ine The magaSzcout r for ExploreLeaders 010 June/July 2
Happy underground
A caving diary
You and them
Scout Active Support can really help both
S N O S REA L U F R E E H C E B TO of growth for Explorer Scouting
a year n o t r o p e r We
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Your Explorer Scout Section Working Group Alex Minajew, UK Commissioner for Programme Charlotte Tow, Programme and Development Adviser
New lady in town!
Contact them at: Programme Team, The Scout Association, Gilwell Park, Chingford, London E4 7QW Tel: 0845 300 1818 ADVERTISING Richard Ellacott Tel: 020 8962 1258
In her last entry for Explorer, Gemma Veitch is saying goodbye. They say itÕ s not over until the É hang on, Gemma, what are you doing with that microphone? As most of you will be aware I have now left The Scout Association to move to the beautiful Yorkshire Dales. I have had such a fantastic time over the past three years and had the privilege of meeting quite a number of you during my time here. The Explorer Scout section is amazing (although I may be biased about that!) and as adults working with Explorer Scouts we have the chance to support young people at a time of life when their worlds are expanding and they are preaparing to face the greater pressures of adulthood. Over the past few years I have been extremely impressed with the standard of programmes and activities available for our 14-18 year olds. The events I have attended have been varied and brilliant fun!
New faces
Bookings are now open for this yearÕ s Gilwell Reunion event, held at Gilwell Park over the weekend of the 3-5 September. The event is open to all adults in Scouting. For more information about the event go to
Can I also take this opportunity to welcome Charlotte Tow to The Scout Association. Charlotte is taking on the role of Programme and Development Adviser and will now be the first point of contact for the Explorer Scout section. You can contact Charlotte Charlotte Tow at I am sure you will make her very welcome. Thank you all again for the incredible memories over the past few years.
Contents 4 The fastest-growing section Explorer Scouting is growing; we try to find out why
7 Getting the best Can you help new leaders by becoming a Training Adviser?
8 Scout Active Support... and you How working with Active Support Units can add value
10 Scout Active Support... and them Activities can provide a focus to help 18 year-olds continue their Scouting journey
12 Life in the slow lane Go narrow boating to revolutionise your summer camp
14 Going down The day the Jesters went caving
16 Book club Resources you ought to have
17 Postcard adventures Your international stories wanted
18 Jamboree dreams Rhys is in, but what’s he offering?
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The fastestgrowing section
Coasteering in Cornwall
The census results for 2010 are in, and itÕ s good news for the Explorer Scout section. All thirty-eight thousand of us, writes Elis Matthews
Explorer June/July 2010
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here are more UK teenagers in Scouting now than at any point in the last decade. Explorer Scouting was, of course, not in existence in 2001, when dwindling Venture Scout numbers were recorded at 19,250. In this year’s census results, numbers of Explorer Scouts have risen to 34,689, a growth of 8.5 per cent on last year’s count. When the figures were released in April, national and local press reported the boom, zeroing in on the fact that Scouting is increasingly popular among teenagers. Since the introduction of the Explorer Scout section, numbers have been growing yearly, with large numbers of males and females joining and staying in the section.
Number crunching The overall growth of Scouting in the 2010 census was 3.7 per cent (17,562 more adults and young people). In the Explorer section, that amounts to 2,713 more young people, a rise that is in no small way down to the hard work put in by leaders and supporters in 2,291 Units who run varied programmes of exciting activities. The table below shows the growth level of male and female Explorer Scouts and suggests that this year’s spike in additional boys may be down to the so-called ‘Bear Effect.’ The announcement 12 months ago of adventurer Bear Grylls as the Movement’s tenth Chief Scout caused young males with lofty aspirations of living wild to both join the adventure and stick with it.
