April 2016 hba newsletter

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MAY2016 NewRatesNowinEffect for National FloodInsuranceProgram Several changes to the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) took effect on April 1, affecting a wide range of builders, developers, businesses, home owners and insurance agents operating in areas covered by the NFIP. FEMA has indicated that the maximum individual rate increase for any individual policy is 18% , with a few exceptions. The guidance also states that average premiums ? once certain fees are accounted for ? will increase 9% for policies written or renewed on or after April 1. For most risk classes, the average annual premium rate increases are limited to 15% .

zone, property type, and year built ? which affects whether it is depicted on the Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) ? still play a role in individual premiums. Other changes include new rating methodology for properties newly mapped into a Special Flood Hazard Area and the elimination of subsidies for certain pre-FIRM policies that lapse and are reinstated past 90 days. In instances where a policyholder wants to return to the NFIP program after a lapse, he or she must obtain an elevation certificate and pay the full-risk rate.

Furthermore, HFIAA Section 28 The National Association of Home requires FEMA to clearly communicate Builders (NAHB) has prepared a full flood risk determinations to summary of the changes to the NFIP. individual property owners, regardless Many changes are a result of continued of whether their premium rates are implementation of the Homeowner full-risk rates. To achieve this, FEMA Flood Insurance Affordability Act of will require NFIP insurers to report 2014 (HFIAA) and the Biggert-Waters current flood zone and rate map Flood Insurance Reform Act of 2012 information for all new business polices effective on or after April 1 and (BW-12). for all renewals effective on or after In its summary, FEMA notes that changes Oct. 1. will also affect mapping, mitigation efforts and program outreach. Each property will see distinct impacts because characteristics such as flood

BOARD OF DIRECTORS President Kevin Kerns Vice President St even Ziet z Treasuer Michel e Bueker Secret ary Jef f rey Nickl yn Immediat e Past President Michael Tribbl e Direct ors James Bouf f ord Timot hy Gohm Nat han Moel l er David Schauman Mark Wahl Tony Bosco Don Hol l is Tracy Reimus Dan Wort man Debra Bef f rey Dennis Dit t enber Seymour Geiersbach Ron Schauman Jef f ery Tit hof Tom Bail ey

116,000ConstructionSupervisorsCouldBeEligiblefor Overtime

Lawsuit onSilicaRule

Please contact your member of Congress t oday regarding the U.S. Department of Labor?s (DOL) recent overtime proposal. Time is of the essence to halt a plan that could do our industry great harm.

Eight construction industry organizations, including the Texas Association of Builders, recently filed a petition for review of the final crystalline silica rule by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit.

If this goes forward, you may have to pay overtime to workers who are now exempt. NAHB estimates over 116,000 construction supervisors would become eligible for overtime pay under this proposal, which could take effect as soon as this summer. The new rule would double the federal overtime salary threshold from $23,660 to $50,440, and, for the first time ever, index the salary threshold to inflation. This would mean that for any employees earning less than $970 per week, you would need to track their hours worked and pay overtime. NAHB is working on a solution, but we need your help. The Protecting Workplace Advancement and Opportunity Act (Senate bill S.2707 and House bill H.R.4773) would force the DOL to withdraw this proposal until it has considered the economic effects of nearly doubling the overtime threshold. Please visit NAHB's BuilderLink website to send a letter to your representative and senators: BuilderLink web page

NAHB'sBUILD-PACKeepstheMomentumGoing In this pivotal election year, BUILD-PAC has hit the ground running with a war chest of over $1.7 million raised ? more than halfway to its cycle goal of $3 million. ?We?ve got a great story to tell lawmakers, voters and the American people,? said 2016 BUILD-PAC Chair Eugene Graf. ?The home is central to American family life, and housing is key to job creation and economic growth. It is important that we have the resources we need to support candidates who understand our perspective and will provide a pro-housing, pro-business voice on Capitol Hill.? BUILD-PAC, NAHB?s bipartisan federal political action committee, helps elect the most qualified pro-housing, pro-business candidates to federal office. In the 2014 election year, BUILD-PAC supported more than 370 pro-housing candidates, and 95% of these candidates won their seats in November. Visit nahb.org/ buildpac or contact the BUILD-PAC staff today. You must be logged in to the NAHB website to view the page.

NewHUDGuidancePutsDamper onBackgroundChecks HUD?s Office of General Counsel issued guidance this week that says using a prospective tenant or buyer?s criminal record to make a decision about whether to rent or sell them a home may be a violation of the Fair Housing Act (FHA). The reasoning: Because minorities are arrested and convicted in disproportionate numbers compared to the general population, the use of criminal records to screen renters and buyers has a harsher impact on minorities and may violate disparate impact regulations. FHA prohibits discrimination in the sale, rental, or financing of dwellings for reasons of race, color, religion, sex, disability, familial status or national origin. And under disparate impact, it is not necessary to prove intentional discrimination, only that a policy or practice has the effect of discriminating against members of a protected class. Fair housing rules apply to all homes, not just HUD-subsidized units: Complaints may be filed against providers and operators of market-rate properties that receive no federal grants, subsidies or mortgage insurance.

