Almanac Weekly #12 2020

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A miscellany of Hudson Valley art, adventure and ideas | Calendar & Classifieds | Issue 12 | Mar . 19 – 26 Inside Seldom seen and rather noisy, the Northern Spring Peeper is a little frog with some amazing abilities | Tick Project’s Felicia Keesing: Less biodiversity means more diseases | New York is waiving fees at all state parks | Feelgood flicks for the housebound





Mar. 19, 2020


Peep show Seldom seen and rather noisy, the Northern Spring Peeper is a little frog with some amazing abilities

They can survive being frozen. Most frogs bury themselves in mud to keep their body temperatures above freezing. Not the peeper. It hibernates under leave litter and logs. When temperatures dip below freezing, the frog’s liver begins to produce glucose, which prevents cell damage even when most of its body is frozen. During this time, the frog’s heart stops beating and it appears dead. But the clock is ticking: one study found 85 percent of frogs survived three days in the state, while 50 percent survived for a week. This cold tolerance is why the frogs are the traditional first to call each spring.

name: pseudacris crucifer, which means “cross-bearing false locust,” the latter a reference to its insect-like call. If “crucifer” sounds familiar, it’s because it rhymes with Lucifer. The first the cross-bearer, the second the light-bearer. It’s quite biblical, which is appropriate for a frog who begins to call around Easter.

On the move Like many amphibians, the spring peeper breeds in temporary ponds formed by snow melt and spring rains called vernal pools. Each year, amphibians make a pilgrimage to these pools, usually on the first war, rainy night. If you hear the peepers in a nearby wetland, that X marks the spot. means they’ve made the The “X” marking on the trip. Locally, many peepfrog’s back is one of easiers made the move last Actual size week during the warmer est ways to distinguish it from other small frogs. weather, though not all. That marking, combined with its Each year, locals volunteer to call, is responsible for its Latin help amphibians cross roads. For

Social distancing on the trail New York is waiving fees at all state parks


ith the coming of COVID-19, the Hour of the Introvert is at hand. Many writers fall into this category of humans for whom “social distancing” is the old normal. For

The Northern Spring Peeper’s range. West of this, the Western Chorus Frog fills a similar niche.


This New Paltz peeper inflates his throat sac (above) and, if in proper concert shape, belts out a high G, one of the highest notes on a piano.

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get together, which is comparable to a chainsaw.

Musically inspired? An article in Wired magazine analyzed the peepers’ calls and Small body, big sound. found they consistently hit a Peepers are .8-1.5 inches long specific note - around 3000 hz, and weigh 3-5 equivalent to G7, the grams. But for highest G on a piano. animal the size of Call rate ranges from a match stick and around 20 to 90 per It’s a tie weight of a nickel, minute, and frethey can make a quency turns out to be racket - up to 104 db when they important. Females go for males

us, solitude and quiet do not equate to loneliness and boredom. The period of recharging that stretches out ahead of us does not strike us as altogether unpleasant, so long as we and our loved ones remain healthy and employed. This may change, of course, with our tolerance for cocooning depending on how long the emergency lasts and how fragile our economy and our civil society prove to be. But introverts will likely be the last people to freak out from cabin fever. We must, however, acknowledge that there are plenty of others who don’t thrive without frequent social interaction. These are the people who suffer most during a long winter, who always want to stop at a

gym after work or a tavern after dinner, who enjoy bustle and noise and lots of human company. Here’s one happy truth that may help us all: Being on “lockdown” when the adversary is a microorganism that inhabits human hosts does not necessarily mean staying indoors all the time. We can take walks, so long as we stay more than six feet away from other people and avoid touching surfaces that get touched a lot. We can celebrate the upcoming Vernal Equinox, Arbor Day and Earth Day by hugging a tree; it won’t get sick. The myriad health benefits of vigorous walking include increasing your lungs’ capacity to transmit oxygen to your bloodstream, which could confer a handy survival edge if you should happen to contract the virus and find yourself on your hospital’s waiting list for a ventilator. Making such activity a whole lot easier, and putting an official Cuomo Administration imprimatur on it, is the announcement on March 17 that the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation is waiving fees at all state, local and county parks. That means that users can come and go without

call frequently and loudly. The male peeper generates his seductive peep by closing his nostrils, and pushing air over his vocal chords into the throat sac, which acts as a resonator. Lifecycle Peepers call in a given location for 4-8 weeks; breeding season stretches from March to June. After mating, the female lays 800-1000 eggs underwater. The eggs hatch in 6-12 days and tadpoles mature in 45-100 days; quicker in temporary pools. Sexual maturity: 3 years. Eats Adult: Spiders, ants, beetles; tadpole/larvae: algae and other aquatic organisms. Is eaten by Adult: Larger frogs, snakes, skunks, owls, other birds; tadpole/larvae: diving beetle, leeches, dragonfly larvae. -Will Dendis

handing money or day passes back and forth at points of entry. Both the Wallkill Valley Land Trust and Scenic Hudson sent out e-mail blasts this week reminding us all that rail trails and privately owned parks also remain open to the public. If you’re not a backwoodsy type, if the idea of getting mud on your shoes or bug repellent on your skin or your phone outside the range of cellular service sounds like no fun at all, there are also plenty of places to take a long walk in our region’s small cities, towns and villages without rubbing shoulders with the potentially infected – for example, Huguenot Street and the Nyquist/Harcourt Wildlife Sanctuary in New Paltz, or the Chestnut Street Historic District and the Maurice D. Hinchey Promenade along the Rondout waterfront in Kingston. So, you need not fret at home; you can practice active social distancing while toning up your muscles, improving your cardiovascular health and also enjoying the beauties of nature, or of human-designed landscapes and architecture. – Frances Marion Platt

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Mar. 19, 2020

Ask a


Tick Project’s Felicia Keesing: Less biodiversity means more diseases

of situations that make it more likely that an infection will emerge. If we knew that, for example, losing biodiversity would increase the risk of an infection, we could encourage policies that protect biodiversity. These are the kinds of interactions between infections and the environment that I’m most interested in exploring with this grant.


ard College recently announced that Felicia Keesing, the college’s David and Rosalie Rose Distinguished Professor of Science, Mathematics and Computing, has been awarded a $241,000 grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF). Professor Keesing has spent nearly 30 years researching the complex relationships among ecology, conservation and health. The NSF grant will fund two papers that will synthesize a quartercentury of Keesing’s research and aim to provide better conceptual frameworks for the study of the impacts of biodiversity on plant, animal and human health. “Ecology is increasingly seen as a key ally of the health sciences,” Keesing says, “but concrete examples of how ecology can productively inform health policy remain relatively scarce. The proposed syntheses could impact environmental policies that affect the health of humans, other animals and plants, in part by framing research questions that urgently require exploration and explication.” Keesing is well-known to Hudson Valley locals as an influential researcher of Lyme disease who has studied tickborne illnesses for 25 years. She co-founded (with Richard Ostfeld) the Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies’ Tick Project, a five-year study to determine whether neighborhood-based prevention can reduce human cases of Lyme and other tickborne diseases. Since 1995, Keesing has studied how African savannas function when large, charismatic animals like elephants, buffaloes, zebras and giraffes disappear. Professor Keesing agreed to answer a few questions about the NSF grant and to illuminate the relationship between ecology and disease, here at a time when such issues are front-and-center in most people’s minds: In the press release announcing the grant award, you are quoted as saying, “While the field of disease ecology has held great promise because of the expectation that its practitioners can facilitate predictions and guide ecological interventions to mitigate health concerns connected to the environment, too frequently, predictions come too late to be useful.” Can you provide an example or two of instances in which this latency really derailed or delayed science’s effective response to a public health crisis? How common is that? What are the bottlenecks? Imagine a situation in which a new infectious disease is identified. (Just imagine!) It’s spreading and beginning to affect humans. In the case of coronavirus, which we’re all experiencing very intensely right now, scientists had been warning that certain species were more likely to harbor viruses that could jump to humans, and some of those species were being housed in optimal conditions for such jumps to occur. In that case, I’d say that the scientists did their job pretty well, even though we still don’t know what species carried the specific virus that’s causing Covid-19, and even though there are lots and lots of other challenges involved with managing this outbreak.

