Relive Arkansas win with
special inside edition
80s band rocks out at Rendezvous P 10
September 17, 2012
WARHAWKS CLIPPED ULM falls to Auburn 31-28 in overtime P 15
Hundreds race during P 7 Warhawk Dash
Interfraternity council recruits during rush P 8
photo courtesy of Jeremy Stevens, ULM Athletics
September 17, 2012
NEWS WORLD Stubbs 131 700 University Avenue Monroe, LA 71209 Editor in chief - Cole Avery Co-managing editor news - Kristin Nieman Co-managing editor design - Michelle McDaniel Sports editor - Zack Brown Freestyle editor - Emma Herrock Photo editor - Emi McIntyre Copy editor - Stormy Knight Opinion editor - Garrett Boyte Multimedia editor - Michelle McDaniel Advertising director Lane Davis 318 342 5453 Faculty adviser Christopher Mapp 318 342 5454 Feedback 318 342 5453 newsroom 318 342 5452 fax The opinions expressed in personal columns are the opinions of the author and not necessarily the opinions of the editors, staff, adviser or the University. Unsigned editorials represent the collective opinion of The Hawkeye’s editorial board, but not necessarily the opinions of the adviser or the University. The Hawkeye (USPS #440-700) is published weekly except vacation, exam & holiday periods by The University of Louisiana at Monroe, 700 University Avenue, Monroe, LA 71209. Annual subscription price is $15.00. Periodicals Postage Paid at Monroe, LA 71203. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Hawkeye, 700 University Ave., Stubbs 131, Monroe, LA 71209-8832.
Monday, 9-17 Interdenominational Ensemble: 5-9 p.m. in SUB Ballroom D
Tuesday, 9-18 Flu Vaccinations: 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. in Quad/Scott Plaza
Wednesday, 9-19 Career Connections –Fashion Show: 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. in SUB Ballroom D
Thursday, 9-20 Knowing & Communicating Your Rights to Law Enforcement: 6-7:30 p.m. in Stubbs 100
Friday, 9-21 Spirit Day: 9-11:30 a.m. in Scott Plaza
Survey developed to reduce possible hazards ULM is developing a hazard mitigation plan to assess the hazards that can affect ULM and our vulnerabilities to those hazards. As part of the process, students are urged to take a survey created. The survey can be found at THMFW, and will be available until Sept. 30. The plan focuses on reducing the risk of loss of life, injury and property damage due to hazards such as severe winter storms and tornadoes. This plan also identifies specific actions that can be undertaken to minimize or eliminate these vulnerabilities. These projects can be implemented as funding becomes available. With an approved hazard mitigation plan, ULM will become eligible for these competitive grant funds.
8 killed in Bomb threats New Orleans suicide attack cause students cleans up in Solmalia to evacuate Isaac debris NAIROBI, Kenya (MCT) — At least eight people were killed and six wounded Wednesday when at least two explosions rocked a hotel where Somalia’s new president, Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, in office less than 48 hours, was meeting with other African diplomats. Neither Mohamud nor any of the visiting foreign officials was harmed in the attack, but the attempt put a quick and bloody end to the president’s short honeymoon and served as a reminder of how difficult it will be for the previously untested new ruler to confront the problems of the world’s most troubled nation.
TEXAS (MCT)—Tens of thousands of people had to leave college campuses at the Austin campus of the University of Texas and North Dakota State in Fargo on Friday as officials ordered precautionary evacuations after bomb threats that turned out to be false. The Federal Bureau of Investigation saw the threats as “largely local matters,” special agent Jason Pack said in a telephone interview from Washington. “There’s nothing we know that links the threats to something else.” Both schools resumed operations later in the day, and officials continued to investigate the incidents.
Workshop explores cultural diversity by Sydney Bonner
A workshop to inform students about different ways to cope with prejudice, modern racism and stereotypes was held Tuesday by the ULM Counseling Center. Traci Boyett, a counselor at the ULM Counseling Center, discussed the various factors of cultural diversity. Prejudice prevails to this day because people tend to see members of another group as having different values than our own, according to Boyett. Boyett explained in her lecture that different forms of prejudice include stereotypes, prejudice, assumption, discrimination and Koury scapegoating. These are negative ideas about a person used to make others feel as if they are not good enough. Students can easily say things and not realize the consequences of who it may harm. This has an effect on some people where they feel that they should isolate themselves, according to Boyett. “This made me realize that common, funny jokes can be very offensive to others,” said Daniel Koury, a freshman pre-pharmacy major.
NEW ORLEANS (— The City of New Orleans updated residents on post-Isaac debris and garbage clean up on Thursday. Deputy Mayor for Operations Michelle Thomas is leading a comprehensive, cross-sector coalition of City departments, private contractors and public and private sector partners to clear the city of debris left behind by Hurricane Isaac. Hurricane Isaac generated a large amount of debris throughout the City of New Orleans. City workers and contractor crews have been working diligently since storm debris collection began and have collected 93,638 cubic yards of debris citywide.
“When government accepts responsibility for people, then people no longer take responsibility for themselves.” George Pataki, former New York governor
The students who attended the workshop participated by taking a prejudice quiz, which explained interesting facts about prejudice that people endure daily.
“This made me realize that common, funny jokes can be very offensive to others,” Daniel Koury, pre-pharmacy major According to Boyett, people suffering from prejudice will often experience depression, anxiety and aggression. Stereotypes among students can often bring others down and allow them to live out a self-fulfilling prophecy. Some suggested ways of coping with prejudice include raising self-esteem among others who feel targeted and to be prepared for situations where prejudice will be encountered. For more information about these issues, or if you are battling with prejudice issues, contact the ULM Counseling Center at 342-5220. contact Sydney Bonner at
photo by Emi McIntyre
David Rogers sloshes through an ice-cold mud pit, the last obstacle of the Warhawk Dash, on Saturday. Rogers placed second in the costume contest with his pink tutu, mardi gras mask and head-mounted camera. Five-hundred people participated in the Warhawk Dash, many of them dressed in costumes.
September 17, 2012
SGA mulls athletic referendum Students elect 10 “I don’t want to freshman senate them to just vote by Garrett Boyte
The Student Government Association introduced the idea of a referendum to raise student fees to add to the ULM athletics’ budget. The fee would be no more than $25 and would give athletics an estimated 220,000 more dollars a year. The executive officers of the SGA think the idea is worthwhile because of unsafe weight rooms for football players and a baseball stadium in need of renovations. “Yeah some of it would go to football and baseball. Our baseball team is Sun Belt champions. They have a lot of renovations and things Rajkarnikar that they need to do in their stadium. They deserve that,” said Amanda May, adviser to the SGA, to the room of senators. Sen. Phillip Petit explained that students needed to see what the money would be used for if the referendum is expected to pass. “Students are very selfish, and they
want to see what they’re getting in return. For instance with the referendum that we passed about renewing the student fees, they knew it was keeping the student success center open. They saw how it was coming back to them,” Petit said. A similar, yet more costly, referendum was tried in the spring of 2011. Student fees would have increased $120 per student and would have given athletics $1.8 million. It failed 53 percent to 47 percent. The past referendum would have also given $20,000 to VAPA. Vice President Jessica Richardson cited students being uninformed as the reason why the earlier referendum failed. “They did two forums the last time we asked for money for athletics. That’s not enough,” Richardson said. “I don’t want them to just vote no. I want them to have a reason for voting no.” SGA also passed a motion to give $2,000 to the International Student Organization for scholarships starting next year. This will add an extra $1,000 to the already existing ISO scholarship.
no. I want them to 2 candidates cited have a reason for for code breaches while campaigning voting no,” Jessica Richardson, SGA vice president President Calvin Stafford said the funds would come from an existing program. The motion passed 11 to six. Sen. Amit Rajkarnikar was one of only two members to speak on the motion. “I think this is a great way to get SGA out there [in the international community],” Rajkarnikar said. “The scholarship is need and merit based so it will go to a student, who is deserving. The fee would also give a small bit of the money to the department of visual and performing arts. SGA meets every Tuesday in the student center and is open for all students to attend. contact Garrett Boyte at
by Garrett Boyte
ULM’s Student Government Association held freshman senate elections last week. Ten freshmen were elected from the various colleges. “I want to make a difference in my college, and I want to make the student body to be the best that it can be,” said Jameson Alston, a freshman pre-physical therapy major. Alston was the first winning senator to be announced. “[I ran] so I can be a part of this organization and hear the student body, and so I can be their voice,” said Chelsea Wyatt, a freshman psychology major. There were violations committed by two candidates. They broke election rules by posting campaign material in unapproved places. SGA is taking no formal action
because neither candidate won, according to President Calvin Stafford. The new senators will start their official duties Tuesday, at this week’s SGA meeting.
