Travelwise at Newmarket School 2018

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Travelwise at Newmarket School 2018 Lead Teacher: Sonya Van Schaijik

Message from Mrs Van Schaijik Mrs Van Schaijik has been the lead teacher for Travelwise at Newmarket School for 7 years.

Leading Travelwise at Newmarket School has always given me great joy and pride. The programme has grown to what it is now. The senior children lead the learning and every year they continue to make me very proud. We finished 2018 with a collection of articles that were published in our Newmarket School newsletters over the year. The opportunity was too great not to turn them into a book for our library. You will notice that most articles do not say who wrote them because as much as possible the focus is on the team. Over the years what I have noticed is the children who are in the Travelwise also have many other roles in our school. They are committed to leaving our school a better place. They understand whanaungatanga and work hard to create school wide events that include everyone. Our Travelwise team work closely with Auckland Transport through our Travelwise School Community Coordinator. We also have a relationship with Tracksafe New Zealand because of our proximity to the Newmarket Train Station. However nothing happens in a school without the ongoing support of our families, our staff, our school leadership team and our Board of Trustees.

Travelwise About Travelwise


Travelwise is an innovative programme to make

Over half of New Zealand children are driven to

school travel safer, healthier and more fun.

school. This is double of what it was 10 years ago.

At Newmarket School we encourage children to walk or scooter to school or use public transport.

The Benefits of a Safe School Travel Plan:

The reasons are that 38% of all peak hour traffic is

Reduce accidents and improve safety.

school related and this is causing pollution and

Ease congestion.

congestion on our city roads. Every day Auckland

Build students confidence and independence.

vehicles release 820 tonnes of Carbon Dioxide in the air. If we can reduce this it will make it better for

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Develop children’s road safety skills. Improve the health and wellbeing of our


school community.

The Travelwise Team at Newmarket School ●

encourage children and parents to walk or scooter to school

reduce traffic chaos at our school gate

promote walking school buses

improve road safety

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Newmarket School Travelwise Team We are a group of year 5 & 6 student leaders who volunteer to help make Newmarket School a better place. Each week the 2018 Travelwise team met and created projects. Our focus has always been about service for our school and for our community. Evidence was ongoing and added to project folders set up inside the Travelwise shared student folder. In 2018, the goal was to curate all that we did and if we coordinated a project then it was expected that we would publish an article for the school newsletter.

Melissa, Anna, Nina, India, Payton, Zoe, Poppy, Fletcher, Samuel, JC, Owen

This year Owen suggested that we create a book about our articles.

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Robyn Griffiths our Auckland Transport School Community Coordinator Robyn was our Auckland Transport School Community Coordinator. Over the years she was with us we did some of our best work. She was always looking for ways to prod and push us on our journey. She helped by encouraging us to share our good ideas. She supported us with great prizes for our school events. And we really liked the feedback that she gave us.

This year Mrs Van Schaijik our Newmarket School Travelwise Teacher presented at the Travelwise Teachers introduction to new Travelwise Lead Teachers and again that was with Robyn’s encouragement.

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Back to School Campaign happens at the start of each term

We noticed some fabulous things happening such as ● People honking Each term our Travelwise They stand out on the The travelwise team and waving to waved and received loads Leaders stand out the footpath each day before show us that we front of our school school to remind people in of toots from cars. This meant that they were could be seen. wearing high viz jackets the community that school being seen by drivers. So ● Cars going at a and wave placards to the had started again and to if you see us always toot safe speed traffic to reinforces our slow down when driving and wave. coming down the 'Slow Down Around past Newmarket School. hill. Schools' message. ● Children and families walking However we also noticed a few challenges such as and scootering to ● There are heaps more trucks outside 277 and this makes walking to school a real school. challenge. ● Children ● We noticed many more parents dropping off children inside our school gate. scootering are ● Cars turning into our driveway from the right hand side so they are turning into wearing their oncoming traffic. helmets. ● Some of our children were scootering on the pedestrian crossing and this is unsafe because there is not enough room for walkers to cross safely.

