Volume 93 issue 4

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Talons out for the warhawk win P 16

Department to improve on-campus parking P 3




TOPS crisis

Student places in ‘Dancing with the Breaking down what budget cuts mean for Louisiana the future P 6, 7 Stars’ P 11

Warhawks battle for cure P 9

February 15, 2016



February 15, 2016

NEWS CALENDAR Monday, 2-15 Midterm grading for 1st 8-week classes


Guitar Festival 7:30 PM -9




Open cherrling practice from 7 PM-9 in Brown Gym. FemHawks presents Pink Bag: Dr. Mary Adams at 2:00 p.m.

Tuesday, 2-16 Dozing with the DZ hosted by Delta Sigma Theta, Inc. at 6:13 PM in the SUB, Ballroom C Midterm grading for 1st 8-week classes Pre-Career Fair Workshop 9:30 AM11 PM in SUB Ballroom

Wednesday, 2-17 Spring Career Fair 10 AM- 2 PM SUB Ballroom How to Boost Self-Esteem seminar 4 - 5 PM, Student Center room 170 Fried Chicken Day in Shulze from 10 a.m.- 2 p.m.

Thursday, 2-18 Spring Art Crawl Walker Gallery, Bry Art Gallery, Advance Studios at 5-7 PM The Rise & Fall of a Northern Maya Kingdom: The Archaeology of Kiuic 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM, Hanna Hall room 337 Tennis at Jackson State, 1:30 PM Women’s Basketball at Texas State, 5:30 PM

1 Washington Cruz pulls anti-Rubio ad

2 Washington

3 Pittsburgh Gravity waves Online dating, found in space more common

4 France Zika link to other viruses

(MCT) — The Ted Cruz campaign hurriedly pulled an anti-Marco Rubio TV ad Thursday when media outlets reported that an actress in the spot was a soft-core porn star. In the 30-second ad, “Conservatives Anonymous,” a mock therapy group sits in a circle and discusses how disappointed they are in a candidate who has reversed himself after going to Washington. At the end, a new member walks in wearing a Marco Rubio T-shirt. The ad is clever, but it is the blonde woman with one line who has stolen the spotlight. Looking at another group member, actress Amy Lindsay says, “Maybe you should vote for more than just a pretty face next time.” The Cruz campaign immediately went into damage control. “The actress responded to an open casting call,” Cruz’s spokeswoman said.

(MCT) — Scientists who have spent decades peering into outer space announced Thursday they have detected gravitational waves, the ripples in spacetime that Albert Einstein long ago predicted. “We have detected gravitational waves. We did it!” David Reitze, a physicist and executive director of the LIGO Scientific Collaboration, announced at the National Press Club in Washington, to applause. Gravitational waves, often said to look like ripples in a pond, are able to answer questions about creation of astronomical phenomena and disturbances, such as the merging of black holes, collision of neutron stars, supernova explosions and more. Scientists have been working on detecting gravitational waves for 40 years, largely with the support of national science grants.

(MCT) — Nisha Paige isn’t shy. Not online, anyway. Paige, a 33-year-old graduate student at the University of Pittsburgh, is a former Irish dancer who enjoys posing for 1950s-era cheesecake shots that she posts online. Sitting in front of a computer or flipping through a smartphone, she says, she feels at home. This extends to online dating, where she met her fiance, Bryan Bowman, also 33. Indeed, she is hardly alone, according to a new study released Thursday by the Pew Research Center. Pew discovered 15 percent of U.S. adults have used online dating sites such as Match.com and/or mobile dating apps like Tinder, up from 11 percent two years ago. The areas of most rapid growth were the youngest adults,ages 18-24.

(MCT) — The Zika virus’ health effects generally are described as mild flu-like symptoms for those who show symptoms at all or not yet certain, with references to GuillainBarre syndrome, which causes devastating birth defect. But the linkage to GuillainBarre, an autoimmune disorder first brought to the American public’s attention three decades ago as a reaction to swine flu vaccine, isn’t new to the current outbreak. Researchers raised the likelihood of a Zika-Guillain-Barre connection two years ago after an outbreak of the virus in French Polynesia, the first time the disease had spread to a population that could be tracked and treated. Musso said he believes the Guillain-Barre link is “almost certain” and that with Zika and microcephaly in infants.



Men’s Basketball at Texas State, 7:30 PM

Friday, 2-19 Softball vs Northern Kentucky, 9 AM

Pucker up

Feb. 15 1848

Tennis vs Alcorn State, 12 PM Softball vs Butler, 1:30 pm Baseball at Southeastern Louisiana, 6 PM

“I was raised

Saturday, 2-20

to believe that excellence is the best deterrent to racism or sexism...”

Softball at Tennessee State , 11:15 AM Baseball at Southeastern Louisiana, 2 PM Women’s Basketball at UT Arlington, 5 PM Softball vs Evansville, 6 PM Men’s Basketball at UT Arlington, 7:15

: Sarah Roberts barred from white school in Boston at age five. Her father, Benjamin Roberts, filed the first school integration suit on her behalf.

Oprah Winfrey, media proprietor

Front page photo credits:

main story photo courtesy of The Advocate, Sidebar photo, courtesy of Courtney Crain Top left photo, Tyler Smith Top right, Matthew Johnson

photo by Olivia Barfield

Allen Perry, graduate student, prepares for Phi Mu’s Kiss Away Cancer event last thursday in the Quad. The event raised over $800 for Children’s Miracle Network Hosptials.

illustration courtesy of Massachusetts Historical Society



February 15, 2016

Phone app to help on-campus parking by Alan Rawls

Parking lots around campus are expected to change this semester. New signs and more handicap parking are just a few of the improvements that will help make parking easier. New parking lot signs have been ordered. These signs will help drivers identify who can park in that particular lot. More available parking is located at various locations on campus. Handicap parking have been made available near Hannah Hall and there are fewer restricted parking spots next to the Activity Center. Tom Torregrossa, director of University Police Department, said they are taking it all a step at a time.

“We look at the University as a whole and break it down per lot,” Torregrossa said. The department has recently updated its website. The new website can help provide information for both students and guests. Torregrossa said a new smartphone app will help students in finding parking spots. This smartphone app will be registered under the ULM police department. One of the application’s uses will also help students and faculty know if there is an open spot in a particular parking lot. The improvements are sure to make parking more efficient. Markeia May, senior nursing major, said she is happy to see more

parking improvements, but still have concerns about her safety when she has to park far from her night classes. “I almost had to call the police to escort me,” May said. The Hawkeye will have updates as more details develop.

Visit ulmhawkeyeonline.com for a list of all of the current updates.

contact Alan Rawls at rawlesar8@warhawks.ulm.edu

Professor explores LGBT’s orgin at Pink Bag Series by Sisam Shrestha

Will Rogers, English assistant professor, credits his involvement in the Pink Bag series to his graduate school life, where he got to get involved in programs to learn about his professors’ works and the different aspects of the profession. He wishes to provide the same experience to students through the Pink Bag series. So, in his efforts, Rogers hosted, “There is NO F in LGBTQ+? Finding Space for Queer Identities in Feminism”. This was an unofficial inaugural for the Femhawk movement. The lecture focused on queer identities, their origin and their relation with feminism.. Rogers also included some parts of the English medieval history to clarify the concept of queer identities. Queer identities are often associated with terms like gay, lesbian, asexual, bisexual, transgender and so on. “Queer identities depend on feminism, as much as feminism might need those queer identities,” said Rogers. The Queer theory helps illustrate the shortcomings of identities based solely on biology. Lauren Provost, a senior English major, said, “I had perspectives of the feminist aspect that I had always wondered about and he (Dr. Rogers) answered a lot of questions, of how it can be towards the homosexual or the heterosexual population.”