Freshman Senate EDUCATION & HUMAN DEVELOPMENT Chelsea Wyatt Jameson Alston ARTS AND SCIENCES Allie Moore Monohn Prudhomme HEALTH SCIENCES Anna Grace Greer Tyler Greenwood BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Jordan Bass Morgan Evans PHARMACY Jared Bosco Adrian Smith contact Garrett Boyte at
SGA engulfed in RSO scholarship controversy by Cole Avery
Three Student Government Association officers claim the summer senate awarded student funds to an ineligible sorority. The summer senate on July 3 awarded a $500 scholarship to the Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority. Vice President Jessica Richardson, Treasurer Samantha Craig and Secretary Clay Branton say the sorority was not eligible for the scholarship because AKA was not an active organization. Additionally, they say the senate did not follow proper procedure when awarding the scholarship. AKA became inactive two years ago because of “rushing issues,” according to Amanda May, the SGA adviser. The University May gave permission in the fall of 2011 for the organization to return, pending approval of the sorority’s national office. This summer, the University received word from the AKA regional office that the sorority could again take in new members, according to
“My main problem is we have no idea what this money actually went to,” Samantha Craig, SGA treasurer officials in the Student Life office. It became fully active again on Aug. 21. “The organization was not in bad standing with the university, only with the national office,” May said in an email. “When the summer senate was meeting, they expressed that this would improve the campus having more organizations on campus.” However, May also said the sorority was not in active status when it received the scholarship. The officers say the sorority should never have been given the money because only active registered student organizations can receive RSO scholarships. The student policy handbook says inactive organizations may not “seek funding from campus entities.” “These are student funds that are being used for a chapter that’s not
even chartered on this campus,” Craig said. “My main problem is we have no idea what this money actually went to.” The RSO request forms provided by SGA President Calvin Stafford show that Jhonniece Meeks, the lone remaining AKA at ULM, asked for the scholarship to “bring my [Meek’s] membership to a financially active status and attend a mandated conference in Shreveport.” She said $250 would go to her financial status, $175 to conference registration and $75 for a hotel room. Though the scholarship funded Meeks’ membership and conference fees, SGA wrote the check to the Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority and paid on July 26, according to the check request form for the University controller’s office. Despite the senate’s decision, the three officers, who were not part of the summer senate because of scheduling conflicts, said proper procedure was not followed in awarding the scholarship. They say RSO scholarships cannot be awarded in the summer unless applied for in the spring. The by-laws and constitution make no mention of RSO scholarships. The constitu-
tion does say SGA shall adhere to all rules set forth in the student policy manual, which has a section on RSO scholarships. The only SGA documents mentioning them are on the RSO request form, which does not include the summer. It does say SGA can rollover Richardson unused funds. May said one scholarship allotted for the spring was unused, so it rolled over to the summer session. They also say the proper forms to bring a motion to the floor were never filled out. Instead, the summer secretary, Christina Gray, handwrote a motion on a looseleaf sheet of paper and submitted it. Gray confirmed she did submit the motion on a looseleaf sheet of paper. She also said she voted in favor of the motion because she “thought it was a good cause.” She says she now questions whether the senate followed proper rules. One breach in the constitution might have occurred when Gray voted on the motion. Article II, Section
5, Part D says the secretary “does not vote in senate meetings.” Gray says a role call vote was taken, which is appropriate when awarding money. The minutes, however, are vague in that it shows only the tally - four yeses, one no and one abstention. The minutes also do not record who introduced the motion to the floor or which senator seconded it. Richardson said all motions distributing money are to be tabled for a week before voting on it. The motion to award the scholarship was introduced and voted on in the same meeting. Article V of the bylaws says “motions must be presented and displayed inside the SGA office by Wednesday noon in order to be considered proposals at the following Tuesday night meeting.” Exceptions are made if it is emergency legislation. The minutes do not indicate if the RSO legislation was emergency legislation. May said the senate acted within proper bounds and SGA will not seek to recoup the scholarship. contact Cole Avery at
SGA should revisit their current plan to raise fees It seems every year we hear talk of a referendum to raise fees from the SGA. And, with a few exceptions, those referendums fail. Some in SGA seem to understand the problem a little bit. They want more debate about referendums and for students to be more informed. More debate would be nice from the only student organization that has partial control over the amount of money we pay to the university. Last week SGA passed a motion giving the International Student Organization an extra $1,000 for scholarships. While that may be a worthy cause, only two senators spoke on the matter. It should be noted, that is $1,000 of your money they gave away without any kind of real question. Students wouldn’t have to pay any extra money because of the scholarship, but it will take away from other programs. To top it off, the executive board of the SGA thought it would be a good idea to bring up raising student fees again. While most students would only see a $20 raise in fees, the principle of the matter is SGA won’t let it be. . Students at this school pay two-thirds of the budget already, and now SGA wants to raise fees again. At what point can we ask boosters to come in and make up the deficit? These new fees would support athletics and the incredibly underfunded Visual and Performing Arts department. No one is disputing that these programs could definitely use more money, but so could every other program. But SGA asking for fee raises in a period of economic gloom does not send a message of buckling down under the financial strain. In the financial climate we are unlucky enough to find ourselves in, with a defunct economy and budget cuts to higher education across the state, everyone is having to tighten their belts. The Hawkeye is very proud of our athletics department and definitely thinks they deserve everything the fees would help pay for, but asking students for more money every year is getting old. Asking students to pay more money for things like stadium renovations and better facilities for athletics does not sound like a student government that shares in the financial concerns of its constituency. Last year SGA wanted to raise fees to put in a water park. The year before they wanted to raise fees for athletics and VAPA. It failed both times. With the executive officers of the SGA disagreeing on something as simple as a $500 scholarship, how can they be trusted with millions of student dollars? SGA should figure out how to take care of the small things before moving on to larger ventures. It’s the small things that add up to cause big problems, especially when dealing with budgets. If SGA wants more of students’ dollars then they should learn how to deal with the most basic of its responsibilities. If SGA intends on moving forward with the idea of raising fees, then it needs to try another route. Because, clearly, the current plan has not worked. Students do not want to pay more money. Period. And really, who can blame them?
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September 17, 2012
Obama’s DNC speech sets tone for national campaign
BRANDON TATE President Barack Obama delivered a phenomenal speech at the Democratic National Convention on job development, health care and educational reform, the war efforts and the status of the United States’ economy. I think his speech will sway those who are still unsure about their vote to continue to move forward with a New America. It will also reassure those who already support the Obama Campaign, which, according to Obama, seeks to restore the values that built the largest and strongest middle class economy the world has ever known. Obama emphasized that as American citizens, we are faced with a choice to vote for a campaign that seeks to reverse the advancements we have made in the last four years or choose one that builds on them. By dividing the two campaigns into clear cut sides, the Democrats who want to move forward, and the Republicans who want to reverse advancements, Obama effectively put a contrasting differences between the two parties that seem to be similar in campaign goals. I think that if not for programs like the GM and Chrysler bailouts, the state of the economy would be much worse.