The groups note that OSHA did not consider industry concerns when it moved forward with an infeasible permissible exposure limit in the final rule. This and other final rule provisions reveal a fundamental misunderstanding of the real world of construction. For additional information, contact Rob Matuga at 800368-5242 x8507.

Nail GunSafetyVideos Nail guns are used every day on countless jobsites, especially in residential construction. They boost productivity, but they can also cause painful injuries. To provide builders with an easy, user-friendly way to train workers on nail gun safety, the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) recently released two new safety training videos, in addition to other nail gun safety information. The videos ? Know Your Nailer: Nail Gun Safety ? are available in English and Spanish, and provide brief, practical advice that contractors can use to prevent nail gun injuries.

Home Buil ders Associat ion of Saginaw Executive Officer, Michelle Revette What a whirlwind couple of months! First, the Home Show - now the Parade of Homes - and in between, orientation at the National Association of Home Builders. Wow. Incredible opportunities! I am looking forward to just a little event breather to gain momentum on some of the important HBA issues we all care about. Advocacy and legislative issues, including the numerous ever changing code issues - both locally and nationally - are the key to why the local, Michigan, and National HBA are your most important business partner. I receive calls weekly on issues that our builders are having and have found this three tier membership is the most important value of belonging to the HBA. Membership - why do you belong? I want to know. This association is strong due to its membership. We need to gain membership, retain our members, and involve our members. Again, I ask - why do you belong? Every member should be able to answer this question and answer it with passion and value. We need ambassadors of this association to share that; we can be stronger and provide this community the best building association together. This is a membership association - made of members who want to belong and make a difference. With that being said, please consider joining a committee! More information coming soon. Education and Training - what can we offer, not only our members, but our community, when it comes to education and training opportunities in the building industry? How can you help? Let's work together and share our resources to educate people and create a positive community image of all HBA involvement within Saginaw County!

Home Buil ders Associat ion of Saginaw

9 89-793-1120

3165 Cabaret Trail S Saginaw, MI 48603

mrevet t e@hbas.org

www.hbas.org Join us on Facebook


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call 989-793-1120 or email mrevette@hbas.org

Market Wat ch New-home sal es sl ip in March, af t er prior mont hs revised higher

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New home sales dipped 1.5% to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 511,000 in March, the Commerce Department said Monday. Along with a big upward revision to February data, the March data was more evidence of slow and steady progress in the housing market. HousingWire Freddie Mac: Rough st art t o 2016 doesn't damper housing out l ook So far this year, the housing market has struggled to get itself off the ground, but housing is expected ?to maintain its momentum in 2016 and be an economic engine of growth,? according to an updated forecast report from Freddie Mac. Bl oomberg Pending sal es of exist ing homes in U.S. rise more t han f orecast More Americans than forecast signed contracts to purchase previously owned U.S. homes in March, an encouraging sign as the housing market was entering its busiest selling season of the year. Market Wat ch Cit y-by-cit y l ook at home prices as signs of sl owing growt h appear U.S. home prices rose 0.2% in February, according to a home-price gauge released Tuesday. House prices rose 5.4% compared to a year ago in February, a slightly slower pace than in January, the S&P/ Case Shiller 20-City index showed Tuesday. Analysts surveyed by Econoday had forecast a 5.5% gain.

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Home & Garden Show 2016 Thank you to our sponsor Wolverine Bank and our over 250 exhibitors for making the 2016 Home & Garden Show a big success. Over 6000 attendees walked through the arena to view and discuss their potential remodel and new building needs. The top three reasons visitors came through this year included - to see what is new & innovative, landscaping needs, and remodel needs. As for next year, visitors would like....Decking displays, more landscaping, hot tubs, more cash & carry, treehouses, patio furniture, sod farm, fireplaces, energy, paving companies, flowers, tile displays, electrical contractors, lighting, interior design, pole barns? ..The list goes on? . Some good thoughts to look into for sure.

Thank you t o: Board of Directors Home & Garden Show Committee Don Hollis Tracy Remius Fred Wydra Debra Beffrey Tony Bosco Heather Gugel Deanne Marszalkowski Denis Reichard SVLNA ? The Saginaw Valley Landscape and Nursery Association Wolverine Bank - Sponsor

Thank you t o t he f ol l ow companies who handed out t he most comp t icket s: Wolverine Bank Hammer Restoration Bailey Construction Kluck Nursery 360 Painting

Addit ional Vol unt eers: Rick Beffery Dave Scott Daniel Kenny

Join us next year March 25 & 26

Home & Garden Show 2016

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