ULPGC Guide 2018-19

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INTRODUCTION The University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC) is a Higher Education and Research Institution with a distinguished reputation both within and beyond our borders, committed to building a better future and putting its knowledge at the service of society. Since its foundation in 1989, ULPGC has firmly established itself as a public university where every major field of learning can be studied. This is demonstrated, on the one hand, by the wide range of official Undergraduate, Master’s and Doctorate degree courses it offers and, on the other, by its own Master’s, University Expert and Special Training programmes. Our commitment to quality in the teaching, research and services we provide obliges us to improve constantly, and we are convinced this is the only way we can be in a position to offer society competent, cultured, responsible and supportive people. We want to contribute to the growth of society through academic and personal development of generations to come. Rafael Robaina Romero Rector

TA B L E O F CONTENTS ULPGC • Get to Know ULPGC / 4 • Your Representatives / 5 • Library / 6 • Computer Services / 7 • Student Housing / 7 • Dining Hall / 8 • Languages / 8 • International Relations / 10 • Sports / 11 • Psychosocial Care Programmes /11 • Social Action Programmes / 12 • Career Guidance and Employability/ 1 • Student Information Service / 13 • ULPGC Online Office / 14 • Other Services / 15 • Grants and Subsidies / 15

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DEGREES European Higher Education Area / 18 On-Campus Undergraduate Programmes / 21 Online Undergraduate Programmes / 26 Official Graduate Programmes / 26 Doctorate Programmes / 28 Títulos Propios (University’s Own Degrees) / 29 Extracurricular Education / 29 Transitional Courses / 30 Progress and Permanence / 30 Credits for University Activities / 31 Level of Foreign Language / 32

IMPORTANT ADDRESSES Important Addresses / 33

ULPGC The ULPGC has more than 1,500 professors who play an important role in research, endorsed by 153 research groups, some of which are of international standing. This has led ULPGC to earn the recognition of International Campus of Excellence on a European Regional Level in the area of marine-maritime studies at the 2010 conference of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports.

GET TO KNOW THE ULPGC The University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC) has entered its coming of age and since its foundation up to today has experienced important growth. Currently, more than 22,987 students are enrolled in official university programmes in undergraduate, graduate, and doctorate studies as well as títulos propios, or the University’s own degrees, in Master’s, University Experts, and Special Training Programmes at the ULPGC. The university offers a large selection of courses covering all branches of knowledge Arts and Humanities, Science, Social and Legal Sciences, Health Science, and Engineering and Architecture. The ULPGC has six Campuses, three of which are located in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria: one in the municipality of Arucas (Gran Canaria) and two others on the islands of Lanzarote and Fuerteventura. 4

The ULPGC has given support to the creation of Parques Científicos y Tecnológicos (Science and Technology Parks) to stimulate the transfer of findings in Research, Development, and Information Technology to the surrounding community, as well as to serve as the basis for creating technologybased companies. We, at the ULPGC, provide high quality education at public rates and a variety of services so that you can get the most out of your time here and reach your objectives. Every official undergraduate programme that the ULPGC offers during the 2018-2019 academic year is of very high quality and excellence and endorsed by the European Commission through the Erasmus University Charter. This allows students enrolled in all disciplines of study to participate in the Erasmus Programme in more than 250 member universities, to take part in foreign exchanges throughout Europe. The ULPGC has also signed partnership agreements with other universities in


YOUR REPRESENTATIVES Spain, through the SICUE Programme, as well as with universities in the United States, Latin America, and Australia, making intercontinental mobility possible. Additionally, the ULPGC is the first public university in Spain to offer International Dual Degree University programmes, thanks to agreements established with universities in the United Kingdom, Germany, France, and Russia. This allows students to obtain two official degrees recognised by the European Higher Education Area, one from each university. In order to fully enjoy your university education, the ULPGC provides you with the following services detailed in the next section.

As a ULPGC student, you have the opportunity to participate in the most important collegiate bodies of the University, such as: El Consejo Social (Social Council) is the community’s participating body in the University. Its membership includes one student representative. El Claustro Universitario (University Senate) is the largest representative body of the university community. One of its responsibilities is to create regulations and has 200 members, 26 percent of them are students. El Consejo de Gobierno (Government Council) is the governing body of the University. Five of its members are students. 5


El Consejo de Estudiantes (Student Council) is the highest executive body of students and has 11 members (five student body representatives from the Government Council Senate and six others chosen from the Assembly of Representatives). The Assembly of Representatives, which chooses Student Body members, is the highest body of representation and student coordination in the university. La Junta de Centro (Centre Board for the School and Faculty) is the highest governing body of the centres where students make up 33 percent of its representatives. El Consejo de Departamento (Department Council) is the highest governing body that represents the university’s departments. Twenty percent of its members are students.

LIBRARY The Library at the ULPGC is a centre of resources dedicated to learning, teaching, research and other activities related to the operation and management of the ULPGC as a whole. Its mission is to provide easy access to resources regarding scientific, technical, and cultural information, to promote its dissemination, and to participate in creating knowledge in order to contribute to the achievement of the ULPGC’s objectives and the complete education of the individual. The University Library offers many services, such as: 6

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Information and guidance on searching for data. On-site consultation, book loans and information regarding bibliographies, archives and media. Internet access to the book reserve, renewals, electronic resources, etc Procurement management of bibliographical and documental material. WIFI connection on all Campuses. Laptop loans for academic purposes Computer rooms and rooms for studying and group work. Reproducing documents on a variety of platforms. Filming, editing and publicising activities that are organised by the University Library or in the Centres relevant to the University community and the general public.