The unemployment rate has been on a steady decline in the past year according to the Department of Labor. Obama emphasized the importance of education and how he will continue to pursue advancements in our education system. He stressed how education is more important than ever and the gateway to a middle class life. Obama’s Education Reform has made it possible for millions of students to pay less for federal tuition aid and loans because we have taken on a system that wastes billions of tax payers’ dollars on banks and debtors. Obama stressed that, we as Americans, are all in this together. The government has a role in education, but teachers have to inspire, principals must lead, parents have to instill a thirst for education and students have to do the work. I think Obama is offering a better plan where we continue to create wind and water technology to harvest natural energy. One where we can build homes and businesses that burn less energy and are more efficient. And where we can develop a one hundred year supply of natural gas that is under American soil. One where we can cut our oil imports in half by the year 2020 and stimulate job growth by 150,000 jobs in the natural gas industry alone. Obama deserves a second term so he can fufill all of the promises he’s made.Obama had big dreams coming into office, and he needs a longer term to complete the task he set forth. contact Brandon Tate at
Smoking ban proves worthless
ASHLEY LYONS As an 18 year old, it is legal for me to smoke. If I wanted to smoke, then I would, but I choose not to. Despite that, I respect other people’s choice to smoke. If someone wants to smoke then it’s his or her business. Smokers have just as much of a right to smoke as non-smokers have to clean air. It’s a matter of compromising, not banning one side. Although smoking isn’t exactly banned completely, it is limited to the parking lot of the coliseum and near surrounding athletic facilities. The university wants it away from all the academia, so they put it around the athletics. That doesn’t seem to make a lot of sense. Speaking to a few students around campus, I learned that this new policy goes largely ignored. I even see people smoking around campus all
the time: outside their dorm rooms, various parking lots or down by the bayou. One morning, as I was leaving Hannah Hall in a mass of people, a guy was happily smoking a cigarette out in the open. Most people still seem to smoke as they please around campus. A smoking ban isn’t actually going to create a healthier environment, just give the idea of one. Obviously, this policy isn’t going to stop anyone from smoking or “help” anyone to cut back. If someone wants to stop smoking or cut back on their intake then they will do it on their own. Smoking is a stress reliever. It’s a stimulant just like coffee. Some people just need that pick up to get through the day. Forcing students to go out of their way to smoke could just add stress and possibly reduce academic performance. No one should have to walk across campus to do a task that lasts five minutes. As a freshman, I don’t know too much about how things have worked in the past, but I am told by older students that there were actually designated smoking areas
around various campus buildings. The current Student Policy Manual I found that to be true, because that piece of information is still in there. I think this is an appropriate system, and it should be brought back. I suggest putting them near the dorm halls, possibly behind the buildings, in the far ends of the parking lots and down by the bayou park. It keeps it away from the academics and is convenient for the students. My stepdad is a smoker. My mom hates the smell of it. Does she ask him to leave? No. He does it without being asked. It’s simple courtesy. And, as a nurse, my mom’s dealt with her share of cancer patients. But she lets my stepdad go on, without bugging him. With the current policy, at least having smoking areas in the bayou park would minimize the hassle. It’s open and easy for the smokers and non-smokers to keep their distance from each other, and for students to take a quick smoke break without walking across campus. contact Ashley Lyons at
September 17, 2012
9/11 was inside job supported by Bush Americans have been duped into believing everything that they hear and see on the “news” and what their teachers have mis-educated them to believe. For example, many Americans believed that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. In Sept. 2000, a Washington think-tank called Project for A New American Century called for world dominance in which America controls everything. Members of the group included: Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Jeb Bush, Paul Wolfowitz and others, who became a part of the Bush Administration. Their agenda was for America to fight and decisively win multiple wars, to increase the U.S. military budget by 100 billion, and to take military control of the Gulf region whether or not Saddam Hussein was in power. This document goes on to say that their agenda is likely to be a slow one absent a catalyzing and catastrophic event like a “New Pearl Harbor.” These neo-cons needed a new Pearl Harbor to put their plans in action. 9-11 was their new Pearl Harbor. There are several things that just don’t make sense. Months before 9-11, Larry Siverstein, the owner of the World Trade Center complex, takes out an insurance policy covering acts of terrorism. The buildings fell at near free fall
speed. How can a building with 40,000 tons of steel resistance fall the same way as a free falling object? Some will argue that the U.S. government would never do anything to harm its citizens. I would respond by saying it was the U.S. government who purposely put small pox in the Indian’s blankets to the kill the women and the children. It was the U.S. government who enslaved, ormurdered, and treated its citizens of African descent less than human. The 9-11 lie has led to the deaths of thousands of U.S. soldiers and millions of people in the Middle East. The U.S. military participated in the dehumanization and dead degradation of the Iraqi and Afghan people. We were told that they hate us because we are free. No, they hate us because we are funding and committing crimes against humanity every day in the Middle East. These evil people take our tax money and buy bombs to drop on other people’s family so when they fall on our family let’s ask God for the strength to understand who we really are. They say what goes around comes around we better quit saying that because it’s just about to come around. -Daniel Brady, Senior
Tipping essential to waitstaff
ALLISON WISEMAN WISEMAN ALLISON Recently ULM expanded the locations where the student Warhawks Express card is accepted. Today students not only get to use their card on campus, but they can also go to many local businesses and restaurants and use it like they would their debit card. It is great that the university has expanded student accessibility to community businesses but maybe it’s not so great for some the people on the other side. Namely, I speak about the wait staff at the local restaurants that now accept the card. Students that choose to visit restaurants and pay with their card have displayed a very poor dining out etiquette, which has resulted
in an outcry for change among the servers in the community. It is for this change that I speak out. I do not wish to give off the wrong idea. The ULM crowd is not a bad crowd; it is their apparent ignorance that leads to their poor manners. Most student tables are like any other table. They come in for lunch or dinner and spend 30-45 minutes at their table, eat their food and leave. No, it is not the time spent at the table that is the problem; it is what they leave at the table when they go, the tip—or lack thereof. Being the eternal optimist that I am, I refuse to believe that students are really that chintzy, which leaves me no other option but to think that they have not been properly educated. Federal tipped minimum wage is $2.13 an hour, and that is what Louisiana pays. Look it up if you don’t believe me. That means that I work six hours running back and forth making sure you have everything you need to
comfortably eat your meal, I am only earning $12.78, and that’s before taxes. It is not uncommon for me to take home a check at the end of a 24-hour work week that says I’ve earned $16 after taxes. This means the money I use to pay my bills and put food on the table for my family, comes in majority from the tips that I earn, and let me tell you $2 on a $22 ticket just doesn’t cut it. The accepted tip percentage today is between 18 percent and 20 percent, and if you have a problem figuring out the math here is a simple solution. Look at your sales tax and double it. If that is difficult for you, I know you have a cell phone and EVERY cell phone has a calculator, use it. I love my job. No day is ever the same as the day before, but when I give you 110 percent every time and you don’t tip adequately, well that’s just rude! contact Allison Wiseman at
ULM’s response to Isaac needed to ensure safety I just wanted to give you a little perspective on the Isaac situation that you may not have been privy to before writing your article. The weather reports were predicting far worse weather than we received. In cases such as that, we have to consider the safety of the students. ULM cannot wait until it gets bad before making a decision. If someone gets injured traveling to or from the school because of waiting to make the decision until the bad weather began, ULM could be posited as liable. Also, you may not have heard, but many faculty and staff members,
especially those who live in the garden district, were without power for days because of the storm. I know one faculty member who was unable to leave his home for two days because there were live wires down in his neighborhood and Entergy was too overwhelmed to get to it quickly. Anyway, I just thought you might find some of that interesting! I know there are a lot of factors that go into decisions around here that are not really common knowledge for students. Regards, Laura Knotts Vice President of Student Affairs
illustration courtesy of MCT Campus
September 17, 2012
State Sen. Riser speaks GOP group holds voter registration drive on campus to area Republicans
about gun ownership
by Garrett Boyte
The Northeast Louisiana Young Republicans hosted a voter registration drive outside the SUB last week. The group registered 21 voters, mostly republicans, in the three-hour span. Aisling Carbery-Shaha registered because she wants to vote against President Barack Obama. Her family voted for Obama in 2008, but she says she’s going in a different direction. “For the last four years Obama hasn’t done the job he set out to do,” said Carbery-Shaha, a sophomore elementary education major. “[We] gave him a chance. He screwed up, so it’s time to change it.” While the group is made up of Republicans, Hannah Livingston, one of the groups chartering members, said the goal was not to only sign up Republican voters. “We definitely feel that it’s important for everybody to get out and vote on Nov. 6,” said Livingston. “No matter who they’re supporting, it’s part of being an American, and it’s part of their rights.” Livingston said the mission of the group was to sign up voters, not to sign up members of their group. The drive was on Sept. 11. The group said with it being Patriot Day, it would be appropriate to help people exercise their right to vote on the anniversary of the attacks. The Ouachita Parish Registrar of Voters also came to campus recently
by Garrett Boyte
photo by Emi McIntyre
Aisling Carbery-Shaha registers to vote during the Northeast Louisiana Young Republican’s registration drive held in front of the SUB on Tuesday.
