Assumption Cathedral, erected in 1801. Unfortunately, at the turn of 40-50s of the previous century the Cathedral was destroyed. The city hall is located at its place now (the former building of regional committee of communist party). The Regional Philharmonic Hall of Kirovograd is the best in Ukraine. It can seat almost 1000 visitors. Last years new sculptural monuments were erected: to Hetman Bogdan Khmelnitskiy, victims of Tshernobyl catastrophe, soldiers-internationalists of all generations. Take a sightseeing tour in Kirovograd and make sure: this city was designed by great architects whose purpose was to create a special place.

GPS 50,44824 30,52221





Situated in the very center of business and cultural part of Kirovograd “Europe” hotel. provides high level of service. Our hotel is acknowledged to be one of the best in Ukraine. The interior of our hotel inspires you to have a good rest while your stay. The restaurant is equipped for arranging presentations, banquettes and private meetings. Our cooks are considered to be the best in the city. HOTEL Service * Restaurant

* Bar

* Parking

Beauty salon

Museum of missile forces On the border of Kirovohrad and Mykolayiv region, not far from Pervomaiskaya, near the Pobuzhskoe is a unique museum - Strategic Missile Forces (RVSN), a branch of the Central Museum of Armed Forces of Ukraine. This missile base located in the 46 th Missile Nizhnedneprovsk Order of the October Revolution, Red Division. Here were the RS-22A missile (SS-24 “Scalpel”) silo-based. On the territory of the base, you can see samples of rocket engines, cars raketovozy, refueller for rocket fuel, the layout of a nuclear warhead, as well as missiles R-12 (the one which played a key role in the Caribbean crisis in 1961) and the RS-20 (SS-18 “Satan”).

GPS 48,1869 30,6618

GPS latitude: 50,45147 longitude: 30,52734

St. Elizabeth Fortress


It is located in the south – western part of the city. The Elizabeth castle was created by a decree in 1752 to protect the southern borders and the expansion of land holding of Russian Empire. The foundation of the fortress was held in June 18, 1754 which marked the beginning of intense peopling of the place. The fortress was laid by Major – Generals Glebov and Khorvat near the Ingul river. It played a significant role in Russian -Turkish war of 1768. In 1769 the Elizabeth castle withstood the siege of the Crimean troops of the khan Kerim – Girey. After the conclusion of peace in 1774 the borders of Russia moved to the south and the fortress lost its strategy importance. Therefore in 1784 it was turned into «inner town» and since 1805 was abolished.

25006, Kirovograd, K. Marksa, 13/16

tel.: 00 38 0522 246809

fax.: 00 38 0522 243531



Located in the historic district of the city, which is popularly called the “Ramparts” (next to the fortress walls are St. Elizabeth). Here is a supermarket, pizzeria, pool club, dvuzalny theater, entertainment center with slot machines, bowling, barom.15 rooms of Standard, Superior and Junior Suite Standard. Rooms are equipped with modern furniture, air conditioning, mini bar, cable TV, telephone, Internet access. Free secure parking. The price includes breakfast, which deliver to your room. HOTEL Service Restaurant





Credit cards


GPS latitude: 48,50139 longitude: 32,25271 CONTACT INFORMATION 25006, Kirovograd, 50 rokіv Zhovtnya 1-A tel.: 00 38 0522 330486


fax.: 00 38 066 5697571

GPS 48,49984 32,25487

Museum I. Tobilevicha State Reserve Museum I. Tobilevicha (Karpenko-Karyi), located near to. Nikolayevka 20 kilometers south-west of Kirovograd. Farmstead founded in 1871, the father of the founder of the Ukrainian theater. In the future, the playwright has turned it into a creative oasis amidst the Ukrainian hinterland. There were rehearsals of the first Ukrainian theater troupe under the direction of M. Kropiwnicki, there were many coryphaeus Ukrainian theater, and the KarpenkoKary wrote his best works: “Master”, etc. There is a house Tobilevichey, wing, summer theater, a park with a pond.

GPS 48,4700 31,9731


SPA hotel


Crimea The Crimea is a wonderful, fantastic peninsula full of legends and tales. Do not try to find two similar places here – everyone is unique and really amazing.

ders of the peninsula. Coastal complexes, valleys, canyons, capes, caves, grottos, stone ranges, forests, small woods, lakes, waterfalls, mud deposits – these are not all the natural resources of the Crimea.

One of the Crimean legends says that after the world creation the God had a few steppes, forests, mountains, rivers, lakes, seas on hand. He poured it all out on a small area on the Earth. In such a way appeared this amazing oasis with forest reserves, boundless Black sea, steppes and fields, mountains and salt lakes, as well as architectural and literary memorials. The whole life is not enough to get acquainted with the Crimea. Khan palaces, fortresses, ruins of ancient towns, settlements of ancient people, reserves, caves and waterfalls… Every place here possesses its own nature and unique architecture. There are lots of places worth seeing in the Crimea. You won’t remain indifferent after an excursions to one of the famous palaces-museums: Swallow’s nest, Livadia, Alupka (Vorontsov), Massandra and Bakhchisaray Palaces, many museumhouses. Crimean nature is picturesque and verified. One trip to the Crimea will not be enough to visit a small part of all the won-

It is certainly worth seeing in the Crimea: Picture Gallery named after Aivazovskiy in Feodosija, Nikitskiy Botanical Garden, Great Canyon of the Crimea, Ai-Petri-mountain, Marble and Krasnaja (red) caves, the residence of Russian poet M.Voloshin in Koktebel, Genoese fortress in Sudak. Come to the Crimea in summer to sunbath and swim! Come here in early autumn to feel the charm of the “velvet” season. Come here in late autumn to go along the deserted embankment, breath in rough spray of the waves dashing at your feet, admire the leaden-colored sea and feel the touch of ages. Come here in winter to take pleasure from the even green parks of the south coast. Come here in spring to become absorbed into magnificent blooming of paradise garden. Come to the Crimea!

The Seasons was opened in 1999. Nowadays, after the reconstruction in 2007, it is a cosy place, where our guests can not only enjoy a comfortable rest, or hold business meetings, but at the same time, they have an opportunity to improve their health. The main advantage of our hotel is a serious medical and healthimproving base. The idea is to improve health not only with modern medicine care, but with combination of medical care, SPA facilities and high-level service. We hope that a great number of medical and health improving procedures for children and adults, as well as individual approach to every client, attention and care of the personel - will make your stay in our hotel not only useful, but also pleasant. HOTEL Service Conference service Parking Indoor pool

Restaurant Tourists service Medical center

Rest zone SPA

GPS latitude: 44,501441 longitude: 34,171979 CONTACT INFORMATION 98600, Yalta, Rudanskogo, 23 tel.: 00 38 0654 237935

fax.: 00 38 0654 237934



Villa Elena Hotel & Residences is a leader of the market, luxurious 5-star hotel correspondent to all international quality and ecology standards, with hospitality traditions since 1912. Restaurants – unique atmosphere, fine cuisine, exclusive beverages, best tobacco and considerate service. MICE – the most outstanding events, formal receptions, international summits and conferences, gala weddings and banquets, press conferences and memorable presentations. HOTEL Service Restaurants

Conference service

Beauty salon


Concierge service

GPS latitude: 44,49448 longitude: 34,16464 CONTACT INFORMATION 98600, Yalta. Seafront



tel.: 00 38 0654 23 83 83

fax.: 00 38 0654 23 83 90




Every who likes Crimea knows the Almond grove, which is one of the most attractive and unique places in Alushta. It is situated right on the seashore, has a mild climate with plenty of sunlight and warmth. Clear air, full of phytoncids and medicinal salts, provides a healthy environment. Grove’s microclimate, much milder than in Alushta itself, is favorable for recreation and improving health all the year round. “Mindalnaya Rosha” today is a modern health resort complex, which corresponds to all requirements for high-class rest, organization of conferences, seminars and business meetings. There is a wonderful Aquapark, which operates in summer. HOTEL Service Aquapark

Restaurants & bars

Roman bath


Kid’s bar “Vitamin”



Conference service

latitude: 44,49448 longitude: 34,16464


The Park Hotel was awarded the title “Best Crimea Hotel of 2004-2006”. The hotel is located on a high sea coast 50 metres off a private beach. You have at your disposal 15 individually planned double rooms: 13 suites and 2 studios. All rooms lend themselves for accommodation of one more guest. The hotel’s rooms are set in soft light colours and equipped with ecologically clean rattan furniture. All the rooms have balconies overlooking the sea, with a breathtaking view of the city of Yalta and Yalta bay. HOTEL Service Restaurant



Wellness & SPA

Fitness center


SPA - center


GPS latitude: 44,48196 longitude: 34,15781

CONTACT INFORMATION 98500, Alushta, Naberezhnaya, 4-a


98600, Yalta, Gagarina,4

tel. +38 062 294 88 55

f. +38 062 294 88 55



t. +38 0654 32 00 32

f. +38 0654 23 55 30



Medical SPA resort “Sea” - one of the best places of rest and recovery in the Crimea, in the picturesque corner of the city of Alushta, in the heart of the famous Professor’s Corner. In the very edge of the sea, surrounded by exotic greenery of the ancient relic the park, the total area of 8 hectares, located 11 elegant buildings. Various architectural style of the building create a harmonious ensemble, perfectly fits into the picturesque landscape.

Hotel “Yalta” is rightly considered to be the biggest business and cultural center in the Crimea. Being located in the center of the picturesque Massandra park, on the Black Sea shore the Hotel Complex is a perfect place for rest and business. There are 1140 rooms of different categories in “Yalta” Hotel. Rooms interiors are designed for maximal comfort of the guests.

HOTEL Service

HOTEL Service

Conference service

Fitness center



Conference halls





Business Center


out-door pool


SPA center

Tennis courts

Beauty salon



latitude: 44,63831 longitude: 34,3969

latitude: 44,50258 longitude: 34,19063



98500, Alustha, Naberezhnaya, 25



tel.: 00 38 06560 290 03

fax.: 00 38 06560 290 16

98600, Yalta, Drazhinskogo, 50

tel.: 00 38 0654 270270

fax.: 00 38 0654 270100


Foros church

The Chersonese

Located on Phoros on the border lands of the Greater Yalta and Sevastopol. Visible from everywhere - from the sea bottom and top with Yayly on a single Red cliff (steep cliffs reach 400 meters) painted with exquisite Church of the Resurrection of Christ. In 1892 the architect Academician NM Chagin to order tea magnate A. Kuznetsova erected in her memory of the salvation of the Emperor Alexander III and his family at the train crash in 1888 Larger Church on the rock was a trademark on the tin with the best in the empire of tea. Above the church the old South Coast Highway takes to Sevastopol after Baydarskie gates. They are a better view of the church, as if hovering over the South Bank. A new highway, very comfortable and beautiful at the foot of a cliff with the church. Either way, the church has become one of the symbols of the South Bank. It shows even in the film «The first blow Jackie Chan» .

The Chersonese is the only monument to the nature at the foothills of the Crimea. Near the cost of the former ancient city of Chersonese a small protected aquacomplex, the Chersonese bay, is situated which preserves the original coast biogenesis and interesting underwater archaeological reserve. Nearly for two millennia the town existed on the Crimean cost. It was called Chersonese Tavrichesky. In 422 – 421 BC it was founded by citizens of the town of Geraklei which was situated on the shore of the bay called nowadays as Karantinnaya. A century later Chersonese turned into one of the largest cites of the Northern Black sea coast. By its political arrangements it was a slave republic with democratic form of government but by the socio – economic effect – the center of trade, crafts and culture. Its population reached 20 thousand people. Since the 5th century Chersonese is in Byzantine Empire. In 988 after the 9- month siege of the city (Russian name – Korsun) was taken by prince Vladimir. Here Vladimir accepted Christianity.

GPS 44,39207 33,78663

GPS 44,61167 33,4926

The Genoese fortress

Monument to flooded ships

The fortress which was preserved to nowadays was built by Genoeses during the period from 1371 to 1469. They rebuilt ancient defensive structures, built new once and combined all into a single fortress. Built according to the project of Genoese fortifications in the best traditions of the Western European Medieval the castle amazed by the perfect engineering . The area of the castle is nearly of 30 hectares. It is located on the conical hill, an ancient coral reef. From the east, the south, the west the fortress is inaccessible. From the north – east the access to the fortress is blocked by a deep moat. The fortress has two tiers of defense.. The bottom tier is a solid outside wall of 6 – 8 metres. The wall was reinforced by fourteen 15-meter towers and the complex main gate. Most of the towers were named after Genoese consuls who lived there at that time.

It was erected in memory of the ships which were sacrificed to cover Sevastopol from enemy attacks from the sea. A few metres from the sea – front of the Maritime boulevard on the three metres cliff consisted of roughly processed granite boulders stands a slender Corinthian column. It is crowned by the inscription on the pedestal reads: « In memory of the ships submerged in 1854 – 1855 to fence the entrance to the raid. The overall height of the monument is 16.66 metres. Against the monument the anchors from submerged ships are reinforced in the wall of the sea – front of the Maritime boulevard. Built in 1905 in connection with the 50th anniversary of the first heroic defense the monument was dedicated to one of the sad and heroic episodes of this epic.

GPS 44,61815 33,52472

GPS 44,84468 34,96427

Khan’s Palace in Bakhchisaray Khan Palace in Bakhchisaray was built as the residence of tribal dynasty Gera – the rulers of the Crimean Khanate. For two and a half centuries Bakhchisaray palace served as the center of political, spiritual and cultural life of the Crimean Tatars. Of equal significance is the Palace today. First of all – it is the national shrine of the Crimean Tatar people. It occupies a prominent place in the world literary tradition. The Bakhchisaray Palace is the most important historical monument of the era of the Crimean Khanate, the only sample of the Crimean Tatar palace architecture as well as unique in Europe (along with the palace Algambra in Spain and Top- Kapy in European Turkey). Bakhchisaray Khan’s Palace is a historical and cultural monument of global importance as it was recognized in the recently started process of including the Palace in the World Heritage List of UNESCO.