The history of feminism can be arranged under different waves. Rogers focused his lecture on the second and third wave, the latter being the origin of queer theory. Though “queer” is associated with negative weight, Rogers however looks at the “patience notion of queer, one which is useful for creating communities, pre and post- modern, together with feminism. In his lecture, Rogers included works by Stacy Alaimo and Susan Heckman, John Boswell and V.A. Kolve in relation with the concept of queer identities. Rogers added that feminism should not have a particular definition. One form of feminism should not necessarily fit all feminism types and there should be acceptance for the variability. Although the first lecture in the series, “There’s NO F in LGBTQ+? Finding Space for Queer Identities in Feminism” had its share of audience. The room was crowded with active listeners, most of who were trying to grasp the concept of “queer identities” and some, who were there for their extra credit reports. “Students will benefit from this series as they’ll get to see how academic discourse works to create knowledge, and how people who are, primarily, academics respectfully disagree,” said Rogers. contact Sisam Shrestha at shrests8@warhawks.ulm.edu

“Buy one get one free daiquiris”


Lang dies at 22 by The Hawkeye Staff Reports

Lauren Lang, 22, died by a selfinflicted gunshot wound Jan. 31. Lang was a senior dental hygiene major of Bastrop, LA. According to Save.org, suicide is the 10th leading cause of death among Americans of all ages. Depression is said to be a factor of suicides. “She wasn’t crazy. She just had some type of serious crisis when depression hits,” said Lisa Lang, Lauren’s mother. Lang’s family is not covering up how she died; rather, they said suicide awareness is important and should be taken seriously. Dr. Carmen McIntyre, chief medical officer at the Detroit Wayne Mental Health Authority, said depression doesn’t have a distinct look or stereotype. “Depression doesn’t look the same for everyone, but some hints are feeling sad, or being agitated and angry,” Dr. McIntyre wrote in her recent blog post. For those with suicidal thoughts, Dr. McIntyre said talk to anyone who could help and stay away from harmful objects. “Take firearms out of the house, secure medications, and guard against ‘sharps’ – knives, needles, scissors,” she wrote. Words can also trigger suicidal thoughts. Lisa Lang said people should be mindful of how he or she treats others

photo courtesy of Lisa Lang’s Facebook

on the daily bases. “People might appear okay on the outside, but you never know what that person is going through,” Lisa said. The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention reported there are more than 42,000 Americans who die each year by suicide. And for every one suicide, there are 25 attempts. “Your mind is powerful. God created all of our organs to work in sync, and your mental health is just as important as your physical health,” Lisa said. Lauren was expected to graduate in May. Editor’s Note: If you or someone you know is having thoughts about suicide call the National Suicide Prevention Hotline at 1-800-273-8255 or visit the ULM Counseling Center. contact The Hawkeye at ducregk@warhawks.ulm.edu

Warning signs of suicide • Looking into ways to kill oneself, such as buying a gun, or searching online for ways to die. • Talking about feeling helpless, hopeless or having no reason to live. • Talking about being a burden on others. • Loss of interest in the things one cares about.

Where all your party needs are met





Economy, education crippled by constitutional restriction Gov. John Bel Edwards uttered shocking words Thursday. Students across the state heard “TOPS suspension.” Higher education heard “university shutdowns” and “incomplete.” Incomplete? Years of determination, caffeine-fueled study nights and stressed tears to be told “incomplete?” Is this really happening? Or is it a well-timed plan to raise proposed taxes? Either way, Louisiana will hurt. Bi-partisan government must invest time into a thoughtful solution. But the answer is not to bankrupt an already fragile highereducation system. Or to just raise taxes. Making more layoffs and industry costcuttings have already impacted the state and increased taxes on struggling businesses and families will only maximize the problem. There is no wiggle room and the state will feel it. The budget needs balance and to do so requires hard decisions at every level. A solution? Constitutional reform. Budget cuts need to be spread across the board, not just focused on a few entitities. It’s time to diagnose the root issue. Surgery is necessary. A temporary Band-Aid attempt will not work. Andy Warhol said, “Making money is art and working is art and good business is the best art.” Louisiana government, give us art. Don’t give us good art. Give us the best art.

Check out our website at ulmhawkeyeonline.com Leave a comment to let others know your views

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February 15, 2016

Gun ownership, constitutional right Mattie Kincannon “Aim, and squeeze the trigger slowly.” These words were spoken to me at the age of four as I sat on my father’s lap shooting my first gun, a .22-caliber bolt-action Chipmunk rifle. Guns have been a huge part of my life. Since the age of four, I have competed in shooting competitions; I have been on hunts and I even shoot firearms for recreational purposes. Although some might say that letting a four-year old shoot a gun is “child abuse,” I disagree with this statement. As a proud American citizen who stands for her second amendment right, I am against gun control. I hold guns to a high honor and reverence. I know that in the wrong hands they can hurt others, and I know that if you do not always treat any gun as a loaded gun, chances are, you do not need to be around firearms. Ever since I can remember, the philosophy to respect weapons was instilled in my head. I never messed with my father’s firearms unless he

was around to help me. I never played with them, nor did I touch them. I understood from an early age the power of this weapon, and I was taught to respect that power. Even going hunting and being around others who owned guns, I never feared for my life, nor was I scared in any way. I knew that the people I was with respected guns as much as I did, and they knew that safety was a top priority for all of us. Fast-forwarding to now, as a young lady who keeps up with the news and hears about the escalating crime rates, I fear for my protection and safety. Putting gun control on top of that, I really fear for my protection. Let us have a scenario where someone is breaking into my house, and guns have been banned. Since 911 is my only option besides a kitchen knife, (which is getting too close-range to the perpetrator) I am going to call and wait for help. When would that help arrive, though? By the time the dispatcher has sent help, three or even more minutes might have passed. On top of that, add in eight minutes until help arrives. At this point in our scenario, where is the burglar, but more importantly, what would be my physical condition? Would I be sexually assaulted or even dead? Do you think that I could talk to the burglar and work out a deal? Of course not. Gun control is taking away a law-abiding citizen’s right, and technically telling the criminals to go at it and have a good time. Why would a criminal listen to the

law? They never do. Since I obey the law, I am surrendering my right to protect myself, and I am making myself vulnerable to anything. Cities that restrict the rights of owning firearms, such as Chicago, have some of the highest gun-related crimes in the country. Why? Again, the law-abiding citizens will follow the rules while a criminal will find a way to break it. If one unarmed civilian, just one, would have had a firearm in the Paris massacres (due to France’s high gun control regulations), how many lives could have been saved? The founding fathers of this nation set up firearm rights to protect our families and ourselves. Compare this to world dictators, such as Hitler, Mao, and Stalin. They took away guns to control their countries with an iron fist, and that in turn led to the murder of millions and millions of their own citizens. I just have something to say for all of the pro-gun control actors, musicians, and government officials out there. If you are so big into taking away the American people’s guns, why do you not disarm your bodyguards and security teams? As one of my favorite columnists, Thomas Sowell, wrote, “How many often supposedly mentally unbalanced shooters open fire at a National Rifle Association Meeting? None.” contact Mattie Kincannon at kincanme@warhawks.ulm.edu

Contact the writers or the editor at smithk8@warhawks.ulm.edu

Stubbs 131 700 University Avenue Monroe, LA 71209 Editor in chief - Gwendolyn Ducre Co-managing editor news - Olivia Barfield Co-managing editor design - Taja Carriere Photo editor - Tyler Smith Opinion editor - Karissa Smith Freestyle editor - Cory Thaxton Sports editor - Josh Dean Multimedia editor - Ashley Lyons Advertising director - Carmen Blackwell Chief copy editor - Traneshia Stormer

The opinions expressed in personal columns are the opinions of the author and not necessarily the opinions of the editors, staff, adviser or the University. Unsigned editorials represent the collective opinion of The Hawkeye’s editorial board, but not necessarily the opinions of the adviser or the University. The Hawkeye (USPS #440-700) is published weekly except vacation, exam & holiday periods by The University of Louisiana at Monroe, 700 University Avenue, Monroe, LA 71209. Annual subscription price is $15.00. Periodicals Postage Paid at Monroe, LA 71203. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Hawkeye, 700 University Ave., Stubbs 131, Monroe, LA 71209-8832.

