Focus Supplement Dec Jan 2011-12

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E S R U O C N O RIGHT or everyone f g n i n i a r t ive g policy n i ly • Cost effect l u b it n with the a k c a r t n o t e success t •G n e m it u r c o re • The road t


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Published by The Adult Support Team The Scout Association Gilwell Park, Bury Road Chingford, London E4 7QW Contributions to ADVERTISING Richard Ellacott Tel: 020 8962 1258 Contributors Matthew Burell, Elizabeth Chambers, Tim Kidd, Heather Friend, Jean Marshall, Laura McManus County: Although in some parts of the British Isles Scout Counties are known as Areas or Islands Ð and in one case Bailiwick Ð for ease of reading this publication simply refers to County/Counties. In Scotland there is no direct equivalent to County or Area. In Scotland, Scouting is organised into Districts and Regions, each with distinct responsibilities. Some Ô CountyÕ functions are the responsibility of Scottish Regions, whilst others lie with Scottish Districts. The focus of responsibility is outlined in Scottish variations from POR. Adult Support Team The Scout Association, Gilwell Park, Chingford; London E4 7QW; Tel: 0845 300 1818 email

Download all section supplements at


Focusing on bullying By taking positive steps to stamp out bullying, we can make our Scout Groups welcoming and safe environments for everyone, says Laura McManus In this issue we have a look at the Anti-Bullying Policy, to remind ourselves of the many different forms that bullying can take, and how we can support other adults in overcoming this issue. The Scout Association is committed to the ethos that young people have the right to protection from all forms of violence (physical and mental). They must be kept safe from harm and they must be given proper care by those looking after them. In our policy focus article (page six), Heather Friend looks at how we can put this into practice. Elsewhere in this issue, Matthew Burrell, a District Commissioner from Norfolk, tells us about his different approach to adult recruitment (page nine), thinking about the skills that adult volunteers have and what roles could fit around their lifestyle, rather than plugging the gaps. Adults in Scouting have access to our modular training scheme as a benefit of membership. Following on from an online discussion prompted by one of UK Chief Commissioner Wayne Bulpitt’s blogs, we look at how the cost of training can be met while keeping any costs manageable for learners (page ten).


... your own Group or County logo /bra nd

In Focus 4 News and views The latest news for managers in Scouting

6 LetÕ s stamp out bullying together Heather Friend of the Safeguarding Team offers advice on how you can help to stop bullying at every level

9 The Ôp hotocopier recruiterÕ District Commissioner Matthew Burrell gives us his take on flexible volunteering

10 The price of leadership How can we reduce the costs of training for our volunteers

12 Joined-up thinking How one District Commissioner is revolutionising joining lists

14 Working with people Tim Kidd continues his series on good leadership and management in Scouting

11 Recruiting by numbers Recruiting parents on camp; does it work?

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10/11/2011 16:36

News and views

Email us at if you would like something featured

Scout Community Week launches

Get your Scouts limbered up for Our Sporting Adventure Last month all section leaders should have received Our Sporting Adventure, a resource inspired by the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games. It’s packed with sectionspecific activities to help Scouts strive for excellence, and the action kicks off in the new year. Registration details and downloadable versions IT OF GET INTO THE SPIR of the resources can be RE OUR SPORTING ADVENTU found at oursportingadventure


In October the national media reported on the launch of Scout Community Week 2012. From 14Ă? 20 May 2012, up to 40,000 Scouts will take part in a massive community volunteering and fundraising initiative, on a scale not seen since Scout Job Week ceased 20 years ago. Scout Community Week, supported by our corporate partner B&Q, will see Scouts working on community projects, from volunteering in hospitals to building wildlife hotels and campaigning on community issues. To find out more, or to register your own Group visit scoutcommunityweek 4

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06/09/2011 14:49

New information on VAT on Member resources Updated information relating to tax exemptions and relief for Scouting is now available on Member resources. Visit the accounts and insurance area of Member resources to learn more about tax exemptions in place for Scouting activities such as fundraising, and use of Gift Aid, as well as VAT requirements on Scout buildings.