GPS 44,74854 33,88218


Vorontsov Palace The Vorontsov Palace was built according to the new architectural and engineering principles in comparison with classicism. An important architectural feature is the location of the palace according to the movement of mountains owing to which the palace is organically «fit» in the surrounding landscape. The Palace was built in the spirit of English architecture. In the construction there are elements of different ages, beginning with the earliest forms and finishing in the XVI century. The location of elements comes from the western gates – the farther from the gate, so the later style of construction. English style is originally combined with oriental motifs. For example, the Gothic chimneys resemble minarets of mosques. The South entrance is decorated with the eastern splendors.

GPS 44,41885 34,0553




In the upper Massandra there is one of the best architectural monuments of the sothern coast of the Crimea – the palace of Emperor Alexander III. It was built near the slopes of the mountain range, in the secluded spot surrounded by forest. The history of the palace is interesting. The palace began to be build in 1881 according to the order governor’s heir prince Vorontsov but a year later the prince died. In 1889 the Vorontsov Massandra estate together with the unfinished palace was bought for Emperor Alexander III. After three years the construction of the palace was completed but Alexander didn’t manage to live in it as in 1894 he died. In Soviet times many years this beautiful architectural monument was a closed «object». In the royal palace which has become a state dacha for the heads of the Communist Party and the Government of the former Soviet Union. They came to have a rest here.

On the eastern outskirts of Alushta amphitheater there is the famous valley of ghosts and chaos on the slopes of the Demerdzhi mountain which is a natural monument of the state meaning. The slopes of the mountain are lettered with bizarre stone sculptures, reminiscent of the people or animals but more often towers and columns. In the evening and night time figures strike you with there fantastic shapes. There are a lot of fancy pyramids, pillars, mushrooms, towers in the south – western slope of the Demerdzhi mountain in valley of ghosts. One of the pillars, the Giant, is a big stone of 5 meters in the diameter and 25 meters in the height. On both sides of this tower there are towers and columns of smaller sizes up to 10-20 meters. Such stone «ghosts» here are more then a hundred. Stone sculptures resemble idols, monks in the hood, a strange bird, fantastic animals, fortress bastions.

GPS 44,51288 34,1835

GPS 44,7482 34,4162

Swallow’s Nest

The underground submarine base in Balaklava

Homes with Avrorin rock (the village of Gaspra) small Swallow’s Nest castle hangs perilously over the waves, justifying its romantic name. For the first of owners he represented the fabulous home of love, but today was a symbol of Crimea. Once in these places inhabited by brand, they have replaced the Greek colonists, and then came the Roman legionaries who founded a fortress on the western spur of rocky cape Ai-Todor. Flat floor eastern tip of Cape Limen-breaker ( “Cape Harbor”) is called bridge. With her, as if from the top deck of the ocean liner, a beautiful view of the Crimean coast, the kingdom of the sun, water and stone, carrying the unique charm of marine landscape.

The construction of the underground submarine base (the object 825) in Balaklava (Sevastopol) was started in 1957 and in 1961 was completed. Firstly the base has been built by military and later builders of metro from Moscow, Tbilissi, Kharkov joined it. The factory, arsenal, antinuclear asylum of the first category for 3000 people and of the autonomy for 30 days have been built here. The thickness of rock over the object is 126 metres at the highest point. Nine big boats can be based here. The length of each channel is 505 meters, the width of water surface from 6 to 8.5, the depth is from 6 to 8.5 meters. A complex was abandoned in 1995. Here the museum was opened in june 2003. The plant and mine – torpedo pert of the base was closed for visitors.

GPS 44,43131 34,12753

The Crimean caves

Uchan Su Waterfall

The Crimean mountains are one of the oldest mountains in the world. Since time immemorial shaking the earth’s crust – water and natural disasters have contributed to the formation in the mountains of karst cavities some of which turned into a big cave. It is known about 800 caves in the Crimea, 50 of which are declared to be the monuments to nature. One of the most affluent places in the Crimea which is riched with caves is Shatyor mountain, the second highest Criean mountain chain as to its height. Here you can see 200 caves with depth ranging from two to more than 200 metres. Most of the caves are available only to professional speleologist with the help of the special equipment. For example the mine called «Bottomless pit» has the depth of 195 meters.

GPS 44,8088 34,2904


GPS 44,50452 33,5978

The famous monument to nature started its work in 1947. The Uhan Su river comes from the limestone over the precipice of Ai Petrinskiy Yayly; at an altitude of 300 meters above sea level it forms a waterfall with the same title. The water falls from a height of 98 meters. Particularly impressive spectacle represents the Uchan Su waterfall during the spring and late autumn when a huge mass of water with forth falls down sometimes carrying away large stone blocks. Above the waterfall hangs the cloud of water dust and the noise of the flow is heard for kilometres. In summer only weak jets run on the gray surface of the rocks.

GPS 44,49170 34,0947


LuHansk region The city was twice renamed in Voroshilovgrad and backwards. It receives tourists with pleasure. Welcome to Luhansk! The history of Luhansk comes back to the foundation of the first iron foundry in South of Russian Empire. Ores and coal deposits were found in the area by Scottish engineer Charles Gascoigne. As a result a big metal factory was founded in the valley of Luhan river. A settlement which sprang up around the factory in 1797 was called Luhansk plant. In 1800 the first in Ukraine blast furnace of Luhansk foundry-cannon plant produced cast iron. In 1761 the first church named Petropavlovskaja Church was erected. A stone temple was constructed further at its place. It is the only architectural memorial that has preserved till now days. Luhansk is famous for the biggest temple of South-Eastern Ukraine – St.Vladimir Cathedral, which can contain 3000 parishioners. The beautiful, majestic Cathedral was consecrated in


2006. It is by right considered to be an architectural pearl of the industrial city now. Do not lose the chance to visit the Museum-park of stone sculptures located on the territory of National Pedagogical Institute. Worth seeing is a Memorial “Ostraja mogila” (“Sharp grave”), devoted to heavy battles at the time of the civil war (1919), when the inhabitants of Luhansk stood like an alive chain and handed cartridges over to each other from the Cartridge plant to “Ostraja mogila”. Luhansk is famous to all Russian-speaking world as the homeland of Vladimir Dal – a scientist who glorified Slavic culture and was the author of the Explanatory Dictionary of Russian Language. Despite the fact that the scientist spent only a few years in this city, he signed as Kazak Luganskiy during all his life. The Vladimir Dal’s Museum is opened here as well as the Museum of Aviation (based on the Luhansk Aviation Plant). Take an amazing trip to a multinational city Luhansk with a special way of life and interesting history – and you will remember it all your life.


In the heart of the Old City, one of the oldest streets of Lugansk - St. Petersburg (now Lenin str.), One kilometer from the railway station, the hotel is located Gostiny dvor. The Lugano Hotel Gostiny Dvor 14 rooms, equipped with air conditioning, telephone, TV, access to the Internet. The guests in each room mini-bar, refrigerator, slippers, hair dryer, a necessary set of toiletries. HOTEL Service Room service



Rent a car

Park zone



Medical Clinic

GPS latitude: 48,57581 longitude: 39,29471 CONTACT INFORMATION 91055, Lugansk, Lenina, 54

tel.: 00 38 0642 331516

fax.: 00 38 0642 344147



The Hotel «Lugansk» is the biggest hotel of the city. The hotel is situated in the very center of Lugansk’s downtown on the crossroad of Oboronnaya and Sovetskaya streets. The «Lugansk» hotel building is the highest building in our region (19 floors). The hotel rooms have a beautiful view down the city. Banks, offices, institutions, supermarkets, the sights of the city are located nearby the hotel «Lugansk». HOTEL Service Room service



Conference service

Bank service TEST


GPS latitude: 48,56795 longitude: 39,31595 CONTACT INFORMATION 91016, Lugansk, Sovetskaya, 76


tel.: 00 38 0642 343529

fax.: 00 38 0642 344713


Volyn region

King’s rocks The Provalsky steppe is a typical example of virgin east – European feather – grass steppes. They are situated in the south-east region of Lugansk on the soothern slope of the main watershed of the Donetsky mountain – ridge. Its absolute height is 325 meters. From 1846 the territory belonged to the Provasky horse plant and later the sovkhoz «Provalsky». In 1975 the preserve «The Provalsky steppe» was organized. The preserve area is 588 hectares, the forest area is 162,4 hectares. The landscape of the steppe is different, having beautiful plants. 790 kinds of plants were registered here and 25 of them were written in the Red Book of the Ukraine. Many plants have practical meaning - about 120 plants are medicinal and 90 plants are decorative. There are a lot of different rare animals, birds and reptiles here. Three of reptiles were written in the Red Book. «The Provalskaya steppe» is a unique wealth which the nature presented to this part of the Ukraine.

GPS 48,177 39,835

REGIONAL MUSEUM Luhansk Regional Museum is located at: ul. Shevchenko, 2. Each epoch, each stage of the historic way of Lugansk region left behind a vivid evidence - the material and spiritual culture. Collecting them, careful storage, research and display was Regional Museum. In 1920 in Luhansk was founded two small museums - the beautiful culture and natural geography, which in 1922 merged into a single museum. Since 1924, the foundation of the museum was on display the full economic and social life of the region, that is, a museum on the merits, has been lore. At this time, collection of more than 9 thousand exhibits, including paintings Tenyara, Katarbinskogo, Pimonenko, Bogdanov-Belsky, Vasylkivska samples of the ancient Saxon and Sevres porcelain, and antique furniture. As war began to take shape archeological and numismatic collections. Years of war have been tragic for the museum. The museum collection has been evacuated: part of it, obviously, was burnt in a fire in July 1942, the other part, the witnesses, was taken out by the occupiers. Documents show that after the liberation of Lugansk in February 1943 the fund stood at the museum 27 paintings, 288 coins and bag dump. Several generations of museum workers in the postwar years, a new museum collection: today in the museum store more than 308 thousand exhibits, including - 186 thousand - the originals.

GPS 48,58571 39,18688


Visit Lutsk which is old and modern at the same time, which combines European refinement and sincere Ukrainian hospitality. A fairyland of the old city neighboring the hectic life of the modern districts inspire Lutsk its special charm. If you really want to understand Lutsk, it is worth having a look at the history of this old city, which was a scene of significant actions many times during its centuries-old life. In 1000 Volodymyr the Great attached Volyn to Kievan Rus, founded a town and built a fortress, which further became a significant stronghold on the way of invaders. This fortress withstood the sieges of the king Boleslav Smely, Andrey Bogolyubskiy, the prince Vladimir Volodarevich, Jaroslav Osmomysl. The city located at the boarder between the Ukrainian, Russian and Belarusian folks was always in the centre of interests of such powerful states as Russia, Austria-Hungarian Empire, Lithuanian princedom. Mixture of customs and traditions of all these folks caused original culture, history and architecture of the city. A sightseeing tour to Lutsk necessarily contains the main and the most famous

landmark and the proud of the city – the Upper Castle (or The Ljubart Castle, named after its founder). The castle consists of three parts: Ljubart tower, Styrof or Svidrigailo tower and Vladychev tower, which contains the arsenal and a unique collection of bells. Apart from the Upper castle there was one more Okolny castle built in XIV-XV century. But only one tower (Chartoriyskih) of the old fort has been preserved until now days. The town stood at the crossing of trade routes that’s why it was tolerant to all its inhabitants. You will be surprised by variety of different styles and confessions getting along together here. Petropavlovskiy Cathedral Kostel (Roman-Catholic church) of Renaissance age with very interesting multistory underground vaults stands near the refined Lutheran church. There are Pokrovskaja church and Troitskiy cathedral in the city centre. There are many “temples of art” in Lutsk too. Worth seeing are the Volyn local history museum, the Art gallery and the Museum of Volyn icon.

Mstsihovsy’s homestead - an architectural jewel in eastern Ukraine, situated in a picturesque corner of Lugansk - Seleznevka village. Unique in its architecture and beauty of the structure has survived war, revolution and reconstruction. Today the homestead is in disrepair, but still keeps its greatness and originality. The homestead is open to the public on Saturday and Sunday from 10-00 to 14-00. Pre-registration by phone 066-647-2700, Sergey (director BF “ Mstsihovsky’s homestead”) GPS 48,4244 38,8088





The hotel complex offers 23 comfortable and cosy guest rooms equipped with every modern home comfort. Each room has satellite television, Internet access, in-built safe, and other necessary hotel accessories. The interior of every room meets the general noble style of the establishment. HOTEL Service Conference hall

Indoor Pool

Lutsk castle The rest in Shatsk is comfortable and pleasant. You can find something surprising for wonderful pastime at any time of the year here. Of course Shatsky lakes are the most pleasant for rest which are beautiful all the year round. Quietness, wide saucers of blue lakes, clean air of coniferous forest energize and wash off daily chores. Crystal – clear water of Svityaz attract people from all over the Ukraine. It is really a good place. The greatness of Shatsk national park which was created to preserve beauty of Podol region forever will leave for you pleasant impressions. GPS 50,73861 25,32255


Beauty and Health Salon

GPS latitude: 50,74421 longitude: 25,32422

The Cathedral of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul

CONTACT INFORMATION 43025, Lutsk, Kriviy Val, 39

tel.: 00 38 0332 772701

fax.: 00 38 0332 772703


The Cathedral of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul Church in Lutsk - current Roman Catholic cathedral. The Cathedral of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul in Lutsk is an operating Roman Catholic cathedral. Built in 1616- 1639 by the architect Giacomo Briano as a church at the monastery of Jesuits. In 1773 in connection with the liquidation of Jesuit Order the church and the board moved to a commission of public education. After the fire of the cathedral church in 1781 to this place was transferred the faculty of Catholic bishop at the request of the Lutsk lord Felix Tursk. At that time the construction work were carried out under the supervision of architect Uminskiy. As a result the façade and interior had received new stylistic features. The interior was decorated with magnificent sculptures, pilasters. There were basements at several levels in the church. In 1948 the cathedral was closed and used as a warehouse. From 1970 to 1991 it housed a museum of atheism. On the 29th of June 1991 Bishop of Lvov Raphal Kernitskiy consecrated the church all over again.


