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s a m a r i ta n

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2011 a n n ua l rep o rt

opening doors

“Every wall is a door.” Ra l p h wa l d o emerson


annual report s a m a r i ta n h o u s e

“Once the challenge has been met through the extraordinary support of the community and our valued donors, Samaritan House will be stronger and better positioned to keep those doors open for years to come.” — R. Paul Speece


No t e f ro m t h e P res i d en t o f t h e B oa rd o f Di re c to rs

Once the challenge has been met through the extraordinary support of the community and our valued donors, Samaritan House will be stronger and better positioned to keep those doors open for years to come. Without you, our valued stakeholders, we would not be in a position to serve our community and continue the successful programs that make such a difference in the lives of those less fortunate. I thank each and every one of you for your continued support of our mission, both monetarily and through volunteerism, and I assure you that your financial support and efforts open the doors to a significantly better life for victims of domestic violence and homelessness.


This year we were blessed with a generous challenge endowment gift from Patricia and Douglas Perry, which is the catalyst in establishing a permanent endowment fund for Samaritan House. Our goal is to raise at least two million dollars, with half of that originating from the challenge gift.

annual report

Our Executive Director, Ruth Hill, proudly leads the largest organization of its kind in Virginia to great success, despite the downturn in the economy and increased needs of our community. We are beginning to meet those needs by implementing new programs like Rapid Re-housing, which may allow Samaritan House to serve nearly twice as many people as before.We have proudly taken on the responsibility of becoming the clearing house for victims of homelessness in Virginia Beach, matching the community services available to the needs of the homeless.

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R. Paul Speece

Wow! What a year for Samaritan House. With the help of many volunteers and the diligent efforts of the dedicated staff and management team leadership, Samaritan House opens its doors to an average of over 100 people per night. We continue to provide a safe harbor for families and individuals in need of a violence-free, caring environment, and are able to support them with proven programs designed to help them become self-sufficient.

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annual report



our direct service programs Residential Program & Services

Community Programs & Services

Emergency Shelter

24-Hour Crisis Line

Case Management Services & Abuse Case Management

Victim Advocacy Program

Family Empowerment Project Children’s Program Housing & Employment Services Af tercare Programs & Services

Transitional Housing Aftercare Case Management Aftercare Children’s Program S.T.E.P. Parenting Classes Domestic Violence Awareness Month Candlelight Vigil

Financial Empowerment Classes

Survivors on the Bay, Community Group Community Support Group for Youth


No t e f ro m t h e Ex e c u t iv e D i re c to r

Many thanks for your part in our continued success.

your support

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Look how your gift could help!

n e e d s $1,000 Cost to house one family in shelter for a month $750 Security deposit for a survivor starting life over $500 Average monthly cost of utilities for a family in transitional housing $250 One week of infant care $125 Gas costs for a survivor to search for a job

$50 Cost of GED exam for a survivor starting over


This reality of opening doors has been exemplified this past year through the wonderful generosity of so many who believe that together we can make a difference in the lives of those in need of our services. We are so very thankful for each of you, our supporters, and have much to celebrate with our new endowment gift from Patricia and Douglas Perry. Please read more about this transformation gift. Helen Keller once said: “No pessimist ever discovered the secret of the stars or sailed an uncharted land, or opened a new doorway for the human spirit.� We are optimists. We will continue to provide the support to see the doorways of change stay open for all! The endowment will go a long way in helping us achieve our goals.

annual report

Daily, we hear of stories of families who tell us that their personal door is far from inviting. It is usually oppressive and dangerous, often even fatal. Here at Samaritan House we open our doors with the hope of a wonderful safe and new passage for victims of domestic violence and homelessness. We take the negative side of need and help families discover a wonderful possibility!

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Ruth D. Hill

Have you ever walked through an open door just to discover that what was on the other side was not what you expected? Maybe you were looking to meet a loved-one and instead you discovered an enemy.

s a m a r i ta n h o u s e

annual report



open doors

t h e p er ry ’ s co n t i n u e t o

t o

t h o s e

i n

n e e d

Through The Perry Foundation, Patricia and Douglas Perry have extended an overwhelming amount of support over the past fifteen years in which they have cared for Samaritan House. They have literally opened doors for those affected by domestic violence and homelessness in our Hampton Roads community shelter— that may not have been possible without their generosity.

Patricia and Douglas Perry



h o w s a m a r i ta n house

All of this is because of the generosity, the philanthropy and the caring of a remarkable couple who want to give back from their blessings to those who need a blessing. Samaritan House owes a debt of gratitude to Patricia and Douglas Perry for all they have done, and continue to do, to support the Samaritan House mission.

Jane was interested in returning to school, and with the help of Samaritan House was accepted into Norfolk State University’s Pharmacy Technician training program. She has now passed the certification exam and is employed full-time. Jane has reached her stated goal to provide a better life for herself and her children with the help of Samaritan House. She and her daughters were able to complete the Family Empowerment Program and are now living independently in permanent housing of their own.


In addition to all they have done, the Perry’s continue to have pledged to match donations made to the Endowment Fund by third parties, solicited by Samaritan House. With this new matching grant, Samaritan House has the potential to generate a $2,000,000 Endowment Fund.

As they had been witness to long-term domestic violence and abuse, counseling was established and continued on a weekly basis. The family attended a Samaritan House support group, where healthy relationships were discussed and modeled. Jane noticed an improvement in her daughters’ selfesteem and believed the counseling was extremely beneficial to them as individuals and as a family.

annual report

Pat and Doug are saints to not only us but to the multitude of families and individuals in need who have been sheltered and supported through their generosity. Since its inception, Perry Shores has provided 480 families with safe, affordable housing. Each year over 8,000 people in crisis reach a supportive advocate through the 24-hour crisis hotline, housed in the Perry Safe Harbor Center; and 305 people (126 women and 179 children) have found housing in the two shelters the Perry’s added to the Samaritan House fleet. That is an extraordinary 121,265 people since 1996 who may not have received services were it not for the philanthropic generosity of two persons who care so much.

