Almanac Weekly #45 2019

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A miscellany of Hudson Valley art, adventure and ideas | Calendar & Classifieds | Issue 45 | Nov. 7 – 14

Transit of Mercury

Kinky Friedman at the Falcon 6


Adventurer Josh Gates 4

Zukerman’s journey 3



Nov. 7, 2019



Nov. 7, 2019


In a contrary motion that J. S. Bach likely would have appreciated, Like Falling through a Cloud moves from an ethereal, poetic confusion in its earliest pages toward an all-toogrounded diagnostic clarity as the reality sinks in and the author advances, often with great reluctance, from consultation to consultation as the unnamable is named.

Taking note Acclaimed flutist Eugenia Zukerman writes about her journey with Alzheimer’s disease


ike Falling through a Cloud describes the onset and progress of Alzheimer’s disease in a formidable and well-exercised mind: the one belonging to the decorated classical flutist, former arts correspondent for CBS Sunday Morning and Ancramdale resident Eugenia Zukerman. While the book accumulated in real time – over the months that Zukerman endured the recognition of symptoms, a diagnosis and some hopeful therapy – its texture and design are far more literary-minded than a daily journal. Zukerman tells the story in poetry, predominantly – a skittering, short-line, incessantly rhymed and musical free verse that recalls many of the English language’s most musical poets: the Renaissance versifier John Skelton, Theodore Geisel, Ogden Nash and Gerard Manley Hopkins, whom Zukerman references. In a contrary motion that J. S. Bach likely would have appreciated, Like Falling through a Cloud moves from an ethereal, poetic confusion in its earliest pages toward an all-too-grounded diagnostic clarity as the reality sinks in and the author advances, often with great reluctance, from consultation to consultation as the unnamable is named. The first few pages earnestly attempt to render the experience, the unmoored disorientation, the loss of language and coordinates, in a kind of concrete poetry. Gradually, the work becomes more prosaic, mostly because others – spouse, adult daughters, medical and psychiatric professionals – enter the frame with their concerns and influence. Like Falling through a Cloud’s narrative is chronological but permissive, allowing frequent digressions and mode shifts, treks into symbolically rich dreams and memories and lyrical evocations of the author’s headspace. One imagines that its fractalized pastiche of event, language, interaction and disrupted memory is a

pretty keen approximation of the medical condition it describes. It certainly rings true to my own experience of seeing my musician father through the stages of his disease. Acceptance is a rocky road, and in many episodes, Zukerman freely depicts herself as being ornery about it, resisting interventions, registering offense that she – a highly accomplished musician, writer and arts administrator – is increasingly perceived as “incompetent,” keeping many of her cognitive struggles between herself and her journal. Over time, she develops adaptive strategies. A few, but only a few, come from the cognitive behavioral

therapy she is prescribed (because her anxiety, it is posited, exacerbates her disorientation). More effective strategies come from her lifelong passions: family, writing and music, especially the music of the great master of neural networks, J. S. Bach. (It was when my father finally stopped listening to Bach incessantly that I knew we had crossed into the final stage.) In the book’s window of time, Zukerman’s 103-year-old mother passes away; Eugenia performs at the Kennedy Center; she moves upstate, all while navigating and learning to accept the uncertain future.

“It kept me in my family. I was writing about them, trying to remember them.”

Kate McGloughlin

Requiem for Ashokan, The Story Told in Landscape

November b 16 16, 2019 J January 4 4, 2020 Curated by Elaine Ralston Saturday, November 16 2 – 4 pm: Opening Reception 4 pm: Artist’s Talk & Reading with local authors Gail Straub and Nina Shengold

Saturday, November 23 2 – 4 pm: Children’s Program Saturday, November 30 2 – 4 pm: Panel “Vanishing Olive” with April M. Beisaw, LeAnne Avery, and Adam Bosch

4033 Route 28A 28A, West Shokan Shokan, NY I 845.657.2482 Proudly Sponsored by

I’d like to tell that you there is a happy ending, but would you believe me? The author and her husband, Dick Novik, point out to me in our chat that promising treatments and even cures for Alzheimer’s are oft-touted and quite “in the news,” but actual response rates are bleak. “There will be no cure,” the 75-year-old Eugenia Zukerman told me with a calm finality, “in my lifetime.” Like Falling through a Cloud will stand, however, not only as a uniquely lyrical memoir (her genre description, not mine), but also as a valuable subjective and anecdotal contribution to the clinical literature. When your book blurbs are



heartfelt, substantive and written by the likes of Yo-Yo Ma, Erica Jong, Judy Collins, deans of major medical programs and the legendary pianist Yefim Bronfman, there is a very good chance that your memoir is going to fall into all the right hands – the hands that most need to hear it. It is striking and kind of paradoxical that this intensely personal, diaristic narrative is written mostly in playful, musical verse. I’ve always loved poetry and started writing it as a very young kid. I went to Barnard College and was playing flute at the same time. After two years, I went to Juilliard. So, I had a sort of dual personality: music and writing. I never set out to write anything about my illness. My daughters were constantly saying, “Something is wrong with you. We think you need to be tested.� And I would say, “Tested for what?� Finally, I was pretty much dragged to the hospital and diagnosed. Then my daughter and I took the subway back downtown, laughing the whole way, and I went into my apartment, sat down at my desk, stared at the wall, and for whatever reason, I took out a pencil and paper and started writing. It felt like the right way to absorb what had just happened. I didn’t tell anyone about this, but after about 25 pages, I showed my younger daughter what I was doing. I said, “I don’t know what this is,� and she said, “Mom, this is really wonderful. Just keep doing it.� It was purging, in a sense. It kept me in my family. I was writing about them, trying to remember them. I had a sense of urgency. I never felt frightened about it. I found humor in it, and I just kept going.

Nov. 7, 2019




f Indiana Jones had been born a couple of generations later, into the age of reality TV, he might well have ended up being Josh Gates. Gates’ initial fame came as one of the hosts of the Ghost Hunters series, but the paranormal wasn’t his original area of interest. Trained as a SCUBA diver and photographer, he got involved in the late ’90s with the University of Maryland’s archaeological excavations of the submerged port of Caesarea Maritima in Israel. Since then he has traveled the world from the Himalayas to Antarctica, climbing Aconcagua and Kilimanjaro, seeking answers to popular mysteries such as the existence of the yeti. His series Destination Truth ran on the SyFy Channel from 2007 to 2012, and he’s currently the host/executive producer of Expedition Unknown on the Discovery Channel and Legendary Locations on Travel Channel. It’s a pretty safe bet that someone who can make a good living as a professional adventurer and is also comfortable in front of a camera puts on a pretty entertaining stage show. The current tour of Josh Gates Live: An Evening of Legends, Mysteries and Tales of Adventure makes a stop in the wilds of Midtown Kingston on Friday, November 15, with a performance beginning at 8 p.m. at the Ulster Performing Arts Center. Tickets cost $37, $47 and $97 (the premium price includes seating in the first ten rows plus a meet-and-greet), with a $5 discount for Bardavon members. They can be purchased in person at the Bardavon box office at 35 Market Street in Poughkeepsie, (845) 473-2072; at the UPAC box office at 601 Broadway in Kingston, (845) 339-6088; or via Ticketmaster at (800) 745-3000. For more info, visit Josh Gates Live: An Evening of Legends, Mysteries & Tales of Adventure, Friday, Nov. 15, 8 p.m., $97/$47/$37, Ulster Performing Arts Center, 601 Broadway, Kingston, (845) 339-6088,

How did events turn toward publication? When I had finished it, I showed it to a few people. Having had four wellreceived novels to my credit, I went back to those big-name publishers and thought, “Maybe they’ll like it.� They said to me, “It is really lovely, but we don’t know what this is; people aren’t interested in poetry anymore, blah blah blah.� Then my friend the actress and singer Mary Beth Peil read it and asked if she could share it with a



writer friend, and this led finally to my publisher, East End Press, who wanted to put it out immediately. You wrote this book very much real-time, in the midst of the crises it describes. Did you think much about which kinds of episodes would take which literary form – poetry or prose – or was it spontaneous, whatever happened happened?


Whatever happened happened. It was a way of staying in the moment. Having it in my head and putting it on paper gave me a sense of reality. I know it is still early in the book’s process, but, pre-publication, has it received much attention from the medical community as a contribution to the experiential literature on dementia and Alzheimer’s? Interestingly, Dr. Herbert Pardes, chairman emeritus of New YorkPresbyterian Hospital, was given the book and he loved it. It gave me a big boost. Dick Novik: If I might add, the Alzheimer’s Association has picked this up in a big way and has been honoring Eugenia for the book. Eugenia will be speaking in front of all the association’s New York staff in a couple of weeks. The book is becoming very important in that community, for obvious reasons. They want people to live every day, to not go into a corner and hide with this disease.

You speak about how the writing of the book kept you tethered to your life in some ways. The book also suggests numerous times that playing and listening to music serves a similar purpose. Absolutely. Bach is in my dreams all the time. I think he is the God for so many of us. So many other composers, too. Doctors feel very strongly that playing an instrument is incredibly helpful. There are a lot of studies about that going on right now. It helps with memory. On Sunday, November 10, Eugenia Zukerman will read from Like Falling through a Cloud at Hudson Hall at the Hudson Opera House and participate in a question-and-answer session with the director and CEO of the Northeastern New York Chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association, Elizabeth Smith-Bovin. Zukerman will also be giving a reading at Oblong Books in Rhinebeck on Thursday, November 21 at 8 p.m. Like Falling through a Cloud went on sale on November 5. – John Burdick Eugenia Zukerman readings Sunday, Nov. 10, 3 p.m. Hudson Hall, Hudson Opera House 327 Warren St., Hudson Thursday, Nov. 21, 8 p.m. Oblong Books & Music 6422 Montgomery Street, Rhinebeck

C us to m F ramed George Seeley, Landscape with Pines, 1916, courtesy Howard Greenberg Gallery

August 28 – December 8, 2019 Through December 8, 2019

Opening reception: Saturday, September 7, 5–7 pm

Photos & Artwork Make Great






Nov. 7, 2019


Monday’s transit of Mercury The year’s biggest sky event?


f you know any backyard astronomers, you’ve heard them rant and rave about the upcoming transit of Mercury on November 11. It is purportedly the biggest celestial event of the year. It’s when the smallest, speediest planet partially eclipses the Sun. And it’s kind of rare. The next won’t occur until November 2032. Honestly, I’m not at all sure this will pan out for the vast majority of people. So let’s look at the positives and negatives of Monday’s transit. First, the positives: It’s cool that a planet can partially eclipse the Sun. And the whole concept is understandable. In our modern era of esoteric celestial happenings, we hear words like “exoplanets” and “dark energy,” yet here we have an event whose only terms are planet and Sun. A planet passes in front of the Sun: easy. Who doesn’t like easy? Moreover, this will be visible from our neck of the woods. It lasts over seven hours, with the middle of the transit happening at around 10:30 a.m., when the Sun isn’t too low. Negatives: you can’t look at the Sun – at least, not if you value your eyesight. So you need eye protection. But even that is not enough. Unlike the transits of Venus in 2004 and 2012, a Mercury transit cannot be seen without a telescope. And it can’t be an ordinary telescope; it has to be equipped with a safe solar filter. Do you own such a

The Mid-Hudson Astronomy Association will set up the correct instruments.

Ashokan Center to host HV Farm Hub’s “Perspectives on Farming with Nature” How can a working farm coexist in a mutually supportive way with nature, rather than competing with it or becoming a separate enclave of things growing artificially? What can farms offer to biodiversity conservation efforts and what might wild organisms provide in terms of “services” to the production of crops? That’s the broad theme of “Perspectives on Farming with Nature,” a half-day symposium to be hosted by the Hawthorne Valley Farmscape Ecology Program and the Hudson Valley Farm Hub at the Ashokan Center on Saturday, November 16. Managing farms with biodiversity and the health of ecosystems in mind will require a variety of perspectives and approaches. Research partners working with the Applied Farmscape Ecology Team will share the fruits of their experiences on such subjects as “OnFarm Native Meadow Establishment,” “Beneficial Insects/Insect Biodiversity,” “Water Quality in Relation to Land Use,” “On-Farm Soil Microbiology,” “Grassland Bird Conservation,” “Biodiversity and OnFarm Habitats” and “Turtle Interactions with Agriculture.” The day’s schedule includes a lunch featuring Farm Hub produce, trailhiking opportunities and screenings of three short documentaries in the “Hope on the Hudson 2” series by Jon Bowermaster of Oceans 8 Films. One is a premiere: Farmscape Ecology, about the Hudson Valley Farm Hub program. Also showing will be Growing with the Grain, concerning the small grains research trials conducted in collaboration between the Farm Hub and Cornell University and Cornell Cooperative Extension of Ulster County, and Seeds of Hope, which spotlights the initiative to preserve Native American culture and foodways through seed-saving, conducted at the Farm Hub in partnership with the Akwesasne Mohawk Tribe of northern New York and Seedshed. To learn more, visit http://


thing? I didn’t think so. Unless you have a friend who has one, and he’s off on Veterans’ Day on Monday, your best bet is to phone your local astronomy club. Around here, the Mid-Hudson Astronomy Association will set up the correct instruments. As for spectacle, this is a bit esoteric. Mercury is only half the size of Venus, but twice as distant. So it will look like a dot in the center of the Sun at 10:30 a.m. Then it will slowly change position during the transit, continuing until late afternoon. Mercury transits have an interesting pattern. They usually happen in November, but occasionally in May, and in no other month. On average, there are 13 Mercury transits per century. This one is a bit unusual because Mercury will cross the Sun’s face not near its edge, but centrally. A good option is to go on, where I’ll be narrating some of it, and where we will have ideal equipment set up. Happy Transit! – Bob Berman Want to know more? To read Bob’s previous columns, visit our Almanac Weekly website at

Ashokan Center 477 Beaverkill Rd., Olivebridge

Pelin Tan awarded Bard’s Keith Haring Fellowship in Art & Activism Bard’s Center for Curatorial Studies (CCS Bard) and the Human Rights Project have selected Turkish sociologist, activist and architectural theorist Pelin Tan as the sixth recipient of the Keith Haring Fellowship in Art and Activism. Tan’s current research concerns political movements that focus on climate justice, landscape, agriculture and indigeneity. She is especially concerned with activist projects that put interactions with the non-human

Photo of Pelin Tan by Tobias Schiller

world at the forefront of their practice and ask critical questions about how our concepts of justice and rights can be extended to landscape

cultural park for dance • tivoli ny

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ZÊ » ã« < ãÝ Ä͊ ' ½ ͻ d®òʽ® Join us for a Gala Performance and Champagne Party to support year-round residencies Starring ^ƚĞůůĂ ďƌĞƌĂ (Principal, American Ballet Theatre) ZŽďďŝĞ &ĂŝƌĐŚŝůĚ (Broadway’s American in Paris) and guest dancers from ŵĞƌŝĐĂŶ ĂůůĞƚ dŚĞĂƚƌĞ͕ EĞǁ zŽƌŬ ŝƚLJ ĂůůĞƚ͕ d ^ƚƵĚŝŽ ŽŵƉĂŶLJ͕ DĂƌƚŚĂ 'ƌĂŚĂŵ ĂŶĐĞ ŽŵƉĂŶLJ͕ Special choreography by ^ŽŶLJĂ dĂLJĞŚ (Broadway’s Moulin Rouge!) ĂŶĚ ŵŽƌĞ͊

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Perspectives on Farming with Nature Saturday, Nov. 16, 10 a.m.-3 p.m.

and territory. “Throughout her career, the work that Pelin Tan calls ‘action research’ has demonstrated that the borders between scholarship, activism and creation can and must be transgressed if we want to pursue justice in this world. In this way, Pelin is an artist very much in the spirit of Keith Haring,” said Thomas Keenan, director of Bard’s Human Rights Project. Tan’s fellowship appointment coincides with the Keith Haring Foundation’s renewal of the five-year grant supporting the fellowship: an annual award for a scholar, activist or artist to teach and conduct research at CCS Bard and the Human Rights Project at Bard College. For more information, visit and

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Photo: Phot Pho to: T. M M. Rives

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Nov. 7, 2019

MUSIC Stephanie Blythe sings opera, Great American Songbook at Bard

As director of the Conservatory of Music Graduate Vocal Arts Program at Bard College, most of the time Stephanie Blythe’s concern is making sure her students become stageworthy. But once in a while, she gets to be in the Fisher Center spotlight herself for an evening. On Saturday, November 9 at 8 p.m., Blythe will headline “Sing, Bard!” a cabaret-style evening of songs by popular composers ranging from Irving Berlin to Randy Newman, accompanied by pianist and musical arranger Craig Terry and some soloists from the Vocal Arts Program. Known primarily as an opera singer, Blythe is the winner of the Dallas Opera’s 2019 Maria Callas Award. She has performed at the Met, the San Francisco Opera, Lyric Opera of Chicago, Seattle Opera, Royal Opera House Covent Garden and Opera National de Paris. She has sung the title roles in Carmen, Samson et Dalila, Orfeo ed Euridice, La Grande Duchesse, Tancredi, Mignon and Giulio Cesare; Frugola, Principessa and Zita in Il Trittico; Fricka in both Das Rheingold and Die Walküre; Waltraute in Götterdämmerung; Azucena in Il Trovatore; Ulrica in Un Ballo in Maschera; Baba the Turk in The Rake’s Progress; Ježibaba in Rusalka; Jocasta in Oedipus Rex; Mere Marie in Dialogues des Carmélites; Mistress Quickly in Falstaff;

ALMANAC WEEKLY editor contributors

calendar manager classifieds

Julie O’Connor Bob Berman, John Burdick, Will Dendis, Sharyn Flanagan, Leslie Gerber, Mikhail Horowitz, Jeremiah Horrigan, Ann Hutton, Will Lytle, Dion Ogust, Frances Marion Platt, Lee Reich, Lynn Woods Donna Keefe Tobi Watson, Amy Murphy, Dale Geffner


Kinky Friedman plays the Falcon


genuine iconoclast and musical outlier, Kinky Friedman’s Resurrection and the Merry Kinkster Tour makes its way to the Falcon in Marlboro on Friday, November 8. Resurrection is Friedman’s new collection of songs, produced by none other than Woodstock ace multi-instrumentalist, songwriter and legendary sideman Larry Campbell, and featuring a cameo from none other than Willie Nelson. Kinky will be joined by longtime co-conspirator and legendary Austin bandleader Cleve Hattersley. Brian Molnar opens. Per usual at the Falcon, there is no cover, but generous donation is the unwritten rule. Kinky Friedman, Friday, Nov. 8, 8 p.m., Donation, The Falcon, 1348 Rt. 9W, Marlboro,

and Ino/Juno in Semele. She created the role of Gertrude Stein in Ricky Ian Gordon’s 27 at the Opera Theatre of Saint Louis and sang Mrs. Lovett in Sweeney Todd at the San Francisco Opera and Nettie Fowler in Carousel at the Houston Grand Opera and with the New York Philharmonic. Blythe has also fronted a one-woman revue, We’ll Meet Again: The Songs of Kate Smith, and recorded a solo album, As Long as There Are Songs, among many other accomplishments. Ticket prices for “Sing, Bard!” range from $25 to $150 (the premium level admits the bearer to an intimate reception with the artists). To reserve, call (845) 7587900 or visit https://fishercenter.bard. edu/events/bcom-stephanie-blythe. Sing, Bard! Saturday, Nov. 9, 8 p.m. $24-$150 Sosnoff Theater, Richard B. Fisher Center for the Performing Arts Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson (845) 758-7900

ULSTER PUBLISHING publisher ................................. Geddy Sveikauskas executive editor, digital................Will Dendis production/technology director......Joe Morgan advertising director ................. Genia Wickwire advertising..................Lynn Coraza, Pam Courselle Elizabeth Jackson, Angela Lattrell, Ralph Longendyke, Sue Rogers, Linda Saccoman, Jenny Bella circulation manager.................... Dominic Labate production........................ Diane Congello-Brandes Josh Gilligan, Ann Marie Woolsey-Johnson

Bardavon screens the Met’s Madama Butterfly on Saturday

Almanac Weekly is distributed in Woodstock Times, New Paltz Times, Saugerties Times and Kingston Times and as a stand-alone publication throughout Ulster, Dutchess, Columbia & Greene counties. We’re located on the web at Have a story idea? To reach editor Julie O’Connor directly, e-mail or write Almanac Weekly c/o Ulster Publishing, PO Box 3329, Kingston, NY 12402. Submit event info for calendar consideration two weeks in advance to To place a classified, e-mail copy to classifieds@ or call our office at (845) 334-8200. To place a display ad, call (845) 334-8200 or e-mail

The Bardavon continues The Met: Live in HD’s 2019/20 season of highdefinition live broadcasts with Puccini’s Madama Butterfly on Saturday, November 9. Anthony Minghella’s

cinematic staging of the Puccini staple stars soprano Hui He in the title role. The cast also includes tenor Piero Pretti as Pinkerton, baritone Paulo Szot as Sharpless and mezzo-soprano Elizabeth DeShong as Suzuki. Ticketholders are invited to attend an insightful pre-show talk on the day’s opera a half-hour prior to the broadcast at the Bardavon, led by Leslie Gerber, a music teacher at Marist’s Center for Lifetime Studies and author of all Hudson Valley Philharmonic Playbill liner notes. Tickets cost $28 for adults and $21 for children 12 and under. Bardavon members receive a $2 discount. Madama Butterfly Saturday, Nov. 9, 1 p.m. $28/$21 Bardavon 1869 Opera House 35 Market St., Poughkeepsie (845) 473-2072

Grandmaster Flash gives hip-hop history lesson at UPAC Hip-hop innovator and Rock and Roll Hall of Fame member Grandmaster Flash presents “Hip Hop: People, Places & Things” at the Ulster Performing Arts Center (UPAC) on Friday, November 8. Born in Barbados, the Bronx-raised Flash pioneered deejaying, cutting, scratching and mixing with the Furious Five. He will present a deep audio and visual dive into the history of an artform he helped create. Since its first show in 2017, “Hip-Hop: People, Places & Things” has seen phenomenal growth

and will have visited 80 cities in 30 different countries. Tickets cost $20 for adults, $15 for students. Grandmaster Flash, Friday, Nov. 8, 7 p.m., $20/$15, UPAC, 601 Broadway, Kingston, (845) 339-6088,

WSO performs late-19thcentury Russian works at Woodstock Playhouse

The Woodstock Symphony Orchestra presents “Late-19th-Century Russia” at the Woodstock Playhouse on Saturday, November 9. Conductor Jonathan Handman and the orchestra present a program featuring Vasily Kalinnikov’s Overture to Tsar Boris and Intermezzo No. 2, Alexander Borodin’s Polovtsian Dances and Tchaikovsky’s classic Symphony No. 5. Maestro Handman, Hudson Valley conductor and cellist, is a co-founder and artistic director of the Stringendo Orchestra School of the Hudson Valley and is an orchestra director at Arlington High School in Poughkeepsie. At Stringendo, he directs two orchestras, Vivace and Mazurka, and at Arlington he is the conductor of two symphony orchestras and directs an extensive chamber music program. In each program, his orchestras have won the Grand Champion prize at the ASTA National Orchestra Festival. General admission seating costs $25 for adults, $20 for seniors and $5 for



Nov. 7, 2019

space. The dedicated backroom music space is cozy and well-outfitted with a good PA and backline, and the house taste is for extremes: hardcore, avantgarde jazz, noise. They provide generous bandwidth for other styles as well, but you should know what you are in for at this suddenly hopping venue. On Saturday, November 9, Tubby’s reels in a pretty big fish in the experimental rock/post-rock outfit Oneida. Generally, when you put on an Oneida record, your first reaction will be to see whether all your cables are seated properly and your speaker cones intact. But over time, the contentious electro-hybrid Brooklyn band’s charms really do show, including a surprising affection for the Grateful Dead (one of Oneida’s most famous songs is called Drums->Space.) Russ Waterhouse, Real Hand Rubber Hand and Spreaders round out this fascinating bill. Admission costs $10. – John Burdick