Access and circulation of documentary heritage concerning the Canary Islands through the digital memory of the Canary Islands (mdC) and Jable (digital press archive).

The University Library allows access to the majority of research work; case studies in science, information science and humanities; and newspaper publications collected by the ULPGC Publishing Service and Circulation of Science.

COMPUTER SERVICES As a lot of information pertaining to students is available online and sent through email, the ULPGC provides each student with the following tools:

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An email account of 10 GB. The ability to enrol and pre-register online in courses, cultural activities, sports, etc. MiULPGC, a web portal providing individualised access to tutors, exams, academic records, etc.

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WIFI on all Campuses. Computer Rooms. The use of free software. Virtual Campus, a support system for in-classroom teaching which also offers Teleformación, a mode of online education.

STUDENT HOUSING The ULPGC has two resident halls, one located in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and another one on the Tafira Campus, as well as an apartment and bungalow complex (for short stays), both located on the Tafira Campus, with a total housing capacity of 470.



Applications for long-term stays in any of the residence halls, apartments and bungalows should be submitted between May and the end of June.



The Tafira Campus Residence Hall houses 252, with single rooms including a bathroom, telephone, TV outlet, cleaning service, dining hall and café service, a computer and study room and access to fitness facilities. Concierge service is available 24 hours. The Las Palmas Residence Hall, in the city centre, houses 58 (26 shared rooms and 6 single rooms) and also includes a computer and study room, a communal kitchen on each floor and a concierge service that is available 24 hours. The apartments and bungalows on the Tafira Campus houses 154, comprised of single rooms and with shared kitchens and bathrooms. Residents have the option of using communal areas in the Residence Hall.

The ULPGC has a dining hall on the Tafira Campus (next to the fitness facilities), which has been newly remodelled and made more accessible. It offers menus at low prices and the option of choosing specialised menus for those with food allergies, Celiac disease, or dietary restrictions. The daily menu includes two courses, dessert and bread. Each course includes three options.

LANGUAGES The ULPGC is a university that promotes the learning of languages. The Language Centre offers in-classroom, online and combined courses in German, French, English, Portuguese, Italian and Russian.

It also provides Spanish courses in all levels for foreign exchange students. The number of courses available increases during summer, with options for language programmes and sports recreation. The Language Centre, prepares you for the B1 and B2 certification tests in English, as well as the ULPGC’s official B1 test in English, which is recognised by the Association of Language Centres in Higher Education (ACLES). You can also sign up for preparation classes for the Oxford English exams in levels A2, B1, and B2 as well as the Cambridge English exams- Preliminary English Test (PET), First Certificate in English (FCE) and Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE). Additionally, you can prepare for the CILS exams (Certificato Italiano como Lingua Straniera) from the University of Sienna, from levels A1 to C2. The ULPGC serves as a head office for the Confucius Institute, the sixth official institute in Spain, which promotes the advancement of the Chinese language and culture through classes and exchange programs. This allows ties to be established with other universities in China, not only in the fields of education and science, but also with businesses. The Confucius Institute offers:

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Courses in Chinese culture and language for adults and children. Preparation for the official YCT and HSK exams.

http://CONFUCIO.ulpgc.es 9


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Spanish courses for Chinese speakers. A1 Chinese course. Calligraphy workshops.

The University is also a head office for the King Sejong Institute whose objectives are to promote Korean culture and language. It also serves as a platform for student, teacher and researcher exchange with several universities in South Korea in order to bring South Korea closer to the Canary Islands through cultural, art, cuisine and athletic events, among others. The King Sejong Institute offers:

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Courses in Korean culture and language for adults and children. A1 Korean courses. Exchange programs with partner universities.

INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS The Office of International Relations at ULPGC is in charge of promoting international cooperation in the field of University Higher Education and promoting the mobility of ULPGC students, professors, and personnel. 10

ULPGC students can participate in the following programmes:

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Erasmus+ Education Mobility Programme: To allow students to carry out their studies in a higher education institution in other European countries with full academic recognition. Erasmus+ Internship Programme: To allow students to do an internship in a university, business, training or research centre or in other organisations in Europe. Sicue Mobility Programme: A national mobility programme for university students. MUNDUS Mobility Programme: An exchange programme with academic recognition for undergraduate students to study in countries outside of the Erasmus+ European programme. DOCTORATE+ Mobility Programme: The objective is to fund academically recognised research fellowships in the ULPGC doctorate studies at partner universities under the Erasmus+ programme.


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Exchange Agreements: The ULPGC has exchange agreements with universities in the United States, Latin America, South Korea, Russia and Central Asia. Scholarship Programme: To allow students to participate in the South Korea Summer School course. Host Programmes for visiting students and a mentor programme (Buddy Program).



The Sports Department at the ULPGC promotes the knowledge and practice of physical activity, games and sports among the members of the university community such as students, professors, administrative and service personnel, and the general public.

The ULPGC offers different programmes with the purpose of helping students in need of assistance, such as:

If you want to include sports in your agenda, the ULPGC offers countless options, which include: directed physical activities, physical education courses, outdoor activities and sports courses (hiking, mountain biking, camping, etc.), beach and water-related activities (canoeing, sailing, surfing, bodyboarding, beach volleyball, etc.), activities at the Tafira Campus fitness centres (pilates, GAP, tai chi, athletics, judo, gymnastics, rhythmic gymnastics, traditional sports and games, paddle tennis, rugby, archery etc. ), competitions, and more.

