Ghost The Musical Fan Book

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Time to Say Goodbye  After 287 performances of Ghost the Musical in the UK it’s sadly time for the posters and flyers for this amazing show to change their faces as we usher in a new dawn for the Believers. Richard and Caissie you have touched the hearts of so many people since we first saw you on stage together in Manchester last March and caused us all to shed a tear or three. As a thank you for all you have done for the shows fans in the last year many of them have sent in messages and pictures for inclusion in the following pages. We are all truly going to miss you both, and as amazing Mark and Siobhan are going to be we will never forget you both as our original Sam and Molly. So please enjoy reading this book and we hope it serves as a suitable keepsake full of memories from Ghost the Musical in both Manchester and London’s West End. Broadway does not know the talent on its way over to them and we all wish you both so much luck continuing the roles you have defined as your own. Believe

Dear Richard and Caissie, A couple of months ago my friends went to London and they saw Ghost. When they returned to Belgium they could not stop talking about it. They really loved it! A few weeks later I went to London and decided to order tickets for the show. Unfortunately you weren't playing Caissie (heard you were getting married, Congratulations!) We had Phillippa as Molly and I thought she was great as well!! I really loved the show, so amazing! I cried. 5 years ago my dad died of cancer... At the end of the show I had to think about him. I would do anything to have one moment to hear or see him again... Believe!! I wanna wish you guys all the luck in the world on Broadway!! I know for sure that they are all going to love you!! Loads a Love, Saskia Xxx

Congratulations Richard and Caissie on all your success with GHOST, and now on taking it to Broadway!! GHOST has easily become my favourite musical over the past year or so, and I am thrilled that it's coming to Broadway, as it definitely deserves to be there! Although I have not actually seen the show yet, as London is just a bit too far for me to come from Toronto, I have no doubt that the pair of you will be absolutely amazing, and I look forward to finally seeing the show on Broadway, as well as meeting you both. I hope your last shows in London go extremely well, and I wish you both the best of luck with the Broadway Production!! Sending love! Rebecca Lenio xo P.S. It's great to see a fellow Canadian being so successful in the world of theatre, Caissie! Keep it up! You make us Canadian's proud! :):):)

To Richard and Caissie Wishing you all the success with Ghost the Musical on Broadway so sorry I could not have seen Ghost before you left Best wishes Jane Baker

'To the Original London Cast and Crew of Ghost: The Musical, Thank you for an amazing run and may it continue with the new cast and new production. I have never felt so much love or been so connected with a show like this one. It has truly helped me to believe in love and make the most of my life so thank you for that. Caissie Levy and Richard Fleeshman, you are so brilliant together and make the show what it is, I wish you the best of luck on Broadway. They will love you over there and hopefully I'll be out to watch it soon. Keep doing what you're doing, love to you all. Robyn Unsworth xx'

To Richard and Caissie,

WOW! How amazing for you both to be taking such a stunning show to Broadway! Huge congratulations to you both and wishing you lots of luck, although I'm not sure you need it because you are simply stunning in the show. The songs and your voices are so beautiful and your acting is incredible, the whole show is absolutely breathtaking. I really do adore you both in the musical and I'm extremely jealous that New York is now getting their hands on you! Wishing you all the best of luck for Broadway, Lots of love Megan (@megfrancesca)

To the incredible cast, crew and everyone involved in the fabulous new musical GHOST. The other day I read on a Musicals blog site that “I believe Ghost is the new Les Miserables or Phantom of the Opera, a piece for our generation. It has changed so many people and gained more reaction than any other new musical of our time.” That is truly an understatement. Ghost is a musical that I cannot describe in words, but I will simply try and explain. I live in Australia and simply cannot wait for the production to open here, but just by following the show’s progress and constantly listening to the soundtrack, I am a huge giant fan. (Please get the original cast to come to Australia when it opens, we all love you here so much. I would possibly die if you all came here!) When I first heard the recording it was so exciting, fresh and something that I could easily relate to. It was everything I wanted in a musical, it was very similar to the first time I heard Wicked. The cast were so young and energetic in all the promotional material and the soundtrack still makes me cry like a baby every time. Richard Fleeshman and Cassie Levy will always be my Sam and Molly. You are outstanding performers and a credit to the music theatre industry and made the musical what it is today. The supporting cast are so brilliant and the technical side of the production should also be highly commended. I remember when the musical was so new, so open to criticism from those who hadn’t even heard the soundtrack or witnessed one of the finest productions of the last decade. Boy, did you prove them wrong! Not only are you one of the most successful West End shows currently, you’ve also gathered a fan base for a lifetime and a connection that will never die. Ghost has truly changed me on a musical and performance based level and has done more for my life than any other musical could do. I can’t wait to see this incredible piece be discovered further on Broadway and in my home country. Keep believing, James Carroll Twitter – @jamescarrollau Good luck and thank you for being an amazing molly. I've wanted to see you perform for so long, I’m so glad I’ve finally had the chance too. Lots of good luck wishes for Broadway Stacey Helmore

