An Focal Vol XVIII Issue 12

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An Focal 23rd March 2010 Tuesday

Official Paper of the University of Limerick Students’ Union

Volume XVIII, Issue 12 FREE

New Sabbatical team elected By Amy Murphy

March 11, 2010 saw the culmination of four days’ campaigning. There is no doubt that all eleven candidates were delighted with the unprecedented turn out of voters with a total of 2786 votes in the Presidential election. There were four positions being campaigned for: Communications Officer, the officer in charge of informing students of the actions of the Union, Campaigns and Services Officer, in charge of mobilising students in campaigns and ensuring they are adequately provided for by the college, Welfare Officer, ensuring the contentment and well being of all students and finally the President, who is responsible for leading and overseeing everything within the union. The count took place in the SU Common Room after the polling booths closed. Voting closed at 6:30pm in the Students’ Union; other voting booths included the Health and Sciences building, Red Raisins, the Kemmy Business School and the Library - thus all students were accommodated for. The results were counted by students from Mary Immaculate College to ensure impartiality, while at least one member from each campaign team tallied the results on each candidate’s behalf. The first results announced were those for the Communications Officer. There were 2762 votes, of which 31 were spoilt. Finn McDuffie received 1933 votes, Eoghan O’Brien: 798 votes. McDuffie was elected on first count.

Next to be announced was Campaigns and Services Officer (CSO). The total votes were 2771, 36 were spoilt. Vivion Grisewood was elected on first count with 1424 votes to Grisewood and 1311 to Lorcan O’Neill. A recount was requested, which went ahead after the Presidential election however the results did not change. Following the election of CSO was the election of the Welfare Officer. There was a total of 2783 votes, 46 were spoilt. Derek Daly received 1728 votes and Daniel Reid received 1009. Derek Daly was elected on first count. Finally the Students’ Union President was announced. The total of 2786 votes were split thus, 15 Spoilt, Sharon Brosnan 308, Louise Clohessy 171, Ruán Dillon McLoughlin 1323, Paddy Rockett 782 and Nicholas Ryan 187. Brosnan, Clohessy and Ryan eliminated on first count and the second, third, fourth and fifth preferences from their votes were distributed between Rockett and Dillon McLoughlin. After second count Ruán Dillon McLoughlin was deemed elected. Education Officer was elected unopposed at close of nominations on Friday of Week 6. The results mean three of the current Sabbatical team will hold office for another year. Following the final count congratulations and commiserations were distributed in Stables. All the campaigners, campaign managers and candidate were commended on a great week and everyone wishes the new Sabbatical Officers every success in their term next year.

Some of the candidates from the SU elections

University supports Charity Week re-brand By Aoife Ní Raghallaigh – Editor

The University has commended the work of the Students’ Union on the rebranding and re-launching of their Charity Week, formerly known as Rag Week, which is currently taking place. The University of Limerick as well as members of An Garda Síochána, Limerick County Council, and the local Residents’ Association have been part of a Community Forum which has supported and aided the Students’ Union in refocusing the emphasis of Charity Week on worthy fundraising activities and working towards ensuring good relations with the local community during the week of activities. This year, in the run up to the event

and during Charity Week, the Students’ Union introduced a wide range of new non-alcohol events and sporting competitions to encourage students to support the causes which Charity Week is promoting without the use of alcohol. These events included a Tag Rugby, a 5-aside soccer tournament and a duck race. There will be no drinking games during the daytime activities either. Speaking about Charity Week, Students’ Union President Ruán Dillon McLoughlin said “Each day of the week will be dedicated to one of the charities we are supporting and that charity and their work will be highlighted at all activities that will take place that day to keep the fundraising message

at the forefront for students.” University of Limerick President, Professor Don Barry has applauded the fundraising goals the Students’ Union has set for Charity Week and the new focus on activities that raise much-needed funds for charity. “We have a very fine body of active and energetic students at the University of Limerick and we wish them well in putting their energies towards fundraising for very deserving causes during Charity Week. An Garda Síochána are working closely with the student representative and local residents to ensure that this years event is successful. We are particularly pleased that this year sees a new initiative whereby student liaison officers will

work very closely with students and residents,” said Superintendent O’Brien, Henry St. Garda Station. To show their support of the iniative the University presented the Students’ Union with a cheque to help them towards their fundraising goal. The year’s chosen Raising and Giving Charities are the Limerick Youth Service, Mid West Simon Community the Irish Heart Foundation and Make a Wish Ireland. The charities were chosen last semester by the Students’ Union Executive. More information about Charity Week and the events can been seen at or www. facebook/ulstudentsunion

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