The ULPGC ESTU App: A smartphone app via which students with special or unexpected situations requiring extra assistance from the University can directly contact the Student Services Office and the Vice-rector for Social Care and Sport. Assistance for students with individual educational needs: A service intended not only for ULPGC students with individual educational needs, but also for counsellors, secondary school teachers and professors to recognise the difficulties present in their academic career and their relationship with the community. 11

Psychosocial Care: A programme designed to prevent psychosocial problems and improve the psychological well-being of the ULPGC students in accordance with available resources, to help boost their self-esteem and motivation through courses, workshops, suggestions, etc. Psychoeducational Support Office: A service that offers assistance to ULPGC students experiencing hardship in the psychoeducational field and/or their professors.

The ULPGC also organises courses and disability-related seminars, offers information about opportunities (Santander Bank which offers professional internships for students with disabilities), and grants for internships with the Fundación Once-Crue, in collaboration with the ULPGC.


the possibility to complete the Degree Final Project as well as a doctorate programme in this field.



One of the university’s areas of work is international cooperation for development. It has several institutional projects underway as well as development-based research projects, It also organises seminars, themed gatherings, chats and courses with the goal of educating and raising awareness within this area. The University provides information about non-profit organisations along with an International Volunteer Programme. This programme allows students to work as a volunteer for one to six months in any of the numerous international cooperation projects in exchange for financial help. It also offers

The Vice-Rector for Business, Entrepreneurship and Employment is dedicated, among other activities, to the coordination of the ULPGC Employment Observatory, the organisation and planning of educational cooperation and promotion of employment ,following up on recent graduates; the revitalisation of the Alumni Network with regard to entrepreneurship and employment by establishing relationships with local, national and international companies for internships; and preparing and monitoring existing agreements with companies and different institutions.

We highlight the following initiatives in more detail:

The 2017 CRUE, CEPYME & Santander Internship Grant Programme. Santander Bank along with CRUE (Conference of University Rectors of Spain) and CEPYME (Spanish Confederation of Small and Medium-sized Businesses), sponsored 5,000 internship grants in small and medium-sized companies for undergraduate and graduate students at universities in Spain during 2017. The ULPGC was eligible for 104 grants covered by Educational Cooperation agreements, that last for 3 months long and are part-time, with a gross income of €300 per month and jointly financed by Santander Bank and the participating companies. Employment Observatory. The objectives are to monitor job placement for university graduates; to assess students’ satisfaction with their education at ULPGC; and to help the graduate´s transition into the job market. Career Guidance Office. It provides assistance to those students wishing to become part of the job market. A group of professional career advisors helps them reach their career goals by providing them with information regarding Employment Plan initiatives which fit their profile, as well as informing them of other activities that may be of interest.


INNOVA: Create Your Innovative Business. A training and mentoring programme built for those wilfully unemployed to promote self-employment and business initiatives in the Blue Economy, green, and social innovation sectors.

STUDENT INFORMATION SERVICE The goal of the Student Information Service (SIE) is to obtain and communicate relevant information to current and future students of ULPGC, as well as for those wishing to change universities or programme for any reason. The Student Information Service takes part in creating this guide, in University Information chats, doors-open days and other activities to help you with your academic and professional future. 13

Administrative Services Building (Edificio de Servicios Administrativos) Calle Real de San Roque, nº1 35015- Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Obelisk Campus Calle Pérez del Toro (on the corner of Sta. Juana de Arco) 35004 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Tafira Campus Las Casitas (beside the Engineering Building) 35017 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria The Student Information Service is open every weekday of the year that the university is open and enquiries can be made in person, by phone, email or via Facebook and Twitter. More info: Phone: 928 451075 (7 lines) Email¨sie@ulpgc.es Web: www.ulpgc.es/sie Facebook: Sie Ulpgc Twitter: @Sie_Ulpgc


The Student Information Service at ULPGC has three information kiosks:

ULPGC ONLINE OFFICE You can send documents through the e-register, start paperwork online, view the status of your records, receive notifications and complete other forms and tasks that until recently needed to be done in person from the Online Office. In order to access this service, you will need a digital certificate or an electronic ID. The ULPGC Online Office is open twenty-four hours, every day of the year and can be accessed from any location. The ULPGC Online Office can be accessed via the website: https://sede.ulpgc.es/


ULPGC provides the following services to every student:

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24-hour study rooms Publishing Service and Circulation of Science Cafeterias ULPGC store 2.0 web access Workplace Risk Prevention Service Student Webportal: www.ulpgcparati.es Access to social networks: Facebook, Youtube, Flickr, Twitter, etc ...

GRANTS AND SUBSIDIES ULPGC students can qualify for grants to carry out their undergraduate or graduate studies from the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports, as well as from the Canary Islands Government. Applicants should meet financial, family asset, and academic requirements which are determined annually on a case-by-case basis. Applications must be submitted online. Enrolled students can qualify for ULPGC grants and subsidies after their second academic year. These grants are to provide support services for the student’s studies as well as for the libraries, departments,



classrooms, university institutes and ULPGC’s own services. The deadline for submission corresponds with the enrolment period. The application can be completed online using the code MiULPGC. Under certain circumstances, the ULPGC convokes the Becas de la Fundación Lucio de Las Casas grants for students who may have lost their grant- holder status due to poor academic performance in the previous academic year. Students wishing to enrol in courses at universities in the European Union or in member countries of the Erasmus+ programme may qualify for Supplementary Mobility Grants. You can obtain more information through the Student Information Service (see info on page 13). 15

