January 31, 2011
North Louisiana due for a change with redistricting p. 3
Love or Lust? p. 6
Pharmaceutical Sciences, M.S. English, M.A. S u b s t a nce Abuse Counseling, M.A. Multiple Levels, Gr. K-12, M.A.T. Educational Leadership, Ed.D. Computer Science, B.S. Communication Studies, B.A. Secondary Education, Multiple Areas Mathematics, B.S. Gerontological Studies, B.S. Atmospheric Sciences, B.S. Chemistry, B.S. Political Science, B.S. Music, B.A. and so on...
ULM’s own professors and department heads address problems, speculation and rumors around the programs slated for review.
Squawk Box What’s your take on the Super Bowl?
Soukson Praxybane Sophomore- Mass Communication West Monroe, LA
49/34˚ Sunny
31 monday
Brown Auditorium- Third Coast Percussion- 7:30 p.m.
Emy-Lou Biedenharn- FACS- Alex Noppe, trumpet- 7:30 p.m.
Braiden Butcher Junior- Graphic Design Shawnee, OK
“I’m going for the Packers because I always root for the underdogs.”
03 thursday Emy- Lou Biedenharn- A Musical Celebration of Black History7:30 p.m.
04 friday Final date for submitting financial aid appeals for Spring..
Suggestions for questions? Email Andi Sherman at
Srdjan Marjanovic
Robert Brown
01 tuesday
“No question about it! Steelers all the way!”
editor in chief
co-managing editor(news) co-managing editor(art)
Brooke Hofstetter Collette Keith
Kami Aaron Sophomore- General Studies West Monroe, LA
Kelsea McCrary
assistant director 342.5450
Partly Cloudy- 10%
“80% of me doesn’t care, but the other 20% does because of the history that surrounds the Super Bowl.”
director 342.5454
Few Showers- 30%
Few Showers- 30%
Kaylee Coggins Freshman- Dental Hygiene Monroe, LA
Christopher Mapp
“I really don’t care who wins. I just want it to be a good game.”
Final date for resigning with a partial refund.
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January 31, 2011
Louisiana to redistrict after 2011 Census
Speculation that Monroe is to merge with Shreveport
Political science group gathers for State of the Union Address by Cole Avery
by Charles Strauss
There are big changes headed for Louisiana’s apportionment of United States Congressional districts. The projected outlook is negative for Republicans as State Senator Robert Kostelka and the Louisiana Republican Party might lose Republican incumbent Rodney Alexander’s district. John Sutherlin, a political science professor at ULM, is worried about the challenge the residistrict will cause for Monroe. “The anticipation for north Louisiana is that there will be population and political pressure to create a single district that includes Monroe and Shreveport,” Sutherlin said. “This will be a real challenge for the region as this has never worked in favor of Monroe in prior attempts,” he said. He explains that this lack of benefits for Monroe through the following circumstances: “Shreveport, in such a scenario, would get more federal dollars, but Monroe and the surrounding delta area needs more help.” Further, he claims that there are few political exercises that are more ‘political’ than gerrymandering people. Gerrymandering is a practice of political corruption that attempts to establish a political advantage for a particular party by manipulating geographic boundaries to create partisan and neutral districts.
Photos courtsey of MCT Campus
LA is not the only state due to lose an incumbent after the 2010 Census. However, LA neighbor TX is gaining 3 seats in the House of Representatives.
This situation is proving this to be accurate. Kostelka has been working with officials from the Federal and State government on the reapportionment process. An aide from Kostelka’s office,
rule,’” Murphy said. This in turn means that after each ten year census the law requires that Congress be reapportioned so that each district has the same number of residents. “So even though Louisiana’s
“This will be a real challenge for the region as this has never worked in favor of Monroe in prior attempts.” -John Sutherlin Political Science Professor
Katie Murphy, explains what reapportionment is. “Congress is limited to 435 members and the US Supreme Court in 1967 forced equal members in each Congressional District under the so called ‘one man, or one woman, one vote
population has grown some since the last census in 2000, it has not grown proportionately to keep seven Congressman. Where we originally had eight Congressman, then seven as today, we will now only have six,” Murphy said.
ULM political science students and professors gathered at Pie Works Pizza to view the State of the Union address. Higher education was on the forefront of everyone’s minds, hoping the president would discuss funding issues. Connie Point, president of the political science honor society Pi Sigma Alpha, organized the event. “I just wanted to give students a chance to get involved in politics and national issues,” Point said. More than 20 students, including Student Government President Brook Sebren, and three professors watched the president’s address at the event. A main focus of President Barack Obama’s speech was the importance of education. Obama issued his support for higher education, claiming that he would support education’s funding Kostelka has just returned from Washington D.C. where he met with Justice Department officials. Southern states must have reapportionment programs approved by the Justice Department to protect against unethical gerrymandering Kostelka Ko s t e l k a’s office released a statement saying that “The legislature has al-
in the face of massive cuts needed to balance the nation’s budget. Roxanne Bower, a politicial science major, said she appreciated the president’s rhetoric but hoped he could turn it into more than just talk. “If [the president] is talking about education and the future, he needs to be sure people can take advantage of these opportunities,” Bower said. Brooke Mohon, also a political science student, would like to see the federal government take a bigger role in preventing the budget crisis facing higher education in states across the country, including Louisiana. “I know the money has to come from somewhere, but not higher education,” Mohon said. “Higher education is priceless.” contact Cole Avery at
ready voted to call themselves into a Special Session beginning Mar. 20- Apr. 13.” It continues to say that before that the law requires that the House and Senate Governmental Affairs Committees to have Roadshows which is to go around the state to schedule meetings to inform any interested persons of the census figures and take any input concerning reapportionment and redistricting.”