318-342-5453 ulmhawkeyead@gmail.com

ULM Hawkeye

Faculty adviser Dr. Christopher Mapp 318 342 5454 mapp@ulm.edu Feedback 318 342 5453 newsroom 318 342 5452 fax ulmhawkeye@gmail.com

@ulmhawkeye Illustrstion courtesy MCT Campus


February 15, 2016



Gun control, more than fanciful appeal

Sagar Poudel How badly can a conversation end? The exchange of a few words with the occasional stare is the worst to imagine. Right? But now, for a moment, put guns and ammunition into the ploy. It changes everything, doesn’t it? A few stains of blood here and there, corresponding to a scary, loud scream is what my mind came up with. Was yours similar? I bet the awkward first-imagined scene pales in comparison to the second! Let’s not fool ourselves into believing that individual guns in individual’s pockets is the best measure of security our nation can employ. But maybe, I lied. Maybe, my mind never came up with any scene of imagination at all! People lie all the time. But numbers don’t! Stats reflect that the number of deaths via privately owned firearms

in other so-called powerful nations beside the United States remains low. Meanwhile, here in our own backyard, it has jumped up to tens of thousands. What can be expected if among a group of five individuals, one happens to have equipped his back pocket with a shotgun? Can’t you feel the wave of insecurity on the rise already? Now, here is the problem. What about the four unarmed individuals and their loved ones? But, for every problem there lies not a solution but a set of solutions. This problem’s solution is no different than our very imagination which can be twisted and judged on more than one facets. This is where the mind gets divided and philosophy gets influential. Some folks propose a solution which, according to them, could minimize the damage. They ask for the remaining four to be equipped as well. According to them, that would erase the sense of insecurity. On the other hand, individuals such as myself can’t help but propose that the gun be stripped off the equipped person. Back to imagination, what do you think would be a more rational decision - to reduce the number of guns to

zero or to increase it by four? The numbers have changed with time, which has to be taken into account as well. What was the situation like when gun control was first implemented? Is it the same today? It was first implemented when a few but the great departed. At present, every life matters! No one is any less important than another! But the death of greats such as John F. Kennedy, John Lennon, etc. triggered the sense of necessity among people regarding gun control. Should it be any different when youths across the nation lose their valuable lives to guns today? Who is to blame for death by gun? Maybe, it is the imagination to blame; especially of those law-makers who not even in their dreams imagined this situation to arise! If one’s fate is to be determined by firearms, I believe not everyone who owns guns are capable enough to judge rationally. If our nation is expected to prosper when the number of guns exceed the number of citizens, which is a near future reality, all I can say is, “May God bless America!” contact Sagar Poudel at poudels@warhawks.ulm.edu

illustration by Taja Carriere

Political Forecast: Primaries Date: Sat. Feb. 20 Nevada (D) South Carolina (R) Washington (R) Republican Debate: Date: Thurs. Feb. 25 Time: TBD Where: CNN “There is too much shouting. There is too much making fun of each other.” - Bernie Sanders Louisiana Special Session: Feb. 14-March 9 Significance: Fix the state’s financial mess

Kanye promotes sexism, not art Ashley Lyons Kanye West is being sexist again and we need to address it. Now I hate the word problematic and I think there is something to be said about how easily offended people get in the media. But it really strikes a cord with me that such a prominent public figure continues to say the things he does about women. Within the past few weeks, West has dragged

Amber Rose and her child into an argument between him and another man, and proclaimed that alleged serial rapist, Bill Cosby, is innocent with no actual evidence. Yes, innocent until proven guilty, but it just makes me wonder what West must truly think of the 50 women who have come forward. Does he actually know something or is he just being the controversial, loud mouth we know him to be? I’m more inclined to believe the latter. His newest song “Famous” features the line “I feel like me and Taylor might still have sex. Why? I made that [b-word] famous.” The implication there is that she should have sex with him because in West’s twisted mind he did something for Swift – made her famous. And now she has to pay him her dues. Not only is that untrue and disrespectful to Swift but also Kim Kardashian. It also perpetu-

ates the disgusting belief that if you do anything for a woman she should have sex with you. He has a new album out and he needs attention. And like I’ve seen so many people continue to say it’s just “Kanye being Kanye.” Except we have to stop excusing disgusting behavior in that kind of manner. It’s no different than saying “boys will be boys.” The implication behind “boys will be boys” tells them that it’s in their nature to act a certain way and that they have no self-control. It teaches girls to deal with it. Yet Swift gets dragged through the mud for writing about past flings and being emotional. Why aren’t we dismissing that by saying girls will be girls? Especially since that is the type of reputation many young girls get pegged with – the boy crazy psycho.

Because it’s just as ridiculous as “boys will be boys.” Is this a first world feminist problem? Yes it is, but in this specific American society where feminism, racial activism and social justice is more mainstream you would think we’d be further along than this. So stop degrading women in pop culture and music. Any “art” where you have to bring down marginalized or minority groups isn’t art. West has some weird obsession with degrading Amber Rose, Swift, and his own wife. He obviously doesn’t respect women. Think about North West listening to her father’s lyrics where he refers to her mother as a [b-word] and references her sex tape? This isn’t the kind of culture we need to raise children in. contact Ashley Lyons at lyonsar@warhawks.ulm.edu



February 15, 2016


The Louisiana Budget Crisis Potential cuts and the recent TOPS reductions are sparking worry and controversy among the state’s higher education. Here’s how we got here:


Louisiana’s national ranking for cutting higher education funding

Higher education plummet In 2007, while former Gov. Kathleen Blanco was in office, Louisiana reached the Southern regional average for supporting universities for the first time. Then, state taxpayers provided 60 percent of funding for the state’s public universities. Now they pay aound 25 percent. In 2008, when former Gov. Bobby Jindal took office, the national recession began, forcing all states to cut money from higher education. However, since 2008, Louisiana has cut more higher education funding than any other state, slashing state aid to public universities by 55 percent. As a result, Louisiana has heftily lifted tuition and mandatory attendance fees. In the past five years, they’ve raised these charges faster than any other state. Now, less students are seeking bachelor’s degrees. Between 2009 and 2014, Louisiana was one of only six states to see a decrease in enrollment. In 2014, the state ranked 48th for educational attainment, with only 28.4 percent of adults with either an associates or bachelor’s degree. Four-year schools aren’t all that have suffered either, two-year schools now get about about half as much state aid as they did in 2008. Overall, the state has seen a 13 percent cut to higher education funding since 2008, totaling a $40 million cut to all 14 public universities combined.



Louisiana’s current budget deficit

The budget Here’s the bottom line: The state has to close a $943 million budget deficit by June 30, the end of this year’s fiscal cycle. Louisiana is facing a $2 billion deficit in the next fiscal cycle too. This past Sunday, Feb. 14, the Legislature began a three-week special session to try to fix the problem. If Gov. John Bel Edwards and the State Legislature can’t agree on a solution, the state could see cuts as horrible as shutting down both hospice services and college campuses. The state’s budget crisis is complicated. Many factors went into getting Louisiana to where it is today. During Gov. Kathleen Blanco’s term in office and after hurricane’s Katrina and Rita, the state was in an economic boom. Because the state had such high revenues at the time, employ-

ee pay and other spending was raised under Blanco. Tax cuts were also implemented under her reign. When Gov. Bobby Jindal came into office, he vowed not to raise taxes and pushed Blanco’s tax cuts even further. He and the legislature also finished ridding the state of the Stelly Plan, which Blanco had begun to do. The Stelly Plan was a tax program that raised income taxes on most moderate and wealthy people and cut taxes on food and utilities that disproportionally affected the state’s poor. In fiscal year 2008, revenues in Louisiana were at $10.1 billion. In 2010, they dropped to a low of $7.2 billion. Right now, income and sales tax collections are low in Louisiana, mainly due to high unemployment. These two sources of income are about half of Louisiana’s tax revenue every year. The sales tax, which accounts for 30 percent of Louisiana’s budget, hasn’t been raised in five years. On top of the lack of revenue from income and sales taxes, Louisiana’s gas tax collections are expected to be $5 million less than expected in November. The world’s oil and natural gas markets have been suffering since 2014, which has helped cripple the Louisiana economy. Since November, Louisiana has lost more than $90 million in state revenue from oil and other energy extraction taxes. Louisiana’s budget also suffers in its relationship with corporations. This year, it looks like the state will be giving more away than it will be collecting in taxes from these corporations. Another problem with the Louisiana budget is that much money can only legally be used for specific purposes. Many funds are caught in statutory dedications and can only be used for certain programs or functions, making it hard to move money around.