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, CULTURE AND SPORTS GRANTS FOR THE COMPLETION OF UNIVERSITY STUDIES The awarding of these grants can include the following features: tuition assistance grant, fixed amount allotted as the student’s income, fixed amount allotted to housing during the academic year, and a variable amount contingent on student’s grades and family income. Academic Requirements. In order to qualify for any of the aforementioned grants, firstyear students of an official undergraduate programme should meet the following academic requirements: (a) To obtain a tuition assistance grant: (1) Remain enrolled in the minimum number of credits determined by the board; i.e. 60 credits for full-time studies and between 30 and 59 credits for part-time studies; and (2) a score of at least 5.50 points on the general part of the EBAU (excluding the score received on the optional part), CFGS score, or any other entrance exam. 16

(b) To obtain a tuition assistance grant and the other features: Remain enrolled in the same number of credits dictated in the previous section; and (2) gain a score of at least 6.50 points on the general part of the EBAU (excluding the score received on the optional part), CFGS score or any other entrance exam. For more info: Grants and Subsidies Office (Subdirección de Becas y Ayudas) Administrative Services Building (Edificio de Servicios Administrativos) Calle Real de San Roque, 1 35015 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Tel.: 928 459807, 453369 Email: becas@ulpgc.es Hours: Monday-Friday, 9:00-12:00 CANARY ISLANDS GOVERNMENT GRANTS FOR THE COMPLETION OF UNIVERSITY STUDIES These are given to students with legal residence and household income domiciled in the Autonomous Region of the Canary Islands who are enrolled in official courses at Spanish public universities. These grants are supplementary to the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports grants.

Students must apply for Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports grants and Canary Islands Government grants for the same academic year. In order to receive these, they must meet the set requirements. Once awarded, these grants contain the same features as the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports grants for the completion of university studies and provide additional funding for sea or air travel. Academic Requirements. In order to qualify for any of the aforementioned grants, first-year students studying an official undergraduate programme should meet the following academic requirements: (1) Remained enrolled in the minimum number of credits determined by the board; i.e. 60 credits for full-time studies and between 30 and 59 credits for part-time studies; and (2) must not have attended a university previously.

CANARY ISLANDS GOVERNMENT SUBSIDIES FOR TRANSPORTATION These are subsidies that cover the cost for university students residing in non-capital islands to travel to and from Gran Canaria, Tenerife, and mainland Spain. These are supplementary to other forms of assistance. + Info: Consejería de Educación y Universidades Calle Granadera Canaria Edificio Granadera Canaria, 1ª Planta 35071 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Tel.: 928 213400



EUROPEAN HIGHER EDUCATION AREA The European Higher Education Area is recognised by the different European signatory countries of the Bologna Process. This body recognises each of the official university programmes offered. Every student, without exclusion, is offered an open and socially connected university, with a coexistence model based on the equality of opportunities. All university studies leading to the acquisition of official and nationally recognised degrees are structured in three levels; undergraduate, graduate, and doctorate. UNDERGRADUATE The objective of the undergraduate programmes is to provide students with an essential as well as a general education which is geared towards preparing them for professional work. The completion of an undergraduate studies programme will grant the student an Official Undergraduate Degree, with a specific title which, in each case, is determined by the RUCT (Register of Universities, Catalogues and Degrees). 18

Between 180 and 240 ECTS credits (*) are required in order to complete an undergraduate programme which consists of a complete theoretical and practical education in which the student will attain the basic foundations of the field, compulsory subjects, electives, seminars, an internship, supervised projects, degree final project, etc. An undergraduate degree is a necessary requirement in order to be admitted into official graduate programmes. (*) Some programmes include between 300 and 360 credits. Dual degree programmes may include more than 400 credits, in some cases.

GRADUATE The objective of graduate programmes is to provide the student with a specialised or multidisciplinary education tailored to either a professional or academic focus, or promoting entry into research work. To enter an official graduate programme, you must to hold an official degree issued by a university in Spain or another higher education institution belonging to the European Higher Education Area which grants admittance into graduate studies, i.e. the Official Undergraduate Degree. Apart from the aforementioned degree, the student must have fluency in a foreign language at a level equivalent to or higher than B1, that has been obtained from the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, as well as meeting any admission requirements set by the graduate programme. Graduate programmes require completion of between 60 and 120 ECTS credits, which is equivalent to one or two academic years, respectively.

Completion of a graduate programme will grant the student an Official Master’s Degree with a specific title determined by the RUCT (Register of Universities, Catalogues and Degrees). DOCTORATE The objective of Doctorate programmes is to advance training in research, development and innovation techniques. The programme will incorporate courses, seminars, and other activities oriented to research training and will include the formulation and presentation of the pertinent Doctorate Thesis, which consists of an original research project. Generally speaking, to be admitted into a doctorate programme a student must have an official undergraduate degree or its equivalent plus a Master’s degree or its equivalent, and has completed 300 ECTS credits between the two programmes. 19

PROGRAMME CONTENTS ECTS CREDITS ECTS credits (acronym for European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) is the unit of measure for university credits and represents the student’s quantity of work when meeting the objectives of his or her programme of study and is obtained by completing each subject that makes up a programme among the various studies leading to the obtaining of official and nationally recognised university degrees. This system is made up of practical and theoretical classes, as well as other activities with an academic purpose, including study and work hours which the student must complete to meet the educational objectives pertaining to each subject in his or her programme. The total number of credits for each programme in an academic year is set at 60. This allocation of credits is for students enrolled full-time for a minimum of 36 weeks, and a maximum of 40 weeks for each academic year. The minimum number of credit hours is 25, but can be fluctuated to 30 hours in certain cases. 20

Official Undergraduate Degree programmes are structured using ECTS credits. The programme contents are classified as follows: ● Essential Education Subjects. These are generally in the same area of learning and are not necessarily degree-specific. At least 25 percent of the credits in a programme must be essential education subjects. Essential education courses are given in the first two academic years. ● Compulsory Subjects. These make up the degree-specific courses in an area of study. ● Electives. Students have the option of choosing from elective courses which are relevant to their undergraduate programme and which can appear as a specialisation on their official degree. ● Internships. Students will be given a maximum extension of 60 credits. Internships are preferably carried out during the second half of the programme. ● Degree Final Project. This is designed to evaluate the student’s competence in his or her programme. The project is designed to include a minimum of 6 credits and a maximum of 12.5 percent of the total degree credits.