“Hotel Complex “Ukraine” is situated in the very center of the town. It is a modern hotel and real adornment of the town Lutsk, symbolizing hospitality and comfort. At guests’ disposal also: cable television, independent heating and 24/7 hot water supply. Room price includes buffet breakfast, mineral water in the room and parking facilities cost. For your convenience, there is a taxi stop and a municipal transport stop situated close to the hotel. HOTEL Service Conference hall





Wake-up call

GPS latitude: 50,74716 longitude: 25,32314 CONTACT INFORMATION 43000, Lutsk, Slovatskogo, 2


GPS 50,73803 25,3167

Lakes of Shatsk The Lutsk castle is a symbol of the city of Lutsk, the main attraction and pride. Built in the 14th century by the Lithunian prince Lyubart who married a local princess and took the Orthodox faith it was chosen as a prince residence. Nowadays the castle has three names: Lutskiy, the Upper and the castle of Lyubart. It was firstly mentioned by the chronicles in 1075 when it was already fortified point. Despite the fact that the history of the castle in Lutsk began from 1340 its existence began much earlier. In the 11th century a wooden construction, the first castle was built on the hill which existed for two centuries and which was then replaced by a more durable stone castle.

GPS 51,4998 23,865


Lviv region Lvov is one of the most beautiful cities of the world. 700-years old and at the same time modern seems to be Lvov to everybody walking down its narrow cozy streets with unique architecture. Highly interesting history of this amazing city dates 7,5 centuries. Lvov was founded in the middle of XIII century and became the capital of the principality of Halych-Volhynia. Thanks to its unique geographic location the city became the leading trade centre of Eastern Europe. In the course of time Lvov turned into a real architectural pearl, a centre of bookpublishing, handicrafts and arts. Since Ukraine has been declared independent, Lvov is regarded as a cultural and mental capital of the country. There are more then 2000 architectural memorials, museum collections, theatres and ancient parks which are connected with the history of origin and development of the city and the country. During excursion you will have the possibility to walk down the Market square regarded as the centre of political, cultural, social and trading life of the city; to visit a unique wooden church dated XVII, the Museum of folk architecture and every day life, Lvov Historical Museum, the Bernardinskiy Cloister, the

Wien Dominican Cathedral, the Roman-Catholic Jesuit Church of Peter and Paul. Worth seeing is a very interesting monument of the later Renaissance - the Chapel Boimov which is unique not only in Ukraine but in European architecture too. The Chapel is famous for its interesting energy. An employee of museum told that once she forgot a basket with apples in a corner and suddenly came across it in one and a half year. It was astonishing to find out that the apples remained fresh, juicy and aromatic. The interest of city guests attracts the oldest chemist’s shop in the city changed into a unique in Ukraine museum where they can have a look at the old pharmaceutical equipment being used by the medieval chemists. The collection of chemist’s dishes, tabletting machines of different ages, old scales, plantcutters, medieval herbariums is displayed here. It is possible to buy ordinary modern medicines along with a “specialty of the house” – “the iron wine” – a tonic drink being sold only here, in the Chemist’s-museum of Lvov. Take a trip to Lvov and you will fall in love with this wonderful and beautiful city. It does not matter where are you from – everybody finds here something to his liking and wants to come back to Lvov once.


Comfortable and cozy hotel in the city center, above the famous restaurant “Viennese coffee” rnya, offers 20 comfortable rooms, VIP-transfer services, tourist services, parking. Hotel guests “Vienna” have a 20% discount at the restaurant Vienna. HOTEL Service Restaurant

Café & Bar



Travel service


GPS latitude: 49,84085 longitude: 24,02907

CONTACT INFORMATION 79008, Lviv, blvd. Svobodi, 12

tel.: 00 38 032 244 43 14

fax.: 00 38 032 244 43 16



Dnister hotel is situated in the historic centre of Lviv near the old park and architectural monument of XYIII century - St. Yura’s Cathedral. However, the 4 star hotel Dnister itself is quite modern and multistoried that is very easy to notice in the Lviv where low buildings dominate. The windows of the Dnister hotel face a really wonderful view of the city center. HOTEL Service Conference-service




Business centre

Car rent

Beauty salon

Kids Club

GPS latitude: 49,83689 longitude: 24,01766 CONTACT INFORMATION 79000, Lviv, Mateyka, 6


tel.: 00 38 032 297 43 05

fax.: 00 38 032 297 10 21




Hotel and relaxation complex Uzlissya is located 25 km from Lviv. The lake-forest base, that consists of 22 hectares. Restaurant on the lake, pub, disco-club, Russian bath in the middle of the lake, summer houses, fishing, painball, gym. Corporate and family holidays. HOTEL Service Conference service

Restaurants & bars

SPA center

Business center


Night club

Photo service

Fitness center

Rent a car

GPS latitude: 49,83689 longitude: 24,01766

Reikartz Medievale Lviv is situated minutes away from Lviv historical center - Rynok Square, as well as the main sights of the city: Lviv City Hall, Opera Theater, Jesuit Church, Armenian Cathedral, Dominican monastery. The elegant hotel is located in an ancient, carefully reconstructed building on Drukarska street, which used to be called «road after the deer» in the 17th century.

HOTEL Service Restaurants

Balneo health center

Beauty salon



Conference service

latitude: 49.84358 longitude: 24.03180

81220, Lviv, Strilki/Repishe, 1

tel.: 00 38 032 634 16 58

fax.: 00 38 032 634 16 58



Swiss Hotel welcomes its guests in the heart of the city. Its location provides a comfortable stay as business visitors who require easy transport interchanges and not too fond of spending precious time on dobyrannya of suburbia, and those who came to enjoy the historic city to visit his mysterious narrow streets, visit museums, churches and church, theaters and cafes. HOTEL Service







Travel service

Child room


79009, Lviv, Drukarskaya, 9

tel.:00 38 032 242 51 33

fax.: 00 38 032 242 51 33



The modern three-star hotel Santa Maria is located at 20 km from Truskavets in Shodnitsa extremely beautiful place, surrounded by majestic Carpathian Mountains, at an altitude of 600 meters above sea level. Near the river runs Shodnichanka filled with unusual clear mountain water. From the windows of the hotel you can watch the picturesque open spaces of the Carpathians, as well as see the locations of many therapeutic springs, where already in the vicinity of 38. One of the most useful for the therapeutic properties of the source is number 18, which is located directly beside the hotel. HOTEL Service

Car rental






Conference room


Skiing (winter)


Travel service

latitude: 49,83807 longitude: 24,03246



latitude: 49,21891 longitude: 23,3572

79008, Lviv, Knyazya Romana street, 20


82391, Lviv region, Shodnitsa, Nezalegnosti, 35

tel.: 00 38 032 240 37 77

fax.: +38 032 261 60 46

tel.: 00 38 095 507 38 18

fax.: 00 38 03248 48272


Opera Theatre

Pharmacy Museum Muzey History of Pharmacy was opened in 1966 at the old pharmacy. Drugstore remains active and continues to produce so-called «Iron wine» (saharat iron, used with iron deficiency anemia). Pharmacy Museum is located on Market Square at the corner house, which begins Drukarskaya streets and Stavropigiyskaya. Chemists in this building was founded in 1735 Master of military pharmacist Наторпом and was called the «Under the Black Eagle». kspozitsiya Museum provides more than three thousands of exhibits in 16 halls of the total area of 700 sq.m. In the trade hall the most interesting exhibits are the pharmaceutical scales. The second room was earlier room, which holds stocks of medicines, is now exhibited a collection of tableware for the storage of medicines, equipment of the chemist’s different eras, the old proprietary medicines. The interior of the third hall recreates an old chemist’s laboratory.

Opera Theatre name Krushelnytska is considered one of the most beautiful theaters in Europe along with Odessa and Vienna State Opera. The facade is decorated with sculpted figures of “Life” and “Art”, the statue of “Glory,” “Victory”, “Love.” The theater was designed so that the lobby, hallways and stairs covered most of natural light. One of the most beautiful interiors - mirrored hall decorated with paintings depicting the symbolic changing of the seasons. A large chandelier in the hall is decorated with precious materials of allegorical figures. On the second floor remained private apartments of Emperor Franz Joseph, with private bathroom and access to the Imperial (now - the president’s) box. Powered aristocratic coffee “Mosquito.” Excursions.

GPS 49,842755 24,032346

GPS 49,84394 24,02625

Golden Horseshoe Medieval castles and monasteries of the defense on all Zolochev castle sides surrounded by Lions. Their history is lost in the mists of time. Who built them, who owned them, whose troops stood by these strongholds and what gallant soldiers defending them - know about the stones covered with scars of the walls. Walk halls of castles, imagine themselves rulers, noble knights and ladies of their hearts, castle servants - and the pictures of the past come alive in your imagination: the birth of famous kings, lavish weddings and balls, the echoes of fierce battles and fires glow. Now here the peace museum, and the person who lived here in the distant past, look to GPS 49,7962 24,9117 us with portraits, sculptures and paintings of battle, made outstanding masters. Among the forests, fields and villages hidden Galician monasteries. You will be able to stand in the quiet of the monastic churches to miracle-working icons. Drink some water from the springs. Listen to the roar of the monastery bells. Listen to yourself. Just sit back and relax from the madding crowd. Well, we invite you on a journey ... Olesko Castle The Olesko Castle, oval in shape, stands on top of a small hill, about fifty meters in height. A moat and a wall surrounds it, which serves as a defence for the castle. Pidhirci castle

GPS 49,840148 24,029245

Marqet square

Olesko castle

Lviv Market Square emerged as a center of Polish-German medieval city of Lviv after the conquest of the Polish King Casimir the Great, to which was the center of the Old Market Square. In the XIX early XX century, formed a new center of the city: Liberty Avenue, Mickiewicz Square and Shevchenko Avenue. From the corners of Market Square depart eight streets (according to modern titles seven streets and a square): Russian, Serbian, Galician, Cathedral Square, Krakow, Sheva, Drukarskaya, Stavropigiyskaya.

GPS 49,84182 24,03155

GPS 49,96127 24,8925

Pidhirtsi Castle Pidhirtsi Castle is a residential castle-fortress located in the village of Pidhirtsi in Lviv Oblast western Ukraine, located eighty kilometers east of Lviv.

Potocki Palace The idea of building the palace came from the governor of the Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria Alfred P. Potocki. He was fond of French architecture of the era of King Louis XIV, the Sun and, therefore, the project commissioned a palace revered French architect Louis d’Auvergne. In 2001 the monument was transferred to Lviv Art Gallery. Today visit the Potocki Palace can only be accompanied by a guide who will need red and white rooms, and fireplace lounge.

Zolochev castle Zolochiv Castle has a rich history. As in Ukraine and Poland - he is known for its beauty and history of formation.

GPS 49,94222 24,98446



The first museum in the world of fat, which is considered a national Ukrainian product, opened on the Square. Freedom in Lviv. The initiator was the artistdesigner B. Berger, author of the concept was made by sculptor M. Dedishin. The exhibition features a variety of sculptures from lard, as well as paintings, photographs and other works of art, dedicated to this fat snack. The central exhibit of the museum is a copy of the human heart of the fat, which is listed in the Guinness Book of Records of Ukraine. Also among the exhibits can be seen from the figure of a humanoid lard, tallow candles, chess, chair and many other items.

GPS 49,83772 24,02704


Nikolaiv region This is an ancient land where hot steppe adjoins blue waves of the Black sea, tart smells of steppe grasses blend with salt wind of the sea. Black sea land remembers Skiffs, ancient Greeks, tribes of Slaves, hordes of Nogay, free Cossacks of Zaporozhje. Settlement of the peninsula of Nikolajev has begun intensively since the last quarter of the XVIII century. History of Nikolajev comes back to the 27April 1789 when a New Shipyard was founded here. Nikolajev became a shipyard-town, the cradle of the Black Sea Fleet, one of the shipbuilding centers. Thanks to everyday work, intelligence and patience of many generations of the inhabitants, a small shipyard-town changed into a big industrial, political, business and cultural centre of Southern Ukraine. If you want to know more about the city, visit the city museums: the Local History Museum, Art Gallery and a unique Museum of Shipbuilding and Fleet, founded in 1978. It is located in the building of the former Naval Staff, being an architectural memorial in Classicism style. An amazing landmark – city-state Olvija – always attracts tourists. An ancient colony was founded by natives of Milet



in the VI century B.C. There are ruins of fortifications, houses, a square, a holy place, temples, workshops and burial places remained in the city.

Hotel Palace Ukraine — so melodiously sounds the name of hotel-restaurant which hospitably opened doors in the very center of Nikolaev. Restaurant, hotel, casino and billiardclub are at your service there. Atmosphere of comfort and cosinness in conjunction with nobility and aristocratism creates an inimitable aura of the hotel.

Worth seeing is the zoo of Nikolajev. It is one of the oldest (functioning since 1901) and the most well-groomed establishments of this kind in the country. There are more then 350 species of animals in its collection, many of them are registered in the Red Book.

HOTEL Service

Since 1988 there is a museum of its own history in the zoo. Materials for the museum have been collected since the beginning of the 80-th. The documents, photos, memories of employees, the collection of sculls and stuffed animals (which somewhere lived in the zoo) are displayed here. The oldest in Ukraine yacht-club is located in Nicolajev, the yacht sport and tourist cruises is a traditional distinctive feature of the region. There is the Turkish fountain built in XVIII in the neighborhood. A trip to Nikolajev will leave pleasant impressions and a wish to come back to this city and feel its atmosphere once more.

Press room



Rent a car





GPS latitude: 46,96669 longitude: 31,97991 CONTACT INFORMATION 54000, Nikolaev, Lenina, 57

tel.: 00 38 0512 582700

fax.: 00 38 0512 582727



«Coral» – is the name of one of the best fashionable hotels of Nikolaev, for those, who value their own time, care of itself and wishes to rest pleasantly and to be weakened. During staying at our hotel, everyone finds the lagoon of tranquillity and pacification here.

