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The Two Storytellers The Paradox of Norman Morrison
Preserving the Grove’s Glory
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The stories in this issue are prompting me to think about the ways that our imaginations shape our lives. The inability to imagine the outcome of an action may give us false courage. Imagining the worst can immobilize us or make us wisely cautious. Imagining only the best can make us foolish or empower us. Imagining the impossible may produce a visionary, or nothing more than a joust with a windmill. Anne Welsh, the widow of Norman Morrison ’56, who sacrificed his life to protest the Vietnam war, spoke on campus this fall to a group of students and townspeople. In a question and answer session, Anne was asked, “Was Norman a man of imagination? Do you think he imagined the pain and grief he would inflict on you after he took his own life?” “No,” she answered. “He was a man of action but not of imagination.” When Norman Morrison set himself on fire 44 years ago, the College community struggled to understand what good could come of his sacrifice. Imagination failed, and the public response to his death was silence. This fall, the silence was broken, and Anne Morrison Welsh was greeted with warmth and appreciation, as she spoke at a retreat, campus lecture, and alumni gathering. Today, Norman’s story has become Anne’s story, and it is a story that we finally understand—one of courage, forgiveness, and redemption. One of Anne’s speaking engagements was at the Worthy Questions retreat, a program of the College’s Interfaith Campus Ministries that pairs community members who serve as mentors with Wooster students, questors who are seeking many levels of meaning. I was drawn to participate in the program partly because of its name. “Worthy Questions” seems to capture what this College is about. College of Wooster students listen to a campus address by Anne Morrison Welsh. Forty-four years ago, Wooster magazine came under fire for what it said and did not say about Norman Morrison. Today, there will still be readers who do not think Norman’s story should be told or interpreted. Here is an underlying belief that influenced our decision to do so: If a question is worthy enough to be tackled by the College’s students, it’s worthy enough to be tackled by its alumni. We asked an alumna to review Anne Morrison Welsh’s book, Held in the Light, not knowing what she would write. There will be other points of view. Please let us know what they are. KAROL CROSBIE Editor
Imagine there’s no heaven, it’s easy if you try; no hell below us, above us only sky. Imagine all the people, living for today. Imagine there’s no countries, it isn’t hard to do; nothing to kill or die for, and no religion too. Imagine all the people, living life in peace. From John Lennon’s “Imagine” (Copyright: 1971)
I S S N 0 8 9 4 - 8 7 9 8 | FA L L 2 0 0 9 | V O LU M E 1 2 4 , N O . 1 | C O N T I N U I N G T H E W O O ST E R P O ST G R A D U AT E , F O U N D E D 1 8 8 6
AS S I STA N T E D I TO R Jimmy E. Wilkinson Meyer E D I TO R I A L AS S I STA N TS
Mary Dixon ’12 Keli Horton ’10
Grant H. Cornwell V I C E P R E S I D E N T F O R D E V E LO P M E N T
Sara L. Patton
P H OTO G R A P H E R Matt Dilyard
John L. Hopkins
Christina Ullman and Alix Northrup, Ullman Design P R O D U CT I O N D I R E CTO R Roger Collier
Sandy Eyre Nichols ’94
WO O ST E R (USPS 691-220) is published fall, winter, spring, and summer by The College of Wooster, Wooster, Ohio 44691. Periodical postage paid at Wooster, Ohio, and at additional mailing offices.
Send address changes to Wooster Magazine, 1220 Beall Avenue, Wooster, OH 44691-2393, 330-263-2327, and editorial comments to 330-263-2187. Email: kcrosbie@wooster.edu, Class_Notes@wooster.edu Visit us on the web at www.woosteralumni.org
P R I N T E R Angstrom Graphics, Cleveland This publication is made with paper certified by SmartWood to the standards of the Forest Stewardship Council and the Rainforest Alliance. It is printed using healthy, environmentally friendly soy inks.
Cert no. SW-COC-002235
E D I TO R Karol Crosbie
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1 0 TH E TWO STORYTE LLE R S A fantasy fiction author and science fiction movie maker explore what it means to be human
1 6 TH E OAK G ROVE ET AL. Living with our trees 2 2 R E M E M B E R I NG NOR MAN MOR R ISON A story about sacrifice, forgiveness, and paradox
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4 Departments On the cover
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This image of an autumnal Oak Grove was captured by Mark Niemczyk, campus horticulturist and arborist. Niemczyk has worked at the College for the past 19 years. C O V E R P H O TO :
Mark Niemczyk
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We welcome your thoughts on the magazine’s contents. Write to Karol Crosbie, editor, Wooster, Ebert Art Center, The College of Wooster, 1220 Beall Ave., Wooster, Ohio, 44691, or kcrosbie@wooster.edu. We may edit letters for clarity and length. Please include a phone number.
The summer issue I was among the students jamming the College chapel when Robert Frost held forth in 1962. What a great moment it was! In “Late Frost,” Will Lange ’57 wrote that he “watched [Frost] in profile as he ‘said’ his poems and commented about what might or might not be concealed within them.” I believe Frost’s first such comment was delivered during the first reading, “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening.” Immediately after ‘saying’ the first four lines, Frost, with a twinkle, looked up and asked us: “Now why would anyone watch a woods fill up with snow?” It was then that we knew we would be in for quite a ride. Memorable. G E O R G E DAV I S ’ 6 4 TUCSON, ARIZ.
I was pleasantly surprised this morning when I went in search of the latest Wooster magazine online. I love the ease with which I was able to browse and click through the table of contents to stories. Keep up the great work on the magazine. M E R IS MAN DE R NACH ’01 H A R R I S O N B U R G , VA .
The summer issue continues in your amazing tradition of amazing people and projects associated with Wooster. The story about Robert Frost and the series on water were most interesting for me and I know for many. Many thanks for your consistent excellence in copy and graphics . . . most consistent with the Wooster tradition. B I L L W AT K I N S ’ 4 9 YUMA, ARIZ.
The spring issue Two items caught my eye in the latest issue. First was the article on Tom McBurnie ’61and his love of cars. I think he is the guy who gave me a few rides back and forth to Wooster in a customized early ’40s Ford (as I sat on a trunk which served as a back seat). Let’s just say these were not the most conventional trips I have taken. Second, the obituary of Gray Multer brought back many positive memories. He was a good teacher, and I remember him introducing his class to the early version of plate tectonics (then called continental drift). I developed an appreciation of eskers, moraines and dunlins in his class. My most vivid memory of Gray, however, was his delightful chapel address about the decline of whistling on campus. It was a splendid example of his whimsical take on
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things. I exchanged e-mails with him a few years ago, telling him how much I appreciated his contributions to my education. His response was gracious, as I expected it would be. R O N E G G LE STO N ’ 6 3 LANSING, MICH.
Wooster family legacies Legacy family dates back to the “Inky” As a member of another legacy family, I enjoyed reading the feature in the Spring 2009 Wooster issue about legacy families— College of Wooster students, current students, and alumni all related, generation upon generation. Besides my niece, Jillian Howes Pape ’10, my sister, Sarah Howes ’83, and myself, ’81, our legacy family includes my grandmother, Florence Dorothea Forman Howes ’13. A unique characteristic about Florence is that she represents a piece of Wooster’s history that is rarely mentioned, and thus hardly known. She was the daughter of Presbyterian missionaries in India—born there and fluent in Hindi at a young age. As was the tradition for those children, they were sent to America for their secondary and post secondary education. Considering Wooster’s early affiliation with the Presbyterian Church, many of those “mish kids” were sent there. Beginning in about 1904, Grandma lived in Westminster House, otherwise fondly known as the “Inky,” short for the “Incubator,” with other missionary children during their high school years. They transitioned into college by moving up the hill. Florence’s ties with the College did not conclude upon her graduation in 1913. She returned to campus as the school nurse for the 1921-22 academic year. She also served as class secretary for many years and traveled to campus for alumni events. Our family assumes that she is very pleased in her celestial life, and that her legacy continues at her first home in America—the City of Wooster and The College of Wooster. M A R GY H OW E S ’ 8 1 AN N AR B OR, M ICH.
Family Study Harrison Wilson ’10, a political science major, is hard at work on his I.S. He sits at the same carrel on the top floor of the Andrews Library that was occupied by his father, F. Scott Wilson ’78, and his first cousin, Elizabeth Keller Downey ’02. Both Dad and Cuz are successful lawyers, so perhaps the carrel retains good ancestral vibes. (from the editor)
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Cows Along the Journey Becca Hartsock ’10, a chemistry major and member of the women’s Fighting Scot basketball team, introduces two teammates to Pal at her home in Coshocton. The 12 year-old Swiss steer has the disposition of a curious puppy and is such a pasture ornament that strangers stop for a closer look, report his owners. clockwise: Keshia Butler ’12, Sam Justice ’12, Becca Hartsock ’10, Pal.
Dear President Cornwell: I wanted to take a moment to share with you my pride in The College of Wooster and how the education I received there has shaped who and what I have become. I am the Head of School at The Neighborhood Academy, a college preparatory school that serves low income students and families from a cross section of Pittsburgh neighborhoods. Eighty percent of our kids come from homes with an annual income of $20,000 or less; 44 percent have a family member incarcerated. Our mission is to ensure that not only will these students graduate from high school, but that they will also become competitive candidates for college. To date, 100 percent of our students have been accepted to college, and this year we celebrated the college graduation of our first group. My appreciation of the beauty and power of words grew as a result of the work of people like Annetta Gomez-Jefferson and David Moldstad. J. Arthur Baird and Ron Hustwit taught me to explore faith and philosophy. I.S. was the intellectual crucible through which all that I learned was brought into a coherent whole. But more than anything, it was the pervasive sense of community which shaped me. Perhaps the greatest testament to Wooster’s impact came from a group of my students who visited Wooster three years ago. Upon returning, they came into my office and said, “We get you now.” Somewhat surprised, I asked why, and their response was telling: “Wooster. They all sound like you. Everyone asked us what was most important to us. And I.S., that’s exactly like Senior Seminar, isn’t it? That's where you got it!” Senior Seminar is one of our graduation requirements, a year-long research and writing project. Students are required to produce a 20-25 page paper, defend their work, and present it to the entire student body and faculty. I was delighted to see Wooster included in Colleges That Change Lives. I was was one of those lives. You have my best wishes in these economically challenging times. Thomas Johnson ’77 is Head of School at The Neighborhood Academy, a Go Scots! college preparatory school in Pittsburgh. T H E R E V. T H O M A S E . J O H N S O N ’ 7 7
Photo: Kate Snyder
P I T T S B U R G H , PA .
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Oak Grove
Oak Grove
Babcock Hall joins the 21st century
he scenario was circular, pervasive, and a beautiful example of nonsustainability: On blustery winter days, the old windows at Babcock Hall leaked cold air. Freezing residents cranked up the heat. But the building’s old steam heating was difficult to regulate, and rooms quickly overheated. Sweltering residents threw open the windows. And so it went. After being closed for a year, Babcock’s doors opened this fall to welcome residents to a new experience: New windows and hot-water heating that is regulated in each bedroom; new electrical, plumbing, and emergency sprinkler systems; beautifully refinished woodwork; fresh paint; and new furniture. The 1935 building has been “restored to its original splendor,” says Peter Schantz, physical plant director. The restoration was possible on a limited budget because of creative thinking and extensive collaboration, say administrators. The decision to spend the College’s entire capital improvement fund for one fiscal year to renovate one building, rather than on many smaller projects, was the result of a democratic process in which faculty and staff submitted proposals to their peers who served on the Financial Advisory Committee, said John Sell, past interim vice president for finance and business. “Lots of requests came in, from new mattresses to new computers, but the decision that the committee made was to put all of the money into one project and do it right, rather than spreading it around,” said Sell. But even with the decision to “do it right,” the budget to renovate the building fell short of the $3 million that Woo Corps worker Elaine Boles ’11 polishes a plaque commemorating the gift of Babcock Hall by Birt Babcock. Photo: Matt Dilyard
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was required. To make up the difference, Schantz decided to use College staff members to augment contracted labor. Wooster physical plant facilities manager Vince Williamson took on the role of project manager; craftsmen from the carpentry and paint shops hung new doors, painted walls, and helped restore the rich paneling; Woo Corps students supplied a summer’s worth of elbow grease. Furnishings for the first floor formal lounge were made possible by a gift from Trustee Ruth Whitmore Williams ’62 and her husband, Morris.
“And this is the result,” says Sell. “Look how they’ve refinished these floors! Look how they’ve matched the old and new wood and polished up the engravings. This is just fantastic.” The building houses the College’s new Center for Diversity and Global Engagement. It is also home to international and domestic students who are interested in broadening their understanding of world issues and cultures. KC
Babcock Hall was built in 1935, the gift of Birt Babcock, an 1894 alumnus and Trustee. Babcock made his fortune by establishing Empire State Pickling, once the world’s largest sauerkraut company. The Sauerkraut King supplied the College with all the kraut it needed, and early residents remember that the dorm often smelled of sauerkraut, which was served weekly. Today, the building smells of fresh paint and new carpet. Photo: Special Collections, College of Wooster Libraries
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Alumni News
Alumni News
Ryan Matura ’06 admits that when he explains why he has contributed to The Wooster Fund and “W” Association ever since he graduated, he sometimes sounds like a proud parent. “I want future students to receive as much as I did—hopefully even more—but never less,” he says. “It would be a travesty if I were to come back in 20 years and find that all the things that make Wooster special—like the programs that cultivate students inside and outside the classroom—had been curtailed because of lack of funds.” Matura’s decision to squeeze as much from his Wooster experience as he could fit into four years has influenced his postgraduation success and professional road map. Matura played varsity tennis, served as executive director of the student programming board, served on the Wooster Volunteer Network, was assistant music editor for Goliard, and—his favorite activity— served as a student orientation assistant for three years. His work with the student programming board provided experience in planning events, and following graduation he landed a job in operations management. Matura, who majored in political science, began work this fall on his M.S. in economics and international relations at the
Photo: Karol Crosbie
A young alum gives back
University of Aberdeen in Scotland. He plans to pursue a Ph.D. in business. He is passionate about the need for alumni involvement in the College’s future. “I truly believe in the amazing talented group of individuals at Wooster—from administrators, to staff, to professors— and their ability to make a difference in students’ lives.”
Sara Dresser on board As an alumni relations assistant, Sara Dresser ’09 is helping to plan off-campus alumni events, Homecoming, and Alumni Weekend. A former midfielder on the women’s soccer team, she now volunteers as a coach for the team. Dresser, who wrote her I.S. on the economic impact of hosting mega sporting events on cities, would eventually like to work for college athletic foundations. Photo: Amanda Gottesman ’11
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A Winter Holiday Sampler: Readings for the Season performed by Richard Figge, Gingrich Professor of German, emeritus and Sara L. Patton ’67, vice president for development Dec. 2, Detroit; Dec. 5, San Francisco; Dec. 6, Los Angeles; Dec. 12, Columbus; Dec. 13, Cleveland DETAILS AND RSVP AT http://woosteralumni.org
Two careers intersect
The problem solvers If ever there was a profession that needed critical thinking and the ability to ask the right questions, it’s the one that physics majors Kevin Andrews ’87 and Ryan Hartschuh ’03 are pursuing at NineSigma, an international consulting company based in Cleveland. The company is an “open innovation” service provider, an approach that Andrews defines well: “Open innovation means an acceptance of the idea of ‘not invented here,’” he says. “Companies that use open innovation go to global problem solvers, rather than trying to come up with a solution using brain power only from their own companies.” NineSigma employees like Andrews and Hartschuh help companies identify their problems and then help them locate the best problem solvers. For example, a client that produced clothing approached NineSigma with a question: How can we reduce the wrinkles in fabric? NineSigma took a nontraditional approach to the (Left to right) Ryan Hartschuh ’03 and Kevin Andrews ’87 work closely together on projects solution search. “Instead of looking at technolo- that require collaboration, creativity, and independent thinking. gies that would remove wrinkles, we researched Your background in physics will serve you well, and if by the end ways to modify the surface chemistry of the fabric,” explains of the year it’s not something you want, you won’t be any worse Andrews. “And then we put out a request to experts in that area.” for the wear, and you can return to scientific lab investigation. NineSigma employees consult with a wide variety of disciYou’ll be stronger for the real-world commercial experience. plines, from food producers, to architects, to manufacturers of “We figured out at NineSigma that we could hire new Ph.D.s. greeting cards. Says Andrews: “Sometimes we’re asked to work with little or no business experience and teach them how to work on subjects outside our areas of expertise, and we have to really with corporate clients,” says Andrews. “Ryan was the first one dig into a new subject. It’s kind of like a mini-I.S.” brought in with that model, and he’s turned out to be a strong Andrews, who joined the company in 2006, came with busiasset. He learns quickly. His overall background of knowing how ness experience. But Hartschuh, who joined in 2007 shortly to ask questions and write clearly is very useful.” after he earned a Ph.D., had only academic experience. When The job was a great fit, says Hartschuh. “My physics and liberal Andrews interviewed Hartschuh for the job, he noted that the arts education at Wooster, together with my graduate studies, younger Woosterite hesitated about choosing a career that was prepared me for a career that requires scientific understanding, less about digging into laboratory experiments, and more about critical analysis, and strong communication skills.” digging into clients’ minds. Says Andrews, “I told him, ‘Try it out. KC
Wooster Career Networking If you are looking for a job or would like to help a fellow alum, we invite you to visit the new Wooster Career Networking site, where you can become a career mentor, advertise job openings and internships, or post resumes. Visit www.wooster.edu. Select “Alumni and Friends,” and look for the Career Networking link.
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I.S. Focus The complex simplicity of personality
Hannah Samuell’s Independent Study of portraiture n her studio on the third floor of the Ebert Art Center, Hannah
Samuell ’09 surrounded herself with images taken by the photographer she most admires—Richard Avedon. By studying his work, she learned about the importance of the white background and the “fleeting moment” that captures raw personality and unique identity. Samuell read about the history of portraiture, studied the techniques and philosophies of Annie Leibovitz and Diane Arbus, and received feedback from her adviser, Bridget Milligan, associate professor of art and art history.
And she learned from herself. In preliminary photo shoots, Samuell told the models what to wear, what to bring as props, and what to do in front of the camera. The results were frustratingly wrong, said Samuell. “I was not happy.” Further experimentation revealed important truths about her subjects and about herself. If left alone, her models revealed a unique point of view. “I needed to have more faith in human nature and curiosity. “And ironically, I learned that I could get the results I wanted by not knowing what I wanted in the first place.” KC
Hannah’s models: (clockwise from left) Amihan Jones, Caitlin Fetters, Charlotte Castle, Elena Dahl ’09s
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Independent Study focus leads to new top ranking Wooster was recently identified by U.S. News & World Report as one of the country’s top 10 colleges for excellence in teaching, according to a survey of college presidents, provosts, and admissions deans. The new ranking was released as part of the 2010 edition of America’s Best Colleges.
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One is a renowned author of fantasy fiction, with 19 books to his credit. The other—the newest talent on the science fiction screen—recently wrote and produced his first movie. The veteran and the rookie share a central truth: Readers and audiences will always be hungry for stories that explore what it means to be human. by KAROL CROSBIE
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S T E P H E N R . D O N A L D S O N ’68 “An immense panorama sprang into view below him, attacked his sight like a bludgeon of exhilaration and horror. He was on a stone platform four thousand feet or more above the earth. Birds glided and wheeled under his perch. The air was as clean and clear as crystal, and through it the great sweep of the landscape seemed immeasurably huge, so that his eyes ached with trying to see it all.”
. . . from Lord Foul’s Bane, the first book from The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant The Unbeliever File Photo: Matt Dilyard
t was a Sunday morning in late August, 1964, and first-year orientation was in full swing. Stephen Donaldson was singing in the Westminster Choir and listening to the minister. And then, suddenly, he wasn’t. An idea for a story had flickered and then flared. “Some kind of electricity leaped the gap between being verbal and loving stories,” he would write later. That Sunday morning spark resulted in Donaldson’s first story and an understanding that he would be a storyteller for the rest of his life. The first chapter of Donaldson’s own life developed neatly. For his Independent Study, he created a bitter, anguished main character who lived in a fictional African country. Donaldson went on to graduate school at Kent State, where he received his M.S., and then proceeded to do what he was born to do—create stories— specifically the beginning of the epic fantasy of Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever, and his ascendancy to The Land. From there, action bogged down considerably, as Donaldson fought the War of Discovery, also known as The Big Wait. He submitted Lord Foul’s Bane to every publisher of fiction in the United States and to five agents. In 1977, 13 years after his Sunday morning spark at Wooster, he was discovered by a British publisher, and the first of his Thomas Covenant chronicles was published. The Big Wait was over. Readers, reviewers, and publishers loved the Chronicles. The books were translated into Japanese, German, Swedish, and Dutch, and frequently ended up on The New York Times Best Seller List. Prestigious literary organizations began recognizing Donaldson and honoring his contributions to the fantasy genre. The Washington Post dubbed his Chronicles “comparable to Tolkien at his best.” By 1983, readers had gobbled up what was surely the last of the two Chronicle trilogies. Both Thomas Covenant and his arch enemy were dead. “Donaldson’s done and the Land is clean,” headlined a Detroit News review. But not so fast. In 2004, after a 21-year hiatus, Donaldson resurrected the Chronicles for their final four books: The Runes of the Earth was published in 2004, followed by Fatal Revenant in 2007.
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Against All Things Ending is scheduled to appear in 2010, and the final book of the series, The Last Dark, will appear in 2013. The character that so intrigues readers the world over is no bespectacled, winsome young sorcerer. Thomas Covenant is a leper, despised by all humans. His disease deadens his senses, and the only way Covenant can survive his isolation is to deaden his soul. When he is transported to another world, The Land, Covenant’s body becomes whole, and the people of The Land consider him their savior. But his soul remains damaged. “As the trilogy unfolds,” writes John Clute in Survey of Modern Fantasy Literature, “Covenant becomes less and less tolerable as an inhabitant of The Land. (He is) woebegone, diseased, haggard, obsessed, self-pitying, weak, violent, ungrateful, and choked with ire. . . . Everything he touches turns to ashes.” Donaldson, who grew up in India, learned about leprosy (more correctly called Hansen’s disease) from his parents. His father was chief of orthopedics and his mother a physical therapist at a hospital in Miraj, where they worked extensively with Hansen’s disease patients. Donaldson came to the United Sates when he was 16 and remembers feeling isolated and strange in American public schools. At The College of Wooster, he fit in and worked hard. “I didn’t get an A in an English course until the end of my senior year,” he wrote in a summer 1981 Wooster magazine article. “And even then, every paper I wrote was like wrestling with the Angel of the Lord—the best you could hope for was a smile from your long-lost brother and a broken hip.” In retrospect, says Donaldson, his Independent Study novella was the perfect prelude to the imaginative creation that he would use in fantasy fiction. “The novella was rife with English major stuff, no doubt inadequately digested,” he says. “But it contained some of the seeds of my later work. . . Its best feature was the plausibility and concreteness of my imagined country.” Donaldson, whose 19 novels also include science fiction and detective stories, has achieved stature in both the publishing and academic worlds. The University of St. Andrews in Scotland
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Stephen Donaldson funds annual prizes for English majors at Wooster for outstanding fiction, nonfiction, and creative Independent Studies. Following are the recipients of the Donaldson Prize for the best English Senior Independent Study creative project. 2006, Joshua Logan Tong, The Books of Mason 2007, Arianne Marie Beros, An Others BloodNonfictions 2009, Jack Shelton Boyle, Looking for Watts and Other Stories 2009, Cara Nicole Stoddard, We Are Jumping—a Memoir 2009, Mitchell Thomas Storar, rS and the Long Poem
recently awarded him an honorary doctorate; Wooster honored him with a Distinguished Alumni Achievement citation in 1989 and an honorary doctorate of literature in 1994. His other alma mater, Kent State, has catalogued his papers for use in scholarly research, and several Ph.D. dissertations have analyzed his Thomas Covenant Chronicles. What is it about fantasy fiction that appeals to readers? And why have they cared about Thomas Covenant for 26 years? In Donaldson’s 1981 essay for Wooster magazine, he explains: As I see it, all seriously rewarding fiction deals in one way or another with one central issue: What does it mean to be human? Mainstream, “realistic” literature confronts this question by discussing human behavior in recognizable contexts. Like good science fiction, good fantasy confronts the question by altering the context—by testing human behavior against the standards of the imagination, rather than of the demonstrable world. And this appeals to audiences because so much of who we think we are grows out of our dreams and nightmares rather than out of our direct experience. One of the paradoxes of being human is that we are all caught between the intimate power of our dreams and the public powerlessness of our lives.
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DUNCAN Z. H. JONES ’95 “There is a question that I have mulled over for years, whenever I think about the possibility of artificial intelligence. . . . Can I create a machine that is conscious? Can I create a machine that is selfaware? Can I create a machine that has free-will? Finally, if I am able to create such a machine, what are my responsibilities to it?” …from the Independent Study of Duncan Z. H. Jones ’95
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ourteen years ago, Duncan Jones posed his questions to a few readers of his Independent Study (I.S.). Today, he poses them to a worldwide audience, as his first movie, Moon, sweeps across screens and imaginations. When Jones moved to a peaceful, rural corner of northeast Ohio to step into his role as a philosophy major, he must have felt as though he were creating a new self. The son of pop music icon David Bowie, Jones shed his old name, Zowie Bowie, in favor of the more anonymous “Duncan Jones.” He also shed an itinerant life and unsuccessful academic past. Jones’ parents had divorced when he was young, and his famous father had always been his custodial parent. That meant that the world was his home—a satisfactory arrangement for a rock star, but less so for a child. Jones, who calls his early education “torrid,” was kicked out of a Scottish boarding school after he slept through college entrance examinations. A former headmaster asked him to work with learning-disabled kids, and the experience motivated Jones to take the SATs and apply to Wooster. “Wooster was a hugely positive experience for me,” he says. “Wooster took a chance on me, and I really felt at home there.” Jones’ Independent Study, “How to Kill Your Computer Friend: An Investigation of the Mind/Body Problem and How It Relates to the Hypothetical Creation of a Thinking Machine,” is the I.S. at its finest—a marriage of critical analysis and creative hypothesis. In it, he analyzes classical explanations of the location, function, and purpose of the human mind (or “soul”), which is often equated with self-consciousness. Introspection, or consciousness of one’s own thinking, he writes, is a physical sense, no different from the other senses—sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell. Accordingly, it should be possible to stimulate the brain to experience introspection, just as the brain has been artificially stimulated
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in scientific experiments to experience the other senses. “I believe,” writes Jones in his I.S., “that there will come a time when we have the knowledge to create a system that functions the same way we do. That walks, talks, thinks, sings, cries at sad movies, loves, and all the rest. It will be both test and testament to all that is human. We will either go the whole way and give this machine the tools it needs to live an existence based upon a principle of free will, or we will fail ourselves and build a clever artifact. Whatever we do, our action at that time will define us.”
Moon (plot spoiler alert) For the movie, Moon, Jones created Sam Bell, played by Sam Rockwell, an engineer who is finishing his three-year solitary assignment on the moon. With the help of robots and computers, Sam has been administering the mining of the moon’s plentiful supply of Helium-3, a clean fuel source that has solved Earth’s energy crisis. His own well-being has been attended to by Gerty, Sam’s robotic friend, physician, cook, and confidante. Sam has a bad accident on one of his forays onto the moon’s surface and awakens in the presence of another Sam Bell. But while the injured Sam is be-whiskered, affable, fragile, and a little goofy, the newly arrived Sam II is buff, brazen, short-tempered, and stern. As the story unfolds, the characters and the audience learn that both Sams (and many others just like them) are human clones who have been programmed to “experience” identical past life experiences on Earth. But on the moon, their experiences diverge. After three years under the care of Gerty, Sam I has developed a friendship with the computer; Sam II has not.
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We couldn’t resist; the stars were aligned. Duncan Bell ’74, who designs robots for Wyeth Pharmaceuticals, shares his first name with Duncan Jones and his last name with the protagonist from Jones’ Moon. It seemed ordained that he should comment on his fellow-Woosterite’s movie.
The difference in how they treat Gerty is significant, says Jones. “Does Gerty actually act sentient (conscious) or is he just highly customized to behave in a way that puts Sam at ease? Is Sam overly anthropomorphizing a piece of technology?” asks Jones. “And if he is, should Sam treat Gerty as anything other than a moving vending machine?” With Moon, Jones shows that an ultra high-tech story can be told with comparatively low technology on a modest budget of $2.5 million. The Sony Pictures Classics movie was shot in 33 days at Shepperton Studios in Surrey, England on a set consisting of not much more than a piece of dirt with remotecontrol models. The only special effects are those required to allow Sam Rockwell to play both Sams. The two Sams gave Jones an opportunity to investigate how it might feel to meet yourself, he says. “Sam I and Sam II are different people, due to separate life experiences they have had since being awakened on the base, but they also have a lifetime of shared experience from what has been uploaded into them. Seeing how they react to each other, blame each other, and finally comfort and support each other is half of the attraction of the story.” Time magazine calls Jones’ directorial debut, “a searching and worthy first feature film.” The Washington Times calls it “thoughtful, poignant, and intelligent.” Writes movie critic Roger Ebert: “The movie is really all about ideas. It only seems to be about emotions. How real are our emotions, anyway? How real are we? Someday I will die. This laptop I’m using is patient and can wait.” Another movie is in the works, says Jones. Stay tuned, earthlings.