Can you provide some examples of the critical ways in which you foresee modifying, streamlining or tech-enabling this science-into-practical-response process for greater readiness and timeliness? Much of what I’m proposing to do would be a synthesis of ideas that have already been proposed and, in many cases, demonstrated. For example, my colleague Rick Ostfeld of the Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies and I have uncovered evidence of a “dilution effect,” in which habitats with a high diversity of animals include species that dilute the risk of a tickborne infection like Lyme. In habitats with low diversity of animals, like a tiny forest fragment, the species that thrive are the species most likely to pass infections on to us. One of the papers I’ll be writing with this grant support will explain the dilution effect to non-specialists. Another will attempt to unify a lot of disparate ideas about how biodiversity can affect our health. A lot of these ideas have not yet been well-described or integrated. It sounds like a key element of this current work is really about information systems and management – a big, hyperspecialized IT job, in some respects. Is that accurate?

Bard College Biology Professor Felicia Keesing

“In the case of coronavirus, which we’re all experiencing very intensely right now, scientists had been warning that certain species were more likely to harbor viruses that could jump to humans, and some of those species were being housed in optimal conditions for such jumps to occur.” But in other cases – say, the case of a new tickborne infection – we need to be able to more quickly identify the likely sources of

There are a lot of people working on how to use IT to predict and manage infections. That’s not my particular focus. I’m interested in understanding what’s happening in nature, and what kinds of patterns occur across different disease systems, so that we can use this information to make better decisions in the future. The project I’m working on with this grant builds on my 25 years of working

the pathogen, and also the wildlife species that protect us from infection. It would also be very useful if we knew the kinds

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Mar. 19, 2020

Feelgood flicks for the housebound


ith going to cinemas starting to sound like a dangerous idea, Plan A for this week’s film review was to substitute a listicle of movies about plagues. It would’ve kicked off with Contagion (2011, Stephen Soderbergh), a well-made thriller that is proving remarkably prescient about many aspects of the current COVID-19 emergency, including the dangerous role played by anti-science social media pundits. But such lists are easy to come by elsewhere, and we got to thinking that our readers probably didn’t need something else to bum them out, while they’re hunkering down and wondering whether or not they’ll still have a job two months from now. On to Plan B: some suggestions of feelgood movies to search out on the various cable channels and streaming services that are likely to become our cherished companions over the weeks to come. Rather than cite classics that I turn to again and again, I’m going to browse through my nine years of Almanac Weekly reviews and offer digested-down descriptions of some movies that lifted my spirits. Maybe they’ll perk you up as well. 1: Hugo (Martin Scorsese), 2011 Based on Brian Selznick’s gorgeous graphic novel The Invention of Hugo Cabret, Hugo is proof of how immensely creative a filmmaker Martin Scorsese can be when he isn’t wallowing in his obsession with mobsters. James Cameron, who almost-singlehandedly reinvented the 3-D movie with Avatar, praised Hugo as “the best 3-D cinematography I’ve ever seen.” It’s a love letter to the silent films of the late 19th/early 20th centuries, and an attempt to revive appreciation of one of its pioneers whose work was very nearly lost to history.

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The story follows an orphaned 12-year-old boy (Asa Butterfield) who lives in a train station in 1930s Paris, winding the clocks daily while he pilfers clockwork parts to repair a wonderful brass automaton that his late father (Jude Law) left him. The steampunk aesthetic is reinforced via long, deep tracking shots along ornate corridors and wrought-iron staircases as vertiginous as any in an Escher engraving. The public spaces of the station are the realm where Hugo is always in danger, dodging the gimpy-but-determined Station Inspector (Sacha Baron Cohen). The plot thickens when the isolated, secretive young protagonist gets caught shoplifting by a toyshop owner with a cryptic past (Ben Kingsley). Hugo meets his match in the toy-seller’s goddaughter Isabelle (Chloë Grace Moretz), who desperately wants adventure and becomes his partner in crime, trying to solve the mystery of the broken automaton (not to mention several broken people). The supporting cast includes Helen McCrory, Richard Griffiths, Frances de la Tour and Christopher Lee.

Shockingly passed over during awards season, Sorry to Bother You is not for the pearlclutching faint of heart, but a real find for anyone who loves movies, sociopolitical satire, dystopian science fiction and transgressive humor.

and meanwhile, a charmingly awkward courtship blossoms between Louis and Carol. In a World… is winsome, but with some sharp edges, and clearly reflects a contemporary female auteur’s sensibility, wielding its feminist politics with a light, ironic hand. The complex narrative moves along smartly and coherently; the dialogue is snappy but feels real. Bell endows every secondary character with some annoying traits, saving graces, at least one Achilles’ heel and a generous supply of funny lines.

2: In a World… (Lake Bell), 2013 For many, the best escape from reality is a rom/com. Perhaps the freshest, most original entry in that genre to come down the pike in the last decade was In a World…, a send-up of the pretensions of the big fish in the little pond of voiceover acting that’s currently in rotation on the HBO roster. The title evokes the late real-life voiceover actor Don LaFontaine, introducing some bombastic cinema epic with the words “In a world where only…” This movie opens with the Hollywood sharks circling to take over LaFontaine’s role as king of the voiceovers; next in line in this nearly exclusively male field is Sam (Fred Melamed), who’s about

to pass the torch to a younger competitor, Gustav (Ken Marino). Brimming with classic movie-mogul narcissism and machismo, Sam cavalierly dismisses the ambitions of his gifted 30ish daughter Carol (Bell) to break into voiceover work. A sought-after vocal coach, Carol is a late bloomer who still lives in her dad’s house – until he kicks her out to make room for a young trophy girlfriend (Alexandra Holden). Transplanted to her sister Dani’s (Michaela Watkins) living room, Carol wanders the streets of LA surreptitiously collecting accents on her voice recorder for future study – a habit that will later trigger a rift in Dani’s marriage. And she haunts a recording studio where her sweetbut-nerdy friend Louis (Demetri Martin) operates the soundboard while secretly pining for Carol. There, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity opens up when a producer (Geena Davis) puts out a call for voiceover actors to revive LaFontaine’s trademark trailer intro. Gustav, afflicted with laryngitis, bails out of his audition and Carol steps into the breach. When word gets out that an unspecified woman has the inside track for the coveted gig, Gustav goes for the jugular, and even Sam is suddenly motivated to get back into the game. Complications abound,

on tickborne illnesses in the Hudson Valley and even longer working in the savannas of East Africa. What my colleagues and I have learned by studying these systems can be used to predict what’s likely to happen in other places. For example, what kinds of infectious diseases are likely to be affected by changes in biodiversity? From my Kenya work, I’m interested in how changes to biodiversity affect human health in a variety of ways, including their economic and social well-being, and also the sustainability of savanna environments.

and psychology in the Northeast; African mammals profoundly symbolize both the magic and the fragility of the natural world; and right now you are tapping right into an area of acute neurosis, if not mania! If you agree with that assessment at all, was this conscious? Were you committed or drawn to the “relevant” or the especially human/humane dimensions of science and research from the start of your career, or am I missing the point that all areas of science will find these intersections if you follow the threads far enough?