to sign up voters in Scott Plaza. “We usually try to come out to ULM when they have a function out there, because we’re supposed to do that,” said Christa Medaries, the Registrar for Ouachita Parish. Medaries said the Registrar’s Office has a duty to sign up voters. The office made two trips to ULM this year, once earlier in the spring. Ouachita Parish has 102,000 registered voters, but only 55 percent turned out for the 2008 presidential election. The last day to register to vote for the presidential election is Oct 9. Those interested in registering to vote
Oct. 9 the last day to register to vote for the presidential election. can visit the Louisiana Secretary of State’s website to register online. They can also go to the Registrar of Voters Office in the State Office Building on St. John Street in downtown Monroe. contact Garrett Boyte at
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State Sen. Neil Riser spoke to a group of young Republicans last week on the second Amendment, which is the constitutional amendment proposed to change the state constitution to protect gun rights. The change would give Louisiana the strongest pro-gun law in the nation, according to the National Rifle Association. The amendment would make it more difficult for the legislature to pass laws on guns. The term used in the amendment is “strict scrutiny,” which means in order to make a new law the legislature would have to have an explicit reason. “You just can’t go randomly passing laws infringing upon the second amendment,” Riser said. Those against the amendment have sent out emails saying the amendment would take away right to bear arms. Riser said that is false. “They’ve been playing that game for the past week,” Riser said. “It had 18 and half hours of debate on the floor, and what it does is gives us the strongest second amendment rights, matter-of-fact, in the nation.” The most outspoken House member against the bill was Rep. Barbara Norton of Shreveport. In an interview with the Huffington Post, Norton said she didn’t see the state “going back
You can’t just go randomly passing laws infringing upon the 2nd Amendment.” Neil Riser, state senator
to the 1700s, the 1800s, when everybody carried a gun on their side.” Attempts by this publication to reach Norton were unsuccessful. A senator from Arizona contacted Riser to model a bill there after Amendment 2. Riser noted that gun rights are not under attack in Louisiana right now, but he is worried about the future; with states like Arizona copying Louisiana there could be a trend developing. Maddie Wiggins is a strong proponent of gun rights. He wants this amendment to pass. “It would open us up more to the second amendment than any other state, and I think that’s wonderful,” said Wiggins, a sophomore in construction management. “There’s nothing wrong with that.” Riser wrote Senate Bill 303 last session. The bill passed the legislature and is on the ballot for Nov. 6. contact Garrett Boyte at
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September 17, 2012
Warhawk Dash sprints to success by Catherine Morrison
Over the hills and through the mud, runners raced their way to the finish line at the Warhawk Dash early Saturday morning. While only 70 participated in the 5k last year, a total of 500 people signed up to run the Dash. Even more potential runners wanted to join in on the action, but the number of runners allowed to sign up was cut off at 500. The racers had to maneuver their way through an obstacle course consisting of ponds, logs, hills, mud, tires, wooden barriers and more. Nathan Davis, 26, came in first place. “I just wanted to do something fun. I’ve never done an obstacle race before. I thought, ‘why not?’” said Davis after winning. Not only were there awards for the fastest runners, but also best costume. People dressed as fairies, brides and grooms, bananas and there was even a man in a tutu. Seeing a grown man in a tutu or a fairy jumping and running about always adds a little something extra to the normally routine events of a race. There was a large dirt hole filled
photos by Emi McIntyre
Runners trek through various obstaclesduring the Warhawk Dash on Saturday.
Counselor discusses sexual assault myths by Lea Anna Cardwell
The ULM Counseling Center and students explored popular myths and surprising statistics about sexual assault at a seminar on Tuesday. “Sexual Assault is a very relevant topic that needs to be addressed campus-wide, especially with new, incoming students who are especially vulnerable,” said Traci Boyett, professional counselor at the ULM Counseling Center. The Counseling Center tries to provide at least one sexual assault outreach event each fall. According to Boyett, 90 perBoyett cent of rapes that occur on college campuses are committed by a person the victim knows. Members of the staff also stressed that students should be cautious of alcohol abuse and be sure to look out for one another in alcohol related situations. Guest speakers Corporal Bobby
“Monroe is ranked 14 in the nation in major crimes per capita,” Bobby Poisso, ULM police dept. corporal
Poisso of the ULM police department, and Katrina Branson, assistant director of human relations, also attended the event. Lindsey Fontenot, a freshman undeclared major, said the seminar was an eye-opening experience. “When it comes to parties, I know I will definitely stick with my friends now,” Fontenot said. “I don’t want to find myself in a dangerous situation.” According to Poisso, many students underestimate crime in the Monroe area. “Monroe is ranked 14 in the nation in major crimes per capita. We’ve been very lucky to keep crime rates down on this campus,” Poisso said. Branson encouraged all
students to report sexual misconduct immediately, even if it’s something that has occurred in the past. He ensured that a thorough investigation will be conducted in every case, and that both parties will be given rights. Branson encouraged all students to report sexual misconduct immediately, even if it’s something that has occurred in the past. “My role is to ensure that students get the help they need when they are involved in cases of sexual harassment, sexual assault or bullying,” Branson said. Branson, in addition to being the assistant director of human relations, is also the university’s Title IX coordinator. Students can visit to report sexual misconduct, access resources and seek confidential help. The ULM Counseling Center will be hosting two more sexual assault seminars on Oct. 9 in Masur Hall and on Oct. 16 in Ouachita Hall. contact Lea Anna Cardwell at
SGA president “I’ve never done collapses at an obstacle race Warhawk Dash
before. I thought, ‘why not,’”
by Garrett Boyte
with muddy water awaiting each runner at the finish line. It was a welcoming way of cooling off and congratulating each runner that made it to the end. “It was a blast. I want my whole entire family to do it next year,” said Kylie Stracener, a mass communication senior. As for training for the event, Stracener said she did not do any physical training, just mentally prepared herself. Over all, the race brought the community together and raised money in a fun way. The race was put on by SGA, and the proceeds of the event will go to the Wounded Warrior project. “We expect to raise more than double the amount of money raised last year, which was about $6,000,” said Calvin Stafford, SGA president.
SGA President Calvin Stafford suffered a seizure at the Warhawk Dash. He was rushed via ambulance to the hospital and released after tests revealed no apparent complications, according to friends and eyewitnesses. Stafford was not available for comment. SGA Vice President Jessica Richardson said Stafford seemed fine when he suddenly collapsed into a seizure. Stafford This incident will not effect SGA meetings but it did cause Stafford to miss this month’s Council of Student Body Presidents meeting in New Orleans. The university declined comment under privacy laws. Stafford is expected to make a full recovery.
contact Catherine Morrsion at
contact Garrett Boyte at
Nathan Davis, Warhawk Dash winner
photos by Emi McIntyre
Professor Takugi Shimada collaborated with Carl Thamling to survey students’ reactions to negative personal events with a questionnaire. In this project, students’ reactions in different parts of the U.S. will be compared to those of students in Japan.
September 17, 2012
Council sees Winning brotherhood Interfraternity 95 students during fall rush by Lea Anna Cardwell
photo from Facebook
Pike members pose with trophies of various awards earned during the year at last spring’s organization awards banquet.
