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eaders Cub ScoutMLay 2011 r fo e in z a g April/ The ma



Outdoor experts

Transform your Pack into bushcraft gurus with these easy activites

New leaders

Now you’ve recruited them, how do you keep them?

R E T T E B HATS le to volunteer their way Allow peop

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09/03/2011 17:34

S D N e k e e w e R u t N e v D A PGL 9 4 t S u j FROm

PP + VAT • Edinburgh

■ Choice of 17 UK activity centres

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■ Over 50 activities ■ Free places for leaders (1:8)

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FOR BOOKINGS AND A 2011 BROCHURE CALL 08703 800 242 NOW! 08703 800 242 2598 Cubs Scouting Magazine2advert.indd 1 cubs_040511-amended.indd

Exeter 3/3/11 16:06:49 09/03/2011 17:34


Published by: The Programme Team The Scout Association, Gilwell Park, Chingford, London E4 7QW


One vision

Contributions to: ADVERTISING Richard Ellacott Tel: 020 8962 1258 This issue’s contributors: Dave Wood Nicola Ashby Austin Lill Laura McManus Molly Fassbender For ease of reading, this supplement refers to all variations of ‘county’ groupings simply as County. You can read all the section supplements as well as the main magazine online at Cover photo: Chlöe Chapman

Join-in-Jamboree activities April – May r We hope you’ve been using you Join-in-Jamboree resources. The themes for the nex t two months are Make a Cha nge, Make a Difference, and Scouting Skil ls. Have fun . Dow nload the PDFs at ww Cubs


Deputy UK Commissioner for Programme Graeme Hamilton outlines his hopes for the coming months – and asks for your help in shaping it There is some further change in the supplement this issue as I find myself writing for leaders, commissioners and supporters in all five sections for the first time. This will be the pattern for the foreseeable future as I alternate with the five Programme and Development Advisers, who will provide a section-specific focus. Supporting the range of different needs and challenges of five diverse sections is not something to be taken lightly and certainly not without support. I rely heavily on you sending in your thoughts, concerns, ideas and, most importantly, success stories so that we can share these with others across the UK. Please email if you have anything to contribute. We’re currently building a network of experienced leaders to form a support team – all of whom will soon be deployed across the UK. In the months ahead we’ll also look at how sectional support roles can best support frontline leaders. I’ll be out and about too. Cumbria has already booked me for a joint Cub and Scout leader session in May. If I cannot be at your event then we’ll aim to find a willing person from the support team or staff at Gilwell Park. I’ve recently attended the Development, Advice and Support day events in Wales and Northern Ireland so I’ll be maintaining strong links all over the UK as we work together to deliver a strong, effective and fun programme for every youngster who has chosen to take part in the Scouting adventure. There will be more in a future article about how we’re checking out what’s good and what’s not about the programme and how you can give us your thoughts.

Contents 4 News New Pack and a new website

9 Sow seeds of charity Scouting’s partnership with Bookbridge

14 Flexi-time Tips for recruiting adults in a sustainable way

5 Fundays - for kids of all ages One leader reflects on the thrills of Beaver and Cub Fundays

6 Not risky business Dave Wood looks at activities outdoors

10 POP The great outdoors

16 Indoor camper activity Work towards a camping badge in your meeting place

12 Bushcraft Cubs Outdoor skills and tricks to amaze and excite your Pack

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09/03/2011 17:35


News and views in Cub Scouting. ions Email your stories, reports and opin k rg.u ts.o to scouting.magazine@scou

It begins The New Year brought new adventure to the Walberton area of West Sussex. A new Cub Scout Pack opened its doors to ten thrillseeking young people. The Pack is the second satellite section of the 1st Barnham Scout Group. Eight year old Ben, attended the first meeting and said: ‘It was awesome, we played loads of games. The traffic light one was my favourite. I can’t wait to come back next week.’ Jill Gladman from West Sussex Scouts County Team who attended the launch evening said ‘We’re so pleased to now be able to offer Scouting to more young people in Walberton and the neighbouring community.’