Looking over your diverse, award-filled bio, one thing I notice is that your career seems defined by its direct intersections with culture and daily life. Lyme defines life

This is an interesting insight. I have a deep respect for basic science and have done a fair bit of it myself. That said, I am particularly drawn to questions that have

relevance in the world. My Kenya work has focused on whether it’s possible for humans and wildlife to coexist in African savannas in the 21st century. I have been working in Kenya since the 1990s, addressing this question in a variety of ways. Most recently, we have found that wildlife on the one hand, and people and their livestock on the other, can coexist and even benefit from each other. I think these kinds of win/win situations are very compelling. They’re not always possible, of course, and we need to be wary of oversimplifying outcomes and tradeoffs, but there is much to be learned from identifying and working with win/ win scenarios. In the Hudson Valley, my colleagues and I have identified processes that benefit the environment and human health: another win/win situation. Our particular focus has been on tickborne diseases like Lyme and anaplasmosis, but our results apply to other diseases all around the world, and diseases of plants and wildlife as well as of humans. Early in my career, I chose questions that had relevance to the world, and I continue to work on those questions today. My focus has changed, though, both in the Hudson Valley and in Kenya, so that now I’m working much more closely with local communities. Our Tick Project, which is in its fifth year in Dutchess County, is a good example. In that project, we’re working with about 3,000 residents of the county to see if environmental interventions in neighborhoods can reduce the number of cases of Lyme and other tickborne diseases. This is an obvious outcome of my decades of research on what causes some areas to be riskier than others for tickborne diseases; my focus now is how to use the knowledge we have to actually make a difference in people’s lives. – John Burdick

3: Love & Mercy (Bill Pohlad), 2015 “Crazy” people used to be stock characters in comedy, and I will never stop cherishing such performances as Peter O’Toole’s mad Earl of Gurney in The Ruling Class or Ruth Gordon’s exasperatingly senile mother in Where’s Poppa? But I am resigned to the fact that such movies couldn’t be made anymore, because they stigmatize people with mental illnesses. So how does a biopic about a man with schizoaffective disorder, complicated by auditory hallucinations, make it onto a list of feelgood movies? For one, the story of Brian Wilson is uplifting, and for another, Love & Mercy is propelled by the joyous music of Wilson and the Beach




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scene in which Kubo uses his shamisen to conjure a seaworthy galleon out of swirling autumn leaves. 5: Sorry to Bother You (Boots Riley), 2018 Shockingly passed over during awards season, Sorry to Bother You is not for the pearl-clutching faint of heart, but a real find for anyone who loves movies, sociopolitical satire, dystopian science fiction and transgressive humor. It marks the invigorating directorial debut of Boots Riley, an Oakland area singer/rapper who was born into a family of Chicago labor organizers. His deep grounding in community activism informs Sorry to Bother You’s narrative in ways rarely seen in feature films these days. A fantasia on the theme of the unintended consequences of a black man accidentally attaining power in a white corporate power structure, Sorry to Bother You is set in an alternative present day in which many of the poor are turning to a company called WorryFree that promises perpetual employment in the form of indentured servitude. Cash (Lakeith Stanfield), the protagonist, is in arrears on his rent to his uncle (Terry Crews), who is in danger of losing his home to his mortgage lender. Eager to help out his family, impress his artist/activist girlfriend (Tessa Thompson)

Kubo and the Two Strings is this critic’s favorite animated ďŹ lm of the past decade

and generally improve his socioeconomic status, Cash takes a commission-only job in a telemarketing firm. He flounders at first, but after being advised by a more seasoned black co-worker (Danny Glover) to cultivate his “white voice� for more effective cold calling, Cash learns to his astonishment that he has found something he’s really good at. Elements of magical realism begin to creep into the story at this point, only to escalate more and more bizarrely as it unspools. Cash’s talents attract the attention of his supervisors, who dangle the carrot of promotion to the coveted status of highly remunerated “power caller� even as his co-workers begin demanding better pay. Torn between loyalty and ambition, Cash crosses the picket line and soon discovers that the power callers are hawking armaments, and the services of those virtual slaves who have sold their futures to WorryFree. Armie Hammer plays the villain, billionaire CEO Steve Lift, whose indulgent lifestyle lures our feckless hero ever more deeply into a web of horrors. Sorry to Bother You’s screenplay is witty and smart, full of layered humor, the characters vivid and engagingly portrayed, their moral quandaries classic and yet exquisitely attuned to the politics of the moment. Boots Riley has important things to say, and the storytelling chops to say them entertainingly. – Frances Marion Platt

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4: Kubo and the Two Strings (Travis Knight), 2016 No list of feelgood movies can fail to include some animation, and this critic’s favorite animated film of the past decade – even after the visual pizazz of 2018’s Into the Spider-Verse – is a Laika Studios prod-

uct, Kubo and the Two Strings. Blending stop-motion characters with CGI backgrounds of extraordinary detail and ethereal beauty, Kubo is replete with magical moments. The film’s visual aesthetic and its sometimes stately, sometimes sprightly sense of movement derive from origami and Noh theater, the traditional Japanese arts of paper-folding and ritual drama. Story, acting and music aside, it’s such a stunner to the eye that you’ll be wanting your own copy just to gape at it frame-by-frame for the art. A coming-of-age quest that is dark and challenging, full of sorrow and loss, leavened by flashes of cheeky humor, Kubo’s core message has a decidedly Buddhist feel: The uplift of the ending comes from the power of forgiveness, not the satisfaction of revenge. It is through our ability to tell stories – to reframe our beliefs and perceptions through words – that we humans are able to forgive both ourselves and those who have done us harm. Thus do we break out of the violent cycles of history and evolve spiritually as a species. It’s an extraordinary meta-message that celebrates narrative art in all its forms, from village storytellers to modern wizards of electronic media. Kubo follows the adventures of a plucky young boy who can make origami paper take living form by playing his enchanted shamisen, and who tries valiantly to communicate with a mother irrevocably traumatized by the death of her warrior husband. Kubo, whose left eye was stolen in his infancy by his grandfather, the Moon King, in an effort to blind him to a human capacity for compassion, must confront supernatural foes of terrifying power who are his own kin. Love and loyalty, courage and sacrifice are found in unexpected places in his world, when the resources on which people usually depend prove illusory. The film is populated with engaging characters, brought to vivid, heartfelt life by an amazing cast of voice actors, including Art Parkinson, Charlize Theron, Matthew McConaughey and Rooney Mara. Dario Marianelli’s lovely score also deserves a mention, adding layers of enchantment to the awe-inspiring visual imagery, such as a




Boys. The sound that band achieved was a phenomenon that bordered on the miraculous – not merely because these DNA-sharing young men’s voices blended so beautifully, but because Brian Wilson has a rare and particular sort of genius. He doesn’t hear the world the way most of the rest of us do; he hears infinitely more, and it transports and sometimes overwhelms him. This decades-spanning cinematic rendering of Wilson’s struggle with his inner demons manages to evade the pitfall tropes of most stories about sensitive artists trying to keep their balance on the fine line between genius and madness. For that, credit tight writing and direction, terrific cinematography, splendid acting by all the principals and above all, an extraordinary soundtrack. Atticus Ross’ score blends actual Beach Boys and Wrecking Crew studio takes, newly recorded music, dialogue and ambient sounds with the voices in Brian’s head so seamlessy and persuasively that we feel that we’re getting a real hint of what it must be like to live inside a mind that raw, creative and tormented. Love & Mercy casts Paul Dano as the young, ’60s-era Wilson at the height of his career success and John Cusack as the broken, terrified middle-aged man in the 1980s who can barely drag himself out of bed, let alone create music. Bill Camp plays the Wilson brothers’ abusive father; Paul Giamatti portrays Eugene Landy, an unscrupulous psychotherapist who controlled Brian’s movements as oppressively as if he had joined some crackpot religious cult. Playing the rescuing angel to Landy’s overmedicating devil is Melinda Ledbetter (Elizabeth Banks), who eventually became Brian Wilson’s second wife. It’s in the later-in-life segments starring Cusack that Love & Mercy hooks us by the heartstrings; but the studio segments in which the younger Brian conjures Pet Sounds and Smile out of seeming thin air – and wins the awestruck admiration of Hollywood’s best studio musicians in the process – are what make us want to stand up and cheer. It’s like Wilson’s brain is on fire, making synaptic connections that mere mortals cannot follow. Dano winningly conveys this musical prodigy as a hyperperceptive, tender, openhearted fellow with fundamentally low self-esteem who just wants to share what he hears inside with the rest of the world. Fortunately, the real Brian Wilson survived his ordeals and went on to make more music. Love & Mercy is a beautifully rendered reminder of how lucky we are to have his work.

