rs Scout Leade r e v a e B r ine fo The magaz June/July 2010
Sunny delights
Make the most of summer
Hopping glad
Craft an origami frog
fifth e h t r o f n w as gro h g n whose i t y u n o o c l S o r C e a v t a Be e mee W . g ever n i n n a n h t u r r e i h t l year e hea numbers ar
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Beaver Scout Team: Karen Jameson (UK Adviser for Beaver Scouts) Jenny Winn (Programme and Development Adviser for Beaver Scouts)
Contact them at: Tel: 0845 300 1818
Outside in
Published by: The Scout Association, Gilwell Park, Bury Road Chingford, London E4 7QW Contributions to: This issue’s contributors: Maggie Bleksley Ruth Hubbard Rose Wells Emma Wood ADVERTISING Richard Ellacott Tel: 020 8962 1258
What you’ve been up to over the last few months: d 73rd Allestree Beaver Scouts raise almost £600 for Guide Dogs for the Blind and DAB. They had spent the s and term learning about special need the caring for others and animals for this of part As e. leng Chal p Friendshi e they had a visit from a representativ This . work r thei t abou talk to of DAB nise a inspired the Beaver Scouts to orga sponsored walk to fundraise.
Jenny Winn introduces your summer supplement As you will see in the main magazine (page 22), this is the fifth year that Scouting has grown, which is really great news. All sections have seen an increase in numbers and we now have 108,018 Beavers enjoying Scouting every week, nearly five per cent more than last year. The number of Colonies has grown by one per cent. Across the United Kingdom there are many tales of growth higher than that. Scotland’s membership has grown by over five per cent, while Clackmannanshire District alone has bloomed by a whopping 38 per cent. In this issue we meet a new Colony in south Wales, which on opening night had 24 Beavers and in just under a year, already has a joining list. Wales as a whole has grown by ten per cent. Congratulations to all who have helped to contribute to this growth, especially those in the Beaver Scout section. There are already reports of new Colonies opening up all over the country, which should help to grow the Movement again over the next year.
Reunion 2010 Bookings are now open for this year’s Gilwell Reunion event, held at Gilwell Park over the weekend of 3-5 September. The weekend is jam-packed with activities, workshops and entertainment. There are also opportunities to share a drink and chat with trustees and the UK Chief Commissioner Wayne Bulpitt, meet old friends and make new ones too. The event is open to all adults in Scouting. For more information visit
Contents 4 Fun in the sun Every summer activity under the sun
7 Book club New resources to help you
8 Frog in no time Make an origami frog
12 Valley deep – inspiration high How a failing Colony was turned around by a group of villagers
14 Season’s eatings Go nuts for berries with some wild food recipes
16 Reduce, reuse, recycle Get crafty with your waste
18 Healthy centres Healthy eating activities
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Fun in the sun
Emma Wood encourages you to make the most of summer
he winter weather gave us all lots of challenges, and it’s been great hearing tales of leaders who embraced the snow with snow castle building contests, sledging events and even indoor beach parties. But now summer is here, try these ideas to make the most of it. The following can be used as an organised ‘fun day’ or at a regular Beaver Scout meeting. Remember that Beaver Scouts will need sun protection (which they should apply themselves, and check for skin sensitivities – I always ask parents to supply their own sun cream and apply it before leaving for the activity). Wearing a hat and T-shirt outdoors is also a must in sunny weather and remember to have plenty of cold drinks available for them and shady areas to rest under. These activities could be combined to form an ‘It’s a Knockout’-style event in the grounds of your meeting place, the local park or the campsite. It’s basically a series of fun activities that emphasise fun over competition. Award points according to how well teams do (10 for first; 9 for second and so on). The Beaver Scouts can be in teams based on their Lodges to ensure a cross section of ages and abilities. They can, of course, be used on their own as games to cool Beaver Scouts down at the end of a Colony meeting.
Welly race you will need
• adult-sized wellington boots per team • water • jugs or mugs • buckets. 1. Beaver Scouts line up in relay teams, with a pair of wellies next to player one. 2. Player one in each team puts on their wellies, pours water into them and waddles to the far end of the playing area, where they take the boots off and pour any water remaining into their team’s empty bucket. 3. They run back to their team to set player two off.
