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A miscellany of Hudson Valley art, entertainment and adventure | Calendar Ca l e n da r & Classifieds | Issue 51 | Dec. 22 – 29

Winter in the Catskills


ne of the great pleasures of winter in the Catskills is taking long, solitary, digressive walks in the snowy woods—the kind of walks that simultaneously soothe the mind and hone the senses to the acuity of starlight on a frozen creek.

Trekking through the bare stands of oak, the occasional birches like incongruous zebras, and the tufted masses of pine, one thing we begin to gradually become aware of is that, while the woods are, for the most part, still, they are never wholly silent. A crow barks, harshly, from an equally haggard hickory; the snowy branch of a neighboring spruce abruptly sproings, betraying the clandestine acrobatics of an unseen squirrel. And, of course, there is the crunching of our own boots, a rhythmic figure that connects us to the distant whine of a chainsaw, or the incidental drone of motors in the sky, or the muffled, almost subliminal din of traffic on the Thruway—miles away, but close enough to add its tint to the canvas of our ramble. So we stroll through the winter woods, gently reminded of the paradox: we are intruders, but we somehow belong there. Our souls take solace in the frosty beauty; we know it to be an essential thing, yet also a fragile one, contingent upon our stewardship. As we listen to the stuttering industry of woodpeckers and the dark murmur of icy streams mingle with the dull hum of the Thruway, perhaps we can be moved to resolve, in this second decade of the third millennium, to not let environmental vigilance be the road not taken. –Mikhail Horowitz



December 22, 2016


Rogue One: A Star Wars Story offers up a more-or-less persuasive explanation for one of the less believable tenets of the original movie, A New Hope: that the technologically imposing Death Star has a fatal weakness that could easily be penetrated by a hotdogging young pilot with the Force in his toolbox. Above: Felicity Jones as Jyn Erso in Rogue One.

Fan-serviceable Rogue One is a sure crowdpleaser for Star Wars geeks


rue believers in the Star Wars Universe (SWU), rejoice! As you undoubtedly already know, since you probably saw it on opening night, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story is a handsome one-

ORPHEUM Saugerties • 246-6561

Fri at 7:20 & 9:30, Sun thru Thurs at 7:30 Chris Pratt, Jennifer Lawrence



Fri at 7:20 & 9:30, Sun thru Thurs at 7:30 Matthew McConaughey, Reese Witherspoon



Fri at 7:20 & 9:40, Sun thru Thurs at 7:30



Mon & Thurs: All Seats $5 • Closed Sat, Christmas Eve

408 Main Street, Rosendale 845.658.8989 rosendaletheatre.org Movies $7, Members $5


12/22, 7:15 pm

and-done addition to the canon. Gareth Edwards’ “filler” project is about 100 times better than George Lucas’ prequel trilogy (though that’s not saying much). It’s well-made and fun, and offers up a more-or-less persuasive explanation for one of the less believable tenets of the original movie, A New Hope: that the technologically imposing Death Star has a fatal weakness that could easily be penetrated by a hotdogging young pilot with the Force in his toolbox. It fleshes out the sacrifices that were necessary to smuggle this highly useful nugget of data into the hands of the rebels against the evil Empire. Overall, Rogue One is a satisfying snack to tide over longtime fans to their umpteenth rewatch of the original series. But viewers who aren’t already obsessive Star Wars geeks may find it empty calories – and confusing to boot, which should not be the case in a story this morally simple.



12/23–12/26 & 12/29, 7:15 pm; 12/28, $5 MATINEE, 1:00 pm


12/30–1/2 & 1/5, 7:15 pm; 1/4, $5 MATINEE, 1:00 pm

The first half of the movie grabs us by the arms and drags us at breakneck pace through a litany of embattled worlds while introducing us to a slew of new characters whose names are rattled off so fast that it’s difficult to sort out who’s who, which side they’re on and which faction just got clobbered in the last skirmish. (I kept hearing S aw G e r r e r a , the name of Forest Whitaker’s character, as a single word, but maybe that’s a side effect of living within 25 miles of Saugerties.) At least there are factions this time – which sort of answers my speculations as to whether the nuanced moral ambiguity of the rebels in the Hunger Games saga would in any way influence the depiction of the SWU’s rebel alliance. A few characters switch sides, or feel conflicted in their duties, and there’s a blink-andyou’ll-miss-it bit of lip service to most

Gareth Edwards’ “filler” project is about 100 times better than George Lucas’ prequel trilogy (though that’s not saying much).



MANCHESTER last shows in Rhinebeck: Friday: 2:15 5:10 8:00 BY THE SEA begins in Woodstock 12/23




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of the fighters having engaged in some questionable behavior to further the aims of the rebellion. But mostly things shake out the way that they usually do in the black-and-white intergalactic fairy tale that Lucas envisioned, with characters making utterly unsurprising ethical decisions when push comes to shove. About the only really audacious storytelling deviation is the nearly allencompassing final body count. True fans, and people who prefer to parse the Forces of Good and Eeee-villl on a Manichaean scale, will likely find all this predictability comforting. Some things in the SWU never change: Those scary-looking Imperial Storm Troopers still have consistently terrible aim. Their bosses are all still identifiable by their Nazi haircuts. Imperial Walkers are still paragons of poor mechanical design and balance. There are still plenty of rubberyfaced aliens. Droids are still snarky and uncooperative – thankfully, as K-2SO’s


Fri thru Thurs 2:30 5:30 8:10

stars Natalie Portman as Jackie Kennedy during the days after the assassination



Beginning Sunday Xmas thru Thurs 2:20 5:10 8:00 PG-13

Damien Chazelle’s (WHIPLASH) musical ushers oldfashioned Hollywood glitz into the 21st century. Ryan Gosling & Emma Stone play two star-crossed dreamers determined to make it big.



845 679-6608

MANCHESTER Fri (no Sat) Sun - Thurs 4:30 7:30 BY THE SEA (closed Christmas Eve) R Kenneth Lonergan’s poignant, powerful, unexpectedly funny exploration of the power of familial love w/ breakout perf by Casey Affleck



Rte. 299 New Paltz




Jennifer Lawrence Chris Pratt Michael Sheen

3D-NITELY 9:30 ( EXCEPT SAT 12/24 ) 2D-THRU FRI 1:30 4:15 7:00 SAT 1:30 4:15 SUN 7:00 MON 12/26 -THURS 12/29 1:30 4:15 7:00


3D-THRU FRI 2:55 7:15 SAT 2:55 SUN 7:15 MON 12/26-THURS 12/29 2:55 7:15 2D-THRU FRI 12:45 5:05 9:20 SAT 12:45 5:05 SUN 9:20 MON 12/26-THURS 12/29 12:45 5:05 9:20

ROGUE ONE: A STAR WARS STORY Felicity Jones Mads Mikkelsen Alan Tudyk

3D-THRU FRI 1:00 7:00 SAT 1:00 SUN 7:00 MON 12/26-THURS 12/29 1:00 7:00 2D-THRU FRI 4:00 9:30 SAT 4:00 SUN 9:30 MON 12/26-THURS 12/29 4:00 9:30 --STARTS SUNDAY 12/25-MOANA FENCES Dwayne Johnson

Denzel Washington Viola Davis

THRU FRI 1 12:45 2:55 5:05 7:15 9:20 SUN 6:45 9:30 SAT 12:45 2:55 5:05 MON 12/26-THURS 12/29 1:00 4:00 6:45 9:30 $ 00





December 22, 2016


The amazing evening star Check out Venus as it brightens, aligning with Mars and the crescent Moon


t’s time for easy astronomy; brilliant astronomy; in-your-face, show-the-kids, call-your-friends astronomy. Forget quantum physics. Forget coming on our Northern Lights tour in Alaska. Here is outer space made cheap and easy. You’ve already noticed Venus. She had been absent for an entire year. But the Evening Star returned around Halloween: It’s that brilliant star in the west after sunset. It’s brighter than anything else. Almost certainly, it has already caught your attention. The planet Venus may be the same size as Earth, but its overcast cloud cover made of droplets of sulfuric acid is much more reflective than our own water-droplet clouds. They’re not just intensely shiny; they reflect a more brilliant sunlight to begin with, since at Venus’ location the sunlight is twice as bright. The other big factor in watching that world is its faster speed. Our Earth moves through space at 18.5 miles per second. But Venus moves at 22 miles per second – plus it has a smaller orbit. That means that it can rapidly catch up to us and come quite close. All this past spring and most of summer, Venus lurked behind the Sun and was hidden by solar glare. By early fall it was no longer exactly behind the Sun, but still on the far side, and on the left side of its orbit. Now it’s coming closer and closer, brightening all the while. Venus is now unmistakable each evening in the direction of sunset. And each evening, it’s a little higher up and a little brighter. Just for fun, the little orange star far to its

(Alan Tudyk) quips and staredowns are Rogue One’s only funny bits. This viewer, for one, missed some semblance of the testy Han/Leia love/hate banter that gave the original series so much of its charm. Anyone looking for a glimmer of political/topical significance in this flick will be disappointed. Like last year’s The Force Awakens, it has a female protagonist, which is admirable, with Felicity Jones putting in a solid performance as Jyn Erso. But also as in The Force Awakens, that female protagonist is depicted as a prodigy – dancing backwards in high heels in outer space, as it were. I only counted two female pilots amongst the rebels: twice as many as in the original series, but still not a hell of a lot of social progress.

Ethnic diversity of casting fares far better, with the plucky suicide squad as multiculti as a bomber crew in a circa-1960 World War II movie. Chinese martial arts superstar Donnie Yen is particularly fun to watch in the underwritten role of the blind Jedi-wannabe Chirrut Îmwe; perhaps he’ll find more fertile Hollywood soil for his talents in a Doctor Strange sequel. Visually, Rogue One strongly captures the grubby spaceship-junkyard aesthetic of the SWU. The various planets and moons visited have that look that feels simultaneously alien and homey, with the site of the climactic battle – shot in the Maldives – looking decidedly Floridian. There are chases and gun battles and aerial dogfights enough to elevate the

upper left is the planet Mars. In the weeks to come, Venus gets higher, brighter and closer to Mars. On New Year’s Day, the crescent Moon floats dramatically close to Venus. The next evening, January 2, the Moon sits right between Venus and Mars. Then, throughout January, Venus doubles its brightness and climbs even higher up at dusk. At January’s end, Mars and Venus will be closest together, Venus will be bright enough to cast shadows and the Moon will form NASA a spectacular little The planet Venus may be the same size as Earth, but its triangle with those two overcast cloud cover made of droplets of sulfuric acid is worlds on January 31. much more reflective than our own water-droplet clouds. And Venus still keeps brightening, reaching its most dazzling on Valentine’s Day. How appropriate is that, for the Goddess of Love? So look for it the next clear evening and check it out the next two months. It’s the Evening Star at its best. – Bob Berman Want to know more? To read Bob’s previous “Night Sky” columns, visit our Almanac Weekly website at HudsonValleyAlmanacWeekly.com.

pulse of the average action-movie fan (though only one iconic unsheathing of a light saber). It would be too spoilery to say much about the film’s use of CGI to resurrect familiar-but-dead-or-mucholder actors from the earlier series, other than to note that it’s as convincing as one might hope, given current technology. But what works best at orienting the return viewer, arguably, is Michael Giacchino’s splendid score. It seamlessly reweaves John Williams’ iconic themes from the original series into a fresh-but-

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To read more of Frances’ movie reviews, visit our Almanac Weekly website at HudsonValleyOne.com.


Bearsville Theater

Taste Brauhaus Celebration AT T H E C R Y S TA L B R O O K R E S O R T

familiar aural tapestry that hits all the right dramatic beats and grounds the audience well, even when what’s unfolding onscreen is a venture into hithertounexplored territory. I probably won’t be buying the DVD of Rogue One, but I might just be tempted to spring for the soundtrack album. – Frances Marion Platt

JUDY COLLINS “Holidays & Hits”

Thursday, December 22nd

Doors: 7PM Showtime 8PM

2016 FESTIVAL OF LIGHT An Evening With MATISYAHU Wednesday, December 28th

Doors: 7PM Showtime: 8PM


Doors: 7:30PM Showtime: 8:30PM

Sunday 7 pm — Music with Paul



Saturday, December 31st Showtime: 9:30PM 291 TINKER ST, WOODSTOCK, NY 845.679.4406


Bear Café

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December 22, 2016

IN FACT, MOVE OVER, BUCKLEY; it was Judy Collins who began the recovery of the exquisite melodies there that the Canadian poet himself was somewhat unfit to represent.

Blue eyes in the bleak midwinter Judy Collins to play "Holidays and Hits" at Bearsville on Thursday


he preponderance of revivalist folk music in the new millennium has been scruffy and idiosyncratic by design, some of it more genuinely ragamuffin and throwback (our own vaunted Felice Brothers, for example), some of it pure calculation (names withheld), groomed to the precise specs of scruff. In the age of digital manipulation and Autotune, human slop and neurological skew pass for credentials of authenticity. New indie-folk places a perhaps somewhat misguided value on imperfection and error as bona fides and ends in themselves. (This, I must interrupt myself to say, is an aesthetic misstep; imperfection is in fact mysteriously cool, but only as a residue of trying. The ways in which you honestly fail become, as the kids long ago used to say, “your thing.”) At its heart, the new folk is a doctrinally organic gesture of rejection – an abdication of the values, the technologies, the language and the identities offered to youth by the present. Social networking and the inherent virulence of digital may be its mode, but its mythologies are boxcar and WPA. Bob Dylan and his immediate forbears were middle-class folk revivalists too, searching for habitable identities

Judy Collins, as legend has it, was Elektra Records’ answer to Vanguard’s Joan Baez: a folkie interpreter with concert-hall chops, treating traditionals as gems of the repertoire.


at a time when the Military/Industrial Complex and the hegemony of Madison Av e n u e w e r e already – as the kids today say – “a thing.” What seems lost in today’s c ulturally expanded revival of revivalism is how much of that first wave of new folk in the early ’60s was straightup chamber in nature. It was jewel-folk, sung with conservatory chops and often arranged and orchestrated by pros with a real grasp of Modernist chamber music. The imperfections and eccentricities that we so cherish today were cleaned immaculate by that first Autotune:

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At its heart, the new folk is a doctrinally organic gesture of rejection – an abdication of the values, the technologies, the language and the identities offered to youth by the present.

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training and technique. As folk traditions revive all around us in a celebration of evergreen pretechnological values, this “high folk” is neglected, passed by, except by the exponents who still live and work among us – like the great Judy Collins. Collins, as legend has it, was Elektra Records’ answer to Vanguard ’s Joan Baez: a folkie interpreter with concert-hall chops, treating traditionals as gems of the repertoire. Collins’ first two albums came out in ’61 (A Maid of Constant Sorrow) and ’62 (Golden Apples of the Sun). Both were crystalline acoustic collections of groomed traditionals, sung in a huskier voice than the one for which Collins would soon become famous – perhaps a kind of gravitas forced upon her by the age and folk’s de rigueur world-weariness, its burdens of wisdom. By her third and fourth records – Judy Collins 3 and the early-career highlight The Judy Collins Concert, an exquisite live set recorded at New York City’s Town Hall – Collins had shifted her attention from traditionals to the politically aware songs of her contemporaries, many of whose careers she would aid significantly: Dylan, Tom Paxton, Joni Mitchell and the late Leonard Cohen, with whose work she would develop a special and lasting relationship. In fact, move over, Buckley; it was Judy Collins who began the recovery of the exquisite melodies there that the Canadian poet himself was somewhat unfit to represent. By the mid-’60s, the mannered severity of her early singing had given way to the soaring voice that she would ride into her

Open 7 days from noon. 845.679.8899 Located on The Bearsville Theater Complex, two miles west of Woodstock Village Green.

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peak in the ’70s: a voice that would quite naturally lead her out of doctrinal folk and, as early as 1967’s well-regarded In My Life, into chamber-pop, show tunes and the posh side of the singer/songwriter movement (while Collins began as an interpreter, she did eventually pen many of her own most beloved songs). An engaging performer and an empathic individual who went very

ALMANAC WEEKLY editor contributors

calendar manager classifieds

Julie O’Connor Bob Berman, Debra Bresnan, John Burdick, Erica Chase-Salerno, Will Dendis, Sharyn Flanagan, Leslie Gerber, Richard Heppner, Mikhail Horowitz, Jeremiah Horrigan, Ann Hutton, Dion Ogust, Frances Marion Platt, Lee Reich, Lynn Woods, Carol Zaloom Donna Keefe Tobi Watson, Amy Murphy, Dale Geffner

ULSTER PUBLISHING publisher ................................. Geddy Sveikauskas executive editor, digital................Will Dendis production/technology director......Joe Morgan advertising director ................. Genia Wickwire advertising.......................Lynn Coraza, Sue Rogers, Pam Courselle, Elizabeth Jackson, Ralph Longendyke, Linda Saccoman, Pamela Geskie, Jenny Bella circulation manager.................... Dominic Labate production.............. Josh Gilligan, Rick Holland, Diane Congello-Brandes Almanac Weekly is distributed in Woodstock Times, New Paltz Times, Saugerties Times and Kingston Times and as a stand-alone publication throughout Ulster, Dutchess, Columbia & Greene counties. We’re located on the web at www.HudsonValleyAlmanacWeekly.com. Have a story idea? To reach editor Julie O’Connor directly, e-mail AlmanacWeekly@gmail.com or write Almanac Weekly c/o Ulster Publishing, PO Box 3329, Kingston, NY 12402. Submit event info for calendar consideration two weeks in advance to calendar@ulsterpublishing.com (attn: Donna). To place a classified, e-mail copy to classifieds@ ulsterpublishing.com or call our office at (845) 334-8200. To place a display ad, call (845) 334-8200 or e-mail genia@ulsterpublishing.com.

public with her processing of her son’s 1992 suicide, Judy Collins hardly even strikes me as anything that you’d call folk anymore; but maybe that’s because I have too willingly accepted the present’s definition of folk as the opposite of guile and sophistication. Approaching 80, but with a few years yet, American musical legend Judy Collins performs “Holidays & Hits” at the Bearsville Theater on Thursday, December 22 at 8 p.m. Gold Circle seating costs $60, floor reserved seating costs $55 and general admission costs $25. For more information, visit www.bearsvilletheater.com. The Bearsville Theater is located at 291 Tinker Street in Woodstock. – John Burdick Judy Collins: “Holidays & Hits,” Thursday, December 22, 8 p.m., $60/$55/$25, Bearsville Theater, 291 Tinker Street, Woodstock; www.bearsvilletheater.com.

Falcon presents Marshall Crenshaw on Christmas Eve



December 22, 2016

special on Z-93 radio. The show will run from 7 p.m. until midnight. Rosen began to collect Christmas music in 1979. By 1990, he was enough of an authority on the subject to contribute a definitive article about Christmas music to the prestigious Goldmine magazine. This year, A Rockin’ Christmas Eve might include “Felíz Navidád” by El Vez (the Mexican Elvis), “We Three Kings” by Blondie, “It’s Christmastime, Ebenezer” by the Len Price 3, “Cool Yule” by Donnie Burns (a beatnik version of “A Visit from St. Nicholas” from 1964), “The Season’s upon Us” by the Dropkick Murphys, “Xmas Time of the Year” by Green Day and many more. This year’s show will also sprinkle in a few Hanukkah songs, since Christmas Eve shares the night with the first night of Hanukkah.

more love than it gets. The Texas native performs at Club Helsinki on Thursday, December 29 at 8 p.m. The excellent Allison Moorer opens. Tickets cost $25 and are available at www. helsinkihudson.com. Helsinki Hudson is located at 405 Columbia Street in Hudson.

Sister Sparrow and the Dirty Birds at Bearsville New Year’s Eve

well, New Year’s Eve. Crunchy, strident, smoldering and red-hot, 2016’s two-disc live effort Fowl Play ought to give celebrants an idea of what to expect when this big horn band takes the stage. This band was built for occasions like these. The show begins at 9:30 p.m. For tickets and additional information, visit www. bearsvilletheater.com. The Bearsville Theater is located at 291 Tinker Street in Woodstock.

Simi Stone headlines Helsinki Hudson’s eclectic New Year’s Eve

Hayes Carll to play Helsinki Hudson The Catskills-bred, outrageous poly-roots rock and soul outfit Sister Sparrow & the Dirty Birds ring in the New Year at the Bearsville Theater on,

Helsinki Hudson has thrown together a rich and somewhat bizarre evening of entertainment for New Year’s Eve. Headlining is the Woodstock-notable boutique soul singer/songwriter Simi Stone, who always has an A-list band in tow. The daughter of Meat

THECENTERFORPERFORMINGARTS 845-876-3080 ATRHINEBECK For box office and information:

Let’s not get too brazenly accustomed to the performers that the Falcon in Marlboro calls “regulars.” Christmas Eve performer Marshall Crenshaw is one such regular; he is also one of the most highly regarded guitar-pop songwriters of the last 30 years, a cognoscenti pick and the owner of a dazzlingly good catalogue of general undervalued records. The man who played Lennon in the original cast of Beatlemania is actually more in the sweet-voiced tradition of McCartney, and is a melody writer who can safely be mentioned in the same breath. The show starts at 7 p.m. Per usual, there is no cover charge at the Falcon, but generous donation is encouraged. For more information, visit www. liveatthefalcon.com. The Falcon is located at 1348 Route 9W in Marlboro.

Mark Rosen’s Rockin’ Christmas Eve on radio A retired English teacher and amateur scholar of pop music in general and Christmas music in particular, Mark Rosen will be deejaying his 34 th annual A Rockin’ Christmas Eve radio

Like his alt/country forbears and idols Townes Van Zandt, Kris Kristofferson and Guy Clark, Hayes Carll is a deeply country artist who stands precisely zero chance of ever being embraced by the country music establishment, which leaves the safe handling of his work and reputation to the indie world. Carll makes it pretty easy. His unfussy, moody and unfailingly solid catalogue deserves far


with David Temple December 23 8 pm Fri • Tickets: $20 The guitar rings out with pieces designed as musical dedications and offerings to loved ones. Composer and classical guitarist David Temple presented well-know favorites, hidden gems of the repertoire, and original work.

Jan. 6 - 22 8pm Fri & Sat; 3pm Sun • Tickets: $27/$25 Charles Schulz’s beloved comic strip characters come to life in Clark Gesner’s classic musical. The whole gang is here: Lucy, Schroeder, Sally, Linus, Snoopy, and the “blockhead” himself, Charlie Brown. In this revised version, with additional music and lyrics by Andrew Lippa and dialogue by Michael Mayer, the sweet, joyful innocence of the “Peanuts” gang is celebrated. Directed by Lisa Lynds for CENTERstage Productions. APPROPRIATE FOR ALL AUDIENCES.

The Center is located at 661 Rte. 308, See you 3.5 miles east of the light in the at The Village of Rhinebeck CENTER!



December 22, 2016

Loaf, Pearl Aday mines the soulful side of classic rock. Her husband, Scott Ian of Anthrax, will also be on the bill. Finally, the Paul Green Rock Academy standout talent Lisa Green will perform the entirety of the Peter Gabriel-era prog/rock epic Supper’s Ready, and will perform in full Gabriel costuming with an assist from some the region’s premier players in Dan Littleton, Jason Bowman, Connor Kennedy, Will Bryant, Kendall Wind and Paul Green. The music starts at 9 p.m. Tickets cost $25 for general admission standing room, $35 for reserved club seating and are available at www.helsinkihudson.com. Club Helsinki is located at 405 Columbia Street in Hudson.

Swing dance workshops, dance & concert this Friday in Poughkeepsie


Hot Sardines




ith their roots sunk deep in vintage jazz, stomp and swing, the Hot Sardines are the perfect act for the cabaret atmosphere of the Spiegeltent at Bard SummerScape. But that doesn’t mean that they aren’t also a tasty wintertime aural dish. After wowing the Spiegeltent crowds in 2013 and ’14, the Hot Sardines have been invited back for an indoor gig at the Sosnoff Theater of the Richard B. Fisher Center for the Performing Arts on the Bard College campus in Annandale-on-Hudson. They’re calling it the Holiday Stomp, and it happens on Friday, December 23 beginning at 8 p.m. Incorporating piano, a horn section and chanteuse “Miz Elizabeth” Bougerol, the popular “hot jazz” ensemble’s repertoire is inspired by the works of Fats Waller, Dinah Washington, Louis Armstrong and Billie Holiday, ranging in style from Manhattan speakeasies to New Orleans juke joints to prewar Paris cabarets. Their holiday set list will include both beloved chestnuts and rarely heard novelty tunes, played with inimitable verve and sizzle. Tickets for Holiday Stomp with the Hot Sardines range in price from $25 to $65, and can be ordered by calling the Fisher Center box office at (845) 758-7900 or visiting http://fishercenter.bard.edu.