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Mar. 19, 2020



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Almanac’s classified ads are distributed throughout the region and are included in Woodstock Times, New Paltz Times, Saugerties Times and Kingston Times. Over 15,000 copies printed.


Almanac’s classified ads also appear on, part of our network of sites with more than 2.6 million unique visitors per year.


WŽƐŝƟŽŶƐ ĂƌĞ ďŽƚŚ WĂƌƚ Θ &Ƶůů dŝŵĞ LJĞĂƌ ƌŽƵŶĚ͘ look on-line and apply at Apply at Supervising Lifeguards, Lifeguards, WSI’s, Attendants, etc. for Moriello Pool (Town of New Paltz Pool) for Summer 2020. Appropriate certifications required. Application packets available at: Office of Town Supervisor, 52 Clearwater Road, New Paltz. 255-0604. EOE. LOVE GARDENING? Seeking strong, artistic, freelance gardener with tools who knows their perennials and weeds. Parttime; April through Thanksgiving. Parentfriendly scheduling.nightshadefinegarden (Boat Stewards) The Capital Region (PRISM) HOSTED BY Cornell Cooperative Extension of Saratoga is seeking Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) Watercraft Stewards to provide public education and outreach at boat launches regarding statewide Clean, Drain, Dry practices to prevent the spread of aquatic invasive species. Launch sites are spread at multiple locations along the Hudson River. To Apply: Needing a Home Health Aide for elderly mother, Lake Katrine area. Help with ADL’s. No prior experience required but compassion is needed. Some Spanish is a plus. Aide will be paid through an agency. Hours: 8:30-6:30 Saturdays and Sundays. Contact: Carmen 845-337-9718. FULL-TIME BUILDING/GROUNDS MAINTENANCE – Woodstock Fire District, 242 Tinker Street, Woodstock, NY, seeks to hire a self-motivated individual to perform all phases of building maintenance, groundskeeping, custodial and repairs. Full-time hours plus health insurance and retirement. Please call (845)679-9955. Applications accepted through March 31, 2020. New Paltz Area: Student wanted for parttime housework and organizing, female preferred. Twice a week, hours flexible. Reply by email:



Come & play some music! The Hudson Valley Balinese Gamelan Orchestra community ensemble has openings and is seeking new members. We play on authentic Balinese instruments and rehearse every Monday night from 7-9 pm. No prior experience is necessary. If you can clap in rhythm to a song you can learn to play. Rehearsals are held at Bard College in the Green Room located between the Olin Humanities and Olin Language Arts buildings. For more info call: 845-688-7090.


The absolute final deadline is Tuesday at 11 a.m.

Adult Care

Experienced caregiver provides personal care, medication and light housekeeping with respect and compassion. Contact Suzanne at 845-338-1864 or klaresuzanne@


Party Planning/ Catering

POTTIE FOR YOUR PARTY! HAVING A PARTY? TLK LLC. PORTABLE TOILET RENTALS. Weekend, Weekly, Monthly Rentals. We have Gray, White, Blue, Tan, Green (pine-scented), Pink (rose-scented), Red & Blue Handicap Accessible. (We also have a few w/sinks). Great for Construction/Building Sites, Sporting Events, Concerts, Street Festivals, Parks, Outdoor Weddings, Campsites, Flea Markets, Party Events, etc. Call 845-6588766, 845-417-6461 or 845-706-7197. email:


Real Estate

Man With A Van 20' # 255-6347 DOT Moving 32476 Trucks

Moving & Delivery Service Reasonable Rates • Free Estimates 8 Enterprise Rd., New Paltz, NY


Office Space/ Commercial Rentals



Garage/ Workspace/ Storage

ASHOKAN STORE-IT Ask About Our Long Term Storage Discount

5x10 $40 10x15 $90

5x15 $50 10x10 $70 10x20 $110 10x30 $150

845-657-2494 845-389-0504 1 Ridge Rd., Shokan, NY 12481


Highland/ Clintondale Rentals

HIGHLAND: LARGE 1-BEDROOM END UNIT, heat & hot water included. $990/ month. Private, quiet neighborhood. Private parking. Next to Highland Town Hall/Court on Church Street, near Rt. 9W. Minutes to SUNY New Paltz, Poughkeepsie Bridge, Metro North, Rt. 9 & hospitals. 1 month security. No smoking. No pets. 845-453-0047. HIGHLAND: 2-BEDROOM second floor end unit. Heat & hot water included. $1090/ month. Separate entrance. Carpeted. Private, quiet neighborhood. On-site parking. Next to Lloyd Town Hall, near Rt. 9W. Minutes to Poughkeepsie Bridge, Metro North, Rt. 9 & hospitals. 1 month security. No smoking. 845-453-0047.


New Paltz Rentals


1-BEDROOM APARTMENT available April 1 at Village Arms. Wood floors. Top floor, end unit. Convenient location on Rt. 32 bus route. $1200/month includes heat, hot water, plowing and garbage pick-up. No pets. No smokers. 1st month, 1 month security to move in. Call 845-594-4433. Owner is Broker, no fee.

New Paltz: Southside Terrace Apartments Year round and other lease terms to suit your needs available! Free use of the: Recreation Room, Pool, New Fitness Center & much more! We are now open Saturdays 10am-2pm SPECIAL! Receive a $100 gift card if you move in no later than April 1, 2020 with a 1-year lease

Call 845-255-7205 for more information


21A Colonial Dr., New Paltz. 1 & 2 BR apts. Pets welcome! No security deposit option. 3-12 month leasing terms. Pool, laundry on site.

845-255-6171 Beautiful 3-Bedroom Duplex for three friends in Village of New Paltz. Starting June 1, 2020-May 31, 2021. $1870/month. Call: 845-430-1819. SOUTHSIDE TERRACE APARTMENTS offers semester leases for FALL 2020 and Short-Term for the Summer! Furnished studios, one & two bedrooms, includes heat & hot water. Recreation facilities. Walking distance to campus and town. 845-2557205. NICE UNFURNISHED ROOMS; Starting at $485/month. Excellent location. Close to SUNY college. All utilities included. Call 845-255-6029 or 914-474-5176, leave message.



