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5.3. Non-CRS Actions Being Pursued Locally

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2. Introduction

2. Introduction

5.3. Non-CRS Actions Being Pursued Locally

During evidence gathering numerous examples were encountered of actions that are being undertaken locally that contribute to the CRS outcomes, but which are not included as part of the priority policies. Many of these actions have stemmed from recovery strategies produced by local authorities and CPPs prior to the publication of the CRS or have emerged as a result of community engagement and data analysis to tailor responses to the needs of their communities. Many have also emerged from other national strategies that have been produced, which have their own range of commitments attached to them. Actions aimed at addressing poverty, and in particular child poverty, were often highlighted by local areas. The graphic below shows a small number of local activities identified in evidence gathering which are seen to contribute directly to the outcomes of the CRS.


Figure 6: Outline examples of local actions contributing to CRS outcomes

Employability Hubs taking a partnership approach to allow national agencies to operate at the heart of communities

Stakeholder mapping database with over 30 community groups and organisations

Establishing referral pathways between Midwifery services and the Welfare Rights team

Beat Hunger campaign, developed to tackle food inequality and poverty

People and Place Leadership groups Embedding Financial Wellbeing/Welfare Rights staff into the school setting

Locality Operational Groups who focus on children and young people who do not currently meet the threshold for traditional support

Energy Advocacy Service

Sustainable Food Places framework including appointing a dedicated Good Food Coordinator

Neighbourhood network for mental health

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