Percentage of TOPS funding available next year

The TOPS cut Last Thursday, Louisiana’s student financial aid office notified the state’s colleges and universities that it had halted TOPS payments because of the uncertainty surrounding the state’s budget crisis. Thursday night, Gov. John Bel Edwards said that TOPS recipients will not have to cover the cost of their scholarships. TOPS payments resumed Friday at 80 percent of the original payments, with universities and colleges filling the 20 percent gap. However, Edwards stated that for the fiscal year starting July 1, TOPS could be limited because of a lack of funds. “Next year, as it stands, TOPS is only funded 25 percent, unless the legislature acts to change that. This means fewer TOPS scholarships will be awarded next year. That is why it is so important for the legislature to work with me to balance this budget and prevent future cuts to the TOPS Scholarship Program,” Edwards said.



Best-case scenario budget cuts for the next fiscal year


Possible budget cut to ULM

Why higher education cuts? Higher education and healthcare are subject to budget cuts because they are not legally protected from them, unlike primary and secondary education which have funds in statutory dedications. The only thing that can be immediately cut from our budget must come from the discretionary portion of our State General Fund. Out of the state’s $28 billion budget, only $3 billion can be used for discretionary spending. Of this $3 billion, $700 million goes to higher education. Although the worst case scenario for this budget crisis involves a $131 million cut to higher education and a proposed $4.1 million cut to ULM, political science professor Joshua Stockley said that cuts alone cannot fix the problem. “We have mismanaged our revenues far more than our expenditures. As we’ve had crisis after crisis, we have tended to air on the side of cutting and cutting without equal examination. But maybe spending is not the problem,” Stockley said. According to Stockley, solutions include raising taxes, eliminating tax expenditures, exemptions and loopholes and adjusting our statutes dedication. Stockley said that Louisiana needs to amend its constitution to give itself more fiscal budgetary flexibility.

Worse-case scenario Although Gov. Edwards has presented a plan that that will alleviate some of the budget problem and avoid some cuts to higher education, it may not be approved by Louisiana Legislature. Whatever the outcome of the special session, Louisiana’s colleges and universities will have to face $70 million in budget cuts. In the worse-case scenario, the cuts could stop schools in their tracks. College campuses may close early, leaving students unable to finish the school year. In his televised address Thursday, Edwards presented tough scenarios that made TOPS reductions look relatively mild. According to Edwards, students may get grades of incomplete for this semester, meaning that students wouldn’t be able to graduate. Conservative leaders have accused Edwards of using “scare tactics” to upset students and their parents so that he can raise taxes with less questions ask. However, it has been largely agreed upon that the looming budget cuts and their consequences are real. This is something that students have feared for years as the Louisiana higher education budget has been continuously cut. Whittney Pllunkett, a senior political science major, says that she has watched budget cuts cripple Louisiana higher education for years, and now more than ever she is urging others to become involved. “Students should be concerned and educated about these budget cuts because, without being informed on the current financial situation of the state, they could lose the chance to pursue their chosen programs in this state.” Plunkett said. President Nick Bruno sent out an email to students Friday night urging them to contact legislature all over the state. “Do not miss the opportunity to have your voice heard. Call or write, have your family members and friends call or write and provide the message to stop the cuts to higher education,” Bruno said.

February 15, 2016




Go to https://legis.la.gov/legis/FindMyLegislators.aspx to find your local state legislators’ contact information. Or, just Google search “find my legislaturor louisiana.” State legislators for Monroe’s district: What would the budget cuts mean for us?

Louisiana House District 16 - Katrina Jackson (318)362-5123 jacksonk@legis.la.gov Louisiana Senate District 34 - Francis C. Thompson (318) 878-9408 (800) 259-9408 thompsof@legis.la.gov

ULM was required to prepare a plan in the case that the university is cut. The plan can change, but now it consists of a hiring freeze, a one day per week furlough for all “eligible employees” over a four month period, reduction in travel, laying off up to 34 non-permanent employees, and reducing operating fund transfer to athletics. “I cannot overemphasize how important it is for each of us to continue to communicate with our friends, family and elected officials that higher education is a high priority and critical to our state’s future economic growth,” President Bruno said in an email to faculty and staff. For the University of Louisiana system, the cuts would mean declaring financial exigency for some institutions, faculty and staff furloughs, loss of accreditation for some schools, cut funding for research centers and the forego of salary increases. The cuts will also lead to further losses of degree programs and courses being taught.

Editor’s note: Louisiana deserves better Although students were Facebook raging Thursday night about the cut to TOPS, this situation is much more widespread than the scholarship issue. Yes, this is about way more than just TOPS. Citizens of this state are privileged to receive TOPS- most states don’t give that kind of incentive. What’s more, this is one of the cheapest states to go to college in. Pair the two together and we’ve had it pretty good here. However, the cut to TOPS represents a bigger problem, and that is what has been this state’s lack of prioritizing the good of our society. At this point, we are angrily focused on how they have failed higher education, and we should be. Higher education is necessary for improvement. But there is much more that our government has let slide in favor of low taxes. Louisiana is one of the most tax-friendly states in the nation, according to many sources. While we enjoy our low taxes, our state is crumbling around us. Our water systems have drawn national attention for being gross and unsafe (I can’t get water up my nose or an amoeba will eat my brain), our roads are some of the worst in the nation and our public schools have been ranked so low that it’s embarrassing. It’s high time this state starts caring more about becoming better as a whole instead of just personal gain. And if that requires slighty higher taxes, so be it. We should take more pride in our state than to deny it any betterment. If you agree, let them know it. contact Olivia Barfield at barfieor@warhawks.ulm.edu



February 15, 2016


Trikes for the fight by Kadeazsha Ferguson

photo by Tyler Smith

MASK ME: Kersten Lee helps Kymber Wilson put on her mask at the 2016 masquerade Mardi Gras Ball last Thurday.

Louisiana-style fun by Kadeazsha Ferguson

Ladies arrived in their formal ball gowns while the men dressed in suits and ties at the Student Government Association’s annual Mardi Gras Ball in the SUB Ballrooms last Thursday night. This year’s theme was “masquerade” and guests were encouraged to wear masks. Foods of all sorts were served from meat pies to the famous Mardi Gras King Cake. An I.D. required cash bar was also available during the ball. The ball rooms were decorated with beads, masks and beautiful center pieces. This ball was a first for many attendees and they really enjoyed themselves. Freshman Joseph Casso stated that the ball was “a hoot and a half!” “I love how it’s a new experience for incoming freshman and just college people in general,” said James Harrison, a sophomore.