Mar. 19, 2020


Real Estate

, WINDHAM, NEW YORK INVESTORS DELIGHT! Hotel Vienna Consisting of 29 chalet style rooms, a studio and one-bedroom apartment. Each guest room is equipped with energy efďŹ cient electric heating and cooling units. Alongside this completely TURNKEY BUSINESS there is an impeccable log cabin for owners or management. These 3 beds and 3 baths custom built log cabin boasts three levels of living space totaling 3,164 sq. ft. Enjoy many activities such as golďŹ ng, mountain biking, skiing, hiking, hunting and ďŹ shing. Outdoor lover’s dream! Listing by Nyasa Hoyte. ..............$3,199,000

SAUGERTIES, NEW YORK RE PRIC Unique 3 bedroom, 3 bath DU E CT ION Raised Ranch in quiet hub ! of Saugerties Village Main Streets. Fireplace in spacious living room boasting Cathedral ceiling and skylights. Front deck and sliding doors to the rear deck from dining area to a landscaped .26-acre lot. Lower level 24’ X 20’ Family Room currently used as Master Bedroom. Also, comes with Central AC, Municipal Water/Sewer with natural gas. 2-Car garage from a circular driveway. Listing by Blanca Aponte. ....................................................................................$265,000

SMITH’S LANDING, CATSKILL, NEW YORK Look at the 0.52 acres of at land where you could build a 1-family or 2-family home. Drilled well, electricity and municipal sewer. Already on the land is an oversized 3-bay steel garage with 12 ft ceiling and 4 roll-up doors. With 1840 sq. ft of gross oor area, and plenty of on-site parking, this space has much potential. Well-maintained garage has double-panel insulated walls (8� insulation). Garage is fully equipped both inside and outside with lighting, light timers, air (for air hose), water, exhaust fan, plus a small attic for storage. Property has drilled well of approx. 300’. Listing by Sara Nelson. .......................................$159,000

COXSACKIE, NEW YORK Great opportunity to open your own “TurnKeyâ€? Veterinary practice. Maple Ridge Veterinary is a successful practice which was established in 2007. Currently operated solely by current owner, it has excellent visibility and easy access to Coxsackie and Athens. The 1,622 square foot building sits on 3.9 acres set back from road. It boasts a Reception area and waiting area at the entrance. There are three exam rooms (one of which is being used as an ofďŹ ce), an X-ray room, operating room, photo lab, medical lab, and a holding room for the animals as well as a break area and two half baths. Sale includes equipment inventory and clientele. Owner is retiring but assistance in transition of practice will be provided. Listing by Blanca Aponte. ..................................................... $625,000

WINDHAM, NEW YORK This quiet two-bedroom duplex sits back off the main road in a beautiful peaceful setting yet only minutes away from the hustle and bustle of Windham and Hunter Mountains. Skiing, GolďŹ ng, Hiking, Zip lining, Biking, Fishing, dining all only minutes away. Sliding glass doors off the living room lead you onto a large deck to relax on after all those fun activities. Fabulous mountain views in the winter, spectacular colorful fall foliage, 4 seasons of activities along with 4 seasons of views from your living room and deck. Listing by Karen Stanbrook. ................................................................$148,000

Kingston 845.339.1144 / Woodstock 845.679.2929 & 845.679.9444 / Saugerties 845.246.3300 / Phoenicia 845.688.2929 / Catskill 518.800.9999 / Commercial 845.339.9999

One Of A Kind Passive House Ă? 3257 Route 212 Woodstock, NY 12409 845 679-2010

Ultra Dwell with Views

Ă? 89 North Front Street Kingston, NY 12401 845 331-3110


Featuring this one-of-a-kind 2 bedroom, 2 full and 2 half bath ultra-luxury home, located on a beautiful private drive off West Saugerties-Woodstock Road, and nestled under beloved Overlook Mountain, a crown jewel of the Catskill Region. Privacy is absolute here, with the home perched on a tall ledge in the center of over 9.5 acres of mature land. The home was built in 2007, and was completely renovated and re-designed by the well-known architect Barry Price in 2011. This home’s cutting-edge design embraces the location, views, and beauty that surrounds. No detail was missed in this incredible home. It has it all! Come take a look at this Catskill Mountain stunner! .............. $2,100,000


Woodstock/West Hurley Rentals

Cottage, 2-Bedroom plus Loft. Woodburning stove. On horse farm. By stream. Willow, 15 minutes from Woodstock. $650/ month plus 2 hours a day farm work. 845679-6590. Sunny, one room apartment, walking distance to the center of Woodstock. Renovated with wood floors. $950/month includes utilities, plowing, grounds maintenance. 845-797-2909.


Seasonal Rentals

FRESH AIR, HEALTHY LIVING, PRISTINE 3BR farmhouse on 7 private acres in Woodstock. On NYC bus route, walk to town and to local food markets. Sip coffee on the front porch overlooking a private meadow, watch the soaring hawks, and let your stress dissolve. 3-6 month seasonal rental, starting in April. $4900/month. AC, wifi, Fire Stick, bluetooth printer, and cable TV included. Award-winning host will make your spring and summer dreams come true. Text inquiries: 845-943-0056


Rentals Wanted

AirBNB? VRBO? Have an empty country home in the area? Long time residents seek part-time rental, 1/2 bedroom furnished house. Flexible, around 24 weekends and two summer weeks. Under 25 minutes from Woodstock. We’ll take good care of your house and pay well. Call Barry @ 917-806-9900.

Experience extraordinary healthy living at this distinguished 3 bedroom, 3.5 bath Woodstock dwelling on 3 acres. This is a one of a kind Passive House offers an exemplary level of efďŹ ciency, safety and comfort. This low maintenance green home was engineered for the environmentally conscious buyer, using non-toxic and low carbon emitting materials. CertiďŹ ed by The Passive House Institute US, the US Environmental Protection Agency’s Water Sense & Indoor Air Plus programs, NY Energy Star Homes, and the US Department of Energy Zero Energy Ready program, this resilient home boasts a HERS score of 9. This home was completely built without the use of hazardous materials and irritants, and is foam-free. Have to say it: Location, location, location! Just over a mile to the center of Woodstock on a quiet, dead end road, this home offers so much more than just a holistic and forward thinking approach to living ................................. $1,399,000



Looking for an “almostâ€? new construction home near the center of Woodstock with its restaurants and shops and vibrant scene? This spacious and modern four bedroom, three bath Woodstock home is sited on two wooded acres and is totally move-in ready. This home features state of the art technology with Alexa friendly entry locks, lighting, thermostat and refrigerator. Have Alexa play music in the shower through the fan/light with built in speaker! The bedrooms are each large with generous closetry and golden oak ooring. This home was rebuilt from the framing up and has all new windows, doors, foam insulation, roof, vertical siding, electrical system, plumbing, a high efďŹ ciency gas heating and central air system, decking and a new gravel drive .................................................... $648,000



KUBOTA TRACTOR B1550HST. Hydrostatic transmission, front end loader, midmount rotary mower, 2WD/4WD, turf tires, rear and midmount PTO. Very good working condition. $6700. 845-616-0710. EXERCISE EQUIPMENT FOR SALE: Bowex Power Pro w/210lb. rod pack, leg curl and leg ext. accessory; $500. Total Gym; $250. Pilates reformer; $100. Call 845-255-0523.


Portable Toilet Rentals


“Almost� New Construction


Portable Toilet Rentals 845-658-8766 | 845-417-6461 | 845-706-7197

Weekends • Weekly • Monthly


Tree Services

HAVE A DEAD TREE..... CALL ME! Dietz Tree Service Inc. Tree Removal, Trimming, Stump Grinding. Seasoned Firewood for Sale. (845)255-7259. Residential, Municipalities.