Volley balloon you will need
• inflated balloons filled with a little water • volleyball net. 1. In teams, the Beaver Scouts play volleyball. The water gives the balloons a strange trajectory and will burst if caught badly.
Beavers June/July 2010
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programme ıdeas
Soggy scamper you will need
• plastic cup • bucket of water • empty bucket per team. 1. Players line up in relay form. 2. On the word ‘go’, player one in each team fills their cup with water and holds it on the top of their head. 3. They then run to the end of the playing area and deposit any remaining water in their empty bucket. 4. They run back to set off player two. 5. Repeat until all teams are finished.
Balloon burst you will need
• a washing line or similar (one per Lodge) • balloons filled with a little water • 1m stick with a pin (per Lodge). 1. Put up the washing lines and attach the water-filled balloons to the line. 2. Split the Beaver Scouts into Lodges. 3. Beaver Scouts, in relay formation, have to walk under the line and burst one balloon, run back and pass the stick to the next Beaver Scout. 4. Repeat until all have had a turn and all balloons have been burst.
Ball skills
Over under over
you will need
you will need
• small cones • large soft ball • small soft ball • tennis ball • tennis racket • buckets 1. Set up four different bases which will improve the Beaver Scouts’ ball skills: - Dribbling. Set up six cones (or similar) in a line. Starting from one end, each Beaver Scout takes it in turns to dribble a ball around the cones and back again. - Throwing. Place a bucket about three metres from a line drawn on the floor in chalk. Give each Beaver Scout five small soft balls and see how many they can throw into the bucket from the line. - Hitting the ball. Using an adult as a thrower, the Beaver Scout stands about four or five metres away with a bat and tries to hit the ball as it is thrown to them. - Throwing and catching. Draw two lines about three metres apart. Stand one Beaver Scout behind one line and another behind the other with a ball. They need to throw the ball to each other and catch it. They could see how long they can throw it before they drop it.
• wet sponges or wet sponge footballs. 1. Teams line up one behind the other, legs apart, behind a water-filled bowl, containing a foam football. 2. On the word ‘go’, the first player picks up the ball, passes it over their head to the player behind them. 3. This player then passes it through their own legs to the player behind, who passes it over, and so on. 4. The back player takes the ball, runs to the front and dunks it in the bowl, as the team shuffles back slightly, and the process continues until all have had a go at the front.
Large footy you will need
• either a giant Earth ball or borrow an aerobic exercise ball. 1.Play four corner football (four teams, four goals), with players allowed to use feet, hands and heads to pass the balls around.
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Wet three-legged race
Super sliders
you will need
you will need
• rope • material or elastic for the ankles • two buckets per team (one filled with water) • a plastic cup per Beaver Scout. 1. Line the teams up at one end of the playing area with the bucket of water near the team and the empty bucket at the other end of the playing area. 2. Pair up the Beaver Scouts and tie each, ready for a three-legged race. 3. The pair fill a cup of water and hold this as they run along to the other end of the playing area. 4. They then tip the water into the bucket and return to the team. 5. The next pair in the team starts and so on until everyone has had a turn. 6. Which team has the most water in their end bucket?
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• tent groundsheets or similar • washing-up liquid • plastic cones. 1. Lay out three or four large groundsheets, shiny side up (or buy a custom-made one or two lane slide – search online for ‘dash ‘n’ splash’). 2. Cover them with water and a few squirts of washing-up liquid. 3. Players simply take it in turns to run up to the groundsheets and launch themselves on their backsides or tummies. 4. Mark how far they reach with a plastic cone on the grass parallel to where they finished up. 5. Who can slide the furthest? 6. Keep the slide well soaked during the game.
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Book club to support you in your role oks bo w ne the ide ins k pee a e tak We
Nights Away £8.50, item code: 1027818 Spending nights away from home is central to the Scouting experience. The new and improved Nights Away has everything you need to run a successful residential experience for all age ranges in Scouting. With chapters on health, budgeting, catering, choosing your venue and even running your daily activities you’ll wonder how you managed on camp without it. The light and compact format means it’s easy to keep in your rucksack. Includes a dedicated section on Beaver Scouts.