Students were happy to be a part of a ULM tradition, and they hope it continues for years. “It’s a good way to get everybody together. You know, have a little bit of fun, break it up from the school work all the time,” freshman Jodie Faulk said. The Ball’s king, queen, dukes and duchesses and other krewe members created a small parade and threw beads to the partygoers. After the parade, the Mardi Gras Court was announced. Tyler Thomisee, a sophomore, represented the college of health and pharmaceutical sciences on the court. The honor left him speechless. “I really don’t know what to say... I’m thankful to get the support from my friends and family and all that, that are around here… (I’m) thankful for the people that are always there for me,” said Thomisee, a sophomore.

contact Kadeazsha Ferguson at fergusk@warhawks.ulm.edu

The Child Development Center hosted its annual St. Jude Trike-A-Thon last Friday, lending a helping hand to children battling cancer at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. Children from the ages of 6 months to 5 years and their families had the opportunity to give generous donations and decorate their tricycles for the marathon around the center. There were various decorated rides for this event. This year’s theme was Mardi Gras. Trikes with Mardi Gras beads, scooters with streaming ribbons, a tractor with masks, bikes with ornaments and strollers with shimmering garland raced around the block. Parents and teacher spectators caught beads and cheered the children on from the sidewalks. Ace the Warhawk came to support and put smiles on the children’s faces. Four-year-old Margaret Garvey raced around the corner knowing that she was helping save the life of another child. When asked what the event was for, Margaret replied, “to help little kids at St. Jude’s Hospital to get better because they are really, really sick and they have canvas (cancer).” Liam Keels, also four years old, smiled with excitement as he breezed past the others and tossed beads. When asked why he wanted to help St. Jude, he said, “so Aaron can get better.” Lori Watson, a teacher at the center, explained that in her class the students watched a story about a child named Aaron. He had a fall which sent him to the hospital where the doctors discovered he had a tumor.

photo by Kadeazsha Ferguson

THEY SEE ME ROLLING: From top to bottom: Margaret Garvey and Liam Keels ride their tricyclcles at the St. Jude Trike-A-Thon. contact Kadeazsha Ferguson at fergusk@warhawks.ulm.edu

February 15, 2016




Enoch’s rocks for the cure Organizations host band battle at local pub for benefit of children’s hospital by Kandice Johnson

Up ‘til Dawn and Campus Activity Board hosted the first annual Battle of the Bands at Enoch’s Irish Pub last Saturday night. The event hosted ten different bands. Spectators “passed the hat” and monetarily voted for their favorite band, with all proceeds going to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. Ten percent of all food and drink proceeds also went towards benefitting the hospital. According to Nirali Patel, Up ‘til Dawn’s Team Cultivation Chair, the event was a huge success. Over $1,000 was raised for St. Jude, she said. “The turnout was awesome and it was a lot more than I was expecting,” Patel said. “We raised a lot of money tonight Patel from generous people through fan favorite voting.” Patel also said that Enoch’s looks forward to hosting the event next year. The band All but Brave won first place and the band Gabe and Chris won second place as decided by a three-judge

panel. Prestor Jon won for Fan Favorite. Bryson Belaire, one of the judges, really enjoying the experience. “There was no better way to spend a night then by raising money for St. Jude,” Belaire said. The event featured a variety of music, from All but Brave’s hardcore metal to Gabe and Chris’ mellow, blues sound. Voyage 77 band member and student Mason Howard was proud to get the chance to play at the event. “I’m excited because I like the mason jars with the donations, and it goes to St. Jude,” said Howard, a senior music major. “It was cool.” Up ‘til Dawn is a student-led organization that raises money for Howard children with cancer at St. Jude’s Hospital. The organization has raised $32,710 since last year for the kids of St. Jude. Last year, UTD hosted fundraisers such as the 5K Mustache Dash, t-shirt sales, Orange Leaf Giveback night and candy sales. Proceeds collected at each event are donated to St. Jude Children’s Hospital. contact Kandice Johnson at johnsokf@warhawks.ulm.edu

photo by Tyler Smith

KILL IT FOR THE CURE: Bands perform at the first annual Battle of the Bands at Enoch’s Irish Pub.



February 15, 2016


New macbook Light years ahead of its time by Cory Thaxton

With the new MacBook, Apple set out to do the impossible: engineer a full-size experience into the lightest and most compact Mac notebook ever. That meant reimagining every element to make it not only lighter and thinner but also better. It’s the future of the notebook. The moment you open the new MacBook, its gorgeous 12‑inch Retina display with edge-to-edge glass brings everything into focus. Every photo leaps off the screen in rich, vibrant detail. Over 3 million pixels render each letter with crystal clarity. And it all comes to light on the thinnest, most energy-efficient Retina display ever on a Mac. With the new MacBook comes a whole new way to experience a trackpad. The Force Touch trackpad is engineered to deliver a responsive, uniform click no matter where you press the surface. And underneath, force sensors detect how much pressure you’re applying and give you new ways to interact with your Mac. People rely on Apple notebooks for all-day battery life, regardless of how compact they are. So Apple developed their own unique battery technology specifically designed to make use of every last millimeter of available space.

Apple to announce new products by Cory Thaxton

Apple has finally set the date for its first big event of 2016. Sources in position to know told BuzzFeed News the company has chosen March 15 as the date it will show off a handful of new products. Among the devices Apple plans to unveil are the next generation version of the iPad Air and a new smaller iPhone. Approximately the same size as the iPhone 5s, this smaller iPhone will feature a 4-inch display and a faster chip. Also on board: Support for Apple Pay, the company’s mobile payment service. A selection of new Apple Watch bands is also expected. Sources say the event will be a smaller affair than Apple’s last one, which was held at Bill Graham Civic Auditorium in San Francisco. Presumably that means it will occur at Apple’s Town Hall in Cupertino, the company’s preferred location for announcements like these. contact Cory Thaxton at thaxtocj@warhawks.ulm.edu

The future of television by Cory Thaxton


Apps are the future of television. On your mobile devices and computers,we already use apps such as Netflix, Hulu, and iTunes to watch TV shows. And that’s exactly where TV in the living room is headed. Apps have liberated television. They allow you to make individual choices about what you want to watch. And when and where you want to watch it. With the new Apple TV and its powerful new tvOS, developers are creating experiences that will change what we expect from the big screen, making TV feel as personal as an iPhone or iPad.


The App Store makes its TV debut. Apps that turns a living room into a fitness studio or a classroom. Even multiplayer games that redefine family game night. Apple can’t wait to see where developers take this.

Touch surface Touch forever changed how we interact with our phones. Now it comes to the remote. Use your thumb on the Touch surface of the Siri Remote to scroll, select, and navigate your TV screen effortlessly.

Siri remote

What’s the best way to find something to watch? Just ask Siri. Ask Siri to give you a few options, like “Show me popular TV shows.” Siri automatically searches across popular services like iTunes, Netflix, and more, so you don’t have to dig through each app individually. Ask to hear an album that just dropped, and Siri starts playing it from Apple Music. You can even ask Siri to launch a specific app. The Siri Remote lets you focus on the entertainment.

Images courtesy of Flickr

New interface Your TV screen is all the way across the room. That’s why the experience of using Apple TV is designed to let you feel like you’re interacting directly with your TV, not separated from it. The new Apple tv starts at $149.

contact Cory Thaxton at thaxtocj@warhawks.ulm.edu

Fitbits captures weird moments

Bigger, better ipad pro by Cory Thaxton

iPad has always offered a uniquely simple yet immersive experience. And now with its expansive 12.9-inch Retina display, nearly double the CPU performance of iPad Air 2, and refined Multi‑Touch technology, iPad Pro adds another dimension to that experience. It’s not just larger. It’s an iPad that lets you be more creative and more productive. iPad Pro comes with a variety of built‑in apps that make it easy to take on the essential things you do every day. And on the App Store, you’ll find incredible apps designed just for iPad, so there’s virtually no limit to what you can do. With four new high‑fidelity speakers built directly into its unibody, iPad Pro creates an audio experience as big as its display. The new design produces an engaging soundstage with three times the acoustic output of iPad Air. iPad Pro automatically adjusts the orientation of the high frequencies according to how you’re holding it. So whether you’re playing a game or watching a movie, the sound of iPad Pro is more immersive than ever. iPad pro starts at $799. contact Cory Thaxton at thaxtocj@warhawks.ulm.edu