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Constable Rob and Road Safety

Every year, we learn about road safety from Constable Rob. He works with our junior school team, Te ako Kowhai. We always enjoy our Safe Walking sessions with Constable Rob.

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Road safety when we walk to swimming Each year, Newmarket School walk down to the Olympic pools for swimming lessons. The younger children practice the lessons they learnt with Constable Rob. The older children practice safe walking. Our teachers and helpers always wear a high viz vest so that everyone can see us. We know how important it is to be seen when we share the road with cars. Now we also have to be conscious of sharing the footpath with electric scooters.

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Wheels Day 2018 At Newmarket School we run Wheel’s day so that we can have some fun on our scooters. But the real reason is to find out how many children own a scooter. This year our annual Wheel’s Day was spread between all three Ako and was coordinated by India and the Travelwise student leaders. The first day was Te Ako Kowhai which was Wednesday 4th of April.The juniors made a great effort to come to wheels day.The juniors looked like they were having fun riding around the track on their scooters. Even if some juniors did not have their scooters or any other wheel day objects, it was great to see them cheering on their friends. It was also great that the juniors had remembered their helmets.

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The second day was Te Ako Titoki which was on Thursday 5th of April. When Titoki had their turn at wheels day it was very well organised and everyone stayed within the lines. There was no trouble other than someone forgetting to tell them the rules about wheels day but we soon sorted that out. We had to get many children to slow down around the corners because they were speeding and we were worried that someone might get hurt. We were amazed by how many children took part on this wheels day. It was hard to count but we did and 40 children from Titoki participated in this wheel's day. All of them wore their shoes and helmets. Great job Titoki

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The third day was Te Ako Kahikatea which was on Friday the 6th of April. All of the senior children were great role models and wore their helmets. They were flying around the track and followed the rules for safety. Altogether there were 40 children who took part. When we first began wheels day we did not think about the helmets. One of our Travelwise members did research around the helmets and she suggested that we make wearing helmets a compulsory part of wheels day at Newmarket School. Overall there were 90 children who participated and this is ⅓ of Newmarket School. This tells us that we can encourage more children to scooter to school and this will help us with our Chaos at the Gate Project. Next time we run a Wheel’s Day, we will start with the older children and offer more prizes to encourage even more children to take part. We could offer ice blocks and take an entry fee to take part. Then we could use any raised money for our Travelwise events and prizes. We want to thank Dr Kofoed for letting us run our event and thank the teachers and support staff who helped us make our Wheel’s day successful. Page 9

Brake Safety Week Road Safety Week 2018 took place from 7 - 13 May, and the theme was seat belts and distractions. Road Safety Week is a community event held annually in May, promoted by Brake but run by the Travelwise Team at Newmarket School. This is the third year that we have been running this week long event to raise awareness about road safety. This year’s week of events was planned by JC and the Travelwise Team

Monday: Brake Safety week launch with the Travelwise leaders. Milo Morning Tuesday: Walk/Scooter to school and get a Milo. Little Wheels Wednesday: Bring your small cars to play with at lunchtime. Milo Morning Thursday: Walk/Scooter to school and get a Milo. Friday: Crazy Hair Day- Bring a gold coin donation and show off your crazy hair. Money raised is donated to the Brake Foundation. Page 10

Milo Day: The first Milo Day we ever had at Newmarket School the Travelwise leaders counted 15 students which is really hard to believe because this year 90 students took part in the Milo Day. So that means 90 children walked or scootered to school on Tuesday 8th May 2018 and got a Milo. Overall we’ve improved a lot over the years but are still trying to encourage more students to walk to school to be healthy. Anna and Owen gave out stickers than and they would tell you to go to room 6 where the Travelwise team gave out milo.

Small Wheels Wednesday On Wednesday we had around 30 students take part in the Small Wheels Wednesday. The children who took part had a lot of fun and gave us a lot of good feedback. There were lots of small cars, trucks and even a few Barbie cars.