Pike routinely honored among best fraternaties by Lea Anna Cardwell
The ULM Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity has made headlines recently by winning an international award for chapter excellence. The chapter has proved itself in four core areas, which Pike considers to be the pillars of success. Scholars, leaders, athletes, gentlemen. According to Phillip Hebert, chapter president, this is what all Pike members strive to be. “There’s not just one thing we concentrate on every year. We try to focus on several things as part of a whole,” Hebert said. “We pride ourselves on balance.” Hebert’s theory appears to be working as the ULM Pikes have been recognized internationally for having an average GPA of 3.08. They have members in SGA, CAB, and Prep Staff, and they even claim the captain of the Warhawk football team. They have won the All University Athletic Championship the last four years in a row. Not to mention, they average 5,000 hours of community service per year. These achievements have added to the chapter’s success both nationally, and internationally. But the biggest impact has been on Monroe. Tommy Walpole, the university Relations finance advisor for the ULM Pike chapter, said that the chapter
“We expect our guys to represent themselves with class in every situation.” Phillip Hebert, Pike president has been developing relationships in the community for over 20 years now. “We’ve established a reputation with organizations in town as being a reliable source of community service, so now they call us when they need help,” Walpole said. The ULM Pikes donate their time to organizations such as Louisiana Wild Life and Fisheries, CenturyLink, the YMCA and the Ronald McDonald House. They also help out with seasonal activities including the Monroe First United Methodist Church pumpkin patch and the Crew of Janus Mardi Gras parade. In relation to the university, Hebert said that Pikes has 100 percent campus involvement. “We’re not just typical frat boys. We try to encourage every member to join something else, and we also encourage the other campus organizations,” Hebert said. The Pikes also volunteer for the ULM volleyball team, and interact
regularly with the ULM sororities. Walpole contributes the success of the chapter to a strong alumni base. “We have eight alumni who serve on the advisory board and give their time weekly,” Walpole said. “Our alumni association is a central piece in the backbone of the chapter.” According to Walpole, the alumni advisory board oversees the operations of the chapter and tries to educate Pike members to create a positive image for the fraternity, as well as to enhance the experience of each individual member. Hebert said, “We expect our guys to represent themselves with class in every situation. It’s not just about wearing the PIKE letters. They should be gentlemen in all that they do.” Recent ULM alum Lester Luparello IV said being a member of Pike prepared him to open his own business, Lester’s Seafood. “Being active on campus through PIKE really opened a lot of doors for me because I got to know people in town,” Luparello said. The ULM Pike fraternity hopes to increase their membership by at least 25 guys this year. As rush week progresses, they will be holding various activities for all who are interested in joining the chapter. contact Lea Anna Cardwell at
Ninety-five young men participated in the Interfraternity Council rush week at the beginning of this month, according to Maggie Warren, Greek Life director. Rush began with IFC preview week, a series of events designed to help interested students learn more about Delta Sigma Phi, Kappa Alpha Order, Kappa Sigma and Pi Kappa Alpha fraternities. Preview week included several “Meet the Greeks” events in the quad and open houses for each of the four fraternities. Justin Lester, IFC President, said that preview week is not only about gaining new members, but it’s also a chance for each fraternity to show the campus what they are really about. “Today’s fraternity is so much different from the ‘Animal House’ image of many years ago,” Lester said. “Academics, community and campus involvement, and continuing member education are top priorities for today’s Greek man.” While the fraternities do not have to meet any set number of new members, most had goals they were hoping to reach. Pi Kappa Alpha exceeded their goal of 25 and by recruiting 26 new members. Kappa Alpha Order welcomed 23 new guys,
Kappa Sigma recruited 17, and Delta Sigma Phi reached 16 new members. A total of 82 young men pledged to one of the four IFC fraternities during formal rush Kappa Sigma President Tyler Ainsworth said, “We are very pleased, and are looking at also having a midterm recruitment for guys we did not get the opportunity to meet during Preview Week.” Jameson Johns, president of Delta Sigma Phi, said that in addition to the events in the quad and the open houses, his fraternity provided catering from Chef Eric Johnson each night. While all four fraternities presented something different for prospective members, Chandler Woodard, a freshman business major who participated in rush, said he chose to pledge Kappa Alpha Order. “I loved going through rush,” Woodard said. “When I met all of the KA’s, I felt extremely comfortable around them, almost like they were my long lost brothers.” For those who are undecided or have chosen to postpone their decision, open rush will continue until Oct. 1. contact Lea Anna Cardwell at
Warren named leader of Greek Life, spirit groups by Ashley Lyons
The titles of coordinator for both Greek Life and spirit groups have been merged together for the first time this year and the woman for the job is former financial aid counselor Maggie Warren. This is her second year working for ULM. Amanda May became the new leader of the two groups on Aug. 27. “It was quite the change, but I love working with the students in any field,” Warren said. “I do feel some pressure. I have big shoes to fill. May was great at what she did and Keith Hembree knew so much. I think I have a lot to learn.” Hembree, the former Greek life coordinator, is now an assistant director of Greek organizations at Florida Atlantic University. May is now interim director vice president for student affairs. Warren graduated from ULM in May 2011 with a degree in mass com-
munications. She started her career with ULM in October 2011 as a financial aid counselor. The collaborative position in Greek Life and Warren spirit groups will include keeping up with expenses, making sure everyone involved in the groups is at the right place at the right time and keeping up with Ace and the scouts. Warren will also prepare the trip to nationals for the cheer squad and hawk line. “I worked with her over the summer for prep and she was great. As a sorority member, I’m really looking forward to working with her again over the course of this year,” said Adrian LeJeune, a sophomore prepharmacy major. contact Ashley Lyons at
September 17, 2012
Kappa Alpha Psi inducts new members at probate by Jaclyn Jones
Students watched in excitement as fraternity Kappa Alpha Psi presented their newest members during a probate at Bayou Park Sept. 6. Originally postponed because of Hurricane Isaac, the presentation finally ensued and 10 new members were introduced. Students and family crowded around the new members as they entered the park in unison, dressed in gray suits and red, white and black masks that hid their identities. “Their attire was really nice and they had a very good choice of music,” said Stacia Palmer, an MBA student. “It really got the crowd excited for the show.” The presentation began with a tribute to a recently deceased member of the fraternity and an introduction video followed. During the presentation, while keeping their identities secret, the new members showed their knowledge of the fraternity’s founders and history, the Greek alphabet and
“Just to know that everyone came out to support you an awesome feeling.” Lincoln Powell, Kappa Alphi Psi more. At the end, the newest members revealed their identities to the crowd, removing their masks one by one. “I chose Kappa Alpha Psi because I felt as though the fraternity could help further develop my leadership skills, in addition to being another way to help service the community,” said Lincoln Powell, a senior mass communication major. “Just to know that everyone came out to support you or one of your brothers is an awesome feeling. It is really a joyous time,” said Powell. contact Jaclyn Jones at
photo courtesy of Nic Beem photography
New members of the Kappa Alpha Psi fraternity march into their probate on on Sept. 6 in Bayou Park.
Kappa Alpha Order Frats greet hosts Mallard Ball new brothers Members, ladies dress in their best camouflage by Catherine Morrison
photo by Daniel Russell
The Kappa Alpha Order hosted their annual Mallard Ball at their fraternity house on Friday night. Members, former members and all ladies were invited to attend so long as they wore their best camouflage and hunter orange.
Greenery, moss and a whole lot of camo covered the inside of the Kappa Alpha house at Friday night’s Mallard Ball. Each year the Kappa Alpha Order hosts the Mallard Ball, essentially an open party for members of KA and all ladies who would like to attend. The majority of the population in attendance was Greek, however nonGreek females were welcome to join in the festivities as well. Forget Cinderella and glass slippers, only camouflage and neon orange could be found at this particular ball. There wasn’t a castle at this ball either, but there was one very thoroughly decorated KA house. Everyone got really into the costumes and over-all theme of the party. There were live trees, someone wearing a duck costume, hats with feathers glued to them, homemade camo dresses, camo tutus and brush covered every inch of the inside of the KA house walls.
“My favorite part about Mallard Ball is making the outfits and everyone showing their individuality,” said Katie Williams, a sophomore prespeech language pathology major. The ball falls at the beginning of school, bringing new and old members together. Jacob Broussard, a junior prepharmacy major and KA president, said this annual event is more like a form of bonding. “Getting all of the brush and getting everybody together was my favorite part,” said Broussard. The party had a dance floor, a stage with a live band, beer pong table, mosquito repellent station and an ice luge. The band played classics like “Sweet Home Alabama” as well as some more modern songs. The crowd sang and danced along to every song played. Between the Lynyrd Skynyrd playing in the background, the ocean of camouflage and mossy plants and the fact that no one seemed to mind the extreme heat and humidity, it was a typical Louisiana Friday night-done the KA way. contact Catherine Morrison at
with bid parties
by Catherine Morrison
Polo hats, sunglasses and red Solo cups took over Monroe as the IFC fraternities welcomed the newest members to their brotherhoods by celebrating with bid day parties. Delta Sig, Kappa Sig, Kappa Alpha and PIKE each had their own bid day parties at different locations throughout the area on Friday night, Sept. 7. “We think of it as a way to celebrate these young men’s choice to want to better themselves both as young men in society and as active students here at ULM,” said Dwayne Hammer, a first year pharmacy student and president of the ULM chapter of Delta Sig. Both Kappa Alpha and PIKE held their parties at their respective fraternity houses. These two fraternities are currently the only IFC fraternities with fraternity houses. Kappa Sig held their party at the American Legion Hall by Forsythe Park. contact Catherine Morrison at
read the full story at
September 17, 2012
Popular 80s cover band performs at Rendezvous by Steven Smith
photos by Daniel Russell
The Chee-Weez rock out to songs like “Calling Baton Rouge” and “Forget You” at Rendezvous Friday.