contact Charles Strauss at
Over 450 degree programs at risk for cut 34 ULM programs anxiously wait on the chopping block by Charles Strauss
As states are continually being forced to cut higher education budgets, the details of what can be deemed unnecessary are increasingly becoming more controversial. A total of 24 undergraduate programs at the University of Louisiana at Monroe are going to be reviewed to determine whether or not they should be retained. The majors undergoing this process have allegedly failed to meet certain criteria set by the University of Louisiana System, most notably the number of graduates per year. Many feel that some of the programs that have fallen into this list seem to be undeserving of speculation for cancelation. For instance, the Communication Studies major has recently come under fire. Carl Thameling, a ULM Professor of Speech Communication, is worried about the Communication Studies programs. “In the last three years, 200710, Communication Studies had 21 completers instead of 24 completers, meaning the program missed the minimum completers requirement by three graduates,” Thameling said. Thameling explains that the numbers of completers is very important when states are evaluating a programs importance. “If you were to examine the previous three years, 2004-07, Communication Studies had 27 completers, exceeding the minimum by three. Programs must
Kevin Unter
they cut it,” Johnston said. Speculation has also fallen onto the Political Science department, again because of the lack of graduates in the past three years. However, this is completely erroneous because the program hasn’t been in existence long enough to produce graduates. Kevin Unter, Department Head of Gerontology, Sociology and Political Science laid the situation out. “Political Science is a young program, only four years old,” Unter said. Even though having a fairly recent start, the department has grown significantly.
An abridged list of ULM programs under review:
Graduate Programs:
have eight completers/graduates per year to meet Board of Regents requirements.” Beau Johnston, a senior communication studies major from Monroe, originally started as a Physical Therapy major, but switched to communication studies. “When I found out they were thinking of cutting the program, I quickly changed my major from PT to Public Relations so I could acquire a degree before
“It is very important for the university that all departments continue to examine themselves and to ensure we are providing the best educational experience to students.”
January 31, 2011
Paul Candia, a student at Evergreen Valley College in San Jose, holds a sign during a protest in Sacramento, California, Monday, Mar. 22, 2010. Students marched to the Capitol to protest cuts in higher education.
Photo and caption courtsey of MCT Campus
“We started out with zero students in 2007 and are now over 80. These students are starting to graduate, so I fully expect Political Science numbers to exceed minimums set by the Board of Regents,” Unter said. He continued to elaborate that 11 Political Science majors are expected to graduate in the spring. These 11, combined with three from the fall and those expected to graduate in the summer, it will put the Political Science department well beyond the number expected by the Board of Regents. Despite the controversy accompanying these reviews, Unter says that no department is safe from budget cuts. “It is very important for the university that all departments continue to examine themselves and to ensure we are providing
the best educational opportunities for our students.” Although these reviews and potential cuts strike fear in some, the harsh reality is that the state can no longer afford to continue every major. The most successful programs will stay, while those failing to produce must be cut for the betterment of the university as a whole. However, just because a program is under review is no reason to panic. ULM has many quality programs that are being given the chance to be innovated and provide the highest standard of education. Programs that achieve this will be here to stay.
contact Charles Strauss at
• Doct. in Educational Leadership. • Master in Multiple Levels (K-12) • Master in English • Spec. in School Psychology • Master in Pharmaceutical Sciences • Master in Substance Abuse Conseling
Baccalaureate Programs:
• Bacc. in Communication- Communication Studies • Bacc. in Computer Science • Bacc. in Art Education (K-12) • Bacc. in English Education (6-12) • Bacc. in Family and Consumer Science (6-12) • Bacc. in Music Education- Vocal (K-12) -ONLINE ALERTFor the complete list, log on to and follow our link.
January 31, 2011
Bruno involved in recruiting President is optimistic about future students
by Catherine Olson
Despite budget cuts and a population decrease in Northeast Louisiana, University of Louisiana at Monroe President Nick Bruno has a positive outlook for maintaining enrollment levels. Bruno’s second concern is to raise academic standards in the years to come. Employees for the university, including Lisa Miller, the associate Provost of Enrollment and Recruitment, are just as concerned about recruiting as Bruno. Miller says recruitment is critical in earning revenue for all universities. “Fortunately the recruitment office has not received a reduction in our funds for recruitment purposes,” Miller said. She and Bruno plan to expand
New Orleans artist Spencer Bohren to visit ULM
Spencer Bohren, a New Orleans native and folkorist/ artist/blues performer, will visit ULM from Feb. 14- Feb. 18. Bohren has developed a performance type lecture that will shed light on the origins and development of traditional American music. He entitles his performance “Down the Dirt Road Blues.” It follows a single song’s journey from 16th Century Africa all the way through America’s culture and history. It will start at 7:30 p.m. in Biedenharn Hall.
Photo courtsey of University Relations
President Bruno meets with eager students during his first week in office.
efforts further south, out of state and internationally, targeting areas with a lot of students, to make up for fewer applicants in the region. They are also emphasizing already existing relationships with community colleges that have students who are ready to move on. The school is looking internally for connections too. “A lot of departments recruit, like Dr. Chandler for the choir,” Bruno said. Some professors have shown interest in participating in out
of town lectures at high schools that might attract students, as well. Miller says that there are ways for students to get involved like the Hawkseekers and Hometown Hawks, who give campus tours and recruit at hometown high schools. In the end, President Bruno says, “I’m optimistic that these budget issues will not go on forever. I want to make sure we have appropriate students who can be successful at ULM.”