HOTEL Service Restaurants


Conference room



Room service



GPS latitude: 46,97200 longitude: 31,97918 CONTACT INFORMATION 54000, Nikolaev, Admirala Makarova, 22


tel.: 00 38 0512 489837

fax.: 00 38 0512 479777


Odessa region

Nikolaev underground They were named differently: the catacombs and caves, underground passages and the Turkish mines. They were attributed to many people - the Greeks, the Turks, the monks and even to the ancient Jews. From childhood they excited our imagination with a sinking heart, hand in hand, we wandered to the dark underground cellars. It is known that after the war an officer whether to the order of his chief or because of the nature of adventure explored all of our dungeons and put them on the plan of the city. We got an amazing web of underground tunnels with sports «halls» and «cameras». But this plan has not been found till our days. GPS 46,9181 32,049

The Astronomical Observatory In the city of Nikolaev there is one of the oldest astronomical observatories the history of which is inseparably linked with the history of the city almost since its foundation. The building o f an observatory and a park laid out since the foundation of townspeople and visitors. The history of the observatory began in 1821 and it can be conditionally divided into three periods. The 1st period – from 1821 till 1904 when it operated as Naval Astronomical Observatory and was mainly used for the Russian Black Sea Fleet. The 2nd period can be the period between 1904 till 1991 when the observatory was transferred to the Pulkovo Observatory and was considered to be the Southern branch of the main astronomical observatory. The 3rd period – since 1992, since the collapse of the USSR and gaining of the independence of the Ukraine till the present time. GPS 46,97277 31,97230

Olvia Olvia Pontiyskaya is one of four greatest ancient cities on the coast of the Black Sea. It has played a major role in the history of the region. Olvia was founded earlier than the Chersonese. Unlike the latter its existence was ended in the IV century A.D. Olvia did not have a later layer which would provide good preservation of its ancient Greek cultural layers over a large area. This ancient city –state which was visited by the father of the history Herodotus was one of the largest antique centers in the region of the Black Sea. It had a huge rural district in the form of settlements and farms along the shores of the sea its estuaries. It had trade and economic ties with Greece. But Olvia was forgotten many centuries ago. Its location was determined in the XVIII century. The space of Olvia museum remains of the site of the ancient town and the cemetery is about 270 hectares.

Take a trip to Odessa and you will not forget this city located on the coast of the Black Sea having a reputation of the capital of Russian-speaking humor. A mild climate and a charming noise of the sea attract tourists. The inhabitants of Odessa are proud of their cultural and architectural heritage and they are right. The houses in the old part of the city are built in different architectural styles from the Renaissance to the Art nouveau. Many famous people lived here at different times: a poet Alexander Pushkin, a biochemist Ilya Mechnikov, a singer Leonid Utjosov etc. The main landmark of Odessa is considered to be the city garden on Deribasovskaya street – a so called art gallery in the open air. Here in the garden you can find the twelfth chair from the suite of furniture made by Gambs which belonged to madam Petukhova, the mother-inlaw of Kisa Vorobyaniniv from the famous novel of Ilya Ilf and Evgeniy Petrov. The unveiling of the monument to the chair with diamantes took place at the time of “Jumorina 99” (the annual festival of humor).

At the top of the famous Potemkin Stairs stands a bronze statue of the founder of the city - Duc de Richelieu - mounted in 1827. The monument is turned to the see as though, as if it welcomes the guests of the city to go up to the Primorskii Boulevard (sea front). Here at the beginning of the Primorskii Boulevard the so called “Teshtshin most” (mother-in-law’s bridge) draws attention of tourists. As legends say, this bridge was built by request of one of the mayors of the city with the aim to get to his mother-in-law over a ravine more comfortably. If you are going over the bridge with a group of people, offer them to jump in the middle of the bridge. If you do not like thrilling experiences, do not do it. During the excursion you can admire the Shankhai palace and learn a legend about the Portal of a lonely girl. And do not forget, if a native of Odessa is talking with you seriously, it does non mean he is really not joking!

GPS 46,689 31,873





The building, which is a monument of town-planning and architecture, was built in the middle of the XIX century by the famous architect F.V. Gonsiorovsky. It was completely reconstructed in 2005 and has become nowadays a modern four-star business-hotel, remarkable for its splendid architecture. Everyone who gets to the legendary Deribassovskaya Street is attracted by the austere front of this sumptuous classic edifice. HOTEL Service Conference room



Car hire







Welcome to Londonskaya Hotel – the perfect escape to the finest hospitality Odessa has to offer. Located in the heart of Odessa’s city center, Londonskaya Hotel provides spectacular views of the Black Sea and the famous Potyomkin Stairs. This landmark hotel opened its doors over 160 years ago and provides easy access to culture, historical sites, museums, shopping, entertainment and dining HOTEL Service Conference service


Luggage delivery

Business center





latitude: 46,48665 longitude: 30,74215

latitude: 46,48326 longitude: 30,74387



65026, Odessa, Primorsky blvd, 11

65026, Odessa, Deribassovskaya, 5 t. +38 048 786 0 399 f. +38 048 786 0 550



The hotel “London” is situated in the heart of the city in Uspenskaya str. Each of the hotel’s fronts is a mirror image of another one. One of them faces the picturesque green park. Historical and business centres are harmonically united in this area of the city. Unique location of the hotel allows its guests to stay in the quiet and secure centre of Odessa not far away from the most important business areas of the city. HOTEL Service Conference service



Personal driver

Business center

Safe deposit box

Children cots

Luggage delivery

tel. 00 38 048 738 01 12

fax. 00 38 048 738 01 11



Hotel “Yunost” is situated in marvelous place in Odessa. It is the 16-storied building with general area 8983,3 m square. Near the hotel there are the most famous beaches such as Arkadiya and Chaklovsky. The central location provides an outstanding possibility to connect the rest and the business. HOTEL Service Conference service

Business center

Café & bar “Pearl”



Rental Car




GPS latitude: 46,39176 longitude: 30,74181 latitude: 46,47620 longitude: 30,73339 CONTACT INFORMATION CONTACT INFORMATION 65000, Odessa, Uspenskaya, 95

65009, Odessa, Varlamova S, 32

tel.: 00 38 048 738 04 04

fax.: 00 38 048 738 04 17

tel.: 00 38 048 7840898



Arcadia Plaza


Luxury hotel “Arcadia Plaza” is conveniently located in Arcadia, the most picturesque area of Odessa, near by the Black Sea. Sandy beaches, beautiful nature, nightlife, discotheques and restaurants to every taste. “Arcadia Plaza” is glad to welcome its guests with distinctive and superior service. “Arcadia Plaza” is glad to welcome its guests, stay with us and enjoy the atmosphere of luxury, pleasure and comfort. HOTEL Service Conference service



Business center

Safe deposit box

Children cots

Personal driver

Luggage delivery

Deribassovskaya street Deribasovskaya street is the legendary pedestrian street in the heart of Odessa and one of the main sights of the city. The name (originally Italian La strada Ribas) the street got in honour of Jose de Ribas on the location of his house on this street where he lived and then his brother Felix de Ribas. It is located parallel to two streets. There is the first park in Odessa which was built in 1803 shortly after founding of the city by brothers Jose and Felix de Ribas. In 1806 Felix gave to the city a plot of a land that became the first city garden. Since middle of 2006 the garden city was under restoration and in May 2007 was reopened to visitors. Also the park is known for its monuments: some of them have become the symbols of Odessa. This is a monument to the lion and lioness with lion’s whelps, the monument «The Twelfth chair» established in the honour of the book «Twelve Chairs», a monument to Leonid Utesov and a monument to the pilot and athlete of the beginning of XX century Sergey Utochkin.

GPS 46,48471 30,73467


Odessa catacombs

latitude: 46,43085 longitude: 30,76022 CONTACT INFORMATION 65009, Odessa, Posmitnogo, 1

tel.: 00 38 0482 307100

fax.: 00 38 0482 307 104



Could ever a famous architect Frants Frapolli imagine that his masterpiece - a hotel Frapolli will become so extremely attractive for tourists? You will feel this as soon as you enter our unique and magnifying building. You are welcome to sit near the fireplace in the lobby bar, under intimate lighting and listen to a calming sound of burning wood.

GPS 46,5727 30,8372

HOTEL Service Conference service

Restaurant “Frapolli

Lobby ba

Room service

Fitness center


GPS latitude: 46,48358 longitude: 30,73979 CONTACT INFORMATION 65000, Odessa, Deribasovskaya, 13


Odessa catacombs are a network of underground tunnels and labyrinths under Odessa. Most of the catacombs are the former quarries from which building stone is extracted. Nowadays the length of the Odessa catacombs is about 2,5 thousands km. At the end of the XX century the catacombs had caused a dramatic complication of engineering – geologic conditions of the city. More than 40% of the old city is situated in the territory under which mines were. Most (95-97%) of Odessa catacombs are underground quarries where the limestone was extracted which was used for building of the city. The first underground quarries began to emerge in the first half of the XIX century during rapid construction of Odessa as a source of inexpensive building materials – limestone. The extraction of stones was carried using the saws and was so intense that in the second half of the XIX century a vast network of underground cavities became inconvenient to the city. After the revolution the extraction of the limestone on the territory of the city was prohibited because many buildings of the city began to collapse. During the Great Patriotic War the catacombs served as a refuge for the Soviet partisans. There is the information about 1,7 thousands square kilometers of underground cavities.

tel.: 00 38 050 981 77 46

fax.: 00 38 062 294 88 55

Vorontsov lighthouse The Voronsov lighthouse is located on the tip of the Karantinny (now Raid) pier in the port of Odessa on the Black Sea. It meets the first and see off the last ships coming in Odessa. In the history of the Odessa port is seen «the dynasty» of the Vorontsov lighthouses. They succeeded each other improving and reconstructing as the extension and construction of moles was going on. The first lighthouse built in Odessa in 1815. It was opened in 1827 when there was prince Vrontsov and it was called after his name. The Vorontsov lighthouse was the iron tower with a graceful lighthouse from Paris. Verses and prose, photographs and films badges and postcards of the Vorontsov lighthouse have turned it into a symbol of Odessa.

GPS 46,4915 30,7590


Poltava region Poltava celebrated the 1100-th anniversary in 1999. An Old-Russian town began from a fortified settlement which was erected in the IX century on the Ivanov’s Hill. As a result of the life on the edge a special kind of population had formed here – these were Cossacks who had an influence on the history of the fortified outpost on the Vorskla river during the XVI-XVIII centuries. The town was many times destroyed in course of numerous wars, but every time it was rebuilt again. The Battle of Poltava which took place in 1709 became a turning-point in the European history of those times as it had determined the further destiny of Ukraine for two centuries. Make a tour of Poltava and admire the old part of the city. Its unique architecture is tightly bounded with the history of Poltava. Visit the Ivanov’s hill in the city centre which is located at place of an Old-Russian settlement Ltava of the XII century. Take a walk on slopes of the former



rampart near the columns of the White Pavilion and admire a wonderful view of Poltava Podol (lap). You will see a wonderful Cloister dedicated to the Exaltation of the Cross, in Ukrainian Baroque style; the oldest temple of Poltava – the Saviour church. You will make an exciting trip to the historical and cultural reserve “The field of the Battle of Poltava”. This unique museum displays invaluable historical relicts of the Northern War 1700-1721 and the Battle of Poltava. During the excursion you will visit one of the oldest museums of Ukraine – the Local History Museum of Poltava founded in 1891. Take a possibility to get into a wonderful world of magic art in the Art Gallery of Poltava. Creative theatre troupes and musical collectives of the city, its museums and picturesque views will really create an unforgettable impression on you. Visit Poltava and feel sincerity and hospitability of its inhabitants – you will fall in love with this beautiful city!

Hotel-restaurant complex «Gogol» was opened in 2006 in the resort town of Mirgorod, known for its healing mineral waters, the same waters in Baden-Baden and Sodena, and clean atmosphere. In Mirgorod all is well: birch, chestnut, the smell of grass and fruit trees, birds sing. Complex «Gogol» this is, above all, expanse and privole without the notion of number of storeys, and where people go to enjoy nature, walking with children or to relax with colleagues. HOTEL Service Restaurant



Conference room


Travel service

Room service


GPS latitude: 49,96654 longitude: 33,60070 CONTACT INFORMATION 37600, Mirgorod, Usika Ya, 18

tel.: 00 38 050 3055131

fax.: 00 38 05355 52302



“Palazzo” is a modern hotel situated in the historical centre of Poltava. High-class service is our visiting card. Hospitality and professionalism of our staff create all conditions for making the stay of our visitors the most pleasant. HOTEL Service Conference service


Park zone

Fitness service

Night club

Rent a car


Gifts shop

GPS latitude: 49,58289 longitude: 34,55398 CONTACT INFORMATION 36011, Poltava, Gogolya, 33


tel.: 00 38 0532 61 12 05

fax.: 00 38 0532 61 12 08



Rivno region

Dikanka is a village in the center of the Dikansky region, 25 km from Poltava. It was firstly mentioned in 1658 as Kochubey ancestral estate. From the ancient oak which surrounded the palace a couple of Kochubeevsky oaks were preserved. There were more than hundred rooms, an art gallery, a museum and a library in the palace. All these constructions were destroyed during the Second Word War. hetman Bruhovetsky was killed in 1668 by rebelled Cossacks in Dikanka. In 1709 hetman Mazepa was in Dikanka before the Poltavskaya battle. There are monuments to Shevchenko and Gogol, museum in the village. GPS 49,58289 34,55398

Women’s Cross Monastery. It was founded in honour of the defeat of Polish troops by the Ukrainian troops. It started its flowering after the Russian victory over the Swedes. The monastery had been repeatedly destroyed and ravaged. It was a center of culture and education of the left bank of the river, long time had the status of the male cloister, but eventually became woman’s cloister. The Cross Cathedral with seven cupolas is considered one of the best examples of Ukrainian baroque. Its height is 47 meters. It was erected in 1786. In addition to these placed of worship in the monastery there is Semenovskaya tiny church with one cupola built in 1887 as well as a group of business premises and cells. GPS 49,59850 34,57676

History of the Battle of Poltava. The museum keeps for more than eight thousands items. There are many unique ones among them. Eight rooms are available for works of art, arms, orders, medals, uniforms and equipment of Russian and Swedish armies, many instruments, personal belongings of Peter the Great and his associates, banners, historical relics. The diorama of the Poltavskaya battle with sound is situated here made by the artists of Grekov studio.