"Oh My Goodness. Ghost The Musical. I can't believe I saw Ghost the Musical. It made my life! I just had to believe I would see it someday, and my dream came true. Point proven, all you have to do is BELIEVE. That night had to be the best of my life. It's only been five weeks since I saw it, but honestly, as my mum could tell you, the CD has been playing on loop the whole time with not one second to spare! I know all of the lyrics to every song and during exams I have it stuck in my head. I don't know how I manage to cope 8 hours while I am at school without it! I hope I will see it soon with Caissie Levy and Richard Fleeshman, as last time I saw it with Laura Selwood (who, may I say, was amazing too!). Thank you for making my life worth living, I can't believe Caissie and Richard will be stopping in January! Oh My Goodness. I have to BELIEVE. Much love, Audrey Bourdais Paul Twitter- @Audrey_BP"

To Caissie, I have seen Ghost the musical 4 times (twice in Manchester and twice in London) and each time your talent has completely astounded me. Your voice is utterly stunning but the emotion you bring to songs like "With You" is truly breathtaking. I wish you every possible success on Broadway the show really is incredible. Please come back to the West End soon. Best wishes Laura Davies

To Richard, Each time I have seen Ghost; your performance has been so moving and completely breathtaking. The heart and emotion you bring to the role is Sam is something really special. You really have done Manchester proud and I wish you all the success in the world on Broadway, you so deserve it. Come back to the West End soon. Best wishes Laura Davies

Richard and Caissie, Congratulations on your fabulous run in London. My family and I enjoyed seeing you there and looking forward to the April 23rd Premier in New York, and have arranged a family and friends night the following night too. Can't wait to share your wonderful performances in New York. Thank you, Gary A. Rubin

To Richard and Caissie We would like to wish you both the best of luck on Broadway you have both been amazing in ghost we will miss you!! Love Zoe and her Mum xx

Hi Richard and Cassie, I went to see you while in Manchester and what a performance. I have just booked for you final show here in London. We will all miss you both but BELIEVE!!! We shall follow you. My love and best wishes while you transfer to Broadway. We love you. Take care and BELIEVE. Dave Brown xxxx

I would like to say a big thank you to Richard and Caissie. You are both a joy to watch and so talented. I have seen the production a few times and would honestly see it every week if I could. I haven't had chance to meet you at stage door but am lucky enough to know Carole Winter who got my programme signed so thank you to you all. All the best for Broadway, I hope to come and see you in 2012. Louise (twitter@LElizabeth84)

Richard, I have thoroughly enjoyed seeing you so many times ( it will be 11 after seeing both shows on 12th January ).There are still effects I cannot work out - as much as I look! Thank you for friendliness at the stage door whenever I see you and I wish you continued success on your Broadway transfer. I will be there to see it so watch out for a token Brit at the stage door one night! Lester ( @lesterbuddy on Twitter)

Caissie, Your performances in Ghost leave me stunned each and every time I visit. I will have seen you as Molly 11 times after the 2 shows on 12th January. I will definitely miss you immensely and even more our chats at the stage door where you have always been SO very warm, friendly and chatty to everyone and not just to me. I thank you for this. I wish you every possible success on your Broadway transfer and look forward to seeing you there at some point in 2012. Lester ( @lesterbuddy on Twitter)

I thought the show was amazing and Richard you made my life when you tweeted me thanking me for the rose I gave you: D Thank You Aimee Gallagher xxx