The Colony Programme Plus: Vol. 2 £5, item code: 1027884 This new addition to the Programme resource family is packed with a new range of exciting and ready-to-run activities. The perfect companion to Programme Plus: Vol 1, it will help you plan a Balanced Programme every week. Specifically designed to cover all Programme Zones and a number of badges, subjects covered include healthy eating, parents’ evening and fair trade. It also includes activities to help you welcome new Beaver Scouts in the Colony.
Beaver Scout Games Book £6, item code: 1027880 With over a hundred games at your fingertips, the Beaver Scout Games Book is designed by Beaver Scout Leaders for Beaver Scout Leaders. Split into easy-to-use chapters such as circle games, equipment-free and outdoors, every game is perfect for playing in groups.
And the classics… - A Complete Guide to Scouting Skills (£9.99, 1027759) - The Colony Programme (£5, 1024609) - Colony Programme Plus: Vol. 1 (£5, 1024610) - Colony Essentials (£5, 1024608) - Beaver Scout Log Book (£2.50, 1024607) To order any of these and the full range of books, certificates and clothing visit Tell us what you think of the new books – email
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Frog in no time
to a Transform your Colony meeting in e origami hopping frog race with this simpl
you will need • colour pencils
Step 1
Go to and download the Jumping Frog template. Produce a copy of this sheet for each child (ideally on sheets of thin card). Crease the dotted lines and cut out the shape ready for use.
Step 2
Note the main crease lines 1 to 5 and points A and B. These lines are referred to during the following steps to aid construction.
2 Cut line Fold line
Step 3
Design and colour the frog.
A 3
3 B
2 4
Step 4
Fold along crease lines 1, 2 and 3 so points A and B meet.
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Fun facts to share
Fold and tuck in crease lines 4 and 5. • Folding paper to make a shape is known as origami. • There are around 4,740 types of frog. • The frog first appeared during the Jurassic period, about 190 million years ago. • Frogs don’t need to drink, they absorb water through their skin. • Frogs lay 3,000 to 4,000 eggs at any one time.
STEP 6 Fold along the crease lines to make the legs as shown in picture.
For more ideas and activity packs that come complete with all the required accessories, visit Clever Craft was set up by Andrew Harrold and Craig Bond, both Beaver Scout Leaders with 7th Sefton East (Melling).
Questions to ask
STEP 7 Fold along the crease lines to make the arms and attach goggly eyes or draw eyes on the frog. Push down on the frog’s back legs to make it jump.
• Where do frogs live? • What do frogs eat? • How far can you make your frog jump?
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This issue’s theme is summer holidays, written by Emma Wood
Opening ceremony
5 mins
Game: Transport charge
10 mins
Activity: Sand pictures
10 mins
Activity: Rock creatures
10 mins
Actıvıty: Cornets
10 mins
Activity: Postcards
10 mins
Game: Baggage handlers
10 mins
Closing ceremony
5 mins
Programmes on a plate
10 Beavers June/July 2010
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Follow themes
Introduce the theme for the evening. Talk about the summer holidays. Do all Beaver Scouts go away? Talk about activities that they can do if staying at home.
Play games
- Beaver Scouts sit in a circle and one Beaver Scout is chosen to be ‘it’. - That child runs around the outside of the circle and taps four more Beaver Scouts on their shoulders. - They each get up and run around the circle with their arms outstretched like an aeroplane and making aircraft noises. - The Beaver Scout who is ‘it’ shouts ‘landing’ and all the Beaver Scouts have to run around until they find an empty place and sit in it. - The last one with no space becomes ‘it’ and play continues.
Follow themes
You will need: thick paper, glue, coloured sand, pencils, newspaper, plus a groundsheet to work on. • Spread out newspapers. • Give each Beaver Scout a piece of paper which they draw a simple design on. • Once they have decided on their colours, apply the glue and sprinkle on the sand.
Follow themes
You will need: a rock/pebble per Beaver Scout, goggly eyes (from craft shops), paint, paintbrushes and varnish. • Encourage the Beaver Scouts to bring in a rock/pebble each over a few meetings before this one. Have a small supply in case someone forgets. • Beaver Scouts stick the goggly eyes to their rock. • Colour the rock using the paints. • When the paint is dry, varnish the rocks.
