HEADTEACHER ’ S WELCOME Welcome to the Summer 2017 Edition of our fantastic news magazine sUCCess – the 22nd since our first edition in 2010 and, very sadly, my last. The front cover of the first edition featured our first recruits to a new venture: “cheerleading”. This edition now pays tribute to their status as three times National Champions. It also celebrates our extensive international links, amazing individual and team sporting successes, the astonishingly high-quality art and design technology exhibitions as well as the glamour and glitz of our annual Year 11 and Year 13 prom nights. No-one associated with this remarkably vibrant and exciting school could fail to be hugely proud and inspired by all this … and how has all this been achieved? Well certainly through the enthusiasm and commitment of our pupils, but also through the dedication and hard work of all those employed at UCC – teachers, non-teachers, catering team, site team, office staff, support assistants and learning resource staff, who create each edition of this publication. Indeed, it has been a massively successful joint enterprise that has made this school so successful. So thank you for a brilliant school magazine and for a fantastic 8 years as UCC’s Headteacher. Mr Pattinson
e re th en a n op nso Patti Year 6 y. He r da ta d of M ries stands a at prize lt value o m e e d f m hi an ve he st m nde ormed h longside we ha ent in t & o f r Ou e perf king a quals & ry stud form r h e th time ng & wo us as e sure ev f the six attinson d P i e o even ys treate ing we’r behalf ank Mr out our h h n h t a t alw , some o. So o ant to roug irl h t m o p i w G by h l fe els t o ol we adershi Boy & e o l h d o c sch hole s work & us, Hea the w s tireless y & Ferg i for h ere. Am h time
Alex a at Ra nder Lam lp b, and h Lauren a senio r st in inspi re th aff at U New Y menswe C ar o e C rk m enco urag with his to answ , skyped designe r e stu e e den nthusia r their q students ts to sm fo u esti se e the p r design ons, oss and glob ibilities fo Hay al succe r ley F s orkn s. all
A-Le v expl el Englis ored h Lite Heig ratu t h e Haw hts’ and world o re stude f ‘W nts the ort of th h on a r quaint b uthering for E e Parso ecent v eauty isit. A of nag mily’ e som s upcom ’s celeb s part e st ing rat ‘Wut udents w bicente ions na herin r g He ote a lin ry, e ights ’ for of h Jodi manuscr er e Ne ip wsh t! am
CH EXC T Wha H HAN t E RE sunn y sp could be ring? GE bette TU T R r w h e th e lesso NT ns a ek in Fra exchang an beau t RIP e tiful nce, to vi the gro B sit st L p ylish ycÊe Sa lunging up had rittany i a int-S Vann into to o, glor n a f e a n u ious s m o v an eu tt ily suga ry ko o menti d the R r. There life and o e uign w -ama n getting sistance as time Mus nn. T our e h f didn e only ill of but um prob ’t wa tery , le nt to com m? We e h Chri s Pat ome! tinso n
A wonderful array of students’ work was on show in this year’s DT exhibition in the New Squares development. Entry-level students manufactured storage boxes and garden planters; GCSE students demonstrated amazing craftmanship and innovation as they worked to a brief to design and manufacture original products; and Sixth Form students worked to a client’s brief and rose to the challenge of manufacturing a commercially viable product. We were proud to exhibit their work! Sam Warren
The entry-level English group held another very successful Fashion Show at M & Co at the end of their fashion topic “Grand Finale”, in which they compared fashion from the 18th century with modernday trends. The evening raised a fantastic £335! Helen Pickup
@Jen FAB nywallw v o of st isit to @ rk Apr uden ullsw at 24 ts an d lov ercc .Am ely t each azing gr o ing s taff. up
Sky Sports Mentor Jenny Wallwork, the internationally successful English badminton player, visited UCC to meet our talented athletes and Sport Council. The students enjoyed participating in the ‘6 steps to success’ workshop where Jenny taught them about what it takes to become an international athlete. A truly inspirational sporting day for all the students involved. Karen Castle
sly mou nly a f , s ivist ou o t act erful’ ; y e this r a se he w ith, t ople po year to omed m S rta pe e loss this Robe t makes ig pen have b eir plac & r p b h s Bo aid, ‘A to the tudent ke t place. In s a t s y n S i l l . r st once to step around rightfu a bette ese arti d l have large al rtists an e live in ne ed th n Smith e a t i wr ntastic ociety w mes, we s. Ow e i s r t a f into king the political l our futu l a in m urbulent enrich a t d e thes hape an s to