If your New Year’s resolutions seem likely to include some variant on “get more physically active,” you might want to check out the social-dancing subculture that keeps humming along in our midst, courtesy of Hudson Valley Community Dances (HVCD). Swing dance – with its Eastern and

Western, urban and rural, cowboy, Cajun and Latin variants – seems to be losing no steam as a hot draw for people wanting to work up a sweat while they socialize. HVCD’s latest offering is a festive evening of Swing Dance & Cookie-Sharing this Friday, December 23 at the Poughkeepsie

Worship services Grace Bible Fellowship Church Rte. 9 & 9G, Rhinebeck 9:30 am Sunday School — all ages 10:45 am Morning Services 6:00 pm Evening Services 7:00 pm Christmas Eve Service 10:45 am Christmas Day Service

Children and Teen Ministries: Fridays 6:45 PM - 8:30 PM

Grace Bible Institute Winter/Spring Term: Old Testament Survey (First Samuel) Course Begins: Late February Course: 12 Weeks, Mondays 7 PM - 8:20 PM For more information: Call (845) 876-6923 or Email cdfcirone@aol.com

Tennis Club. The featured band, cranking up at 8:30 p.m., is the Blue Gardenia Quintet (formerly Quartet), regulars at the Rhinecliff Hotel’s Jazz Brunch. A free half-hour lesson is offered at 6 p.m., but if you could use some serious training before you step out on the dancefloor, come early for Joe and Julie Donato’s 45-minute workshops happening at 6:30 and 7:15 p.m. The first one, “Waltz Reboot,” will teach you to adapt swing rhythms stylings into waltz time. The second, “Peabody & Swing Walks,” will refine your “traveling skills” using combinations of waltz, Peabody, Swing Walks, Comearounds and Texas Tommys. The workshop fee is $15 each, $20 for both. Admission to the dance and concert –including cookies to fuel your moves – costs $15, $10 for full-time students. Experience, partners and your own batch of cookies to share are all optional. The Poughkeepsie Tennis Club is located at 135 South Hamilton Street on Poughkeepsie’s posh South Side. For more info, call (845) 471-1120 or visit www.hudsonvalleydance. org.

New Year’s Eve dance party at Denning’s Point Distillery in Beacon The Denning’s Point Distillery in Beacon celebrates the turning of the calendar with “Dance Distilled,” a rock, soul, funk, Latin, disco, hip hop,

jazz and electro dance party with tunes spun by deejays Zesto Q and Freefall. The Distillery shows some good sense in offering either $7 cocktails or $50 unlimited wristbands. The affair kicks off at 9:30 p.m. The Denning’s Point Distillery is located at 10 North Chestnut Street in Beacon. For more information, visit www. denningspointdistillery.com.

Stomp out the Old Year, dance in the New at Ashokan Center Each year, Jay Ungar and Molly Mason offer a satisfying way to celebrate New Year’s Eve at the Ashokan Center in Olivebridge. From 8 p.m. on Saturday, December 31 until the wee hours of the nascent year, you can dance your brains out to music by Jay & Molly with Swingology, Les Ferrailles, Tempest and Zydegroove. You have your choice of two rustic ballrooms: one for couples dancing and the other for squares and contras featuring callers Dugan Murphy and John Krumm. Admission to the dance portion only costs $30 for adults, $15 for kids and teens. For an additional charge of $30, a family-style dinner will be served beginning at 6 p.m., with vegetarian, vegan and gluten-free options. Nonalcoholic beverages are included in the


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December 22, 2016

Beaverkill Road in Olivebridge. To register and for more information, visit www. ashokan.org.

Felice Brothers headline New Year’s Eve shows at BSP in Kingston



What Christmas means to me: the exquisite torture of waiting


BSP once again hosts of a full musical buffet, pressing both of its rooms into service as part of Uptown Kingston’s lively New Year’s Eve celebration. Local heroes the Felice Brothers headline the big back room with a 10 p.m. set, preceded by some other local heroes, Lara Hope and the Ark-Tones, at 9. After the midnight ball drop on Wall Street, the Big Takeover will rock the front room at BSP while Tony Touch and Shaman Vybez deejay in the back theater. Admission runs about $35. For advance tickets and more information on attractions, offerings and sponsors, visit www.bspkingston. BSP is located at 323 Wall Street in Kingston.

hat’s the right way to do Christmas? For those brought up celebrating the holiday, it’s usually an amalgam of some aspects of the way that our own families did it and some others that we picked up from people and traditions that we’ve encountered, and found appealing, subsequent to childhood. For most of us, I suspect, it’s easier to specify what would be a wrong way of doing Christmas, based on our own deeply ingrained

experiences. There are some components of my own family’s 1950s/’60s holiday traditions that I have been happy to leave behind, and others that I miss. Those old-fashioned tree lights filled with bubbling liquid were way cool, I’ll admit. But I’m very relieved not to have to bother anymore with the perfect alignment of thousands of silvery cellophane “icicles,” which left a metallic coating on the hands that felt creepy and was probably toxic. And never would I contemplate purchasing a ghastly pink artificial tree, as my mother was unaccountably moved to do one year of my childhood. But some family traditions stick with me quite stubbornly. Ours was not a household in which the kids, in order to let the parents sleep later, were authorized to rip open any package with their name on it as soon as they woke up. My folks believed in ceremony and suspense and lessons in deferred gratification. Whenever we got up, we were allowed to ransack our stockings. That, I thought then and still do, was what Christmas stockings are for: a delaying tactic. But until our parents got up and had their coffee, no one was allowed even to enter the living room, where the tree was set up and the presents piled. We could only peer longingly from the hallway, trying to guess from the wrapped shapes what we were getting. Once properly caffeinated, my parents would hand out the presents one by one. Even in lean years when Dad’s union had been on strike, the process took hours, with five kids awaiting their turns. If you grew up in one of those “openanything” families, that probably sounds like torture. But it instilled in me an appreciation for lengthy, formal ritual: Christmas morning as live theater. When I found out that other kids I knew were permitted present-opening orgies that were all over within five minutes, I felt sorry for them. And so I have continued that tradition with my own son: slow buildup, gradual letdown. I suppose that we didn’t have breakfast on Christmas until after attending Mass; it wasn’t any big deal. The ritual foods were reserved for dinner, served around four in the afternoon. Dad would go pick up Grandma while Mom made the roast: sometimes turkey, more usually a monstrous fresh ham with crunchy skin and potatoes roasted golden in the pork drippings. Afterwards, the grownups would drink wine and play pinochle while the kids played with our new toys and watched Laurel and Hardy in The March of the Wooden Soldiers on TV. My son is now a pescatarian, so both Thanksgiving and Christmas pose culinary challenges. But learning to adapt is a healthy thing. Over the years, we have picked up new family traditions as our worlds expanded: enjoying a seafood feast on Christmas Eve like Italian families do, for instance. Having lived on the Upper West Side for a number of years in the 1980s, my occasional holiday-season excursions into Manhattan now are more likely to involve ogling the mindblowing origami-trimmed Christmas tree in the American Museum of Natural History than the “regular” one at Rockefeller Center or the decorated shop windows along Fifth Avenue. Once my siblings and I grew up and moved out into the world, we adopted a brand-new tradition for our annual preChristmas gathering and made it our own: the round-robin gift exchange. Instead of everyone having to shop for presents for everyone else, we each bring only one wrapped present with no name on it. It’s supposed to be within a certain reasonable price range, and something with broad appeal. Each participant draws a number, indicating in which order he or she may open a gift – or steal one that has already been opened by someone else, freeing that person to choose again. The only rule is that you can’t confiscate a gift that was just taken from you on the previous turn. Depending on how much beer and wine has been consumed by that point, the competition can become pretty fierce, with couples often conspiring triangulations so that both will end up with the already-opened gift that they most want. The beauty of the round-robin is that it takes the emphasis off the purchase and accumulation of great piles of booty and refocuses it on a participatory group activity. And new generations are now coming up for whom this will remain the Platt family tradition as they make their own 21st-century diasporas, firmly believing that Christmas is all about the suspense. My folks probably would have approved. – Frances Marion Platt

Once properly caffeinated, my parents would hand out the presents one by one.

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price, and local beers and wines will also be available. Want to make a mini-vacation of it? You can arrive for the Ashokan New Year’s Camp as early as 2 p.m. on Friday,

January 30 and stay through 2 p.m. on Monday, January 2, learning the moves of square and contra dancing, swing, Cajun and zydeco. When you get tired of music and dance lessons, concerts, jams

and sing-alongs, you can step outside and enjoy the site’s cross-country skiing trails, ice skating on the lake and a delightful wood-burning sauna. The Ashokan Center is located at 477

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December 22, 2016

HISTORY Taking measures

to do that; and so, for better or for worse, a lot of these organs were modified. But in the 1950s and 1960s, Rhinebeck was just far enough off the grid that, when others were rebuilding or throwing out these organs or replacing them with an electronic substitute, this congregation did not. They always cared about it; and historically, it’s a gem. It sounds as it did 100 years ago as a touchstone, a point of reference,” says Lewis, adding that it still functions well, despite being made of largely natural materials – tin, lead, metal and wooden pipes, leather, copper contacts for the keys and antique magnets that sit inside the wooden chests (that supply wind to the pipes) – that are especially vulnerable to water damage. Historically, it represents technology that was complicated according to 1910 standards, and its preservation is important for that reason, as well as the fact that it sits at the heart of the church. The church’s beauty and stellar acoustics have made it a focal point for events and services such as weddings and funerals, as well as for concerts by the Rhinebeck Chamber Music Society, Sinterklaas festivities and other gatherings. The Messiah is renowned for its church music program, which Father McKeon calls extraordinary, adding, “I’m the only person who sees people’s faces and their looks of amazement and joy when they hear Tim play. Episcopal services are

Plans to protect the historical and musical Episcopal Church of the Messiah in Rhinebeck


he first Episcopal services were conducted in Rhinebeck in 1831, and the congregation of the Church of the Messiah was somewhat nomadic for two decades until its first church (now the Catholic Church of the Good Shepherd) was built in 1853. When a new property was donated by two vestrymen, along with proceeds from the sale of a home owned by Colonel John Jacob Astor, construction began in 1896 to erect the Montgomery Street building that has since been home to the congregation. The Church of the Messiah was consecrated in 1899, and congregants included several very wealthy community members who served as benefactors. When the RMS Titanic sank in 1912, Astor and many other members of the Rhinebeck community were on board and did not survive. In 1921, the colonel’s son, Vincent Astor, donated an impressive E. M. Skinner pipe organ to the church in memory of his father. Problems related to water infiltration through the roof and walls were already apparent shortly after the church opened its doors and, in fact, a letter from Vincent Astor stated that the water problem would have to be fixed before he would give the organ. Today, Father Richard McKeon,


Restoration of the church’s treasured pipe organ is another cornerstone of the capital campaign, as it is integral to the church’s offerings to its congregation, as well as to the community. The E. M. Skinner organ at the Church of the Messiah is one of 700 organs built by the company before 1930. The instruments were known, says the church’s music director Tim Lewis, “as the Rolls Royce of their day. There are larger organs in much

Father Richard McKeon, who has been the Church of the Messiah’s rector since 2010, says, “People ask me, ‘Why save the building?’ and I say we have a beautiful building and it has a place in the community."

who previously served for many years at an Episcopal church in Dobbs Ferry and has been the Messiah’s rector since 2010, says, “When you look at the closeup photographs of the wiring and the stone, it’s pretty scary, although it still looks pretty good from 100 feet away. The people of this church have been very faithful about maintaining it and were not neglectful, but systemic problems were there since the first year.” A six-million-dollar capital campaign to restore the church and the organ – the first in the church’s history – kicked off in October and will continue into the New Year. To date, about 35 pledges have garnered more than $1.2 million, and Father McKeon acknowledges that the goal is a hefty one. “But,” he says,

“we’re optimistic. We hope for another 110 pledges from our parish. People ask me, ‘Why save the building?’ and I say we have a beautiful building and it has a place in the community. I tell them, ‘I’ve fallen in love twice since coming here: once with all of you, and then with the building.’” Father McKeon loves the church’s architecture, and is particularly enthusiastic about the caliber of the Tiffany stained-glass windows, which are targeted for protection and preservation in the restoration project. “Any good work of art tells a story, and that makes your experience of the art more profound,” he says. “The symbolism of the content and the work of art draws you into it; and like any great work, your experience of it changes over time.”

The church operates a large food pantry which served 309 households in 2015 (compared to 280 in 2014) and distributed enough food for more than 37,000 meals larger churches – such as at St. John the Divine and St. Thomas on Fifth Avenue, churches that accommodate 800 to 1,000 people – but ours is well-adapted to our space, which holds about 250 people. It was so well-built that it still functions and sounds as it did when it was new.” Many of the original E. M. Skinner organs have been modified, but the Messiah’s is one of only four or five that were not been adapted or updated during last century’s Baroque music revival. “Organs have changed a lot over time, and in the 1960s, people wanted to play Bach and other German and European music. It was not the best instrument, tonally,

The church is known for the high caliber of its Tiffany stained-glass windows.

beautiful, and people look swept away with joy or awe.” “When the organ was originally installed, the church began a Choir School for Children, and our intention was to do teaching,” he continues. “We are open now



December 22, 2016

to establishing a sacred music program at Messiah, in collaboration with one of the local colleges, as a satellite program for music and organ scholars.” Graduate students in the Vocal Arts program at Bard College, for example, must do a community music program as part of their studies, and baritone Nathaniel Sullivan just did a song recital at the Hudson Opera House as a benefit for the Church of the Messiah’s food pantry. “Two current Bard students and two who have graduated sing with us in our choir every week. Having these young people involved here at the church is sending our music in a slightly different direction. Our regular 10 a.m. Sunday service is entirely choral music and a bit all over the map,” says Lewis. “The Episcopal Church is grounded in Anglican traditions, but we also perform music of Duke Ellington, music from South Africa and some African American spirituals.

community programming as a part of its ministry and its identity, says Father McKeon. “As an openly gay rector, I wanted to be in a parish that was open to a close and authentic relationship with their priest. [Tim’s and my presence here] is seen as something that makes our claim to be a welcoming congregation more real. Rhinebeck is a progressive place.” The church operates a large food p a n t r y. In 2 0 1 5 , 4 2 volunteers – including drivers who picked up between 4,000 and 5,500 pounds of food each month in Kingston – served 309 households (compared to 280 in 2014) and distributed enough food for more than 37,000 meals, as well as holiday supermarket gift cards and gift bags. They also provided 280 warm coats and jackets to Dutchess County residents, as well as hats, scarves and mittens for schoolchildren. The church’s Cuddle Blanket program

Vincent Astor donated the impressive E. M. Skinner pipe organ to the church in memory of his father, who died on the Titanic.

Rhinebeck's Church of the Messiah is also known for its stellar acoustics and music program directed by Tim Lewis (shown top right, playing the Skinner organ). “I’m the only person who sees people’s faces and their looks of amazement and joy when they hear Tim play," says Father Richard McKeon.

The main thing, for me, is there is not just one way to approach God musically and to think about approaching God spiritually with music. There’s no ‘one size fits all,’ and people who come to us relate to music – whether it’s from South Africa, Asia or France. On any given Sunday, I try to make sure there’s something here for everyone.” Lewis worked as music director in an Episcopal church in downtown White Plains for 25 years before coming to Rhinebeck to take on the position of music director and to join his life partner, Father McKeon, in 2015. “Our Hudson River communities are changing,” he says. “There are people who have lived here for a long while, and new people who think it’s pretty nifty here and have moved up from New York City.” The congregation in Rhinebeck has a long tradition of being directly involved in the community and sees a diversity of

ensures that each child who arrives at Camp Ramapo in the summer receives a quilt, and 130 quilts were donated in 2015. Messiah’s English as a Second Language (ESL) tutors have conducted weekly classes for more than a decade; a program specific to the Hispanic population in Rhinebeck will be initiated in 2017. Its Storybook Program at the Dutchess County Jail allows parents who are inmates to make a recording while reading a book so that their children, who receive the book and recording, may listen to their parent while following along. The Rural Migrant Ministry program offers financial support and Christmas gifts to local families, and the church’s Sister City program assists elderly women in Nicaragua. A Third Thursday luncheon program feeds about 100 to 120 people and raises funds for a men’s shelter in Poughkeepsie; the Grace Smith House, a domestic violence shelter for women and

children; the ASPCA; the Loft; homeless people; gay/lesbian runaways and others who need support. A new Liturgical Art Program based on Father McKeon’s assertion that “All Are Welcome at Our Table” has inspired the creation of several banners in support of inclusivity. Speaking of inclusivity, Lewis encourages people to get in touch with him if they’re interested in singing in the choir at Messiah. “A musician of Tim’s caliber draws people to the church,” says Father McKeon. “As for me, the people here are so engaging, and committed to a life of faith, justice and spirituality. This is the perfect job for me: It builds on all I’ve done in 31 years as a priest and all the things I hadn’t been able to fully explore before. I’m very happy here.” – Debra Bresnan The Episcopal Church of the Messiah, located at 6436 Montgomery Street in Rhinebeck, offers Thursday services at 10 a.m. in the Tyler Chapel, Children’s Sunday School at 9:45 a.m. and Sunday services at 8 and 10 a.m. For more information, visit www.rhinebeck-episcopal. org or call (845) 876-3533.

Christmas celebrations at the Church of the Messiah in Rhinebeck Christmas Eve, Sat. December 24 5 p.m.: Family Service (communion with special music) 9:30 p.m.: Music and Carols 10 p.m.: Christmas Eve Candlelight Service (communion with music, traditional carols and sermon) Christmas Day, Sunday, December 25 10 a.m.: Communion with Carols Music director Tim Lewis says that the Christmas Eve service at 5 p.m. is “great for families with younger children. There will be arias from Handel’s Messiah and other Christmas carols featuring a trumpet-player, organ and a quartet of choir soloists. At 10 p.m., the full choir and soloists will perform selections from the Messiah and English Christmas carols with trumpet, organ and harp. The 10 a.m. Christmas Day service is a meditative, gentle service, and the congregation will be singing hymns.”++




December 22, 2016


“Nothing says holidays like a cheese log.” – Ellen DeGeneres

Dec. 22-29 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 23

Make Gingerbread Houses at Red Hook Library

What did the gingerbread man put on his bed? A cookie sheet! Share this joke, and you’re sure to be a hit at the Red Hook Public Library’s Gingerbread Houses event this Friday, December 23 at 5 p.m., which is free and open to the public of all ages. Your crew will enjoy creating their own take on this popular and delicious holiday tradition. The Red Hook Public Library is located at 7444 South Broadway in Red Hook. For more information or to register, call (845) 758-3241 or visit http://redhooklibrary. org/calendar/?mc_id=1910.

Make-your-own-gifts workshops in Fishkill and Hopewell Junction Remember Billy Collins’ poem “The Lanyard,” about a child trying to repay his mother with a craft that he made at camp, in exchange for all that she has done for him? “Here are thousands of meals, she said, / and here is clothing and a good education. / And here is your lanyard, I replied, / which I made with a little help from a counselor. / Here is a breathing body and a beating heart, / strong legs, bones and teeth / and two clear eyes to read the world, she whispered. / And here, I said, is the lanyard I made at camp.” Give your kids the chance to make their own gifts, perhaps for their parents, this Friday, December 23 from 9 a.m. to 12 noon at the Fishkill Recreation Center at 807 Route 52 in Fishkill, or from 5 to 8 p.m. at the Beekman Recreation Center at 29 Recreation Center Road in Hopewell Junction. Children ages 5 to 12 can make two gifts as well as design their own wrapping paper. The cost is $40 per participant. To register or for more information, visit http:// theartistscornerny.weebly.com/holidaygift-making-workshops.html. MONDAY, DECEMBER 26

Poughkeepsie Galleria hosts Hanukkah Balloonarama Been wanting something big and balloon-y for your kids during this year’s eight-day Festival of Lights? Head over to the Hanukkah Balloonarama Celebration in the Center Court



First Night of Hanukkah celebrations


his weekend is the beginning of Hanukkah, so start humming “Hanukkah, oh Hanukkah, come light the menorah / Let’s have a party, we’ll all dance the horah…” and make plans to attend the lighting of the largest menorah in the Hudson Valley! Head over to the Mid-Hudson Civic Center this Saturday, December 24 at 6 p.m. to celebrate the first night of Hanukkah, along with hot latkes, cider, donuts and dreidls. This event is free and open to the public of all ages and all faiths. Weekday lightings take place at 3:15 p.m. It’s the year 5777 and Hanukkah time, so this Saturday, December 24, it’s not just movie night – it’s Kosher Chinese Food & Movie Night at the Rhinebeck Jewish Center, and Jewish Movie Night & Chinese Food takes place at the Chabad Center! In Rhinebeck, the menorah-lighting takes place at 6:45 p.m., and the dinner and movie begin at 7 p.m., including a children’s movie. Reservations are appreciated, and the suggested donation is $18. The Rhinebeck Jewish Center is located at 102 Montgomery Street in Rhinebeck. For reservations or more information, call (845) 876-7666 or visit http://rhinebeckjewishcenter. com. In Poughkeepsie, the Havdala service begins at 6 p.m., followed by the menorah-lighting, kosher Chinese buffet with hot latkes and the movie Arranged, with a separate children’s movie. The suggested donation is $12 per adult. The Chabad Center is located at 61 Vassar Road in Poughkeepsie. For reservations or more information, call (845) 463-5801 or visit www. chabadmidhudsonvalley.com. Looking for more ways to light up the Hudson Valley? Check out the Illumin8tion bicycle-menorah lighting with the Beacon Hebrew Alliance at Polhill Park, beginning with the Activ8 candle this Saturday, December 24 and every day all week at 5 p.m. Will you be traveling during Hanukkah this year? Post a photo on Facebook with Hanukkah lights wherever you are, with the tag #BHAnukkah. Polhill Park is located at the corner of Route 9D and Main Street in Beacon. For more information, call (845) 831-2012 or visit https://beaconhebrewalliance.org. For more information about other Dutchess County menorah-lightings this week, call (845) 463-5801 or visit www. chabadmidhudsonvalley.com.

MORE HANUKKAH CELEBRATIONS Need a pointer toward some Ulster County Hanukkah destinations for your dreidl-and-donut needs this week? Here you go! Each of these events features singing Hanukkah songs, chocolate gelt, hot latkes, arts and crafts and gifts for all children. For more information about these events or to make reservations, call (845) 331-1176 or visit www.chabadulstercounty.org/templates/articlecco_cdo/aid/2401391/jewish/Hanukkah-events.htm. Kingston Menorah-Lighting takes place on Saturday, December 24 at 6:30 p.m. at Agudas Achim, 254 Lucas Avenue in Kingston. In addition to the details mentioned above, this event includes a hot dairy buffet. Call (845) 331-1176 for reservations. Ellenville Menorah-Lighting takes place on Sunday, December 25 at 5 p.m. at Liberty Square, located off Route 52 in Ellenville. Woodstock Menorah-Lighting takes place on Sunday, December 25 at 3:30 p.m. on the Village Green. – Erica Chase-Salerno

at the Poughkeepsie Galleria (across from Build-a-Bear) this Monday, December 26 at 4 p.m. All ages will get a kick out of The Twistin’ Todd Big Balloon Show, balloon art and games, Hanukkah crafts, balloon drop, photo

op with Judah and the Maccabees, hot latkes, chocolate gelt and more! Kids can also decorate cards for local police and firefighters. This event is free and open to the public of all ages. The Poughkeepsie Galleria is located at

2001 South Road in Poughkeepsie. For more information, call (845) 463-5801 or visit www.facebook.com/chabad-midhudson-valley-613531908776855.



December 22, 2016

Wind Racers’ Maker Lab at Mid-Hudson Children’s Museum There’s nothing like old-fashioned, hands-on fun, especially when wheels, axles and sails are involved! This Tuesday, December 27 at the MidHudson Children’s Museum, kids can build their own creation at the Wind Racers’ Maker Lab. Construction of these wind-powered cars takes place at 1 p.m. and again at 3:30 p.m. The cost is $5 per child for materials with museum admission; adults get in free. The Mid-Hudson Children’s Museum is located at 75 North Water Street in Poughkeepsie. For reservations or more information, call (845) 471-0589 or visit http://mhcm.org/event/wind-racersmaker-lab.