Updated adult training resources Modules 13 and 21 are being updated, and new versions will be available at uk/trainersresources

Focus December 2011/January 2012

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ScoutsÕ Campfire Circle Ð help people re-connect with Scouting We have recently updated the website for Scouts’ Campfire Circle, a network of people with a common love for Scouting. This unique alumni scheme keeps the sense of Scouting alive. It is aimed at lapsed volunteers or former youth members who would like to stay in touch with Scouting, share their adventures online and support Scouting. You can help us by encouraging your former colleagues and friends to join and come back to Scouting. An annual subscription costs as little as £2 a month. To find out more about Scouts’ Campfire Circle, please email or log on to the website

Impact study results published In the last issue of Focus we reported on a new independent study into the impact of Scouting. The study was undertaken by Public and Corporate Economic Consultants, and the results have now been published. For a copy of the report, email the fundraising team at, or download it from

New support materials for Group Executive Committee Updated guides for Group Executive Committee members were released at the end of October. There are now fully up-to-date support packs for the Group Chairman, Group Treasurer, Group Secretary and Group Supporter, and all can be downloaded from the Member resources section of

Faith and awareness events February/ March 2012


2 Candlemas Day (Christian) 4 Milad un Nabi (Birthday of Prophet Mohammad) (Islam Ð Shia celebrate five days later) 8/15 Tu BÕ Shvat (Jewish) 15 Parinirvana Day (Buddhist) 21 Shrove Tuesday (Christian) 22 Ash Wednesday (Christian) 27 Feb Ð 11 March Fairtrade Fortnight

March 1 8 8 8 9 17

St DavidÕ s Day (Christian) Holi (Hindu) Purim (Jewish) International WomenÕ s Day Hola Mohalla (Sikh) St PatrickÕ s Day (Christian)

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07/11/2011 15:46

LetÕ s stamp out bullying together Dealing with bullying can be one of a leaderÕ s most difficult tasks, and is also one of the AssociationÕ s key policies. But sometimes the problem can be prevented by positive action at Group level, says Heather Friend from the HQ Safeguarding Team


ullying hurts. No matter how old the person is on the other end of the taunts, teasing, isolation, punches, kicks or abusive text messages, bullying hurts. It can have a devastating effect on a young person’s self esteem, destroy their confidence and concentration, and have long-term effects well into their adult lives. Bullying is deliberately hurtful, intimidating or harassing behaviour. It might be repeated over a period of time, or the person being bullied might be fearful of repetition. The Scout Association has an Anti-Bullying Policy and free resources to help adults deal with bullying issues.

Specific bullying issues These need to be addressed with the individuals concerned. A good place for section leaders to start is just by listening to the young person who is being bullied. They should discuss the Scout’s feelings and ask them how they want them to address the issue. Many young people worry about reporting such issues because they think adults will take over and they won’t have any control, so it’s important to let them know what you are going to do and to get their agreement. Of course, adults should always be sure to follow The 6

Some of the types of bullying that young people experience are... • Cyberbullying – bullying another person using technology such as text messages, emails, MSN and social networking sites such as Facebook. • Sexual bullying – bullying, whether physical or non-physical, that is based on a person’s sexuality or gender. • Physical bullying – being hit, punched or pushed. • Verbal/social bullying – being ignored, called names or teased because of class, religion, gender, disability, appearance or sexuality. Scout Association’s Code of Good Practice (the yellow card) when dealing with sensitive issues.

Working with parents We should always aim to work in partnership with parents, and if a young person is being bullied, their parents should be made aware. Leaders may want to think about talking to the parents of bullies, and trying to get their support in encouraging the young person to change

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Policy focus

their behaviour. Whatever they do, it’s important for leaders to deal with the matter sensitively, discreetly and with the support of their fellow adults within the Group.

Creating a code

Creating an anti-bullying code To try and prevent bullying from happening in the first place, leaders across a Group should work with the young people in their sections to create an anti-bullying code, or code of conduct. This will help promote a friendly and respectful environment, where hopefully bullying won’t be welcome. More guidance and advice on how to create a code can be found in the free ‘Let’s Stamp Out Bullying Together’ leaflet.