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ON-CAMPUS UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMMES All official undergraduate degrees offered by the ULPGC for the 2018-2019 academic year, allow the student to benefit from the following: ● Greater presence of practical education and internships. ● Credit recognition (making it easier to change degrees in the same area of study). ● Assessment of the student’s global work and initiative. ● Support and encouragement through tutoring and continuous assessment. SCHOOL OF ARTS AND HUMANITIES Department of Modern Languages and Linguistics • Undergraduate Degree in SPANISH LANGUAGE AND HISPANIC LITERATURE /240 cr.

Specialising in Spanish and SpanishAmerican Literature Specialising in Spanish as a Foreign Language: Spanish-Chinese ● Undergraduate Degree in MODERN LANGUAGES / 240 cr. • Path: English-French • Path: English-Chinese Department of Geography and History • Undergraduate Degree in HISTORY / 240 cr. Department of Translation and Interpretation • Undergraduate Degree in TRANSLATION AND INTERPRETATION: ENGLISHFRENCH* / 240 cr. • Undergraduate Degree in TRANSLATION AND INTERPRETATION: ENGLISHGERMAN* / 240 cr. • Dual Degree Programme: Undergraduate Degree in TRANSLATION AND INTERPRETATION: ENGLISH-FRENCH and Undergraduate in TRANSLATION AND INTERPRETATION: ENGLISH-GERMAN* / 300 cr. * Specific admission test is required

Dual Degree Programme: Undergraduate Degree in TRANSLATION AND NTERPRETATION: ENGLISH-GERMAN* and Undergraduate in TOURISM / 384 cr. * Specific admission test is required 21

Department of Veterinary Science • Undergraduate Degree in VETERINARY SCIENCE / 300 cr. SCHOOL OF SOCIAL AND LEGAL SCIENCES Department of Sport and Exercise Sciences Undergraduate Degree in SPORT AND EXERCISE SCIENCES* / 240 cr. INTERNATIONAL DUAL DEGREE: Fourthyear students or those who have completed more than 120 credits and have obtained the level of proficiency in a foreign language required by the partner university can enter the official programmes to study Sports Therapy BSc (Hons), Sports Management BA (Hons), Sports & Fitness Studies BA (Hons), and Strength Conditioning and Sports Nutrition BSc (Hons) from University College Birmingham- UCB (United Kingdom). Upon completion of the programme, students will have two undergraduate degrees accredited in the European Higher Education Area, one issued by ULPGC and the other by the University of Birmingham. * Specific admission test is required

SCHOOL OF SCIENCE Department of Marine Science • Undergraduate Degree in MARINE SCIENCE / 240 cr. SCHOOL OF HEALTH SCIENCE Department of Health Science • Undergraduate Degree in 360 cr. • Undergraduate Degree in (Gran Canaria) / 240 cr. • Undergraduate Degree in (Lanzarote) / 240 cr. • Undergraduate Degree in (Fuerteventura) / 240 cr. • Undergraduate Degree in THERAPY / 240 cr.



Department of Economics, Business and Tourism • Undergraduate Degree in TOURISM (Gran Canaria) / 240 cr. • Undergraduate Degree in TOURISM (Lanzarote) / 240 cr. INTERNATIONAL DUAL DEGREE: Third-year students who have completed at least 120 ECTs and have obtained the level of proficiency in a foreign language required by the partner university can enter the

following official programmes: • International Tourism Business Management BA (Hons); Digital Marketing BA (Hons); Marketing Management BA (Hons); and BA (Hons) in Marketing with Events Management from University College Birmingham (United Kingdom) • Bachelor in Tourism Management from the Université de La Rochelle (France) Once all academic requirements from both universities are met, students will obtain two undergraduate degrees accredited in the European Higher Education Area, one issued by ULPGC and the other by either the University of Birmingham or the Université de La Rochelle.

Undergraduate Degree in ECONOMICS / 240 cr. INTERNATIONAL DUAL DEGREE: Third-year students who have completed at least 120 ECTs and have obtained the level of proficiency in a foreign language required by the partner university can enter the following official programmes:

Economics (bachelor degree) from the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University)

Once all academic requirements from both universities are met, students will obtain two undergraduate degrees accredited in the European Higher Education Area, one issued by the ULPGC and the other by the RUDN.

Undergraduate Degree in BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION AND MANAGEMENT / 240 cr. INTERNATIONAL DUAL DEGREE: Third-year students who have completed at least 120 ECTs and have obtained the level of proficiency in a foreign language required by the partner university can enter the following official programmes: • Business Enterprises BA (Hons); Digital Marketing BA (Hons); Marketing Management BA (Hons); and BA (Hons) in Marketing with Events Management from the University College Birmingham (United Kingdom) • Betriebswirtschaftslehre Bachelor (BWL) from the Kiel University of Applied Sciences (Germany) • International Business Administration BA (Hons) from the University of Napier (Scotland) • BBA La Rochelle International Management from the Université de La Rochelle (France). • Management (bachelor’s degree) from the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University). 23

Once all academic requirements from both universities are met, students will obtain two undergraduate degrees accredited in the European Higher Education Area, one issued by the ULPGC and the other by the University of Birmingham, Kiel University of Applied Sciences, the University of Napier, the Université de La Rochelle or by the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia.