A s h o r t re v i e w Moon joins a legion of movies that for decades has expanded the world of science fiction to celestial bodies. All of them use their stories to explain the interaction between humans and present and future technology. In most of them, the technology gets “better,” but the humans stay pretty much the same, with an unchanging list of vices and virtues. What has changed, however, are the humanoids—the robotic humanlike creatures which appear as cartoonish assistants or evil nemeses. Moon continues the trend from metal boxes with artificial voices and jerky motions to nearly human creatures. Although Gerty, Moon’s robot, is reminiscent of earlier generations of boxy, restricted-motion apparati, Director Jones has taken the emotional range of Gerty’s character to new levels. With excellent voicing by Kevin Spacey, the hard-looking pile of metal is able to express sympathy, tenderness, and—in a scene in which Gerty must resolve whether to serve his earth-bound creators’ interests or Sam’s immediate needs—a true conflict of emotions. For simpler emotions, Jones uses e-mail icons familiar to most of us— emoticons. Sometimes the story line can’t wait for us to figure out the body language of an electro-mechanical creature. Spacey’s voice takes us most of the way there, and the emoticons confirm our guesses about the robot’s feelings. I am often asked if I could design a personal assistant robot that could do all of the mechanical motions of a helpful robot such as Gerty. My answer is that with enough money, creative talent, and time, such a robot could be developed, but it would be too expensive for purchase by individuals. As to the emotional side, this role is probably best left to humans. Enjoy the movie. I did. Duncan H. Bell ’74 Professional robot designer Senior Director, Biomedical Engineering Wyeth Pharmaceuticals FA LL 2 0 0 9 Wooster 15
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T he Oak Grove E T A L.
>> P R E S E RV I N G
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Photo: Mark Niemczyk
We love our trees. Some of our oldest were once also loved by Native Americans who came before us, and this knowledge compels us to honor our urban forest for its symbolic continuity as well as its beauty. It is nigh impossible to walk through the Wooster campus and not look upwards. And why resist the temptation to wax poetic? Our trees deserve it. FA LL 2 0 0 9
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M A R K N I E M C Z Y K loves our trees more than most, but his poetry is as likely to be pragmatic as sentimental. When he loo-ks up at the more than 3,000 documented trees on campus, he notes not only what they’ve seen in the past, but also what they’re likely to see in the future. Here’s a limb that could easily land on the head of an unsuspecting student. Here’s a tree that has contracted a lethal disease. Here’s one that is leaning heavily to one side. “The trees were here first, and they managed just fine without human intervention,” he says. But, as always, humans’ entrance into a natural habitat changes the rules. His goal, says Niemczyk, is to maintain a setting where trees and humans can coexist. He and other grounds crew members achieve this through new plantings, disease control, pruning, and tree removal. “It’s good to remember that a mature oak, ash, elm, maple, or sycamore can weigh more than 20,000 pounds, and that weight is distributed over 100 feet vertically. Gravity works, and when all or part of a huge tree comes crashing to the ground, it’s best not to be in its way. Controlled removal is always better than being surprised.” AMPUS ARBORIST
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It is not so much for its beauty that the forest makes a claim upon our hearts, as for that subtle something, that quality of air, that emanation from old trees, that so wonderfully changes and renews a weary spirit. RO B E RT
(above) Mark Niemczyk injects an ash with an insecticide that will protect it from the ash borer. Photos: Karol Crosbie
(right) Students pause to photograph and enjoy. Photo: Matt Dilyard
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To the great tree-loving fraternity we belong. We love trees with universal and unfeigned love, and all things that do grow under them or around themâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;the whole leaf and root tribe. H E N RY
Photo: Karol Crosbie
Photo: Karol Crosbie
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The ash borer, the voracious beetle that arrived in the United States from its native Asia more than seven years ago, has arrived in Wooster. “Within a few years, every ash tree in town will be dead if it hasn’t been treated,” says Niemczyk. The College has chosen to treat 15 trees from the campus collection of 54 documented ashes, and late last summer began inoculating them with a systemic chemical. If the chemical is periodically applied for the remainder of the trees’ lives, they may beat the beetle. Funds to maintain the College’s trees come from Wooster’s tree endowment, established in 1987. The endowment allows friends and alumni to thank their alma mater and to honor and remember loved ones by donating funds for new trees. The fund is the envy of many of his peers at other colleges, says Niemczyk. “When colleges don’t have an endowment, they tend to repeatedly—and sometimes indefinitely—postpone tree care.” Seventy-two hours before vice presidential candidate Joe Biden was scheduled to visit campus in Sept. 2008, a monumental storm swept through town, pulling trees from their roots and sending limbs flying. The campus was a mess. “We were expecting 4,500 people, and we needed to make the campus look as if nothing had happened,” remembers Niemczyk. “The entire 10-person grounds crew pitched in, and the clean-up cost $16,000. “Who would have paid for that, if we hadn’t had a tree endowment?” KC FA LL 2 0 0 9
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The story and impact of a man of action
reflections on Norman Morrison ’56
On the afternoon of November 2, 1965, Anne Morrison spoke to her husband, Norman, for the last time. It was 3:00— time to pick up six-year-old Ben and fiveyear-old Tina from school. Nine-month-old Emily was asleep. “Back in a jiff,” she said. “Will you take care of the baby?” Norman put on his best Harris tweed jacket and packed a plaid diaper bag with extra milk, diapers, and pacifiers. He loaded a car with the bag, his daughter, and a fivegallon glass jug of kerosene, and drove to the Pentagon. His daughter in his arms, he paced there for about 45 minutes. By 5:20 p.m., the shadows had lengthened, and workers were rushing home to their families. Within sight of the window of Robert McNamara, the U.S. Secretary of Defense, Norman poured kerosene on himself, lit a match on his shoe, and set himself on fire. He died within 30 seconds from asphyxiation. Eyewitnesses disagree on whether he laid Emily down before he lit the match, or after, at the urging of onlookers. When Anne picked up her daughter from the police station, the baby was peaceful and unharmed.
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Remembering Norman Morrison ’56
he story swept through the world, and Americans reacted with ambivalence. Was Norman, who was a devout Quaker, a martyr or a lunatic? Was his death a meaningful sacrifice or a hurtful suicide? Sometimes opposing views were expressed simultaneously. A Nov. 17 editorial in The Christian Century, opined, “We can condemn his act, but we cannot and should not attempt to judge him.” The writer then proceeded to judge him: “Those of us who in a bloody age want to bear testimony to the ancient commandment ‘Thou shall not kill!’ ought not to do it by killing.”
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Alumni, students, and administrators at The College of Wooster were not immune to the uncertainty and moral ambivalence that shook the nation. There was a passionate flurry of communication in The Voice, the student newspaper, as students pitted themselves against administrators. Students subscribed to a rumor that the College had refused to accept donations made on Morrison’s behalf, and then apologized, when the story came up false. Students demanded some kind of statement from a silent administration: “I don’t want to force anybody to condemn or condone out loud,” wrote Voice columnist Harvey Tilden ’66, “I do want a Christian institution to act like one. . . Can’t we have even two minutes of silent recognition for a former Wooster student who died for what he believed?” In a chapel address a few days later, President Howard Lowry addressed the College’s public silence. His reasons, he said, were his own. But he did add, “When one donor and a friend of the College (in no nasty way) said to me he hoped Mr. Morrison’s action would not hurt the [College’s fund drive], I chewed him out in a way Harvey Tilden would have approved. He saw the point.” Lowry concluded his comments with, “I assume that many people say their prayers . . . and that you will join me in a few moments in prayer for those who have died young.” Wooster magazine (then called the Alumni Bulletin) covered Morrison’s death in a courteous obituary in Class Notes, followed by a note about the establishment of the Education Fund for the Morrison children. But in ensuing months, a bitter conversation played out in the Letters to the Editor—as contentious as any in the magazine’s history. The disagreement began in the Jan. 1966 issue with a letter from a 1922 alumnus, who praised Morrison’s sacrifice and charged fellow alumni to search their souls and consciences for ways in which they had individually contributed to the horror of war. In the next three magazine issues, furious readers responded. It was inappropriate for the writer to use the tragedy of Morrison’s death to “foist his personal opinion of the Vietnam situation on all readers of his letter. . . I am amazed that the Alumni Bulletin deemed it worthy of publication,” wrote one alumnus. “Mr. Morrison, by his action, debased the very principles that made this country the greatest citadel of freedom of all centuries,” wrote another. “Norman Morrison, in my humble judgment, was not of sane mind, for he performed a sick and selfish act,” wrote another. Wrote still another, “I am proud that our Christian country and our nation’s men are fighting in Vietnam to preserve and permit the Vietnamese to have the freedoms of mind and spirit we long have known.” Today, Bob Zimmerman ’51 remembers his reaction to
(Opposite page) Anne and Norman with their children, Christina, Ben, and Emily in Baltimore, where Norman was executive secretary of the Stony Run Friends Meeting.
the letters that criticized Morrison. “Surprised and angry, I wrote to Wooster magazine’s editor, Estella King, suggesting that the publication in our magazine of anyone’s letter personally criticizing another Woosterian was inappropriate.” Zimmerman recalls that King wrote back saying that she regretted publishing the letters. Did Norman Morrison die in vain? In 1965, it must have been almost impossible to know. Today, there are clues. The well-publicized memoirs of McNamara, who died on July 6, 2009, explain his reversal on the wisdom of the Vietnam War, and his reaction to Morrison’s final protest. McNamara was in a meeting at the moment of Morrison’s death, and by the time he looked out his window, emergency personnel had arrived and were loading the body onto an ambulance. But years later, he would tell a TV talk show host that he had witnessed the fire and watched Morrison die. Only after being presented with news reports to the contrary, did he concur that he had not, in fact, seen the actual burning. “Morrison’s death was a tragedy not only for his family but also for me and the country,” wrote McNamara, in In Retrospect: The Tragedy and Lessons of Vietnam. “It was an outcry against the killing that was destroying the lives of so many Vietnamese and American youth. I reacted to the horror of this action by bottling up my emotions and avoided talking about them with anyone— even my family.” In taped interviews with McNamara, his voice thickens and wavers, as he talks about the forgiveness he received from Anne Morrison Welsh, Norman Morrison’s widow (http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyld=106302175). In her recently published book, Held in the Light, Welsh writes about her reconciliation with McNamara and about a trip she and her daughters took to Vietnam. If U.S. citizens are ambivalent about Norman Morrison, no such uncertainty exists in Vietnam, where he continues to be a national hero. Wooster magazine asked Kathleen Myers Coe ’62, a retired journalist and Quaker pastor, to reflect on Welsh’s book. FA LL 2 0 0 9 Wooster 25
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b y K AT H L E E N M Y E R S C O E ’ 6 3
Reflections on Anne Morrison Welsh’s Book Held in the Light: Norman Morrison’s Sacrifice for Peace and His Family’s Journey of Healing “I told them …I lived in the virtue of that life and power that took away the occasion of all wars.” From The Journal of George Fox, founder of Society of Friends
Anne Morrison Welsh visited the College’s Vietnam Memorial when she was on campus this fall.
Thus, some say, did the peace testimony of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) begin. It was the year 1650, and George Fox had been chastised for his itinerant preaching in northern England. Eventually he spent a year in the Derby jail for it. His jailers offered him his freedom in return for fighting for the Commonwealth against Charles Stuart. George Fox firmly refused to take up arms, uttering the words above, which have become the basis for Quakers’ peace witness over the centuries. In our own century, Quakers have put those words into action by choosing a number of alternatives to war, including conscientious objector service, and numerous forms of social service, such as ambulance services and relief efforts in Europe after both world wars, prosthesis services during the Vietnam conflict, and many ongoing peacetime relief efforts. Like many people of faith, Quakers see peace not merely as the absence of war, but as the development of a healthy and sustainable, loving and just society. I have no doubt that Norman Morrison knew George Fox’s words like the back of his own hand, along with countless other witnesses for peace that have been published in Friends literature over the centuries. The peace testimony must have been engraved on Norman’s soul.
Photo: Karol Crosbie
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After reading Anne Morrison Welsh’s story of Norman’s sacrifice, I am convinced that when Norman placed himself on the steps of the Pentagon that fateful afternoon in November 1965, he was following not only the Quaker peace testimony as he discerned it, but also a powerful personal calling conceived in prayer. Prayer, of course, can lead us to unknown destinations. The Quaker author Douglas Steere noted the potential of prayer for powerful social change when he wrote: “There is an ethical sharpening that takes place in real Christian prayer that is highly dangerous to any complacency concerning the order of things as they are. … Always in authentic Christian prayer, self-giving increases. The realization that one is personally expendable for the work of the kingdom grows. We find in it a companionship and a sense of having found at last that for which we were born….” Perhaps Norman Morrison felt such a sense of destiny—a sense that he was acting out that purpose “for which he was born,” and that it developed over time from deep personal prayer. We cannot know exactly how he was led. Few people, even now, hear of Norman’s act of self-giving without a sense of shock and wonderment. We are left questioning: Why did he do it? What did he hope to accomplish? What was the effect on his family? What message are we to take from this? And finally: What differences did his act make to the wider world? Anne Morrison Welsh deals with these questions in her heart-rending book about Norman’s sacrifice and the family’s struggle to cope and, eventually, to heal. Indeed, she writes, “Perhaps this is ultimately a story about healing—about how we get through our grief, doubts, and pain. … I learned the blessed necessity of accepting the irreversible past and forgiving both others and myself.” I strongly recommend that you read this book, but first that you prepare to be powerfully drawn into the author’s experience. 28 Wooster Fa l l 2 0 0 9
“ How w o u l d I h a v e re a c t e d ? ” I was deeply moved by the book, not only because my life has many parallels with the Morrisons’. We did not know them, but my husband and I, like Norman, graduated from The College of Wooster. We, like Anne, came to the Quaker faith from other Christian traditions. Like the Morrisons, we have associations with Pittsburgh, North Carolina, and Duke University. Like Anne, I have been a journalist; like Norman, I have trained at seminary. We, too, were a young married couple during the early 1960s. Even our wedding anniversary is the same month and day. However, I suspect that when it comes to connecting with this story, I am in plenteous company—most readers, regardless of their age, will find a great deal in common with Anne and her family. More to the point, Anne Morrison Welsh is grappling with universal truths and universal questions. It is nearly impossible to read her story without asking oneself, “How would I have reacted in similar circumstances?” Anne tells us that when Norman was a student at Wooster, he was known as the “fighting Quaker” because of his reputation for fearlessness, even as Quakers were known for their practice of conscientious objection to war. Immensely proud of his Scottish heritage, he was both physically active and spiritually intense. For Anne, this intensity first surfaced when they were courting at Chautauqua, New York. He seemed convinced even during that first summer that she was to be his wife. “Anne, I feel that I have come to a great mountain that I am anxious to climb,” he wrote to her after she had returned to North Carolina at the end of the summer. “I am desperately in need of someone who understands, to climb it with me or at least intelligently encourage the process.” Norman did indeed have mountains to climb. After Wooster and after their marriage, the Morrisons studied for a year in Edinburgh, Scotland. Upon returning to the United States, he enrolled at Western Theological Seminary in Pittsburgh, and Anne also took graduate work in Pittsburgh. They would later serve Friends meetings in Charlotte and Baltimore. When I arrived at Wooster in 1959, just a few years after Norman was there, we often heard complaints about apathy among the student population. The fifties, after all, were a time of retrenching, a time of relative complacency. It was not until the early 1960s, when bulletins about sit-ins arrived from the South, that civil rights issues sparked the passionate concerns of college students in the North. But the Morrisons were anything but apathetic. They were vitally interested in politics and in the social needs of their day. Their steps toward graduate education and work with Friends bespoke their passion for social justice. Anne Morrison Welsh confirms this. In the early and mid-60s she and Norman shared
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(Opposite page) Emily planted a tree at the My Lai primary school during the family’s visit to Vietnam in 1999. (Left) Emily, Christina, and Anne receive flowers at a memorial celebration of Norman’s life at the Peace Park north of Hanoi.
Even among Quakers, there are those who are not pacifist. I know several older Friends who, after long and prayerful consideration, decided that they must fight in World War II. Their fellow Quakers honor their decision and their willingness to follow their “leading” (a common Quaker term). One cannot read the story of Norman’s sacrifice and of his family’s healing process without being touched by the depth of his humanity and the fire of his faith—and that “dangerous” ethical imperative that Douglas Steere alluded to when he wrote about prayer. Yet Anne confirms that if she or the members of their Friends meeting had known of Norman’s intentions, they would have done everything possible to stop him. a growing concern about the atrocities of the Vietnam War. As he spoke more and more persistently for peace, she understood his growing sense of helplessness to be heard or to make a difference in national policy. After November 2, 1965, when Norman ended his life on the steps of the Pentagon, Anne told their children that their father “had died to stop a war that was hurting and killing little children like them in a far off land.” Members of their Friends meeting issued a statement that revealed a similar understanding: “As friends of Norman Morrison, we have come to appreciate the depths of his commitment to the way of peace. We have recognized the sincerity of his objections to our country’s policies in Vietnam. … Norman saw these policies as evil. He found it necessary to protest them, but must have been discouraged that the protests seemed to fall on deaf ears. We believe that Norman’s action … must have been motivated by a desperate search to find the way to be heard by the American people and by their leaders. We pray that all people will be able to see beyond the act to the essential message.” Many American citizens did indeed find it difficult to see beyond Norman’s act. Many disagreed with his position about that war and the finality of his action; many may still disagree.
Tr a n s c e n d i n g “e i t h e r / o r” Anne writes that Norman was a man of paradox. He had contradicting views about making money; he was both compassionate and ill at ease with people; he was at the same time frugal and generous, serious and funny. In much the same way, the end of his life was paradoxical. It could be interpreted as both self-giving and as selfish. It could be seen as either life-affirming or life-denying— as either a “yes” or a “no.” This duality was readily apparent in the letters to this magazine mentioned in the introduction above. The reactions to Norman’s death were starkly polarized; some understood his sacrifice and others condemned it. With this in mind, Anne Welsh writes that her book is her “attempt to share some of the ‘yes’ of Norman.” Parker Palmer, in his book The Promise of Paradox, draws a distinction between contradiction and paradox. While a contradictory statement contains elements that cannot be reconciled, paradox “is a statement that seems [emphasis mine] self-contradictory but on investigation may prove to be essentially true.” Palmer speaks of “living the contradiction,” thereby receiving “one of the great gifts of the spiritual life, the transformation of contradiction into paradox. . . . God’s truth is too large for the simplicity of either-or.” FA LL 2 0 0 9 Wooster 29
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(Above) Wooster students react as they listen to Anne Morrison Welsh speak about her life with and without Norman. (Right) Anne Morrison Welsh, speaking on campus Photos: Matt Dilyard
(Opposite page) The Morrison family is honored in My Lai.
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I believe that what Anne Morrison Welsh has accomplished in this book is not only to share some of Norman’s “yes.” She also describes a way of “living the contradiction” between the fiery horror of his death and the powerful message of his sacrifice. It is not only Anne who has “lived this contradiction,” but her children as well. She tells of her struggle to be brave for them, to help them make sense of their father’s act of self-sacrifice, and to guide them through childhood, wishing at the same time that they could have grieved more openly together. The two older children, Ben and Christina, had been old enough to comprehend the fact of Norman’s death and yet were unable to understand why he had left without saying goodbye. The questions surrounding his death would be with them for the rest of their lives. It would be years before Anne and her family could adequately express their grief. From the day after Norman’s death, letters of support came from around the country and the world to Anne and her family. But the grief remained bottled up inside them. She wrote: “…for Norman the world was essentially spiritual and numinous, surpassing rational comprehension. Norman’s deepest thoughts remained an enigma. In the end, he did something totally astonishing and ungraspable. I believe that, paradoxically, the act that ended his short and intense life somehow made it more whole. But it broke my heart—and Ben’s and Tina’s—and tore the life of our young family apart.” The family’s struggles were compounded immeasurably when Ben was diagnosed with osteogenic sarcoma at the age of 11 and died five years later. For his devastated mother and sisters, the grief only mounted. Anne, Tina, and Emily continued to grapple with Norman’s death and its meaning to them and to the world. Anne had received many letters of condolence. She even received invitations to Vietnam—invitations that at the time she could not bring herself to accept. She worked with the American Friends Service Committee in their peace efforts, carrying on the work that had meant so much to Norman. A celebration of peace, healing, and forgiveness It was not until 1999, 34 years after Norman’s death, that Anne, Christina, and Emily finally visited Vietnam, which was by then unified under one government. What they experienced was nothing short of a transforming revelation. They found that countless Vietnamese people knew of Norman’s sacrifice and revered him for it. They had been familiar with the practice of self-immolation by Vietnamese Buddhist monks at the time, but they were astonished that an American should give up his life for the sake of the Vietnamese people. More than a generation had passed since 1965, but Vietnamese people of all ages flocked to pay tribute to the Morrisons and to celebrate peace between the nations. Norman’s sacrifice had not gone unnoticed; it had
not gone misunderstood. In fact, his action may have been understood and appreciated more by the Vietnamese than by his own countrymen. If there were ever a doubt that Norman’s sacrifice had had its effect on the larger world, that doubt was settled in Vietnam. It was in Vietnam, too, that Anne was finally able to release her grief, come to terms with it, and experience a measure of healing. Throughout Anne’s long struggle, she had dealt with the need to forgive—to forgive Norman for leaving the family and to forgive herself for ways in which she thought she might not have measured up. By the end of her book, she was able to affirm that forgiveness had found its way into her heart, another sign of healing. Anne Welsh’s personal reflections, her stories, and her constant faith make this book deeply moving. She quotes more than once this saying: “Within me, I carry God. Within God, I am carried.” Toward the end of the book, Anne Welsh includes one of her own journal entries: “Now I am in the evening of my life. … I want to experience more courage. I want to be able to say, ‘When I am old, I will be fearless.’” I confess to having tears in my eyes, re-reading this last passage. In relating her story for us, Anne Morrison Welsh has exhibited magnificent courage, and fearlessness. Her willingness to grapple with these universal questions, to illuminate the “yes” in Norman’s death, and to confront her own grief is a testament to her abiding faith in the God who carries her and is carried within her at one and the same moment.
Kathleen Myers Coe ’63 is a retired music teacher, journalist, and Quaker pastor in North Carolina. She earned an M.A. in music history and literature at Ball State University in 1975 and an M. Div. at Duke Divinity School in 2002. Kathy and her husband Dick ’62, are the parents of two grown daughters, Diana Coe and Kirsten Corcoran, and grandparents of four. They live in the Guilford College community of Greensboro, North Carolina, and are active in Jamestown (N. C.) Friends Meeting in Jamestown.
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Class Notes
1940 S SERENADE L TO R , BACK ROW Robert Kelley, H. Lloyd Cornelius, ’49s, Richard Maurer ’48, Nicholas Zuppas ’49 FRONT ROW Dick Brandenstein, Ray Chittum, ’48s, Deane Ferm ’49, John McConnell ’48, Allen Ormond ’50, David Pfleiderer, Richard Arnesen,’48s
1945 INDEX
Ruth Dilley Sims reports that she’ll turn 101 on Sept. 29. She resides in an independent living unit at Westminster Shores in St. Petersburg, Fla., where her brother, Paul Dilley ’37, also lives. Ruth asks, “Are there any alumni who would correspond through this column?” How about it, folks?
Mary Corwin McClarran turned 99 on Aug.22. Her son, Harry, says Mary is in good spirits. She just moved into a care center in Arizona a few months ago. Write to her at 10015 Royal Oak Rd., Apt. 236, c/o Royal Oaks Health Ctr., Sun City, AZ 85351.
Kathryn lives in her own home. A daughter and son-in-law live with her and run a horse farm. Kathryn’s writing is firm and flowing. She’s 96 years old, as are most of us. The 2009 class list gives 27 names. I (Libby) remember most, but those who had to leave because of the Depression (should we say the former Depression?) are less recognizable. Class of 1934 Scholarship funds totaling just over $32,000 were awarded to Catherine Gullett ’12 from South Vienna, Ohio; John McGovern ’12 from Elmhurst, Ill.; Alex Saines ’11 from Logan, Ohio; and Janak Upadhyay ’09 from Geneva, Switzerland. The fund’s principal is over $317,000, and the market value is almost $536,000. So we begin our 76th year after graduation. If you are able, please write to me about yourself. Others would surely appreciate the news. Best wishes to all of you!
Elizabeth “Libby” Lapham Wills 36500 Euclid Ave., A255, Willoughby, OH 44094
You read in the last issue that two of us represented the class at our 75th reunion. Add one to that number—Beryl Young Denny writes that she was at the dinner on Friday night. Beryl has been a faithful correspondent over the years. Kathryn Dilger Metcalf wrote in June of the death of her good friend, Nancy Ann Casey. They both lived in Maine and usually had lunch together once a year—even after they could no longer drive. What a friendship, from college roommates to pals in maturity. 32 Wooster FA LL 2 0 0 9
1935 1936 1937
Martha “Mollie” Tilock Van Bolt 420 Brookside Dr., Ann Arbor, MI 48501 New! (734) 585-5663, martha1937@comcast.net
Who says you can’t teach an old dog new tricks? On June 8, this “old dog” (Mollie) and
all of my worldly possessions moved from the house in Flint, Mich., where I had lived for the past 53 years, to a house 60 miles south in Ann Arbor. About a year ago, my daughter, Margaret ’71, bought the house next door to hers in Ann Arbor and began making the changes that would be appropriate for me, should I choose to live independently rather than move into senior housing. So that’s where I am now—next door to her and 10 minutes from John ’68. I enjoy having my own place. I drive to new destinations and have taken on the challenge of turning a large, rather nondescript back yard into a personal haven to replace the uniquely landscaped yard that Roger Van Bolt created in Flint. Most of you have already made a similar move, leaving behind memories of a different lifestyle in a pre-computerized world. It is indeed a challenge—this new adventure requires learning many new tricks. The timing of my move was rather strange. I felt very comfortable living alone in Flint until my 93rd birthday in April. Somehow 93 was different. I felt old. Then in one week, there were three events—two medical—all of which I would have been more comfortable attending to with someone else along. But the last of my long-time friends had died, none of my much-younger friends were available, and my children were 60 miles away. That’s when I decided it was time to put my house on the market and move close to my children. The house sold in five weeks.
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I’ve made 19 birthday calls to classmates since the summer issue, and in the process learned of four deaths: Marian Frey Pratt (Feb. 1); Eleanor Karch Rigterink (May 4); Mariam “Mim” Siegfried McDonald ( June 2); and Frances Richman Johnson ( June 6). I remember all of these women from college days and enjoyed our annual telephone chats. Mim had become a special friend, due to the frequent calls we exchanged while she was class president. I talked with her a week before her death. She was busy, as usual, running a household and coping with the crew of seven who worked the eight-hour shifts each day to care for Hill McDonald ’34. He is bedfast. Mim did the shopping, juggling her walker in and out of the trunk of her car, paid the bills, and kept the house running. She never spoke of a heart problem, but an e-mail from her son, Marll McDonald ’64, said Mim had had congestive heart failure for some time. On June 2 she went to a hospital emergency room, had a heart attack, and died. At our 70th class reunion in 2007, we had an election of officers: Mim was re-elected president; Esther Amstutz Edeburn, vice president; Norvin Hein volunteered to be treasurer; and I was re-elected secretary. I recently received a report from Rebecca R. Schmidt, director of stewardship at the College, naming the students who were awarded financial help during this past school year from our Class of 1937 Financial Emergency Fund. A junior, a senior, and a sophomore were awarded financial aid, so our fund is being used as we intended. I received a number of comments about the column in the spring issue of Wooster, referring to my limited life experience with African Americans. Margaret “Peg” Corcelius Richardson wrote: “My freshman biology class lab partner was Art Taliaferro. He asked me to go to our freshman dance, and I accepted, with a little reluctance. But we had a great time and became good friends.” Fredericka Ahrens Cobren said that she and the other Inkies were shocked and confused by the attitude of their white American classmates toward African Americans during our college years. These missionary kids had not experienced similar reactions in the countries outside of the U.S. where they had grown up. They learned early on to accept such misunderstanding but never understood it. Until next time, keep on breathing!
1938 1939
The July/August issue of Horizons
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informed us of the passing of Ruth Wylie Eschbach in Nov. 2008. Ruth had received a Distinguished Alumni Award from the College. Her first husband, Donald Zimmerman, and her second, Carl Eschbach, died previously. Ruth leaves two children, two stepsons, and several grandchildren and greatgrandchildren. We send our condolences. And Jonathan Rogers tell us that his mother, Beryl Reed Rogers, died on Aug. 5, 2009. The funeral home obituary is posted on the Wooster Web site. Beryl graduated from Western Reserve U’s Graduate School of Nursing in 1942, served as a U.S. Army nurse in France and England during WWII, and held public health and private duty positions. She retired from St. Vincent Hospital in 1983. We send condolences to her three children and four grandsons. You can post your comments at www.flanner-buchanan.com/obits/.