Programmes online Section leaders can find some great programme activities at to encourage young people to think about friendship, respect and why bullying is unacceptable. Activities or games could be a good way of introducing the idea of a code to each section. As a word of warning, it’s important that section leaders don’t try and resolve specific bullying issues by playing a game – this will only highlight the issue and may make matters much worse. Specific bullying issues need to be addressed sensitively with the individuals concerned.

Final thoughts... Bullying carries on because of the fear it creates – not just for those who are bullied, but also for others who witness the bullying. Young people should be able to take part in Scouting without the fear of being bullied, and as adults in Scouting at every level, it’s up to us to ensure that we are equipped to deal with bullying the moment it starts. Even better, we should be taking preventative action to ensure our Groups form friendly and respectful environments where bullying isn’t welcome in the first place.

find out more

LET’S STAMP OUT BULLYING . TOGETHe ER to taking action The Scouting guid


Heather Friend is a member of the HQ Safeguarding Team


Helen is a Scout Leader. Three years ago she and her fellow leaders worked with their young people to create a code for their Group. Each section had a discussion about what they thought was and wasn’t acceptable behaviour. A code was agreed and signed by all of the young people and adults and it is now distributed to parents on a regular basis, displayed clearly in the meeting place, and reviewed regularly to make sure it’s still relevant and useful. Some of the points the young people included in the code were: • We will not bully, harass or pick on others. • We will listen to each other, showing everyone respect. • We will not use electronic devices such as mobile phones or MP3 players, or toys or games during weekly meetings. Helen’s really pleased with the effect the code has had on her Scout Troop. If any problems arise, the code is referred to straight away and because the young people helped to create it, they tend to stick to it. Helen is sure that having and using the code makes the lives of the adults who help much easier. It’s a useful tool in managing occasional episodes of challenging behaviour – there’s no debate on what is and isn’t acceptable. But more importantly, Helen feels that many minor issues are managed by the Scouts themselves, as they will refer a peer to the code if they feel it isn’t being adhered to.

Much more advice and support on dealing with bullying can be found at You can also order your free copies of the Ô LetÕ s Stamp Out Bullying TogetherÕ resources online at by calling the Scout Information Centre on 0845 300 1818, 1818 or emailing them at Information on The Scout AssociationÕ s Ô Young People FirstÕ Code of Good Practice (the yellow card) can be found at

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10/11/2011 16:38

National Grid encourage engineers of the future Corporate partner National Grid attended Gilwell Reunion in September to showcase a brand new resource


olunteers from National Grid displayed hands-on demonstrations of a few of the activities from their resource aimed at encouraging Scouts to become the engineers of the future. Leaders at the event expressed a strong interest in getting young people to engage with science, technology, engineering and mathematics within Scouting. The resource, containing a series of activities focusing on our use of energy, can be used at meetings and camps, and includes leader notes explaining the theories outlined in the resource and how they apply to the activities.

About National Grid National Grid is an international electricity and gas company, whose job is to connect people to the energy they use. Through their partnership with us they’re hoping to inspire young people to learn about energy and the opportunities of becoming the engineers of the future, in a fun and interactive way.

more info

The resource is available for download from

Money management for Scouts Teach Scouts to look after their finances with a great series of activity packs


e’ve teamed up with NatWest to produce five activity packs for Scouts, with detailed accompanying resources for leaders. Each pack covers a specific area of money management to help Scouts look after their finances, both now and in the future. With activities such as how to run a fundraising campaign, organise a camp or be a treasurer, the packs aim to make the subject of managing money relevant to Scouts.

The packs are: • • • • • 8

Money and your life Staying on budget Bringing the fun into fundraising Running your own event Running your own business

Online tools available are: • Goalsaver app • Budget planner tool • Cutback tool

Making money make sense

The materials are completely impartial and don’t promote any NatWest products or services. They build on the successful NatWest MoneySense for Schools programme, used in more than two-thirds of UK secondary schools, which has helped more than two million young people to get to grips with EXPLORER money management skills.