Mini-camps at Hudson Highlands Nature Museum in Cornwall




our towers stand tall in the evening light as each reflects an element in sight. Do not misjudge the creatures of the night, for they shall not give up without a fight. With fire in her hair and flame in her eyes, she shall see how the elements will rise.” This secret message is part of the engaging Young Adult novel, Fire & Ice: The Elementals, about friendship, family and courage, as sisters Alice and Emery discover their magical gifts in an enchanted realm, written by local Hudson Valley teen author Erin Forbes. Erin talked to me about her work, and I’m excited to follow her future projects. For more information or to purchase the book, visit www.fireandicebookseries.com. You can also catch Erin at her book-signings at 11:30 a.m. on Saturday, January 21 at the Clinton Community Library at 1215 Centre Road in Rhinebeck, as well as on social media, including Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and Pinterest. Congratulations! Can’t wait for the next one, Erin!

Which character do you most identify with or are most like? My favorite character is Alice Hanley, because the entire story is seen through her eyes. I have grown to be very attached to all of the characters in Fire & Ice: The Elementals, for they each hold a piece of myself within them. The process of creating new characters has always been one of my favorite aspects of writing.

Concerned about cabin fever? How about sending your cuties to connect with nature while school’s out this week? The Hudson Highlands Nature Museum’s Outdoor Discovery Center offers daily mini-camps for ages 6 to 9 years, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Tuesday through Friday, December 27 to 30. Campers get to meet a new animal each day, hike, play games, make crafts and more. Register for one or all four! The cost is $48 per day. The Outdoor Discovery Center is located on Muser Drive, across from 174 Angola Road in Cornwall. For more information or to register, call (845) 534-5506 or visit http://hhnaturemuseum.org/index.php/ school-break-mini-camp. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 28

Are you working on more stories? Yes, I recently started writing the second book in the Fire & Ice series. I try not to reveal too many spoilers; however, I’m expecting that the sequel will be a bit longer than the first book. The second story is another magical adventure that builds upon Fire & Ice: The Elementals. What do you wish people knew about you or about your book? I wrote my first book because I did not want to wait for another person to write it for me. I have always been an avid reader, and I wanted to create the kind of story that I had always wanted to read. When the original idea for Fire & Ice: The Elementals came to mind, I knew that it was something I needed to finish. There is an incredible amount of negativity that has spread like wildfire throughout the YA book section. I wrote this book with the intent to create a story that would bring a new light to this corner of the bookstore. During the age when children are seeking to be inspired, the last thing that they should be reading is a story that is anything short of this expectation. – Erica Chase-Salerno

Gingerman Play at Mid-Hudson Children’s Museum in Po'town This week, let’s not limit the kids simply to consumption or construction of cookie creations; give them a chance to express themselves creatively through these carbs! Be a part of the Gingerman Play at the Mid-Hudson Children’s Museum on Monday, December 26 at 10:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. Twelve young volunteers and lots of audience participation promise fun for all youngsters during this special storytime event. This program is free with museum admission, which costs $8 for everyone ages 1 and up. The Mid-Hudson Children’s Museum is located at 75 North Water Street in Poughkeepsie. For more information, call (845) 471-0589 or visit http://mhcm.org/ event/gingerbread-man-play. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 27

Family Hanukkah Festival at Adams in Wappingers Falls Have you heard that clever Hamilton Hanukkah parody by the Maccabeats, www.youtube.com/ watch?v=u3UubcYj49k? Turn up the volume, and head over to Adams Fai-

racre Farms for the Family Hanukkah Festival, hosted by the Pardess Center for Jewish Life, this Tuesday, December 27 at 5:30 p.m. In addition to the nine-foot menorah-lighting, families will enjoy crafts, a donut bar, chocolate gelt bucket drop, latkes and more. This event is free and open to the public of all ages. Adams Fairacre Farms are located at 160 Old Post Road in Wappingers Falls. For more information, call (845) 4407592 or visit www.mypardess.org.

Make a Mouse House at Staatsburgh State Historic Site During holiday time, do any of your kids prefer the box to the gift that was inside? Let your crew use their imaginations and crafting skills to their hearts’ content by attending a holiday craft workshop at the Staatsburgh State Historic Site this week.

Laurie Oliver — Spiritual Counseling GIVE THE GIFT OF WELLNESS Make positive changes in your life through hypnosis.

From Tuesday, December 27 to Friday, December 30 at 11 a.m., children can Make a Mouse House. Kids ages 6 to 10 years will see examples of mouse houses on display; then they get to build their own to take home. This program costs $8 per child, or $15 per family with up to three kids, and children must be accompanied by an adult. Registration is required. The Staatsburgh State Historic Site is located on Old Post Road in Staatsburg. For reservations or more information, call (845) 889-8851 or visit www.nysparks. com/historic-sites/25/details.aspx.

Extra holiday hours at Washington’s HQ What if George Washington could reach out to you through the centuries and invite you over to his headquarters for a cuppa? Well, “A Cure for Cabin Fever” is probably the next-best thing. From Wednesday through Saturday, December 28 to 31, the Washington’s Headquarters State Historic Site is open extra hours: from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Families can take a tour of the seasonally decorated headquarters, view the museum’s over 1,300 artifacts and make a different craft to take home each day. Admission costs $4 for adults, $3 for seniors, and is free for children ages 12 and under. The Washington’s Headquarters State Historic Site is located at 84 Liberty Street in Newburgh. For more information, call (845) 562-1195 or visit http://nysparks. com/historic-sites/17/details.aspx. – Erica Chase-Salerno Erica Chase-Salerno interrupts this decadent piece of Lagusta’s Luscious chocolate bark to wish you a joyous holiday season. She can be reached at kidsalmanac@ ulsterpublishing.com.

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December 22, 2016



6:30am-8am Mysore Ashtanga Practice. Intended to help you build a personal, self-led practice. A teacher is on hand to guide you along. Meets every Mon-Thur, 6:30-8am. Woodstock Yoga Center, 6 Deming St, Woodstock. Info: 845-679-8700, woodstockyogacenter@gmail. com, woodstockyogacenter.com. 8am-9am Senior Feel Good Aerobics with Diane Collelo. Sponsored by Woodstock Senior

Recreation and open to Woodstock residents 55 and older. Woodstock Community Center, 56 Rock City Rd, Woodstock. Info: 845-679-2880. $1 donation. 8:30am Family’s Holiday Gift Drive. Mon & Tues: 9am-12:30pm, 12:30-4pm, 4-7:30pm Wed & Thurs: 8:30-11:30am, 11:30-2:30pm, 2:305:30pm. Register/more info: holidays@familyofwoodstockinc.org or call (845) 331-7080. Fair Street Church, 209 Fair St, Kingston. 8:30am-9:30am Free Daily Silent Sitting Meditation. On-going every Morning, seven days a week, 8:30-9:30am in the Amitabha Shrine Room. Karma Triyiana Dharmachakra,

Holiday gift guide





Everything must go!

X-mas decorations, toys, clothing, stocking stuffers, too much to list!

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Come in and say hello & get free hot apple cider! HOT DIGGITY DOG 2953 Church St., Pine Plains 845-464-3711 or 845-758-1170

9am-9:50am Qi Gong with Marilyn St. John. Uses gentle movement and relaxation to circulate the life energy. All ages and fitness levels. A reduced-price class. Woodstock Yoga Center, 6 Deming St, Woodstock. Info: 845-679-8700, woodstockyogacenter@gmail.com, woodstockyogacenter.com. $8. 9am-11:15am New Paltz Playspace. NPZ Town Rec Center, off of Rt 32, New Paltz. HudsonValleyParents.com. 9:30am-10:30am Senior Flex and Stretch with Diane Colello. Movement for balance and breath, weight-training for bone health, and mat work for flexibility and core strengthening. Woodstock Town Hall. Sponsored by Woodstock Senior Recreation and open to Woodstock residents 55 and older. Woodstock Community Center, 56 Rock City Rd, Woodstock. Info: 845-679-2880. $1 donation. 10am-3pm Putnam Hospital Center Blood Drive. In the Michael T. Weber Conference Room 2. The blood drive is open to Putnam Hospital Center employees and the general public. A commemorative Red Cross long-sleeved T-shirt will be provided to donors while supplies last. Walk-ins are also welcome. Putnam Hospital Center, Carmel. Info: 800-733-2767, redcrossblood.org. 10am-11am Women’s Yoga with Cory Smith. A variation of Gentle Yoga, this is a sacred space for women to deepen their spiritual practice while enhancing their health and well-being. Woodstock Yoga Center, 6 Deming St, Woodstock. Info: 845-679-8700, woodstockyogacenter@gmail. com, woodstockyogacenter.com. $8.

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10am-2pm Hooks & Needles, Yarns & Threads. Informal weekly social gathering for rug hookers, knitters, crocheters, and all other yarn crafters. Drop in any time between 10am & 2pm! Tivoli Free Library, Watts dePeyster Hall, 86 Broadway, Tivoli. Info: 845 757-3771, tivolilibrary.org. $1 suggested donation. 10am Reformed Church of Saugerties’ Adult Bible Study. Ongoing, every Thursday at 10 am. Current study: Book of Jeremiah. Everyone is welcome. Contact Lecia Siebeking for more information 845 246-5975. Reformed Church of Saugerties, Parish Hall, Saugerties. 12pm-4pm A Gilded Age Christmas. Featuring lavish decorations and children’s programs, from late November through New Year’s Eve. The decorations are done in turn-of-the-century style, recreating the atmosphere of holidays long-ago in one of the great estates of the Hudson Valley. Touring hours will be Thursday through Sunday from noon to 4pm (last entry at 3:30pm). Staatsburgh State Historic Site / Mills Mansion, Old Post Rd, Staatsburg. Info: 845-889-8851, nysparks.com/. $8/adults, $6/srs, free/12 & under. 12:15pm-12:45pm Free Weekly Community Meditation. All are welcome for half-hour of silent sitting meditation. Drop-in attendance welcome. Cushions, back-jacks, and chairs available. Admission by donation. Education Annex of Wellness Embodied, 126 Main St, New Paltz. wellnessembodiedcenter.com/community-meditation. 1pm-5pm Mount Gulian’s Candelight Tours. The homestead’s rooms will be decorated in different fashions, with opulent Victorian décor. Each room, of course, will be lit by candlelight. Refreshments that include wassail and holiday desserts will be available with our compliments.

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December 22, 2016 Last tour at 4pm. Mount Gulian Historic Site, 145 Sterling Street, Beacon. Info: 18458318172, info@mountgulian.org, mountgulian.org. $8/ adult; $6/senior; $4/child.

4pm Backgammon Club. Learn the game, pick up fancy moves, meet new people. Open to the public. Phoenicia Library, 48 Main St, Phoenicia. Info: 845-688-7811, phoenicialibrary.org.

1pm-4pm Senior Duplicate Bridge with John Stokes. The Woodstock Bridge Club offers a short lesson and a game of Duplicate Bridge. Woodstock Rescue Squad building, Route 212 Sponsored by Woodstock Senior Recreation and open to Woodstock residents 55 and older. Woodstock Rescue Squad Community Room, 222 Tinker St, Woodstock. Info: 845-679-2880. $1 donation.

4pm Free Fitness Class. Drop in for a workout on Mondays at 4:30 pm & Thursdays at 4pm. Class will be an aerobic warm-up followed by a combination of band and body work. Instructed

2pm-5pm Nativity Scenes Display at Mariapolis Luminosa. Visit over 200 nativity scenes from around the world and enjoy Mariapolis Luminosa. Admission free, suggested donation $5. Mariapolis Luminosa of the Focolare Movement, 200 Cardinal Rd, Hyde Park. Info: luminosa.office@ gmail.com, focolare.org/mariapolisluminosa.


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2pm-5pm Mah Jongg. Open to beginners and seasoned players alike. Phoenicia Library, 48 Main St, Phoenicia. Info: 845-688-7811, phoenicialibrary.org. 2pm-5pm Mah Jongg. Open to beginners and seasoned players alike. Phoenicia Library, 48 Main St, Phoenicia. Info: 845-688-7811, phoenicialibrary.org. 3:30pm-4pm Free Step Class. A high energy class. Ongoing. Saugerties Public Library, 91 Washington Ave, Saugerties. Info: 845 246-4317, saugertiespubliclibrary.org.


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December 22, 2016

by Connie Scuitto. Connie is an RN and certified Reiki Master. Saugerties Public Library, 91 Washington Ave, Saugerties. Info: 845 246-4317, saugertiespubliclibrary.org.

Happy holidays

5pm-6pm Sacred Movement and Alignment with Clyde Forth. We will work with postural alignments and their relationship to expressive movement and balance to build strength and increase mobility. Woodstock Yoga Center, 6 Deming St, Woodstock. Info: 845-679-8700, woodstockyogacenter@gmail.com, woodstockyogacenter.com. $18.

108 Main Street Saugerties, N.Y. 12477 845-246-4646 IvyLodgeAssistedLiving.com Nestled in the heart of Ulster County’s Historic Village of Saugerties, Ivy Lodge is a unique residence that offers support for gracious living. Private apartments, and handicapped accessibility throughout. Our nurses and 24 hour certified staff respectfully encourage residents to age in a place they’ll enjoy calling home. Traditional, Memory Support, Respite and Enhanced programs available. For more information, or to schedule a tour please call 845-246-4646 or E-mail director@ Ivylodgeassistedliving.com Now offering monthly support group for families, caregivers and people living with dementia.

5:15pm Pilates Equipment Group Class. A full body work out! Core stability and strengthening, full upper body and lower body program, classical and contemporary Pilates exercises. Ulster Pilates, 32 Broadway, Kingston. Info: 845 658-2239, ulsterpilates.com. 6pm-9pm Free Fly Tying Night at Anglers’ Den in Pawling. All experience levels welcome. Feel free just to come hang out to If you plan on attending, we recommended that you call the shop or email prior to give us a heads up so we can best accommodate you! (845) 855- 5182. Anglers’ Den, 11 West Main St, Pawling. Info: 845-8555182, anglersden.net. 6pm-9pm Watt Christmas Wonderland. Drive through a fantastic display of sparkling lights with all the holiday themes. Weather permitting.

Suggested donation. Facebook: Watt Christmas Wonderland. Watt Christmas Wonderland, Goshen. Info: 845-294-3391. 6pm-7pm Meditation Practice at Sky Lake Shambhala Retreat Center. Ongoing. Free and open to the public. Sky Lake Meditation Center, 22 Hillcrest Ln, Rosendale. Info: 845 658-8556, skylake.shambhala.org. 6pm Tasty Tunes Open Mic. Each musician gets to perform 2 songs or 10 minutes (whichever comes first) of family friendly music. Meets every Thursday night at 6pm. Sign up for musicians begins at 6pm. Show starts at 6:30pm. Taste Budd’s Cafe, 40 West Market St, Red Hook. 6:15pm Pilates Equipment Class. A full body work out! Core stability and strengthening, full upper body and lower body program, classical and contemporary Pilates exercises. Ulster Pilates, 32 Broadway, Kingston. Info: 845 658-2239, ulsterpilates.com. 6:30pm-8pm STEPS OF MEDITATION. Free weekly classes. Learn the fundamentals for an effective meditation experience. Peace Village Retreat Center, 54 O’Hara Rd, Haines Falls. Info: 518-589-5000, peacevillage@bkwsu.org, bkwsu.org. 6:30pm-8:30pm Thursday Japanese Free Movie Night: Live Action, Drunken Angel. A drunken doctor with a hot temper and a violenceprone gangster with tuberculosis form a quicksilver bond. Directed by Akira Kurosawa. Starring Takashi Shimura, Toshiro Mifune & Reizaburo Yamamoto, 102 mins. Gomen-Kudasai Noodle Shop, 232 Main St, New Paltz. Info: 845-2558811, GKnoodles.com. 6:30pm-7:45pm Caregiver Support Group. Phoenicia Fire House, Rt 214, Phoenicia. 7pm Winter Flight Nights. Enjoy 6 oz. Craft Beer Flights paired with Venison, Beef and Sausage Sliders. Enjoy at the Woodnotes Grille bar or cozied up next to a roaring fire on the deck or in the Great Room. $20 per pair! Woodnotes, Rt 28, Mt. Pleasant. Info: 845-688-2828, emersonresort.com. 7pm-8:30pm Meeting of MERC (Middle East Crisis Response). A group of Hudson Valley residents joined together to promote peace and human rights in Palestine and the Middle East. Woodstock Library, 5 Library Ln, Woodstock. Info: 845-876-7906, mideastcrisis.org.


7pm Exploring Universal Themes of Advent Special Invitation to “Nones and Dones�. Religions of the world assist people in seeking and finding meaning in life. Read from secular as well as a variety of sacred writings to consider what others have said through the ages, and to ponder for ourselves what they mean to us in today’s world. No evangelism, no pressure; just honest from-the-heart conversations about things that matter. Reformed Church of Saugerties, 173 Main St., Saugerties. 7pm Live @ The Falcon Main Stage: Slam Allen’s Holiday Soul-a-bration! The Falcon, 1348 Route 9W, Marlboro. Info: 845-236-7970, liveatthefalcon.com.

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7pm-11pm A Not Too OPEN MIC! Hosted by Ras T Asheber. Calling ALL Rappers, Poets, Story Tellers, Actors, Comedians, Singers and Players of Instruments, Every Thursday night, 8pm 11pm. Artists sign up 7pm - 8pm. For info call/ text 212-920-1221 or email showtime@gothamcitywork.com. No cover. Woodstock Lodge, 20 Country Club Ln, Woodstock. Info: 845-6792814, thelodgewoodstockny@gmail.com, thelodgewoodstock.com/. 7:30pm-10:30pm Jazz @ the Station. Warm, intimate atmosphere. Peter Einhorn-guitar, Lou Pappas-Bass, feat: Veronica Nunn-vocals. Food & drink available. Station Bar and Curio, 101 Tinker St, Woodstock. 7:30pm MISU and SUNY Ulster String Ensembles. The ensembles will be performing works by Resphigi, Purcell, Biber as well as introducing our youngest ensemble! Corelli’s Christmas Concerto and the Albinoni Adagio in G Minor will feature David Fiedler and Anastasia Solberg, Violins, Bruce Jackson, Bass, James Fitzwilliam, Organ. All ages welcome. Admission by Donation. St Johns Episcopal Church, 40 Market St, Ellenville. Info: 845-647-5087, misuinthecatskills@ gmail.com. 7:30pm-9:30pm Trivia with Paul Tully and Eric Stamberg. Come and test your knowledge with two fun rounds of trivia. Prizes awarded for 1st and 2nd. High Falls Cafe, 12 Stone Dock Road, High Falls. Info: 845-687-2699, highfallscafe@ earthlink.net, highfallscafe.com. 7:30pm-9pm Weekly Thursday Nite EFT Healing Circle & Recovery Workshop. Bring your physical, emotional, & spiritual challenges

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and issues, and have them quickly, effectively resolved and healed in a safe supportive environment. Free, $5 donation welcome. All proceeds go directly to FOW. Ongoing. Family of Woodstock, 39 John St, Kingston. Info: 845 706-2183. 7:30pm Reading, Meditation & Discussion. Matagiri Sri Aurobindo Center, 1218 Wittenberg Rd, Mt. Tremper. Info: 845 679-8322, info@ matagiri.org. 8pm Judy Collins. Bearsville Theater, 291 Tinker St, Bearsville. Info: 845-679-4406, BearsvilleTheater.com. 8pm Live @ The Falcon Underground: Stand Up at The Underground. The Falcon, 1348 Route 9W, Marlboro. Info: 845-236-7970, liveatthefalcon.com. 8:30pm Bluegrass Clubhouse. Featuring Brian Hollander,Tim Kapeluk, Geoff Harden, Fooch, & Eric Weissberg. Harmony Café @ Wok ‘n Roll, 50 Mill Hill Rd, Woodstock. Info: 845-679-3484.




December 22, 2016


9:30am-11am Vinyasa Level I-II Yoga with Alison Sinatra. Ideal for students transitioning from beginner to intermediate. Asanas are explored with increasing detail and a slower, flowing sequence. Woodstock Yoga Center, 6 Deming St, Woodstock. Info: 845-679-8700, woodstockyogacenter@gmail.com, woodstockyogacenter.com. $18. 9:45am-10:45am Senior Chi Kung with Corinne Mol. Meditative, healing exercise consisting of 13 movements. Sponsored by Woodstock Senior Recreation and open to Woodstock residents 55 and older. Woodstock Community Center, 56 Rock City Rd, Woodstock. Info: 845-679-2880. $1 donation. 10:30am Pilates Equipment Class. A full body work out! Core stability and strengthening, full upper body and lower body program, classical and contemporary Pilates exercises. Ulster Pilates, 32 Broadway, Kingston. Info: 845 658-2239, ulsterpilates.com. 11:30am Gyrotonic Tower Class. Using natural body spinal movements to decompress and strengthen the spine. It emphasizes full mobility of the joints and lengthening of the fascia and skeletal system. Ulster Pilates, 32 Broadway, Kingston. Info: 845 658-2239, ulsterpilates.com.

12pm-4pm A Gilded Age Christmas. Featuring lavish decorations and children’s programs, from late November through New Year’s Eve. The decorations are done in turn-of-the-century style, recreating the atmosphere of holidays long-ago in one of the great estates of the Hudson Valley. Touring hours will be Thursday through Sunday from noon to 4pm (last entry at 3:30pm). Staatsburgh State Historic Site / Mills Mansion, Old Post Rd, Staatsburg. Info: 845-889-8851, nysparks.com/. $8/adults, $6/srs, free/12 & under.

Wishing You Happy Holidays and a Healthy New Year!

12:05pm-1pm Senior Basic Pilates with Christine Anderson. A floor work course promoting improvementof balance, coordination, focus, awareness breathing, strength and flexibility. Sponsored by Woodstock Senior Recreation and open to Woodstock residents 55 and older. Woodstock Community Center, 56 Rock City Rd, Woodstock. Info: 845-679-2880. $1 donation. 1pm-3:30pm New Bridge Group at Community Center. Free. New Paltz Community Center, 3 Veterans Dr, New Paltz. Info: 617-308-9993. 2pm-5pm Nativity Scenes Display at Mariapolis Luminosa. Visit over 200 nativity scenes from around the world and enjoy Mariapolis Luminosa. Admission free, suggested donation $5. Mariapolis Luminosa of the Focolare Movement, 200 Cardinal Rd, Hyde Park. Info: luminosa.office@ gmail.com, focolare.org/mariapolisluminosa.

Holiday Hours Christmas Eve: 8 am - 4 pm • Christmas Day: Closed December 26-30: 8 am - 7 pm New Year’s Eve: 8 am - 4 pm • New Year’s Day: Closed

2pm-5pm Nativity Scenes Display at Mariapolis Luminosa. Visit over 200 nativity scenes from around the world and enjoy Mariapolis Luminosa. Admission free, suggested donation $5. Mariapolis Luminosa of the Focolare Movement, 200 Cardinal Rd, Hyde Park. Info: luminosa.office@ gmail.com, focolare.org/mariapolisluminosa. 4pm-7pm Juried Artist & Maker Market. Featuring artists of the Hudson Valley and New York City. Fridays, 4-7pm & Saturdays, 11am-5pm. through 12/24. Space Create, Newburgh. orangecountynyartscouncil.com. 4pm “Knit Wits” Knitting Club. Saugerties Public Library, 91 Washington Ave, Saugerties. Info: 845 246-4317, saugertiespubliclibrary.org. 4:30pm-5:30pm Lego Club. All ages, with parents. Phoenicia Library, 48 Main St, Phoenicia. Info: 845-688-7811, phoenicialibrary.org. 5:30pm-7pm Restorative Yoga with Barbara Boris. Rejuvenating and supported postures that soothe the nervous system and alleviate tension. Lots of props and dim lights. Woodstock Yoga Center, 6 Deming St, Woodstock. Info: 845-679-

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December 22, 2016

submission policy



e-mail calendar@ulsterpublishing.com. postal mail: Almanac Calendar Manager Donna Keefe c/o Ulster Publishing, PO Box 3329, Kingston, NY 12402 phone: (845) 334-8200 ext. 104, fax at (845) 334-8809. when to send

Save up to $500*

Almanac’s Calendar is printed on Tuesdays. We must receive all entries no later than the previous Friday at noon. what to send

The name of the event, time, date, location of event, a telephone number (for publication) and admission charge (specify if free). A brief description is helpful, too. how it works

Instructional and workshop listings appear in the calendar when accompanied by a paid display ad or by a paid individual calendar listing. Community events are published in the newspaper as a community service and on a spaceavailable basis.

on annual heating costs!

