Work Experience Handbook 2019

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Ullswater Community College

Work Experience Handbook

Monday 8 - Friday 12 July 2019


Form Group:


Ullswater Community College


Welcome to your ‘Work Experience’ Handbook. This handbook is designed to give you help and guidance as you prepare for and carry out your work experience placement. The Work Related Learning offered to you this year is a unique opportunity for you to find out about the world of work and provide you with a range of experiences to prepare you for this. We hope that you find your handbook useful and informative. However, if you need further guidance or advice, please speak to your form tutor or myself. Please complete your handbook as fully as possible, as this will form a lasting record of your achievements throughout your work related learning.

Ms Ivinson

Work Experience Handbook, Monday 8 - Friday 12 July 2019


Why go on work experience?

Work experience is a unique opportunity for you to find out about the world of work and to meet people of various age groups. You will have the chance to gain experience of typical working conditions – an office, shop, factory or other type of workplace. You will meet people doing various types of jobs and find out more about their work by talking to them and working with them. In addition, you will discover things about yourself. You may have already had experience of different kinds of work, for example, babysitting, a paper round, voluntary work, or maybe a Saturday job. All of these will help to prepare you for the world of work.

The aims of work experience are:

• To help you to find out about the range of skills, knowledge and attitudes that will be relevant to adult life. • Provide first-hand experience of working conditions and to work alongside adults.

Work experience provides you with an opportunity to: • Gain experience about working conditions and routines.

• Find out about particular jobs and careers by working people who are doing the job. • Meet people and ask them about the jobs they are doing. • Take responsibility and help you gain more confidence in your own abilities. • Discover something about your own skills, talents and interests. • Discover the connections between the subjects you study at school and the skills you may need in working life. • Prepare for your eventual change from college to work.

Work experience is a very important opportunity, but what you gain from it is, to a great extent, up to you. 4

Ullswater Community College

Preparing for work experience

Please complete this page as it will help you to start thinking about the kind of work you may wish to experience.

Personal Profile Name:


Address: Date of Birth:

Tel Number:

Subjects studied:

Any previous or current employment:

(part time jobs, baby sitting, voluntary work, paper rounds etc.)

Personal Qualities (Please tick those that apply to you) Active



















A loner








Adventurous After Year 11, I would like to: Go into the sixth form

Go to a different college

Look for an apprenticeship

Find a job with training Work Experience Handbook, Monday 8 - Friday 12 July 2019


How do I choose a placement? You may be unsure about your future career or the area of work that you would like to experience through your work placement. This is an important opportunity and there are people around who can help you decide.

Form Tutor

Subject Teachers



Sources Friends Work Experience Database*

Head of Year

* To access the work experience database, you need to: • Access the school portal via Home Access Plus+ • Use your school email to log in, the folder is in W Drive:\Year 10 Work Experience\WORK EXPERIENCE DATA BASE (Year 10) 6

Ullswater Community College

Final Choices Now you have given thought to the kind of work you would like to experience, list the three types of jobs that you would most like to experience. You will also complete these details on your ‘Work Experience Consent Form’. 1) _____________________________________________________________________________________________ 2) _____________________________________________________________________________________________ 3) _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Give reasons why you feel that you would enjoy these types of employment, and why you think that you would be good at them. _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ You may have a particular employer in mind with whom you would like to spend your work experience with. If this is the case, firstly you must make sure that they hold ‘Employer’s Liability Insurance, then let us know their details on your Work Experience Consent Form. Don’t worry if you are not able to do this, as we will arrange a suitable placement for you based on the types of work you have indicated on your consent form. It is important that when completing your Work Experience Consent Form, you do include as much detail as possible about your preferred types of work and preferred employers. This will help us to ensure that we arrange a placement that best suits your needs and requirements.

Work Experience Handbook, Monday 8 - Friday 12 July 2019


The Work Experience Process – step by step

The table below will explain the steps we go through to arrange your work placement – from today, right up until your placement has finished. Please use this as a checklist to ensure that you and your parents have completed the required forms and returned them to us. It is very important that all the forms we give you are returned to us by the given deadline. Failure to do this may result in us being unable to secure a placement for you.

Timeline - What will happen



ASSEMBLY Monday 17th September 2018



You will be given a ‘Work Experience Choices Form’, along with a letter to your parents. You must complete the Choices form with your parents and return it to your Form Tutor by Monday 15th October at the latest.



We will make contact with your chosen employer, or employers offering the type of work you are interested in.



We will give you a Contact Details Form showing where you will be going for your placement and who to contact. You must make contact with your employer to complete this. Use this information to help you fill in page 9 of this handbook THEN return the form to your Form Tutor within 4 weeks of receiving it.



We will carry our risk assessments to ensure your health, safety and welfare during your placement. You will receive a letter and a copy of the Work Experience Placement Vetting form along with a Consent Form ‘which must be completed and signed by yourself AND your parent/guardian. You must return this to your Form Tutor as soon as possible.