Florence Dunbar Kerr c/o Beth Kerr, 2128 NE 81st Pl., Seattle WA 98115 FDK05@hotmail.com
It is somewhat of a challenge to write a column for Wooster. Having reached the august age of 90, we no longer travel as much as we used to, preferring to stay at home where life is calm. However, when I (Florence) called Eric Boehm at his home in Santa Barbara, Calif., I found him the exception that proves the rule. He was getting ready to leave, flying east to stay for a month and help celebrate his brother’s 96th birthday. Next year Eric hopes to travel to Europe. I also called Betty Olnhausen Cummings and found her well enough to have played golf that morning. I was sorry to learn that her husband, Carleton Cummings ’41, died over a year ago. Betty tried going to Florida last winter but decided to stay home this year. Betty had talked with Josephine Thompson Simmonds, who recently sold her home and moved to a smaller place. Betty also had come across the obituary for Edith Maslin Ronne in the Pittsburgh paper. The last person I talked with was Margaret Kennard Johnson. I was pleased to hear that her daughter is slowly recovering from encephalitis. Since her daughter no longer plans to fly her own plane, she sold the farm (with landing strip) where she lived and moved closer to Margaret and her husband. After reminiscing about Clark West and J.C. Wynn ’41 peeling potatoes, I asked classmates to send information about paying jobs they had at Wooster. George Joseph was good enough to mail me his work history. Reading it makes me wonder how he (and others of you) had any time to study. In his freshman year, George reported to
Holden five days a week at 6:00 a.m.—to peel potatoes—obviously a staple on the menu! His sophomore year he returned to Holden as a waiter. As a sophomore George also earned 35 cents per hour, paid by a government agency, working four hours a day in the admissions office. In his senior year he lived in Severance Gym with John Miner, providing building security at night and again waiting tables at Holden. George also picked up 50 movie cards from the downtown theater advertising the movies of the week and placed them around campus, receiving four free tickets a week for his efforts. Summer jobs were hard to find. In 1937 George probably considered himself lucky to land one in Tiffin, Ohio. He earned 25 cents an hour serving ice cream at Isaly’s, eight hours a day. In the summers following his sophomore and senior years, George was a counselor at the Toledo YMCA camp in Napoleon, Mich., and in charge of the athletic program there. It would be good to hear from others about their Wooster work experiences.
Mary Wilcox Hughes 3880 Eastway Rd., South Euclid, OH 44118 mwoohughes@msn.com
Leonard W. Snyder 422 2nd St. NW, New Philadelphia, OH 446631853, lswhin@roadrunner.com
I (Mary) made calls to classmates who survived global warming, the long winter and yo-yo spring, and economic upheaval. They provided a variety of interesting tidbits. Most of us have hit 90, and a few soon will. The class elders,—Bob Haring, Lee Culp, and Len Snyder—report battling a long, hard winter but feeling fit again! We congratulate them, heartily Margie Ellis sent a joint report with Phyllis Bannan Woodworth (who recently moved from Los Angeles to Portland, Ore.). Every year Phyllis drives, taking two days, to meet Margie and attend the Summer Festival led by Michael Tillson Thomas. He is now the skilled musical director of the San Francisco Symphony, but when he was in eighth grade in Los Angeles, Phyllis was his teacher! She allowed him and his musical cronies to eat in her classroom to avoid the noisy cafeteria. He’s not forgotten that. When Phyllis and Margie attended the first concert, Tillson Thomas invited them to his office in Davies Hall to meet some other musicians. He told the others that Phyllis “had taught him to write—and think!” A nice kudo! This year they attended two musical events and visited the Asian Museum, China being Phyllis’s birthplace. FA LL 2 0 0 9 Wooster 33
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Class Notes >WEDDING OF CARLA A. DEFONSO & DAVID C. ZACK ’89, OCT. 24, 2008 L TO R
Todd Waid ’92, bride, groom
>>WOO IN BAY VILLAGE BACK ROW Lynn Wunder Lankton ’51, Doug Black ’52, Jane Snyder Black, Adelaide Watson Revnyak, ’51s, Lou Revnyak, Helen Gurley Heinmiller, Allen Heinmiller, ’51s FRONT ROW Bill Lankton, Max Selby, ’51s
Marian Roller Chilson enjoys her home for retired folks near her son, David, who’s also retired. He now teaches computer science to interested parties from his home. Legally blind, Marian continues in good health and uncomplaining, as usual! Two daughters are married to men of diverse employment— investment counseling and piano tuning—a sound investment, I should think! Hah. Marian Smith Jaffray writes of plans to play grandmother-of-the-bride in Columbus. I’m sure she’ll do the part proud! The bride is the daughter of Lynn Jaffray Tucker ’66 and Robert Tucker ’65. Best wishes! Marian planned to see the Ohio Light Opera’s production of Fiddler on the Roof this summer. I envy her that, having enjoyed the OLO shows myself over the years. Margie Swartz Dean had just returned from a high school concert in which her daughter’s friend’s son played the cello. The orchestra is going to Australia this summer! Margie and daughter are heading to Canada to their cottage. They hope to repair the roof that was damaged last year and may sell their boat. Housed under the cottage, it’s too heavy to handle, and the steep slope to the beach is treacherous. Even in the “good old days,” Margie says she’d ask her husband, “How do we get down there?” He’d reply, “One foot at a time!” They bought a four-wheel drive vehicle, and she asked, “What if the brakes fail?” He replied, “Those trees on the bluff will stop us!” Margie says she soon stopped asking questions. However, they had years of fun up there— still do—with friends, picnics, trips to other islands. Now there’s the porch to sit on and water and mountains to look at. Who needs the beach? That's the idea, Margie—just enjoy being alive! 34 Wooster FA LL 2 0 0 9
Fern Anderson Diaquila enjoys the beach, too, and goes every year to Bethany Beach, Del., where her daughter has a home (but no steep cliffs). Apparently, somewhat critically, someone once labeled Fern a “beach person.” I (Mary) admit to being one, too, living around Lake Erie all my life! Fern had just come back from two weeks of sun, glorious sun—having celebrated July 4 with family, parades, festivities, fun, frolic, and food. She said she’d go down to the beach in the morning, spread out a blanket, put up an umbrella, and settle in with a good book. But she never got to read it, with five teenage granddaughters cavorting in and out of the waves. Nevertheless it was a great vacation, one she hopes to repeat next year. Fern still reports for volunteer duty at the Cleveland Natural History Museum. She runs the cash register in the gift shop “to keep my mind active, since nothing else is!” Except maybe her sense of humor. Alfie Gabriel Campbell writes about ongoing street construction in Wooster, causing many detours. Alfie is busy with book clubs, book sales at the library, friends’ birthdays, meetings, and visitors. Alfie reports that the Nepal home of son Gabriel and his wife, Lynn, was robbed, totally ransacked, while they were in Michigan on vacation. However, no one was harmed. Alfie will join them for a few weeks this summer. Mary Liz Johnsten Ellis made a two-day trip to Nashville with her son, Paul, and his wife, Pat. Paul is a connoisseur of country music, and Mary Liz enjoyed the sights, new buildings, museums, and good, down-home food. They strolled around, took in a show or two, and listened to the sounds. Earlier this year they made two trips to Florida to visit relatives on the Gulf and Atlantic Coasts. Marilynn Johnston Gruber answered the
phone with a strong cheerful voice—reminiscent of her many roles on the Wooster stage. She is in good health, busy with friends and family, and enjoys life on the West Coast. Terry Stalker MacGregor wrote about missing the graduation of her granddaughter, Alana Cuellar ’09, too many complications at home. It’s probably the first that Terry has missed in years. Counting Terry and her three siblings, two more MacGregors, and two Cuellars—that’s eight Woo grads. Terry alluded to our last reunion—what fun we all had—and mentioned hearing about the death of Helen McWilliams Crosby. She says she hears from Dorrie Sawyer Jimison at Christmas. (Dorrie, drop us a line, too!) Jeanne Simmons Brand was all agog about her approaching 90th, as 17 people were to descend upon her house Aug. 27-30 and leave the day before her actual birthday. These are only the grandchildren, as the great-grandchildren are too young to travel very far. Jeanne received a note from Drusilla May Gillespie that was written by Drusilla’s son. Drusilla is unable to talk on the phone but would really appreciate any mail. I’m sure we can help. Her address is 1 Fleet Landing Blvd., Atlantic Beach, FL 32233. We send our condolences to Margaret Stewart Baker ’43, who reports the Sept. 2008 death of her husband, William K. Baker. He was a great friend of the late J.C. Wynn. Bill was awarded an honorary degree by the College in 1984. Hello from Len. Our granddaughter, Jada, earned a Ph.D. in psychology from SUNY, Stony Brook. She’ll work on another master’s then do research for the National Cancer Institute for three years. We also have a new great-grandchild, the first boy in the family in 38 years! He joins three sisters. And I celebrated my 93rd birthday in May.
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We sadly report that Len died in September. Contact his daughter, Laura Whinery, at lswhin@roadrunner.com.
Celia Retzler Gates 1446 Bellevue, Wooster, OH 44691 rlgcmg@sssnet.com
We sadly report the June death of Norman Wiebusch, a lifelong Cleveland-area resident. We send condolences to his wife, Margie McClure Wiebusch ’45, and their large family—seven children, 19 grandchildren, and four great-grandchildren. Norm played Scot football and ran track. During WWII he flew for the Air Force. In hopes of injecting a bit of cheer, Lance Shreffler ’48 sends the following, penned by his brother, Richard Shreffler, before his death. Lance describes the story as “full of Wooster.” Richard wrote, “On my birthday about two months ago, some friends here at the home gave me a ‘Happy Birthday’ balloon. It has floated around the apartment ever since. Every once in a while, it has made me conscious of it, but I’ve paid it little mind. Within the last week, it’s moving more slowly, requiring more and more effort to make it to the ceiling. “Last night while reading in the living room, I heard a scuffling in the entryway. When I investigated, it was the balloon trying to get under the upper frame of a door. I thought nothing of it, but when I got back to my chair, I saw the balloon coming across the ceiling toward me. When it arrived over me, it stopped. Then the heat duct above let loose, forcing the balloon down onto my head. I began to laugh, as it settled at my feet. When I went into the bedroom, the air movement brought the balloon to life again, and it followed me. “This morning, when I awakened, there was the balloon by my bed, about six inches off of the floor, moving ever so slightly. I found myself saying, ‘Good morning!’ When I moved, again it followed me. On returning from the pool, as I was dressing, the balloon was right there. Finally, I thought, ‘The poor thing should really be put out of its misery.’ So I decided to put a pin in it. “But I could not! The thing had become my pet. I talked to it and decided that I could not practice euthanasia. It’s now in the bedroom waiting for its master. I might even take it to church with me. “The balloon does not require that I take it out. I do not have to feed it. I may have fallen in love with a balloon! What’s become of me?”
Russell Haley 653 Medford Leas, Medford, NJ 08055 elderguy44@yahoo.com
I (Russ) had a good time at our 65th reunion, although only nine people came who were associated with our class in one way or another. There were plenty of other Wooster grads around, numbering in the hundreds. Most of the ’44s at this reunion were men. I drove to Gault Manor, our new dormitory, on Thurs. June 4, parked my car, and unloaded my trunk. No sooner had I finished than the airport limo arrived, bringing Jim Thompson, Don Coates, and Ingrid, Don’s traveling companion from Germany. I went back to Lowry to see whether anyone else had checked in. No one had, but Bill Glatz, Joel Pratt ’43, and Marilynn Eccles August had registered and were expected. Thursday night we all froze. Gault thermostats were locked at 65 degrees. First thing Friday morning, I rounded up a custodian to reset the thermostats so that we could each choose our own room temperature. Just barely made it to breakfast at Lowry but found a table set aside for 1944. Jim, Don, and Ingrid were already there. People filtered in all afternoon. The rooms in Gault were outstanding. There was a separate bathroom and shower for each set of two double rooms—a far cry from when we arrived in 1940. Courtesy carts, manned by smiling students, were all over the place, and it was easy to get wherever you wanted to go. Bill Glatz and his wife, Betty, drove in from Jamestown, N.Y. Bill looked ready to step back onto our gridiron in his old spot at the center of our line. No secret to his state of preservation: he works out regularly. On Friday evening we had our Scots Forever Dinner at the Wooster Inn. By then all six of our registered members were on hand. Joel, Marilynn, and Bob August ’43 sat at an adjoining table. I had a chance to chat with them before President Cornwell spoke. Marilynn was sparkling, as usual, and Bob remembered our conversation the previous year when his class was having their 65th. (We’d talked about his career, his good friend, the late Bob Edwards ’43, and my brokendown boogie woogie playing.) We had our class reception in the Gault lounge. It turned out to be a stag party. Joel looked for John Bender and was disappointed not to find him, as were we all. John was one of a number of people whose personal problems kept them at home. The five stalwarts had a good time, reminiscing and going through the 1943 Index and the Student Directories for 1941, ’42, ’43, and ’46. We made a tight cluster around a large coffee table. Lots of stories were told, lots of
laughs were had. A favorite activity was naming someone and seeing how much we could remember about them. We covered a good portion of our class that way. The people attending had quite a variety of backgrounds. Bill, of course, was the Scot football center on teams that went 15 and 2. He’d played the same position on his high school team in Jamestown. He remains a real nice guy and his wife is equally so. Don Coates, our brainiac, graduated Phi Beta Kappa, a true scholar, and ended up a hydrologist. Wooster has always had a strong geology department, and graduates who majored in that discipline uniformly did well. Jim Thompson was a professor of mathematics at the U of Minnesota and still maintains an office there. Geographically, that nicely balanced my (Russ’s) professorship at the U of New Hampshire. Joel Pratt is a doctor who returned to Wooster later on in his life to practice and, I think, play golf, a sport in which he is still active. Wooster is a great place for retirement. The lone woman was Marilynn August, wife of Bob August ’43. Bob was the writer of a prominent sports column for the Cleveland Press and received several well-deserved awards. One of the best writers to come out of Wooster, I thought. As things turned out, 1944 was the oldest class still able to march in the Parade of Classes. So we were honored to be at the head of the parade, behind the pipers. A couple of ’41ers and one ’34er rode in a golf cart beside us, taking creative routes when faced with stairs. I carried the class stanchion, a pole with our class numerals on it. In recognition of our preeminence, we had our picture taken with President Cornwell. The other classes followed in chronological order. We marched through Kauke Arch, across the lawn, and down to Scheide Music Center, where we were treated to a series of short speeches at the Distinguished Alumni Awards ceremony. Then we were transported to the Wooster Inn for the Scots Forever lunches. It was chicken pot pie for Class of 1944 in a tent on the patio behind the inn. Following that was our class picture. We reconvened later for “A Conversation with President Grant Cornwell,” bringing us up-to-date on recent developments at the College. After the presentation we repaired to the front lawn of Kauke for bluegrass, banana splits with unlimited ice cream and toppings, and lots of black and gold balloons—popular with kids young and old. That evening we had an all-class reunion dinner at Lowry Center. The theme was “local flavor.” The abundant buffet included rare treats such as Lake Erie perch and the finest FA LL 2 0 0 9 Wooster 35
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Sarah Burger Wilds ’97 (regional consultant), Nancy Mayberry Crisafulli ’76 (marketing coord.), Nancy Young ’68 (technical writer), Dustin Welty ’03 (software engineer), Amy Miller Sonntag ’94 (regional consultant) D O U G M I LLE R P H OTO
>>WEDDING OF JENIFER POWERS ’06 & BYRON FRUIT, MAY 2, 2009 L TO R Jayna Hanson ’06, bride, groom, Collette Smith, Csilla Tabor, ’06s
locally grown fruits and vegetables and fresh meats—creative and tasty. There was a late night party on the Lowry Center patio, but most, if not all, of the ’44ers were face down in their beds by then. Sunday morning we had a farewell breakfast and took off for church and home. “A good time was had by all.”
Jeanne “Swanee” Swan Garnett 5310 Loruth Terr., Madison, WI 53711-2630 jeannesgarnett@yahoo.com
Sally Wade Olson 4209 Hoffman Dr., Woodbridge, VA 22193 oleysally@aol.com, 703-590-3465
Anne Ferguson Cryer writes, “My husband, Charles, passed away on June 2 after a long illness. He is survived by our children, Chris, Ellen Gilbert, and Marnie Foody, two sons-in-law, and five grandchildren.” Send condolences to Anne at Cryera@aol.com. The sympathy of the class also goes to the family of Mary Small Tait, who died on Mar. 17 in Wilmington, Del. A call from Thelma Nelson Mowrey reports the birth of a great-grandchild, Hailey Elizabeth, on Jan. 8, 2008, with another one on the way! Hailey stayed with her greatgrandparents while attending a family reunion and at 16 months was already talking. Thelma’s daughter is currently in New Zealand with Habitat for Humanity. Edna Hyatt Schaub enjoyed attending her granddaughter’s wedding in June. Edna lives 36 Wooster FA LL 2 0 0 9
in a retirement home in North Canton, Ohio, fairly near her four children and nine grandchildren. We found Helen Sadataki Yoshikawa in Kennewick, Wash. Helen worked at a settlement house run by a Presbyterian church. Mary Ellen McCarron Van Dusen spends her summers in Vermont and winters with her children, including a daughter in Alaska. Mary Ellen has had knee and hip replacements but seems to be doing well. I (Sally) had a wonderful conversation with Marian Brown Carson, who is happily settled in a Presbyterian retirement community in North Carolina. She has five children and 14 grandchildren, with a total of 26 gathering this summer at beach houses. We reminisced about freshmen days at Colonial Club and life in parsonages plus found we each have family members with autism, daughters in the ministry, and an appreciation of cruises. A call to Joan Davis Dunton’s daughter, Martha, disclosed that Joan has Alzheimer’s and lives in a home in Meadow Vista, Calif., where her daughter helps with her care. Best wishes to Pat Workman Foxx and Bill ’44, who have moved into a retirement village in Honey Brook, Pa.
Cornelia “Cornie” Lybarger Neuswanger 360 Canyon Ridge Dr., Wray, CO 80758 cornelia1@mailstation.com
Edith Bender Seaton P.O. Box 523, Penney Farms, FL 32079 ajiaja_seaton@yahoo.com
The Seaton family had an eventful spring. I (Dede) fell and hurt my back in April,
preventing us from attending the first Wooster graduation of a grandchild, Timothy ’09, the son of Paul and Kathleen Lull Seaton, ’73s. Additional events for Paul and Kathleen were the graduation of daughter Kara from Penn State U Medical College at Hershey, Pa., which we did attend, and son Daniel’s Ph.D. ceremony at the U of New Hampshire. We made a second trip from Florida to Pennsylvania for granddaughter Elaine’s graduation from the Jefferson U Medical School in Philadelphia. Elaine is the daughter of Ronald “Terry” ’76 and Barbara Scrivner ’75 Seaton. Finally, we went to Baltimore for Ron’s 60th Johns Hopkins Medical School reunion. Our hearts go out to Martha “Kentuck” Jean Stoll Ballard ’49, originally in our class, on the loss of husband, Everett ’48, last fall and of her daughter, Anne Ballard Hill ’75, this spring. Anne had been in a coma for seven months following a car accident. How the magazine brings back memories! In the fall of 1946, 20 classic coeds from Holden and the Annex posed for staff photographer Art Murray ’20 (see Wooster, Fall 2008, p. 64, and Winter 2009, p. 35). Most of us have a copy of the photo stashed away in our yearbooks. Here’s what a few of these women are doing now. “That was fun!” recalls Beegee Guinther Budd about the photo day. Beegee lives in Lebanon, Ohio, one door away from her son and family, who have a pool. The water’s a little cold, she says, so she turns up the heater and works for a half hour in her garden before swimming. Her other interests include keeping up with three granddaughters and playing— you guessed it—bridge. Pat McKee Lane-Lampl of Cottonwood,
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WEDDING OF DANIEL COHEN ’06 & AMANDA SMITH ’03, SEPT. 27, 2008 L TO R , BACK ROW Aaron Fuleki ’01, Andy Moskowitz ’04, Dan Brubaker, Alex Cox, Jeff Moffit, ’03s, Andrew Beltz, Andrew Shields, ’04s, Jeremy DeGroot, ’06, Robert Adamson ’03, Becki Dieleman-Pilko ’05, Lindsay Horst ’06, Eric Pilko ’03 FRONT ROW Jason Berg, Megan Hancock, Shoshana Green, ’03s, Yi-Ning Lin, groom, bride, Rebecca Crabtree, Crystal Justice-DeGroot, Margaret Heller, Chrysantha Rice, ’06s
Ariz., wasn’t surprised to hear Beegee’s news. Pat and Beegee played many a bridge game together at Wooster. Do you remember that Pat is a niece of John D. McKee, Class of 1917, and a cousin of Nancy McKee ’48? McKee is a name to be proud of. Pat was a court reporter in Los Angeles for 18 years—a fascinating job, she says. She’s long retired and volunteers with the symphony and the hospital. She has four stepchildren to keep up with, and there’s bridge to play. In Wilmington, Del., Alice Ryba Thurber is another bridge junkie. She sends word that Jo Bowman Ashmore is in an Alzheimer’s care center. Write to Jo at P.O. Box 461, Northfield, MN 55057-0461. Jo’s sister says Jo loves to get letters, with photos to help her identify the writers. Bunny Eberling Beek took a peek at the old photo and said, “We did it!” referring to our subsequent graduation. She took a second look at her porkpie hat and thought she had a fat face and a fat hat. Like the rest of us, Bunny says she never thought she would grow old. “Aren’t we glad we went to Wooster and met each other?” she says, with a smile that carried from her home in Newport Beach, Calif. Says Hope Yee Lee of the stadium picture, “I don’t remember a thing about it.” Last summer Hope was busy as a tick, playing hostess. President Obama’s inauguration also brought many visitors. They’re a proud bunch, because many of them graduated from Punahou School, President Obama’s alma mater—across the street from the Lee home. “That was a wonderful day!” recalled another bridge fan, Jan Gladden Baus, of the photo shoot. She and husband Gene have
taken a leave from their beloved travels. They say their get up and go got up and went, as with many of us. But they are content in Weeki Wachi, Fla. And this from photographer Art Murray’s assistant, Linda Wells Ellsworth herself. She was taking it a bit easy, recuperating from February’s open heart surgery. She says, “I don’t remember the picture. I wasn’t even in it. “What I remember is that Prexy Wishart recommended me to Mr. Murray. He was a wonderful man, full of knowledge, and he taught me a lot. It was such a privilege to be there. I love Wooster!” News of the Ellsworths’ granddaughters: one was to be married on her fiance’s farm in September; the other, who adopted a Chinese girl 14 years ago, was going with her on a visit to China. Liz Ann Jacobs Atkins says she and her fellow sophomore classmates were in the Annex when Linda corraled them to pose for the picture in question. Liz says that Linda Ellsworth then proceeded to Holden and recruited some juniors. Liz is not at all sure that it was Art Murray under the squashed hat! Of all of the wedding anniversaries, the 60th may be the most special. Arline “Mally” Malecek Giddings and her husband, and Hank and I (Cornie) celebrated that illustrious occasion on the same day, June 25, and in the same way. Both families wrote to friends to ask for cards, since we would not be having a big wing-ding this time. The greetings came flowing in—humbling and delightful. We’re still reading the treasure trove. Mally was to have shoulder surgery in July. We hope to hear good news soon.
What a trip Corky Cordray Lilley had to Colorado: she spent 10 days there in a highly unusual season of storms and tornados. The storms didn’t strike the area where she was visiting, but her homebound flight was delayed by weather. Summer was good to Corky. She had places to go with a long-time friend, church activities to take part in, and her daughter’s lake house to visit. Marion St. John Graham’s summer hit a high note on July 9, when she attended son Glenn’s promotion to full colonel in the U.S. Air Force in Huntsville, Ala. All of his family were there, including his wife, Allyson, who is my (Cornie’s) niece. Jane Bolinger Hamilton and her husband live in a retirement apartment in Miamisburg, Ohio, near Dayton. Jane’s oldest son, David, is a retired city manager; her second son, Peter, is a pastor in Marysville, Ohio. Jane’s daughter is in graphics at Ohio State U, and her grandson just graduated in electrical engineering. He was job hunting in July. The Hamiltons’ granddaughter presented them with their first great-grandchild, Benjamin Michael, in February. Their oldest grandson is at Celera Research Center in San Francisco, researching the human genome. And this just in—the Hamiltons’ adult granddaughter, Sarah, won blue ribbons in swimming and bowling at the Special Olympics. For those who’ve been trying to catch up with Marilyn Anderson Williams, she lives in Dayton in a senior community that is a halfmile long! Marilyn and a friend are mapping the trees on its beautiful campus. In July Marilyn hoped to visit friends in Massachusetts. She is vice president of the residents’ council, due to be the next president. FA LL 2 0 0 9 Wooster 37
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Class Notes I believe that’s all of the news for this issue. My (Cornie’s) free long distance service is no more, but you can call me, at 970-332-2150. Classmates are glad to hear from you.
And what are you doing, dear readers?
Evelynn Cheadle Thomas
Lance Shreffler 78 Blenheim Rd., Columbus, OH 43214 mlshreffler@sbcglobal.net
Evelyn Fischer Hewett 2380 Saga Cir. NE, Canton, OH 44730-1832 evelynhewett@juno.com
It’s nice to be married to a ’49er, as I (Evelyn) got to return to campus for his (Bill Hewett ’49’s) reunion in June. Gault Manor is more like a hotel than a dorm and has air conditioning. Beall Avenue was a mess, with construction. But the new “Streetscape” will be wider, with a grassy, tree-lined median through campus. Besides meeting 23 ’49ers, we saw Don Swegan ’47 and his wife, Mary. We were surprised to meet Geri Rice Burden, who moved into a condo in Wooster this past spring. Her new address is 1080 Country Club Dr., Wooster, OH 44691. Another surprise was meeting the Rev. Russ Tillotson and his wife, Sylvia Huning Tillotson, ’54s, from North Carolina. For his first two years, Russ was in our class. Betsy Cowles Sprenkle flew to Phoenix for a grand-nephew’s wedding. Tom Dillon ’58, the groom’s grandfather, officiated. Betsy says that octogenarians should sit back and have fun. She’s following her own advice, with two book clubs, Mah Jong and Red Hat groups, and a women’s club. Kathy Lautenschlager Haun is having fun with various kinds of art, especially woodcarving, several hours a day. She has carved five totem poles, one eight feet high! Some of her art is sold at fund-raising events and benefits. Kathy walks two miles a day. She has five great-grandkids, with another on the way. Dick Frothingham completely recovered from triple bypass surgery in 2005, then fought off an aggressive prostate cancer. He is cancer free. Let’s hope Dick now has time for some fun. He lifts weights regularly. Last October Dick had a mini-reunion in NYC with friends, including Dick Poethig ’49. From South Carolina, Margaret Hagen Wilburn sends fond reminiscences of our time at the College: “cleaning up campus when help was short during the war; living in Hoover Cottage (except for the one a.m. fire drills); having dinner and playing Oh, Hell at Prof. Hildner’s; going to overnights at The Cabin and on bus trips to Cleveland for plays and opera; enjoying ‘spreads’ in dorm rooms, especially after a box arrived from home; and making lasting friendships.” 38 Wooster FA LL 2 0 0 9
169 Bayview Cir., Pagosa Springs, CO 81147 eethomas@mailbug.com, (979) 731-8382
Marshall Wenger ’74, the son of Marilyn Jeanne Parrott Wenger Frackelton, wrote in May, “I’m a little lax in sending this in, but then I don’t usually read the 1949 column. Congratulations to those of you who made it for 60 years past graduation! I believe one of my mother’s most cherished accomplishments was graduating from a one-room schoolhouse in West Salem (Wayne County, Ohio) in a class of five and then graduating from the College. She was quite a lady. I am her only child. Mom died on Jan. 5, 2007. “My only child, Jennifer Jeanne Wenger ’11, decided to apply to Wooster shortly after Mom’s death. Mom would be so proud! She taught in the Parma Schools for 20 years, wrote the first sex education materials for that district, taught science on TV for five years, and retired in 1977 to travel the world with her new husband, Dr. James Frackelton of Westlake. “Mom visited Antarctica and China twice, ballooned over Mt. Kilimanjaro, cruised all over the world, and sailed the Great Lakes for 50 years. She lived a full life and certainly had joie de vivre! God bless The College of Wooster, a place where dreams are launched!” Contact Marshall at w52@sbcglobal.net. Here are some notes from the reunion, compiled by Jeanne Tuttle Herst. Nova Brown Kordalski was on the planning committee but says the rest of her time she’s “just being old.” Nova has two sons. One is an architect who won an award for the office space in the Key Bank Building in Cleveland. Kordalski Woo grads include son Dave ’77 and grandson Andrew ’08. Grandson Kevin ’11 is a student. A granddaughter graduated in fashion design from Kent State U. Aenid Horton Fisher moved to Florida soon after graduating from Wooster and worked in Miami at a radio station. Now she lives in Tampa with two cats. Aenid enjoys line dancing. Her daughter, Elaine Fisher Franck ’79, came with her for Alumni Weekend to celebrate her own 30th reunion. Mary “Tip” Anderson Eaton taught sixth grade and has three beautiful daughters. Mary Snyder Beuter belongs to a Civil War roundtable and works at the library. She says she thinks she could still dance! Mary has three children, including Julia Beuter Bogner ’76, and four grandchildren. Jeannie Herst herself has four children and numerous foster children. Daughter Deborah Herst Hill ’73 and grandson Jeremy Hill ’98
are Woo grads. Jeannie still teaches Reading Recovery and plays violin in a community orchestra. Bob Herst says, “I chased Jeanne until I caught her.” Bill Hewett says he’s content in the twilight of his life. He majored in physics and economics, was a stockbroker, and worked with computers. When the market fell apart, Bill purchased farms and sold the lots, which helped him ride out the downturn. He’s concerned about the current economic situation and is staying cautious. Bill has five children and 13 grandchildren. Evelyn Fischer Hewett ’48 says she put Bill through Wooster while living in the same house as Prof. Coolidge—in a very cold apartment. She and Bill lived off of her earnings— which were then $100 a month. Margaret Sneed Coplen majored in geology. She has three children, a granddaughter, and two great-grandchildren. Margaret worked at the governor’s mansion and served as a volunteer. Another geology major, Dorothy “Dee Dee” Allshouse Carlisle, lives in Wooster. She has a daughter, Candace Carlisle Anderson ’72, three grandchildren, and a great-grandchild. Symon “Cy” Satow was a medical missionary surgeon in India for 30 years, after doing four years of public health work in the U.S. His children are Elizabeth and Stephen, ’91s, and Priya ’96. After retiring, Cy worked in a hospital with Ron Seaton ’47 in Hinton, W.Va. The Satows recently moved to Indiana, near family. Eloise Elder Lindahl attended Western Reserve U’s Graduate School of Nursing, earning a master’s, and worked in numerous hospitals. She has two sons and a daughter. Her husband went into electrical engineering, first with GE, then Texas Instruments. Eloise has had hip and knee surgery. Lois Lyon Neumann grew up in India. She went to grade school there with Eloise; they sat side-by-side at Woodstock School. Lois is now on the Woodstock board. She has made many recent trips to India and was on the search committee for a new principal. Like Cy, Lois went to medical school in Cleveland. She settled in NYC, teaching at Bellvue Hospital and starting a pediatric ICU at Bellvue. Lois then did four years of psychiatric residency and worked as a consulting psychiatrist. She built a house in the Berkshires, where she now lives. Wooster honored Lois with a Distinguished Alumni Award in 1996. Jeanne Fagan Fallows was a radio programmer in Buffalo and Mexico City and later worked for American Airlines. She fondly remembers Wooster as a friendly place. Jeanne recalls receiving a call from Jim Bidle—in 1958 she married Jim’s friend.