Bosnian blues

Oneida Saturday, Nov. 9, 8 p.m., $10 Tubby’s 586 Broadway, Kingston

Doctorow Center hosts sevdah concert with Merima Kljuco and Miroslav Tadic on Saturday


he word “melancholy” literally translates as “black bile,” one of the “four humors” that were thought from Classical Greek to medieval times to determine both human health and disposition. Unlike the other three humors – blood, phlegm and yellow bile – black bile isn’t really a thing, medically speaking, but it was believed to have been secreted by the spleen and to make people depressed. Another term that also means “black bile” is the Turkish word sevda, used nowadays to describe a style of folksong traditional to Bosnia and Herzegovina, known as sevdah music or sevdalinka. It’s quite appropriate, since sevdah is known for its melancholy-sounding minor modes and its lyrical themes of unfulfilled romantic longing. In world-music circles it’s also sometimes referred to as “Bosnian blues.” On Saturday evening at the Catskill Mountain Foundation’s Doctorow Center for the Arts in Hunter, two Bosnian virtuosi, accordionist Merima Kljuco and guitarist Miroslav Tadic, will perform a concert program featuring both sevdah and Balkanstyled arrangements of classical pieces by Erik Satie, Manuel de Falla and Slovenian composer Davorin Jenko. You’ll also hear some Serbian dance music, a bit of flamenco and tango and Romani tunes as well. The show starts at 8 p.m. on November 9. Tickets purchased in advance, by calling (518) 263-2063 or visiting www., cost $25 general admission, $20 for seniors and $7 for students. Tickets will also be available at the door for $30 general, $25 seniors, $7 students. Merima Kljuco & Miroslav Tadic, Saturday, Nov. 9, 8 p.m., $25/$20/$7 advance, $30/$25/$7 door, Doctorow Center for the Arts, 7971 Main St., Hunter, (518) 263-2063,

children. Woodstock Symphony Orchestra Saturday, Nov. 9, 7:30 p.m. Woodstock Playhouse 103 Mill Hill Rd., Woodstock (845) 679-6900

Senate Garage 4 North Front St., Kingston

Frog and Los Doggies play Bacchus in New Paltz on Nov. 15

Spike Wilner plays Senate Garage Nov. 14

Jazzstock presents the legendary New York pianist and club proprietor Spike Wilner to the Senate Garage in Kingston on Thursday, November 14. An integral part of the insiders’ New York jazz scene and owner of both Smalls and Mezzrow, two hip clubs, Wilner will be presenting a “piano salon.” The native New Yorker has long been in the thick of the action in the city that is arguably the world’s capital of jazz. Child of a Kabbalistic mystic and a well-regarded Abstract Expressionist painter, Wilner entered the first class of the now legendary New School for Social Research’s Jazz and Contemporary Music Program, befriending there many of today’s most prominent players, such as Brad Mehldau, Larry Goldings, Chris Potter, Jorge Rossi and the late Roy Hargrove. An active player and curator, Wilner has released three sessions as leader. Tickets cost $25. Spike Wilner Thursday, Nov. 14, 7:30 p.m. $25

Restless, goofy, weird, genuine, stylistically imperialist but always utterly and recognizably themselves: There is little that can be said about the New Paltz indie/prog institution Los Doggies anymore, until such time as it comes from people outside of the Hudson Valley catching up on our little secret. By the time you read this, they probably have another new record out, and it is assuredly really good, for the lads don’t take anything lightly. On Friday, November 15, Los Doggies team up with another wildly prolific and unclassifiable band, the Queens indie-rock duo Frog (shown above). Frog’s music straddles lo-fi intimacy and authentic pop grandeur, a heckling absurdism and a genuine heartbreak pathos that cuts deeper because of the comedy that surrounds it. They are exceptional songwriters on many levels, and they have put up some Spotify numbers that are honestly rather astonishing, with some of their elusive, stormy art songs approaching a million spins. It’s deserved. I’ll be there. Cover costs $5. – John Burdick Los Doggies & Frog

Friday, Nov. 15, 10 p.m., $5 Bacchus 4 South Chestnut St. (Rt. 208), New Paltz

Oneida headlines Tubby’s in Kingston on Saturday

Tubby’s in Midtown Kingston exemplifies the many great advantages of the small-but-well-curated music

Mary Hood, Katie Jones, Ella Ray Kondrat play BSP on Nov. 14

BSP features three premier regional singer/songwriters on Thursday, November 14 when Mary Hood (shown above), Katie Jones and Ella Ray Kondrat team up for an evening of luminous, intimate and daring songcraft. Hood plays a surreal, imaginative lo-fi folk music in the Kimya Dawson tradition, but different. Jones’ music is a genuinely polished and formalist country/rock of sorts. Her 2019 record Take Care of My Love was coproduced by Maybird’s Adam Netsky. Kondrat’s unique and polyglot globalfolk style is showcased on her excellent new release Hum to Your Heart. This is one of those weeknight shows you’d rather not miss if you are at all interested in What Comes Next. – John Burdick Mary Hood, Katie Jones, Ella Ray Kondrat Thursday, Nov. 14, 7:30 p.m. $7 BSP 323 Wall St., Kingston


HONORS RECITAL Friday, November 22 • 3:00 p.m. College Lounge • Vanderlyn Hall • Stone Ridge Campus

The concert will feature faculty-selected solo and chamber performances by students in its applied lesson program chosen based on outstanding performances at the convocation series. Start Here. Go Far.

For more information: 845-687-5262 •




Nov. 7, 2019



This was a movie long overdue to be made. That’s what makes it such an unhappy task to report that, despite several ďŹ ne performances and one outstanding characterization on the part of star Cynthia Erivo, Harriet is a pretty tepid moviegoing experience.

Off the rails Cynthia Erivo brings her A- game to disappointing Harriet


s Hollywood, much too belatedly, fills in the gaps in the average American’s knowledge of black history, film critics and other viewers are increasingly faced with a dilemma: We no longer have to feel obligated to kvell over every single new release that sheds light on past horrors or celebrates undersung heroes. It’s still much better that such movies are coming out than not, but we don’t have to love them merely for existing. We can hold them to higher standards of cinematic art. It’s a luxury of sorts. But we also don’t want to generate the sort of nitpicky pushback that will discourage the production of more such films, or make being jaded about good-for-you historical epics a hallmark of hipsterism. As a reviewer, I see it as part of my job to nudge the studios, in my own small way, toward taking more

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risks, not fewer, when it comes to gauging audiences’ intelligence and hunger for historically informative storytelling. That’s all by way of a preamble to the admission that I didn’t love Kasi Lemmons’ Harriet nearly as much as I wanted to. Yes, your kids should see this movie in middle school or high school Social Studies class. But will it satisfy grownups who have already taken in much-edgier movies that have been made about slavery in America in recent years, such as Nate Parker’s 2016 film about Nat Turner’s rebellion, Birth of a Nation, or Steve McQueen’s superb 12 Years a Slave (2013)? I’m thinking maybe not. Harriet Tubman (1822-1913), the most renowned of the “conductors� on the Underground Railroad guiding escaped slaves to freedom in the North in the 19th century, is a shining star in the firmament of American heroes. There has been a TV mini-series about her, but until now, never a big-budget feature film. This was a movie long overdue to be made. That’s what makes it such an unhappy task to report

that, despite several fine performances and one outstanding characterization on the part of star Cynthia Erivo, Harriet is a pretty tepid moviegoing experience.

408 Main Street, Rosendale •

DOWNTON ABBEY, FRIDAY 11/8 - MONDAY 11/11 + THUR 11/14 7:15pm. WED + THUR, 1pm DANCE FILM SUNDAY: ROMAN BACA’S EXIT 12 MOVED BY WAR, SUNDAY 11/10 2pm FIDDLER: MIRACLE OF MIRACLES, TUESDAY 11/12 - WEDNESDAY 11/13 7:15pm JUDY, FRIDAY 11/15 - MONDAY 11/18 + THURSDAY 11/21 7:15pm. WED + THUR, 1pm FANTASTIC FUNGI, (back by popular demand) SAT 11/16, 5pm + TUESDAY 11/26, 7:15pm, $12/10 DHARMA FILMS: KUNDUN, SUNDAY 11/17 Q&A: Robert Thurman, Menla + Tibet House 3pm, $10/8

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When it comes to depicting the violence of slavery, it pulls its punches way too often. The screenplay, co-written by Lemmons and Gregory Allen Howard, lacks verbal bite as well, and relies too heavily on exposition. Worse, Lemmons’ direction, especially when it comes to blocking crowd scenes,


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Nov. 7, 2019

ing workshops. The next one is coming up on Saturday, November 9 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the farm. These intensive workshops are geared toward the cheese-obsessed, avid foodies, those fascinated with the science and magic of cheese or who want an indepth cheesemaking experience that will enable future home cheesemaking success. Participants in this small group session will learn the basics of how to make three different cheeses (chevre, feta, ricotta), taste samples, tour the farm and take home cheese, recipes and resource information. The workshop fee is $150. To reserve your spot, visit Cheesemaking Workshop Saturday, Nov. 9, 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Acorn Hill Farm & Creamery 5941 Rt. 209, Kerhonkson,





he Rosendale Theatre presents a screening of Fiddler: Miracle of Miracles on November 12 and 13. Director Max Lewkowicz explores the unlikely and enduring success of the beloved Broadway musical Fiddler on the Roof. Considered a bad idea or at least a dark horse in its own time, Fiddler on the Roof went on to win nine Tonys and to inspire a film version and countless revivals since its premiere in 1964. Fiddler lyricist Sheldon Harnick, LinManuel Miranda, Joel Grey and many others appear in Lewkowicz’s well-received documentary. Fiddler: Miracle of Miracles, Tuesday/Wednesday, Nov. 12/13, 7:15 p.m., Rosendale Theatre, 408 Main St. (Rt. 213), Rosendale, (845) 658-8989,

is stagey and often awkward. For instance, in a scene on the streets of Philadelphia where someone loudly announces the passage of the Fugitive Slave Act, the assembled white citizenry instantly erupts into a frenzy of trying to catch the black folks standing in their midst. There’s no sense that they might’ve had to go home and think a bit about how they were going to deal with this news; the action is absurdly telescoped. Then there are all the scenes of Harriet running, running, running through the woods, tripping over a branch and running some more. And then more of the same with the escapees she’s leading: running, running, tripping. It all feels kind of predictable, arbitrary, unoriginal in terms of what is brought to the viewer’s eye and ear. By far the most compelling reason to see this film is the smoldering fury of Erivo’s performance. Though she won a Tony in 2016 for her portrayal of Celie in the Broadway stage production of The Color Purple, Erivo is less familiar to American audiences than in her native Britain. That will now change. She embodies Tubman with such steely conviction, righteous rage and intensity that she just about leaps off the screen – and she sings pretty damn well, too, alerting her charges that it’s time to fly the coop with a well-chosen gospel verse emanating from the shadows. Many of the supporting actors also deliver excellent work, notably Leslie Odom, Jr. (Hamilton’s original Aaron Burr) as the abolitionist William Still; Janelle Monáe as boardinghouse proprietor Marie Buchanon; Clarke Peters as Ben Ross, Harriet’s freedman father; Henry Hunter Hall as Walter, a cynical young black slavehunter who falls under Harriet’s spell; Vondie Curtis-Hall as Reverend Samuel Green, whose church is a hiding place for escaped slaves; and Tim Guinee as Thomas Garrett, a Quaker who helps them cross the border safely into Pennsylvania. Though it’s a stock villain we’ve seen before, Joe Alwyn is quite

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chilling as Gideon Brodess, fictionalized scion of the family who own Harriet, her mother and siblings; nursed back to health from a life-threatening illness as a child by Tubman, he has a complicated codependency relationship with her that fuels his determination to recapture her after she flees. The weakest link in the cast is Jennifer Nettles, who plays Gideon’s mother Eliza with the sort of Southernbelle-with-the-vapors melodrama that you thought went out with Gone with the Wind. John Toll brings his well-honed cinematographic expertise to the film, visually rescuing some passages that clunk along as narrative. Less successful is Terence Blanchard’s soupy score, which lays on the saccharine moral uplift with a heavy hand. Verdict: Go read a book about Harriet Tubman and the Underground Railroad. Then wait for Harriet to come to your TV screen, grab the remote and fast-forward through the scenes that don’t feature Cynthia Erivo front and center. Even then, it’ll be about a half-hour too long. – Frances Marion Platt

Acorn Hill Farm & Creamery in Kerhonkson offers cheesemaking workshop No one who turns to funny animal videos when they need a little cheering-up is likely to disagree with the premise that bouncing baby goats are terminally cute ( just don’t gaze too closely at their uncanny rectangular pupils if you don’t want to get weirded out). And Nubians are arguably the cutest of all goat breeds, with their delicately shaped ears, dainty muzzles and handsome brown-blackand-cream coats. Acorn Hill Farm & Creamery in Kerhonkson makes its signature cheeses from the milk of its own resident herd of Nubian goats, and you can meet the adorable ungulates in person as a bonus incentive if you sign up for one of Acorn Hill’s ongoing series of hands-on cheesemak-

Garlic-Planting Party at Clove Valley Community Farm The “clove” in the name of Clove Valley Community Farm in High Falls is a reference to a geographical feature: the rift that divides the northern end of the Shawangunk Ridge longitudinally into two distinct waves of conglomerate rock, as if the mountain spur had been cloven in half by some huge axe of the gods. Only by fortuitous coincidence does it conjure up the enticing aroma of individual sections of a head of garlic as they cook. But as it happens, garlic is an important crop at the farm, and a GarlicPlanting Party, open to the wider community, is a festive annual event there each November. Unlike most culinary plants, garlic needs to be put in the ground before it freezes over, not after. Heads of seed garlic are divided into individual cloves and inserted into the earth, where they will root themselves, absorb nutrients from the soil and begin to multiply into heads before the early springtime sun coaxes out green shoots to fatten up the bulbs via photosynthesis. They’ll be ready to harvest in May or June. Clove Valley Community Farm’s tenth annual Garlic-Planting party happens on Sunday, November 10, with a sunset work party from 2 to 5 p.m. and a big feast served around the fire afterward. Admission is free, and volunteers of all ages and abilities are welcome. Please carpool and pull around back to park, and don’t bring any unleashed dogs. The farm is located at 81 Clove Valley Road. To learn more, visit

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Nov. 7, 2019

events/423690251621403. 10th annual Garlic-Planting Party Sunday, Nov. 10, 2-9 p.m., Free Clove Valley Community Farm 81 Clove Valley Rd., High Falls

Glass, Pottery & Vintage Accessories Show in Red Hook

Do old, well-made but fragile vessels call out to you as objects to hunt down, cherish and display throughout your home? Perhaps you already know about the Hudson Valley Depression Glass Club, where collectors gather to share and evaluate their finds and educate one another about the different American glass manufacturers and their products. Each year since its founding, the group has sponsored a regional show and sale, where you can also bring glass and related objects to be appraised. The 48 th annual Hudson Valley 20th-Century Glass, Pottery & Vintage Accessories Show will be hosted by the St. Christopher School in Red Hook. It takes place on November 9 and 10, from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday and from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Sunday. Identification and appraisal services, plus one raffle ticket, come free with your price of admission, which is $4.50 per person. To learn more about this special event or the club, call (845) 473-3898, e-mail or visit www.facebook. com/groups/1655959604686124. Hudson Valley 20th-Century Glass, Pottery & Vintage Accessories Show Saturday/Sunday, Nov. 9/10, 11 a.m.-5 p.m./10 a.m.-4 p.m., $4.50 St. Christopher School



10 Hairy Legs perform at Kaatsbaan on Saturday


he Kaatsbaan International Dance Center in Tivoli presents the all-male dance ensemble 10 Hairy Legs on Saturday, November 9, performing new commissioned work by Larry Keigwin and other repertory. Described by the Palm Beach Daily News as “the very best American male modern dancers one could have the good fortune of seeing,” 10 Hairy Legs is widely acclaimed for its aggressive commissioning of new pieces and curation of masterworks. In addition to their work with 10 Hairy Legs, company members are currently featured artists with the Bang Group, the Stephen Petronio Company and Zvi Dance, among others. Tickets cost $30 for adults, $10 for artists, students and seniors. 10 Hairy Legs, Saturday, Nov. 9, 7:30 p.m., $30/$10, Kaatsbaan International Dance Center, 120 Broadway, Tivoli, (845) 757-5106,

30 Benner Rd., Red Hook (845) 473-3898

Sponsors needed by Thanksgiving for Wreaths across America Day

Mirabai of Woodstock Gif ts, Book s and Work shops for Serenit y, W isdom and Transformat ion. E xper t Tarot , I C hing and Psychic Readings Ever yday

Upcoming Events Staying Balanced in Unbalanced Times w/ shamanic healer Rebecca Singer Sat. Nov 9 2-3:30PM $20/$25* Shamanic Drum Circle w/ shamanic healer Rebecca Singer Mon. Nov 11 6:30-7:30PM $10 Full Moon Meditation w/ Jenn Bergeron Tue. Nov 12 6-7:30PM $20/ $25* * Lower price for early reg./pre-payment made at least 48 hrs. in advance

The Wreaths across America project began in 1992, when the Worcester Wreath Company in Harrington, Maine found itself with a surplus of 5,000 balsam fir Christmas wreaths.

Owner Morrill Worcester, whose visit as a 12-year-old to Arlington National Cemetery had made a deep impression, decided to donate the extra wreaths to a neglected older section of the cemetery. The project grew slowly until 2005, when a photo of the stones at Arlington, adorned with snow-covered wreaths, went viral on the Internet, and suddenly cemeteries across the nation wanted to get involved. Nowadays more than 226,000 wreaths are laid each December at Arlington alone, and 1,640 locations participate annually. For the New Paltz Rural Cemetery,

“This is the first year,” says Geraldine Moloney. Moloney, whose father is interred in the Ulster County Veterans’ Cemetery that was dedicated on the Plains Road site in 2008, has been spending most of this year promoting the addition of Wreaths across America to the New Paltz Rural Cemetery. Not only does she want to honor the war dead, some of whose graves lack bronze markers, but also to raise awareness among Ulster County veterans that they are entitled to interment there free of charge. Of the 7,900+ graves in the New Paltz Rural Cemetery, 835 belong to veterans. “We have 512 wreaths and we need approximately 300 more,” Moloney says. In order to have enough wreaths shipped from Maine in time for Wreath Day, Saturday, December 14, donors are asked to volunteer by Thanksgiving. Sponsoring a wreath costs $15, and it may be designated for the grave of a particular veteran or for general distribution in a particular cemetery. If you want to help out in New Paltz, use the URL address https://bit. ly/2WpoXHX to make your pledge. Donations by check can be mailed to Wreaths Across America, PO Box 249, Columbia Falls, ME 04623, with NYNPRC/NY0270 written on the memo line.

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Nov. 7, 2019

STAGE Hal on the horizon Shakespeare’s Henry V opens Nov. 14 at SUNY-New Paltz


ccording to historian Barbara Tuchman, in her highly entertaining tome A Distant Mirror: The Calamitous 14th Century, it wasn’t a stirring speech by the young English king that gave his troops the victory against overwhelming numerical odds in the Battle of Agincourt. It was heavy rain in the week preceding the confrontation, turning the field to a sea of deep mud. Not having had to lighten their load for a sea crossing like the English army, the French defenders wore their heaviest plate armor and were mounted upon massive destriers. Their first downhill charge turned the battlefield to a mire, making the French knights and their horses easy pickings for the lightly outfitted English longbowmen. It’s said that 40 percent of the male French aristocracy of fighting age lost their lives that day. So many were taken captive that the English couldn’t supervise them all and decided to hold only the wealthiest hostage; the rest were executed. (So much for noble King Hal.) But the decisive victory for the invaders effectively ended the first phase of the Hundred Years’ War, and a royal marriage pact cementing the truce gave rise to the lineage that led to William Shakespeare’s patron, Elizabeth I. Don’t let historical facts get in the way of your enjoyment of the “St. Crispin’s Day speech,” the patriotic soliloquy that Shakespeare puts in the mouth of Henry V, however. “We few, we happy few, we band of brothers” has quickened the pulse of folks with military experience (or fantasies) for more than four centuries now, and for good reason. Though it’s the emotional high point of the play, the rollercoaster that is Henry V has plenty else going for its enduring popularity as well, from the comedy of the French envoys dumping an insulting “tribute” of a barrel of tennis balls at the feet of the boy king in Scene I to the pathos of him having to execute one of his former drinking, gambling and wenching buddies for a trivial bit of looting, just to set an example. The repudiation of cowardly Falstaff, Prince Hal’s one-time mentor in the art of

the pub crawl, comes as a genuine wrench to anyone who has enjoyed the antics of that lovable rogue in the Henry IV plays and The Merry Wives of Windsor. It’s never a bad time for another revival of Henry V. The latest to take it up is the Department of Theatre Arts at SUNYNew Paltz, as the second production of its 2019/20 Mainstage series. John Patrick Hayden, a New York City-based a c t o r /d i r e c t o r noted for playing the superhero’s boxer father in the Netflix Daredevil series, and whose short film Veritaphobia recently won Best Comedy at the Newark Film Festival, is the guest director. He has been brought in to consult on several previous SUNYNew Paltz stage productions thanks to his expertise in fight choreography, so staging the Battle of Agincourt should give him plenty of room to stretch those muscles. A pre-show discussion of Shakespeare’s approach to history plays will take place at 6:30 p.m. on opening night, November 14. The panel will feature Department of English faculty Cyrus Mulready, Thomas Olsen and James Schiffer joining director Hayden for a conversation moderated by student Kevin Mischo (Class of ’21, Theatre Arts). Performances will take place in the McKenna Theatre at 8 p.m. on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays and at 2 p.m. on Sundays from November 14 to 17 and 20 to 24. Tickets cost $18 general admission, $16 for seniors (62+), faculty, staff, alumni and non-SUNY New Paltz students and $10 for SUNY-New Paltz students. To purchase, visit the Parker Theatre box office Monday through Friday from 11:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., call (845) 257-3880, e-mail or visit – Frances Marion Platt

Not having had to lighten their load for a sea crossing like the English army, the French defenders wore their heaviest plate armor and were mounted upon massive destriers.