ALLEN LAWLESS • 845-247-2838 SAUGERTIES, NEW YORK CELL.: 845-399-9659


Hunting/Fishing Sporting Goods


Professional Services

*Jessica Rice*; Beautiful Images Hair Salon, 123 Boices Lane, Kingston. Hair- 845383-1852; www.beautifulimageshairsalon. com Makeup- 845-309-6860;


GUNS WANTED. CASH PAID. Japanese swords, and Militaria. I come to you. Transfers, Estimates and Appraisals. Federal Firearms License. Spartan Trading Co., 90 Dug Hill Rd., Hurley, NY. 914-388-9286


Buy & Swap

BOTTOM LINE... HIGHEST PRICES PAID For old furniture through the 1960s & ANTIQUES of every description: Paintings, Lamps, Silver, Rugs, Pottery, China, Asian items, etc. One item-Entire Estates. Housecalls. Free appraisals. Richard Miller Antiques. 35+ years in business. Call/text 845389-7286.


Antiques & Collectibles

PHOENICIA ARTS & ANTIQUES, 41 Main St.,Phoenicia, 845-688-0021. FridayMonday, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Jewelry, art gallery, clothing, blown glass, honey, mid-century and antiques. New Children’s Clothing Section.

subscribe 334-8200 subscribe

6x10 Dump Trailer Drop-off Services

Call Stefan for more details 845-389-2549 GBM TRANSPORTATION SERVICES INC. Professional Moving and Delivery. Residential/Commercial. Local and N.Y.C. Metro areas. N.Y.S. Dot T 12467, Shandaken, N.Y. Call 845-688-2253.


Personal & Health Services

SPORT OF IRON FITNESS- A Culture of Strength. NOW OFFERING $35/MONTH OPEN GYM. *State of the Art Strength Training Equipment* *Powerlifting, Strongman, Olympic Lifting Equipped* *9000 sq.ft. facility including 1400 sq.ft. of turf. Group Training Sessions - Registered Dietician - Youth Programs - Personal Training. 120 State Route 28, Kingston. Call Today 845-853-8189.

H Help keep local jjournalism strong W Without independent local media, many stories might never be told. m h




486 490 500 510

Entries in order of appearance (happy hunting!)

100 120 130 140 145 150 200 210 215 220 225 230 235 240 245 250 260 265 280 299

Help Wanted Situations Wanted Housesitting Services Opportunities Adult Care Child Care Educational Programs Seasonal Programs Workshops Instruction Catering/ Party Planning Wedding Directory Photography Events Courier & Delivery Car Services Entertainment Editing Publications/Websites Real Estate Open Houses

300 301 320 325 340 350 360 380 390 400 405 410 415 418

Real Estate Affordable Home Land for Sale Mobile Home Park Lot Lease Land & Real Estate Wanted Commercial Listings for Sale Office Space/ Commercial Rentals Garage/Workspace/ Storage Garage/Workspace/ Storage Wanted NYC Rentals & Shares Poughkeepsie/Hyde Park Rentals Gardiner/Modena/ Plattekill Rentals Wallkill Rentals Newburgh Rentals

420 425 430 435

438 440 442 445 450 460 470 480 485

Highland/Clintondale Rentals Milton/Marlboro Rentals New Paltz Rentals Rosendale/Tillson/ High Falls/ Stone Ridge Rentals South of Stone Ridge Rentals Kingston/Hurley/Port Ewen Rentals Esopus/Ulster Park Rentals Krumville/Olivebridge/ Shokan Rentals Saugerties Rentals Rhinebeck/Red Hook Rentals Woodstock/West Hurley Rentals West of Woodstock Rentals Green County Rentals

520 540 545 550 | 560 565 575 580 600 601 602 603 605 607 610 615 620 630 640

Mar. 19, 2020

Delaware County Rentals Vacation Rentals Seasonal Rentals Seasonal Rentals Wanted Rentals Wanted Rentals to Share Senior Housing Housing Exchange / SWAP Lodgings/Bed and Breakfast Travel Free Stuff New & Used Books For Sale Septic Services Snow Plowing Tree Services Firewood for Sale Property Maintenance Studio Sales Hunting/Fishing Sporting Goods Buy & Swap Musician Connections Musical Instruction &Instruments

645 648 650 655

Recording Studios Auctions Antiques & Collectibles Vendors Needed Estate/Moving Sale Flea Market Yard & Garage Sales Counseling Services Legal Services Professional Services Paving & Seal Coating Personal & Health Services Art Services Tax Preparation/ Accounting/ Bookkeeping Services Office & Computer Service Custom Work & Specialty Repairs Organizing/ Decorating/Refinishing Cleaning Services Caretaking/Home Management Painting/Odd Jobs

660 665 670 680 690 695 698 700 702 703

705 708 710 715 717 720


Plumbing, Heating, AC & Electric 730 Alternative Energy Services 738 Locksmithing 740 Building Services 745 Demolition 748 Telecommunications 750 Eclectic Services 755 Repair/Maintenance Services 760 Gardening/ Landscaping 765 Home Security Services 770 Excavating Services 810 Lost & Found 890 Spirituality 900 Personals 920 Adoptions 950 Animals 960 Pet Care 970 Horse Care 980 Auto Services 990 Boats/Recreational Vehicles 995 Motorcycles 999 Vehicles Wanted 1000 Vehicles


Real Estate





1 in Homes Sold 2011-2019 *

Good to know.



At this moment, know that the Berkshire Hathaway Yes, weunprecedented have a new name. And yes,please we have an incredible array of new tools andHomeServices technology to Hudson Valley Properties team is here for you. As dedicated Real Estate augment our decades of recognized real estate success. But rest assured that we areprofessionals still the same and, more importantly, your friends and neighbors, we can thoughtfully assist you in group of committed Westwood Metes & Bounds professionals that savvy sellers and buyers have making decisions based on a real-time factual analysis of up-to-the-minute market data depended on for almost 40 years. We’re thrilled to put the power of the Berkshire Hathaway and conditions. Please reach out to us with any of your questions or concerns. We’re HomeServices brand behind our time-tested real estate strategies. When you are ready to buy, here and ready to help. sell, invest or relocate, please give us a call. We shall continue to exceed your expectations.


WOODSTOCK LANDMARK – First offering ever!! The Wittenberg Sportsman’s Club is comprised of 7 + acres with mountain views and frontage on idyllic Yankeetown Pond. The iconic and rustically charming 2100 SF clubhouse features a 30 x 40 Great Room with hardwood oors, high ceilings and stone hearth, expansive 20’ kitchen, 2 half baths and ample storage space. Convert to unique single family living space or permitted creative use........................................... $450,000


KINGSTON CLASSIC – Fab location in the heart of the vibrant Rondout waterfront district. Stylishly warm & comfortable Victorian c. 1901 has it all- 3 bedrooms, 3 baths, HW floors, dining room, eat-in kitchen, 9’ ceilings, vintage fixtures, gorgeous woodwork, deck o’looks landscaped yard PLUS, separate STUDIO APARTMENT! ...................... $425,000


This impeccably renovated smart home in -u1Ń´-‹ ;b]_|v =oŃ´Ń´o‰v - =u;v_ Ĺ&#x; lo7;um v|‹Ѵ; ‰ņ‰bCĹŠ1ommm;1|;7 -l;mbা;vÄ´ "l-u| Features include Nest thermostats, light 7bll;uvġ ]-u-]; 7oouvġ Ĺ&#x; v;1†ub|‹ 1-l;u-vÄş "-†];uা;v $239,000


Comfortable living awaits at this bucolic 3+ -1u; o-vbv -| |_; ;m7 o= - t†b;| 1†ѴŊ7;ĹŠv-1Äş $_; home features a large kitchen w/center island, ! ‰ņCu;rŃ´-1;ġ =†ѴѴ 1oˆ;u;7 rou1_ġ Ĺ&#x; - Ń´-u]; u;-u 7;1h oˆ;uŃ´oohbm] |_; rubˆ-|; 0-1h‹-u7Äş New Paltz $489,900


