1 minute read


The ScotWind Supply Chain Development Statement (SDCS) documents provide a snapshot of the supply chain Scotland will need to build to realise the value of its offshore wind project pipeline.


As part of their bids, developers were asked to outline expenditure commitment over the development, construction, installation and operation phases of the projects. In total, the 17 projects awarded leases in January have committed to £25.5bn of Scottish supply chain expenditure. Latest figures for all 20 projects show Scottish commitments totalling £28.8bn indicating an average investment in Scotland of £1.4bn per project / £1bn per GW.


Projects were also asked to estimate expenditure ambition over the relevant phases of the project. The 17 original ScotWind projects have outlined further ambitions of £11.1bn of offshore wind supply chain earmarked for Scotland which amounts to 49% of the total supply chain spend.

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