HEADTEACHER ’ S WELCOME Welcome to the summer 2014 edition of our news magazine sUCCess – and what an edition this is! A magnificent 32 pages of excitement, achievement and, of course, success. As the GCSE and A-level examination season retreats into the past, life at UCC seems to get busier and busier with charity fundraising, foreign trips, national competitions, extracurricular events and chances for students to broaden their horizons. Our Design Department has commissioned professional photographs of this year’s project pieces and are all set to hold their first public exhibition in the New Squares; students on the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme have been busy preparing for and completing expeditions; we’ve had UCC students at Wimbledon, the Yorkshire Show and Crufts; and, once again, the Art Exhibition attracted large numbers of visitors to view GCSE and A-level pieces. Our cheerleaders are now National Champions following their successful performance at the UKCA Schools National Championships at the Manchester Velodrome and our dancers put on a superb performance in the Musical Madness Dance Show. Sometimes it’s impossible to keep up with everything that happens in this busy and exciting place. On top of all of this breath-taking activity, our students are – once again – poised to achieve new records in the publication of this summer’s examinations results. From staff and governors at UCC, I wish you all a happy and relaxing summer holiday. Nigel H. Pattinson
Over 50 Year 7 and 8 students brought their bicycles into school for Bikeability training in April. Bikeability encourages pupils to develop safe riding skills and to become confident enough to cycle to school. Students had a brilliant time: ‘The course was ace; the instructors were really friendly and helpful. I will definitely start biking to school.’ David Tromans
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LUbrBated C Hently celetudents ial C N c c s U L ve re th form un a spe rrent a h x u i T K r 2C1CSand AfgpeaUrtnershtipU. CSC hetlhpeedevent. toTwhearcds thaetir a U ars o g staff lebrate to work lative th t e y c re rin 21 to ce rience ea onta cate and ay lunch e expe you hav please c d , th If birth nts use ourse. the club . e C stud yment ested in rmation r lo fo Emp be inte more in d r l wou ho ol fo c the s l Ridley e Rach
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Year stunn 11 DT st u i Mat ng work dents ha eria v th esig ls was is year. e produ ce n; Th o sele Textile s n coffe e e focus d some cti tu in t men on of tw dents ba ables an Resistan ts; G elv ds t se poin raphic e differe d their w torage tP n o ishm of-sale d roducts t theme rk on ent a s s ispla tude and ng s n tude d for re y for a f nts wor ke as cy erno nts pr oduc clable p t-fo od d on te ed ho a e ed s. Co and pl multicu nes; an ing a ngratu anned ltural d d fo la chiev is eme tions to r specia hes nts! l them all fo r Rhon da D ockr ay
Congratulations to all the students on their Design and Technology achievements; thanks to all the models. Please see the DT page on the UCC webiste for the full showcase.
PUPILS at Ullswater Community College, Penrith, achieved two gold, four silver and twenty nine bronze awards in this year’s UK Mathematics Trust Intermediate and Junior Maths Challenge. The gold certificates were won by year 11 pupils Jason Smith-Raynes and Liam Bentley. Jason was also invited to participate in the next round, a multiple-choice Europewide “kangaroo”. Jodie Lamb in year 7 did remarkably well achieving the only silver certificate for her year. Congratulations also go to Jay Railton Sowerby and Jamie Fawcett for their ‘Best in Year’ certificates. More than 200,000 pupils from across the UK sat the Intermediate maths challenge. Roughly the top six per cent. received a gold certificate, the next 13 per cent. silver and the next 21 per cent. bronze. Approximately 1,500 of the top students are invited to sit a follow-on Olympiad round, while a further 7,000 or so sit a multiplechoice Europe-wide “kangaroo” round. Nadine Ford
Mungrisdale was the destination for Year 10 geographers this week, who followed the river Eden downstream from its upland course to assess how features such as depth, flow rate, gradient and bed-load changed. The weather was kind, there was water in the river and no one forgot their lunch! Despite the temperature, a few brave souls attempted a paddle but no-one managed a swim! Thanks must go to Mr Pierce for taking the photos for the trip, along with Mr Kent and our honorary geographer, Mr Tromans. Beth Leathers & Rick Moss