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Crazy Hair Day Fundraiser We had a crazy hair day on Friday to raise money for the Brake Trust. The Brake Trust uses the money to help look after children who have been hurt in road accidents and to support bereaved and injured families. 95 children took part and created amazing hairstyles. Congratulations to our creative hair winners Monty, Monica, Gemma, Molly, Lucy, Danica, Menaal and Olivia. To the rest of you who took part thanks for your awesome effort. Overall Brake week was a successful week because most of our school took part in our school events. In total we collected $160.00 for the Road Safety Foundation and we all had a great week.

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2018 Sir Peter Blake Young Leader Congratulation to Jiacheng (JC) for achieving the 2018 Sir Peter Blake Young Leaders Award. This year the Young Leader Award saw 634 students recognised for their leadership style from schools reaching every corner of New Zealand. JC has great integrity, and positive motivations for doing all he does. We are very proud of him. JC has been an active member of Travelwise in 2018. He was regularly part of Back to School campaign, helped with the wheels day event and he organised the Travelwise Break Week for 2018. The Sir Peter Blake Young Leader is a free programme proudly sponsored by Westpac, where each nominated student receives a prize pack including medal, certificate, book, red socks and a pin.

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Planning for Real Day On the 19th of June Owen and Poppy ran a Planning For Real Day. We updated our Baseline Survey. This helped us identify the best places to start our walking school buses.

Special thank to Robyn and Matt from Auckland Transport who brought us the map and helped us a lot. We also had activities like getting the children to draw what challenges they faced when coming to school that we added to a special map.

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Planning for Real Day Newmarket School’s Travelwise Team have been working with Auckland transport for over five years. We began in 2011 and launched the first Planning for Real Day. This year on 19th of June we had a follow up Planning for Real Day to compare our data of how we come to school. There are many reasons why Newmarket School’s Travelwise team asked our children to know their addresses. We believe that it is important for our children to know their address in case they are lost and need to get home safely. This year we organised several activities such as, writing what problems there are while walking to school, drawing how they get to school and marking personal addresses using a sticker on the giant map that was organised by Auckland Transport. The stickers represented how our children came to school such as green for walking, blue for scootering, red for coming by car and yellow by public transport. We noticed that many families still come to school by car and they could easily walk. Therefore saving our environment from pollution and at the same time exercise in the fresh air ready to begin the day. We also noticed that there were two distinct areas that have large population of Newmarket School families living and we identify that these areas would be perfect for beginning a walking school bus. We saw that the biggest area is above the Newmarket Train station and we will begin planning an event as part of Track Safe week in term 3. Overall the Travelwise team thought the event was an ideal chance for our children to memorise their address. We were surprised at how many knew their address and congratulate our parents and families for helping us in our work. We thank Robyn and Matt from Auckland Transport for helping us with our day and a big shout out to all our staff who helped our school event run smoothly.

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TrackSafe Walking School Bus Launch Payton and Melissa from the Newmarket School Travelwise Team identified 2 routes that could be used to launch our school’s Walking School Buses. Several of our families live above the Newmarket School Train Station and was an ideal central area to walk our bus. Another area is down Great South Road with many children being collected on the way. We also noted another bus that could come from Grafton. Delia the Walking School Bus Coordinator from Auckland Transport was happy to work Payton and Melissa and with any interested parents who wanted to be our bus drivers. We invited parents to help us. They have the joy of walking up to 8 children to school. In exchange they were given a high visible vest that has bus driver on it and a first aid kit. Delia agreed to train them so they will know what to do. Newmarket School aimed to launch our first walking school bus during Track Safe week on the 13th- 17th of August. This was to highlight our families who live above the Newmarket Train Station.

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TrackSafe Walking School Bus Launch On the 13th of August the TravelWise team walked from the Newmarket Train Station to school to launch our first Walking School Bus and TrackSafe Week. At the Train Station TrackSafe New Zealand launched Rail Safety Week. Rail Safety Week is an annual community awareness initiative led by KiwiRail and TrackSAFE NZ with support from NZ Transport Agency, Auckland Transport, NZ Police, Transdev Auckland, Transdev Wellington, Greater Wellington Regional Council and local councils around New Zealand. The Travelwise Team were part of this celebration and wore their gifted jerseys proudly. Mrs Kung introduced the event and then the VIPs talked about TrackSafe Week. Afterwards Mr Susanto, our WSB Bus Driver and David Seymour, our local MP led the children back to school. With us were Delia Mathias and Robyn Griffiths from Auckland Transport, and Constable Dan. We wore our High Viz jackets from Auckland Transport. Back at school we thanked Delia Mathias and Robyn Griffiths from Auckland Transport who have been amazing supporters. We also thanked Taima Hutchinson, Payton’s Grandmother who launched her bus the following week. Thanks to Mrs Susanto for the photos and a special thank you to Max the Pukeko and Happy Feet who helped make our first Walking School Bus really special. Page 18