To learn more, visit moneysenseforschools

Focus December 2011/January 2012

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07/11/2011 15:47

Flexible volunteering

The Ô Photocopier RecruiterÕ Most people go to work with a briefcase and a cardboard mug of strong coffee. But what if you headed into the office armed with your enthusiasm for Scouting and a flexible approach to volunteering? District Commissioner Matthew Burrell explains...


he key to the continuing success of our movement is our ability to be flexible, particularly in the ways we allow adults to volunteer and young people to join in. We need to fit in around their other commitments, many of which cannot be changed. Boring things like work, for one.

Fitting Scouting into a busy life It was flexibility that led me into a manager’s role in Scouting. I had a busy work life and a range of other things that I was committed to, so a fixed weekly meeting was not very appealing. Being a District Commissioner allows me to control my diary and fit Scouting in around me. Technology like emails on my phone make this even easier, letting me make productive use of journeys and lunchtimes. Occasionally, urgent issues happen which have to take priority, but that is to be expected with anything. It’s with this appreciation of my own situation that I approach recruitment for some of the other roles within my team. While I value every minute that someone gives our movement, I am also keen to consider the skills that people can offer us, even if their time is tight.

Giving it a go When we were looking for someone to handle all our District’s joining enquires, it did not take long to find my colleague Sophie. Sophie is a Customer Services Representative, who spends a large amount of her day on the phone aiding customers. I asked her if she would like to do some volunteering, which she could fit in around her other commitments and didn’t involve needing to leave the house, and she was prepared to give it a go. Using her expertise in helping people, Sophie immediately felt comfortable in the role. She is supported by a big map with all the Scout Groups on it, and occasionally emails me if she gets a question she has never had before. Two years on Sophie still enjoys helping us... and the two other Districts she also covers now.

The right person for the right role The same technique worked for Daz in Management Information, who creates our District directory. Lynette, who manages a department, is also a District Executive member, while Sarah is a team leader, whose HR experience adds value to our Appointments Committee. I have become slightly renowned as the ‘photocopier recruiter’ in our office. I believe it would not have been possible to bring these people into Scouting in other capacities, but the appeal of a discreet activity, with links to a job that they already know they can do, helped to get them on board.

Matthew Burrell is a District Commissioner for Southern Norfolk. He wrote this on his lunch break.

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10/11/2011 16:40

The price of leadership ThereÕ s been some debate lately about huge variations in what leaders pay for their training. Elizabeth Chambers from the Adult Support Team asks how we might be able cut down on the costs for our volunteers


e all know that cost should not be a barrier to volunteering. But how do we balance the need to deliver quality training to our volunteers against the price of this training? Recently, discussions following a post on the UK Chief Commissioner’s blog revealed that the cost of a Wood Badge to section leaders could be anywhere from free to £950. So why the variety, and how could it be made cheaper for leaders?

Ô In the present economic climate there may be more people willing to volunteer if they know that they have not got to pay for everything themselves...Õ Jo-ann Bramston (Assistant County Commissioner, Programme) Membership subscriptions Some Counties cover the cost of training by adding a small County levy to the membership fee. In 2009, we did some research into what Counties charged for adult training. Of the 32 Training Managers who completed the survey, 59 per cent said that they didn’t charge anything. Of these Counties, 82 per cent achieved this by adding an average of £1 per head to the County levy. According to County Commissioner for Cheshire, Graham Phillips, ‘A few years ago we added a few pence to the capitation fee and now provide all Wood Badge training free of charge for leaders.’

you reduce the length (and therefore the cost) of some of them from a weekend to a single day by getting learners to complete part of a workbook or some e-learning for the modules before they arrive? Having fewer learners on a full-size course means that the cost for each person is much higher. Could you provide one-to-one training or small group learning instead?


Grants Set up in 2001, the Development Grants Board (DGB) has a remit to receive applications and provide grants for the development of local Scouting. Grants are available for: • Equipment for the delivery of adult training • Training Adviser retention • Non-Wood Badge leader training • Trustee/Executive Committee training • Trainer Training. Are you making the most of these to reduce your costs?

