eaders Cub Scout bLer 2010 r fo e in z a g vem The ma October/No
Serbian Cub Scouts
Baltic adventures
News and views
On camp and on the ball
D R A W R O F T S A F Scouts o t n i s b u C e encourag
Camping to
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Editors: Graeme Hamilton, UK Adviser for Cub Scouts Nicola Ashby, Programme and Development Adviser for Cub Scouts programme@scouts.org.uk
All the fun of the Cubs
Published by: The Scout Association, Gilwell Park, Chingford, London E4 7QW Contributions to: scouting.magazine@scouts.org.uk This issue’s contributors: Nicola Ashby Charlie Dale Graeme Hamilton Ruth Hubbard Dave Wood ADVERTISING Richard Ellacott richard.ellacott@thinkpublishing.co.uk Tel: 020 8962 1258 Read all the section supplements at www.scouts.org.uk/magazine
Have you seen you r Join-inJamboree supplement? Wit h enough ideas to keep you going for a yea r, it can be used to help you r Cubs part icipate in the internat iona l adventu re. We’ve reduced the size of you r Cubs supplement, but it will be bac k to its usual 20 pages nex t issue.
Badges, fun days and celebrating our centenary. It’s all change in Cub Scouting land, says Graeme Hamilton June saw Karen, the UK Adviser for Beaver Scouts, and me at the annual Beaver and Cub Scout Fundays at Gilwell Park in our usual gazebo, making tea for weary leaders and picking their brains on the past year and any current issues. We focused on activity badges and factsheets. Many leaders still struggle with the faith side of the programme so hopefully our recently launched Programme Plus: Volume 2 and the Rise to the Challenge guide (www.scouts.org.uk/faith) will help you. You were also vocal about activity badges: ‘Change the swimming requirements.’ ‘Make Athletics a staged activity badge’ said many of you. There was also a call for more traditional badges to reflect pioneering, knotting, fire-lighting, and some newer ones such as a photographer, seasonal badges like Easter, a badge for chocolate like the Brownies have, language, staged circus skills and even one for good manners.
Agree? Disagree? Email the Cub Scout office at programme@scouts.org.uk and let me know how closely this resembles the thinking in your District. Or test out the views of all the Cubs in your District, compare the results against those of the leaders and then send in the combined findings. Finally, we’re now just over five years from Cub Scouting’s centenary in 2016. Drop me a line on what you think the Association should be doing, if anything, to mark this milestone. programme@scouts.org.uk
Contents 4 News The latest national and local news
5 All join in We dip into your free Join-in-Jamboree resource
8 Baltic adventures Serbia and National Cub Scout Year
6 Mind the gap A camp with a difference
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News and views in Cub Scouting. ions Email your stories, reports and opin k rg.u ts.o to scouting.magazine@scou
Have you been to scouts.org.uk recently? You might be surprised by what you find. Featuring a refreshed, easy-to-navigate menu and arranged into logical categories, you will be able to find the information you’re looking for in just a few clicks. You might also discover some content you didn’t know you were looking for. There is also a dedicated area for Cub Scouting, and the new menu means it’s all there, all the time. Just go to www.scouts.org.uk and click on the Information and Resources area.
Cub camp adventures Over the summer thousands of Cubs went camping for the first time. From the Pirate Cub camp in Sussex to the Knights of the Round Table camp in the North West, Cubs went under canvas. For a full round of summer camps around the UK turn to page 32 of Scouting magazine.
Better books for better programming Stuck for programme ideas? Lacking confidence in taking Cubs away on camp? Whether you’ve just joined Cub Scouting, or are an old hand, there will be something for everyone. From Cub Scout Games, to our two volumes of Pack Programme Plus and the Nights Away book, don’t miss out. And if there’s something you think we’re missing, do tell us at scouting.magazine@scouts.org.uk All books are available from Scout Shops at www.scouts.org.uk/shop
Faith and awareness events December/ January December 1 World AIDS Day 2 International Day for the Abolition of Slavery 2–9 Hanukkah (Jewish) 3 International Day of Persons with Disabilities 5 International Volunteer Day 7 Al-Hura New Year’s Day (Muslim) 8 Bodhi Day - Rohatsu (Buddhist) 10 International Human Rights Day 16 Ashura (Muslim) 25 Christmas Day (Christian)
January 1 New Year’s Day 4 World Braille Day 5 Birthday of Guru Gobindh Singh (Sikh) 6 Epiphany (Christian) 7 Christmas (Orthodox Christian) 16 World Religion Day (Baha’i) 19–21 Mahayana New Year (Buddhist) 20 Tu B’shvat (Jewish) 27 Holocaust Memorial Day
Cubs October/November 2010
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09/09/2010 10:44
All join in Sweden in 2011 The 22nd World Scout Jamboree is in boree magic to and you can bring a little bit of jam boree resource your Pack with our free Join-in-Jam
his programme resource is an additional supplement to bring the spirit of the World Scout Jamboree to your Pack, without having to attend the event itself. In just nine months’ time, a UK Contingent of 4,500, including Unit Leaders, participants, support team and International Service Team members will converge on a huge site on the fields of Rinkaby in Kristianstad, Southern Sweden for an extravaganza of world Scouting. With Scouts from over 150 countries, it is a taste of the entire world in one place.