PAW to perform Will Eno’s The Realistic Joneses in Woodstock With a Pulitzer nomination for Thom Pain (based on nothing), two Drama Desk Awards, an Obie, a Lu-


“We few, we happy few, we band of brothers” has quickened the pulse of folks with military experience (or fantasies) for more than four centuries now, and for good reason.

cille Lortel Award, Guggenheim and Albee Fellowships plus honors from PEN and the Theater Hall of Fame, Will Eno is one of America’s most decorated living playwrights. His approach to staged storytelling has inspired frequent comparison to Samuel Beckett. Perhaps it’s time for his work to become better-known. Performing Arts of Woodstock is taking up that gauntlet with the first production of PAW’s 56th season, Will

Eno’s The Realistic Joneses. The play premiered at the Yale Rep in 2012 and went on to Broadway in 2014, earning a Drama Desk Special Award. It was named Best Play on Broadway by USA Today and Best American Play of 2014 by The Guardian. Unfolding as a series of short blackout sketches, the tragicomedy concerns two couples surnamed Jones who discover that they’re new neighbors with much in common, but have difficulty communicating. Charles Isherwood of The New York Times called The Realistic Joneses “funny and moving…wonderful and weird…a pleasurable rush virtually unmatched by anything I’ve seen this

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Nov. 7, 2019

season.” Wallace Norman directs a cast that includes Joe Bongiorno, Francine Ciccarelli, Joan Craig and Chris Grady. Performances run for three weekends beginning November 15, through December 1, with showtimes at 8 p.m. on Fridays and Saturdays and Sundays at 1:30 p.m., at the Mescal Hornbeck Community Center. Tickets cost $23 general admission, $20 for seniors and students, $15 for PAW members, and can be purchased online at www. The Realistic Joneses Friday-Sunday, Nov. 15-17, 22-24, 29-Dec. 1, 8 p.m./1:30 p.m. $23/$20/$15 Mescal Hornbeck Community Center 56 Rock City Rd., Woodstock

Tix on sale now for November 16 Rock the Kaatsbaan! Gala

The Kaatsbaan International Dance presents its Rock the Kaatsbaan! Gala event on Saturday, November 16. Celebrating the culmination of Kaatsbaan’s 20 th residency season, the event features world-renowned dancers Stella Abrera (American Ballet Theatre) and Robbie Fairchild (An American in Paris) performing original choreography by Emmy-nominated Sonya Tayeh. The rich program also includes the central pas de deux from Alexei Ratmansky’s The Seasons, Martha Graham Dance Company principal Ben Shultz, She’s a Rainbow by former ABT dancer Melanie Hamrick set to the Rolling Stones, New York City Ballet principal danc-


Free Admission Family Friendly Fun Free Cider & Cookies

{ :(/&20( { :,17(5 (;32 Thursday, November 21, 2019 7 – 9 pm at St. Joseph’s Parish Hall 34 South Chestnut St., New Paltz

Tips for thriving during winter! CSA Info

Energy Efficiency Info

Sponsored by Interfaith Earth Action, New Paltz Climate Action Coalition & New Paltz Climate Smart contact:



yde Park’s New Deal Creative Arts Center presents a new production of Arthur Miller’s ever-relevant historical drama The Crucible from November 8 through 16. In keeping with New Deal’s reputation, this production’s performance space is almost as noteworthy as the play itself: Executive director Teresa Gasparini and director Thom Webb have chosen the Pleasant Plains Presbyterian Church, located in Staatsburg, to set the scene and help tell the story. The old clapboard church is not unlike the clapboard meeting house in which much of the tragic history of the Salem Witch Trials actually unfolded. Under the direction of Thom Webb, the cast of more than 20 Hudson Valley actors is led by Joe Eriole, Steavie Reed, Michael Frohnhoefer and Alexandra Petrova. Performances take place on November 8, 9, 15 and 16 at 7:30 p.m. and on Sunday, November 10 at 2 p.m. Tickets cost $20 in advance, $25 at the door. The Crucible, Friday-Sunday, Nov. 8-16, 7:30 p.m./2 p.m., $25/$20, Pleasant Plains Church, 2 Fiddlers Bridge Rd., Staatsburg,

ers Maria Kowroski and Tyler Angle in Balanchine’s Chaconne, the Ameri-

Each issue of Almanac Weekly has hundreds of local activities It's the best guide to Hudson Valley art, entertainment & adventure

can Ballet Theatre Studio Company in Escapades by Amy Hall Garner (of Beyoncé’s The Mrs. Carter Show world tour) and more. There will be a special silent auction featuring one-of-a-kind cultural experiences. Tickets are on sale now, including VIP sponsorships and special artist rates. Ticket prices

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begin at $150, with a range of VIP options above that. Rock the Kaatsbaan! Gala Saturday, Nov. 16, 6:30 p.m. $150+ Kaatsbaan International Dance Center 120 Broadway, Tivoli (845) 757-5106

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Nov. 7, 2019

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Nov. 7, 2019



9am-10am Woodstock Senior Senior Feel Good Fitness with Diane Collelo. All aspects of fitness:

flexibility, balance, strength and aerobic capacity done to music from many decades that makes us feel like dancing. Sponsored by Woodstock Senior Recreation and open to Woodstock residents 55 and older. $1 donation. Mescal Hornbeck Community Center, 56 Rock City Rd, Woodstock.

Reading. Join us for a reading by this acclaimed author followed by an interview and Q & A. Free and Open to the Public. SUNY Ulster, 491 Cottekill road, Stone Ridge. Info: 845-687-5262,, Free.

ously spayed/neutered cats and dogs only. No appointment needed. Dogs must be leashed and cats in carriers. TARA (The Animal Rights Alliance, Inc.), 60 Enterprise Place, Middletown, NY. Info: 845-343-1000,, Cost varies.

10am-11:30am Ernesto Quinonez Author

10am-2pm Hooks & Needles, Yarns & Threads. Informal weekly social gathering for rug hookers, knitters, crocheters, and all other yarn crafters. Drop-in. Tivoli Free Library, Watts dePeyster Hall, 86 Broadway, Tivoli. Info: 845-757-3771,, http://www.tivolilibrary. org/. Bring a snack to share.

10am-11:30am Parkinson’s Dance & Exercise Class. Led by Anne Olin. For PD patients, caregivers and friends to address the symptoms of PD and other neurological disorders. Balance, gait, muscle strengthening, improving flexibility & fluidity and having fun are all included. Weekly, on-going group meets every Thursday at 10am. Info: Anne Olin, 845-679-6250; St. John’s Episcopal Church, 207 Albany Ave,

10am-2pm Low-Cost Vaccine Clinic. For previ-




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Our teachers inspire independent and insightful thinking, empathy for all and a love of meaningul work.

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Nov. 7, 2019




ALMANAC WEEKLY 11am-3:30pm “Vets and Pets” Adoption Special. From November 1-12, the UCSPCA honors our military by offering 50% off all adoptions with a valid military ID or proof of service. (Open until 7PM on Thursdays.) Note the UCSPCA is closed Mondays. Info: 845-331-5377; Ulster County SPCA, Kingston.

Nov. 7, 2019

submission policy contact

e-mail postal mail: Almanac Calendar Manager Donna Keefe c/o Ulster Publishing, PO Box 3329, Kingston, NY 12402 phone: (845) 334-8200 ext. 104, fax at (845) 334-8809. when to send

Almanac’s Calendar is printed on Tuesdays. We must receive all entries no later than the previous Friday at noon. what to send

The name of the event, time, date, location of event, a telephone number (for publication) and admission charge (specify if free). A brief description is helpful, too. how it works

The Easton Barn Woodstock Bed & Breakfast Cooking Workshops Business Retreats Next Workshop: November 14 @ 6:00 p.m. Poultry & Thanksgiving Sides Contact us for more info at (424) 259-0823 Kingston. $12 for one or $22 for two.

Instructional and workshop listings appear in the calendar when accompanied by a paid display ad or by a paid individual calendar listing. Community events are published in the newspaper as a community service and on a spaceavailable basis.

11am-10pm 2019 Fall Hudson Valley Restaurant Week. Special prix-fixe lunch and dinner menus offered. Beginning Monday, November 4 and running through Sunday, November 17, restaurant-goers can visit more than 200 restaurants and indulge in three-course, prix-fixe lunch ($22.95) and dinner ($32.95) menus. For more information on HVRW, please visit website or call 845-765-3414. 11am-12pm Woodstock Senior Level One (Moderate) Yoga with Susan Blacker. Centering, warm-ups, posture flow, relaxation and meditation. Sponsored by Woodstock Senior Recreation and open to Woodstock residents 55 and older. $1 donation. Mescal Hornbeck Community Center, 56 Rock City Rd, Woodstock. 12pm Annual Drill to Test Evacuation Procedures of Each District’s Emergency Management/Disaster Preparedness Plan. Public schools in Ulster County will release students approximately 15 minutes early. Students will be sent home early as part of an annual drill. The Commissioner of Education has mandated that

this drill be conducted annually in all New York State public schools. Contact your school for further info. 12:15pm Fine Arts Recitals. Old Dutch Church, 272 Wall Street, Kingston. 12:30pm-6pm I Ching Oracle and Tarot Readings with Timothy Liu. Every Thursday. Walk-ins warmly welcome or call ahead for appointment. Info: 845-679-2100. Mirabai Bookstore, 23 Mill Hill Rd, Woodstock. $30/30 minutes,. 1pm Kerhonkson - Accord Seniors Meeting. Meets on the 1st & 3rd Thursday of each month. Activities, games, parties, & movies. Info: 845-626-8213. Accord Firehouse, Main Street, Accord. 1pm-3pm Game and Card Day. Board games, Mah-jong and cards are available, or bring your own. Bring a friend or come and meet people. $1 donation suggested to cover cost of refreshments. Ongoing every Thursday. Red Hook Community Center, 59 Fisk St, Red Hook.

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Nov. 7, 2019

premier listings Contact Donna at to be included Hands on Cooking Workshop in Historic Woodstock Barn Home (11/13, 6-8:30pm). Roast Chicken with Next Level Autumn Sides! Professional chef will teach how to work with poultry and whip up exquisite autumn/ Thanksgiving sides. $69.00 with 15% off if mention code word “deer.” For more information or to register go to Before I Die .. Fair (11/9, 10am-4pm). Free event! All welcome for talks, tables, and activities. Fair opens with a Death Café and will include activities and presentation topics such as: an EOL paperwork clinic, the spiritual principles of caregiving, ritual naming of our dead, green/natural burial, grief patterns, a Before I Die.. table scroll, organ and tissue donation, a hospice and end-of-life doula care panel, an introduction to legacy projects, and a community memorial altar. Meet George the comfort dog, check out a handcrafted casket, or catch the film Consider the Conversation -- and

more! Hosted by The White Rose Community and sponsored by Funeral Consumers Alliance of the Hudson Valley, Hudson Valley Hospice and the New York Open Center. Info: Christmas Shoppe (11/9, 9am-2pm). Featuring live music with Patrick Dodge, Selfie Santa, Bake Table, Light Breakfast and Lunch.Quilted, Metal Arts, Knitted & Crocheted items. Something for everyone! Shady united Methodist Church, Church Rd, Shady. Info: 845-679-2982. Billy Stephen - A Ride in the Country with the Top Down (11/10, 2-5pm). With Larry Packer, fiddle & Kyle Esosito, guitar. Billy’s bands Mellow Down Easy & Billy n’ the Bad Boys were doing neo-traditional country & blues long before “Americana” was coined. He’s shared the stage with Pete Seeger and rocked out with John Lee Hooker. After a long hiatus, ( with the exception of shows in France ) he’s back

1pm-4pm Woodstock Senior Duplicate Bridge with John Stokes. The Woodstock Bridge Club offers a short lesson and a game of Duplicate Bridge. Sponsored by Woodstock Senior Recreation and open to Woodstock residents 55 and older. $1 donation. Woodstock Rescue Squad, 222 Tinker St, Woodstock. 3pm Woodstock Ultimate Disc. A free, casual, co-ed pickup game. Ongoing games - Tuesday, Thursday & Sundays at 3pm. See for details. Athletic Fields, 98 Comeau Drive, Woodstock. 3pm Reading and Meditation. Ongoing every Sunday night at 3pm. Info:; 845-6798322. Matagiri Sri Aurobindo Center, 1218 Wittenberg Rd, Mt. Tremper. 3:30pm-4pm Free Step Class. A high energy class. Ongoing. Saugerties Public Library, 91 Washington Ave, Saugerties. 3:30pm-6:30pm Free Math Tutoring. Algebra, Geometry, Precalculus, Trigonometry, and SAT/ ACT Prep. Call to sign up 845-255-1255. Meets every Thursday at 3:30pm. Gardiner Library, 133 Farmer’s Turnpike, Gardiner. Free. 4pm-5pm Fitness Hour. Drop in for a workout on Mondays at 4:30pm & Thursdays at 4pm. Class will be an aerobic warm-up followed by a combination of band and body work. Instructed by Connie Scuitto. Connie is an RN and certified Reiki Master. 845-246-4317. Saugerties Public Library, 91 Washington Ave, Saugerties. 5pm-8pm 23rd Annual Fall for Art Juried Art Show. Festive juried art show, sale & cocktail reception benefitting area charities & featuring 30 local artists. Hosted by the Jewish Federation of Ulster County. Admission: $50 per person. Info:;; 845-338-8131. The Chateau, 240 Boulevard, Kingston. 5pm-6:30pm New Paltz Climate Action Coalition Meeting. Meets every Thursday. New Paltz Village Hall, Plattekill Ave, New Paltz. www. 5pm-7:30pm Happy Testing Hour. Free HIV & STI testing. Meets on the 1st Thursday of each month from 5-7:30pm. Info: 845-704-7322; 845-331-5300;; Hudson Valley LGBTQ Community Center, 300 Wall St, Kingston. 5:30pm Sallust’s Mithridates and the Cultural Trauma of Civil War. Dr. Jennifer Gerrish recently published a book on first century BCE historiographer Sallust. Room 206, Taylor Hall, Vassar College, 124 Raymond Ave, Poughkeepsie. 6pm-7:30pm Breast Cancer Options-Support Group. Features topics and speakers. For more information contact 845-339-4673 or visit Pallenville Branch Library, 3303 NY-23A, Pallenville. Info: 845-339-4673, 6pm-8pm 24th Annual Festival of Trees Photo Night. Bring along your own camera or Photographer. Veronica Chewens will be taking pictures and offering portrait packages as well for purchase. Entry: $10/family. Festival runs through 11/10. Anthony’s Banquet Hall, Route 23B, Leeds. 6pm-7:30pm White Hart Speaker Series: Amanda Vaill - Jerome Robbins, By Himself. For more information and to order signed books please visit the Oblong Books website. The White Hart Inn, 15 Undermountain Rd, Salisbury, CT. Info: 845-876-0500, events@oblongbooks, http://bit. ly/Amanda-Vaill. FREE/RSVP REQUESTED. 6pm Wine Night - Thirsty Thursday. Celebrate every Thursday at Woodnotes Grille with the Wine Club! Enjoy 25% off all bottles of wine and special selections from the cellar by the glass. Info: 845-688-2828; The Emerson

and backed by two of the best. Larry on fiddle ( The Last Waltz, Levon Helm ) Kyle, guitar, ( Woodstock A list session hero ) along with Billy’s singing and playing they’re absolutely” taking it farther down that line.” No cover. Station Bar, 101, Tinker St, Woodstock. 1st Art Opening - Uptown Gallery at Fair John ArtSpace and Music Salon. Gloria Waslyn curates first art exhibit in the new Uptown Gallery at Fair John ArtSpace and Music Salon! Featuring work from artists James Martin, Kazuma Oshita, & Sean Bowen. Show exhibits for several months. Gallery hours are Tues.-Sun. from 11am-6pm. FAIR JOHN ArtSpace and Music Salon, 288 Fair Street, Kingston. Info: 917-697-6916;; jwcornbroom@ Woodstock Art Exchange presents Reclaimed Canvas(Friday - Sunday, 11am - 6pm & Monday 10am-4pm). Unique one-of-a-kind art, glass and

Resort and Spa, 5340 Rt 28, Mt. Tremper. 6:30pm-8:30pm Dyslexia for a Day Workshop. This workshop aims to give parents and educators a better understanding of the challenges faced by students with dyslexia. Presented by Fiona Rattray, Parent Training and Information Center Specialist, and Gloria Toporowski, Bilingual Special Education Advocate. Light refreshments will be served. Register: or call 845-228-7457, ext. 1126. RCAL: Resource Center for Accessible Living, 727 Ulster Ave, Kingston. 6:30pm-8:30pm Citizenship Classes. There will be free U.S. citizenship classes offered every Thursday through November 21. For more information and to register please call 646-342-4177 or 973-698-0205 (se habla espanol). St. Joseph’s Church, 34 South Chestnut St., New Paltz. 6:30pm-8pm Free Steps of Meditation. Weekly classes. Learn the fundamentals for an effective meditation experience. Info: 518-589-5000 or Peace Village Retreat Center, 54 O’Hara Rd, Haines Falls. 7pm-9:30pm Rough Draft Trivia with Rich. Every Thursday* at Rough Draft is trivia night with Rich Morrison—a fun-filled night of teamwork, friendly competition, and lots of laughs. Rough Draft Bar & Books, 82 John Street, Kingston. Info: 845-802-0027, roughdraftbar@gmail. com. 7pm Live @ The Falcon: Tribal Harmony: Joan Henry & Spirited. Jazz fusion with Native American flair. Info: 845-236-7970. The Falcon Main Stage, 1348 Route 9W, Marlboro. 7pm-8:30pm Holistic Health Community’s Self-Care Class Presents: My Healing Journey with Mary Waldner. Owner of a gluten free, organic food company called, Mary’s Gone Crackers. Workshop is about healthy foods. Free admission. Marbletown Community Center, 3564 Main St.(Route 209), Stone Ridge. Info: 845-867-7008,, http://bit. ly/MWaldner. 7pm-8pm Gardiner Library Knitting Group. Sit and knit. Gardiner Library, 133 Farmer’s Turnpike, Gardiner. Info: 845-255-1255,, 7pm Old Dutch Choir. Old Dutch Church, 272 Wall Street, Kingston. 7:30pm-8:30pm Ulster County Bass Masters Chapter of NY B.A.S.S. Federation Meeting. General membership meeting. Info: 845-6799272. Anchorage Restaurant, 182 Canal St. Eddyville. 7:30pm-9pm Weekly Thursday Nite EFT Healing Circle & Recovery Workshop. Bring your physical, emotional, & spiritual challenges and issues, and have them quickly, effectively resolved and healed in a safe supportive environment. Ongoing. 845-706-2183. Family of Woodstock/Kingston, 39 John St, Kingston. Free, $5 donation welcome. 8pm Live @ The Falcon: Jason Gisser, Marc Von Em & Ian Flanigan. The Hudson Valley’s most gifted singer-songwriters. Info: 845-2367970. The Falcon Underground, 1348 Route 9W, Marlboro. 8pm Kristina Koller. Music from her eclectic new album ‘Stronger’. Colony, 22 Rock City Rd, Woodstock. $12 advance/$15 door.



9:45am-10:45am Woodstock Senior Chi Kung with Corinne Mol. Meditative, healing exercise consisting of 13 movements. Sponsored by Woodstock Senior Recreation and open to Woodstock residents 55 and older. $1 donation. Mescal Hornbeck Community Center, 56 Rock City Rd, Woodstock.

gifts and a special exhibit by worldrenowned artist Ruby Silvious. Show will exhibit through December 2. Gallery and gift shop open Friday through Sunday 11am–6pm; & Mondays 10am–4pm. Info: 914-8063573. Woodstock Art Exchange, 1396 Rt 28, West Hurley.

A current, valid driver’s license, A good driving record, Access to a safe and reliable vehicle, Regular desktop, laptop, or tablet computer access, & Proof of car insurance. To learn more about volunteering for the Road To Recovery program, visit road.

Community Playback Theatre at Boughton Place (11/1, 3pm). Audience stories brought to life onstage. Boughton Place, 150 Kisor Road, Highland. $10/suggested donation. Info: 845-883-0392. Upcoming performances: Fridays, 8pm: 11/1, 12/6; & Sunday, 3pm on 1/5/2020.

Oncology Support Programs offered at HealthAlliance Hospital. WMC Health offers emotional support, wellness and healing arts programs for people affected by cancer. Info: 845-339-2071;;

Volunteer Drivers Needed To Transport Cancer Patients to Treatment. The American Cancer Society needs individuals who can volunteer one hour at least once a month to drive a cancer patient to a local cancer center in Westchester, Rockland, Putnam, Dutchess, Ulster, Sullivan and Orange County. Locally, the greatest need is for drivers who can pick up patients at their home and take them to treatment -- even one time once a month would be tremendously helpful, according to Patrice Lestrange Mack, Communications Director for the American Cancer Society. All drivers must have:

Low-Cost Spay/Neuter Stationary Clinic for Dogs. Every Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. $95 and up; includes spay/neuter, rabies vaccine, and cone collar. All surgeries performed by appointment only; Also, Low-Cost Spay/Neuter Mobile Clinic for Cats( call for location and dates). $70 per cat includes spay/ neuter, rabies vaccine, ear cleaning, nail trim. All surgeries performed by appointment only; & Low-cost vaccine & dental Clinics available. The Animal Rights Alliance (T.A.R.A.), 60 Enterprise Pl, Middletown. Info: 845-3431000,

10:30am-4pm Thomas Cole National Historic Site Guided Tours. Tours run Friday through Sunday, November 8 to December 15. They begin every hour on the hour from 11am-3pm. Each tour is limited to twelve people and lasts approximately 45 minutes. Tickets: $12; free/students, seniors 62+ & Veterans. Thomas Cole National Historic Site, 218 Spring St, Catskill. 10:30am-12pm Ulster County Office for the Aging Public Hearings. Learn about the Office for the Aging. Share your ideas and suggestions for improving services and adding programs. RSVP at 845-340-3456. Ellenville Public Library & Museum, 40 Center St, Ellenville. 11am-3:30pm “Vets and Pets” Adoption Special. From November 1-12, the UCSPCA honors our military by offering 50% off all adoptions with a valid military ID or proof of service. (Open until 7PM on Thursdays.) Note the UCSPCA is closed Mondays. Info: 845-331-5377; Ulster County SPCA, Kingston. 11am-10pm 2019 Fall Hudson Valley Restaurant Week. Special prix-fixe lunch and dinner menus offered. Beginning Monday, November 4 and running through Sunday, November 17, restaurant-goers can visit more than 200 restaurants and indulge in three-course, prix-fixe lunch ($22.95) and dinner ($32.95) menus. For more information on HVRW, please visit website or call 845-765-3414. 11am-1pm Mah-jongg. Learn and play this game of skill and strategy each Friday morning. Beginners and more experienced players welcome. Tivoli Free Library, Watts dePeyster Hall, 86 Broadway, Tivoli. Free. 11am-6pm Woodstock Art Exchange presents Reclaimed Canvas. Unique one-of-a-kind art, glass and gifts. Plus “Reclaimed Canvas”—a special exhibit by world-renowned artist Ruby Silvious. Show exhibits through 12/2. Refreshments. Free. Also, Gallery and gift shop open Friday, Saturday and Sunday 11-6; Monday 10-4. For more information, call 914-806-3573. Woodstock Art Exchange, 1396 Rte 28, West Hurley. 12pm-2pm Opening Reception: Photographer Michele Caccavano. Her exhibit of photographs will be on display at the bank through December 12, 2019. Ulster Savings Bank/Gardiner, 2201 Route 44/55, Gardiner. 12:05pm-1pm Woodstock Senior Basic Pilates with Christine Anderson. A floor work course promoting improvement of balance, coordination, focus, awareness breathing, strength and flexibility. Sponsored by Woodstock Senior Recreation and open to Woodstock residents 55 and older. $1 donation. Mescal Hornbeck Community Center, 56 Rock City Rd, Woodstock. 12:30pm-6pm Crystal Attunements and Tarot Card Readings with owl medicine woman Mary Vukovic. Walk-ins warmly welcome or call ahead for appointment. $50 for 45 minute reading and chakra attunement. Info: 845-679-2100. Mirabai Bookstore, 23 Mill Hill Rd, Woodstock. $30/30 minutes,. 1pm-3pm Scrabble Club. Join us for our new Scrabble Club! Bring your extensive vocabulary and your enjoyment for games to our Scrabble events. Town of Esopus Library, 128 Canal St, Port Ewen. Info: 845-338-5580, organizedmode@, 2pm-3pm Mah Jongg. A tile-based game developed in China. Bring your game on to the Clinton Community Library. Clinton Community Library. 5pm-7pm No Cook Friday in Honor of Veterans Day. Pot Roast over egg noodles, veggies & desert $10 donation. No donation from veterans. Whiles supplies last! Reserve yours 845-853-9052. American Legion Post 1219, Springtown Rd, Tillson. 5pm-7pm Collective Expeditions: A Worldly Art Exhibition Opening Reception. The International Society of Antiquaries are a group of 5 artists who have put together a group show titled