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Betsy Jones Hayba has two children who graduated from Wooster: Daniel ’76 and Margaret Hayba Gonzales ’79. Betsy remembers a mock political convention on campus. Her band was asked to play at the event and then became popular. She does story telling and book reviews. Betsy moved often before settling in Florida, where she’s resided for 10 years. A history major, Gretchen Shafer traveled to Europe after graduation and earned a master’s at the U of Michigan. She taught in Wellsville, N.Y., then in Brighton for 29 years. She enjoyed a world travel sabbatical before retiring in 1982, to ski five days a week. Gretchen has served on the Brighton school board and other volunteer committees. June Reynolds High has three children who graduated from Wooster: Mark ’76, Nancy High Dryden ’79, and Marilyn High Valencia ’81.
Janice “Jay” Wilson George 19476 N. Coyote Lakes Pkwy., Surprise, AZ 85374
It was timely that this column deadline caught me ( Jay) in the midst of heavy duty file purging, a recurring theme in classmates’ letters, as we all downsize. A letter from Crif and Kate Gurney Crawford tells of their experience in the summer of 2007, when their three children hunkered down “to go through years of accumulated possessions, memorabilia, and (frankly) junk.” Much hilarity, decision making, an auction, and many donations later, the Crawfords moved into Frasier Meadows Retirement Community in Boulder, Colo. They’re now happily settled. The move was the climax of a busy several months—a longdeferred spring trip to eastern Europe, Crif ’s 55th (his first and only!) reunion at Mt. Herman School, and a great mobile reunion in Arizona, New Mexico, and Colorado with their far-flung family. Fran and Jo Brumbaugh Smith accomplished their purging and move several years ago. They live at Sunnydale in Harrisonburg, Va., and are active there—when not traveling. With offspring from Hawaii to the Caribbean (with stops in Texas and Colorado), they have a wide range of destinations. A highlight last year was a trip to western Canada and the Rockies. A picture at Butchart Gardens (a favorite place of mine) with them in matching power wheelchairs shows how they handle their health issues. The Smiths also enjoyed a guided tour of Trinidad and Tobago, where son David teaches. They praised his cooking of native specialties and his skillful driving on the “wrong side” of the road. The Smiths wonder where their son will teach next. His previous
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post was in Italy! When in Virginia, Fran and Jo enjoy doting on their first great-grandchild, who lives nearby. Jim ’51 and Jean Dutch Webster spent their 2008 year-end holidays with daughters in Nebraska and Virginia. Most of the time they stay close to home in Dayton. Although many friends live in retirement communities, the Websters can’t picture life away from their home of many years, their church, and their volunteer commitments. Jean is still an avid quilter. Jim has a big garden in season, then moves into the garage for woodworking projects, especially Christmas gifts, In May I got alarming news from Evelynn Cheadle Thomas ’49, also a class secretary, that Tom Bousman had brain surgery in February. When I tracked down his sister, Mabs Bousman Voelkel ’56, she told me that Tom had had a second surgery. I was reassured to hear his voice when I reached him in assisted living at Monte Vista Homes in Pasadena, Calif. Best wishes for a complete recovery!
Max Selby 30200 Crestview Dr., Bay Village, OH 44140 maxselby@gmail.com
Janet Evans Smith 121 Cherry St., Perrysburg, OH 43551 jesmithq@bex.net
I ( Janet) send the following from a roundrobin letter. Lynn Wunder Lankton writes from Illinois that she and Bill Lankton still enjoy ushering at a nearby performance center. Lynn also volunteers at the community center. The best news is that they are healthy. Lynn and Adelaide “Tert” Watson Revnyak each expressed delight in more great-grandchildren. And there’s general amazement that we’re all having 80th birthdays! A group of ’51ers gathered in Ohio for a cook-out in July (see photo, p. 34). We feel such sadness when conveying news of classmates who have left us. Just recently came the news about Mary Anne Forbes Rettger. I ( Janet) recall the wonderful 2006 Christmas letter she wrote, full of family news, health, garden output, and the humorous saga of husband Ed’s 1994 van, which managed not to collapse until he returned home from Arizona. Mary Anne’s letter reminded me that our lives are full of such stories, some painful, some boring, but most full of gladness. I (Max) spoke with Ed Rettger after the funeral, and he recalled the wonderful times he and Mary Anne had at class reunions. They got to each one! Ed also shared the time that he spent courting Mary Anne. Every weekend during the summer of 1950, he would hitchhike from Cleveland to Wooster to spend time with her.
He remembered fondly the hospitality of Harry Weckesser and Dick Bird, who arranged for him to sleep in the gym and eat at Kenarden.
Nancy Campbell Brown 1220 Portage Rd., Wooster, OH 44691-2042
Warren M. Swager Jr. P.O. Box 555, Sheridan, MT 59749-0555 wcswager@3rivers.net
As one of the nine elected trustees of the Lone Star College System, Richard Campbell attended the “Achieve the Dream” Trustee conference in Santa Fe, N.Mex. Richard says, “Community colleges spend billions of dollars annually to provide remedial work, especially in English, reading, and math, for public school students who have difficulty entering college. The Lone Star System, north Houston, has five colleges and 52,000 students.” In Oct. 2008 Ed Dunlap went on his 62nd Elderhostel, to Chile and Easter Island. He attended the Cactus League Spring Training Elderhostel in Tucson this past March.
Don Orr 13460 Marlette Dr., La Mirada, CA 90638-2813 DorrScot@verizon.net
Nona S. Taylor 110 Echo Way, Statesboro, GA 30458 nst3c@nctv.com
The American Association of Homes and Services for the Aging has elected Marleen Allen Varner to a three-year term on its 200member House of Delegates, beginning in November. The governing body elects the AAHSA’s board of directors and officers and contributes to the group’s policy formulation and planning. Marleen is the vice president of the National Continuing Care Residents Association and edits its bimonthly publication, Lifeline. She lives in Sewanee, Tenn. Thanks to Pete Sprague ’52, who sent us a clipping that featured Ellsworth Swift. (Pete says he worked for 50 years in Cuba, N.Y., where the Swifts live.) Ellsworth and his wife, Anne, reside in Cuba, where Ellsworth writes a weekly newspaper column, “The Rambler.” Ellsworth told the reporter that after growing up on a farm during the Depression, he went to college “so that I did not have to be a farmer.” But he spent his entire career with the National Park Service, close to nature. The job allowed him to travel extensively, he says, adding, “There was never a day when I did not enjoy going to work.” Now retired, Ellsworth has come full circle. He enjoys caring for and restoring the Haskell FA LL 2 0 0 9 Wooster 39
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Dave Brock, Karl Schmid ’02, Warren Swegal ’08, Cordy DennisonBudak ’07, bride, groom, Alyssa Adriance, Ansley White, Jacquelyn Gulick, ’04s, Mike Lauber ’80, Nithya Venkataraman, Andrea Gousen, ’04s, Luke Thompson ’03, Pieta Horvath Thompson ’02, Linda Freshwater ’71 FRONT ROW Alex Hastie ’03, Chris McClure, Nilesh Saldanha, ’04s, Corey Fitch ’02, Ben Cullman ’04
Farm near his home. “I’m able to see the world in a way I never did as a boy, and that brings a new dimension to my life.” Local history and historic preservation are two passions that fill what Ellsworth calls “phase 3” of his life. The enduring friendship of Dick Martin and Dan DeArment began on day one of our freshman year, when they became Douglass Hall roommates. The DeArment family of Ohio adopted Dick, especially on long weekends and short holidays, when Connecticut was too far for Dick to go home. Dan’s family attended every football game of the 1949-52 seasons and nourished their famished boys with home-cooked treats during post-game celebrations. The football buddies joined Third Section and following graduation kept in touch by phone or in person. This past spring, the two shared news of their 60th high school reunion plans, Dick’s in Connecticut, Dan’s in Ohio. On June 10, Dick learned from Dan’s wife, Anne, that Dan’s reunion journey had ended suddenly with his death from an aneurysm. Dick and others shared recollections at the memorial service. One story recalled Dan’s uncertainty following graduation about his life’s work. He worked on a Great Lakes ore boat as a deck hand and met and married his beloved Anne. Finally, Dan was drawn to the ministry and enrolled in New York’s Union Seminary. For a decade he served churches in Ohio and New Jersey. Post-graduate study in clinical pastoral education at Princeton Seminary interested Dan. After earning a Th.M. (1966), he worked in that field at Presbyterian Hospital in Philadelphia. Shortly before his death, Dan was honored with a Distinguished Service Award for his work. Dan loved his family dearly: wife Anne and their children, Andy and Mary; his grandchil40 Wooster FA LL 2 0 0 9
dren; his sister, Sue; and the family’s shelter dog, Katie. The family appreciated the varied flowers and vegetables that Dan’s wondrous gardens produced. Katie favored the good peas and tomatoes, which Dan generously left low on the vines for her. Retirement in Sarasota was busy for Dan and Anne, with theater, music, and art. Dan’s favorites included fishing, reading, and poker. A few days before his death, as Anne wound their six antique clocks, Dan wrote a poem. Anne found it on his desk after his death. It’s about the vibrant, onward-moving time of our lives, a final gift for all of us. “And when I die/There will be/Clocks to wind/And always chimes to hear/The ticking—clicking never/Droning—onward moving/Of the hand of time.” A friend commented that Dan “has left us with...an understanding of how to live with dignity and respect for the world.” Dick helped bid Dan farewell with poetry too, sharing James Whitcomb Riley’s poem, “A Good Man,” which reminds us in part, “A good man never dies...Who lives for you and me/Lives for the world he tries/To help—he lives eternally.” (That goes for the world’s good women, too.) I (Nona) think that Dan’s would be a good act to follow, I’ve called Dick “Dr. Dr.” Martin since May 9, when Hood Theological Seminary conferred on him the honorary Doctor of Humane Letters. Several years ago, when Hood separated from Livingston College in Salisbury, N.C., Dick joined the committee to search for a new campus. An aging Holiday Inn was transformed into the AME Zion Seminary, certified by the United Methodist Church as well. Multi-racial students from 16 different denominations, almost more women than
men, are attracted to Hood. Having served two terms as a seminary trustee, Dick is now an emeritus trustee. He says he’s by now probably “the oldest rat in the barn.” Presently, he is helping evaluate Hood’s development office and alumni organization. Recognizing the good examples he’s personally enjoyed along those lines, he hopes to get advice from Frank Knorr ’59. Dick has appreciated the work of Cynthia Keever ’78, Hood’s library director, as well as the insightful leadership of its president, Albert J. D. Aymer. Ron Price sent an enthusiastic, informative report of the April meeting of the Alumni Board, as well as some photos of the nostalgic black, gold, and tartan bow and tag on the oak tree planted by our class near Bornhuetter Hall in Ron Bornhuetter’s honor. One day soon the tree will proudly overlook Beall Avenue’s facelift. Our ex-president, Ron P., also spoke of the golf gods, crowing in disbelief about his “never-been-better” game.
NEW! Sylvia Buttrey Huning-Tillotson 99 Ascension Dr., Apt. J107, Asheville, NC 28806 sylhuning@yahoo.com
If you went to our 55th reunion, you know that I (Sylvia Buttrey Huning-Tillotson) am your new class secretary. I need your help with providing information; e-mail me or call me. I’ll begin with information about me. I still play my violin. In July my husband, Russ Tillotson (whom I met at our 50th reunion), and I are going to a workshop led by Patch Adams at the Gesundheit Institute in West Virginia. (You may recall that I went to Russia with Patch Adams in 2003.) We were so excited to go to Italy last
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Christmas to see my daughter and her husband and welcome their son to our family! We’re happy that they are coming to our home this Christmas. Russ is very active in our church. He sings in the choir, and he and I represent our church on the steering committee for Christians for a United Community. Russ is a professional clown with the Asheville, N.C., clown troupe. A retired Presbyterian minister, he is a political and social activist. He enjoys walking, tennis, music, and reading. (He’s the youngest 82-year-old I’ve ever known!) He also enjoys being a part of the Big Brothers in Asheville. Charles Van Wie writes that he and his wife, June, had a great time at our reunion. On June 28 and July 5, he read the scripture at his church during worship, something he enjoyed very much! His church is 329 years old, and he’s so grateful to be a part of it. June is newly retired and has almost finished a book! Joanne Slocum Elder says she enjoyed coming to our 55th. She plays in her church’s handbell choir (Stu Elder ’52 does, too) and they both sing in the choir. Joanne also enjoys singing in a local community chorus, called Cara Choral Society. They have five children and 10 grandkids. The oldest began a second year at Wooster majoring in international relations. Of their five children, one lives in their town; the rest are scattered all over. Betty Gwynn Boyd says she wasn’t able to go to our 55th reunion, but Marilyn Van Meter did go. Marilyn attends the same church as Betty and told her how great the weekend was.
Nancy Mutch Donald 161 Lake Breeze Pk., Rochester, NY 14622-1946 nomodonald@yahoo.com
Fran Bauer Parker
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Pat Young 464 E. Highland Ave., Wooster, OH 44691-9249 Pjyoung52@sssnet.com
Bob Black writes about the Third Section reunion for the classes from 1953-62 at Alumni Weekend in June. About 50 “Rabbis” and spouses gathered under the tent behind the Wooster Inn on Sunday afternoon. The group had a great time, enjoying a superb brunch, telling stories, and singing old serenade contest songs. Among them were: “Welcome to our Synagogue,” “Here in Your Arms,” “The Girl of My Dreams Come True,” “Hello, My Wooster College Baby,” “In My Arms, In My Arms,” “The Creation,” and, of course, “The Wooster Love Song.” Mike Moore ’58 led the group. Attendees from our class included Bob and Hope Hunter Black, Gerry and Jan Ackerly Carlisle, Jim and Sheila McIsaac ’57 Cooper, John and Linda Mann, and Dick and Nancy Roeder. Paul Davies sent regrets. He is involved with the Art Institute in Chicago, and the opening of the new Modern Wing was taking place that weekend. Paul writes, “Third Section always meant a great deal to me— sorry to miss the gathering. Give my best to all my fellow Rabbis.” Paul, hope to see you at Wooster in the near future. Sue Henderson Coen sent an update on Bruce Coen. His health issues prevented them from coming to the Third Section reunion. Sue and Bruce have moved to Upper Arlington from the Cleveland area to be closer to good medical facilities and their youngest daughter and her family. They still have property in the Wooster area and spend time there with their son and his family in the summer. June got busy for me (Pat), with a large family gathering for my grandson’s wedding, followed by a trip to Indian Trail, N.C., to help my daughter recover from surgery. I also spent time at the local pool with my granddaughters, watching the “teeny-bopper” action.
715 S. Webster St., Jackson, MI 49203-1637
Dick Morey writes that his mother-in-law passed away in April. Our condolences to the family. In Aug. 2008 the Moreys spent a week on Bonaire, in the Netherlands Antilles, with their oldest son and his wife for a delayed 50th anniversary trip. Dick enjoyed scuba diving with his son. He is looking forward to our reunion in 2010. I (Nancy) made a weekend trip to Maine in June to visit my cousin and celebrate her 90th birthday. My sister, Mary ’54, was also there. After the celebration, I managed to connect with a friend from M.I.T. days, and we had a great time catching up on 40 years. As I write, I’m looking forward to spending July at our family cottage in Michigan—as I have done since I was 15. Please write!
Anne Kelso Johnson 78 White Tail Rd., Murphysboro, IL 62966-6416 work: ajohnson2@siumed.edu home: (618) 528-4552, ajohnson@globaleyes.net
Donald E. Metz, metzd@uc.edu, says he has been the organist at St Paul’s in the North College Hill area of Cincinnati for 20 years. For 27 years he has served as a music critic with American Record Guide magazine. Nancy Jane Frank Lehmann wrote that she really enjoyed the 50th reunion in 2007. Sharing news and reestablishing contact with so many classmates was exciting. Nancy’s latest news is the publication of her book, Haunting Heidelberg. She picked the title because, she
says, “memories of Heidelberg always seem to return to those who have experienced her charms.” The book is a photo/tour written in verse and incorporates German customs and festivals along with the town’s history, legends, and tourist sights. Nancy used over 150 photographs and is working on a marketing plan. It would be interesting to know if any others in our class have taken up writing for a hobby or as an extension of their work prior to retirement. Please send news if you have published anything—or just send news!
Nana Newberry Landgraf 2927 Weymouth Rd., Shaker Heights, OH 44120 nwl9@sbcglobal.net
Dennis Barnes 12 Gildersleeve Wood, Charlottesville, VA 22903 dennis_barnes@mindspring.com
Kudos to Cyndy Tice for receiving a Distinguished Alumni Award during Alumni Weekend. This is from her profile in the spring issue of Wooster, “Her ministry—to teach nursing skills—transcends international boundaries.” Once across those boundaries, Cyndy addresses differences in cultures and students, honoring indigenous health practices when possible and listening carefully to students. In retirement in Las Cruces, N.Mex., she sees needs to delve into here in the U.S. . Congrats to Judy Pennock McCullough for receiving the Irving C. Lambert Award in June for years of excellence in urban ministry, granted by the Commission on Urban Ministries of the Evangelical Covenant Church (www.covchurch.org/cov/news/item7149). Judy grew up in a small, homogeneous town, but her parents talked of “making the circle bigger.” Whenever Judy went into Detroit, Pittsburgh, or New York, she says, “I felt alive and fulfilled.” More happy news—Lillie Trent is teaching French and Africana Studies at the College this fall! More class members belong to Facebook than I (Nana) reported earlier, including me. By the time you read this, we should be able to see how Wooster’s new Alumni Online Community fits into network communicating. Here is Installment II of classmates’ hobbies and interests from the 50th Reunion Memory Book (source: pre-reunion questionnaire). We begin with Natural History: Stan Totten, Hanover College Museum of Natural History. Natural Sciences: Bob Sponseller. Nature: Lyall Ritchie Rogers, Maine’s people, natural resources; Peg While, teaching others to teach science, Florida’s beaches and bogs, and naturebased travels. Sub-categories: Bird watching: Sarah Weimer Bitzer, Dorita Weaver Ramage. Bugs: Carol “Spider” Ryder. Weather: Dave FA LL 2 0 0 9 Wooster 41
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Class Notes Kuebbeler, collecting data for Colorado State U. Painting: Phil Nader; Toloa Schiller Perry, watercolors; Caroline Fix Strauss, batik, mixed media on silk. Photography: Ken Heaps, sporting events, teams, weddings, portraits, flower close-ups; George Kandle, also videophile; Bob Sponseller. Physical Fitness, Sports, Outdoors: Mila Swyers Aroskar, Tai Chi; Dave Buxton, “most any activity out of doors”; Bob Carter, Scottish country dancing; Gladys Fisher Colwell, tennis, bowling; Peter Colwell, “minor league baseball games;” Martha Yost Cornish, walking; Don Dixon, golf, yard work, sporting events; Rosemary Dodson, water aerobics, weight lifting; Robert Engstrom, kayaking; Thompson Ford, golf, tennis; Julie Jerabek Fukuda, camping, nature study; Roger Hall, exercise, swimming, hiking, kayaking; Anne Marsh Hoenig, water aerobics; Henry Hopper swimming, walking, chopping wood, carrying water; Emily Rhoads Johnson, hiking, Tai Chi; Chuck Kayser, skiing; Elaine Theurer Kirke, water aerobics, including teaching; Wayne Leeper, fishing, Lake Chautauqua, shotgun sports (skeet, sporting clays); Dick Meighan, walking, swimming; Bill Moats, golf; Phil Nader, walking, swimming; Paul Randall, hiking, tennis; Paul Reeder, sailing; Caroline Strauss, improv dance, yoga; Stan Totten, playing sports with 10 grandchildren; Van Vanderland, square dancing and calling, horseback riding, Western; Richard “Babe” Weiss, biking, hiking, two Woo Alumni bike tours in Europe; Nancy Jacobs Weygandt, golf, bowling; Jane Craig Wilson and Sara-Rae Griffith Young, golf. Poetry reading: Janet Agnew Debar; Henry Hopper started and coordinates monthly group. Politics: Gladys Colwell, League of Women Voters; Caroline Strauss, anti-war activist, 196875, Democratic Party volunteer; Bob Watson; Jan Moser Watson; Peggy Blumberg Wireman. Puzzles: Sarah Bitzer, sudoku; Murray Blackadar, daily crossword; Lillie Trent, crosswords. Railroads: Bob Carter; Jack Casteel, model; Stan Totten, collecting and operating toy trains. Reading (no specifics): Mila Aroskar; Nancy Calderwood Carleton; Millie Gilbert Carlson; Janet Debar; Don Dixon; Rosemary Dodson; Julie Fukuda; Sally Eatough Goff; Liz Muncy Hauenstein; Anne Hoenig; Emily Rhoads Johnson; George McClure; Mary Ellen Orton Miller; Peggy McAnlis Mueller; Janette Collins Richardson; Barb Douglas Shelar; Babe Weiss; Peggy Wireman. Reading (specific): Judy Vixseboxse Blackadar, love of books led to working at Borders, she misses fondling books; Murray Blackadar, fiction, mysteries; Kay Kridel Buxton, suspense; Joan Zimmer Davis, library volunteer; Alison Swager Hopper, nonfiction, 42 Wooster FA LL 2 0 0 9
fiction, international affairs, started a reading group that’s thriving after 25 years; Nana, literature, history, books on tape; Dave Roth, RIP Jan. 2009 (learned of his death while writing class notes), life-long affair with books, especially Bible and related writings and studies. Spiritual Journeys: Mila Aroskar. Four categories postponed: philanthropy, advocacy, church (the heart of this classifying); theater; travel; and writing.
New! Phil & Winnie Myers Rohrbaugh 1916 Maplewood Drive, Cedar Falls, IA 50613 philwin@cfu.net
New! Greg Seaman 75 Clear Lake Rd., Guilford, CT 06437 gs7190@snet.net
For four wonderful days in June, almost 100 members of our class and 51 spouses and guests gathered at the College to celebrate our 50th reunion. Buoyed by gorgeous summer weather, everyone seemed to arrive prepared to reconnect with enthusiastic good humor. Judging from the feedback we (Nancy McCarthy and Ginny Wenger Moser) received, they had a great time. The fact that our reunion committee planned and President Grant Cornwell and wife Peg hosted a wine tasting as the opening event on Thursday evening probably helped set the stage. It certainly pointed up how much things have changed since we were classmates at Wooster 50 years ago. We were reminded of what makes Wooster consistently unique at the inspiring after-dinner talk given by Wooster’s visionary president. On Friday morning, Don “Cash” Register led us in a tree dedication and memorial service to honor our 58 deceased classmates. Our tree, planted in front of Douglass Hall, is a Princeton elm, chosen for its resistance to the Dutch elm disease that destroyed the original trees we remember on campus. After the dedication, which included Joan Bowser Delon’s lovely, poetic reading, a Scot piper led us inside for a beautiful service. As Don read each name, Muriel Rice Roberts placed a rose in a vase at the front of the room, while Mike Moore periodically led us in song. Following the service, Jim Clarke and Frank Knorr provided a tour of the campus for those unfamiliar with all the many additions and innovations that have been made over the years. Later in the morning, Mary Dunham Day, a docent at the Georgia O’Keefe Museum in New Mexico, delivered an illuminating talk on the artist to a standingroom-only crowd. Friday afternoon Frank Knorr and Prof. David McConnell (anthropology) led 75 eager classmates on a tour of Wooster and Amish country, which included a
visit to the Amish and Mennonite Heritage Center, built to meet the needs of the expanding tourist industry there. The guided tour included a cyclorama (one of three in the U.S.) and moved to a market complex where cheese making was explained and souvenirs could be purchased. The afternoon was well spent, by all reports. Ed Clydesdale gave a thoughtful invocation for Friday evening’s dinner. The tables were arranged so women could sit with classmates from their freshman dorms and men with fellow section members. Enough camaraderie was unleashed to cause some tables to burst into song. This put everyone in a mood to reminisce and prepared them for a reflective after-dinner talk by Roger Garst, who recounted the “15 Wishes” that College President Howard Lowry set out for us when we arrived as freshmen. Recalling this speech and doing the research to locate Dr. Lowry’s notes, Roger eloquently reminded us that we, too, lived at Wooster under an inspiring president. The last full day was Saturday, and the planning committee hoped for a truly grand finale. We began with the annual Alumni Association meeting where class president Ron Rolley accepted the trophy for the class with the largest reunion attendance. Gene Bay, as chair of the reunion committee, presented President Cornwell with our class gift of $3,385,680, the third largest in the history of the College. Sixty-two percent of the class contributed. We are grateful to everyone who chose to give, even if they were not able to join us for the reunion. The class then followed the Scot pipers across the campus and through the Kauke Hall arch in the annual Parade of Classes. Saturday evening our elegant gala dinner took place in Kittredge Hall. Tom Ward gave a moving invocation, and Jack Bushman served as an able and humorous emcee. Realizing that our class was very influenced by music (as determined by your class secretaries in studying the Memory Book from the 45th reunion), the planning committee agreed that this was the natural centerpiece for the program. Early on, Dave MacMillan had volunteered to put together a barbershop quartet, including Frank Knorr, Fred Nobbs, and Jim McClelland. (Dave Grant generously filled in at the last minute when Jim developed laryngitis.) The quartet led off the evening. Ginny Moser was able to convince The King, Elvis himself, to make an appearance (aka Don Bayer, accompanied by his wife, Marilyn Gaede Bayer). Elvis’ security guard (Bill Lomika) and the adoring fans (Sue Kutler Bushman, Carol Lomika, and Ginny) added hilarity. The impersonation was so polished and successful that it left everyone in high spirits.
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For the finale, a chorus of 35 classmates and spouses volunteered to participate. Ginny had sent letters to likely singers, asked Mike Moore to do the work of directing (selecting music and sending it to everyone), and found a willing accompanist, Mary Ann Van Wickle Anthony. “The ’59 Choristers” practiced with fervor during the weekend, presented a wide range of music, and were enthusiastically rewarded with a standing ovation. Each evening of the weekend, after the planned activities, many of us reconvened in the hospitality suite, set up in Luce Hall by Mimi Norem Fernyak. We reconnected, sharing life stories and memories into the wee hours, stimulated by a wide range of of memorabilia—pictures and items of creativity brought by classmates. To provide a visual history, Nancy McCarthy and husband Bruce designed large display boards with a montage of pictures from our college days, as well as photos taken at previous reunions. On Sunday morning, many gathered to hear classmate Bob Chestnut preach at Westminster Presbyterian Church. His inspiring sermon, “What is the Essence of All True Religion?,” dealt with gratitude. Several classmates sang in the Westminster Church Choir. During the sharing time, Jack Bushman stood and honored the 25 couples (!) attending the reunion who had met during their Wooster years and who celebrated 50th wedding anniversaries this year. It was a great reunion. We missed those who were not with us. Many thanks to the Alumni Office and our large planning committee. Under Gene Bay’s leadership, the class officers and 23 other committee members met annually at Wooster in anticipation of this event. Individuals spent countless hours contacting classmates and working out details. The inspiring CD of Wooster music from our era that we sent out was due to the efforts of Dick Christy and Ginny’s husband, Moe, who transferred the music to a CD. Special thanks to Jim Clarke, who transformed it into a professional quality product that set the musical theme. We also appreciated the contributions from classmates to our Memory Book. (Anyone interested in securing a copy should contact Sharon Coursey Rice ’90 in the Alumni Office, srice@wooster.edu.) At the class business meeting during the weekend, officers were elected for the next five years. Cash Register is our new president, and Winnie Myers Rohrbaugh and Greg Seaman are the secretaries. We (Ginny and Nancy) very much enjoyed our role as co-secretaries. As former roommates and lifelong friends, we found it an interest-
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ing, challenging project to do together. We have been grateful for the all of the help and support we’ve received, and we hope you will continue to share what is happening in your lives with Winnie and Greg. See you at the 55th Reunion!