Rivno is more then seven centuries old. There are both happy and sad pages in the history of this old Ukrainian city. The buildings of Rovno caught terrible fire many times, but nobody managed to annihilate the town. Hard-working inhabitants rebuilt the destroyed town again and again. Modern Rovno is an administrative and economic centre of the oblast (province) being a part of independent Ukraine. Take a tour to Rovno and acquaint yourself with its historical and architectural memorials. History of Ljubomirski’s estate comes back to the beginning of the XVIII century when Stanislav Ljubomirskiy decided to erect a palace on an island in the middle of a huge lake. The Ljubomirskis lived in the estate till 1836. In 1838 they handed it over to a gymnasium for the use. But the head of the gymnasium declined the generous gift because of lacking money for maintenance of such a big building. At the beginning of XX century the palace became a place for fallen-in-love people. They came here to make a declaration of love. Theatre plays were performed and dancing balls were given here.

In 1927 a heavy fire destroyed the palace. One of the remarkable landmarks of the city is the St. Resurrection Cathedral. The St. Protection Church is amazingly beautiful and majestic. It is decorated with 13 big cupolas symbolizing Jesus Christ and 12 apostles. Really worth seeing in Rovno is thousand-years old Ostrog (stockaded town) with prominent memorials – the Ostrog’s Castle and Academy. A real masterwork of fortification art is the castle containing four main buildings: the living and defensive tower “Bashnja Vozvedennaja”, Bogojavlenskaja Church, the “New tower” and the Bell tower (was built later). From the town fortifications of Ostrog have been reserved Tatarskaja and Lutskaja towers. The last one takes a special place between architectural memorials of Ostrog. The museum of oldprinted books is located here now days. Thanks to the first Ukrainian academy (Ostrozhskaja) Rovno was given the proud name “Ukrainian Athens”. National University “Ostrozhskaja Academy” is one of a few historical monuments which answers its initial purpose until now - education of patriotic and really moral Ukrainian elite.

Twenty monuments and commemorative symbols devoted to the Poltavskaya battle are erected in Poltava and its surrounding area. Poltava has entered on the pages of history as city of Russian arms glory. The museum of the History of the Battle of Poltava helps visitors figuratively and visibly imagine and go through pages of heroic past. GPS 49,63135 34,55239





Hotel-restaurant «Aivengo» invites you to visit our facility. We offer you home comfort and good service. You can spend your time in a cozy room, a dip in the Middle Ages. Celebrate significant dates in the banquet hall. We offer cozy rooms of the hotel, sauna, swimming pool, Russian and American billiards, table tennis, internet, evening programs, a bowling club. HOTEL Service Conference Room



Fitness Center


Park area


Rent a car

The castle was surrounded by a deep ditch filled with water and strong stone walls. The construction of the castle was completed in 1561. The western stone bastion had the principal defensive function. The east tower was used to store gunpowder and weapons.

GPS latitude: 50,5777 longitude: 26,3371

GPS 50,7453 26,0164

CONTACT INFORMATION 35306, Povno region, pos. Kolodenko, Zelenaya, 53

Reserve «Cossack graves»

tel. 00 38 050 662 74 62

fax. 00 38 0362 208 952



Tourist complex “Tourist” is on the main street of the city of Rivne. This is a modern 10-storey building divided by the hotel and restaurant parts. Visitors hour encounter hospitable administrators are always ready to quickly resolve the issue accommodation, advice and help book a room. Modern interior comfortable rooms and comfortable furniture are ideal for work and leisure. One of the rooms equipped for the disabled. The price for the client may include breakfast, lunch and dinner in the hotel cafe. HOTEL Service Restaurant



Conference room

Night Club


Fitness center


Affected by the courage of the last enemy detachment the poles gave life to these heroes but they didn’t accept this gift continuing to defend their territory. The fight with never vanquished opponent detachment of the Cossacks costed to the Poles large losses. The last lived Cossack wounded with14 bullets found a fishing boat shot using musket another three hours although the enemy surrounded him around all sides when the gunpowder finished he took the scythe cutting everybody who tried to come to him. Yan Kazimir II cried in delight that he would give life to a brave soldier but the later preferred heroic death.

GPS 50,36162 25,1913

Field Berestechskoy battle Now the Berestechsky field of the battle is covered by bones of fallen Cossacks and the legends – the legend about drowned mace of Khmelnitsky in the bog which was vainly searched in the hetman’s tent, the legend about the souls of the Cossacks which are not at rest for many hundred years.

GPS 50,3556 25,1959

GPS latitude: 50,61531 longitude: 26,28213 CONTACT INFORMATION 33027, Rivno, Kievskaya, 36


Klevan The Klevan village is located near the border of the Rovno and Volyn regions on the bank of the river Stubla. In historical documents Klevan was first mentioned in 1456 as the property of prince Chartoriysky. But as historians say there was the settlement at the place of Klevan in the XII century and it was called Kolivan. In 1475 prince Fedor Chartoriysky, the Lutsk starosta began building the castle in one of the highest coastal capes over the Stubla river known as the site of ancient town. The castle had three defensive towers: one wooden tower and two stone towers. The thickness of the walls of the towers reached unprecedented dimensions of 3,8 meters.

tel.: 00 38 0362 608222

fax.: 00 38 0362 608080

TUNNEL OF LOVE "Tunnel of Love" is located in the town of Klevan, in the warm season, when the blossom to the full force of the leaves on the trees, green attire growing next to each other trees form a tunnel around the green fairy kilometer stretch of railway.

GPS 50,74857 26,04537



Summy region A town Sumy founded in 1655 was the biggest in Sloboda Ukraine. The town appeared on the map after 100 families with their ataman G.Kondratjev at the head were granted the Tsar’s Permission to settle “at the bank of the Psel River near Sumy river” (today Sumka). Sumy is interesting for visitors thanks to its church architecture of the XVIIXIX centuries. The Resurrection Church (1702), the oldest structure in the town, was used not only for its first religious purpose but as a defensive installation too. The initial form has been not preserved – frequent fires damaged the church totally. This monument is one of the most valuable and uncommon temples which harmoniously combine traditional features of wooden and stone Russian and Ukrainian architecture. The church is although made of stone, its dimensions and composition decision reflect typical features of wooden religious constructions of Sloboda Ukraine.

In the Trinity Cathedral erected in 1901 stands an organ which creates an indescribable atmosphere in the temple. The Local History museum contains the most fascinating and detailed information about history and development of Sumy. There are more then 20000 exhibits reflecting history of Sumy in different ages: confrontation between Kievan Rus and Polovtsy, Ukrainian Cossacks and their fight for independence, The Great Patriotic War. One of the oldest and most interesting museums is considered to be The Picture Gallery of Sumy. Masterpieces of painters of the XVIII-XIX centuries V.Borovikovskiy, S.Vasilskovskiy, M.Nesterov, V.Serov, V.Tropinin are widely presented here. Apart from many masterpieces of painting, graphic, sculpture and fine folk arts you can see rare numismatic collections, faience ware and woodworks here. An excursion to the house-museum of Russian writer A.P.Chekhov (opened in 1960) will acquaint you with life and creative work of the great writer.

Cathedral of the Saviour’s Transfiguration was built at the end of XVIII and possessed features of late baroque and classicism.

Take a pleasant walk along wellgroomed blooming streets of Sumy and you’ll remember it for all your life. You’ll certainly want to visit this place again!


Ноtеl “Pan” is a luxurious three-storied house, which is located in the quiet, ancient street in the center of Sumу. The location of hotel makes possible for guest to feel itself far from the urban fuss, in a quiet park zone in five minutes of walking from the business center. Ноtеl sinks in greenery of summer garden the cascades of waterfall give the bewitching moment of cosines and weakening bliss. HOTEL Service parking

services of translator



banquet room


GPS latitude: 50,90650 longitude: 34,79070 CONTACT INFORMATION 40000, Sumy, Kuznechniy, 1

tel.: 00 38 0542 610367

fax.: 00 38 0542 610370



Hotel “Ukraine” is situated in the centre of the town Sumy, in historical, business and culture centre of the town. Comfortable transportation allows to get without problem from the hotel to different parts of the town (for the railway station, auto station, exhibition centers and other business object) as on the public transport so on the personal transport. There are central offices of the large banks of Ukraine, chef post office, supermarkets, different state departments of the regional scale, museums, night clubs, casino, restaurants, trade centers, theatres, organ hall and other amusements less than 200 meters from the hotel “Ukraine”. HOTEL Service Business center


Booking office



Salon of beauty


Hairdresser’s shop

GPS latitude: 50,90854 longitude: 34,79705 CONTACT INFORMATION 40000, Sumy, Voskresenskaya, 1 tel.: 00 38 0542 222520


fax.: 00 38 0542 685501


Ternopil region

Museum Chekhova The museum was opened on 29th of January 1960 in the former mansion of the Lintvarevs where Chekhov’s family spent the summer months in 1888-1889. Chekhov’s friends – writers Plescheev, Batantsevich, stationer Suvorin came here. The summer of 1889 became darkened by the death of the writer’s brother – Nikolay Pavlovich Chekhov. To the development of Chekhov’s interest to the Ukrainian culture the family of the Lintvarevs greatly promoted. Their ancestors were on friendly terms with philosopher Skovoroda. Chekhov was on friendly terms with the leaders of the Ukrainian intelligentsia, in particular the actress Mary Zankovetskaya. Chekhov called her talent a «tremendous force», highly praised the performance of Haritin («Naymichka» by Karpenko – Kary).

GPS 50,93425 34,82915

Holy Vokresenskaya church The Holy – Voskresenskaya church is the first stone building of the city of Sumy. It was consecrated in 1702. The structure belongs to a particularly valuable type of temples in which traditional techniques and features of wooden and stone architecture of the Ukraine are harmoniously united. The features of the architectural layout of the Resurrection Church as it has two tires. Lower temple was consecrated in the name of Andrew, the heavenly defender of Andrey Kondratiev, the upper – in the name of the Resurrection of Christ. The church was not only holy cloister but the defense construction for its unusually thick walls (thickness reaches one and a half meters) and deep cut window. A large basement church led to the tunnel to the river Psyol.

GPS 50,91171 34,80052

Sv.Troitsy church Filaret Gumilevsky in his work «The historical and statistical description of Kharkov’s diocese» wrote that the temple existed in Sumy in 1735 but the time from which it began its existence was unknown. The church was seen according to the act of 1730. In 1732 there was a school with two teachers and a hospice for burghers.

The tour invites you to Ternopil - ancient and modern, bright, blooming. Like nearly all West town, it has a binding set of: churches across the parishes, the castle, a reference to the synagogue, clean streets and friendly people. The first mention of the city is the royal permission (in 1540) for the construction of the castle. Thus began a life of Ternopol, although to be fair to note that at this point there was a settlement since drevnegalitskih times, and studies show that there were more settlements in the Mesolithic period and Trypillya culture. One way or another, but the history of the ancient city has always been connected with the history of the guard - the castle-fortress. Throughout its history, Ternopil castle often subjected to attacks and destruction. Terrifying the years 1575, 1589, 1672 for the Ukrainian lands are not spared and Ternopil, but the most fatal was 1675, when several weeks of continued siege by Turks under the leadership of Ibrahim Pasha Shishman. Then pissed enemy completely destroyed Ternopil castle, the second life which gave Francis Koritovsky. He lifted the fortification elements of the building and lock into the palace, which now adorns a city. Near the old castle is a sight that has pro-

vided the city among others. This is a great Ternopil lake beckons, attracting many residents and visitors. Few people know that this lake is not only artificial, but still a very long time ... It was established back in 1547 as a defensive safety for the construction of the castle. Walking from the castle along the lake see Old Christ Church Vozdvizheniya honest, more known as the “Church of the pond.” And although the first time in the documents it refers to literacy in the Prince of Ostrog in 1570, it is possible that the church was built on the site even more old, which existed at the time of Daniel Galicki In the same line with the said castle and the church is the Church of the Nativity of Christ, or as it is called in the nation, average. The first mention of the wooden church dates from the year 1556, it became a stone in the 1602-1608 biennium. According to legend, in the Central Church was praying during the War of Bohdan Khmelnytsky. Walking through the cozy streets of ancient cities, acquaintance with the monuments of history and culture of Ternopol leave only pleasant memories and a desire to return here again and again.

GPS 50,91679 34,81563





The building of the hotel is located above the lake, from the windows of the rooms a beautiful view of the beach or to the central part of the city. The hotel has an autonomous water supply and heating, so stay in it is always comfortable. The hotel is comfortable interiors, offers its guests a wide range of additional services. Polite and warning staff of the hotel makes every effort to ensure that the rest of the hotel was most enjoyable for the guests of the city. HOTEL Service Restaurant Conference service

Night Club

Gifts shop



Buchatskiy Town Hall In terms of square two-story building has 12 rooms, on average, is winding stairs, and in the side - the room service. Walls have a two-tier tower. Varying chlenenie interior walls on the facades found pilasters, step, and which varies: in the main of six, on the other five, and four on the side. From architectural considerations, the tower is made wider than its carrying an array of medium-sized room with a spiral staircase inside. Its walls of stone based on the console. The entire height of 38 m. The building was originally the town hall tower was surmounted by a spire height of 18 meters, but after the fire of 1811, he was not reinstated. The facades are decorated Corinthian and the large number of sculptures (originally there were 30, 9 survived). Caryatid supports five balconies on the west facade. City Hall - the most elegant piece Meretina. It strikes easily and fast take-off, a reinforced vertical lines numerous pilasters, windows and frames platbands niches. The main facade is highlighted huge, complex shapes with a pediment rokaylevym asymmetrical cartouche in the center.