7;Ń´b]_ †Ѵ _bv|oub1 _ol; f†v| ‰-bাm] =ou b|Ä˝v =†|†u; ‰b|_ ‹o†Ĵ Ńľ ‰ņ0;-Â†ŕŚž=†Ѵ _-u7‰oo7 Yoouvġ Ć‘ Cu;rŃ´-1;vġ Ĺ&#x; - v1u;;m;7 rou1_ ‰ņv|om; 0-u0;1†;Äş $_; ruor;u|‹ -Ń´vo =;-|†u;v -m or;m Ć‘ĹŠv|ou‹ 0-um om1; †v;7 -v |_; Ń´o1-Ń´ Cu;_o†v;Ä´ Palenville $229,000


The country life can be yours in this easily accessible home just mins away from Woodstock, "-†];uা;v -m7 bm]v|omÄş $_; _ol; =;-|†u;v - propane woodstove on cooler evenings and a 7;Ń´b]_ †Ѵ v1u;;m;7 rou1_ =ou v†ll;u 7bmm;uvÄş Woodstock $349,000



R.E. Salesperson New Paltz, NY

THINK SUMMER! – The pool’s out back of this classic log home well sited on 4+ play and pet friendly acres just a short drive to historic Stone Ridge hamlet shops & services. The comfortable floor plan features a spacious 23’ living room, formal dining room, country kitchen opening to terrific screened porch for al fresco dining, 3 upstairs bedrooms, 1.5 baths, full length “rocking chair� porch PLUS, inground POOL for summer fun. ...................................... $375,000





R.E. Salesperson Woodstock, NY

-ˆb7 Ń´;|1_;u R.E. Salesperson Woodstock, NY

;b|_ ,-uub;Ń´Ń´o R.E. Salesperson Woodstock, NY Kingston 845-331-5357 Catskill 518-625-3360 New Paltz 845-255-0615 Rhinebeck 845-876-4535 Windham 518-734-4200 Woodstock 845-679-2255




HUDSON RIVER VIEWS – Sweeping river panorama from 4.5 acre site of this stately 3400+ SF 2-story with views from most rooms. Features include main level BR suite with stone ďŹ replace, ensuite MBR & 2 add’l BRs up (one w/ sleep loft), gourmet eat-in kitchen, central AC, waterfront veranda invites al fresco dining & quiet contemplation PLUS, rolling lawn to water’s edge ramp and deep water rights. .......... $829,000

b1_-;Ń´ -u0omb


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*According to Hudson HudsonValley ValleyCatskill CatskillRegion RegionMLS. MLSŠ2016 & Columbia Coldwell Greene Banker Northern Real Estate Dutchess LLC. All MLS. Rights Š2016 Reserved. Coldwell Coldwell BankerBanker Real Estate Real Estate LLC. All LLC Rights fully !;v;uˆ;7Äş oŃ´7‰;Ń´Ń´ -mh;u !;-Ń´ v|-|; =†ѴѴ‹ v†rrou|v |_; rubm1brŃ´;v o= |_; -bu o†vbm] 1|Äş -1_ L1; v m7;r;m7;m|Ѵ‹ ‰m;7 m7 r;u-|;7Äş v†rrou|v |_; rubm1brŃ´;v o= |_; -bu o†vbm] 1|Äş -1_ L1; v m7;r;m7;m|Ѵ‹ ‰m;7 m7 r;u-|;7Äş oŃ´7‰;Ń´Ń´ -mh;u -m7 |_; oŃ´7‰;Ń´Ń´ -mh;u o]o Coldwell Banker and theare Coldwell registered Banker service Logo marks are registered owned byservice Coldwell marks Banker owned Realby Estate Coldwell LLC.Banker Real Estate LLC.

ULSTER PUBLISHING POLICY It is illegal for anyone to: ...Advertise or make any statement that indicates a limitation or preference based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, familial status, handicap (disability), age, marital status or sexual orientation. Also, please be advised that language that indicates preference (i.e. “working professionals,� “single or couple,� “mature...professional,� etc.) is considered to be discriminatory. To avoid such violations of the Fair Housing Law, it is best to describe the apartment to be rented rather than the person(s) the advertiser would like to attract. This prohibition against discriminatory advertising applies to single family and owner-occupied housing that is otherwise exempt from the Fair Housing Act.



Mar. 19, 2020


Real Estate

Specializing In Real Estate Throughout Ulster County & The Catskills

Speak With An Agent today, y Call: (845) 338-5252 ELEGANT COUNTRY LIVING



Hudson River Views galore is what you will find in this tastefully decorated, move-in ready condo! This home features hardwood floors throughout the main level. Open concept living room, kitchen/dining area with gas fireplace, great for entertaining. The master bedroom features not one but 2 walk-in closets as well as full bath. The lower level is finished making an additional room for guests or office space. One car drive under garage with extra parking space. Outside you can relax on your balcony while enjoying the views of the boats going by. Some of the amenities that this complex offers is a beautiful pool, tennis courts and Club House. A must see! $259,000





Two Story Office Building with 4 Office spaces and a Half Bath on the first floor and 4 more Offices Spaces, a Full Bath and a Kitchenette on the second floor. There appear to be wood floors under the carpets and Pocket Doors on some of the first floor offices. A Full, Dry Basement and Walk-Up Attic provide plenty of storage. The Building has a Slate Roof and the Vinyl Siding is +/-1 year old. Perfect for Attorneys, Accountants, Etc.. This property includes the neighboring Lot, providing 5-6 off-street recently (9/19) re-paved parking spaces.




Gardiner Gables 2356 Rte. 44-55 Gardiner, NY 12525

** Become a Fan of Colucci Shand Realty on Facebook **


Art Services


Caretaking/Home Management

T This neat as a pin, four bedroom, two bath cape o offers spacious bedrooms, modern baths, open k kitchen with breakfast bar and dining area, cozy lliving room with wood burning insert into the brick ffireplace leading to an enormous family room thru ffrench doors. Freshly refinished hardwood floors, central air conditioning, washer and dryer on the first floor as well as two bedrooms and a full bath for one level living if desired! Walk in attic offers ample storage space. Sliding glass doors lead to the two-tiered deck in the private back yard. Large storage shed with electric can house all of your outdoor toys. Just a short walk to Grant D Morse Elementary School! Nothing to do here except move in! $264,900

Woodstock 845.684.0304

....with panoramic views is set on your own private retreat of 40 acres. This 5000 sq. ft gracious home with 4 Bedrooms including a private guest suite, 5 bathrooms, library, generous living room, family room and dining room with fireplace, maple floors throughout, imported granite floors and 800 sq. ft master suite has walls of French doors opening to the 95 foot terrace with endless views of your private park. Conveniently located close to the leading destinations of the Hudson Valley..................................Offered at $695,000

P Private, yet close to it all! This 3 BR ranch style home with an oversized 2 car garage is situated h o on 10 acres. Features a spacious living room w with a double sided gas fireplace that leads into the large kitchen and dining area. Off of the th kitchen is an additional room that has a dry bar and indoor garden area which would be good for an in home office. Expansive Master BR suite w/ private bath. Downstairs is finished with dry bar, pellet stove, surround sound, another bathroom with another room which could be used as a guest room / craft room. Outside has a Jenn Aire style propane grill with island, covered patio, above ground swimming pool, koi pond and mature landscaping. $399,900


This bluestone-constructed 1790 Hasbrouck House built as a summer residence by Judge Jonathan Hasbrouck, the first judge of Ulster County, sits on over an acre and enjoys a privacy that is rare for Woodstock village. Nearly all the original details remain: three fireplaces, hardware, doors, deep-set windows, beehive oven, wide-board flooring, and original Federalstyle banister. The current renovation has been extremely sensitive to the integrity of the house, with the capacious kitchen area being left a blank slate for the new buyer to design. This 5 bed, 4+ bath property is a one-time-only opportunity for the discerning buyer: once it is sold, there is literally not another one like it in Woodstock village proper. $1,120,000

HANDYALL SERVICES: *Carpentry, *Plumbing, *Electrical, *Painting, *Excavating & Grading. 5 ton dump trailer. Trees cut. Call Dave 845-514-6503- mobile.