Have you visited lately? The new website is now live, so be prepared to be surprised. With a fantastic new design, logical menu, related articles, the most searchedfor items and a one-click ‘email a friend’ option, you will easily find everything you need to help you in your Scouting role.

Log in to enjoy the full member benefits When you log in to the website you will see information and best practice relevant to your role, as well as the latest updates and badge information. Signing in using your membership number means you can also: • Access the Print Centre, where you can create everything from personalised posters and photobooks to signage, stationery and minibus livery. You’ll also find images, quotes and videos. • Sign up to relevant e-communications including Scouting Plus, our weekly email containing news, information and good practice relevant to your role. • Search thousands of activity and programme ideas on Programmes Online. • Receive updates and information on the homepage of the website specific to your Scouting role. • Access the membership database, where you can update your details and anyone else’s you are line manager for.

Faith and awareness events June/July 2011 June 2011 June LGBT Pride Month 1-7 Volunteers’ Week 2 Ascension Day (Christian) 5 World Environment Day 6 Dragon Boat Festival (Chinese) 8-9 Shavuot (Jewish) 12 Pentecost (Christian) 16 Martyrdom of Guru Arjan Dev (Sikh) 19 Trinity Sunday (Christian) 19 Father’s Day 20-26 World Refugee Week 22 World Interfaith Day 23/26 Corpus Christi (Christian) 28 Lailat al Miraj – The Prophet’s Night Journey and Ascension (Islam)

July 2011 3 Ratha Yatra (Hindu) 5 Birth of Guru Hargobind (Sikh) 5-11 Childhood Obesity Week 9 Martyrdom of the Báb (Bahá’í) 11 World Population Day 15 Lailat al Bara’ah – The Night of Forgiveness (Muslim) 15 Asalha Puja – Dharma Day (Buddhist) 19 17th Tammuz – fast day (Jewish) 23 Birth of Guru Har Krishen (Sikh) 25 Khordad Sal – Birth of Zoroaster (Zoroastrian)

How to log in Use your membership number, printed on the the appointment card sent with this issue of Scouting magazine.


Cubs April/May 2011

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Fundays – for kids of all ages Cub If you’ve never been to the Beaver and er Fundays before or are unsure wheth ’s der to attend this year, then one Cub lea nd experiences may make up your mi


ver two days in June, Gilwell Park in London will reverberate to the sound of Beaver and Cub Scouts having the time of their lives at the annual Fundays extravaganza. Water slides, climbing walls, 3G swings, bouncy castles, rafting – you name it, Fundays has it.

Informative and enjoyable However, as Sheila LeForte, leader at 15th Chingford, explains, the event offers just as much for adults. ‘I’ve seen a lot of leaders who were there for the first time being completely blown away by Fundays. They find it interesting, informative and enjoyable – their only disappointment is that they can’t take part in the activities. ‘It’s an opportunity for everyone to mix and swap ideas. You get to know other leaders and benefit from their experiences.’ Despite being in Scouting for over 30 years, Sheila still recalls the worry and sense of responsibility from the first few times she took Cubs away for a camp or day out. In her opinion, Fundays is a great way for newer leaders to get their feet wet... sometimes literally. ‘It’s a really good place for someone to go for their first Pack excursion because it’s an organised environment and it’s only one day whereas making a weekend camp your first experience can be a lot more daunting.’

Badge requirements Fundays has also proved to be an ideal place for Cubs to complete badges and challenges too – giving your Pack the opportunity to achieve as well as enjoy. ‘Last year we had 5,500 young people across the Scout and Guide movement partake in over 30 activities,’ says Caroline McLaurin, Event Manager. ‘Most years we have a theme which attracts additional features such as funfairs and medieval jousting. Fundays’ success is down to the programme quality and the volunteers who deliver it. We strive to deliver the best event possible for the younger sections.’ And if Sheila had one piece of advice for a Fundays first-timer what would it be? ‘Just come with an open mind, be as enthusiastic for your Pack as you can, and get ready to thoroughly enjoy yourself.’ Sounds like fun.

more info The 2011 Beaver and Cub Fundays will take place on 18 and 19 June at Gilwell Park. To book a place now visit