Dear Richard and Cassie I just want to say I think you’re both just so fantastic. I have been to see the show so many times and I remember after seeing it the first time I left the theatre speechless. Thanks so much for being so fantastic whenever I have been to see the show you just get better and better. I am saving up to come and support you in NY. I wish you both the best of luck and Broadway is lucky to have you both. And remember the West end will miss you guys so much. In the words of Alicia Keyes if I can make it here I can make it anywhere that's what they say. You should be very proud you truly deserve it will see you guys in NY London won’t be the same without you guys. Thanks again and lots of love Laura Ford xxxxxxxx

Jen Giersh – Twitter @ox_Jen

Hey Caissie  Good luck for Broadway!! You were incredible when I saw you in Hair and in Ghost - here is where I met you at stage door. I’m sure New York and your Broadway fans will be ecstatic to see you again but we British fans will miss you. Hope you come back soon, Kira Gorman (@forgoodxxx) Hey Richard  Good luck for your Broadway debut!! You were great as Sam in Ghost, here is where I met you  I hope it goes well and the show is a success over there. Kira Gorman (@forgoodxxx)

Caissie & Richard Here is a huge thank you for the outstanding job you have done in making Ghost one of the best new hits on the West End. So far we have been to see the show four times since its move to the West End and every time it just keeps getting better and better, I think it's safe to say we are 'hooked'. Your passion and commitment to each character really makes an epic emotional roller coaster ride for the entire 2 and a bit hours, on every occasion we have come out with one or two tears soaking our cheeks. We have been fortunate enough to meet you both at the stage door and it was so nice to see you in person. Although it is sad we cannot keep you in the UK version forever :) we wish you all the very best of luck in your ventures in Broadway and may it be every much a success as it is here. Thank you again for making four evenings very special and certainly memorable and for all the other performances we didn't get too. Love and best wishes Richard & Kyrie Poole, Dorset

I have to say Ghost is the most spectacular show I have ever seen and I think it always will be my favourite. I feel so lucky to have seen the show three times now, and I could still sit and watch over and over again. It is truly a wonderful production. It takes you on such an emotional journey; the effects are astounding, the score is fantastic and you, Richard and Caissie, are perfect together as Sam and Molly. Caissie, you are an outstanding actress and you have such an amazing voice. You really make the audience feel what Molly must be going through; With You never fails to bring a tear to my eye. Each performance of yours is so moving, especially during the last scene, which is just beautiful. Richard, I’ve been a fan of yours for quite a few years now, and look how far you’ve come in such a short space of time. You are an incredibly talented guy. You can tell you really give it your all and put so much passion into each show and you have great chemistry with Caissie and the Oda Mae’s - especially Sharon. You are hilarious together. Congratulations to you both on all you have achieved so far, and best of luck for the future, on Broadway and beyond... Thanks, Carly (@Carly_Hall)

Hi Caissie, My dad and I came to see the show on the 29th December and we were completely blown away by your performance! The show was fantastic and we had such a great day, thank you! You were brilliant - I will be listening to the album constantly for a very long time - and I am sorry to see you leave London, but am wishing you lot's of luck on Broadway! Thank you also for meeting me at stage door, even though it was raining! Thanks again, and good luck! Jamie Stratford

Caissie I am really happy to meet you couple of times; you were always so nice to me! I saw you in Hair as Sheila as well and I was sure you will be amazing as Molly. And hell you are amazing! No one can sing like you, I totally fell in love with your voice. It's sad, that you are leaving London, but you are so deserve to take this show to Broadway. I wish you a great success over there with Ghost and I wish you a happy and long married life! I hope we can see you in London again in some point! P.S.: I hope you liked the wine... ;) @szabopeter82 Richard Ghost was the first show I saw you in and you totally convinced me that you are a great actor. Your stage presence and the chemistry between you and Caissie is unique. Taking Ghost to Broadway is a great achievement for you and the whole production team so enjoy every minute of it. I wish you all the best! BELIEVE!!! @szabopeter82

"Good luck Caissie and Richard!! I hope you have an amazing time in New York; you have been amazing here at Ghost London; an amazing Molly and Sam!! THANK YOU :) Have the time of your lives at Ghost Broadway. Love, Lauren. @defyingravityxx"

Hi there Richard and Caissie, Just want to say a massive thank you for making the show as magical as you did. I'm sure you will continue to do this in Broadway! You must be so proud of yourselves! I have seen the show 3 times now and wish I would have had the time to come and see you both alot more! I wish you all the luck in the world for Broadway I'm sure your both going to be amazing! :) We will miss you! Lots of love Samantha Ashby xx Believe!