Why they love it News of the growth was covered on BBC London and on national radio stations, as well as in countless local newspapers and media outlets. Recruited to talk about Scouting, Explorers Grace and Alexander enthused about a mix of activities and a world of fun. Speaking about the experience, Grace said, ‘To begin with it was kind of daunting, but as we did more and more work I got more comfortable with it and began to enjoy it.’ To Alexander, the secret of Explorer Scouting’s success lies in the activities: ‘Nowhere else could you live in the city and still get chances to go rock climbing and abseiling without going out of your way.’ He joined Scouting in the last year, aged 15 when a friend invited him along. ‘He was always banging on about it, so I decided to take him up on his offer. I went to an evening session and have never looked back since. The friends I have made and the things I have done will surely stay with me for the rest of my life.’
ItÕ s grown up north There is no one-size-fits-all reason for the rise in numbers; an adventurous programme, better communication between sections, the creation of more Units and population variance all play their part. Two examples from north England show that different initiatives bear fruit and that it’s not all about numbers.
Growth of Explorer Scouts split by gender 2008-2009
Numbers of girls are on the up
The proportion of growth among girls remains impressively high, but it’s the surge in boys that can be taken as a concrete success story.
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The fastestgrowing section >>
In Carlisle, the Ayers Explorer Unit experienced growth of 30 per cent. Explorer Scout Leader Eddie Ward puts this down to a steady flow from Scout Troops, plus an influx of ‘teenagers joining Scouting for the first time, some at 17.’ Eddie has also seen a trend among his Explorers to proudly tell friends about the eclectic mix of opportunities, which they post on social networking sites. They’re just as willing to tell Explorer about their adventures. Rachel, 16, enthuses: ‘I’ve had so many opportunities to try out new, challenging and adrenaline pumping activities such as glacier walking in Switzerland, coasteering in Newquay and endurance challenges across Cumbria. All my friends are dead jealous - it just goes to show Scouting is equipped for the modern day and it’s not all campfires, badges and knots.’
Simply the best In South Ribble District, West Lancashire, it’s been a different kind of year, but no less successful. District Explorer Scout Commissioner Martin Sumner has seen no numerical growth, with numbers staying the same as 2009, but he sees it as a process of refinement and development rather than growth for growth’s sake. ‘We’ve continued to bring new Explorers in, but we’ve also got rid of some who were treating it more like a youth
club, and not bothered about being Scouts.’ This fine tuning has resulted in more Explorers achieving DofE and Chief Scout’s Awards and more potential leaders for the future. The quality of the Programme being offered means that there’s no need to advertise Explorer Scouting as word of mouth generates enquiries from outside of Scouting. ‘There’s no tool more powerful than Explorers telling their friends,’ confirms Martin.
The futureÕ s bright The next big project for many involved in Explorer Scouting will be the World Scout Jamboree in Sweden, but Martin is keen to offer international Scouting to all his brood. ‘I try to take ours abroad in the mid point between Jamborees. We went to Kandersteg last year and had a wonderful time. Next year I’m arranging an international camp for the Explorers who won’t make it to Sweden.’ For Alexander and Grace, there’s plenty to look forward to. ‘We’ve got a summer camp in Derbyshire and hiking competitions,’ says Grace. Alexander chips in ‘It’s all an adventure, to be honest. I know that whatever my Unit lines up will be fun and full of surprises.’
Growth on the grapevine If youÕ ve grown Explorer Scouting and would like to share your secrets get in touch with us. Email with Ô Explorer Scout SupplementÕ in the subject line.
An adventurous programme has attracted new Explorer Scouts in droves
Explorer June/July 2010
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Training advisers
Getting the best Training Advisers play a vital role in the training of Scout volunteers. Rosie Shepherd explains what they do, and why it makes a difference
raining Advisers are some of the most important people in adult training, and most learners would agree that having a good Training Adviser has a big impact on their training experience. If you would like to help people who are new to the Explorer Scout section to really settle in and enjoy their new role then becoming a Training Adviser is a practical way to help them out.