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Moon Cakes for the Indonesian Earthquake A magnitude 7.5 earthquake struck Indonesia's Central Sulawesi province on Sept. 28, 2018, triggering a tsunami and landslides that caused widespread destruction and loss of life. This year some of our Travelwise leaders asked if they could make moon cakes to raise funds for the Indonesian Earthquake appeal and Mrs Van Schaijik agreed to help. Here is our recipe. Equipment ●

Moon Cake mould, spatula, large bowl, pastry brush, gloves, greaseproof paper, water spray bottle.

Ingredients ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

50 mls of Peanut Oil or vegetable oil. 1 tsp of Alkaline water (I cup of water with 1 tsp of baking soda added.) 140 grams of golden syrup 1 teaspoon of vanilla essence 200 grams of flour Extra flour for kneading and to stop mixture sticking. 500 gram packet of sweet red bean paste 红豆沙 1x egg Page 20

Method ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Microwave Golden syrup until slightly runny. EG: 30 sec High Mix golden syrup with alkaline water and vanilla essence, mix well using a spatula. Add the oil and mix well. Make a well in 200 grams of flour in a large bowl. Pour in Golden syrup mixture and mix well (Mixture should look wet and sticky. Cover mixture with plastic glad wrap, leave for 3 hours or more. Knead the mixture until it is smooth and shiny. Divide the mixture into 4 even pieces. Then divide them into 4 smaller balls, about about 25 grams each. Roll them into balls and set aside on a piece of greaseproof paper. Roll the red bean paste into 35 gram balls ( A little bit thick and sticky). Flatten the brown balls so they are nice and thin. As you work the ball the oil is warmed by your hands and you can do this easily. Place a red bean ball mixture inside and pull up so that the red bean ball is covered with the flour and golden syrup mixture. Set these aside.

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Continue with the rest of the mixture until you have 16 balls. Use a traditional mould, and brush on a little flour. Then press the mixture into the mould. Use your palm to gently flatten the top. Tap the mould against the table and the uncooked moon cake will pop straight out. Place on a baking tray. When they are all done, spray water over the cakes. Bake at 150C for 10 minutes. Take out of the oven and cool for 10 minutes. Brush on beaten egg and put back into the oven for 15 minutes. Take out, cool. They can be eaten immediately or put in a tin for a few days.

Time Mrs Van Schaijik made the pastry skin mixture the night before. The next day it took us nearly 1 hour to craft the moon cakes. If you measure the balls well there should be very little left over.

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Celebration Event Recently, the Travelwise Leaders visited the Cloud in Auckland central to celebrate another successful year of Travelwise at Newmarket School. First of all we put on our Travelwise jackets and walked from school to the Newmarket train station. We showed them our travel paper from Auckland Transport and we were allowed onto the platform. We had to wait for a few minutes to get onto the train that we needed to get on. We had a choice of three lines such as the Western line, the Onehunga line or the Southern line. All tracks lead to Britomart. Our train arrived and we boarded and went past Parnell. We went through a few tunnels to get to Britomart, the central train station. Britomart is mostly underground. We got off at Britomart and rode up the escalators to the ground floor. Once we got outside we walked to the could. We walked along the harbour and the views of the sea were beautiful. The cloud was really big and had lots of things to do. We saw a big bike jump set up to our left and a few games to our right. Ahead were a few more games set up. There was a big stage at the front. Next, we set up a spot for our picnic and a place for our gear. Our place was pretty far back. The celebration awards began quickly and we received our gold certification again. Last we were awarded our gold and so this year we were hoping to maintain our Gold Level status for Travelwise. The bronze got called out and they had a big group photo. The silver status was called and we felt nervous because if we weren't in silver, then we must be in gold. Eventually, they took a big group photo of the silver schools. Page 22