Collective Expeditions. Murroff Kotler Visual Arts Gallery at SUNY Ulster, 491 Cottekill Rd, Stone Ridge. Info: 845-687-5262, dziombas@sunyulster. edu, Open to the public. 5pm-7pm Marist College Autumn Lecture Series: Samira Mehta, “Interfaith Families in the New Millennium”. Mehta is Assistant Professor of Women & Gender Studies and Jewish Studies at University of Colorado, Boulder. Marist College Hancock Center, 3399 North Rd, Poughkeepsie. 5:30pm-7pm Memory Caregivers Group. A support group for caregivers dealing with Alzheimer’s and dementia and for those who are interested in the topic. Phoenicia Library, 48 Main St, Phoenicia. 6pm-10pm The Greenhouse Grand Opening. Join us for this celebration of transitions and new beginnings as we open the doors to celebrate the launch of GWI’s Greenhouse! We will also be unveiling five original Just Transition art pieces crafted by five GWI Fellows. Refreshments will be served. GWI Greenhouse, 65 St. James St, Kingston. 6pm-8pm Youth Open Mic Night at the African Roots Center. Youth-focused, youth-led Open Mic Nights featuring middle and high school student poets, singers, musicians and actors from the area. A.J. Williams-Myers African Roots Library, 43 Gill St, Kingston. Info: 845 802-0035,, 6:30pm-7:30pm Family Movie Night. Children 3 to 9 years and their grownups can enjoy watching 16 mm films on an old fashioned movie projector. The movies for tonight are: The Ghost With the Halloween Hiccups; The Witch Who Was Afraid of Witches; Paddington Hits the Jackpot; Animal Movie and Cricket and the Fiddle. Free admission. Info: 845-255-5030. Elting Memorial Library, 93 Main Street, New Paltz. 6:30pm-7:30pm Poetry Reading: Roberta Gould. If you like poetry you will love a poetry reading by Roberta Gould. Clinton Community Library. 6:30pm-8pm Gisela Stromeyer - “Just Like That: Poems Paintings, and Practices. For more information and to order signed books, visit the Oblong Books website. Oblong Books & Music Rhinebeck, 6422 Montgomery Street, Rhinebeck. Info: 845-876-0500, events@oblongbooks, Stromeyer. RSVP requested. 6:30pm-9:30pm Orange County Mineral Society Monthly Mineral Meeting. New members welcome. Open to all. Info: Chester Senior Center, 81 Laroe Road, Chester. Free. 6:45pm-8:30pm Children & Teen Ministries. Meets Fridays: 6:45-8:30pm. Class for adults also offered. Info: 845-876-6923 or cdfcirone@ Grace Bible Fellowship Church, Rt9 & Rt9G, Rhinebeck. 7pm-10pm 24th Annual Festival of Trees Opening Night Gala. Sneak peek at all of the beautiful trees & wreaths. Enjoy light food, desserts, dancing, and cash bar. Tickets: $25. Festival runs through 11/10. Anthony’s Banquet Hall, Route 23B, Leeds. 7pm-10pm Rob Scheps/Francesca Tanksley Quartet. World class jazz. Lydia’s Cafe, 7 Old US 209, Stone Ridge. Info: 845-687-6373,, Donation Requested. 7pm-9pm Free Addiction Recovery Acupuncture Clinic. New Paltz Community Acupuncture will be offering a Free Addiction Recovery Acupuncture Clinic on Fridays from 7-9pm. A specific treatment using ear points only will be available free of charge. Come by and let acupuncture help to reduce cravings, assist the detox process, calm your nervous system, and support recovery. It is helpful for all types of addictions and all stages of recovery. Walk-ins only - first come,



first served. 21 South Chestnut Street, New Paltz. For more information, call 845-255-2145 or log onto 7pm Weekly Senior Citizen’s Bingo. Ongoing every Wednesday at 1:30pm & Friday at 7pm. 50/50 tickets available at 3 tickets/$2. Half-time complementary refreshments. Shawangunk Senior Center, 70 Main St, Napanoch. 7:15pm-11pm Cajun Dance with The C’est Bon Cajun Dance Band. An all female, northeast Cajun dance band with attitude! 7:15 free beginners’ dance lesson; 8-11 band. White Eagle Hall, 487 Delaware Ave, Kingston, NY. Info: 845-4542571, hudsonvalleycommunitydances@gmail. com, $20. 7:30pm Little Shop of Horrors. GCS Drama Club is excited to perform its fall drama club production. Germantown Central School, 123 Main St, Germantown. $10, $5/senior/student. 8pm Hudson Valley Folk Guild’s Friends of Fiddler’s Green Chapter: Ed Trickett. Admission is $12; $10/seniors; $8/HVFG members. Info: 845-309-3853; Hudson Valley Folk Guild’s Facebook page. Hyde Park United Methodist Church, Rt. 9 and Church St, Hyde Park. 8pm Live @ The Falcon: Deadgrass. Interpreting the music of Jerry Garcia. Info: 845-236-7970. The Falcon Underground, 1348 Route 9W, Marlboro. 8pm Live @ The Falcon: Kinky Friedman’s Resurrection & The Merry Kinkster Tour. The legend lampoons small-minded bigotry. Info: 845-236-7970. The Falcon Main Stage, 1348 Route 9W, Marlboro.



9am-3pm Annual Holiday Bazaar. Featuring home hearth & handmade, baked goods, grandma’s attic, Christmas crafts, silent auction, Christmas past, light luncheon. High Falls Community Church, 2nd St, High Falls. 9am-2pm Christmas Shoppe. Featuring live music with Patrick Dodge, selfie Santa, bake table, light breakfast and lunch. Quilted, metal arts, knitted & crocheted items. Something for everyone! Info: 845-679-2982. Shady United Methodist Church, Church Rd, Shady. 9am-1pm Free Tech Help. Have a question? Is it confusing? Bring your questions and devices! Clinton Community Library. 9am-2pm SUNY Ulster Veteran’s Day Ceremony. Please join us as we honor our service members and to remember the sacrifices they have made to defend honor, duty, and country. SUNY Ulster, 491 Cottekill road, Stone Ridge. Info: 845-6875262,, Vet_Day. Free. 9am-12pm Comforter Cobblestone Thrift Store. More space has been added for more items! Store hours: Every Saturday 9-12 April through December. Located in basement of church. Take steps to the left of white church doors. Info: Comforter Cobblestone Thrift Store, 26 Wynkoop Pl, Kingston. 9am-1pm Free Handgun Safety Course. Course held in two different locations: Kingston & Phoenicia. Info & signup:; Gander Outdoors, 705 Frank Sottile Boulevard, Kingston. Info: 845-605-2767,, 9am-1pm Hudson Farmers’ Market. Vendors will be offering farm fresh goods and products including vegetables, fruit, herbs, honey, nuts, mushrooms, cheese, eggs, meat, poultry, fish, cut flowers, plants, medicinal herb and body care products, bread, baked goods and a host of prepared foods. Rain or Shine! Info: 6th Street & Columbia, Hudson. 9am-2pm Kingston’s Uptown Farmers’ Market. Featuring 46 local food growers/makers and live music every week. Info: 347-721-7386; Wall Street between John St and Main St, Kingston. 9:30am-10:30am Centering Prayer and Meditation. A receptive method of silent prayer. People of all faiths are welcome and no previous meditation experience is required. St Gregory’s Church, 2578 Route 212, Woodstock. Info: 845-679-8800, free. 10am-3pm Woodstock PTA Craft Fair. There will be over 40 vendors at this year’s craft fair. We will also have a bake sale and a raffle. We will have a craft room so the kids can craft while you shop. Woodstock Elementary School, 8 West Hurley Rd, Woodstock. 10am-12pm Signups: Upcoming 2019-2020 Pre-Biddy, Biddy Youth and Junior League Basketball Seasons. Sign up fees are $50 per child or $80 per family. New: PreBiddy league is open to boys and girls between the ages of 5-8 as of 12/1/19. Contact Mike Tiano at: The Biddy Youth Basketball league is open to all boys and girls between the ages of 9-12 as of 12/1/19, & Junior League is open to 13-15 year olds, as of 12/1/19. For questions, please contact Bill Murphy and Bob Mooers, or Frank D. Greco Memorial Senior Citizens Center, 207 Market St, Saugerties. 10am-4pm Before I Die .. Fair - End-of-Life Conversation and Death Education for Everyone. Talks, tables, and activities. Fair opens with a Death Café and will include activities and presen-

tation topics such as: an EOL paperwork clinic, the spiritual principles of care-giving, ritual naming of our dead, green/natural burial, grief patterns, a Before I Die.. table scroll, organ and tissue donation, a hospice and end-of-life doula care panel, an introduction to legacy projects, and a community memorial altar. Meet George the comfort dog, check out a handcrafted casket, or catch the film Consider the Conversation -- and more! Hosted by The White Rose Community and sponsored by Funeral Consumers Alliance of the Hudson Valley, Hudson Valley Hospice and the New York Open Center. Info: Boardman Public Library, 140 Boardman Road, Poughkeepsie. Boardman Branch Library, 141 Boardman Road, Poughkeepsie. Free. 10am-2pm Individual Medicare Counseling. The Ulster County Office for the Aging will be to give you personalized counseling. Call 845-3403456 to make an appt. Phoenicia Library, 48 Main St, Phoenicia. 10am-11am All-Level Yoga. These yoga classes are suitable for beginners to experienced. Clinton Community Library. 10am-4:30pm Woodstock Fire Co. 1’s 3rd Annual Craft and Vendor Fair. Holiday shopping event that showcases 25+ Crafters/Vendors. Free Admission! Food & snacks available, & Raffle baskets. Woodstock Fire Co. #1, Rt 212, Bearsville. Free Admission. 10am-2pm 1st Ulster Militia Winter Encampment at the Persen House. Join the 1st Ulster Militia as they recreate an 18th century colonial encampment at the Persen House, complete with demonstrations. Matthewis Persen House, 74 John St, Kingston. 10am-3pm Coffee’s Ready with Polly. Weekly baked goodies & good conversation. Pine Hill Community Center, 287 Main St, Pine Hill. 10am-12pm Shabbat Morning Services. Music filled services and Torah study. Connect to tradition and open your heart. Family’s welcome. Woodstock Jewish Congregation, 1682 Glasco Turnpike, Woodstock. Info: 845-679-2218, info@, 10:30am-11:15am Children’s Story Time & Craft. Free and no reservation needed. The Loft at Foundry42, 42 Front St, Port Jervis. f42home. com. Free. 10:30am-4pm Thomas Cole National Historic Site Guided Tours. Tours run Friday through Sunday, November 8 to December 15. They begin every hour on the hour from 11am-3pm. Each tour is limited to twelve people and lasts approximately 45 minutes. Tickets: $12; free/students, seniors 62+ & Veterans. Thomas Cole National Historic Site, 218 Spring St, Catskill. 10:30am-11:30am Silent Vigil for Global Peace & Non-Violence. Sponsored by The Kingston Women in Black. Meet outside Cornell St PO. Cornell St PO, Kingston. 11am-3:30pm “Vets and Pets” Adoption Special. From November 1-12, the UCSPCA honors our military by offering 50% off all adoptions with a valid military ID or proof of service. (Open until 7PM on Thursdays.) Note the UCSPCA is closed Mondays. Info: 845-331-5377; Ulster County SPCA, Kingston. 11am-5pm Art & Autumn: Laianna Ferruggia. A classically trained Hudson Valley painter’s show including local landscapes, sunflowers, fishing lures, plant life and sweet desserts! Gallery hours. Exhibit displays through 11/22. FRED High Falls, 1209 State Route 213, High Falls. Info: (917) 355-5031,, https://www. free admission. 11am-10pm 2019 Fall Hudson Valley Restaurant Week. Special prix-fixe lunch and dinner menus offered. Beginning Monday, November 4 and running through Sunday, November 17, restaurant-goers can visit more than 200 restaurants and indulge in three-course, prix-fixe lunch ($22.95) and dinner ($32.95) menus. For more information on HVRW, please visit website or call 845-765-3414. 11am-12:30pm Owl Pellet Investigation at Cragsmoor Free Library. Owls are fierce birds of prey who hunt small rodents, insects, and even small birds during the late hours of the night. Owls swallow their food whole, and what cannot be digested is turned into a small pellet that they expel. Examination of these pellets is a fun, handson, and educational activity for people of all ages. After opening and going through the pellets, we will try to identify which animals the bones came from by measuring the skull and other bones found. This program is recommended for children between the ages of six to twelve years old, but all are welcome. Pre-registration is required by calling Nancy Krum, Library Director, at 845-6474611 or by emailing nancy@cragsmoorfreelibrary. info. Cragsmoor Free Library, Cragsmoor. 11am-5pm 24th Annual Festival of Trees. Silent auction throughout the festival for beautifully decorated trees and wreaths, vendors, a cafe for lunch and snacks, live entertainment, Santa & more! General admission $5. Anthony’s Banquet Hall, Route 23B, Leeds. 11am-5pm Claude Carone, Paintings @ John Davis Gallery. An exhibition of paintings. The work will display through 12/1. John Davis Gallery, 124 Warren Street, Hudson. free. 11am-6pm Little Light of Mine @ Village Candle. Hours: Wed - Sun, 11am - 6pm. Village Candle, 8 South Chestnut St, New Paltz. Info:; 845-800-1819.

11am Catskill Animal Sanctuary Tour. Meet rescued animals and hear their stories. Understand what caring for these amazing animals has taught us. Learn about the plight of farmed animals and how you can help. Seasonal Weekend Tours offered on Saturday and Sunday through November. Tour Times: 11am, 12pm, 1pm, 2pm, 3pm (each tour is approximately 90 minutes). Family-Focused Tour is once a day at 11am (this tour is 60 minutes). You can purchase tickets in the Welcome Hut. Tix: $12/adults, $8/age 12 & under & srs, & free/ 2 & under. Info: 845-3368447. Catskill Animal Sanctuary, 316 Old Stage Rd, Saugerties. 11am-1pm Teen Gaming. Three computers with League of Legends installed. Bring your own laptop. Town of Esopus Library, 128 Canal St, Port Ewen. Info: 845-338-5580, organizedmode@, 12pm-5pm Petit: An Exhibition of Smaller Sized Art. Over 50 local artists from the Hudson Valley and NY Metro area are participating in this exhibition of work 12” x 12” and under. Show exhibits through 12/1. Emerge Gallery, 228 Main St, Saugerties. Info: 845-247-7515,, 12pm-5pm Bread, Wine & Cheese Event. A collection of Hudson Valley cheese and bread makers. Info: 518-392-9463; Hudson-Chatham Winery, 1900 State Route 66, Ghent. 12:30pm-6:45pm Tarot Readings and Intuitive Guidance every Saturday with Stephanie. Walk-ins warmly welcome or call for appointment. Info: 845-679-2100. Mirabai Bookstore, 23 Mill Hill Rd, Woodstock. $30/30minutes.

Nov. 7, 2019 County Habitat for Humanity. Join us for local wines and seasonal small bites to benefit Columbia County Habitat for Humanity. Info: 518-8280892; Sabba Vineyard, 383 Pitts Rd, Old Chatham. $35. 3pm-4pm Artists on Olana: A-Y/Dancers. View choreographed dance tailored to Olana’s views, as the troupe explores the relationship between contemporary dance & historic landscape. Olana State Historic Site, 5720 St Rt 9G, Hudson. Info: 518-828-1872,, artists-on-olana. $10 for Members of The Olana Partnership. 4:30pm-6:30pm Mommy & Me Sip & Paint. We will be painting these side by side winter trees. Snacks and drinks will be served. Tickets: $44.99/ child. Info: 845-457-7788; eatthisbakery@yahoo. com. Eat This Bakery and Gifts, 8 Union St, Montgomery. 5pm-7pm Spaghetti Dinner. Saugerties Reformed Church’s Spaghetti Dinner serving from 5 to 7 pm. Featuring home made meatballs and sauce! Adult $12, 5-13 $8. Reformed Church of Saugerties, 173 Main St, Saugerties. Info: 845-246-2867,, 12-Aug. 5pm-9pm Beacon Second Saturday. A city-wide celebration of the arts held on the second Saturday of every month where galleries and shops stay open until 9pm, most of which are right along Main Street. In addition to displaying art from around the globe, the event often includes free gallery talks, live music, and wine tasting. Downtown Beacon, Main Street, Beacon.

12:45pm-1:30pm New Paltz Women in Black Vigil for Peace. Held in front of the Elting Library, corner of Main and North Front Streets. Vigil is in its 15th year of standing for peace and justice. New Paltz.

6pm-8pm Marji Zintz in Concert. A soulful interpreter performing an eclectic range of songs spanning folk to rock to jazz performs an intimate barn concert. The Poetry Barn, 1693 State Route 28A, West Hurley. Info: 646-515-0919, info@, By donation.

1pm-5pm Earth Council: The Earth Needs You (Like a Council of All Beings). Give a voice to minority co-inhabitants on Earth–like the Trees. From the Heart (suggested donation) $30. Info: . Earth Council, 8214 Main St, Hunter.

6pm-8:30pm Music and a Movie Fundraiser. Jazz performance by Pianist Pete Levin and Bassist Rich Syracuse. Movie: Lee’s 88 Keys On the life of Jazz pianist Lee Shaw. Tickets: $15. Info: 845-246-7802. Saugerties United Methodist Church, 67 Washington Ave, Saugerties.

1pm-3pm Second Saturday Walk – Kingston’s Rondout. Explore architectural gems; stories of immigrants and ethnic groups; art and culture; and the neighborhood’s rise, decline, and rebirth. Heritage Area Visitors Center, 20 Broadway, Kingston. Info: 347-628-2457,, $10 per person.

7pm Local Women’s Writing Collective Celebrates Publication of Prose and Poetry Anthology. Authors Colleen Geraghty, Kit Goldpaugh, Eileen Howard, Tana Miller, Mary K O’Melveny, Jan Zlotnik-Schmidt, and Kappa Waugh will read from their anthology of poetry and prose entitled An Apple In Her Hand. Event is Free and open to the public! Boughton Place, 150 Kisor Rd, Highland.

2pm-3:30pm Free Workshop: Paintbrush Demonstration & Technique. Bring all your paint brushes to this free workshop! Fran Sutherland will be demonstrating which type of paintbrush to use with which medium. Unison Arts Center, 68 Mountain Rest Rd, New Paltz. Info: 845-255-1559,, http://bit. ly/331HM6I. 2pm-4:30pm Citizen Science Hike at Sam’s Point. Learn all about phenology, the study of how plants and animals change throughout the seasons. This program is recommended for children over the age of eight, but everyone is welcome to join. Children must be accompanied by a parent or guardian over the age of 18. Meet at the Sam’s Point Visitor Center. Pre-registration is required by calling Sam’s Point at 845-647-7989. Sam’s Point Preserve, 400 Sam’s Point Road, Cragsmoor. $10.00. 2pm-3:30pm Staying Balanced in Unbalanced Times: Workshop with Shamanic Healer and Author Rebecca Singer. Learn shamanic practices and meditations to find equanimity and peace within the widespread anxiety and atmosphere of uncertainty that is our backdrop in everyday life. In just ten minutes a day doing any of the practices that resonates with you, can make a marked improvement to your nervous system and help you shift from being reactive to responsive. Info: 845-679-2100. Mirabai Bookstore, 23 Mill Hill Rd, Woodstock. $25. 2pm-5pm Paws for a Cause. Support the mission of the Ulster County SPCA at Crested Hen Farms. Gourmet food & drink, silent auction, prizes, live music & more! Crested Hen Farms, 607 County Route 6, High Falls. Info: 845-331-5377,, Reserve tickets at UCSPCA website. 2pm-5:30pm Penny Social - Benefit for the Animals. Break open your piggy bank & visit the Annual HSW Penny Social! Proceeds benefit animals in the society’s care. Doors open @ 2pm; Calling @ 4pm. Humane Society of Walden, 2489 Albany Post Rd, Walden. Info: variable prices. 2pm-3:30pm Introduction to Meditation and Tibetan Buddhism. Taught by KTD’s lamas , this class offers brief, basic meditation instruction combined with a presentation setting meditation in the wider context of the practices and principles of the Karma Kagyu lineage of Tibetan Buddhism. Time will be set aside for questions from the participants. The class is free of charge, and preregistration is not required. Info: or 845-679-1091. Karma Triyana Dharmachakra, 335 Meads Mountain Rd, Woodstock.

7pm Making Waves: The Art of Cinematic Sound. This film reveals the hidden power of sound in cinema, introduces us to the unsung heroes who create it, and features insights from legendary directors with whom they collaborate. Emmy award-winning sound designer, composer and music producer Ruy Garcia will conduct a Q&A after the show. Tickets: $14, $12/member. Info: 518-789-0022; The Moviehouse, 48 Main Street, Millerton. 7pm-8pm On the Exhale by Martin Zimmerman. Regardless of your politics this chilling one woman drama will make you re-examine how you think about gun violence in America. Shetler Studios and Theatres, 244 W. 54th St.,12th floor, New York. Info: 845-489-3975, ellenhonig@, Purchase tickets at the door. 7pm-10pm Patricia Dalton. Vocalist Patricia Dalton with John Esposito on piano. Live jazz, American songbook, classic standards. Lydia’s Cafe, 7 Old US 209, Stone Ridge. Info: 845-6876373,, donation Requested. 7pm-11pm The Ladles. Original songs beautifully arranged for 3 part harmony. Visit theladles. com for more info. The Colony, 22 Rock City Rd, Woodstock. $10 adv/$15 door. 7pm-8:30pm Full Moon Crystal Sound Healing Ceremony with Pyramids and Singing Bowls. The sound of Crystal Singing induces deep cellular healing within the meditation state. With Lea Garnier. Sage Academy of Sound Energy, 6 Deming Street, Woodstock. Info: 845-679-5650,, $20. 7pm-8pm Latin Dance for Everyone. Meets every Saturday, 7-8pm. $5/suggested donation. Info: 845-331-5300; Hudson Valley LGBTQ Community Center, 300 Wall St, Kingston. 7:30pm Woodstock Symphony Orchestra: ‘Late 19th Century Russia’. Tickets: $25 for adults, $20 for senior citizens, $5 for students. Woodstock Playhouse, 103 Mill Hill Rd, Woodstock. www. 7:30pm Little Shop of Horrors. GCS Drama Club is excited to perform its fall drama club production. Germantown Central School, 123 Main St, Germantown. $10, $5/senior/student. 7:30pm-11pm Contra Dance. Beginners at 7:30pm. Potluck invites you to bring your favorite finger food. We welcome caller Alex Deis-Lauby with the band the Stand Up. Clinton Community Library. $10 Admissions, $5 Student ID.

2pm Woodstock Poetry Society and Festival. A Woodstock Second Saturday event featuring guest poets. For info contact Phillip Levine at 845-2468565 or The Golden Notebook, 29 Tinker St, Woodstock.

8pm Live @ The Falcon: Reelin’ In The Years. An AllStar Tribute to Steely Dan. Cast of veteran touring and recording musicians. Info: 845-2367970. The Falcon Main Stage, 1348 Route 9W, Marlboro.

3pm-5pm Wine Tasting to benefit Columbia

8pm Sing, Bard! The Bard Conservatory Graduate Vocal Arts Program presents Stephanie Blythe

in a cabaret style musical journey of song, from opera to popular standards. Featuring songs by Cole Porter, Harold Arlen, Rodgers and Hart, Irving Berlin, Harry Warren, Randy Newman. The $150 premium level ticket includes an intimate reception with the artists. Info: 845-758-7900. Bard College, Sosnoff Theater, Annandale-onHudson. $150 - $25. 8pm Live @ The Falcon: Fred Zepplin. Classic Rock, unconventional song selection. Info: 845-236-7970. The Falcon Underground, 1348 Route 9W, Marlboro. 8pm-10pm Undiscovered Landscapes. Explorations in electronic music, the first in a series of electronic music nights, featuring Nail Jung, Errant Space and Symmetry. Tickets: $10. Green Kill, 229 Greenkill Avenue, Kingston. Info: 347-4689-2323,, 8pm-10pm Trivia Night At Chic’s Restaurant and Bar. Chic’s Restaurant and Bar, 226 Kingston Plaza, Kingston. 8pm-10pm Aritmia. Miroslav and Merima. Doctorow Center for the Arts, 7979 Main Street. Info: 518-263-2000, cmf@catskillmtn. org, Tickets Purchased Ahead: $25; $20 seniors; $7 students At the Door: $30; $25 seniors; $7 students.