You will carry out your placement from Monday 8th to Friday 12th July. During this week, a teacher will visit you and complete the bottom section of your ‘Contact Details Form’ so we can monitor your progress.



At the end of the week, you will ask your employer to complete a ‘Work Experience Employer’s Assessment Form’ on page 14.



After your placement has ended, we would like you to complete page 12.



Ullswater Community College

Tick when complete

My Placement Details Dates of my work experience placement

Name of employer

Their address

Their telephone number

Who do I report to?

What time should I be there for?

What time will I have lunch?

What arrangements are there for lunch?

What time will I finish work?

How will I get to work?

What should I wear?

Do I need to bring any special equipment or clothing?

Job Description – briefly, what will be expected of me?

Work Experience Handbook, Monday 8 - Friday 12 July 2019


Things to Remember During Work Experience Work experience is exactly what it says. Therefore, you must act as if you were an employee of that business. You are also acting as an ambassador of the college. When on placement, you must remember to: •

Arrive on time. If you are unavoidably delayed, make sure that you apologise and explain what has happened.

If you are ill you must always ring and inform your employer or supervisor as early as possible. Do not just stay away. You must also let the college know that you will not be on your placement – it may be the day that a member of staff is intending to visit you.

Make sure that you are always appropriately dressed. You will have been told by your employer what you are expected to wear.

Remember that people at work are very busy and have important jobs to do. You must be helpful and not hinder them in their work.

You must make sure that you pay close attention to any instructions that you are given by your employer or supervisor. If you are unclear about something make sure you ask them to explain it again.

Do not handle anything at all unless you have been given permission to do so by a person in authority. It may be dangerous, or cost the firm money.

Try to ask questions about the work you are doing. People will expect you to show an interest and be willing to help. Even if you are nervous, remember to use eye contact and SMILE.

Use your ‘Work Experience Diary’ to help you throughout the week, and remember to complete all the activities and exercise shown. You may need to ask for permission or guidance from your employer, so it may be useful for you to think about this at the start of your placement week.

Find out as much as you can about the type of work you are doing particularly if you are hoping for a career in this area. Ask about qualifications required and the best routes to take.

Make the most of your placement. It is usually the case that ‘the more you put into your placement, the more you will get out of it’.

Enjoy Yourself 10

Ullswater Community College

Health and Safety at Work In all workplaces there are possible hazards and risks to peoples’ health and safety. Some of these places such as factories, farms or workshops are clearly more dangerous than others, although all placements have their own particular dangers.


mployers are responsible for making sure that workplaces are safe, but employees have a duty to take proper care of themselves and their colleagues or customers.

Health and Safety in the workplace is regulated by the Health and Safety at Work Act. The central part of this legislation is as follows:

People can put themselves and others at risk by disregarding health and safety rules. You are responsible for working in a safe and responsible manner and being unfamiliar with a workplace or routine creates additional difficulties, so:


BE RESPONSIBLE BE tidy and organised. Take your time with unfamiliar tasks


instructions and


given to you

DO NOT handle any tools, machinery or equipment without supervision or instruction READ all instructions c a r e f u l l y

WEAR any safety equipment and clothing you are given

Work Experience Handbook, Monday 8 - Friday 12 July 2019


Looking Back on my Work Experience Complete this after your placement

Your work experience placement may have helped answer some important questions about yourself and the future. It will have given you a valuable insight into the world of work and it is useful to reflect back on what you have learnt. Did you enjoy your placement? Give reasons for your answer.

Where would you have like to spend more time, and why?

Were there any tasks that particularly interested you or that you enjoyed more than others?

Has my work experience placement altered my opinions about the job I want to do in the future? Explain your answer.

Any other comments or thoughts?

Evaluation At the end of your work placement, please ask your employer to complete the ‘Work Experience Employers’ Assessment Form’ which is found on the following page. This enables the employer to give you specific and useful feedback on how they think that you have performed your duties.


Ullswater Community College

Work Experience Employers’ Assessment Form Name of Business: Name of Supervisor: Name of Student: Assessment

Very Good

(tick appropriate box)




Don’t Know

Time keeping Attitude to training Attendance Personal appearance General manner Enthusiasm Competence Adaptability Co-operation / Compliance Attitude to other staff Attitude with customers Motivation Interest in the work Effort Initiative Self confidence Ability to understand instructions Ability to follow instructions Practical skills Number skills Written skills Verbal skills Personal responsibility Any other comments:

Thank you for providing the placement and the information contained on this form, all of which is so highly valued by the College and the students. Work Experience Handbook, Monday 8 - Friday 12 July 2019


Ullswater Community College Wetheriggs Lane, Penrith, CA11 8NG Phone: 01768 210206 Email: Web:

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