participation was great; they were The Chee-Weez, a popular cover singing along, having a good time,” band from New Orleans, performed O’Neil said. at Rendezvous last Friday night. Another important aspect of The The band covered a wide vari- Chee-Weez experience is the crowd ety of popular songs, ranging from participation. Throughout the show classic rock, 80s, country to today’s fans were able to participate with biggest hits. the band by singing onstage and The band making song requests. thrilled the “I thought the song selection was crowd with their biggest asset. I liked the songs their own “Play that Funky Music” and “Here rendition of I Go Again,’” said Beau McFerren, a popular songs junior construction major. such as “Moves Charlotte Pastor, a pharmacy stuLike Jagger,” dent, said her favorite part of the “Nothing But Pastor show was getting on stage and singa Good Time,” ing her favorite song. “Jump,” “I Love Rock and Roll” and To end out the night, the band “Big Green Tractor.” played the classic power ballad The band also wore extravagant “Don’t Stop Believing” as the crowd costumes on stage and encouraged sang along. their crowds to dress up as well to be O’Neil said the show was awemore involved in the show. some and Monroe was great. “They Todd O’Neil, lead singer of The always respond to the music that we Chee-Weez, said it was a great night. play,” O’Neil said. “It started out a little slow and the contact Steven Smith at crowd started rolling in. The crowd
Local bars host ULM Apple presents new iPhone vs. Baylor after-parties by Catherine Morrison
by Cheyenne Wilson
Rendezvous is hosting an after party after the ULM vs. Baylor game this Friday. The party will begin around 10 p.m. The age limit of the bar is 18 and up, so if you’re not legal, you can’t mingle. Drink specials will be rolling all night. In the spirit of the occasion, Rendezvous is introducing a new drink rightfully named “The Warhawk.”Rendezvous is located at 2003 Tower Drive in Monroe. Continuing with the theme of the game, the party at Rendezvous will be a “White-Out.” But ULM colors are also accepted for those who want to show his or her school spirit. “I like having the option of wearing ULM colors instead of white because I always like to bring color into my wardrobe,” says Ricaya Jefferson, a student who will be attending the Rendezvous party. Not only can you enjoy the hottest dance songs, but as an added bonus, ULM’s own Mason Lord will be providing live music out on the patio. The party doesn’t stop there. Another post-game party for all the Warhawk fans at The Hookin’ Bull. The Hookin’ Bull has more of a “rus-
tic” scene. The Hookin’ Bull is located at 207 Olive Street here in Monroe. All those 21 years and older can dance to their favorite country songs and enjoy the night-long Johnson drink specials. Lee Denny is the owner of both Rendezvous and the Hookin’ Bull, and he is excited to host the post-game parties for the Warhawk crowd. He is “an ULM alum, and was also a part of the Kappa Alpha Order,” said Eric Johnson, manager of Rendezvous. The “White-Out” or ULM colors theme continues at the Hookin’ Bull, and admission is only $5. The party begins when the game ends, so come enjoy the atmosphere of “Monroe’s favorite rockin’ country saloon,” Johnson said. Whichever party you choose, make sure you bring your dancing shoes because there is no party like a Warhawk party. contact Cheyenne Wilson at
Apple came out with its newest technological toy last week: the iPhone 5. The new iPhone has a larger display screen than the iPhone 4S and comes with even more apps and gizmos for Apple addicts to enjoy. The display screen may be larger, but the phone is lighter and less bulky than the previous iPhones. Apple made sure to not sacrifice style for function when designing the newest model of the iPhone. “If the technology didn’t exist, we invented it. If a component wasn’t small enough, we reimagined it. If convention was standing in the Jackson way, we left it behind. The result is iPhone 5: the thinnest, lightest, fastest iPhone ever,” according to on the design of the iPhone 5. One of the many newly updated features the iPhone 5 offers is the built-in map app. It actually figures in present traffic conditions to give you your estimated time of arrival. “I am an Apple product junkie. I have to have my hands on the latest
model,” said Cody Jackson, a junior pre-medical laboratory science major. Jackson currently owns the iPhone 4, a Mac laptop, and iPod and is looking forward to growing his Apple collection. While some students look forward to having the newest in technology, some students are looking forward to the improved functionality of the phone. “I liked how they changed the graphics on the GPS because I al-
ways use the GPS on my phone to get around town,” said Melissa Snelling, a freshman pre-nursing major. Snelling said when her contract is up, she will most likely join the iPhone 5 club. The iPhone 5 was available to order on Sept. 14. Originally, the iPhone 5 was set to ship on Sept. 21 but Apple has pushed back delivery. contact Catherine Morrison at
September 17, 2012
Twinkies are treats, not everyday indulgences by Shelby Desoto
Steve Ettlinger, editor, book producer and author came to ULM last Wednesday to talk about his latest book, “Twinkie, Deconstructed.” Ettlinger got the idea from reading and finding out about ingredients. He was also inspired one day when he gave his kids ice cream, and read the ingredients. “My daughter asked me what polysorbate 60 was, and I wanted to know, too,” he said. He chose the Twinkie because the ingredient list was unusually long. “It’s basically a cake but the ingredients in it are strange,” Ettlinger said . Ettlinger talked about the many places he went to in his search for the common ingredients in Twinkies. Most of them were plants and mines where we get the ingredients to make things like baking powder, which are located in mines across the Midwest. Although baking powder is very common in most foods, it is where it comes from that is so odd. “It is ironic that baking powder makes cakes fluffy because the ingredients come from rocks,” said Ettlinger. “The sodium carbonate that is used in baking powder is also used to help cattle that eat grain because they get indigestion,” he said. Ettlinger also talked about many other ingredients like fructose corn syrup and lactic acid. “Lactic acid is a common food product that can be made from corn when used in food.” Lactic acid is commonly found in dairy products, but when used as a food additive, it mostly comes from corn, just like corn syrup. Yuri Fujita, a freshman education major from Japan, liked Ettlinger’s scientific approach to the Twinkie. “I did not know about Twinkies until I came to the US,” said Fujita. “Learning about the process of the
photo by Emi McIntyre
Ettlinger talked about the contents of Twinkie’s and other processed foods last Wednesday.
Gospel ensemble to perform concert tonight by Shaterica Wilson
The Interdenominational Ensemble (IDE) will perform a back to school concert tonight at 6 p.m. in the SUB ballroom. At the Interdenominational Ensemble Gospel Concert, the group will perform praise and worship songs. “For this back to school concert I expect us to minister to and uplift people through song. We hope to encourage students to get through the semester,” said Antionette Turner, a sophomore elementary education major. At this event students will hear multiple songs such as “Be Blessed,” “Sovereign God” and “Hallelujah, You’re Worthy.” “I’ve always noticed IDE puts so much time and effort into learn-
The Career Connections Style Show will take place this Wednesday at 7 p.m. in the SUB ballroom. At the show, students model the appropriate attire to wear to job interviews, business lunches and dinners, charity events, banquets and more. At this event, the sponsors are aiming to prepare students for the real world. “First impressions are very important. Showing up to an interview wearing basketball shorts and a t-shirt will not impress anyone,” Roslynn Pogue, director of Career Connections, said. “The style show is going to be a lot of fun, and most importantly, a great learning experience.” In a segment of the show students will have a chance to ask etiquette questions. Seth Hall
contact Shelby Desoto at
contact Shaterica Wilson at
Style show teaches students how to dress professionally by Shaterica Wilson
ingredients was interesting to me.” “Learning about this has me questioning what is healthy, and from now on I will read the labels of what I eat,” said Fujita. “I think college students are more informed now than 10 years ago,” Ettlinger said. “We have more tools available now for cooking.” Ettlinger also said Twinkies are not terrible foods; they are a “treat” we should eat sparingly and we should have a “healthy skepticism” when it comes to food. For more information about Steve Ettlinger and his book, you can visit his website,
ing and singing the music the way it should be sung,” said Calvin Stafford, a senior speech language pathology major and SGA president. Stafford is a member of IDE and sings first tenor. “We are ministers of Gospel music so we must put our whole hearts into what we Turner sing so that our audience will see God through us,” Stafford said. This event is free and open to the public. For more information contact Armand Wilson, the president of IDE, at
will be one of the people opening up the floor for questions. The audience can cheer for the models as they walk out. Karlynsia Mack is one of the models in the show. “The style show helped me know how to dress for my internship interviews. I actually received compliments on my outfits,” Mack, a senior health care marketing and management major, said. The style show is free and open to the public. This is the third annual show and is hosted by the Office of Career Connections and Experiential Education. For more information contact the Office of Career Connections at 318-342-5338. contact Shaterica Wilson at
Saving money in college: tips for penny pinchers
As college students, many of us are always looking for ways to get quality necessities at the lowest prices possible. There are actually many ways to save money if efficient searches are made. For instance, those students who have smart phones can download gas apps to show them where they can find the cheapest gas in the area. Even though it is only a few pennies, with fluctuating gas prices, every cent counts. Also, at stores like
Brookshire’s, students can get a store card. Once enough points are earned from purchasing items from that store, 10 cents is deducted from the gas price. There are many on campus job opportunities that work with students’ schedules so they can make some extra cash. It is always important to budget when receiving money. Students should use campus meal plans in-
stead of constantly buying fast food or dining out on a regular basis. Apartment residents can buy groceries that will last them for a few weeks instead of spending the same amount of money on one meal. Also, pay attention to store brands on certain items. They are usually just as good as the leading name brand products. Another way to save money is buying a Sunday newspaper. They always have sale papers and coupons. No
one has to go as far as extreme couponing, but using a few here and there can really save money. There are many opportunities to save money while attending school. Going the extra mile to save money can be beneficial eventually. It also teaches responsibility and money management, which are two important qualities each student needs to take with them in the future. contact Shaterica Wilson at
September 17, 2012
Professors jazz-out with Why rush to settle down? Enjoy the college experience renowned performers by Lea Anna Cardwell
Caty Chronicles
CATHERINE MORRISON Youth is wasted on the young. We’ve all heard the saying. How valid that is- well that’s really up for interpretation. I can’t help but believe that it holds a lot of truth though. It seems every time I log on to Facebook, I see another high school classmate that has gotten engaged or is having a baby. I sometimes catch myself wondering, maybe they’re the ones with their life together and I’m just behind. Living in the South, especially the Bible belt, marriage and family are not only seen frequently, but they’re sort of encouraged. I am in no way putting down the notion of marriage or having a family at a young age, but it’s definitely not a desire for every young, twenty-something and I’m tired of feeling like I’ve failed because I’m no where near wanting those things. I don’t think that anyone should feel bad or like a failure for enjoying being young and carefree. There is so much pressure to pursue the “American Dream.” You are supposed to follow the time line of going to college, meeting your soul mate at college, graduating, marrying said soul mate and then having a family and a career. Personally, I choose to live my college experience in a
youthful way. I want to spend my days worrying only about getting to class on time, what’s going to happen on the next episode of Glee, if the Warhawks are going to win Saturday’s football game, or what color my Mardi Gras dress is going to be. Life is such a beautiful gift and I hate to see people upset…sometimes (a lot of the times) me too…when their life isn’t going the way they think it’s supposed to. Movies, books and other people’s influence tell us that we should want a long-term relationship, a career that makes a ton of money and dress like we walked out of Vogue. Maybe I just want to go on fun dates and not settle down right now, or have a job as a painter who struggles to make ends meet and wear sweaters and fedoras all of the time. What makes this dream any less worthy than settling down at age twenty-something? We only get to be this half kid/half adult age for a little while. We have the rest of our lives to accomplish great things and be a grown up. Right now, I just want to go dancing or hang out with my sorority sisters. I want to have fun and be young while I still have the chance. In just a few years, college will be just another memory. Don’t waste it.