Follow themes
You will need: paper, felt-tipped pens, cornets, ice cream, sprinkles, flakes and so on. • Beaver Scouts make a sketch of what they want their ice cream to look like. • Each Beaver Scout is given a cornet and they can build their own ice cream, adding sprinkles etc and eat them.
Follow themes
You will need: postcard-sized plain white card, felt-tipped pens. • Beaver Scouts draw pictures on the front of the postcard of things they want to do on their holidays. • Beaver Scouts write the address of the meeting place or other suitable address on the other side. •They take the postcard away with them and write to the Colony about their holiday. It doesn’t matter where (or if) they go away or what they do. • When you return in September you could make a display of the postcards sent.
Play games
You will need: four teams, four holdalls, four sets of hats, sunglasses, shorts, T-shirts and so on. • Holdalls are placed at one end of the playing area and Beaver Scouts sit in relay form with the items of clothing in front of each team. • The first Beaver Scout per team takes an item, runs to the end of the headquarters and places the item in the holdall. • They run back and tag the next player who takes the next item and so on until all items have been taken and the whole team is sitting with their packed holdall in front of them. • Vary this by having the items all muddled up in a pile at the far end of the hall, and the players running up and grabbing an item and bringing it back to put in their team’s bag at the front of their team. They must get six different items to win.
Follow themes
Hand out postcards.
Faith and awareness events August/September
16 World Water Day 26 Women’s Equality Day (USA)
5 Raksha Bandhan (Hindu) 11 1st day of Ramadan (Muslim) 12 International Youth Day 15 Assumption of Blessed Virgin Mary (Christian)
1 Installation of Sikh Scripture in Harmandir Sahib (Sikh) 8 International Literacy Day 9 Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year)
10 Eid Al-Fittr (Muslim) 18 Yom Kippur (Jewish) 21 International Day of Peace 22 World Car Free Day 23 Start of Succot (Jewish) 23 Ganesh Chaturthi (Hindu)
For more great ideas visit 11
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– p e e d y e l l a V inspiration high When a village in Wales took on a project to reinstate a Colony, they had no idea what it would lead to. Rose Wells finds out
he old Scout hut in the village of Crynant looked sadly neglected. It had been unused for seven years and was run down. The previous Group had disbanded due to a lack of volunteers and their meeting place was abandoned. When the Local Authority was looking for potential allotment sites, they identified the area around the hut with a view to demolishing the building. Some of the villagers, however, decided this was not going to happen. Luckily for one inhabitant, Nicola Roderick, her neighbour had contacts within the West Glamorgan Scout District and they met up to discuss getting the hut back to Scouting use. ‘We had to start from scratch,’ says Nicola, now Assistant Beaver Scout Leader with the 8th Neath (Crynant) Scout Group. ‘The building needed a complete overhaul, starting with the gas and electricity supply.’ With a generous £8,000 donation from the District, they installed a new gas boiler and updated the electrics. Work started in September of last year.
Teamwork Louise Thompson, now Beaver Scout Leader, wanted to gauge interest in starting a new Group. She sent letters to parents in the village and received a very enthusiastic response. Once word had spread about the renovation, a team of volunteers turned up to help. Soon old, peeling paint was replaced with fresh bright colours, and years of dust 12 Beavers June/July 2010
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and rubbish was cleared. Nicola’s husband, Grant, volunteered his DIY skills and took photographs to chart the progress of the work. A local Councillor, who was invited to the opening, is also a farmer and has plans to fence and turf the area around the building. Apart from the physical renovation work, fundraising and adult training had to be put in place. The frenzy of activity paid off when 24 Beavers were invested together in March. ‘This is the maximum we can have,’ explains Nicola. ‘We have more on our joining list.’ Was it time to sit back and admire what they had done? Definitely not. Nicola says, ‘We had an open night to see if anyone would be interested in a Cub section.’ Seventeen would-be Cubs showed up and they are now hoping to expand that number to 36. And they haven’t forgotten the Scout section. With two potential leaders already lined up, they have set their sights on starting up a Troop. If there are not enough young people and volunteers in Crynant, Nicola is going to try the nearby village.