Ask us how!


6pm-9pm Watt Christmas Wonderland. Drive through a fantastic display of sparkling lights with all the holiday themes. Weather permitting. Suggested donation. Facebook: Watt Christmas Wonderland. Watt Christmas Wonderland, Goshen. Info: 845-294-3391.

and older. Ongoing every Wednesday at 1:30pm & Friday at 7pm. 50/50 tickets available at 3 tickets/$2. Half-time complementary refreshments. Shawangunk Valley Senior Center, Southwyck Square, 70 Main St, Napanoch. Info: 845 647-3902. $1.

6pm-9pm Nick From No Where. Featuring 40’s standards and covers. Vigneto’s, 890 Vineyard Ave, Highland. Info: 845-834-2828.

8pm The Dylan Doyle Band. Harmony Café @ Wok ‘n Roll, 50 Mill Hill Rd, Woodstock.

6:45pm-8:30pm Children & Teen Ministries. Meets Fridays: 6:45-8:30pm. Class for adults also offered. Grace Bible Fellowship Church, Rt9 & Rt9G, Rhinebeck. Info: 845-876-6923, cdfcirone@aol.com. 7pm-9pm Live Music & Noodles with The Bernstein Bard Trio. World Beat Duo, Fusion of Jazz World, Folk Music & Acoustic Alchemy: Andriry Milavsky, woodwinds; & Peter Fagiola, frame drum/marimba. No cover. Gomen-Kudasai Noodle Shop, 232 Main St, New Paltz. Info: 845-255-8811, GKnoodles.com. 7pm Live @ The Falcon Main Stage: Popa Chubby. Opener: Nalani & Sarina. The Falcon, 1348 Route 9W, Marlboro. Info: 845-236-7970, liveatthefalcon.com.

*Up to $500 savings based on a $100 sign-on credit, $200 off a premier service plan and new customer incentive oil pricing. Offer available to new Petro automatic delivery customers who sign a one-year agreement. Call local representative for terms and conditions. Ad must be presented at time of quote. Cannot be combined with any other offer. Additional terms and conditions may apply. Offer expires 3/31/17. ©2016 Petro. P_16733


7pm Friday Night Jazz. NYC saxophonist Al Guart leads ensembles comprised of the best Hudson Valley Jazz musicians. A rotating roster of performers includes pianists John Esposito & Peter Tomlinson, guitarists Steve Raleigh & Peter Einhorn, bassists Lew Scott & Rich Syracuse. Other musicians regularly sit in with the band. Kindred Spirits, 334 Rt 32A, Palenville. Info: 518 678-3101. 7pm Weekly Senior Citizen’s Bingo. Seniors 50

8pm The Hot Sardines. This concert of yuletide classics is infused with a jazz twist—and plenty of surprises along the way. Bard College, Annandaleon-Hudson. Info: 845-758-7900, fishercenter@ bard.edu, fishercenter.bard.edu/calendar/event. php?eid=131296. $25–65 Save 25% off four or more tickets. 8pm Holiday Classical Guitar Concert. Classical guitarist David Temple presents The Gift of Music. Music of the Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, Romantic and modern periods will be featured, with special emphasis on the works of J.S. Bach, new arrangements of Holiday Season classics, and exciting repertoire from both Europe and the Americas. Center for Performing Arts at Rhinebeck, 661 Rte. 308, Rhinebeck, NY. Info: (845) 853-6096, david.albert.temple@gmail. com, centerforperformingarts.org. $20. 8pm Ugly Sweater Dance Party. Wear your ugliest holiday sweater and liven up the dance floor to the mixed tunes of DJ Skyhook and Professor Pete. Over 21 only after 9pm. Pennings Farm Market, Warwick. Info: 845-986-1059, penningsfarmmarket.com. 8pm Live @ The Falcon Underground: Nalani & Sarina. The Falcon, 1348 Route 9W, Marlboro. Info: 845-236-7970, liveatthefalcon.com. 8pm-11:30pm Swing Dance & Cookie Sharing. Dance to the Blue Gardenia Quintet - 8:30pm, performance 9:30pm. No partner needed. No experience necessary. Free dance lesson 8-8:30pm. Dance Workshops with Joe & Julie Donato: $15 each / $20 both, Waltz Reboot: 6:30-7:15pm, Peabody & Swing Walks: 7:15-8pm. Think dancing.. cookies.. dancing cookies! Poughkeepsie Tennis Club, 135 S. Hamilton St., Poughkeepsie. Info: 845 679-8587, hvcd.info. $15/ adults, $10/students.


6444 Montgomery St. Rhinebeck, NY 12572


8am-6pm Benefit Shopping at Rock and Snow. Come by the store or shop online at rockandsnow. com until midnight. 25% of receipts from your non-sale purchases will be donated directly to the Wallkill Valley Land Trust, Scenic Hudson, and Family of New Paltz. Rock and Snow, 44 Main St, New Paltz.


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8:30am-9:30am Vinyasa Yoga with Laura Olson. A fast-paced vinyasa flow class that works up a nice sweat while keeping things light and fun. Great for kickstarting the weekend. Woodstock Yoga Center, 6 Deming St, Woodstock. Info: 845-679-8700, woodstockyogacenter@gmail. com, woodstockyogacenter.com.

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9am-12pm Comforter Cobblestone Thrift Store. Not-for-profit thrift selling clothing for children/adults, household items, jewelry, games/ toys. No furniture. Comforter Cobblestone Thrift Store, 26 Wynkoop Pl, Kingston. Info: 845-3386126, comfortercobblestonethrift26@gmail.com.


9am Saugerties’ Christian Meditation. Meets every Saturday, 9am. All welcome. No charge. Trinity Episcopal Church, Rt 9W, Saugerties. Info: 845 246-3285.


9am Pilates Equipment Group Class. A full body work out! Core stability and strengthening, full upper body and lower body program, classical and contemporary Pilates exercises. Ulster Pilates, 32 Broadway, Kingston. Info: 845 658-2239, ulsterpilates.com.




W W W . R U G E S S U B A R U . C O M

9:30am-11am Woodstock: Christian Centering Prayer and Meditation. On-going. Everyone welcome. St. Gregory’s Episcopal Church (the A-Frame), 2578 Rt 212, Woodstock. Info: 845 679-8800. 10am-4pm Open Studio Sale for the Holidays. Paintings by Carl Richards with glass and jewelry



December 22, 2016

local food pantries. Classes are open to everyone. Line-up: Wednesdays through 12/21, 7pm. Info: call Susan Loxley-Friedle at 845-255-9317. New Paltz Elks Lodge, 290 State Rt 32 S, New Paltz.

premier listings Contact Donna at calendar@ulsterpublishing.com to be included Artist Call for Entry. Gallery Lev Shalem at the Woodstock Jewish Congregation is calling for entries for next exhibition. The theme is Other Places: A juried show 0f two dimensional artwork January 15-April 24,2017. Allison Constant, curator/ owner of Artbar Gallery, Kingston, NY is the juror. Artists are invited to bring work to the Gallery on Monday, January 9, 2017 between 11am-3pm.

Artists may submit from 1-2 ready-tohang, 2-dimensional artworks up to 40”. Work must interpret the show’s theme, Other Places, real or imagined. Submission fee is $5 per entry. Work not accepted must be picked up on Tuesday, January 10, 1-3pm. You will be notified via email the status of your entry. Opening reception is Sunday, January 15, 12-2pm. Gallery Lev Shalem, Woodstock Jewish Congregation, 1682 Glasco Turnpike, Wood-

by Gary Genetti and Mena Messina. Genetti Messina Studio and Gallery, Warwick. Info: 845-492-1935, genettiglass.com. 10am-12pm Saturday Social Circle. This group is for mamas looking to meet other mamas, babies and toddlers for activities, socialization and friendship. Whether you are pregnant, have a new baby or older kids, you are welcome to join. New Baby New Paltz, 264 Main St, New Paltz. Info: 845-255-0624, newbabynewpaltz@yahoo. com, newbabynewpaltz.com. 10am-11:30am Iyengar Yoga Level I. For students new to Iyengar, the basis of the method is taught in standing poses. Taught by Certified Iyengar Yoga Instructor Barbara Boris. Woodstock Yoga Center, 6 Deming St, Woodstock. Info: 845-679-8700, woodstockyogacenter@gmail. com, woodstockyogacenter.com. $18. 10am-12pm Knitting Group. Stone Ridge Library, 3700 Main St, Stone Ridge. Info: 845 687-7023, stoneridgelibrary.org/. 10am-9pm Candlewax Recycling Drop-off. Candlewax in any condition to be recycled. Ongoing. Pachamama Store (near food court), Hudson Valley Mall, Kingston. 10:30am-11:30am Silent Vigil for Global Peace & Non-Violence. Sponsored by The Kingston Women in Black. Meet outside Cornell St PO,. Cornell St PO, Kingston. Info: 845 399-2805. 11am-4pm Winter Olana Tour. Friday-Sunday, first tour 11 am, last tour 3 pm. Olana, 5720 St Rt 9G, Hudson. olana.org.Olana. 12pm-5pm Winter Holiday Art Exhibition. Presented by the Bannerman Castle Trust, Inc. and Bannerman Island Gallery. Show will exhibit through 1/29. The exhibition will be a small works art show. Gallery Hours for the duration of the show are Saturdays and Sundays from 12noon – 5pm and weekdays by chance and appointment. Bannerman Island Gallery (BIG), 150 Main St, Beacon. Info: 845-234-3204 or 845-416-8342, bannermancastle.org. 12pm-3pm Tastings, Shopping and Sales. A sampling of Gourmet Sweet Hot Maple Dipping Mustard by Tea Thyme Herb Farm. All of Tea Thyme Farm products are created in Denver, NY. Check out their other great products like vinegars,&syrup. Emerson Country Stores, 5340 Rt-28, Mount Tremper. Info: 845-688-2828, emersonresort.com. 12pm-4pm ExhibitThe Art of Picturebooks. Three professional children’s book illustrators will exhibit their original artwork. Show exhibits through December. Gallery hours: Saturdays and Sundays, 12pm-4pm. Amity Gallery, 110 Newport Bridge Rd, Warwick. Info: 845-9866962, amitygallery110@gmail.com, amitygallery110.wordpress.com. 12pm-1pm Free Yoga Pizza Party. Join Women’s Power Space and My Place Pizza for a rejuvenating yoga class and pizza. Families, beginners, and children welcome (mats will be provided). Donations appreciated. Ongoing. My Place Pizza, 322 Main St, Poughkeepsie. sarah@womenspowerspace.org. 12:45pm-1:30pm New Paltz Women in Black Vigil for Peace. Held in front of the Elting Library, corner of Main and North Front Streets. Vigil is in its 15th year of standing for peace and justice. New Paltz. 1pm-6pm Nativity Scenes Display at Mariapolis Luminosa. Visit over 200 nativity scenes from around the world and enjoy Mariapolis Luminosa. Admission free, suggested donation $5. Mariapolis Luminosa of the Focolare Movement, 200 Cardinal Rd, Hyde Park. Info: luminosa.office@ gmail.com, focolare.org/mariapolisluminosa. 1pm-6pm Nativity Scenes Display at Mariapolis Luminosa. Visit over 200 nativity scenes from around the world and enjoy Mariapolis Luminosa. Admission free, suggested donation $5. Mariapolis Luminosa of the Focolare Movement, 200 Cardinal Rd, Hyde Park. Info: luminosa.office@ gmail.com, focolare.org/mariapolisluminosa. 1pm-4pm “Merry & Bright” Wilderstein’s Holiday House Tours. Florists and designers dress the mansion in its holiday best. Each room is packed with period and modern decor showcasing the home’s elegance. Self-guided tours will run through the end of December. Wilderstein Historic Site, 330 Morton Rd, Rhinebeck. Info: 845-876-4818, wilderstein.org. $11/adults, $10/ students & srs, free/12 & under.

stock. Info: 845-246-5170 or wjc.arts@ gmail.com or whg1045@aol.com. December Exercise Class & Food Drive. New Paltz Elks Lodge is sponsoring “Improve your Health and Improve Life for Others” event at the same time! Participate in aerobics & strength training or step aerobics - admission is by donation of any non-perishable food items, donated items will help neighbors in need, via

1pm Sit and Knit. Bring a project or start a new one while sitting on the comfy couches in the Information Room window area. Meets every Saturday at 1 pm. All are welcome. Saugerties Public Library, 91 Washington Ave, Saugerties. Info: 845 246-4317, saugertiespubliclibrary.org. 2pm Free Meditation Instruction. Held in the Amitabha Shrine Room. 60-minute class requires no previous meditation experience. On-going. Karma Triyiana Dharmachakra, 335 Meads Mountain Rd, Woodstock. Info: 845 679-5906, jan@kagyu.org. 3:30pm-7:30pm Journey Blue Heaven & The Woodstockers. Harmony Café @ Wok ‘n Roll, 50 Mill Hill Rd, Woodstock. Info: 845 679-3484. 4pm Christmas Eve on the Woodstock Village Green. How will he arrive this year? Info: 845-679-6300. 5pm Christmas Eve Family Service. Communion with special music. The Church of the Messiah, 6436 Montgomery St, Rhinebeck. rhinebeck-episcopal.org/history.

Ongoing Open Call. Athens Laundry is seeking projects in art, writing and design for the arts and literary publication by Friends of D. R. Evarts Library in Athens. Print and Electronic editions • Visit athenslaundry.tumblr. com for more info • Email friends@ drevartslibrary.org today. Washbourne House Shelter Seeks Volunteers! Info: volunteers@familyofwoodstockinc.org or 845-331-

8pm. Info: 845-204-9833. Hudson Valley Dance Depot, 1151 NY-55, Lagrangeville. Info: 845-4737050, hudsonvalleydance.org. 9pm Dharma Bums. Harmony Café @ Wok ‘n Roll, 50 Mill Hill Rd, Woodstock. 9:30pm Christmas Eve Music and Carols. The Church of the Messiah, 6436 Montgomery St, Rhinebeck. rhinebeck-episcopal.org/history. 10pm Christmas Eve Candlelight Service. Communion with Music, Traditional Carols, and Sermon. The Church of the Messiah, 6436 Montgomery St, Rhinebeck. rhinebeck-episcopal. org/history. 10pm Dance Party. Featuring DJ Majic Juan. Every Saturday night. Woodstock Lodge, 20 Country Club Ln, Woodstock. Info: 845-6792814, lodgewoodstock.com.



5pm Christmas Eve Candlelight Service. Phoenicia United Methodist Church, 25 Church St, Phoenicia. Info: 845-688-7680.

Merry Christmas

6pm Candelight & Communion Service. Saugerties United Methodist Church, 67 Washington Ave, Saugerties. Info: 845-246-7802, saugertiesunitedmeth@hvc.rr.com, SaugertiesUMC.org.

9:40am Christmas Day Services. Overlook United Methodist Church, 233 Tinker St, Woodstock. Info: 845-679-6800, overlookumc@earthlink.net.

6pm-9pm Watt Christmas Wonderland. Drive through a fantastic display of sparkling lights with all the holiday themes. Weather permitting. Suggested donation. Facebook: Watt Christmas Wonderland. Watt Christmas Wonderland, Goshen. Info: 845-294-3391. 6:30pm Kingston Menorah Lighting - 1st Night of Hannukah. Sing Hannukah songs, light the Menorah, chocoalte Hannukah gelt & hot latkes, arts & crafts - gifts for all children, draidel, & music. Hot dairy buffet will served. Agudas Achim, 254 Lucas Ave, Kingston. Info: 845-3311176, chabadulstercounty.org/chanukah. 6:30pm-9pm Hannukah on Christmas Eve. Havdalah ceremony; Chanukah menorah lighting; Chinese food (an American Jewish “Christmas Tradition”; latkes; A staged reading of “Oy!” Woodstock Jewish Congregation, 1682 Glasco Turnpike, Woodstock. Info: 845-679-2218, info@ wjcschul.org, wjcshul.org. 6:45pm Kosher Chinese & Movie Night. Donations Appreciated. Rhinebeck Jewish Center, 102 Montgomery St, Rhinebeck. Info: 845-876-7666, rsvp@RhinebeckJewishCenter.com, rhinebeckjewishcenter.com/. 7pm Christmas Eve Services. Overlook United Methodist Church, 233 Tinker St, Woodstock. Info: 845-679-6800, overlookumc@earthlink. net. 7pm-10pm Live @ The Falcon: Christmas Eve with Marshall Crenshaw. Folk Pop! The Falcon, 1348 Route 9W, Marlboro. Info: 845-236-7970, liveatthefalcon.com. 7pm Live @ The Falcon Main Stage: Bernard “Pretty” Purdie’s Holiday “IN”. The Falcon, 1348 Route 9W, Marlboro. Info: 845-236-7970, liveatthefalcon.com. 7pm Saturday Night Jazz. NYC saxophonist Al Guart leads ensembles comprised of the best Hudson Valley Jazz musicians. A rotating roster of performers includes pianists John Esposito & Peter Tomlinson, guitarists Steve Raleigh & Peter Einhorn, bassists Lew Scott & Rich Syracuse. Other musicians regularly sit in with the band. Kindred Spirits, 334 Rt 32A, Palenville. Info: 518 678-3101. 7:15pm-10pm Saturday Night Jazz and Latin Dance. Featuring George Leary, Harvey Kaiser & Elliot Steel. No Cover. Station Bar and Curio, 101 Tinker St, Woodstock. 7:30pm Christmas Eve Candlelight Service at Goodwill Church. Goodwill Church New Paltz, 16 N. Chestnut St, New Paltz. Info: 845-457-5959, info@goodwillchurch.org, goodwillchurch.org. 7:30pm Christmas Eve Candlelight Service. A night of candles, carols, and reflection and celebration on the real reason for the season. Reservoir United Methodist Church, 3056 State Rt 28, Shokan. Info: 845-657-2326, ReservoirUMC.com. 9pm-11pm HVCD Ballroom by Request. With Joe & Julie Donato. Dance to DJ’d music. Lesson

10am Christmas Day. Communion with Carols. The Church of the Messiah, 6436 Montgomery St, Rhinebeck. rhinebeck-episcopal.org/history. 11am Christmas Day Service at Goodwill Church. Goodwill Church New Paltz, 16 N. Chestnut St, New Paltz. Info: 845-457-5959, info@goodwillchurch.org, goodwillchurch.org. 1pm-6pm Nativity Scenes Display at Mariapolis Luminosa. Visit over 200 nativity scenes from around the world and enjoy Mariapolis Luminosa. Admission free, suggested donation $5. Mariapolis Luminosa of the Focolare Movement, 200 Cardinal Rd, Hyde Park. Info: luminosa.office@ gmail.com, focolare.org/mariapolisluminosa. 1pm-4pm “Merry & Bright” Wilderstein’s Holiday House Tours. Florists and designers dress the mansion in its holiday best. Each room is packed with period and modern decor showcasing the home’s elegance. Self-guided tours will run through the end of December. Wilderstein Historic Site, 330 Morton Rd, Rhinebeck. Info: 845-876-4818, wilderstein.org. $11/adults, $10/ students & srs, free/12 & under. 1pm-2pm Silent Peace Vigil by Woodstock Women in Black. Village Green, Tinker St, Woodstock. Info: 845 679-7148, rizka@hvc. rr.com. 1:30pm-3pm Community Christmas Day Buffet Dinner. No Charge. Bring family and friends. New Paltz United Methodist Church, 1 Grove Street, New Paltz. Info: (845) 419-5063, sharon.jean.roth@gmail.com. 3:30pm Woodstock Menorah Lighting - 2nd Night of Hannukah. Sing Hannukah songs, light the Menorah, chocoalte Hannukah gelt, hot latkes, & cider. Gifts all children. Village Green, Tinker St, Woodstock. Info: 845-331-1176, chabadulstercounty.org/chanukah. 5pm Ellenville Menorah Lighting - 2nd Night of Hannukah. Sing Hannukah songs, light the Menorah, chocoalte Hannukah gelt, hot latkes, doughnuts & cider. Liberty Square, Ellenville. Info: 845-331-1176, chabadulstercounty.org/ chanukah. 5pm-9pm Christmas Day at Woodnotes Grille. Celebrate the holiday with us at Woodnotes Grille! Priced at $25 per person, enjoy their special Christmas dinner menu with savory entrees such as Chestnut Soup, Baked Smithfield Ham with Pineapple Glaze, Braised Red Cabbage & Smoky Mashed Potatoes! Or, choose your favorite a-lacarte items from their Winter menu. Reservations are required. Woodnotes, Rt 28, Mt. Pleasant. Info: 845-688-2828, emersonresort.com. 6pm-9pm Watt Christmas Wonderland. Drive through a fantastic display of sparkling lights with all the holiday themes. Weather permitting. Suggested donation. Facebook: Watt Christmas Wonderland. Watt Christmas Wonderland, Goshen. Info: 845-294-3391.

7080x157. Low-Cost Spay/Neuter Stationary Clinic for Dogs. Every Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. $95 and up; includes spay/neuter, rabies vaccine, and cone collar. All surgeries performed by appointment only; Also, Low-Cost Spay/Neuter Mobile Clinic for Cats( call for location and dates). $70 per cat includes spay/ neuter, rabies vaccine, ear cleaning, nail trim. All surgeries performed by appointment only; & Low-cost vaccine & dental Clinics available. The Animal Rights Alliance (T.A.R.A.), 60 Enterprise Pl, Middletown. Info: 845-3431000, tara-spayneuter.org.