Percussion Ensemble holds free concert Jan. 31
All Majors Career Fair scheduled for Feb. 16
Third Coast Percussion, a professional percussion ensemble, will make a guest appearance at ULM on Jan. 31 at 7:30 p.m. Third Coast Percussion is a Chicago-based group that travels the county teaching master classes to students. They were featured at the 2nd Annual Round Top Percussion Festival in 2008-2009. The group will be working one-on-one with students at ULM in the Band Building, starting at 11 a.m.
contact Catherine Olson at
Juniors and Seniors at ULM are invited to take part in the Spring 2011 career fair in the SUB. The fair is scheduled from 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. The fair is set up to help students generate contacts with local and regional employers. Professional dress is required for all students who are planning to attend. The first 50 guests to register online will receive a 1GB flash drive and are put into a drawing to win a 32 GB Apple iPad. For more information, contact
In Remembrance of Emmitte Fleming We have lost a great employee on Wednesday, Jan. 26. Emmitte Fleming worked in the grounds maintenance department here at the University of Louisiana at Monroe. He was involved in an auto accident on his way to work that morning and died as a result of injuries sustained in the crash. We [ULM Physical Plant] are deeply saddened by the loss of our fellow employee. Please keep the family and those close to Emmitte in your prayers. -Bryan Thorn Director of Physical Plant
LA misses boat on USS Opportunity
In love or lust: do men know the difference?
COLE AVERY In his State of the Union address, Pres. Barack Obama blew a whistle loud enough for any resident of a fledgling state to hear. The whistle signaled a “now boarding” call for his cruise liner: The U.S.S. Opportunity. Sadly, Louisiana’s leaders will be waving bon voyage from the shore. Conservative leaders and bloggers wasted no time blasting the president for not uttering a single word about the BP oil spill or the job killing deepwater drilling moratorium. Perhaps their anger is well placed. After all, Obama himself once referred to the crisis as “the worst environmental disaster America has ever faced.” Maybe there is one statement conservatives and the president can actually agree on after all. Once again the issues of the gulf coast have been placed below deck with the ship-hands. But now that the point has been made, Louisiana should stop whining about the conditions of its bunk and take the first-class, ocean-view upgrade Obama has offered. Obama made it clear during his speech that he plans to see America “out-innovate, out-educate, and out-build the rest of the world.” Where better to start than Louisiana?
Louisiana is poor. Land values are low. Higher education will continue to bear the brunt of budget cuts. With the president ready to dish out money to improve the nation, Louisiana’s leaders should take advantage and pitch Obama the idea that this state is a bargain for investment. Unfortunately, this will never happen. Once the picture of moderation, Louisiana is now firmly in the grasp of the GOP. Blue Dog Democrats like Charlie Melancon are no longer able to compete in statewide elections because of the taboo “D” that follows their name on a ballot. Voters fear that such candidates may secretly hold the same liberal views of the Northeast or California. Instead the state leadership has become pawns of the con-
servative movement. Sen. David Vitter hounds Obama like a petulant child trying to provoke a sibling into a fight. Gov. Bobby Jindal could never go along with anything on the president’s agenda. This is for fear that it might hurt his already slim chances of winning the White House himself (say what you will Bobby, but people do not hold fundraisers around the country if they never intend to run for president.) Partisanship is going to cost Louisiana, not help it. The Republican leaders of the bayou should set aside party agendas and serve their state, serve their homes. And when someone offers you a ticket for a cruise, do not turn it down simply because you do not like the captain. contact Cole Avery at
January 31, 2011
Less than five minutes of exposure to MTV’s “Jersey Shore” and the antics of “The Situation” can leave one pretty confounded at the priorities of men in our society regarding sex and love. Whether or not guys are really just looking for sex or finding “the one” is too dynamic of a question to pinpoint a single answer. However, there are some commonalities among all college aged guys. Some guys just want sex. Who can blame them for prowling around campus, making sure to attend the first day of class (if no others), or showing out in bars trying to get some action? Thousands of years of evolutionary shaping created a system that has been very successful, as the planet is hitting the seven billion population mark. From this evolutionary psychology perspective, the male sex drive developed so that viral, healthy, males would go out and reproduce with the most genetically fit females. Our aesthetic attractions are driven from outward displays of good genetics. For instance, men find a hipto-waist ratio of 0.7 to be a slice of heaven. The drive to have sex itself is
born from the brain’s mesolimbic system, which controls the brain chemical dopamine. This is the same chemical that drugs artificially stimulate to result in physiological addiction. In much the same way it drives drug addicts, the natural effects make us hooked on sex. However, the higher consciousness of humans and the ability to resist our biological urges unlike other creatures has created a society and culture that idealizes the virtue of “love” and monogamy, as expressed through our movies and music. In regards to this, some guys are coming around the evolutionary curve faster than others. Once the macho façade has fallen, many guys really want someone to love. We desire a relationship based on friendship, loyalty, trust and support. Men exist that want to hear what’s inside that crazy head of yours, and there’s nothing better than watching a girl you like light up with laughter having fun with you. When this connection materializes and a guy wants more than just the allure of your genetic perfection, eyes and all, maybe she won’t be “the one,” but she can be the one that makes the “hoes have to goez.” I would say that most men fall somewhere between the two extremes and although many of our immediate efforts go toward getting laid, my overarching hope is to find love in its most romantic, yet realistic, form. contact Charles Strauss at
January 31, 2011
A five year old boy was suspended from his preschool in Patalka, Fl., on Tuesday, after bringing a loaded weapon to class. The .22 caliber pistol was loaded when it fell out of his pocket during a music class. As shocking as this incident is, the child himself cannot be
blamed for the what occured. The boy told police he found it in his parent’s car and wanted to show it to his friends at school. The danger that could have ensued, or the damage that could have occurred, is obviously past his scope of understanding.That leaves the fault
to fall in the laps of the parents. While children can be hard to keep a handle on, there is no excuse for letting something like this happen. Every parent has turned their back to their children at some point; they cannot be watched like hawks all hours of the day. So it is understandable that his mother (who was dropping him off) did not see him pick
up the weapon from the back seat. The problem is that the gun was in the back seat, accessible, to begin with. Gun accessibility is not the point to be argued. Those who want guns will manage to get their hands on them whether it is legal or not. But it is negligance like this that will get gun rights revoked.