Looking forward District Commissioner, Ann Gratrix, is proud of the work done by everyone in returning Scouting to the heart of the community. ‘As well as Nicola and Louise, we have two Cub Scout Leaders, Angelina and Karen who will crossover with them so we have cover for both sections,’ she says. ‘They are all so bubbly and enthusiastic, they’ve already got programmes planned for the next six months.’ A committee has been formed to organise fundraising. As their new meeting place is by a river, the Scouts are looking forward to having a duck race in June with 1,000 plastic ducks to raise money. They have already done a joint activity with a local Rugby Club. The Beavers recently took a walk around Crynant carrying out a litter pick. Nicola was pleased to hear comments made by the locals. ‘They said how smart the Beavers looked and how nice it was to see Scouting back in the village.’
It all adds up
photo © NewsPrints Ltd
In Wales, the Beaver section has shown a 10 per cent increase in young people joining over the last year, with a 4.6 per cent increase for the section overall in the UK. A breakdown of Scouting’s fifth consecutive year of growth is on page 22 of the main magazine. 13
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Season’s eatings Autumn heralds an abundance of nuts and berries which can be picked from the hedges. By Ruth Hubbard
n March 2009 we ran our first ‘out of the hedge’ meeting, introducing the Beavers to a variety of spring wild foods. It was such a success that we decided to run a similar evening in mid-October when the change of season would open new vistas of opportunity. In autumn the hedges literally droop under the weight of nuts and berries and the woods heave with game. In a nutshell, do not give too much information, taste first, then tell them what it was. Sitting around a campfire makes it exciting and guarantees the herd instinct for derring-do. If it is wet, rig up a tarp or even beach shelters. We raised the money to buy a lavvu, a lightweight Lapland wigwam in which you can have a fire, and we now use it all the time. 14 Beavers June/July 2010
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Golden rules There are rules of eating ‘out of the hedge’ which you ignore at your peril: • Research thoroughly: Ray Mears’ Wild Food and, particularly for the autumn, Bob Flowerdew’s Complete Fruit Book are both excellent. • Know what you are eating; being almost sure may end in discomfort or disaster, so either pick what you know or go with someone who knows. • Steer well clear of plants that are poisonous unless cooked or which are easily confused with poisonous varieties. • Make sure that plants are free from pesticides and contaminants. • Use tried and tested recipes. • Impress upon the Beavers that they must eat nothing ‘out of the hedge’ without first checking with a responsible adult. • Collecting bird eggs from the wild is illegal.
How did we do it? In the lavvu we discussed what wild food is and the golden rules. We then played a wide game – the Beavers had to find cards bearing named pictures of plants. These were then sorted into ‘poisonous’ and ‘edible’, which lead seamlessly to cautionary tales of accidental poisoning, discussion of plants which are inedible unless correctly processed and the folly of picking plants, such as watercress, which are easily confused with a poisonous variety. With great enthusiasm the Beavers then ate whatever was put in front of them. First, a nibble of deliciously lemony wood sorrel followed by scones made using plantain flour and spread with a variety of wild jams – bramble, crab apple and elderberry, hawthorn, mountain ash. This was followed by two trout stuffed with wood sorrel, which had been steaming in the embers of our fire while we talked. Finally, we had lavender biscuits for pudding. more info The February/March 2010 issue of the Beaver supplement gave several helpful tips, which are worth a second look. View it online at
RECIPES Trout stuffed with wood sorrel 1 medium trout (gutted and cleaned) 1 small handful of wood sorrel leaves A knob of butter 1. Smear the butter over a sheet of foil. 2. Stuff the sorrel leaves into the body cavity and wrap in the foil. Wrap the foil in wet newspaper, then in another layer of foil. 3. Place in the embers for 30-40 minutes This is enough for a taster for ten Beavers. Note: wood sorrel should not be eaten to excess or by those who suffer from bladder or kidney stones.