by Cory Thaxton

Fitbit’s have taken the world by storm and they have alot of interesting festures. A Fitbit can constantly track your steps, heart rate, and burned calories. They are also starting to pick up a lot of interesting data. Recently a man’s fitbit captured the exact moment he felt heartbreak. 28-year-old Koby Soto got a call from his boyfriend. “He said that we’re going to have to cancel, and I said ‘Why?’ and he said, ‘Things are not working as they should,’” Soto recalled in an interview with BuzzFeed News. “I said, ‘Are you serious? You’re doing this over the phone?’” To Soto’s surprise, the app displayed data for the entire day, starting in the morning, when his average resting heart rate was a calm 72 beats per minute, and from noon onwards, when the call came and his heart rate immediately climbed past 88. It was elevated for most of the afternoon, at one point nearly reaching 118, and finally dipped back to normal levels at night. A couple from NYC says they found out an important piece of data from a Fitbit: They are expecting their first child. The mom-to-be’s fitbit was recording her resting heart rate at a high range, sometimes up to 110 beats a minute. A normal resting heart rate for an adult is about 60 to 100 beats a minute, according to the Mayo Clinic. The husband took to a Reddit forum asking if the device might be defective and one person asked if it was possible if his wife was pregnant. After he told his wife what he had read, she took a test, which came back positive. She is now about a month along in her pregnancy. contact Cory Thaxton at thaxtocj@warhawks.ulm.edu


February 15, 2016



Monroe’s ‘Dancing with the Stars’ by Cory Thaxton

“Meeting new people from our community and sharing the art of dance with them is what makes this event so great,” Courtney Crain, senior marketing major said about the annual dancing with the Louisiana stars competition. Louisiana Delta Ballet and Missy Crain Dance Studio presented the 8th annual Dancing with the

Image courtesy of Courtney Crain

8 grocery shopping tips for college students by Cory Thaxton

1. Don’t shop when you’re hungry You’ll probably buy more than you need for that week because your stomach is doing the thinking instead of your brain, which can lead to more impulse buys.

2. Buy larger cuts of meat and ask the butcher to trim them Larger cuts of meat tend to be cheaper!

3. Shop for you cereal in bulk This usually leads to more for you buck

4. Rethink buy one get one free Go for BOGO only when you planned to purchase the item to begin with.

5. Skip the crowds by shopping midweek Uncrowded aisles give you more time to find the best savings. You get to carefully compare prices without feeling rushed!

6. Dont buy prepared foods. These foods are usually cheaper to make at home!

7. Avoid the itemes at the checkout. These items snag your attention because they’re usually under $5. Ask yourself if you really need the item because they can definitely add up.

8. Don’t disregard coupons. Coupons can provide some amazing deals. contact Cory Thaxton at thaxtocj@warhawks.ulm.edu

Lousiana stars last Friday night. During the event 16 local “celebrities” from different companies around the Monroe area competeted for the title of Monroe’s favorite dancer. The event was cattered by serveral restaurants around Monroe including: Portico and Fieldhouse. One of the stars included the University of Louisiana at Monroe’s own director of high school recruitment, Seth Hall. Hall’s partner was Kelsey Bohl. Bohl is the dance coach for the ULM Hawkline. She also works in ULM’s International Student Office. Bohl was an LSU Golden Girl, “so she has quite a bit more dance experience than me,” Hall said. “I didn’t really have all of the dance moves fully learned until about a week before the event.

This was especially challenging for me. As a competitive person, I wanted our dance to be awesome!” Crain’s parter was Brian West with West and Weems Construction in West Monroe. “He was so quick on his feet and pretty much knew the dance perfectly after our first rehearsal together,” she said. This was Crain’s fourth year participating in dancing with the LA stars. “What I love most about it is that it is a friendly competition that brings people closer together and I love being able to perform with my dance company, for our community throughout the year,” Crain said. This year Crain won first runner-up. She said she didn’t even break a sweat. “I am looking forward to this event for many years to come!” contact Cory Thaxton at thaxtocj@warhawks.ulm.edu

How to handle homesickness by Pujan Dahal

“When I have to study until late for test, and wish my mom would get me a cup of coffee, but she isn’t here. It hits me, I miss home,” said Ashish Sharma, freshman Computer Science major. Sharma said that even though getting into college makes him excited, the feeling of moving hundreds and thousands of miles away from his home and loved ones makes him sad. “I don’t get to see them regularly.” Sharma said that he also misses ‘the authentic home food’. “Not just family, I miss the local cuisine and the dishes my mom used to make. Apart from regular ingredients, her dishes would contain love and I miss that” Professor William McCown said that the first year of college can be very difficult for some students. Freshmen often feel a deep sadness at leaving behind childhood friends and family. “Anyone can experience homesickness. It’s normal for people to experience some degree of distress when they are away from home. It’s a common part of transitioning to college,” said McCown. We are biologically wired to be comfortable to the familiar things around us.

“I can recall an incident of a student who was home felt homesick for college. Home sickness is deep longing for the things we are used to,”said McCown.. McCown said McCown that it’s not difficult to get rid of home sickness. “Home relationships and ties are very important and real. The best thing to do if you are experiencing home sickness is to acknowledge it and face it.” When you recognize this feeling, it is much easier to seek out help for it.” McCown said that alcohol and drugs doesn’t help, in fact it can lead to depression. He said that males face home sickness more than females do. “Males hide their feelings and are severely affected, but females speak out”. He said that home sickness is not culture specific but it’s easy for the international student to get over home sickness. They can cook their food, converse in their mother tongue and hang around their networks”. International students are frank than

the American students about these issues. “I usually talk to my best friend when I feel lonely and miss my home. I share all of my feelings with her. This lightens my heart,” said Melanie Prud’homme, graduate student, marriage and family therapy. Prud’homme said that she sticks to healthy habits. “I ensure atleast 8 hours of sleep a night, exercise regularly, and eat right.” McCown added that we are very fortunate that our university has the counselling department which assists students to get over Prud’homme such traumas. “We also have free clinics in STRAUSS. There are community counselling center and family therapy clinic too. Various sessions organized by the student center to deal with distresses and students can be a part of them.”

contact Pujan Dahal at dahalp@warhawks.ulm.edu



February 15, 2016


Image courtesy of firewatchgame.com

Enjoy the great outdoors in firewatch Alan Rawles “Destiny”is a massive online multiplayer firstperson shooter game created by Bungie. The game has about 20 million players and has sold nearly $500 million worth of games to retailers. It’s a futuristic sci-fi video game whose story revolves around a guardian that goes on various missions to protect Earth from deadly threats.

A Guardian’s appearance, race and gender is completely customizable. Their unique abilities are picked from three different classes of warriors: warlock, titan and hunter. Each has a different attribute. They are advantageous for various combat scenarios. They also have specialized “Supers.” This allows them to inflict damage on their opponents with their own unique power once it charges up or after defeating enemies. Every guardian has three subclasses. Each class has different abilities that can be switched. The characters can be adaptable to every situation they are faced with. Guardians are free to mix and match everything about their character except their race, gender and class.