The Louis Romanos Jazz Quartet performed in Biedenharn Recital Hall Thursday night. Alex Noppe and Dan Sumner, two members of the ULM Music Department faculty, joined renowned jazz drummer Louis Romanos and bass performer Bach Norwood, of Dallas, to form the quartet. Romanos began the show by explaining that this performance was the first time the band had ever played together. The other three members of the quartet learned Romanos’ music in two hours on the morning of the show. The group played songs that ranged from upbeat modern jazz tunes like “Funkle Lou” to heavier, more reflective songs like “Changes.” “It’s not really be-bop that I’m playing, it’s more of a Latin and New Orleans feel. It’s like my own little synthesis,” Romanos said. Senior music major David Oliver said the performance blew him away. “It was awesome,” Oliver said. “They opened up my mind musically and inspired me to explore different genres of jazz.” Following the performance at ULM, the band played a show Friday
night at Jeff’s Place, a restaurant on Tower Drive, and then left for a two week tour with stops in Texas and California. Dan Sumner, assistant professor in the division of music, said that it would be difficult to juggle teaching and touring for two Oliver weeks as the LRQ guitarist, but traveling is a key part of his job. According to Sumner, the Music Department welcomed a class of 30 freshmen this year due to the recruiting of traveling teachers. “Traveling gets us out into the field. If we’re not out there, then the students won’t just come to us. It’s a major part of our job,” Sumner said. During the performance in Biedenharn, the quartet recorded several of the songs they played. Romanos said that if the recordings came out well with no technical issues, then they would be available for purchase on contact Lea Anna Cardwell at
contact Caty Morrison at
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photos by Daniel Russell
Bach Norwood and Alex Noppe perform at the Louis Romanos Jazz Quartet last Thursday night.
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For more freestyle stories go to:
September 17, 2012
NEWS Mon 17
80o 65o
Tue 18
78o 53o
Wed 19
81o 56o
Thu 20
85o 60o
Fri 21
88o 64o
crossword 28 Editor’s rejection of a tribute? 33 Basketball Hall of Famer Robertson 34 Like Olympic pools 35 Maker of Golf Street shoes 38 Instruction on a cap 41 Some NFL linemen 42 Type of vb. 44 1950s war site 46 Provoke Olympic winners? 50 Channel for a spree 51 __ chi 52 Ward and others 55 Disapproving utterances 57 Unpleasant laugh 61 “Either you do it, __ will!” 62 Purchased, then altered? 65 Mystique 66 Word with cast and shadow 67 Fictional sailor 68 MapQuest data: Abbr. 69 Sussex stable area 70 See 1-Across
today in history
The Constitution of the United States of America was signed by delegates at the Constitutional Convention.
Vanessa Williams, as Miss New York, became the first black woman to be crowned Miss America.
Down 15 After-school treat Across 1 With 70-Across, what you’d like- 16 Weeded carelessly? 19 __ glance ly have if you said this puzzle’s 20 Dote on four longest answers 21 Stop from spreading 5 Concerning 23 Short 9 Frequent settler 25 Arctic diver 13 Online “Seems to me ...” 27 Jurist in ‘90s news 14 Mother of Judah
1 Drummer’s pair of cymbals 2 Frustrate the director, perhaps 3 Informal bridge opening 4 Pentagon org. 5 Inventing middle name 6 Feel 7 Rain delay sight 8 “We’ll just see about that!” 9 “I’m such an idiot!”
10 “Topaz” novelist 11 Conscious 12 Simultaneously 17 Summer Olympics equipment 18 Hard to debate 22 They might swing 24 Chased away 26 __-El: Superman’s birth name 29 Canadian Thanksgiving mo. 30 Raven relative 31 Slezak with six Daytime Emmys 32 Leave 35 Figure on the ice 36 Placekicker’s target 37 Produce prolifically 39 Answer to a prob. 40 Ad starter? 43 Clock-setting std. 45 Almost half a glass? 47 Per 48 Microscopic alga 49 ESPN effect 53 Staggering 54 Went (with) 56 “Why not” 58 Give 59 Wasn’t guessing 60 Country runners: Abbr. 63 Hot air 64 Corner key
September 17, 2012
Soccer splits wins to McNeese, Southern by Zack Brown
photos by Daniel Russell
Warhawks players fight for possession Wednesday at the ULM soccer facility against McNeese State.
The start of the ULM soccer match against McNeese State didn’t give any justice of how the game would play out. Both teams couldn’t get any decent looks at goal after the first 45 minutes of play. At the start of the second half McNeese State’s Brennan Moss drove through ULM’s and scored her third of the season. “We had four of our starters out of the game. The girls stepped up and played really hard,” said coach Mazza. “ ULM didn’t cross in to Jaguars territory much in the first half, so Mazza made some key adjustments. “We knew we had to get our forwards more involved,” said Mazza. “We decided to apply a lot of pressure in the second half.” That pressure shifted the momentum for ULM as Kelly O’Dwyer stole the ball in front of midfield. O’Dwyer drove down the sidline and made a cross to the left post where Brittany Parker headed the ball in back of the net. The goal was Parker’s first of the season and with six minutes to play the game was tied 1-1. ULM didn’t get to enjoy the goal for long as McNeese’s Chelsea Beaubouef broke away with a little over four minutes remaining. Beaubouef shot ricocheted off goalkeeper Alex Holland and bounced right back to her. She was able to make the second shot count, sealing
the game at 2-1 for the Cowgirls. ULM senior goalkeeper Alex Holland played the final 41:36, collected two saves and allowed one goal. Junior Karlin Aloisio made the start in goal for the Warhawks and provided four saves and allowed one goal in 48:24 of work. The Warhawks went back to action Friday against the Southern University Jaguars and recorded a 2-1 victory. ULM controled the ball throughout the game as they totaled 19 shots with 12 on goal. The Jaguars scored first off of what Mazza described as a “well shot” free kick. O’Dwyer tied the game for the Warhawks with five minutes remaining in the first half. Her goal from18 yards out came off a nicely placed through ball from Cerene Arsenault. The goal was O’Dwyer’s second on the year. The final goal for the Warhawks came four minutes as Kylie Kircher headed in a corner from freshman Karlea Fehr. The goal was Kircher’s college score and wrapped up the win for ULM. “This was a good win,” said Mazza. “We dominated the whole game.” The Warhawks move to 3-6 on the season. The next game will be onSept. 23 against the defending Sunbelt champions of North Texas. “This is going to be a tough match to start conference play,” said Mazza. contact Zack Brown at
Short grass scholars by Alex Chace
The time is finally here for the 2012-2013 golf season and things are looking bright for a young Warhawk squad looking to claim their first Sunbelt team championship in school history. The Warhawks will be returning six players from last year’s team but most are still inexperienced in tournament play. “Winning the Sunbelt is always the goal, but I’d be very happy finishing in the top three of our conference with such a young team,” said head coach Eric Hsu. With a roster consisting of only three seniors, developing confidence in the young players is a key goal for this season. “We really want our young guys to
gain some more experience in real pressure situations, some of them just played their first college tournament last weekend,” said former Warhawk standout and now assistant coach Nick Wilson. While returning starters Adam McCleary and Mason Seaborn lead the charge into the upcoming season, some freshmen have already made an impact. In last weekend’s Sam Hall Intercollegiate tournament at the Hattiesburg Country Club in Hattiesburg Miss, freshman Velton Meyer was the only player to compete individually for the Warhawks. He finished 74th overall, shooting 15 over for the tournament. “He showed a lot of promise finishing strong last weekend and it is something we hope he will build on
photo courtesy of
Mason Seaborn follows his tee shot in tournament play last season.