GPS 49,06289 25,39359


Castle Terebovlya The ruins of the castle is located in north-western part of Terebovlya, on the mountain, which was almost impregnable on three sides. North - the most vulnerable, protect rvy and shafts, which are the building before the princely era. The length of the castle from north to south and 122m from east to west - 65. In terms of locking improperly elongated, narrowed to the south forms. At present, the height of the walls of the castle is 12-14m, width of 5 meters, bent at an angle of 100 degrees, the complete four-eastern corner tower and Western Hexagonal. The third tower elliptical in shape, is located in the south, brings together two defensive wall. The height of 13 m, wall width varies from 3.5 to 5m. North and west tower survived two storeys in height, the eastern three. The entrance to the castle is situated in the eastern defensive wall, its thickness small compared to the other - only 2,5 m. Yield was made in the Renaissance, near the entrance of the arch - gate.

latitude: 49,55183 longitude: 25,57152 CONTACT INFORMATION 46000, Ternopil, Chumatskaya, 1a tel.: 00 38 0352 533595

fax.: 00 38 0352 433790


Family & sport hotel

For your convenience and maximum comfort on the basis there are several houses with well-equipped rooms. We offer a restaurant, bar, cafe, sauna, children’s and dance halls, which are located in the base. We offer sightseeing tours of the Ternopil region, horseback trips in the area of base alloys for the catamarans on the Dniester. “Above Strypoy” rasschitanna for simultaneous reception of several dozen tourists, who can comfortably be held in our rooms. HOTEL Service Restaurant & bar


Dance floor






GPS 49,29678 25,6742

Zbarazhsky Castle Zbarazh was a center of military and judicial administration. The castle, which arose at the site of a wooden fort was a stronghold for centuries, protecting the population from the Tatar invasions that began in the 13th century. 1474 - became the center of the castle became a heroic defense against the hordes of Tatar Khan Aydora, ran the defense of Prince Vasili Zbarazh. He failed to keep the castle and it was destroyed. Later the fort rebuilt.

GPS 49,6619 25,7841

GPS latitude: 48,9132 longitude: 25,4067 CONTACT INFORMATION 46000, Ternopil region, Buchach, pos. Skomorohi tel.: 00 38 03544 33092


fax.: 00 38 0352 52 0776


Museum of Nature Reserve "Medobory" is one of the rooms in the administration building of the reserve in the village Grimaylov. Nature reserve "Medobory" is located in the low-mountain range Podilsky Tovtry (Tovtry), which is a remnant of the barrier reef, formed 15-20 million years ago along the shore of the warm Galician (Sarmatian) of the sea. The chain of hills rises 50-60 m above the valley of the River. Zbruch - up to 100 m highest point of the reserve - Bohit Mountain (414 m).

GPS 49,3468 26,106


Zakarpatye region Take a trip to the least populated western oblast of Ukraine and find yourself in the Middle Ages, visit catholic churches and admire the nature of this amazing land – Zakarpatje. One of many tales about origin of the name Uzhgorod says that it means “Town by the Uzh River” (Uzh means ringed snake). It was first mentioned in the written memorials of 872. During its long history Uzhgorod was renamed many times: Ongvar, Khungvar and Ungujvar – and was a part of different states: Czechoslovakia, Hungary, USSR… Being a part of Czechoslovakia Uzhgorod developed into an architecturally modern city. Uzhgorod is famous thanks to its ancient temples and medieval castles. The most exacting tourists can’t be indifferent to the Fortress-Rotunda of Saint Anna, which is unique in Ukraine because of its architectural characteristics. There are two similar rotundas in the world. They both are located in Hungary. It is an interesting fact, that the walls of a small round church are decorated by wall paintings of the XI century created by

painters of the Italian Jotto Art School. A special atmosphere of mystery of ages reigns in the Serednjanskiy castle which is situated in Uzgorod district near the village Serednee. The history of the castle comes back to the XII century when it was built by monks of the Order of the Temple. Their purpose was the forced propagation of Catholicism between the local inhabitants. After the collapse of the Orden of the Temple in 1312 the Serednjanskiy Castle was occupied by monks of the Orden of Saint Pavel having the same aim. But Catholicism has not strengthened in the Carpathians and in the XVI century after the monks were banished the grandees of the world took possession of the castle. There is a lot of unique beautiful memorial parks in Uzgorod. Many of them were set up in the Middle Ages by feudal lords Ploteni, Drugets and other who took exotic plants from different parts of the world. One of such blooming places where you can find peace of mind and feel happy is Podzamkovy park. The oldest tree of Uzgorod - London plane (Platanus acerifolia) grows here. It is more then 500 years old. Picturesque landscapes of Bukovina and medieval architecture of ancient Uzgorof possess the aura of romance and mystery.



Hotel «Intourist» is located in the central part of the city of Mukachevo, in the Transcarpathian region. Surrounded by majestic trees cozy park, near the river Latorica hotel «Intourist» - a real haven of tranquility, combining comfort with refined style and the European level of service. HOTEL Service Restaurant


Conference room

Park zone



GPS latitude: 48.449225 longitude: 22.735915 CONTACT INFORMATION 89600, Zakarpatie, Mukachevo, Duhnovicha, 93

tel.: 00 38 03131 37905

fax.: 00 38 03131 31509



Private hotel “Edward” is waiting for you in the heart of Europe - in Transcarpathia, in the city of Uzhgorod. Built in 1998, European-style, small, comfortable, with elegant interiors and exteriors, it embodies your dream vacation to the good, successful business meeting. Restaurant and bar the hotel works round the clock. Excellent cuisine and professional cooks - are ready to satisfy all your gastronomic passions. Professional and selected by the waiters contest will help create a comfortable environment and does not make you wait. HOTEL Service Restaurant

Conference room

Swimming pool


GPS latitude: 48,62868 longitude: 22,30592 CONTACT INFORMATION 88000, Uzhgorod, Bachinskogo, 22


tel.: 00 38 0312 613355

fax.: 00 38 0312 616261




We are glad to present to your attention the hotel-rancho “Zolotaya Gora” which is situated on the height of the mountain among a picturesque forest near economic, cultural and social center of Transcarpathia - the town of Uzhhorod. Connoisseurs of comfortable rest, nature, flora and fauna will receive a true enjoyment staying at this hotel. The territory of this complex is 3 hectare improving surroundings which is among the best nature of our land.

Nevitsky castle The castle on the hill above the river valley Already built in the XIII century., Probably on the site of an earlier wooden building. First mentioned in 1274 as the Royal Castle counties Ung. Controlled the trade route to Uzhoksky Pass. Prior to 1321 was a stronghold of the Carpathian lords, rebels against the new King Charles I Robert. Later Nevitsky lock on three centuries passed into the possession of graphs Drugets who rebuilt the castle on the Italian model. Legend tells of one of the proprietress of a kind Drugets, known for extreme cruelty “Poga-divcha” (angry virgin), which is to punish the excesses of the Hungarian king had personally Matyas.

HOTEL Service Conference room

GPS 48,62204 22,29868 Sauna




Uzhgorod Castle

latitude: 48,5716 longitude: 22,3565 CONTACT INFORMATION 89425, Zakarpatie, Uzhgorodskiy region, pos. Barvinok

tel.: 00 38 0312 728580

fax.: 00 38 0312 728644



In the beautiful restaurant, among malahitovyh Smereka Mahura located at the foot health spa Izky designed for family recreation, health and entertainment for every taste! Color and comfort you give our hotel complex, built of wooden log house, where almost vlovymyy flavor hvoyi abide best memories of childhood. We also offer a unique program Carpathian healing herbs and our bath did not leave indifferent the most connoisseurs, because it was built on the dam for the old technology, and master bath will stay in case it is not only pleasant but also useful. HOTEL Service Restaurant

Café & Bar




Rope hoist

Chair lift

Equipment rental

GPS latitude: 48,6517 longitude: 23,3680 CONTACT INFORMATION Zakarpatie, Mizhgirskiy region, pos. Izki

tel.: 00 38 067 344 88 20

tel.: 00 38 097 88 33 333


Uzhgorod Castle - fortifications in Uzhhorod, now used as a museum. The first mention about the castle belong to the IX century, when there was a settlement of white Croats. Annalist «Gösta gungarorum» specifies that Uzhgorod castle and the whole area around belonged to Prince Labortsu. Chronicler Nestor writes 898 years: «Ugrians come from the east through the mountains and ustremyashesya velikyya, иже prozvashasya mountains Ugorskyya and pochasha voevati for a living». At the end of X - at the beginning of XI century in Uzhgorod built stone castle as an administrative center of Committee of Ung. And in 1086 during raids Polovtsian horde khan Kuteska Uzhgorod Castle nomads were unable to take. In 1312, after the Italian brothers Drugety helped Charles Robert, a new dynasty of Anjou, to suppress the rebellion nadzhupana Peter Petén, Carl Robert gave his brothers Uzhgorod castle and lands. In Uzhgorod Castle Italian engineers on the project was the reconstruction - have been built new walls, erected in the corners of diamond-shaped bastions, the height of which reaches 10-15 m. In terms of it was wrong quadrangles - this is due to relief of the Castle Mountains. With three sides surrounded by the castle moat depth of 8-10 meters, which was spread through the lifting bridge. The thickness of the external wall 2,5-3.

GPS 48,62213 22,3062

WINE CELLARS Wine Cellars in the Srednee - the oldest and largest wine center in Transcarpathia. Cellars were laid in 1557 while owning lock Serednyanskim magnates Stephen Francis and Dominic Ruskoi of Dobo, as evidenced by a stone plaque at the old entrance to the cave. The construction of cellars were built by prisoners of the Turks. Their total length was 4.5 km. Originally basements playing the role of an underground shelter during an attack enemies, but gradually turned into a wine storage. Tunnels carved into the tufa - a porous rock of volcanic origin. Inside the constant temperature 12 degrees, which is the ideal conditions for aging wine.

GPS 48,54043 22,50651


Kharkiv region Welcome to Kharkov – one of the most important scientific and industrial centers of Eastern Ukraine. The city does not belong to the world famous tourist attractions, but there is a lot to see here too. No one Ukrainian city excepting only Kiev possesses so many historical, cultural and art landmarks. Kharkov’s museums display hundreds of thousands historical documental materials. Some of the documents are unique, of national importance.

oldest building which has preserved in the city. It is a typical Ukrainian threecupola church. There are some elements of Russian architecture in the external decoration of the building – that is an evidence of connection between Russian and Ukrainian cultures. The building was heavily damaged during the World War II. At the beginning of the 90-th the restoration of the cathedral began. At present it is a functioning orthodox church, a property of Kharkov’s church eparchy.

Historical heritage of Kharkov includes many monuments of different epochs. The city is especially rich in architectural monuments of the XIX-XX centuries. Some structures of the earlier period have preserved though. One of them is the Assumption Cathedral (1771-1777) built in the Russian Baroque style. It is the highest building in Kharkov (89,5 meters). Chiming clock rings melodious on the bell tower every hour. There is an organ in the hall. Concerts of the famous artists on tour and Kharkov’s performers of organ and chamber music take place here.

Kharkov’s Freedom Square is the main square of the city, the largest square in Ukraine and one of the largest in Europe. Festivals, concerts, fairs, demonstrations, meetings and other common events take place here.

The Protection Cathedral (1689) is the



The period from 1917 to 1933 when Kharkov was the capital of Ukraine left an important imprint on the view and mentality of the city. Students of local lore know and can tell lots of amazing stories about it. Kharkov is a city of glorious traditions, city of extraordinary destiny, proud of its historical past.

Cosmopolit is the first art hotel in Ukraine which is situated in a picturesque park zone in Kharkiv. Kharkiv is a dynamic “wind city” in the past - first capital of Ukraine, at present it is a scientific and student centre of the country. Kharkiv is a cozy green city with interesting architecture bright central streets, the largest square in Europe, green parks and unusual fountains. “Brilliant stream” is one of the fountains and it is a romantic symbol of the city. According to the legend a couple that sees its reflection in fountain is to be happy. HOTEL Service Business center



Conference service

Beaty salon

Booking office


Travel service

GPS latitude: 50,04460 longitude: 36,2783 CONTACT INFORMATION 61070, Kharkiv, Proskuri str. 1 tel.: 00 38 057 754 68 86

fax.: 00 38 057 754 68 86



Hotel «Kharkov» is a modern hotel complex, having all necessary for providing of maximal comfort and cosiness. Hotel’s building is one of the visiting-cards of the city. Hotel «Kharkov» is located in its heart – on Svobody square, - it gives to our guests the list of additional advantages. Everything here is made for you: comfortable rooms, spacious conference-hall with a full complement of multimedia equipment, restaurant, beauty salon, and also a list of additional services. For years of existence our hotel has gained colossal experience in the field of hospitality. Developing and improving, we have created the best conditions for you to fully relax and, if necessary, to work. We will do everything possible to give our guests the maximum pleasure of staying at the hotel. HOTEL Service Restaurant



Conference service

Beaty salon

Equipment rental

latitude: 50,00522 longitude: 36,23291 61022, Kharkov, Svobody, 7


t. +38 057 7580 00 08

f. +38 057 705 19 63


Kherson region

Freedom Square Freedom Square - is the main city square, the largest in Ukraine. It regularly hosts various public events - folk festivals, fairs, concerts, demonstrations, rallies. The central object of the circular area is a unique historical and architectural monument - Gosprom, home state industry. Built in 20 he was. 20. He became the first high-rise buildings throughout the country, its total area is 11 thousand square meters. m and the length of the facade - 300 m. area of freedom. The right of the building is located Gosproma Kharkiv National University. VN Karazin - one of the largest and oldest (founded in 1805) universities. And next to it was opened in 1906 the monument to the founder - VN Karazin. Ensemble Square vomsietazhnaya complete hotel «Kharkiv» and the building of the Regional Council of People’s Deputies, which was built in 1954 on the site was destroyed during the war.

