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FOW requires dynamic, high-capacity subsea cable systems to collect and export the power they generate. The cable needs to be ‘dynamic’, as it connects the moving substructure to a fixed element (the seabed).

In addition to the cable, a number of supporting components are required to allow limited movement and to protect the cables and the connection with the array cables on the seabed.
Substations have not been needed for demonstration floating wind projects as they generate limited levels of power that can be exported directly to shore. However, commercial scale projects, with significantly higher power outputs, will require OSS to host a step-up transformer and the equipment necessary to export power in high voltage. With commercial scale projects on the horizon, substation solutions are attracting greater attention and investment from leading industry players.
› Optimise cable connection systems to reduce the time taken to connect and disconnect cables.
› Improve cable design to withstand the different loadings dynamic cables are under in site conditions at FOW sites.
› Innovations required in both static and dynamic cable design to provide higher voltage array cables for projects using higher rated turbines.
For early commercial floating windfarms, where water depths allow, fixed-bottom structures may be preferred to limit the risks and costs associated with new technologies. A bottom-fixed OSS could be economically competitive in water depths of up to 100m, a depth not unusual for oil and gas fixed platforms.
Required for access to wind farm sites in water depths not suitable for fixed bottom foundations. The different concepts foreseen for floating OSS foundations are similar to designs utilised for wind turbines: semi-submersibles, tension leg platforms (TLP), barge, or even spars.