going further into the season,” said Wilson. The team finished in 12th place at the Sam Hall intercollegiate, edging out conference rivals Arkansas State by three points. Junior McCleary and sophomore Seaborn shot team lows of five over for the tournament. Though it was the first tournament of the season for the Warhakws, it was not the first time Seaborn has com-
peted recently. This summer Seaborn qualified for the 112th annual U.S Golf Association Armature Championship, being the first Warhawks golfer to do so in the last six years. Seaborn missed the cut going into the weekend posting a score of eight over but still took the tournament as a great learning experience. “I learned a lot at that tournament,
and it was a great experience to get to play against some of the best golfers in the country,” said Seaborn. The Warhawks travel to McNeese this weekend to play in the Moe O’Brien Intercollegiate tournament, where a young Warhawk team hopes to start building towards the future with a win. contact Alex Chace at
September 17, 2012
Former Tech player tabbed as basketball guards’ coach
Fallacy on fourth-down
by Adam Hunsucker
photo courtesy of
Daniel Mutai notches back-to-back awards two years in a row.
Mutai is cross country Runner of the Week On Wednesday, ULM senior Daniel Mutai was named the Sunbelt Conference’s Male Runner of the Week. Mutai has advanced twice in NCAA national cross country meets. He won the award one week after two outstanding outings in individual meets. This is the second straight year that Mutai has brought two consecutive championships. The teams next meet is scheduled for Sunday, Oct. 7 in Natchitoches. The Northwestern State Invitational meet will start at 4 p.m.
Volleyball team shuts down Grambling State The volleyball team left Grambling with a 3-0 win Thursday night. This win came off a three-game losing streak for the Warhawks. The match against the Tigers was the last tuneup for ULM before conference play kicks-off. ULM (4-5) played strong in the first two sets against Grambling State (0-4). The game winning set finished at 2516, although ULM leaped out to a big 17-12 lead They finished the first set 25-8 and the second 25-7. ULM will start Sun Belt action Thursday at 7 p.m. against the UL-Lafayette Ragin’ Cajuns.
Baseball team receives championship rings On Thursday afternoon in the Student Union Building Ballroom the ULM baseball team held a ceremony where 2012 Sun Belt Tournament Championship rings were disburst to players and coaches. Head Coach Jeff Schexnaider, ULM President Dr. Nick Bruno and ULM Director of Athletics Bobby Staub individually congradulated each member afterwards.
Men’s basketball coach Keith Richard has named Lonnie Cooper as an assistant basketball coach, where he will work with ULM’s guards. He replaced Brandon Roberts, who left coaching to enter the business world. This will be Cooper’s first year as a college coach. “I think he’ll bring the same strong work ethic that he had as a player to his new career as a college coach,” Richard said. “I Cooper am excited about him joining our staff and becoming a Warhawk.” Cooper, a Tallulah. native, was a four-year starter at Louisiana Tech, playing his senior year for Richard. He was an All-Sun Belt performer at guard and led the nation in freethrow percentage as a senior, shooting .921 from the line. Following his collegiate career, Cooper played professionally for 11 years in Europe and for the Des Moines Dragons of the International Basketball Association. The hiring is pending final approval from the University of Louisana System Board of Supervisors. contact Adam Hunsucker at
photos by courtesy of Jeremy Stevens/ULM Athletics
Coach Todd Berry looks on in dismay after a barn burner at Auburn..
Berry regrets taking field goal in overtime by Adam Hunsucker
ULM’s attempt at making it two in a row against the SEC fell short in overtime on Saturday as Auburn escaped Jordan-Hare Stadium with a 31-28 win. The Warhawks (1-1) started the overtime on offense, but were forced to settle for a 37-yard Justin Manton field goal that was blocked. The Tigers (1-2) quickly went to work, setting up a 35-yard kick that Cody Parkey nailed for the win. Despite conventional wisdom, the decision to kick on 4th and 5th in overtime is one that Todd Berry regrets.“At the end of the game, I don’t take the field goal, I go for it,” Berry said. “This one’s my fault. Error in judgement.” The game began at a furious pace
31-28 ULM finishes game in overtime for second week in a row.
with both teams scoring on their opening possessions. Kolton Browning had another solid outing, completing 28 of 46 for 237 yards and three touchdowns, two of which went to tight end Harley Scioneaux. Jyruss Edwards led the way on the ground with 17 carries for 76 yards. After a 33 yard touchdown pass from Kiehl Frazier to Sammie Coates ended the half, Auburn drove 65 yards on the opening drive of the third quarter to build a 28-14 lead. Reminiscent of last week in Little Rock, ULM came to life in the fourth quarter, holding the Tigers scoreless and tying the game with 1:18 left in regulation.
The defense made adjustments in the second half, but they struggled to tackle and stop the run all day. Rob’Donovan Lewis led the team with nine tackles. Cordero Smith and Cameron Blakes also combined for six tackles, and Mitch Lane came up with an interception and recovered a fumble. “We just over-pursued mainly,” linebacker Blakes said. “They gashed us for big [runs] and you just can’t have that.” The Tigers gashed ULM for 255 yards rushing and produced 418 yards of total offense. The Warhawks continued their aggressive playcalling on 4th down, picking up three of four attempts. On the season, ULM is now 9-for-11 on 4th down conversions this season. ULM returns to action next Friday night in the home opener against the Baylor Bears. contact Adam Hunsucker at
Warhawks: Time to white-out Malone by Adam Hunsucker
Tickets are still available for the home football opener against the Baylor Bears on Friday, Sept. 21. Approximately 16,000 tickets have been sold and fans are encouraged to “white out” Malone Stadium by wearing white to the game. According to Adam Johnson, ULM’s assistant athletic director for ticketing and operations, sales have increased since the win against Arkansas and have not slowed down. “Hundreds of tickets were sold in only a few
hours after the Warhawks’ thrilling win against the Razorbacks,” Johnson said. ULM students can enter the game by presenting a student ID. Student gates will open an hour and half before game time. General admission tickets are available at the ticket office and cost $15 for adults and $10 for youth (ages 3-17). Reserved tickets are $20 each. The ticket office is open from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Tuesday-Thursday and 8 am. to 5 p.m. on Friday. For
more information, contact the ticket office at 318342-3ULM or online at Group tickets are also available through ARCO for $10, with partial proceeds going to benefit the organization. Visit for more information. Kickoff is set for 7 p.m. and the game will be broadcast live on ESPN. contact Adam Hunsucker at
September 17, 2012
Team looking to top previous year Four tournaments in October will be a good gauge for team
Left: Sophmore Sophie Rufyikiri follows through on a serve last season. Right: Freshman Silvia Tumova returns with a forehand last season.
photos by Emi McIntyre
by Bibiana Almeida
As the exhibition season begins, the ULM women’s tennis team has its sights set on a Sun Belt Conference championship. “We’ve been close the past few years, but we still haven’t been able to get that extra win,” head coach Terrence De Jongh said. Although they finished the 2012 season with a 15-4 record, the Lady Warhawks fell to Denver in the quarterfinals of the Sun Belt Conference Tournament for the second year in a row. The defeat has been a motivator for this year’s team. “It’s just one more reason for us to work harder this fall,” sophomore Sophie Rufyikiri said. The fall exhibition tournaments helps the team prepare for the spring season and get a glance at possible opponents. October will be a key month, with four tournaments on the schedule. We have to work extra hard to make sure we get past the quarterfinals and into the finals,” De Jongh said. The 2012-13 team returns four players from last season, including junior Medy Blankvoort and sophomores Sophie Rufyikiri, Silvia Tumova and Ema Turudija. New additions to the program are freshmen Justyna Krol and Iris Van Leeuwen from Poland and the Netherlands, respectively. contact Bibiana Almeida at