Dual Degree Programme: Undergraduate Degree in BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION AND MANAGEMENT AND UNDERGRADUATE IN LAW / 360 cr. School of Legal Science • Undergraduate Degree in HUMAN RESOURCES AND LABOUR RELATIONS / 240 cr. • Undergraduate Degree in LAW / 240 cr. • Undergraduate Degree in SOCIAL WORK / 240 cr. Department of Geography and History • Undergraduate Degree in GEOGRAPHY AND TERRITORIAL MANAGEMENT / 240 cr. 24

Department of Education • Undergraduate Degree in SOCIAL EDUCATION / 240 cr. • Undergraduate Degree in EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION / 240 cr. • Specialising in General Education • Specialising in Foreign Language: English • Specialising in Creative Development and Expression • Specialising in Inclusive Education • Undergraduate Degree in PRIMARY SCHOOL EDUCATION / 240 cr. • Specialising in Attention to Diversity • Specialising in Physical Education • Specialising in Music Education • Specialising in Foreign Language: English • Specialising in Foreign Language: French • Specialising in Foreign Language: German • Specialising in General Education (Subjects in More Depth) • Specialising in Canary Island Studies SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURE Department of Architecture • Undergraduate Degree in ARCHITECTURE / 330 cr. Department of Industrial and Civil Engineering. • Undergraduate Degree in CIVIL ENGINEERING / 240 cr. • Specialising in Structural Engineering • Specialising in Transportation and Urban Services • Specialising in Hydrology

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Undergraduate Degree in GEOMATIC ENGINEERING / 240 cr. Undergraduate Degree in INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING DESIGN AND PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT / 240 cr. • Undergraduate Degree in ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING / 240 cr. • Undergraduate Degree in INDUSTRIAL AND AUTOMOTIVE ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING / 240 cr. • Undergraduate Degree in MECHANICAL ENGINEERING / 240 cr. • Undergraduate Degree in CHEMICAL ENGINEERING / 240 cr • Undergraduate Degree in INDUSTRIAL CHEMICAL ENGINEERING / 240 cr • Undergraduate Degree in INDUSTRIAL ORGANISATION ENGINEERING / 240 cr • Undergraduate Degree in NAVAL TECHNOLOGY ENGINEERING / 240cr • Specialising in Marine Surveying • Specialising in Ship Propulsion and Systems • Dual Degree Programme: Undergraduate Degree in INDUSTRIAL ORGANISATION ENGINEERING AND UNDERGRADUATE DEGREE IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION AND MANAGEMENT / 384 cr. School of Telecommunication and Electrical Engineering • Undergraduate Degree in TELECOMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY ENGINEERING / 240 cr. • Specialising in Electrical Systems • Specialising in Telematics • Specialising in Telecommunication Systems • Specialising in Sound and Image • Dual Degree Programme: Undergraduate in TELECOMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY

ENGINEERING AND UNDERGRADUATE DEGREE IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION AND MANAGEMENT / 402 cr. School of Computer Engineering • Undergraduate Degree in COMPUTER ENGINEERING / 240 cr. • Specialising in Software Engineering • Specialising in Computer Systems Engineering • Specialising in Computing • Specialising in Information Systems • Specialising in Information Technology ● Dual Degree Programme: UNDERGRADUATE IN COMPUTER SCIENCE ENGINEERING AND UNDERGRADUATE DEGREE IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION AND MANAGEMENT / 360 cr. 25

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Undergraduate Degree in PRIMARY SCHOOL EDUCATION / 240 cr. • Specialising in Attention to Diversity • Specialising in General Education (Subjects in More Depth) Undergraduate Degree in SECURITY AND RISK PREVENTION / 240 cr.

OFFICIAL GRADUATE PROGRAMMES The ULPGC offers a broad selection of official graduate programmes in agreement with the new structure adapted to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). Graduate programmes are between 60 and 120 ECTS credits which is equivalent to one or two academic years, respectively.

ONLINE UNDERGRADUATE DEGREES Through Estructura de Teleformación, the University’s online education centre, the ULPGC offers the possibility of enrolling in official undergraduate and graduate degree programmes, adapted to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), which are taught the same way as their on-campus counterparts and are academically and professionally valid nationwide. Online Programmes • Undergraduate Degree in TOURISM / 240 cr. • Undergraduate Degree in HUMAN RESOURCES AND LABOUR RELATIONS / 240 cr. • Undergraduate Degree in SOCIAL WORK / 240 cr. 26

During 2017-18, the ULPGC offered the following graduate or master programmes. SCHOOL OF ARTS AND HUMANITIES

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Inter-university Master in OCEANOGRAPHY / 60 cr. Master in SEAFARMING / 60 cr.