PAGE 7 And when those who still want weapons do whatever is necessary to get them, the rest of us will be at a loss. Cars don’t cause crashes, bad drivers do. To the same extent, absent minded people in possession of a fire arm run the risk of revoking the rights of those whose I.Q. is high enough to know that you don’t leave a gun where your child can get it.
A drug test is not too much to ask for
BROOKE HOFSTETTER Recently, I read an article in the Huffington Post about how Kentucky is trying to pass a law making welfare applicants take a drug test. At first, I was outraged. Randomly drug-testing people when they are trying to get the help they need is not only unfair, but seems like a major violation of their Constitutional Rights. However, once I put some more thought into it, I am no longer outraged. First, the details. Kentucky State Representative Lonnie Napier has introduced a bill that would enforce random drug testing for all adult Kentuckians receiving welfare, food stamps or Medicare. He told Huffpost that by proposing this bill, he is hoping to “get people off of drugs” and save money for the state. Under the proposed bill, Kentucky House Bill 208, people filling out applications for wel-
fare, food stamps and Medicare who fail the random drug test would lose the benefits they already have or are denied the public assistance. Napier feels that if the working people in his state have to submit to a random drug test while applying for a job (and sometimes a test while working at their place of employment), then so should those who are applying to receive public money. This is the statement that made me change my mind. Mr. Representative from Kentucky, you are absolutely right. When I was 16 years old, I was randomly drug tested while I was applying for a job at our local shopping center. At first, I was extremely offended by being asked to partake in this random drug test, as the manger so awkwardly asked me to swab the inside of my mouth. But after I passed the test, and got the job, I really did not care. Now, I have no problem against people applying for welfare, especially when they need it in order to get by. But, if these applicants fail a drug test, why should our government give them money? They apparently have enough money to buy drugs, so what makes us think they don’t have enough money to support
themselves each month? If people are offended by the state asking them to partake in this test, I do understand their frustration. However, I do think it is one of the best ideas a politician has come up with in a while. Public assistance is here to help people who need it. It is not around for people to take what they don’t need and abuse the system. Will passing this bill get people to stop doing drugs? Probably not. John LaBruzzo, a state Representative from Louisiana, tried to push a similar bill in 2008. LaBruzzo offered to give “poor” women $1,000 to have their tubes tied and “poor” men money to have vasectomies in order to control generational welfare. Needless to say, he has since modified his plan to include temporary forms of birth control. I believe his heart is in the right place but not so much his mind. With House Bill 208, I hope it will make people applying for welfare, food stamps and Medicare think twice about which is more important. Congratulations, Kentucky, I hope your bill gets passed and all other 49 states follow your lead. contact Brooke Hoftsetter at
To spend or to save, that is the question Refund checks on their way, little self control for students
Monroe reduces risk of hazardous environment Three ‘R’s’ render green streak possible for ULM
by Melinda Johnson
Excitement is in the air the week leading up to the distribution of students’ refund checks. As malls are calling and new toys beckoning, students begin to stratagize on exactly where each newly recieved penny will go. “I plan on putting my refund into my savings,” Scott Simoneax, a sophomore Mass Communications major from Rayne, said. However, not all students can resist the need or temptation of spending their checks instead of saving it like Simoneax. Whether based on need or want, students all have various ways they want to use their refund checks. Some students need to pay back parents or relatives who chipped in on dorm expenses and school supplies, while others will use it to buy a car or a much needed laptop. The temptation to spend the money is very strong. Lauren Arnold, a junior art education major from Bossier City, was excited about her
January 31, 2011
plans. “I’m going to take a trip to New Orleans with some of the money and save the rest.” Arnold is not alone in spending her money. In Schulze Cafeteria, many
“I’m going to take a trip to New Orleans with some of the money and save the rest.” -Lauren Arnold
tables are filled with people sharing or making their plans. Some are planning a shopping spree at the Pecanland Mall while others want to get a manicure. Students want video games, clothes, shoes and so much more. However, the thing they want most is the freedom. Finally away from their parents, with their own money in hand, many students are itching to make their own decisions: whether to spend or save.
photos by Srdjan Marjanovic
by Andrew MacDonald
For students here at ULM, going green is beginning to become a part of their daily habit on campus. With so many different outlets for students to be more environmentally conscious, being green has become a natural part of being on campus. From plastic recycling areas to reusable food containers at Schulze Express, places to recycle and save surround students while spending time at the university. However, doing the same can be tricky once students get offcampus and into the city. Luckily, there are quite a few ways to go green all around the city of Monroe. Reduce – Reduce carbon footprints, and take the bus instead of driving to Walmart or the bank. Since Monroe Transit System offers a ride in just a short walk, students can ride the bus for $1.00 per trip, which means that valuable parking spot won’t be lost. Not only will frequenting the bus help the environmet, it also keeps one’s wallet on the green side. Instead of running on fumes, student’s cars can keep them resourcefully in the tank and out of the air for as long as possible. Reuse – Around the holi-
photos by Srdjan Marjanovic and Andrew McDonald
Photo Above: Recyling bin at City Hall in Monroe. Photo Right: Plastic bottles and glass are only some things that are recylable.
day season, the City of Monroe holds a Christmas tree recycling area, where people can bring their trees and have them
“I’m going to take a trip to New Orleans wih some of the money and save the rest.” -Lauren Arnold turned into mulch. Not only is it good for the environment, but it saves money, since there’s no need to bring it to a waste management facility. Recycle – There are plenty of
places around Monroe to recycle your items. For example, at Target, there are recycling bins. Although not owned by the city itself, these bins are a classic way to recycle goods. Another good way to recycle is to collect cans and bring them to ARKLA Recycling in West Monroe and get some change for soda cans. In downtown Monroe, students can bring their old newspapers, and Jiffy Lube also recycles used automotive oil. contact Andrew MacDonald at
January 31, 2011
ULM’s Jana Giles and Amy Johnson to host new film series Professors in English Dept. collaborate by Collette Keith
For the first time, ULM is playing host to a film series. The series was made possible by the collaborating of the English department’s Jana Giles and Amy Johnson. In a time before Blockbuster existed at every corner, when Netflix wasn’t a click away, art cinema was much harder to get a hold of. It was through efforts of colleges that exposed students to less mainstream film. “When w went to school, universities always had film series,” explained Giles.