What Fan Book would be complete without Daryl Collins, Matthew and Molly Bear?

I have been following GHOST the musical since workshop and then to Manchester and to its current home in the West End. I was so moved by the footage and music and the entire vision of the show that I bought tickets to see it without even booking a flight! I made the trip from Melbourne, Australia to London was an AMAZING experience, sitting in the audience, I found myself with a tear in my eye and looking up at the lights and thinking “I’m really here” Dear Richard, I only came across your work from GHOST, but since then I have been a massive fan! You have such a unique and rare presence on stage that you can’t take your eyes off. Your energy and commitment on stage is second to none and I wish you all the very best for upcoming Broadway run. Just know you have a massive fan here in Australia. I’ll be seeing you in New York and I can’t wait. Thank you for an amazing show; you’re one of a kind!! Dear Caissie, Thank you so much for an amazing show. Your voice, charm and warmth shine bright on stage and I was so honoured to have come from Australia to see it for myself. You were so sweet to me after the show and I cherish the picture we took together. I wish you nothing but all the success in the world for the Broadway run and I can’t wait to meet you again there. You have an Aussie fan here! Lots of love and luck xo

Hey Richard and Cassie, Good luck for your American adventure! You deserve it :) I've seen Ghost twice last year and both times was completely blown away with your talents, I guess it’s only fair to share it with America and let them appreciate pure talent. Please keep us up to date with how the show is going over there and Richard, please keep tweeting, they always make me smile xx Helen Larkin

Dear Richard I'll be crying and feeling upset because you are leaving us so soon I cry looking At your pictures and watching your interviews and listening to you on You Tube and thinking about you leaving us so far away hopefully your come back to London one day and we can meet up if you’re not busy and I'm also crying with joy that you got such a massive and brilliant Job I wish I had your job please keep in touch. My twitter account is @Fleeshmanlover Love you loads love From Antonella xxx

Richard & Caissie, I saw you first in Manchester and had to go back another time before you left for London because you are such amazing artists. Now I'm sad to be losing you to Broadway but it will be amazing for you and the USA will love you! Hope you see you both together again in London one day... I can hope. To the rest of the cast that are leaving - good luck for the future, you are all stars. Thank you to everyone involved in the show that made it fabulous :) I won't put my photo in because I put one in the last fan book. Good luck, Rhiannon Hughes (@rioh) xx

Richard and Caissie on the 28th March 2011 I came to see Ghost’s World Premiere performance at the Opera House Manchester as I had read so much about the show and was more curious than anything else to see if the show would deliver on its promises. I have to say that I came out of the theatre at the interval and I was shaking as a result of what I witnessed on that stage. I remember tweeting ‘Ghost the Musical, wow this is going to be a worldwide smash hit and it’s only the interval’ then I went back in and was totally blown away by act 2. I have never seen a more powerful performance in all the years I have been going to the theatre and just had to get more of it. And so started my love affair with this show, one that will never end. I will not say how many times I have now seen the show or listened to the soundtrack, suffice to say it’s not as many times as I would have liked to have seen it. I have been lucky enough to attend both the Manchester and London opening press nights in addition to the World Premiere Performance in my home city, and am planning a trip to New York as soon as I possibly can. Why has this show gripped me as it has? Yes it’s a technological triumph, a magical journey and at times its side splittingly funny and then tragically sad but 2 words keep me coming back for more, Richard and Caissie. You have truly made the roles of Sam Wheat and Molly Jensen your own and as Patrick and Demi will be remembered for the film you will I have no doubt be always associated with this the musical version. Thank you so much for all your chats at the stage door when I have been to the show and long may they continue in whatever country Sam and Molly are. The announcement of your Broadway casting left me thrilled for you both as it’s such an amazing thing to be doing but it was tinged with a little sorrow also as it means losing you to Broadway. Enjoy your final show in London and can I wish you all the luck in the world for Broadway, not that you need it as we all know you will blow the Americans away as you have done the Brits. I’m gonna miss you! See ya x Paul Downham @ghostmusicalfan