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Doctorate programmes should play a fundamental role as a crossroads between the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) and the European Research Area (ERA), both of which are fundamental pillars of a society based on knowledge. The ULPGC pursues a doctorate education, one of high quality and skilful students, that allows for the advancement in research and innovation, reinforcing diversity, creativity, and mobility following the 2005 Salzburg and 2010 Berlin Principles. Doctorate programmes affiliated with the ULPGC School for Doctoral Studies are:

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TÍTULOS PROPIOS Títulos propios, or the University’s own specific degrees are offered and certified by the ULPGC with the purpose of meeting social and educational needs not included in the university’s official degree catalogue. By doing so, the ULPGC, as at other universities in Spain, seeks to fulfil external demands by offering programmes guaranteed to be equivalent to a university education. Each year the ULPGC offers around 25 programmes in Masters, University Expert Degrees, Specialised Professional Training (for students who have completed a Higher Professional Training Cycle and wish to further

http://TITULOS PROPIOS.ulpgc.es

their training), Undergraduate and Graduate Specialised Training (for undergraduate and graduate students, respectively) and Customised Training, which seeks to meet the demand for very specific studies, primarily in the Engineering and Social Science fields. These studies can be taken on-campus, online, or combined, depending on the case, and can last between a month and two academic years, depending on the programme.


In addition to official programmes, the ULPGC offers an annual, varied programme of courses and activities which are available on campus or online, for students to enhance their education. One of the programmes on offer is the University Extension Courses which usually last between 30 and 150 hours which, apart from providing education, they allow the student to earn elective credits. Throughout the whole year, the university also organises interesting culture-related courses and workshops, as well as events promoting scientific awareness.

of Spain exams, under an agreement with the Cervantes Institute.

TRANSITIONAL COURSES Transitional courses are designed for firstyear students who may need to strengthen their knowledge and understanding in subjects related to their degree (Chemistry, Maths, Technical Design, English, etc.). These courses are mainly offered in the months of October and November. These courses are prominently practical and designed as a means to adjust students’ knowledge to first-year courses by providing them with an essential foundation for further

Furthermore, the ULPGC has been recognised as an Examination Centre for the Constitutional and Sociocultural Knowledge 29

education in the disciplines.

PROGRESS AND PERMANENCE The Rules of Progress and Permanence in official undergraduate and graduate degree programmes at the ULPGC aim to achieve the adaptation process of all official degrees to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), to increase graduation rates of the ULPGC, and to hold students responsible in terms of making good use of resources intended for their education. RULES OF COMMITMENT



Full-time. This is the standard rule applicable to all students attending courses on campus. For newly admitted students, enrolment will be for all first-year credits: 60 ECTS credits. Students who enrol for the first time in an undergraduate or graduate programme should complete a minimum of 18 ECTS credits in their first academic year or they will not be able to continue in the same programme. In rare cases, and, at the request of the student, the ULPGC Permanence Committee will grant an extension of an academic year. This will be granted one time only. After the second enrolment, students should complete 50% of credits registered for that academic year, except students at the School of Engineering and Architecture, who should complete at least 40% of the credits. If they do not obtain this percentage they will no

longer be able to continue studying the degree.


Part-time. Students carrying out their studies online are registered as parttime students. Those with special cases are also subject to this rule such as for: work reasons, family care, individual educational needs, unfavourable financial situation, high-performance or high-ranking athletes, etc. For newly enrolled students, the number of ECTS credits is 30. Students who enrol for the first time in an undergraduate or graduate programme should complete a minimum of 6 ECTS credits in their first academic year or they will not be able to continue in the same programme. In rare cases, and, at the request of the student, the ULPGC Permanence Committee will grant an extension of an academic year. This will be granted one time only. After the second enrolment, students should complete 50% of credits registered for that academic year, except students at the School of Engineering and Architecture, who should complete at least 40% of the credits. If they do not obtain this percentage, they will no longer be able to continue studying the



Students have 6 opportunities to pass the final exam in each subject of their programme. In certain cases, a seventh opportunity to be examined will be granted, provided that all other requirements of the Rules of Progress and Permanence of the official undergraduate and graduate programmes are met. When a student is marked as “Absent� for

a course, this will result in a loss of an opportunity to take the final exam.

CREDITS FOR UNIVERSITY ACTIVITIES The ULPGC will recognise credits for student participation in university-related activities in training, culture, sports, student representation, outreach and cooperation activities carried out whilst enrolled in an undergraduate programme. Recognition will be of the smallest and indivisible unit of one credit. One credit is equal to 25 hours. The maximum number of credits granted for university activities is 6 of the total amount of a programme. To apply for credit recognition, students should provide certificates or documents 31

issued by the responsible organisations of each activity.

LEVEL OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE To be admitted to official graduate programmes students, apart from meeting degree requirements, must prove their competence in a foreign language at B1 level or higher. In accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFRL), there are two ways to obtain competence in a specific level of a Foreign Language:



Direct Acknowledgement. Completion of their specific undergraduate programmes at the ULPGC related to languages by completing the determined number of courses in an undergraduate programme at the ULPGC or, by way of Degrees from Official Schools of Language. This procedure is valid for the official certification of the level of foreign language at the ULPGC.


Certification. (a) Documentation: The ULPGC publishes a list of courses, certificates, and degrees every year which enables students to prove their competence in a foreign language. (b) Proficiency Exam: The ULPGC organises foreign language proficiency exams each year. ACLES (Association of Language Centres in Higher Education) certificates are issued after some of these exams and

Email: svcps@ulpgc.es Communications Office (Dirección de Communicación) Phone: 928 459616 Email: dcomunicacion@ulpgc.es Social Projection Office (Dirección de Proyección Social) Phone: 928 459616 Email: dps@ulpgc.es STUDENT INFORMATION SERVICE (SERVICIO DE INFORMACIÓN AL ESTUDIANTE/ SIE) Administrative Services Building (Edificio de Servicios Administrativos) Calle Real de San Roque, n⁰1 35015- Las Palmas de Gran Canaria SIE Obelisk Campus Teacher Training Building (Edificio de Formación del Profesorado) Calle Juana de Arco, 1 35004 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

are recognised by universities in Spain and Europe which are members of the CERCLES (European Confederation of Language Centres in Higher Education).