Break Schedule Louisiana State University: April 18-22
University of Louisiana at Lafayette: April 18-22
Southeastern University: April 22-29
ULM is the only university in the Northeast to have such a series. It will show one film a month, from American horror masters like Hitchcock to the genius of Frenchman Jean-Pierre Jeunet. “ W e started out ambitious,” said Johnson in reference to how much they wanted to Giles share with public cinematically. “But its all economics.” Giles went on to explain that with the viewing of each film, royalties must be paid to that film’s distributor. After receiving little help from the Campus Ac-
tivities Board, (CAB) the Dean of Arts and Sciences, Jeff Cass, agreed to funding five films. The two professors narrowed their list down to the select few, showing one a month. The list included Junebug, Black Orpheus, Rear Window, Amelie and Army of Darkness. When considering their picks, both Giles and Johnson wanted to bring something a little more culturally stimulating than what most college students are used to viewing. “Absurd amounts of money go into blockbusters that already exist in some other form (comic books, remakes). Then more money is spent to promote the film, and there’s no money left for people to do something different.”
Photo by Andi Sherman Photo left to right: Giles and Johnson sit down to enjoy the first film of the semester.
Both understand that interest in art cinema is always small because it is more demanding on the viewer. Today, audiences biggest challenge in a film is understanding what an explosion looks like. Art cinema requires much more of a viewer, bringing forth character complexity and a calling for intellect. This varies heavily from the typical experience of escapism that most blockbusters
produce. However, Giles and Johnson are hopefull. “We don’t really know our audience yet,” said Johnson. “We’re not sure what they’ve seen.” They are hopeful that this semester will be more of a success than a trial run, and are anxious to do more with it in the future. contact Collette Keith at
Spring schedule will leave students to their studies Spring Break is too close to finals, according to many ULM students by Jessica Mitchell
This semester has started off really well. Students are amped about learning, and they are even amped about losing weight. Everything seems to be on the up and up unti ones takes a look at the calendar. The next break for students is Mardi Gras, which is March 7, a little less than two months away, and about a month after that is spring break.
However, if students are planning to lie out on the beach, they will be accompanied by text books. When school resumes, final exams will be just around the corner.
The process is actually quite complex. The schedule is created a year in advance. A committee of about fifteen people, consisting of faculty members, administrators and
“It dampens my break because the year is almost over anyway. Its irritating.” -Jasmine Garcia
Sophmore history major, Jasmine Garcia, from Aubrun, said, “It dampers my break because the year is almost over anyway. Its Irritating.” The reason for such scheduling is not due to some high up school official who sits with a calendar thinking of ways to make student’s lives miserable.
staff, get together and discuss various possibilities for breaks. They look at financial aid deadlines and other components to make the schedule. The determining factor is how many minutes a class would meet. “As we’re building our fall and spring schedule, for ex-
ample, we want to make sure we have enough Monday, Wednesday, Friday classes then when you add them together it comes up to at least 2100 minutes,” said Michael Camille, Associate dean for the College of Arts and sciences and Chair of the University Calender Committee. The committee comes up with a rough draft, takes it to higher administrators and the calendar is made from there. “Sometimes the schedules are beyond our control. It is all to make sure we have a good balance between academics and break time,” said Camille. contact Jessica Mitchell at
A& E h ar b o r s ‘Hoarders,’ k e e p i ng compulsions at bay
Ever knew a person who saves any and every item for long periods of time? People who are willing to let the items just stack higher and collect dust; A&E’s hit TV show “Hoarders” is for you. “Hoarders” take viewers into the homes of individuals whose collecting addiction has taken a turn for the worst.
Real Housewives of Atlanta Season 3 comes to close by Eddie Fountain
This season of the Real Housewives of Atlanta has been a season to remember, and one that won’t soon be forgotten. Two new housewives were introduced in the third season; Phaedra, an entertainment lawyer, and Cynthia, a supermodel. They were two women that seem to almost dominate the season with their drama. Phaedra’s drama seemed to come in the form of her husband, who was a supposed convict, and the many housewives speculating about if she was telling the truth about the due date of her baby. Cynthia throughout the season was excited about getting married to her fiancé, Peter, but she soon found out that that may not happen because of the sudden closing of his club, “Uptown.” Kim and Kandi went on a tour to promote Kandi’s upcoming album, but Kandi found herself stressed by Kim’s constant complaining and chain smoking, which made for some comical moments. Sheree was drama less this season. The only drama she was into was the drama on the stage,
pursuing her new found passion of acting. NeNe went through some tough times throughout the season with the betrayal of her best friend Dwight and the crumbling marriage with her husband, Greg. But what seemed to top all that was the mega blowout between her and Kim that came very close to getting physical. Overall the third season of the Housewives was a season that was packed with more betrayal, fights, tears, and of course drinking than any other season. This season didn’t disappoint. The Real Housewives of Atlanta can be seen on Bravo, Sundays at 9pm. contact Eddie Fountain at
The show allows viewers to see the ups and downs of people with compulsive hoarding disorders. This is the show’s third season and people’s addictions have gotten crazier and even more out of control. People are willing to lose everything, such as contact with family members, in order keep their items safe with them. “Hoarders” also takes the viewer on the road to recovery with
January 31, 2011
the victims. Some pass the test and others are oblivious to the fact that they processed a hoarding problem. At the end of the show, the viewer will see which individual was able to let go and who could not bear to see some of the weirdest things, like a house full of rats, be cleaned up and made livable. contact Donald Gibson at
Photos courtsey of MCT Campus
January 31, 2011
Celebrities make marriage trendy by Markeaya Eaton
These days, celebrities aren’t wasting time getting down the aisle to say “I Do.” Some celebrity couples aren’t staying together past a year before they become engaged. Last year, Jessica Simpson and her fiancé, Eric Johnson, got engaged after only being together for five months. Chad Ochocinco of the Cincinnati Bengals popped the question to one of VH1’s Basketball Wives, Evelyn Lozada. They had only been dating for three months.