Dear Caissie and Richard I live in Essex and watched the progress of the Manchester Production with huge anticipation of its arrival in London. I booked 16 tickets as soon as they became available and happily came along with my friends to celebrate my 60th Birthday on 2nd July. I was also able to attend the Gala Premier and sat in the front row as a Facebook friend and saw the show from a different perspective. I'm sure you both know just what a phenomenon you have been a part of and I'm wishing you the very best of luck with your transfer to New York. Deborah Anne Chapman

Dear Caissie and Richard, Thanks for being so amazing as London’s Molly and Sam!! It won't be the same without you! Lots of luck on Broadway! BELIEVE!! Emily Carr

“Ghost has to be the best West End show I have seen to date and I was proud to be part of it for Children in Need. Richard and Caissie are absolutely brilliant and I wish them all the very best. Incredible news for them. Love Pete�

Dear Richard, You’re an absolutely amazing Sam Wheat! I came to see the show for the first time in December 2011, and I was blown away! Your performance was so moving, and you have a stunning voice! I was speechless at how mind blowing the show was; it’s a truly gorgeous musical and definitely one of the best shows I have ever seen. Thank you for giving us time at stage door before the show too, it was so lovely of you! We have loved having you here in London, but I guess now is the time to bid farewell! You’re so talented and deserve all the success that’s coming your way with this show, and I wish you all the luck in the world for the opening of Ghost on Broadway! I’m sure you’ll blow them away with your truly amazing portrayal of Sam, in the same way you have blown us away. Lots of Love, Hannah (@musicallover2) xx Dear Caissie, You are such a stunning Molly Jensen! I saw the show for the first time in December 2011, and I was absolutely blown away by it! Your performance was incredibly moving, and you have a gorgeous voice! The whole show was just mind blowing and I was left speechless. A truly amazing musical and one of the best I have ever seen. It’s been a privilege to have you playing such a fantastic role here in London, but I guess now is the time to bid you farewell as you move on to more incredible things! You’re stunningly talented, and deserve all the success that this show has brought you, and I wish you all the luck in the world for the opening of Ghost on Broadway! I’m sure you will blow those audiences away with your truly amazing portrayal of Molly, as you have blown us away over here. Lots of Love, Hannah (@musicallover2) xx

Dear Richard and Caissie, I would like to wish you both all the best and good luck in New York you both have been outstanding. I'll be seeing you both perform for the third time on your last day. Broadway are lucky to have the two most amazing duo performers that click so well together. You both blew me and other fans away now it’s broadways turn. Kind Regards Vicky xx (Twitter: @vhyland147)

I saw Ghost in the beginning of October, and I fell in love with it. Never have I´ve seen a show that moved me so much, combining tears and laughter together. I´m listening to the soundtrack, EVERYDAY and it just keeping better and better. Even my children, who doesn’t speak English, says HERE RIGHT NOW and I LOVE YOU MOLLY e.t.c Thanks for being such an important part of my life. Daniel Szpigler Stockholm Sweden

We went to the first show in Manchester and we loved it, we have also been up to London to see Richard and Carrie - we thought they made a fantastic Sam and Molly and wish them all the best on Broadway!

Karen and Graham Ivey

To Caissie, Just wanted to wish you the best of luck with taking GHOST to Broadway. I have seen you twice in the role of Molly (both in Manchester) and have been blown away by your superb acting and heavenly voice. To see you go from Manchester, to London and now onto Broadway and Melbourne is simply breath taking. But I had always believed from the start in Manchester. I knew there was something very special about this show. The songs. The sets. The illusions. You guys (onstage and behind!) do a wonderful job. I just wanted to say thank you for taking the time to speak to us at Stage Door whenever I’ve seen the show – and I am so looking forward to seeing you on Broadway despite missing you in London! I have all the faith that the Broadway will realise how wonderful the show is and how awesome you are as Molly – you really do give Demi a run for her money! (Sorry for the comparison, but you honestly YOU do kick butt in the show! :D) Keep on singing your heart out and inspiring myself and others. Much love and “BELIEVE” Hamza Jahanzeb xx @HamzaBeznahaj (Twitter) To Richard, Just wanted to thank you for 3 very enjoyable performances of GHOST (two in Manchester and one in London!). You defied the critics and really showed them how brilliant you can sing as well as act. I wish you the best of luck with Broadway and it’s AMAZING to see someone from Manchester really go show how talented us Brits are. You are sure to have a wonderful career ahead of you. I hope (and know) Broadway will love the show. It’s much slicker and tighter since previews and I know it’s going to be a major hit. Well done on what you’ve achieved so far and hopefully it’d be nice to see you guys in London. Best of luck Hamza Jahanzeb @HamzaBeznahaj (Twitter)