Jane’s children received much needed medical and dental care, clothing, and school supplies. They were able to remain in their stable school environment with the help of partner organizations providing transportation and financial assistance for school activities.

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In 1996, Samaritan House began the SOS/Save our Shelters Campaign. The campaign asked for each person to donate $1 to help rescue the shelters which at the time were in jeopardy of being lost. Patricia Perry met with former Board President Sue Haycox and extended the Perry’s support without hesitation. What an incredible gift! That donation was the first of many that Pat and Doug have made over the years to ensure that Samaritan House families remain housed — and critical services to the domestic violence community remain intact. In the years since, The Perry Foundation’s support has been essential in helping Samaritan House purchase a 32-unit affordable housing apartment complex named Perry Shores; secure office space which houses the Patricia and Douglas Perry Safe Harbor Center, the administrative and programming hub of Samaritan House; help fund the 2007 purchase of two additional shelters; and offered their most recent gift in June of 2011 to start an Endowment Fund.

Samaritan House believes that everyone has the right to live in a safe and peaceful environment, free from the threat of abuse or violence. When Jane was ready to ask for help for her family, she called the Samaritan House 24-hour crisis hotline. Soon she and her two daughters entered Samaritan House emergency shelter where they could find safe refuge. A Victim Advocate accompanied Jane to court and helped her obtain a preliminary protective order against her abuser.

s a m a r i ta n h o u s e

annual report



opening doors

w i t h

h o r i z o n s

Samaritan House is once more opening doors and showing new horizons to the homeless and to families who are victims of domestic violence. The Horizons apartment building is at the heart of the oceanfront in Virginia Beach. What was once an outdated building from the ’70s is now a group of seven streamlined modern apartments to house families who need a new beginning. The Horizons renovations include special sound-rated windows that exclude jet noise, new kitchen cabinets, refrigerators, stoves, dishwashers and state-of-the-art heating and air-conditioning units, and one handicap accessible unit. All of the apartments also boast tankless water heaters, which allows room for extra storage. Each individual apartment is fully furnished with a sofa, dining room table and chairs, twin beds and dressers.

The newly renovated Horizons apartment building received its interior and exterior face lift with the help of grant money.

The newly renovated Horizons apartment building received its interior and exterior face lift with the help of grant money from the City of Virginia Beach Department of Housing & Neighborhood Preservation. For many of the families who now live in these apartments, it is the very first apartment that they can be proud to call home.



a n n ua l

helping women


w o m e n


This year, as in past years, TowneBank stepped up as the major event sponsor for the Women Helping Women luncheon. Also, as part of their efforts, Audrey Parrott and WHW Ambassador Kathy Bennett organized the 2nd Annual Mother’s Day Walk, led by Betty Darden. All proceeds of both events were donated to the Women Helping Women fundraising total.

This event was organized by Chair Diane Johnston, and 14 event Ambassadors, including Kathy Bennett, Judy Brown, Cynthia Chapman, Barbara Creech, Sue Haycox, Mary Anne Kellam-Canada, Joan Lyons, Dolly Mannix, Terri McKenzie, Valerie Neff, Melissa O’Brian, Anne Perry, Cindy Rodriguez, Bev Sessoms and Founding Chair Shirley Albano.

thank yo

Samaritan House would like to extend a big thank you to our many sponsors and to all of you who have helped with this wonderful event over the years. Your unfailing support of Samaritan House and the programs that do so much to open doors for women and families affected by domestic violence in our community is truly appreciated.


Women Helping Women is an organized initiative by professional and community leaders to prevent and address domestic violence.

annual report

Leslie Morgan Steiner, the event’s keynote speaker, helped dispel age-old myths about domestic violence victims. She told how as a recent Harvard graduate working at Seventeen magazine in New York City she fell in love with a charming Ivy League graduate and began a baffling and terrifying spiral down through four years of domestic violence. Steiner tells how she eventually escaped her devastating situation and was able to rebuild her career and found a happy family life with her second husband. Steiner’s full story can be read in her New York Times bestseller, Crazy Love.

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Celebrating five years of service promoting education against domestic violence in our local community, Women Helping Women quintuples their contribution to Samaritan House, netting in excess of $110,000. What an awesome way to commemorate this momentous milestone in 2011.


2011 by the

numbers revenu

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17% 19%

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annual report


*FY 2011 Sources of operating



Emergency Shelter • Housed 409 people in emergency shelters • 66% of these emergencies were caused by domestic violence • 60% of those housed in shelter were children • Average age of individuals in shelter is 11 years old

Aftercare Programs • 343 clients participated in our Aftercare programs • 71% of the clients left our shelters and transitioned into permanent housing of their own

FY 2011 op erat ing




Government grants



Crisis Calls • Received 7,874 crisis calls • Provided 19,226 bed nights in our shelters

Victim Advocates • 707 victims were helped by Samaritan House Advocates • Advocates helped 89 victims obtain preliminary protective orders to protect them from their abusers • 41 of those victims were then helped to obtain permanent protective orders against their abusers

*Does not include Endowment contributions


2010-2011 community solutions

City of Virginia Beach, Department of Housing and Neighborhood Preservation / ESG / CDBG / Home


U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development / SHP / FEP / AfterCare