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09/03/2011 17:35

Not risky business part and parcel Bumps, scrapes and scratches are ssment is just as of Scouting but a proper risk asse y and outlines important. Dave Wood explains wh tivities some fun and exciting outdoor ac


ne thing that always made me nervous about running outdoor activities was the chance of a Cub getting injured. As a young leader with no real responsibilities I had seen a couple of fairly nasty injuries at Cub camps and worried about what I would do when I became the leader in charge. I soon realised that my fears were largely unfounded, as long as I did one simple thing - a risk assessment. It’s a term which often produces groans but it stopped my worries in their tracks. Forget the tabloid, fearmongering claims of bureaucratic nonsense. Doing a simple assessment of what might go wrong in any activity, and how you can prevent it, is five minutes well spent in any planning stage.

Simple assessment All you need to do is discuss the activity and see what might go wrong. Then you can identify what you can do to help prevent it. For example, if running a backwoods cooking activity the risk assessment might look like this:





Gloves to be worn; Cubs told not to break large sticks.


Cubs to stand upwind of the fire; goggles to be worn.


Gloves to be worn; Cubs to use tongs and barbecue tools rather than fingers; all food allowed to cool for five minutes before being eaten; group size no more than six per fire.

Falling from trees

Cubs told to only collect fallen wood.

Food poisoning

Use pre-cooked meats (such as frankfurters); spare food stored in fridge/ cool bag; have soap and water at base to wash hands before cooking.

Saying that, you can never stop real accidents from happening, but by doing a simple risk assessment and acting on the issues raised, the chances of things going wrong (and you being blamed) are greatly reduced. You can then enjoy the activity as much as the Cubs. Here are a few outdoor activities that have always gone down well with my Pack.

Cubs April/May December 2011 2008/January 2009

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Seed collecting When the season is right, take the Cubs out into the countryside or park and see how many different seeds they can collect from plants and trees. They will need lots of plastic food bags to put their seeds in. Perhaps they can try growing the seeds in pots at home or at a Pack meeting.

String trail Ask some Explorer Scouts to set up a simple trail using strong string such as sisal or thin rope/nylon cord – thin parcel string will snap. This could be through woodland or around an open area. Ensure the area is free from real danger, but include simple obstacles, such as: • A plank on the floor (tell the blindfolded Cub that the plank is going over a ditch). • Items hanging from a washing line above the string (furry soft toys, strips of plastic and so on). • A paddling pool with a foot of water in. • A leader with a water pistol. • Scramble netting to crawl under. One of my favourites is a plank very slightly raised off the ground at one end, with the string angled down (see right). The Cub is told they are climbing a steep plank and must put their free hand on the leader’s shoulder for support. As the Cub goes along the plank, the leader slowly drops to their knees, giving the Cub the feeling they are much higher than they are. The Cub lets go of the string and, guided by the leader, is told to do a ‘leap of faith’ to the ground (in reality, about a foot drop). Great fun for the Cub and the onlookers.

Tree climbing How many children are allowed to do this these days? It’s a simple thrill that is easily done safely. One adult is needed to supervise two or three Cubs at a time. Choose a sturdy tree and explain that the strongest points to climb are where the branches join the trunk. They can learn balancing skills and so much more. Don’t encourage them to climb too high – three metres will be enough of a thrill for many. If you have a rock climbing expert in your Group or District, perhaps they can rig up a safety harness and belaying system in a sturdy tree at your campsite to let individuals climb higher.

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09/03/2011 17:37

Scavenger hunts Cubs are challenged to find a collection of items from a list of about 15 objects that can be found in the campsite, park or wherever you are. Specific leaves, bugs, 1m length of grass, round pebbles, and yellow flowers are all possible objects.

Game: Wet sponge throw

Grow tomatoes in pots

Two Cubs stand facing each other about four metres apart. Each has a bowl of water by their feet. One dips a bath sponge in their bowl and passes it to the other who must catch it. They then each take one pace backwards with their bowl. Player two passes the re-soaked sponge to the first player. This continues until the sponge is dropped. Which pair can catch the sponge the farthest apart? Swap partners and try again.