Caissie: Simply sensational. You bring to Molly such pure emotion through that wonderful voice - a faultless performance. Congratulations on brilliantly originating the role... Wishing you all the best for the Broadway run, lots of love - Scott Bird xx

Richard: From seeing you as Warner in Legally Blonde and now Sam in Ghost there is no questioning that you are incredible. The perfect Sam! Congratulations on brilliantly originating the role... Wishing you all the best for the Broadway run - Scott Bird x

It has been a magical time following the show since London and you guys. I would normally say I can't believe the show is going to Broadway but under the circumstances I totally can believe it and I wish both of you the best of luck. Broadway will be getting two very special people and us believers will be "With You" all the way and the "More" I think about it the more I know this show will be absolutely stunning in the big apple. So now that you’re "Outta Here" all the best and I can't wait to see the show when I come to NYC in May. Finally I have just "Three Little Words" Believe believe believe x Katrina Frost

I was one of those few people who hadn't seen Ghost the film, so when I went to see Ghost the Musical I didn't know what to expect. I am a huge fan of the theatre and have seen many shows but Ghost is by far the best and my favourite! Caissie and Richard you are amazing! You’re acting and vocals are incredible, so believable! The chemistry between the two of you on stage is brilliant, so convincing. You are both so talented. You are my perfect Molly and Sam! After watching the film I definitely prefer the musical and prefer watching you two in the roles. I am addicted to the songs and the CD and I'm sure my family and the neighbours are fed up of hearing them. Thank you for introducing me to Ghost and making me a BELIEVER! I wish you all the luck in the world for Broadway I know you will be brilliant! Have fun and I look forward to seeing you in the West End or on tour in the UK soon. Love Michelle xxx Twitter: @Mich232000

Caissie Thank you so much for everything, it been a pleasure from all the chats, laughs & introducing me and my friends to your husband. It been an honour to have you as our Molly, I wish you every bit of a success in Broadway :) Keep in touch xxx Richard What can I say Superstar, from watching in previews until now I can’t believe how much you've grown in the role of Sam. You've made us all so proud and whoever follows you will have big shoes to fill (good luck mark). I wish you all the success in Stateside. UK is losing a Superstar to the Americans :). Keep in touch via twitter and my shout on a round of drinks when you’re next back in London.. xxx Lots of love and kisses Natalia xx

My names Lucy Morris and attached is a photo of me and Richard. One of the happiest days of my life! Ghost the musical has been a part of my life since the very beginning and the original Molly and Sam will never be forgotten. They were perfect for the roles and they performed them so well that they managed to make me cry at every performance that I attended! Good luck to both Richard and Caissie on opening the Broadway production of this beautiful and heartfelt musical! Thank you Caissie for making me realise that my dreams can come true of being on the West End and Broadway- you have the most wonderful voice I have ever heard! Thank you to you also Richard for all those times you've stopped and had a conversation with me at stage door! You are the perfect Sam. Well done, goodbye :( and good luck! xxx

Love Morgan (Twitter @_onedaymore)

Good luck Richard and Caissie. Feel so honoured to of met you both you were as lovely in person as you are amazing on that stage! An experience I will keep forever thank you :D Kezia xx

My name is Beth McFarlane & I’m the biggest fan of Ghost ever! Richard Fleeshman is the most amazing performer & the best actor on stage I've ever seen & I love him so much! Caissie levy is amazing & so talented and so, so stunning! I hope they read this! My twitter is @bethmcfarlane_ you’re both truly amazing & I was so in love with Ghost the minute Richard & Caissie came on stage, amazing! Good luck in Broadway both of you!