U.S. Department of Justice / VA Department of Social Services / DVPSP


VA Department of Social Services / DHCD


City of Chesapeake Total Grants Received

$4,050 $927,992

educat ion & ou t re ac h



A community comes

A 2008 nationwide survey of teenagers revealed that one in three teens is in a relationship that contains violence. Samaritan House reached out to 1,029 teens last year with education on healthy relationship patterns and warning signs of abuse. With intimate partner violence being the number one cause of injury for females age 15–44, and elder abuse jeopardizing the health of a particularly vulnerable population, our outreach to the medical community provided 305 healthcare workers with screening tips and intervention strategies that will direct victims to services, support, and safety. In addition to topic specific training, the Education & Outreach program also raises awareness through events and activities that reach broad audiences. During Domestic Violence Awareness Month in October, Samaritan House collaborates with area shelters to host the Day of Unity/Night of Remembrance candlelight vigil, an open community event that focuses on the deep impact of domestic violence. During the year, we are present at events throughout Hampton Roads and work with many allied professionals to ensure that access to our services is available to anyone in need. Our outreach also includes legal advocacy, and coordinated efforts within our community and across the state to end domestic violence and homelessness. Education is an essential part of our mission and we look forward to expanding our reach in the coming year.


Last year, our Education & Outreach program provided 135 hours of free direct training on myriad topics related to domestic violence and homelessness. Working with various community agencies: from schools and universities, to healthcare providers, to faith-based groups and invested corporations, we were able to directly reach 2,531 people through 50 separate trainings.

annual report

Samaritan House reached out to 1,029 teens last year with education on healthy relationship patterns and warning signs of abuse.

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Samaritan House is dedicated to providing immediate services and shelter to clients in need, but we are equally as devoted to the prevention of domestic violence and homelessness in our community. Violence in relationships is epidemic, yet preventable. Through education, we are bringing our community together to focus on safety, prevention, and the tenets of love, respect, and equality.


s a m a r i ta n h o u s e

annual report


F i s c a l y e a r J u ly 1, 2010 – June 30, 2011

thank yoî‘Ą

to our


s a m a r i ta n h o u s e


$50,000 and above Dominion Enterprises

$25,000 - $49,999

DOMA Technologies, LLC Beach Commercial Finance

$15,000 - $24,999

$10,000 - $14,999

Diane & Tom Johnston Dalis Foundation B.M. Stanton Foundation Wells Fargo

$2,500 - $4,999

Anonymous Applied Management Engineering Chesapeake City Services The Goddard School - Chesapeake Ginger & James Dietz James & Joanne McClellan MEB General Contractors, Inc. Monarch Bank Charities Hassel & Camellia Perrel Anne Perry Vincent & Susan Pilato Nick Seretis Will & Bev Sessoms James & Karen Sparks Tidewater Auto Auction USAA Foundation Verizon Wireless HopeLine Neptune Festival DBA Virginia Beach Events Unlimited, Inc. Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC Wilbanks, Smith & Thomas Wolcott Rivers Gates

$1,000 - $2,499

Abbey Road Pub & Restaurant Albano Family Limited Partnership II Joshua & Karen Anderson Armada Hoffler Bayside Presbyterian Church

$500 - $999

Ann Beasley Katherine Bennett Robert Brenton Sandra Loftin Burroughs Greg & Pat Casey William Cashman Scott L. Clark Earlene Coyner Double Take Fashion Forward Consignment Jacqueline & Steve Dunbar Exodus & Rose of Sharon (State of VA) Festevents, Ltd Foundry United Methodist Church Men’s Group Lisa Fraser G.A. Treakle Elementary School William & Barbara Hodsden JRS Worldwide, Inc. Katherine Katsias Kempsville Church of God Kiwanis Club of Virginia Beach-Combers Lasgo, Inc. DBA Travelodge Betsy Lasher Jody & Dee Luck Lynnhaven Business Association Robert & Bonnie Maholchic Dolly Mannix Patricia Mead Olivieri Family Foundation, Inc. Our Savior Lutheran Church Anne Page Richard Parise Audrey Parrott Richard & Anita Peterson

Presbytery of Eastern Virginia Providence Presbyterian Church Karen & Edward Ricker Sentara Virginia Beach General Hospital Aux St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church Robert Stegina The Treasure Shop Waterfront Marine Construction, Inc. Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.

$100 - $499

AARP #4212 Kempsville Chapter J. Scott Adams Timothy & Anne Aiken Deborah Ainslie Grace Albano-Orsini Albie’s Pizza Edward Amorosso William Antion Antion & Associates Anchor Publishing Leslie Asfari Robert & Jeanne Atkinson Auto Funding Corp. Avalon Church of Christ B & E Auto Service, Inc. Eleanor Bader Patricia Baker Cassandra & Jerry Baker Jerry & Letha Baker Michaella Balaban M. Clark & Sharon Baldwin Bruce & Lauren Baros-Barr Lee Baynor James Beasley Joel Bell Robert Berndt Sandra Billy David & Kathleen Blough

“The kids and I thank God each and every night, that you both have propelled us to where we are now. We will only strive for a better future.”


Bernadette Alcarez Amerigroup Charitable Foundation CBDX Douglas & Marianne Dickerson John & Joyce Fain Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Lindsay Joan & Thomas Lyons Robert & Terri McKenzie Phillips Automotive, Inc. Bay Mechanical/ Rod & Cindy Rodriguez R. Paul Speece & Sue Haycox University of Phoenix Ted & Gail Wille