GPS 50.00567 36.22908

Mirror Stream

A truly memorable recollection of Kharkiv is its calling card - Fountain «Mirror Stream». Listed in the Encyclopedia of UNESCO and one of the «Seven sights of Kharkov», a fountain is a symbol of love for many. And this is not casual, There is a legend that the fountain was a gift to his beloved young Soviet bureaucrat as a memory of a joint vacation. Although the official version, in honor of the victory in the war Otchechestvennoy, designed by architect Korzh in 1947 opened the fountain-gazebo. GPS 49.998666 36.234375

Holy Annunciation Cathedral The Annunciation Cathedral is one of the oldest temples of the city of Kharkov. The original story of its origin and arranging is intertwined with the history of foundation of our city. On the founding of the first wooden church in the name of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary still little reliable information, and kept the difference between a casual nature and provide little historical material. [The main sources for this period may serve as the Church of the Annunciation “Kuryazhskie record” (from 1701 - 1720 gg.) “Register” (starting with 1727) and “Inventory church, dating from 1775] The emergence of the first related to the Church of the Annunciation the founding of Kharkiv.

On the high right bank of Dnepr river, under hot southern sun, open to the winds of boundless Tavria and piny smells of the ancient Gileja is located Kherson which is also called “the city on seven winds”, the capital of Lower Dnepr, Southern Palmyra. The city was founded in 1778 by Knyaz Potemkin at the place of Alexandr Shanz Fortification destroyed by Turks. The name Kherson is a contraction of an ancient Greek colony Chersonesos of Taurica. Streets, lanes and yards of old Kherson represent the history of architecture. Different architectural styles create unique “stone music” turning our imagination to the ancient times. Kherson region is rich in memorials of culture and architecture. There are old buildings, museums, landmarks, for example the remains of the Kherson Fortress of XVIII with the arsenal, the Greek Church of Saint Sophia, the Church of Saint Nicholas, the Cathedral of the Holy Spirit with a bell tower. A special place in the history of the city takes its founder Knyaz Potemkin. That is why a highlight of the excursion program is a visit to the Ca-

thedral of Saint Ekaterina, the burial place of Knyaz and reconstructed memorial to Potemkin which is considered to be one of the best memorials of modern Kherson. Really worth seeing in Kherson is a pearl of Kherson steppes – a biosphere reserve “Askanija Nova” named after F.Falz-Fein – the oldest and the most famous reserve of Ukraine. “Askanija Nova” is a unique land where there is the only one in Europe part of steppe which was never ploughed. It is the most valuable museum in an open air where ancient burial mounds, Scythian stone images made by ancient craftsmen have been preserved. The preserve contains a virgin steppe and leas, a dendrology park and a zoo with a unique collection of animals. In 2002 it was announced as National Property of Ukraine. A trip to Kherson oblast and the preserve “Askanija Nova” will live in you memory for ages like singing of larks, whisper of feather-grass and heady air of steppe.

It is difficult to name an exact date for the temple grounds, but we can say with certainty that it was built no later than 1655, in conjunction with churches Nikolayev, Christmas, Voznesenskaya. This date is called the majority of historians and researchers (eg Bagaley, Miller, Archbishop. Filaret (Gumilevsky), Fr. Filevskaya Ivan). The church is located in the settlement, which later became Zalopanyu, or so-called zalopanskoy part of the city. Then it was a village of a few streets with wattle and daub cottages, the low marshy ground, surrounded by numerous Levada (low-lying flood meadows).

GPS 49.99041 36.23287



yacht club


Yacht Club Maxim marine was launched in 2002. It is relatively young but swiftly developing Club of like-minded people in the sphere of water sports. We can proudly say that we have achieved a lot by now. Maxim marine provides unique highquality services taking the lead over other similar organizations within Ukraine. The unchallengeable advantage of Maxim marine is its favorable location at the crossing of the main waterways in the South and the 70 km distance to Black Sea. HOTEL Service Restaurant & bar



Conference service


Swimming pool



Askania Nova Biosphere Reserve Askania Nova - a unique corner of nature: there is only one in Europe of the steppes, who had never dealt with a plow. Reserve Askania Nova assigned to the «100 greatest reserves and parks» world book of the same name, published in the Moscow publishing house «Chamber» in 2002 (author-originator NA Yudina). The open air museum: the single preserved ancient burial mounds, stone Scythian women, created by ancient sculptor. The reserve covers an area of 11 hectares.; Adjacent to the park with artificial ponds and canals, with its many animals and birds. In Askaniyskoy steppes of more than 400 species of herbs and flowers, is dominated by grasses. At the end of April zatsvetayut tulips, irises and then, astragaly, hyacinth, ranunculus. In May - carnations, daisies. During the summer the steppe, wrapped in silvery haze feather grass, overflows in waves from the slightest breath of wind. A standard gopher grows curtain sage-sizoy wormwood. Askaniysky Park area of about 200 hectares. Significantly different from the wild steppe zone.

GPS 46,4513 33,8717


Ekaterininsky Cathedral

latitude: 46,7674 longitude: 33,3706

An outstanding monument of history and architecture of the XVIII century - Ekaterininsky Cathedral - was built in the style of early classicism, using motifs of Balkan medieval architecture. Cathedral founded by Ivan Hannibal Ochakivskoi by the west gate of the fortress of Kherson August 30, 1781 But after changing the project began construction in 1782, the architect of Moscow, Ivan M. Sitnikov. The church is the tomb of the founder of Kherson Prince Grigory Alexandrovich Potemkin-Taurida from its walls - a necropolis of Heroes Russian-Turkish war of 1787-1791 biennium. In the cathedral in 1787 at the solemn liturgy attended the Empress Catherine II. In the 1792-1794 biennium. The church regularly attended Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov.

CONTACT INFORMATION 74900, Kherson region, Novaya Kahovka, Dneprovskiy, 44-a

tel.: 00 38 05549 71525

fax.: 00 38 05549 71094



Hotel «Muscat» cozily situated on the central street of the city Kherson in close proximity to the market. Hotel complex is a rich interior, the high level of service. Hotel Orchid “is ready to offer you a number of varying degrees of comfort, which meet all current international standards. Hotel is certified for category 3 stars. HOTEL Service Conference service

Fitness center


Business center

Gifts shop


Booking office

Park area

Oleshkivski Sands The massive sculpture in honor of the widely applied in the Civil War, the mobile fire points - carts, celebrated in the Soviet literature and art. First used in military operations mounted on a horsedrawn buggy machine gun “Maxim” became an anarchist army units N. Makhno, but became famous tachanka serving in the Red Army.

GPS 46,5355 32,9422

GPS latitude: 46,63739 longitude: 32,61274 CONTACT INFORMATION 75500, Kherson region, Genichesk, Mira, 93


GPS 46,63887 32,62564

tel.: 00 38 0552 424731

fax.: 00 38 0552 424732

Legendary tachanka The massive sculpture in honor of the widely applied in the Civil War, the mobile fire points - carts, celebrated in the Soviet literature and art. First used in military operations mounted on a horse-drawn buggy machine gun “Maxim” became an anarchist army units N. Makhno, but became famous tachanka serving in the Red Army.

GPS 46,7973 33,5182


Khmelnitskiy region During more then 1100 years one of the oldest Slavic cities PereyaslavKhmelnitskiy lies on the left bank of Dniepr river. Many prominent for Ukraine historical events are connected with this city. The population of Pereyaslav region participated actively in revolts of peasants and Cossacks against the Polish gentry and in the Liberation War with Bogdan Khmelnitskiy at the head against the pressure of landlords in 1648-1654. The famous Pereyaslav Rada took place here in 1654 and became the turning point in development of Ukraine. Make a tour of this wonderful Museum City which counts up to 400 cultural and historical monuments. Between them are unique monuments regarded as national patrimony: the Ascension Cathedral (1696-1700) built at the expenses of Hetman Mazepa, the bell tower of the Ascension monastery (1776), the Collegium of Pereyaslav (1753), St. Michael’s church (1666).

The ancient princely town of Pereyaslav is inseparably connected with the National historical and ethnographical reserve including more then 20 museums. Between them are the Museum of kobzaplaying art, the Museum of Ukrainian national clothing, the Museum of beekeeping history, the Museum of national customs and rites history, the first in the world Museum of the bread. Worth seeing is the Museum of national architecture and everyday life of the Trans-Dniepr Region. It was opened in 1964 in a small house located in the suburb of the city. Now it represents a real Ukrainian village of the XVII-XIX centuries with churches, houses and mills. Different implements, dishes, home stuff and many other unique exhibits are displayed here. The Museum of Ukrainian rushnyk (national embroidered towel) displays more then 300 exhibits from different places of Ukraine. Visit it and may be a boundless world of Ukrainian soul will open up to you.



The hotel is located in the heart of the city of Khmelnitsky in 8 and 6 floors of shopping-hotel-entertainment complex «LYBID Plaza». From the windows guests beautiful panoramic view of the central part of the city. The building complex is equipped with a purge ventilation, fire safety, video, as well as its own boiler house, providing an uninterrupted water supply and heating. The founders of the hotel arranged a high level of service and security. HOTEL Service Conference service



Gifts shop



Room service


GPS latitude: 49,42874 longitude: 26,98014 CONTACT INFORMATION 29000,Khmelnitsky, Kamyanetskaya, 21

tel.: 00 38 063 5600101

fax.: 00 38 0382 787600



Hotel “Eneida” distinguished hospitality, comfort, refined comfort and respect for each guest. At your service single and double rooms, junior suites and suites. Rooms are equipped with TV, telephone with intercity and international communication. The hotel is located parking for cars. Konfedentsiynist, safety, excellent service - all this and more can offer you hotel “Aeneid,” which is the ornament of Khmelnytsky. Visit us and you will become our regular customer. HOTEL Service Restaurant



Conference service


Travel service

Beauty salon

Kids Club

GPS latitude: 49,42125 longitude: 26,98053 CONTACT INFORMATION 32300, Khmelnitsky region, Kamyanets-Podilskiy, Sobornaya, 4


tel.: 00 38 050 981 77 46

fax.: 00 38 062 294 88 55


THE OLD FORTESS Kamenets–Podolsky is one of the ancient cities of Podolskaya land with rich history. For many centuries it was an important fortress between different cultures and world outlook. Kamenets – Podolsky is primarily known as a city – fortress, the medieval part of which is located on a picturesque rocky island which was formed over millions of years by the Smotrich river. It organically combines features of the natural peculiarities of the territory and man – built constructions. The first written mention of the city belonged to 1228. The defense ensemble consists of a castle and city fortifications. GPS 48,67266 26,56754

MEDZHIBOZH The majestic castle on the confluence of the River. Buzhok in the Southern Bug, where in XI-XIII centuries. Mezhibozh stood an ancient Russian town, began to build in 1362 the princes Koriatovichi (Koryatovichi), received the land from the Grand Duke of Lithuania Olgerd. Medzhibozhsky castle became an outpost on the eastern border of Grand Duchy of Lithuania, then Poland. In the XV-XVI centuries. successfully repelled the attack of the Tatars. In 1540 the castle passed into the possession of noble family Senyavskaya Russian governor who rebuilt it and strengthened the corner towers. GPS 49,43656 27,41261

PODILSKI TOVTRY National Park “Podilsky Tovtry” from the administrative center of Kamenetz-Podolsk was established in 1996 to preserve the unique natural landscapes of Podolia. Tovtry - a local name for a mountainous ridge dugopodobnoy, whose height is within the boundaries of the park reaches 401 m above sea level. Represents the remains of Miocene barrier reef seas. Microclimate Kamyanets Region formed Tovtrovy ridge and canyons of the Dniester and its tributaries, on the special conditions were formed for the preservation of rare and relict plants, including most of the drug. In the park there are many caves, the most famous of which - Atlantis (p. landslide).

Cherkassy region Welcome to a picturesque city Cherkasy with rich history full of dramatic and heroic events. A permanent settlement Cherkasy was known since the end of XIII century. The first colonies of Cossacks on the land of Cherkasy appeared in the XV century. The town was a powerful stronghold against the Polish gentry, raids of the Turks and Crimean Tatars. The Cossacks of Cherkassy became especially famous in the period when Ostap Dashkevitsh was the starosta (head) of both Kaniv and Cherkasy and strengthened the role of the town as the centre of Ukrainian Cossacks. A special place in the history of Cherkassy takes the Cherkassy regiment founded in 1625 as one of the regiments of registered Cossacks. During the Defensive War of Ukrainian folk he took part in all important battles of Cossacks’ forces of the Hetman (leader) Bogdan Khmelnitskiy. Cherkassy became the capital of Cherkassy oblast (province) of Ukraine in 1954. During the sightseeing tour you will have a possibility to see historical and architectural memorials of the city: houses of the prosperous bourgeois Maiborody and Shtsherbiny, the building of the former hotel “Slavjanskiy”, male and female gymnasiums. Holy places for inhabitants and guests of the city are the memorial complex “The heel of glory” (“Kholm pamjati”) with the monument

“Motherland” (“Rodina-mat’”), statues of T.Shevchenko and B.Khmelnitskiy. You can visit a real Buddhist temple, the unique in Europe “Slavjanskiy Shaolin” existing more then 15 years. One of a few ancient houses has been preserved in the historical centre of Cherkassy. This building constructed in 1852 was famous as the House of Tsybulinski. Now it is a unique establishment – the Museum of One Book “Kobzar” of T.G.Shevchenko. The museum represents the history of publication of Shevchenko’s works, sources of his creation, the most interesting issues and the evolution of illustrations of Shevchenko’s poetry as well as translations of “Kobzar” into different languages of world folks. But not only historical landmarks make Cherkassy so attractive. Inhabitants of the modern city can not imagine their city without the Memorial to a Plumber and the Memorial to a Varenik (a dish of Ukrainian cuisine: a kind of stuffed dumplings). The last memorial represents Cossack Mamay eating vareniki. Behind his back is a huge varenik in crescent form. A sightseeing tour of Cherkassy usually ends near the music fountain, water in which moves in time with music. There is a good tradition to trough a coin into the fountain to come back to this city.