I wish Richard and Caissie all the best for Broadway. I always believe xx @marieflint

Kyle Fong

WISHING YOU ALL THE LUCK IN THE WORLD Richard & Cassie, not that you need it as you will blow their socks off on Broadway, you two are Amazing & will be sadly missed in London. Love & hugs from Christine xxxxxxxxxxx

"Dear Richard and Caissie, I’ve re-written this message several times now and it never seem to express what I want to say and my thanks to you both. To be sat in a theatre watching a musical has always meant a lot to me and been something very special indeed. When I find a show that I believe in (excuse the pun!) and can lose myself in for two and half hours I find myself returning again and again. This is exactly what has happened with this show, I have returned more times that I or my bank balance cares to count. It has an amazing feel good factor which warms my heart night after night. You both do an amazing job night after night, giving it everything you have with every performance and leaving me breathless and emotional. Everyone on that stage is amazing but you have lead this cast of amazing actors/actresses beautifully and will be very much missed here in London. Our loss is Broadway gain! You both have a very special gift that brings a lot of happiness too many people every night, so I guess what I am trying to say is a pure and simple THANKYOU! Love & Best wishes for Broadway!

Shirley xx"

Good luck Richard and Caissie. You will be the toast of Broadway!! Lots of love Lorraine Kelly xxx

It's sad to see them leave the Piccadilly Theatre in London but the good news is Richard and Caissie are such a perfect team and they both delivered such strong emotional performances every night they had me in tears even in rehearsals! Good news is I'll be seeing them on stage together on Broadway in NYC and that is very exciting for all of us. Dave Stewart

Richard and Caissie, We're so thrilled that you'll be sharing your amazing performances with NYC, and can't wait to welcome you to your new home on Broadway! See you soon, The GHOST Broadway Team

Believer’s Art

Alice Ewins Carla Oakley

Rebecca Leino

Georgia Taylor

What the Reviewers Said Richard Fleeshman as the buff young banker Sam sings and strums it to Caissie Levy as his buff young artist girlfriend Molly. It’s smartly done. The cast handle it all with relish though. Fleeshman, trapped between life and death, gives the big sell to Sam’s confusions and rage. Levy simply soars. The Times Swayze’s role is taken by buff ex-Coronation Street star Richard Fleeshman, who gives a strong performance. Molly is played by Canadian Caissie Levy, whose haunting voice gives you goose bumps. The Sun As Sam Wheat, the muscular banker who’s killed by a mugger in a botched attempt to steal important business documents, Richard Fleeshman is powerful and sensitive. Caissie Levy shows a seemingly effortless vocal potency as his devoted partner Molly. Evening Standard But it is the central human interaction between Caissie Levy’s attractively vulnerable Molly and Richard Fleeshman’s buff but dead Sam that moves the audience. It’s a relationship you care about. The Stage

Stunning performances are given across the board with Fleeshman giving us the performance of his life, here we have a male protagonist that we just connect to instantly and his chemistry with on stage partner Levy is electrifying. I was blown away by Levy’s powerhouse vocals and emotional connection to the material. The Public Reviews Stars Richard Fleeshman and Caissie Levy are a magical pairing. They look the part; have great stage presence and voices just made for the new songs, written by former Eurythmics front man Dave Stewart and six-time Grammy Award winner Glen Ballard. The Daily Post Richard Fleeshman as Sam and Caissie Levy as Molly provide a suitably handsome and attractive couple to steer events along. Both have good singing voices and Ms Levy sings one haunting song entitled 'With You' which may well end up being a charttopper The chemistry between Richard and Caissie is spot-on and you totally believe what they’re trying to sell you – that there’s true love between them. You see it in their eyes, you know it’s in their hearts, there are no secrets there, no lies…

Memories of London

You guys are incredible! What an act to follow! Go clean up on Broadway, we will do our very best to keep up your great work over here! Mark & Siobhan x

Thank you both for making this show personally the best I have ever seen, such a collection of talent on one stage I have never seen before. I have met so many new friends as a result of this show and for that I will be eternally grateful. Finally I have to say I could not have made this book possible without the valuable help of Katrina Frost, a fellow believer and a true friend. Also I need to say a massive thank you to Steve Gayler whose website he has opened up to the Ghost family and we now have the most Ghost the Musical related content on the internet within the site, including a copy of this book. We will always believe in Ghost, and I can’t think of two better words to end this book. See ya! x Paul Downham @ghostmusicalfan

Manchester – London – New York

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