Vicky Fritschi 16 King Philip Tr., Norfolk, MA 02056-1406 vfritschi@netzero.net
Ellie Elson Heginbotham and Jim Traer met with a busy 50th reunion committee last May (see photo, p. 45). Not pictured are Jim Abbott, Christine Coolidge Jones, Vicky Fritschi). They’re planning a great event, with the help of others like Pat Carson Mordecai, Elinor Young Peter (who has designed our own logo), and Byron and Margaret Loehlin Shafer. We hope to see as many classmates as possible on campus, June 10-13, 2010. Look for information inviting your participation— memorabilia, productions (books, articles, crafts, honors), talent (for a great show and the two services), and ideas—as well as, of course, your participation in the class fund, part of which will honor Howard Lowry. This is a one-time opportunity, a great chance to see new buildings, meet the president, and catch up on years of applying I.S. to our varied lives.
Larry Vodra 51 High Ridge Rd., Brookfield, CT 06804-3517 JLVodra@aol.com
Bob Pisor writes: “How many classmates went to the inaugural? My wife, Ellen Waters ’62, and I drove to D.C. from northern Michigan, rolled out sleeping bags on the floor of my aunts’ retirement cottage near Bowie, Md., rose at 5:15 a.m. to walk to the subway station, and found 10,000 people already there! By the time we got to the Mall, a million people had already found places. “Our spot was just beyond the Smithsonian Castle (the Capitol looked like a postage stamp), but we felt like insiders, as another million folks arrived later, filling the mall to the Washington Monument and beyond. Six young men and women, sitting on blankets in front of us, included four who’d graduated from Wooster in 2008. Two were Scot pipers. All are in graduate school in Cleveland and had driven all night to get to D.C. “We sang old songs, booed and cheered, and enjoyed a day unique in American history. The cold seemed bitter after five hours, but it was one of the warmest experiences of our lives—especially when the crowd cheered its heart out at President Obama’s promise to end
torture. What a country we live in; how proud we were to be present at a new beginning.” Judy Chamberlain Peckham spent an extended July 4 weekend with her three kids and their spouses, five grandchildren (ages 211), and two dogs. She commented that there’s a reason we’re much younger when raising children. In September Judy and husband Gene traveled to Russia and spent 16 days cruising from Moscow to St. Petersburg, with stops in between. They prepared by watching a 36-lecture series on the history of Russia from Peter the Great to Gorbachev (a series of DVDs by The Teaching Co., that Judy highly recommends.) They dashed home so that Judy could attend the next reunion meeting in October. Judy still does foundation work, and Gene has a year and a half in his judicial term, ending when he reaches 70 and mandatory retirement. Judy has already put him on notice that he’d better find something fulfilling after that. Seven days a week at home is not acceptable! Last April Kay Cicirello Wells had a part in the musical Fiddler on the Roof. She and her husband, Joe, traveled to Iowa in May to celebrate the graduation of their daughter with a Ph.D. in college administration and leadership from the U of Northern Iowa. Joe, who once taught there, put the doctoral hood on their daughter. When Kay returned home, she participated in a tap dance recital, dancing to the 50s song, “Poison Ivy.” She’s having a great time participating in musicals and dance. Kay was to try out for Oklahoma, to be presented in October. She and Joe continue to enjoy life in lovely Silver City, N.Mex. Margaret Denny Stewart was in Wooster in June to take her mom, Beryl Young Denny ’34, to the Scots Forever dinner. It was Beryl’s 75th reunion. After Alumni Weekend, Margaret and her husband traveled to Illinois and Kentucky to visit a number of historic sites before returning to Ohio in late summer. In July your humble class scribe, Larry Vodra, and my wife, Nancy Morning Vodra ’63, took our daughter and her family to a real dude ranch for a week! It was sort of like an ocean cruise, except that we rode horses each day and didn’t go to any ports of call. The location was in beautiful Kerhonkson, N.Y. There was lots to do, the meals were excellent, and both grandkids found new friends to “hang out with.” In other class notes, Ron Specht reports that he spent some stimulus dollars on a new refrigerator and planned to spend much of the summer on “porchville.” Class president Bill Hoppes suffered through another Cleveland Indians season and welcomed his first grandchild last August. Jane Mosher Bobel traveled from Wooster to Los Angeles to spend the FA LL 2 0 0 9 Wooster 43
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Class Notes summer with her twin sister, Janet Mosher Napolitan. And, finally, Jon Galehouse ’62 contacted both Larry Vodra and Jane Arndt Chittick ’62. Jane printed his note in her column (below).
Jane Arndt Chittick 192 Valencia Lakes Dr., Venice, FL 34292 New! jachits@sbcglobal.net
Genie Henson Hatch 1337 Hampton Rd., St. Charles, MO 63303-6105, DHatch9985@aol.com
Living with her husband, a dog, and a cat in the small Lake Erie town of Clinton, Ohio, Connie Copeland Wullschleger enjoys life without clocks or keys. Part of her working life was spent as a school psychologist with the U.S. Department of Defense, stationed in Germany and Italy with two of her four children. She also worked in Milwaukee in alternative schools for at-risk students. As a retiree she has time to freely pursue her creativity— stone work and fabric arts. Rachel Abernethy e-mails that she and her patients “have grown old together”— Rachel is in her 39th year of practicing internal medicine at Kaiser in Parma, Ohio. She uses free time to pursue several interests, including volunteering as a docent at the zoo where she spends “summer weekends telling people about the animals and showing the biofacts…I enjoy it.” Rachel has become a Unitarian, which “gives me a chance to explore religions.” Her extensive travels have taken her over most of the world. As a member of the Cleveland Hiking Club, she joined others who went hiking in England for five spring trips; other hiking club destinations have included Italy, New Zealand, and France. “However,” Rachel reports, “in Portugal my foot broke for the second time—a stress fracture of a bad bone—and the hiking was over.” Having earned her 10,000-mile patch, Rachel now does “little three-mile leisure hikes.” She has visited India twice and in July journeyed to Tibet and on to China. She watched the total eclipse of the sun in some mountains outside of Shanghai. (It rained for the other eclipse that she went to see some years ago in Hawaii.) She finds China fascinating. Dave Dalrymple lives on the Ohio farm where he was raised and telecommutes to work (which he has done for 10 years) as chief engineer/scientist at Thermo Fisher Scientific in Madison, Wisc., a chemical instrumentation and supplies manufacturer. A computer programmer, he writes software to collect and analyze data from the company’s products for its customers. He hopes to retire soon. Though he rents his land and is not 44 Wooster FA LL 2 0 0 9
actively involved in raising crops, Dave continues to do many of the farm chores, such as clearing fallen trees. He especially enjoys making maple syrup in the spring, which his family has done as long for as he can remember. Ray Crawford and his wife visited Dave this past spring to experience the annual event. In May Dave joined fellow members of the 50th reunion committee for their first meeting. These include Marjorie Morris Carlson, John Harley, Kitty Kelly Johnson, Sandria Neidus Kerr, Bill Kerr, Al Klyberg, Emily McQueen, Dale Perry, Ellen Waters Pisor, Dave Robertson, and S. Berne Smith. Remember the dates: June 7-10, 2012. Graduate work at the U of Michigan, studies in Amsterdam, and a Ph.D. from Bryn Mawr College all contributed to Molly Faries’ preparation for a professional life in academia. She has taught at the university level in the States and The Netherlands. Though she’s retired as a professor at both Indiana U (department of the history of art) and the University of Groningen in The Netherlands, Molly continues to teach and give talks, advise doctoral students, and contribute to professional publications. She enjoys the academic milieu without the responsibilities of grading papers and attending committee meetings. Recognized as a pioneer in the technical investigation of paintings, including the use of infrared light to reveal an artist’s underdrawing (layout drawing) buried beneath the visible paint, and an expert in 15th-17th century northern European art, Molly serves on the editorial board of the electronic Journal of Historians of Netherlandish Art. She contributed to the Rijksmuseum’s catalogue of 15thand 16th-century paintings (online) and is working on a comparable catalogue for the Centraal Museum in Utrecht. In 2010 she will serve as the Wayne G. Basler Chair of Excellence for the Integration of the Arts, Sciences, and Rhetoric at East Tennessee State U. Jon Galehouse retired as professor of geology at San Francisco State U in 1997, after 30 years of teaching and research on the rate of movement on the active earthquake faults of the greater San Francisco Bay region. He also served two terms as the mayor of Pacifica, a town of about 40,000 on the coast, 10 miles south of San Francisco. In retirement Jon and his wife, Barbara, designed and helped build their log home on the banks of the Feather River in Plumas National Forest in northern California. They have loved living in rural Plumas County (population about 20,000) ever since. Major shopping is done in Reno, about 100 miles away, or Sacramento, about 125 miles distant. Jon finds that retirement allows much more time for reading, especially light fiction, historical novels, and books on secular humanism.
He and Barbara “like to attend theatre in the West End of London (partially due to the influence of Dr. Craig’s Theater Appreciation class),…have especially enjoyed the Galapagos Islands and sailing narrow boats on the canals of England and Wales,…and have attended the Monterey Jazz Festival every September since the early 1970s.” When they travel to Ohio annually to visit relatives, they enjoy walking around campus and seeing Ohio Light Opera productions. Having married in 1959 (after which they lived for a while in Wooster on Buckeye Street, next to Spieglemier’s grocery store, and later in Berkeley while pursuing postgraduate studies), Barbara and Jon celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary in June. A son died 10 years ago. Their daughter, Jennifer, lives in Sacramento, where she works for the Speaker of the California State Assembly as chief environmental consultant.
Ron Eggleston 3314 Parkview Ave., Lansing, MI 48910-4650 ronandsueeggleston@comcast.net
John and Elizabeth Crabtree ’65 Aten celebrated their 44th wedding anniversary in June. Their wedding followed a long, pizzaladen courtship, focused on Coccia House. John earned a Master of Accountancy degree at Ohio State U and held various financial and accounting management positions. He retired in 2005 but still does some consulting. John had his first job as an arbitrator with the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority that he found quite interesting, settling a dispute between investors and brokers. He’s also an active stock trader. Wife Libby served as village treasurer for many years and also retired in 2005. The Atens are active community volunteers and enjoy travel, theater, and opera. They have two daughters. Phil Brown continues his contract work with the U.S. State Department, where he accompanies international visitors on their professional travels around the U.S. He finds that this adjunct to his (semi-) retirement “keeps me active and learning.” Judy Krudener Konnert is “loving” retirement, while husband John still enjoys working as a research physical chemist for the U.S. Naval Research Lab in D.C. They had an enjoyable spring visit from Margaret Lautenschleger Cain. Bob Mayer and wife Mary Pat have completed (to date) 32 major renovations on their historic sea captain’s home in Mystic, Conn. They converted the property’s “new” structure, a large 1850s horse barn, into a three-car garage and storage shed while keeping its “barn character.” Bob is working on an
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’60 REUNION COMMITTEE L TO R , BACK ROW John Papp, Jim Traer, Jane Morley Kotchen, Pat Murray Wiedner, Pat Carson Mordecai, Brad Cors (development) FRONT ROW Ellie Elson Heginbotham, Carol Galloway Lamberger, Sandy Shaw Lichty, Jean Stobo Bay
art-oriented supplement to a biography of his great-grandfather, Ora Coltman, known as “The Dean of Cleveland Artists.” Coltman’s restored murals are on display at the Cleveland Public Library. In May Jim Wilson retired after serving for nine years as Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the College. He continues as a Trustee and a member of the Executive Committee. Jim reports that highlights of his tenure include the successful completion of the Independent Minds Campaign, which raised $148 million for facilities, operations, and the endowment. Jim participated in the dedication of five new campus buildings and the re-dedication of Kauke after its renovation, all funded by the campaign. Another highlight was presiding over the inauguration of President Grant Cornwell.
New! Judy Cornell McFarland 535 W Daphne Rd., Glendale, WI 53217 Jmcfarland64@gmail.com
If you weren’t in Wooster for our 45th, we missed you! After several terms as class secretary, Jim Switzer has “retired.” Your new class secretary ( Judy) is anxious to hear from many of you as we look forward to our 50th reunion in 2014. Nancy Braund-Boruch is our new class president. We look forward to hearing from you and planning our 50th. Edie Anderson Gause reports: “Like many of us, I have retired—on paper, at least. Officially, I received retirement as a minister in
the PCUSA and have begun service in a new specialty ministry that other transitional ministers and I are developing. First Response Ministry (FRM) prepares experienced interim ministers for quick response with pastoral presence for initial service in a congregation that has suddenly lost its pastor or had another kind of trauma. FRM is oriented toward initial grief work and preparation for an interim minister or for the return of the pastor and congregation to a ‘new normal.’ This has all evolved within a recent life journey of amazing change, grace, and newness. “We moved to California in 2005 so that I could serve as the transitional executive of the Synod of Southern California and Hawaii. My husband became seriously ill and died shortly thereafter. I served the synod and then retired, making my permanent residence at Monte Vista Grove Homes, a retirement community for those who have served the PCUSA for 20 years or more. It is a creative, caring life situation, perfect for a young widow. I settled down to develop FRM and in the process received an e-mail from a pastor studying at Louisville for a D.Min. who was also interested in FRM. The e-mail exchange led to phone calls and meetings and eventually, marriage! Andrew Short, PCUSA pastor from Grand Prairie, Tex. ( near Dallas), and I married on 07-0707, not because of the cosmic significance of the date, but because all of the kids and grandkids could join us then. We settled into a new home at Monte Vista Grove and continue to develop FRM ministries. “With Andrew’s encouragement, I finished
a D.Min. at the Florida Center for Theological Studies in June. I focused on educating ministers for FRM. Andrew continues to work on a D.Min., focused on the use of lament in congregations suffering traumatic loss. “At the present I’m serving as stated clerk pro-tem for Riverside Presbytery, and Andrew is a FRM pastor in that presbytery. We enjoy life with two Lhasa Apso dogs and a Bengal cat, five kids, and eight grands, plus my late husband’s four kids and five grands. I can be found at momgause@mac.com or 2889 San Pasqual St., D91, Pasadena CA 91107. Yes, the home of the Tournament of Roses!” I ( Judy) retired in 2004 from WellPoint Insurance as a Medicare business analyst. Having previously worked for Blue Cross of Wisconsin as a software programmer of medical billing software for hospitals, I spent three years with the Medicare contractor working on the HIPAA transition with other software companies. In retirement I’ve traveled some, rediscovered my inner knitter, and enjoyed being grandmother of three. My daughter, Colleen ’92, is the archivist and rare books curator at the U of Wisconsin, Eau Claire. It’s great to be friends with your adult children. Some classmates have asked about my husband, Jim McFarland. After 20 years as a professor of biochemistry at the U of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Jim died in 1990 from ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease). This horrible disease claimed another classmate, Jan Hickey Carlson, last year. There is no known cause for ALS, but researchers are always looking for FA LL 2 0 0 9 Wooster 45
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Class Notes clustered occurrences. If you are aware of any other classmates or Wooster students during 1955-70 who have acquired or died from ALS, please let me know. Researchers hope that looking at common experience and exposures may help to find a definitive cause and effective treatment. If you haven’t done so already, please put me on your Christmas letter list. I’m eager to reconnect with as many of you as possible before our next reunion. Isn’t it interesting to read what our classmates have been up to in the last (gasp) 45 years? The class sends deep condolences to Carol Stromberg Pancoast and her family, on the August death of Dave Pancoast (see In Memoriam). He served Wooster well.
Chuck & Lill Richeson Templeton 925 Alvarado Terr., Walla Walla, WA 99362-2101 (509) 525-6746, templeton@whitman.edu
As one classmate commented, we Woosterians aren’t allowing much grass to grow under our feet. With many of us retiring, traveling to care for our aging parents, and trying to keep up with our children and grandchildren, life isn’t dull! We (Lill and Chuck) are certainly in that situation, with Chuck’s 91-year-old parents still living independently in St. Louis and other family living in the Bay area and near the Canadian border. Here is what we hear from classmates. In May Barbara Marsh Fedeler, bfedeler @comcast.net, flew from her home in Wilmington, Del., to San Francisco. She was able to catch up with David Ramadanoff and attended his “Master Sinfonia” concert. Barbara shares, “I was so touched by the quality of the music but even more by the respect that his musicians showed for him and vice versa. David has had a long career in the San Francisco area: 29 years with this group, 25 with the Vallejo Symphony (professionals) and 20 with the Berkeley Young People’s Symphony Orchestra. “David, his wife, Pam, and I had dinner before the concert and enjoyed catching up.” Continuing her musical weekend, Barbara attended Glide Memorial Methodist Church the next morning and reports that their service “rocked!” A special treat was seeing Wicked, where her son works on the lighting crew. Barbara attended a Wooster gathering in Vermont this summer with ’64-’65 women who were mostly Upper Holden waitresses: Connie Bartlett ’64, cb38406@bellsouth.net; Kadi Depew Stevens, kdstevens65@verizon.net; Carol Magill McDougald, carolmcdougald@aol.com; Betsy Bedient Lathrop, betsyjohn@comcast.net; Carol Fuller Syvertsen, thsyvertsen@ 46 Wooster FA LL 2 0 0 9
netzero.net; and Barbara Marras Manner, manner@peoplepc.com. Karelisa Voelker Hartigan, karelisa@ ufl.edu, reports that her book, Performance & Cure: Drama and Healing in Ancient Greece and Contemporary America (Duckworth, 2009), is out. This is a study of how drama may have been used by the ancient cults of Asklepios and a description of how Karelisa brings improvisational drama to the bedsides of patients at the local hospital. In her first year of retirement, Karelisa and her husband traveled extensively, doing a Rhine River cruise in the fall and a cruise/ lecture circuit in South America in December. She continues to do improv theater at Shands Hospital and is more involved in hospice. This summer she again volunteered to teach English in Spain through the Pueblo Ingles program. Karelisa also works with the Philoctetes Project, which brings Greek tragedy to veteran groups. Interested classmates are invited to contact her. Bill Longbrake, bill@tlff.org, writes: “I have accepted a position as executive in residence at the Robert H. Smith School of Business at the U of Maryland in College Park. This is a one-year appointment, and I will spend approximately one week per month on campus. I will work with the Center for Financial Policy and Corporate Governance, which is in the process of being established. My permanent residence remains in Seattle, so I will be doing a lot of coast to coast travel.” Jack Travis, jwtravis@mindspring.com, updates us. “My wife, daughter, and I were gifted with a special rate for an Amazon ceremonial experience with local shamans by my old friend Alberto Villoldo, whom I hadn’t seen in 25 yrs, when he came through our area (Byron Bay, Australia) last March.” Jack says that after flying for many hours, they arrived in Puerto Maldonado, on the Madre de Dios River, and traveled for two hours in a motorized canoe to the EcoAmazonia Lodge, where they worked with several shamans. Afterward they traveled to Machu Picchu and Lake Titicaca. Back in the Bay area in July, Jack enjoyed time with his new granddaughter and spent a week in South Africa at an AIDS conference, helping to expose the fraudulent claims that circumcision prevents HIV. He and his former faculty adviser at Johns Hopkins U, along with other physicians, have published related articles in peer-reviewed journals. Joining the ranks of “intactivists,” Jack is featured in a video narrated by Dean Edell on the justlaunched intactAmerica.org. Jack will return to Australia in late September via Virginia and Los Angeles. It isn’t too soon to put the dates for our 45th reunion ( June 10-13, 2010) on your
calendar or Blackberry. Class notes and our class e-mail newsletter are great, but being together in person will be a whole lot more fun. Save the date! (If you don’t receive our periodic e-mail newsletter, we don’t have your current e-mail address. Please keep us updated!) Let us hear from you. We share the sad news that Marilyn Amstutz Stevens died of brain cancer on July 23. Many of us knew and loved Marilyn, the valedictorian of our class. There is a wonderful slide show and obituary at www.marilynstevens.blogspot.com. Marilyn was an inspiration to many. She had a long, distinguished career as corporate vice president and managing editor of the school division of Houghton Mifflin Co.
Elizabeth “Libby” Westhafer O’Brien 6557 S. Richards Ave. Santa Fe, NM 87508, ewobrien@mac.com
Persis “Perky” Rogers Granger writes, “I remain a cheerleader and volunteer for the little Adirondack mountain town of Thurman, N.Y. I’ve used it as the setting for works of historical fiction, Adirondack Gold (Beaver Meadow Publishing, 2003), and its sequel, A Summer of Strangers (2004). I do a fair amount of free-lance editing for an historical society magazine and contribute to area publications. And I host the annual summer Adirondack Mountain Writers’ Retreat and fall St. George Island (Fla.) Writers’ Retreat. “My husband, Dick, is still fascinated with building log cabins from scratch. Our daughters, their husbands, and their three sons (ages 1 to 17), live about an hour away from our summer roost in the Adirondacks. “My stepmother, who inspired my anthology, Shared Stories from Daughters of Alzheimer’s: Writing a Path to Peace (iUniverse Star, 2004), succumbed to the disease in 2007, closing a sad chapter in her life, and mine.” Find Perky at PersisGranger@aol.com. Paul Browne, his wife, Carol, and George ’63 and Mary Behling ’62 Browne gathered in Albuquerque for the nursing school graduation of Paul’s daughter, Kathryn. All three Browne young adults (Kathryn, Marcel ’95, and Sibby) live in Albuquerque. Paul has been at Wilkes College in Wilkes Barre, Pa., since 2004. He created and heads the business school there. George and Mary still live in West Orange, and George will return to Seton Hall U post“retirement” to teach a course similar to the Lib Studies of old. Bob Beck and his wife, Kathryn, traveled from their home in Denver to visit Santa Fe. They’ve now retired there. Both enjoy hiking, and Bob photographs birds and wildlife. Dianne S. P. Cermak reports, “Our first
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<<WEDDING OF JESSICA LOVE & MICHAEL M AC MASTER, ’04 S , JUNE 7, 2008 L TO R , BACK ROW Charlie Laube ’01, Eric Saulnier ’03, Andrew Fletcher, Matthew Beckwith-Laube, Sam Brody, ’04s, Lauren Orr ’05 FRONT ROW Mark Ferguson ’83, Sandy Galicki ’84, Eddie Ormond ’01, Cassidy Hutchison ’04, bride, groom, Sarah Church ’04
Bonnie Bole Orkow ’67, Gary Grimes ’58
great-grandchild (how can that be?) arrived over the winter and is charming the entire family.” See her art at www.dspcermak.com.
Rosemary “Rosie” Capps Merchant 32 Binnacle Hill, Oakland, CA 94618-2532, rosienjohn@aol.com
Nancy Lukens-Rumscheidt 6 Cote Dr., Dover, NH 03820-4607 nlukens66@comcast.net
In the last issue, we missed printing a photo that went with Bonnie Bole Orkow’s Small World story. In February Bonnie, her husband, Bruce Blodgett Brown ’69, and Gary Grimes ’58 happened to be on the same hiking trip in Chile (see photo, above). Congratulations to Wayne Cornelius, who received a 2009 Distinguished Alumni Award during Alumni Weekend (see p. 7 of Wooster, Spring 2009). Wayne retired at the end of June from the U of California-San Diego. He was the director of the school’s Center for Comparative Immigration Studies, an interdisciplinary, multi-national research program on global migration and refugee movements. In his remarks, Wayne credited the award with giving him an opportunity to “connect the dots of my life,” many of which lead to the College, he said. He especially thanked Pablo Valencia (Spanish, emeritus), who was present at the ceremony, for urging Wayne to design an interdisciplinary major, which did not yet exist in the mid-1960s, and Gordon Shull (political science, emeritus), with whom Wayne did his I.S. “Gordon Shull, in particular, showed me that truly ‘values-free’ social science was both an illusion and an impoverished objective.” Some of us remember Wayne carrying his 450-page I.S. to Galpin Hall. In June he and
some field research students briefed members of Congress and their staff on this still-volatile issue. Wayne credits Wooster for “enabling me to make a difference.” Wayne’s avocation as a musician also began at Wooster, after he discovered R. T. Gore composing at the Holtkamp organ in Memorial Chapel during his first visit to the campus in 1962. Wayne has spent over two decades singing with the San Diego Master Chorale, San Diego Symphony, and church choirs. He plans to “continue this second career as long as the instrument holds out.” Another ’67 music lover is the subject of sad news. We were shocked to learn shortly before the deadline for this issue that Sara “Scottie” Bradley passed away on June 30, after a brief but courageous battle with cancer. Scottie served as our class secretary for many years until 2007. As she indicated in a recent column, her fiancé, George Cann, had also been ill with cancer. We learned that he passed away just weeks before Scottie, on June 5. A memorial service was held for Scottie on July 11 in Cuba, N.Y. A full obituary will appear in a later issue and online. We remember Scottie for her cheerfulness and wit, her wonderful voice, and her generosity. I (Nancy) roomed with her in our sophomore year and fondly remember her green facial masks. She delighted in scaring the daylights out of me when I’d come home from the library just in time for curfew. Scottie majored in religion and philosophy, earned an M.Div. from Princeton in 1970, and was ordained as a Presbyterian minister and chaplain. She’d lived at the Chautauqua Institution in New York since 1986 and served it in many ways. Among Scottie’s passions was a concern for the environment, which led to her involvement with the Chautauqua Watershed Con-
servancy. She continued to share her musical talent, playing the piano, harp, tympani, and viola. Moreover, she was a generous philanthropist. Scottie will be missed. We haven’t heard much from classmates about get-togethers, retirements, innovative ways of dealing with the economic meltdown, or other personal news. Please write!
Jim & Jean Adair Mayer 35038 Carnation Ln., Ft. Mill, SC 29707 jeanmayer@hotmail.com, goscots@comporium.net
Congratulations to Jay Gates, who received the Distinguished Alumni Award during Alumni Weekend. I ( Jean) promise to try to reach him for a future issue. E-mail me, Jay! We had asked Gary Houston to keep us informed of his ongoing theatrical endeavors. He says he’s to appear this fall in the Chicago premier of Yeast Nation (the triumph of life) by the writers of Urinetown: The Musical. Gary is listed as a member of “an all-star Chicago cast!” He previously acted in Chekhov’s Uncle Vanya, also in Chicago. Gary provides a link (www.imdb.com/title/tt0409459/) to Watchmen, the film version of a “hugely cultish graphic novel from 1987.” In it Gary impersonates John McLaughlin (of the PBS McLaughlin Group). Can you recognize him? Following is a note from Larry Kirk, fondly known as “Lirk,” “After graduation, I spent most of my time interacting with my Sig friends as an assistant coach for the Fighting Scots baseball team and traveling with friends in the off-season. In 1970 I entered Bowling Green State U to work on an M.B.A., but realized I needed a real job. I took a position with Firestone Tire and Rubber Co. as a junior accountant in Akron and continued my education with an accounting degree from U FA LL 2 0 0 9 Wooster 47
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Dave Gaudiosi, Meris Mandernach, Lauren Ault, Chris Templeman, ’01s, bride, groom, Daisy Raymondson, John Lytle ’99 L TO R
David Clark, David Holmes, George Harris, Thomas Beck, ’70s, at Camden Yards
of Akron and an M.B.A. from Kent State. “Today it probably seems boring to spend 38 years with the same organization; I found it just the opposite. I had the good fortune to find my wife, Pam, and an interesting career path just 30 miles from Wooster. Working in the corporate offices of a Fortune 100 international company was exciting and challenging. I had a front-row seat to the ever-changing environment of heavy manufacturing in America. And cultural differences from around the world came to me. “As international finance manager I interacted with numerous foreign countries. The merger between Bridgestone (a Japanese firm) and Firestone became a challenge of learning and working as partners with a new culture. Finally, moving corporate offices from Akron to Nashville identified the differences and colloquialisms of the North and South in the U.S. These experiences were invaluable in my career change to human resources over the last 20 years. I retired in January as HR director of Bridgestone Americas Tire Operations. “The most important part of this journey has been my family. Blessed with two beautiful daughters, our recent focus is on six grandchildren. Our biggest challenge and greatest love has been raising our granddaughter (11) for the last eight years. My wife and I started our own company, consulting in human resources and IT to Bridgestone Americas and offering low-cost services to minority and small businesses.” We wish Pam and Larry all the best. 48 Wooster FA LL 2 0 0 9
Judy Simkins Haines 2643 Brook Valley Rd., Frederick, MD 21701 judysimkins@hotmail.com
Laura Wolfson Likavec 1702 Mendelssohn Dr., Westlake, OH 44145 lauralikavec@yahoo.com
Hanson Kappelman and Janice Lorenz ’71 write, “It has been a busy year. At the end of May 2008, our younger daughter, Kalyn ’07, married Jeff Bowen ’06. The next day Janice and I started the process of putting our suburban-Pittsburgh home on the market. We closed in December and moved into a co-op apartment building in the Oakland neighborhood of Pittsburgh. We are three blocks from the Carnegie Institution, U of Pittsburgh, and Carnegie Mellon U. “During that time, Kalyn and Jeff moved from the Akron, Ohio, area to Iowa City. Each started graduate school, Kalyn in philosophy and Jeff in geology. And our older daughter, Amelia ’01, and her husband, Greg Boettner ’99, moved from New Orleans, where they worked for the Presbyterian Church (USA) on the relief effort, back to Chicago. With five friends from McCormick Theological Seminary, they developed a co-op and purchased a four-flat in the Lawndale/La Villetta neighborhood. “From mid-January to mid-May 2009, we went around the world on a cruise with Janice’s 93-year-old father. We embarked in Los Angeles and disembarked in NYC— seeing 38 ports in 23 countries in between. It
was awesome—from the places we saw, to the people we met, to life at sea (see kappelman. name/worldcruise09). We’ve now lived in our apartment for as long as we lived on the cruise ship! We’d love to hear from you, especially if you’re visiting near Pittsburgh, at travelingcows @yahoo.com.” David George Kanzeg, dkanzeg@aol.com, is the director of programming for WCPN/ WVIZ ideastream in Cleveland, Ohio. He writes, “In late April Gareth Rosenau ’71 and I were hosted by the national railways of Tunisia on a whirlwind exploration of the metro system in Tunis, the ruins of Carthage, and the wondrous Roman amphitheater at El Djem.” Oat members David Clark, a high school U.S. history teacher in Pennsylvania; David Holmes, a retired Div. 1 soccer coach living in Massachusetts; George Harris, a lawyer in Alabama, and Thomas Beck, a lawyer in Washington, D.C., met at Baltimore’s Camden Yards in late July to watch the Boston Red Sox play the Baltimore Orioles. Jane Warner Farina checks in from Shrewsbury (“pronounced Shoes-berry”), Mass. She confesses, “I’m one of those who reads class notes but seldom (never?) sends news. Here are a few tidbits. “Our older daughter, Liz Farina Markel ’02, has gone to school and/or lived in the Midwest almost since graduation. She and husband Jon were married on the patio behind Compton Hall in May 2007 and planted a tree near Kauke Hall as part of the festivities. It was a beautiful weekend. Wooster not only had sentimental value, but it also was conveniently situated for family and friends from Illinois, Michigan, and Ohio. Special Woo-
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Stephanie Sandmeyer, Erin Barnes, Sarah Koskinen, Alice Dorman, ’06s MIDDLE ROW Sarah Fisher Corney, Vanessa Lange, ’06s, bride, Emily Foreman ’06 FRONT Jeremy Hohertz ’06 L TO R , BACK ROW
connected guests included Liz’s friend and my academic adviser, Gordon Tait (religious studies, emeritus), and my roommate, Judy Bearden DeMayo, and her husband. “Last summer my husband and I planned a ‘no airlines’ vacation, focused on attending the Ohio Light Opera. This summer we’re going back for more. It is so nice to enjoy outstanding performances in the relaxing environment of the Woo campus. “Our younger daughter graduated from Siena College four years ago and continues to work and live in the Albany area (about two hours from us). We are truly empty-nesters— happily still employed as a college teacher (my husband) and an information manager (me, think FDA reference librarian) plus budget coordinator for the regulatory dept of a pharmaceutical company. “Thanks to all who do send news.” Susie Leech ’71 and Tom Boardman say they’re looking forward to being on campus Oct. 9-11 for the Football Reunion. They’re excited to renew friendships with teammates, coaches, and spouses—“many of whom we haven’t seen in nearly 40 years,” Tom says. “Even in the planning process has been great fun, reconnecting with other Wooster folks. It’s amazing how few degrees of separation there are between many of us, beginning with the bond of Wooster.”