Nov. 7, 2019


Ralph T. Waterman Bird Club Field Trip: Red Wing Rec. Park. Leader: Barbara Butler. Bring water, sturdy footwear, bring your lunch and join us to discuss the birds following our walk. For information and directions, please see our website at or our online 3rd edition of Where to Bird in Dutchess County. Call 914-474-5981 for time and meeting place. Please check prior to the walk in case of inclement weather. 8am New Paltz Challenge River-to-Ridge Fall 5K & 10K. These races begin along Springtown Road near the Wallkill River and is a trail run up towards the Shawangunks. There are amazing views of Mohonk’s Skytop Tower and Millbrook Mountain throughout this new trail. The $30 race fee for the 5k and the $40 race fee for the 10k includes a long sleeve performance tee. Veterans get a $5 discount. Register: NY/NewPaltz/NewPaltzFall5kChallenge. 9am-3pm Trash to Treasures Yard Sale. Items will include clothing, books, toys, gifts, and household goods. Clearance bag sale 10 a.m.-2 p.m. on Nov. 11. Congregation Emanuel of the Hudson Valley, 243 Albany Ave, Kingston. Info: 845-3384271, 10am-4pm 3rd Annual Commitment to Kids Vendor/Craft Fair - Stuff the Truck Event. Join us for shopping, raffles, food and music. There is no admission fee, however, we welcome donations for our first Stuff the Truck. Info: 845-338-2794; Bloomington Fire House, Rt. 32 & Taylor St, Bloomington. 10am-3pm 48th Annual Train & Hobby Show. Come check out the operating layouts, slot cars, modular layouts, Railroadiana & more! Lots of hands on experiences for all! Shop for holiday gifts or add to your own layouts. All proceeds go toward the maintenance & restoration of the Historic Hyde Park Railroad Station. Tickets: $6 adults, $3 children. Majed J. Nesheiwat Convention Center, 14 Civic Center Plaza, Poughkeepsie. 10am-2pm Veterans Appreciation Day. Stop at the market info booth to pick up your “star” as many vendors will be offering product discounts and giveaways all day. Rhinebeck Farmers Market, 61 E. Market Street, Rhinebeck. 10:30am-4pm Thomas Cole National Historic Site Guided Tours. Tours run Friday through Sunday, November 8 to December 15. They begin every hour on the hour from 11am-3pm. Each tour is limited to twelve people and lasts approximately 45 minutes. Tickets: $12; free/students, seniors 62+ & Veterans. Thomas Cole National Historic Site, 218 Spring St, Catskill. 10:30am-12:30pm Open Meditation. Shambhala Meditation is based on the premise that the natural state of the mind is calm and clear. It’s a practice that anyone can do. Free/donations appreciated. Sky Lake Lodge, 22 Hillcrest Ln, Rosendale. 11am-3:30pm “Vets and Pets” Adoption Special. From November 1-12, the UCSPCA honors our military by offering 50% off all adoptions with a valid military ID or proof of service. (Open until 7PM on Thursdays.) Note the UCSPCA is closed Mondays. Info: 845-331-5377; Ulster County SPCA, Kingston. 11am-2pm Olive Oil Tasting. Pogliani Select Pantry Essentials, offers a finely curated collection of Italian food products. All of the items are from family-operated farms, groves and vineyards from many regions in Italy and are of the highest quality. Info: 845-586-4177; homegoods@catskill. net. Home Goods of Margaretville, 784 Main St, Margaretville. 11am-12:30pm Kids in the Kitchen with Cooper! Class includes use of apron and chef ’s hat. For ages 6-12. Registration required. The Loft at Foundry42, 42 Front St, Port Jervis. f42home. com. $35. 11am-10pm 2019 Fall Hudson Valley Restaurant Week. Special prix-fixe lunch and dinner menus offered. Beginning Monday, November 4 and running through Sunday, November 17,

restaurant-goers can visit more than 200 restaurants and indulge in three-course, prix-fixe lunch ($22.95) and dinner ($32.95) menus. For more information on HVRW, please visit website or call 845-765-3414. 11am-4pm 24th Annual Festival of Trees. Silent auction throughout the festival for beautifully decorated trees and wreaths, vendors, a cafe for lunch and snacks, live entertainment, Santa & more! General admission $5. Anthony’s Banquet Hall, Route 23B, Leeds. 11am FilmWorks Forum: Moving Stories. This documentary follows the Battery Dance Company to four countries: India, with girls victimized by gender violence and sex slavery; Romania, with young Roma from one of Europe’s worst slums; South Korea, with North Koreans who risked their lives to escape; and Iraq, with a young Muslim dancer in a country that forbids him to perform. Director Rob Fruchtman will talk about his experiences making the film and lead a Q&A after the film. Free and open to everyone. Info: 518-7890022; The Moviehouse, 48 Main Street, Millerton. 11am Catskill Animal Sanctuary Tour. Meet rescued animals and hear their stories. Understand what caring for these amazing animals has taught us. Learn about the plight of farmed animals and how you can help. Seasonal Weekend Tours offered on Saturday and Sunday through November. Tour Times: 11am, 12pm, 1pm, 2pm, 3pm (each tour is approximately 90 minutes). Family-Focused Tour is once a day at 11am (this tour is 60 minutes). You can purchase tickets in the Welcome Hut. Tix: $12/adults, $8/age 12 & under & srs, & free/ 2 & under. Info: 845-3368447. Catskill Animal Sanctuary, 316 Old Stage Rd, Saugerties. 11am-3pm Sunday Funday. Open Recreation! Pool Table, Foosball and Ping Pong. Meets every Sunday. Pine Hill Community Center, 287 Main St, Pine Hill. FREE. 11am-12pm Conversations Over Coffee. An open forum for discussions and opinions of topics relevant to the world around us. The Crafted Kup, 44 Raymond Ave, Poughkeepsie. Info: 845-242-6546,, 12pm Oncology Support Programs of Health Alliance Hospital. WMC Health offers emotional support, wellness, integrative and healing arts programs for people affected by cancer including cancer support groups for women of all ages, young women, men, caregivers, women with ovarian cancer, & people living with metastatic. Info, times and dates: 845-339-2071; oncology.; Herbert H. and Sofia P. Reuner Cancer Support House, 80 Mary’s Ave, Kingston. 12:30pm-6pm Voyager Tarot and Psychic Readings with Sarvananda. Walk-ins warmly welcome or call for appointment. Info: 845-6792100. Mirabai Bookstore, 23 Mill Hill Rd, Woodstock. $50/ one hour, $30/30minutes. 1pm-4pm Hudson History Bus Tour. Discover the real history of Hudson on the library’s bus tour of the historic buildings, people, scandals, and moments in Hudson’s history. Hudson Brewing Co., 33 South 3rd Street, Hudson. Info: 518-8281792,, $60. 1pm-4pm Mesier Homestead and Museum Tour. Volunteer-lead tours of the 1741 Homestead, including Victorian-era rooms, local antiquities; Native American artifacts. Tours every 1/2hr. Mesier Homestead, 2 Spring Street, Wappingers Falls. Info: 845-632-1281, christinaungar@ 1pm Elting Library Scrabble Club Meeting. Scrabble sets and the Official Scrabble Player’s dictionary are provided. This club is intended for adult players 18 or older. Meets every Sunday, 1pm in a study room of the library. Elting Memorial Library, 93 Main Street, New Paltz. 1pm-2pm Silent Peace Vigil by Woodstock Women in Black. Village Green/Woodstock, Woodstock. 2pm-4pm Paint Your Pet Workshop. For more information, visit: The Loft at Foundry42, 42 Front St, Port Jervis. $55. 2pm-4pm Sam’s Point Gallery Reception – The Hudson Valley from an Artist’s View. Join Tom Bolger and other local artists for a gallery reception at Sam’s Point. Tom has donated works from his collection of paintings and prints created by local artists. The sale of these works will benefit local food pantries, as well as specific projects at Sam’s Point. Start your collection of scenes of the Hudson Valley by purchasing one of these outstanding works. Pre-registration is not required. Info: 845-647-7989. Sam’s Point Preserve, 400 Sam’s Point Road, Cragsmoor. $10.00. 2pm-4pm Roman Baca’s Exit 12 Dance Company. A collection of dances on film of the works of the Exit 12 Dance Company founded by Iraq War Veteran Roman Baca. Rosendale Theatre, 408 Main St, Rosendale. Info: 845-6588989,, http://www. $12 General - $10 Members & Veterans - $6 12 and under. 2pm-3:30pm Meditation, Intention and the Zero Point Field. Ricarda O’Conner takes you on a lively exploration of consciousness and intention. Sage Academy of Sound Energy, 6 Deming Street, Woodstock. Info: 845-679-5650,, $20.

3pm Saugerties Pro Musica. Annual Bard Concert “Songs For Saugerties.” Alumnae and faculty of the Graduate Vocal Arts Program of Bard Conservatory of Music will perform. Info: 845-679-5733; Saugerties United Methodist Church, 67 Washington Ave, Saugerties. $15, $12/senior, free/student. 3pm-5:30pm Concerts in the Village: The Anniversary Continues. The Broad Street Chorale and Orchestra with soloists. Kinderhook Reformed Church, 21 Broad Street (US Route 9), Kinderhook. Info: 518-758-6869, DavidSmith@, $ 20 contribution. Students and children free. 3pm-4:30pm Juilliard Young Artists Concert Series. The concert features violinists Jessica Wu and Eri Masaoka, with Miki Aoki on piano. They will perform a variety of classical works. St. Gregory’s Episcopal Church, Rt 212, Woodstock. Info: 845-679-8800, 3pm The Sacred Feminine in the West: Women of the Bible with Andrew Cort. Matagiri has a regular reading and meditation on Sunday afternoons. Dr. Andrew Cort asks if we are ready to have old beliefs and thought patterns shaken up? Refreshments served afterwards. Voluntary Donation. Matagiri Sri Aurobindo Center, 1218 Wittenberg Rd, Mt. Tremper. 3pm Woodstock Ultimate Disc. A free, casual, co-ed pickup game. Ongoing games - Tuesday, Thursday & Sundays at 3pm. See for details. Athletic Fields, 98 Comeau Drive, Woodstock. 4pm-6pm Ulster Activists (U-act) Monthly General Meeting. Join other concerned citizens as we work together on issues such as health care, election reform, and climate change. Meetings every 2nd Sunday of each month. New Paltz Village Hall, Plattekill Ave. New Paltz. Info: 845-901-0258. 4pm-8pm Sunday Supper. Remember the good old days when the family gathered around the table every Sunday for dinner? Carry on the tradition with Sunday Supper at Woodnotes Grille. Enjoy house made selections ranging from Prime Rib dinner, seasonal roasts, or chicken and dumplings for $21 per person! Call 845-688-2828 for reservations. The Emerson Resort and Spa, 5340 Rt 28, Mt. Tremper. 4pm-6pm Woodstock Community Drum Circle. Sponsored by Birds of a Feather and Timekeeper Drums. Broadcast - Woodstock 104 at 8pm. All drummers, dancers are welcome. Meets every Sunday, 4-6pm. Admission is free, donations appreciated. At the community center when raining or cold, on the green when warm. Village Green/Woodstock, Woodstock. 5pm-7pm Artist Salon: Creative Conversations. Jean Tansey, Jay Morganstern & Alex Canelos will be presenting art. Audience response provides feedback for the artistic process. Open to all. The cost is free. Roost Studios & Art Gallery, 69 Main St, New Paltz. Info: 845-568-7540,, 5:30pm Second Sunday Supper. Meet and greet other members of the community and dine together! Free admission. Held on the second Sunday of each month - September through May. Info: 845-687-9090. Rondout Valley United Methodist Church, 25 Schoonmaker Ln, Stone Ridge. 6pm-7pm Meditation Session. Meets every Sunday at 6pm. Free and open to the public. Info: Sky Lake Shambhala Meditation & Retreat Center, 22 Hillcrest Ln, Rosendale. 7pm-8pm On the Exhale by Martin Zimmerman. What if gun violence isn’t so simple? Regardless of your politics, this chilling one woman drama will make you re-examine how you think about. Howland Cultural Center, 477 Main St., Beacon. Info: 845-489-3975, ellenhonig@gmail. com, https://www.rhinebecktheatreso. Purchase at door or call Howland Cultural Center. 7pm Storytelling with Janet Carter. Info: 845-246-5775. Free admission. Inquiring Minds Saugerties Bookstore, 65 Partition Street, Saugerties. 8pm Live @ The Falcon: Vic Juris Trio. Potent mix of Jazz originals & covers. Info: 845-236-7970. The Falcon Main Stage, 1348 Route 9W, Marlboro.



10am-1pm Feed the Birds! Drop-in Program at Sam’s Point. Join us to make a snack that will help energize the birds in your backyard as the colder weather sets in. We’ll use pine cones, peanut butter, and bird seed to make a delicious treat for the birds that you can hang in trees near your house. This program is recommended for children of all ages, accompanied by a parent or guardian over the age of 18. Meet at the Sam’s Point Visitor Center. Pre-registration is not required. Info: 845-647-7989. Sam’s Point Preserve, 400 Sam’s Point Road, Cragsmoor. $10.00. 10am-5pm Shape of Light: Defining Photographs from the Frances Lehman Loeb Art Center. Shape of Light will be on view through 12/15. Frances Lehman Loeb Art Center at Vassar College, 124 Raymond Avenue, Poughkeepsie. 10am-4pm Woodstock Art Exchange presents Reclaimed Canvas. Unique one-of-a-kind art, glass and gifts. Plus “Reclaimed Canvas”—a special exhibit by world-renowned artist Ruby Silvious.

Show exhibits through 12/2. Refreshments. Free. Also, Gallery and gift shop open Friday, Saturday and Sunday 11-6; Monday 10-4. For more information, call 914-806-3573. Woodstock Art Exchange, 1396 Rte 28, West Hurley. 11am Community Week Returns to the Emerson Resort & Spa. Lectures, activities, and special discounts for local residents. 11am: Complimentary color-your-own mandala bandana or back sack. 1:30pm: Complimentary watercolor post card class - max 12 registrants. 3:30pm: Make-your-own kaleidoscope, special price $10. The Emerson Resort and Spa, 5340 Rt 28, Mt. Tremper. 11am-10pm 2019 Fall Hudson Valley Restaurant Week. Special prix-fixe lunch and dinner menus offered. Beginning Monday, November 4 and running through Sunday, November 17, restaurant-goers can visit more than 200 restaurants and indulge in three-course, prix-fixe lunch ($22.95) and dinner ($32.95) menus. For more information on HVRW, please visit website or call 845-765-3414. 12:30pm-6pm Crystal Attunements and Tarot Card Readings with owl medicine woman Mary Vukovic. Walk-ins warmly welcome or call ahead for appointment. Info: 845-679-2100. Mirabai Bookstore, 23 Mill Hill Rd, Woodstock. $30/30 minutes. 1pm-2pm Living With Alzheimer’s. A free workshop series for caregivers of those in early stages of dementia. Held Tues, Oct 28, Nov 5, and Nov 12. Please register in advance by calling 845-255-1255 or 800-272-3900. Or register online at www.alz. org/CRF. Gardiner Library, 133 Farmer’s Turnpike, Gardiner. 1pm-2pm Something for Alz: Engagement with Life Visual Arts Program. A creative arts program for people with early stage dementia and their caregivers. Info: 845-797-9104. Advance Registration required. Call Alzheimer’s Association 800-272-3900. Woodstock Jewish Congregation, 1682 Glasco Turnpike, Woodstock. 2pm-3pm Tai Chi Easy – Mind Body Medicine. A carefully designed method that makes it easy and fun to learn. Rapidly access the spectrum of mind body benefits. New Paltz United Methodist Church, 1 Grove Street, New Paltz. suggested donation. 5:30pm Talk: One Person Can Make a Difference. Maryland State Senator Cheryl Kagan ‘83 launched her career in activism and politics at Vassar. Vassar College/Taylor Hall, Room 102, Poughkeepsie. 6pm-8pm Meeting of ENJAN (End The New Jim Crow Action Network). A Hudson Valley network dedicated to fighting racist policies of racial profiling, police brutality, and mass incarceration (the “New Jim Crow”). Info: 845-4758781. New Progressive Baptist Church, 8 Hone St, Kingston. 6:30pm-7:30pm Group Drum Circle with shamanic sound healer and author Rebecca Singer. Bring a drum and arrive early enough to be settled and seated by 6:30 p.m. Please call ahead to ensure your seat in the circle. Info: 845-679-2100. Mirabai Bookstore, 23 Mill Hill Rd, Woodstock. $10. 6:30pm Music - Mendelssohn Club Meeting. Old Dutch Church, 272 Wall Street, Kingston. 7pm-9pm Marist College Autumn Lecture Series: David Stern, “Through the Pages of the Past: The Jewish Book in its Historical Contexts”. Stern is the Harry Starr Professor of Classical and Modern Hebrew and Jewish Literature and Professor of Comparative Literature at Harvard. Marist College/Nelly Goletti Theatre, Poughkeepsie.



9am-10am Free Weekly Community Meditation. On-going on Tuesdays 9-10am. All are welcome for silent sitting and walking meditation.



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20 For optional beginner instruction, please arrive 10 minutes early. Drop-in attendance welcome. Cushions, back-jacks, and chairs available. Check website for cancellations: Wellness Embodied Community Education Annex, 126 Main St, New Paltz. 9am-10am Woodstock Senior Dance with Inyo Charbonneau. The emphasis is on fun while benefiting from strengthening and aerobic exercise and celebrating life. Sponsored by Woodstock Senior Recreation and open to Woodstock residents 55 and older. $1 donation. Mescal Hornbeck Community Center, 56 Rock City Rd, Woodstock. 9:30am The Saugerties Seniors Meeting. Settled and Serving in Place (SSIP) is a social selfhelp group for seniors who want to remain in their homes and community. Village Diner, Main St, Saugerties. 9:30am Serving and Staying in Place – SSIP/ New Paltz. Regular Tuesday social breakfast meeting for seniors who want to remain in their own home and community. Info: 845-255-0609. Plaza Diner, New Paltz Plaza, New Paltz. 10am-12pm Orange County Veterans Resource Fair. Senator Jen Metzger invites active duty service members, veterans, & their families to the Orange County Veterans Resource Fair in Warwick. Info: 845-344-3311; metzger@nysenate. gov. American Legion Post 214, 71 Forester Ave, Warwick. 10am-12pm Comforter Fiber Connection Knit and Crochet Group. Learn, share, donate to local agencies. Tuesdays 10am-12 noon. Contact:; 845-901-5330. Reformed Church of the Comforter, 26 Wynkoop Pl, Kingston. 10am The Country Scrappers & Stampers Meeting. Come for the whole day or drop by for an hour or two. New members are welcome and encouraged to attend. Ongoing. Walker Valley Schoolhouse, 1 Marl Rd, Walker Valley. 11am-3:30pm “Vets and Pets” Adoption Special. From November 1-12, the UCSPCA honors our military by offering 50% off all adoptions with a valid military ID or proof of service. (Open until 7PM on Thursdays.) Note the UCSPCA is closed Mondays. Info: 845-331-5377; Ulster County SPCA, Kingston. 11am-10pm 2019 Fall Hudson Valley Restaurant Week. Special prix-fixe lunch and dinner menus offered. Beginning Monday, November 4 and running through Sunday, November 17, restaurant-goers can visit more than 200 restaurants and indulge in three-course, prix-fixe lunch ($22.95) and dinner ($32.95) menus. For more information on HVRW, please visit website or call 845-765-3414. 12pm-3:30pm Intuitive Guidance, Angelic Oracle Readings and Reiki Healing Sessions every Tuesday with Reiki Master Maureen Brennan-Mercier. Walk-ins warmly welcome or call ahead for appointment. $75 for one hour Reiki Healing session. Maureen also offers Reiki I, 2, 3 and Master Level Reiki Attunements and Certification at Mirabai. Inquire with Mirabai for scheduling and rates. Info: 845-679-2100. Mirabai Bookstore, 23 Mill Hill Rd, Woodstock. $50/1 hour, $30/30 minutes. 12:05pm-1pm Woodstock Senior Basic Pilates (Introductory Level) with Christine Anderson. A floor work course promoting improvement of balance, coordination, focus, awareness breathing, strength and flexibility. Sponsored by Woodstock Senior Recreation and open to Woodstock residents 55 and older. $1 donation. Mescal Hornbeck Community Center, 56 Rock City Rd, Woodstock. 1pm-3:30pm Esopus Artist Group. Ongoing session of art making. Bring your own supplies. Town of Esopus Library, 128 Canal St, Port Ewen. Info: 845-338-5580,, 1:30pm-4:30pm Play Bridge. Contact: 845-4195258. New Paltz Community Center, 3 Veterans Dr /32 North, New Paltz. Free. 2pm-3pm Building Your Family Tree. With Moe Lemire. Learn the tips and tools available to

legal notices LEGAL NOTICE Revised Return Date and Time NOTICE TO BIDDERS: Revised Return Date and Time - Sealed proposals will be received at the Ulster County Purchasing Department, 244 Fair Street, 3rd Floor, Kingston, NY 12401 on Friday, December 6th, 2019 at 4:00 PM for ULSTER COUNTY TRANSIT FLEET GARAGE/MAINTENANCE FACILITY SITE SELECTION AND CONCEPT PLAN, RFPUC19-063. Specifications and conditions may be obtained at the above address or on our website at Ed Jordan, Ulster County Director of Purchasing LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO BIDDERS: Sealed proposals will be received, publicly opened and read at the Ulster County Purchasing Department, 244 Fair Street, 3rd Floor, Kingston, NY 12401 on Thursday, December 5th, 2019 at 3:30 PM for FIBER REINFORCED MICROSURFACING, BID #RFB-UC19-055. Specifications and conditions may be obtained at the above address or on our website at Ed Jordan, Ulster County Director of Purchasing

ALMANAC WEEKLY research and build your family tree. Bring a laptop computer if you own one. Free. Info: 845-2545469. Pine Hill Community Center, 287 Main St, Pine Hill. free. 3pm Woodstock Ultimate Disc. A free, casual, co-ed pickup game. Ongoing games - Tuesday, Thursday & Sundays at 3pm. See for details. Athletic Fields, 98 Comeau Drive, Woodstock. 3pm-5pm Knitting & Crocheting with Tea & Cookies. In the Art Books Room. Some yarn, crochet and knitting needles available for beginners. Crafters share your knowledge! Woodstock Library, 5 Library Lane, Woodstock. Info: 8456792213,, free. 4pm-6pm Scrabble. Test your vocabulary against your family and friends - all ages welcome. Meets every Tuesday, 4-6pm. Info: 845-246-4317. Saugerties Public Library, 91 Washington Ave, Saugerties. 5:30pm Jewish Studies Presents Dora Piperno: A Silken Tale: The Silk Tallit and the Jews of Italy. Room 206, Taylor Hall, Vassar College, 124 Raymond Ave, Poughkeepsie. 5:30pm Writing Elizabeth Bishop: A Biographer’s Journey. Thomas Travisano will speak about his new biography, Love Unknown: The Life and Worlds of Elizabeth Bishop. Class of 1951 Reading Room, Thompson Library, Vassar College, 124 Raymond Ave, Poughkeepsie. bit. ly/2oLcHVF. 6pm-8pm Community Shed. Mushroom Shed is having a community potluck in the Social Hall. Feel free to bring a dish, a fun game, or just bring yourself! The Social Hall is located in the lower level of the church. Enter through the door along the parking lot. Info: 732-778-0001; Reformed Church of New Paltz, 92 Huguenot St, New Paltz. 6pm Community Week Returns to the Emerson Resort & Spa. Lectures, activities, and special discounts for local residents. 6-7pm: Youth open mic. 7pm: Open mic night. No cover. The Emerson Resort and Spa, 5340 Rt 28, Mt. Tremper. 6pm-7:30pm Full Moon Meditation and Group Karmic Clearing with shamanic healer Jenn Bergeron. Join us for a night of healing, letting go, and rebirth on this nurturing Taurus full moon. Journey into the depths of your inner consciousness and connect with the Archangels who will assist and support us in manifesting miracles in our lives. Info: 845-679-2100. Mirabai Bookstore, 23 Mill Hill Rd, Woodstock. $25. 6pm-8pm Sip & Write Night with Kingston Writers’ Studio. Choose from coffee, beer, wine, and a selection of non-alcoholic drinks to enjoy. Rough Draft Bar & Books, 82 John Street, Kingston. Info: 845-802-0027, roughdraftbar@ 6:30pm-7:30pm WSW Slide Night. Meets every second Tuesday of the month at 6:30pm. Hear from current artists-in-residence about their work. Free admission. Women’s Studio Workshop, 722 Binnewater Lane, Kingston. Info: 845-658-9133,, 6:30pm-8pm The Creative Seed Artist Group. A support group for artists to have a space to develop & share their work in progress- Actors, poets, playwrights & musicians welcome. Every Tuesday. Info: 203-246-5711. By donation. Call ahead. Blue Mountain Co-op Retreat Center, Woodstock. 7pm Artist Tracy Kerdman. The Ulster County Art Association UCAA will feature a presentation. Guests are welcome to attend. For more information, call Kristy Bishop UCAA president, at 845-246-8835. Frank D. Greco Memorial Senior Citizens Center, 207 Market St, Saugerties. 7pm-9pm Annual Thanksgiving Interfaith Community Service. Focused on the values of unity, gratitude and respect. Open to all. Congregation Emanuel of the Hudson Valley, 243 Albany Ave, Kingston.

LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO BIDDERS: Sealed proposals will be received, publicly opened and read at the Ulster County Purchasing Department, 244 Fair Street, 3rd Floor, Kingston, NY 12401 on Thursday, December 5th, 2019 at 4:00 PM for PAVER PLACED SURFACE TREATMENT, BID #RFB-UC19-062. Specifications and conditions may be obtained at the above address or on our website at Ed Jordan, Ulster County Director of Purchasing LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING PURSUANT TO THE EMINENT DOMAIN PROCEDURE LAW PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that, in accordance with Article 2, Section 202 of the New York State Eminent Domain Procedure Law (“EDPL”), notice is hereby given of a public hearing for a proposed public project (PIN 8761.82) to construct the Ulster County Midtown Linear Park, to be held on Tuesday, November 12, 2019 at 6:05 P.M. in the Legislative Chambers, 6th Floor, Ulster County Office Building, 244 Fair Street, Kingston, New York 12401. The purpose of this meeting is to outline the project purpose, proposed location, project status and other pertinent information concerning the project, including maps and property

Nov. 7, 2019

7pm Presentation by artist Tracy Kerdman. Guests are welcome to attend. For more information, call Kristy Bishop UCAA president, at 845-246-8835. Greco Senior Center, 207 Market St., Saugerties.

Featuring new landscapes by gallery artists. Exhibit will display through 1/5/20. Carrie Haddad Gallery, 622 Warren Street, Hudson. Info: 518-828-1915,,

7pm-9:30pm Fiddler: A Miracle of Miracles. Director Max Lewkowicz’s documentary exposes the behind-the-scenes drama and on-stage magic of ‘Fiddler on the Roof ’. Rosendale Theatre, 408 Main St, Rosendale. Info: 845-658-8989, info@, $8.

11am-10pm 2019 Fall Hudson Valley Restaurant Week. Special prix-fixe lunch and dinner menus offered. Beginning Monday, November 4 and running through Sunday, November 17, restaurant-goers can visit more than 200 restaurants and indulge in three-course, prix-fixe lunch ($22.95) and dinner ($32.95) menus. For more information on HVRW, please visit website or call 845-765-3414.

7pm-10pm Open Mic Night. Join host Ben Rounds and take your shot at becoming the next Catskills Singing Sensation! Woodnotes Grille No Cover. Info: 845-688-2828. Woodnotes Grill - Emerson Resort, Rt 28, Mt. Pleasant. 7pm-8pm Scrabble Night. Every Tuesday! Bring snacks to share starts 7pm. All welcome. Pine Hill Community Center, 287 Main St, Pine Hill. free. 7:30pm-9:30pm Evergreen Chorus. All women. Come sing with us for fun, friendship and performance opportunities. Meets every Tuesday. Learn 4 part a capella harmony in the Barbershop Style. Crown Heights Clubhouse, 34 Nassau Rd, Poughkeepsie.



8am-11am Parking: Cars in Communities. The development of new planning approaches to guide the use of cars in our small cities, towns, and villages. SUNY New Paltz/College Terrace, New Paltz. Info: 845-257-2901, benjamincenter@, Includes breakfast. 9am Ralph T. Waterman Bird Club Field Trip: Thompson Pond. Please bring water, sturdy footwear, bring your lunch and join us to discuss the birds following our walk. For information and directions, please see our website at or our online 3rd edition of Where to Bird in Dutchess County. Info: Adrienne Popko 845-264-2015 or Barbara Michelin 845-242-2301. Please check prior to the walk in case of inclement weather. Meet at Thompson Pond, off Lake Road in Pine Plains. 9am-10am Woodstock Senior Gentle (chair) Yoga with Susan Blacker. A gentle yoga class with each student encouraged to move and stretch at his or her own pace. Includes warmups, poses for strength and balance and breath work for relaxation. Sponsored by Woodstock Senior Recreation and open to Woodstock residents 55 and older. $1 donation. Mescal Hornbeck Community Center, 56 Rock City Rd, Woodstock. 10:30am-11:15am Children’s Story Time & Craft. Free and no reservation needed. The Loft at Foundry42, 42 Front St, Port Jervis. f42home. com. Free. 10:30am-12:30pm Senior Writing Workshop in Woodstock Welcomes New Members. Writers at all levels of experience, beginner to expert, are invited to join the Writers Workshop of the Woodstock Senior Recreation Program. Whether interested in non-fiction, short stories, plays, memoir, or poetry, writers age 55 and above may join the group. Rock City Writers provides new and experieinced writers a venue for self-expression and sharing. No fee is required. The workshop is led by experienced writer, editor, and instructor Lew Gardner. For further information: woodstockny. org/content/Parks/View/3. Mescal Hornbeck Community Center, 56 Rock City Rd, Woodstock. 10:30am-11:30am Woodstock Senior Weights and Bands with Linda Sirkin. Improve muscle tone, protect bones and enhance balance. Fire Co. #1, Route 212. Sponsored by Woodstock Senior Recreation and open to Woodstock residents 55 and older. $1 donation. Mescal Hornbeck Community Center, 56 Rock City Rd, Woodstock. 11am-5pm Group Exhibit: A Quiet Respite.

descriptions of adjacent parcels and the properties to be acquired. The project is located in the City of Kingston in Ulster County, NY. The project proposes to construct a non-motorized shared-use path following the general alignment of the abandoned Ulster & Delaware Railroad right-of-way from the east side of Cornell Street to Westbrook Lane. The proposed public use will be 10-12 ft. wide trail with an asphalt surface running a length of approximately 0.8 miles. Persons may appear in person or by agent and will be given the opportunity to present oral or written statements and to submit other documents concerning PIN 8761.82, the Ulster County Midtown Linear Park project. The project will require public acquisition of property. This public hearing is being held to comply with the requirements of the Federal Highway Administration and Sections 201 and 202 of the EDPL. Ulster County will attempt to acquire necessary property through offers of Fair Market Value. However, based upon a title search, it is anticipated that acquisition of property by Eminent Domain will be necessary to complete the project. Any property owners who may subsequently wish to challenge the condemnation of their property by judicial review may do so only on the basis of issues, facts, and objections raised at the hearing. Further information on the project may be obtained by contacting Christopher White,

11am-6pm Little Light of Mine @ Village Candle. Hours: Wed - Sun, 11am - 6pm. Village Candle, 8 South Chestnut St, New Paltz. Info:; 845-800-1819. 12pm Oncology Support Programs of Health Alliance Hospital. WMC Health offers emotional support, wellness, integrative and healing arts programs for people affected by cancer including cancer support groups for women of all ages, young women, men, caregivers, women with ovarian cancer, & people living with metastatic. Info, times and dates: 845-339-2071; oncology.; Herbert H. and Sofia P. Reuner Cancer Support House, 80 Mary’s Ave, Kingston. 12:30pm-6pm Expert Tarot Readings with Malley. Every Wednesday. Walk-ins warmly welcome or call ahead for appointment. Info: 845-679-2100. Mirabai Bookstore, 23 Mill Hill Rd, Woodstock. $50/1 hour, $30/30 minutes. 1pm-2pm Ulster Community College Foundation, Inc. Scholarship Ceremony. Please join us as we welcome entering and returning College Scholars, and recognize the outstanding achievements of scholarship recipients. SUNY Ulster, 491 Cottekill road, Stone Ridge. Info: 845-687-5262, Free. 1pm-3pm Pinochle. Card Game every Wednesday! Looking for a 4th player. Anyone interested - email Pine Hill Community Center, 287 Main St, Pine Hill. FREE. 1pm-3pm Social Circle. Good conversation! Every Wednesday. Everyone welcome. Pine Hill Community Center, 287 Main St, Pine Hill. 1pm Kingston Community Singers Meetup New Members Welcome. Open to all men and women. No auditions necessary. Info: 856-3051546. Old Dutch Church, 272 Wall Street, Kingston. 1:30pm-4pm Weekly Bridge Game. For intermediate level players. Meets weekly on Mondays, 9:30am-12pm and Wednesdays, 1:30-4pm. For info, contact Neale Tracy at 845-247-0094. Frank D. Greco Memorial Senior Citizens Center, 207 Market St, Saugerties. 1:30pm Weekly Senior Citizen’s Bingo. Ongoing every Wednesday at 1:30pm & Friday at 7pm. 50/50 tickets available at 3 tickets/$2. Half-time complementary refreshments. Shawangunk Senior Center, 70 Main St, Napanoch. 2pm-3:30pm Breast Cancer Options-Support Group. Features topics and speakers. For more information contact 845-339-4673 or visit The Living Seed, 521 Main Street, New Paltz. Info: 845-339-4673, 3:30pm Community Week Returns to the Emerson Resort & Spa. Lectures, Activities, and Special Discounts for Local Residents. 3:30pm: Kids Movement Class. Fitness Class Studio, Special $10pp, 6-11 year olds. The Emerson Resort and Spa, 5340 Rt 28, Mt. Tremper. emersonresort. com/events/community-week-2019. 4pm Family Lego. Info: 845-876-4030. Starr Library, 68 West Market St, Rhinebeck. 4:30pm-7pm Play Out Loud: Library Play Reading Series. Come to the library to read plays aloud and discover the stories, characters, and words of playwrights old and new. Phoenicia

Deputy Director of the Ulster County Planning Department, with offices at 244 Fair Street, Kingston, NY 12401 or (845) 340-3338. Please advise this office no later than November 7, 2019 if a sign language interpreter, assistive listening system or any other accommodation will be required to facilitate your participation in the public hearing. Dated: November 7, 2019 Kingston, New York Victoria A. Fabella, Clerk Ulster County Legislature LEGAL NOTICE Section I Notice to Bidders The Board of Trustees of Ulster County Community College (in accordance with Section 103 of Article 5-A of the General Municipal Law) hereby invites the submission of sealed bids for Photography Services. Bids will be received until 11:00 am the 2nd of December 2019 at the Purchasing Department, Algonquin room 109, at which time and place all bids will be opened. Specifications and bid form may be obtained from the same office, 845-687-5193 or casciarj@ The Board of Trustees reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Any bid submitted will be binding for 30 days subsequent to the date of bid opening. Dated: November 1, 2019 AA/EOE


Nov. 7, 2019 Library, 48 Main St, Phoenicia. 4:30pm-5:30pm Weekly Art Hour. Meets every Wednesday! Fun for ages 3 to 103! From paper flowers to crazy critters, we are always up to something creative. Phoenicia Library, 48 Main St, Phoenicia. FREE. 5pm-7pm Emerging Artists Class for Young Artists. Students dig deep into their own interests and strengths while learning new techniques, including painting, wood sculpture, collage, etc. Woodstock School of Art, 2470 NY-212, Woodstock. Info: 845-679-2388,, scholarships available. 5pm-9pm Wallkill Fire Dept Bingo. Doors/ Kitchen Open at 5pm, selling starts @ 6pm & calling begins @ 7pm. Bingo held every Wednesday Night! Wallkill Fire Dept, 18 Central Ave, Wallkill. min admission. 5pm-6:30pm Hudson Valley LGBTQ’s Community Accupuncture Clinic. Reserve your spot today! Weekly community acupuncture takes place every Wednesday, 5-6:30pm in a relaxed and low-lit group setting using points on the ears, hands and feet. RSVPs highly suggested, though walk-ins will be welcomed when space is available. Reserve your spot at www.LGBTQacupuncture. $5 suggested donation, no one turned away for lack of funds. Hudson Valley LGBTQ Community Center, 300 Wall St, Kingston. 5:30pm Lecture: Mapping Life Stories of Rwandan Refugees in Canada: A Cartographic Reading of Exile. By Sebastien Caquard. Lecture on refugee life and the challenges of resettlement. Vassar College Rockefeller Hall 200, 124 Raymond Avenue, Poughkeepsie. 5:30pm-6:30pm Woodstock Informal Service. Followed by reflections and spiritual discussions. Everyone welcome. 845-679-9534. First Church of Christ, 85 Tinker St, Woodstock. 5:30pm-7:30pm Prenatal Class. Ongoing on Wednesdays. 845-563-8043 for more info. Mackintosh Community Room, 147 Lake St, Newburgh. 6pm-8:30pm Paint and Sip Fundraiser for the UCSPCA. A “paint and sip”-style event at Ole Savannah hosted by a local artist. Get crafty, have a great meal, and support the Ulster County SPCA! Tickets are $50, covers the cost of all craft supplies/ instruction plus one drink. Info: 845-541-6336; Ole Savannah, 100 Rondout Landing, Kingston. 6pm-8:30pm Hands on Cooking Workshop in Historic Woodstock Barn Home. Roast chicken with next level Autumn sides! Professional chef will teach how to work with poultry and whip up exquisite autumn/Thanksgiving sides. $69 with 15% off if mention code word “deer.” For more information or to register, go to eastonbarn. com/424-259-0823.BYOB. 6pm-7pm Tai Chi. Vince Sauter leads this weekly class. No experience necessary - wear comfortable clothes. “Meditation in Motion.” Clinton Community Library. 6pm Cooking Workshop in Historic Woodstock Barn with Professional Chef. Featuring - Poultry & Autumn Sides! BYOB. For more information or to register:; 424-2590823. 6pm-7:30pm Holly George-Warren: Janis: Her Life & Music. A conversation with Dick Hermans. A biography of Janis Joplin as the Queen of Rock & Roll as the rule-breaking musical trailblazer and complicated, gender-bending rebel she was. For more information and to pre-order signed books, visit the Oblong Books website. Oblong Books & Music Rhinebeck, 6422 Montgomery Street, Rhinebeck. Info: 845-876-0500, events@ oblongbooks, FREE/ RSVP REQUESTED. 6pm Saugerties Writers Club. Do you like to write? Club meets on the 2nd & 4th Wednesday at 6pm. Info: 845-246-4317. Saugerties Public Library, 91 Washington Ave, Saugerties. 6:30pm-8pm Meeting of ENJAN (End The New Jim Crow Action Network). A Hudson Valley network dedicated to fighting racist policies of racial profiling, police brutality, and mass incarceration (the “New Jim Crow”). Info: 845-4758781. African Roots Library/ Family Partnership Center, 29 N Hamilton St, Poughkeepsie. enjan. org. 6:30pm Gurdjieff Study Group. Meets on Wednesdays, 6:30pm in Stone Ridge. For information and directions, respond to Jim by email: 7pm Live @ The Falcon: Jazz Sessions at The Falcon Underground. Sign-Up and Sit-In for Jazz cats. Info: 845-236-7970. The Falcon Underground, 1348 Route 9W, Marlboro. 7pm The Orchestra Now: Stravinsky’s The Fairy’s Kiss. These four works from the late 1920s, including the suite from Stravinsky’s ballet score The Fairy’s Kiss, give insight into the evolving world of orchestral music 90 years ago. Leon Botstein, conductor. Michael Nagy, baritone. Tickets: $25-$35. Bard College, Sosnoff Theater, Annandale-on-Hudson. 7pm-8pm Manuel Gonzales in Conversation with Dan Poblocki - Reading & Signing. Author Manuel Gonzales will read from his 2016 novel, The Regional Office Is Under Attack. Rough Draft Bar & Books, 82 John Street, Kingston. Info: 845-802-0027, 7pm-8:30pm Rosendale, New York: A History in Postcards & Photographs w/ Gilberto Villa-

hermosa. Describes rise, fall & transition of a dynamic town through postcards, photos & text in his recently published book from Postcard History Series. Rosendale Public Library, 264 Main ST, Rosendale. Info: 845-658-9013,, 7pm-9:30pm Fiddler: A Miracle of Miracles. Director Max Lewkowicz’s documentary exposes the behind-the-scenes drama and on-stage magic of ‘Fiddler on the Roof ’. Rosendale Theatre, 408 Main St, Rosendale. Info: 845-658-8989, info@, $8. 7pm-9pm The Ukuleleans- Gardiner Library Ukulele Club. All ages welcome, from beginner to experienced. Encourage one another along as we have fun with this uniquely upbeat instrument. Gardiner Library, Gardiner. Info: 845-255-1255,, 7pm-10pm Trivia Night. Calling all trivia nerds ~ flex your mental muscles and compete for prizes. Play solo or as part of a team. Info: 845-688-2828; Woodnotes Grill - Emerson Resort, Rt 28, Mt. Pleasant. 7pm-8:30pm Actors & Musician Creative Seed Support Group. Come share your work in progress! Weds nights 7 - 8:30pm. Admission by donation. Info:; 203-2465711. Reiki Yoga Chant Healing Arts Center, Stone Ridge. 7pm-9pm Volleyball Game. A pickup volleyball game. Ongoing every Wednesday, 7-9pm. Enter the Center at the entrance on the left side, as you face the school from Lucas Ave. 845-616-0710. Rondout Municipal Center, 1915 Lucas Ave, Cottekill. $6. 7pm-8:30pm Introduction to Tibetan Buddhism Class. Free 90-minute program includes 30 min of Quiet Sitting Meditation followed by 1 of 8 lectures on the history, practices & principles of the Karma Kagyu tradition of Tibetan Buddhism. 845-679-5906 for more info. Karma Triyana Dharmachakra, 335 Meads Mountain Rd, Woodstock. 7:15pm Register Junior Rangers Girls Hockey League at Ice Time Sports. Junior Rangers Girls Hockey League at Ice Time Sports Complex. Each week there will be one practice and one game at convenient times for you. Ice Time Sports Complex, 21 Lakeside Rd, Newburgh. Info: 845 454 5800,, www. $395. 7:30pm The Poughkeepsie Newyorkers Barbershop Chorus. An all male a cappella group, that sings in the uniquely American “Barbershop Style” of close four-part harmony. Guests are always welcome. Sight-reading not required. Meets every Wednesday at 7:30pm. Crown Heights Clubhouse, 34 Nassau Rd, Poughkeepsie. newyorkerschorus. org. 8pm Live @ The Falcon: Jeffrey Martin. Literature and folk music blend perfectly. Info: 845-2367970. The Falcon Main Stage, 1348 Route 9W, Marlboro.



9am-10am Woodstock Senior Senior Feel Good Fitness with Diane Collelo. All aspects of fitness: flexibility, balance, strength and aerobic capacity done to music from many decades that makes us feel like dancing. Sponsored by Woodstock Senior Recreation and open to Woodstock residents 55 and older. $1 donation. Mescal Hornbeck Community Center, 56 Rock City Rd, Woodstock. 10am-2pm Hooks & Needles, Yarns & Threads. Informal weekly social gathering for rug hookers, knitters, crocheters, and all other yarn crafters. Drop-in. Tivoli Free Library, Watts dePeyster Hall, 86 Broadway, Tivoli. Info: 845-757-3771,, http://www.tivolilibrary. org/. Bring a snack to share. 10am-2pm Low-Cost Vaccine Clinic. For previously spayed/neutered cats and dogs only. No appointment needed. Dogs must be leashed and cats in carriers. TARA (The Animal Rights Alliance, Inc.), 60 Enterprise Place, Middletown, NY. Info: 845-343-1000,, Cost varies. 10am-11:30am Parkinson’s Dance & Exercise Class. Led by Anne Olin. For PD patients, caregivers and friends to address the symptoms of PD and other neurological disorders. Balance, gait, muscle strengthening, improving flexibility & fluidity and having fun are all included. Weekly, on-going group meets every Thursday at 10am. Info: Anne Olin, 845-679-6250; St. John’s Episcopal Church, 207 Albany Ave, Kingston. $12 for one or $22 for two. 11am-10pm 2019 Fall Hudson Valley Restaurant Week. Special prix-fixe lunch and dinner menus offered. Beginning Monday, November 4 and running through Sunday, November 17, restaurant-goers can visit more than 200 restaurants and indulge in three-course, prix-fixe lunch ($22.95) and dinner ($32.95) menus. For more information on HVRW, please visit website or call 845-765-3414. 11am-12pm Woodstock Senior Level One (Moderate) Yoga with Susan Blacker. Centering, warm-ups, posture flow, relaxation and meditation. Sponsored by Woodstock Senior Recreation and open to Woodstock residents 55 and older. $1 donation. Mescal Hornbeck Community Center, 56 Rock City Rd, Woodstock. 12pm Through Our Lens Photographic Exhibi-

tion. The annual exhibit of the Columbia County Photo Club will be on view from Nov. 14-Dec. 19 during regular library hours. Exhibit displays through 12/19. Hudson Area Library, 51 North 5th Street, Hudson. Info: 518-828-1792, brenda., 12pm Karl Berger & Ingrid Sertso offer Music Mind Workshops. Singing, Harmonizing, Chanting, Moving,Rhythm Practice: The World reknown GaMaLaTaKi. Open to everyone (without instruments). 5 sessions in Woodstock (starting Nov 14, weekly). For details & info, call or text 845-217-7584. Mountain View Studio, 20 Mountain View Ave, Woodstock. 12:15pm Fine Arts Recitals. Old Dutch Church, 272 Wall Street, Kingston. 1pm-3pm Game and Card Day. Board games, Mah-jong and cards are available, or bring your own. Bring a friend or come and meet people. $1 donation suggested to cover cost of refreshments. Ongoing every Thursday. Red Hook Community Center, 59 Fisk St, Red Hook. 1pm-4pm Woodstock Senior Duplicate Bridge with John Stokes. The Woodstock Bridge Club offers a short lesson and a game of Duplicate Bridge. Sponsored by Woodstock Senior Recreation and open to Woodstock residents 55 and older. $1 donation. Woodstock Rescue Squad, 222 Tinker St, Woodstock. 2pm-3pm Tea Time Book Club. Once Upon a River by Diane Setterfield. Clinton Community Library. 2pm-4pm Healthy Ulster Council Meeting. Held bi-monthly on the 2nd Thursday. Info: UCDOH , Kingston. 3pm Woodstock Ultimate Disc. A free, casual, co-ed pickup game. Ongoing games - Tuesday, Thursday & Sundays at 3pm. See for details. Athletic Fields, 98 Comeau Drive, Woodstock. 3pm Reading and Meditation. Ongoing every Sunday night at 3pm. Info:; 845-6798322. Matagiri Sri Aurobindo Center, 1218 Wittenberg Rd, Mt. Tremper. 3:30pm-4pm Free Step Class. A high energy class. Ongoing. Saugerties Public Library, 91 Washington Ave, Saugerties. 3:30pm-6:30pm Free Math Tutoring. Algebra, Geometry, Precalculus, Trigonometry, and SAT/ ACT Prep. Call to sign up 845-255-1255. Meets every Thursday at 3:30pm. Gardiner Library, 133 Farmer’s Turnpike, Gardiner. Free. 4pm-5pm Fitness Hour. Drop in for a workout on Mondays at 4:30pm & Thursdays at 4pm. Class will be an aerobic warm-up followed by a combination of band and body work. Instructed by Connie Scuitto. Connie is an RN and certified Reiki Master. 845-246-4317. Saugerties Public Library, 91 Washington Ave, Saugerties. 4pm-7pm Free Holistic Healthcare Clinic. Many holistic Practitioners will be volunteering their time monthly to provide services, including: massage, chiropractic, reiki, other energy and body work, acupuncture, craniosacral massage, deep tissue body work and hypnosis. There’s also a prenatal and lactation specialist offering a breastfeeding cafe. Lace Mill, 165 Cornell St, Kingston. 5pm-6:30pm New Paltz Climate Action Coalition Meeting. Meets every Thursday. New Paltz Village Hall, Plattekill Ave, New Paltz. www. 5:15pm Junior Rangers Girls Hockey League at McCann Ice Arena. Junior Rangers Girls Hockey League at McCann Ice Arena @ the Mid-Hudson Civic Center. Majed J. Nesheiwat Convention Center, 14 Civic Center Plaza, Poughkeepsie. Info: 845 454 5800,, www. $395. 5:30pm-7:30pm Sunset Sensations Wine and Food Event. Hors d’oeuvres are inspired by heirloom vegetables from the Estate kitchen gardens. Visitors are also treated to cooking demonstrations by our featured chef, Agnes Devereux of The Village TeaRoom, expert wine pairing presentations, and a tour of the gardens. Rain will move the event into the West Gallery. Tickets: $27 in advance, $29 at the door. Info: 845-454-4500; Locust Grove Estate, 2683 South Road (Route 9), Poughkeepsie. 6pm Breast Cancer Options-Support Group. Features speakers and information. For more information: 845-339-4673 or visit 84 Greene Street, Hudson, 84 Greene Street, Hudson. Info: 845-339-4673, 6pm-8pm Community Week Returns to the Emerson Resort & Spa. Lectures, activities, and special discounts for local residents. Pet portrait watercolor class join us for a pet portrait watercolor class. Special community week price $50 per person. Just send us a photo prior to. Preregistration required. Includes materials and drink token. Call 845-688-2828, option 0 to register. Contact for more information. The Emerson Resort and Spa, 5340 Rt 28, Mt. Tremper. community-week-2019. 6pm-9pm New Paltz Regional Chamber of Commerce at the Business Recognition. A buffet dinner, including dessert, with the Awards Ceremony to follow. Info: 845-255-5189; info@ Novella’s, 2 Terwilliger Ln