7:30am-8:30pm Free Weekly Community Meditation. All are welcome for silent sitting and walking meditation. For optional beginner instruction, please arrive at 7:20. Drop-in attendance welcome. Cushions, back-jacks, and chairs available. Donations welcome. Education Annex of Wellness Embodied, 126 Main St, New Paltz. wellnessembodiedcenter.com/communitymeditation. 8:30am-9:30am Free Daily Silent Sitting Meditation. On-going every Morning, seven days a week, 8:30-9:30am in the Amitabha Shrine Room. For info contact Jan Tarlin, 845-6795906. Karma Triyiana Dharmachakra, 335 Meads Mountain Rd, Woodstock. 9am-9:50am Senior Fit Dance for Seniors with Adah Frank. Dance and movement for strength and flexibility. Sponsored by Woodstock Senior Recreation and open to Woodstock residents 55 and older. Bring a mat. Woodstock Community Center, 56 Rock City Rd, Woodstock. Info: 845-679-2880. $1 donation. 9:30am Settled and Serving in Place (Kingston Chapter). A social self-help group for seniors who want to remain in their homes and community. Olympic Diner, Washington Ave, Kingston. Info: 845 399-2805, ssipkingston.org. 10am-11:30am Iyengar Yoga Level I with Barbara Boris. For students new to Iyengar, the basis of the method is taught in standing poses. Taught by Certified Iyengar Yoga Instructor Barbara Boris. Woodstock Yoga Center, 6 Deming St, Woodstock. Info: 845-679-8700, woodstockyogacenter@gmail.com, woodstockyogacenter.com. $18. 10am-12pm Senior Drama with Edith LeFever. Comets of Woodstock focuses on improvisation, acting exercises, monologues & scenes. Interested seniors are welcome to sit in. Sponsored by Woodstock Senior Recreation and open to Woodstock residents 55 and older. Woodstock Community Center, 56 Rock City Rd, Woodstock. Info: 845-679-2880. $1 donation. 10:15am-3:15pm Locust Grove’s Holiday House Tours. All a glitter for the holidays! Featuring festive decorations and special exhibit from the museum collection; antique toys and games! Guided tours with our expert guides. Locust Grove Estate, 2683 South Road (Route 9), Poughkeepsie. Info: info@lgny.org, lgny.org/. $11/adults, $6/children. 11am-12pm Chair Yoga with Kathy Foley. Chair yoga is a very helpful way for those who need extra support in enjoying the benefits of yoga. Using chairs for support. Town of Esopus Library, 128 Canal Street, Port Ewen. Info: 845-338-5580, organizedmode@gmail.com, esopuslibrary.org. 12pm-4pm A Gilded Age Christmas. Featuring lavish decorations and children’s programs, from late November through New Year’s Eve. The decorations are done in turn-of-the-century style, recreating the atmosphere of holidays long-ago in one of the great estates of the Hudson Valley. Touring hours will be Thursday through Sunday from noon to 4pm (last entry at 3:30pm). Staatsburgh State Historic Site / Mills Mansion, Old Post Rd, Staatsburg. Info: 845-889-8851, nysparks.com/. $8/adults, $6/srs, free/12 & under. 12:15pm Rhinebeck Rotary Club Meeting. Beekman Arms, 6387 Mill St, Rhinebeck. Info: 914 244-0333. 1pm-4pm “Merry & Bright” Wilderstein’s Holiday House Tours. Florists and designers dress the mansion in its holiday best. Each room is packed with period and modern decor showcasing the home’s elegance. Self-guided tours will run through the end of December. Wilderstein Historic Site, 330 Morton Rd, Rhinebeck. Info: 845-876-4818, wilderstein.org. $11/adults, $10/ students & srs, free/12 & under. 1pm-2pm Needlework Group. Knitters, crocheters, rug hookers & stitchers of all types and beginners welcome. Town of Esopus Library, 128 Canal Street, Port Ewen. Info: 845-338-5580, organizedmode@gmail.com, esopuslibrary.org. 2pm-4pm Senior Painting. Sponsored by Woodstock Senior Recreation and open to Woodstock residents 55 and older. Woodstock Commu-



nity Center, 56 Rock City Rd, Woodstock. Info: 845-679-2880. $1 donation. 3pm-5pm Math Help. Get those pencils sharpened! Phyllis Rosato is here to answer all of your math questions, from kindergarten to calculus. Phoenicia Library, 48 Main St, Phoenicia. Info: 845-688-7811, phoenicialibrary.org. 3:30pm-4:30pm Amateur Guitar Jam. Join this casual gathering of acoustic musicians. Bring your own guitar. Town of Esopus Library, 128 Canal Street, Port Ewen. Info: 845-338-5580, organizedmode@gmail.com, esopuslibrary.org. 4pm-5pm Muay Thai for Kids. For ages 5 to 13. Children learn the basics of the art of the eight limbs with our knowledgeable instructors. Build confidence and personal strength. Free. Free ongoing class. Stockade, 302 Wall St, Kingston. stockademuaythai.com. 4:15pm-5:30pm Healthy Back Class w/ Anne Olin. Build strength and increase flexibility and range of motion with attention to your special needs. Class is on-going and meets on Mondays, 4:15-5:30pm. 28 West Gym, Maverick Rd & Rt 28, Glenford. $12/class. 5pm-10pm Monday Night Football. Food, fun and football! We are serving up $5 fried chicken, $4 drafts and a BURN your BILL raffle at 10pm! Woodnotes, Rt 28, Mt. Pleasant. Info: 845-6882828, emersonresort.com. 6pm-8pm MEETING OF ENJAN (End The New Jim Crow Action Network). A Hudson Valley network dedicated to fighting racist policies of racial profiling, police brutality, and mass incarceration (the “New Jim Crow”). New Progressive Baptist Church, 8 Hone St, Kingston. Info: 845-475-8781, enjan.org. 6pm-9pm Monday Night Games & Noodles. A night of friendly gaming with a group of both novice and avid board gamers. Organizer: Sapana Panday. Gomen-Kudasai Noodle Shop, 232 Main St, New Paltz. Info: 845-255-8811, meetup.com/ Board-not-Bored/. 6pm-8pm Meeting of ENJAN (End The New Jim Crow Action Network). A Hudson Valley network dedicated to fighting racist policies of racial profiling, police brutality, and mass incarceration (the “New Jim Crow”). New Progressive Baptist Church, 8 Hone St, Kingston. Info: 845-475-8781, enjan.org. 6pm-9pm Watt Christmas Wonderland. Drive through a fantastic display of sparkling lights with all the holiday themes. Weather permitting. Suggested donation. Facebook: Watt Christmas Wonderland. Watt Christmas Wonderland, Goshen. Info: 845-294-3391. 7pm Live @ The Falcon Main Stage: Joe Louis Walker & Friends. Featuring Vanessa Collier. The Falcon, 1348 Route 9W, Marlboro. Info: 845-236-7970, liveatthefalcon.com. 7pm Poetry w/ Bruce Weber. Harmony Café @ Wok ‘n Roll, 50 Mill Hill Rd, Woodstock. 8pm The New Chance Ensemble Perform Poetry And Music. Poet Bruce Weber and his band of bagatelles Joanne Pagano Weber, Rick Pantell and Karen Whitman will perform. Every Christmas holiday week for the past several years the group performs an array of poems by Bruce Weber in a variety of voices and Rick and Karen’s musical sounds. Harmony Café @ Wok ‘n Roll, 50 Mill Hill Rd, Woodstock. Info: 845-679-7760. 8pm Industry Night at The Lodge. Featuring live funk with Fishin’ Chicken. Happy Hour all Night! Woodstock Lodge, 20 Country Club Ln, Woodstock. Info: 845-679-2814, lodgewoodstock.com.



19th Annual Catskill Ice Festival. Choose from multiple clinics on all the skills and techniques you need to get out on ice - from basic skills, to dry-tooling, to glacier travel techniques. Slide show will be held at Rock & Snow on Saturday, Jan. 28 at 8 p.m. The demo gear will also be located at Rock and Snow - so you can try out the latest harnesses, ice tools, crampons and clothing from the best companies. Rates are $150 per person per event. Slide shows are free. The Catskill Ice Festival includes excursions to locations near Mount Tremper and Phoenicia. Alpine Endeavors is an AMGA-accredited guide service based in the Shawangunk and Catskill mountains. Rock and Snow, 44 Main St, New Paltz. Info: 877-486-5769, alpineendeavors.com/ reference/catskill-ice-festival-2017. 9am-10am Senior Dance with Inyo Charbonneau. The emphasis is on fun while benefiting from strengthening and aerobic exercise and celebrating life. Sponsored by Woodstock Senior Recreation and open to Woodstock residents 55 and older. Woodstock Community Center, 56 Rock City Rd, Woodstock. Info: 845-679-2880. $1 donation. 9:30am-11am Level I Yoga with Terry Fister. Taught in the Iyengar style. The basis of the method is taught in standing poses and other fundamental postures. Woodstock Yoga Center, 6 Deming St, Woodstock. Info: 845-679-8700, woodstockyogacenter@gmail.com, woodstockyogacenter.com. $18. 9:30am Serving and Staying in Place - SSIP/ New Paltz. Regular Tuesday social breakfast meeting for seniors who want to remain in their own home and community. Plaza Diner, New Paltz Plaza, New Paltz. Info: 845 255-0609.

December 22, 2016

9:30am The Saugerties Seniors Meeting. Settled and Serving in Place (SSIP)is a social selfhelp group for seniors who want to remain in their homes and community. Village Diner, Main St, Saugerties. Info: 845 255-0609.

Walking Meditation. Instruction available. On-going Tues, 6-7pm. Free & open to the public. Sky Lake Meditation Center, 22 Hillcrest Ln, Rosendale. Info: 845 658-8556, skylake.shambhala.org.

9:30am Gyrotonic Tower Class. Using natural body spinal movements to decompress and strengthen the spine. It emphasizes full mobility of the joints and lengthening of the fascia and skeletal system. Ulster Pilates, 32 Broadway, Kingston. Info: 845 658-2239, ulsterpilates.com.

6:30pm-7pm The Body’s Inner Wisdom. Part of the Complimentary Half-Hour to Health series led by Dr. David Lester and held at Lester Chiropractic, 3 Paradies Lane, New Paltz. Lester Chiropractic, 3 Paradies Ln, New Paltz. Info: (845) 255-3300, Lester.chiropractic@gmail.com.

10am The Mouse House Craft Workshop. Staatsburgh’s Christmas tradition of displaying miniature mouse-size houses decorated for the holidays in hidden corners of the mansion. Children attending the workshop will have the opportunity to build and decorate their own mouse house. The workshop will be offered for children ages 6 – 10. 12/27 -12/30, 10am. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Reservations are required and can be made by calling Staatsburgh at 845-889-8851. Staatsburgh State Historic Site / Mills Mansion, Old Post Rd, Staatsburg. Info: 845-889-8851, nysparks.com/. $8/adults, $15/ per family, up to 3 children.

6:30pm The Spotty Dog Trivia Night. Bi-weekly All-Nerd Throwdown. Free. The Spotty Dog Books & Ale, 440 Warren St, Hudson. Info: 518-671-6006.

10am The Country Scrappers & Stampers Meeting. Come for the whole day or drop by for an hour or two. New members are welcome and encouraged to attend. Ongoing. Walker Valley Schoolhouse, 1 Marl Rd, Walker Valley. Info: 845 744-3055. 10am The Country Scrappers & Stampers Meeting. Come for the whole day or drop by for an hour or two. New members are welcome and encouraged to attend. Ongoing. Walker Valley Schoolhouse, 1 Marl Rd, Walker Valley. Info: 845 744-3055. 10:15am-3:15pm Locust Grove’s Holiday House Tours. All a glitter for the holidays! Featuring festive decorations and special exhibit from the museum collection; antique toys and games! Guided tours with our expert guides. Locust Grove Estate, 2683 South Road (Route 9), Poughkeepsie. Info: info@lgny.org, lgny.org/. $11/adults, $6/children. 10:30am-11:30am Together Tuesdays. Janice leads this story, craft, and play hour for kids birth through preschool. Come join the friendly gang of local parents. Phoenicia Library, 48 Main St, Phoenicia. Info: 845-688-7811, phoenicialibrary. org. 10:30am Pilates Equipment Class. A full body work out! Core stability and strengthening, full upper body and lower body program, classical and contemporary Pilates exercises. Ulster Pilates, 32 Broadway, Kingston. Info: 845 658-2239, ulsterpilates.com. 12pm-4pm A Gilded Age Christmas. Featuring lavish decorations and children’s programs, from late November through New Year’s Eve. The decorations are done in turn-of-the-century style, recreating the atmosphere of holidays long-ago in one of the great estates of the Hudson Valley. Touring hours will be Thursday through Sunday from noon to 4pm (last entry at 3:30pm). Staatsburgh State Historic Site / Mills Mansion, Old Post Rd, Staatsburg. Info: 845-889-8851, nysparks.com/. $8/adults, $6/srs, free/12 & under. 1pm-4pm “Merry & Bright” Wilderstein’s Holiday House Tours. Florists and designers dress the mansion in its holiday best. Each room is packed with period and modern decor showcasing the home’s elegance. Self-guided tours will run through the end of December. Wilderstein Historic Site, 330 Morton Rd, Rhinebeck. Info: 845-876-4818, wilderstein.org. $11/adults, $10/ students & srs, free/12 & under.

6:30pm-7:30pm Stress Reduction and Mindfulness Meditation with Donna Sherman. $80, pre-registration required. This eight class series will meet twice a week for one hour - Monday & Wednesdays. $99/8 classes. This 8 class series will meet twice a week for one hour. Living Seed, New Paltz. Info: contact@thelivingseed.com. 7pm-10pm Open Mic Nite. Hosted by Ben Rounds, Open Mic Nite at Woodnotes Grille makes Tuesday night the new Friday night for great entertainment. Listen to talented local singers and bands or showcase your own talents! No cover. Woodnotes, Rt 28, Mt. Pleasant. Info: 845-688-2828, emersonresort.com. 7pm-9pm Open Mic. On-going. Free admission. Inquiring Minds Bookstore in Saugerties, 65 Partition Street, Saugerties. Info: 845 679-5906, jan@kagyu.org. 7pm-8:30pm Weekly Opportunity Workshop. Learn how to help the environment, raise funds for non-profit organizations, and save money over time! Ongoing. Free to attend. Novella’s, 2 Terwilliger Ln (across from Super 8), New Paltz.



12am 19th Annual Catskill Ice Festival. Choose from multiple clinics on all the skills and techniques you need to get out on ice - from basic skills, to dry-tooling, to glacier travel techniques. Slide show will be held at Rock & Snow on Saturday, Jan. 28 at 8 p.m. The demo gear will also be located at Rock and Snow - so you can try out the latest harnesses, ice tools, crampons and clothing from the best companies. Rates are $150 per person per event. Slide shows are free. The Catskill Ice Festival includes excursions to locations near Mount Tremper and Phoenicia. Alpine Endeavors is an AMGA-accredited guide service based in the Shawangunk and Catskill mountains. Rock and Snow, 44 Main St, New Paltz. Info: 877-486-5769, alpineendeavors.com/ reference/catskill-ice-festival-2017. 9am-10am Senior Kripalu Yoga with Susan Blacker. A gentle yoga class with each student encouraged to move and stretch at his or her own pace. Includes warmups, poses for strength and balance and breath work for relaxation. Sponsored by Woodstock Senior Recreation and open to Woodstock residents 55 and older. Woodstock Community Center, 56 Rock City Rd, Woodstock. Info: 845-679-2880. $1 donation. 9:30am Vinyasa Yoga. Experience a flow between postures connecting breath with each movement. The Living Seed Yoga & Holistic Health Center, 521 Main St. (rt. 299), New Paltz. Info: 845-255-8212, contact@thelivingseed.com, thelivingseed.com.

1pm-2pm Esopus Artist Group. Join this ongoing session of art making. Bring your own supplies. Town of Esopus Library, 128 Canal Street, Port Ewen. Info: 845-338-5580, organizedmode@gmail.com, esopuslibrary.org.

9:30am-11am Vinyasa Level I-II Yoga with Alison Sinatra. Ideal for students transitioning from beginner to intermediate. Asanas are explored with increasing detail and a slower flowing sequence. Woodstock Yoga Center, 6 Deming St, Woodstock. Info: 845-679-8700, woodstockyogacenter@gmail.com, woodstockyogacenter.com. $18.

3pm-6pm Weekly Community Acupuncture with Kristin Misik. For details and to schedule appointments: wellnessembodiedcenter.com/ accupuncture.html. Education Annex of Wellness Embodied, 126 Main St, New Paltz. wellnessembodiedcenter.com.

9:30am-10:30am ACTing Up! Free weekly program for 2-4-year-olds and their adults Weekly sessions running through. Creative time of songs, stories, games and crafts all facilitated by Jessica Coons. Athens Cultural Center, 24 Second Street, Athens. www.athensculturalcenter.org.

4pm-5pm Youth Hang-Time. Ages 9-13 Event includes crafts, outdoor games, book discussions, movies, wii and informal hangouts. Town of Esopus Library, 128 Canal Street, Port Ewen. Info: 845-338-5580, organizedmode@gmail. com, esopuslibrary.org.

10am The Mouse House Craft Workshop. Staatsburgh’s Christmas tradition of displaying miniature mouse-size houses decorated for the holidays in hidden corners of the mansion. Children attending the workshop will have the opportunity to build and decorate their own mouse house. The workshop will be offered for children ages 6 – 10. 12/27 -12/30, 10am. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Reservations are required and can be made by calling Staatsburgh at 845-889-8851. Staatsburgh State Historic Site / Mills Mansion, Old Post Rd, Staatsburg. Info: 845-889-8851, nysparks.com/. $8/adults, $15/ per family, up to 3 children.

5:30pm-7:30pm Jewish Women’s Circle Wine & Cheese. 4th Night of Hannukah. Kosher cheeses & wines while watching the Hannukah lights! Hannukah treats will be served. Sing songs. Bring your own menorah to light. $8/ suggested donation. RSVP by calling 845-2460177. home of Anita Merr. Info: 845-331-1176, chabadulstercounty.org/jwc. 6pm-9pm Watt Christmas Wonderland. Drive through a fantastic display of sparkling lights with all the holiday themes. Weather permitting. Suggested donation. Facebook: Watt Christmas Wonderland. Watt Christmas Wonderland, Goshen. Info: 845-294-3391. 6pm-7pm Vinyasa Community Class with Selena Reynolds. An informative community class open to all levels. Reduced-price. Woodstock Yoga Center, 6 Deming St, Woodstock. Info: 845-679-8700, woodstockyogacenter@gmail.com, clients.mindbodyonline.com/classic/ws?studioid=3496&stype=7&sView=week&sLoc=0. $8. 6pm-7pm Weekly Sitting Meditation w/

10:15am-3:15pm Locust Grove’s Holiday House Tours. All a glitter for the holidays! Featuring festive decorations and special exhibit from the museum collection; antique toys and games! Guided tours with our expert guides. Locust Grove Estate, 2683 South Road (Route 9), Poughkeepsie. Info: info@lgny.org, lgny.org/. $11/adults, $6/children. 10:30am-11:30am Senior Strengthening with Linda Sirkin. Sponsored by Woodstock Senior Recreation and open to Woodstock residents 55 and older. Woodstock Community Center, 56 Rock City Rd, Woodstock. Info: 845-679-2880. $1 donation. 10:30am-12:30pm Senior Writing with Lew

Gardner. Writers ofall levels of experience, beginner to expert, whether interested in non-fiction, short stories, plays, memoir, or poetry, writers age 55 are invited to join the group. Meets the second and fourth Wednesday of each month. Open to Woodstock residents 55 and older. Woodstock Community Center, 56 Rock City Rd, Woodstock. Info: 845-679-2880. 11:30am-12:45pm Gentle Yoga with Donna Sherman. Soothe and balance the body, mind and spirit using breath and gentle yoga postures. The Living Seed Yoga & Holistic Health Center, 521 Main St. (rt. 299), New Paltz. Info: 845-2558212, contact@thelivingseed.com, thelivingseed. com. $10 - $11. 11:30am-12:45pm Gentle Yoga with Donna Sherman. Living Seed, New Paltz. Info: contact@thelivingseed.com. 12pm-4pm A Gilded Age Christmas. Featuring lavish decorations and children’s programs, from late November through New Year’s Eve. The decorations are done in turn-of-the-century style, recreating the atmosphere of holidays long-ago in one of the great estates of the Hudson Valley. Touring hours will be Thursday through Sunday from noon to 4pm (last entry at 3:30pm). Staatsburgh State Historic Site / Mills Mansion, Old Post Rd, Staatsburg. Info: 845-889-8851, nysparks.com/. $8/adults, $6/srs, free/12 & under. 12pm-1pm Yoga Rolla with Terry Fister. A series of SOFT foam rolling exercises designed to address excessive tension and soreness which can inhibit proper alignment. Woodstock Yoga Center, 6 Deming St, Woodstock. Info: 845-6798700, woodstockyogacenter@gmail.com, woodstockyogacenter.com. $18. 12pm Rotary Club of Kingston Meeting. Fellowship, lunch, and an informative and interesting presentation from a guest speaker. Meets every Wed at 12 noon. Christina’s Restaurant, 812 Ulster Ave, Kingston. kingstonnyrotary.org. 12:30pm-2pm Esopus Stitchers. Cross-stitch, needlepoint, crewel and more- bring your current project or learn a new craft. Town of Esopus Library, 128 Canal Street, Port Ewen. Info: 845-338-5580, organizedmode@gmail.com, esopuslibrary.org. 1:30pm Weekly Senior Citizen’s Bingo. Seniors 50 and older. Ongoing every Wednesday at 1:30pm & Friday at 7pm. 50/50 tickets available at 3 tickets/$2. Half-time complementary refreshments. Shawangunk Valley Senior Center, Southwyck Square, 70 Main St, Napanoch. Info: 845 647-3902. $1. 2pm-5pm Nativity Scenes Display at Mariapolis Luminosa. Visit over 200 nativity scenes from around the world and enjoy Mariapolis Luminosa. Admission free, suggested donation $5. Mariapolis Luminosa of the Focolare Movement, 200 Cardinal Rd, Hyde Park. Info: luminosa.office@ gmail.com, focolare.org/mariapolisluminosa. 3pm The Chess Club. For experienced adult players from 3-4:30pm; Beginners will meet 4:30-5:30pm. Gardiner Library, 133 Farmer’s Turnpike, Gardiner. Info: 845 255-1255, librarian@gardinerlibrary.org. 4:30pm-6pm Emotional Stability Yoga with Barbara Boris. Calm your holiday nerves with a sequence of poses designed by B.K.S. Iyengar to help you relax totally. Woodstock Yoga Center, 6 Deming St, Woodstock. Info: 845-679-8700, woodstockyogacenter@gmail.com, woodstockyogacenter.com. $18. 4:30pm-5:30pm Art Hour. Fun for ages 3 to 103! From paper flowers to crazy critters, we are always up to something creative. Phoenicia Library, 48 Main St, Phoenicia. Info: 845-688-7811, phoenicialibrary.org. 5pm-6pm Juggling & Hula-Hooping. Learn and practice juggling & hula-hooping- for adults. Town of Esopus Library, 128 Canal Street, Port Ewen. Info: 845-338-5580, organizedmode@ gmail.com, esopuslibrary.org. 5pm-6pm Beginner Muay Thai for Adults. For ages 14 to 65. Learn the ancient martial art of Muay Thai in this high intensity class. Students of all levels and abilities are welcome. Free ongoing class. Stockade, 302 Wall St, Kingston. stockademuaythai.com. 5pm-6pm Beginner Muay Thai for Adults. For ages 14 to 65. Learn the ancient martial art of Muay Thai in this high intensity class. Students of all levels and abilities are welcome. Free ongoing class. Stockade, 302 Wall St, Kingston. stockademuaythai.com. 5:15pm-6:15pm Italian Conversation Class. Weekly class is designed for people who have some knowledge of the Italian language and would like to improve their conversational skills. Taught by Dr. Ornella Lepri Mazzuca. Held in the library community room. Gardiner Library, 133 Farmer’s Turnpike, Gardiner. Info: 845-255-1255, nlane@rcls.org, gardinerlibrary.org. 5:30pm-7:30pm Prenatal Class. Ongoing on Wednesdays. Mackintosh Community Room, 147 Lake St, Newburgh. Info: 845 563-8043. 5:30pm-6:30pm Woodstock Informal Service. Followed by reflections and spiritual discussions. Everyone welcome. 845 679-9534. First Church of Christ Scientist, 85 Tinker St, Woodstock. Info: 845 679-9534. 6pm-7:30pm Vinyasa Yoga with Lisa Watkinsa. Strengthen mind, body and spirit. The Living Seed Yoga & Holistic Health Center, 521 Main St. (rt. 299), New Paltz. Info: 845-255-8212,



December 22, 2016


Shriveled nuts Is it age, flooding or some other factor that makes my old black walnut tree yield inedible fruits?


he black walnut harvest was abundant this past fall. Back in October, we gathered about a dozen five-gallon buckets of unhusked nuts and, after husking, cleaning and drying them, set them in the cool, dry, squirrelproof loft of our garage/barn (gabarn?). The nuts are now sufficiently cured and ready for cracking. Two tools have made quicker, easier, pain-free and more effective the once-difficult and thumb-threatening job needing a concrete floor and a hammer. The Master Nutcracker makes elegant use of cogs and levers. For any nutmeats still gripped in a piece of shell, a “diagonal cutting plier” nips the shell piece to create a fault line that opens to drop out a piece of nutmeat, or to twist off a piece not fully cracked. This year’s harvest was from two trees. Most was gathered from the ground beneath a decades-old tree. That tree grows on what, in spring, is periodically waterfront property when the swale that it borders fills with rushing water. The other tree sprouted in well-drained soil a few years ago at the edge of woods along the north edge of our property. Now with an eight-inch-diameter trunk, it began yielding nuts in earnest only a few years ago. The opening day of nutcracking season has highlighted the difference in nuts. Nuts from the younger tree not only are significantly larger, but they’re all wellfilled with nutmeats that come out in large pieces. The old tree has yielded too many nutmeats that are dark-brown and shriveled, or totally dried out: black, shriveled and inedible. Genetics could be at play. Although both trees are black walnuts, each is a distinct individual within the species. Water might also figure in. Periodic flooding in the spring might leave too many of the old tree’s roots gasping for air at critical moments in nut development. Perhaps the old tree is still recovering from being swamped in water a few feet up its trunk during Hurricane Irene back in 2011. Perhaps it’s age. Probably not. Black walnuts are long-lived trees, and I assume that their fecundity goes hand in hand with their longevity. Up to a few years ago, the large old tree bore regular and reliable nuts that were plump with nutmeats.

The nuts are now sufficiently cured and ready for cracking. Two tools have made quicker, easier, painfree and more effective the once-difficult and thumb-threatening job.