Plantain flour scones The broadleaved plantain (Plantago Major) is easy to identify, with its parallel leaf veins and rat’s tail seed heads. The seeds of the ribwort plantain (Plantago Lanceolata) are easier to de-husk, but harder to grind. On a dry day in the late summer/early autumn, when the rat’s tails are brown and the husks are beginning to split, strip the seeds into a breathable container. Winnow the seeds or sieve them repeatedly to remove the husks. Toast the seeds in the bottom of a dry pan so they begin to pop, making sure they do not burn. Grind the seeds in a pestle and mortar until they look like tea-bag dust. It is hard work, but as my daughter said, ‘oh that’s lovely. It smells like breakfast at Nan’s.’ Here is a simple recipe for deliciously nutty scones: 120g plantain flour 360g self-raising flour ½ tsp salt 120g butter No more than 300ml milk. 1. Rub all the dry ingredients and butter together until they resemble breadcrumbs. 2. Gradually add the milk and mix together with a knife until a soft dough is formed. 3. Roll the dough out to about 1cm thick 4. Cut with a 6cm round cutter, placing rounds on greased baking trays, and bake for 7-12 minutes at 230°C/430°F/Gas8 5. Scones can be frozen but best served warm. Makes 24 scones. 15
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Reduce, reuse, recycle
Turn your waste into wonders. By Maggie Bleksley
f you don’t run meetings during the summer holidays, you may be considering clearing out your store cupboards and throwing away all those unwanted odds and ends. Before you make yet another time-consuming trip to the rubbish dump, think again. Save time and money by doing your own recycling with the Beavers.
More ideas • Cut up holographic tissue boxes for wonderful additions to Christmas cards. • Freeze orange and lemon peel and use to flavour biscuits and sweets. • Turn old CD cases into picture frames and CDs into Christmas decorations. • Keep out-of-date pasta and pulses for collages and shakers. • Unwanted coat hangers are great for mobiles.
more info and search ‘recycle’
16 Beavers
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Plastic bottle puppets you will need
• small plastic drinks bottles, washed • scraps of felt or other fabric • scissors • elastic bands • circles of card • wool • coloured pencils or pens • glue • buttons and bows (optional). 1. Fold the fabric in half, and then half again down the centre fold. Snip off a small cone shape from the centre corner. Open out and fit over the bottle neck. Hold in place with an elastic band. 2. Draw a face on a card circle and attach wool for hair. Glue to the neck of the bottle. 3. Add buttons, bows, hats etc. as required. 4. These puppets can fit into any theme, from angels to policemen, as well as storybook characters. After making them, Beavers can display their work by getting into small groups and putting on a puppet show. This can work towards the Creative Activity Badge.
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Woven mats
Golf relay game
Recycle your holiday postcards to make these attractive mats. Depending on the size, they can be used for small tablemats, plant stands or coasters, but will last considerably longer if they are laminated or covered with clear sticky-back plastic. Weaving does require a good deal of concentration, so I would advise either keeping the mats small or spreading the activity over two meetings. If you have any spare pieces of cork tile, these are ideal for the base, but strong corrugated card, cut from boxes, is also great for the job.
Games equipment can be costly. Why not recycle your waste to make your own? The game I suggest is a team game, but try making up your own variations. To lengthen the life of the ‘holes’ and ‘tees’, simply cover with clear plastic. If you have a child’s golf set at your disposal, that’s fine, but if you haven’t, you can continue the recycling theme and make clubs out of the cardboard tubes from that wrapping paper you’re about to finish up.
you will need
• picture postcards or similar • cork tiles or corrugated card • scissors • double-sided tape.
you will need
• long-life 1-litre fruit juice cartons • scraps of wrapping paper • scissors • sticky tape • marker pens • long cardboard rolls (about ½ metre) • coloured golf or ping-pong balls • obstacles (cushions, blankets, cardboard rolls cut in half lengthwise, chairs etc) • score sheets.
Cut the postcards into long strips, about 1½cm wide and mix them all up. Cut the corrugated card into squares slightly shorter than the postcard strips. Place a piece of double-sided tape along two opposite sides.
To make: 1. Cut the juice cartons in half from side to side and rinse out. Trim the half packets to about 7½cm. 2. Cover each half with wrapping paper, tucking the ends inside and sticking down with tape. These will be the holes. Clearly mark each with a number. 3. For the tees, cut out a circle of paper to match each hole and mark with the corresponding numbers.