James K. Lowery 1675 Riverwood Dr., Jackson, MS 39211-4828 jlowery49@gmail.com
Mary Anne Brehm wrote early in the
L TO R Kelly Farina, William & Vivek, Naga Jayadev
summer, “As I prepare to make a life change (moving to Pennsylvania from Arizona to help my 93-year-old mother), I’m pushed to write of two accomplishments that I’ve been meaning to let Wooster folks know of for a few years. First and most importantly, in 2006, I adopted my son, Jesse William. He’s a great kid (now 8), and I really love being a mom. “And in 2007 my book, Creative Dance for Learning: The Kinesthetic Link (co-authored with Lynne McNett), was published by McGraw-Hill Higher Education. It’s a textbook on how to use dance in educational settings, especially in relation to other curricular areas. Wooster did not have a dance program when I was there. Yet the activities we did on our own in the Modern Dance Club (demythologized from Orchesis) and my work with children and the arts during the off-campus urban studies quarter at Cleveland’s Karamu House started me on this path.” Find Mary Anne at Mabdance@aol.com. Dave Reynard reports that Wooster prepared him well for the real world. The I.S. and other courses offered valuable preparation for writing grants. He still feels the connection. Dave says he has an exciting opportunity, getting a nonprofit organization off the ground with a friend. It’s called Supporting Teens To Achieve and Reach Success (STARS), located in inner city Philadelphia. Dave is the group’s budget and grant director. STARS works with at-risk teenage girls with problems such as pregnancy, dropping out of school, foster care, family court, etc. Dave’s wife died in Feb. 2008 of a heart attack. He says his work with STARS honors her dream and that he’s come full-circle. He
had a GLCA internship in Philadelphia following graduation from Wooster, and now he’s back in inner-city Philly, with this nonprofit. Find him at jdreynard@verizon.net. Barbara MacHaffie, professor emerita of history and religion at Marietta College, gave an invited lecture in May at the University of Edinburgh School of Divinity in Scotland. She spoke on women, scholarship, and the Christian tradition.
Jay Yutzey 1254 Norwell Dr., Columbus, OH 43220 yutzey.2@osu.edu
Suzanne Schluederberg 3385 Carl Ct., Ann Arbor, MI 48105 suz@umich.edu
Doug Welch and Ginger Storey were introduced in Nov. 1975 by a mutual friend, Mary Kintner ’74, and got married in July 1977. Doug writes, “Along the way, we built our own home. I earned an M.L.S. in 1990 and worked in academic libraries for 18 years. Currently, I work as the sustainability coordinator at SUNY, Canton, after serving as circulation librarian here for 16 years. In recent years I’ve enjoyed my work on the board of Community Energy Services, a local nonprofit, and as chair of the St. Lawrence County Planning Board. I also enjoy being outdoors—cross country skiing, canoeing, hiking, or cycling.” You can reach Doug at welchd@canton.edu. FA LL 2 0 0 9 Wooster 49
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Class Notes
Kim Tapie 5511 Canaan Center Rd., Wooster, OH 44691-9611 New! kimtapie@gmail.com
Paul Reiman, preiman@yahoo.com, writes that he’s an orthopedic surgeon in sports medicine, practicing in Murrieta, Calif. “My practice has evolved to care for a number of off-road and freestyle motocross athletes. I’m one of three physicians covering the supercross and motocross national races. My wife, Angie, is the language assessment coordinator for the Fallbrook, Calif., Unified School District. Son Bryan is a graphic artist, and daughter Maria is a junior at the Otis College of Art and Design, majoring in fine arts and art education.” Ellen Idler wrote in May: “We’ve just returned home with our new Wooster graduate, daughter Emma Ayers ’09! It was a lovely weekend for Commencement. My brother, Calvin ’78, was there for the festivities. Mom and I really enjoyed visiting with Prof. Gordon Tait (religious studies, emeritus), who was a classmate of my dad’s at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary. “I’ve taught at Rutgers U since 1985 but made a big move to Emory U in Atlanta this fall. Emma and I really enjoyed the 2004 reunion. We’ll be on the same five-year cycle for future C.O.W. class reunions!” Akron Beacon Journal columnist Bob Dyer won a top award from the National Society of Newspaper Columnists. His multiple-item columns were named third best in the nation at the group’s annual convention in Ventura, Calif. The judges wrote, “Economy of words is becoming more and more prized in our hectic society, and Mr. Dyer provides an excellent example of a writer who can make you think, make you chuckle, maybe make you mad, and do it succinctly. . . . His quick wit and brisk writing [are] to be appreciated.” Bob was competing against writers from much larger newspapers. The first- and second-place winners were from Daytona Beach, Fla., and Fort Worth, Tex., respectively. We had a nice crowd at both my (Kim’s) home and at Rick Lowe’s on Alumni Weekend. An estimated 60-plus ’74 alums returned, perhaps more, as some came for only one day. Rick Whitney took great pics of everyone, thanks! Liz Gottleib still sings classical music in Chicago, Zoe Gustafson does accounting. Denise Labaj is retired from teaching, as are many classmates. Bill and Cindy Teigen ’75 Handwerk never age, how do they do that? Carolyn Gilbert and daughter Grace ’09, along with Bill Irvine, helped me get ready for the crowd on Saturday. Carolyn works for Cleveland State U-Solon as the assistant for campus operations. Bill is still at United Airlines in Cleveland and does floral design on the side. 50 Wooster FA LL 2 0 0 9
A news article tells us that Jeff Steiner completed the Boston Marathon in April— wearing a MacLeod tartan kilt and a C.O.W. T-shirt! Go, Jeff! Co-presidents Jim and Nancy Rutan Bartha and I (Kim) hope that more of you will come to our 40th. We want to see you in 2014. Wes Dumas, we missed you! Remember to e-mail news all year long.
Andrea J. Steenburg Simmers 2121 Breeds Rd., Owings Mills, MD 21117-1646 asimmers@mcdonogh.org
Elizabeth “Liza” Catino directed Joseph and The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat for the First Congregational Church in Guilford, Conn. The show starred local non-professionals and was performed on the green in Guilford.
Dana Vandenberg Murphy 3175 Warrington Rd., Shaker Heights, OH 44120-2428, dmurphy1@sbcglobal.net
Eric Olson’s twin sons with autism graduated from high school in June, and the family celebrated with a train trip to Oregon, visiting Nancy Davis in Chicago and Deborah Sherck ’73 in Portland. Gini Snyder Campbell graduated from Union Theological Seminary’s Presbyterian School of Christian Education (Richmond, Va.) in May with an M.Div. “I currently serve as the director of campus ministry from the Williamsburg (Va.) Presbyterian Church to the College of William and Mary,” she writes. “My husband, Sandy, is retired and enjoys a leisurely life, chauffering my 91-year-old mother to bridge games. Our three children, Nancy, Rich, and Stephen, are on their way to successful careers. Drop me a line if you’re nearby, ginicampbell@gmail.com. I’d love to see any Wooster grads.”
Bonnie Savage 4306 River St., Willoughby, OH 44094-7815 bonniesbee@sbcglobal.net
Ken & Laurie Williams Gifford 6 Alicia Cir., Sinking Spring, PA 19608 giffkr@aol.com
Helen Wilson 7031 Villa Dr., Waterford, MI 48327-3323 hewil2000@yahoo.com
Stuart & Robin Light Thomas
2801 Edgewood Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55426 (952) 925-5028, rsthomas78@comcast.net
Dennis Ray has completed a book, The Stakes Are High: God’s Wisdom for Our Public Schools (Tate Publishing, 2008). Bob and Julie Buda Courtney, Ken Gifford, and I (Laurie) got together in Wooster on the weekend of Mar. 28 for the retirement celebration for Paul Gaus (chemistry, 1977-2008). Julie and Ken were two of Dr. Gaus’ first I.S. students. The day was planned for all of Paul’s I.S. students and began with a breakfast reception in Severance Hall, followed by presentations by professors and chemistry alumni, highlighting Paul’s contribution to their lives and careers. There were alumni from almost every class and current chemistry majors. We had tours of Severance Hall in its current splendor. The day was capped off with a private dinner at the Wooster Inn with Paul, his wife, Madonna, and his daughters, complete with roasting and more remembrances. We enjoyed our weekend with Bob and Julie, reminiscing and catching up on news. They’ve lived at 129 Fayette St. in Cumberland, Md., since 1978 and have three children —Jon ’07, Josh (at East Tennessee State U), and Melissa (in high school). Bob works for Hercules, and Julie is a Shaklee representative and stay-at-home mom with lots of interests. We’ve kept in touch, but it’s been years since we’ve spent time together. It was fun, just like old times, with dinner at Coccia House on Friday followed by the festivities on Saturday.
New! Jay Keller jayktakoma@gmail.com
David Ware reports from Cameroon: “Reunion...sounds like a smash. Seeing people from 1977-78 would have been cool, too. I could not participate due to our recent move from Mauritania, where we have been for past four years, to Cameroon at the end of May. My wife, Lucia, child, Nathan, and I have been in a small flat here in Doula while looking for a house. We expect to be here for several years. “I took the position of regional director with Maersk, the shipping line, for Cameroon, Gabon, Equatorial Guinea, Sao Tome, Chad, and Central African Republic—an exotic area of Africa to explore and learn about. Funny thing, too, I am appointed by the Queen of Denmark, as the Honorary Danish Consul.” David Pittenger writes, “I’m now the dean of the College of Liberal Arts at Marshall U. Denise and I are celebrating 30 years together. I’m sorry to say that I’ve let my Wooster ties fade. Now that I live closer to Ohio, I might take a trek north for the 35th.”
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WEDDING OF KRISTEN FRANZON ’94 & MARK RANKOVIC, MAY 9, 2009 L TO R Todd Bescak, Allison Hightshoe Bescak, ’95s, bride, groom, Alexis Sparks Haakonsen, Erik Haakonsen ’93s, Linnea Palchick Gallo ’94, Eva Geil Horton ’93
“Happiness was Lubbock in my rear view mirror,” writes David Shaw. “I left Texas in 1984, finished a Ph.D. in 1986, and am living the happy life of a single 52-year-old in Pittsburgh.” Fred Shaw reports, “I’ve got three dogs, three cats, and three credit card bills. Things are going well. I’ve completed two full-length plays in the last year and had a one-act read at the local theater last February. “I’ve got two more ready to submit for next year’s one-act showcase. About 15 years ago, I wrote a novel and was too busy to revise it, it sits behind me at my computer desk along with other false starts and sundry poems and plays... Not much we can do about the economy, so I’m taking as much as I can with good nature.” Bob Amos says, “Music is still the main professional part of my life. I toured and recorded with a band for 15 years but now mostly stick around home. I run a recording studio and produce projects for other artists. I still write, perform, and record myself to a certain degree. My son graduated from high school during Alumni Weekend.” The following comments come from those attending our 30th reunion. Mary Atkins reports, “I’m in New England for all of July. Daughter Abby is at Williams College for lacrosse camp, and her twin brother, Eli, is at nearby Amherst College for ultimate Frisbee (after convincing me that it’s a sport!). We just finished our annual two weeks at Cape Cod with my two sisters, mom, etc. I am trying to expose Eli and Abby to the positives of my ‘home’ and visiting New England colleges.” “I’ve been married for 19 years,” says Mark Pruiss, “to a woman who has kept me busy with an endless ‘honey-do’ list. My son completed his first year at SUNY New Paltz, where he played varsity volleyball. My daughter is a senior in high school this fall. Along
with playing volleyball there, she’s a member of High Performance Volleyball for this region of New York State. “I married Donna, after leaving Ohio and meeting her at my new job at West Point Academy. I was the coach for the academy’s water polo team. For six years, I’ve been teaching physical education at a school in Harlem and coaching the boys volleyball team and wrestling. “I got involved with karate with my children, and the three of us became black belts about five years ago. Strange events happened, and we became the owners of a Masters Studio. We ran the whole shebang for about three years until my son went off to college. Most of my former students now come to the house and train in the basement with me. So if you get lost in Wallkill, and you’re in the woods hearing a bunch of people kicking and screaming, don’t be afraid. You can join us. “It was good seeing folks at Alumni Weekend, even though I didn’t recognize most of the people. Is it possible that everyone else changed, and I’ve stayed the same? Our mailing address, for people who like to keep the post office busy, is 90 Hunt Rd., Wallkill, NY 12589.” Rick Bardine works for IBM, operating out of Boston but traveling the world. Sarah J. Buck found reunion “lots of fun. Thanks to Cameron Carver Maneese and Mary Atkins extolling the benefits of the professional pedicure, I had the first one of my life. I hope more people come to our next reunion.” Sarah reports spotting Spence White in Cleveland pushing a baby carriage. (Wooster is everywhere!) Congrats on the new addition, Spence. How about an update? Cindy Clark’s assessment of reunion was, “Saw some of my best friends in the world,
walked familiar paths, and revived old memories. To everyone who was there—thanks for making the trip!” David “Cobra” Scott of Cincinnati, says, “I attended the reunion and was instrumental in our softball win against Classes of ’78 and ’77. Still pretty quick with that goalie stick—even with a softball!” Steve Glick, chief of police for Wooster, made no arrests of classmates during the reunion but kept a close eye on the group. Bill Bradshaw lives in Las Cruces, N.Mex. It was great to see Bill at the reunion. Don and Anne Beever Bordine report, “We’ll be seeing Doug and Diana Lutz Pinkham at a Jackson Browne concert soon and will be thinking of Peggy Trabulsi. “Our memory of the reunion is huffing and puffing our way through the golf course with Jay and Anna Keller. Don enjoyed visiting with Jim Bean ’42, his Woo track coach. “We visited our daughter and her husband in Portland, Ore., this summer and tried to look up Carol Skowron with no luck. Carol, are you still out there?” Innodata Isogen Inc. unanimously elected College Trustee Stewart R. Massey to its board of directors. Stewart has worked for 24 years on Wall Street and serves as co-founder of Massey Quick Co. and president and CEO of Robert Fleming Inc. The Class of ’79 has a Facebook page thanks to Don Campbell, who practices law in Little Rock. He vows to make the next reunion. Don’t know what Facebook is? Ask your kids or someone in college or high school. Jay Keller and Don Bordine will be our class officers for the next five years, attempting to fill the shoes of Shelley Griewahn and Jen Jones. Those two did a great job organizing our class reunion. We may bring the fabulous Elaine Fisher in for back-up. We’ll post FA LL 2 0 0 9 Wooster 51
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Class Notes Notes Class reports on classmates on the new Wooster Web site as soon as folks send them to Jay. And send him your contact info. Many of the e-mails on the Wooster site are out of date.
Susan Estill 1817 Keller Lake Dr., Burnsville, MN 55306-6378 sestill58@comcast.net
Don Leake 300 High Gables Dr., Apt. 208, Gaithersburg, MD 20878-7428
Jenny Watson 1551 Oakmount Rd., South Euclid, OH 44121 jlwatson395@sbcglobal.net
Scott Jones 31 Emerson St., Belmont, MA 02478 scottjones@verizon.net
Jody Johnson Allton was one of 18 women honored at the TWIN (Tribute to Women and Industry) awards. She was recognized for her work as the director of social work and psychiatric services at MedCentral Heath System in Mansfield, Ohio, a news article says. You continue to send in great responses to, “What are you doing for your 50th birthday?” Mike DiPasquale turned 50 in April and in June competed in the Florida Sunshine State games, a.k.a. the Florida Olympics. “I won the gold medal in the 85 kilo Masters Class in Olympic weightlifting. My total was the same from 17 years ago, when I last competed in the Ohio games. Who says you have to grow old?” Who, indeed! Tom Litzler also shrugged off a half century, “Bob Yopko and I ran the Cleveland marathon. It was a lot of fun training for it and enjoying the five hours of sightseeing and chatter along the way...” Others went in charitable directions. Char Reed Lyons joined the June Scot’s Day of Service at Fenway Park: “During the Red Sox game, we collected recyclable bottles and cups in the stands. I got to see The Trophies! I hope everyone volunteering has as much fun as I did. I had a midlife moment, though, when I realized I was the second oldest person there! Boston’s Scots in Service Day this fall will be as The Green Team again, and I hope to see more alums.” I (Scott) am there! My own plans for my 50th took a header, quite literally, when my son Milo (5) took a bad fall at the playground and ended up requiring emergency surgery. He was hospitalized over the weekend that I’d planned, first, to meet up with Chris Meaney ’82, Tom Helper, and Dave Bohrer, all friends from third floor 52 Wooster FA LL 2 0 0 9
Armington, and next to leave for a 15-day family holiday in the Virgin Islands and celebrate my B-day. Oh, cruel fate! Milo will fully recover, and so will our vacation. We’ve rescheduled for later this year but will celebrate closer to home. And, thirdfloor Armington is making a pact to meet up at our 30th in 2011. (Be there! You know who you are!) There’s much to celebrate. Here’s hoping we each have an eventful 50th year!
Barbara Brown 2151 Fairmount Ave., St. Paul, MN 55105 wishboneandbarb@hotmail.com
John P. Shafer 9929 Oakton Terrace Rd., Oakton, VA 22124 shaferjp@hotmail.com
Susan Lancaster Toner 11593 Westbury Pl., Carmel, IN 46032 susan_toner@hotmail.com
We’ve learned that Lee Svete, the director of the career center at Notre Dame U, was one of four employees honored with the 2009 Presidential Achievement Award. The honor recognizes “breakthrough initiatives, extraordinary innovations, and significant contributions to the university’s long-term success.” Lee has directed the Notre Dame Career Center for 10 years. The citation noted, “In 2007, the Career Center was ranked second in the nation by Princeton Review for providing innovative career services to college students. This year, Business Week ranked the Mendoza College of Business [at Notre Dame U] number two in the nation, awarding an ‘A+’ to job-placement services.” A former Scot basketball player, Lee has returned to campus often to work at basketball camps. Peter Zornow writes that he met up with Paul Rettew and his wife, Nancy, in the Carolina mountains recently. Peter still teaches English as a second language at Ft. Jackson in Columbia, S.C. Doug Clewett has been promoted to associate director of Community Health Services, a human service agency in Pittsburgh, Pa. Known statewide for its outreach to the homeless, the agency also supplies services related to health, mental health, housing, and children. Doug enjoys his new home in the Forest Hills section of Pittsburgh, where he happily spends his spare time maintaining and updating his English garden. He’d enjoy hearing from friends at leyendeckerman@aol.com
David Martin Collierville, TN, dkmboater@hotmail.com or david.martin2@ipaper.com
New! Beth Novak Wiggall 3636 Lake Albert Way, Grove City, OH 43123 (614) 277-1555, rawbaw@columbus.rr.com
New! Cheryl Lower Coonahan 2 Brookside Ln, Sterling, MA 01564 coonahancheryl@yahoo.com
What do you get when you combine about 40 fun, intriguing people who haven’t seen each other in years and lots of good food (and free alcohol) in one of the most beautiful settings in Ohio? An extremely successful 25th reunion! Perfect weather meant that we spent hours sitting outside of Kenarden, catching up, drinking beer, playing cards, and laughing. We toured the gorgeous new and remodeled buildings and muttered about how hard we had it in the old days. Saturday evening’s class dinner had a twist—it was progressive, starting with cocktails at the president’s house (where our picture was taken), to a commons area in Kauke (a nice dinner in Kauke sounds implausible until you’ve seen its new look), to dessert in Timken Library (Frick Art Museum in our era). All in all, those who attended had a memorable time. Our thanks to outgoing co-presidents Denise Short and Ken Dixon for their service for the last five years. And to the other committee members: Jennifer Haims O’Neill, Mark Boillotat, Janet Schellhase Dial, Sue Steinkraus McDaniel, and Beth Freeland White (sincere apologies if we’ve left someone out.) Class leaders worked hard, fund-raising for our class gift and planning the weekend. Thanks to Sue McDaniel and Lisa Young Page for serving as class secretaries for the last five years. I (Beth Novak Wiggall) am taking over as class secretary, with gracious assistance from Cheryl Lower Coonahan. Our goal is to always have something to report, so please note our e-mail addresses (especially those of you from/about whom we haven’t heard in a long time). You can share information via Facebook as well. Be sure to check out the new alumni section of the College Web site. If you start using it for class notes, you might put the class secretaries out of work! Some friends from other classes joined us during Alumni Weekend, including Brian Cavanaugh, Dick Durishin, and Dave Benson, ’83s, and Myra Vignovic Blasius and David Young, ’85s. We’re delighted to announce that Mac Squier was nominated for an Emmy award, Outstanding Individual Achievement in a Craft: Music and Sound. Mac and a colleague composed the music for “Superpride,” a National Geographic program about lions on the Serengeti plains of Tanzania. Sadly, they lost to a Travel Channel flick. We’re still proud of you, Mac, for being in the running! With awards in mind (reunion honors this
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time), read on. We were unable to cajole Lakshmi Daniel Jacota into visiting from Hong Kong, so Warren Seidel gets the “Traveled the Greatest Distance” award, coming to campus from California, where he’s an attorney with the U.S. Air Force. Mary Fenderson Hotchkiss gets the “Mother’s Balancing Act” award, for keeping her teenage son happy with Camp Woo activities while he hobbled around on crutches. She still managed to socialize with classmates. The award for “Who’d Have Thought He Would Be A Small Livestock Farmer?” goes to George Gould, who says there’s a lot of overlap between being a chemist (day job) and goat cheese maker. The award for “Courage: Subcategory— Bringing One’s Children” goes to Doug Bunting for introducing his two kids to his classmates. At least once I (Cheryl) heard his daughter say, “Dad, you did what?! Gross!” The award for “Courage: Subcategory— Bringing One’s New Spouse” goes to Mark Carlson. He’s a physician and his wife is an attorney in Omaha, Neb. George Miller wins both the “Road Trip” award for deciding at the last minute to attend and the “Greatest Decrease in Elevation” award, coming from the Colorado mountains. The award for “Hey, This Place Looks Great!” goes to Pam Ruff on her first trip back to the campus since graduation, with her adorable son. Jennifer O’Neill and Denise Short share the “Best Director” award for their great planning beforehand (with the rest of the planning committee) and their on-site leadership. And the announcement you’ve all been waiting for: our new president, swept into office on a wave of enthusiasm (our enthusiasm for having him accept), ladies and gentlemen, “The Other President Grant”—Grant McCorkhill. Thanks to him for accepting the nomination and then winning unanimously.
Barry Eisenberg beyesn@aol.com
Katie Hopper 15736 Buena Vista Dr., Rockville, MD 20855-2656 k8hop@aol.com
Planning the Class of 1985’s 25th Reunion has begun. The planning committee had its first two meetings via conference calls in July. Scheduled for June 10-13, 2010, this landmark event is certain to be a special celebration. If you’ve never been back to Wooster for a reunion—even if you have—this is the one you can’t afford to miss. Contact your friends, urge them to attend, and start making plans. Online registration begins in April, but you should already have received
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reunion and class gift information. Speaking of our class gift—this tradition, tied to the 25th and 50th reunions, is our opportunity to give back to the College as a group. When asked for your support, we hope you will participate. Just as we benefited from the generosity of others as undergraduates, we have the opportunity to return the gift to the next generation of Wooster students. Participation, at any level, is the key. Gable House women enjoyed a minireunion weekend in April at the Dublin, Ohio, home of Laura Janson Moir, husband Andy Moir ’86, and son David (7). Laura works part-time as a speech pathologist in several facilities and mentors new graduates in her profession as a volunteer. Andy is a product manager for a software development company. (Contact Laura at lauramslp@gmail .com. She’s your conduit to other attendees.) The occasion was a surprise grandbaby shower for Susan Allan Hengeveld, whose stepson, Matt (27), became a proud papa to baby Griffin in March. Susan and her husband, Jim, have been married for 16 years and are biology professors, specializing in ornithology at Indiana U. When not teaching, traveling, birding, or visiting family, Susan works on local conservation and preservation. Hard to believe that we’re old enough to be grandparents, but Susan has embraced the role wholeheartedly. Cindy Steeb bought her 65-acre family farm in Valley City, Ohio. She lives there with her eight adopted or fostered Brittany spaniels. Cindy also boards horses, tends her barn and riding arenas, and grows corn and soybeans. By day she dons pumps and power suits as chief legal counsel at a private family-owned company in downtown Cleveland. Cindy introduced the special man in her life to the Gable women, who gave him a proper grilling. (He survived.) Katie English Reinhart and husband Doug relocated from Baltimore to Wheaton, Ill. Katie works tirelessly as mom to their six (not a typo!) boys: Sam (15), Jonah (13), Peter (11), Patrick (8), Graeme (4), and Max (3). She’s looking ahead to what her next vocational pursuit might be—teaching again? fund-raising? admissions work? Shelley Schneider Huber and husband Kevin live outside of Richmond, Va., with their girls, Megan (16) and Mackenzie (13). A geologist, Shelley recently shifted to teaching high school science, including earth science and honors classes. Last year she had the added challenge of teaching several children with special needs. Mary Jeanne Mullen lives in Towson, Md., with husband Bob and their girls, Tori (17) and Sophia (13). Mary Jeanne is director of organizational development at the Greater
Baltimore Medical Center, a CASA volunteer, and a member of wine-drinking book clubs. Trish Burdick Roshelli could not attend the mini-reunion, as she and husband John were busy taking their kids, Julia (11) and Jack (9), to many sporting events over the weekend in Collegeville, Pa. Trish has returned to work part-time as a contract physical therapist. She feels like she never left and has loved getting back to her profession while still having time to enjoy her family. The Gable House women have already planned their next reunion—at Cindy’s farm—to coincide with our 25th class reunion in June 2010. Jim Lloyd (who, as far as we know, was never a Gable House resident), checks in from Cleveland where he, like many around the country, has felt the economy’s wrath. “I have been laid off from my 25-year profession of fire hydrant sales in Cleveland but have embraced the practice of yoga as my new passion.” Jim reports that he’s begun training to become a yoga teacher and is currently investigating the possibility of living and studying at an ashram, either in the U.S. or India. But until then, he’ll spend as much time as possible at Bemus Point, a beautiful village on the shore of Lake Chautauqua. Send your sun salutations to jamesclloyd@hotmail.com. Julia Church Hoffman is excited to announce that last December she officially earned an M.M. (Master of Music) degree with a concentration in music education from the U of New Mexico. “Woo-hoo!” she comments. Sing praises at jkch@comcast.net. Roland “Chip” Patzer wishes to belatedly inform classmates that he and wife Meredith do in fact have children: Sophia (2) and Caroline (1). “I realized that I never sent info on our two kids for the birth notes in the magazine,” says Chip, who resides in Columbus. “My girls will never be allowed to
Photos We love to publish good quality photographs of alumni, preferably those that picture two or more Wooster alums. We receive more photos than we can use, so yours might not get published. You can also post a link to photos on your class page at the Wooster Web site. Do not send photographs that you wish to have returned. We can use prints or high resolution digital images sent by e-mail (to class_notes@wooster.edu) or on a disc, along with names and class years of those pictured. Note the copy deadline (p. 62). If you do not see a photo that you sent, contact the assistant editor, Jimmy Wilkinson Meyer, or your class secretary.
