May Builder Bits
The Official Ne w sle tte r of The Hom e Bu ild e r s Association of M id land C ou nty
May 2015
Schedule of Events:
Mis s ion: Our mission is to advocate for the residential building/remodeling industry for the mutual benefit of our members, homeowners and community.
MAY 6 Associates Council
Vis ion: The recognized resource for all residential building and remodeling needs.
7 First Aid/Adult CPR 7 Lowes Pro Appreciation 9‐10 Spring Parade of Homes 16‐17 Spring Parade of Homes 19 Board of Directors 20 Lead Certification Course 21 Midland Area Homes One Roof Rally Fundraiser
JUNE 4 Parade Committee Wrap‐ up Meeting 16 Board of Directors 16 Bay, Midland, Saginaw HBA Loons Outing
(Hosted by Ieuter Insurance and the Remodelers Council of Midland)
19 Tri City Speedway
Builders a nd R em o delers Y o u W a nt to K no w !
Pr esident's Letter It is a beau tifu l day in the neighbor hood... sou nd fam iliar ? B u t it's tr u e!
Great weather is here for project starts and for making good progress; unlike last year with the late snow and flooding.
Our new association strategic planning committees are under way. If as a member you have an interest in being involved with one of the 3 committees of Education and
May Builder Bits
Member Outing
Training, Membership Recruitment and Retention or Marketing and Public Relations, please call your HBA office and let Jodi or Kayla know. We are always looking for new ideas. This is a great way to see how the association leadership functions and perhaps it could work into your future. Spring Parade of Homes is May 9-10 and 16-17 from 1-5pm and is free of charge. Visit www.hbamidlandmi.com for more information or watch the Midland Daily News for printed maps. Also, booklets are available at your HBA office. Also, Consumers Energy has a new dedicated "Simple Design Team" for all gas and electric designs within a subdivision. Jodi sent an email with an attachment near 4/22/15 which spells out the new process. Worth a read. Regards, Cathleen R. Martelli, President
May Builder Bits
Get the Most Ou t of Y ou r Mem ber ship Create an account on the HBA of Midland's Website to: Post before and after photos in our remodelers gallery Post job opportunities Create Free Classified Ads
May Builder Bits
W hat's Happening Welcome to the 2015 Spring Parade of Homes. This year will have fourteen beautiful state of the art homes on display May 9, 10, 16 and 17, 1-5 pm with no cover charge! Don't miss this opportunity to tour Midland's finest showcased homes and speak directly with the builders. https://ui.constantcontact.com/visualeditor/visual_editor_preview.jsp?agent.uid=1120963792908&format=html&printFrame=true
May Builder Bits
We personally invite you to join the fun learning experience and enjoy the spectacular tour, while experiencing the fast changing building sciences. We have some of the finest builders around and a great volunteer Parade Committee to make this such a well-organized event. Special thanks to all! We look forward to seeing you at the parade. Gregg Clark & Pam Hagen Parade of Homes Commitee, Co-Chairs
Pictu r e fr om Ou r R em od eler s Cou ncil Ap r il Event Tha nk Y ou to S p a ce, Inc. for h os ting this event!
New s Fr om National Goodbye HUD-1 For m . New Hom e Closing Ru les Take Effect Au g.1. https://ui.constantcontact.com/visualeditor/visual_editor_preview.jsp?agent.uid=1120963792908&format=html&printFrame=true
May Builder Bits
The Consu m er Financial Pr otection B u r eau w ill institu te new r u les Au g. 1 r egar ding disclosu r es u nder the Tr u th in Lending Act and Real Estate Settlem ent Pr ocedu r es Act that w ill affect all hom e bu ilder s, par ticu lar ly those w ith a r eal estate lending ar m . Under the new procedures as a result of the Dodd Frank Act, four documents will be merged into two. The Good Faith Estimate and Truth in Lending disclosures will be eliminated and combined into a new single Loan Estimate form, or "LE." In addition, the final Truth in Lending Disclosure and HUD-1 Settlement Statement are being replaced by the Closing Disclosure, or "CD." What does this mean? First, the Loan Estimate must be delivered to the prospective buyer no later than three business days after receiving the application. Currently, the HUD-1 Settlement Statement can be presented to the buyer on the day of closing and any changes to the statement can take place during the loan closing. Under the new rule, the biggest change is that the Closing Disclosure must be provided to the consumer a full three days prior to the closing, and if there are changes during that 72-hour period, the closing could be delayed.
May Builder Bits
Cu r r ent Issu es
May Builder Bits
New s Y ou Can Use Consu m er s Ener gy is annou ncing a new division! Simple Design Team https://ui.constantcontact.com/visualeditor/visual_editor_preview.jsp?agent.uid=1120963792908&format=html&printFrame=true
May Builder Bits
As the rapid growth continues throughout the state for new residential homes, we are excited to offer a program that ensures that your requests are handled and services are installed in an efficient manner. Termed as the Simple Design Team, we will be responsible for All Residential electric and gas service requests within subdivision developments across the state.
Join u s a t Mid la nd Low es , May 7th fr om 11-1 for th eir Pr o Ap p r ecia tion Event S EE HOW IT PAY S TO BE A MEMBER ! Learn More
May Builder Bits
We hope you have enjoyed the May edition of Builder Bits! It is exciting to launch this new format that allows for interaction between you and the HBA Office ‐ simple and effective! Be sure to visit the fourteen beautiful Spring Parade of Homes entries and a big thank you to the Official Sponsors, Wolverine Bank and Chemical Bank. Happy Spring! Jodi Sasse Executive Officer Home Builders Association of Midland jsasse@hbamidlandmi.com
May Builder Bits
Forw ard th i s emai l
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Home Builders Association of Midland | 7600 Commerce Court, Suite C | Midland | MI | 48642