Instead of simply planting bulbs or sunflowers in pots, issue your Pack with pots and potting compost (the contents of growing bags are best), plus vegetable seeds. Pumpkins, peppers, tomatoes, beans are all suitable. Cubs take them home, keep them on a windowsill and water them – can any produce edible vegetables?

Game: Halt Tree treasure hunts Decide upon a phrase, such as ‘Akela likes fish’ and prepare cards with one letter from the phrase per card. Attach these to branches of trees around the playing area. The cards should be quite well hidden, to provide a real challenge. Offer clues to find the sheets which are aimed at getting the Cubs to identify trees (‘find the oak tree in the south west corner of the field’, or ‘find the ash tree by the car park entrance’). If your Cubs are not renowned tree identifiers, you could hand out sheets with a picture of each type of tree (or actual leaf) taped to it. How many pairs of Cubs can find each letter? Can any of them identify the three-word phrase?

Game: Blind water volleyballoon Hang a large sheet or some blankets across a washing line (or use a minibus) – this is the net, albeit one you cannot see through. One team starts by throwing an inflated balloon, which is half-filled with water, over the net. The other team tries to catch it and pass it back. Teams score a point for each balloon caught unburst. Have lots of balloons ready (and a towel if you’re kind).


Two Cubs stand back-to-back. One calls ‘go’ and they slowly walk away from each other for about five steps or so. The second player calls ‘halt’, whereupon they stop, turn around and face each other. One player starts by announcing how many paces it will take them to get to the other person (ten, for example). The other then either asks them to ‘prove it’ or says a lower number that they think they can do it in. This continues until one is asked to prove it. They must then leap, step-by-step (no run-ups) from where they are to their partner. If they reach them in the final number or less, they win. If they fail, the other wins. The winner then finds another winner to challenge.

Silver foil ash tracks Hold a 1m sheet of silver foil over a candle so one side of it becomes covered in black soot. Place this on the ground, sooty side up, while at camp. Secure the edges with sticks, soil or stones. In the morning, take a look and see if any animals have left their footprints behind. Can the Cubs identify the animals by their tracks? You may wish to deposit a few scraps of bread to ensure some animals are attracted. Don’t forget to remove the foil when you’ve finished.

Cubs April/May December 2011 2008/January 2009

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Sow seeds of charity


The Scout Association is launching s a partnership with Bookbridge. Thi in uts Sco by up small charity was set ips Germany to establish partnersh with communities in developing countries to improve young people’s access to English language education. Molly Fassbender looks at how you can get involved


he focus of the partnership is a book collection in June. This will be backed up by activity ideas on Programmes Online. Here is an activity to show how you can help Cubs understand how doing one small easy thing, like donating books or some undercover gardening, can make a really big difference.

Undercover gardening This is an easy and fun way to make flowers grow in a place that looks like it needs a bit of tender, loving care. Materials: Bowls, clay soil (or potter’s powder), potting compost, water, flower seeds. Method: 1. Take a bowl and put some clay soil in. 2. Add some of the potting compost, but not as much as the clay (the ratio should be about five parts clay to one part compost). 3. Mix the clay and compost with water until it is sticky. 4. Add your seed mixture and pat into small balls, about the size of a ping-pong or golf ball. 5. Now let all your flower balls dry for about two days. 6. Once your flower balls are dry, spread them around.

Choose a site Ask the Cubs to think of places that would look better with some pretty plants; perhaps near your meeting place, local campsite or in their back gardens. Make sure you choose a piece of land you know you are allowed to plant in. Then let them release their flower balls in that place and look at the difference it makes. Because they are a mixture of clay, potting compost, seeds and water, these ‘seed bombs’ are able to survive by themselves – the rain will water them. You can make this part a bit more fun by creating a game out of it; perhaps make them pretend they are undercover spies and they have to plant their seed balls without being caught. After a few weeks check to see if something is growing. Don’t be too disappointed if some of your seeds don’t grow, that happens sometimes. Just try it again.

more info If you would like to find out more about Bookbridge or to participate in the book collection this June visit or see p68 of your copy of Scouting magazine.