What does a Training Adviser do? The role is to support learners through the Adult Training Scheme, from start to finish. This includes meeting them to decide what learning they need to do, helping them to access suitable learning, and signing off completed modules (validation). As one learner said in a recent questionnaire: ‘My Training Adviser was fantastic. She was not only there for validation but offered practical and sensible advice on numerous occasions based on her knowledge and past experience.’
How much time does it take? This is one of the most flexible roles in Scouting, and the time it takes depends on the number of learners that you support. Some Training Advisers support one learner at a time; others support more. It’s up to you. As a guide, on average learners meet with their Training Adviser six times
during the three years it takes to complete their Wood Badge.
How do I become a Training Adviser? If you think you might be interested, the first step is to talk to your County/Area Training Manger, or Assistant District Commissioner (Adult Training) in Scotland. They will be able to tell you more about how training is organised in your local area, and what kind of support you would have as a Training Adviser. The training requirement for the role is to complete Module 25 Assessing Learning (Training Adviser). This will give you the necessary tools and skills to do the role. If you are a District Explorer Scout Commissioner you may already have completed this module. ‘A good Training Adviser can be so motivating and encouraging and makes the whole training experience a good one’ was the feedback of one newly appointed Explorer Scout Leader.
Train up
Download resources for your own training at or purchase from the Scout Information Centre Ð 0845 300 1818 |
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. .. t r o p p u S e v i t c A t Scou ... and you there Do you need more adult help? Are m? Have skills missing from your leader tea you got enough money? Do your new Explorers want to get involved in projects? Then read on for more port information about Scout Active Sup
What is Scout Active Support? Scout Active Support is a way for adults to provide support to local Scouting in a flexible way. Scout Active Support – like Explorer Scouting – is divided into Units. A Scout Active Support Unit is based at Scout Group, District or County level, and there can be more than one Unit at each level.
How is a Scout Active Support Unit set up and utilised? The responsible Commissioner must appoint a Scout Active Support Manager when he or she has identified support needed within the Group, District or County. The function of the Unit should ideally link to the Group, District or County Development Plan. A service agreement should be written that lays out the support
that the Unit will provide over the coming 12 months such as covering leader absence, supporting international expeditions, and the support the Group, District or County will provide to the Unit (such as provide first aid training, pay membership fees and so on).
Group Scout Leader, District Commissioner, County Commissioner or nominee
Scout Active Support Manager
Scout Active Support Coordinator
Scout Active Support Coordinator
Scout Active Support Unit
Active Support Units could pass on specialist skills like sailing to Explorer Scouts
Explorer June/July 2010
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. .. t r o p p u S e v i t c A t Scou ... and you there Do you need more adult help? Are m? Have skills missing from your leader tea you got enough money? Do your new Explorers want to get involved in projects? Then read on for more port information about Scout Active Sup
What is Scout Active Support? Scout Active Support is a way for adults to provide support to local Scouting in a flexible way. Scout Active Support – like Explorer Scouting – is divided into Units. A Scout Active Support Unit is based at Scout Group, District or County level, and there can be more than one Unit at each level.
How is a Scout Active Support Unit set up and utilised? The responsible Commissioner must appoint a Scout Active Support Manager when he or she has identified support needed within the Group, District or County. The function of the Unit should ideally link to the Group, District or County Development Plan. A service agreement should be written that lays out the support
that the Unit will provide over the coming 12 months such as covering leader absence, supporting international expeditions, and the support the Group, District or County will provide to the Unit (such as provide first aid training, pay membership fees and so on).
Group Scout Leader, District Commissioner, County Commissioner or nominee
Scout Active Support Manager
Scout Active Support Coordinator
Scout Active Support Coordinator
Scout Active Support Unit
Scout Active Support Units could pass on specialist skills like sailing to Explorer Scouts
Explorer June/July 2010
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How can Scout Active Support help an Explorer Scout Unit?
What else can a Scout Active Support Unit offer?