Marriage is very serious and shouldn’t be taken lightly, but everyone doesn’t feel that way. “This is just normal, thank God. He’s very, very supportive. I couldn’t ask for a better man in my life right now.” Jessica Simpson told People Magazine. When she said “right now”, it seems as if Eric won’t be around for a long time. Celebrities have set so many trends, and now marrying quickly is one of them. contact Markeaya Eaton at
MTV shows too much ‘SKIN’
by Donald Gibson
MTV’s new show “Skins” seems to be getting a lot of attention and not in a good way. “Skins” premiered Jan. 17, has been the topic of everyone’s conversation. The show is a remake of a British sharing the same name. The show is also a spinoff of the controversial 1995 film “KIDS.” “Skins” takes audiences into the lives of teenagers who are all about partying, sex and drugs. Since its premiere, The Parents Television Council announced that they are urging the Department of Justice, U.S. Senate and House Judiciary Committees to open an investigation. Some are concerned that the
show contains child pornography. However, MTV did not confirm or deny that accusation. “Skins is a show that addresses real-world issues confronting teens in a frank way,” a rep for the network said. “We are confident that the episodes of ‘Skins’ will not only comply with all applicable legal requirements, but also with our responsibilities to our viewers.” he added. Advertisers have also gotten involved, by pulling ads from the show. We constantly see teens do things without their parents’ permission, but who has the right to blame the producers for delivering daily real life messages.
Photos courtsey of MCT Campus
It is a way to open eyes to parents as well as kids on issues that teens are faced with on a regular basis. Tune in Monday nights at 9 p.m. to decide whether you are shirts or “Skins”. contact Donald Gibson at
Iron and Wine’s new album ‘Kiss Each Other Clean’ sweet as sugar by Collette Keith
Iron and Wine’s new album Kiss Each Other Clean may be their best yet. While older albums are near masterpieces, Kiss Each Other Clean is revolutionary for Iron and Wine. Listening to the album is like digging through an aged oak cabinet filled with Jameson; anything you take away from it will go down warm and smooth, leaving you intoxicated and wanting more. Past albums were ambient to the point of inducing sleep. They were gentle and delicate; one big lullaby disguised as vinyl. While this timid sound was well deserving of a golf-clap, many of their tracks were unvaried, sliding into one big blur. Kiss Each Other Clean masters the difficult task of creating a diversified album while stay-
ing true to a particular mood. While sound and style may vary drastically from track to track, each implements a specific atmosphere. Singer Samuel Beam has strapped soul and funk to his arms and leapt from the nest. He takes the tribal sounds of the Paul Simon ere, combines them with harmonies worthy of the Bee Gees and makes it soar.
The mid-70s vibe is apparent is songs like “Glad Man Singing,” where Beam creates something similar to Lou Reed’s “Take a Walk on the Wild Side.” However, the band hasn’t lost the charm that fans originally fell in love with. Like true virtuosos, they have expanded themselves while remaining true to the prophetic sound that plagues your brain long after a listening. There is still the same somber, lonely guitar, Beam’s rasping voice and lyrics that sound like they were lifted from a Robert Frost poem. In “Half Moon,” he sighs, “Low night noise in the wintertime / I wake besides you on the floor / counting your breathing. / I can’t see nothing in this half moon, / Lay be down if I should lose you.” contact Collette Keith at
January 31, 2011
Teachers share how student tardiness makes them feel by Ciera Paul
“I woke up late.” “I could not find a a parking spot.” The above reasons are some that students say when they arrive to class late. The one thing students fail to take into consideration is how it makes the professor, as well as their peers, feel when they arrive late. Mary Wortham, a Spanish professor at ULM dislikes when students are late. “When students arrive late, it disrupts what’s happening in
the class, and I’m sorry for the student because he or she has missed out on pertinent information,” Wortham said. Bre’Charia Frazier, Pre-Occupational Theraphy junior from Bossier City, believes the professor’s time is just as valuable as ours. “How would you feel if someone interrupted something you enjoyed doing?” Some students have never noticed the effect of arriving late until they were the one being interrupted.
However they can also relate. Chinedu Akunne, P3 pharmacy student from Nigeria, said it doesn’t bother him when other students walk in late. “I just smile to myself and say ‘That’s how I look when I arrive late.” Many students are understanding, however have a few suggestions so it won’t be disrespectful. “If you are going to come in late, do it quietly, and sit in the back of the class,” said Andrea Jackson, junior English major
Budget cuts nix this year’s Job Expo by Jaclyn Jones
Looking forward to the Job Expo? Well you’re going to have to wait until next fall. The Office of Career Connections will not be hosting it this semester due to the budget cuts. Student employment administrator, Roslynn Pogue, explains the reason behind the cancellation is the limited funding. “We’re only given so much money a year and once funding becomes available we will refer back to the students who are on the waiting list for work study,” Pogue said. An email was sent out last week notifying students of the cancellation. Baneita Smith, a sophomore marketing major from Shreveport, was less than pleased with the news. “I was on the waiting list semester and never heard anything so I was really looking forward to the Job Expo this semester,” Smith said. Students who attended the Job Expo last semester filled out a Work-Study request card and
Job vendors were present last year during the job expo.