You’d think that, after gardening for so many years with sufficient room for planting, I would have by now grown every plant that I could possibly want. Not so! Cleaning up my desk, I recently came across a pile of papers clipped together: my pile of “Plants to Grow.” Over the years, whenever I see a plant of interest in a magazine or newspaper, I’ve torn out the page to add to the collection. The same goes for plants that I might come across on the web or in conversation. Swelling over the years, the pile has become intimidating. Daring to look at it would force me to decide whether such-and-such is still worth growing and, if so, where to plant it. If an ornamental plant, where to incorporate it harmoniously into the landscape? If an edible, where best to site it for convenience in care and harvest? And do I have time to care for yet another plant? If there’s a plant offering both good eating and good looks, how to…well, you get the picture. Perhaps the approach should be the same that some guy with too large a collection contact@thelivingseed.com, thelivingseed.com. $15, $11 senior, $10 Vet Discount.

Rd, Woodstock. Info: Patricebluemaltas@gmail. com, bluehealing.co.

6pm-8pm MEETING OF ENJAN (End The New Jim Crow Action Network). A Hudson Valley network dedicated to fighting racist policies of racial profiling, police brutality, and mass incarceration (the “New Jim Crow”). African Roots Library/ Family Partnership Center, 29 N Hamilton St, Poughkeepsie. Info: 845-475-8781, enjan.org.

6:15pm Pilates Equipment Class. A full body work out! Core stability and strengthening, full upper body and lower body program, classical and contemporary Pilates exercises. Ulster Pilates, 32 Broadway, Kingston. Info: 845 658-2239, ulsterpilates.com.

6pm-9pm Watt Christmas Wonderland. Drive through a fantastic display of sparkling lights with all the holiday themes. Weather permitting. Suggested donation. Facebook: Watt Christmas Wonderland. Watt Christmas Wonderland, Goshen. Info: 845-294-3391. 6pm-8pm Meeting of ENJAN (End The New Jim Crow Action Network). A Hudson Valley network dedicated to fighting racist policies of racial profiling, police brutality, and mass incarceration (the “New Jim Crow”). African Roots Library/ Family Partnership Center, 29 N Hamilton St, Poughkeepsie. Info: 845-475-8781, enjan.org. 6pm-7pm Tween Program. Includes 3-D Modeling Projects, Advisory Board, Robot Club, Games & even Pizza! Town of Esopus Library, 128 Canal Street, Port Ewen. Info: 845-338-5580, organizedmode@gmail.com, esopuslibrary.org. 6pm-7:30pm Creative Seed Support Workgroup. For artists to voice their works in progress in a supportive environment. For Songwriters, Playwrights & Actors.Held by Patrice Blue Maltas, Actress, Playwright, Musician and founder of Blue Healing Arts Center. Meets Wednesday nights, 6-7:30pm. Blue Healing Art Center, 107 Mill Hill

6:30pm-8pm Yin Yoga with Diane Davis. A slow, steady class that gently stimulates connective tissues to make them stronger, while cultivating mindfulness and awareness. Woodstock Yoga Center, 6 Deming St, Woodstock. Info: 845-679-8700, woodstockyogacenter@gmail. com, woodstockyogacenter.com. $18. 6:30pm-7:05pm Learn Remembrance. A very holy and deep form of prayer (with roots in the Old Testament - Remember my name in the night) which connects you with the Divine within. All are welcome, RSVP please. Free /donations welcomed. Flowing Spirit Healing, 33 Mill Hill Rd, Woodstock. Info: 845 679-8989, Meetup. flowingspirit.com. 7pm Trivia Night. Calling all trivia nerds~Flex your mental muscles and compete for prizes at their weekly Trivia Night! Play solo or as part of a team while enjoying extended Happier Hour Specials. Think of it as “Jeopardy Night“ – Catskills style! Woodnotes, Rt 28, Mt. Pleasant. Info: 845-688-2828, emersonresort.com. 7pm Live @ The Falcon Underground: Poet Gold’s POELODIES. The Falcon, 1348 Route 9W, Marlboro. Info: 845-236-7970, liveatthefalcon. com.


Nuts from Lee's old (left) and new (right) tree

of shoes or some gal with too large a collection of cars might take: Vow to get rid of one for each new one collected. Or not. Okay, I’ve segregated the pile of “Plants to Grow” into two piles: one for plants to order this coming spring, and one for plants to keep on the back burner. At the top of my list are three daphnes. I already grow Carol Mackie (Daphne x burkwoodii) for its fragrance and white-picoteed leaves; the new daphnes can share a bed with her. Briggs’ Moonlight (D. x burkwoodii) has the reverse leaves, white with a green picotee: a nice foil for Carol Mackie. Joining them will be Summer Ice (D. x transatlantica), which has just a thin line of white on its leaf edges; also February Daphne (D. x mezereum), this one for its rosy-purple flowers that open in early spring on leafless shoots. All these daphnes are attractive, but their main draw, for me, is the flowers’ jasminelike perfume. They will make sitting on the nearby deck an olfactory delight from early spring right through summer. How can I resist a plant called roof iris (Iris tectorum), both for its flowers and low fountains of foliage? It tolerates cold or dry conditions, and grows in sun or shade, so would be a perfect addition in name, needs and appearance for my green roof. Another perennial slated for entrance next year is royal catchfly (Silene regia), a native of American prairies with fire-engine-red flowers. My plan is to grow them from seed to get enough seedlings to plant in part of my meadow. That’s all for the coming year. What, no fruits, one of my specialties? No; I have all that I need. Hmmm…what about quince? – Lee Reich Any gardening questions? E-mail Lee at garden@leereich.com and he’ll try answering them directly or in his Almanac Weekly column. To read Lee’s previous “Gardener’s Notebook” columns, visit his garden at www.leereich.com/blog.

7pm-11pm Music by DJ Madd Mike. Mahoney’s Irish Pub and Steakhouse, 35 Main St, Poughkeepsie. 7pm Matisyahu Kicks Off ‘Festival of Light Tour’. New EP Release The Bound . Bearsville Theater, 291 Tinker St, Bearsville. Info: 845-6794406, BearsvilleTheater.com. 7pm-11pm Rosendale Chess Club. Free admission. On-going every Wed, 7-11pm. Rosendale Cafe, 434 Main St, Rosendale. Info: 845 658-9048. 7pm-9pm Volleyball. A pickup volleyball game. Ongoing every Wednesday, 7-9pm. Enter the Center at the entrance on the left side, as you face the school from Lucas Ave. Rondout Municipal Center, 1915 Lucas Ave, Cottekill. Info: 845 616-0710. $6. 7pm “Introduction to Tibetan Buddhism” Class. On-going. Free 90-minute program includes 30 min of Quiet Sitting Meditation followed by 1 of 8 lectures on the history, practices & principles of the Karma Kagyu tradition of Tibetan Buddhism. 8/wk curriculum. Karma Triyiana Dharmachakra, 335 Meads Mountain Rd, Woodstock. Info: 845 679-5906, jan@kagyu.org. 7:15pm-8pm Silent Spiritual Practice. For people who would like to do spiritual practice together to increase the potency of the practice. For those who would like to learn Remembrance, come to a teaching at 6:30pm. All are welcome RSVP please, Free /donations welcomed. Flowing Spirit Healing, 33 Mill Hill Rd, Woodstock. Info: 845 679-8989, Meetup.flowingspirit.com.

7 : 3 0 p m Chess Club. Me e t s e v e r y Wednesday,7:30pm. Free admission. Woodland Pond at New Paltz/ Performing Arts Center, New Paltz. Info: 845-419-2737, albiebar@aol.com. 7:30pm The Poughkeepsie Newyorkers Barbershop Chorus. All male a cappella group, that sings in the uniquely American “Barbershop Style” of close four-part harmony. Guests are always welcome. Sight-reading not required. Meets every Wednesdays at 7:30pm. Crown Heights Clubhouse, 34 Nassau Rd, Poughkeepsie. newyorkerschorus.org. 8pm Fooch. Harmony Café @ Wok ‘n Roll, 50 Mill Hill Rd, Woodstock. 8:30pm-11pm Live at Catskill Mountain Pizza Company: Acoustic Jazz Trio. Featuring Syracuse/Siegel Duo, bassist Rich Syracuse and drummer Jeff “Siege” Siegel. No cover or minimum! Catskill Mountain Pizza Company, 51 Mill Hill Rd, Woodstock. Info: 845 679-7969. 10pm Reggae Night. Featuring Queen Tubby spinning vintage vinyl every Wednesday starting at 10pm. No cover. Happy Hour from 6-8 pm. Woodstock Lodge, 20 Country Club Ln, Woodstock. Info: 845-679-2814, lodgewoodstock.com.



Vinyasa Yoga. Experience a flow between postures connecting breath with each movement. The Living Seed Yoga & Holistic Health Center,

20 521 Main St. (rt. 299), New Paltz. Info: 845-2558212, contact@thelivingseed.com, thelivingseed. com. 12am 19th Annual Catskill Ice Festival. Choose from multiple clinics on all the skills and techniques you need to get out on ice - from basic skills, to dry-tooling, to glacier travel techniques. Slide show will be held at Rock & Snow on Saturday, Jan. 28 at 8 p.m. The demo gear will also be located at Rock and Snow - so you can try out the latest harnesses, ice tools, crampons and clothing from the best companies. Rates are $150 per person per event. Slide shows are free. The Catskill Ice Festival includes excursions to locations near Mount Tremper and Phoenicia. Alpine Endeavors is an AMGA-accredited guide service based in the Shawangunk and Catskill mountains. Rock and Snow, 44 Main St, New Paltz. Info: 877-486-5769, alpineendeavors.com/ reference/catskill-ice-festival-2017. 6:30am-8am Mysore Ashtanga Practice. Intended to help you build a personal, self-led practice. A teacher is on hand to guide you along. Meets every Mon-Thur, 6:30-8am. Woodstock Yoga Center, 6 Deming St, Woodstock. Info: 845-679-8700, woodstockyogacenter@gmail. com, woodstockyogacenter.com. 8am-9am Senior Feel Good Aerobics with Diane Collelo. Sponsored by Woodstock Senior Recreation and open to Woodstock residents 55 and older. Woodstock Community Center, 56 Rock City Rd, Woodstock. Info: 845-679-2880. $1 donation. 8:30am-9:30am Free Daily Silent Sitting Meditation. On-going every Morning, seven days a week, 8:30-9:30am in the Amitabha Shrine Room. Karma Triyiana Dharmachakra, 335 Meads Mountain Rd, Woodstock. Info: 845 679-5906, jan@kagyu.org. 9am-9:50am Qi Gong with Marilyn St. John. Uses gentle movement and relaxation to circulate the life energy. All ages and fitness levels. A reduced-price class. Woodstock Yoga Center, 6 Deming St, Woodstock. Info: 845-679-8700, woodstockyogacenter@gmail.com, woodstockyogacenter.com. $8. 9am-11:15am New Paltz Playspace. NPZ Town Rec Center, off of Rt 32, New Paltz. HudsonValleyParents.com. 9:30am-10:30am Senior Flex and Stretch with Diane Colello. Movement for balance and breath, weight-training for bone health, and mat work for flexibility and core strengthening. Woodstock Town Hall. Sponsored by Woodstock Senior Recreation and open to Woodstock residents 55 and older. Woodstock Community Center, 56 Rock City Rd, Woodstock. Info: 845-679-2880. $1 donation. 10am The Mouse House Craft Workshop. Staatsburgh’s Christmas tradition of displaying miniature mouse-size houses decorated for the holidays in hidden corners of the mansion. Children attending the workshop will have the opportunity to build and decorate their own mouse house. The workshop will be offered for children ages 6 – 10. 12/27 -12/30, 10am. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Reservations are required and can be made by calling Staatsburgh at 845-889-8851. Staatsburgh State Historic Site / Mills Mansion, Old Post Rd, Staatsburg. Info: 845-889-8851, nysparks.com/. $8/adults, $15/ per family, up to 3 children. 10am-11am Women’s Yoga with Cory Smith. A variation of Gentle Yoga, this is a sacred space for women to deepen their spiritual practice while enhancing their health and well-being. Woodstock Yoga Center, 6 Deming St, Woodstock. Info: 845-679-8700, woodstockyogacenter@gmail. com, woodstockyogacenter.com. $8. 10am-4pm Open House at Knox’s Headquarters. The Ellison mansion is open for tours at 10:00 AM, 11:00 AM, 1:00 PM, 2:00 PM & 3:00 PM each day. Tour the elegant 1754 historic house decorated for the season in 18th century fashion. All Programs Are Free! Info: 845-561-5498. Knox’s Headquarters, 289 Forge Hill Rd, Vails Gate. Info: 845-561-1765 ext. 22. 3/adults, $2/ srs & students. 10am-11:30am Parkinson’s Dance & Exercise Class. Led by Anne Olin. For people with PD & other neurological disorders. Groups are challenging, creative and fun! St. John’s Episcopal Church, 207 Albany Ave, Kingston. Info: 845 679-6250. $12 for one or $22 for two. 10am-2pm Hooks & Needles, Yarns & Threads. Informal weekly social gathering for rug hookers, knitters, crocheters, and all other yarn crafters. Drop in any time between 10am & 2pm! Tivoli Free Library, Watts dePeyster Hall, 86 Broadway, Tivoli. Info: 845 757-3771, tivolilibrary.org. $1 suggested donation. 10am Reformed Church of Saugerties’ Adult Bible Study. Ongoing, every Thursday at 10 am. Current study: Book of Jeremiah. Everyone is welcome. Contact Lecia Siebeking for more information 845 246-5975. Reformed Church of Saugerties, Parish Hall, Saugerties. 10:15am-3:15pm Locust Grove’s Holiday House Tours. All a glitter for the holidays! Featuring festive decorations and special exhibit from the museum collection; antique toys and games! Guided tours with our expert guides. Locust Grove Estate, 2683 South Road (Route 9), Poughkeepsie. Info: info@lgny.org, lgny.org/. $11/adults, $6/children. 12pm-2pm Children’s Holiday Tea. Tea, scones & breads, dainty finger sandwiches and desserts and a craft for children in our homestead decorat-

ALMANAC WEEKLY ed for the holidays. RSVP by 12/16. Mount Gulian Historic Site, 145 Sterling Street, Beacon. Info: 18458318172, info@mountgulian.org, mountgulian.org. $15 child; $20 dult. 12pm-4pm A Gilded Age Christmas. Featuring lavish decorations and children’s programs, from late November through New Year’s Eve. The decorations are done in turn-of-the-century style, recreating the atmosphere of holidays long-ago in one of the great estates of the Hudson Valley. Touring hours will be Thursday through Sunday from noon to 4pm (last entry at 3:30pm). Staatsburgh State Historic Site / Mills Mansion, Old Post Rd, Staatsburg. Info: 845-889-8851, nysparks.com/. $8/adults, $6/srs, free/12 & under. 12:15pm-12:45pm Free Weekly Community Meditation. All are welcome for half-hour of silent sitting meditation. Drop-in attendance welcome. Cushions, back-jacks, and chairs available. Admission by donation. Education Annex of Wellness Embodied, 126 Main St, New Paltz. wellnessembodiedcenter.com/community-meditation. 1pm-4pm Senior Duplicate Bridge with John Stokes. The Woodstock Bridge Club offers a short lesson and a game of Duplicate Bridge. Woodstock Rescue Squad building, Route 212 Sponsored by Woodstock Senior Recreation and open to Woodstock residents 55 and older. Woodstock Rescue Squad Community Room, 222 Tinker St, Woodstock. Info: 845-679-2880. $1 donation. 2pm-5pm Nativity Scenes Display at Mariapolis Luminosa. Visit over 200 nativity scenes from around the world and enjoy Mariapolis Luminosa. Admission free, suggested donation $5. Mariapolis Luminosa of the Focolare Movement, 200 Cardinal Rd, Hyde Park. Info: luminosa.office@ gmail.com, focolare.org/mariapolisluminosa. 2pm-5pm Mah Jongg. Open to beginners and seasoned players alike. Phoenicia Library, 48 Main St, Phoenicia. Info: 845-688-7811, phoenicialibrary.org. 3:30pm-4pm Free Step Class. A high energy class. Ongoing. Saugerties Public Library, 91 Washington Ave, Saugerties. Info: 845 246-4317, saugertiespubliclibrary.org. 4pm Backgammon Club. Learn the game, pick up fancy moves, meet new people. Open to the public. Phoenicia Library, 48 Main St, Phoenicia. Info: 845-688-7811, phoenicialibrary.org. 4pm Free Fitness Class. Drop in for a workout on Mondays at 4:30 pm & Thursdays at 4pm. Class will be an aerobic warm-up followed by a combination of band and body work. Instructed by Connie Scuitto. Connie is an RN and certified Reiki Master. Saugerties Public Library, 91 Washington Ave, Saugerties. Info: 845 246-4317, saugertiespubliclibrary.org. 5pm-6pm Sacred Movement and Alignment with Clyde Forth. We will work with postural alignments and their relationship to expressive movement and balance to build strength and increase mobility. Woodstock Yoga Center, 6 Deming St, Woodstock. Info: 845-679-8700, woodstockyogacenter@gmail.com, woodstockyogacenter.com. $18. 5:15pm Pilates Equipment Group Class. A full body work out! Core stability and strengthening, full upper body and lower body program, classical and contemporary Pilates exercises. Ulster Pilates, 32 Broadway, Kingston. Info: 845 658-2239, ulsterpilates.com. 6pm-9pm Free Fly Tying Night at Anglers’ Den in Pawling. All experience levels welcome. Feel free just to come hang out to If you plan on attending, we recommended that you call the shop or email prior to give us a heads up so we can best accommodate you! (845) 855- 5182. Anglers’ Den, 11 West Main St, Pawling. Info: 845-8555182, anglersden.net. 6pm-9pm Watt Christmas Wonderland. Drive through a fantastic display of sparkling lights with all the holiday themes. Weather permitting. Suggested donation. Facebook: Watt Christmas Wonderland. Watt Christmas Wonderland, Goshen. Info: 845-294-3391. 6pm-7pm Meditation Practice at Sky Lake Shambhala Retreat Center. Ongoing. Free and open to the public. Sky Lake Meditation Center, 22 Hillcrest Ln, Rosendale. Info: 845 658-8556, skylake.shambhala.org. 6pm Tasty Tunes Open Mic. Each musician gets to perform 2 songs or 10 minutes (whichever comes first) of family friendly music. Meets every Thursday night at 6pm. Sign up for musicians begins at 6pm. Show starts at 6:30pm. Taste Budd’s Cafe, 40 West Market St, Red Hook. 6:15pm Pilates Equipment Class. A full body work out! Core stability and strengthening, full upper body and lower body program, classical and contemporary Pilates exercises. Ulster Pilates, 32 Broadway, Kingston. Info: 845 658-2239, ulsterpilates.com. 6:30pm-8pm STEPS OF MEDITATION. Free weekly classes. Learn the fundamentals for an effective meditation experience. Peace Village Retreat Center, 54 O’Hara Rd, Haines Falls. Info: 518-589-5000, peacevillage@bkwsu.org, bkwsu.org. 6:30pm-8:30pm Thursday Japanese Free Movie Night: ANIME. Puella Magi Madoka Magica The Movie Part 1: Beginnings 2012. Directed by Yukihiro Miyamoto & Akiyuki Shinbo, 130 mins. Gomen-Kudasai Noodle Shop, 232 Main St, New Paltz. Info: 845-255-8811, GKnoodles.com.

December 22, 2016

7pm Winter Flight Nights. Enjoy 6 oz. Craft Beer Flights paired with Venison, Beef and Sausage Sliders. Enjoy at the Woodnotes Grille bar or cozied up next to a roaring fire on the deck or in the Great Room. $20 per pair! Woodnotes, Rt 28, Mt. Pleasant. Info: 845-688-2828, emersonresort.com. 7pm Live @ The Falcon Main Stage: Latin Jazz Express Celebrates the Music of Tito Puente. The Falcon, 1348 Route 9W, Marlboro. Info: 845-236-7970, liveatthefalcon.com. 7pm-9pm Open Mic Night with Jeff Entin. Jeff Entin welcomes musicians from all around the Hudson Valley to Open Mic night. High Falls Cafe, 12 Stone Dock Road, High Falls. Info: 845-687-2699, highfallscafe@earthlink.net, highfallscafe.com. Pass the hat. 7pm-11pm A Not Too OPEN MIC! Hosted by Ras T Asheber. Calling ALL Rappers, Poets, Story Tellers, Actors, Comedians, Singers and Players of Instruments, Every Thursday night, 8pm 11pm. Artists sign up 7pm - 8pm. For info call/ text 212-920-1221 or email showtime@gothamcitywork.com. No cover. Woodstock Lodge, 20 Country Club Ln, Woodstock. Info: 845-6792814, thelodgewoodstockny@gmail.com, thelodgewoodstock.com/. 7:30pm-10:30pm Jazz @ the Station. Warm, intimate atmosphere. Peter Einhorn-guitar, Lou Pappas-Bass, feat: Veronica Nunn-vocals. Food & drink available. Station Bar and Curio, 101 Tinker St, Woodstock. 7:30pm-9pm Weekly Thursday Nite EFT Healing Circle & Recovery Workshop. Bring your physical, emotional, & spiritual challenges and issues, and have them quickly, effectively resolved and healed in a safe supportive environment. Free, $5 donation welcome. All proceeds go directly to FOW. Ongoing. Family of Woodstock, 39 John St, Kingston. Info: 845 706-2183. 7:30pm Reading, Meditation & Discussion. Matagiri Sri Aurobindo Center, 1218 Wittenberg Rd, Mt. Tremper. Info: 845 679-8322, info@ matagiri.org. 8pm Hayes Carll. Club Helsinki Hudson, 405 Columbia St, Hudson. Info: 5188284800, austin. helsinki@gmail.com, clubhelsinki.shop.ticketstoday.com/basket.aspx?Action=AddTickets&e ventId=173837. $25. 8:30pm Professor Louie & The Crowmatix with The Woodstock Horns. Celebration of Rick Danko. Bearsville Theater, 291 Tinker St, Bearsville. Info: 845-679-4406, BearsvilleTheater.com. 8:30pm Bluegrass Clubhouse. Featuring Brian Hollander,Tim Kapeluk, Geoff Harden, Fooch, & Eric Weissberg. Harmony Café @ Wok ‘n Roll, 50 Mill Hill Rd, Woodstock. Info: 845-679-3484. 10pm Live @ The Falcon Underground: Pat O’Shea. The Falcon, 1348 Route 9W, Marlboro. Info: 845-236-7970, liveatthefalcon.com.



Vinyasa Yoga. Experience a flow between postures connecting breath with each movement. The Living Seed Yoga & Holistic Health Center, 521 Main St. (rt. 299), New Paltz. Info: 845-2558212, contact@thelivingseed.com, thelivingseed. com. 12am 19th Annual Catskill Ice Festival. Choose from multiple clinics on all the skills and techniques you need to get out on ice - from basic skills, to dry-tooling, to glacier travel techniques. Slide show will be held at Rock & Snow on Saturday, Jan. 28 at 8 p.m. The demo gear will also be located at Rock and Snow - so you can try out the latest harnesses, ice tools, crampons and clothing from the best companies. Rates are $150 per person per event. Slide shows are free. The Catskill Ice Festival includes excursions to locations near Mount Tremper and Phoenicia. Alpine Endeavors is an AMGA-accredited guide service based in the Shawangunk and Catskill mountains. Rock and Snow, 44 Main St, New Paltz. Info: 877-486-5769, alpineendeavors.com/ reference/catskill-ice-festival-2017. 9:30am-11am Vinyasa Level I-II Yoga with Alison Sinatra. Ideal for students transitioning from beginner to intermediate. Asanas are explored with increasing detail and a slower, flowing sequence. Woodstock Yoga Center, 6 Deming St, Woodstock. Info: 845-679-8700, woodstockyogacenter@gmail.com, woodstockyogacenter.com. $18. 9:45am-10:45am Senior Chi Kung with Corinne Mol. Meditative, healing exercise consisting of 13 movements. Sponsored by Woodstock Senior Recreation and open to Woodstock residents 55 and older. Woodstock Community Center, 56 Rock City Rd, Woodstock. Info: 845-679-2880. $1 donation. 10am Rock the Clock New Year’s Eve Bash. Bring the kids and celebrate with the community as they ring in the New Year! Weather permitting. Downtown Middletown, Middletown. Info: 845-346-4180, middletownbid.org. 10:15am-3:15pm Locust Grove’s Holiday House Tours. All a glitter for the holidays! Featuring festive decorations and special exhibit from the museum collection; antique toys and games! Guided tours with our expert guides. Locust Grove Estate, 2683 South Road (Route 9), Poughkeepsie. Info: info@lgny.org, lgny.org/. $11/adults, $6/children.