A Scout Active Support Unit can do anything that supports Scouting. It is a way for adults to volunteer some time to Scouting in a flexible way that suits them. The ways that Scout Active Support can aid Explorer Scouts are almost endless; below are a few examples.
Scout Active Support is another option for young people to become involved in once they turn 18. Scout Network offers those aged 18-25 access to the higher levels awards, such as Queen’s Scout Award, while joining a local Scout Active Support Unit presents them with a choice to give something back to Scouting and perhaps remain involved with supporting their old Explorer Unit on a flexible basis. Scout Active Support can work both ways: if your Explorer Scout Unit is looking to get involved with a project, there might be a Scout Active Support Unit based at a local campsite who are looking for extra manpower to finish a building project. Scout Active Support Units are great contacts for passing on traditional Scouting skills to the Explorer Unit that you may not have yourself. They could be a good source of local historical knowledge, and be able to deliver programmes on a range of subjects, increasing the variety you can offer in the programme. A Scout Active Support Unit could offer you support during a camp, doing badge assessments, backwoods cooking, conservation project, administrative support, parent liaison, find out how a Unit local to you can support your Explorer Scout Unit.
Explorer Scout Unit is planning an international 1 An expedition. The District Scout Active Support Unit could support them in planning the trip, including fundraising. County Scout Active Support Unit could provide 2 Aopportunities for Explorer Scout Units across the County to gain experience of water activities by coordinating six experience days annually. Scout Active Support Unit could work with 3 AtheDistrict Explorer Scout Units in the District to coordinate events outside of usual meeting times specifically for Explorer Scouts. Scout Active Support Unit could be a source 4 AofDistrict extra adult help in leader absence, or to teach skills that the existing leader team do not hold, such as pioneering.
*Though the term ‘County’ is used here for simplicity, Scout Active Support happens equally in Areas, Islands, Bailiwicks and Scottish Regions.
Contacting your District Commissioner about local Scout Active Support Units is probably the quickest route to the Scout Active Support Manager. If no Unit exists, this may prompt the DC to start a new Unit to support your need. For more information, see If you have any good news about your partnership with a Scout Active Support Unit, we would love to hear about it. Please email
Scout Active Support Units can help at Group level, whether it’s by organising catering or helping at camps
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Scout Active Support É ... and them
ver been in ‘that’ dilemma? Members of your Unit are approaching 18 and you’re trying to encourage them to stay involved in Scouting. Work or university beckons, and perhaps relationships are flourishing. They have no inclination to join or help set up the local Network, and aren’t interested in helping with a section. What do you do? One answer could be to appeal to their interests and offer them an opportunity to keep the adventure Scouting offers while being more flexible in their involvement. How so? Three words: Scout Active Support.
Activities Ð the flexible adult role Providing your Members with opportunities to try new things is one of the fundamental approaches to programme planning. Incorporating adventurous activities into your programme builds interest and enthusiasm in things that many young people never get a chance to try. Indeed, it is one of the reasons why many young people join the Movement. Of course, you know that. But it can also be a way to get them to stick with it when life changes and they no longer have the time to be ‘regular’ attendees. 10
Ensuring that young people not only have the opportunity to try activities, but also the chance to meet and work with local Scout teams focused on these activities can be an ideal route to keeping them involved beyond the date they would normally decide to leave. It opens up the opportunity for them to stay involved in Scouting as a flexible member of an activity Scout Active Support Unit, leading activities for other members of their County or District. Enabling them to continue learning an activity that they enjoy while supporting others in accessing it can be vital in encouraging them to make the transition into leadership at a future date. At the same time, it provides a valuable resource to every other leader in your District and County who can call on their skills on a flexible basis.
Who to talk to Most Counties or Regions will have their own experienced activity teams, who operate as Scout Active Support Units. They can help you run an adventurous activity, and may even run a programme of events themselves. They will provide you with advice and support on how to get involved in an activity and possible locations to do it.