Sh cl

Quick tips for quick wins in reducing costs



• Choose a training location that is central and feasible • Ask people to bring their own packed lunch to save on catering costs • Where possible, point people in the direction of for resources rather than printing or purchasing them

Flexible/blended learning Remember, not all training is about attending courses; are learners being given the option of e-learning, workbooks and DVDs where they are available? And what about blended learning? Where you are running courses, could 10

Elizabeth Chambers is a Programme and Development Adviser (Adult Training)

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Recruitment by numbers Inviting parents to your camps is one of the best ways to recruit more volunteers. If you still need convincing, here are a few facts and figuresÉ

45 per cent of new section leaders are parents of existing or prospective youth members, so targeting parents is the most effective way to focus recruitment. Research has shown that camps and other residential experiences are proven to be the most successful method of encouraging parents to help more in their children’s Scout Group. From a sample of 79 camps with parents that took place in 2009/10, 370 adults were encouraged to take up a volunteer appointment or help Scouting more regularly. This was approximately five adults per camp.

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From a sample of 114 camps with parents in 2011, 909 parents were involved for the first time. This is approximately eight adults per event. If half of those parents took up volunteer appointments or helped more regularly, that would be 455 new adults. If this was done by all Groups across the UK, it would result in 35,000 new adults taking up a volunteer appointment or helping Scouting more regularly. 98 per cent of those who involved parents as part of the leadership team at a camp or residential experience said they would do it again in 2012 because it works!

The Big Adventure 2012

In 2012 the Big Adventure team want to help as many of you as possible to recruit parents. WeÕ ll be bringing you new information and guidance on how to recruit parents by including them in the planning of your usual Scout camp. More news on how to get involved in the New Year.

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02/11/2011 15:02

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10/11/2011 16:44

Joined-up thinking With 34,000 young people currently on joining lists, Regional Development Officer Jean Marshall talks to Ragen Bartaby, District Commissioner for Poole, in Dorset, about his DistrictÕ s new method of getting to grips with the number of young people wanting to join JM: How were joining lists previously managed in the District? RB: When a joining enquiry came through the national website, the person managing the enquiries would pass the details to their closest Scout Group. Groups managed their own lists, so at District level we were not aware if the young person got a place with the Group, or whether they were added to the joining list. Why did you want to change the way joining lists were managed? RB: I didn’t want to take the control of joining lists away from the Groups or sections, but I did feel that the District should be aware of the lists for each section or Group. This would mean that the District could have an overview, and that it would be possible for us to contact the young people on any of the joining lists and give them the option of joining another Group. JM: Who designed the new system? RB: Anthony Dakin, who is an Explorer Scout in Poole and managed the Poole District Scout Website. We discussed lots of ideas for the whole website and Anthony was really enthusiastic. JM: How did you get support from the GSLs and the wider District Team? RB: I presented the idea to the GSLs and the wider District Team at a District meeting. I explained my reasoning behind wanting to set up the system and everyone thought it was a brilliant idea. How does the new system work and what are the immediate benefits? RB: All leaders within the District get a login to the 12

members’ area of the District website. People can add names of young people to their own Group list or to the ‘District pot’ (without specifying a Group). Parents can add their young persons’ details through the main Poole website, which will then add the details to the appropriate Group list automatically. This also generates an automatic reply, and when a place becomes available, another email is sent giving contact details for that Group. The immediate benefits are that all the same data is collected for each young person wanting to join, and that the District Team and I can see how many people are on joining lists across the Groups. The system does not allow people to add the same young person to several Group lists, therefore avoiding duplication, which can often artificially inflate joining lists. What are the longer-term benefits? RB: Once the system has been populated with information, it can be analysed and used to inform the District development plan, with regards to forecasting and planning for new sections and Groups. The information will also give an indication of whether Scouting in Poole is representative of the local communities, and identify any groups that are allowing girls to remain on the list longer than boys. Also, we may be able to run District Scouting provision for those on the lists while they wait for a space to become available, or engage with them and their parents about setting up new sections and Groups.

Jean Marshall is a Regional Development Officer

Focus December 2011/January 2012

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07/11/2011 15:47


Gimme shelter Partner charity ShelterBox is offering up new courses and resources to help leaders deliver the Global Zone


arious surveys and feedback from the Movement have identified the Global Programme Zone as a difficult area for leaders to cover. ShelterBox, the international disaster relief charity and an official programme partner of The Scout Association, has been working hard throughout 2011 to create exciting initiatives to make our leaders’ lives a little easier.

beautiful Lizard Peninsula in Cornwall and offers the exciting opportunity to discover more about ShelterBox’s world and something of what it’s like to be in the shoes of a ShelterBox Response Team volunteer. Participants will test and develop their navigation, team and survival skills through a series of exhilarating activities. They’ll also develop ideas to help them introduce global themes to their Colony, Pack, Troop or Unit.