This year’s Branch Out reading extravaganza saw the greatest number of students involved since it began in 2011, with school taking part. The Learning Resource Centre team stepped it up a gear this year with a brand-new teaser trailer & w information & interactive features. Congratulations to all those who took part, the reviews were some of the best we’ve ev to the winners who took home the Kindle Fire HD, Cinema tickets, vouchers & Cadbury’s gift boxes. Once again, we must Penrith Alhambra Cinema for their support. You can catch the teaser trailer & coverage of the 2014 Branch Out Awards on school’s website. Rachael de la Mare
h a quarter of the web apps with book ver had, & specifically t thank the wonderful n the LRC page of the
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RIoPmparing T Gts were c the N I FAs YReaMr 8 stthudee1n800s ewriethinviterdchto
w A u n , Ch they ing i farm nt day, r Centre rmer e pres on Traile igate. Fa hem a t t t New , to inves n gave ained r l Farm Blackbu m & exp used r y a Ton f the f inery he ving o h tour the mac abour sa l . how ot only ffective n e was lso cost but a Pickup n 11 Hele
HO RSE The C K H RIDI S 4& year A K M ’ s S NG 5 RD P Cha mpio A Nort riding gr ION Trou nships, h Regio oups p SHIP t the s beck. U which w n Coun articipa S sing ted trysi tude ere in th d h n e e th e mple ir skills in ld at Ro Challen is o g ted h the c orse m kin Hou e a s ours e. H nageme e, elen n Picku t p
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TAN ZAN NE IA Cate WS ÂŁ60 rite has UPD 0 g A Arts to AM enerou sly d TE A Proje P (t o
in Bo he A ct) S frica nated g c h o o m links o nM o l y for o w o each ith AM in Tanza stre et c dern n h A invol time we P for o ia. UCC ildren v ved h e v as h r4 isit scho in ol. Th the wo we have years n ad mea rk of e do bec ow & n fund that me nation f this exce ome mo ed f r or a als for 7 om Cat ptional re e 5 who le sc nursery rite will ho o l yea children r. are
MO NEY SH RAIS Mon INE ED F to p ey raise CH OR ro d A with vide eq by Luke RIT u s help pina bif ipment Pattinso Y n a e id
As part of the cate d by te a and nd holid , Year 9 h a , ring ASDAN a stud cher Viv ydrocep ys for c will help ents h h Awards C i a ldre lus ut , wh o ma hbertso . Luke w n KS4 & KS5 a de a n the Year s nd s student’s old s 9 t enjoyed a Viv C re et fo o d. uthb residential visit ertso n to Edinburgh. Our visits took us to the Scottish National Art Gallery of Modern Art, Dynamic Earth, The Camera Obscura, The Royal Yacht Britannia & Edinburgh Zoo. The students were involved in finance, catering, historic & scientific exploration. Helen Pickup
The glamorous worlds of tract evening at Rheged for the Yea students were dressed like sta disco balls sparkled and the d team and all the staff a
tors and Hollywood collided in one glorious ar 11 prom. Arriving in limos and tractors, the ars, ready for the red carpet treatment. The dance floor pulsed. Thank you to the Year 11 at Rheged for such a wonderful night. Rob Jackson
were As s Edin th rece burgh s over, t eir GC o on as tu S he n Silve t go od w dents m Year 11 E exams ad re e D they xpeditio ather by e the m uke of o n c takin st of . As om cov all th ering a pleted a part of g part the ro in th e 3 walk ir tents a und 10 -day, 2 eir asse their km ed -nig ssm nd & th from M co okin on each ht expe ent g en u d walk on to t ncaster equipm day & c ition, e C a h n a e r a & w t Grasm Langda stle to t. The st rying u W e ho e com pe t re. It w les befo asdale dents p l e ted hat the as a fa re finish Head May nta ing 45 will g their B ronz Year 1 stic exp their o on e e as 0 to d sess studen dition o t h e don e to eir Silve d expe ts who d all in r volv next ye ition in ed! ar. W Jenn y Ev ell ans
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The UCC Medics non-uniform and activity day raised money for global links in Tanzania and involved over 100 pupils in a range of medical activities including suturing, injections and dissections. It was a jam-packed day that gave students a real chance to develop their medical skills. Rebecca Hodgson
@ n at how o s s le rning reat y G day lea ics Med ctions e d inj
Earlier this year my collie) and I compet Club Obedience Birmingham. Ben is tries his hardest We hope to Ca