Gold Level Achieved 3rd year in a row We knew then that we had achieved gold level status again. Then they called up Newmarket School and we raced up excitedly. We sat on the floor at the front of the group and they took a big group photo. After the photos the organisers explained that we had to do a few activities. We walked out of the Cloud when we saw the nitro circus. They were BMX riders who perform tricks on their bikes. They used the big bike jump. They all did backflips. Constable Rob our local constable was also there and he measured how fast we could run using a speed camera. After that we went outside and visited the history boards. The history of the area was interesting. We saw a lighthouse and inside was a statue of a man, looking like James Cook, the first European who mapped New Zealand. We went back inside and got some free ice cream and had our lunch. After lunch we visited the Maritime Museum. When we got to the Maritime Museum, we were allowed free entry. There were lots to do and see at the Maritime Museum, such as seeing Sir Peter Blake's boat called Black Magic. We learned about Sir Peter Blake being an environmentalist and a sailor. We went through the museum and saw what it would have been like if we were olden day sailors. There were some old boats that we looked at. There were lots of trophies. Big, small, shiny and old. Then we had to go. Finally we caught the train back to school and arrived in time for the final bell. We were so excited and proud of all the work we had done this year for Travelwise. Special thanks to Taima and Mrs Kung who came with us on our journey to The Cloud and to Auckland Transport for organising and hosting this event. Narrative by Fletcher

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‘Not self but service’ This year Anna was awarded the Enviro award. This award was donated by the Ara Lodge No. 1 Group, who recognised the importance of sustainability for our Green Gold Endorsed School in enviro and for our Gold Status in Travelwise maintained for three years. Anna was this years recipient awarded. As a year 4, she was eager to become involved but had to wait until term 4. As a year 5 she presented our journey in front of the Auckland central student workshop. She shared our work with the board of trustees. This year she has supported and mentored the new team coming in such as this years wheels day, the Brake week fundraiser and our work with Tracksafe. She is always part of the Back to School Campaign. In addition this year she has contributed to the setting up of the new Enviro student team at Newmarket School this year and is an active member. Anna understands about service and duty and has helped our school to be a better place.

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Travelwise Leader Being a Travelwise leader is important because it helps with people’s lives. It teaches life lessons. Travelwise helps make Newmarket School a safer place for everyone especially our school community. As student leaders, we believe Travelwise is important because it helps keep everyone safe and helps teaches our children life skills that can help them in the future. Also Travelwise helps the environment by raising awareness about pollution. Travelwise helps our leaders think at a deeper level because they have to come up with solutions so we think being part of Travelwise helps us in our learning.

Where to next: Continue to write articles for the newsletter. Address the chaos in our car park and begin by gathering data. Buy scooter racks Work more closely with the Enviro Team. Road safety and active transport education programmes are embedded in the curriculum framework.

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About Newmarket School We are a small inner city school and are located opposite Westfield 277. Our children cross Gillies Avenue which is an arterial feeder for the Auckland Motorway. We are in the heart of Newmarket, central Auckland - a bustling retail area. Our current roll is just under 300 students. We are the first vertical primary school being built in New Zealand. Our red three storied building is as tall as the Pohutukawa trees that grow by our fence. A large percentage of our families live in apartments.

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2019 Road safety and active transport education programmes are embedded in the curriculum framework.

2018 Focus on community. Walking School Bus launch at Tracksafe celebration

2017 Focus on whanaungatanga & bringing the school together

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Newmarket School signed up to be a Travelwise School with Auckland Transport.

Bronze & community award. Completed the safe school travel plan. Work with Tracksafe.

Silver award. Part of International research into children living in inner cities

2015 Created school wide events, Focus on Global Connections. Raised money for Nepal Earthquake

2016 Gold Award Focus on projects and there was a theme on citizenship

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