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Opening ceremony

10 mins

Beliefs and Attitudes


Hunt the woggle

5-15 mins

Outdoor and Adventure; Creative


Find the dwarves

20-60 mins

Outdoor and Adventure; Fitness

Gam Outd Team chall

River crossing

5-15 mins

Outdoor and Adventure; Fitness

Team chall Gam

Closing ceremony

5 mins

Beliefs and Attitudes

Pray wors and refle

This issue’s theme is the great outdoors, compiled by Nicola Ashby

POP Programmes on a plate

10 Cubs April/May 2011

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Discuss the theme for the meeting


• Stand the Cubs in a circle facing inwards. Each holds on to a piece of string that stretches all the way around. One Cub is chosen by an adult to stand in the middle of the circle with their eyes closed. The adult then threads a woggle onto the string, without the person in the middle seeing. • The woggle is then moved around the string from person to person. As each young person is passed the woggle, they hide it under one hand and pass it to the other hand, then to the next young person. • The Cubs in the middle has to start looking for the woggle. • Those passing the woggle have to try and make it look like they have it by clenching their fists and pretending to pass it. • When the young person in the middle has guessed correctly, or has guessed enough times, they change places with the Cub who has the woggle.

Games; Outdoors; Team challenges

Rules for young people; in teams of three or four. Each team has been given a different card. • You must get a signature from each dwarf character on that card in the order shown on the card. • The characters can be found anywhere in the playing area, and they can move around. • The signatures must be obtained in the order on the card. • To find out which adult is which, you have to find them and then you may ask them only once. They will answer either yes or no and then you must move on. • If they answer yes, they will sign it and you can then go and find the next character. • You must stay in groups of three or four. • Three whistle blasts ends the game. • When you have all five signatures return to base. Rules for adults: • You will be asked your dwarf identity by a group of young people and you must only answer yes or no. • They may only ask it only once and then must move on to find another character, but they can come back to you after they have asked someone else. • If you say yes then you can sign their card, but only if you are the next person in order on their card. • Please ensure that the young people stay in their groups. • You are free to move around anywhere within the playing area. • Three whistle blasts ends the game. The adult/leader is one of five dwarves: Bashful, Dopey, Grumpy, Happy, Sleepy

Team challenges; Games

Before the activity, mark out a ‘river’ for the teams to cross • Split the section into small teams. • Each team is given a number of chairs (depending on how challenging you want the activity to be). • The teams have to cross the river, using the chairs and without touching the river. • The winning team is the first to cross successfully.

Prayer, worship and reflection

ghts and photos too. Send us your programme ideas, thou re issues. futu in ure Some of the best may feat in a future programme, te icipa part to If your Pack would like please let us know at programme@

For more great ideas visit 11

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09/03/2011 17:40

t f a r c h s u B Cubs

bs into It’s never too early to turn your Cu ents some bushcraft experts. Austin Lill pres ch Pack perfect springtime tasks to turn ea member into a mini Bear Grylls Nettle cordial recipe Create a tasty and refreshing drink from nettles? Your Cubs won’t believe it but it’s easy and you can amaze them by showing them how. The ingredients for this cordial are just a version of the standard elderflower recipe. 200g of chopped nettle tops 1kg caster sugar 50g citric acid 500ml boiling water 1. Mix the sugar into the boiling water until dissolved, add the citric acid and then the nettles. Cover and chill when cool. 2. It starts to look like it’s turning after a couple of days, don’t worry. It needs to be stirred each day too.After five days strain it through a muslin. It comes out a

surprising colour and due to the differing sugar/water ratio from usual elderflower recipes you need less cordial. It kind of reminds me of a ‘green’ tasting old-fashioned lemonade. 3. This makes about three quarters of a litre. 4. It is possible to reduce the sugar as it is very syrupy but a little goes a long way and this high sugar level means it has a long life if kept chilled. 5. If this is made late summer and nettles are a bit ‘leggy’, look for ones in shade, or those growing near the ground should be OK. 6. This is delicious when mixed with elderflower cordial. The sugary nettle leaves from the mixture are a bit chewy but are really quite palatable. 7. Some recipes suggest leaving it a week before bottling but five days is fine. It will taste all right after two but with more of a green taste.