dog Ben (a 3-year-old Border ted at the Crufts Young Kennel e competition at the NEC in s an amazing dog who always t and we were placed 6th. o qualify again in 2015. atherine Mason
@Ka t Man ie Chap p y staff thanks elhow that to th Nor e to ok m blas andy, w us to t! @u ccla e had a ngua ges
YEA R TRIP 11 REV The ISIO T s Nor econd a O N N m n start andy, F nual Ye OR a e r ingre d with a ance wa r 11 Fre MAN n to la dients fo trip to l s fantast ch trip t DY o ique r a M e ma ! O fèrm r
e to ché Our aste nd and ay two revise v rChef l to sourc stay u o e w t afte ried our e teste cabular nch. The y rno o d n a n, th im with our ne for cute it was o the F rv e r e n Mag ch pu pièce d le tir-à-l e with animaux n l’e ’a . blic e nifiq in ne résista rc. In th scalade ue! e nce, arby in Bag nole terviewi ng s Chri . s Pat tinso n
rcc wate , s l l u l @ The uccessfu ul s i r s A K _ T s really wonderf @ s i a ar e katy hibition w to all th x ns art e atulatio r cong ! ts artis
d e, an m i t me and or so ditional ting f t s ge isi ra e lar atively t ia. The v of work h t f l o e one m the re e of med d rang s i n n o g e a r Pig P ranges f ide ran ousness e h t w i t i in a rk b ition tiles. Wo n; all in rity, am fect. b i h x o u f i x t Art e d art te installat the ma ximum e . l e v n a bsite h d le t a i e m n t a A w w r o t t a ’s d ol fine strac nted year esse scho e h This es both al to ab lly impr e prese t n v n ia d ble o inclu sentatio s espec and ha a l i a v a d e ow a repr rator w roduce n e r p e . a mod tudents llery iew them a g s t nd ov tha film a t page t w o h ar our Art S The e go to s Plea h Smit n e Ow
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Wim bled The high form on Ten light of n form er Cham is Cham this yea ; we r’s pi pion dram also w Roge onships trip to th wa rF e a it leav tic exit f nessed t ederer s se eing ing w rom in su he W wav e start the com illiams perb e s e’ ar p ound d the fa etition. isters’ Befo mou Cou re s ‘M rt mom 1, a me exican ent f m or e orable v Clar eryone e Tro ! man s
LON CAS G MEG Year TL & of Lo 7 Englis ERIG h n amb g Meg classes G T ienc RIP e an and Ca visited t The he stl d w
bo o ritten p gain in erigg to stone sp c k i is be on the eces will iration explore ircles f N i o opp ng comp orth La be subm r creati their ortu k ve w i i t e l t e ed sa d nity for b by a lo nd Ede to a tra riting. c n uddi ng a al writer Valley, vel whic utho .Ag h rs! E mma reat Cum ming s
INT ER CO DISTRI CT UN This te & Cum rm, five TY b stad ria at t students ATH h iu jump m. Jake e interco were ch LET IC os un w p
en to rodu ties cm w inning e c v e re t e d h h 11m1 ich he e even a supe nt at G present 4cm follo t a wed with a rb jump teshea in th both d d e in u q i winn ualified nterco p with a istance o the trip u ing t l f n e pers for t ties 10m h Rach h el pr e event e high event. E onal be .63 100 s j m & oduced and also ump com llena & t of Amy the l the l 2 go petit com o o the h ng jump ng jump od perfo peting in ion, Ellen . the N ammer o Tara pr , compet rmances the 100 a o i m f as w ational 38m & duced a ng for th in both . t h c e in 4 22 c ningthe hampio 5 cm. fantastic county e S n m fo i s h n s t r go hot put hip in B e has q hrow in od m ir w u 16 a easu ith a di mingham alified f thlet or s r t , e a a . nce Inter e of 9 s well distr s also r m an e i a su d perb ct fully in present ed E clusi team acco de ve u b coun eing vic nt of the games. n at the A ty Ye to m won champ rious in selves w ll athlete ar 7 i th on s th it the i e inclus ship win e county h the Ed gave ive S nclus en ning . The ho ive tr re won the i 100m t & Jave iumphs. were 8 nc & Jo lin scho ol re lusive 1 the sho , Meg nathan an 00 tp co winn ing t rd for t m. Jam ut, & Et won e h h h e 4min s e a utes 1500m third tim broke h n i 5 s ow e thi jump in a 8 se sy n re c w Joe ith a pe onds, Lu cord tim ear, wo ke e rs 27 s n the 8 onal be won th of e econ 0 s ds.. 0m in a t of 1m 3 high John ny G time of 2 4 cm & m re en wo o inutes d
6 am on Sunday 22nd June 2014… 32 cheerleaders and 3 staff leave Penrith for th am… the girls are on stage at the Manchester Velodrome in front of an audience of 1 every stunt complete, every jump in time. And they made it – UCC are Key Stage 4 achievement for everyone involved and, as we say in the cheerleading Sue Keen
he UKCA Schools National Championships. 9.30 1000s. They delivered an almost flawless routine – National Cheerleading Champions! An amazing world, “WE ARE PROUD OF YOU”!!!!