21 (across from Super 8), New Paltz. 6pm-8pm Opening Reception for Through Our Lens Exhibit. Members of the Columbia County Photo Club invite you to an opening reception of their annual exhibit which is on view through December 19. Hudson Area Library, 51 North 5th Street, Hudson. Info: 518-828-1792, brenda., Free. 6pm-7:30pm Foxfire Living: Design, Recipes, and Stories from the Magical Inn in the Catskills. By Eliza Clark & Tim Trojian. For more information and to pre-order signed books, visit the Oblong Books website. Oblong Books & Music Rhinebeck, 6422 Montgomery Street, Rhinebeck. Info: 845-876-0500, events@oblongbooks, Foxfire-Living. RSVP requested. 6pm-7pm Tarot Club. Are you a seasoned tarot reader or just interested in learning about tarot cards? Join us for Tarot Club on every 2nd & 4th Thursday w/Sabra. Tivoli Free Library, Watts dePeyster Hall, 86 Broadway, Tivoli. Info: 845-757-3771,, http:// Free. 6pm Wine Night - Thirsty Thursday. Celebrate every Thursday at Woodnotes Grille with the Wine Club! Enjoy 25% off all bottles of wine and special selections from the cellar by the glass. Info: 845-688-2828; The Emerson Resort and Spa, 5340 Rt 28, Mt. Tremper. 6:30pm-8pm Rent and Utility Laws 101: Know Your Rights. Join Senator Metzger for an information session for landlords, renters and homeowners in the Hudson Valley. With LSHV & PULP. Info: 845-344-3311,, bit. ly/Nov14InfoSession. 6:30pm-8:30pm Citizenship Classes. There will be free U.S. citizenship classes offered every Thursday through November 21. For more information and to register please call 646-342-4177 or 973-698-0205 (se habla espanol). St. Joseph’s Church, 34 South Chestnut St., New Paltz. 6:30pm-8pm Free Steps of Meditation. Weekly classes. Learn the fundamentals for an effective meditation experience. Info: 518-589-5000 or Peace Village Retreat Center, 54 O’Hara Rd, Haines Falls. 7pm-9:30pm Rough Draft Trivia with Rich! Every Thursday* at Rough Draft is trivia night with Rich Morrison. A fun-filled night of teamwork, friendly competition, and lots of laughs. Rough Draft Bar & Books, 82 John Street, Kingston. Info: 845-802-0027, roughdraftbar@gmail. com. 7pm-8:30pm Meeting of MECR (Middle East Crisis Response). A group of Hudson Valley residents joined together to promote peace and human rights in Palestine and the Middle East. Info: 845-876-7906. Woodstock Library, 5 Library Lane, Woodstock. 7pm-9pm Talk: Forgotten Hamlets of Dutchess County. Author David Turner will speak and show vintage photos on the rich history of lesser known and lost hamlets of Dutchess County. Town Of Wappinger Town Hall, 20 Middlebush Road, Wappingers Falls. Info: 845-632-1281, free for WHS members, $5 suggested donation for nonmembers. 7pm WOMPS: Word of Mouth Poetry Series. Suzanne Bottigliero & T.G. Vanini. Open Reading w/5 minute limit. Hosted by: Teresa Costa. Artbar Gallery, 674 Broadway, Kingston. $3. 7pm-9pm Marist College Autumn Lecture Series: Javier Ávila, “The Trouble with My Name”. In this one-man show, Ávila, a poet and novelist, will examine what it means to be a diverse citizen in a changing political climate. Marist College/Nelly Goletti Theatre, Poughkeepsie. 7pm-9pm Citizen’s Climate Lobby Monthly Meeting. CCL empowers everyday people to work together on climate change solutions. We’re building support in Congress for a national bipartisan bill. Beahive, 291 Main St, Beacon. Info: ccl.shoe@, Free. 7pm-8pm Gardiner Library Knitting Group. Sit and knit. Gardiner Library, 133 Farmer’s Turnpike, Gardiner. Info: 845-255-1255,, 7pm Old Dutch Choir. Old Dutch Church, 272 Wall Street, Kingston. 7pm Bingo! Meet the 2nd & 4th Thursdays,7pm. Doors open at 6pm. Prizes & food. Sponsored by the Beekman Fire Company Auxiliarly Inc. Beekman Fire House, 316 Beekman- Poughquag Rd, Poughquag. 7:30pm New Group Meeting Notice: Men’s Support Group. Meets on the second and fourth Thursday of each month in the Woodstock Library at 7:30 pm. The Male Room is a safe environment where men gather to discuss issues of importance in their lives. If interested, please contact Gary at 908-754-1101, or 7:30pm-9pm Weekly Thursday Nite EFT Healing Circle & Recovery Workshop. Bring your physical, emotional, & spiritual challenges and issues, and have them quickly, effectively resolved and healed in a safe supportive environment. Ongoing. 845-706-2183. Family of Woodstock/Kingston, 39 John St, Kingston. Free, $5 donation welcome. 8pm Live @ The Falcon: Gurf Morlix. Austinbased award-winning Americana. Info: 845-2367970. The Falcon Main Stage, 1348 Route 9W, Marlboro.



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Help Wanted

to place an ad: contact


Call 334-8200. For regular line ads, ask for Tobi or Amy; real estate display ads or help wanted display, Genia; automobile display, Ralph. Hours: MWThF 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Tuesday: 9-11 a.m.

We have Jobs at Mohonk Mountain House, both Seasonal and Year Round


Classified line ads can be placed at


Our fax-machine number is 845-334-8809 (include credit card #)


Sunflower Health Food store, Bradley Meadows, Woodstock; 29 South Chestnut Street, New Paltz, NY; 322 Wall St., Kingston.

Please look on-line and apply at



Join the Mohonk team!

phone, mail drop-off

The absolute final deadline is Tuesday at 11 a.m. Monday at 11 a.m. in Woodstock and New Paltz; Tuesday in Kingston.


HOME ATTENDANT NEEDED PT. Weekdays. $11.80/hour. Disabled 55-yr. old female looking for female home attendant to help w/basic needs. Reliable, caring + live within 30 minutes of Woodstock. Must have car. 845-684-5314. No calls before 9 a.m. or after 8 p.m. Looking for a job that’s more than just a job? Working at Menla means being part of a small vibrant community, working for a meaningful cause, and being in a healthy and beautiful place, and working in a conscious environment. Menla is a hidden oasis in the Catskills featuring spiritual and wellness retreats and a world-class Spa. Menla is seeking part or full time kitchen staff for the following positions: 1) Sous Chef $17-20/hr. 2) Prep Cook/Line Cook $13-15/hr. 3) Dishwasher $13/hr. Email with a resume and which position(s) you are interested in. PERSON NEEDED for cleaning, errands, organizing, laundry & paperwork. 1 to 2 days/week, possibly more. Please be RELIABLE & FRIENDLY. For more information call 845-383-1312. THRIFT STORE MANAGER for Aid Tibet Thrift Store. Start immediately. Retail experience preferred. Call Steve at 845-3831774. MAINTENANCE PERSON for Tibetan Center. Light work. Start immediately. Excellent pay. Call 845-383-1774, ask for Steve. Help needed with light cleaning, some shopping. Help around the house. 718404-5465





Party Planning/ Catering

POTTIE FOR YOUR PARTY! HAVING A PARTY? TLK LLC. PORTABLE TOILET RENTALS. Weekend, Weekly, Monthly Rentals. We have Gray, White, Blue, Tan, Green (pine-scented), Pink (rose-scented), Red & Blue Handicap Accessible. (We also have a few w/sinks). Great for Construction/Building Sites, Sporting Events, Concerts, Street Festivals, Parks, Outdoor Weddings, Campsites, Flea Markets, Party Events, etc. Call 845-658-8766, 845-4176461 or 845-706-7197. e-mail:


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$20 for 30 words; 20 cents for each additional word.

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$72 for four weeks (30 words); $225 for 13 weeks; $425 for 26 weeks; 800 for a year; each additional word after 30 is 20 cents per word per week. Future credit given for cancellations, no refunds.


Proofread before submitting. No refunds will be given, but credit will be extended toward future ads if we are responsible for any error. Prepay with cash, check, Visa, MasterCard or Discover.

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Commercial Listings for Sale

HUGE PRICE REDUCTION! 7000 sq.ft. Commercial Building at a AAA location at the 4 corner intersection in Hurley opposite the Post Office, Stewarts, town offices & the Hurley Mountain Inn. 3 large spaces, separate utilities, 4 bathrooms. 3.8 acres w/an abundance of parking. Many possible uses. Now only $495,000. Richard Miller, Win Morrison Realty 845-389-7286.


Office Space/ Commercial Rentals

COMMERCIAL SPACE FOR RENT TOWN OF WOODSTOCK available on or before December 15, 2019

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845-657-2494 845-389-0504 1 Ridge Rd., Shokan, NY 12481


Highland/ Clintondale Rentals

HIGHLAND: 1-BEDROOM. $975/month heat & hot water included. Private, quiet neighborhood. Private parking. Next to Highland Town Hall/Court on Church


Almanac’s classified ads are distributed throughout the region and are included in Woodstock Times, New Paltz Times, Saugerties Times and Kingston Times. Over 18,000 copies printed.


Almanac’s classified ads also appear on, part of our network of sites with more than 60,000 unique visitors.



***NYS PARKS BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY*** NYS Parks is requesting proposals (“RFP”) for the operation of a Paddle Sport Concession at Hudson Highlands State Park, (Annsville Creek) Cortlandt, NY and/ or Mills Norrie State Park, Staatsburg, NY. RFP #X1366. For Bid Document and Financial Obligations, please contact the Taconic Region Business Office (845) 889-3875 or email: All inquiries should refer to RFP #X1366. Proposals in response to this RFP are due to State Parks no later than 3pm Wednesday, December 4, 2019.

Street, near Rt. 9W. Minutes to SUNY New Paltz, Poughkeepsie Bridge, Metro North, Rt. 9 & hospitals. 1 month security. No smoking. No pets. 845-453-0047.


New Paltz Rentals

Beautiful & unique, clean & bright, LARGE 1-BEDROOM w/flex space. First floor w/private back porch. New appliances. Photos on No pets please. $1295/month includes heat & parking. 845-229-0024.


21A Colonial Dr., New Paltz. 1 & 2 BR apts. Pets welcome! No security deposit option. 3-12 month leasing terms. Pool, laundry on site.

845-255-6171 SOUTHSIDE TERRACE APARTMENTS offers semester leases for SPRING 2020 and Short-Term for the Summer! Furnished studios, one & two bedrooms, includes heat & hot water. Recreation facilities. Walking distance to campus and town. 845-255-7205.

New Paltz: Southside Terrace Apartments Year round and other lease terms to suit your needs available! Free use of the: Recreation Room, Pool, New Fitness Center & much more! “Now accepting credit cards! Move in & pay your security and deposit with your credit or debit card with no additional fees!”

Call 845-255-7205 for more information

subscribe 334-8200 subscribe



Nov. 7, 2019


Real Estate

, CATSKILL, NEW YORK Here is an opportunity to own a newly renovated retail space with a beautiful, sun-drenched apartment above, well situated on Main Street in the historic village of Catskill. The retail space is rented with a lease and the apartment space is rented month to month. On the second floor is a 3 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath apartment with an entrance from Main Street and has a nice backyard. It originally was 2 separate apartments and can possibly be converted back to 2 apartments easily for extra income. No snow shoveling here. The sidewalk has radiant heat! This listing brought to you by Lynne Gentile...............................$495,000

COXSACKIE, NEW YORK This small a n i m a l practice was established in 2007 in the beautiful town of Earlton, New York. This single doctor practice has excellent visibility and easy access to other towns. The 1,622 square foot building sits on 3.9 acres and has a waiting area at entrance reception area, three exam rooms, x-ray room, an operating room, a photo lab, medical lab, and a holding room for the animals as well as a break area and two half baths. This listing brought to you by Nyasa Hoyte. .....................................$625,000

WEST HURLEY, NEW YORK Rare to find a nice 5 acre building site set far back off Route 375. Lightly wooded, private, gently sloping, easy to clear for your new home or possibly two. Many options. Convenient location with easy access to Hannafords supermarket, banking, Woodstock, Route 28, and Kingston. There is another possible access road to the property in addition to Route 375. It is under review and to be determined if viable? This listing brought to you by Richard Miller. ....$55,000


WEST HURLEY, NEW YORK Private, Pristine and Perfect! Exciting views of the MOUNTAIN RANGES and RESERVOIR. This is a must see for the buyer that is looking for comfort and serenity. Since the purchase in 2012 the sellers have created and upgraded this home to a low maintenance, energy efficient home! The lower level is additional sq. footage to the 1706. The sparkling pool is L shaped: 10x60 4’deep, the deep end is 16x26 9’. A three-sided fireplace with floor to ceiling bricks, an incredible Jotul propane stove in the living room to take the winter chill out without overheating the whole house. This home is move in ready with no future surprises. This listing brought to you by Doreen Marchisella............................$685,000

KINGSTON, NEW YORK Newly renovated Executive Apartment is located on the 3rd floor of this Historic Building which is in the heart of the Mid-Town Arts District of Kingston. This 1 bedroom, 1 bath apartment, is beautifully furnished with large closets and parking in the rear of the building. Public transportation, Restaurants, easy access to the Strand and walking distance to the Stockade District and Uptown. This listing brought to you by Charlotte T Scherer............... $1,800 Month



Kingston 845.339.1144 / Woodstock 845.679.2929 & 845.679.9444 / Saugerties 845.246.3300 / Phoenicia 845.688.2929 / Catskill 518.800.9999 / Commercial 845.339.9999

Kingston 845.338.5832 Woodstock 845.684.0304

- 6 9 4 , 9 3@

FABULOUS SECLUDED CONTEMPORARY BARN The privacy you’ve always wanted on 43+ acres next to protected DEP land with potential Rondout Reservoir views in a beautiful barn-style home with 52 windows allowing streams of light inside. Current owner has made many upgrades, including an extraordinary new fireplace. This 3-bedroom, 2-bath post-and-beam with 76 feet of wraparound decking is a reconstruction of a barn once built on the site and is just a quarter-mile down the road from the Bald Eagle Observation Site. All the nature and serenity you could ever want and just two hours from Manhattan .................................................................. $575,000

CREATE AN ESTATE - Amazing opportunity here! Utmost seclusion and privacy can be yours on this 106+ ACRE estate parcel. Various terrain features meadows, woods, old roads, mountain VIEWS and a creek running through it. Use existing well maintained 3 BR, 1.5 bath high ranch set back off 1000’ driveway with EI kitchen, full basement, 2 decks and stone patio while you create your dream home. HIGH SPEED INTERNET AT THE HOME! ....................................... $415,000

Jeoffrey D. Devor, Assoc. R.E. Broker m 845.389.0688 3027 Main St., Stone Ridge, NY 12484

LET YOUR IMAGINATION RUN WILD RESTORING THIS HOME!! 1800’s Post and Beam 3 bedroom home situated on 2.2 serene acres with barn and gazebo, some mature trees and open space for a garden is located minutes west of New Paltz on your way to the famous Gunks where outdoor thrills are encouraged. Maybe you want to start or continue spending your time in nature mountain climbing, hiking, biking, cross country skiing or maybe you want to use your energy to recreate this home to be your own masterpiece. A couple of the original features that will help you create your masterpiece include wide plank floors and a stone porch. Enthusiasm and tools are necessary. ......................................$250,000

- 6 9 4 , 9 3@


Gardiner Gables 2356 Rte. 44-55 Gardiner, NY 12525

A fabulous covered “rocking chair” veranda wraps all the way around this dormered Cape style log home on a full finished walk-out basement nestled on over 6 country acres with paved driveway and detached 2 car garage, too! Features vaulted LR with cozy woodstove, EI kitchen w/ granite counters, wood floors, main level BR + 2 more upstairs, 2.5 baths and den/office space. Pretty stone walls crisscross the property..................................$425,000

** Become a Fan of Colucci Shand Realty on Facebook **

Jeoffrey D. Devor, Assoc. R.E. Broker m 845.389.0688 3027 Main St., Stone Ridge, NY 12484


smoking, no pets. References, credit check required. First, last and security. Call 845657-8248.

Man With A Van # 255-6347 DOT 32476

20' Moving Trucks

Moving & Delivery Service Reasonable Rates • Free Estimates 8 Enterprise Rd., New Paltz, NY


Rosendale/ Tillson/High Falls/Stone

Ridge Rentals

Stone Ridge, 2-Bedroom with parking. $1000/month. Tenant pays utilities. No

2-BEDROOM APARTMENT in Rosendale. Sunny, clean. Very large LR/DR. Chaired yard w/views of Rondout Creek- ideal for picnics! Includes off-street parking & trash/ snow removal. No smoking. No pets. 2 person max. $1150/month + utilities. 845-5052568.


Krumville/ Olivebridge/ Shokan Rentals

New 2-Bedroom, 1 bath Ranch-style Apartment w/own entrance. Beautiful country setting, on 8 acres, not visible from road. Good sunlight. $1200/ month plus utilities. Olivebridge area. Available now. Call/text 845-5327082.


Saugerties Rentals

Beautiful, Large 1-Bdrm, 2nd Floor apartment. Glasco-Saugerties. Dining room; modern kitchen and bathroom. 20 minutes to Red Hook/Rhinebeck, short walk to the Hudson River. $895/month plus utilities. Rental application. Near Saugerties: 2-Bedroom fully renovated farmhouse on 32 acres. New washer & dryer, new stove, hot water heating system, new kitchen, bathroom with bathtub/shower, beautiful wooden plank floors- fully polished & finished. Plenty of parking. 2 porches. $1425/ month plus utilities. Call owner: 718755-4947.

Prime office space at Design Towers now available. Prime location, 747 Route 28 frontage, fully finished. 2,000 sq feet. Long term lease required. Please contact Paul @ 845.399.9616


Woodstock/West Hurley Rentals

House for Rent in Bearsville on Tinker Street, 1.5 miles to Woodstock Library. 3-bedrooms, 1 bath, new kitchen, new paint, wood floors, granite counters, 2 porches, nice yard, garage, light & airy. $1800/month. 941-321-5454. WOODSTOCK/BEARSVILLE: Annual Ground Floor Rental; 1-Bedroom w/fireplace on Tinker Street. New kitchen & bath, wood floors. Pets OK. 1.5 miles to library. $1000/month. Call 941-321-5454. QUIET STUDIO. Skylight, deck, hardwood floor. Near State park. Wireless internet. Mountain views. 20 minutes Kingston, 2 miles Boiceville & Zen Monastary, 7 miles Village Green. $825/month plus utilities. 914-725-1461. NEWLY RENOVATED 700 sq.ft. LARGE STUDIO. New appliances, high ceilings, large windows, separate kitchen, bathroom.


486 490 500 510

Entries in order of appearance (happy hunting!)

100 120 130 140 145 150 200 210 215 220 225 230 235 240 245 250 260 265 280 299



Nov. 7, 2019

Help Wanted Situations Wanted Housesitting Services Opportunities Adult Care Child Care Educational Programs Seasonal Programs Workshops Instruction Catering/ Party Planning Wedding Directory Photography Events Courier & Delivery Car Services Entertainment Editing Publications/Websites Real Estate Open Houses

300 301 320 325 340 350 360 380 390 400 405 410 415 418

Real Estate Affordable Home Land for Sale Mobile Home Park Lot Lease Land & Real Estate Wanted Commercial Listings for Sale Office Space/ Commercial Rentals Garage/Workspace/ Storage Garage/Workspace/ Storage Wanted NYC Rentals & Shares Poughkeepsie/Hyde Park Rentals Gardiner/Modena/ Plattekill Rentals Wallkill Rentals Newburgh Rentals

420 425 430 435

438 440 442 445 450 460 470 480 485

Highland/Clintondale Rentals Milton/Marlboro Rentals New Paltz Rentals Rosendale/Tillson/ High Falls/ Stone Ridge Rentals South of Stone Ridge Rentals Kingston/Hurley/Port Ewen Rentals Esopus/Ulster Park Rentals Krumville/Olivebridge/ Shokan Rentals Saugerties Rentals Rhinebeck/Red Hook Rentals Woodstock/West Hurley Rentals West of Woodstock Rentals Green County Rentals

520 540 545 550 | 560 565 575 580 600 601 602 603 605 607 610 615 620 630 640

Delaware County Rentals Vacation Rentals Seasonal Rentals Seasonal Rentals Wanted Rentals Wanted Rentals to Share Senior Housing Housing Exchange / SWAP Lodgings/Bed and Breakfast Travel Free Stuff New & Used Books For Sale Septic Services Snow Plowing Tree Services Firewood for Sale Property Maintenance Studio Sales Hunting/Fishing Sporting Goods Buy & Swap Musician Connections Musical Instruction &Instruments

645 648 650 655 660 665 670 680 690 695 698 700 702 703

705 708 710 715 717 720

Recording Studios Auctions Antiques & Collectibles Vendors Needed Estate/Moving Sale Flea Market Yard & Garage Sales Counseling Services Legal Services Professional Services Paving & Seal Coating Personal & Health Services Art Services Tax Preparation/ Accounting/ Bookkeeping Services Office & Computer Service Custom Work & Specialty Repairs Organizing/ Decorating/Refinishing Cleaning Services Caretaking/Home Management Painting/Odd Jobs


Plumbing, Heating, AC & Electric 730 Alternative Energy Services 738 Locksmithing 740 Building Services 745 Demolition 748 Telecommunications 750 Eclectic Services 755 Repair/Maintenance Services 760 Gardening/ Landscaping 765 Home Security Services 770 Excavating Services 810 Lost & Found 890 Spirituality 900 Personals 920 Adoptions 950 Animals 960 Pet Care 970 Horse Care 980 Auto Services 990 Boats/Recreational Vehicles 995 Motorcycles 999 Vehicles Wanted 1000 Vehicles


Real Estate





1 in Homes Sold 2011-2018 * - 6 9 4 , 9 3@




Once occupied by Levon Helm, & before that by American novelist John Dos Passos, this property is knee-deep in art history. Incredible original features on the inside & 7 acres of woods, meadows, and english gardens on the outside. Woodstock $625,000

Views, a trout stream, mountain springs, 2 ponds, a farmhouse, & 198+ acres in the midst of the Catskills. If you’re looking for a mountain utopia, where you can re-imagine a classic farmhouse & reconnect w/nature, this is it. Margaretville $1,399,000



";; b| -Ń´Ń´ ĹŠ =uol =-ulv Ĺ&#x; C;Ń´7vġ |o |_; _bŃ´Ń´|orv & mountains beyond. If you’re looking to build your dream in Upstate NY with some of the most stunning views the Hudson Valley has |o o@;uġ |_bv Ć”Ć?Ćł -1u; ‰oo7Ń´-m7 r-u-7bv; bv b|Äş Ancramdale $575,000

b]_ om - _bŃ´Ń´ vb|v |_bv vr-1bo†v Š;1Â†ŕŚžÂˆ; "|‹Ѵ; Ranch Home. Completely renovated, this is one level living at it’s best! New hardwood Yoouvġ - vŃ´;;h Ĺ&#x; lo7;um hb|1_;mġ - _ol; oL1; with its own bath, and a private back yard. Kerhonkson $279,000

Savvy buyers & sellers know, only Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Hudson Valley Properties oers a decades long tradition of recognized success in Ulster & Dutchess County Real Estate. With deep roots in the communities we serve and live in, we can provide a uniquely informed perspective on all aspects aecting what may be your most important investment. With a Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Hudson Valley Properties professional on your team, you can trust your success to ours. Call today and let us exceed your expectations.


