Ground Up Magazine - Media Pack

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Ground Up

Media Information

EGSHPA European Ground Source Heat Pump Association

interact l interconnect l inspire l instruct l install

EGSHPA European Ground Source Heat Pump Association

Let EGSHPA’s Ground Up Approach Help: Ground Up is the official publication of EGSHPA. Advertising in the publication will help propel your brand and promote your company’s products and services to the magazine’s closely defined and targeted audience. Ground Up magazine advertising ensures that your message will be marketed specifically to the the end user consumer and your industry partners and connections. Engaging with Ground Up magazine is the most effective route to becoming part of the planet’s fastest growing geothermal community with its winning editorial approach and scope. Spanning the entire renewable energy sector, with its main focus on ground source heat pump technology and engineering – Ground Up magazine provides readers with an unmatched

Ground Up magazine’s aim is to cover the entire process. Key sectors covered include: ● Housing ● Commercial ● Public ● Domestic ● Regeneration ● Sustainability ● Industrial ● Education & Healthcare ● Retail ● Cold storage

knowledge base, covering everything from the latest news, analysis and comment, to case studies and opportunities to to connect with other members as you profile your business and services to other members and potential clients. With a readership of over 35,000, Ground Up reaches professionals and customers every three months. Connecting its members and promoting our members’ services, we communicate changes and advances in technology and as this still-nascent industry itself grows. Our publishing and communications goal is to keep our readers active and informed Ground Up magazine provides unparalleled access to a sophisticated and influential audience. Its content reaches deep into every aspect of the eco-energy industry and focuses on the people engaged in commercial, domestic and institutional projects – including office, retail, healthcare, hotel, educational, housing trusts, industrial, domestic and government projects.

Reader profile Readers are predominantly professionals working within: ● Contractors ● Installers ● Designers ● Drillers ● Developers ● House Builders ● Architects ● Engineers ● Quantity Surveyors ● Building Surveyors ● Local Authorities ● Clients ● Housing Associations

EGSHPA European Ground Source Heat Pump Association

EGSHPA European Ground Source Heat Pump Association

Advertising rates One Issue

4 Issues


6250 €

4750 €

2/1 Page DPS

1 Page

3250 €

2500 €

340mm x 240mm + 4mm bleed

Half Page

1750 €

1250 €

Quarter Page

1000 €

750 €

200 €

200 € per issue


1/1 Page 170mm x 240mm + 4mm bleed

Web site banner

1500 per month

1500 per month

Advertisement technical information QuarkXpress EPS file including embedded pictures and fonts (CMYK)

/2 Page (b)


/2 Page (a)


82mm x 240mm + 4mm bleed

170mm x 117mm + 4mm bleed

Illustrator/InDesign EPS file with embedded pictures and fonts (CMYK) Photoshop file saved as TIFF or EPS (not JPEG encoding) (CMYK) PDF (CMYK) Acrobat 4 (1.3) compatibility (Fonts embedded) Artwork can be accepted in the following formats: by email:

/4 Page


72mm x 105mm

or by ftp: Address: Port: - 21 User: Werbung_FTP Password: Greengrass98

Conditions of Acceptance Orders for insertion of advertisements in Local Life magazine are acce pted subject to the following conditions: 1 Advertisement copy shall be legal, decent, honest and truthful; shall comply with the British Code of Advertising Practice and all other Codes under the general supervision of the Advertising Standards Authority, and shall comply with the requirements of current legislation. 2 While every endeavour will be made to meet the wishes of advertisers, the publisher does not guarantee the insertion of any particular advertisement. The publisher also reserves the right to decline advertisements even though they may have previously agreed to publish the same. 3 It is the advertiser’s responsibility to notify the publisher of any mistake or inaccuracy in an advertisement immediately it appears. No responsibility will be accepted by the publisher for errors appearing in a series of advertisements if notification of such errors is not made after the first insertion. 4 In the event of any error, misprint or omission in the printing of an advertisement or part of an advertisement the publisher will either reinsert the advertisement or relevant part of the advertisement as the case may be or make a reasonable refund or adjustment will be made

where the error, misprint or omission does not materially detract from the advertisement. In no circumstances shall the total liability of the publisher for any error, misprint or omission exceed (a) the amount of a full refund of any price paid to the publisher for the advertisement in connection with which liability arose or (b) the cost of a further or corrective advertisement of a type and standard reasonable comparable to that in connection with which liability arose. 5 The copyright for all purposes in all artwork, copy and other material which the publisher or his employees have contributed to or reworked shall vest in the publisher. 6 Advertisements not prepaid are due for payment 28 days from the date of invoice. Failure to pay accounts within the specified period will make advertisers liable to a surcharge on overdue, unpaid balances and credit facilities withdrawn. 7 The publisher shall not be liable for any loss or damage occasioned by any total or partial failure (however caused) of publication or distribution of the magazine in which any advertisement is scheduled to appear. 8 The placing of an order for the insertion of an advertisement shall amount to an acceptance of the above conditions and any conditions stipulated on an advertiser’s order form or elsewhere shall be void insofar as they are in conflict with them.

EGSHPA European Ground Source Heat Pump Association


.egsh www

EGSHPA European Ground Source Heat Pump Association

Contact information European Ground Source Heat Pump Association Argyle House Dee Road Richmond Surrey TW9 2JN Website: Tel: 0203 432 5956

Technical Director:

Dale Holdback - BEng AMIMechE

Finance Director:

Richard Layton - Bsc ACA

Head of Membership Development Director:

Nathan Berkley

Head of Social Media

Adrian Bridgwater

& Editor-in-Chief!/EGSHPA

Membership enquiries: Advertising and Editorial enquiries:

European Ground Source Heat Pump Association, Argyle House, Dee Road, Richmond, Surrey, TW9 2JN Not for Profit Company Limited by Guarantee, Registered in England & Wales No. 7689830

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