Explorer June/July 2010
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ssive With adventurous activities a ma t Õ reason why teenagers join, don y underestimate the role they can pla ng uti in keeping Explorer Scouts in Sco after they reach 18. Andy Melia ive explains how specialised Scout Act et Support Units could be just the tick
The important thing is allowing them the opportunity to meet your Explorers. By doing so, it will ensure that your young people are aware of the other roles that they can take on in Scouting when it’s time for them to move on from the Unit. Alternatively, there are more general Scout Active Support Units. The Unit members are likely to have a wealth of experience and skills, and may be able to advise you on how to run an adventurous activity, or at least where to begin. If your Unit has agreed that they want to focus on a specific activity, and the skills exist, you could talk to your District Commissioner about amending the Scout Active Support Unit’s service agreement to support young people in gaining the necessary skills. Again, ensure that your Members get a chance to meet and work with the Scout Active Support Unit. This will enable them to see what the Unit does, and make it a viable route to consider when they leave.
First step to leadership By remembering that there are other roles available as adults in Scouting and ensuring young people are aware of them and meet current members in those roles, we can encourage more to stay involved beyond the age of 18. And once they start to support Scouting as an adult, there is always the possibility that they will make the leap across to leadership.
Get the whole picture at
12/05/2010 15:14
Life in the slow lane Adventure A-Z
Year after year we go off to camp, predominantly staying in tents. Why not change the scenery and embark on a water-based odyssey with a narrow boating holiday, asks Tom Hylands
Narrow boating Narrow boating may be viewed as a quaint activity that doesn’t fit with the notion of a modern Movement. However, you can’t underestimate the number of skills and experiences that piloting a boat along a canal requires: navigation and route planning; steering and precision; working the locks; discovery; self-sufficiency; teamwork; cooking and the appreciation of heritage and culture.
Getting started There are many Scout-friendly companies that offer reasonable prices for weekends or longer. If you look to the National Community Boats Association (NCBA), it won’t take long to find an association in your region that can offer this activity. As an Explorer Scout, Alec Stanworth from Eastcote, London, experienced both weekend and week-long expeditions on narrow boats, the most recent on the Grand Union Canal. He said: ‘The best part is the fact that there is always something to do, whether it’s steering the boat, being out on the locks or just generally helping out. I never got bored!’
Alec comments: ‘Narrow boating has a nice pace of life. You’re not hurrying to write a programme on the spot and there are so many opportunities to do additional things’. In order to offer narrow boating, the person in charge needs to have a leadership activity permit for narrow boating. Both the NCBA and Royal Yachting Association (RYA) run courses which can give valuable skills towards gaining a permit. Also check for details of training and assessment opportunities. The A-Z of Activities will give you all the relevant links and rules. The Narrow Boating factsheet (FS120655) contains more details and essential information.
Pace yourself
Narrow boats, broad Programme
There are also chances to do activities as the journey goes on. The majority of canals travel through towns giving the opportunity to include activities such as ice skating and bowling. You are never far from ‘civilisation’ and there will generally be plenty of conveniences, such as supermarkets.
The major plus for setting your camp on a narrow boat is that it’s easy to tie into all areas of the Balanced Programme. For Outdoor and Adventure, the core skills of planning and navigating are right there onboard, but also whenever you venture away from the towpath on hikes and explorations. Also, there’s nothing stopping
12 Explorer
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more info A-Z of activities: Community Boats Association: British Waterways: National Directory of Waters:
Changing locks or assisting the lock keeper can be an activity in itself
you mooring up at an appropriate location and going off for a night in tents. For community, there would be opportunities to get involved in the life of the waterways, with service projects directed by the lock-keeper or canal authority. Creatively, you could engage the Explorers in painting landscapes, composing folk songs about their cruise or cooking in the often-cramped galley on the boat. In terms of values and relationships, the challenges presented by living in close proximity mean your Unit will need to foster positive relationships and respect each other to live in harmony during the holiday. These lessons can be valuable in future Explorer Scout activities and are worth exploring.