10:30am Pilates Equipment Class. A full body work out! Core stability and strengthening, full upper body and lower body program, classical and contemporary Pilates exercises. Ulster Pilates, 32 Broadway, Kingston. Info: 845 658-2239, ulsterpilates.com. 11:30am Gyrotonic Tower Class. Using natural body spinal movements to decompress and strengthen the spine. It emphasizes full mobility of the joints and lengthening of the fascia and skeletal system. Ulster Pilates, 32 Broadway, Kingston. Info: 845 658-2239, ulsterpilates.com. 12pm-4pm A Gilded Age Christmas. Featuring lavish decorations and children’s programs, from late November through New Year’s Eve. The decorations are done in turn-of-the-century style, recreating the atmosphere of holidays long-ago in one of the great estates of the Hudson Valley. Touring hours will be Thursday through Sunday from noon to 4pm (last entry at 3:30pm). Staatsburgh State Historic Site / Mills Mansion, Old Post Rd, Staatsburg. Info: 845-889-8851, nysparks.com/. $8/adults, $6/srs, free/12 & under. 12:05pm-1pm Senior Basic Pilates with Christine Anderson. A floor work course promoting improvementof balance, coordination, focus, awareness breathing, strength and flexibility. Sponsored by Woodstock Senior Recreation and open to Woodstock residents 55 and older. Woodstock Community Center, 56 Rock City Rd, Woodstock. Info: 845-679-2880. $1 donation. 1pm-3:30pm New Bridge Group at Community Center. Free. New Paltz Community Center, 3 Veterans Dr, New Paltz. Info: 617-308-9993. 2pm-5pm Nativity Scenes Display at Mariapolis Luminosa. Visit over 200 nativity scenes from around the world and enjoy Mariapolis Luminosa. Admission free, suggested donation $5. Mariapolis Luminosa of the Focolare Movement, 200 Cardinal Rd, Hyde Park. Info: luminosa.office@ gmail.com, focolare.org/mariapolisluminosa. 4pm “Knit Wits” Knitting Club. Saugerties Public Library, 91 Washington Ave, Saugerties. Info: 845 246-4317, saugertiespubliclibrary.org. 4:30pm-5:30pm Lego Club. All ages, with parents. Phoenicia Library, 48 Main St, Phoenicia. Info: 845-688-7811, phoenicialibrary.org. 5:30pm-7pm Restorative Yoga with Barbara Boris. Rejuvenating and supported postures that soothe the nervous system and alleviate tension. Lots of props and dim lights. Woodstock Yoga Center, 6 Deming St, Woodstock. Info: 845-6798700, woodstockyogacenter@gmail.com, woodstockyogacenter.com. 6pm-9pm Watt Christmas Wonderland. Drive through a fantastic display of sparkling lights with all the holiday themes. Weather permitting. Suggested donation. Facebook: Watt Christmas Wonderland. Watt Christmas Wonderland, Goshen. Info: 845-294-3391. 6pm-9pm Nick From No Where. Featuring 40’s standards and covers. Vigneto’s, 890 Vineyard Ave, Highland. Info: 845-834-2828. 6:45pm-8:30pm Children & Teen Ministries. Meets Fridays: 6:45-8:30pm. Class for adults also offered. Grace Bible Fellowship Church, Rt9 & Rt9G, Rhinebeck. Info: 845-876-6923, cdfcirone@aol.com. 7pm-9pm SUNY Professor to Speak. Dr. Don Roper will speak on “I Remember Carlton Mabee.” Don and Carlton were both Professors at SUNY New Paltz in the History department. New Paltz United Methodist Church, 1 Grove Street, New Paltz. Info: (845) 419-5063, sharon.jean. roth@gmail.com. 7pm Community Candle Lighting. The magic of hundreds of lights at the Community Candle Lighting. There will be storytelling, singing and soufganiyot ( jelly doughnuts). Bring your own menorah to help light theirs. Congregation Emanuel, 243 Albany Ave, Kingston. TempleEmanuelKingston.org. $5, $3/child. 7pm Army Basketball. The Black Knights match hoops with Lehigh. Tickets. West Point/ Christl Arena, West Point. Info: 877-849-2769, goarmywestpoint.com. 7pm Live @ The Falcon Underground: Daby Touré. The Falcon, 1348 Route 9W, Marlboro. Info: 845-236-7970, liveatthefalcon.com. 7pm Live @ The Falcon Main Stage: Bobby Harden & The Soul Purpose Band. The Falcon, 1348 Route 9W, Marlboro. Info: 845-236-7970, liveatthefalcon.com. 7pm Friday Night Jazz. NYC saxophonist Al Guart leads ensembles comprised of the best Hudson Valley Jazz musicians. A rotating roster of performers includes pianists John Esposito & Peter Tomlinson, guitarists Steve Raleigh & Peter Einhorn, bassists Lew Scott & Rich Syracuse. Other musicians regularly sit in with the band. Kindred Spirits, 334 Rt 32A, Palenville. Info: 518 678-3101. 7pm Weekly Senior Citizen’s Bingo. Seniors 50 and older. Ongoing every Wednesday at 1:30pm & Friday at 7pm. 50/50 tickets available at 3 tickets/$2. Half-time complementary refreshments. Shawangunk Valley Senior Center, Southwyck Square, 70 Main St, Napanoch. Info: 845 647-3902. $1. 7:30pm Hudson Valley Recital Project: Prohibition. Andrea Shaut. Jazz. Arts Society of Kingston, 97 Broadway, Kingston. Info: 845-338-0333, askforarts.org. 8pm Flash. Harmony Café @ Wok ‘n Roll, 50 Mill Hill Rd, Woodstock.



December 22, 2016


“Happy hunting!”


Help Wanted

to place an ad: contact


Call 334-8200. For regular line ads, ask for Tobi or Amy; real estate display ads or help wanted display, Genia; automobile display, Ralph. Hours: MWThF 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Tuesday: 9-11 a.m. classifieds@ulsterpublishing.com


Classified line ads can be placed at www.ulsterpublishing.com


Our fax-machine number is 845-334-8809 (include credit card #)


Sunflower Health Food store, Bradley Meadows, Woodstock; 29 South Chestnut Street, New Paltz, NY; 322 Wall St., Kingston.


Join the Mohonk team! We have Jobs at Mohonk Mountain House, both Seasonal and Year Round


Please look on-line and apply at MOHONKJOBS.com

phone, mail drop-off

The absolute final deadline is Tuesday at 11 a.m. Monday at 11 a.m. in Woodstock and New Paltz; Tuesday in Kingston.


Mohonk House Join the Mountain Mohonk team!


$20 for 30 words; 20 cents for each additional word.

special deals

$72 for four weeks (30 words); $225 for 13 weeks; $425 for 26 weeks; 800 for a year; each additional word after 30 is 20 cents per word per week. Future credit given for cancellations, no refunds.


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reach print

Almanac’s classified ads are distributed throughout the region and are included in Woodstock Times, New Paltz Times, Saugerties Times and Kingston Times. Over 18,000 copies printed.


Almanac’s classified ads also appear on ulsterpublishing.com, part of our network of sites with more than 60,000 unique visitors.

look on-line and apply at MOHONKJOBS.com


The Town of Woodstock is looking for

Volunteers!!! Please send letters of interest to serve voluntarily on the Planning Board, Zoning Board of Appeals, Commission for Civic Design, Ethics Board, Comeau Stewardship Advisory Committee or Woodstock Environmental Commission. Letters or emails of interest should be addressed to the Town Clerk’s Office, 45 Comeau Drive, Woodstock NY 12498 or jearley@woodstockny.org Market Manager for the Woodstock Farm Festival. Guide the upcoming season (our 10th anniversary!) of the Farm Fest. Position requires attendance at Weds market and some additional office work. Experience with managing farmer’s markets a plus. Call or text Joan at 845-5941946 or email info@woodstockfarmfestival.com Facilities Maintenance. Supervisor **McKesson Corporation, currently ranked 5th on the Fortune 500 list, is hiring a Facilities Maintenance Supervisor and a Facilities Maintenance Technician for their brand new distribution center in Montgomery, NY. For details, or to apply online, please go to https://careers.mckesson. com/ Part-time Sales Help Needed every other weekend, Saturday & Sunday, in Woodstock Store & Studio, featuring handmade and hand woven wearable art. Merchandising, sales, fashion & craft experience helpful. Must be reliable, intelligent, with good references. Email resume and phone number to: mf.loominus@gmail.com, or call 845-679-6500 to set up an interview. Full-Time Carpenter Position. Seeking experienced Carpenter to join our family. Looking for a good fit for our crew. This is a full-time position. Must have own transportation. Most jobs within 45 minutes of Kingston. Email: hugh@hnibuilders.com please include employment history and a phone number in correspondence. Background check required.



doors looking directly to the lake. Basement for storage, all on 6/10 of an acre. As a bonus there is a commercial dock for your boat and others. Please call for more information and price 845-691-2770.


Car Services

As a KidsPeace foster parent, you can make all the difference in the life of a child. fostercare.com 845-331-1815 200 Aaron Court Kingston, NY 12401

STU’S CAR SERVICE. Whose car determines the pay. Airports are our specialty. Always ready to get you there. Doesn’t matter when or where. I drive the miles your way with smiles. Going to LaGuardia Airport? There is limited parking. Call Stu’s Car Service for prices. Cell- 845-649-5350; stu@hvc.rr.com Look for me on Facebook.

We respect our clients’ privacy. The models represented in this publication are for illustrative purposes only and in no way represent or endorse KidsPeace. © 2015 KidsPeace.


Real Estate



DEAR BUSINESSMAN/WOMAN- We at Hardscrabble Flea Market & Swap Meet would like to congratulate you on being picked from over 100 businesses in your field. We believe we can help each otherWe have a swap meet every Sunday, 8 a.m.4 p.m. at Holy Cow Shopping Center, in addition to a flea market/garage sale. We find that when business people set up a table w/business cards & flyers or “show how to do” projects it will definitely increase your business (and mine). It’s a great way to introduce your business to new/old customers. And, if you have leftover merchandise you’d like to sell- this would be a perfect way to unload it. Please give John a call for more details- (845)758-1170. Spots are $12-$35.


Adult Care

CHARMING WOODSTOCK 3-BEDROOM, 2 bath, 1225’ corner property w/ Huge double detached garage. Loft-like feel, skylight in kitchen, stone fireplace, separate chimney for wb stove. 2 miles from town, great neighborhood. (on craigslist). Owner/ broker 917-669-8137 will co-broke. $235K.

for elderly. 10 years experience. Live-in or hourly. References available. Ulster County area.




Chess Lessons. My name is William Kane. I am a chess expert offering private lessons in-person or via Skype. For more details, contact me at willykane@gmail. com


Office Space/ Commercial Rentals

Two Separate Rooms available in a lovely Victorian building in New Paltz. All utilities and WiFi included. $415/ & $450/month. (845)255-0559.


Highland/ Clintondale Rentals

EFFICIENCY: UTILITIES INCLUDED. No pets. No smoking. Country setting. Quiet. Available now. 5 miles from New Paltz. Call 845-883-0072.

Man With A Van DOT # 255-6347 32476

20' Moving Trucks

Moving & Delivery Service ,i>à >L iÊ,>ÌiÃÊUÊ ÀiiÊ ÃÌ >Ìià nÊ ÌiÀ«À ÃiÊ,`°]Ê iÜÊ*> Ìâ]Ê 9

ULSTER COUNTY MORTGAGE RATES Mid-Hudson Valley FCU 800-451-8373


NEW PALTZ: 1-BEDROOM APARTMENT at Village Arms. Top floor end unit w/view. Hardwood floors, A/C. Asking $115,000. Maintenance= $323/month. Call owner/broker at 845-594-4433.

30 Yr Fixed 15 Yr Fixed 10 Yr Adj

4.37 3.62 3.25

0.00 0.00 0.00

4.39 3.66 3.46

If interested in displaying rates call 973-951-5170. Rates taken 12/19/16 and subject to change. Copyright, 2015. CMI, Inc.

BEAUTIFUL LAKE GEORGE SUMMER HOME, located on the north end of the Lake, 66 plus feet of Lake Front comes with this home. Watch the sun set from your expansive deck which encompasses 2/3 of this home. Three bedrooms, living room, dining area, kitchen and full bath. 3 sliding glass

HIGHLAND: 2-BEDROOM upstairs end unit. $1150/month. Heat & hot water included. Freshly painted. New carpet. Private, quiet neighborhood. On-site parking. Next to Lloyd Town Hall, near Rt. 9W. Minutes to Poughkeepsie Bridge, Metro North, Rt. 9 & hospitals. 1 month security. No smoking. 845-453-0047.


New Paltz Rentals

The Ridge at New Paltz: Energy-Star 2-bedroom unit. Private entry leads into open-floor plan. Kitchen includes gas range, dishwasher, microwave & refrigerator. Living room w/sliding patio doors onto private deck, fireplace, ceramic tiled entry, kitchen & bath, washer/dryer connection, large windows & walk-in closet. Quiet country setting. Walking distance to village. Security & references required. No pets. No smoking. $1450/month plus utilities. 845-255-5047 or debbie@seakill.com

ULSTER PUBLISHING POLICY It is illegal for anyone to: ...Advertise or make any statement that indicates a limitation or preference based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, familial status, handicap (disability), age, marital status or sexual orientation. Also, please be advised that language that indicates preference (i.e. “working professionals,” “single or couple,” “mature...professional,” etc.) is considered to be discriminatory. To avoid such violations of the Fair Housing Law, it is best to describe the apartment to be rented rather than the person(s) the advertiser would like to attract. This prohibition against discriminatory advertising applies to single family and owner-occupied housing that is otherwise exempt from the Fair Housing Act.



December 22, 2016


Real Estate

Search all the MLS properties in our region at www.WinMorrisonRealty.com

FEELS LIKE HOME Enjoy spectacular water views from this Rondout Harbor Community along with their in-ground pool and clubhouse. You can walk to the Historic Waterfront in Kingston and enjoy the restaurants, stores and many events without leaving your home. This 2-story Townhouse has been lovingly maintained and designed, with a colonial motif but can be easily changed to fit your personal taste. Warm yourself in front of the gas fireplace on chilly evenings, or enjoy a warm bath in the Master Tub while viewing the stars through the skylight, a feature unique to this home. Situated near the end of a culde-sac. Call Victoria Hoyt or Faramarz Ardalan today! ......................................$174,900

Wi nM

RELOAD THE PINS! This Turn Key Bowling Alley, located in the Town of Ravena, is close to Coxackie (Exit 22) and the City of Albany NY. The building is over 20,000sf consisting of a Bowling Alley, restaurant, dining room, bar, kitchen, locker room and large apartment on the 2nd floor. The retro movement is happening all over, a vintage bowling alley and antique center would bring in the crowds! With ample parking and is totally ready for operation, just bring your keys. But you will have to call Greg Berardi or Stefan Sanzi today! ..............................................$695,000

NICE UNFURNISHED ROOMS; Starting at $480/month. Excellent location. Close to SUNY college. All utilities included. Call 845-419-2568, leave message.

New Paltz: Southside Terrace Apartments Year round and other lease terms to suit your needs available!

We have, studios, one & two bedroom apartments, includes heat & hot water. (furniture packages available) Free use of the: Recreation Room, Pool, New Fitness Center & much more! “Now accepting credit cards! Move in & pay your security and deposit with your credit or debit card with no additional fees!”

Call 845-255-7205 for more information


21A Colonial Dr., New Paltz. 1 & 2 BR apts. Pets welcome! No security deposit option. 3-12 month leasing terms. Pool, laundry on site.

845-255-6171 1-BEDROOM SPACIOUS GROUND FLOOR APARTMENT. Newly renovated. Private setting. Clean, quiet, professional type preferred. No pets. No smoking. First, last, security. $850/month. Heat, hot water, cable included. (518)788-3785. ROOM FOR RENT. Can be used as residential or an office. $550/month plus security. Utilities included. Walking distance to everything. (845)664-0493.


Rosendale/ Tillson/High Falls/Stone

Ridge Rentals

Near Rosendale, efficiency apartment, suitable for 1 person. Quiet park-like setting with pond on beautiful Shawangunk

NEW TRANQUIL ESCAPE PRIC Is what you will have with E! mountain views from this updated Raised Ranch. On the upper level there are 2 bedrooms and a full bath, on the lower level is a 3rd bedroom with another full bath. This home boasts of a spacious living room that opens to the dining area. The lower level has a large family room with a gas fireplace and a laundry room. Great for entertaining, the rear yard is private with outcroppings, a creative decking and level garden area. There is a deck which contained an above ground pool (which has been removed). Great bonus is a field of mint! Convenient location to Saugerties, NYS Thruway and Woodstock! But call Blanca Aponte first! ..........$232,500

or ris on


Kingston 845.339.1144 / Woodstock 845.679.2929 & 845.679.9444 / Saugerties 845.246.3300 SOUTHSIDE TERRACE APARTMENTS offers semester leases for Spring 2017 and short-term for the Summer! Furnished studios, one & two bedrooms, includes heat & hot water. Recreation facilities. Walking distance to campus and town. 845-2557205.

NEW YOU ARE THERE PRIC Hosted by Walter Cronkite, preE! miered on CBS the same year this 2-bedroom, 1½ bath, Executive Ranch style home was built (cir. 1953). Located in Glasco, NY, very close to the Village of Saugerties and the waterfront. The home has undergone extensive renovations; the brand new kitchen shines with lots of cabinets, stainless appliances and granite counters, the large island with a breakfast bar is the perfect place for small dinner gatherings. Open living at its best with; gleaming hard wood floors rolling from one room to the next, the Living room, den and kitchen all flow together making one bright and airy space. The once third bedroom has been opened up to the formal dining room (possibly converted back). The sprawling yard has multiple sheds/storage and is partially fenced. Call Greg Berardi ....$239,900

This Saturday marks the first night of Hanukah and Sunday is Christmas day. I hope everyone has finished their shopping or have finalized all the arrangements to visit loved ones. My lovely wife Sidde, my puppy dog Bandit and everyone at Win Morrison Realty would like to wish everyone a very Happy Holiday in 2016! Please, be safe and have the time to feel what this season REALLY means. Joy, Love and Happiness! HAPPY HOLIDAYS from Us to You!

Ridge with hiking trails at your door. $725/ month with utilities. First, last and security. Non-smoker. No pets. 845-658-9332


Kingston/ Hurley/Port Ewen Rentals

Hurley: 3-Bedroom, 1 bath Cape. 5 minutes from NYC bus. On approx. 1-acre, situated back from road. Large back yard. Screened-in front porch w/storm windows. Newly refinished hardwood oak floors, remodeled bathroom, walls & ceilings painted within last year. Upgraded furnace w/baseboard heat. Full basement that could easily be finished living space. $1500/month plus utilities. First, last, security. Background check, references and past rental history required. No dogs. Call 845-401-6637 or email: watswill8@aol.com Check hudsonvalley.craigslist.org/apa/5897306880.html 1-BEDROOM/STUDIO, Kingston Uptown. On bus route, walk to Stockade area, shopping, conveniences. No smoking or pets. Heat & hot water provided. Security & references required. Call 845-338-4574.


Saugerties Rentals

NICE 1-BEDROOM APARTMENT in great location. Rent is $825/month plus utilities. First, last, security required. Call Phil 646-644-3648. Spacious 2-Bedroom Apartment. Freshly painted and carpeted. Nice laminate wood floors in eat-in kitchen and bath. WASHER/ DRYER is very handy. Easy walk to all Saugerties Village shops, library, etc. Short drive to Kingston. No dogs or smoking please. $900/ month. Call Steve for appt. 845-246-2022.


Rhinebeck/Red Hook Rentals

1-BEDROOM GUEST COTTAGE, Rhinebeck. Kitchen, dining, living room, laundry, deck, carport. No pets/smoking. $950/ month plus utilities. Rental application, references, 1-year lease, first, last & security deposit. 845-392-3682 or 845-453-8562.


Woodstock/West Hurley Rentals

Woodstock: 3-Bedroom Unfurnished House for rent in village. Quiet side street. 3-bedrooms, full bath, stainless kitchen appliances, working fireplace, front yard, veg garden, shed. $2250/mo. Text/call 845.807.1233.


/ Phoenicia 845.688.2929 / Olive 845.657.4240 / Commercial 845.339.9999

COTTAGE. 2 miles to the center of town of Woodstock. Large windows. Full bathroom. Wood floors. Furnished. Beautiful plantings & grounds, big trees. Walk to Bear Cafe. On 2.5 acres of land. $700/month plus utilities. Owner/broker, call Mike 845-417-5282. Woodstock: Lovely 1-BR in quiet, small apartment complex, beautiful grounds. Immaculately maintained! Hardwood floors, newly painted. 16 min. walk to village of Woodstock. $885/month includes all utilities. NO smoking. NO pets. References. (845)679-9717. CREEKSIDE STUDIO APARTMENT. Walking distance to Woodstock & bus route. $525/month utilities not included. References required. Please call or *text preferred 845-594-9257. HOUSE TO SHARE, WILLOW: 15 minutes to Woodstock. On horse farm by stream. Beautiful Victorian house w/antiques. Bedroom w/private deck. $650/month. 845679-6590.


Rentals Wanted

Retail Space Needed. Local antique business needs to relocate within Woodstock. Please call if you have a shop for rent or know of one. Call Jen 845-217-9560 OR STOP BY Pop Vintage 68 Tinker Street. Thanks!


New & Used Books

ture Lops. Tarot, Tea & Palm Spiritual Readings; $35. Decorated Cinnamon Broom Room. African American Bridal item; $40.


Tree Services

HAVE A DEAD TREE..... CALL ME! Dietz Tree Service Inc. Tree Removal, Trimming, Stump Grinding. Seasoned Firewood for Sale. (845)255-7259. Residential, Municipalities.





ALLEN LAWLESS • 845-247-2838 SAUGERTIES, CELL.: 845-399-9659 NEW YORK


Firewood for Sale

HAVE A DEAD TREE..... CALL ME! Dietz Tree Service Inc. Tree Removal, Trimming, Stump Grinding. Seasoned Firewood for Sale. (845)255-7259. Residential, Municipalities.

ULSTER FOREST PRODUCTS, INC. Log Length- Cut & Split Firewood. Top quality wood at reasonable prices.

914-388-9607 Getwood123@gmail.com We accept cash, checks, & credit cards.


Books Wanted. Barner Books buys quality used, rare, and out of print books wanted. Cash for your books and related goods (typewriters, maps, pens etc). Visit the store (3 Church Street, New Paltz), email us barnerbooks@gmail.com, or call, 845255-2635.


For Sale

HONDA 2-STAGE 28” SNOWBLOWER, 2014, Excellent, lightly used condition. Gasoline engine, fuel gauge, work light, hydrostatic track drive, infinite speed adjustment, electric start, 3-position height adjustment, storage cover. Original Owner. $1995. Pickup Glenford. 845-657-6224. Firewood for Sale. $220 for 1 cord OR $160 for a Pick-up Truckload. Local delivery. Call 658-8766 or 845-706-7197. RENNER’S COUNTRY CRAFTS SHOP & STORE. 245 Mount Zion Road, Marlboro. 845-236-7378. Open 8 a.m.-9 p.m. all year. Dwarf bunny rabbits for pets only; $35. Fu-

You will not be disappointed!! Firewood for Sale. $220 for 1 cord OR $160 for a Pick-up Truckload. Local delivery. Call 658-8766 or 845-706-7197.


Buy & Swap

OLD FURNITURE, CROCKS, JUGS, paintings, frames, postcards, glasswares, sporting items, urns, fountain pens, lamps, dolls, pocket knives, military items, bronzes, jewelry, sterling, old toys, old paper, old boxes, old advertisements, vintage clothing, anything old. Home contents purchased, (select items or entire estates purchased.) CASH PAID 657-6252 BOTTOM LINE... I pay the HIGHEST PRICES for old furniture, ANTIQUES of every description. Paintings, lamps, rugs, porcelain, bronzes, silver, etc. One item to entire contents. House calls & free appraisals. Richard Miller Antiques (Est. 1972). (845)389-7286.


486 490 500 510

Entries in order of appearance (happy hunting!)