Global gatherings Specifically designed with the global and international programme in mind, Join-in-Jamboree provides an array of programme ideas linked to themes, which you can use as part of your programme planning. The Jamboree and its global ethos are at the centre of the resource and although themes are allocated to months, you can use the ideas at any time of the year. It will also help you deliver the Global Programme Zone, and we hope will even inspire you to create your own globally themed activities.
A world of possibilities For some of the activities listed, there are downloads to help run them, all available on Programmes Online or direct from the Jamboree website at www.scouts.org.uk/wsj2011. There is a Join-in-Jamboree booklet for every section, all are available to view and download from the website. They will provide even more ideas which can be adopted and adapted throughout the year. So what are waiting for? Open your copy of Join-in-Jamboree and feast your eyes on the Jamboree spectacle.
more info www.scouts.org.uk/pol, search ‘WSJ’ www.scouts.org.uk/wsj2011
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09/09/2010 10:44
Mind the gap happens between Cub and ers mb me in off p dro st ge big r Ou has come up with an Scout age. In Scotland, one District ett was in the thick of it enterprising solution. Ruth Benn
ver 300 Cubs and Scouts from all parts of Scotland rolled into Fife’s Fordell Firs activity centre in May. They brought with them leaders, tents, bags of energy and enthusiasm – and even the sun. Nothing unusual about that you may think. But what marked this camp out was that it was exclusively for 9½ to 12 year olds. Designed specifically for the oldest Cubs and youngest Scouts, the idea was to address the drop-off rates between the two sections. As well as giving young people the opportunity to take part in a range of fun and adventurous activities, the camp aimed to encourage transition between the Cub and Scout sections by giving older Cubs a taste of what the Scout section is all about. From bell boating to bungee jumping, caving and climbing, a full programme of activities was on offer to keep everyone busy. With 22 options and only seven hours available the most difficult thing was choosing what to do. But smiles all round and screams of enjoyment continued right through to the surprise carnival on Saturday night. Richard Fairbairn, Assistant District Commissioner
Cub Scouts for Midlothian was camp chief. ‘Along with my team we organised a fantastic weekend of activities using the permanent features of Fordell Firs like King Swing and grass sledges as well as other bases such as hunting famous people and woggle-making. Everyone had a colour-coded wristband (mainly for controlling the meal queues) and a full list of who should be at which activity and when. Everyone achieves more as a team and the weekend could not have happened without it.’
Measuring success Leaders also had a fantastic weekend as we could sit and have a cup of coffee, or two, without worrying about catering as the hard working team were there from the crack of dawn until the wee small hours. We were able to chat to those in their group and share ideas with others – the best bit about camp. We are hoping the event has forged stronger links between the two sections but we need to wait until next year’s census results to reveal how successful it’s been. But judging by the comments on the graffiti board, it was definitely worth it.
Cubs December October/November 2008/January 2010 2009
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Moving on
Graffiti board comments by Cubs and Scouts • I’m having a great time! Bungee Trampoline was AWESOME – Regan • Awesome! Loving every second of it. WOW – Simon • The camp has been great. I would come back any day! • The camp has been very tiring but fun! • Fordell Firs is amazing. I definitely want to come again. • I love this camp, it is great! – Nathalie • I think it is super fun, fun, fun! – Beth • It’s really great so far, you’re always busy! • Scouting is really good and I am enjoying it very much! • Really fun and want to have a camp like this again – Gale • I think this camp is very, very good! Blyth • Amazing fun! Best time ever, Scouts rule!! • I think Fordell Fast Forward is brilliant. • It’s the best camp I’ve been to. • I’m having a gr8 time. Best camp ever! • It’s great here and so are the activities. • Good for making new friends • I’m having a great time so far, it rocks! • Scouting rules • One of my favourite ever camps! • It’s awesome! Eleanor • This feels like home now. I don’t want to leave!
d n a l l o H o t p i r t a Win the heat for this Get in the kitchen if you can stand a free trip tasty competition with a top prize of
riginal Dutch Edam and The Scout Association have teamed up with presenter and celebrity chef Nadia Sawalha to find Britain’s next on screen chef of the future. The nationwide competition, the Edam Young Chef of the Year, is looking for talented young culinary stars. Nadia (left) said, ‘Nurturing the talent of tomorrow is so important. The Edam Young Chef of the Year competition aims not only to unearth budding chefs of tomorrow but to inspire kids up and down the country to get into the kitchen and cook. I can’t wait to see the entries.’ Budding young chefs are invited to enter the competition by either sending in footage of them presenting and cooking a delicious dish or uploading their footage directly on to Photo © Mark Adderley
www.edam.co.uk. If the incentive of fame and fortune isn’t enough, the winner will be crowned The Edam Young Chef of the Year and win a trip to Edam in the Netherlands.