Williams, Mullen, Clark & Dobbins Foundation Wycliffe Presbyterian Church

annual report

$5,000 - $9,999

BB&T Odette Bonvouloir John & Donna Boyle R. Bruce & Lilly Bradley Judy Brown Cynthia Chapman Chesapeake Bay Wine Classic Foundation Choe Center for Facial Plastic Surgery Chubb & Son Church of the Holy Family Cintas City of Virginia Beach Commonwealth Financial Partners, LLC Richard Craven Felix & Raquel Dominicci Paula Dunham Eastern Shore Chapel Electronic Systems, Inc. (ESI) First Baptist Church of Norfolk First Presbyterian Church C.R. & Crystal Forehand, LCDR, USN-RET. Freedom Fellowship GEICO Direct Lynn Goodman-Francois HBA Architecture & Interior Design, Inc. Huff, Poole & Mahoney, PC Mary Ann Kellam-Canada Kiwanis Club of Norfolk Foundation, Inc. Rhonda Kunsch Michelle C. Lynch Lynnhaven Kiwanis Foundation Martin Mathis McPhillips, Roberts & Deans, PLC Norfolk Rotary Charities, Inc. Donald & Melissa O’Brian Maureen & Richard Olivieri PAPCO, Inc. Larry & Susan Quier Phillip & Kay Richardson Ripley Heatwole Company, Inc. Stihl, Inc. Ron & Cathy Tesnow The Opus Group of Virginia Virginia Beach City Public Schools Virginia Beach Tennis Patrons Assn. Virginia Pilot Association Furman & Mary Wall, Jr. Warden Family Foundation

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Taylor Foundation/Barbara Creech Mark & Ellen Manion TowneBank Wheeler Benefit Foundation

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annual report


12 Stacy Bond Robert Boseman Cindy Boyle Susan Bradshaw Stephen & Amy Brand Martha Brantley Laraine Breitenberg Reather Brothers Brownie Troop #36 L.C. & Janis Burlage Edward & Lorraine Bussey C.A. Barrs Contractor, Inc. Calabrese Management Group, Inc. Jason Call Andrew & Sarah Campbell Virginia Campbell Capco Capital Group Companies Charitable Fdn. David & Patricia Carney Linda Carpenter Robert & Kathleen Carter Patrick Causey CB Richard Ellis Joan & Dwight Chadbourn Charlottre Milliner & CPD Consultants Chartway Federal Credit Union Checkered Flag Motor Car Company Inc. Cherry, Bekaert, & Holland, LLP Chewning Insurance Agency, Inc. Norma Clark Jeanine Cline Carolyn Coe Carol Cohen Colley Avenue Chiropractic Mary Combs Patricia Conrad Marlene Cooney

William Copeland Kindall Craig Mary Crell Eleanor Cross John Crowley, TTEE CT Associates, Inc. Mayrose Cutrino Cdr. Kathleen Daniels Darden Properties, Inc. Mary Elizabeth Davis Laura Dellinger Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Laura & Heath Dewitz Amanda Dexter Emily Divaris Divaris Real Estate J.R. & C.S. Dixon Laura Dobbs Clay & Kelly Dockery Treasurer Doll Dreamers of Tidewater VA Robert & Jill Duff Heather Duncan Stephen Durrant Eastern VA Medical School - MFM Lynne Ecker ECS-Mid Atlantic Kathleen Edge Regina English Richard Epps Equity Development Corporation Patrick Fallon Farm Fresh Charitable Foundation Paul & Lynne Farrell First Atlantic Restoration Barbara Fleming Carol Flynn Kelly Anne Foley Robert Ford

Jean Ford James Friddell Friends of Harvey Bryant Friends of Tommy Norment Galilee Church-Women of Galilee Galilee Episcopal ChurchMen’s Ministries Mary Geary Geico Philanthropic Foundation Dennis Gibson Glebe Episcopal Church Gordon Biersch Dianne Gordonn Chuck Gosstrom Leahmarie Gottlieb Hubert & Sharon Gray Richard Griffey James Griffin Stephen & Rose Hackney John Hamilton Hamilton’s Realty Col. Lyman Hammond Joyce Harlan James & Sharon Harrington Barbara Harrison Neil & Barbara Hart Lewis Hastie Havana Nights Rice Enterprises, Inc. Haygood UMWBarbara Rieder Circle Louis & Judi Henry Heritage United Methodist Women Charles Hill Dennis & Jane Hobbs Robert & Regina Holcombe Dale & Eleanor Holland Patricia Holmes Horton & Dodd, PC Steve & Mary Houfek Karen Howlett Hiroshi & Miho Ito Pamela Ives Andre & Kristen Jalbert Cynthia James Halle Januchowski John Holland Enterprises, Inc. Louis & Ellen Jones Warren Karesh Shirley Karlen Deborah Kassir Debra Keeling Capt. Robert Kelly Kerr Environmental Services Corp. Julie Kissell Madhu Kolli Sarah & Pete Kotarides Isabelle Krupnick Brian & Sarah Kubicki Judy Kurtz Adam Larue Patricia & Gary Leffke Paul & Susan Letellier Patricia Lewis Edward & Christel Lewis

Little Neck Circle of the King’s Daughters John & Patricia Litz Christina Luebbert Lynnhaven United Methodist Church Kurt & Gail Malmgren Kelly Malone Winifred Johnson Marquart John McGovern Milton & Ann McKinney David Meadows Merck Partnership for Giving Meridian Psychotherapy, Inc Ellen Meskowitz Stephen & Pat Middlebrook Kim Midgett Doug & Dee Mills Dick & Marie Mimna Wiley Mitchell Kevin Moran James & Louise Mulligan Lisa & James Murphy Patricia Murphy Stuart & Judith Nachman Navy & Marine Corp Intelligence Training Babs Neff Maureen Newman Cecil O’Brien Nancy O’Brien Ocean Center For Psychotherapy Philip Ogram James O’Keefe Barbara Older Susan Olitsky Dee Oliver Thomas Orlowski Natalie Panker Paradigm Dynamics, Inc. Parish of the Holy Spirit Seong Park Peate Management Services, Inc. Cdr. William Perdue Larry & Carolyn Perkins Andrew & Erica Pero Leora Peters John & Anne Plumlee Portfolio Recovery Associates, LLC George Pregel Price’s Auto Transmission Princess Anne Woman’s Club Professional Printing Center Marsha Queman Leslie Quisenberry John & Allison Rachels Brenda Rawls Margaret Ray Stephen Reader Juanita Reed Rehoboth Baptist Church Rejuvinage, Inc. Paula Renager Jean Resch James Richards Arthur Richardson Leslie Richmond