370 students from 27 local primary schools visited UCC for the Primary Science Days. Their two tasks were to: 1. examine DNA in an alien fruit (actually, a strawberry) and 2. design and land a module for an astronaut (in reality, an egg!). A big thank you to Sainsbury’s for supplying the alien fruit and to the Lakes Egg Company for the egg astronauts. A great time was had by all! Alex Ford
@NL SC Y5 a HOOL r morn e enjoyi Jun 20 n at its ing at @ g a fant ull as best ! #N swaterc tic Scie nc c otJus C tLak ollabor e es ation
Year man 10 Busin a e disco gers at ss Stud ie t segm ver how he Nort s stude n h t e their nts and he hote Lakes H ts interv ie l awa various what se targets otel and wed c r d cont ded a £ ustomer rvices it ifferent Spa to s. So ribut prov 25 s m me s ions pa v ides arket ! t o Jo H ucher f udents w for or th end erso eir o ere n utsta ndin g
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o Qué h Langu u to ou r be age bec love stud A l a s s s t d i e s O left u nts to sp ctober tant who Eugénie . s e have to tour ak Fren Her mis came to – the sio th ch u a sp ecia e world . This ac n: to sup s from . Ho l pla c port omp pe ce in her fully she lished, sh hear ’ t for ll alway e’s s P Chri enrith! s Pat tinso n
The UCC Wolves defended their title as Sunday 26th June, and once again won t entered a squad of 43 cheerleaders who s routine. Every single cheerleader rose to Congratulations UCC Wo
s the National Schools Cheerleading Champions on the top spot at the Manchester Velodrome. The Wolves sparkled, shined and smiled their way through a fantastic o the occasion and did our school and county proud. olves, from Mrs Castle and Mrs Keen! Karen Castle
Year 11 students arrived at the Roundthorn Country House Hotel in their finery and a variety of transport (including HGVs, tractors and –most original – an ice cream van!) for their ‘Celebration Prom’. A fantastic evening in stunning surroundings! Cath Jones
Sskills T S I GU t their
INstudents puung Linguiset skills & L g n o NcG Italia Club’s Y r langua guage. U & i h y an e YO Fren he Rotar ating th oreign l n. 0 1 af ar in t nstr rste Ye test , demo ir fe et in nch: Ki e h t Fre ion he on to petit ink on t n: Ben; s Pattins m o th C ia ri y to ere: Ital all! Ch t i l i b a ns to ers w Winn ratulatio g Con
6 Apr hallen y a yC d Fara Farada t and t T E I # @ istric ther cc Ano #LakeD swaterc ll e o in th re at @u ers. Go e we a reEngin u t #Fu
rb supe r 30 a d ve ye enjo g and o lar, the s a h in w cu team ers train . In parti in Barro t e k l b c cri als oo um ar 7 huge n the sch ounty fin e Y od The n, with senting n the c side. nwo e e r i o e seas nts repr played trict 8 a ohnny G J is e stud ide team Eden D s 8-a- won the and
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Thirty-five Year 8 students completed the Institute of Engineering and Technology (IET) Faraday Challenge. Fulfilling the brief to design, manufacture and program two products to be used by Ben Ainslie’s Land Rover BAR racing yacht in the upcoming Americas Cup, the teams created innovative and highly usable devices. Our top team finished in the top 10% of winning entries nationally. Congratulations to everyone who took part! Ged Weale
UC City C had an a Cup m had finals at azing d a B Rose fantas runton ay at th tic e P and the U 4–0 w ark. The Carlisle in R foug ose – th 12 girls agains U13 girls also t ht m is tim atch bea Richard e 2– . tR T 1 act f or U hese res – after ichard 1 u a did i 3 t, wi boys to lts were harda follo How nning 1 w bu hard ard – 0 a t t trop hies o make gainst W they the n brou illiam g u thre e in ht home mber of one fanta by UCC Katie stic d ay Arm stron ! g
The Y seas ear 7 R on, w ugby twic team ith o e feroc a we ek ver 30 has ha p d – we ious tack and sho layers t a brillia raini wing ling. ’re lo ng r nt seas A bi o g k o eg i n o g on! g d John forwar well do handli ularly ng d n ny G re en to a gre e to eve and r wo o at si de n yone d ext
The Y seas ear 8 R on, m ugby the m team akin brillia ajority o g signific has ha d a they nt end a f their g nt prog a fanta a r s t w John on all the Co mes. The ess and tic s un ny G w e re en ven of t ty Rugb season inning c heir wo o y gam Festiva ame to d a es! l wh ere
the succ end of e has ssful yea an enor se en m r each man for athl ously e cam lunchtim y studen tics, wh e 7t ich e t s : pr the h Fina l, 21 in the N Junior actising Girls stud Distr orth e i stud ct at the nts com West Re p e g Con nts repr County eted for ional esen grat com Eden u p t John ny G lations! ed the C etition a n re en ount wo o y thi d 3 s ye d ar.