12 Cubs April/May 2011

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Scouting skills

How to make a fish trap Help your Pack get up close to our fishy friends with this simple device. 1. Take one large bottle (one litre ones can work too). 2. Cut it around the neck and reverse the cut bit in to make a lobster pot design. 3. Push a hot metal skewer through both the body and the reversed top and secure with freezer bag ties. 4. Add some string to lower it in and out. 5. Finally, fill with a few stones and bait. Drop the bottle into a local pond or stream.

I’ve tweaked the colours and circled an American Signal Crayfish that showed some interest (it would have had a squeeze to get in). Minnows are very greedy. If you have these in the water then you’ve pretty much guaranteed success. Try researching different baits; I’ve had success with everything from eels to perch in these traps. These are also fantastic for catching crabs by the seaside. Just wind a little string round the entrance to help the crabs in. 13

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Flexi-time le volunteering but You’ve probably heard about flexib Pack? how do you make it work in your y ideas Laura McManus offers some hand

14 Cubs April/May 2011

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eaders are often trying to find more adults to help them. But with busy lifestyles and so many demands on people’s time (theirs and yours), how can you encourage parents to support Scouting? Research has identified that the largest barrier to volunteer recruitment is the time pressure on adults coupled with anxiety over the demands placed on new recruits. Nearly 60 per cent of non-volunteers cite lack of time as the main reason why they do not volunteer. Scouting therefore must approach volunteering in a flexible way to get around these concerns.

Think about what you would like an adult to do If there was one thing you could have help with, what would it be? Draw up a list of tasks that you would like another adult to do, so you can concentrate on running the Pack. Maybe it’s one of these: • Run craft activities • Run outdoor activities • Organise a sleepover • Manage the badge records • Co-ordinate a parent rota. These tasks do not necessarily have to be done by the same person. They can be done effectively as part of a team. If you ask an adult to do one task for a set period of time then they are more likely to say yes.

Getting crafty Is doing a craft activity something you dread? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. However there may be an adult that you could ask to organise and run a couple of craft activities each term. Remember that craft doesn’t have to mean glitter and glue, it could be photography, dancing or acting.

Getting outdoors Is there a parent of a Cub Scout in your Pack who is a keen hiker or cyclist? Could they run an evening outdoors taking the Cub Scouts on a short hike? Taking the Pack on a short hike requires a lot of organisation, so asking another person means that it’s something else you don’t have to do.

Simple tasks Are you holding a residential experience soon? Are there things that you could ask parents to help to organise? Maybe you could you ask a small team to manage the catering – taking one meal each, for example. This is a simple task, and something that parents will probably be more than happy to do. Again, it is now also one less thing for you to worry about.

It’s a record Is there someone who could manage the badge records and administration for you? If you give them a copy of the programme and attendance records, they can work out which challenges/badges have been completed. You’d be surprised by just how many people enjoy the paperworkbased tasks that you are constantly putting off.

Parent or adult rotas Over 40 per cent of new volunteers to section roles come from the parents of youth members (or prospective youth members), so parent or adult rotas are a particularly effective method of getting new people involved in Scouting. One of the tasks in your to-do list could be coordinating a parent’s rota. Why not ask a parent who you know has younger children as they would not necessarily be able to attend a Pack meeting? A parent or adult rota is another great way for sections to benefit from the increased adult support that parents can bring, without requiring them to make a weekly commitment. The rota could ask parents or other adults linked to the child to make a commitment to attending one Pack meeting a term.

Tools to help There are a number of resources to help you with encouraging adults to support your section in a flexible way. 15

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11/03/2011 16:23

Badge page

r e p m a c r o o d In activity The April weather might be unreliable, but don’t let that stop you working towards the Camper Activity Badge says Nicola Ashby


lthough many of the badge requirements are things that are easily achieved at camp, lots of them can also be practised in your normal meeting place on dismal and still-slightly-chilly evenings.

Inspections Mock inspections can easily be set up inside. To encourage participation, allow Sixers to inspect the leader’s kit afterwards. This usually causes quite a stir.