100 120 130 140 145 150 200 210 215 220 225 230 235 240 245 250 260 265 280 299



December 22, 2016

Help Wanted Situations Wanted Housesitting Services Opportunities Adult Care Child Care Educational Programs Seasonal Programs Workshops Instruction Catering/ Party Planning Wedding Directory Photography Events Courier & Delivery Car Services Entertainment Editing Publications/Websites Real Estate Open Houses

300 301 320 325 340 350 360 380 390 400 405 410 415 418

Real Estate Affordable Home Land for Sale Mobile Home Park Lot Lease Land & Real Estate Wanted Commercial Listings for Sale Office Space/ Commercial Rentals Garage/Workspace/ Storage Garage/Workspace/ Storage Wanted NYC Rentals & Shares Poughkeepsie/Hyde Park Rentals Gardiner/Modena/ Plattekill Rentals Wallkill Rentals Newburgh Rentals


Highland/Clintondale Rentals Milton/Marlboro Rentals New Paltz Rentals Rosendale/Tillson/ High Falls/ Stone Ridge Rentals South of Stone Ridge Rentals Kingston/Hurley/Port Ewen Rentals Esopus/Ulster Park Rentals Krumville/Olivebridge/ Shokan Rentals Saugerties Rentals Rhinebeck/Red Hook Rentals Woodstock/West Hurley Rentals West of Woodstock Rentals Green County Rentals

425 430 435

438 440 442 445 450 460 470 480 485

520 540 545 550 | 560 565 575 580 600 601 602 603 605 607 610 615 620 630 640

Delaware County Rentals Vacation Rentals Seasonal Rentals Seasonal Rentals Wanted Rentals Wanted Rentals to Share Senior Housing Housing Exchange / SWAP Lodgings/Bed and Breakfast Travel Free Stuff New & Used Books For Sale Septic Services Snow Plowing Tree Services Firewood for Sale Property Maintenance Studio Sales Hunting/Fishing Sporting Goods Buy & Swap Musician Connections Musical Instruction &Instruments

645 648 650 655 660 665 670 680 690 695 698 700 702 703

705 708 710 715 717 720

Recording Studios Auctions Antiques & Collectibles Vendors Needed Estate/Moving Sale Flea Market Yard & Garage Sales Counseling Services Legal Services Professional Services Paving & Seal Coating Personal & Health Services Art Services Tax Preparation/ Accounting/ Bookkeeping Services Office & Computer Service Custom Work & Specialty Repairs Organizing/ Decorating/Refinishing Cleaning Services Caretaking/Home Management Painting/Odd Jobs


Plumbing, Heating, AC & Electric 730 Alternative Energy Services 738 Locksmithing 740 Building Services 745 Demolition 748 Telecommunications 750 Eclectic Services 755 Repair/Maintenance Services 760 Gardening/ Landscaping 765 Home Security Services 770 Excavating Services 810 Lost & Found 890 Spirituality 900 Personals 920 Adoptions 950 Animals 960 Pet Care 970 Horse Care 980 Auto Services 990 Boats/Recreational Vehicles 995 Motorcycles 999 Vehicles Wanted 1000 Vehicles


Real Estate

Happy Holidays! Best wishes for the holiday season and the happiest of New Years to the friends we’ve made throughout the year, and to those we look forward to serving in the future!


Gardiner Gables 2356 Rte. 44-55 Gardiner, NY 12525


** Become a Fan of Colucci Shand Realty on Facebook ** WANTED: 78 RPM RECORDS. They lurk in basements & attics! WGXC.90.7 D.J. plays only 78 RPM’s. Top prices paid & expert advice. Also Phonographs. Kit- 845399-4930. W.G.X.C. is a Community NonProfit Co. We give airtime to first timers on radio. www.WGXC90.7.com



HUDSON VALLEY AUCTIONS Auctioneers and Appraisers • Since 1984 270 Breunig Road • New Windsor, NY 12553

Actively seeking consignments for future auctions

Offering free consultations, we provide the professional and experienced service to properly market your fine art, antiques and collectibles. • One Item or Entire Estates • Donny Malone: 914.388.3811 John Paul 914.213.0425 www.hudsonvalleyauctions.com


Antiques & Collectibles

WANTED-TOP DOLLARS PAID! We Buy Entire Estates or Single Items. Actively Seeking Gold and Silver of any kind, Sterling, Flatware & Jewelry. Furniture, Antiques through Mid-Century. We Gladly do House Calls. Free Appraisals. We also do Estate/Tag Sales. 35 years experience. One Call Does It All. Call or text anytime 24/7.


Made you look. Our newspapers and websites reach over 50,000 readers a week. Go to 845-334-8200 or ulsterpublishing.com to advertise.


Counseling Services

LAURIE OLIVER.... SPIRITUAL COUNSELING. Give the gift of wellness. Make positive changes in your life through hypnosis. Smoking cessation * pain management * stress relief * past life regressions. Certified Hypnotist by NGH. Intuitive, sensitive guidance. Spirit communicator. Specializing in dealing with grief, stress, relationship issues, questions about your life past & current life’s path. Call Laurie Oliver at (845)679-2243. Laur50@aol.com

Best wishes for a joyous and peaceful holiday season to all our Hudson Valley friends and neighbors. www.westwoodrealty.com West Hurley 679-7321

Kingston 340-1920

Woodstock 679-0006


Editor & Proofreader. I edit & proofread fiction, memoir, screenplay, resume/CL, websites, menus, etc. 20+ yrs exp. Writing coach. Hudson Valley & NYC based. (929)249-4989 www. jenniferkarchmer.co-m/overtheshoulder


Personal & Health Services

CERTIFIED AIDE LOOKING FOR PRIVATE CARE for elderly. 10 years experience. Live-in or hourly. References available. Ulster County area. (845)706-5133.


Art Services

OIL PAINTING RESTORATION. Cleaned, relined, retouched, refinished. Also frames & wood sculptures repaired. Call Carol (845)687-7813.

New Paltz 255-9400

Standard text messaging rates may apply to mobile text codes

Professional Services

GBM TRANSPORTATION SERVICES INC. Professional Moving and Delivery. Residential/Commercial. Local and N.Y.C. Metro areas. N.Y.S. Dot T 12467, Shandaken, N.Y. Call 845-688-2253.

Stone Ridge 687-0232

Gary Buckendorf Painting: Interior - Exterior Plastering, Taping, Structolite Wall coverings, Color Matching Many references in Catskill area and Manhattan garybuckendorf@gmail.com



TaxPreparation/ Accounting/ BookkeepingServices

BOOKKEEPING by Robyn Pollins, MBA– Freelance. Utilizing QuickBooks. Individuals, foundations, small service companies. Can do payroll. References available. Discretion guaranteed. 845-6796247.


Organizing/ Decorating/ Refinishing

PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZER/HOUSEKEEPER. Help w/everyday problems, special projects; clutter, paperwork, moving, gardening & personal assistant. Affordable. Fully Insured, Confidentiality Assured. MargotMolnar.com; Masters Psychology, former CEO, Certified Hospice Volunteer. margotmolnar1@gmail.com (845)6796242.


Cleaning Services

CLEAN UPS, CLEAN OUTS. Indoor/Outdoor. Junk & debris removal. Estates prepared for Moving and Sale. (845)6882253.

COUNTRY CLEANERS Homes & Offices • Insured & Bonded

Excellent references.

Call (845)706-1713 or (845) 679-8932 Residential, Commercial Cleaning. . SPECIAL FOR SENIORS. Rentals, fresh flowers, bed turned down with mint. All services offered. Green/all natural supplies. Flexible schedule. 7 day service. Insured. Free estimates. 845-235-6701



December 22, 2016


Real Estate

Specializing In Real Estate Throughout Ulster County & The Catskills www.MurphyRealtyGrp.com Speak With An Agent today, Call: (845) 338-5252 1800’S STONE HOUSE & SEPARATE STUDIO

For more info and pictures, Text: M140773

To: 85377

Charming and authentically restored 1818 Stone House set back on almost 2 bucolic acres with it’s very own springfed aerated pond and separate heated studio space. This historic home was once a stop over for the underground railroad. Deep silled windows in every room, and two grand fireplaces create magical ambiance. Cedar shake roof with copper gutters. Wide board floors throughout the home. Screened porch on the back of the home overlooking the 8 foot deep fully stocked pond. Circular paved driveway with underground electric. Studio is ideal for home office. $415,000


For more info and pictures, Text: M140588

To: 85377




1 level living at this Ranch Townhouse located in the Fox Run development. This 2 bedroom end unit offers central ac, natural gas heat and a 1 car garage. Offering 1232 sq. ft., this unit offers a great layout with walk-in closet and sliders out the the back deck. The fox run development is conveniently located to all major shopping centers. Plus no HOA Fee.

For more info and pictures, Text: M146023


Caretaking/Home Management


To: 85377

QUALITY • VALUE • RELIABILITY • SINCE 1980 • Int. & Ext. painting • Power Washing • Sheetrock & Plaster Repair • Free Estimates Multiple References Available Upon Request Licensed & Insured • ritaccopainting.com

Interior Painting & Staining, Sheet Rocking, All Stages of Remodeling Residential & Commercial • Free estimates, fully insured Accepting all major credit cards.

Contact Jason Habernig


Painting/Odd Jobs

”ABOVE AND BEYOND” HOUSEPAINTING by Quadrattura, since 1997. Interior/ Exterior, Decorator Finishes, Restorations, Expert Color Consultation, Plastering, Wallpaper Removal, Light Carpentry. Add value to your home economically. Environmentally conscious work done w/old world craftsmanship and pride. (845)332-7577. Senior Discount. References. Free Estimates.

845-331-4966/249-8668 Visit my website: Haberwash.com Experienced- TROMPE O’LOEIL and FAUX FINISHING, 20 yrs. in Paris, and 10 yrs. locally. References and insured. Call Casimir: 845-430-3195 or 845-6160872. EXPERIENCED HANDYMAN WITH A VAN. Carpentry, painting, flatscreen mounting, light hauling/delivery, cleanouts. Second home caretaking. All small/ medium jobs considered. Versatile, trustworthy, creative, thrifty. References. Ken Fix It. 845-616-7999.

For more info and pictures, Text: M153568

To: 85377

This magnificent dairy farm offers 125+/- acres with an amazing waterfall, 2 story barn, milking parlor, machine sheds and a spacious center hall 1793 Stone House featuring original details with 2 fireplaces, beautiful wide board floors, dutch doors and more! About 80 acres are used for planting and hay. Beautiful wooded land with mature hardwoods would be a great place to build a home! All conveniently located, this is a must see property. Call for more information! m $649,000

WONDERFUL SAUGERTIES W RAISED RANCH C Conveniently located spacious ranch offering o over 2100 sq. ft., 4 BRs & 2.5 baths situated o on almost 3/4 of an acre! The main floor offers b beautiful hardwood floors, a large living room with brick fireplace, and a dining room fit for all family gatherings. Kitchen has beautiful mahogany beveled glass doors leading to the nice deck for outdoor entertaining. Kitchen also has solid wood cabinetry and custom counter. Lower level has additional BR/family room with sliders to the back yard, utility room and 1/2 bath. $234,900

HANDYALL SERVICES: *Carpentry, *Plumbing, *Electrical, *Painting, *Excavating & Grading. 5 ton dump trailer. Trees cut, Yards cleaned & mowed. Snow Removal. Call Dave (845)514-6503- mobile.

D AND S IMPROVEMENTS: Home improvement, repair and maintenance, from the smallest repairs to large renovations. Over 50 years of combined experience. Fully insured. www.dandsimprovements.com (845)339-3017

YOU CALL I HAUL. Attic, basements, garages cleaned out. Junk, debris, removed. 20% discount for seniors and disabled. Gary (845)247-7365 or www.garyshauling.com

WINECOFF QUALITY CONTRACTING, INC. New Construction, Additions, Renovations. Decks, Kitchens, Bathrooms, All types of Flooring, Tile Work. Demolition, $99 Dump Runs, Rotten Wood Repairs. Stefan Winecoff, 845-389-2549. SPRING BATHROOM & DECK SPECIALS! All credit/debit cards accepted.

*PAINTING STANDARD.* Affordable, On-Schedule, Quality. Residential/Commercial. Interior/Exterior. Neat, Polite, Professional. Now taking FALL/WINTER reservations. Call (845)527-1252.


Plumbing, Heating, AC & Electric

ASHOKAN STORE-IT Ask About Our Long Term Storage Discount

5x10 $40 10x15 $90

5x15 $50 10x10 $70 10x20 $110 10x30 $150

845-657-2494 845-389-0504


Showroom: (845) 255-2022 Cabinet Shop: (845) 679-2002 wcwkitchens.com

HNI Builders Professional Craftsmanship for all phases of construction

1 Ridge Rd., Shokan, NY 12481

Almanac Weekend

Stoneridge Electrical Service, Inc. www.stoneridgeelectric.com

• Standby Generators

845.331.4844 HniBuilders.com Hugh@HniBuilders.com

• Roof & Gutter Deicing Systems

24 Months to Pay, 0% Interest (if qualified)

• Radiant Tile Floors

• Service Upgrades

Authorized Dealer & Installer Low-Rate Financing Available

The best weekend events delivered fresh to your inbox.

H Z Emergency Generators U \ LICENSED 331-4227 INSURED


Building Services

HANDYMAN, HOME REPAIR, Carpentry, Remodels, Installations, Roofing, Painting, Mechanical repairs, etc. Large and small jobs. Reasonable rates. Free estimates. References available. (845)616-7470.

Interiors & Remodeling Inc s ’ d e . T

subscribe at hudsonvalleyone.com

From Walls to Floors, Ceilings to Doors, Decks, Siding & More.

Reliable, Dependable & Insured Call for an estimate




Gardening/ Landscaping

STONE WALL RESTORATIONS; Thoughtful, innovative & resourceful approaches. Kevin Towle (914)906-8791. Landscaping Lawn installation Ponds Retaining walls Stone work ...and much more

Excavation Site work Drain ¿elds Land clearing Septic systems Demolition Driveways

Paramount Contracting & Development Corp.

William Watson • Residential / Commercial

SNOW PLOWING & SANDING Call William, for your free estimate (845) 401-6637



December 22, 2016





in Homes Sold 2011-2015 *

yŁ̺​̺Р y˹ʖɇƳŁПͥ “May your walls know joy, may every room hold laughter, and every window open great possibility.”


1ljʖljƉ͊Ł΅ɇˋȘ ĩljŁ͊ͥ 25

Happy Clients Melanie & DJ - Welcome!

Sold! Riverfront Luxury $1.6M - Saugerties

Happy Clients Malcolm, Laura & Ryker The Pup

Celebrating Our First Anniversary in Goshen

Happy Clients Sarah & Jarrod in Saugerties

Remembering Our Very First Sale

Happy Orange County Clients

25 Years Selling Amazing Homes in the Mountains

Tara & Scott, Welcome To Greene County

The Fox Family at Their New Home

Joan Lonergan - Candida Ellis - Amy Lonas - Alejandra Adame - Ana Ortega - Andi Turco-Levin - Andrew Condon - Ann Levine - Arielle Curtin Arleen Sepulveda - Barry Glassman - Benjamin Armento - Brian Egli - Bruce Stalnaker - Cathy Pulichene - Cecily Sachi - Cheryl Wherry Christine Nielson - Christopher Curtin - David Baker - David Barnes - Dawn Passante - Debra Daleo - Denise Mink - Diane DeChillo Donald Wilkins - Doina Dewell - Elizabeth Ellis - Ellen Osgood - Eric Amaral - Eric Bean - Erik Forster - Felicia Reyes - Francesca Noble Gary Heckelman - George Denise - Heidi Maloney - Helen Nelsen - Hilton Purvis - Hollis Dukler - Jacqueline Coyle - Jane Simmons Janice Bauer - Jayne McCloskey - Jennifer McCord - Joanne Galluscio - Joel Craig - John Dooley - Judy New - Karen Klos - Karen Schneck Karen Sullivan - Kathy Nemeth - Kimberly Cantine - Kimberly Francis - Kishia Zucks - Lacey Sala - Laurie Ylvisaker - Leslie Foti - Lisa Jaeger Mary King - Mary McKinney - Mary Ann Miller - Megan Leone Rosa - Mercedes Ross - Michael Marcotte - Nadine Bechle - Nancy Brenner Nancy Warner - Nicole Polito - Noelle Sheber - Olympia Rymko - Paul Wepy - Paula Chandler - Paula Saint-Amour - Phillip Winship Rebecca Matta-Candela - Regina Tortorella - Robin Elliott - Rose Noone - Sabrina Puppolo - Sadia Bihi-Gilmour - Sally Sprogis - Samantha Clark Sara Gorman-Maliha - Sharon Dee - Sharon Knudsen - Sharon Orbacz - Sheila Word - Solomon Anidjar - Thea Boyer - Timothy Hurley Valerie Cashen-Marotta - Amber Rodriguez - Amy Wallace - Dianne Jabbour - Jamie Abitabile - Jeanine Stoddard - MaryBeth O’Hara Joanne Sheldon - Kimberly Colomban - Lacey McIntyre - Lisa Dockery - - Sheena Lepez - Susan Krom


Goshen 845-294-8857 Stone Ridge 845-687-4355

Kingston 845-331-5357 Windham 518-734-4200

New Paltz 845-255-0615 Woodstock 845-679-2255

*According to the Hudson Valley Catskill Region MLS. ©2016 Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. All Rights Reserved. Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC fully supports ;,' 68-2$-6£'9 3( ;,' !-8 3<9-2+ $;W !$, ă$' 9 2&'6'2&'2;£@ >2'& 2& 6'8!;'&W 3£&>'££ !20'8 !2& ;,' 3£&>'££ !20'8 3+3 !8' 8'+-9;'8'& 9'8=-$' 1!809 3>2'& #@ 3£&>'££ !20'8 '!£ 9;!;' W



December 22, 2016




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December 22, 2016

There can be only one.

©2016 Volkswagen of America, Inc.

Short ride

Wappingers Falls.............28 Newburgh........................35 Middletown .....................62 Mohegan Lake................63

Specializing in: Hardscape Tree trimming Fences Koi ponds Snow plowing

Benjamin Watson, Owner Phone: (845) 389-3028


2017 JETTA S 1.4T


Laurie Oliver — Spiritual Counseling GIVE THE GIFT OF WELLNESS Make positive changes in your life through hypnosis. Smoking cessation • pain management stress relief • past life regressions.

Intuitive, Sensitive Guidance Spirit Communicator

(845) 679-2243 • laur50@aol.com



Want to help but can’t adopt a cat? Don’t forget about our Foster Program! Visit our website UCSPCA.org, for details & pictures of cats to foster. Come see us & all of our other friends at the Ulster County SPCA, 20 Wiedy Road, Kingston ( just off the traffic circle). Open 6 days a week, 11:30 a.m.3:30 p.m. (Closed on Mondays.) (845)3315377. DIANA’S FANCY FLEA MARKET: Nice Items Needed For Next Sale! Call Diana 626-0221. To Benefit Diana’s CAT Shelter in Accord.




$0 down OR


358/mo. $0 down with loyalty

Includes: All Wheel Drive, DSG Automatic Transmission, Driving Mode Selection with Off-Road Mode, Rearview Camera, Alloys, Leatherette, Heated Seats, Bluetooth w/Streaming Audio, Dual Climate Control, Cruise, AC, Touch Screen, MP3, Aux-in, & USB! *Based on a 2017 Alltrack S 4mo with automatic transmission. MSRP $28,090. Purchase option at lease end $16,292.20.

Includes: Alloys and Heated Seats, Bluetooth w/Streaming Audio, Cruise Control, AC, Power Windows & Locks, Touch Screen, MP3, & Aux-in, & USB! *INCLUDES $1000 December Bonus. Based on a 2017 Jetta S with Manual Transmission. MSRP $19,680. Purchase option at lease end $10,627.20.60


2017 PASSAT S 1.8T

$0 down OR



WOULD YOU LIKE AN OUTDOOR CAT? Do you have a barn, garage, shed or outbuilding? Would you like to consider having feral cats? You can help cats in need who will help keep your barn, etc. free of rodents. The cats will be neutered/spayed and up to date w/shots. Please call the Woodstock Feral Cat Project at (917)282-2018 or email: DRJLPK@aol.com



$249/mo. $0 down OR



$0 down with loyalty

$0 down with loyalty

Includes: Rearview Camera, Alloys, Bluetooth w/Streaming Audio, Dual Climate Control, Cruise, AC, Touch screen, MP3, & Aux-in, & USB! *INCLUDES $1000 December Bonus. Based on a 2017 Passat S with Automatic Transmission. MSRP $23,530. Purchase option at lease end $12,000.30

Includes: All Wheel Drive, Automatic, Rearview Camera, Alloys, Leatherette, Heated Seats, Bluetooth w/Streaming Audio, Cruise, AC, Touch Screen, MP3, & Aux-in, & USB! *INCLUDES $1000 December Bonus. Based on a 2017 Tiguan S 4mo. MSRP $28,105. Purchase option at lease end $16,581.95


2017 GOLF GTI S 2.0T


2017 GOLF

$0 down



S 1.8T


298/mo. 2

$0 down OR



$0 down with loyalty

$0 down with loyalty

Includes: Manual, Bluetooth, Heated Seats, Cruise Control, Backup Camera, Apple Car Play/Android Auto, Fog Lights, Sirius! *Based on a 2017 Golf GTI 2.0T S with manual transmission. MSRP of $26,685. Purchase option at lease end for $16,011.

Includes: Bluetooth, Cruise Control, Backup Camera, Apple Car Play/Android Auto! *Based on a 2017 Golf SportWagen 1.8T S with automatic transmission. MSRP of $23,770. Purchase option at lease end for $14,024.30.

All lease offers 30K mile lease for 36 mo plus taxes and fees. Not all customers will qualify for lowest rate. Payments exclude taxes, title, and fees. No security deposit required. Lessee responsible for damage, excess wear, insurance, and for $.20/mile over 30,000 miles. Additional charges may apply at lease end. Closed-end lease offered to highly qualified lessees on approved credit. Photo for illustration only. Call (845 )336-6602 for details. Offers ends 12-23-2016.



HORSE BOARDING, 4 STALLS. Full or rough board. Beautiful farm. Saugerties area. Mountain views. 15 years experience. Very fair prices & very caring owner. Call 845-246-2708 or cell 518-291-2778.


$0 down Lease for


28,235 -$3,240




269/mo. with loyalty

clearance price



Vehicles Wanted

Stock # 9257, 2.0L TSI 210 hp, 6-Speed DSG Automatic with Tiptronic

with Loyalty


CASH PAID FOR USED cars & trucks regardless of condition. Junk cars removed. Call 246-0214. DMV 7107350.

2013 GMC SIERRA 2500HD








Just Reduced!!! 2009 Smart Car! Convertible, 29K miles, A/C, heated seats, excellent condition. Reduced to $4K. Call Jim at 845-657-6357.

69K Miles

78K Miles

2.0L I4 DOHC 16V, 78384 mi., 21/28 MPG

6.0L 8-Cylinder SFI OHV, 6-Speed Automatic HD Electronic with Overdrive, 68310 mi.








Pet Care

PROJECT CAT is a non-profit cat RESCUE & SHELTER. Please help get cat off the streets & into homes. Adopt a healthy & friendly cat or kitten companion for a lifetime. High Falls/Accord area. (845)6874983 or visit our cats at www.projectcat. org







$0 down

Horse Care



$0 down with loyalty




3.6L V6 DOHC, 8-Speed Automatic, 62352 mi., 17/23 MPG

2.0L 4-Cylinder DOHC 16V, 6-Speed, 18743 mi., 22/30 MPG

62K Miles

19K Miles



Stock #




Stock #

2011 Chevrolet Cruze




2008 Toyota FJ Cruiser Base




2012 Volkswagen Jetta 2.5L SE Convenience




2011 Ford F-150




2015 Ford Focus SE




2013 BMW 3 Series 328i xDrive




2015 Jeep Patriot Latitude




2013 Chevrolet Traverse LT 1LT




2012 Audi A4




2011 Ford F-150 Lariat




2014 Honda CR-V EX




2015 Audi A4 2.0T Premium Plus S Line quattro




2016 Chevrolet Trax 1LT




2013 Dodge Durango Crew




2010 Jeep Grand Cherokee Limited




2015 Jeep Grand Cherokee




2013 Ford Escape Titanium




2015 Nissan Murano SL




2015 Chevrolet Impala LT 2LT




2014 BMW X5 xDrive35d





Service Manager’s Special: $30 off oil Change • $30 off alignment with purchase of 4 tires



VW vehicles only, some models excluded, must schedule before 12/23/16



• • • • •

mi mi mi mi

$0 down $0 sec. dep. $0 1st mo payment


Quality service from the ground up



Everything Ulster Publishing in one place.

Down to Earth Landscaping



VWofKingston.net 1249 Ulster Avenue, Rt. 9W Kingston | 845.336.6602



December 22, 2016

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