$50 - $99

Darron & Anne Conner Jean Corletto Scott & Kyle Cottrell Courthouse Community UMC Sharon Crandall Diana D’Abruzzo Ernest D’Antonio Cdr. Donald Daugherty J.M. Davis Wylene Dean Derek & Kimberly Deerfield Anne Marie deLalla Division of Child Support Enforcement, Department of Social Services Doc Taylor’s Restaurant Elizabeth Douglas Kathleen Duffy Nancy & Thomas Epley Cdr. John Evans Allen & Marie Fancher Heather Faulkner Donald Fentress Michael & Jaimee Field Robert & Karen Frazier Fuddruckers, Inc. P.A. & S.M. Gandy Lewie & Cheryl Gayton William & Kathleen Ginnow Dawn & Timothy Glynn Fred Granger Catherine Arnt Green Josephine L. Grigg Henry & Jayme Gruden Anne Gwaltney Jill Haag Harold Hansen Jacqueline Harkness Roxanna Harris Mary-Whitley Haycox Charles Heron Eric Hoffman Rose & David Holloman David & Gloria Holmes Candace Holzman Felix & Rita Hughes Deborah Johnson Shirley & Victor Johnson Dr. M. Gary & Karen Karlowicz Julia Keller Joyce Kendrick John Kinsley Michelle & Matthew Knox

Stephanie & Ronald Kondoff Su-Min & Richard Kreitner Stephen Kruskop Ronald & Patricia Landry Larchmont United Methodist Church Lee Pitman Associates, Inc. T. Dale Lowe Barbara Mace Keri Markiewicz Eileen Maroney Louise Eggleston Martin Fred & Sheryl McCall Howard McLoughlin Erin Meredith Hugh & Gwendolyn Meredith Kerry Middlebrooks Jeffrey Mitchell John Moffett Cheryl Montgomery Thomas & Ashby Moss Jonathan Motley William Mulligan Kristin Munsell Bonnie Murphy Jacqueline Napolitano D.V. Niles Robert & Trudy Norville Nostalgia Partners, LLC Ocean Lakes High School NHS Marilyn & John ODonnell James & Starr Oliver Isabelle O’Neal Effie Patterson Raymond Payne Robert Peavey Susan Phillips Susan Pigott Ryan Pond Princess Anne Plaza Civic League Sandra Raker Judith Raridon Darla Rawles Right Coast Foods, Inc. Tonya Robinson C. Sale Joyce Sawyer Scott Memorial United Methodist Women Claudette Sealy Darryl Searles Robert & Carolyn Shrewsberry Lisa Silvia


A Helping Hand Heating & Cooling A/C Central Heating & Air Conditioning Michael & Michele Adamchuk T. & A.D. Adamson Joseph & Ann Addington ADT Accounting & Payroll Services Lynn Ailsworth Constance & Patrick Alig John & Jessica Arthur Michael Ashe At The Mall, Inc. Richard Bagby Jean Balko Mr. Bruce Ballard Genevieve Barnes Patricia Barton Frances Beasley Carolyn Bessette Linda Betres Gayle Blackstone Florence Blankenship Joan Bolling Pamela Bowles Aquillah Bradley Marilyn Buck Ronald Burniske Sharon Byrd Calvary Academy of the King Jennifer & Eric Campenot Dianne Carmody Barbara Carr Patrick Carroll William Carroll Louis & Annette Cherwa Chesopeian Colony Garden Club Carl Chitwood John & Desiree Clark Nicole Clark Jaclyn & William Clifford Gabriella & John Cochrane

“Because there are times in our lives when unimaginable circumstances can occur it’s good to know there are organizations available to help. My children and I are so grateful and appreciative for everything you have done. ”

annual report

Gerald Voorhees VSDVAA Richard Waitzer Gwen Walker Thomas & Judy Walsh Joretta Watts Western Branch Community Church Faye Whitlock Kenneth Wild Martha Wiley Douglas Williams Nancy Williams B.E. & B.W. Williams Wise Woman LLC, Heart of a Woman Dorris Withers-McNeal Women Helping Others Organization Jonathan & Ann Wong Lori E. Wright Allen Young

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Ms. Jean Marie Roback Richard & Shirley Roberts Diane Roche Meredith Rose Rover Marine RTR Painting & Contracting, Inc. Alice Ruffin Kathy Ryan Sharon Ryan Safe Haven Healing & Deliverance Ministry Sandbridge Community Chapel United Methodist Women John Sandford Linda Schell Cdr. & Mrs. Paul Schneider Rudolf Schuster Seaweeds Circle of King’s Daughters Shelter Alliance Shop Talk with Margie Johnson, Inc. Siebert Realty Chris Sims Shirley Skinner Stacy Lauren Smith Robert & Barbara Spadaccini Vincent Speckhart James Spore St Paul’s United Methodist Women Albert & Carol Stairs State Farm Insurance Companies Merlin Statzer Carl Sterzing Gerry Stillman Peter & Meghan Strauss Strayer University Dorothy Streit Ilene Swartz Sykes, Bourdon, Ahern & Levy, PC C.B. Talbot Ingrid Tant E. Bradford Tazewell Telcom Systems, LLC Rosalind Tester The Cosmopolitan (Drucker and Falk) The Lemon Cabana John Thomas John & Elaine Thompson Eugene & Alice Thompson Tidewater Serenity Carol Toewe Silvia Torriente Gina Treible U.S. Naval Academy Class of 1945 Seibert & Karen Ungemach USAA United Services Automobile Assn. USI Insurance Kim Van Goidtshoven Nathalie Vandenheiligenberg Patricia Van-Scoyoc Howard Veillette Virginia Beach Executive Suites, Inc. Virginia Beach Jr. Woman’s Club

