CACHE Level 3 Diploma in Children’s care and Education Early Years Educator A portfolio is a collection of your work, which shows how your skills and ideas have developed over a period of time. It demonstrates your creativity, personality, abilities and commitment, and helps us to evaluate your potential.
Presentation of work: Front Page 1. Unit Title and number 2. Your name and pin number (header and footer) 3. Centre number
Layout 1. Your name and pin number should be at the top of each page in the header. 2. Each page should be numbered at the bottom ( once all the portfolio is completed) 3. All work should be 1 ½ lined spaced (NOT HAND WRITTEN) 4. Use a clear font e.g Arial font size 12 5. Remember assignment writing skills – clear introduction, then clear paragraphs.
Point: Introduce the topic. Evidence: Use evidence to support your point. Evaluate: state the value of your point to answering the question or criteria), Conclusion. 6. You must include your cache assessment criteria at the front. 7. Each portfolio should be a continuous piece of work. But start each section on a separate page and ensure that criteria and learning outcomes are clearly identified (in full) 8. Original drafts and all teacher feedback must be included behind the finished work. 9. All additional information (notes) should be included at the back of the portfolio 10. A bibliography must be included at the end of each piece of work. 11. Your work should be filed neatly and the pages numbered. 12. Keep ALL feedback from you teacher with each relevant piece of work. 13. Each portfolio should have a Cache Unit cover sheet for your teacher to write your feedback and award your grade. 14. You MUST sign, date and complete all CACHE paperwork.
Bibliography REFERENCING
1. Every piece of text referring to a book or internet must be referenced in the text and in the bibliography. 2. Bibliography must be in alphabetical order and should include full names of all authors, date, name of text and publisher. 3. Internet references should be full internet site (google, wiki or studentwork is not acceptable). Authors name must be first, date published and date that it was accessed at the end in square brackets. EXAMPLES TEXT BOOKS 1. Moonie N, Irvine J, Et. Al. (2005) AS Level for OCR. Health & Social Care: Oxford, Heinemann 2. Fisher A, Blackmore C, Et.Al. (2006) Applied Health & Social Care: Haddenham, Folens INTERNET 1. Department of Health (DoH) (1999) dance/DH_4008701 [accessed June 2008]
REFERENCING WITHIN THE TEXT 1. Only need to use authors name and date. In brackets. 2. If more there is more than one author put name followed by et al (this means and others) EXAMPLES TEXT BOOKS 1. (Moonie et al. 2005) 2. (Fisher et al. 2006) INTERNET
1. (DOH. 1999)
PRIMARY RESEARCH When using primary research (interviews, questionnaires) you must indicate where it is from e.g teacher, school nurse, health professional etc ABBREVIATIONS 1. The full name must be used first time with abbreviation in brackets. e.g Department of Health (DoH) 2. Then DoH can be used.
PLAGIARISM Your work must be your own. If you use secondary research and do not indicate where it is from, then you are stating that it is your own. Copying large amounts of text is plagiarism. Students Plagiarising will be forfeit the whole award not just that piece of work. You must present your work professionally.