How to enter The competition is open to those aged between 7–15 and entering couldn’t be easier. Simply capture footage of your nominated budding chef cooking and talking viewers through the recipe and upload to www.edam. co.uk (click on the kids pages and follow the Chef of the Year prompts) or post your entry to: 4 Great James Street, London, WC1N 3DB. Entries need to be in by 31 October 2010, a winner from each region will be selected by a panel of judges by 30 November, and the national winner announced in December. scouts.org.uk/pol
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Baltic adventures
rbia. It’s national Cub Scout Year in Se ung people? yo e th r fo n ea m it es do t ha w t Bu breather e ut in -m ve fi a s ke ta c vi no va Ži a Vesn s all about between events to share what it’
ub Scout Year 2010 means that all activities are focused on the youngest section of Serbian Scouts. There was a national seminar for Cub Scout leaders early in the year, but the second and biggest, national activity that has marked the year so far was on 5 June, dedicated to World Environment Day. Some 550 Cubs, 120 volunteers, and 150 leaders and other adults came to support our activity. This is the first time we have organised something like this, but it could become a traditional event. On this occasion it was held in Belgrade, our capital city, on the fortress of the old town. The Cub Scouts enjoyed playing some educational games that the leaders had prepared and taking part in a range of skills bases and activities as well as some light relief, watching clowns. As the event was held on World Environment Day, all the activities were connected with preserving nature, building up an understanding of our role in sustaining the planet including a strong emphasis on the selection of waste and recycling. The most remarkable thing was the sign of World Membership Badge that all Cubs made using their bodies at the closing ceremony. We have lots more planned and I know this will be an unforgettable year for all Serbian Cubs.
Say what? Male Cubs are known as Poletarci, female are Pcelice
Cubs December October/November 2008/January 2010 2009
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Serbian Scouting Scouting in Serbia began in 1911, only four years after it started in the UK. The Scout Organisation of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croatians and Slovenians was one of the founders of WOSM, in Paris 1922. During the Second World War, the organisation ceased, and started up again in 1954. After a further halt, it was again revived and welcomed back into WOSM in 1995. The last two decades of crisis, poverty, and NATO bombing had deeply affected levels of society. Scouting too was changed by these events with decreasing membership during this period. It is therefore with a strong sense of pride that for the last few years things have improved. Today there are 3,800 members in Serbia and 1,300 in the Cub section alone.
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Serbian link If you would like to make a link with a Serbian Cub Scout Pack, contact the International office at Gilwell Park at international@scouts.org.uk or 0845 300 1818. www.scouts.org.uk/intlinks
Vesna, 32, is an architect, and volunteers as national Cub Scout Commissioner.
13/09/2010 16:01
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Adult Be Prepared Hoodie Ref 1025542R
182 - Cub Sup Half Page.indd 1
01903 766 921
ABTA TA No.V0 T V 25X V0 5 5X
i.Eat i.Sleep i.Scout T-shirt Ref 1028202R
i.Follow The Bear T-shirt 13/07/2010 15:35:59 Ref 1028213R
Activity Trousers Ref 1006953R
NEW restyled
The new Scout Activity Trousers have been redesigned to meet the modern day requirements of Scouting. Available in men’s, women’s and youth sizes. Changes include: Soft handle water resistant finish, redesign of the pockets, new tunnel waistband with adjustable internal elastic to give a better fit and a repositioned Sizes: Men’s 32”-60”, mobile phone pocket. Women’s 8-36
The adult Hooded Sweatshirt with the Scouts ‘be prepared’ logo embroidered on the front. Ideal for wearing at camp when the weather turns cold. Sizes: XS-XXL
This T-shirt has a modern look for wearing when uniform is not required and is a great addition to the i.Scout range. Sizes: S-XXL
Cubs Youths Knitted Hat Ref 1027224
A knitted hat with the Cub section logo
With the Chief Scout’s signature and footprint motif, this is a fantastic addition to the i.Scout range. The i.Follow The Bear T-shirt is a great alternative when official uniform is not essential. Fabric: 100% cotton Sizes: S-XXL
All profits go back into Scouting. The Scout Association Registered Charity number 306101 (England and Wales) and SC038437 (Scotland).
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