ER H O T P I E R TR T A E C HE N T A ’S D Y p T S ssica e Bisho E e J J MA DONy Turnbull aenred part ofatsh invited of w es oll tw s, M 7SXB, upe tha he them sty’s e n LOisiN o e t m o eJ Maj ll fro s on ce tr Ma arth, a f Dan l dance at Her o tg . Wes Scho ol origina es Bond ch 2014 o s r Yard rform tw and Jam 6th Ma s 1 e to p Poppin don on y Mar tre in Lon Thea
A M L A Wow – Musica C I O S MU CE SCHDance Sehss. With ial g cc C ec N al U huge su and sp ary A u n n Dhe 4th a – was a 7 to 12 kes Prim ity
s a rs T ness rth L Year nive Mad nts from from No nd the U thing f e s a e stud rmance Scho ol as som w o perf el Kings really th e u r e m h from t s Sa , g a i n tre br so ted , 42nd S w Cum a r b ing ele as ow c rty Danc Opera, h h s C The ing Di of the s. UC n e d c u m l e o c i o in hant sment p ws can e P d s o n an asse t the sh everyo C E n T o t le B one ce ta dan r! Well d bette
t gues ol, ho y Sc y of ryone. ve for e s, sical Mia u m he amma and M e et, s GCSE ing z a well me ama nd a so has bigger ! et art nly g to ok p Dixon o Erin e wh
Mia Currie, Rebecca Davidson and Nikole Nelson have be for the Cumbria County Golf B1 Team. The girls are mem Penrith Golf Club and part of the Girls’ Academy at Penrith D Congratulations to them all! ‘We really enjoy the ga meeting new friends from different clubs and the thrill of a competition with the anticipation of a new course.’
een selected mbers of the Driving Range. ame,
NEW SCI CASTLE ENC Year LIFE 9 – E the B 11 stu T d Cen odywor ents tra RIP tre ld ve
proc . Real s exhibi lled to h t e insig ss called uman b ion at th Newcas o tle to ht in e Life d pla ies to dise ases anatom stination preserv Scienc se e e by c ed b and prov y an o y i expl mparing organ fu d physio ded a fa a o l n Ride ring DN healthy ctions w ogy; com scinating A a the P through , stude nd affe ere dem mon n t l h t a s wen cted or onstrat Univ netariu e Ama g t e ersit z m y for . Next on jung on a 3D ans. Afte d Scho le r w a M on d ol, wher tour of as a vis and en otion e ca iffere i d t t he ed to r ne e ded nt biom e ers ad campus Newcas in e a tl v for t hese dical sc ice and nd Med e i e i n ic was n give ce jobs formatio al n. n and the s kills
DRA GO W N’S Four INN DEN E final Year 7 s RS tude of t
he with n a so Giving ts won t pare he C cial N ati e n play ts with nterpris on Com umbria a e p the U safely. B café br busine etition s y e their CC stud far the ak whil s to prov e i e y “ c that an do nts imp ounges their ch de ” att resse i t they l dren com itu real d worl had run de, cre the jud petitors, a furth d t g er. T and th heir soc tivity, th es with eir in he s e fa ial e Com ct tu n te petit ion n dents h ntion to terprise op in ext y t ear. e to en ake the the ir ter t he N idea a tiona l Gre g Ke nt
Ullswater Community College Wetheriggs Lane, Penrith, Cumbria, CA11 8NG Tel: 01768 210206 www.ullswatercc.co.uk @ullswatercc
et crick s 7 r ke ea he Y West La up, t , n c y so t sea feated b county and s r i f e de ble f th inal mora narrowly i-final o a-side f m the e m In a , was the sem unty 8- sing fro ho team emy in n the co ird. Mis ’Neil, w t h Acad d Eden i itable t obbie O t cricke d R e e t s r n. ia a esen me a c illness i Cumbr e seaso r p e r d to h ca due resente ughout t o t o p d ph has re thro wo o n e e r ny G John