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14 Gloria Smith Lawrence Smith Tammy Smith St. Gregory the Great Church Sam Starcher State Farm, Buddy Oliver Dee Sterling Laura Stone Superior Travel Brokers, Inc. Theresa Sutryk Owenee Sutton Daria Taylor Thrift Store City, Inc. Robert & Mary Tyrell Nivea Velazquez Virginia Beach Legal Staff Association Tobler Voght David Walker Lisa Watson Georgie Webb Linda & Chris Webb Jane & James Whitaker Sue White Betty Whitenack Allyson Wida Christian & Mary Widmer John & Patricia Wiersch Mary Wiggs Earl & Mary Jane Willis Audrey Wilson Martha Wilson Marsha Witcher Kevin B. & Joan M. Wood Lawrence Woodward Audrey Wright Daryl Wynne

Under $50

Ann Rawls Adams Dan Aiken Grace Allen Leslie Allen Alpha Delta Kappa - VA Omicron Rosalyn Ambrous Kim Amos Loreen Anderson Shirley Anderson Violeta Angelos Arlene Arthur Asia Restaurant, Inc. Atlantis Games & Comics Joy Ayot

Cherie Baisey Cherra Barbour-Smith Amanid Barghouthy Danielle Barker Jean Baufle Glenn Baum Melissa Beathard Barbara Bell Lisa Bell Gina Beninato Dave Berard Margaret Beuscher Joanne Binaghi-Richards Michael & Deborah Bohan Anne Boone Margaret Bowers Jeannie & Marie Boyer Lisa Branham Mary Perkins Brown Vickie Brown Bruce N. Doyle Revocable Trust Lydia Bullock Ann Burge Hunter Joyce Burt Wanda Byrd Rosemarie Carleberg Fritzie Carper Eugene & Laurie Carter John Carvil Rachel Cassels Charles Chambers Madeline Chen Alexandra Christian Sandra Claxton Vicki Collins Judith Connors Patricia Conrad Charlie Coombe Lynn Corbin David Corsar Thomas Cosgrave Salvadore Costa Lt. Col Richard Coupland Thomas Cox Linda Crockett Katrina Cruz Johnnette Cutler Kaye Dail Morgan Dandufe Beth Daugherty - Pearl Carol Davis Lewis Davis DCSE - Team A Enforcement Meryl Dean

“Thank you all from the bottom of our hearts for all that you provided for my family and me this past year. You provided a safe, stable environment that allowed us to accomplish so much.”

Francois DeForas John & Ann Delaney Dept. of Public Works John & Antoinette Diamante William A. Dickinson Marsha Digeronimo Dorothy H. Donnelly Revocable Living Trust John & Frances Dothard Debbie Duhe Tammi Dulaney James & Peggy Dunn Robert & Christine Dwyer Darlene Eason Donna Eaton Edward & Dulce Eaves E. Edler Stephen Edmonds David & Mary Edmondson Richard Edwards Employees Charity Organization of Northrop Grumman Elizabeth Farris Lindsay Fedorowski Anita Fellman Katrina Felton Melanie Ferrentino Kathyrn Fine Dr. Joseph Fiveash, Jr. Anita Flavin Lawrence & Anne Fleder Rhonda Floasin Emma Fortune Hope Fowler Cynthia Foy David Fraim Harry & Marcia Frazier Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Friedman Eugene Froehlich Amanda Garrett Patrick Gill Girl Scout Troop #86 Golden Girls, LLC Good Search Barbara Gray Jennifer Green Louise Greer Carma Griffin Michael Griffin Todd Grissom Heather Grose Kristin Grossi-Rhodes Michael & Elizabeth Guglielmo Josephine P. Hageman Robert & Catherine Haley Isabelle Hallam Janice Hamilton Zelda Hamilton Barbara Hamm Lee Shelly Hanna Allison Hardison Jonathan Hayden Antionette Haynes Daniel & Pacita Hazell Amy Hazen Lavonia Heade Janice Henderson

Joy Hendry Donna Herron Ethel Hersey Ruth & David Hill Diana Himler Ligia Hodgkin Raymond Hoff William & Theresa Holloran B. S. Hooker Christine Horold James Houck Aline Hudson Elizabeth Huey Jennifer Hughes Katrina Hull Charles Hunter Veronica Irwin ITF Kirby Family Revocable Living Trust Edward & Linda Jaynes Axia Jelderks Courtney Johnson Joanne S. Johnson Tara Johnson Christine Jones Helen Jones Terri Jordan Lee Kalingking Mark & Deborah Karst Kathy Kay’s Boutique, Inc. David Kaufman Kempsville Greens Women’s Golf Association Kristen Kennedy Bridgette King Meredith King Audrey Kirby Thomas Kirk Karen Koch Amber Kohler Stan Kopiczak KPMG Community Giving Campaign Karen Krieger Marilyn Lacey Ladies Social Club of VA Beach B. Laibstain Margaret Lane Joan Lee Ronald & Helen Lee Jamie Lerch Nancy Liette Sharon Lockwood Paulette Lokonon Mark & Pamela Long Deborah & Jennifer Green Lundberg Cynthia Lynch Leanne Mallory Rose Malone Regina Malveauz Rosa Marshall Sean Marshall Jim May Julia McClane Crystal McDermott


United Way Campaigns

United Way Campaign of South Hampton Roads United Way of San Diego County United Way of Southeastern Pennsylvania United Way of Tampa Bay United Way of the VA Peninsula United Way of New England Valley of the Sun United Way