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Christine Hecktor ’04, bride, Lucy Yung, Susan Menezes, ’04s
Joanna Wisneski ’09 & Erik Larson ’08 with Matt Dilyard outside of Kauke Hall
attend Sig parties if they go to Wooster,” he adds. Moving right along… “In addition to being chief cook, scheduler, and taxi driver for my daughters (seventh and eighth grade) and son (fourth grade), I continue my community volunteer work,” writes Jane Budd Maloney (jbmaloney@ optonline.net) from Warren, N.J., “as local community manager for Girl Scouts. The 90 other leader-volunteers and I serve more than 500 girls in our small town. It’s rewarding to work with this organization, especially as a leader directly with the girls from both of my daughters’ troops—even now that they’re waycool middle-schoolers.” Jane reconnected with Wooster in a big way in June ’08 at the Wooster Chorus reunion. “The weekend reminded me how much my Wooster experience has colored my life and shaped who I am, and about the amazing people there with whom I got to live and work. I really hope to see lots more Class of ’85 friends at our 25th in 2010!” Sarah Simmons writes, “I live in the same house in D.C. with the same kids (Tom 10, Sam 15) and same husband (George) as the last time I wrote. For a person who went to eight schools and moved every two to four years of her adult life, it feels weird to be in the same place for a decade.” Sarah works as a college counselor and humanities teacher at a small, independent school in Silver Spring, Md. She and Cheryl Trautmann Boop are searching for their freshmen hall buddies (2nd New Crew) for a pre-reunion bash. E-mail Sarah at sarah.simmons1@verizon.net. She’d love to hear from D.C.-area classmates. “Greetings from Music City,” writes Kathi Whalen. She’s enjoying her daughter, Eva (6), 54 Wooster FA LL 2 0 0 9
and the activities that come with a child that age. “I’m trying to enjoy this time while she thinks I hung the moon and wants to be with me. I have plenty of friends whose older kids are too busy to consider their moms.” Kathi still works for the Hospital Corporation of America and tries not to take the job’s stability for granted in the current economy. If your travels include Nashville, send a note to kathiwhalen@comcast.net. Kathi enjoyed a visit from Diane WeiszYoung and her daughter, Sarah (12). Diane and her husband, Dave, both work for the U.S. State Department. Kathi corresponds with Cindy Nicely Stevenson, who lives in Indianapolis with husband Jeff and sons Jonah (15) and Eli (13). She is a physical therapist and ran a marathon! Donna Rice Waggener (wagggz@columbus.rr.com) reports from the Columbus area that she spent a long evening in June with Bev Roberts Johnson and Susan Fenderson Russell. They gathered at Susan’s house when Bev, who lives near Cleveland, was in town for a conference. Donna heard from Bruce Jones last fall. When not at home in Washington State, Bruce travels (his pleasure) and fly fishes (his passion). Donna does budgeting and economic analysis for the Ohio EPA and is recovering from a badly broken wrist and the resulting surgery. “It was the hand I use, so I had to learn to do everything opposite-handed. It’s been three months, and I am just now able to do things somewhat normally, thanks to lots of excruciating physical therapy.” Jonathan Husni ( Jonathan.Husni@ acendex.com), founder and president of the
IT strategies firm Acendex (Beachwood, Ohio), recently welcomed his two sons home from a summer “Latin Trip” to Italy with some skepticism. “They visited Rome, Pompeii, and Capri—ostensibly to learn about the origins of the language they’re studying at school—but we know it was really for the food, especially the gelato.” Jonathan reports that his side project, PowerNap (http://www.powernap.com) is “presently in testing with the U.S. Veterans Administration as a therapeutic treatment modality for post-traumatic stress disorder.” He hopes that this effort, a series of audio recordings that provide the benefit of a long sleep in a short time, may help our veterans. Joy Sobrepena Wagner and husband Wally recently transferred from Orlando to Dallas, where she is a director of business analysis for Freeman Co. (a service provider for expositions, conventions, and corporate events). Joy earned a master’s in international politics from the U of Denver in 1987 and has been with Freeman in one capacity or another since 1993. She recently visited with Deborah Suciu Smith for an extended lunch in Harrisburg, Pa. Deborah lives nearby with her husband and two boys. When not shuttling kids to soccer, hockey or figure-skating, she works for the Federal Highway Administration in the Pennsylvania division and part-time for the FHWA Resource Center as a technical specialist and trainer. Know what a Flowrider is? Basically, it’s a waterpark boardsport that enabled Alex Landefeld to ride a wave on a couple of inches of water flowing over a trampoline-like surface. “I took lessons at Massanutten’s (a
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WEDDING OF CATHY IRONS ’87 & BOB HOWELL, MAY 16, 2009 L TO R Kimberly Shefferman Leibowitz ’86, Emily Perl ’87, bride, Mary Beth Evans Miller ’87 INSET Bride, groom
resort in Virginia) indoor waterpark. I’m not too good at standing but learned other types of contortionist maneuvers,” he reports. Meanwhile, Alex and Jennifer Burrows Landefeld’s son (7) is winning competitive swimming ribbons and does a mean butterfly. Jennifer is an administrative assistant at Carnegie Mellon U’s School of Computer Science for three busy professors. One of her duties, serving as manager for a robotics consortium, Advancing Robotics Technology for Societal Impact (artsialliance.org), has her traveling to Atlanta and Seattle. We (Katie and Barry) spent parts of the summer driving between D.C. and New England, to drop off and pick up our daughter (16) at a young writer’s workshop in Great Barrington, Mass. We visited a few colleges and saw Katie’s brother’s family in Boston. In June Ohio Dominican U welcomed Shah M. Hasan as dean of the division of business. Shah is responsible for leading the university’s undergraduate and graduate business degree programs. He has worked in administration at several schools, including Wooster, and recently was director of the M.B.A. program at Otterbein College. He is a frequent consultant and speaker on leadership, change and transition, human development, faculty work, strategic planning, and managing organizations. Shah lives in Hilliard, Ohio. David A. Berrien, davidberrien@yahoo .com, writes, “I still live outside of Raleigh, in Wake Forest, N.C., but ‘commute’ weekly to the D.C. area. I’m working on several multifamily development projects that our company, Mountain Road Partners, has in the pipeline. Hope all my old Woo friends are doing great!” One last reminder: Look for info coming
to you on the 2010 reunion, and please decide to attend!
Emilie Storrs 237 Windermere Rd., Lockport, NY 14094 emcognita@aol.com Greetings, Class of ’87! I (Emilie) hope that things are going well for you! Any interesting news? Please let me know! Cathy Irons Howell writes: “I was married on May 16 in Charlotte, N.C., where I live. My husband, Bob Howell, is an architect. We had a great time on our honeymoon in Paris and St. Lucia. I had fun catching up with Emily Perl, Mary Beth Evans Miller, and Kim Shefferman Leibowitz ’86 at the wedding.”
Sarah Heath updates us, “I write to present some happy news. Last time I wrote, I was going through the catharsis of a dean overturning my department’s unanimous recommendation to offer me tenure and promotion at an institution in Texas. Since then, I’ve joined the faculty at Indiana U, Kokomo (please, avoid cliché references to Beach Boys here). I work in a small history/ political science department and really enjoy immersing myself in the opportunities here. I am about to close on a new house. It’s pleasant to be back in the Midwest, and I hope to hear from others soon.” Reach Sarah at 4210 Overlook Ct., Kokomo, IN 46902. Chanley Martin Davis writes, “Matt has officially adopted and is the proud father of Morgan (whose new name is Morgan Martin Davis). We’re all thrilled! As if that weren’t enough, we’ve relocated for my fellowship year at Yale U.” Chanley’s new addresses are 42 Windsor Rd., Milford, CT 06460 and chanleymartin@yahoo.com. Kathleen Smythe was named teacher of the year at Xavier U, where she teaches African history as an assistant professor. Sue and I (Liz) would love to hear from you!
Pasadena, CA, susanlfriedman@yahoo.com
Glencoe, IL, seekjoy@sbcglobal.net
Liz Sweney Decker
Hello from your new class secretary (Daphne). I’m just back from our 20th reunion, where I stayed in Douglass Hall with my husband, Jason Cody ’91, and our two daughters, Claire and Mae. It made me feel young again!
Jane Shipman Warner 791 Harbor Point, Lexington, KY 40502 jswarner@insightbb.com
Margo Scruggs Seaman 320 Jefferson Ave., Westfield, NJ 07090 margonova@comcast.net
Susan Friedman Westbrook, ME NEW! Liz.decker@goodwillnne.org
Lara Marie Stephens checks in from 7720 Stauffer Rd., Stanwood, WA 98292. Say “Hi” at larastephens@hotmail.com.
New! Daphne Daugherty Cody
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Paul Seling, Mark Hayward, ’09s, Brandon Tylka, Jeff Morgan, ’06s, Traian Andrei ’08, Brian Swarts ’06, Zach Belcher, Garrett Toothman, ’09s, Jon Longacre, Julie Longacre (campus ministries), Erik Larson ’08, FOURTH ROW Dan Pipitone Peter Johnson, Tim Smanik, ’06s, Becky Prada ’05, Arianne Beros ’07, Cory Smith ’06, Joanna Wisneski Larson ’09 THIRD ROW Katie Schneider ’05, Elyssa Belding Krivicich, Mike Krivicich, ’09s, Katherine Boehnke ’06, Lizzie Eckel ’08, Dan Piotrowski, Erin Schaffner, Eva Bernard, ’07s SECOND ROW Gyimi Edusei, Kellee Roston Edusei, ’07s, Leslie Smith Prusinski, Andrew Prusinski, ’06s, Allison Hill ’08, Jessica Hill ’07, Cassie Pangas ’08, Helena Iaquinta ’06, Heather Wolff ’08, Rachel Libben, Brian Ebbitts, ’07s, Julie Williamson ’08 FRONT ROW Becca Miller, Annie Michaels, ’05s, Barbara Hampton (writing center, retired), Jen Woloschyn ’06, Brittany Besancon, Joy Bronson, ’07s, bride, groom, Elizabeth Sorice ’07, Jackie Hunter ’08, Heather Hale ’06, Patrick Christensen ’08, Katie Kranyak ’07 BACK ROW
Big thanks to outgoing class president Alison Stenta Johnston and secretary Beth Kampmeier Palmer for helping plan a fun reunion and for keeping us in touch during these last five years. Many ’89ers gathered near the Oak Grove to dedicate a tree in memory of Alison’s co-president, Jennifer Hoskin Grosel, whom we lost in 2007. Beth has agreed to join Libby Black Yoskowitz as co-president of our class for the next five years. At the class picture, Duane Peek yelled, “Last one to the picture is class secretary!” And so here I am. Here’s other reunion news. Judy Merriman Nadzam and husband Will live in Richfield, Ohio, with their kids, Ryan and Megan. They both work for a winery, importing and distributing wine from all over the world. Tanya Arbogast and her partner, Chanel Copeland, are both physician assistants at Duke U Hospital. Tanya works in the lung transplant department. Victor DeMarco brought his wife, Iris, and son, Victor Jr. (10), to campus. Vic is a tax attorney in Cleveland, after spending many years in NYC. 56 Wooster FA LL 2 0 0 9
I heard that Kevin ’88 and Sally Closser Maxwell welcomed a new baby, Will, in February. Will joined brothers Ethan and Ben. The family lives in Washington, Pa. Chrysanthe Moschonaki was not the only one who came to campus from overseas. A big contingency of former Babcock residents returned, many for the first time since graduation. Chrysanthe lives in Brussels, Belgium, and works for the European Union. Shelby Hatch brought her partner, AnnLouise, and their two foster sons from Chicago. Shelby works for Northwestern U as lecturer and director of the undergraduate general chemistry laboratory. I saw Suzanne McNamee Walters at Lowry Center. She brought her husband and three children. Suzanne happily teaches music near Canton, Ohio, and all of her children are involved in music lessons. Many others were there to soak up the Wooster atmosphere. In fact, our class won the prize for the highest percentage of class members returning. Yay, us! David Zack married Carla DeFonso last October (see photo, p. 34). David writes, “We
live in Yardley, Pa. Carla is a project planner for a medical software company, and I’m the executive director of a retirement community in Princeton. I am still enrolled in a B.S.N. program at LaSalle U.”
Shireen Behzadi Hollingsworth 897 Bonnie Brae Ln., Bolingbrook, IL 60440-1130
Stephanie Zachary 3411 Brookdale Ave., Cleveland, OH 44134-2226
Daniel Radvansky Apt. 601, 5353 N. High St., Columbus, OH 43214, wooster90@funiaz.com
Don Campbell Washington, DC, doakcampbell@gmail.com
Katie Jones McClelland Sykesville, MD, katievjones@aim.com
Fiorella Simoni de Cannon writes: “We moved to Cary, N.C., last October and have had fun adjusting to our new digs and reconnecting with Wooster friends. We have a son,
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Daniel (17 mos.). I continue to work, parttime from home, for the same government consulting firm in Virginia and really enjoy it but not as much as being a wife and mother. I’d love to hear from Wooster friends in or out of the area, at 5708 Highcroft Dr., Cary, N.C. 27519 or fiorella@simoni.org.”
Kathleen Quinn Highland Heights, KY KQuinn92@alumnimail.wooster.edu
Emily Silverman Mathews Round Rock, TX, Emat1971@austin.rr.com Nancy Hunter Mycka Mars, PA, nmycka@yahoo.com It’s a blazing-hot summer here in Texas, and I (Emily) will admit that I probably stay inside on Facebook too much. But how else would anyone ever communicate? And, really, as I write this in July, it literally borders on dangerous to be outside for too long before 10 p.m. or after, say 8 a.m., maybe 7. Okay, I’m being dramatic. But it’s bad. It’s worse only in Arizona and Nevada. But that’s “a dry heat.” The heat here is about as dry as the Atlantic Ocean. Enough about the weather, as long as everyone understands that it’s bad. Got it? Good. Of course, Ohio at reunion last June, that was no picnic in the breeze, either! I’m having an absolute blast yakking on Facebook with Marc Rummenie, and we chat on the phone once in a while, too. Reconnecting with Marc has been so wonderful, there are no words. He still makes me laugh so hard that I cry. Seriously, real tears. Marc is the youth program director for a nonprofit in Buffalo, N.Y., and the father of three beautiful children—two boys and a girl—under age five! It’s also been a hoot Facebooking (yes, it’s a verb) with Brooke Watts Delvecchio! Brooke made reporting her news easy by, well, writing it herself. “Since graduation, I’ve married (in Oct. 2001) and bought a house in New Milford, N.J. On Dec. 23, 2003, we welcomed our first son, Anthony Michael. On Nov. 2, 2006, Benjamin Francis arrived. In 2007 I earned an M.S. in nursing education from the U of Phoenix. Our third (and final) son, Christopher Jacob, arrived in June 2009. “Anthony graduated from kindergarten that same month. I work at a long-term care/ skilled nursing facility, doing Medicare assessments for reimbursement purposes. My husband, Jeff, is a supervising mechanic for a local town’s department of public works. We’re “going green” by installing a solar electric system in our house and changing around a few other things (too many to list) to make
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our home and lives more eco-friendly.” I (Emily) am pretty much in awe of Brooke. I have one son and that’s enough; I have no post-Wooster degree unless you count the 100-plus degrees on the thermometer here; and occasionally I toss a plastic bottle into the recycling bin in our garage or bring trashy magazines to work for others to read. And the thought of Brooke living in a house full of males is almost too cute to bear. It was so good to see Anne Swierenga Nabors and her youngest kiddo, William, at my son, Will’s, third birthday party in June! I’m working hard to get her to go see Journey with me in September here in Austin, since I won tickets on the radio. When Anne, Michelle DeGraw Vandermeer, Murray Welsh Locke, and I all drove to Anne’s parents’ house in Virginia during freshman year, that’s all we listened to. So my “plus one” just has to be Anne! Folks, that’s all I’ve got. Sure, I goof off with classmates on Facebook, but you all need to send me true chunks of news to make it in here, okay? I’m lazy; do my job for me.
Sara Kerewich-Taylor 55 Whispering Pines Dr., Ithaca, NY 14850, Sktaylor@optonline.net
Jessica Amburgey-Ryan
brother Aidan (2), so life is busy. Drop Christy a line at organizedc23@hotmail.com. Michelle Varughese Edwards sent in an update saying that she and her family are on the move. They relocated to Connecticut in July, as her husband Matt, who’s in the U.S. Coast Guard, was assigned to a teaching position in the engineering department of the U.S. Coast Guard Academy. Michelle is looking for a position in family practice. Their son Ethan (4) began pre-kindergarten. Michelle has a new e-mail address: michelle.edwards15701@yahoo.com. Naomi Crummey says she had her third child, a boy, in April and began her fifth year running the first-year writing program at Blackburn College. She writes, “Just had a lovely visit with Noah Phipps and Diane Randolph and am looking forward to seeing Gabi Yaunches and meeting her son soon.” Catch up with her at ncrummey@gmail.com. Sarah Fuller and Kevin Klyberg ’92 recently hosted a party in Pennsylvania attended by other Wooster alumni as well as family and other friends. Drop Sarah a line to get more details at sgfuller543@gmail.com. That’s all the news I’ve got, people. Our 15th reunion will be here before you know it, so keep that news rolling in. Let’s get some reunion fever started!
32443 Briarwood Dr., North Ridgeville, OH 44039 Ryanjs@hotmail.com
Stephen S. Nichols
Kalamazoo, MI, New! meesch16@gmail.com
1875 Autumn Run, Wooster, OH 44691 Nichols_145@yahoo.com
Emilie McLarnan
Elizabeth Ann Mower Dodge, emower72@aol.com, reports that she and husband Ray live in Greenfield, Mass., with children Rachel Grace (4) and Benjamin Warden (3). Elizabeth is an assistant manager at Rite Aid in Turner’s Falls. In May Kristen Franzon married Mark Rankovic (see photo, p. 51).
Vorys, Sater, Seymour and Pease, LLP, announced that Summer Plantz, an attorney in the firm’s Cincinnati office, is now certified as a LEED accredited professional by the Green Building Certification Institute. She is one of only a few Ohio attorneys to earn this accreditation, which recognizes an advanced depth of knowledge in green building practices and is granted only through exam. Summer is a member of Vorys’ environmental and energy and utilities practice groups. She was also recognized this year as an Ohio Super Lawyers Rising Star in environmental law. A news article tells us that Karelynne Gerber Ayayo was promoted to associate professor of biblical studies at Palm Beach Atlantic U. This past summer I (Emilie) was lucky enough to visit Madison, Wisc. I caught up with Sarah Day and her family, and Becky Humphrey and Mike Gale ’95 made the trek over from Milwaukee for an afternoon. Becky works as a product line manager for Kohl’s department store, and Mike has a landscaping business.
Bradley “Brad” Dixon Cincinnati, OH, ppageno@aol.com
I (Brad) caught up with Susann Sparks through Facebook. She reports that she’s an elementary school principal in the Delaware (Ohio) City Schools and “loving it!” This summer she enjoyed her vacation, relaxing at the pool, going to the gym, and balancing that with the thrill of taking flying lessons. Susann can be reached at susparky@aol.com. Christy Torres Reineck also wrote me on Facebook to announce that she and her husband recently purchased a house in Saginaw, Mich., and welcomed their second child, a boy, Ethan, on May 27. Ethan joins
Michelle Perrigo Moscow, ID, emmclarnan@yahoo.com
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Jennie Nichols-Goodson Seville, OH, jennie_nichols@hotmail.com
Suzanne M. Fletcher Canton, OH, siouxfletch@yahoo.com
On Apr. 18, 2009, Vivek Khanna married Officer William Clark in New Orleans (see photo, p. 49). Susan Kuschnir says, “I graduated (yes, number five!) from Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Fellowship in June! Last year I graduated from an adult psychiatry residency at the U of Cincinnati. On July 1, I began a private practice in Cincinnati at the Christ Hospital. I’m very excited. It’s been a big year!” Sarah Burger Wilds writes, “Five C.O.W. grads currently work for the Prentke Romich Co. (see photo, p. 36). Located in Wooster, the business provides a voice for those who are unable to speak, manufacturing and supporting a variety of augmentative or alternative communication equipment.”
Terah Robbin Webb 3145 McCammon Chase Dr., Lewis Center, OH 43035, twebb@medvetohio.com
Well, ’98ers, you all must be too busy to send news! Everyone should have some for next time, right? My (Terah’s) husband and I welcomed our son, Graham Auguste, on July 6, our first baby. He definitely keeps us busy! Before going to culinary school in California, Chris Lee attended Wooster, majoring in political science. A competitor on Bravo TV’s “Top Chef Masters,” Chris left the restaurant, Gilt, in 2008 to revamp the menu at Aureole in NYC. In June Aureole was to open a second NYC location at One Bryant Park, with Chef Lee at the helm. “Hi, Lisa Elliott Felch here. Last Christmas was very special for us! Tim and I welcomed Abigail Noelle to our family just after midnight on Dec. 26. We’re enjoying her a ton!” Heidi Haverkamp says she’s calling herself “The Vicar of Bolingbrook,” as the priest of the Episcopal Church of St. Benedict in Bolingbrook, Ill., where she’s been since Nov. 2007. On Aug. 30, 2008, Heidi married Adam Frieberg. Adam was ordained a minister in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in July. Shannan Vance-Ocampo writes, “On May 1, 2009, I began as the pastor/head-of-staff at Watchung Avenue Presbyterian Church in North Plainfield, N.J., after nearly eight years as associate pastor at Rumson (N.J.) Presbyterian. I was installed at the new church on June 7, 2009, with two ’98ers in attendance, 58 Wooster FA LL 2 0 0 9
the Rev. Mieke Vandersall, who gave the charge to the candidate, and the Rev. Dr. Jonathan Seitz, who joined us for worship.” Malcolm Todd Meyer married Megan Fallon in the Hocking Hills of Ohio in September. They live in Madison, Wisc. Reach him at malcolmtmeyer@gmail.com. I (Terah) look forward to reporting news from others in the next issue!
Deborah Krudwig Gutowski Lyndhurst, OH, Wooster1999@aol.com
Those of us at the 10th reunion had a great time. We had a pretty good attendance, but we’d love to see more of you in five years. It’s usually the first weekend in June, so plan to join us for our next big one in 2014! One piece of business was class officer elections. Congratulations to Rorie Harris, our new class president! I (Debbie) would like to thank everyone for your continued faith in my reporting, as I was re-elected as class secretary. A big thank you to Timeka Thomas Rashid and Travis Grundke for their service as class co-presidents during the past five years. And huge congratulations to Sohil Parekh, who was awarded the Outstanding Young Alumni Award for his volunteer service. Laura Rauser, rausah@hotmail.com, says she recently completed a residency in obstetrics and gynecology, moved to Cleveland, and joined a practice. “I’m excited and would love to hear from old friends, especially since I couldn’t make it to Alumni Weekend.” Matt Camlin writes, “Diane Spence Camlin and I moved to Chester, W.Va., where I’m the pastor of the First Presbyterian Church. In addition to getting acclimated to the town and ministry, we’re busily ‘nesting’ in the church manse. We’re both on Facebook and would love to hear from old Woo friends!” Toby Boyd is the director of development at Sypherlink, a Columbus-based technology company. What have the rest of you been up to?
Maura Finn Brooklyn, NY, mauraafinn@gmail.com
Parker and Ali Jones Coffman welcomed their second son, Benjamin Jones Coffman, on Apr. 14. They live in Houston, where Parker works for Principal Financial, and Ali is writing, staying at home with the boys. Find the family at ali-parkerc@sbcglobal.net. John Ellenwood was named head coach of the men’s varsity basketball team at Ashland U. He was named the Presidents’ Athletic Conference coach of the year last year after his team at Thomas More College went 19-9.
Joy Bishop Love Westfield Center, OH, joybishop22@hotmail.com
Irene Mynatt says that she began medical school at Midwestern U in Glendale, Ariz., this fall. Anne Fischer and Katie Boin ’03 had a commitment ceremony, shared with many good friends from Wooster and officiated by the Rev. Linda Olson Peebles ’73, in 2007. They’ve lived in Arlington, Va., for almost four years, and each started new and exciting jobs. Anne was hired as a staff scientist at Strategic Analysis, working on science and technology research program management and oversight for a federal funding agency. Katie is now the academic coordinator for student athletes at Georgetown U, working primarily with the women’s basketball team. “If you’re ever in the D.C. area, let us know!” they write. They hosted a suumer Woo gathering (see p. 59). Find Anne at fischer.ae@gmail.com and Katie at katie.boin@gmail.com. On May 1 Caroline Morrell passed her doctoral defense, earning a Ph.D. in literature from the U of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. She lives in Berkeley, where she’s teaching and working on a poetry manuscript. In June Amy Lytle married Etienne Gagnon (see photo, p. 48). Marcie Kasek works as implementation project manager at RelayHeath, a heath care technology company in Columbus, Ohio. My husband, Joe, and I ( Joy) welcomed a second daughter, Nora Rose, on Jan. 29, 2009. Her big sister, Lillian Grace (2), is thrilled!
Liz Farina Markel Chicago, IL, liz.farina@gmail.com
Kaizad Gotla works as an associate analyst for USB Investment Bank. He joined the communications sector team that USB Investment Bank just added as a way to expand U.S. equities research. Andrew Doyle Caprio is an Internet sales manager at Koons Tysons Toyota in Vienna, Va.
Hannah Russell Brooklyn, NY, hwr203@nyu.edu
Kendra Heffelbower Washington, DC, kheffelbower@yahoo.com
Marta Zaborowski Ukropina Grapevine, TX, mzabu2@gmail.com
Amanda Smith married Daniel Cohen ’06 last September (see photo, p. 37). Amanda writes, “We’re enjoying the warm weather in Miami, but our long-term goal is to relocate to a place with seasons. I work full-time as a
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WOO SUMMER GATHERING L TO R , BACK ROW Shaun Fontaine ’01, Chris Redd ’03, Chris Brubaker, Doug Huston, Tim Hagan, ’01s FRONT ROW Katie Boin ’03, Anne Fischer ’01, Nick Huber-Welty ’03, Katie Huber-Welty, Meris Mandernach, Amy Peshina Fontaine, Susan Huston, ’01s, Jenny Puster Rahde ’03, Amanda HarpsterHagan ’01
physician assistant in internal medicine, and Daniel is working on a Ph.D. in philosophy at the U of Miami.” Find Amanda at amanda.smith.pac@gmail.com. James S. Farrell has moved from Brooklyn to Washington, D.C., after earning a D.O. from the New York College of Osteopathic Medicine in May. He writes, “I was promoted to captain in the U.S. Army and started my residency in general and urologic surgery at Walter Reed Army Medical Center. Thank you to friends and professors who helped along the way; I appreciate it. Please get in touch if you find the time or are in the area, james.s.farrell@gmail.com.”
married Mike Wallace in May 2009 (see p. 54).
Elizabeth Peebles Alexandria, VA, egpeebles@aol.com
Amanda Rollins married Mike Dobler on April 25 in Baton Rouge, La. They’ll relocate to Alamogordo, N.Mex., in July, due to Mike's deployment to the Holloman Air Force Base. Amanda’s new e-mail address is Amanda. Dobler@gmail.com. Jessica Hunter and Doug Reiser ’04 got married in April (see photo, p. 40).
Margaux Day
Sarah Siebert
Grand Rapids, MI, margaux.day@gmail.com
Lakewood, OH, sarahksiebert@yahoo.com
Jenifer Powers married Byron Fruit in May in Enon Valley, Pa. (see photo, p. 36). Jenifer is in her third year of a Doctor of Audiology program at the U of Pittsburgh and would be happy to hear from alums in the area, at jenifer.powers@gmail.com. Kelly Brannan writes, “I’m always disappointed when I don’t see many (or any) class notes here, so I decided to help remedy the situation. I’ve had many big life events lately. On May 2, I married K.T. Trail, the best friend of my sister’s husband (see photo, p. 49). Many Wooster grads attended, and Stephanie Sandmeyer played the bagpipes as I walked down the aisle and “Scotland the Brave” as we all walked out! “I recently became the assistant director of Antioch Education Abroad. I help to run
With a new Ph.D. in computer science from the U of Maryland-Baltimore County, Adam Anthony has moved to Berea, Ohio, where he’s an assistant professor of computer science at Baldwin-Wallace College. Jon ’01 and Stephanie Foster Raessler report that they welcomed their first son, Beckett Patrick, on May 7, 2009. Stephanie says, “We’d love to meet other Wooster families in the Denver area!” Find her at stephanie. raessler@yahoo.com. Brad “Danger” Adamczyk writes: “I am finishing a M.Ed.Sci. (with a 4.0) and am moving to the Dominican Republic to teach seventh grade for this school year.” Jessica Love married Michael MacMaster last June (see p. 47). And Elizabeth DeNiro
eight programs and will get to travel to colleges around the country for international study fairs, including the one at Wooster!”