Take the plunge Narrow boating has a lot to offer a Unit, so why not give it a go for a day or a weekend? If you have fun then it’s time to go for a week. 13
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Going down O
n Friday night at 6pm nine of us leave the Henderson Scout Hall in Kilmarnock, six Explorers and three leaders. We’re off to the North Yorkshire Dales National Park where we stay at a fantastic place called The Dump – the club headquarters of the Bradford Potholing Club near Horton-in-Ribblesdale. After four long but fun hours, we arrive, empty the bus and prepare our rooms. After Jim’s famous hot dogs and a few hours of chat, it’s bedtime.
Early start Next morning, we’re woken at 7.30am and enjoy a hearty fried breakfast, and after making our sandwiches for lunch, we set off to the first cave of the day – Upper Long Churns near Selside. We get out of the bus and put on green, waterproof suits with hardhats and torches – our uniform for the day. We walk up to the cave entrance and prepare to go underground.
Explorer Scout Leader Alan Martin recounts an underground adventure with his Jesters Unit, and uncovers a hidden world of cascades and waterfalls
Goodbye daylight As soon as we enter the cave, we can hear the waterfall roaring at the other end of it and it doesn’t take long for us to get our feet wet. This quickly spreads to other areas as we descend further into the darkness of the churns. Wading through the water, which is extremely cold, starts off easy but the narrower the cave gets, the faster the water flows and the harder it is to move forward against it. We get to a point where we’re helping each other climb a water cascade and the current is too strong for the smaller Explorers, so we turn back towards daylight, where we meet other cavers about to attempt the churns themselves. At that point we head back to the bus, get out of our wet
The green suits were a hit, so was the boat
14 Explorer
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Caving factfile
gear and drive to Ingleton to Bernie’s Café for a much needed hot chocolate and giant Yorkshire puddings. In the afternoon, we take on another cave, Yordas – Main Chamber. Yordas is much larger, with an impressive waterfall at the back. The chamber’s inside is impressive, 50ft high with the walls reflecting light from the head-torches onto the water running down. It’s not as wet as the churns, but there’s still a foot of water all around to walk through. We get back to the bus after a quick session of green suit grass sliding. Back at The Dump, after a shower and a sizeable chicken curry dinner, we relax in the sitting room by the fire and talk about what has happened that day and what we would like to try again next time. 24 hours later we’re back in Kilmarnock, shattered but smiling. Isn’t this what Scouting weekends are all about?
The UK has four major caving regions, each known for their own specific type of cave: • South Wales: Very little vertical development; some very extensive cave systems. • Mendip Hills: Limited vertical development; very pretty caves and a fair amount of water. • Derbyshire: Many fossil caves and navigable mines; muddy. • Yorkshire Dales: Largest UK cave region; large caves and potholes, many with extensive passages and large volumes of water.
British Caving Association
This is the national governing body, which provides guidance and news about the activity.
Do I need a permit?
If youÕ re going to offer caving as a Scout-led activity, yes. See the A-Z of Activities for more information at and the Caving factsheet (FS120451).
What if I canÕ t cave myself?
Contact a caving club near the location of your choice. Many will offer caving experiences and have experiences of taking schools and Scout Groups down into the systems. Again, refer to the A-Z and follow the correct procedures. You can find caving clubs at 15
12/05/2010 15:15
Book club We take a peek inside the new books to support you in your role Nights Away £8.50, item code: 1027818 Spending nights away from home is central to the Scouting experience. The new and improved Nights Away has everything you need to run a successful residential experience for all age ranges in Scouting. With chapters on health, budgeting, catering, choosing your venue and even running your daily activities you’ll wonder how you managed camp without it. The light and compact format also means it’s easy to keep in your rucksack.
Faith and awareness events for August/ September August 5 Raksha Bandhan (Hindu) 11 First day of Ramadan (Muslim) 12 International Youth Day 15 Assumption of Blessed Virgin Mary (Christian) 26 Women’s Equality Day (USA)
Includes a dedicated section on Explorer Scouts.