The titan is a heavily armored guardian that is and voidwalker. able to withstand several hits before its shield is There are hundreds of weapons that can be depleted. It is a superb support character to have used to slay enemies such as auto rifles and on a fire team. The titan’s speed is very limited, hand cannons. but there are perks that can increase mobility. There are different game modes that allow Its three subclasses are the sunbreaker, striker guardians to face each other in friendly matches and the defender. They all have their own super- in the crucible or work together to defeat legions power. of The Darkness. The sunbreaker can transform into an embodied supernova. It wields the hammer of sol that can be hurled at enemies. The defender can summon a shield that blinds enemies that walk into it or increase defense and attack power. The striker’s super allows the titan to jump in the air and bring down a devastating punch that annihilates enemies. Alan Rawles at The warlock has the stormbringer, sunsinger contact rawlesar@warhawks.ulm.edu

Fast Forward

Power Rangers morphin back to bigscreen by Cory Thaxton

Images courtesy of Flickr

We all remember when five teenagers were hand picked to recieve unique super powers to help save the world. Now the power is coming back to the big screen. “Mighty Morphin Power Rangers” aired as a live action television series from 1993-1996, and was adapted from the Japanese series “Kyoryu Sentai Zyuranger.” More than a dozen spin-off franchises have been created over the past two decades. The fictional series follows events in the lives of five, later six, teenagers with superpowers, who were chosen by the wise sage Zordon to become Power Rangers in order to stop the evil Rita Repulsa from taking over the planet Earth. Now more than a year after news of a “Power Rangers” reboot was revealed, the studio behind the 2017 film has announced its official cast. A few months ago, the “Power Rangers” Instagram account shared photographs showing its leading cast: English actress and singer Naomi Scott , commonly known for her role as Mo in Disney Channel’s original movie,”Lemonade Mouth”, will play the Pink Ranger, newcomer Dacre

Montgomery will play the Red Ranger, Chinese actor Ludi Lin will play the Black Ranger, RJ Cyler will play the Blue Ranger and Becky Gomez, better known as YouTube star Becky G, will play the Yellow Ranger. “Excited to be part of this,” Gomez wrote on Instagram last week. “My first movie and I get to be a freakin POWER RANGER.” Elizabeth Banks, best known for her role as Effie Trinket in the “Hunger Games” series. Few details have been revealed about the new plot, including whether the future film will include the Green/White Ranger, played by Jason David Frank in the original series and in the 1995 film. In an interview last year, Frank said he “probably will be involved” in the reboot. The “Might Morphin Power Rangers Movie” reboot will be filled in Vancouver and it is set to be released March 24, 2017. contact Cory Thaxton at thaxtocj@warhawks.ulm.edu


February 15, 2016


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29 City between Algiers and Casablanca 30 “Shucks!” 32 Handshake relative 34 No. 35 Influential capitalists 36 WWII correspondent Reynolds 40 Comprises 41 FBI Academy site 42 Parade honoree, briefly 45 Accommodate 46 Certain retiree’s title: Abbr. 47 __-Magnon 48 More mawkish 50 Sq., e.g. 51 File system’s master di-


rectory 53 Kid 55 Theater warning 56 Like most circus performers 58 March winds, perhaps 60 They’re observed 61 Tiny sucker 62 One looking up to his listener? 63 Gene Vincent’s “__ Lovin’”

horoscope 5 Mount __ Nicolosi, Italian ski area 6 Millinery blocks 7 GPS display 8 Source of inside info? 9 Pool 10 Virginia Cavaliers’ org. 11 Longtime Mississippi senator Cochran 12 Scam 13 Michael of “Michael Clayton” 14 Poland Spring parent 21 Prominent elephant seal features 24 “Can’t fool me!” 26 Like granola 31 Dana __, co-star of the original “Invasion of the Body Snatchers” 33 Mideast party 34 Six minus deux 36 Amtrak unwinding area 37 Ends unsuccessfully, as a computer search 38 Beer container 39 Firth of Forth outlet 41 Tonic component 42 Tosses 43 Lozenge 44 Worse 45 Proceeded in a carefree manner 49 Hawaiian-born head of state 52 Voice mail sound 54 Plane’s longitudinal rotation 57 “__ appétit!” 59 Discontented cry


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February 15, 2016


Quarterbacks outshined by tenacious defenses

by Allen Rawles

This year’s Super Bowl provided viewers with much to talk about. The game was a struggle more between defenses. The Denver Broncos and Carolina Panthers both came to the game with superstar quarterbacks. Peyton Manning and Cam Newton were to be the highlights of the game. The Broncos and Panthers defenses put a stop to the offensive domination. The Panthers defense was led by Luke Kuechly and Thomas Davis. Kuechly recorded seven solo tackles and one sack. Davis had five solo tackles and one tackle for loss. The Panthers caused two turnovers, an interception and a fumble, both on Manning. The Broncos showed a more impressive defensive response. The leaders for Denver were Von Miller and Danny Trevathan. Miller had five solo tackles and an impressive

two and a half sacks. Trevathan made four solo tackles. The Broncos caused four Panther turnovers and scored one defensive touchdown. Miller received the Super Bowl MVP award for his outstanding performance in the game. Manning was 13-23 with 141 yards passing. C.J. Anderson was the leading rusher with 90 yards rushing and one touchdown. Emmanual Sanders had the most receiving yards recording 83 yards receiving from six receptions. Newton was 18-41 with 265 yards passing and one interception. NewtonGranade was Carolina’s leading rusher with 45 yards rushing. Corey Brown led the Panthers in yards receiving with 80 yards. The two teams were known for

their top defenses this year, but I didn’t think that the highlight would be on the defenses. Some parts of the game were viewed as not interesting because of the dominating defenses. Bailey Granade, a junior General Business major, remarked on the slow portions of the game. Sons “What part I saw wasn’t very interesting,” Granade said. The Panthers entered this game with the NFL’s MVP quarterback, but Denver’s defense was sure to be a problem for Newton. Dylan Sons, a sophomore Atmospheric Science major, was rooting for the Panthers, but he recognized the strength of the Denver defense. “I knew Denver would give them trouble,” Sons said. The golden anniversary of the Super Bowl turned out to be a great struggle between defenses. It gave viewers a different experience from the offensive domination of past games. This focus on defensive battles has the potential to change draft picks. Teams might put more emphasis on the defensive side of the ball in picking drafts. contact Allen Rawles at Rawlesar@warhawks.ulm.edu

photo courtesy of ULM Athletics

RUN FOR IT: Senior Ariel Cain competes at the Samford Invitational Friday.

Track surges into championships Team seeks to improve lane positions by Josh Dean

The track and field team closed out their season Friday and Saturday at the Samford Invitational in Birmingham. The day was highlighted by top ten finishes by the men in the 400 meter dash and 60 meter hurdles and by the women in pole vaulting. Senior Andre tate blazed through the 400 meter in 47.78 seconds to capture fifth. Trailing him were senior Mark Demus who finished 21st with a time of 49.59 seconds, and freshman Andre Johnson who crossed the line in 45th place with a time of 52.01 seconds. In the 60 meter hurdles freshman Levaugn Battick showed off his abilities with a 6th place finish and time of 8.25 seconds. On the women’s side junior Kristen Baudoin soared for 3.2 meters in the pole vault to take 9th place in the event. Elsewhere around the track sophomore, Devyn Hosby placed 38th in the 200 meter dash with a time of 26.24 seconds, and flew through the 400 meter dash in 58.45 seconds. This earned her 25th place. In the women’s high jump freshman, Hannah Lutrick landed a top 25 finish leaping 1.5 meters to finish 21st. Also cracking the top-25 was junior Adriunna Brown in the triplejump with a distance of 11.45 meters and 15th place finish. Coming back around to the men, senior Andrew Tate also tallied a top25 place in the 200 meter dash. He stopped the clock at 22.15 seconds to earn 19th place.