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Ms part of CC stud r paper
nd s he spre eir a , a t i h A ls, U whethe i bacter reduce resent t o o l h p o ld e n sc tigat most E. c otes cou nt on to Elvingto s e v e n t t i n ity a ellen mer y the nts w carr to poly e stude commun ived exc atthews h e mov ease. T scientific hey rece Emma M t s i of d ct to the where k r proje ld in Yo e i f . air back d e fe
Working with Islamic artist Razwan-ul-Hay, Year 7 pupils were inspired to create their own art based on the Islamic word ‘pbuh’ (Allah). Arabic calligraphy, Celtic art, music, rhythm, dance and philosophical thoughts on Islam and life were explored and incorporated into colourful creations.
E irC V DOrt of the
a r As p , 31 Yea s poet sworth’s d Wor re he e – wh red h o l exp ems o his p s b m poe ve o in D a Emm
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HOUSE SPECIALS The catering staff have worked 85 years between them! Longest serving are Marion Souter – 18 years, Tracy Birkbeck – 12 years and Carolyn Lomas – 12 years. During these years we have won an excellence award, maintained a 5-star rating and now also work as mid-day supervisors and cleaners. Tracey Birkbeck
GeERomantiiclliam A T T h COnt topic onntts visited WGrasmere
, in re ey de r cur glish stu Cottage orks. Th of w n e e r 9 E e – Dov is major lysed on ir own h e a m s ho most of den; an rote th nced w ie e ar wrot and g eum and y exper e e us th om his h ed the m nsations ay out. d it e s; vis on the s cinating s d fa base tage. A t e Co ings mm a Cu
UCC’s Got Talent has been part of life at UCC for three years now with the most recent show wowing all in attendance & proving that –yes, we do have the talent! Siblings Georgina & Thomas took third place having enchanted the audience with their singing & musical prowess; second place went to magicians Ed and Fred, veterans of the show; finally, Molly flexibility, strength & creativity took her to first place. Thank you to all acts – you were all brilliant & did UCC proud! Greg Key
Prim a awe ry pupil s ome s and such a s shar day inve UCC stu emp e d a s work thy. Yea d huma tigating ents ha n va d an r 5, ed t g lob lu 6 misc o once gether , 7, 8, 1 es, refu al issue s ge 1 to ption s an challen and 13 es and d to g s crea e prejud tudents te so ice a m Nico e solut nd io la M cCa ns. nny
The annual Ready Steady Cook competition against QEGS saw Year 9 students Molly, Savannah, Hannah and Chyna plan, cook and serve an amazing range of restaurantstandard dishes; Chyna was announced as the winner from UCC. Great work Year 9s I was very proud of you all! Viv Cuthbertson
@be n Gre wohl Ju at d year ay w n 29 lear 6s at th ith @Arm ning e tran @ullswa athwaite sition te C day rcc glob PS al
YO RKSH SCU IRE On LPTU th Hep eir trip R to w awa orth ga the Yo E PA
r y l textil by the leries, Ye kshire Sc es w huge a r 10 ulpture Mo o ork a stud r Par r f a ro re, S y arah m world of ama ents we k and re z Luca s an class art ing sculp blown d To i ny C sts such tures an d a ragg . Ow s Henry en S mith
A se l year l-out aud s7t ienc o even e ing. 13 at th applau The pack ded e re s c e Nutc d danc tudents ent dan students h e r c Well acker a pieces ad crea e perfo from nd S ted rma – tak don nc th le e to e all th eping B n from e action e H e pe e rform auty – t airspray he , th ers! Erin mselves e Dixo . n
BRANCH OUT 2017 Branch Out, our home-grown book competition, has had another fantastic year. Starting with our annual films, featuring starring roles from members of staff and our newly introduced stop motion character ‘Billy the Book’, Branch Out saw a record number of students signing up, taking books out and entering reviews – with over half the school now choosing to take part. This is also the first year the staff have demanded their own version of the event at the end! Congratulations to all the students who took part, as well as those who took home the prizes, and thank you to Penrith Alhambra Cinema and Carlisle F.C for supporting the event once again. Miss de la Mare