Jennifer Culver Franklin, IN, ms.culver@gmail.com
Beth Greive Raleigh, NC, beth.greive@gmail.com
A press release tells us that Michael Young was a summer associate at the Akron, Ohio, law firm of Roetzel & Andress. Michael is studying at the Ohio State U Moritz College of Law and was a finalist in the 2008 Lawrence Negotiation Competition. He’s an associate editor of the Ohio State Law Journal. In May Rhian Stotts earned an M.A. in anthropology, focusing on archaeology, from Arizona State U. She is continuing in the Ph.D. program there. Joy Bronson completed her second year with City Year Columbus in June and started her third year with AmeriCorps a month later. She’s a VISTA volunteer for Community Properties of Ohio, a nonprofit, low-income housing management company. We learned that Margaret Timmers received a National Science Foundation award this year. Not only that, Margaret works at the U of California, San Diego, in the lab of Roger Tsien—who won the 2009 Nobel Prize in chemistry! Margaret’s brother is Henry ’09. Megan Phillips ’09 was another 2009 NSF awardee from the College. Steve Schott completed Teach for America in rural North Carolina and is attending the U FA LL 2 0 0 9 Wooster 59
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Class Notes of Illinois College of Law. Since March Sam Haltiwanger has worked as an associate for the Pew Environment Group of the Pew Charitable Trusts on a campaign addressing environmental concerns in the international farming of salmon. He lives in the D.C. area. Ben Abbott lives in Vienna, Austria. He is playing lacrosse with the national team and a club team. Ben works in Bratislava, Slovakia. In San Rafael, Calif., Clark Sheffield is a manager for Amica Mutual, a mid-size personal lines insurance company. He travels to different colleges in the Southwest to do corporate recruiting. Alex Thonis is getting a master’s in elementary school education at Lesley U in Cambridge, Mass. She’s working with children ages 1-4. Alex hopes to join the gospel choir and is training for a three-mile race. James Varn lived in Annapolis, Md., for two years after graduation. He worked in a wine shop and at a horse farm, Maryland Therapeutic Riding, as well as for the Chesapeake Bay Foundation as an environmental educator. James now resides in Jackson Hole, Wyo., works at a guest ranch, Triangle X, and is also a river rafting guide. He’d like to go to Europe this year, possibly to work on a sailing crew. Laska Blodgett, Beth Greive, and Alissa Schmidt ’06 live in Raleigh. Laska moved to North Carolina after working as a commercial real estate project manager in Vienna, Austria, for a year. In 2007 Emily Daubert married Rob Adams ’06 in Wooster (see photo, p. 56). The reception was held at the OARDC.
Carolyn Ciriegio, Wooster, OH cciriegio@wooster.edu
Kofi Yankey New York, NY, koffi_y@hotmail.com Erik Larson married Joanna Wisneski ’09 on July 11. They were caught getting their photo taken on campus (see p. 54).
Obituaries We learn of alumni deaths from other alumni, family members, and newspapers. We edit submitted tributes for content, style, and space. We are addressing our year-long backlog of obituaries and slowly uploading the tributes to the Wooster Web site. You can post an obituary or a link to one on your class Web page at the Wooster Web site. Please contact the assistant editor, Jimmy Wilkinson Meyer, with any questions, jmeyer@wooster.edu.
60 Wooster FA LL 2 0 0 9
Wyatt Shimeall Worthington, OH, wyatt.shimeall@gmail.co m
Kabir Banerjee Bethesda, MD, banerjee.kabir@gmail.com
Congrats, ’09s all! Wyatt and Kabir are your new class secretaries. Please send news!
Births & Adoptions
’02 To Ted & Becky Urban ’03 Wagener, a daughter, Olivia Jane, Feb. 15, 2009 ’01 To Christian & Colleen Cameron ’02 Hunter, a son, Liam Cameron Hunter, May 1, 2009, welcomed by sister Ashlyn (2) ’94 To Brian Wright & Laura Fernbach Wright ’96, a son, Joseph Brian, June 2, 2009, joining brother Jacob and sister Marielle ’92 To Anna Scherzer & Kenny Osman, a son, Ellis Ian, Mar. 25, 2009, joining brother Sylvan Paul (3)
’98 Jonathan Billings & Leigh Anderson, June 7, 2008
We’ve Moved
’05 Elizabeth Peebles, 6212 Winterhaven Rd., Newark, DE 19702 ’03 Byron & Beth Boyce ’02 Peebles, 3918 Duke St., Alexandria, Va 22304
In Memoriam: Alumni
x’89 Christopher S. Plumb, Huntersville, N.C., formerly of Orleans, Mass., May 1, 2007. He graduated from Boston College and worked as a computer analyst with Bank of America in Charlotte. Christopher was an assistant Boy Scout leader and acted in summer musicals in Orleans. His wife, Cynthia Vasil Plumb, survives, in addition to: his father, Frederick, and his father’s wife, Susan; three children; and three siblings. His mother died previously. x’86 Mark Lundberg, St. Louis, Mo., formerly of Estes Park, Colo., June 29, 2008. Mark devoted his life to working with children with special needs and autism. This dedication led to positions in the Aurora Public School System and at the Judevine Center for Autism. Mark also loved to hike, fish, and ski. His mother, Virginia, survives, as do a son and nine siblings, including his twin sister. Mark’s father died previously. ’74 Darla Kay Hall-Barrett, Columbus, Ohio, Apr. 12, 2008. Darla participated in drama at the College. She earned an M.S. in guidance and counseling from Ohio State U
(1976) and married Gregory Barrett the same year. She worked as an elementary and middle school guidance counselor for the Heath, Upper Arlington, and Fairbanks Schools and taught parenting for Family Counseling and Crittendon Services in Columbus. Darla belonged to the United Methodist Church and volunteered for the American Cancer Society. Surviving are her husband and two children, her parents, Dale Hall and Dolores Dickson Edwards ’48, and a sister. ’71 Kim Alan Hauenstein, Cleveland, Ohio, Mar. 10, 2008, of complications from congestive heart failure. Kim played four years of Scot baseball, lettering each year. He earned an M.Div. and D.Min. (1975, 1977) at Methodist Theological School in Delaware, Ohio, and held several pulpits. Kim directed the ecumenical United Protestant Campus Ministries in Cleveland, beginning in 1996. For 10 years he also taught religious studies as an adjunct at Cuyahoga Community College. He published poetry and a book, Covenants on Campus (1991) and belonged to many professional groups, the Holden Arboretum, and the Sierra Club. Two siblings and nieces and nephews survive. ’68 Paula M. Hagen, South Orange, N.J., Dec. 14, 2007. Paula majored in English and sang in the Concert and Westminster Church Choirs. She worked at Westminster Press and then as a communications and information administrator at Prudential Insurance, Johnson & Johnson, and Schering-Plough, from which post she retired. Paula enjoyed travel and church activities. x’68 Timothy E. Hunt, Upper Arlington Ohio, July 21, 2008. Tim was at Wooster for one year before transferring to Ohio State U, where he majored in history and graduated Phi Beta Kappa. He later studied computer science at OSU. Tim worked as a computer programmer and a surveyor in Columbus and in his native Coshocton, Ohio. A brother, Paul ’61, nieces, and a nephew survive. ’64 Robert T. Johnson, Portland, Ore., July 31, 2008, of bacteremia. Bob majored in math, sang in the Westminster Church and Concert Choirs, belonged to Third Section and Congressional Club, and graduated Phi Beta Kappa. He married Sue Spaven in 1965. The couple lived in New Mexico and worked at the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory. They divorced in 1975. Bob earned an M.A. from the U of Michigan (1966) and an M.A. (1970) and Ph.D. (1973) in computer science from the U of Wisconsin, Madison. In 1979 he moved to Portland, where he was a software engineer for
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Synopsis. The company had evolved from Logic Automation Inc., which Bob cofounded. Bob married Cameron Denny in 1986; they had two children and divorced in 1996. He married Sibyl Jarrett in 2008; she survives, in addition to two daughters, two stepchildren, and two brothers. ’64 David Wick Pancoast, Bay Village, Ohio, Aug. 8, 2009. David belonged to Fifth Section, played Scot football, managed Scot baseball, and belonged to the Congressional Club. A political science major at Wooster, he earned a law degree at the Duke U School of Law (1967) and practiced real estate law in Cleveland for 40 years. David worked with the firm of Thompson Hine and Flory before joining the Jacobs Group, from which he retired as vice president and general counsel. He married Carol Stromberg ’64 in 1964. A lifelong sports fan, David was honored to serve as secretary of the Cleveland Indians baseball team in 1998. His family says that David appreciated the simple things in life and was passionate about being on the water— whether sailing, cruising, fishing, or watching Great Lakes freighters. David supported many cultural and charitable groups, including the Boy Scouts, United Appeal, Cleveland Playhouse, Bay Village Schools, Borneo Project, and Case Western Reserve University. At the College he established the Pancoast Scholarship. Carol, who is a former Alumni Trustee of the College, survives, as do daughter Jennifer Pancoast Cochran and son D. Wick ’93, five grandchildren, and a sister. David’s parents, John R. ’35 and Katherine Wick ’40 Pancoast, died previously. ’59 Saadideen “Saad” Ibrahim Khayat, Arcadia, Calif., Mar. 11, 2006. Born in Syria, Saad majored in chemistry and belonged to Seventh Section. He married Anita “Nita” Fitch ’62 in 1962 and worked as a chemist and then as a patent liaison for Harshaw Chemical. In 1968 he graduated from the Cleveland Marshall School of Law and became a patent attorney. Saad held a patent of his own and published several articles and papers on nitrogen fluorides. Surviving are Nita and four sons, including Jason ’88 and Timothy ’90. x’57 John Allen III, Ipswich, Mass., Mar. 16, 2009, of lung cancer. John came to the College with the Class of 1954. After a stint in the U.S. Army during the Korean War, he returned to join the Class of 1957. He was an economics major and belonged to Second Section and the Sailing Club. John studied at the U of Pittsburgh as well. A third generation “elevator man,” he began his career working on high steel with Westinghouse
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Construction in NYC. He left his elevator consulting business after his diagnosis. A devoted father and ebullient “PopPop” to 10 grandchildren, he was especially pleased that grandson Elijah Bresley ’11 chose to attend Wooster. Surviving are daughters Dana Allen and Doon Allen Foster ’80, who is a College Trustee; two brothers; a dear cousin; and seven grandchildren in addition to Elijah. Two other grandchildren died previously. ’57 H. Richard Slagle, Wooster, July 27, 2008. Dick majored in biology at the College and belonged to the Student Senate, Scot Marching Band, Biology Club, Young Republicans, and Seventh Section. He decided to be an obstetrician while doing an I.S. on genetics at what is now the OARDC. Dick married Kay Vigrass ’59 in 1958; she died in 1998. He served in the U.S. Air Force and earned a medical degree from Hahnemann Medical College (1961). He practiced for almost 40 years, retiring in 2000. A fellow of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Dick served on the board of the Wooster Community Hospital and belonged to the “W” Association. He enjoyed his pets, boating, and cars. The Slagles hosted class gatherings during Alumni Weekend. Surviving are two children, including daughter Robyn ’86, and two grandchildren. ’55 Robert E. Wettstone, Troy, Ohio, July 22, 2008. Bob majored in speech, belonged to Sixth Section, played the drum with the pipers and in the Scot Marching Band, sang in the Glee Club, and acted in Little Theatre. He married Dorathy Daum ’57 in 1956 and earned a M.Div. from Princeton Theological Seminary in 1958. Later Bob earned a D.Min. from Princeton and graduated from the St. Luke’s Hospital School of Chaplaincy in Iowa. He served Presbyterian churches in Texas, Wisconsin, and Iowa and was executive director of chaplaincy and pastoral care at the Upper Valley Medical Center in Troy before retiring in 1997. Bob belonged to the Presbytery of Miami Valley, Rotary, and Kiwanis, among other groups, was a fellow of the College of Chaplains, and served on several agency boards. He was both an airplane pilot and a sailor. His wife survives, as do three children, including Jean Wettstone-Shuster ’81; five grandchildren; and two sisters, including Dorothy Wettstone Carter ’53. ’51 Clifford F. Gurney, Hudson, Ohio, July 22, 2008, a week before his 82nd birthday. Cliff was born in Tehran, Iran, to a family working in education for the Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions. In 1940 the family left Iran and returned to the U.S. Cliff spent his senior year of high
school (1943-44) at the College as part of a unique WWII study program. After his freshman year at Wooster, he was drafted into the U.S. Army and spent the next two years in Europe. In 1947 he joined his parents in Iran, where they had returned with the U.S. Foreign Service. In Tehran he taught eighth grade math at the American Community School, the mission school that he himself had attended. Cliff returned to the College in 1948 and belonged to Eighth Section, the swim team, and the International Relations Club. He majored in history and after graduation, moved to NYC to earn a graduate degree in international affairs from Columbia U. Cliff worked for the American Friends of the Middle East (AFME) before returning to Iran in 1958 to run the Fulbright office. He eventually moved to Beirut, Lebanon, to work with the refugee program of the Tolstoy Foundation. Cliff moved to Washington, D.C., in the 1960s to work in the Iranian Embassy as adviser to Iranian students studying in the U.S. With the 1979 revolution and regime change in Iran, the student program was terminated, and the embassy closed. Cliff ’s skill as a carpenter led to a second long career in hardware sales. He retired in 2005 and moved to Hudson, Ohio, to be with his sister, Margaret “Margy” Gurney Liske, and brother-in-law, Kurt A. Liske, ’61s. Cliff is survived by Margy and three other siblings: Kate Gurney Crawford ’50, Frank I. ’51, and Anne “Jonnie” Gurney Dungan ’59. ’51 William F. McKee, St. Petersburg, Fla., July 7, 2008. Bill majored in history and graduated Phi Beta Kappa, winning the Galpin Prize. He belonged to Third Section, ran track and cross country, and lettered in swimming. He earned an M.A. and Ph.D at the U of Wisconsin and taught American history for 36 years at Princeton U, the U of Maryland, Sacramento State College, and Muskingum College, retiring as professor emeritus from Eckerd College. He continued to teach in the Program for Experienced Learners until 2006 and for Elderhostel groups and the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute. Bill belonged to Lakeview Presbyterian Church, where he served as an elder, and the Academy of Senior Professionals at Eckerd. His wife of 50 years, Joan Hollister McKee, survives, along with: four children, including Peggy McKee Barnhill ’84 and John ’90; six grandchildren, including Emily Williams ’13; and a sister. Two other siblings, including Duncan ’53, and a grandson died previously. FA LL 2 0 0 9 Wooster 61
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Class Notes ’50 Robert Hawk, Washington, D.C., Apr. 11, 2008. Bob was a geology major and the sergeant at arms for Fourth Section. He served in the U.S. Army, worked for Hawk Construction Co., and then earned a degree in architecture from Ohio State U (1959). Bob worked in architecture for the private sector and the U.S. government in Washington, D.C. His wife, Judith, survives, as do two daughters and two grandchildren. ’49 H.“Bruce” Grandy, Avon Lake, Ohio, July 22, 2008, of cancer. A geology and biology major, Bruce belonged to First Section but lived in Nellie Grey’s boarding house on W. Henrietta St. There he met his future wife, Elizabeth “Betty” Kilgore ’49. After graduation Bruce joined the Moritz Steel Co. in Cleveland and was its vice president of sales for 31 years. As a member of the Fairview Park Hospital Board of Trustees for 31 years, he chaired the building and grounds committee during its most expansive era. Bruce loved to cook and play the piano but was also drawn to the outdoors. He especially cherished the time he spent near Lake Charlevoix, Mich., where he enjoyed boating, playing golf, and spending time with his beloved wife, family, and many friends. After family, Bruce’s greatest satisfaction came from flying. First during WWII and later in airplanes of his own, Bruce avidly pursued this passion, earning a private pilot’s license, instrument, multi-engine and commercial ratings, and certification to fly numerous types of fixed-wing aircraft. His proudest accomplishment as a pilot came with his election to the distinguished Quiet Birdmen organization. Bruce was a devout Christian. He taught Sunday school at the high school level for several years and served the Lakewood Congregational United Church of Christ for 30 years, most notably as the head chef for their annual Boar’s Head dinner. He also served the College well, on the Alumni Board,
Deadlines Send news,obituaries,and photographs to Jimmy Wilkinson Meyer, assistant editor Wooster, 108 Ebert Art Center The College of Wooster, 1220 Beall Ave. Wooster, OH 44691 class_notes@wooster.edu phone: (330) 263-2243 fax: (330) 263-2592
Upcoming Deadlines Spring issue Jan. 20 Summer issue Apr. 20
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as a class agent for 14 years, and as past president of his class and the Cleveland Wooster alumni group. His wife survives, as do their children, David ’74, Robert ’76, and Susan ’79, and six adoring grandchildren. ’48 Glen Schwarz, Chicopee, Mass., June 5, 2008. Glen belonged to YMCA, Fourth Section, and the Religious Council at Wooster. He earned an M.Div. from McCormick Theological Seminary (1951) and an M.Ed in counseling from Springfield College (1971). Glen served churches in Michigan and Massachusetts before assuming the pulpit at the East Congregational Church in Springfield, Mass., where he stayed for 20 years. His last call was to Grave Union Church in Wilbraham, Mass. Glen retired in 1992. He belonged to the Springfield Civitan Club and the Council of Churches. Glen’s wife of almost 57 years, Nancy Foulkrod Schwarz, survives, along with three children, including Ann Schwarz Royce ’79, and five grandchildren. ’47 Robert R. Baxter Jr., Bradenton, Fla., July 2, 2008. Bob belonged to a dentistry family, practicing with his father in Lockport, N.Y., and marrying Barbara Wakefield, daughter of the head of oral surgery at the U of Buffalo School of Dentistry. He graduated from that school in 1951 and practiced until 1990, when he retired to Florida. Bob came to Wooster in 1943 at age 17 and quickly established prowess on the basketball court as a defensive wizard. He delighted in swatting opposition shots into the crowd. One of few civilian men at the College then, he enjoyed late-night practice sessions in Severance Gym. The next year he left to serve in the Navy until 1946. He then returned to Wooster, and the 1946-47 team again featured his patented blocked shots. Bob was also an active member of Fifth Section. He left after only two years for dental school (earning a B.A. in absentia) and cofounded (with Ralph “Fingers” Wagner ’51 and myself ) an annual basketball reunion in Florida of the 1946-48 Scot teams. Surviving are his wife; three children, including Robert III x’77; eight grandchildren; and a sister, Janet Ann Baxter Siegner ’45. Bob had a quick wit and always a snappy rejoinder. He was my roommate and teammate, and a great personal friend. —Don Swegan ’47 ’45 Lottie Kornfeld, Walnut Creek, Calif., July 6, 2008, of cancer. Born in Austria, Lottie fled the country during WWII with the assistance of WIZO Kindertransport and was eventually reunited with her father and sister in Ohio. She graduated Phi Beta Kappa and won the Wm. Z. Bennett Prize in chemistry.
Lottie earned an M.S. at Ohio State U and a Ph.D. at the U of Chicago. She did research in industry and for the U.S. Army and Navy, the National Institutes of Health, and the U of California HIV/AIDS program. In retirement Lottie volunteered for many groups in the San Francisco area and taught English as a second language. A niece and two nephews survive. x’44 Paul R. Cox, St. Simons Island, Ga., Jan. 4, 2007. An accountant, Paul worked in Canton, Ohio, before he and his wife, Edlyn, moved to Georgia. x’44 Kenneth W. Shutt, North Lima, Ohio, Aug. 4, 2007. Ken belonged to Seventh Section and participated in YMCA. In 1947 he married Gayle Burkey. A U.S. Army veteran, he worked as an agent with Northwestern Mutual life Insurance Co. for 25 years and retired as a pension consultant with New England Life Insurance. Ken volunteered with the Junior Chamber of Commerce and Boy Scouts. His wife died in Jan. 2007; three sons and five grandchildren survive. ’43 Howard F. Webb Jr., Lima, Ohio, June 25, 2008, after a period of declining health. Howard majored in zoology, belonged to Fifth Section, and played on the golf team. He married Carol Black in 1944; she died in 2007. Howard earned a D.D.S. (1947) at the Ohio State U School of Dentistry and practiced in Lima for a few years. Then, after earning a certificate in orthodontics (1958) at OSU, he joined the Lima practice of Dr. Harold Lauer. Howard was a senior division golf champion. A son and two daughters (both dental hygienists) survive, as do seven grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. ’42 Robert M. Geddes, Mason, Ohio, June 29, 2008. Bob sang with the Men’s Glee Club and the College Choir and belonged to Eighth Section. During WWII he was a bomber pilot with the U.S. Marine Corps. He married Jeane Bailie in 1945 and joined General Electric in Cincinnati as an accounting supervisor. He retired from GE, after continuous service, as a group finance manager. Bob enjoyed bowling and golf and formerly served as a church treasurer and deacon. His wife died previously. Surviving are four children, 13 grandchildren, and three great-grandchildren. x’41 Annette “Toni” Hamilton Wilbur, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, June 6, 2008, after a long illness. Toni left Wooster to attend the Art Academy of Cincinnati. She then joined the Women’s Air Corps (194245). She married Kenneth Wilbur in 1948, and the family lived in the Cincinnati area for
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the next 24 years. They also resided in Detroit and Tampa before moving to Canada. Active in community affairs wherever she lived, Toni was a Presbyterian deacon and elder and pursued her loves of art and choral music. Ken survives, in addition to six children, nine grandchildren, and a great-grandson. Five siblings died previously. x’38 J. Kirk Russell II, Kennett Square, Pa., June 25, 2008, of colon cancer. Kirk played Scot soccer and belonged to Seventh Section. He also attended Fenn College. Kirk served in the U.S. Navy and was the director of admission at the Westtown (Pa.) School until he retired in 1981. He married Esther McKechnie Russell in 1940; they had three children, including daughter Paige ’70. ’37 Helen Forry Drysdale, Willoughby, Ohio, July 23, 2008, after a long battle with cancer. Helen worked as a teacher for a time and married Murray Drysdale ’36 in 1939. She assisted him during his 37 years in the pastoral ministry in five Ohio churches, including Noble Road Presbyterian in Cleveland Heights. Helen was a Sunday school superintendent and volunteered in many other positions. She loved creative writing and pursued genealogy. Four children and nine grandchildren survive. Her husband and sister, Louise Forry Vogelgesang ’33, died previously. x’37 Jeffery A. Westover, Milwaukee, Wisc., June 1, 2008. A foundry engineer , Jeff chaired the industrial engineering committee of the American Foundry Society. He worked in New York, Illinois, Michigan, Canada, and Mexico, and received the Foundry Society’s Distinguished Service Award. A son survives. ’36 J. “Ralph” Gillman, Akron, Ohio, June 23, 2008. Ralph majored in music and participated in the Fortnightly Music Club and Men’s Glee Club. After graduating Phi Beta Kappa, he earned an M.A. from Ohio State U and studied at Columbia U. He spent 45 years in public education, as a music director, assistant superintendent, and superintendent of the Summit County Schools, from which post he retired. He belonged to the United Church of Christ, directed the choir at West Congregational Church, and conducted the local Fred Waring choir. Ralph served on numerous boards, committees, and in several community groups, advocating for the musical arts. He loved introducing music to young people, especially through his weekly radio show. Ralph was a long-time class secretary for Wooster. His first wife, Vivian Coblentz Gillman, died previously. Sue Jeppesen Gillman, his second wife, survives, as do four children, six grandchildren, a stepdaughter, a
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step-granddaughter, a brother, Ray ’48, and a foster sister. ’36 Mildred Morris McAllister, Cincinnati, Ohio, July 16, 2008. “Millie” or “Mickey” (as she was known at Wooster) majored in history and graduated with honors. She belonged to Women’s Self-Government, YWCA, Imps, and Dominoes and served on the Index staff. She worked as a translator for Central National Bank in Cleveland before marrying James McAllister in 1940. Millie participated in P.T.A. and enjoyed playing bridge and traveling with her husband. Two sons survive, as do six grandchildren, four great-grandchildren, and a sister, Alice Morris Crothers ’33. James died previously. ’35 James S. Seaman, St. Clairsville, Ohio, Jan. 18, 2008. James performed with the Men’s Glee Club and Westminster Presbyterian Church choir and in a College production of Mikado. He graduated from the Pittsburgh Theological Seminary and served four Presbyterian churches and two mission congregations in Ohio, Pennsylvania, and New York. During WWII James ministered to soldiers in Times Square, NYC. He retired after almost 40 years but continued to preach and counsel. James served groups such as the City Rescue Mission, Alcoholics Anonymous, and the local historical society. He enjoyed crafting stained glass works and walked three miles a day. His wife, H. Virginia Crawford Seaman, and three siblings, including William M. ’30 and Elwood ’39, died previously. Four children survive, as do two sisters, six grandchildren, and eight great-grandchildren. ’34 Virginia Correll Albanese, Sebring, Ohio, Aug. 26, 2008. Coming from a family with deep Wooster roots, Virginia majored in history and political science. She earned an M.A. in international relations and political science at Columbia U (1936), taught modern history in Massillon (1937-44), then moved to Newark, N.J., to work for the war department. Virginia later taught at the Katherine Gibbs School in NYC. She married Frank Albanese in 1952. The two lived in Australia in the mid-1950s, while Frank covered the Olympics for TV. They then lived in Colorado and Virginia before retiring to Copeland Oaks in 1995. Frank died in 2003. A niece, nephews, and many friends survive. ’34 Helen L. Hayward, Cincinnati, Ohio, Aug. 15, 2008. Helen earned a master’s in social work at Smith College (1948). She worked for the Mental Health Council in Cincinnati and taught social work at the U of Cincinnati before retiring as associate professor of social work emerita. She was named
Social Worker of the Year in 1975. Helen was a lifelong learner, taking classes at Learning in Retirement at the U of Cincinnati. An ordained Presbyterian elder, she belonged to Knox Presbyterian Church. She treasured her Wooster friends and experiences and served as class secretary for a time. ’34 Helen Cellar MacInnes, Doylestown, Pa., Oct. 27, 2005. Helen studied religion and belonged to the YWCA at Wooster. She earned an M.A. from the Presbyterian College of Christian Education (now McCormick Theological Seminary, 1939). Helen was the director of education in Presbyterian churches in Buffalo, Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, and Englewood, N.J., before marrying David MacInnes in 1958. The couple raised three children in Ithaca, N.Y., and Swarthmore, Pa., and had several grandchildren. Helen stayed active in local Wooster alumni groups and returned to campus for several class reunions. Her husband and a sister, Florence Cellar ’34, died previously. ’33 Lois Ober Flanagan, Massillon, Ohio, July 4, 2008. Lois majored in math and left Wooster after three years to teach elementary school in Dalton, Ohio. She returned to the College in 1935 and graduated in 1936. Lois taught high school for a year before marrying Lawrence Flanagan the next year. She was active at Central Presbyterian Church, managing its local clothing project for over 25 years, belonged to Church Women United, and was a founding member of Faith in Action. Lois was honored as an “Unsung Hero” in 1998 for her charitable efforts in the community. She loved gardening, baking and cooking and wrote an illustrated history of her family. Lois kept up with her reading and current events until shortly before her death at age 97. Surviving are three children, eight grandchildren, six great-grandchildren, and a sister, Ruth Ober Gibson ’35. ’33 Marcia Winans Pinney, Spring Hill, Fla., Aug. 11, 2008. Both of her parents, Clarence H. and Ruth Hagerman Winans, attended the College, in the Classes of 1899 and 1903 respectively. Marcia married Jim Rumbaugh ’33 in 1935; they later divorced. She served with the Red Cross in Europe during WWII. Back in the States, she lived in Westerville, Ohio, for many years. Marcia worked at Ohio State U and Otterbein College and served as a Girl Scout leader. In 1976 Marcia married Hubert K. Pinney, and they enjoyed traveling. She loved spending summers at her cottage in Fenlon Falls, Ontario, Canada. Hubert died in 1993. Cousins and friends survive. FA LL 2 0 0 9 Wooster 63
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Photo: Special Collections, The College of Wooster Libraries.
The Rock. What will it see in the future? (above) The Rock has been a meeting place and photo opportunity site ever since it arrived in 1874, a gift of that year’s graduating class. It may have arrived in the region about 22,000 years ago, carried by an ice sheet that began to melt and retreat about 7,000 years later, according to Mark Wilson ’78, professor of geology. “Soon after the glaciers left, our rock resided in a primarily spruce and fir forest. Mammoths, mastodons, and giant ground sloths wandered by, followed later by the first Paleo-Indians, about 9,000 years ago.” (left) Members of the spring 2009 feminist theology class meet at The Rock. (L to r): Elise Meyers ’09, Abigail Heimach ’11, Callie McCune ’10, and Noreen Lucic ’11. The course, which focused on readings from Africa and Asia, was taught by Linda Morgan-Clement, Henry Copeland Chaplain and director of interfaith campus ministries. Photo: Karol Crosbie
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The College of Wooster | Ebert Art Center 1220 Beall Avenue | Wooster, OH 44691-2393
In Closing
Jonathan Quiery ’10 Cairo, Egypt… “When many think of Egypt, they immediately think of the Great Pyramids. Few may realize that these are among a series of many pyramids that were constructed throughout the region over many generations. Here, a local stray puppy sits atop the ruin of the Step Pyramid of Saqqara (the country’s oldest pyramid) and monitors passersby.” Jonathan Quiery is one of approximately 145 students who studied off-campus in 2008-09. Students visited 32 countries. Quiery’s side trip to Cairo was included in his College Year in Athens, Greece.