Packing Help your Cubs learn how to pack a rucksack using a simple relay race. Set out the items to be packed for each team member. Once each has finished packing their rucksack, the next person on their team starts, and so on. It may not be the neatest packing you’ve ever seen, but it will help them think about the order in which to pack things.

Cooking A few weeks ago we ran a cooking competition Pack. Each Cub had to bring in one ingredient and then, in their Sixes, cook a meal using the equipment we take to camp. They had access to a ‘store cupboard’ and a leader/Young Leader for advice (and safety guidance). The results were surprisingly edible. So don’t let bad weather stop your Pack from gaining outdoor badges. With a little imagination and planning you can have them well prepared for when summer comes and they do it for real.

To gain this award, Cub Scouts must complete the following: 1. With other Cub Scouts, camp under canvas for at least three nights (not necessarily on the same occasion). 2. Help pack personal kit for a Cub Scout camp. 3. Help to pitch and strike a tent and know how to take care of it. 4. At camp, help to prepare, cook, serve and clear away a simple meal, if possible out-of-doors. 5. Know how to look after yourself and be safe at camp. Know how to prepare for tent and kit inspection. 6. Take part in at least three of the following while at camp: a. campfire b. Scouts’ Own c. wide game d. joint activity with other Cub Scouts on site or from a local Group e. a good turn for the site f. help to tidy up the campsite before they leave.

16 Cubs April/May 2011

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11/03/2011 16:23

Animal friendly Pets at Home stores are offering local Beaver and Cub Scouts free workshops to help towards their Animal Carer Badges

n store, all Beaver Scouts and Cub Scouts will receive advice from trained advisers on how to care for pets responsibly to achieve part of their set badge criteria. To obtain their Animal Carer Badge, Cub Scouts will learn how to care for small animals, fish or insects and the correct types, varieties and quantities of food to feed them. They will also find out the right habitats for small animals, where they sleep and how to ensure they get the appropriate level of exercise and how to recognise common illnesses. Suitable animals for the badge include dogs, cats, gerbils, guinea, fish, birds and rabbits.

more info Pets at Home offers great products, tips and advice to keep your pet happy and healthy. From specialist pet food to toys and training aids, there is everything a pet owner could wish for and more. There are 279 Pets at Home stores across the UK. To find your local one visit 17

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Tips and advice

Support your new leader Retaining them is a whole Recruiting new leaders is one thing. e pointers on how to make different matter. Katy Sara offers som made part of the team sure the new leader in your Group is


ongratulations. After what seems like forever, it appears that the flyer at the playground, pestering parents, the website advert and cajoling Cubs to be on their best behaviour during prospective leader visits have finally paid off; your new leader has turned up for their first Pack night. But the hard work has just begun. If possible, get together before they come to their first night. Run through the programme for the term and talk about what you’d like them to get involved with. It will help them settle in quicker if they know what to expect and it’s a chance to ask questions away from the noise and chaos of a Pack meeting.

Welcome behaviour Whether your new leader is someone who has experience of Scouting or not, it’s fair to say that having come through the door they’re now thinking ‘argh – the Cubs seem to have multiplied since last time and they’re shouting and running round, I’m not sure I can do this.’ It’s crucial to act quickly at this point – a welcoming smile, an introduction to the leader team, a reminder of the programme and a cup of tea should help them relax. During the first couple of weeks let them soak up the atmosphere and get used to how the meetings run. Make

sure that they are getting involved with activities and learning the Cubs’ names; not standing on the sidelines. Throw them in at the deep end and you’re in danger of scaring them off. Breaking them in gently will pay dividends as confidence grows and soon they’ll be able to run games and activities on their own.

Show you care District meetings are the perfect opportunity to meet fellow leaders, swap ideas and realise the whole network of support available, so invite your new leader along. Talk about the importance of training and the different options they have for completing modules within timescales. Demonstrate the Group’s commitment to them by asking your District Commissioner to come to a meeting and invest them, in recognition of the important role they’ve undertaken. And the end of all that, just four little words show that the time and effort you’ve put in has paid off – ‘see you next week.’ Online advice There is a lot more tips and guidance available online at our new Member Resources area at

18 Cubs April/May 2011

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09/03/2011 09:26:29 09/03/2011 17:43

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