The Unit Programme Plus: Vol. 2 £5, item code: 1027887 This new addition to the Programme resource family is packed with a fresh range of exciting and ready-to-run activities. The perfect companion to Programme Plus: Vol 1, it will help you plan a balanced programme every week. Specifically designed to cover all Programme Zones and badges, themes covered include conservation, global and skills.
And the classicsÉ
September 1 Installation of Sikh Scripture in Harmandir Sahib (Sikh) 8 International Literacy Day 9 Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year) 10 Eid Al-Fittr (Muslim) 18 Yom Kippur/Day of Atonement (Jewish) 21 International Day of Peace 22 World Car Free Day 23 Start of Succot (Jewish) 23 Ganesh Chaturthi (Hindu)
• A Complete Guide to Scouting Skills, £9.99 (1027759) • The Unit Programme, £5 (1024635) • Unit Programme Plus: Vol. 1, £5 (1024636) • Unit Essentials, £5 (1024634) To order any of these and the full range of books, certificates and clothing visit
Tell us what you think of the new books Email us at
Explorer June/July 2010
12/05/2010 15:16
Postcard adventures ThereÕ s still time to tell us of your worldwide Explorer trips, so send us your pictures, plans and trailfinding highlights
he October/November issue of Explorer is our international compendium, to shed light on how many miles Units have covered across multiple continents. Timed to coincide with the Join-in-Jamboree resource, we will be featuring as many local expeditions and service projects as we can, but we need to hear from you to make that happen.
The method 1. If you’d like to contribute send an email to with your name, Unit name, District and destination. Do this by 30 June 2010.
2. Then get your Explorers writing about the trip and send by 27 August 2010 to the same address. You are encouraged to include links to photos and videos in your submission. 3. We’re also seeking hints and tips from leaders who have organised trips abroad. Do you have experience which could help your fellow leaders? Maybe you were there when things went wrong. What did you do? We want real advice from the horse’s mouth, so do get in touch and we look forward to reading the results.
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Jamboree dreams Rhys, 13, is currently moving on from his Scout Troop in Chingford to the local Explorer Scout Unit, and his sights are firmly set on the World Scout Jamboree in Sweden
t’s been my ambition for as long as I can remember to attend a World Jamboree. I was a day visitor in 2007, and being with so many Scouts from all over the world was fantastic.
also got a place, and now we’re focused on becoming part of the Unit and coming up with fundraising ideas. There’s a World Cup sweepstake, which I’m finding prizes for, and I’d like to write to local businesses for sponsorship.
Hat in the ring
Something to offer
I applied to my County in January and attended a selection day in March. I didn’t know anyone else and my mate George was going on the second selection day, so I couldn’t rely on him. I was nervous because I was one of the youngest there, and everyone really wanted to be picked, but with only 36 places, some of us would be disappointed.
I think I’ll bring camping skills to the Unit. I’ve done quite a bit, and I’m good at making camp gadgets. But I’ve never camped for three weeks before, so I’ve got to work up the stamina. Speaking different languages might be a challenge too. But I can’t wait for my Swedish dream to be a reality.
Safari so good The day was a mix of team-building games and I was excited, but it was strange doing team-building with all these people I’d never met before. We had to create a frozen picture of a theme given us by the leaders, who were watching our every move. We worked together to come up with a safari scene, forming a jeep out of chairs and our bodies. Some of the games were very up close and personal, but they helped us to bond and by the end of the day I felt more relaxed around the other hopefuls. There was a two week wait before the Unit Leader called to tell me the good news. I was so happy. George
Status update 1 June • like
Since being selected, Hannah has packed hundreds of bags to raise money for the Unit, and got soaked washing cars in the rain. SheÕ s edging closer to Sweden. If you know someone whoÕ d like to be featured in Jamboree Dreams, let us know at
Explorer June/July 2010
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