In the 800 meter Andre Brown pounded through in 1:58.34 to place in 16th. In the long distance running two runners broke the top-25. Freshman Isaac Ndirangu pushed through with a time of 8:57.41 to place 20th. Right behind him was junior Chris Silva who clocked in at 8:59.83 for a 22nd place finish. Junior Jonothan Jeffcoat wrapped it up for the Warhawks coming in 27th with a time of 9:05.19. On the field side of events sophomore Brice Chaney flew for 6.45 meters in the long jump to place 17th. He also threw for 11.35 meters in the shot put which landed him 24th place. The team looks onto the indoor Sun Belt Championships on February 22nd-23rd. contact Josh Dean at deanj@warhawks.ulm.edu

Upcoming outdoor Schedule: McNeese LA Challenge Sat. March 12 Lake Charles Jim Mize Invitational Sat. March 19 Ruston ULL Lafayette Classic Sat. March 26 Lafayette

February 15, 2016




Baseball swings for fences

New recruits load up baseball roster with talent by Josh Dean

After a year of waiting America’s past time is back. From a diamond in a Denver Bronco ring to a diamond in the sand the end of the super bowl hails the start of baseball season. The squad will take to the field after months of practice and training in a clash with Southeastern Friday. Junior Nathan Reynolds feels optimistic about what he’s seen. “Practice has been going well. We’ve been having a lot of practices where things are broken down such as hitting. Being a transfer there’s a lot of upside to look at,” Reynolds said. The team has gotten back to the basics this offseason. More time has been devoted to practicing bunting, small ball, and base stealing. Game time situations have also been given greater attention. The Warhawks come off of an exciting off season which saw the signing of Nathan Reynolds, Tyler Cox and Derek Martin among others. Head coach Bruce Peddie believes that with the additions the team is in a position to compete for a Sun Belt Conference title. “If I think we’ve got a legit chance for a championship, then I’m going

to talk about it. We’ve been talking about it. We’re healthy, the talents here, and they’re tough enough kids,” Peddie said. Baseball booster Scott McDonald also feels that the team has a bright outlook for this season. “I saw small i m p rov e m e n t s being made last year, but also the affect that injuries had, espe- Peddie cially at the pitching position. This year we’ve lost players such as Cody Tidwell, but we’ve picked up some great guys such as Nathan Reynolds at shortstop. With the leadership that Josh Fasciane, who’s been here five years can provide, and him being moved from second to third, among other changes, the team should have a much improved season,” McDonald said. Despite a shaky season last year which saw the team go 25-29 overall and 12-18 within the conferencegraduate business administration major Ashley Aune feels confident about this year. “I really feel that this season has a chance to bring Warhawk baseball back to to the level it was a few years ago when we were playing in a regional at LSU. We just need to stay healthy and continually improve,” Aune said. This season features several difficult games against opponents such

as TCU, Arkansas, Mississippi State, Dallas Baptist, and ULL. ULL has been to the NCAA regional tournament the last two years and the Warhawks will have them for a three game stretch to close out the season. Senior pitcher Brandon Bell is not fazed by the difficult schedule, and believes it is necessary.


The number of new recruits the team picked up this off season. “It’ll be good to go in this year and play those teams, because when you play those teams, you get better. We have games on our schedule we should win, and games on our schedule that if we compete like we’re supposed to, then we have a good chance of winning as well,” Bell said. Coach Peddie added that the team is hungry for success, and is ready to take on the competition. “This is a different group that understands what we and are staff are trying to do. We’ve changed the culture to get back on top and they’ve bought in since day one,” Peddie said. First pitch is Friday at Hammond. contact Josh Dean at deanj@warhawks.ulm.edu

photo courtesy of ULM Athletics

SLIDING HOME: Kodie Tidwell ,former shorstop slides into home base.

Tennis starts 4-0 Softball strikes

out in season home opener by Josh Dean

photo courtesy of ULM Athletics

After two early losses in singles play, and one early loss in doubles play, the Warhawks rallied against Northwestern State to move to 4-0 on the year.

After a rough night out at bat the Warhawks fell to McNeese State 4-0. Strong pitching highlighted the first two innings before the Cowgirls got on the board with their first run of the night. An errant throw by ULM led to McNeese State sending a runner home from third. The fourth inning passed with no further action before the Cowgirls offense came to life in the fifth. The bases sat loaded after two runners got hits and a third was walked after being struck by a pitch. McNeese State took advantage of the situation and drove in three runs to up their lead to four. The Warhawks continued to struggle offensively and failed to make a hit the rest of the game. Coach Corey Lyon felt optimistic despite the loss. “Two years ago that player was pitcher of the year in the Southland Conference. We needed to play to-

night to see where we need to get better, and we’re going to take a lot of good out of this and look to build on what we need to build on,” Lyon said.

Mardi Gras Classic

The team bounced back during the the Mardi Gras Classic tournament. The Warhawks faced Grambling State first who they routed 23-0. The 23 runs is the most since 1984, and six runners tallied multiple RBI’s in the performance. The dominance continued versus Prairie View as the Warhawks took it in a 10-2 effort. After sweeping the competition Friday ULM continued their momentum in another bout versus Grambling St. Saturday in a 5-0 victory. Stephen F. Austin handed the team their second loss of the season in a 7-4 victory that night and ULM kicks of the year with a 3-2 record. photo by Matthew Johnson

contact Josh Dean at deanj@warhawks.ulm.edu

EYING THE BALL: Warhawk stands

ready at the plate Thursday night vs. Mcneese State.



February 15, 2016


GOING IN: From left to right: 1) Nick Cupolla drives inside towards the basket. 2) Justin Roberson passes it into the paint.

Warhawks stun team at the top Men take down first place Little Rock by John Stevens

With the best record in the nation at 21-2, Little Rock came into FantEwing Coliseum hoping to shatter the Warhawks perfect record at home, but ULM held on late 86-82. Seniors Majok Deng and Justin Roberson both tallied 23 points to help the Warhawks high-powered offense past the first place Trojans. “We just wanted to get this win to move up in the standings and keep pace at the top,” said Justin Roberson. In the first half the game was back and forth with both teams creating points in every way possible. Trailing 15-12, ULM would go on a 10-0 run with three pointer’s by Travis Munnings and Majok Deng. “We’re at home, we have a lot of confidence and know that we’re a great team. We didn’t score for a little bit, but we knew it was going to come,” said Deng. With each team scoring quickly on three pointer’s and mid range shots, ULM would take a ten point lead into halftime up 42-32. Little Rock came out in the second half trying to press the Warhawks in

an attempt to score some points off turnovers. Freshmen Travis Munnings would break one press and throw down a monstrous dunk to get the crowd of over 3,700 back into the game in the second half. The Warhawks would have a 59-50 lead with ten minutes left in the game and now was the time they would prove that they could hang on. After forcing some sloppy turnovers by the Warhawks, the Trojans would narrow the lead late in the game. Coach Richard would reflect on the turnovers late in the game. Junior Nick Coppola sealed the deal after hitting a clutch free throw with 4.6 seconds left in the game. The Warhawks beat the Trojans by a final score of 86-82. Coach Richard was happy with the win, but felt there were areas of improvement to be made. “We played well enough to win, but I’m disappointed that we blew a double-digit lead with three minutes to go by throwing the ball away and making some bone-head fouls. But a win is a win and we’ll take it,” Richard said. The team takes on the Texas State Bobcats on Thursday. contact John Stevens at stevenjr@warhawks.ulm.edu

By the numbers: photos by Matthew Johnson

The team now moves to 10-0 at home Warhawks now rank number 3 in the Sun Belt Conference ULM has won 5 of its last 6 meetings vs Little Rock

Senior hits big career milestone by John Stevens

Senior forward Alayshia Hunter became the 18th member of the 1,000 point club Thursday night when the Lady Warhawks fell to ArkansasLittle Rock 53-37. “I thought about it at the start of this year. But I didn’t really think I was going Hunter to make it, especially this early in the season with seven more regularseason games left,” said Hunter. Besides Hunter joining the 1,000 point club there was not a lot of high points in the game for the home team. UALR came out of the gates hot taking an 11-4 lead after the first quarter. Head coach Jeff Dow mentioned about how the team can’t rely just on Hunter for offense.

“We’ve had some games this year when she’s about all we’ve had going offensively but it’s never been to this extreme,” Dow said. ULM would go into halftime down 29-15. Coming out of the half the Warhawks looked to turn around their offense and not just rely on the post play of Alayshia Hunter. But the Warhawks were outscored 17-6 in the third period and UALR took a 46-21 lead going into the fourth quarter. “If we can just get five more boards and hold them to five fewer, maybe the score is 47-45. It’s not pretty to watch, but we can at least give ourselves a chance,” Dow said. In the fourth quarter the Warhawks started knocking down some shots and making a run, but it was too late and Little Rock would go on to win the game 53-37. contact John Stevens at stevenjr@warhawks.ulm.edu

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