IMPORTANT ADDRESSES VICE-RECTOR FOR COMMUNICATION AND SOCIAL PROJECTION (VICERRECTORADO DE COMUNICACIÓN Y PROYECCIÓN SOCIAL) University Main Office (Sede Institucional) Calle Juan de Quesada, 30 35001 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Phone: 928 459616

SIE Tafira Campus Beside the Engineering Building 35017 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Phone: 928 451075 (7 lines) Email: sie@ulpgc.es Website: www.ulpgc.es/sie VICE-RECTOR FOR STUDENTS AND SPORTS (VICERRECTORADO DE ESTUDIANTES Y DEPORTES) University Main Office (Sede Institutional) Calle Juan de Quesada, 30 35001 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Phone: 928 451025 Fax 928 459698 Email: svest@ulpgc.es 33

Access Office (Dirección de Acceso) Phone: 928 451026 Email: diac@ulpgc.es Office of Student Services and Psychosocial Care (Dirección de Servicios al Estudiante y Atención Psicosocial) Phone: 928 451025 Email: diseap@ulpgc.es Sports Office (Dirección de Deportes) Phone: 928 459628 Email: didep@ulpgc.es ACADEMIC MANAGEMENT SERVICE AND UNIVERSITY EXTENSION (SERVICIO DE GESTIÓN ACADÉMICA Y EXTENSIÓN UNIVERSITARIA) Administrative Services Building (Edificio de Servicios Administrativos) Calle Real de San Roque, 1 35015 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Student Office (Subdirección de Alumnos) Access (Acceso) Phone: 928 453378, 928 453379, 928 453383 Fax: 928 452709 Email: contactopau@ulpgc.es Student Management (Gestión de Alumnos) Phone: 928 451064, 928 453366 Email: gestion_alumnos@ulpgc.es Degrees (Títulos) Phone: 928 457424, 928 453367, 928 453368 34

Email: titulos@ulpgc.es Grants and Subsidies Office (Subdirección de Becas y Ayudas) Phone: 928 453369, 928 453370 Email: becas@ulpgc.es Culture and University Extension Office (Subdirección de Cultura y Extensión Universitaria) Phone: 928 451018, 928 451021, 928 451076 Fax: 928 452709 Email: cursosextension@ulpgc.es Social Worker (Trabajadora Social) Phone: 928 453381 Fax: 928 452709 Email: sas@ulpgc.es OFFICIAL REGISTRY OFFICE (REGISTRO GENERAL) Phone: 928 45 3300 Fax: 928 45 3380 Email: registro.general@ulpgc.es GRADUATE AND DOCTORAL STUDIES CENTRE (UNIDAD DE POSGRADO Y DOCTORADO) Administrative Services Building (Edificio de Servicios Administrativos) Calle Real de San Roque n⁰1 35015 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Phone: 928 4527 38/40/41 928 4580 56/57 928 4573 75 Email: posgrado_doctorado@ulpgc.es UNIVERSITY LIBRARY (BIBLIOTECA UNIVERSITARIA) Tafira Campus 35017 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Phone: 928 458670, 928 458671

Email: bu@ulpgc.es LANGUAGE CENTRE (AULA DE IDIOMAS) Former Building of Economic and Business Sciences Calle Saulo Torón, 4 Tafira Campus 35017 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Phone: 928 451839 Email: auladeidiomas@fulp.es UNIVERSITY HOUSING (ALOJAMIENTO UNIVERSITARIO) Tafira Campus Dorms/ Apartments/ Bungalows Tafira Campus, Zip Code: 35017 Phone: 928 451149 Email: residencias@ric-ulpgc.es Las Palmas Residence Hall Calle León y Castillo N⁰16, Zip Code: 35003 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Phone: 928 459750 Email: residencias@ric-ulpgc.es SPORTS SERVICES (SERVICIO DE DEPORTES) Tafira Campus Fitness Facilities 35017 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Phone: 928 451051 (activities) Phone: 928 458625, 928 458626 (facilities) Phone: 928 451054 (administration) Email: deportes@ulpgc.es

Email. relint@ulpgc.es ULPGC LANZAROTE BRANCH OFFICE AND SCHOOL OF NURSING (DELEGACIÓN EN LANZAROTE ULPGC Y ESCUELA DE ENFERMERÍA) Calle Rafael Alberti, 50 35507 Tahíche (Lanzarote) Phone: 928 459987 LANZAROTE SCHOOL OF TOURISM (ESCUELA UNIVERSITARIA DE TURISMO DE LANZAROTE) (ULPGC affiliated centre) Calle Rafael Alberti, 50 35507 Tahíche (Lanzarote) Phone: 928 836410 FUERTEVENTURA CENTRE FOR TEACHING SUPPORT (UNIDAD DE APOYA A LA DOCENCIA FUERTEVENTURA) Phone: 928 459270 Fax: 928 856716 Sede Calle Hermanos Machado (no number) 35600 Puerto del Rosario Sede Palacio de Formación y Congresos. Planta 1ª (1st floor) Calle Eliseo Gómez Ordoñez, 3 (Plaza del Centenario) 35600 Puerto del Rosario

INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS OFFICE (GABINETE DE RELACIONES INTERNACIONALES) University Main Office (Sede Institucional) Calle Juan de Quesada, 30 35001 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Phone: 928 459811, 928 458952, 928 457443 35






Edition Vice-rector for Communication and Social Projection Social Projection Office Student Information Office Graphic Design and Images: Communication Office

may 2018

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