were placed on a waiting list. Once funding becomes avail-
“We have to watch our funding and we simply had to forgo the Job Expo this semester.” -Roslynn Pogue
able students on the list will be awarded work-study, depending on the amount of funds available, and will be notified via email. “We have to watch our funding, and we simply agreed to
forgo the Job Expo this semester. But we will be having one Fall Semester,” said Pogue. “It’s a disappointment for us too, she added. “After hearing the reason, it’s understandable. Hopefully I’ll get lucky. If not, I’ll just have to wait till next semester,” said Smith. If students would like to be placed on the waiting list, they must fill out a federal workstudy request card at the Office of Career Connections, Library room 302. contact Jaclyn Jones at
from Leesville. Although arriving to class late has been proven to be disruptive, some professors would prefer for students to arrive late than to not arrive at all. Katherine Dawson, also a professor at ULM, said, “I would rather a student come to class late than not at all.” The overall warning and message from professors: skip at your own risk.” contact Ciera Paul at
Neil White hands out assignments during Fall 2010 semester. Since students were not there (empty rows to left), they had to present first.
January 31, 2011
Across 1. Type of metal / Type of wood (4) 3. Unmarried man / Unmarried woman (8) 9. Dried plums / Dried grapes (7) 10. Type of bird / Type of insect (5) 11. Male relative / Female relative (5) 12. Raise / Lower (7) 13. Strong / Weak (6) 15. Complied / Refused (6) 19. Type of boat / Type of flag (7) 21. Stringed instrument / Woodwind instrument (5) 23. Young men / Young women (5) 24. Concentrated / Watered down (7) 25. Problem / Result (8) 26. Wet / Dry (4)
Down 1. Fruit / Vegetable (7) 2. Worldly / Callow (5) 4. Ask / Reply (6) 5. Animal / Fish (5) 6. Place where books are kept / Place where bees are kept (7) 7. Mountain chain / River valley (5) 8. Type of bird / Type of mammal (6) 14. Bicycle part / Plant part (7) 16. Enlighten / Bewilder (6) 17. Feared / Looked forward to (7) 18. Artist’s workroom / Banquet hall (6) 19. Parts of a book / Parts of a clock (5) 20. Valuable item / Worthless item (5) 22. Speak / Remain silent (5)
Did you Know...? The coffee bean is technically not a bean but a cherry! In the average lifetime, a person will walk the equivalent of 5 times around the equator.
This month in
This month on January 5, 1911, the fraternity Kappa Alpha Psi was founded on the campus of Indiana University. In the early 1900s, African-American students were dissuaded from attending college, facing formidable obstacles erected to prevent the few that enrolled from assimilating into co-curricular campus life. This ostracism led to the creation of the Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, where founders sought a formula that would immediately raise the sights of black collegians and stimulate them to reach higher than ever imagined before. With achievement as its purpose, Kappa Alpha Psi began uniting college men of culture, patriotism, and honor in a bond of fraternity.
January 31, 2011
ULM to Super Bowl XLV Cardia Jackson tells his story of maintaining focus
photo by Srdjan Marjanovic
ULM pitcher Shelby Aulds hurls a fastball last season.
ULM players cleared of rape by Anthony Drummer
Thursday afternoon, a Ouach ita Parish grand jury decided that two University of Louisiana at Monroe Warhawk baseball players will not be put on trial for charges of rape. The grand jury refused to issue an indictment after finding insufficient evidence to bring the case forward. As a result, Shelby Esters Aulds and Kendall Scott Thamm will not be prosecuted by the district attorney’s office. That ends a two month long ordeal for the athletes. Both Aulds and Thamm were facing one count of aggravated rape after being charged last November. The University suspended the players from the Warhawk baseball team pending an investigation by the University Conduct Standards Office, but they were allowed to attend class. The two players are beginning to practice with the team again following the court’s decision. “Per athletic department policy both student-athletes have been reinstated to the team immediately,” said ULM Director of Media Relations Adam Prendergast. contact Anthony Drummer at
by Jerry Cox
From ULM to the Super Bowl? Only one man can say that and his name is Cardia Jackson. Jackson’s approach and preparation for the game of football made him a standout player at ULM. Cardia Jackson was an All-Sunbelt player in the 2007 season and was also named to the AllJackson Louisiana Team and the All Sunbelt team again in 2008. His junior season he finished tied for eighth nationally in tackles per game with 10.6. But his glory days at ULM were cut short due to a not so stellar senior season and it’s been an up and down roller coaster ever since. But that never slowed Jackson down at all. He kept his head on straight, maintained focus and now he’s a member of the Green
Bay Packers and is preparing a team for the biggest game of the year, the Super Bowl. Jackson went undrafted in the 2010 draft but never held his head down. “I just continued to workout hard and maintain my focus,” Jackson said. “And I was lucky enough to get a free agent deal with the St. Louis Rams.” Then another streak of bad luck hit Jackson right before the end of the summer, he was cut from the team on Sept. 4, 2010, just two days before training camp. “There were no hard feelings at all because at the end of the day I know it’s a business, I knew I just had to stay in shape and keep working because you never know when you’re gonna get that phone call.” Jackson then moved to Texas and worked out constantly while working as construction worker until he received a call, just two days before Christmas from the Buffalo Bills. “They flew
me out to Buffalo, but they decided to keep another guy instead of me” It turned out to be a blessing in disguise for him because Jackson was contacted by the Green Bay Packers the Monday after Christmas. “I was given the opportunity to play on their
“I was given the opportunity to play on their practice squad and it’s been a blessing, we’re going to the Super Bowl” -Cardia Jackson, former ULM standout
practice squad and it’s been a blessing. We’re going to the Super Bowl,” Jackson said. Jackson now practices against one of the NFL’s hottest QBs, Aaron Rogers. “It’s my job to give him a challenge and to help him pre-
53 All Americans 207 1st or 2nd team All Confernce players since 1982 pare, but at the same time, he’s helping me get better by trying to stop him,” Jackson said. “We’re getting better as a team, and that way, everyone benefits.” The Packers have embraced him over the last few weeks “It’s been like a home to me, expect for the weather,” he said jokingly “I’m not used to this kind of stuff; it’s 10 below and snowing everyday. I’m from Louisiana, it’s been a long journey” Jackson said, about his story from our small university to preparing for a Super Bowl, “I never gave up and continued to work hards and things turned around for me, proving that anything is possible.” contact Jerry Cox at
January 31, 2011
ULM,Grambling agree to play this fall ULM adds another big name to 2011 football schedule by Jerry Cox
At a press conference last week, ULM and Grambling State University announced that they would play against each other in Malone Stadium on Sept 4. 2011, and Sept. 23, 2013. “For our football team and our fan base, this is a wonderful opportunity to renew a se-
ries that is significant due to the proximity of the two schools,” ULM head coach Todd Berry said. The last time these two schools played they packed over 30,313 fans into Malone Stadium to watch them compete. “I think it’s really cool that we’re going to play Grambling next season; we should play them every year,” said Tiffani Reed, a freshman pre-Pharmacy major. This series is short lived, with ULM winning that lone game
ULM FOOTBALL WALK-ON TRYOUTS The ULM football program will have a meeting on Thursday, February 10th at 5pm at Malone Stadium for those interested in trying out for the football team.