RURAL MODERN - Finely crafted & architect designed modern wood & glass home + 2 bedroom/2 bath guest house on 12 lush natural acres in sought after “Hudson Woods�. Walls of glass bring nature up close. Airy open plan interior features extensive white oak detail, well-appointed gourmet kitchen, 3 BRs, 2.5 spa chic baths, wrap cedar decking, 35’ det. garage and heated gunite POOL, too. MUST SEE! ........................ $1,200,000

VINTAGE CHARM - The real deal! Classic c. 1935 clapboard farmhouse with abundant original detail and unspoiled ambiance throughout. Add your modern touches to the existing features – hardwood oors, 4 panel doors, retro cool country eat-in kitchen, vintage wallpapers and more! There are 3 bedrooms, 1.5 baths, living & dining room, glass enclosed & screened porches, NEW furnace, NEW roof & detached garage. SO CUTE!.$255,000



So peaceful & quiet here. Marvel at panoramic views of the Catskills, listen to the birds & the ‰_bvr;u o= |_; ‰bm7ġ Ĺ&#x; 7ub[ bm|o v‰;;| u;rov; next to the pool w/the soothing sounds of the waterfall. A guest house, garage, & screened rou1_ ‰ņCu;rŃ´-1;Äş )oo7v|o1h $1,725,000




Kingston 845-331-5357 Catskill 518-625-3360 New Paltz 845-255-0615 Rhinebeck 845-876-4535 Windham 518-734-4200 Woodstock 845-679-2255



Over a half acre property w/ a 3BD/2BA -r;ġ -v ‰;Ń´Ń´ -v - Ć‘m7 0†bŃ´7bm] r;ulb‚;7 =ou use as a professional space w/separate entry -m7 -lrŃ´; r-uhbm]Äş ;‰ uoo= -m7 _;-াm] v‹v|;lÄş ;vv |_-m Ć?Ć? lbm†|;v |o |o‰mÄş Hudson $188,900


*According to Hudson Valley Catskill Region MLS. Š2016 Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. All Rights Reserved. Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC fully v†rrou|v |_; rubm1brŃ´;v o= |_; -bu o†vbm] 1|Äş -1_ L1; v m7;r;m7;m|Ѵ‹ ‰m;7 m7 r;u-|;7Äş oŃ´7‰;Ń´Ń´ -mh;u -m7 |_; oŃ´7‰;Ń´Ń´ -mh;u o]o are registered service marks owned by Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC.

ULSTER PUBLISHING POLICY It is illegal for anyone to: ...Advertise or make any statement that indicates a limitation or preference based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, familial status, handicap (disability), age, marital status or sexual orientation. Also, please be advised that language that indicates preference (i.e. “working professionals,� “single or couple,� “mature...professional,� etc.) is considered to be discriminatory. To avoid such violations of the Fair Housing Law, it is best to describe the apartment to be rented rather than the person(s) the advertiser would like to attract. This prohibition against discriminatory advertising applies to single family and owner-occupied housing that is otherwise exempt from the Fair Housing Act.

POOLSIDE FARMHOUSE - SigniďŹ cant 18 acre parcel with subdivision potential or room for studio/ guest house. This classic and updated two story home has lots to offer – welcoming “rocking chairâ€? porch, LR with cozy gas ďŹ replace, eat-in country style kitchen, main level bedroom or den, 3 more BRs upstairs, 3 full baths, hardwood oors, inviting IG POOL for summer fun PLUS, 3 car det. garage with ďŹ nished ofďŹ ce space............................$379,000

THINK NEW! - There’s still time to be involved in the ďŹ nishing touches of this distinctive modern style country home nestled on 3+ beautifully wooded acres on a private road with a meandering brook. The perfect retreat! This architect designed & custom built home features an airy open one level oor plan, vaulted ceilings, metal roof, high efďŹ ciency heat pump & 3 season screened porch. Quality built throughout! ..................... $525,000


NEW PALTZ 255•9400

STONE RIDGE 687•0232

WOODSTOCK 679•0006



Nov. 7, 2019


Real Estate

Specializing In Real Estate Throughout Ulster County & The Catskills p

Speak p With An Agent today, Call: (845) 338-5252 NEW PALTZ LOG HOME W/ SPECTACULAR VIEWS!!


use4 o n Hay 1 e Op und S


For more info and pictures, Text: M619310

To: 85377

B Beautifully landscaped with mature and unique plantss around the home with a deck overlooking the yard.. a Spacious living room with brick fireplace for those chillyy S nights. Little den off the living room could be used as office.. n Charming original details, hardwood floors, crown molding,, C high efficiency heating system, 200 amp & newer roof.. h Beautiful kitchen offers Maple cabinets, and a large granite B island, Elegant dining room with paneled wainscoting. Small den on first floor off living room has floor to ceiling windows. The main bath on second floor has an art deco feel has with vintage subway tile granite counter-tops, classic tile floors and extra long tub for soaking. Lots of natural light fills all of 3 BRs and plenty of storage as well. In addition to a garage, the full dry basement offers 9 foot ceilings, laundry room, incredible storage space. The basement walks out on grade to lush back gardens and a park like setting. A must see, visit the Open House this Sunday! Call for directions! $430,000 0

For more info and pictures, Text: M618520

To: 85377

Nestled deep into Catskill Mountains in the Hamlet of Willow, sits this 1.3 acre parcel of peace and quiet. It is here that you will find this two bedroom one bath single level ranch which would make a perfect full-time residence or a fabulous holiday escape from the everyday demands from your busy life. Walk to the rear of the property and enjoy the sounds of nature while relaxing by the pond. Take in the gorgeous 4 seasons of nature and view of Mt Tobias from the expansive wall of windows in the warm and enchanting Florida room. Cozy up with a good book next to the inviting woodstove while relaxing in your den. Centrally located between the highly sought-after villages of Woodstock and Phoenicia. Property also features an expansive open barn with metal roof to park your car in. Bonus space in the back of the barn includes a workshop and an additional second story for those seasonal storage items that you want tucked away.


For more info and pictures, Text: M144793


For more info and pictures, Text: M619116

A Very Special Woodstock Home Beautifully presented, this 4 bedroom, 3 bath quintessential Woodstock home is move-in ready. From the new master bath to the exterior lighting and the cozy stone ďŹ replace with a new chimney liner and wood stove, everything is ready for you to simply unpack and relax. With large windows already in place, there’s plenty of natural light for an additional workshop or studio. A picturesque stream borders the private backyard. This unique home is located within walking distance of the historic town of Woodstock. Those who like to get out and about will love the easy access to restaurants, shopping, concerts and the theater while hiking trails are close by for the nature lover ............................................................................................... $485,000

Ă? 3257 Route 212 Woodstock, NY 12409 845 679-2010 Ă? 89 North Front Street Kingston, NY 12401 845 331-3110


To: 85377

use Ho -4 en ay 1 Op und S


Amazing setting with breathtaking and sweeping mountain and meadow views of the Shawngunk Ridge and Mohonk yet only minutes to the Village of New Paltz with entertainment, eateries, shops and all that the Mohonk Mountain House has to offer. This 3 BR, 2 bath Cape style log home offers an open kitchen with dining area with plenty of space for entertaining. Large living room with wood stove for those cold winter nights. Lower level has family/ rec room with wood stove, lots of additional storage and oversized three car garage with breezeway that connects to the lower level. Expansive deck for picnics and family get togethers or just enjoying outdoor living at its’ best! This country home is surrounded by split rail fencing, stone walkway and gardens to enhance the exterior beauty. One of a kind distinctive offering!! $499,900


BEAUTIFUL CONDO THE COMMONS Enjoy a low maintenance, relaxing and easy lifestyle in this neat and clean 2 bedroom 2 bath second floor unit. Beautiful hardwood floors, granite countertops, master bedroom with private full bath and walk in closet, and 9ft ceilings are just a few of the fabulous features. The club house includes a large room for parties, an exercise room and a barbecue/picnic area. Stop by the Open House, this Sunday from 1-4PM! Call for more details & directions!


To: 85377


Portable Toilet Rentals



Portable Toilet Rentals

Charming and Authentic Farmhouse

845-658-8766 | 845-417-6461 | 845-706-7197

A charming 4 bedroom 2.5 bath farmhouse in Woodstock on 1.44 acres, with views of the mountains, meadows and trees from spacious and sun ďŹ lled rooms. The level, fully fenced property has numerous mature plantings and is located on both sides of a stream, with a foot bridge to the organic vegetable garden beds, shed and play area. There is a large studio/workshop/garage area with a half bath. Upstairs there are 4 bedrooms in 2 separate wings, each with its own stylish bathroom, plus a bonus room and a sitting area. Don’t miss it — this house is the real deal, full of original details and modern touches. Conveniently located to the centers of Woodstock and Phoenicia ............................... $489,000


Antique Dealer Warehouse Sale Saturday & Sunday November 9th & 10th 9am-2pm Architectural Elements Furniture • Lighting and Much More! 186 Mohonk Road, High Falls NY 12440

(845) 481-5759

$825/month; Newly renovated GUEST COTTAGE in BEARSVILLE. Large windows, brand new bathroom, kitchen. Wonderful grounds. On a private lane. Walking distance to Cub Market. Call 845-417-5282. VILLAGE OF WOODSTOCK; 3-BEDROOMS. All new appliances, renovated kitchen & bathroom, washer/dryer, dishwasher, wooden floors throughout, fireplace, oil heat, screened-in porch, 2 Bluestone slate patios w/Pergola, large fenced-in yard, custom-made shed & firewood shed, plowing & garbage disposal. On a private road & has driveway, plenty of parking. Onteora school district. Call owner: 718-7554947. STUDIO APARTMENT in Carriage House on horse farm in Willow, 15 minutes from Woodstock. By stream. Wood burning stove. (With electric back-up heat). Scenic area.


Tree Services

tance to Cooper Lake, 4 miles to center of Woodstock. On 1 acre. Wood floors, newly renovated bathroom. $1050/month. 845417-5282.

Antiques & Collectibles

Beautiful property, private compound. 2.5 miles to center of Woodstock. $1050/month plus utilities. Call 845-417-5282.

We e k e n d s • We e k l y • M o n t h l y

$650/month. Utilities not included. 845679-6590. WOODSTOCK/LAKE HILL: Comfortable, furnished private room in restored historic inn available now. Fully equipped kitchen, living room with piano, friendly working cats, gardens. $600/month includes utilities. Security, refs, car needed. 845-6792564; WOODSTOCK: SPACIOUS 2-BEDROOM APARTMENT on 2nd floor of 4-family house. Large Eat-in kitchen w/new SS appliances, separate pantry. Freshly painted, new flooring throughout. Outside balcony & exposed brick wall. Available for 12/1/19 move-in date. $1495/month includes heat, hot water, trash removal, plowing, lawn care. Tenant pays electric/cable. 1 pet TBD w/pet fee. Landlord is licensed RE agent. For inquiries call 845-802-4777. CHARMING 1-BEDROOM HOUSE on Mink Hollow Road within walking dis-

SECLUDED MOUNTAINTOP RUSTIC CABIN in pine forest. 1.5 miles from Woodstock Village. 1 room, sleeping alcove, woodstove. $875/month includes electric. Available now. 4-wheel drive vehicle necessary. 914-466-5916. WOODSTOCK COTTAGE; 1.5 miles from town. 1-bedroom, Galley kitchen w/lots of cabinets, stone fireplace, beamed A-frame ceiling, full bath, deck, nice grounds. $1050/ month. 845-417-5282.


West of Woodstock Rentals

Ranch Home in Boiceville; 2BR, 1 Bath, recently renovated. HW floors, ceramic tile bath & kitchen, washer/dryer & 1-car garage. $1750/month includes garbage, snow removal & lawn care. Pets to be determined. Halter Associates Realty Danielle Bonesteel, Associate Broker 845-399-6326.


Seasonal Rentals

WOODSTOCK: 2-BEDROOM, 1 bath w/2 extra rooms. soaker tub, Wood-stove, outdoor sauna & deck. Nice walks. NovemberApril 1. $2000/month plus utilities. No pets. No smoking. 845-399-7079 or 941330-4887.


New & Used Books

BOOKS WANTED: Actively buying used, rare and collectible books, maps, posters and typewriters! Seeking quality books from a single title to a full collection. Bring them to the shop or call for an in-home visit (845-255-2635). Barner Books; 3 Church St. New Paltz (

HAVE A DEAD TREE..... CALL ME! Dietz Tree Service Inc. Tree Removal, Trimming, Stump Grinding. Seasoned Firewood for Sale. (845)255-7259. Residential, Municipalities.





ALLEN LAWLESS • 845-247-2838 SAUGERTIES, NEW YORK CELL.: 845-399-9659


Hunting/Fishing Sporting Goods

GUNS WANTED. CASH PAID. Japanese swords, and Militaria. I come to you. Transfers, Estimates and Appraisals. Federal Firearms License. Spartan Trading Co., 90 Dug Hill Rd., Hurley, NY. 914-388-9286


Buy & Swap

BOTTOM LINE... HIGHEST PRICES PAID For old furniture through the 1960s & ANTIQUES of every description: Paintings, Lamps, Silver, Rugs, Pottery, China, Asian items, etc. One item-Entire Estates. Housecalls. Free appraisals. Richard Miller Antiques. 35+ years in business. Call/text 845-389-7286.


Antiques & Collectibles

BLAIR COLLECTIBLES is your trusted local BUYER of old COINS, Paper Money, Jewelry (and other Gold & Silver items), Marbles & Toys, Pocket Watches, etc.. most small size collectibles.50+ YEARS EXPERIENCE serving satisfied clients! 845-2544717/ PHOENICIA ARTS & ANTIQUES, 41 Main St.,Phoenicia, 845-688-0021. Fri to Mon, 10am-5pm. Jewelry, art gallery, clothing, blown glass, honey, mid-century and antiques.



Nov. 7, 2019

Shop-Local Extravaganza! You advertise local. They shop local. It’s a win-win. Advertise in Almanac Weekly, Kingston Times, New Paltz Times, Saugerties Times, Woodstock Times, and/or during the peak holiday shopping season from November 14 through December 26. Reach a locally involved readership with your ad each week. Give us a $50 gift certificate to come off your advertising bill. Our readers will send us a picture or receipt showing that they shopped local. Those readers will be placed into a drawing to win one of the $50 gift certificates from our participating advertisers. Promote your business locally with us. Readers who support local by shopping with our advertisers will have the opportunity to win a gift certificate to your business...

It’s a win-win!

For more information call your sales rep at

845-334-8200 |


Estate/Moving Sale

Estate Sale: 11/8, 11/9 & 11/10, 9am to 4pm. Indoors. Rain or shine. Vintage tools, crafts, stained glass, Mexican copperware and blankets, household items, furniture, windows and much, much more. Lots of free stuff too! 23 Pine Lane, Mount Tremper, NY off Wittenberg Road.


Yard & Garage Sales

MOWER’S SATURDAY/SUNDAY FLEA MARKET; Maple Lane, Woodstock. Veteran’s weekend: Saturday, Sunday & Monday, 11/9-11/11/2019- (weather permitting). Antiques, collectibles, produce & Reusables. 845-679-6744. Join us for our 42nd Year! For brochure: woodstockfleamarket@hvc. GOOGLE US!


Personal & Health Services

SPORT OF IRON FITNESS- A Culture of Strength. NOW OFFERING $35/MONTH OPEN GYM. *State of the Art Strength Training Equipment* *Powerlifting, Strongman, Olympic Lifting Equipped* *9000 sq.ft. facility including 1400 sq.ft. of turf. Group Training Sessions - Registered Dietician - Youth Programs - Personal Training. 120 State Route 28, Kingston. Call Today 845-853-8189. STUCK? Allow me to help you uncover your direction. Betty Marton- Life Coaching. 845-309-0502.


Art Services


Professional Services

*Jessica Rice*; Beautiful Images Hair Salon, 123 Boices Lane, Kingston. Hair- 845383-1852; www.beautifulimageshairsalon. com Makeup- 845-309-6860; GBM TRANSPORTATION SERVICES INC. Professional Moving and Delivery. Residential/Commercial. Local and N.Y.C. Metro areas. N.Y.S. Dot T 12467, Shandaken, N.Y. Call 845-688-2253.; Masters Psychology, former CEO, Certified Hospice Volunteer. (845)6796242.


Cleaning Services


Homes & Offices • Insured & Bonded

Excellent references.


PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZER/HOUSEKEEPER. Help w/everyday problems, special projects; clutter, paperwork, moving, gardening & personal assistant. Affordable. Fully Insured, Confidentiality Assured.

CLEAN UPS, CLEAN OUTS. Indoor/Outdoor. Junk & debris removal. Estates prepared for Moving and Sale. (845)688-2253.


Caretaking/Home Management

Precision Cleaning. Complete line of services with affordable rates. Commercial, residential, clean-outs, rentals, Air B&Bs; hospitality (daily, weekly, housekeeping, linen service, etc.) SPECIAL FOR SENIORS: 2-bedroom/1 bath- $60. 30 years experience. Insured. Free estimates. 845-235-6701.


Organizing/ Decorating/ Refinishing

HOUSE CLEANING for a tidy sum. 845658-2073.

Call (845)706-1713 or (845) 679-8932

ULSTER WINDOW CLEANING CO. **Estate, **Residential. **Free Estimates, Fully Insured. Call 679-3879


Painting/Odd Jobs

EXPERIENCED HANDYMAN WITH A VAN. Carpentry, painting, flatscreen mounting, light hauling/delivery, cleanouts. Second home caretaking. All small/ medium jobs considered. Versatile, trustworthy, creative, thrifty. References. Ken Fix It. 845-616-7999. HANDYALL SERVICES: *Carpentry, *Plumbing, *Electrical, *Painting, *Excavating & Grading. 5 ton dump trailer. Trees cut. Call Dave 845-514-6503- mobile.



Nov. 7, 2019


Building Services

TLK LLC. PORTABLE TOILET RENTALS. Weekend, Weekly, Monthly rentals. We have Gray, white, blue, tan, green (pinescented), pink (rose-scented), red & blue handicap accessible. (We also have a few w/ sinks). Great for Construction/Building Sites, Sporting Events, Concerts, Street Festivals, Parks, Outdoor Weddings, Campsites, Flea Markets, Party Events, etc. Call 845-658-8766, 845-417-6461 or 845706-7197. e-mail: TLKportables@gmail. com


Interiors & Remodeling Inc s ’ d e T

From Walls to Floors, Ceilings to Doors, Decks, Siding & More.

Reliable, Dependable & Insured Call for an estimate

845-591-8812 HANDYMAN, HOME REPAIR, Carpentry, Remodels, Installations, Roofing, Painting, Mechanical repairs, etc. Large and small jobs. Reasonable rates. Free estimates. References available. (845)616-7470. D AND S IMPROVEMENTS: Home improvement, repair and maintenance, from the smallest repairs to large renovations. Over 50 years of combined experience. Fully insured. (845)339-3017


Gardening/ Landscaping



Look who’s being cared for at Saugerties Animal Shelter! We have such loving adult cats & kittens just waiting to become part of your family. SARAH: sweet tiger girl, between 1-2 years old. GRACE and GABE: siblings who are gray & white short-hair kitties. How lovely would it be to have this brother and sister grow up in your loving home? MISHU: 10-year old orange medium hair kitty. He’s been at the shelter the longest of all the animals. Mishu needs to be the only pet. That means Mishu would love only you! If you’re interested in adopting a kitten, this is a perfect time to meet the adorable lively kittens at Saugerties Animal Shelter. Kitten season is almost all year long!! We have young & teenage kittens. Teenage kittens are between 10-14 months old. That time frame can vary as each kitten is an individual. AND THIS WEEK ONLY! The adoption fee for the second teenage kitten you choose to love is included in the cost of the adoption fee for the first teenage kitten. These are the DOGS who are at Saugerties Animal Shelter. Please come meet them and see who could be your new love. LILY: sweet, shy Pittie mix girl, 4-years old & needs a quiet home. CHARLOTTE: Brindle Pittie mix girl who loves people. Children will enjoy growing up w/Charlotte. Charlotte needs to be your only pet. LACY: tan Pittie mix girl who loves people & prefers to be the only pet. ROCKY: Sheltie/ Border Collie mix boy, very sweet & good w/dogs. Loves people & loves to herd cats. He part Border Collie!! Saugerties Animal Shelter; located 1765 Route 212 Saugerties, NY 12477 (behind the Saugerties Transfer Station). (Closed Sunday & Monday).


Pet Care


catskill gardens

NYS DOT T-12467

Incorporated 1985

Interior Painting & Staining, Sheet Rocking, All Stages of Remodeling Residential & Commercial • Free estimates, fully insured Accepting all major credit cards.

• Residential / Commercial • Moving • Delivery • Trucking • Local & NYC Metro Areas

Shandaken, NY 845-688-2253 Gary Buckendorf

Painting: Interior - Exterior Plastering, Taping, Structolite Wall coverings, Color Matching Many references in Catskill area and Manhattan


FINE HOUSE PAINTING — 15 Years experience —

Free estimates • Reasonable rates


845-532-6587 •

Contact Jason Habernig

845-331-4966/249-8668 Visit my website:

Fall is here!!! Are you ready?! We specialize in sustainable, pollinator-friendly landscapes for residential and commercial properties.

Find us on facebook or call/text (845) 419-9740

QUALITY • VALUE • RELIABILITY • SINCE 1980 • Int. & Ext. Painting • Power Washing • Sheetrock & Plaster Repair • Free Estimates Multiple References Available Upon Request Licensed & Insured •

House & Estate Cleanouts, Junk Removal, Dump Runs. Helping homeowners, realtors and property managers for 20 years. One call, it’s gone! Senior & disabled discounts. 845-247-7365.

Landscaping /DZQ LQVWDOODWLRQ 3RQGV &OHDQ XSV /DZQ FDUH ...and much more


Paramount Contracting & Development Corp.

William Watson • Residential / Commercial

SNOW PLOWING & SANDING Call William, for your free estimate (845) 401-6637

subscribe 334-8200 subscribe

WOULD YOU LIKE AN OUTDOOR CAT? Do you have a barn, garage, shed or outbuilding? Would you like to consider having feral cats? You can help cats in need who will help keep your barn, etc. free of rodents. The cats will be neutered/spayed and up to date w/shots. Please call the Woodstock Feral Cat Project at 347-258-2725.

L&M Pet Sitting Professional pet care visits for cats, dogs, birds, and other exotic species.

Lauren Storm & Michael Steeley (607) 431-3392

Check us out on Facebook!


Vehicles Wanted

CASH PAID FOR USED cars & trucks regardless of condition. Junk cars removed. Call 246-0214. DMV 7107350.

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