There is a large supply of mineral water. One of the most interesting tourist routes runs from p. Verbka through Verbetsky Tovtry Karmalyukovoy to grief. GPS 48,5484 26,486





Sport-hotel «SELENIUM» was created for those who appreciate the cultural recreation and sports entertainment and the beauty of wildlife. Comfortable hotel bungalows and naturally and easily fit into the natural landscape and pine forest. Here you can perfectly have a rest, fill power, play tennis and volleyball. There many opportunities for active and fun entertainment for kids. An excellent restaurant trump card Hinkali happy you are not only stylish interior, but the beauty of Georgian cuisine. The complex is located in the beautiful and untouched corner of Cherkassy region, directly on the bank of the Dnieper.

Castle Hill Remains of fortifications on Castle Cossack times (Bogdanova) mountain in the center of town. A small stone fort Chigirinskaya (200x150 m) was surrounded by walls with towers and bastions. Later, the fortress is almost completely dismantled for building materials, arranged on a mountain quarry. Now here is a park, which are reconstructed bastion of Doroshenko (XVI-XVII cc.), A monument to “Kobzar” and the other at the foot of the sculpture. At the top is set B.Khmelnitsky majestic monument, and a stone cross in honor of the heroes of the battles with the Polish and Turkish invaders.

HOTEL Service

GPS 49,07808 32,6563

Conference service

Restaurant & Bar


Fitness service


Room service




GPS latitude: 49,50467 longitude: 31,9627 CONTACT INFORMATION 18000, Cherkassy region, pos. Svidivok, Duhnovicha, 21

tel.: 00 38 0472 361852

fax.: 00 38 0472 362028


Falls Vir - six-foot roll on the river. Tikich Mountain, from which begins stunningly beautiful Buksky canyon with high rocky cliffs. The river cut through a channel in granite deposits whose age is about 2 billion years. Canyon, a narrow (in places 20-40 m) and deep (20 m), sinuous and long (about 1 km). Stone excrescences coast, between which the river runs through the rapids, you can admire in the heart of the village Beeches, with a bridge over Mountain Tikich. Just downstream of the site is suitable for picnics (on warm weekends there is a lot of people).

GPS 49,0854 30,4036


Hotel Ukraine is one of the best hotels in Cherkassy and exists since 2001. If you visit our hotel you get into friendly atmosphere and can feel as at home! Convenient position of the hotel will make your stay even more pleasant because of piney woods around it! Ukraine Hotel offers 44 comfortable hotel rooms & suites with all facilities. Every hotel room has an air-conditioner, a mini-bar, a TV-set, a telephone, a bathroom. For special guests there are presidential suites. HOTEL Service Conference service


Bowling Club

Restaurant & Cafe


Room service

Finnish sauna


GPS latitude: 49,45598 longitude: 32,02510 CONTACT INFORMATION 18000, Cherkassy, Sosnovka district, Lesnaya, 1

Sofiyivka National Park dendrological «Sofiyivka» - Park, Research Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, located in the northern city of Uman, Cherkasy region of Ukraine, on the banks of the Kamenka river. Nowadays it is a place of rest. Every year, it visited about 500 thousand people. Area - 179.2 ha. Park «Sofiyivka» was founded in 1796 by the operator of the city of Uman, a Polish magnate Stanislav Potocki, named in honor of his wife Sophia Witt-Pototskaya and presented it to the day name in May 1802. The author of topographical and architectural design and construction of the head of the park was designated Polish military engineer Ludwig Mettsel, and all work performed in the park directly serfs Uman. The park was created in an almost treeless area of shared river Kamenkov, beams and canyons, which crashed into the granite, often comes to the surface. When you create a terrain park skilfully used, but without a regularly scheduled plan. In the process of completing work on individual plots were planted with local and exotic trees and shrubs, then built the first architecture and set up decorations in the form of sculptures, mostly antique.

GPS 48,7602 30,2333

tel.: 00 38 0472 321051 52



Chernigov region A walk through the old city Chernigov and acquaintance with a lot of temples, museums, legends is a real journey back in time to the epoch of Kievan Rus. The city was first mentioned in the written documents in 907, but according to the archeological digs Chernigov was founded earlier. A famous landmark of the city is the St. Catherine Church. You can see this magnificent temple before you have crossed the city boundary – the church is located on a high cape. The history of the heroic temple comes back to 1715 when it was erected in honor of Chernigov polkovnyk (colonel) Jacob Lyzohub as a memorial to his regiment’s exploits during the storm of Turkish Fortress Azov in 1696. During some last years the both Kiev and Moscow Patriarchies struggled against this temple. A tent city was established to blockade the St. Catherine Church and stood during 2 years. As a result the church belongs now to Kiev Patriarchy.

Worth seeing is the Saviour Cathedral, constructed in 1036 in times of government of Knyaz Mstislav Vladimirivich the Bold. The temple is unique between the memorials of Byzantine architecture. In XVIII the construction was hardly damaged, and now two of its domes are spinescent. This form is corresponding more with catholic then with orthodox traditions. Previous the domes were used as a sundial according to which priests could know time of divine service accurate within 5 minutes. According to a legend on days of orthodox holiday Assumption of the Virgin Mary a ghost of Motrja Kochubey, a young mistress and a god-daughter of the aged Hetman Mazepa appears in the centre of Chernigov. The house where Mazepa hid Motrja was built at the end of XVII. Near this building called “Mazepa’s house” people see the ghost of the girl who was damned by her mother for shameful relations.



Hotel KVELTA European level is located in downtown Nizhyn. Clients appreciate us for the cosiness and comfort. You can expect a high level of service. All rooms are equipped with air conditioning, telephone, mini-bar, also have a separate shower and a system of individual climate control, all necessary for making tea or coffee. Pride Hotel KVELTA - the same restaurant, where you will meet qualified perstonal hours. Wide range of delicious dishes. HOTEL Service Restaurant & Bar


Travel service

Banquet hall


Gifts shop



GPS latitude: 51,51092 longitude: 31,34442 CONTACT INFORMATION 16600, Chernigiv region, Nigyn, Shevchenka, 2 tel.: 00 38 04631 22517



Our hotel was opened in 1961. Its convenient location in the very centre of both ancient and always young Chernihiv gives an opportunity to get to any part of our city quickly and without any obstacles. There is Central Post-Office, banks, shops, automatic teller machines (ATM). The theatre, cafes, a chemist’s, the Central Market etc. In the lobby on the first floor there is a reception counter where you will be welcomed by our receptionist on duty who will give you all necessary information. HOTEL Service Restaurant

Business center

Salon of beauty

Gifts shop



GPS latitude: 51,49465 longitude: 31,29494 CONTACT INFORMATION 14000, Chernigiv, Mira, 33 tel.: 38 0462 698344


fax.: 00 38 0462 646411


Chernivtsy region

The palace in Kachanovka The palace and park in the Tarnowski Kachanivka - perfectly preserved country estate, a unique example of the construction of the estate left-bank Ukraine. Create a palace and park complex began in 1770 the governor-general of Little Russia Rumiantsev Transdanubia, who bought the estate in court singer F. Kachenovsky. The original mansion was built by architect. K. Blanc-style pseudo, but 1808-24 years. the new owner of the landowner G. Kidney rebuilt it in the classical style, and the next owners of the genus Tarnowski greatly expanded it, and gathered in her large collection of works of art and antiquities Ukrainian. The palace, two outhouses and a water tower form the front yard. The lower level has a landscaped garden with ponds and park sculptures. St. George’s Church in the Empire style was built in 1780 in possession of the Tarnowski manor was the cultural center. Here, at various times visited Bryullov K., Shevchenko, Gogol, Mikhail Glinka (gazebo Glinka was musical salon), etc. The last owners of the manor were sugar-Kharitonenko P. and his daughter Helen, who married Olive M. Baron .

GPS 50,83616 32,6573

Catherine’s Church

One of the oldest Christian churches in Ukraine, a unique example of ancient architecture. Built by Prince Mstislav the Brave, became his tomb. Here is buried Igor Svyatoslavovych, the hero of “Lay.” The interior of the fragments of ancient frescoes, a magnificent iconostasis of XVIII century.

GPS 51,48923 31,30420

TRINITY CATHEDRAL Trinity Cathedral in Chernigov is a complex of Trinity-Elias Monastery, based on Boldin in the mountains of the XI century. Anthony of the Caves. After the Mongol-Tatar invasion, the monastery was revived in 1649 at the initiative of Colonel S. Podobaylo. Ensemble of the Trinity Cathedral with the bell tower, church and Vvedensky Refectory was built in 1679-1695 years. the means of Hetman Mazepa I.. The magnificent architecture in the Ukrainian Baroque style - a work of a talented architect of Vilnius Johann Baptist Sauer (I. Baptista). Since 1790, Trinity Monastery is the seat of Ilyinsky Archbishop of Chernigov - here is the so-called “Bishops’ House.” The monastery itself has no effect, but the cathedral is open to parishioners.

Chernivtsy is located in the centre of Europe on the banks of Prut River in the footheels of Carpathians. The city fascinates its guests with a lot of architectural memorials of European level and with amazing history in the course of which the city became a part of different states and empires many times. According to the archeological digs the populous fortress-city “Chern” appeared in XII century at the southern boarder of Galician state. Since 1359 Chernovtsy is a part of Moldavian state. The first written records about Chernovtsy date bake to the 8th October 1408. This date is considered to be the official Foundation Day of the city. A lot of architectural monuments were built from the middle of XIX to the beginning of XX: the City Hall (Ratusha) (1848), the Post Office (1855), the Armenian church (1875), the Jewish synagogue (1877), the Drama theatre (1905), the Palace of Justice (1906), the building of Railroad Station (1908). There are more then 20 important monuments here. Chernovtsy went through seven empire epochs, each of them left a mark on the appearance of the city. At the time of Austrian empire the monument of Imperial Eagle was erected. After the city passed into the hands of Rumanian the new heads built a symbolic group at the same place: Rumanian ox holding a hoof above the Austrian eagle. Ukrainian students often left water and hay in front of the ox and were persecuted by the Rumanian police. Later the monument to Lenin was erected at the same place, but it stood not long too.

The statues to the authors Taras Shevchenko and Olga Kobyljanskaja, the cubistic monument to the ethnographer and politician Jurij Fedkovich, the memorial to a warrior-liberator stand at their places to present day waiting for curious tourists. The city was built according to the architectural traditions of the Vienna Academy of Arts by the leading architects. Fortunately it was practically not damaged in the wartime of the XX century. There are only three cities in Ukraine reserving their authenticity: Lvov, Odessa and Chernovtsy. Between the most significant memorial of architecture is the Descent of the Holy Spirit Cathedral constructed in 1864 according to the project of Viennese architect Ferdinand Roll. The cathedral reserved its status from the moment of building to 1960 when it was closed in the course of current antireligious campaign. Many years the building was empty. In 1976 the reconstruction of the cathedral began: it was intended to be a show-room of consume-goods and a picture gallery. In 1989 the building of cathedral was returned to the Orthodox church. The remains of defensive redoubts of the period of Russian-Turkish War 1768-1774 let us feel a spirit of military confrontation which reigned in the city located at the edge of World’s empires during many ages.

GPS 51,48571 31,30522





The hotel is situated in the middle of the park zone of Chernivtsi. The transport communication here is apt, infrastructure is perfect. You’ll enjoy the landscape of the old part of the city. We hope that our hotel will charm you with its inimitable style and refinement. European comfort and sophisticated Bukovina coloring are successfully combined here. It is commonly suitable for VIP persons’ business meetings; for couples’ romantic rendezvous; for untiring travelers who will feel here like at home.

Kreshatik view The high cliff over the Dniester, which offers the most breathtaking panorama located on the opposite side of the city Zaleschiki, belted a sharp bend of the river. Hence it is easily visible road bridge over the Dniester and the dome Khreschatytska monastery.

GPS 48,63314 25,7431

HOTEL Service Conference room

Tourist agency


Swimming pool

Beauty Salon


Summer ground



Residence Metropolitans Bukovina

latitude: 51,49465 longitude: 31,29494

Residence Metropolitans Bukovina - it is an architectural complex - Pearl Chernivtsy pinnacle of creativity and the famous Czech architect and scientist Joseph head. The residence is a balanced group of three main buildings around a beautiful square. At the head of this space is headquartered in metropolitan shrine. On both sides - a seminar and a home for visitors. The ensemble is organically complemented by the Church, and culminating domes and towers. The construction of the palace building has become a real event for Chernivtsy, near the town were built brick factories, the new stone, from Vienna, Prague and other cities of the Austro-Hungarian Empire arrived well-known masters and builders. Among them was Carl and Yobst, who along with Karl Freedom has developed and implemented the interior design of the ensemble.

CONTACT INFORMATION 58022, Chernivtsi, Holovna, 141 tel.: 00 38 0372 585625

fax.: 00 38 0372 583600



New modern hotel «Premium» - the hotel will combine the best: the number of highest level, superior service and incomparable hospitality. Favorable location in the central part of the city in a park area. Hotel European level «Premium» designed in Art Nouveau style, which is in harmony with the classics.

Hotinskiy castle

HOTEL Service Conference room





Night Club



GPS latitude: 51,49465 longitude: 31,29494 CONTACT INFORMATION 58003, Chernivtsi, Holovna, 124b


GPS 48,29710 25,92421

tel.: 00 38 050 981 77 46

fax.: 00 38 062 294 88 55

In the XV-XVI centuries. Khotyn castle was the residence of Moldovan owners. In September - early October 1621 near the walls of the fortress Khotyn events Khotyn famous battle, which glorified Zaporizhzhya Cossacks and their hetman Petro Konashevych-Sagaidachnogo and became a turning point in the history of the Ottoman Empire. The victory by Khotin saved Western Europe from invasion janissary, made a strong impression on all people and is reflected in the literature.

GPS 48,50392 26,5150


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