All those interested must meet the following requirements: -You must be a full-time ULM student -You must have at least a 2.5 GPA -You must have played high school football
Please Contact Vince Logan, Director of Football Operations, at (318) 342-5369 if you have any questions.
in 2007, but with the two teams large and loyal fan bases this series could become a staple in the
“I think it’s really cool that we’re going to play Grambling next season,we should play them every year.”
-Tiffani Reed, freshman Pre-pharmacy major
photo courtesy by ULM Warhawks
30,000 fans packed into Malone during ULM/Grambling’s first meeting in 2007.
Warhawk future schedule. ”I know we haven’t played each other very much, but it’s kind of like a rivalry game because the schools are so close,” said Jazmyn Stewart, a freshman
Nursing major. “We know them and they know us, it think it gonna be fun.” contact Jerry Cox at
Warhawks fall at home by DeRon Talley
ULM has lost four straight on the season, losing most recently to the Troy Trojans 68-74 in the Fant-Ewing Coliseum on Saturday. The Warhawks (6-17, 1-8 SBC) have lost eight of their last ten, having three losses come two points or less.The Warhawks came in against Troy with a lot of flare battling early on for dominant position to win the game. Guard Hugh Mingo rallied the Warhawks trying to feed energy to his teammates throughout the first half, boosting teammates Fred Brown and Tommie Sykes to give the push the Warhawks deserved. Mingo would finish the game with a double-double: 18 points and 10 rebounds. After being shaken up by a leg injury, Sykes would finish the game with 10 points and four steals on the defensive end. Brown finished the game with 17 points and five assists after scoring back-to-back lay-ups in the final seconds of the game to keep the Warhawks within two points. Guard Will Weathers finished the game with 18 points and seven assists.In the paint, Center Bernard Toombs finished with a doubledouble of his own contributing 11 points and 14 rebounds to help his team grab the conference win on the road. ULM will go on a two game road-trip over the next week while battling to stay afloat in the Sun Belt Conference with Middle Tennessee and Western Kentucky. The Warhawks will
photo by Srdjan Marjanovic
Senior guard Tommie Skyes lose a Troy defender on a pump fake in the lane.
return home on Feb. 10 to face off against the Arkansas State Red Wolves. contact DeRon Tallry at
January 31, 2011
Warhawks make it four straight
Hot shooting leads Hawks over Red Wolves,Troy
Saturday and won 65-48. Larrie Williams led the team with 16 and Jordan poured in a career high 11 points. Against Troy, the bench chipped in 26 and held them to only 32 percent shooting. The Warhawks plan on keeping the streak going on the road this week with games at Middle Tennessee and Western Kentucky.
by Jerry Cox
The Warhawks have been on a tear lately and continued it last week with a statement win in Arkansas St and against Troy. The 61-45 win was the first time the Warhawks have beaten the Lady Red Wolves on their floor in 22 years, the last win coming in 1989. They did it with a big night from Larrie Williams, who finished with a career high, 21 points, and Junior guard Kassie Courtney, who was on fire from 3-point range hitting 5-8 and finishing the night with 17 of her own. Many of the shots came off the 10 assists the junior point guard, Elizabeth Torres, racked up on the night. The game was played close until the Warhawks opened up a 14 point lead with less than two minutes left to play Their current four game winning
contact Jerry Cox at
photo by Srdjan Marjanovic
WOMANS Wed. Feb. 2 @ 7p.m. MENS Thur. Feb. 3 @ 7p.m.
Larrie Wiliams goes in the lane for a lay -up in the Warhawks win against Troy.
streak came be attributed to their hot shooting. The Warhawks have shot over 45 percent in their last four games. The Warhawks came home against Troy on
VS WOMANS Sat. Feb. 5 @ 1p.m. MENS Sat. Feb. 5 @ 3:30p.m.
Three Hawks named Sun Belt All-Decade by Tim Russel
Three of the University of Louisiana at Monroe’s finest football athletes were named to the Sun-Belt All Decade team. ULM players made the cut were punter Joel Stelly,Chicago Bears denfensive back Chris Harris and most recent graduate linerbacker Cardia Jackson. .
Turn to page 14 to read Cordia Jackson’s story: ULM to SuperBowl
Tennis match rescheduled The women tennis match that was originally set for Feb 2 aganist Alcorn St has been reschehdule for Feb.15 at 1:30 at ULM.
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