An Focal Volume XVII Issue 11

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An Focal

In Focus:

In Focus: face to face with addictions, pages 14-15


Fitzgibbon semis beckon for a rampant UL, page 21

10 March 2009 Tuesday

Following a question from Susan Whelan, 4th year HPSS, asking if this system would be similar to the UCD ‘Horizons’ system, where students can take one module per semester from any discipline, Prof Barry clarified that he would like to develop a course where a student could not graduate without having studied at least one module in maths, science, humanities, sociology etc. A number of students raised concerned about such a system, including John Buckley, 1st year Business, who asked if such a system would result in the UL degrees being “watered-down” as they would lack in-depth knowledge in any specific field of study. Ms Whelan also stated that this system would force students to spend four years studying a general subject before specialising at the postgraduate level. Finally, Tighearnan Noonan, 1st year MMPT, asked if it would not be stupid to force students to take modules that they aren’t interested in. “I’m not in favour of filling heads

with knowledge that will be obsolete within five years”, Prof Barry said in response. He stated that the development of such a course would take a number of years to grow and none of the current undergraduates would be studying under such a system. In defence of the system the President explained that in conversations with employers, their consistent criticism of Irish graduates is that they are too narrow with regard to education they have received and that they are lacking communication and reasoning skills. He also explained that modules in subjects, such as politics, are relevant to a number of jobs. Providing a broader undergraduate course would work as a remedy to such complaints. Speaking on the subject of fees, Prof Barry explained that his own position regarding fees is that he will not be calling on the Government to introduce fees, but he also will not be calling on them to not introduce them. His ideal option would be that no one should pay fees. He also believed that the Government must not deny anyone their full potential. When questioned by SU President, Pa O’Brien, on what system would cure the €2 million budget deficit, Prof Barry answered that there is no ideal system. In addition, he clarified that he is aware that the fees, if reintroduced, would not go directly into the University’s budget, but said that students should be more concerned about the increased registration fee which he acknowledge as being fees

by another name. Finally, the President said that although he was not in a position to argue against the reintroduction of

fees, he understood why students were taking action over the issue and their aim to make it harder for government to bring back fees.

students’ preferred options should it be necessary to charge third level students for their education. Mr Daly told the meeting that the poll will “gauge everyone’s opinion”. “The problem is if nobody has given their opinions or options then third level fees will come in. The Minister will put in what he wants. “It’s better to go to the table and bring something rather than nothing.” Conor Payne, 3rd Year HPSS, objected to this motion on the grounds that it would be “making concessions before decisions have been made”. The motion was carried by the

meeting and the resulting plebiscite will be held in conjunction with the sabbatical officer elections on Thursday, 26 March, week 9. There was another motion calling for the Union to ask its members if they would participate in a 24 hour shutdown of the University in conjunction with the staff. However, this motion was not carried. Denis Murphy, 4th Year Public Administration, was one of the objectors to the motion on the grounds that educational and welfare service provision would have an overall negative impact on students. Other students at the meeting

echoed this sentiment raising concerns about access to the library and computer facilities for assignments and exam preparation as well as requirements for the medical and counselling services. The issue of fees was also an item for discussion at the meeting to give SU President Pa O’Brien students’ opinions to bring to the Minister at the Fianna Fáil Árd Fheis which was held the weekend after the meeting in Dublin. Seamus Ryan, 4th Year Computer Systems, brought up the subsidiary issue of the student grant scheme. “The government needs to revisit the student grant scheme as the current scenario is putting students

in a situation where they cannot sustain themselves.” Vivion Grisewood, 3rd Year Science Education, expressed his concern that if students were to “give an inch, [the Government would] take a mile” and argued that the Students’ Union should let it be known that, “this is not the end of our protest”. A vote was taken at the meeting to gather the general sentiment of students with regards to the Union’s position on fees. Attendees were asked whether they would prefer the status quo of a ‘no fees’ stance or the Union to look into alternatives. There was clear majority in favour of retaining the ‘no fees’ position.

Bleak outlook for University’s finances Aoife Ní Raghallaigh News Editor,

UNIVERSITY HEAD Prof Don Barry told students present at Class Reps’ Council in week 6 that there is a “very bleak outlook for state funding of universities” during what has become an annual address to the representatives and students. The President revealed that the University must cut its expenditure by almost €4.5 million this year to reach its target of a €1.8 million deficit – despite having budgeted for a €6.2 million deficit at the beginning of the financial year. The budget, compiled in April 2008, was made on the assumption that the government funding would increase by 5.5 per cent, whereas in actuality in only increased by 2.5 per cent, while other funding that was expected to increase by 1 per cent actually fell by 7.5 per cent. Facing this gloomy financial situation, Prof Barry told his audience that the University is seeking to cut its payroll costs by 5 per cent and its non-pay related expenditure by 4 per cent. “All indications are that state funding to third level sector are to

decline,” said Prof Barry. In his address he also went on to explain that he was reviewing the University’s current strategic plan with his vision of UL acting “as a key player in the economic, social and cultural life of the Shannon region”. Part of this plan is for UL to provide “an outstanding and distinct student experience”. He hopes to “enhance the quality of interaction between faculty and students” and provide the best facilities so that the highest level of teaching could take place. The President went on to explain that he would like to reform the undergraduate programme to support life long learning and to encourage students to be more versatile and adaptable. He also hoped that students would be able to combine skills from a number of different disciplines upon graduation. He aimed to promote such learning through flexibility of access to courses so that students could complete their undergraduate learning at their own pace.

Students to be balloted on fees Aoife Breen Editor

OVER 250 students mandated the Students’ Union to hold a plebiscite on students’ preferred alternatives to third level tuition fees at the Union General meeting held in the Jean Monnet theatre on Wednesday of week 5. Following a motion put forward

by the Cathaoirleach of UL’s Con Colbert Cumann of Fianna Fail, Derek Daly, 4th Year Business, the quorate meeting agreed with the request for the SU to ballot its members on alternatives to third level fees to present Minister for Education, Batt O’Keeffe, with

Volume XVII, Issue 11 FREE

University President Don Barry

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