4 minute read


As organizers of the event, we are responsible for you. We are doing our best, but there are things you need to take responsibility for.

What we do for your safety:


• At road crossings, volunteers and police will assist runners to safely cross the road.

• Staff at aid stations will be of help in anything. Don’t hesitate to ask for help whatever issues you may have.

• The race is in June, but the late spring weather might surprise us. We have experienced temperatures as low as 5 degrees Celsius and highs as 30 degrees in the past, so never underestimate those mountains!

• Along the route at night, reflective tapes will help your way.

• During the race an ambulance and an emergency tent at the finish area will provide care if needed.

Even best runners aren’t immune to accidents. Night running, difficult terrain and the long distance make accidents more likely to happen. We cannot emphasize enough, that Salomon Ultra-Trail Hungary is not an ordinary race!

To reduce the risk of accidents, please bear in mind:

• Pilis is not like the city, you cannot just hop on the subway if you have run out of energy....if you feel exhausted, don’t hesitate to take a rest at the next aid station. After a few minute rest and something to eat you can continue more safely.

• Always choose your outfit considering the weather. Change clothes before you get too cold/hot.

• If you realize you haven’t seen marking tapes for several hundred meters, you have probably wandered off path. Turn around and go back to the last route mark.

• Never leave the marked trails!

• Always carry the mandatory gear.

• If you have trekking poles, be careful while using them, especially during the first part of the race when the field is packed.

• Don’t forget, every runner is responsible for providing help to those in need.

What to do if you get into trouble:

Do not hesitate to contact us if you’re in trouble, call the official phone number of the race +36-30-250-10-85 (printed on the bib). Then do follow the received instructions. If you are able to walk, proceed to the agreed place and we will pick you up there. In case you’re injured and cannot walk, put on all your clothes and wait there; we will get to you as soon as possible.


Parking Lot

In the city center of Szentendre (between Highway 11 and the Danube promenade) there are narrow alleys, pedestrian routes, one-way roads, streets with restricted access, paid parking zones even on weekends and, lots of tourists. That’s why we suggest that you park on the other side of Highway 11 in the free zone instead of here.


(Ferences Sporthall, Áprily L. tér 3.)


In order to pick up your race packet you will need your picture ID (e.g. passport, driver’s license etc.) There is no chip deposit!


Runners of Salomon UTH® and Salomon Szentlászló Trail can find their drop bags (size 30x40cm) and identification stickers in their race packets. Please, put the sticker on your drop bag, and take it to the collection point on the first floor of the Race Center . Don’t send liquids, shoes, sticks!


You can read about the exhibitors on page 28. The Expo’s opening hours: May 27: 10:30-24:00 and May 28: 07:00-20:00


Our masseurs await you after the finish at the Race Center (only on Sunday 12:0020:00) The massage available only for the 111K, 84K, 54K runners.


After the race, we are expecting you with a warm meal. You will need to present your race BIB in order to get the meal. We are green, therefore please bring your own cup (and plate)!

Left Luggage Storage

(Reformed School Gym - Áprily L. tér 5.)

Leave your backpack with us while you are in the trails. Our luggage storage is open from 10:30 on Saturday, May 27th until 22:00 on Sunday, May 28

All bags will be transported back to the finish after the aid station closes. You can reclaim your bag between 14:00-20:00 May 28, by presenting your race bib at the drop off point.


(Duna korzó - the area between Lázár cár square and Bercsényi street)

The start of Salomon Visegrád Trail is located at Visegrád, Sibrik-domb! The start of Salomon Twin Peaks Trail is located at Pilisszentlászló, Hegytető!

The start of Salomon Vertical 500 is located at Dömös, Szentfa-kápolna!


Please come to the start area at least 30 minutes before the start. You may only take part in the race if you check in at the start. Mandatory equipment will be checked when entering the start area.

Aid Station At The Finish

We welcome you with refreshments at the end of the finishing corridor where you can catch your breath and cheer on the finishers.


You can find some portable toilets at Görög streets and Lázár cár square.

Bus To Visegr D And Twin Peaks Trail Starts

(„Izbégi elágazás” bus stop next to the Race Center)

Buses to Visegrád Trail start between 12:30-13:00.

Buses to Twin Peaks Trail start between 16:00-16:20

To get on the bus, you will have to show your race BIB.

Salomon Kids Trail

(Szentendre, Postás strand)

The party starts at 16:00 on Saturday! You can enter your children from 15:30 by donating at least HUF 2.000 to kindergarteners.



You can get massage on the first floor of the Race Center on Sunday between 12-20. Subscribe at the massage area. First come, first served. The massage available only for the 111K, 84K, 54K runners.

Drop Bag

You can hand over your drop bag on the first floor of the hall at the latest one hour before your start (only UTH and Szentlászló Trail runners). Drop bags will be transported to the Left luggage storage after aid stations closed. You can get it between 14:00-22:00 on Sunday

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