Go Global

Ô Thank you for a fabulous weekend! I learnt so much about the work you do, survival skills and also about myself. It was a privilege to be there.Õ Elaine Kimber, Cub Leader

After the overwhelming success of The ShelterBox Challenge (ShelterBox’s resource pack for 2010), the charity is releasing their next activity resource – Go Global. The pack has been designed to help leaders cover the three elements of the Global Zone – awareness, movement and action. The pack is crammed full of fun activities and resources to help leaders introduce international themes in inventive and entertaining ways.

Ô IÕ ve just discovered the ShelterBox activities on the Young ShelterBox website. I think itÕ s a fantastic idea and appreciate all the time and effort thatÕ s gone into it!Õ Rob Sumner, Scout Leader

Discover more Go Global is released this winter, while ShelterBox Experiences are run several times a year. To access further information on either initiative, or to register for Go Global, visit the Scouts’ area of the Young ShelterBox website, Alternatively, leaders can email to register for Go Global. Leaders must include their name, address, section, Group name and number of young people taking part.

The ShelterBox Experience The ShelterBox Experience is a free weekend course for adult members of Scouting. The course is based on the

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10/11/2011 16:46

Working with people

Tim Kidd explores the second aspect of good leadership and management in Scouting: working with people


his area is all about effective managers in Scouting creating a team spirit and working effectively with others, based on trust and the fundamentals of Scouting. Sounds simple, doesn’t it? But I guess that we all have moments when our trust and adherence to our values is tested.

Working relationships Underpinning this area is the need to develop good working relationships with other adults. This doesn’t mean that everyone in Scouting is our best mate, but it does mean being fair, listening to people’s ideas and treating people with dignity and respect. I think that sometimes we work best when we are being challenged a little – and working with all sorts of people can certainly do that.

Dealing with conflict There will almost certainly be some conflict between adults that you will have to deal with – it’s pretty much part of the role. The key here is to ensure that it is addressed properly and promptly. Much conflict is caused by people misunderstanding one another and the best way to solve this is to talk it through.

Supporting others Different people need different things to feel valued and supported. You could view this as a problem – or as an interesting exercise in working out exactly what ‘does it’ for each of the volunteers that you manage. Simply saying ‘thank you’ might be all that’s required. At the heart of support is building a good relationship with someone and having open and honest conversations, like acknowledging the good work that has been done. A more difficult (but essential) conversation is holding an honest review of the individual’s performance – always easy if everything is going well, but not if things are going wrong. As with any team, it is important that everybody knows what is going on. Although much can be achieved with email and letters, there is still a place for good meetings where the team can get together and discuss issues and plans. We should not be afraid of allowing people to express how they feel, so long as it is done in a polite way. My view is that often our ideas and activities are better if people challenge them rather than just agreeing to everything.

Succession planning One of our jobs is to ensure that Scouting continues for new generations of young people. This means giving more people (and young adults) the opportunity to try things, to be in charge and grow their skills and confidence. Don’t be a one man show – spread the load and enjoy watching other people learn and succeed. This ensures that there are more people who are able to take on roles in the future and continue the good work of Scouting.

If you want more ideas then please see www.scouts. WeÕ d love to share your good ideas and examples of what you are doing, so send an email to

Tim Kidd is Chief Commissioner for England. Contact him at 14

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07/11/2011 15:48




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*£7.00 senior (over 60yrs), £8.00 adult, kids (under 16yrs) go FREE when accompanied by a paying adult. Free parking is subject to availability. A £1.00 transaction fee applies to advance bookings. Offer ends 13/02/2012. On the door prices £9.00 senior, £10.00 adult, kids under 16yrs go FREE when accompanied by a paying adult. Ticket price includes a free comprehensive show guide.

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09/11/2011 10:51

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