ainst g a kills an s nd i r t s t que ma eir e , Durha llenge a ss, h t d a teste berland side Ch n her cla , to s t n i y m ip e stud Northu Countr ing 2nd mpionsh he C A m a UC s from lt e RD eck. Co onal Ch ns to al such h m t a n i e i o b n t i t Nat ell o bria Trou tulat Cum in Farm, d for the Congra did so w . k Ro o qualifie this year rs, who e ie r o Chl ld late d qualif p e n be h etitors a len Picku p e com day! H t a ho
Over 50 Year 5 primary school pupils visite task involved them solving how prison offic was a practical task in which they calculat were completed with enthusiasm and a hig
NG 7 I ear it, C Y e A R all th Circu
R that saw the Croft a difficult A C EEN session laps at forced ed to
GftRer a mornpinlgete sevegreadl back rasx. lTehey doe,ctidhe car a
m a , A drive s to g rs co dam erall drive gton, a e Year 8 4 minute red. Ov UCC xt e lin ll h Dar ion on t ith only e recov from a nger ne b h s ro w deci on but, had to pproac r and st a e push down & mature ck bigg e a & b brok ssional ill be w e f e o pr .W ents Hardy d u t s ! Ian year
ed UCC to work on mathematical activities. One cers would lock and unlock cell doors; the other ted the height of the school building. Both tasks gh degree of skill by the budding mathematicians.
1 Jun 2 ivienne iaUni for t p br tDe mV CAr ture fro to @Cum C U c @ anks at le Gre o od, th tw Wes vitation n the i
id Howarth
E N N Dextiles E I O V I Oers from Ttalk V W Tnd teach nded a e S E W a tte th
ents es a d at Stud rt Textil estwo o hat W A and vienne W umbria. hen she i w C by V rsity of was work e m e t Univ out for r activis ge, n d e o sto oned h ate cha i t m men bat cli ience to er’ m d to co the au ple pow g o n i urg e in ‘pe on a v t belie o ‘act up cca Fros t e and ht’. Reb g thou
YEA R EXP 10 W E ORK This was RIEN anot our C Y h busin ear 10 s er grea E
t t Polic esses an udents, year of e an who d pr work d loca i l em the Ar mary sc visited a experie h m ploy ers w y. We a o ols, as range o nce for f loc re ve well ho o al ffer a Than such ry grate s the f ks to u g l reat Gre opp to the enW Clouds o ca heat Shirl rtunitie ey Iv Flow pe Anim s inson ! ers a ation nd F ika f Studios or b & eing feat ured .
Ove r Sixth 100 stu d F in St orm Su ents an mme And d Hote rew’ r Ba staff a t s l dan l were fo garden l. A cham tended cing th l a l the m . This owed b nd dinn pagne e annu r a w e y Sixth any wo as a fa spe ech er at the ception l nt e Form nderf G ul ex astic ev s, a disc eorge ers i e p n the o n ir 7 eriences ing that and year r s at shared ecalled b UCC . Ro y the b Ja ckso n
THANK YOU & FAREWELL MRS CAMPBELL In Se p Cam tember , p as H bell wil Assistan l tH e t a a Sed berg dteach ke up h eadtea e e h c i char n which , a post r of Sett r new a her Sar a l p acte s e s ristic he will a he richl beck H pointme h y ig s for n p whic ply all o deserve h Scho o t Sara f h sh s hh e is those o and on l, for s as serve s u e o t s adm ired tanding be e evente e d the p n hu at U u gely n years; pils and CC. man grat sens pare y e fu nt in read e of p urpo l to her dividual s at UC y se C f sw ns se o our Mus e of hum , her co r her pro ill have for p ic Depa our. Tro mpassio fessiona mb n rtm rim l teac ary/sec ent, str onist, te and her a her o for s ndary tegic lin acher in tr afeg k uard ansition person ing; a Sara nd key I hav h ard h will b to re with e thoro e plac her ughl e. in y I will all asp enjoyed e p c my w artic ts of doub u o h to th le-act w larly mis er role rk e Ye s the but ith S a fe ed ar 5 p arah i n ou nnual upils er p r rima ry sc in all of visits our ho o 24 ls ov last er the I’m s 8 ye ure ars. mas that Sa sive rah hit w at S ettle with th ill be a e bec p has k, just a upils be e s n at she UCC . Mr Patti nson
Ullswater Community College Wetheriggs Lane, Penrith, Cumbria, CA11 8NG Tel: 01768 210206 www.ullswatercc.co.uk @ullswatercc