United Way Donors Gifts Designated to Samaritan House

Natasha Allbee Monica Anderson Robin Anderson Wendell Anderson Mary Ann Williams Sherry Archer Suzanne Armstrong Kelly Arseneault Michael Ary D. Atkins Donna Auld Debra Baker Rosalyn Ballard Dezerey Banks Amy Behm John Bell Jessica Bernabe-Bentivoglio Saundra Bethea-Pegues Linda Betres Kandi Billups Elizabeth Blair Stephanie Blevins Jim Bockert James Bohannan Vernon Botelho Paige Bouma Bobette Bowery Peggy Braun Taquisha Breathwaite Deborah Burke Nannette Burns Jennifer Burrows Betty Cahoon Amy Calhoun Johnny Cartham Alden Chester Amy Clark Sarah Clark Ruth Cody


Anne Walker Michael Waller Michael Ware E.Y. Warren Ashley Watson Mary Watson Sandra Waugh Mary Callis Weaver LCDR. William Weber Vicki Webster Lee Ann Weddle Cara Wells Nicole White Carrol Wilburn Pamela Wilkins Joanne Williams Linda Williams Renee Williams Harry Williamson W.R. Willoughby, Jr. Deanna Winn Kristin Wolford Women of the Moose Norfolk Chapter Judith Wood Fred & Judy Woodall Tonya Woodhouse Rebecca Workman Jay & Younghee Yoo

annual report

Dan Ryan James Ryan Mr. & Mrs. Leon Salzman Leslie Sampedro Felicia Sanabria Madison Sanabria Maya Sanabria Melody Sanders Sara Santiago Mechele Sargent Frances Sattes Sherry & Guy Savage Alyssa Jan B Sawi Or Gene & Judith Sayre, Jr. Patty Schardein-Darden Jennette & Robin Schuhmann Robert Schultz Joseph & Gail Schwartzer Michael & Margaret Schweiger Deborah Seats Dorothy Sell Susan Settineri Daniel & Maria Shaughnessy Sue Shepheard Douglas Shewbridge Cynthia Shields Walker & Donna Shivar Josephine Simcisko Mark Sinclair Joseph Sloan Julie Slobodnjak Lee Smith Lindsey Smith Norman South Robert & Alexis Spadaccini, Sr. Robert Spruit Anne B. Standing Megan Stanto Garrett Starkey Steven & Kathleen Stasulis Stanley Stefansky Scott Stevson Annabelle Stiffler Jilohn Stokes Delia Storer Joan Tavhovicky Jack Taylor Linda Ticomb John & Frances Tierney Carol Tolive Jeanne Tonneson Patrice Trainor-Madden Robert & Susan Tucker Andrae & Gloria Turner Nakia Turner Richard & Susan Tynes Kimberly Vakos Kim Van Goidtsnoven Mary Vance Cindy Kay Vandermeer Susan Vanhook Emogene Vaughn Michael & Deborah Via Diana Vickers Michele Virtue Linda Vital Brian & Nancy Waddell

s a m a r i ta n h o u s e

Ryan McLane Carolyn McPherson Elzine McVay John & Louise Meeks Virginia Metz Grace Mewborn Jarrett Millard Jolene Miller Nancy Milligan Steven & Tawney Milton Awele Mitchell Lynn Mitchell Shirley Mitolo Melissa Moody Dedra Moon Fran Moore James & Nancy Moriarty Gary & Nancy Morin Lola Morris Shoshana Mostoller Paula Mundy Jane Anne Murphey Mary Murray Lora Neal Mildred Nida John Ogden Judith A. Oshiver Tony Palacios Rebecca Palladino Marilyn Palmer Rachel Panariello Stephen & Ursula Parsons Susan Patrick Clarence Pegram Gia Percell Anthony Peris Painting Company Joannejo Pesare Heather Phillips Elizabeth Pickett Cynthia Porter Pauline Porter Mohandoss Priyanka Suzanne Puryear Renee Quintela Ashley Ragas Mike & Shawn Rakowski Alfred Randolph Edward & Joelle Redfearn Margaret Reed Melissa & Ryan Reese Sara Reid Doris Reiter Results Unlimited, Inc. Mira & Jeffrey Rich Betty Richard Margaret Richard Mary Richardson Paulette Richmond Kelly Robinson Alma Rock-Yanochko Edward Roehm Kelly Rose Elisa Rosemond Carol Roy S.C. Rubin Deborah Ruck

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annual report


16 Jane Cogan Shelly Cohen Sabirah Collins Eric Cook Catherine Credle Dominique Cross Earl Curling Alice Curtis Mattie Davis Donald Dawson Effie Day James Day Susan Decker Sherry Dewar Tracy Dorns Amy Dudley R. Duncan-Hawker Maureen Dutcher Ronald Edmonds Catherine Emerick Shana Estrada Heather Faulkner Lea Ferrari Catherine Fox Jennifer Francis Rhonda Franklin Stephen Fuschetti Fredrick Gainey Theresa Garber Angela Gardner Robin Gauthier Roger Gauthier Julia George Ivanna Glascoe Charlene Goedhard LaShanta Goodman Alicia Gorski Juanita Graziadei Kristen Gregory Jennifer Greiner

Carma Griffin Lisa Halleck Stacey Hammell Larry Harrell Kriss Haskin Rebecca Headings Carol Heischober Mary Hill Ruth Hill Melissa Houck Barbara Howard Michael Imperial Thomas Inglima William Jensen Amanda Johnson Frances Johnson Katherine Judge Jason Kanarr John Kasiski Melissa Kelley Leigh Kennedy Amber Kilian Robert Kincaid Emily King Michele Kruggel Debra Lambert Susan Larouche Elizabeth Leff Victor Lepere Theresa Lindsey Leslie Martin Luz Martin Denise Mastrullo Zaire McCullough Bonnie McDowell Holley McGhee Elyse McGinty Tamara Mears Melissa Merideth Ofelia Micks