1. Give each Beaver a piece of corrugated card and a handful of postcard strips. Help them to peel off the backing from the tape on one edge only and stick the ends of some strips, side by side, all the way along. 2. Show them how to weave more strips in and out of the fixed ones, pushing each row up before starting the next. Younger Beavers will need a little help with this at first, but should get the hang of it by the time they have finished. 3. When they have completely covered the square, the backing from the second piece of tape can be removed and the strips stuck down. 4. Tuck loose ends underneath and secure with tape. Cut off small squares from spare strips to cover any bare corners, either using more tape or a blob of glue.
To play the game: 1. At one end of the room, place four ‘holes’ at an equal distance apart. Place the tees a few feet away, opposite the corresponding holes. 2. Place one ball on each tee. 3. If the balls are not different colours, these can be marked with numbers too, to avoid confusion. 4. Place a few obstacles between the tees and the holes. 5. Divide the Beavers into four teams (fewer if you have a small Colony). Give the first one in each team a cardboard tube. 6. On the word ‘go’, each Beaver takes a turn at getting the ball into their team’s hole in as few hits as possible. 7. After successfully hitting the ball into the hole, they remove it, run back and give the ball and ‘club’ to the next Beaver in the team. 8. Leaders keep a record of the score. 9. When all the players in a team have had a turn, they sit down. Winners can be judged by the first team to finish, the team with the fewest points and the individual(s) with the lowest score. 17
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healthy eatıng badge
Healthy centres In Colour Healthy Eating Back by popular demand is the Eat uts making their own recipes Activity Badge, so get your Beaver Sco hies and yummy fruit salads for tasty healthy snacks, super smoot
he aim of the Healthy Eating Activity Badge, sponsored by the Eat In Colour campaign, is to teach children practical and fun ways of enjoying a balanced diet packed with lots of tasty fruit and veg. To earn their badge Beavers learn how to make a fruit salad, healthy snacks and delicious sandwiches crammed with healthy fillings. They also learn what isn’t so healthy for them and which foods should be eaten in moderation.
Share your recipes Some 42,000 Beaver Scouts have already gained the Healthy Eating Activity Badge and created some fabulous recipes which they’ve shared on the Eat In Colour website. They would love to hear from any Colonies who are planning to go for the Healthy Eating Badge this year. Share your favourite recipes for super smoothies, tasty healthy snacks or food diaries and email them to Include photos of your Colony tucking into your own healthy creations and they will be published online at For help on getting local publicity for your Colony email
more info To take part in the Eat In Colour Healthy Eating Activity Badge visit healthyeating and download your information pack. You will also find a handy downloadable Eat In Colour pack to help you prepare your Healthy Eating session in the Beaver online resources area of
A message from Eat in Colour ‘We are thrilled to support the Healthy Eating Badge and to encourage Beaver Scouts to set a strong example for enjoying fruit and veg at a young age. Beaver Scouts have proved that they are way ahead the national average of healthy consumption of fruit and veg for kids and we’re sure that this year will be even better.’ said Nigel Jenney of the Eat In Colour campaign, run by the Fresh Produce Consortium, the UK’s trade association for the fresh produce industry. 18 Beavers
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What Beaver Leaders are saying about the downloadable activity pack ‘We used the healthy eating pack with Beavers – excellent ideas and presentation.’ ‘Relevant, easy to build a programme around and covers things we need for the badge.’
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12/05/2010 11:31
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13/05/2010 13:15
ov er fo 10 XT ne RE r w M an E L d ex eve cit l in in g ch Liv e al le rp ng o in ol g ac tiv iti es
N E 2 W 0 1 0
Jungle Parc is a thrilling tree trekking adventure, test your skills on our amazing courses packed with exciting activities, zip lines, cargo nets, tarzan swings,flying trapeze,wobbly logs,and monkey nets to name a few! with over 60 different activities and 2 amazing courses catering for all ages and abilities (age from 4+ min height 1.05m) perfect for a family day out, group outing or team building event. Discounts available for scouts/guides/groups book online at or call 08448794378 we have two sites in the UK North West England Liverpool Croxteth Country Park
Midlands Northamptonshire Irchester Country Park Wellingborough
BOOK ONLINE OBC_Beavers_JunJuly.indd 6
13/05/2010 13:48