Plumbing, Heating, AC & Electric

Interior Painting & Staining, Sheet Rocking, All Stages of Remodeling Residential & Commercial • Free estimates, fully insured Accepting all major credit cards.

Contact Jason Habernig

845-331-4966/249-8668 Visit my website:


Organizing/ Decorating/ Refinishing

PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZER/HOUSEKEEPER. Help w/everyday problems, special projects; clutter, paperwork, moving, gardening & personal assistant. Affordable. Fully Insured, Confidentiality Assured.; Masters Psychology, former CEO, Certified Hospice Volunteer. (845)679-6242.


Cleaning Services

HOUSE CLEANING for a tidy sum. 845658-2073.


EXPERIENCED HANDYMAN WITH A VAN. Carpentry, painting, flatscreen mounting, light hauling/delivery, cleanouts. Second home caretaking. All small/ medium jobs considered. Versatile, trustworthy, creative, thrifty. References. Ken Fix It. 845-616-7999. NYS DOT T-12467

Painting: Interior - Exterior Plastering, Taping, Structolite Wall coverings, Color Matching Many references in Catskill area and Manhattan


House & Estate Cleanouts, Junk Removal, Dump Runs. Helping homeowners, realtors and property managers for 20 years. One call, it’s gone! Senior & disabled discounts. 845-247-7365.

QUALITY • VALUE • RELIABILITY • SINCE 1980 • Int. & Ext. Painting • Power Washing

Incorporated 1985


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Homes & Offices • Insured & Bonded

• Free Estimates

Excellent references.

CLEAN UPS, CLEAN OUTS. Indoor/Outdoor. Junk & debris removal. Estates prepared for Moving and Sale. (845)688-2253.


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• Residential / Commercial • Moving • Delivery • Trucking • Local & NYC Metro Areas

Shandaken, NY 845-688-2253 English Handyman, mature, friendly, experienced, reliable, educated. Painting, woodwork, repairs, etc. Also maintenance, management and pre-sale consultation. Quick response 917-364-2157.

• LED Lighting

• Service Upgrades

• Wiring for Pools & Spas

• Landscape Lighting

Authorized Dealer & Installer

Multiple References Available Upon Request Licensed & Insured •

H Z Emergency Generators U \ LICENSED 331-4227 INSURED


Building Services

TLK LLC. PORTABLE TOILET RENTALS. Weekend, Weekly, Monthly rentals. We have Gray, white, blue, tan, green (pinescented), pink (rose-scented), red & blue handicap accessible. (We also have a few w/ sinks). Great for Construction/Building Sites, Sporting Events, Concerts, Street Festivals, Parks, Outdoor Weddings, Campsites, Flea Markets, Party Events, etc. Call 845-658-8766, 845-417-6461 or 845-7067197. e-mail:

Interiors & Remodeling Inc s ’ d e T From Walls to Floors,


Call (845)706-1713 or (845) 679-8932

• Standby Generators

Low-Rate Financing Available

Gary Buckendorf

Painting/Odd Jobs

Stoneridge Electrical Service, Inc.

Help keep local journalism strong The business of media is changing, but local, on-the-ground, fact-checked journalism is needed now more than ever.

UP Ulster Publishing


Ceilings to Doors, Decks, Siding, Additions & More Reliable, dependable & insured

845-591-8812 HANDYMAN, HOME REPAIR, Carpentry, Remodels, Installations, Roofing, Painting, Mechanical repairs, etc. Large and small jobs. Reasonable rates. Free estimates. References available. (845)616-7470.



D AND S IMPROVEMENTS: Home improvement, repair and maintenance, from the smallest repairs to large renovations. Over 50 years of combined experience. Fully insured. (845)339-3017


Gardening/ Landscaping

Spring-time garden clean-up! Call me to help you clean-up the flower-beds, woodland verges and yard. I am a personable, reliable, older chap living in New Paltz; references upon request. 267-221-4419 Excavation Site work 'UDLQ ¿HOGV /DQG FOHDULQJ 6HSWLF V\VWHPV 'HPROLWLRQ 'ULYHZD\V

Landscaping /DZQ LQVWDOODWLRQ 3RQGV &OHDQ XSV /DZQ FDUH ...and much more

Paramount Contracting & Development Corp.

William Watson • Residential / Commercial

SNOW PLOWING & SANDING Call William, for your free estimate (845) 401-6637



Garden Consulting Service

Mar. 19, 2020

twice the love! If you’re interested in adopting a kitten, this is a perfect time to meet the adorable, lively kittens at Saugerties Animal Shelter. Kitten season is almost all year long!! We have lots of young & teenage kittens. Teenage kittens are between 10-14 months old. That timeframe can vary as each kitten is an individual. These are the DOGS at Saugerties Animal Shelter. Please come meet them & see who could be your new love. MOLLY; super sweet 7-year old spayed Pittie Lab girl. She’s good w/larger dogs but no cats, please. Molly’s tail never stops wagging! LILY; sweet and shy 4-year old Pittie mix girl who is tan & white brindle. LILY needs a quiet home. CHARLOTTE; Brindle Pittie mix girl who loves people. Children will enjoy growing up w/Charlotte. Charlotte needs to be your only pet. Saugerties Animal Shelter; located at 1765 Route 212 Saugerties, NY 12477 (behind the Saugerties Transfer Station). (Closed Sunday & Monday). 845-679-0339.


Pet Care

WOULD YOU LIKE AN OUTDOOR CAT? Do you have a barn, garage, shed or outbuilding? Would you like to consider having feral cats? You can help cats in need who will help keep your barn, etc. free of rodents. The cats will be neutered/spayed and up to date w/shots. Please call the Woodstock Feral Cat Project at 347-2582725.

L&M Pet Sitting Professional pet care visits for cats, dogs, birds, and other exotic species.

Lauren Storm & Michael Steeley (607) 431-3392

READY FOR SPRING? Soil Testing Available Now Biological Food Garden & Farm Soil Testing Organic-Regenerative Soil Balancing Compost Tea – Biodynamic Preps Testing – Education – Consulting

Ross 845-825-7657



Look who’s being cared for at Saugerties Animal Shelter! We have such loving adult cats & kittens just waiting to become part of your family. CLEA; wonderful, beautiful, black & white tuxedo cat mama, is looking for a forever home. Clea raised four glorious kittens who have all found homes. She’s practically a teenager herself; no more than 1.5 years. BETTY is also a wonderful 2-year old adorable, shy tiger cat mama. All of Betty’s kittens were adopted & now Betty is looking for a home. Betty is waiting for someone to love her unconditionally. TESSA and TORI are sisters. Tessa is a dilute calico & Tori is a torti. They’re between 1-2 years old, are shy & oh so sweet! SHOES; handsome & very nice gray cat boy, about 2-years old. BLACKIE: elegant all black 6-year old cat girl. This beautiful girl is ready to bring you joy. LITTLE GIRL; petite, black, 7-year old super sweet female cat girl. She lived in the streets but now wants the easy life. How happy she’d be in a safe, loving home! Remember: 2 kittens aren’t twice as much fun as 1 kitten; they are 10 times the fun! Also- They’ll always have each other as company. And- You’ll receive

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CASH PAID FOR USED cars & trucks regardless of condition. Junk cars removed. Call 246-0214. DMV 7107350.

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