Bridget Milewsky Ramona Miller Jennifer Milo Therese Thatcher Minter William Mizell Joseph Mondichak Janie Moody Elizabeth Moore Katrice Moore Sandra Mort Pamela Mueller Raul Muntean Ellen Nacey Megan Newsome Tamika Olds Maria O’Neal Traci Paskins-Brower Frank Patch Ben Pester Brennan Peterson Leslie Phillips Michael Plummer Stephen Porter Kristen Potter David Pricenski Paris Quaries Arlene Quimby Philip Richardson Brenda Robinson David Ropp Deanna Roughton Elizabeth Rountree Melinda Russell Melody Sanders Kathryn Schmitt Celia Seagraves Deborah Seats Tamara Sendlbeck Latonna Shelly William Shelton

Alicia Sheridan Mary Showalter Melinda Shuler Loretta Sibelius Joanne Simpkin Susan Simpson Brenda Smith Claudine Smith Kimberly Smith Sheril Smith Gayle Sneed Florance Snyder James Spady R. Paul Speece Belinda Spruill Regina Stallings Elizabeth Swap Ann-Marie Thomas Debra Thompson Beverly Tillman Lauren Turner Employee’s USAA Carlotta Vance Kent Vensland Sylvia Virgil Ann Vokonas Judy Watson Terry Webb Katie Weeks Bonnie Welch StephanieWhite Karen Whitehurst Gay Wiggs Schameka Williams Ben Willis Deborah Wood Susan Worrell Tracy Zocher

special tributes Honor Tributes

In Honor of Anonymous Bruce Ballard Diana D’Abruzzo Verizon

In Honor of Jackie Gathers Cynthia Lynch In Honor of Larry & Pam Kreitner Su-Min & Richard Kreitner

In Honor of Margrit Corcoran Paul and Lynne Farrell

In Honor of Kathleen Diane Lael Stihl, Inc.

In Honor of Claire Cucchiari-Loring Kate Loring

In Honor of Hoi Ngmyen Gerald Voorhees

In Honor of Dr. and Mrs. Andrew Dickinson Mr. and Mrs. Phil Richardson Lawrence Smith

In Honor of Physicians at Virginia Beach OB-GYN Joyce Kendrick

In Honor of Anna Ferrell Tata Julia Keller

In Honor of Jeff Richardson William & Theresa Holloran


board of directors


Paul Speece, CPA, President McPhillips, Roberts and Dean

Karen Anderson United States Coast Guard

Mary Elizabeth Davis, Vice President Attorney

Dianne Carmody, PhD Department of Sociology & Criminal Justice, ODU Virginia Dietz (Ginger) Community Volunteer

Kathleen Daniels, Past President Valkyrie Enterprises, LLC

Diane Angelos Johnston Community Volunteer Grace Albano Orsini Community Volunteer Jeff Richardson Beach Commercial Financial Andrew Richmond Huff, Poole & Mahoney Robert C. Spadaccini, Sr. Amerigroup

In Honor of Lawrence Smith Phillip & Kay Richardson, In Honor of Elaine Thompson Barbara Bell Margaret Bowers Shirley Mitolo Betty Richard Margaret Richard Carol Roy Joanne Williams Judith Wood Georgie Webb In Honor of Mr. & Mrs. P. Scott Zimmerman M. Kenneth Geroe

Memory Tributes

In Memory of Elizabeth Chann Catherine Arnt Green In Memory of Louise Cheo John Sanford In Memory of Gail (Beverly) Hubbard Western Branch Community Church In Memory of Jeane McNeil Anne Marie deLalla In Memory of Andrew Skidmore McPhillips, Roberts & Deans, PLC In Memory of Phyllis Skorup Brian Skorup

In Memory of Kenneth Sledd, Sr. Aquillah Bradley In Memory of Elizabeth (Libby) Smith Cassandra & Jerry Baker In Memory of Mary Strazzulo Jean Balko In Memory of Margaret S. Suits Josephine L. Grigg In Memory of Elaine Ungemach Seibert & Karen Ungemach In Memory of Toni Wilkerson Joanne Binaghi-Richards

Christopher Tyree ReAct Media

In-Kind Giving A huge thank you to all of our in-kind donors. Your generosity is so appreciated.

Volunteers Special thanks for your invaluable support of our mission.

In Memory of Lewis Taylor Anthony Peris Painting Company Mary Perkins Brown Fritzie Carper Eugene & Laurie Carter Charlottre Milliner & CPD Consultants Robert and Jill Duff Charles Heron Kelly Malone Robert Schultz C.B. Talbot U.S. Naval Academy Class of 1945 Harry Valentine Lisa Watson Mary Callis Weaver Linda and Chris Webb Audrey Wright


Ruth D. Hill, Executive Director Samaritan House

Tera Howe Bank of America

Christina Ullman Ullman Design

annual report

J. H. ( Jody) Luck, Treasurer Wells Fargo

special thanks to

s a m a r i ta n h o u s e


Ken Shewbridge, Secretary Tidewater Communications, Inc.


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s a m a r i ta n

h o u s e


e s ta b l i s h e d

ou mission

“To foster personal safety, self-sufficiency and personal growth in adults and their children through freedom from domestic abuse and homlessness.”

P.O. Box 2400, #226 Virginia Beach, VA 23450 (757) 631-0710 24-hour crisis hotline

(757) 430-2120

Samaritan House continues to provide: Hope | Received nearly 8,000 crisis calls Healing | Security deposit funds for a survivor starting life over C hange | “Thank you for being a stepping stone for my

family and me.” — Victim of domestic violence

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